A Scalable Multipath Architecture for Intra-domain

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In this paper, we describe a new architecture called SMART (Scalable Multi- path Aggregated ..... Computer Networks and ISDN, 26:1267{1280, 1994. 11.
SMART: A Scalable Multipath Architecture for Intra-domain QoS Provisioning Srinivas Vutukury1 and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves2 1


Computer Science Department,University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 94065, USA, [email protected]

Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 94065, USA, [email protected]

Abstract. The main concern with the IETF proposed Intserv architecture is that the use of per- ow routing and reservation state in the routers may not be scalable to high-speed backbone networks. This paper proposes the Scalable Multipath Aggregated RouTing (SMART) architecture that aggregates ows along multipaths such that the per- ow reservation state in the routers is reduced to a small scalable aggregated state whose size is dependent only on the number of destinations and

ow classes. The SMART architecture can be implemented in current IP networks and the complexity is similar to the best-e ort IP architecture.

1 Introduction Several di erent architectures have been proposed to support applications that require strict service guarantees. In the IETF Integrated Services architecture (Intserv) [3, 21] and other architectures [10, 12, 15], the network reserves the required bandwidth on per- ow basis, and ensures that the ows receive their allotted bandwidth by using fair schedulers, such as Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) or equivalent [4, 13, 14], at each link. However, these per- ow approaches have many scaling problems as described below. Firstly, as the links in backbone networks reach or exceed gigabit capacities, routers are expected to carry large numbers of ows, which requires large amounts of memory to store the routing and reservation state in the routers. Secondly, as the reservation state increases, maintaining the consistency of reservations in the presence of network failures and control message loss becomes complex in per- ow architectures. To maintain the consistency of reservation state, the IETF proposed the soft-state reservation protocol RSVP [21], which though robust can be prohibitively expensive due to its use of per- ow refresh messages. Thirdly, as the number of ows on a link grows, the complexity of link-schedulers (e.g., [13, 14]) grows, thus making it more and more dicult to schedule packets in a timely manner. All these scalability problems arise mainly because the per- ow mechanisms in all these architectures are functions of the number of ows.

Scalability problems of the Intserv architecture are well-known and are currently being addressed by several researchers. To make RSVP scalable, there have been many proposals to reduce its refresh message overhead [1, 19]. But unfortunately, they are only partial solutions that mitigate the problem rather than solve the problem; the amount of reservation state that needs to be maintained in the routers is still the same. One approach to providing a scalable Intserv solution is to eliminate the per- ow reservation state in the core routers and follow a stateless 1 approach similar to Di erentiated Services (Di serv) architecture [5]. The architectures proposed in [15, 22] follow this approach for example. In [15], the reservation state is stored in the packets of the ows instead of storing in the routers. The reservation state in the packets is then used by the core routers to estimate the aggregate reservation on the links. There are no explicit refresh messages and thus the problems associated with lost or delayed refresh messages are greatly diminished. However, there is concern regarding bandwidth underutilization resulting from inaccurate estimation of aggregate reservation on the links. Also, the overhead related to state carried in the packets and processing power required for packet processing can limit the scalability and eciency of this architecture. In [22], a central broker is used to store the reservations of all the ows. This too has serious scalability problems because the central broker not only has to perform path-selection and termination on per- ow basis but also has to process periodic refresh messages from all the ows in the network if a soft-state mechanism is used to maintain the reservation state. In this paper, we describe a new architecture called SMART (Scalable Multipath Aggregated RouTing), that addresses the scalability problems of the above architectures. The key idea in the SMART architecture is that ows are aggregated along multipaths [16, 17]. Multipaths are acyclic directed graphs rooted at the destination and are a generalization of single shortest-path routing trees. In our earlier work [16], we described the main concepts in the SMART architecture using a uid trac model and discussed the many bene ts of using multipaths. This paper extends that work by using the realistic non- uid trac model. Flows are aggregated at the ingress router based on class and destination, and the interior or core routers process only aggregated ows. The aggregation is such that, by providing guarantees to the aggregated ow, the guarantees of the individual

ows within the aggregate are also guaranteed. The delay variations introduced by link schedulers are removed through shaping of aggregated ows rather than shaping of individual ows. The ow classes defer from previous approaches (e.g., [2, 8, 9]) in that they satisfy a closure property; the delay bounds obtained for a class are independent of the number of ows that form the group. As a result of the use of multipaths and ow classes the routing and reservation state in the SMART architecture is proportional to the number of destinations rather than the number of the end-user ows; consequently, the soft-state reservation protocol used to maintain the reservation state is also scalable. In our prior work, we described such a reservation protocol, called AGREE [17], which maintains 1

note that stateless means there is no reservation state stored in the routers, but there is still routing state

consistency of aggregated reservation state of the SMART architecture. Also, the link schedulers in the SMART architecture process only aggregated ows which is proportional to the number of active destinations and not the number of individual ows. Thus, the complexity of all the mechanisms in the SMART architecture are function of the a priori known network parameters (number of destinations and classes) which is similar to the Di serv architecture. This echoes the main reason why the current best-e ort IP architecture is so scalable { the routing state is a function of the number of destinations in the network. The main drawback of using multipaths, however, is that packets may arrive out of order at the destination, but this should not be a concern, if deterministic end-to-end delay bounds are also provided concurrently. Typically, real-time applications use a playback time, which means packets need only arrive within a speci c time frame, and arrival order of the packets does not matter. The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the SMART architecture. In Section 3 we derive the end-to-end delay bounds and describe through an example how a QoS network design based on the SMART architecture can be designed. Section 4 concludes the paper.

2 The SMART Architecture 2.1 Overview

The SMART architecture aims at intra-domain QoS and accordingly assumes a network infrastructure consisting of a single autonomous network running an interior-gateway protocol (e.g., OSPF, IS-IS) that computes distances between routers and propagates link-bandwidth information. For simplicity we assume a non-hierarchical network. The edge routers maintain per- ow state and perform per- ow tasks such as packet classi cation, path selection and signaling, while the core routers maintain aggregated state and perform packet forwarding and link scheduling on per-aggregated- ow basis. For each destination, a multipath is constructed using the distances computed by the routing protocol. A multipath is an acyclic directed graph with the destination as the sink node and ows of a particular destination are always established along the multipath of that destination. We describe in detail how multipaths are constructed in Section 2.2. Aggregating ows removes isolation between ows which, in general, results in increased burstiness in trac. In section 2.3, we present a simple technique to aggregate ows that minimizes trac burstiness and de ne a small number of aggregated ow classes based on it. Once ows with a particular destination and class are aggregated, they collectively share the bandwidth allocated to that class along the multipath of that destination and are serviced collectively by the routers. Note that the packets of a ow can follow any path in the successor graph in a connection-less fashion; there is no explicit connection maintained on a per- ow basis. Figure 1 shows the schematic for a router in the SMART architecture. Router i has N i links and each outgoing link is serviced by a WFQ scheduler or equivalent. Router i uses token buckets to enforce the rates of the Z ows generated


1 2

Flows originating at the router


Routng Table

1 2

CORE Distributor

1 2 N

Flows i

arriving from neighbors



Link schedulers

Fig. 1. Block diagram for the SMART router locally by the host attached to the router. It then encodes the destination and class identi er in each packet before it forwards it the next router. At router i, let Sji be the set of next-hop routers for destination j . Packets received by router i destined for router j are only forwarded to neighbors in the set Sji . Because there can be more than one next-hop in Sji , bandwidth for each of the next-hops must i specify the aggregated bandwidth of class g and destibe speci ed. Let Bj;g;k i = fB i jk 2 S i g. nation j that is forwarded to neighbor k 2 Sji , and let Bj;g j j;g;k i ; S i i, where the class g A routing table entry, therefore, is of the form hj; g; Bj;g j and the destination j uniquely identify a table entry. When the router receives a packet with destination j and class g, the corresponding routing table entry is accessed. The rst task of the router is to i . This determine a successor k for this packet from Sji according to the set Bj;g task is performed by the distributor (Fig.2(b)), which uses a scheduling discipline i . The to allocate packets to successors according to routing parameter set Bj;g algorithm for this has been provided in our prior work [18]. The router then puts the packet in the queue of j and class g at the link scheduler of link to (i; k). The time complexity of determining the next hop by the distributor is constant as there are xed number of neighbors. When ows are added and deleted, the routing tables are modi ed to re ect the bandwidth requirements as follows. Assume a ow request with class g and bandwidth  is required to be established between a particular source and destination j . A path P is selected such that, for each link (i; k) 2 P , k 2 Sji and i +   C i , where C i is the link capacity. The routing table entry is then Bj;g;k k k i i + . Similarly, the allocated bandwidth is modi ed such that Bj;g;k Bj;g;k decremented when ows are terminated. Note that the link admission test takes O(1) time which is much simpler than the admission tests in [8, 12, 20] which depend on the individual reservations already made to other ows and are generally complex. Also, the link schedulers have to service ows on per-destination


Input Buffer

Token buffer


1 Per−destination per−class flow


Distributor Ni





Fig. 2. (a) Dynamic Token Bucket (b) Distributor per-class basis irrespective of number of ows through the link. And nally, the number of refresh messages on a link used by the soft-state refresh mechanism in AGREE [17] is bounded by O(NQ), where Q is the number of ow classes and N the number of destinations. The rest of this section describes the architecture in further detail.

2.2 Multipaths

Let Dji be the distance from router i to router j measured in number of hops. De ne the successor set at a router with respect to a destination as consisting of all neighbors of a router that are closer to the destination, or are at equal distance but with lower address. The successor set of node i for j is denoted by Sji = fkjk 2 N i ^ (Djk < Dji _ (Djk = Dji ^ k < i))g, where N i is the number of neighbors of router i. Now, with respect to a router j , the successor sets Sji de ne a successor graph SGj = f(m; n)j(m; n) 2 E; n 2 Sjm (t); m 2 N g, where N is the set of nodes in the network and E is the set of links. A shortest multipath from router i to j is a generalization of shortest path and is de ned as the subgraph of SGj consisting of all nodes that are reachable from the source i. Fig. 3(b) shows the shortest multipath with destination 0 for the network in Fig. 3(a). Using the shortest multipath as de ned above poses a problem: when two routers are equidistant from the destination, ties are resolved based on addresses, which may result in an unfair and uneven successor graph. Fig. 4(a) shows an example of such an uneven successor graph with 4 as the destination. The longest path from 5 to 4 is four hops and the shortest path is one hop. Since end-to-end delays are determined by the longest path (Eq.(3)), this results in longer delay bounds for ows from E to A. Furthermore, the link (1, 4) is a hot-spot link, because all trac reaching 1 must be transmitted on link (1, 4) as there is no alternative. This unevenness can be xed in a couple of di erent ways. In the rst method, the successor set is restricted to consists of all neighbors that are strictly closer to the destination than the node itself. That is, S^ji = fk j k 2 N i ^ Djk < Dji g, which















Fig. 3. (a) A sample network (b) Multipath successor graph is in fact the next-hop set computed by OSPF. A shortcoming of this approach is that it does not use the full connectivity of the network. For example, in Fig. 4(b), which is a successor graph using S^ji for destination 4 in the network given in Fig. 3(a), some links are not used. This results in lower utilization of network bandwidth and higher call-blocking rates. In the second method, the successor set is de ned as Sji = fkjk 2 N i ^ Djk  Dji g. That is, the successor set with respect to a destination consists of all neighbors of a router that are closer to or at the same distance from the destination. We call this the enhanced multipath (EMP). For example, Fig. 4(c) shows the EMP for destination 4 in Fig. 3(a). The EMPs x the unevenness problem of the shortest multipath and also improve the bandwidth utilization over the multipaths computed by OSPF. However, there is one important problem with EMPs that needs to be addressed. Note that each router now includes the neighbor that is equidistant from the destination in its successor set, which can cause packets to loop. This can be easily xed using the following simple technique. Each packet carries a bit- ag called the e-bit, which indicates whether the packet was ever forwarded to a peer router (neighbor router that is at the same distant from the destination) on its path so far. A router forwards a packet to a peer neighbor only if the e-bit is set; otherwise, the packet is forwarded to one of the subordinate neighbor (neighbor whose distance is strictly less than the distance of this router). If a packet is forwarded to a peer neighbor the e-bit is cleared so that all the future routers visited will forward it only to their subordinate routers. It is easy to see that a packet can be forwarded to peer neighbor at most once, thus preventing packet from looping. The packets of a ow can, therefore, follow at most (Dji + 1) hops. The ingress router sets the e-bit of the packets only for those ows that were established along the EMP with length (Dji + 1). The per- ow e-bit information of the ows is maintained only at the ingress router. The routing table entries are extended to specify the bandwidths





3 4

3 4



2 1

2 1








Fig. 4. (a) An uneven successor graph (b) OSPF's multipath (c) enhanced multipath for trac with e-bit set and for trac without e-bit set. The extended routing i ; S^i ; B^ i i. When a packet is received with the e-bit table entry is hj; g; Sji ; Bj;g j j;g i to determine the next hop, otherwise the B^ i is set the distributor uses the Bj;g j;g used. As already mentioned, the e-bit is cleared before the packet is forwarded to a peer. Our intuition for using EMPs follows from the dynamics of Widest-Shortest path-selection strategy which is often used as a benchmark [7]. The WidestShortest path-selection algorithm rst selects valid paths that are the shortest, and as bandwidth on the shorter paths is consumed, longer paths are tried. E ectively, the requests are rst attempted along the EMPs. By always selecting paths along EMPs, bandwidth utilization comparable to Widest-Shortest path can be attained [16].

2.3 Flow Aggregation and Shaping

We characterize a ow by the parameters (L; ), where L is the maximum size of any packet of the ow and  is the average rate of the ow. Flows are then grouped into classes based on their maximum packet sizes and their rate. Assume there are Q real-time classes and with each class g associate a maximum packet size Lg and rate of g . A ow belongs to class g if the maximum size of its packets is less than Lg and its rate is at least g . The ow's class is determined at ow setup and when the application sends its data packets, the ingress router inserts the ow's class identi er in the TOS eld of the IP packet header before forwarding it to the network. At the ingress and in the core routers all ows of the same destination and class are merged and handled as a single ow. We now show how, by providing guarantees to the aggregate ow, the guarantees of individual ows in the class aggregate can be ensured.

Flows are shaped at the ingress node to have at most a single packet burst before merging with other ows. That is, a ow f with parameters (L; ) is shaped with token bucket with bucket size L and token rate  (Fig.2(a)). If the

ow f is serviced by a WFQ scheduler at a link (i; k), the delay bound for a packet of the ow df is given by

df = L + LCmax + ik : ik


where ik and Cik are the propagation delay and capacity of the link respectively and Lmax is the maximum packet size allowed for any packet in the network [13]. Now, if the ow belongs to the class g, then L  Lg and   g and thus we have L  Lgg . Therefore, g = Lg + Lmax +  : df  i;k ik  C g



g is the delay bound for the class g at link (i; k ). We can easily show That is, i;k g holds for the ow even after it is aggregated with other that delay bound i;k

ows belonging to the same class. Assume that ow f is merged with n ? 1 other

ows of the same class g and shaped to a single packet burst. The maximum burst the aggregate ow can have is nLg . Thus, the resulting aggregated ow can be characterized by the token-bucket parameters (nLg , a ), where the aggregate bandwidth a is the sum of rates of the nL participating ows. The delay bound o ered by WFQ to the aggregate is then ag + Lmax C + ik . However, this delay bound cannot be used in the end-to-end delay bound for the ow f , because a varies in a dynamic environment where ow f may merge with di erent ows at di erent times. However, given that a  ng always holds true, a delay bound g Lmax of nL ng + C + ik will always hold for the aggregate ow and the constituent g ; therefore, for ow f we can use the delay bound

ows. This is of course equal i;k g of i;k on the link in its computation of end-to-end delay bound irrespective of what ows are aggregated with it and at any time as long as they are of the same class. Note that depending on what ows are part of the aggregation tighter delay bounds can be obtained; however, our objective is to obtain delay bound that is independent of constituent ows. The link scheduler introduces some delay-jitter in the trac passing through the link. This is removed at the receiving router by reshaping trac, again using token buckets, before it is merged with other ows. There is one token-bucket for each class-destination pair at the receiving end of the link. The token buckets are dynamic in the sense that each time a ow is added on the link during ow setup, the parameters of the corresponding token bucket are adjusted. That is, for link (i; k), class g and destination j , at node k, the rate ofi the corresponding i and the bucket-size at Lg Bj;g;k . The maximum token-bucket is set at rate Bj;g;k g delay experienced by a packet of class g in the link scheduler and in the shaper

g . The trac emerging from the shaper at the receiving end of the link is i;k belongs to class g and can be readily merged with the shaped trac of the same class received on the other links. Because the distributors cannot split packets, an extra burst is introduced by the distributors, which has to be incorporated in the end-to-end delay bounds. This is removed using a token-bucket shaper as shown in Fig 2(b). There is one token-bucket shaper for each class-destination pair at the output queue of the distributor. The rate of the token-bucket shaper at link (i; k), for j and class g i Lg Bj;g;k i is set at Bj;g;k and the bucket-size to the g , and is adjusted as ows are setup and terminated. The extra burst can be at most Lg and the proof for this is given in [18]. The delay introduced by the shaper k of the distributor output Lg which is upper bounded by Lg as B i   . is Bj;g;k g i j;g;k g

The number of queues at a link scheduler is of O(jN jQ). This can be reduced to O(Q) by merging all ows of a particular class, irrespective of the destination, into a single queue. Because ows have di erent destinations, unlike before, the per-destination aggregated ows may have to be extracted from the per-class aggregate at the receiving end of the link. Merely reshaping the class-aggregated

ow to t the class envelope is not sucient in this case; the class-aggregated

ow must be restored completely to the trac pattern it had before entering the scheduler. To achieve this, instead of using a token-bucket for each classdestination pair at the receiving end of the link, a device called regulator [20] is used for each class-aggregated ow. The regulator works as follows. If the delay in link scheduler is  for a packet, the regulator holds the packet for time g ? ) before forwarding to the distributor. By delaying each packet passing (i;k i , the regulator restores through the link to experience the worst-case delay of i;k the class-aggregated ow to the form it had before it entered the link scheduler. Now the packets of a particular destination and class can be extracted from the class-aggregated ow and freely merged with trac of the same destination and class received on the other links. The disadvantage of this scheme is that a delay eld must be used in the packet which makes the scheme dicult to implement in current IPv4 architecture. Aggregation in the context of guaranteed ows has been discussed before [2, 9], but they primarily deal with static aggregation of ows between a sourcedestination pair, and do not address delay guarantees when individual ows enter and leave the aggregation dynamically. In [8], the delay bounds are dependent on the constituent ows of the aggregated ow. The closure property di erentiates our aggregation method from the other aggregation methods. The aggregation scheme proposed for RSVP [6] is meant for aggregating reservation state of

ows within a single multicast group. Our aggregation scheme is orthogonal to aggregation of RSVP. In our architecture, aggregated ows are shaped and not individual ows as in [11, 12], in which the bene ts of per-hop shaping can be realized (e.g., reduction in bu er sizes), but are largely undone by the per- ow trac management that must simultaneously be employed!

3 End-to-End Delay Bounds 3.1 Multipath Flows The end-to-end delay bound for ows established along multipaths must include the delays experienced in the distributor and the delays in the link schedulers. Because the links can have di erent bandwidths, the delay of the worst path in the multipath should be chosen for computing the end-to-end bound. Thus, for i is recursively de ned a class g ow from router i to j , the end-to-end delay j;g as follows i = Lg + MAX fg +  k j k 2 S i g: j;g j i;k j;g  g


g is as in Eq.(2) and  j = 0 for all j and g . The rst term on the where i;k j;g right hand side of Eq.(3) is due to the delay in the distributor. Observe that the end-to-end delay bounds2 in this architecture can be determined at the ingress node itself using the class and destination of the ow and the link information propagated by the routing protocol. For high-speed backbone networks where the link capacities tend to be very high compared to individual ow bandwidths, the Lg will be the dominant component of Eq.(2). So the  i of Eq.(3) will reduce j;g g to i = (2M i ? 1)g j;g j


where g = Lgg and Mji is the longest path from i to j in the shortest multipath. For an EMP Mji = Dji + 1, and the end-to-end delay-bound is i = (2Di + 1)g j;g j


The error terms (Lmax=Ci;k and i;k ) due to link capacities and propagation delays can be propagated using the routing protocol. The ingress router simply needs to add this to the end-to-end class delay.

3.2 Single-path Flows

The delay-bound Lgg introduced by the distributor can be expensive for ows that have small bandwidth. The resulting end-to-end delay-bound can be as much as twice compared to those in per- ow architecture. This, however, can be overcome by simply bypassing the distributor, and forcing all packets of a ow to follow the same path. The ows are still established along multipaths, but 2

note that we assume the end-to-end delay bounds are known a priori; they are not speci ed by the user, but are provided by the network through design.

ows of the same destination do not share the bandwidth along the multipaths. We have shown how this is implemented in [18]. The packets carry a key which is used to hash into one of the subordinate next-hops. The ingress router maintains the key information in the per- ow table. In the core routers, there is no need for distributing the packets of these classes along the multiple next-hops and thus it eliminates the delay introduced by the distributors, and the delay bound obtained will then be comparable to those provided by per- ow mechanism. If a single-path ow of class g and path P from i to j , then the maximum end-to-end i for this ow is given by delay-bound j;g i = j;g




g m;n


Again, assuming that class delays are the dominating components at all links, we have i = Di g j;g j

(7) Note that the delay bound obtained through Eq.(7) is half that of the delaybound obtained through Eq.(5). The disadvantage of using single-path ows is that bandwidth utilization can be lower compared to the utilization achieved through multipaths. We explore this e ect in a future publication.

3.3 Designing a QoS Network

In this section we discuss how a network supporting QoS can be designed based on the SMART architecture, using an example. The problem can be formulated as follows. We are given (1) a physical network topology, the capacities and propagation delays of the links (2) the characteristics of input ows that the network is expected to support; and (3) the types of delay-bounds that the input

ows expect. We want to determine a set of ow classes and their corresponding parameters Lg , g , and whether the ow class is of single-path or multipath type. The following simple example illustrates the design process. We are given: 1. A network with diameter of 16 hops, link capacities of 150 Mbps and propagation delays of 1 ms. 2. Two types of real-time input ows. Video ows of bandwidths 1-3 Mbps, and audio ows of 64 Kbps. 3. End-to-end delay-bounds of 150 ms for both types of ows. (According to CCITT, this is sucient to support real-time applications.) 4. Maximum packet size for the system is 1500 bytes. (Using the MTU of Ethernet) To derive a feasible set of class parameters, set audio = 64 Kbps and video = 1 Mbps. Using Eq. (7) for audio ows we obtain Laudio  70 bytes. For video

ows we obtain Lvideo  620 bytes using Eq.(5).

Observe that the packet sizes are signi cantly large for video ows while they are quite small for audio ows. This shows that supporting low-bandwidth ows such as audio is generally more dicult than supporting large bandwidth ows such as video, even in the case of per- ow architectures; this is a fundamental problem with low-bandwidth ows. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect lowbandwidth ows to use small packets, if burstiness is to be controlled. Packet sizes can be increased for audio ows, however, if the ingress nodes establish reservations for collection of ows. For instance, the ingress node can aggregate several audio ows, say 10, and setup a single aggregated ow. Because the bandwidth is increased 10 fold, the aggregated ow can belong to a ow-class that has a minimum bandwidth requirement of 640 Kbps, with corresponding maximum packet size of 700 bytes. The resulting larger packet sizes may now be acceptable. Reserving more bandwidth than the ow requires is a technique that is often used to overcome diculties with supporting low-bandwidth ows.

4 Conclusions The paper presented a scalable multipath QoS architecture SMART that provides end-to-end delay guarantees to real-time multimedia applications. The architecture uses multipaths to reduce the size of the routing and reservation state to levels comparable to the highly scalable current best-e ort IP architecture. The reduced state in the routers can then be managed using the AGREE softstate reservation protocol [17]. The refresh messages needed in the AGREE architecture is determined by the number of destinations and classes rather than the number of actual ows and is much more scalable than the Intserv/RSVP model. The link schedulers are scalable as they only have to process per-destination perclass aggregated ows. The main drawback of the SMART architecture is that the delay bounds are loose compared to the tight delays that can be achieved using per- ow processing. We showed through an example how by engineering the parameters of ow classes, acceptable delay bounds for supporting real-time multimedia applications can be obtained.

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