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Sloan Doctoral Fellow. 17. JOURNAL 13'ANALYSE ..... Let P (D B) be the standard maximal parabolic subgroup of type (2, l) of G, and consider the subgroup P ...






0. Let F ~ C be a local field with char F + 2. In [W] Weil explicitly constructed a model of a genuine unitary representation 0 of the two-fold covering group Sp of the symplectic group Sp over F. In particular, the existence of the covering group Sp was first proven in [W]. It is now known (see, e.g., [M]) how to construct r-fold covering groups of split semi-simple groups over a field F ~ C containing a primitive rth root of unity. In particular, when r = 2, such F has char F ~ 2. In the case of GL(n) the analogous genuine unitarizable representation O of a covering group is defined in [KP 1] as a sub- or quotient of some induced representation. This O corresponds to the trivial representation of GL(n) by the metaplectic correspondence (see [KP2], [FK1 ]). The purpose of this paper is to construct an explicit model of the representation O = 03 of a two-fold covering group G of GL(3) over a local field F ~ C of characteristic ~ 2, analogous to the explicit model of the representation of Weil [W]. We also determine the unitary completion of the unitarizable 0 3. The unitary completion o f our model coincides with the model ofTorasso [T] when F = R. The existence o f our model has interesting applications in harmonic analysis. Some of these applications are discussed in detail in w In a sequel IF1] the techniques of this paper are generalized to construct an explicit model of On for any n >_ 3.

1. T h e representation To state our Theorem and its Corollaries, we begin by specifying the representation O to be studied. 1.1. Let F be a local field ~ C of characteristic ~ 2. For every integer n > 1 there exists (see [M]) a unique non-trivial topological central double covering group p : Sn --" SL(n, F). Choose a section s : SL(n, F) ~ Sn corresponding to a choice of a two-cocycle fl'~ : Sn • S~ ---"ker p which defines the group law on Sn. Embed Gn = GL(n, F) in SL(n + 1, F) by t Partially supported by an NSF grant and a Seed grant. This author wishes to express his deep gratitude to IHES for its hospitality when the paper was written. tt Partially supported by an NSF grant. Sloan Doctoral Fellow.




t : g---"


det g -1 .

Denote by G" the preimage p-l(t(Gn)). Let (-, .)" F 2 • F2---- {1, - 1 } be the Hilbert symbol. Identify { 1 , - 1} with the kernel of p. Put f l ( g , g ' ) = fl'(g, g')(det g, det g') (g, g' in G,). Let s : G, ~ G~' be the restriction of the section used in the definition of Sn +,. Denote by G, the group which is equal to G~ as a set, whose product rule is given by s(g)~ 9s(g')~' = s(gg')~'fl(g, g'). Then G, is a non-trivial topological double covering group of 0,. Let d and B be the groups of diagonal and upper-triangular matrices in G,, and A and B their preimages in G,. Note that s is a homomorphism on the group N of upper-triangular unipotent matrices, and put N = s(N). Let 2 be the center of G, and Z the center of Gn. L e m m a 1. Let A z be the group o f squares in A, and put A 2 = p-l(d2). Then (i) the group ZA 2 is the center o f A , (ii) i f n is even then Z = A2 C~ p - ' ( Z ) , (iii) i f n is odd then Z = p - ~ ( 2 ) , and p defines an isomorphism p : Z I ( Z r A 2) ~ ZIZ, 2 -~ F X l F •


See [KP 1], Prop. 0.1.1.

Define a map t = tn : A ~ A 2 by t(h) = s(h)2u(h), where

u(h) =

1I, ~ir ( a ) , where a is an involution o f G which we proceed to define. Let w. be the anti-diagonal matrix ( ( - 1)i+lJi,,+l_j) in G,. Consider w, as an element o f SL(n + 1, F ) v i a j . D e n o t e by # t h e involution #(g) = w [ ' 9tg-~. w, o f SL(n + 1, F). Since the Steinberg group St(n + 1, F) is generated by elementary matrices (see [M], p. 39), # maps e l e m e n t a r y matrices to e l e m e n t a r y matrices, and # preserves the relations which define St(n + 1, F), then # lifts to an involution o f St(n + 1, F), hence to an involution # o f G. Suppose that n is odd. T h e n both s and s ~ = # o s o # satisfy the conditions o f L e m m a 4. H e n c e there exists a character X : FX ~ { 1, - 1 } such that s ~ -- ~ o s. Define a = ~ o 0; it is an inyolution o f G. Since a o s = Z o # o s = s o # on ZA 2, we have

~(a(s(z)s(h2))) = ~(s(#z)s(#h2))

for all z C Z ,

h CA;

hence ~(a(x)) = J ( x ) for all x in ZA 2. By L e m m a 3(i) we have p~ o a m p t , where p~ is the unique extension o f ~ to A. H e n c e n6 ~ a ~ nr, and by L e m m a 3(ii) we have O o a ~ O. It follows that there exists a non-zero o p e r a t o r I : V ~ V such that O ( g ) l = I O ( a ( g ) ) for all g in G. Since O is irreducible, by Schur's l e m m a 12 is a scalar, which we normalize to be 1. This determines I uniquely up to a sign. T h e choice O ( a ) = I determines an extension o f O to the semi-direct product

G#=GM(a). Remark. j ~ i) that

(i) It is easy to check (consider first the case where hs = 1 for all

(r(s(diag(hi))) = s(diag(h~-+ll_i)) 9 IX i-,

hi, j-i+,

In particular ~(s(z)) = s(z-').

(z, - 1)"~"-w2

Consequently a(g) = ( - 1, det p ( g ) ) ( " - w2#(g)


for z C F x ~


Z(x) ----( -- 1, x ) ("- w2.

(ii) Since (det #(g), det #(g')) = (det g, det g') (g, g' C d ) , the formula in (i) for the involution a o n G defines also an involution a ' o n G ' which satisfies p * a ' = # o p on G ' and o r o s - - s o # o n ZA 2.




1.4. An explicit model for O 2 is easily obtained (see [F1], w Example, or [FM], and the proof of Proposition l, w below) from that of the even Weil representation (see [F], p. 145). Indeed, this Weil representation is a representation of $2, which extends to a representation of s(Z)S2 (by the character y = 7~ on s(Z)). The representation 02 is the GE-module induced from this extension to

s(z)&. In this paper we construct an explicit realization of the unitarizable G3-module 03. When F = R the unitary completion of 03, or at least its restriction to p-~(SL(3, R)), coincides with the unitary p-~(SL(3, R))-module constructed by Torasso [T]. 2. T h e realization The representation O = O3 will be realized in a space of functions on a two-fold covering space X of the punctured affine plane X = F • F - {(0, 0)}. Clearly -- F \ GL(2, F), where

It is easy to see that the restriction of s to F is a homomorphism. Hence we can define the double cover X of X to be s(F) \ G2. Then X is a homogeneous space under the action of G2. To be able to write explicit formulas for the action of G2 on X, recall the explicit construction of G2. Put X



c = 0,


( x(gg') x(gg') ) fl(g' g') = \ x-~g) ' x(g')det g " Then G 2 is the group of pairs (g, () (g in GL(2, F), ( in ker p) with the multiplication law

(g, ()(g',

= (gg,, (('fl(g, g')).

Given ~ = (x, y) in .g', put x(~) = x ifx ~ 0 and x(~) = y i f x = 0. Identify Xwith .g • ker p by mapping the image in X of the element s(h)( of G, where



to the element (x, y; ((x(h), det h)) of .~" X ker p. Then the action of G2 on ,~ • ker p implied by this identification is given by



/ (~, ~)(g, ( ' ) = {~g, ~('



x(zg) \ x(2,) ' x(g) /

\ det g ) ] . /

R e m a r k . Replacing (., .) by the nth Hilbert symbol, (.) defines an n-fold covering of the punctured plane X as the homogeneous space s(F) \ G2. D e f i n i t i o n . A function f : X ~ C is called genuine iff(z() = (f(z) for ( in ker p, z in X. It has bounded support if there is a compact subset of F • F which contains all g in ,~ with f(g; () v~ 0. It is called homogeneous iff(t2x, t2y; ~) = It I-If(x, y; () (t in FX). Let LE(X) be the space of genuine, square-integrable, complex-valued functions on X. Let C(X) be the space of smooth functions f i n L2(X). Denote by Cb(X) the space of f i n C(X) with bounded support. Denote by Ch(X) the space of homogeneous f i n C(X). Let P (D B) be the standard maximal parabolic subgroup of type (2, l) of G, and consider the subgroup P = p-~(P) of G. Define the action of P on L2(X) as follows (we denote the action by O): (1)











[[i s



(z) =


,(ux +

(z) = ~7(a)f(z)

(g in GL(2, F));

(u, v in F);

(a in FX).


Under the action (1) the space Ch(X) is a G2-module; it has a unique proper non-zero G2-submodule Ch(X) ~ isomorphic to O2@ [det ITM (see [F], p. 145). Indeed, the space

,,s, = ~ l a/b Iu2+~(g), a E F x, b E F • ~ E ker p}



is a GE-module under the action p(g)r [detg[1/4~(hg). At s = - ~ it is reducible, of length two. Its unique proper non-zero submodule is 02 @ [det [u4.

The map r f((0, 1)g)= Idet g l-'/E-s~(g), establishes a G:-module isomorphism from I(s) to the space J(s)


{ f: X ~ C; f(b(x, y); () = ( I b I-'-2~f(x, y; 1), b EFX2},

with the G2-action p(g)f(z) = Idet p(g)13/4+Sf(zg) (z ~ X ) . D e f i n i t i o n . Denote by Cb(X) ~ the space of f i n Cb(X) for which there exists fo in Ch(X) ~ and A I > 0 such that f ( z ) = f o ( z ) for all z = ( x , y ; ( ) with m a x ( I x l, lYl)_- 0 such that

f(t2x, t ~ y ; ( ) = [ t [ - t f ( x , y ; ( )

i f m a x ( [ x l , lYl) 0



and f ' : F x --- C x satisfying f'(xa 2) = [a [-1/2f'(x)(x, a in F x) with f ( x ) = f ' ( x ) for Ix [ -- 0 , and c ( 0 < c < 8 9 such that Itlf(t2x, t2y; r , ) = f ( x , y ; ~) for m a x ( I x l , l y l ) _-