Affective responses to work

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Practical implications - 1t can help one to know how to desiS¡r work to improve satisfaction and implication of t'olkers. Originalit¡'-/value This paper sl.torvs some ...
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Affective responses to work process and outcomes in virtual

Communication media and time pressure

teams 245

Effects of communication media and time pressure Amparo Caballer, Francisco Gracia and José-\Iaría Peiró L-niuersitt, o.i \:aleucio, l'alatcia. Spoitt

Abstract Purpose - Tci analyze the dired and combined effects ol the commurica¡io:'r nedra ari :ime press,;e in group t'ork on the affective responses of team membel's r,r'hile performing rnrellect:r-e Design/methodologylapproach - A laboratory experiment ri-a-s canied cut t'ith 12i -s¡3jeg¡5 working in 31 groups. The task perfomred b-v the groups was an intellemir.e one. A 2 x 3 facto¡a] design with three n-redia (face-to-fuce, r,ideo-conference, and e-mail) and time (u,ith and s'irhout nme pressure) was used to detemline tire dirrct and combined effects o{ these rr,r,o var^iables on gloup mem'Ders' satisfaction with the proc'ess and uith the resulhi. and on members' commitrnent with the decision.


- Results shorv a direEleffegt of communication-¡1edia on sqtisfaction with the process, which confinns the preciiction*f tlüñldia-task-frÍ-¡¡.odeJ, álli negativi-qffqqt of rinr. pr"=ur.r.. on satisfaction u,ith g¡oup results and corn¡iitr¡oeñi to-ihose results.'Má§t iiñiesrmgl-v, the interaction effects for the three dependent variables are sig¡nilcant and show that the niost deieterious effects of time pressure are produced in groups l-olkinqface-toÍace, while groups nlgliated b¡, r,qideo-conference i¡I.rove,-their affectir,e responses under time pr:essure. Research limitations/implications

- Some limitations

are the use of a student sample, so

generalizabiliry of the nndings is lirnited, and the use o{ onl.v one task t}'pe. Practical implications - 1t can help one to know how to desiS¡r work to improve satisfaction and implication of t'olkers. Originalit¡'-/value This paper sl.torvs some innor.ations as the combined eflects of media and time pressure, controlling for the task lpe on group members' affective responses to their work and achievements.

Keywords Paper

CommunicatiorL technoiogies. Team ri'orking


Research paper

Introduction Work in organizations is often accomplished in groups. In fact, effective group performance has a ciear impact on organizational results and outcomes. In recent times, gloup work has experienced impofiant changes due to multiple factors (NtlcGrath and Hollingshead, 1994). InJormation and communication technologies have had a strong influence on stroup rvork, by reducing time and space constraints and creating new work settings, demands and way s of operating (Gibson and cohen, 2003). Jomral ol MarugeriaJ l'svcholog¡'

This research has been four.rded by the National Research Program on Science and Technolog"v (sEC2001/3509). It has been carried out b¡,' members of tire group I + D + I (Group 03/195) founded b-v the Regional Goveument of the Vaiencia Region (Generalidad \¡alenciana).

\Io1. 20 No.

3,'.1. 2005

pp.2J5.20J (tt)

linemld Group I\rblishing Lirnired 02ti8-39.]{i

DOI t0 1108/02683940510589037