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(BDP). Assignment. (For July, 2012 and January,2013 sessions). Foundation Course in Oriya- ... Indira Gandhi National Open University ... Assignment 2012- 13.





Bachelor's I)egree Programme (BDP)

Assignment (For July, 2012 and January,2013 sessions)

Foundation Course in Oriya-01


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ffi,$Hlli{ School of [Iumanities Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhio Ncw Delhi-l10068


Iroundation (lourse in Oriya Assignment 2012-13 Programme Code: BDP (lourse Code: F OI{-01 120 12-13 Dear Studcnt.

Herewith is an assisnment 1or you. 1'hrough this assignrnent we would help you in assessing your progress in tlre study ofthis course. tselfbre attempting the assignment read the directions given below:

1. 2,

In this assigntnetrt two kinds of question have been

ashed long answer questions and short answcr queslions.

Ilcad thc units carchrlly in order to answer the clr.restions. Yclu musl also rcad newspapcrs and rnagiizines. Ancl also listen to the ncws broaclcasts on the radio and watclr the news telecasts on

the'l'V.'l'his will help you in

gaining proficiency in the language.


purity cl{'your language and readability of your answer in mind if you wish to get a higli grade. Wiriie rvriting the assignr.nent keep the lollowing in mincl: tr(eep the


Read tlre cluestiorrs carefully so as to know what has been asked. 'Ihen think of the answer. J he answer

ma)'not alu'avs be available in the reading material. As it is Ianguage course a

f-elv samples liave beerr

rnentioned in the studv material you rrust try to think of othel examples in use. For this ,vou necd to listcn and re ad carefi-rlly in vour everyday lif-e.


Write your name, enrolment number. full address and date on top right-hand*cclrner of your auswer sheet(s).

(iii) Write the Course I'itle, Assignment Number

and the name

olthe Study Centre you

are attached to cln thc

lirst pagc clfyour response sheet(s). l'lie flrst page o1'the assignments booklet

shor-rld bc

lil'u this:

Enrolment No

Namc:. Address:.

Date: C-'ourse


Assignment No Str-rd1'





[,se onli' {bolscap size paper lbr your response and tag alltlie pages carefully.


Write the rcicvarrt clucstion number with each ansvver.


Yor-r shor-rlcl


write thr' assiqnrncrrt in yrrur



Submission: 'l'lre completed assignment should be sent to tlie Coordinator of'the Studl' Centre allottecl to vou. 'l'he last dated lor submission ol this assignment are'. a1 3l't March, 2013 ior .luly 20 l2 session, and b) 30'r' September 2013 fbr .lanuary 2013 session




ivill find it useful to keep the following points in mind: Planning: Read the assignmenl carefully. Go through the units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange these in a logical order. Write the answers in your own words. Do not reproduce passages frorn the units.


C)rganisation: Be a little more selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. In an essay-type question, give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. The introduction must offer yor-rr brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it.

-lhe conclusion must surnrnarjse your response to the question. ln the course of your answer, you may lihe to rnake rei-erence to other texts or critics as this

will add some depth to your analysis.

Make sure that your answer:


is logical and coherent;


has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs;


is rvritten correctly, given adequate consideration to your expression. style and presentation;


does not exceed the number of words indicated in your question.

Note: Remember the submission of assignment is precondition of permission of uppeuring exuminution. I.f you have nol submitted the ussignment in time you will not be ullowed lo sppear exuminulittn.


Assigrrm ent



ASSIGNMENT Course: BDP/FOR- 0l Assignment: FORITMA

Maximum Marks: 100


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