A Canonical Integration Technique

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is in addition another benefit of this approach. If we iterate a map of a given order whether zanonizal or not, eventually the absolute error in x and p gets lprge.
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IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-30, No. 4, August 1983 A






Ronald D. Ruth* Berkeley Lab, Berkeley



Now the question is: if the parameter t is small There are many different ways to integrate difcan this map be found approximately to some given orde; numerically.' ferential equations These various in t? If this can be done explicitly, then the process methods are usually characterized by the accuracy of a can easily be iterated and the error controlled by single step in time. Thus if in a small time step, h, adjusting the step size, t. Of course, the typical the integration is performed so that it is accurate integration method does just this but sacrifices the then the method is referred to as canonical character of the ma This we propose to ',?r?~hor?e??n!~&ation method. avoid. n ti Let the approximate order symplectic map The class of differential equations of interest be denoted by here is that in which the equations are derivable from a Hamiltonian using Hamilton's equations. The exact (x,~) = M,(t)(xa,po), (4) solution of such a system of differential equations where t is the time step (assumed small) and n is the leads to a symplectic map from the initial conditions order of the map, i.e. to the present state of the system. A characteristic feature of all explicit hioh order (n>2) integration /jM(t) - M,(t)1 I=O(t"+l). (5) methods, however, is that th;y are not exactly symplecIn the next section we demonstrate a method for finding One manifestation of this is St the Jacobian of tic. the transformation for one time step differs slightly M,(t). The Method from unity, and so the system will be damped (or excited) artificially. In many applications the To illustrate the method first start from low salient features of the solutions appear only after order. If we somehow perform the transformation in long times or large numbers of iterations; in these Equation (3) so that H is expressed in terms of the applications spurious damping or excitation may lead to initial conditions, then the equations of motion are misleading results. The purpose of this note is to develop an explicit do _ o third order symplectic map (i.e. a third order integradt’ tion step that preserves exactly the canonical character of the equations of motion) and to indicate the or the new Hamiltonian, H', is identically zero (or at method for higher order maps. For a typical numerical least independent of xo,po). This suggests that we integration, this method can be used to eliminate the make canonical transformations in such a way as to make effects while providing the accuracy noncanonical H vanish. Thus the program is to make these successive corresponding to a third order integration step. canonical transformations until we arrive at the intiThere is in addition another benefit of this tial conditions of the problem, or at least to another If we iterate a map of a given order whether approach. set of coordinates which approximates (x~,po) through zanonizal or not, eventually the absolute error in some order in t. x and p gets lprge. In cases where spurious damping Let (xl,pl) be the new coordinates. Then the occurs x and p typically settle into some stable fixed convenient form for the generatinq function of the point': If the map is symplectic, this is not the canonical transformation is that ynvolving the -new A symplectic map generates phase space behaviour case. coordinates and -old momenta:3 which is close to that of the original system with errors in phase which eventually may add up after many (X,Pb(Xl,Pl) interations to yield large absolute errors in z and 6. Therefore, in the svmolectic case, it is possible Gen. Function: F,(xl,p,t) = -xlp + G(xl,p,t) (7) and sometimes -attractive 'to replace the differential equation by a svmolectic rnao.--TK" map then becomes p1 z-5 =p-G 1 -G P' the object-of stuby and so can be iterated as much as XI aP ax1 (8) we like. This is possible since the map is the soluH, = Ht % =H+Gt , tion of some physical Hamiltonian problem which, in at some sense, is close to the original problem. For other integration methods this is not the case and where subscripts have been used to denote partial deriiterations must be terminated at some point. vatives. Equations (8) suggest that we select



The Problem Consider a system ned by the Hamiltonian,

of differential



This is just Newton's The solution V(x,t). given by the functions $("xo,ia,t)

+ V(;,t).


* Presently

= M(t)(xo>po).

at CERN, Genha,





x = Xl + pt,


has been introduced,


potential of motion

is (2)

where z. and ;, are the initial conditions at time Due to the canonical character of the equations t = 0. of motions, Equation (2) constitutes a canonical transformation (or a symplectic map) from the initial conditions to the state at time t which we denote by (x,~)



second law with the of the equations and

+ V(xl,O)}t

Pl = P - f(x1,O)t where

H = ;'/2

- {P2/2

so that



into H1= V(xl+

and expanding



on the





H, = tVt(xl,O) Since differential also O(t).

= - av(x,o)/ax.

- V(xl,o) parameter

- tplf(xl,O)


we have

f O(t2).


is O(t), the right hand equations from Hamilton's Therefore, the solution is

** Work supported 001%9499/83/0800-2669$01.00@1983 IEEE

by U.S.



of Energy.

sides of Equations

(13) the are

2670 = const


+ O(9)


= const

+ O(t').


So if error yielded

x1 and p1 are us5d as initial conditions, the Thus this7 approach has introduced is O(t ). a first order symplectic map, Ml(t). Since this is such a low order method, it could inspection; however, it been derived by have illustrates the method which wil? be used in the next Notice that if (x1, pl) are and subsequent sections. viewed as initial conditions in Equation (lo), then the momentum p must be calculated first and then used to This is a characteristic feature of the evaluate x. In addition note that the transformation leads method. the momentum back to the initial conditions; thus, equation must be inverted (trivial in this case). The'Second



It is possible to continue from the results of the previous section to obtain a second order map; however, there is a well known method (the leap frog method) which is exactly canonical, is second order and which In order to requires only one evaluation of the force. understand tha-ethod and to lay the groundwork for a to modify the approach in third order map, it is useful The modification consists of the previous section. performing two canonical transformations rather than These are given by: one. x = x1 + apt,

(x,P)'(xI,Pl): F = - xlp (xlrP1)+(xzP2):

- a $!Xl


PI = P - tf(xl,bt)

- tV(xl,bt),

= x2 + (l-a)plt,

- X2PI -

(15) P2 = Pl


Thus, there is an intermediate step at which the At this time the parameters a and force is evaluated. however, these can be used to b are undetermined; generate a second order map. Substituting the two transformations into the Hamiltonian and expanding in the small parameter, t, yields H, = t(l-2a)p2f(x2,0)

+ t(l-2b)Vt(x2,0)

+ O(t2).


This method is well known (the leap frog method) and used frequently in circumstances where anomolous damping or excitation is undesirable. Note that it is written somewhat differently than usual since it is calculated for one full step. Since it is useful to have higher orde=aps for savings in computation time and for improved accuracy of the phase space behavior, in the next section this method is extended to third order. Third Order Maps There are many possible generalisations to extend the procedure described in the previous sections to The first approach that comes to mind is higher order. to include more intermediate steps or additional force A second approach is to begin from the evaluations. second order Hamiltonian and make yet another canonical transformation to eliminate another order in the t deBoth of these approaches are possible pendence of H. in principle and will work; however, there is one difficulty. The functional dependence in x and p of the terms which are of higher order in t can be quite complicated. Because of the nature of canonical one is forced to invert an equation transformations, This can be done explicitly only in Pl(PO)-+PO(Pl). In more complicated cases the the simplest cases. functional form is implicit, and thus the utility of such an approach can be extemely diminished due to the lack of explicit formulae. Fortunately, simple Hamiltonian in for the Equation (1) there is a method of avoiding this. The key to avoiding implicit expressions lies in two points. The first is that an exact expression relating new to old variables is only necessary in transIt is fine to substitute approxformation equations. imate perturbative expressions into the Hamiltonian (this has been done already). The second point is that only one half of the equations from the generating function need to be inverted. In our case this is the momentum equation. With this in mind a combination of the two approaches mentioned above will be used in order to generate a third order map. First write a somewhat more general two step transformation given by:

Pl=PThe purpose of the expansion in t is to identify the The transformacoefficients of various powers in Hz. tion equations in Equation (15), however, must be,kept exactly in order to preserve the canonical character. Now recall from the previous section that if H is of O(tn) ;h;n;es~t/,P,2 J& y- n~i;'",r~~r.i"it:haerec,~~",r itions, if we choose a = b =1/Z, (17) and the total map is second order. the preceding results shift the rewrite the transformations in yyion (x~+xo,P~;~P,o~~ and perform the obvious reverse Then the second generalisation to many dimensions. order map is given by the scheme following:


Hz is O(t2), To summarize

1 SecondOrder H = &2 time


+ V&t) = h,


, initial


-N/3;: = (&,&,,to)

Map : (%,"P) = h(h)(h,h) given by two step process: 1) 2)

F1 = $0 I = & + tf(&,to+h/Z), I;

;1 = t, $ = bl

(18) + :1h/2 + i;h,'Z

ap2t - btV(xl,ct) 2 x = xi + apt,




(19) F= - x2pl-(l-a)pl*t-(1-b)tV(x2,dt) 2 ~2 = ~1 - (I-b)tf(x2,dt) Xl = x2 f (I-a)plt


Subsituting into the and expanding in the small some algebra) H2 = tp2f(x2,0)pb(l-a) +t2p22fx~(1-a)2b/2-1/~+ + t2

Hamiltonian parameter, -13

in t,

Equation (1) we find (after

+ tV,p-Zbc-2(1-b)a

t2Vttp/2-3bc2/2-3(1-b)d*/g ftq2pcb(l-a)-g

+ t2f2p(1-a)(I-b)b+b2(1-a)/2-ab-(I-ba

(20) + O(t3).

The philosophy of selecting the free parameters in this case is the same as in previous sections with one Since there are more equations than exception. unknowns, it is impossible to eliminate all second order terms at this step. However, another transformation can remove the remaining terms, provided that the equation for the momentum transformation is trivial to invert. Anticipating this problem, first eliminate all terms in Equation (20) with powers of This yields 3 equations for 3 unknowns with the p2* solutions,

2671 b = 314 In addition the with the choice


f With



a =1/3,




c =2/3. derivatives



d = 0. parameters H2 becomes


H2 = - t2f2(x2,0)/16 The transformation



(22) (23)

+ O(t3).






In this case it is necessary to perform a three step canonical transformation in order to avoid implicit Using the methods developed in the expressions. previous sections, the third order map can be written as rMore


H = g(i;)






1) j$

However, since x is changed, we can simply combine the previous transformation with the second one in Eq (19). if we rewrite with the change of Therefore, generalise to the multidimensional notation x2+x0, and rewrite the transformations in the opposite case, we find a third order symplectic map given by order, the following scheme:

= 6,

2) J2 = ;I 3) $ = i;*

The c's c2d1*+



= F. + f


= M3(h)


h -+(;,,t,+$



= %



The Hamiltonian a somewhat

sections previous in Equation (1). more general case H = g('p)

Notice that Hamiltonian

a special for relativistic g(i;)


Hamiltonian have In this given by

considered the section we treat


+ V(;,t). of Equation (26) is motion. In that case

= cJ$."p

+ m2c2.

the (27)

In addition Equation (26) can be used for the case of motion in a magnetic field which is described by only one component of the vector potential (say A,). In this case the independent variable is z rather than t. Hamiltonian in Equation (26), the For the algorithm yields results correct through "leap-frog" second order provided that it is modified as follows: More General







1) b,=60


"p = ;;I


= h,



Order1 f



'j;2 = ?1 + d2h$(6,)

+ csh?(;2,to+(dl+d2)h,



, dl+d2fd3=1



the ,

+ d&$(61)

= z2 + d3&(i;) di;



equations, (30)

, ds+d2(c1+c2)*+dlc,*=l/3

that there are five equations there are many solutions. solution is obtained by setting c2 = 3/4 d, = -213


for six unknowns; One particularly d3=l . = -l/24 = 1


"x = &

and Speculations

The purpose of this note has been two-fold; firstly to present results for third order symplectic to illustrate, in some detail, the maps, and secondly method in order to point the way to higher order maps. The third order maps obtained are -not unique. , The general Hamiltonian will probably always lead to implicit equations for the final state in terms of the initial conditions; however, there is one other interesting Hamiltonian which may have an explicit high order map, H =["-A&t)]*/2 (32) where A is just magnetic field.

the vector potential for an electroIn this case the troublesome term is "

. A.


This leads to matrix inversion even in the first order and for order higher than two, it may be case difficult to obtain explicit formulae. However, it is probably possible to write down a second order map and may be possible to find an explicit third order map.




Map: (;,"P) = b(h)&,&) given by two step process: ~ + -f + h dg(pl) x1 = x0 2 dp

t h+(+o+h/2)


+ c2h?(;l,tO+dlh)


1 A More General


Notice that this three step third order map has no derivative of the force. In that sense it is the simplest (as well as the most general) obtained here.

= &, + 2h&/3



%, = ;o

Cl = 7124 dl = 213

+ ~~~(~,.t,).~c;,.to~


2) " = & +;

Notice thus, simple



+ qh?(:,,t,)

and d's



= h,

Map: (;,$J = M3(h)&.h) given by three step process:

(24) P3 = P2 - t3ffx(x3,0)/24

OrderI ? = -av/d

+ V("x,t),


+ t3f2(xa,0)/48

= - ~3~2



+-t h dd;) 2 dp

Again, this method is expressed for one full time step and thus may appear somewhat different than the typical implementation in a computer code. it is possible to obtain a third In addition, order map for the more general Hamiltonian.

I would like to thank Elon Close, Joe Bisognano, and Victor Brady for useful discussions and especially Jackson Laslett for suggesting the problem and for implementing these methods in ongoing research on nonlinear differential equations. References 1) F.B.


Introduction to Numerical Analysis New York, McGraw-Hill (1974) . 2) L. Jackson Laslett, private communication. 3) H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison-Wesley (1965) p.242. 4) Noticed by Victor Brady at Lawrence Berkeley Lab.