Agrarian Law (Land Law)

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Agrarian Law (Land Law) Task I. Introduction of Agrarian Law. Aris Fadillah (20100610113) [email protected]. International Program for Law and ...
Agrarian Law (Land Law) Task I Introduction of Agrarian Law Aris Fadillah (20100610113) [email protected] International Program for Law and Sharia Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 2012/2013

I. The Definition of Agrarian Based on Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, agrarian is noun that has definition; (1) agriculture process (2) land ownership procedure. Then, according to Subekti dan R. Tjitrosoedibio, agrarian are land and everything above (i.e. building and plant) and under of land such as stone, mine, etc. This opinion that introduced by UUPA.

II. The Definition of Agrarian Law Agrarian law is a whole of regulations that determine about the relarion between individual and legal entity with land, water, air, space. And its authority bodies to dispute the cases. This law consist of; land law, water law, mine law, forestry law, fishery law. Based on Utrecht, agrarian law is law that examine the legal relation between state aparatus and the agrarian issue. Then, Boedi Harsono argued if agrarian law is law that determine about land, water, some extense of airspace, and all natural resources inside the land. Furthermore, Bachsan Mustafa stated if

agrarian law is whole of regulations that determine the ways of state apparatus to execute the function on agrarian issue.

III. The Regulations of Agrarian Law 1. UU no. 13/1946 yaitu penghapusan hak istimewa dari desa Verdikan di Banyumas. 2. UU. Bo. 13/1948 yang mencabut VGM yang berlaku di Surakarta dan yogyakarta. 3. UU. No. 5/1950 yang merupakan pelengkap UU no. 13/1948 menjelaskan hak konversi dihapus secara tuntas. 4. UU. No. 1/1958 tentang penghapusan tanah partikulir kepada pemiliknya dikenakan ganti rugi. 5. PP no. 18/1958 sebagai pelaksana UU no. 1/1958. 6. UU no. 6/1952 yang mengganti UU no. 6/1951, tentang sewa tanah untuk menanam tebu. 7. UU no. 24/1954 tentang perbuatan pemindahan hak atas tanah yang timbul pada hukum eropa harus seizin menteri kehakiman dan UU no. 76/1957 wewenang menteri kehakiman dialihkan ke menteri agraria. 8. UU no. 28/1956 tentang pengawasan terhadap pemindahan hak atas perkebunan. 9. UU no. 29/1956 tentang peraturan tindakan atas perkebunan. 10. UU no. 78/1957 tentang perubahan CANON, CIJSN 11. UU Pokok Agraria No.5 Tahun 1960 12. UU Agraria 1996

IV. Example Cases of Agrarian Issue 1. The case between Suku Anak Dalam against Asiatic Persada Ltd. The case happened in Jambi, exactly in Desa Bungku Kecamatan Bajubajang, Dictrict Batanghari. This case issued the adat land which explored wrongly by Asiatic Persada Ltd. It brought a damage for adat land and forest of Suku Anak Dalam. Furthermore, they used the adat land illegaly, outside the permit letter of government. The resolution; the government and private party (Asiatic Persada Ltd) should pay respect and attention with the indegious status of the adat land and forest of Suku Anak Dalam. Moreover, both have to keep and measure the ecosystem there. Whether, the Suku Anak Dalam does not have a certificate for the land but that is their ancient land. 2. The case between society of Desa Sumberanyar, Kecamatan Nguling, Kabupaten Pasuruan against Sea Army. This case emerged when the BPN produce the land certificate under the name State Defense Ministry a.k. Sea Army in July 1992. This land proposed to build a barrack for sea army. Before, the certificate produce this land under the ownership of society of Desa Sumberanyar without land certificate as the result of yasan land and realestat. Until today, society of Desa Sumberanyar still fight and survive for their citizen rights. Last time, they do go to East Java Governor House to pursue their right. In other hand, the Major of Sea Army Pasuruan argued if the land under the supervision of state based on the State Property Act No. 1 Year 2004. The Resolution; The government or the state power, in this matter is Sea Army should defer to society of Desa Sumberanyar.

The Sea Army function is to protect the Indonesian. Give the land for their life is on concrete example of protection of citizen as promoted in Indonesian Constitution 1945. 3. The Case between society Kecamatan Balaesang Tanjung, District Donggalla against Cahaya Manunggal Abadi Ltd. This dispute produce the issue of mining permittion letter that issued by Donggala Government. The society reject the mining because the position of mining is beside the Rona lake. They assume the mining can bring nomerous of damage for their life, such as big fload, water contamination, etc. The resolution; The government have to think twice when they want to produce letter of permittion. The misconduct of goverment will bring damage not only for state aparatus but also for society will be the victim. Commonly, the government easily to give permit if there is money. This can be concluded not only as misdrijven but included into criminal. 4. The case between Kadya Caraka Mulya (KCM) Ltd against Banjar Police. This case begun when the KCM Ltd. Did an illegal exploration. KCM Ltd. Does not have the newest letter of permittion to explore the coal mining. In fact, the still explore the land with use the old letter of permittion. The Banjar Government argued if they still learn the request of KCM Ltd. They stated if KCM Ltd. Is one of company in black list, because they never run the measurement of their mining area. Therefore, Banjar Government detain the letter of permittion. The resolution; this is the impact of nomeruos mining in South Borneo. They forget about the ways to

keep and protect the ecosystem from damage. They only pursue the money from natural resources. Then, the role of government is totally needed, in before and after. Before they produce the letter of permittion they have to learn deeply about the company profile. Then, after the exploration, the government should supervise the company in keep and protect the ecosystem. 5. The case between Alas Tlogo Society against the Sea Army. This issue emerge when the Sea Army give a permit for a company to use the land eventhough the land still in the court process. Furthrmore, the Sea Army arrest some Alas Tlogo Society who disturb the land. The Resolution; even the Sea Army is the owner of the land they still have to respect with the society and can’t serve them arbitraly.