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Although having a single PKG would completely eliminate online lookup, ... Seo et al. also used composite order groups to construct an anonymous.
Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption in Prime Order Groups Yanli Ren, Shuozhong Wang, and Xinpeng Zhang School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China {ryl1982,shuowang,xzhang}

Abstract. A hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) scheme is called anonymous if the ciphertext does not leak the identity of the recipient. Currently, anonymous HIBE schemes are constructed in composite order groups or achieve selective-ID security in prime order groups and the ciphertext size is linear in the maximum depth of hierarchy. We propose an anonymous HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertext, which is adaptive-ID secure without random oracles in prime order groups. Our scheme improves security and efficiency of the anonymous HIBE schemes simultaneously compare with the previous work.



An identity based (ID-based) system is a public key cryptosystem where the public key can be represented as an arbitrary string such as an email address [2]. The user’s private key is generated by a trusted authority, called a private key generator (PKG), which applies its master key to issue private keys to identities that request them. Shamir proposed the notion of identity based encryption (IBE) as a way to simplify public key and certificate management. Many IDbased schemes have been proposed after that, but practical ID-based encryption schemes were not found until the work of Boneh and Franklin [5]. Although having a single PKG would completely eliminate online lookup, it is undesirable for a large network because the PKG has a burdensome job. Hierarchical ID-based cryptography was first proposed in [4] and [9]. It allows a root PKG to distribute the workload by delegating private key generation and identity authentication to lower-level PKGs. Canetti et al. give the first HIBE with a selective-ID security proof without random oracles, but that is not efficient [15]. Waters described a fully secure HIBE scheme without random oracles using a method of dual system encryption [3], but the ciphertext size is linear in the maximum depth of hierarchy. Luo et al. propose a new HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertexts and short parameters, and the scheme is also fully secure without random oracles [16]. An anonymous IBE scheme means the ciphertext does not leak the identity of the recipient. In addition to its obvious privacy benefits, an anonymous IBE system can be leveraged to construct public key encryption with keyword Y. Xiang et al. (Eds.): ICDKE 2012, LNCS 7696, pp. 230–242, 2012. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 

Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption


search (PEKS) schemes [14]. Boyen and Waters presented the first anonymous HIBE scheme, which is selective-ID secure without random oracles [17]. The anonymous HIBE system generates secret keys of size proportional to l2 and ciphertext of size proportional to l, where l is the maximum depth of hierarchy. Shi and Waters used composite order groups to construct an HIBE scheme where private key size is O(l) and ciphertext size linear in l [7]. The scheme achieves selective-ID security based on several composite complexity assumptions. Seo et al. also used composite order groups to construct an anonymous HIBE scheme, with constant size ciphertext and linear size private keys [11]. The scheme also achieves selective-ID security without random oracles. Afterwards, several anonymous HIBE schemes constructed in composite order groups are proposed in [1], [8] and [10], respectively. These schemes have constant size ciphertext and are adaptive-ID secure without random oracles based on several non-standard complexity assumptions. As we know, the security of composite order groups is based on the hardness of factoring the order of groups. To achieve the same security level, the order of composite order groups should be at least 1024 bits while the order of prime order groups is 160 bits. As a result, the paring on composite order groups would be very slower than the same pairing on comparable prime order groups. For example, the Tate pairing on a 1024-bit supersingular curve is roughly 50 times slower than the Tate pairing on a 170-bit MNT curve [6]. Thus, it is very meaningful to construct an anonymous HIBE schemes in prime order groups. Lee et al. constructed an anonymous HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertext in prime order groups, which is only selective-ID secure without random oracles [12]. Recently, Ducas proposed an anonymous HIBE scheme using asymmetric bilinear map in prime order groups [13], but the scheme has linear size ciphertext and private key and is only selective-ID secure without random oracles based on the asymmetric P -BDH assumption. Currently, there is no anonymous HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertext, which is adaptive-ID secure without random oracles in prime order groups. In this paper, we present an anonymous HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertext in prime order groups. Our idea is motivated from [16], which is provably secure without random oracles but cannot provide receiver anonymity. The proposed scheme is anonymous and adaptive-ID secure without random oracles based on asymmetric D-bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) and D-linear assumption. The security proof is executed by a sequence of games using the method of dual system encryption.



We review the definition of an asymmetric bilinear map and discuss the complexity assumptions on which our system is based. We also review the security model for an anonymous HIBE system.



Y. Ren, S. Wang, and X. Zhang

Asymmetric Bilinear Map

ˆ and GT be three groups of order p, and Let p be a large prime number, G, G ˆ ˆ → GT is an asymmetric g, gˆ be generators of G and G respectively. e : G × G bilinear map, which has the following properties [13]: ˆ and a, b ∈ Zp , e(ua , v b ) = e(u, v)ab . (1) Bilinearity: For all u ∈ G, v ∈ G (2) Non-degeneracy: e(g, gˆ) = 1. (3) Computability: There exists an efficient algorithm to compute e(u, v), ∀u ∈ ˆ G, v ∈ G. 2.2

Complexity Assumption

Our scheme is constructed based on asymmetric decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption [13] and asymmetric decisional linear (D-Linear) assumption [16], which are defined as follows. Asymmetric DBDH Assumption. Let a, b, c ∈ Zp∗ be chosen at random and ˆ respectively. The asymmetric DBDH assumption g, gˆ be generators of G and G is that no probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) algorithm can distinguish the tuple [g, g b , g c , gˆ, gˆa , gˆb , e(g, gˆ)abc ] from the tuple [g, g b , g c , gˆ, gˆa , gˆb , T ] with nonnegligible advantage where T is a random element in GT . Asymmetric D-linear Assumption. Let a, b ∈ Zp∗ be chosen at random, ˆ The g, f, ν be random generators of G, and gˆ, fˆ, νˆ be random generators of G. asymmetric D-Linear assumption is that no PPT algorithm can distinguish the tuple [g, f, ν, gˆ, fˆ, νˆ, g a , f b , ν a+b ] from the tuple [g, f, ν, gˆ, fˆ, νˆ, g a , f b , T ] with nonnegligible advantage where T is a random element in G. This assumption can also be presented that no probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm can distinguish the tuple [g, f, ν, gˆ, fˆ, νˆ, gˆa , fˆb , νˆa+b ] from the tuple [g, f, ν, gˆ, fˆ, νˆ, gˆa , fˆb , T ] with non-negligible advantage where T is a random eleˆ ment in G. 2.3

Security Model

In this section, we define adaptive-ID security against an chosen plaintext attack (ANON-IND-ID-CPA) for an anonymous HIBE scheme. It is executed by the following game between an adversary A and a challenger B. We adopt the modified definition by Waters [3], which distinguishes the keys generated from the authority or from a delegation operation of the user’s prefix. Setup. The challenger B runs the Setup algorithm and gives P K to the adversary A. The challenger also initializes a list L = φ, which stores the identity and the corresponding secret keys it has created, but not given out. Phase 1. The adversary A can make the following queries repeatedly.

Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption


Create query (ID): A submits an identity vector ID. The challenger creates a secret key SKID for that vector, but does not give it to the adversary. It instead adds (ID, SKID ) to the list L and gives the attacker a reference to it. Derive query (ID, ID ): The adversary gives the challenger two identity vectors ID and ID , where ID is a prefix of ID and ID already exists on the list. The challenger runs the Derive algorithm to get a new secret key SKID and adds (ID , SKID ) to the list L. Reveal query (ID): The adversary specifies an identity vector ID on the list L for a secret key SKID . The challenger removes the item (ID, SKID ) from the list L and gives the adversary the secret key. Challenge. A submits two challenge identity vectors (ID0 , ID1 ) and two equal length messages (M0 , M1 ) to B with the restriction that each identity vector ID given out in the key phase must not be a prefix of ID0 or ID1 . The challenger randomly chooses β, γ ∈ {0, 1} and sends the ciphertext CT ∗ = Encrypt(P K, IDβ , Mγ ) to A. Phase 2. Phase 1 is repeated with the restriction that any revealed identity vector ID is not a prefix of ID0 or ID1 . Guess. Finally, the adversary outputs its guess β  , γ  ∈ {0, 1} and wins the game if (β  , γ  ) = (β, γ). We call the adversary A in the above game an ANON-IND-ID-CPA adversary. The advantage of A is defined as |P r[(β  = β) ∧ (γ  = γ)] − 14 |. Definition 1. An anonymous HIBE scheme is called ANON-IND-ID-CPA secure if no probabilistic polynomial time adversary A has a non-negligible advantage in winning the ANON-IND-ID-CPA game.


The Proposed Anonymous HIBE Scheme

We present an anonymous HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertext in prime order groups. The scheme is adaptive-ID secure without random oracles based on DBDH and D-Linear assumptions. A detailed description of the scheme follows. 3.1


Given the security parameter λ and the maximum depth of hierarchy l, the setup ˆ e] ←− G(λ). It randomly chooses ˆ GT , g ∈ G, gˆ ∈ G, algorithm first gets [p, G, G, a1 , a2 , b, α, η, η1 , η2 , η3 , θi , δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, and sets: v = g η , v1 = g η1 , v2 = g η2 , w = g η3 , ui = g θi , hi = g δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, ˆ i = gˆδi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, ˆ = gˆη3 , uˆi = gˆθi , h vˆ = gˆη , vˆ1 = gˆη1 , vˆ2 = gˆη2 , w a1 a2 b b τ1 = vv1 , τ2 = vv2 , τ1 , τ2 , Y = e(g, gˆ)αa1 b . The public key P K is published as (Y, g, gˆ, g b , gˆb , g a1 , g a2 , g ba1 , g ba2 , τ1 , τ2 , τ1b , τ2b , v, v1 , v2 , w, ui , hi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}), ˆ u ˆi , ˆhi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}). and the master key M K = (ˆ g α , gˆαa1 , vˆ, vˆ1 , vˆ2 , w,



Y. Ren, S. Wang, and X. Zhang


For an identity ID = (I1 , . . . , In ) ∈ (Zp∗ )n , the algorithm chooses random r1 , r2 , z1 , z2 , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ∈ Zp∗ and computes: D1 = gˆαa1 vˆr1 +r2 , D2 = gˆ−α vˆ1r1 +r2 gˆz1 , D3 = (ˆ g b )−z1 , r1 +r2 z2 b −z2 b r2 D4 = vˆ2 gˆ , D5 = (ˆ g ) , D6 = (ˆ g ) , D7 = (ˆ g )r1 , I1 I1 I2 I ˆ In )r1 , ˆ 1h ˆ 2 ...h ˆ2 . . . uˆIn1 In w ˆtagk h K = (ˆ u1 u n 2 I1 tagn+1 ˆ r1 un+1 w ˆ uIl 1 w ˆtagl ˆhl )r1 . hn+1 ) , . . . , Kl = (ˆ Kn+1 = (ˆ The secret key for the identity ID is SKID = (D1 , D2 , . . . , D7 , K, Kn+1 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ). 3.3


 Given SKID|n = (D1 , D2 , . . . , D7 , K  , Kn+1 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ) for ∗ n an identity ID|n = (I1 , . . . , In ) ∈ (Zp ) , the algorithm generates a secret key for ID|n+1 = (I1 , . . . , In+1 ) as follows. It randomly chooses z1 , z2 ∈ Zp∗ , and sets

D1 = D1 , D2 = D2 · gˆz1 , D3 = D3 · (ˆ g b )−z1 , D4 = D4 · gˆz2 ,  b −z2   g ) , D6 = D6 , D7 = D7 , K = K  · (Kn+1 )In+1 , D5 = D5 · (ˆ  tagk = tagk + In+1 tagn+1 , Kn+2 = Kn+2 , . . . , Kl = Kl . The secret key for the identity ID|n+1 is SKID|n+1 = (D1 , D2 , . . . , D7 , K, Kn+2 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+2 , . . . , tagl ). 3.4


To encrypt a message M for an identity ID = (I1 , . . . , In ) ∈ (Zp∗ )n , randomly choose s1 , s2 , t, tagc ∈ Zp∗ , and compute C0 = M Y s2 , C1 = (g b )s1 +s2 , C2 = (g ba1 )s1 , C3 = (g a1 )s1 , C4 = (g ba2 )s2 , C5 = (g a2 )s2 , C6 = τ1s1 τ2s2 , C7 = (τ1b )s1 (τ2b )s2 w−t , E1 = (uI11 uI21 I2 . . . uIn1 In wtagc h1 hI22 . . . hInn )t , E2 = g t . The ciphertext is CT = (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ). 3.5


To a ciphertext CT for an identity ID, the user decrypts it using the secret key SKID as follows. A1 = e(C1 , D1 )e(C2 , D2 )e(C3 , D3 )e(C4 , D4 )e(C5 , D5 ), A2 = e(C6 , D6 )e(C7 , D7 ), A3 = A1 /A2 , A4 = (e(E1 , D7 )/e(E2 , K))1/(tagc −tagk ) , M = C0 /(A3 /A4 ).

Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption




The correctness of the proposed HIBE scheme is as follows. e(C1 , D1 ) = e(g, gˆ)αa1 b(s1 +s2 ) e(g, vˆ)b(r1 +r2 )(s1 +s2 ) , e(C2 , D2 )e(C3 , D3 ) = e(g, gˆ)−αa1 bs1 e(g, vˆ1 )ba1 s1 (r1 +r2 ) , e(C4 , D4 )e(C5 , D5 ) = e(g, vˆ2 )ba2 s2 (r1 +r2 ) , A1 = e(g, gˆ)αa1 bs2 e(g, vˆ)b(r1 +r2 )(s1 +s2 ) e(g, vˆ1 )ba1 s1 (r1 +r2 ) e(g, vˆ2 )ba2 s2 (r1 +r2 ) . e(C6 , D6 ) = e(v, gˆ)br2 (s1 +s2 ) e(v1 , gˆ)ba1 s1 r2 e(v2 , gˆ)ba2 s2 r2 , e(C7 , D7 ) = e(v, gˆ)br1 (s1 +s2 ) e(v1 , gˆ)ba1 s1 r1 e(v2 , gˆ)ba2 s2 r1 e(w, gˆ)−r1 t , A2 = e(v, gˆ)b(r1 +r2 )(s1 +s2 ) e(v1 , gˆ)ba1 s1 (r1 +r2 ) e(v2 , gˆ)ba2 s2 (r1 +r2 ) e(w, gˆ)−r1 t . A3 = A1 /A2 = e(g, gˆ)αa1 bs2 e(g, w) ˆ r1 t . tr1 tagc tr1 tagk 1/(tagc −tagk ) /e(g, w) ˆ ) = e(g, w) ˆ r1 t . A4 = (e(w, gˆ) αa1 bs2 αa1 bs2 C0 /(A3 /A4 ) = M e(g, gˆ) /e(g, gˆ) = M. Note: The proposed HIBE scheme is anonymous based on asymmetric bilinear ˆ i , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}) is secret and the adversary cannot groups because that (w, ˆ u ˆi , h verify the identity of the receiver through the equation e(E1 , gˆ) = ˆ In ). ˆ 1h ˆ I2 . . . h e(E2 , uˆI11 u ˆI21 I2 . . . u ˆIn1 In w ˆtagc h n 2


Analysis of the Anonymous HIBE Scheme

Our anonymous HIBE scheme is adaptive-ID secure without random oracles by using asymmetry bilinear map. In order to prove security, we need to define two additional algorithms: semi-functional ciphertexts and semi-functional keys, which will not be used in the real scheme, but be used in our proof. 4.1

Semi-functional Algorithms

Semi-functional Ciphertexts. First, execute the encryption algorithm to generate a normal ciphertext CT  = (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ). It then randomly chooses x ∈ Zp , and sets: C0 = C0 , C1 = C1 , C2 = C2 , C3 = C3 , E1 = E1 , E2 = E2 , tagc = tagc , C4 = C4 · g ba2 x , C5 = C5 · g a2 x , C6 = C6 · v2a2 x , C7 = C7 · v2ba2 x . The semi-functional ciphertext is CT = (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ). Semi-functional Keys. It first executes the key generation algorithm to obtain a normal secret key    SKID = (D1 , D2 , . . . , D7 , K  , Kn+1 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl )

for an identity ID. It randomly chooses γ ∈ Zp , and sets: D1 = D · gˆ−a1 a2 γ , D2 = D2 · gˆa2 γ , D3 = D3 , D4 = D4 · gˆa1 γ ,  D5 = D5 , D6 = D6 , D7 = D7 , K = K  , Kn+1 = Kn+1 , . . . , Kl = Kl ,   tagk = tagk , tagn+1 = tagn+1 , . . . , tagl = tagl .


Y. Ren, S. Wang, and X. Zhang

The semi-functional secret key is SKID = (D1 , D2 , . . . , D7 , K, Kn+1 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ). Note that the semi-functional ciphertexts and private keys cannot be generated from the public parameters because they need v2ba2 and gˆa1 a2 respectively. In addition, a normal secret key can decrypt a semi-functional ciphertext and a normal ciphertext can be decrypted by a semi-functional secret key correctly. However, a semi-functional secret key will fail to decrypt a semi-functional ciphertext. Here we omit the presentation of correctness due to limited space. 4.2

Security Proof

Our security proof can be constructed by a sequence of games as follows. GameReal : It is a real HIBE security game as described in Section 2.3. Gamek (0 ≤ k ≤ q): Assume the adversary makes q key queries. The game is like GameReal except that the challenge ciphertext is semi-functional and the first k secret keys are semi-functional and the rest are normal. Hence, only the challenge ciphertext is semi-functional in Game0 , and the challenge ciphertext and all of the keys are semi-functional in Gameq . GameF inal : The game is like Gameq except that the challenge ciphertext is a semi-functional encryption of a random message, not one of the messages provided by the adversary. We will show the games are indistinguishable through three lemmas. Lemma 1. Assume there is an algorithm A such that GameReal AdvA − Game0 AdvA = ε. Then we can construct an algorithm B with advantage ε in breaking the D-Linear assumption. Proof. B is given a challenge vector (g, f, ν, gˆ, fˆ, νˆ, g c1 , f c2 , T ), and then simulates GameReal or Game0 with A. Setup. B randomly chooses b, α, η, η1 , η2 , η3 , θi , δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, and sets: g b , g a1 = f, g a2 = ν, g ba1 = f b , g ba2 = ν b , gˆa1 = fˆ, v = g , v1 = g η1 , v2 = g η2 , w = g η3 , ui = g θi , hi = g δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, ˆ i = gˆδi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, ˆ = gˆη3 , uˆi = gˆθi , h vˆ = gˆη , vˆ1 = gˆη1 , vˆ2 = gˆη2 , w τ1 = vv1a1 = vf η1 , τ2 = vv2a2 = vν η2 , τ1b , τ2b , Y = e(g, gˆ)αa1 b = e(f, gˆ)αb . η

B sends the public key P K to A, where P K = (Y, g, gˆ, g b , gˆb , g a1 , g a2 , g ba1 , g ba2 , τ1 , τ2 , τ1b , τ2b , v, v1 , v2 , w, ui , hi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}). Phase 1. Since B has the actual master secret key M K, it can execute KeyGen algorithm to generate a normal secret key for an identity ID. Challenge. A submits two equal-length messages (M0 , M1 ) and two challenge identities (ID0 , ID1 ). B randomly chooses β, γ ∈ {0, 1}, and first runs Encrypt

Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption


(P K, IDβ , Mγ ) algorithm to obtain a normal ciphertext (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ), where s1 , s2 be the random exponents used in creating the ciphertext. Then B sets: C0 = C0 · (e(g c1 , fˆ)e(f c2 , gˆ))bα , C1 = C1 · (g c1 )b , C2 = C2 · (f c2 )−b , C3 = C3 · (f c2 ), C4 = C4 · (T b ), C5 = C5 · T, C6 = C6 (g c1 )η (f c1 )−η1 T η2 , C7 = C7 ((g c1 )η (f c1 )−η1 T η2 )b , E1 = E1 , E2 = E2 . Finally B returns CT = (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ). Phase 2. A adaptively issues queries as Phase 1, and B answers these queries in the same way as Phase 1. Guess. A submits a guess (β  , γ  ) ∈ {0, 1}. If T = ν c1 +c2 , CT has the same distribution as a standard ciphertext with s1 = −c2 + s1 , s2 = s2 + c1 + c2 and s1 + s2 = c1 + s1 + s2 ; otherwise it will be distributed identically to a semi-functional ciphertext. B outputs 0 if (β  , γ  ) = (β, γ). So, B can decide whether T = ν c1 +c2 or a random tuple of G using the output of A. Lemma 2. Suppose there exists a polynomial time algorithm A such that Gamek−1 AdvA − Gamek AdvA = ε. Then we can construct an algorithm B with advantage ε in breaking D-linear assumption, where 1 ≤ k ≤ q. Proof. B is given a tuple (g, f, ν, gˆ, fˆ, νˆ, gˆc1 , fˆc2 , T ), and then it simulates Gamek−1 or Gamek with A. Setup. B chooses random α, a1 , a2 , η1 , η2 , η3 , Ai , Bi , θi , δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, and sets: g b = f, gˆb = fˆ, g ba1 = f a1 , g ba2 = f a2 , Y = e(f, gˆ)αa1 , v = ν −a1 a2 , v1 = ν a2 g η1 , v2 = ν a1 g η2 , w = f g η3 , vˆ = νˆ−a1 a2 , vˆ1 = νˆa2 gˆη1 , vˆ2 = νˆa1 gˆη2 , w ˆ = fˆgˆη3 , −Ai θi −Bi δi −Ai θi ˆ −Bi δi ˆ ˆ g , hi = f g ,u ˆi = f gˆ , hi = f gˆ , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, ui = f τ1 = vv1a1 = g η1 a1 , τ2 = vv2a2 = g η2 a2 , τ1b = f η1 a1 , τ2b = f η2 a2 . B sends the public key P K to A, where P K = (Y, g, gˆ, g b , gˆb , g a1 , g a2 , g ba1 , g ba2 , τ1 , τ2 , τ1b , τ2b , v, v1 , v2 , w, ui , hi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}). Phase 1. It is broken into three cases. Consider the k-th query made by A. Case 1: i < k When i is less than k, B will generate a semi-functional key for the requested identity ID. Since B has the actual master secret key M K and gˆa1 , gˆa2 , gˆa1 a2 , it can generate a semi-functional secret key for an identity ID. Case 2: i = k B first executes KeyGen algorithm to obtain a normal secret key SKID for an identity ID with


Y. Ren, S. Wang, and X. Zhang  (D1 , D2 , . . . , D7 , K  , Kn+1 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ), where tagk = F1 (I1 ) + I2 F2 (I1 ) + . . . + In Fn (I1 ), tagn+1 = Fn+1 (I1 ), . . . , tagl = Fl (I1 ), Fj (x) = Aj x + Bj , 1 ≤ j ≤ l.

Let r1 , r2 , z1 , z2 be the random exponents used in the normal secret key generation phase above. B then sets:


g c1 )η1 , D3 = D3 · (fˆc2 )η1 , D1 = D1 · T −a1 a2 , D2 = D2 · T a2 (ˆ  a1 c1 η2  D4 = D4 · T (ˆ g ) , D5 = D5 · (fˆc2 )η2 , D6 = D6 · fˆc2 , n  c1 g c1 )I1 θ1 +δ1 + j=2 Ij (I1 θj +δj )+tagk η3 , D7 = D7 · gˆ , K = K  · (ˆ  = Kn+1 · (ˆ g c1 )I1 θn+1 +δn+1 +tagn+1 η3 , . . . , Kl = Kl · (ˆ g c1 )I1 θl +δl +tagl η3 .

B returns SKID = (D1 , . . . , D7 , K, Kn+1 , . . . , Kl , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ) as the secret key for the k-th query. If T = νˆc1 +c2 , SKID has the same distribution as a standard secret key with z1 = z1 − η1 c2 , z2 = z2 − η2 c2 , r1 = r1 + c1 , r2 = r2 + c2 ; otherwise it will be distributed identically to a semi-functional secret key. Case 3: i > k When i is greater than k, B will generate a normal key for the requested identity ID. Since B has the actual master secret key M K, it can generate a normal secret key for an identity ID. Challenge. A submits two equal-length messages (M0 , M1 ) and two challenge identities (ID0 , ID1 ). B randomly chooses β, γ ∈ {0, 1}, and runs Encrypt (P K, IDβ , Mγ ) algorithm to obtain a normal ciphertext (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ), where tagc = F1 (I1 ) + I2 F2 (I1 ) + . . . + In Fn (I1 ), and s1 , s2 , t be the random exponents used in creating the ciphertext. Then B makes the ciphertext semi-functional as follows. It chooses a random x ∈ Zp , and sets: C0 = C0 , C1 = C1 , C2 = C2 , C3 = C3 , C4 = C4 · f a2 x , C5 = C5 · g a2 x , C6 = C6 · v2a2 x , C7 = C7 · f η2 xa2 ν −a1 a2 xη3 , n E1 = E1 · (ν I1 θ1 +δ1 + j=2 Ij (I1 θj +δj )+tagc η3 )a1 a2 x , E2 = E2 · ν a1 a2 x . Finally B returns CT = (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ). Phase 2. A adaptively issues queries as Phase 1, and B answers these queries in the same way as Phase 1. Guess. A submits a guess (β  , γ  ) ∈ {0, 1}. If T = νˆc1 +c2 , A receives a normal secret key for the k-th query and we are in Gamek−1 , otherwise A receives a semi-functional secret key for the k-th query and we are in Gamek . B outputs 0 if (β  , γ  ) = (β, γ). So, B can decide whether T = νˆc1 +c2 or a random tuple of G using the output of A. Lemma 3. Suppose there is an algorithm A such that Gameq AdvA − GameF inal AdvA = ε. Then we can construct an algorithm B with advantage ε in breaking the DBDH assumption.

Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption


Proof. At the beginning of the game, B is given (g, g c2 , g c3 , gˆ, gˆc1 , gˆc2 , T ). Then it simulates Gameq or GameF inal with A. Setup. B randomly chooses a1 , b, η, η1 , η2 , η3 , θi , δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, and sets: g b , g a1 , g a2 = g c2 , g ba1 , g ba2 = (g c2 )b , v = g , v1 = g , v2 = g η2 , w = g η3 , ui = g θi , hi = g δi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, ˆ i = gˆδi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, vˆ = gˆη , vˆ1 = gˆη1 , vˆ2 = gˆη2 , w ˆ = gˆη3 , uˆi = gˆθi , h τ1 = vv1a1 , τ2 = vv2a2 = vg c2 η2 , τ1b , τ2b , Y = e(g c2 , gˆc1 )a1 b . η


Note that this simulation sets α = c1 c2 , which is unknown for B. B sends the public key P K to A, where P K = (Y, g, gˆ, g b , gˆb , g a1 , g a2 , g ba1 , g ba2 , τ1 , τ2 , τ1b , τ2b , v, v1 , v2 , w, ui , hi , i ∈ {1, . . . , l}). Phase 1. When A submits an identity ID, B creates a semi-functional secret key. It randomly chooses r1 , r2 , z1 , z2 , γ  , tagk , tagn+1 , . . . , tagl ∈ Zp∗ , and sets: 

D1 = (ˆ g c2 )−a1 γ vˆr1 +r2 , D2 = (ˆ g c2 )−γ vˆ1r1 +r2 gˆz1 , D3 = (ˆ g b )−z1 , c 1 a1 a1 γ  r z 2 b −z2 b r2 D4 = (ˆ g ) gˆ vˆ2 gˆ , D5 = (ˆ g ) , D6 = (ˆ g ) , D7 = gˆr1 , I1 I1 I2 I ˆ In )r1 , ˆ 1h ˆ 2 ...h K = (ˆ u1 u ˆ2 . . . uˆIn1 In w ˆtagk h n 2 I1 tagn+1 ˆ r1 un+1 w ˆ uIl 1 w ˆtagl ˆhl )r1 . hn+1 ) , . . . , Kl = (ˆ Kn+1 = (ˆ Challenge. A submits two equal-length messages (M0 , M1 ) and two challenge identities (ID0 , ID1 ). B randomly chooses β, γ ∈ {0, 1}, and creates a semifunctional ciphertext of Mγ or a random message associated with IDβ . It chooses s1 , t, tagc , x ∈ Zp∗ and computes: C0 = Mγ · T a1 b , C1 = g s1 b (g c3 b ), C2 = g ba1 s1 ,    C3 = g , C4 = (g c2 )bx , C5 = (g c2 )x , C6 = τ s1 (g c3 )η (g c2 )η2 x ,  C7 = (τ b )s1 (g c3 )bη (g c2 )η2 x b w−t , I1 I1 I2 E1 = (u1 u2 . . . uIn1 In wtagc h1 hI22 . . . hInn )t , E2 = g t . a1 s1

Finally B returns CT = (C0 , C1 , . . . , C7 , E1 , E2 , tagc ). Phase 2. A adaptively issues queries as Phase 1, and B answers these queries in the same way as Phase 1. Guess. A submits a guess (β  , γ  ) ∈ {0, 1}. If T = e(g, gˆ)c1 c2 c3 , CT is a semifunctional ciphertext of Mγ and we are in Gameq , otherwise CT is a semifunctional ciphertext of a random element and we are in GameF inal . B outputs 0 if (β  , γ  ) = (β, γ). So, B can decide whether T = e(g, gˆ)c1 c2 c3 or a random tuple of GT using the output of A. Theorem 1. If asymmetric D-linear and DBDH assumption hold, then our HIBE scheme achieves semantic security and receiver anonymity without random oracles. Proof. We conclude that the real game is indistinguishable from the final game from three Lemmas above, and the bit of w is random for the adversary. Therefore, the adversary can obtain no advantage in breaking the HIBE scheme and


Y. Ren, S. Wang, and X. Zhang

our scheme is semantic secure and anonymous without random oracles based on D-linear and DBDH assumption. 4.3


In this section, we compare security and efficiency of our anonymous HIBE scheme with that of the previous ones. These schemes are all proven secure without random oracles. In Table 1, l represents the maximum depth of hierarchy, and ”sID, ID” denote ”selective-ID” and ”adaptive-ID” security model respectively. From Table 1, we conclude that the scheme of [7,11,1,8,10] are constructed in composite order groups, which have very low efficiency compare with the schemes in prime order groups. Moreover, their security is proven based on some non-standard complexity assumptions. In [17,12] and [13], the anonymous HIBE schemes are only selective-ID secure though they are proposed in prime order groups. Moreover, the ciphertext size is linear in the maximum depth of hierarchy in the scheme of [17,13]. Our scheme has constant size ciphertext and achieves adaptive-ID security in prime order groups based on the DBDH and D-Linear assumption. So, the proposed scheme has better security and is more efficient than that of the previous work. Table 1. Comparison among anonymous HIBE schemes Scheme Prime order groups [7] no [11] no




[8] [10] [17] [12]

no no yes yes

[13] Ours

yes yes

Complexity Security Public Ciphertext Decrypt assumptions model key size size time cBDH, c3DH sID O(l) O(l) O(l) l-wBDHI* sID O(l) O(1) O(1) l-cDH, BSD subgroup decision ID O(l) O(1) O(1) for four primes as [1] ID O(l) O(1) O(1) as [1] ID O(l) O(1) O(1) D-linear sID O(l2 ) O(l) O(l) l-wBDHI* sID O(l) O(1) O(1) l-P3DH P -BDH sID O(l) O(l) O(l) DBDH ID O(l) O(1) O(1) D-linear


We present an anonymous HIBE scheme with constant size ciphertext based on [16] using asymmetric bilinear map. The scheme is adaptive-ID secure without random oracles in prime order groups. The proposed scheme improves security and efficiency of the anonymous HIBE simultaneously compare with the previous ones.

Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption


Acknowledgement. We thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (61202367, 61073190, 60832010), and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (20113108110010).

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