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subjects such as Mathematics, Electrics and Electronics. Besides the ... web-based, mathematics learning, electronics engineering learning, electrical ...
A strategy to improve engineering teaching process based on an e-learning approach Carlos Pais, Vítor Pires, Rui Amaral, João Amaral, João Martins, Carlos Luz, O.P. Dias Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal Campus do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal Estefanilha, 2910 – 761 Setúbal, Portugal

Abstract- This paper presents a project which was realized with the objective of implementing an alternative solution to teaching methods, solution which involves the assistance of computers working as pedagogical tools complementary to the traditional methods that are used in the teaching of subjects such as Mathematics, Electrics and Electronics.

II. PROJECT BACKGROUND The past years, in Portugal, the teaching of subjects such as Mathematics, Electronics and Electrics at College level has been characterized by a high difficulty of attracting new students, by problems in the learning process, a great lack of motivation and drop outs.

In the heart of this

Besides the background that has motivated the realization

situation, which has been worsening significantly over

of this project, this paper presents not only the strategies,

time, are the conjectural factors which go hand in hand

principles and philosophy which were defined for the

with the structural factors.

courses content but also the way in which a solution was

Among the conjectural factors, there is the thought that

implemented, as well as the strategy expected to be carried

the study of these subjects is “out of fashion” and harder -

out to test the solution and evaluate the results of these

since they usually demand a bigger effort and dedication


from the students - than other taught subjects.

In addition, it will also explore the alterations that this type of strategy may cause in the roles traditionally attributed to teachers and students, and the effect that these changes bring about in the teacher-student relationship.

Among the structural factors, is the lower will of students to study scientific and technological subjects as well as the little status recognition of these technological professions by society. Due to these problems it is urgent to find alternatives

Finally, this paper also contains a brief presentation of the organizational structure of the solution, the phases and main tasks that this project involved, other phases expected to be carried out in the future, as well as its conclusions. I. KEYWORDS Education, e-learning, computer supported learning, web-based, mathematics learning, electronics engineering learning, electrical engineering learning

and complementary solutions to the traditional teaching methods in order to change the existing situation. The solution here presented includes the assistance of computers in the teaching process. III. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The objective of this project was to build a solution based on education assisted by computers to learn the basic subjects of technological degrees such as Mathematics, Electronics and Electrics. The goal of the implementation of this solution didn’t consist in replacing the traditional

teaching methods but in creating a complementary


To use images and multimedia animations in

alternative meant to contribute to the liking, the interest

abundance and in a regular manner to demonstrate

and motivation of the students for this kind of subjects and

the functioning and the ways in which the

therefore, to improve their learning ability.

theoretical concepts can be applied.

In the same manner, the objective of this project didn’t


Not to forget however the components which are

consist in adopting conservative and simple strategies to

strictly theoretical, meaning to complete the simple

transpose old teaching methods or learning contents into a

and practical explanations of each concept with a

new support system but to implement a really innovative

complementary and more detailed explanation of the

solution in the pedagogy and the adopted solutions.

origins of the subjects.




To insure a total flexibility time and space wise. The courses need to be available in a permanent manner:

After defining the objectives, it became fundamental to

24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the studying

define the orientation of the strategy lines according to the

process needs to be possible from school, home,

implementation of the given solution. This is why the following points were identified as

work or other places. 6.

critical factors in order for the solution to succeed: 1.





Through the existence of components such as

To explain the taught subjects using a language


which is simple, clear, direct, adequate and

students should be able to evaluate the progress of

attractive to the public to whom the courses are

their knowledge.

addressed. 2.


To put an emphasis on demonstrating and assisting





To allow, in case of failure, the repetition of the studying process as well as the practise, and yet to

each theoretical concept with a practical application.

Fig. 1 – Example of multimedia animation


Fig. 2 – Example of multimedia animation

make sure the students are not forced to repeat the

11. To create mechanisms that allow the teachers to

exact same content which tends to be saturating, not

control the students studying process where they

motivating and therefore, leads to drop outs. This

found difficulties, time spent studying and the

objective can be met through the existence of a big

results of the evaluations.

variety of exercises and tests and the stimulation of


a game and personal challenge philosophy. Applying this type of teaching method leads to a 8.

To create a reward system based on personal efforts which stimulate the use of the given solution, rewards which will be clearly understood and valorised by the students, for example, through the

substantial alteration in the roles traditionally attributed to the teacher and to the respective students, as the learning process is no longer centered on the teacher, but on each student as an individual.

final evaluation. Instead of playing the role of distributor of knowledge 9.

To study and evaluate the ramifications that the implementation of this type of solution can have on the traditional roles attributed to the teacher and to

and information commonly attributed to the teacher in a traditional classroom setting, the role of the teacher will now be primarily concentrated on:

the respective students, the relationship between the two, and the responsibilities of both.


The coordination, facilitation, dynamization and motivation of each student

10. To define measures which permit us to insure the existence of an adequate component of support from the teachers.



The global success of the solution




individually or small groups, whether in person or

depends not so much on the value of the


technological solution, but rather on the existence of

electronic means,





newsgroups, video conferencing, and so forth.

a human structure which insures adequate teaching support.

Explaining and clarifying the information as it is


Evaluating and accompanying the learning process of each individual student, using tools specifically created for this purpose, with the goal of being able to anticipate potential problems and difficulties, as well as being able to evaluate the progress made by each individual student, allowing the corrective measures






individual needs to be taken, if necessary. A consequence of this role alteration is an increase in the availability and dedication demanded of the teacher, due to the diverse situations the teacher will now face in this new individualized teaching-learning process. As for the students, the use of this type of tools will lead Fig. 3 – Example of multimedia animation

the information and knowledge transmitted by the teacher,

the students away from their traditional role as mere spectators and, many times, as passive receptors of

and towards a more active, more individualized role in the search for information and knowledge, investigation, and

Multime dia Content Design Team

their own desire to know more, demanding from them a greater responsibility, discipline and organization . This will, obviously, lead to a more attractive, appealing, stimulating, motivating and innovative study method. What has been described above will mean that new roles

Pedagogical Team

will have to be defined for both the teacher and students

Steering Committee

alike, and that a new relationship and interaction model

Multime dia Content Building Team

will have to be developed between the two. VI. PROJECT ORGANIZATION

Platform Configuration Team

The implementation of this type of solution calls for the establishment of a multidisciplinary work group, consisting of various teams, each one with its own competencies and

Fig. 4 - Project Team

responsibilities, as illustrated in the figure below. At last, the Platform Configuration Team will be The Steering Committee is responsible firstly for defining the goals, the strategies and tools that will be used

responsible for the technical aspects of the project, such as the platform instalation and content loading.

to reach these goals with the support of the other teams, The work of all involved teams will not end with the

and secondly, for planning the continuation of the project.

conclusion of the initial phase of the project, that is, the The Pedagogic Team should be comprised of teachers with experience in presenting and teaching the subject in cause, and will have as their primary responsibility the definition of pedagogical goals and the development of course content, more specifically, the creating of texts and the identification of concepts and ideas to be animated or illustrated.

implementation of the first version of the solution. Once this phase has ended, it will become necessary to proceed, initially, to the task of revision and improvement before the solution can be made available. This will be followed by a continuous revision and improvement, this time based on the evaluation and results obtained in the initial phase of the trial and global utilization of the solution.

In their turn, the Multimedia Content Design Team will be responsible for the idealization, conception and design of the multimedia content, such as images and animation, as well as for the layout and usability of the solution. This

In order to assure the success of the implementation of this type of solution, certain critical factors pertaining to team makeup and inter-team relationships must be taken into consideration, such as:

team should be comprised of designers, but with training 1.

and experience in the pedagogical area.

The Coordination Team’s capability to assure a strong communication and coordenation between the other

The Multimedia Content Building Team is responsible for








conceptualized by the Multimedia Content Design Team.


The makeup, competence, knowledge, importance and distinctiveness of the Design and Multimedia Content Team given the great value and importance that

practicality, design and image have on the ultimate success

detect possible problems, measure student adhesion and

of the solution and on the attainment of the intended result.

results attained at the level of their scholastic performance. Equally important will be the trial of the new teacher-


student relationship and interaction model. This project involved the realization of a variety of activities. First, it involved defining the objectives, the strategies, the critical factors for its success and the

Once this step has been concluded, and the necessary adjustments and corrections have been made, the solution will then be made available to the general student body.

conception of the solution.

During this step, results should be evaluated and Secondly, the tasks that were realized concentrated on the selection of the technological tools that would enhance

improvements made in a cyclical manner, with a view to the continuous increase in effectiveness and efficiency.

the concretization of the defined objects, as well as on the definition of the courses contents, accordingly with the orientation lines and the critical factors identified for its

General Roll-Out

Solution Evaluation

Continuous Improvements


Master Planning

Contents Building

Solution Building

Fig. 6 – Last Phase. General Roll-out

Fig. 5 – First Phase. Work Done

Finally, the multimedia contents and the courses were realized through the implementation of the following technological tools: “Web Course builder” and “Server Side Testing” of ReadyGo enterprise. In order to develop the multimedia contents, we used the product “Macromedia Flash Mx”.

IX. CONCLUSIONS The use of this teaching method assisted by computers, if correctly conceptualized and built, constitutes an efficient tool complementary to the traditional teaching methods in areas such as Mathematics, Electronics and Electrics. However, for the solution to succeed this approach needs to be innovative first in the elaboration of its content and


then, in its approach. Using a simple language when addressing the students

Once the solution has been implemented, it will become necessary pilot-test the solution, evaluate the results obtained in doing so, and introduce an upgrade to the solution. Pilot Roll-Out

and demonstrating the concepts through practical examples such as animations and multimedia tools constitutes one of the critical factors for this kind of solution. This is the only way for the solution to be valuable when

Pilot Evaluation

Solution Upgrade

compared to more traditional methods and tools. This is the only way also for the solution to be efficient, to motivate

Fig. 6 – Next Phase. Pilot-test and evaluation

and interest the students in the courses mentioned before,

As a strategy for this phase, a small group of students,

and therefore, only way by which their learning process will

chosen to represent the target body, will test the solution,


with the aim of allowing for a better control over the use

On the other hand, once these new teaching processes and

and evaluation of the solution, thus making it easier to

organizational methods have been implemented, it will also

be necessary to rethink the role attributed to teachers and teaching staff, as well as the relationship between teacher and student. X. REFERENCES [1] “Panel: Brick & Mortar vs. E-learning Universities” - Shimon Cohen, Joyce Currie Little, Janice Sipior, You-niversity.com, Israel, Towson University, USA, Villanova University, USA. , Challenges to Informing Clients: A Transdisciplinary Approach, June 2001. [2] “O Hoje e o Amanhã do e-learning” – Adelaide Franco, AcademiaGlobal, PTM.com. [3] “A EAD- Desafios e linhas de desenvolvimento” – Comandante Ferreira da Silva (Director do Centro Naval de Ensino à Distância), Marinha CNED, Conferência Ensino à distância em Portugal: testemunhos e desafios, Lisboa, 29 de Maio de 2002. [4] “E-learning: Uma visão pedagógica baseada na tecnologia”, Arnaldo Santos, PT Inovação, Lisboa, 29 de Maio de 2002.