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Pyrometallurgy – roasting, smelting. Electrometallurgy. 4) Final purification and refining of the pure metal. 5) Possible mixing with other metals to form alloys.
Isolation of the Elements From their Natural state Sources of


Which metals can be found in nature in elemental form? (How do you know?)

What can you expect for most metals?

CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Modern Materials: Metals and Alloys Most metals are found in minerals. 1) Some are found in Elemental Form Ag, Au, Pt, Ru, Rh, Os, Ir (noble metals) 2) Aluminosilicates and Silicates Metal + Al, Si, O e.g. Beryl = Be3Al2Si6O18 Hard to extract the metals 3) Nonsilicate Minerals Oxides – Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3 Sulfides – PbS, ZnS, CuFeS2 Carbonates – CaCO3 4) Salts Active Metals – Group I, II Not found in nature as pure metals, always combined with other elements (e.g. salts in the ocean, minerals); WHY? CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Steps in Metallurgy Metallurgy is the science and technology of extracting metals from minerals. 1)! Mining getting the ore out of the ground 2)! Concentrating the ore: prepare for further treatment Floatation Hindered settling Magnetic separation 3)

Further purification and reduction to obtain the metal in its elementary state (zero oxidation state): Hydrometallurgy – leaching Pyrometallurgy – roasting, smelting Electrometallurgy

4)! Final purification and refining of the pure metal 5)! Possible mixing with other metals to form alloys CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Hydrometallurgy Metal is extracted from ore using aqueous reactions Leaching: Dissolution agent: acid, base, salt. Example: Dissolve Au by forming a complex ion with CNKf [Au(CN)2] ! = 2 x 1038

Gold metal is then obtained by reduction: 2Au(CN)2!(aq) + Zn(s) ! CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Hydrometallurgy of Aluminum •! Aluminum: •! Bauxite: Al2O3.xH2O Bauxite contains impurities:

Bayer Process •! Bayer process: bauxite (~ 50 % Al2O3) is concentrated to produce aluminum oxide. •! Selective precipitation of Metal salts: –! Dissolve bauxite in strong base (NaOH) at high T, P Al2O3 dissolves ! [Al(H2O)2(OH)4]hydrated metal complex –! Filter out insoluble solids Fe2O3, SiO2 do not dissolve –! Next lower the pH, Al(OH)3(s) precipitates. WHY? CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Hydrometallurgy of Copper •!One important use of copper metal:

•!Are impurities important in this application?

ore (CuFeS2) is processed with acid; 2CuFeS2(s) + 2H+(aq) + SO42-(aq) + 4O2(g) ! 2Cu2+(aq) + 2SO42-(aq) + Fe2O3(s) + 3S(s) + H2O \ / 2CuSO4(aq) "

Electrolyzed to Cu CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy





Several steps are employed: Calcination:

PbCO3(s) ! PbO(s) + CO2(g) Roasting:

1.! Burns off organic matter. 2.! Converts carbonates and sulfides to oxides: 2 ZnS(s)+ 3O2(g) !2ZnO(s) + SO2(g) 3. Less active metals are often reduced HgS(s) + O2(g) ! Hg(l) + SO2(g) CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


The Pyrometallurgy of Iron Sources of iron:

Iron Ore (Taconite) : Add limestone and coke:


The blast furnace CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Pyrometallurgy of Fe Coke: 1) fuel to heat the furnace (with O2) 2) produces gases that reduce iron 2C(s) + O2(g) ! 2CO(g) + heat heat + C(s) + H2O(g) ! CO(g) + H2(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4CO(g) ! 3Fe(l) + 4CO2(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) ! 3Fe(l) + 4H2O(g)

CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy


Pyrometallurgy of Fe Why is limestone (CaCO3) added? •! At high T: CaCO3 ! CaO + CO2 CaO + SiO2 ! CaSiO3(l) Metal + Nonmetal ! slag oxide oxide basic acidic Purpose of Limestone (CaCO3) !! removes SiO2 (and other) impurities !! Produces slag that floats on Fe(l); protects it from oxidation by O2 CHEM112 LRSVDS Metallurgy

Uses of Slag: