Adapting to climate change - Freshwater Biological Association

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Email: [email protected].uk Tel: 01733 455564. Received 27 May ... There is a developing on-line bibliography and information resource.


Adapting to climate change: implications for freshwater biodiversity and management in the UK Stewart J. Clarke Senior Freshwater Ecologist, Natural England, Northminster House, Peterborough, PE1 2QP, UK. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01733 455564 Received 27 May 2008; accepted 4 February 2009; published 8 May 2009

Abstract Current work on adaptation responses for conservation management in the face of predicted climate change has a distinctly terrestrial focus. Existing evidence for the potential impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems indicates that it is the interaction between direct climate change and current anthropogenic pressures that is likely to define the way in which freshwater biodiversity is affected. A brief overview of the likely effect of climate change upon fresh waters is presented. In light of this review, possible actions to safeguard freshwater biodiversity in the face of climate change are discussed.

Management challenges and proposed responses are

presented at the level of individual sites, at the landscape scale and according to management policy drivers. Many of the principles underlying these proposed adaptation responses need a more extensive and robust evidence base and an attempt is made here to highlight the key research gaps. Keywords: Climate change; adaptation; biodiversity; management.


with immediate and radical action, it is clear that we are committed to a period of warming and associated changes

The potential impacts of global climate change and

in weather patterns over the next 30–40 years (King, 2005;

associated social and economic responses are widely

IPCC, 2007).

recognised as a major threat to biodiversity (Hulme,

private companies and environmental managers are

2005; Sutherland et al., 2008). Climate change is rapidly

increasingly focused on adaptation strategies that will

emerging as one of the most significant issues facing

allow social, economic and natural systems to absorb and

biodiversity conservation and ranks alongside habitat

respond to the worst impacts of this climate change.

Consequently, governments, institutions,

loss/degradation and invasive non-native species as one

There is an increasing level of discussion around

of the main pressures influencing biodiversity loss and

appropriate adaptation strategies for natural systems and

increased research effort (Sutherland et al., 2006; Ferris,

for conserving biodiversity (Abramovitz et al., 2001; Hulme,


Climate-change mitigation through reductions

2005; Mitchell et al., 2006; Smithers et al., 2008). Guidance

in greenhouse gas emissions is now at the forefront

has recently been published in the UK to assist managers in

of the international political agenda.

deciding how land management and conservation policy

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3

However, even

Freshwater Reviews (2009) 2, pp. 51-64 © Freshwater Biological Association 2009


Clarke, S.J.

needs to change to ensure a secure future for biodiversity

synopses reflect this (Allan et al., 2005). However, the

(Hopkins et al., 2007). However, adaptation work to date

body of literature reporting climate-driven effects upon

has had a distinctly terrestrial focus. The premise of this

freshwater ecosystems is growing rapidly. No attempt is

discussion piece is that freshwater ecosystems and their

made here to review this comprehensively; the following

management are sufficiently distinct to warrant further

merely aims to outline the main impacts. There is a

analysis and may require specific consideration.


developing on-line bibliography and information resource

paper has been written with two broad aims: to investigate

(, accessed 16 De-

the relevance and implications of general (or terrestrial)

cember 2008) created as part of the EU-funded



Eurolimpacs project, which provides a useful summary of

ecosystems and to stimulate discussion, particularly

likely impacts on a range of freshwater ecosystem types.




between the research and the practitioner communities,

In addition to evidence from palaeolimnological

on the direction of freshwater science in this area.

studies, demonstrating the impact of past climate events, and established links between freshwater ecosystem

How will climate change affect freshwater ecosystems?

behaviour and major drivers of regional climate such as the NAO, there are several reasons why climate change may be expected to adversely affect freshwater

Predicting the likely impact of future climate change on

ecosystems: temperature is an important influence

natural and human systems is made difficult by both the

acting upon fresh waters; changes to precipitation will

complex nature of the earth’s climate system and also by the

affect hydrology (another important driver of freshwater

variety of responses (environmental and socio-economic)

system behaviour); fresh waters are profoundly affected

that might be expected to arise in the face of dramatic, or

by catchment land use (which in turn will be affected

even subtle, changes in temperature and precipitation

by climate change); fresh waters are already subject to a

patterns. These ‘feedback’ mechanisms may exacerbate or

range of pressures that will interact with climate change.

mask the real impact of climate change. In very general terms, global climate models (IPCC, 2007) predict warmer

Thermal effects

and drier conditions for much of north-west Europe but this general pattern masks regional and seasonal shifts in

Water temperature is closely related to air temperature in

temperature and precipitation. Equally, it is not possible

rivers, streams and shallow lakes and ponds, and most

to foresee changes in the frequency and magnitude of

freshwater species, being scarcely able to regulate their

extreme weather events such as the rainfall and associated

own body heat, are sensitive to temperature variation.

floods experienced in England during summer 2007 and

There is already some evidence that rising temperatures

the extreme temperatures affecting continental Europe in

are affecting macroinvertebrate communities in streams

the summer of 2003.

(Durance & Ormerod, 2007), distributions of salmonid fish

It is already well established that freshwater ecosystems

are likely to change due to rising temperatures (Davidson

are influenced by large-scale climate drivers, such as

& Hazlewood, 2005) and fish communities are responding

the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (Weyhenmeyer et

to warming and to other pressures (Daufresne & Boet,

al., 1999; George, 2000; Monteith et al., 2000; Bradley &

2007). At a simple level, many freshwater species might

Ormerod, 2001; Jennings & Allott, 2006) and, therefore, it is

be expected to be impacted by climate change in a similar

likely that changes to climate will have far-reaching effects.

manner to terrestrial species; ‘climate-space’ is equally

Yet freshwater ecosystems have generally received little

applicable to freshwater species. As elsewhere, a simple

attention from those modelling climate-change impacts

response involving range shifts to higher latitudes and

upon biodiversity (cf. Walmsley et al., 2007) and existing

altitudes may be anticipated. There is also the potential for

© Freshwater Biological Association 2009

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3


Adapting to climate change

temperature increases to result in increases in productivity,

These hydrological changes may be expected to interact

which may be an issue for growths of nuisance algae.

with land-use practices (that might also arise in response

However, these temperature effects may be exacerbated,

to climate change pressures) to drive catchment and sub-

masked or mitigated by other pressures; for example, the

catchment responses of freshwater ecosystems, for example

degree of riparian shading may be a greater driver of stream

via reduced groundwater recharge. At the other end of the

temperature than changing air temperatures. In addition

scale changes to the hydrology of larger rivers and lakes

to direct effects upon freshwater species, temperature

will affect water retention times and nutrient cycling, and

increases will have consequences for a range of ecological,

may exacerbate problems with nuisance algae.

chemical and physical processes that are temperature controlled. In lakes, for example, the timing of spring

Interaction with other pressures

phytoplankton blooms (Thackeray et al., 2008), thermal stratification (Winder & Schindler, 2004) and chemical

Unlike many terrestrial habitats, fresh waters are strongly

processes, such as release of sediment phosphorus, may

influenced by activities in the wider landscape. Activities

each be affected.

and climate change effects acting within the catchment will therefore also impact upon fresh waters. These off-

Hydrological effects

site impacts upon rivers and lakes are already a major conservation challenge, with current legislation focusing

Changes in precipitation (quantity, intensity and timing),

on the water body itself (see Mainstone & Clarke,

combined with higher temperatures leading to increased


evapo-transpiration, have the potential to alter the water

events, climate change may lead to greater quantities of

cycle within catchments. For example, the UKCIP (UK

sediment and nutrients being transported from land to

Climate Impacts Programme) high CO2-emission scenarios

vulnerable freshwater ecosystems (Lane et al., 2007). As

predict a decreasing trend in summer precipitation of up to

a consequence of integrating landscape pressures in this

40 % and an increasing trend in winter precipitation of up

way, many freshwater ecosystems in north-west Europe

to 20 % for much of southern England (Hulme et al., 2002).

are already degraded, owing to human use and activities.

Elevated temperatures are likely to lead to increased evapo-

A significant proportion of rivers and lakes in north-west

transpiration rates, which could offset any net increase in

Europe are suffering from the effects of nutrient enrichment

precipitation. Arnell (2004) extrapolated climate-change

(see for example, Carvalho & Moss, 1995; Søndergaard &

predictions to river flows and suggested that mean summer

Jeppesen, 2007) and, in many areas of densely populated

flows in south-east England might be ~ 30 % lower than

regions, water supplies are already stretched to the limits

the 1961–1990 mean, and that extreme low flows (Q95)

of sustainable use. This is likely to compromise the ability

might be reduced by ~ 25 %; in contrast, mean winter

of these freshwater ecosystems to cope with, or absorb, any

flows are likely to increase. These hydrological changes

impacts of climate change.

In causing more extreme rainfall and runoff

may have dramatic consequences in small headwater

Increased nutrient and sediment loads, toxic pollution,

streams (Durance & Ormerod, 2007) as well as in ponds

invasive species and habitat modifications are all known to

which have small wetted areas and small contributing

affect adversely freshwater species diversity and all of these

catchments. Longer and more frequent periods of drought,

pressures are likely to increase and interact with a changing

combined with more intense rainfall and runoff events, are

climate. Palaeolimnological studies of past climate change

known to act as stressors of in-stream ecology (e.g. Wood

have often found that catchment changes are as, or more,

& Armitage, 2004; Lake, 2007). As well as direct effects,

important in determining lake ecology than climate (e.g.

there will be indirect effects resulting from the interaction

Dalton et al., 2005). Similarly, work investigating current

between flow and habitat or nutrient concentrations.

climate change, either through analysis of existing data

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Freshwater Reviews (2009) 2, pp. 51-64


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(Durance & Ormerod, 2009) or experimental approaches

the managers of freshwater systems is to apply these

(Moss et al., 2003), has indicated that the effects of altered

adaptation principles to their own area of work.

water quality and fish communities are more important

working out what this means in practical terms, it may be

than temperature increases.

Climate change may

easiest to consider what changes we might need to make

exacerbate the impact of invasive non-native species by

to how we manage individual water bodies (including

increasing their potential reproductive range. Freshwater

species of conservation concern), how we manage the

ecosystems appear to be particularly suspectible to

landscape or catchment surrounding those waters and how

invasions of problem species and there are examples from

current management frameworks might need to change.


across a wide range of ecosystems and taxonomic groups. Climate change may release a number of species from

Management at the scale of the waterbody

current temperature constraints and increase their invasive tendencies.

Indeed, experiments simulating warmer

Climate change is now widely accepted as the most

conditions have already shown that the exotic invasive

pressing environmental problem facing us, and Planet

plant species Lagarosiphon major, which is already widely

Earth as a whole. However, moving away from this

distributed in the UK, was favoured by warmer conditions

global scale, it is clear that there are many other pressures

in small experimental ponds (McKee et al., 2002).

threatening biodiversity at the local scale. Given predictions

It is these interactions between climate change and

about the way that climate change may interact with these

other pressures that arise from the link between hydrology,

other pressures, it is important that we do not completely

temperature and ecological patterns and process,

shift our attention away from the small scale and from

which are most likely to have the greatest impact upon

local issues to focus solely on the global scale. It is also

biodiversity and, hence, require management responses.

important to recognise that local and global environmental problems are ultimately interlinked. It follows that the

How can we ‘climate-proof’ our freshwater conservation and management practices?

action we take to manage individual water bodies may help adapt freshwater biodiversity to climate change, as part of ‘safeguarding baseline biodiversity’ (Table 1). Current conservation effort is largely directed towards

Adaptation responses can be simply defined as those

‘protected areas’: in sparsely populated areas, large tracts

actions that we need to take to ensure that a sector (in this

of land may be given over exclusively to conservation but,

case freshwater biodiversity) is not adversely affected by

in more densely populated areas, it is often necessary to

climate change. Hulme (2005) argues that climate-change

integrate conservation with other land uses. The small-

adaptation strategies for natural systems should have three

scale, protected-area approach has proved moderately

broad aims:

successful where the major pressures are ‘on-site’, such as


to increase the flexibility in management of

habitat loss or over-grazing, but has been less effective at

vulnerable ecosystems;

preventing deterioration due to external pressures, such

to enhance inherent adaptability of species

as nutrient enrichment (Mainstone, 2008).

and ecosystem processes within vulnerable

and wetland sites are particularly susceptible to these

ecosystems; and

external pressures and, in England, diffuse pollution from

to reduce trends in the pressures that increase

agriculture is a major cause of the unfavourable condition


of protected freshwater habitats (English Nature, 2003).




These aims are reflected in the six principles described

This characteristic of freshwater habitats means that a more

in recent UK guidance for policy makers and land managers

integrated approach to management, over a much larger

(Table 1, from Hopkins et al., 2007). A key challenge for

area of land, is likely to be required. Small protected sites

© Freshwater Biological Association 2009

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3


Adapting to climate change Table 1. Climate change adaptation guidelines for biodiversity (from Hopkins et al., 2007).

1. Conserve the habitat and species baseline. 1a. Conserve Protected Areas and other priority habitats. 1b. Conserve range and ecological variability of habitats and species. 2. Reduce sources of harm not linked to climate. 3. Develop ecologically resilient landscapes. 3a. Conserve and enhance patch variation within the landscape. 3b. Make space for the natural development of rivers and coasts. 4. Establish ecological networks. 5. Make sound decisions based on analysis. 5a. Thoroughly analyse causes of change. 5b. Use adaptive conservation targets and priorities. 6. Integrate adaptation and mitigation measures into conservation management. are vulnerable to many pressures (e.g. one off pollution

and losers in freshwater habitats. Species for which there

events) and under a changing climate may lose their

are national and international conservation obligations

special value as rare species are forced to migrate to new

may see contractions or shifts in range. Those which are

climate space. As a result, there has been intense debate

particularly vulnerable are cold water species such as some

about the future role of protected sites in safeguarding

white fish (Coregonus spp.), which have survived in upland

biodiversity. However, there are many reasons for placing

lakes since the last ice age. For other species, a key question

high-quality rivers, lakes and wetlands at the heart of

will be the extent to which we can mitigate these impacts

any biodiversity adaptation approach, on the grounds of

by changing management (e.g. increasing riparian shading

having: high biodiversity or intrinsic value; low levels of

to reduce river water temperatures) or reducing pressures.

on-site pressures; action already in hand to reduce off-site

Many freshwater species are dependent on hydrological

pressures; controls on damaging activities and, frequently,

connectivity or animal vectors to enable them to disperse

a management framework in place. Furthermore, the

to new habitats. Increasing connectivity will require action

idea of protected sites is well understood and generally

across the landscape. A habitat-based approach that seeks

accepted. There is a general willingness to invest in high-

to minimise the level of each impact and activity to ensure

quality sites, which does not necessarily extend to the wider

good quality habitat, in the expectation that characteristic

environment. In the freshwater environment, where off-site

species will follow (Mainstone & Clarke, 2008), has benefits.

or catchment-scale pressures (e.g. diffuse pollution) may

However, species conservation is a central concept of

have continued to affect the condition of protected sites,

conservation and we must begin to consider the possibility

the catchments of such sites may provide the ideal focus

that certain species will be lost from a particular area. It is

for piloting novel (‘no risk and no regrets’) management

our duty to ensure that, where this does happen, it is not

schemes, using protected status as a driver for investment.

because we have failed to deal with all of the pressures

A greater challenge is how we might conserve

within our control. Finally, our perception of what is native

particular species in the face of a changing climate. Much

and characteristic of a given area may have to change. As

of the work on species response to climate change has

species are able to spread into areas of higher latitude due

focused on changes in climate space and species’ abilities

to warmer temperatures, concepts such as native and non-

to migrate or disperse to new habitat (cf. Walmsley

native will become more and more difficult to define. A

et al., 2007). It is clear that warmer temperatures and

more appropriate focus for such debates is whether a species

changing hydrology will result in there being winners DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3

Freshwater Reviews (2009) 2, pp. 51-64


Clarke, S.J.

is invasive or benign and whether it might arrive ‘naturally’,

and, thus, are likely to be most acceptable where they

using its own dispersal mechanisms, or via human agency.

are seen as enhancements to already-degraded systems

Reducing pressures arising from human activity may

or where they are part of a systematic restoration of

help minimise the impact that climate change will have

more natural conditions (e.g. riparian re-afforestation).

in the future. The idea of ecosystem resilience is gaining support as an integral part of climate change adaptation.

Landscape and catchment management

Resilience is defined as the capacity of an ecosystem to tolerate disturbance without collapsing into a different

Much of the current discussion about climate change

state, controlled by a different set of processes, or the

adaptation for biodiversity questions the future role of

amount of disturbance that the system can absorb without

isolated protected sites in a landscape that must allow

experiencing a change in structure and composition

migration of species to new climate space. To what extent

(sensu Holling 1973; Carpenter et al., 2001). There are

does this reflect a terrestrial bias in nature conservation

examples of such ‘regime shifts’ in freshwater habitats,

theory and practice? Certainly one of the greatest risks

for example, switches between clear-water, plant-

of climate change for many terrestrial species may be a

dominated states and algal-dominated, turbid states in

contraction or shift in climate space and isolation due

shallow lake ecosystems (Scheffer et al., 1993). There is

to inhospitable countryside between protected sites

a suggestion that systems experiencing relatively low

(Walmsley et al., 2007). Given the need to think and act

levels of human disturbance (which are often those with

on a larger scale, there are sound reasons for the network

high conservation value) may have greater resilience.

of protected sites to be seen as the foundation for building

Conversely, ecosystems affected by high nutrient loads

resilience across the whole landscape (Hopkins et al.,

or introduced species may behave in unpredictable ways


to rising temperatures and altered hydrological regimes

A major focus of climate-change adaptation for

(Carpenter, 2003). This, largely theoretical, concept needs

terrestrial habitats and species is to increase ecological

to be underpinned by more evidence before it receives

connectivity, or ‘porosity’, within landscapes (e.g.

widespread support but initial indications suggest that it

Castellon & Sieving, 2006). River systems, together with

may hold true for some model systems (Moss et al., 2003).

their associated wetlands, naturally have a high degree

Given that reducing pressures has clear and direct benefits

of connectivity (Pringle, 2001). However, centuries of

for biodiversity, this approach may be considered a low-

habitat modification and land drainage have drastically

risk strategy that may deliver large gains irrespective of

reduced hydrological connectivity within the landscape;

climate change. The greatest challenge will arise where

the number of ponds and small water bodies capable of

reducing existing pressures is associated with significant

supporting key aquatic species has reduced considerably

(financial and opportunity) costs, and benefits can not

and even rivers, which have retained their longitudinal

be clearly quantified or expressed in financial terms.

connectivity, are often isolated from parts of their

As well as addressing pressures, there may be

floodplains, with much reduced lateral connectivity. Many

positive management actions that we could follow to help

threatened freshwater species have suffered as a result

individual ecosystems adapt to new flow regimes or

of this simplification of the landscape and in particular

temperatures. For example, rising water temperatures

the loss of high-quality habitat in which to disperse. For

could be counteracted by increasing the amount of

example, a number of rare aquatic plant species, such as

shade along rivers and around small waterbodies, or

grass-wrack pondweed (Potamogeton compressus L.) and

new, two-stage channels could be constructed to better

ribbon-leaved water plantain (Alisma gramineum Lej.),

accommodate reduced flows.

These interventionist

have life cycles dependent upon dynamic interactions

approaches will change the character of ecosystems

between the main river and associated backwaters and

© Freshwater Biological Association 2009

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3


Adapting to climate change

wetlands. Reinstating hydrological connectivity between

of water bodies. It is therefore important that attempts to

river channel and floodplain wetlands is a critical step in

re-connect rivers with their floodplains are undertaken

ensuring the survival of disturbance dependent freshwater

in parallel with other activities such as improving water

species and the restoration of a landscape rich in temporary

quality and preventing the spread of non-native species.

and permanent water bodies will benefit a wide range of species, by providing refugia from extreme events

Management processes and frameworks

and stepping stones to aid migration into more suitable climate space.

Management of these rare freshwater

Many of our existing management processes, institutions

species needs to take account of the various dispersal

and legislative drivers may need to be adapted for a very

pathways (aquatic, terrestrial and atmospheric) and

different future. The term ‘adaptive management’ has been

vectors (floods, animals, terrestrial corridors) and integrate

used to describe a more iterative and reflective approach

understanding of these with restoring system function.

to management, where managers ‘learn by doing’ and

‘Landscape’ approaches are arguably already well

use their enhanced understanding to revise management

ingrained within freshwater conservation, where the

accordingly. It may be argued that the areas that need most

management of the catchment is widely recognised as

immediate attention are the direct drivers for management

fundamental to achieving conservation goals. Increasing

of freshwater biodiversity, and other allied activities which

connectivity – the links between areas of suitable habitat

may impact upon freshwater biodiversity (e.g. water

– is an important element of the landscape-scale approach

supply, flood defence, agriculture).

and this may be delivered both through intervention

The major drivers for freshwater conservation in

or habitat creation and through a ‘hands-off’ approach,

Europe, the EC Water Framework Directive (European

allowing natural processes to take place. Habitats created

Parliament & Council, 2000) and the EC Habitats and

through natural processes such as flooding, deposition

Species Directive (European Council, 1992), are based on

and erosion might be expected to be more sustainable in

static definitions of habitat and, in the case of the Water

the medium to long term and will not be compromised

Framework Directive, on historic reference conditions.

by the limited understanding of links between form

Although the Habitats and Species Directive does define

and process that has sometimes confounded habitat

‘favourable conservation status’ (the ultimate objective

restoration in dynamic environments (Clarke et al.,

of the directive) in terms of ‘structure and function’, the

2003). An example of the way in which UK conservation

implementation of both directives will require a re-think

is becoming more large scale is the ‘Wetland Vision’

to take account of climate change. Fig. 1 shows how

(, accessed 16 December

climate change might be integrated into the process of

2008), an ambitious vision for a wetter English landscape

setting objectives for protected sites. In spite of the nature

and an attempt to identify the best places for new and re-

of these pieces of legislation, freshwater management has

created freshwater and wetland habitats. However, there

increasingly incorporated measures of abiotic variables

are risks associated with large scale reconnections: first,

(water chemistry, hydrology) that may approximate to

isolated high-quality wetlands and small fresh waters may

components of ecosystem functioning. It has been argued

be compromised by poor water quality in main rivers,

that, having already incorporated this more functional

which receive high loads of nutrients from point- and

approach, freshwater management is to some extent pre-

diffuse- inputs; secondly, increasing connectivity may

adapted to dealing with some aspects of climate change

favour and exacerbate the spread of non-native invasive

(Mainstone, 2008). In contrast, conservation of terrestrial

species, such asAustralian swamp stonecrop Crassula helmsii

sites has tended to focus on vegetation structure and

(Kirk) Cockayne and signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus

composition and the management of these. Nevertheless,

Dana, which can have devastating impacts on the ecology

changing baselines (e.g. increasing temperatures and

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3

Freshwater Reviews (2009) 2, pp. 51-64


Clarke, S.J.

Fig. 1. A proposed adaptive management framework for managing important freshwater sites. Future climate and land use scenarios feed into a modelling framework defined by current knowledge. Resulting scenarios or possible futures help to refine conservation objectives and guide decision makers. Robust monitoring data help to refine predictions of the future and revise objectives.

changing flow regimes) may undermine current targets.

as a means of storing carbon, while innovative flood-risk

Fundamental relationships, upon which environmental

management projects may lead to significant areas of

targets and management principles are based, may no

wetland creation. Equally, climate change may encourage

longer hold true. A precautionary approach requires that

a more responsible attitude to water use, including the

existing targets for water quality and other parameters are

development of means to minimise water use. However,

upheld until there is robust evidence to support revision.

some responses to climate change, such as a widespread

The nature of fresh waters and the strong social and

switch to biomass crops or a hard-engineering response

economic drivers of their management (for reasons of

to increased flood risk (see Sutherland et al., 2008), could

water supply, waste water disposal, aquaculture and

have major implications for freshwater ecosystems.

recreation as well as flood risk management) is a further

Ensuring that biodiversity is not neglected when critical

complication. Climate-change mitigation and adaptation

decisions are made about managing water resource

responses for other sectors and even other habitats

demands or dealing with increased flood risk is certain

and species will bring both opportunities and risks for

to become a major challenge. The scale and severity of

freshwater biodiversity. For example, wetland restoration

potential climate-change impacts upon society means

or pond creation (Downing et al., 2008) may be promoted

that it is inevitable that policy makers and politicians will

© Freshwater Biological Association 2009

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3


Adapting to climate change

pursue those solutions that minimise these risks and in the

Framework Directive. Furthermore, there is a need to

most cost-effective way. What is also clear is that there is

bring together work from all areas of water- and land-

a role for freshwater scientists and managers in informing

management on climate-change impacts and adaptation

these choices and demonstrating the potential for


mutually beneficial approaches – the ‘ecosystem services’

focuses on the implications for flood alleviation and water

argument (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).

companies focus on the implications for water supply

For example, current flood-risk analysis

In the UK, one of the greatest threats to freshwater

and treatment; there will be overlap between these areas

biodiversity may be the result of decisions taken at the

of work, such as changes to land management, to reduce

coast. There are extensive freshwater and brackish ditch

runoff and flood risk while improving water quality and

systems in south-east England that support a range of rare

increasing water-storage capacity. Engaging the public in

plant and invertebrate communities, and these are often

discussions about climate change and possible adaptation

protected by artificial (sea walls) and artificially maintained

responses is vital because of the range of threats, perceived

(replenished beaches or shingle barriers) structures.

and real, that accompany increasing temperatures

Many of these grazing-marsh systems have high species

and altered hydrological regimes, for example: floods,

richness and are the last refuge for many aquatic plant and

droughts and waterborne diseases, such as West Nile

invertebrate species; accordingly, many are internationally

virus. Pilot projects such as the BRANCH project, which

important conservation sites. Communities characteristic

considered how spatial planning will need to change to

of floodplain wetlands (ox-bows, backwaters, ponds),

ensure that biodiversity can adapt to climate change, are a

have been squeezed down to poor value land at the coast

useful way of raising awareness, of stimulating discussion

by hundreds of years of river modification, drainage and

and of testing approaches (BRANCH Partnership, 2007).

flood defence. The threat of sea level rise has combined with concerns about the economic viability of a continued hard-engineering approach in coastal flood-defence policy

What gaps in evidence do we need to address?

(Defra, 2005). A more sustainable coastal management policy would deliver a more naturally functioning

Central to any response to the threat of climate change to

coastal ecosystem but may lead to changes to or loss

freshwater ecosystems is a better understanding of likely

of important freshwater habitat, with up to 32 000 ha

impacts and the consequences of particular management

of protected wetland deemed vulnerable (Defra, 2007).

options. Any attempt to define research needs in such a

Proposals to recreate these habitats in more sustainable

broad area would be open to debate and, consequently,

locations may be constrained by land availability and by

I will consider only broad themes and offer these as the

our ability to create high-quality ecosystems. Sustainable,

stimulus for discussion: species and habitat requirements;

longer-term solutions for these communities will depend

processes and interactions; modelling capability; and

on restoring major river systems and their floodplains.


Finally, a key challenge is to bring together the

Research to understand the basic ecology of species and

range of land- and water- managers and users to make

species assemblages has largely fallen out of favour, losing

informed decisions about management of the catchment.

out to more holistic systems-based work. While more

Understanding the importance of the linkages between

multi-disciplinary, system-level approaches are critical,

land and water management and making management

understanding the impact of climate change does require

decisions will be, accordingly, an important part of

knowledge of basic relationships, such as the thermal and

climate-change adaptation for fresh water, and across the

hydrological preferences of particular species. This basic

EU integrated catchment management should be given

understanding is vital, not just in predicting which species

greater impetus with the implementation of the EC Water

or assemblages are likely to lose or gain under a changing

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3

Freshwater Reviews (2009) 2, pp. 51-64


Clarke, S.J.

climate, but also as an input to models that might help

is important as a means of understanding impacts but also

identify management options. It is also important that we

in testing adaptation responses. Scenarios, particularly

have a good understanding of the way in which species–

where these can be visualised (as maps or composite

environment relationships and ‘ecosystem processes’ (such

images), are also a valuable way in which to communicate

as nutrient cycles, energy flows and trophic interactions)

options to society and to inform decision making.

work now and how they might change under future climate.

Some gaps in our understanding may be addressed

By establishing relationships between biological and

through the establishment of a well-designed monitoring

physical or chemical parameters (including those driven by

network. Indeed, many of the impacts that have been

climate) and understanding how these may be modified by

linked to climate change have been detected through

human activity, it will be possible to link to climate change

existing monitoring schemes designed for other purposes

models and develop scenarios for the future (see Fig. 1).

(cf. Rosenzweig et al., 2008). A changing and potentially

A better understanding of processes is a fundamental

unpredictable environment does place increased emphasis

part of understanding ‘resilience’, which is widely

on monitoring and analysing ecosystem behaviour, and

acknowledged to be central to successful adaptation. An

on using this information to appraise and revise targets

important argument for the conservation lobby is that

and management approaches in light of new knowledge

high-quality freshwater systems are more resilient than

or understanding (Fig. 1). The unpredictability of climate

degraded ones and that functional (if not taxonomic)

change and its impacts presents particular challenges for

diversity, intact nutrient cycles and energy flows might

establishing monitoring programmes and it is possible

confer greater stability. However, this hypothesis remains

that future management will require information on

untested in freshwater systems; and even in better studied

parameters or ecosystem elements that we did not

systems, where considerable experimental effort has been

have the foresight to include within programmes.

employed, results are not clear (e.g. Balvanera et al., 2006).

Consequently, it is likely that long term monitoring

Even if further work is required to characterise the link

programmes that focus on a range of parameters in an

between biodiversity and resilience, the ‘precautionary

attempt to characterise the breadth of a system will be of

principle’ suggests we should continue to invest effort in

considerable value. At the very least a series of long term

preventing further freshwater species and habitat loss.

monitoring sites should be established or existing schemes

Knowledge of the way in which freshwater systems

such as the UK Environmental Change Network (Bealey

operate under current conditions is required to drive

et al., 1998) should be expanded to provide analogue

models and predictions of the future.

Linking this

sites and contextual information which may explain

understanding to models of future climate and land use

observed patterns in data from sites without such records.

will enable us to consider the range of possible ‘scenarios’ following different management options. Models might be


conceptual, numerical (e.g. Elliot & May, 2008) or physical (e.g. Moss et al., 2003) but they need to be underpinned by

It is evident that many of the general biodiversity

sound understanding of driving processes. Freshwater

adaptation principles (Hopkins et al., 2007) are applicable

ecosystems may be subject to extreme events (floods,

to management of freshwater ecosystems.

droughts) beyond our current experience and such events

differences in ecosystem characteristics, management

are particularly difficult to include in models. Predicting

spheres and our level of understanding have the result

future ecosystem behaviour and response depends

that adaptation for freshwater conservation may require

upon models being able to account for these stochastic

a different emphasis.

and unprecedented events; ultimately this may prove

freshwater management may focus more on restoring

impossible. This ability to model future system behaviour

lost hydrological and geomorphological processes and

© Freshwater Biological Association 2009


For example, aspirations for

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3


Adapting to climate change

linkages than on creating new connecting habitats. A


shift towards managing function and process (rather than focusing on taxonomic components) should be easier for

The initial ideas expressed in this paper were presented at

freshwater managers due to the long history of focus on

a Eurolimpacs conference, ‘Climate Change and Aquatic

abiotic parameters such as water quality and hydrology.

Ecosystems in Britain: Science, Policy and Management’,

The very nature of freshwater habitats is such that

held at University College London in May 2007 and

management is already relatively holistic in approach with

published in proceedings from this event.

conservation bodies working with a number of functions

The author has benefited from discussion with colleagues

in the environmental protection agencies (water quality,

in Natural England, in particular Alastair Burn, Chris

water resources, flood management) (Mainstone & Clarke,

Mainstone and John Hopkins, and the comments of two


anonymous reviewers. The views expressed are those of

The general messages from the research literature and proposed adaptation principles are that the conservation

the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Natural England.

sector needs to continue working to reduce the wide range of pressures acting on the environment. By reducing


existing pressures, current ecological thinking suggests that we can make ecosystems more resilient. From this

Abramovitz, J., Banuri, T., Girot, P.O., Orlando, B., Schneider, N.,

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Author Profile Stewart is Senior Freshwater Ecologist with Natural England, leading on standing water and aquatic plant conservation. He took up the post (originally with English Nature) after completing a PhD in river plant ecology at Queen Mary, University of London. His work is focused on providing advice and guidance on the management of protected lakes, canals and ditch systems. Recently he has worked with colleagues in a number of UK agencies on climate change impacts on freshwaters. He is currently a member of the FBA council. © Freshwater Biological Association 2009

DOI: 10.1608/FRJ-2.1.3