A mixed nite element discretization on non-matching multiblock grids ...

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Mixed nite element, degenerate parabolic equation, nonlinear, mortar nite element, ... Due to the degeneracy in the di usion the solutions can have compact ...
East-West J. Numer. Math., Vol.0, No. 0, pp.1{21 (1997)

c VSP 1997

A mixed nite element discretization on non-matching multiblock grids for a degenerate parabolic equation arising in porous media ow IVAN YOTOV

Abstract | Mixed nite element methods on multiblock domains are considered for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations arising in modeling multiphase ow in porous media. The subdomain grids need not match on the interfaces, where mortar nite element spaces are introduced to properly impose ux-matching conditions. The low regularity of the solution is treated through time integration, and the degeneracy of the di usion is handled analitically via the Kirchho transformation. With an appropriate choice of the mortar spaces, the error for both a semidiscrete (continuous time) scheme and a fully discrete (backward Euler) scheme is bounded entirely by approximation error terms of optimal order. Keywords. Mixed nite element, degenerate parabolic equation, nonlinear, mortar nite element, multiblock, non-matching grids, error estimates, porous media AMS subject classi cations. 65M60, 65M12, 65M15, 35K65, 76S05 Multiblock nite elementtechniques on non-matching grids have become increasingly popular in recent years. They combine the exibility of modeling irregularly shaped domains with the convenience of constructing the grids locally. In porous media applications they also allow accurate modeling of large scale geological features such as faults, layers, and fractures. We de ne a multiblock domain to be a simply connected domain 2 Rd, d = 2 or 3, that is a union of non-overlapping subdomains or blocks i, i = 1; :::; k. For the purpose of the analysis we assume that each block i is convex. In the numerical modeling of multiphase ow in porous media the coupled nonlinear system of conservation equations is often written as an equation of elliptic or parabolic type for some reference pressure and several saturation equations of advection-di usion type [7, 13]. The di usion in the saturation equations is degenerate (is zero at extreme saturation values). This causes a very low regularity of the solution and imposes diculties for the numerical method. In this paper we study mixed nite element discretizations for the saturation equation on multiblock domains. The local mass conservation property of the mixed methods is particularly important in modeling porous media ow. We allow the subdomain grids to be non-matching along the interfaces. To properly impose ux-matching conditions we Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712; [email protected].


Ivan Yotov

introduce mortar nite element spaces along the subdomain boundaries. Mortar spaces have been a common tool in standard and spectral nite element methods (see e.g. [9]). Recently mortar [18, 29, 4] and non-mortar [6] techniques have been successfully applied in the context of mixed nite element methods on multiblock grids. Due to the degeneracy in the di usion the solutions can have compact support, thus behaving very di erently form the solutions of non-degenerate parabolic problems. In addition, certain error terms cannot be directly bounded in the analysis. Many authors introduce a regularized problem and then approximate it [27, 17, 24, 15, 14]. The numerical error is then a sum of the discretization error for the regularized problem and the di erence between the solutions to the regularized and the original problems. Another common technique is to handle the degeneracy analytically via the Kirchho transformation [27, 15, 14, 5, 28], which is the approach we take. We combine the use of mortar nite elements along subdomain interfaces with techniques from [5], where mixed discretizations for similar degenerate parabolic equations on a single block have been studied. We consider a continuous time scheme and a fully discrete backward Euler scheme and bound the discretization error in the two versions entirely by approximation error terms of optimal order. Critical in the analysis is the choice of mortar spaces along the non-matching interfaces. The mortar elements need to provide one order higher approximation than the traces of the subdomain velocity spaces (see Remark 2.2). At the same time, the mortar spaces should be controled by the subdomain spaces (see hypothesis (H1) and Remark 3.1). Our analysis improve the single block results from [5] in several ways. We avoid the assumption from [5] on smoothness of @ by requiring a minimal smoothness for the ux (see Lemma 2.2.). Also, we weaken the assumption ([5], A2) on the advective and the source terms and only assume physically reasonable behavior (see (2.7), (2.8)). Finally, by choosing a di erent ux test function in (3.4), we avoid a non-standard approximation error term involving the divergence of the di erence of two discrete projections of the ux, which appears in the analysis in [5]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we illustrate how a degenerate parabolic saturation equation arises in the fractional ow formulation of two phase incompressible ow. In Section 2 we formulate the mortar mixed method for the saturation equation. The analysis of the continuous in time and the fully discrete schemes is presented in Sections 3 and 4, respectively.


Two phase immiscible ow in porous media is modeled by the system of conservation equations [7, 13] @ ('sii) + r   u = q in  (0; T ]; (1.1) i i i @t ui = ? ki(si)K (rpi ? i grD) in  (0; T ]; (1.2) i

i = w (wetting), n (non-wetting), coupled with sw + sn = 1;


A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation


pc (sw ) = pn ? pw ; (1.4) where si is the phase saturation, i is the phase density, ' is the porosity, qi is the source term, ui is the Darcy velocity, pi is the phase pressure, K is the absolute permeability tensor, ki(si) is the phase relative permeability, i is the phase viscosity, g is the gravitational constant, D is the depth, and T is the nal time. We start by reformulating the problem in a standard way by writing it in a fractional

ow form (pressure and saturation equation). Let i = ki ; i = w; n; i denote the phase mobilities, and let  =  w + n be the total mobility. Let u = u w + un be the total velocity. For simplicity of the presentation, we assume incompressible ow and medium (constant i and ') and neglect gravity e ects. Multiplying equations (1.1) by 1=i and adding them together, we get r  u = q; (1.5) where q = qw =w + qn=n . Let s = sw , and de ne the global pressure [13] to be Z p (s) n !   ?1 ( ) d: p p = pw + c  0 Thus u = ?K rp: (1.6) Equation (1.5), coupled with (1.6), is referred to as the pressure equation. Since  > 0 and K is a symmetric positive de nite tensor, this is an elliptic equation. For compressible ow the pressure equation is parabolic. To derive the saturation equation, we rst observe that w u = u ? w n K rp (s): w c   Substituting this expression into the water conservation equation (1.1), we get the saturation equation ' @s (1.7) @t + r  ( (s)u + (s)K rpc (s)) = q~w ; where (s) = w =, (s) = w n=, and q~w = qw =w . Note that pc (s) is a strictly monotone decreasing function; therefore with c (1.8) (s) = ? (s) @p @s c


Ivan Yotov

equation (1.7) takes the advection-di usion form

' @s @t + r  ( (s)u ? (s)K rs) = q~w :


The di usion term vanishes at s = 0; 1, the minimum and maximum saturation values. This is due to the behavior of the relative permeability and the capillary pressure functions (see, e.g., [8]). This double degeneracy is the main source of diculties in the numerical approximation. The solutions of degenerate parabolic equations have very low regularity. It has been shown that (see [25, 16, 19, 2, 1, 3])

s 2 L1(0; T ; L1( )); @s 2 L2(0; T ; H ?1( )): @t Since the saturation s satis es 0  s(x; t)  1, (x; t) 2  [0; T ], we also have s 2 L1 (0; T ; L1( )):

(1.10) (1.11) (1.12)

We handle the degeneracy in the di usion analytically using the Kirchho transformation [27, 15, 14, 5]. Let Zs D(s) = ( ) d: 0


rD(s) = (s)rs;

and (1.9) becomes

' @s @t + r  ( (s)u ? K rD(s)) = q~w :



In this section we present a multiblock variational formulation of (1.13) that respects the low regularity of the solution, and a mixed nite element discretization using mortar elements on the interfaces. For the rest of the paper we omit the porosity ', which is assumed constant and does not e ect the error analysis. The saturation s(x; t) satis es

@s + r  ( (s)u ? K rD(s)) = q~ (s) w @t ( (s)u ? K rD(s))   = 0 s(x; 0) = s0(x)

in  (0; T ]; on @  [0; T ]; in ;

(2.1) (2.2) (2.3)

where  is the outward unit normal vector to @ . For simplicity we assume that no ow boundary conditions are imposed, although more general boundary conditions can also be

A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation


treated. We need several assumptions on the coecients of the above equation. We rst assume that 8 > 0  s  1 ; < 1jsj1 ; s ; (2.4) (s)  > 2; : 3j1 ? sj2 ; 12  s  1;2 where i, 1  i  3, are positive constants, and i and i, i = 1; 2, satisfy 0 < 1 < 1=2 < 2 < 1; 0 < i  2: Note that (2.4) controls the rate of degeneracy of the di usion. We also assume that there exists a positive constant C such that kD(s1 ) ? D(s2)k20  C (D(s1) ? D(s2 ); s1 ? s2); for s1; s2 2 L2( ): (2.5) Here and for the reminder of the paper (; )S and h; i@S denote the L2-inner product (or duality pairing) on S  Rd and @S 2 Rd?1, respectively, and k  k0;S denotes the L2-norm on S . We omit S if S = . A sucient condition for (2.5) is 0  @D (2.6) @s (x; t; s)  C for (x; t) 2  [0; T ]; 0  s  1: Bounds (2.4) and (2.6) follow from the physical behavior of the relative permeabilities and the capillary pressure [3, 15]. Typical relations (see, e.g., [8, 20]) are w (s)  s2; pc (s)  s?1 as s ! 0; o(s)  (1 ? s)2; pc (s)  (1 ? s)2 as s ! 1; 0 < 1 < 1; 0 < 2 < 1: Therefore, with (1.8), (s)  s1?1 as s ! 0 and (s)  (1 ? s)1+2 as s ! 1; which implies both (2.4) and (2.6). Finally, we assume that, for 0  s1; s2  1, j (s1) ? (s2)j2  C (D(s1) ? D(s2 ))(s1 ? s2); (2.7) 2 jq~w (s1) ? q~w (s2)j  C (D(s1) ? D(s2))(s1 ? s2): (2.8) Bounds (2.7) and (2.8) are justi ed by the following lemma, proven in [15]. Lemma 2.1. Suppose  satis es (2.4). If f

2 C 1[0; 1] and f 0(0) = f 0(1) = 0 with f 0

Lipschitz at 0 and 1, then there exists a positive constant C such that jf (a) ? f (b)j2  C (D(a) ? D(b))(a ? b) for 0  a; b  1:

Note that the fractional ow function (s) satis es the conditions of Lemma 2.1.. The well term q~w (s) satis es the conditions of Lemma 2.1. at the injection wells. At the production wells, q~w(s)  kw (s), so q~w0 (0) = 0. Therefore (2.8) holds, if s  s < 1 at the production well, which covers all cases of physical interest.


Ivan Yotov

Remark 2.1. The fractional ow function (s) and the integrated di usion function

D(s) are both S -shaped with zero derivatives at the end points. Bound (2.7) relates the

rates of degeneracy of the derivatives of the two functions and indicates, in a sense, that the di usion dominates the advection.

In the standard mixed variational formulation, equation (2.1) is multiplied by a test function w 2 L2( ) and integrated in space. In our case however, because of (1.11), the integral ( @s @t ; w) is not well de ned. To avoid this problem we integrate (2.1) in time from 0 to t [23, 5] to obtain the equivalent equation Zt Zt (2.9) d = q~w (s) d + s0(x); in  [0; T ]; s(x; t) + r  0



= (s)u ? K rD(s): (2.10) Before presenting the variational formulation, we give the following regularity result. Lemma 2.2. Assume that there exists some 0 < " < 1=2 such that, for 1  i  k ,

Zt 0

Then, for every t 2 [0; T ],

Zt 0

(s)u d 2 L2(0; T ; H "( i)):


d 2 (H " ( i))d \ H (div; i):


Proof. The argument is similar to one from [5]. The assumption (2.11) is reasonable, since the fractional ow function (s) has zero derivatives at the degeneracy values s = 0; 1. It follows from (2.9) and (1.12) that Zt d 2 H (div; i): 0

Using (2.10) we have in i


?r  K r 0 D(s) d = r 

Zt 0

d ? r 

Zt 0

(s)u d:

By (2.11) and elliptic regularity, R0t D(s) d 2 H 1+" ( i), which, along with (2.10) and (2.11) implies that Zt d 2 (H "( i ))d: 2 0 Let ?i;j = @ i \ @ j , ? = [1i 0, we have Zt Zt 2 jT1j  C 0 ks^ ? sk0 d +  0 kD(s) ? D(sh )k20 d; Z tZ  Zt jT3j  C 0 0 (s ? sh ; D(s) ? D(sh )) d d +  0 kD(s) ? D(sh )k20 d; Zt Zt jT4j   0 (s ? sh; D(s) ? D(sh )) d + C 0 kk20 d;   Zt Zt jT5j  C h?1 k ? Ph k20;? d + kk20 d ; 0



A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation

using (2.8) for the bound of T3, (2.7) for the bound of T4, and Lemma 3.1. for the bound of T5. To estimate T2 we integrate by parts in time:  Z Zt Z Z  ! @ a( ? h) d; @  T2 = ? d d d ? 0 0 0 0 Z t Zt  Zt d ; d ? + a( ? h) d;  0




8Z Z

2 Z t

@  Z  Z  

2 < t 

jT2j  C : 0 0 ( ? h ) d d + 0

@  0 d ? 0 d

d 0 0


Z t Z t


Z t d


( ? h) d

d ? +

 0 0 0 0 0

The term T6 is the most dicult to bound. Integration by parts in time gives + Z  Z k Z t * @ Z  X T6 = ? d  i; (Ph ? h ) d d d ?  0 0 i=1 0 @ 0 ?   Z Z Z k t t t X d  i d; (Ph ? h ) d : d ?  + i







8Z Z Z  

2 < t

@  jT6j  C : 0

@ 0 d ?  0 d  

d 0;?


Z t Z t 

2 ) Z t


d   d +  (Ph ? h) d

d d ?  + 0 0 0 0 0;? 0;?

Z t

2 +

(Ph ? h ) d

: 0 0;?

To bound the last two terms, we consider, for 1  i  n and any xed t 2 (0; T ], the auxiliary problem

' ? ' = 0; Zt r'  i = Qh;i(Ph ? h ) d; 0

in i ;


on @ i:


Note that the Neumann boundary data is in H 1=2?"( i) for any " > 0 and by elliptic regularity

Z t

; 1  m  2: (3.13) k'km?";  C 0 Qh;i(Ph ? h ) d





Ivan Yotov

We now integrate in time from 0 to t and take v = r' in (3.4) to obtain

Z t


Qh;i(Ph ? h ) d

0 0;@

Z t  Z t  d d = ? a( ? h) d; r' + (D(s) ? D(sh )) d; '

Z t 0  0 Z t  + a( (s) ? (sh))u d; r' + Q ( P


) d; r '   h;i h i 0 0


= T7 + T8 + T9 + T10: We bound the terms on the right-hand side of (3.14) as follows. For any  > 0,

Z t


jT7j  C 0 ( ? h) d

+ (kr'k2"; + kr  r'k20; )



Z t

Z t

 C 0 ( ? h) d +  0 Qh;i(Ph ? h) d

; 0;@













using (3.3) for the rst inequality and (3.13) for the last bound. Note that  in the above inequalities is an arbitrary small generic constant which may be di erent each time it appears. Similarly,

Z t

2 Zt jT8j  C 0 kD(s) ? D(sh )k20; d + 

0 Qh;i(Ph ? h ) d

; 0;@


Z t Zt

jT9j  C 0 (s ? sh; D(s) ? D(sh )) d +  0 Qh;i(Ph ? h ) d

; 0;@

Z t

2 Zt jT10j  C 0 kPh ? k20;@ d + 

0 Qh;i(Ph ? h ) d

: 0;@







Combining together (3.14), the bounds on T7{T10, and (H1), we obtain

Z t


(Ph ? h ) d

0 ( Z t 0;? Z t 2 Zt  C

0 d ?  0 d

0 + k(t)k20 + 0 kD(s) ? D(sh )k20 d  Zt Zt + (s ? sh ; D(s) ? D(sh )) d + kPh ? k20;? d : 0



Combining (3.10), the bounds on T1{T6, (3.15), and using (2.5) and Gronwall's inequality, we arrive at the following result. Theorem 3.1. Assume that (2.4){(2.8) and (H1) hold. For the semi-discrete mixed -

nite element approximation (2.16){(2.18) of problem (2.1){(2.3), there exists a positive constant C such that, for every t 2 [0; T ],


Z t

(s ? sh; D(s) ? D(sh )) d + ( ? h) d

0 0 0



A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation

(Z t

Z t Z t


 C 0 ks^ ? sk d +  0 d ? 0 d


Z t Z t 

2 Zt d  

d ?  +h?1 k ? Ph k20;? d +

0 0 0 0;? Z t

@ Z  Z  

2 +

@ d

d d ?  0 0 0 0 Z  

2 9 Z t

@ Z  = + 0

@ 0 d ?  0 d  

d ; : 2 0


Theorem 3.1. bounds the size of kD(s) ? D(sh )k0 by (2.5). It also allows us to derive a bound on ks ? shk?1 (see also [5]), where k  k?1 is the H ?1( )-norm de ned by k  k?1 = sup1 (k'; k') : 1 '2H ( ) Theorem 3.2. Assume that (2.4){(2.8) and (H1) hold. For the semi-discrete mixed nite element approximation (2.16){(2.18) of problem (2.1){(2.3), there exists a positive constant C such that, for every t 2 [0; T ],

ks(; t) ? (sh(; t)k2?1

Z t Z t

2 Zt 2 2 2

 C h ks^ ? sk0 + 0 ks^ ? sk0 d +  0 d ? 0 d


Z t Z t 



d ?  h k d + 0 0 0 0;? Z t

@ Z  Z  

2 + 0

@ d ?  0 d

d 0 0 Z t

@ Z  Z  

2 9 = d  

d ; : +

@ d ?  0 0 0 0;?

Zt +h?1 k ? P

2 0;?

Proof. For any ' 2 H01( ), we have (s ? sh ; ') = (s ? sh; ' ? '^) + (s ? sh; '^) = (s ? s^; ' ? '^) + (s ? sh; '^): By (3.5) we have that Zt k   Zt X r   0 d ? 0 (s ? sh; '^) = ? i=1

   Z t + 0 (~qw (s) ? q~w (sh)) d; '^ : h d ; '^


For the rst term on the right we write   Zt Zt k   Zt k   Zt X X ? r   d ? h d ; '^ = ? r   d ? i=1







  d ;' h



Ivan Yotov

   X Zt Zt k  Z t k  Zt X d ? h d  i; '  ? d ?  = h d; r' 0 0 0 0 ?

i=1 i=1      Zt Zt Zt Zt k k X X d  i ; ' d ?  ? d ?  = h d; r' 0 0 0 0 ?

i=1 i=1  k Z t X ( ? h)  i d; ' ? Ph' ; ? 0 i






using (3.6) for the last equality. Therefore j(s ? sh; '()j

 Z t

Zt Zt  Zt  C hks ? s^k0 +

 0 d ? 0 h d


 0 d ? 0 d  

0;? 0

Z t

Z t 1=2)

+ ( ? h) d + (s ? sh; D(s) ? D(sh )) d k'k1; 0 0 0 using that

k' ? '^k0  Chk'k1

for the rst term on the right, Lemma 3.1. and k' ? Ph'k0;?  Ch1=2k'k1;

for the fourth term, and (2.8) for the last term. An application of Theorem 3.1. completes the proof. 2 i



In this section we present the analysis for the fully discrete scheme (2.19){(2.21). The following error equations are obtained by subtracting (2.19){(2.21) from (2.13){(2.15) for t = tn . (a( n ? hn); v) = (D(sn ) ? D(snh ); r  v)

v 2 Vh;i; (4.1) ? h n ? hn; v  i i? + (a( (sn) ? (snh))un ; v) ; 1 1 0 0Z n t X j tj A ; wA (sn ? snh; w) + @r  @ d ? h 0 j =1

1 0Z n t X @ = q~w (s) d ? q~w (sjh)tj ; wA + (s0 ? s0;h; w) ; w 2 Wh;i ; (4.2) i








k *Z t X i=1




 i d ?

j =1

n X j =1

j j h  i t ; 




= 0;  2 Mh: (4.3) ?  P (sn ) ? Dd (snh ), and  = Ph n ? hn, d ? nj=1 hj tj , w = Dd

 We now take v =  n   R0t to obtain (sn ? snh; Dd (sn ) ? Dd (snh )) + (a( n ? hn);  n) n



A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation

1 0Z n t X (sn ) ? Dd (snh )A + (a( (sn) ? (snh))un;  n ) = @ q~w (s) d ? q~w (sjh )tj ; Dd 0 j =1 ! + Zt k D k * Zt X X n E n n n n d ?  d  i; Ph ? h :(4.4) ? ? P h ;   i ? + n









We replace n by j in the above equation, multiply by tj and sum on j . The rst term on the left in (4.4) becomes n n X X (4.5) (sj ) ? Dd (sj ))tj = (sj ? sj ; D(sj ) ? D(sj ))tj ? T1; (sj ? sj ; Dd h


j =1




j =1

n X T1 = ? (sbj ? sj ; D(sj ) ? D(sjh ))tj j =1

To manipulate the terms involving  n we rewrite it as ! X Zt Zt n n Zt X n j j ( j ? hj )tj : d ?  t +  = d ? d + ?1 n






j =1

j =1



Note that  n is represented as a sum of an approximation error term, a time discretization error term, and an error term we are trying to bound. Using (4.6), the second term on the left in (4.4) becomes n X j =1

(a( j ? hj );  j )tj j X (a( j ? hj ); ( l ? hl )tl)tj ? T2 ? T3 j =1 l=1


n n

2 X

1=2 X 1 = 2 a ( j ? hj )tj

+ 21

a1=2( j ? hj )tj

0 ? T2 ? T3;


n X

j =1


j =1


n X


Z j ? j );  t h 0



d tj ; d ? a( 0 j =1 0 !1 j Zt n X X d ? ltl A tj : T3 = ? @a( j ? hj ); ?1

T2 = ?




j =1




For the second equality in (4.7) we used the well known identity, for any sequence f j g, 0 j 1 0 n 12 n n X X X @ j A + 2j = 2 @ j X lA : j =1

j =1

j =1



Ivan Yotov

Combining (4.4), (4.5), and (4.7), we arrive at n X (sj ? sjh ; D(sj ) ? D(sjh ))tj j =1

2 n n 7

2 X X

1=2 X

1 + 2 a ( j ? hj )tj

+ 21

a1=2( j ? hj )tj

0 = Tm;

j =1


T4 = T5 =

0 n Zt X @

j =1 n X j =1




q~w (s) d ?

j X l=1


j =1


1 d q~w (slh )tl; Dd (sj ) ? D(sjh )A tj ;

(a( (sj ) ? (sjh))uj ;  j )tj ;

k D n X X


j ? Ph j ;  j  i ? tj ; j =1 i=1 ! + Zt k * Zt n XX j j d  i; Ph ? h tj : d ?  T7 =

T6 = ?




j =1 i=1




We next bound the terms Tm, m = 1; :::; 7. For any  > 0 we have n n X X jT1j  C ksbj ? sj k20tj +  kD(sj ) ? D(sjh ))k20tj ; j =1 j =1 9 8 !

2 X > j j Zt n > = j

w w h h

> ; j =1 l=1 t ?1 l =1 0 n X + kD(sj ) ? D(sjh )k20tj ; l


j =1

n X j j j j j jT5j   (s ? sh; D(s ) ? D(sh ))t + C k j k20tj ; j =1 j =1 n n o X jT6j  C h?1k j ? Ph j k20;? + k j k20 tj ; j =1 n X

where we used (2.8) for the bound of T4, (2.7) for the bound of T5, and Lemma 3.1. for the bound of T6. To bound the rest of the terms we need the following discrete integration by parts identity. For sequences fAj gnj=0 and f j gnj=0, n nX ?1 X (4.9) Aj ( j+1 ? j ) = ? (Aj ? Aj?1) j + An n ? A0 0: j =1 j =0 We will apply (4.9) for Aj = Pjl=1 l, where f j gnj=1 is another sequence. In this case A0 = 0 and (4.9) leads to j nX ?1 X n n X X (4.10) j j = ? l( j+1 ? j ) + j n: j =1

j =1 l=1

j =1


A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation

R R To estimate T2, we apply (4.10) with j = a( j ? hj )tj and j =  0t d ? 0t d . 0j Z t +1 !1 Z t +1 nX ?1 X 1 T2 = @ a( l ? hl )tl; tj+1  d A tj+1 d ? t t j =1 l=1 1 0n Zt Zt X j ? @ a( j ? h)tj ;  0 d ? 0 d A j =1


2 nX ?1

X  C1

a( l ? hl )tl

tj j =1 l=1 0 Z t +1 !

2 Z +1 nX ?1

1 t


tj+1  d

tj+1 d ? t t j =1 0

2 Z


2 Zt


X j j j

d ? d

; + a( ? h)t + C

 0 0


j=1 0 where we assumed that there exists a constant C > 0 such that tj+1  C1tj ; 1  j  N ? 1: (4.11) Similarly,


j nX ?1

X jT3j  C1

a( l ? hl )tl

tj j =1 l=1 0 !

2 Z +1 nX ?1

1 t

tj+1 j +1 +

tj+1 d ? j +1 t

0 t j =1




Z n X


X j j j

j tj

; d ? + a( ? h)t + C


0 0 j =1 0 and


2 nX ?1

X jT7j  

(Ph l ? hl )tl

tj j =1 l=1 0;? Z t +1 !

2 Z +1 nX ?1

1 t


tj+1 d  

tj+1 d ?  t t j =1 0;?




2 Zt

Z t

X j j j


: d ?  + (Ph ? h)t + C

0 0


0;? 0;? To further estimate the rst and the third terms, we consider, for 1  i  k and any xed 1  n  N , the auxiliary problem ' ? ' = 0; in i ; (4.12) n X on @ i; (4.13) r'  i = Qh;i(Ph j ? hj )tj ; j





















j =1




Ivan Yotov

Note that the Neumann boundary data is in H 1=2?"( i) for any " > 0 and by elliptic regularity


X j j j k'km?";  C

Qh;i(Ph ? h )t

; 1  m  2: (4.14) j =1 m?"?3=2;@



We now replace n by j in (4.1), multiply by tj , sum on 1  j  n, and take v = r' to obtain





Qh;i(Ph j ? h )tj

j =1 0;@

1 1 0n 0n X X j j j j (s) ? Dd (sh ))t ; 'A = ? @ a( ? h)t ; r'A + @ (Dd j =1 j =1

1 *n 0n + X X j j j j j j j A @ Qh;i(Ph ? )t ; r'  i a( (s ) ? (sh))u t ; r' + + i



j =1


j =1


= T8 + T9 + T10 + T11: We now have, for any small generic constant  > 0,


X j j j

2 jT8j  C

( ? h )t

+ kr'k20;

j =1


n X  C

( j ? hj )tj

+ (kr'k2; + kr  r'k20;

j =1





X j j j


( ? h )t


Qh;i(Ph j ? hj )tj

; j =1 j =1 0;@









using (3.3) for the second inequality and (4.14) for the third inequality. Similarly,

n n X X

jT9j  C kD(s) ? D(sh )k20; tj + 

Qh;i(Ph j ? hj )tj

; j =1 j =1 0;@

n n X X

j jT10j  C (s ? sh ; D(s) ? D(sh )) tj + 

Qh;i(Ph j ? h )tj

; j =1 j =1 0;@

n n X X jT11j  C kPh j ? j k20;@ tj + 

Qh;i(Ph j ? hj )tj

: j =1 j =1 0;@







Combining (4.15), the bounds on T8{T11, and (H1), we conclude that 8



2 n

X > n < X

j ? j )tj  C ( j ? j )tj

+ X kD(sj ) ? D(sj )k2 tj ( P



h h 0

> :

j=1 j =1 0;? 0 j =1




A multiblock mixed method for a degenerate parabolic equation

9 = + (sj ? sjh ; D(sj ) ? D(sjh ))tj + kPh j ? j k20;?tj ; : j =1 j =1 n X

n X


Putting together (4.8), the bounds on T1{T7, (4.16), manipulating  j in T5 and T6 as in (4.6), applying (2.5) and the discrete Gronwall's inequality, we obtain the following estimate. Theorem 4.1. Assume that (2.4){(2.8) and (H1) hold, and that there exists a constant

C1 > 0 such that

tj+1  C1tj ; 1  j  N ? 1: For the fully discrete mixed nite element approximation (2.19){(2.21) of (2.1){(2.3), there exists a positive constant C such that, for any 1  n  N ,

2 n

n n X X


(sj ? sjh; D(sj ) ? D(sjh ))tj +

( j ? hj )tj

+ k( j ? hj )tj k20

0 j=1

j=1 j =1 8


2 j Zt n > < bj j 2

X X l )tl

q ~ ( s ) d ? q ~ ( s  C >:ks ? s k0 +

w w

j =1 l=1 t ?1 0


2 ! 2 Z Z Z

1 t t t 1


tj  ?1 d ? ?1 d


tj ?1 d ? j tj

t t t 0 9 0

! 2 Z Z =

t t +

1tj  ?1 d ? ?1 d  

+ h?1 kPh j ? j k20;?; tj : l















The following theorem can be shown as in the proof of Theorem 3.2.. Theorem 4.2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 4.1., there exists a positive constant

C such that, for any 1  n  N ,

ksn ? snhk2?1 8

j Z !

2 n > < bj j 2

X t X l )tl

+ h?1 kP j ? j k2 q ~ ( s ) d ? q ~ ( s  C >:ks ? s k0 +

h w w 0;?

j =1 l=1 t ?1 0




2 Zt Zt Zt 1 1

j +

tj  ?1 d ? ?1 d


tj ?1 d ? j t

t t 0 0 9 t

! 2 Z Z =

t t +

1tj  t ?1 d ? t ?1 d  

; tj + Ch2kscn ? snk20: 0;? l












Remark 4.1. The estimates from Theorems 3.1.{4.2. bound the discretization error by optimal order approximation terms in time or space. The term h?1=2 k ? Ph k0;? provides approximation of order h1=2 higher then the other terms, assuming enough regularity of , since the functions in h are piece-wise polynomials of one degree higher than these in Vh   .


Ivan Yotov

Acknowledgments. This work was partially supported by the United States Department

of Energy. The author thanks Professors Todd Arbogast and Mary F. Wheeler for useful comments and discussions.

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