and Alkaline-resistant Protease from Bacillus sp. Y - Semantic Scholar

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conditions described above, (b) Keratin (20g) was added to 100mlof distilled water in a flask, and the suspension was vigorously stirred for 1 hr. The suspension ...



55 (9),




Purification and Properties of a Novel Surface-active Agent- and Alkaline-resistant Protease from Bacillus sp. Y Hisao Shimogaki,*1 Keiji Takeuchi,* Takashi Nishino, Motoyasu Ohdera,* Toshihiro Kudo,* Kenkichi Ohba,* Masanori Iwama** and Masachika Irie** * Biological Science Laboratories, Lion Corporation, Tajima 100, Odawara, Kanagawa 256, Japan

**Department of Microbiology,

Hoshi College of Pharmacy, Ebara 2-4-41,




Tokyo 142, Japan

12, 1991

In the course of a search for an alkaline stable protease for industrial use, an alkaline protease (protease BYA)was isolated from an alkalophilic Bacillus sp. Y, and its properties were characterized. Its optimumpHwas pH10.0-12.5, whencasein wasused as a substrate. In addition to the stability of protease BYAat pH 6.5-13.0, it was also very stable towards various surface-active agents, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium linear alkylbenzene sulfonate. Protease BYAwas most active at 70°C. The isoelectric point (p/) of protease BYAwas about 10.1. Protease BYAwas characterized as a serine protease because of its sensitivity to phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and diisopropyl fluorophosphate. The protease seems to be related to proteases of the subtilisin family, such as subtilisin BPN', subtilisin Carlsberg, and No. 221 protease.

A number of studies on microbial alkaline

proteases have been done in view of structurefunction


and industrial


tions. Amongthem, alkaline proteases derived Bacilli1~5) and Strepto-

from alkalophilic myces,6) which

are known to be active


stable in highly alkaline conditions have drawn

serum albumin,

and ovalbumin

were purchased


Sigma Chemicals Co. (St Louis, Mo.). Hammerstein casein and keratin were obtained from E. Merck(Darmstadt, West Germany) and Tokyo Kasei Kogyo Co. (Tokyo), respectively. Oxidized insulin A and B chains, glucagon,

chymostatin, antipain, diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and /?-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) were obtained from

Sigma. Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) was donated by Dr. Y. Mitsui. DEAE-53was a product ofWhatman Ltd. (Maidstone, Kent). Toyopearl HW-55 was provided tives, and to the fundamental questions of why by Toso Co., Ltd. (Tokyo). Pharmalyte 3-10 was obtained these proteases are so active and stable under from Pharmacia Japan (Tokyo). Dried yeast and soluble extreme conditions. starch were purchased from Wako Pure Chemicals (Osaka) and Junsei Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Tokyo), respectively. In this paper, we will describe the purification the attention of many researchers to their industrial use, especially as laundering addi-

and characterization from an alkalophilic

of an alkaline protease strain of Bacillus sp. Y,

which might have very useful characteristics for industrial

Bacterial strain. Alkalophilic Bacillus sp. Y strain screened from soil in an alkaline mediumwas used for the



and Methods

Enzymes and chemicals. Subtilisin Carlsberg, subtilisin BPN', hemoglobin, myoglobin, chymotrypsinogen, bovine To whomcorrespondence should be addressed.

Cultivation and medium. Bacillus sp. Y. was grown aerobically in the culture medium described below at 35°C for 3 days. The culture medium contained 50g soluble

starch, 10g dried yeast, 1 g K2HPO4, 0.2g MgSO4à"7H2O, and 10g Na2CO3 per liter.


H. Shimogaki et al.

Assay ofprotease


(a) Protease



measured essentially by Anson-Hagiwara's method.8) To the reaction mixture (3ml) containing 0.6% casein and 10mM borax-NaOH buffer (pH 10.5), 0.5ml of enzyme solution was added at 35°C. After incubation for lOmin, the reaction was stopped by the addition of 3.2ml of stopper solution consisting of 0. 1 1 mtrichloroacetic acid, 0.22m sodium acetate, and 0.33m acetic acid (TCAmixture). The reaction mixture was kept at 35°C for lOmin, and filtered through Toyo filter paper No. 131. The absorbance of the filtrate was measured at 275 nm. One unit of alkaline protease activity (1 APU) was defined as the amount of enzyme liberating 1fj.g of tyrosine per min under the

conditions described to 100ml of distilled was vigorously stirred with ultrasonication

above, (b) Keratin (20g) was added water in a flask, and the suspension for 1 hr. The suspension was treated for 2min. To the reaction mixture

(3ml) containing 4% keratin and 10mM borax-NaOH buffer (pH 10.5), 0.5 ml ofenzyme solution was added with shaking (130rpm) at 35°C for 30min. Reaction was stopped by the addition of 3.2ml TCA-mixture as described above. The reaction mixture was filtered through a Toyo filter paper No. 131 and the absorbancy at 275nm of the filtrate was measured. Protein concentration. Protein concentration was measured by the method of Lowry et al.9) with bovine serum albumin as a standard. Polyaerylamide gel electrophoresis. SDS-PAGE was done by the method of Laemmli10) in a 12.5% polyacrylamide slab gel at pH 4.3. Proteins were stained

with 0.25% Coomassie brilliant Weber and Osborn.11*


blue by the method of



of the

protease was estimated from the mobility of the protein band by the method of Andrew12) with bovine serum albumin, proteins.



and chymotrypsinogen

as marker

Isoelectric focusing was done on a

column (110ml, LKB Produkter) containing 1% Pharmalyte (pH range 3-10) with a linear density gradient of sucrose (0-50%) at 2°C for 72hr Vesterberg.13) After electrophoresis, fractionated into 1.5-ml portions,

by the method of the solution was and the pH was

terminal amino acids of protease BYAwere sequenced with an Applied Biosystems 377A protein sequencer by the method of Hewick et al.16) The phenylthiohydantoin (PTH)-amino acid derivatives were identified performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) attached to the sequencer.

by high system

Fractionation ofpeptides by HPLC.Fractionation of peptides by HPLCwas done on a Nihonseimitsu RP-18 column (7.5 x 250mm) equilibrated with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid and eluted with a linear gradient of acetonitrile to reach


The flow rate


was 2ml/min.

The 2-ml

were collected.

Purification of protease. All purification procedures

were done at 4°C.

Step 1. Crude enzyme solution (2,650ml) was obtained by centrifugation of the culture broth of Bacillus sp. Y. (3,100ml)

at 10,000xg

for lOmin.

Setp 2. Solid ammoniumsulfate was added to the crude enzyme solution to 70%saturation and then the solution was stirred for 30min. The precipitate was collected by centrifugation at 14,000 x g, for 20min and dissolved in a minimal volume of 10mMsodium borate buffer (pH 9.3) containing 2 mMcalcium acetate. The enzymesolution was dialyzed against the same buffer overnight. Step 3. The dialyzed enzyme solution was put on a DEAEcellulose column (4.5 x 25cm) equilibrated with 10mMsodium borate buffer (pH 9.3). The column was washed with the same buffer. The enzymatic active fractions which were not adsorbed to the column were pooled and concentrated by ultra filtration using Diaflo cell a model 8,400 (Amicon). Step 4. The concentrated enzyme solution was put on a Toyopearl HW-55 column (1.6 x 90 cm) equilibrated with 20mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.2) containing 2mM calcium acetate and 0.2m NaCl. The column was eluted with the same buffer at a flow rate of20 ml/hr. The enzymatic active fractions were combined and brought to 70% saturation by the addition of solid ammoniumsulfate. Step 5. The precipitated protein was collected by centrifugation and dissolved in a minimal volume of20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.2) containing 2 mMcalcium acetate.

The enzymesolution was dialyzed against the samebuffer overnight and then stored at -20°C. The preparation thus obtained is here after designated protease BYA.

measured at 2°C. Protease activity was assayed by the

assay method (a) described above. Amino acid analysis. The amino acid composition of protein was analysed by the method of Spackman et al.14) using a JEOL amino acid analyzer, JLC 200A (Nihon-


Purification ofprotease B YA The alkaline protease BYA was purified denshi, Tokyo). Protein was hydrolyzed with 5.7n HC1 from the crude enzyme solution through 5 in evacuated and sealed tubes at 110°C for 24-72hr. steps of purification including salting out, Tryptophan was measured by the method of Pajot.15) anion exchange chromatography, and gel N-Terminal amino acid sequence analysis. The Nfiltration to a single band on SDS-PAGE. The

Surface-active Table I. Purification



+ SteP§


of culture fluid 2. Ammonium sulfate fractionation 3.


exchange chromatography 4. Gel filtration 5. Ammonium sulfate fractionation

Total activity (APUx

Agent- and Alkaline-resistant

of Protease .


Bacillus Protease



Specific activity (APU/mg

Yield (%)
















3.8 3.4

273 216

13.8 15.9

57 52

Fig. 2. Effects of pH on Enzyme Activity. Enzymatic activity was measured in 20 mMbuffer contain-

ing 0.6% casein as substrate at 35°C. The buffers used were sodium acetate buffer for pH 4.0-5.5, sodium

phosphate buffer for pH 6.0-7.5, 7.5-8.5,



Tris-HCl buffer for pH





NaOHbuffer for pH 9.5-1 1.0, sodium phosphate-NaOH buffer for pH ll.0-12.0, and KCl-NaOH for pH 12.013.0. #, protease BYA; O, subtilisin Carlsberg.



of isoelectric


of protease

BYAindicated that the pi of protease BYA

was about 10.1, and was higher than those of subtilisin shown).





and BPN'17)



Effects of pH on enzymatic activity

The effects of pH on caseinolytic activity Lane 1, protease BYAdenatured in 0.1% SDS at 100°C for 2min; lane 2, protease BYAtreated with 1mMDFP were measured at 35°C. Protease BYAwas before to heat denaturation in 0.1% SDS at 100°C; lane most active at the broad range of pH 10.0-12.5 3, standard proteins bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, (Fig. 2). The optimum pH is about 1.5 pH units and chymotrypsinogen.

higher than that of subtilisin Carlsberg, and comparable with Bacillus No. 221 protease.1}

specific activity of the purified protease BYA

rate and Effects of pH on the stability ofprotease BYA yield of protease BYAfrom the crude enzyme The effects of pH on the stability ofprotease solution were 8-fold and 52%, respectively. The BYAwere measured at 25°C and pH 4-13. purification procedures are summarized in After incubation at a given pH for each sample Table I. for 24 hr, the enzymatic activity was measured at pH 10.5. Protease BYAwas stable at pH Molecular weight ofprotease BYA 6-13 under the described conditions, while The molecular weight estimated by gel subtilisin Carlsberg showed 80 and 20% of its filtration using Toyopearl HW-55was approx- activity (pH 10.5), at pH 12 and 13, respectively. was 15,900 APU/mg. The purification

imately 21,000 (data not shown). However, the

molecular weight by SDS-PAGE after treatment with 1mM DFP was approximately 42,000 (Fig. 1).

Effects of temperature on enzymaticactivity Protease BYAwas most active at 70°C, which was about 10°C higher than the optimum


H. Shimogaki et al.

of subtilisin Carlsberg. About 50 and 40% of the protease BYAactivity remained even after incubation at 75 and 80°C for lOmin, respectively. Under the latter condition, subtilisin Carlsberg lost its activity (data not shown). The stability was slightly higher than that of Bacillus No. 221 protease.1} Effects of temperature on the stability ase BYA Protease BYA was incubated

ofproteat various

Effects of various divalent cations on protease BYAactivity The effects of divalent cations on protease BYAactivity were tested at a 1 mMconcentration of metal ions in 20niM borax-NaOH buffer (pH 10.5) at 40°C for 24hr. Protease

BYAwas markedly inhibited CuSO4 (98% and 74% inhibition,

by HgCl2 and respectively)

and moderately by CdCl2 (25% inhibition), not by CoCl2, NiCl2,


BaCl2, FeSO4, CaCl2,

MgSO4, MnCl2, or ZnCl2.

temperatures and pH 10.5 for lOmin, and the residual activity was measured. Protease BYA Effects of various denaturants and surface-active was stable at temperatures up to 55°C and agents on protease BYAactivity showed about 90% and 30% of the native

activity at 60°C and 70°C, respectively, where subtilisin Carlsberg lost its enzymatic activity. Effects of inhibitors The effects

of several


on the

Protease BYA and subtilisin Carlsberg (1,000 APU) were incubated in various denaturants such as 0.1n NaOH and 6m

guanidine-HCl (pH 10.5) at 35°C for 30min, then their residual activities were measured. Protease BYA retained 90 and 84% of its

activity of protease BYAwere examined by activity in the presence of denaturants, NaOH However, measuring residual activity after incubation of and guanidine-HCl, respectively. the enzyme with inhibitors

in 50mMTris-HCl

buffer (pH 7.0) at 35°C for 30min. Protease BYA was completely


by active

subtilisin Carlsberg showed approximately 0 and 16% of its original activity, with these denaturants, respectively. From those data,

site-directed inhibitors of serine protease, such protease BYAseems to be more stable against as DFP and PMSF, but not by EDTAand PCMB (Table





BYAis a serine protease. Protease BYAwas markedly inhibited by SSI.18)

Table III. The Stability of Protease BYAand Subtilisin Carlsberg in the Presence of Various Surface-Active Agents at pH 10.5

Residual activity (%) on



Sodium linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (C = 10-14) Sodium-olefine sulfonate (C=14-18, p=3) Sodium-alkylpoly (oxyethylene) sulfonate (C=11-13, p=3)

Table II. Effects of Several Inhibitors Protease BYAActivity Inhibitor None EDTA DFP PMSF PCMB

Antipain Chymostatin SSI


5 mM 1 him 1 him 1 him

1 00 /ig/ml 1 00 /^g/ml 5 fiM

Residual (%)

100 97 0 0 122 124 77 2

Protease BYA





83 81

(C= 1 1-13, p= 9)


Subtilisin Carlsberg


Sodium dodecyl sulfate Nonylphenylethoxylate


The reaction mixture consisting of enzyme (1,000 APU), and inhibitor at given concentration in 50mM

agent (5% v/v)


were incubated

in 50mM

borax-NaOH buffer (pH 10.5) containing surface-active

agents at 40°C for 4hr, and then residual activities were Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.0) was incubated at 35°C for 30min. measured by method (b) in Material and Methods. C, distribution of carbon chain length; p=polymerization The residual activity was assayed by method (a) described in Materials and Methods. degree.


Agent- and Alkaline-resistant

these denaturants than does subtilisin berg under these



Bacillus Protease


Carls- The results showed that protease BYAwas



more stable than subtilisin


ments were done in the presence of 5% (v/v) of under these conditions. The difference in their was marked in the case of use of various surface-active agents activities at 40°C andwerepH stabilities 10.5 for 4hr. The residual sodium linear alkylbenzenesulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and nonylphenylethoxylate.

measuredwith keratin as the substrate, because of inaccuracy of the assay method (a) in the These results indicate that protease BYAis a presence of surface-active

agents (Table





Fig. 3. Cleavage of Oxidized Insulin A and B Chains and Glucagon with Protease BYA. To the substrate (1 mg) in lml of 2mM borax-NaOH buffer (pH 10.0), 160-1,600APU of protease BYA was added. Thereaction mixture was incubated for an appropriate time, then the reaction was stopped by the addition of 55/il of 1.8% trifluoroacetic acid. The cleavage products were separated by HPLC.(a) Cleavage of oxidized insulin A chain with protease BYA. (b) Cleavage of oxidized insulin B chain with protease BYA. (c) Cleavage of glucagon with protease BYA. Perpendicular arrows indicate split bonds. Heavy and light arrows indicate major and minor site ofcleavage, respectively. The major and minor cleavage mean 100 and less than 40%hydrolysis. The results of similar experiments with subtilisin BPN' and Carlsberg are also included for comparison.17'22)


H. Shimogaki et al.

Substrate specificity


Substrate specificity of protease BYAwas studied with oxidized insulin A and B chains, Amino acid composition and glucagon

as substrates.

These substrates

were digested with protease BYA,and samples were drawn out at appropriate



digestion products were separated by HPLC. Fromthe amino acid analysis and measurement of each peptide separated, the rate and locations of cleavage sites were estimated (Fig. 3). In the case of oxidized insulin A chain, the Glu17-Asn18


is the

most susceptible

followed by the Ser12-Leu13 bond, to protease

BYA.Other bonds are rather resistant to this enzyme. When we used oxidized insulin B chain

as a substrate, the Tyr26-Thr27 bond was hydrolyzed most rapidly, followed by the


and No. 221 protease1} are in-

cluded for comparison. In comparison with

that of the three knownBacillus enzymes, the phenylalanine content of protease BYAwas very high, and the arginine content was a little higher than that of No. 221 protease, and

higher than those of two subtilisins. On the other hand, serine and valine contents were

both lower than in the Bacillus proteases. N-Terminal amino acid sequence The N-terminal

Gln4-His5 bound. The other bonds susceptible to protease Glu13-Ala14,

The amino acid composition of protease BYAis shown in Table IV. The amino acid composition of subtilisin BPN',19) subtilisin

BYA were, Leu6-Cys7-SO3H, and Tyr16-Leu17. In the case of

amino acid



DFP-treated protease BYAwas identified Edman degradation


up to 21 amino acid

glucagon as a substrate, the Leu26 -Met27 bond was most susceptible followed by the Phe6Thr7, and Leu14-Asp15 bonds, which were

residues (Fig. 4). The N-terminal amino acid of protease BYAwas asparagine and differed

completely hydrolyzed. In addition to these bonds, Ser^-Lys^, Gln20-Asp21, and Val23-

Table IV. AminoAcid CompositionofProtease

Gln24 bonds were partially

hydrolyzed under

these experimental conditions. The results of similar experiments using subtilisin BPN' and subtilisin Carlsberg towards an oxidized insulin B chain and glucagon20)

from those of the two subtilisins

are also included

these three enzymes. However, in the case of subtilisins, there are more cleavage sites than in protease BYA. In the same way, cleavage

points in glucagon for protease BYAwere markedly fewer than for subtilisin Carlsberg. These results indicate that the two subtilisins cleave these substrates more non-specificially

than does protease BYA. Immunological properties ofprotrease B YA Antiserum against BYAinhibited protease BYAactivity, but not that of subtilisins BPN' and Carlsberg (data not shown). The results

show that protease BYA is immunologically distinguishable from subtilisins BPN' and



Ammoacid PrR°'efe

BPN"»> Carlsberg*» BYA


Fig. 3 for comparison. From this figure, it can be seen that the cleavage of the Gln4-His5 bond in the oxidized insulin B chain is commonfor

and No. 221

No' 22\.

& protease"

mol (%) Trp Lys His Arg Asx Thr Ser Glx Pro Gly Ala

l /2Cys

Val Met He Leu Tyr Phe

1.4 3.4 2.2 3.9 15.0 6.9 7.8 6.3 5.5 ll.8 12.8 0 5.5 1.4 3.4 6.1 4.1 3.2

1.1 4.0 2.2 0.7

10.2 4.7 13.5 5.5 5.1 12.0 13.0 0 10.9 1.8 4.7 5.4 3.6 1.1

0.4 3.3 1.8 1.5 10.2 6.9 ll.6 4.4 3.2 12.7 14.9 0 ll.3 1.8 3.6 5.8 4.7 1.4

1.8 2.1 2.8 2.8 10.2 6.3 8.1 5.6 5.6 13.7 15.8 0 9.5 1.4 3.2 7.7 2.5 0.7

Aminoacid contents of Ser and Thr were obtained by extrapolating the observed value to zero time ofhydrolysis.

Surface-active P rotease

Agent- and Alkaline-resistant









No. 221


Bacillus Protease



Fig. 4. N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequences of Protease BYA, Subtilisin BPN',17) Subtilisin and No. 221 Protease.21} The commonsequences with those of three protease of subtilisin family are boxed.

protease (alanine).17'21) those

of subtilisin-type

Whencompared with




about 21,000, which is different obtained




from the value 42,000).


terminal sequence was homologous with pro-

similar phenomenonwas also observed in the case of an alkaline protease derived from

Carlsberg17 (9 out of21 residues), and Bacillus No. 221 protease21 (8 out of 20 residues).

Bacillus AH101.5) Wehave to wait for further structural analysis ofprotease BYAto measure

tease BPN' (7 out of 21 residues),


Since protease BYAis a serine protease and is inhibited by SSI, it is possible that protease


Protease BYAisolated from Bacillus sp. Y.


is a surface-active

the molecular weight.

agent- and alkaline-

resistant serine protease. Protease BYAis most active at pH 10.0-12.5. Its optimal pH is higher than for the known subtilisins, and is comparable to those of alkalophilic Bacillus AH1015) and Bacillus sp. No. 221 protease.1} However, the pH-activity curve measured at optimal pH was somewhat broader than for the latter two proteases. The pH stability is very similar to that of a protease from alkalophilic Bacillus sp. GX6638 reported by Durham.17) However, we are not able to compare it with those of two proteases from alkalophilic Bacillus AH101 and No. 221 directly, because of the difference in experi-

BYAis a memberof the subtilisin family. The homologous amino acid sequences between subtilisin BPN', subtilisin Carlsberg, and No. 221 protease also suggest this possibility. Therefore, protease BYAmight be a very interesting model to investigate the origin of its alkaline


and surface-active


resistant nature from the standpoint of protein chemistry. The results of cleavage of three peptides, oxidized A and B chains of insulin, and

glucagon showedthat protease BYAseems to have no strict amino acid specificity. Whenwe compare the site ofcleavage of insulin B chain

with protease BYAto those with three other Bacillus proteases, cleavage sites with protease

mental conditions. Although Bacillus sp. Y BYA are somewhat similar to those with strain is not a thermophilic bacterial type, the subtilisin Novo,22) but are fewer than in the optimal temperature (70°C) and heat stability case of the three Bacillus proteases. Therefore,

of protease BYAindicated that protease BYA is more heat-stable than subtilisins BPN' and Carlsberg. In addition to the unique nature of

in respect to specificity, protease BYA is less non-specific than the subtilisins, which means that protease BYA cleaves these peptides at

protease BYAdiscussed above, the protease is

manyfewer points. Although we do not yet

moreresistant to various surface-active agents than is subtilisin Carlsberg. The molecular weight by gel filtration was

know the rules governing




presence of a hydrophobic amino acid at least at one or two ofS2, Sx and S_x sites appears


H. Shimogaki et al.

to be essential. Acknowledgment.






J. Randall, /. Biol. Chem., 193, 265 (1951). U. K. Laemmli, Nature, 227, 689 (1970). P. Weber and M. Osborn, J. Biol. Chem., 244, 4406 (1969).

Mitsui of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology for his kind donatrion of SSI, and Miss S. Mine for her technical assistance in the HPLCexperiments.

P. Andrew, Biochem.

preparing the manuscript.

D. H. Spackman, W. H. Stein and S. Moore, Anal.

The authors


Mrs. Julia


for her advice


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