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488 A. aquasalis Eggs Compared in Venezuela by SEM V Maldonado et al. MATERIALS ... width of eggs (ventral view), width of the deck at .... MO, CRUnlev t.
Mem Inst OswaldoCruz, RiodeJaneiro,Vol. 92(4): 487-491, Jul./Aug.1997


AnophelesaquasalisEggsfromTwoVenezuelanLocalities Comparedby Scanning ElectronMicroscopy V Maldonado,HJ Finol*,JCNavarro+ Institutode ZoologiaTropical,Laboratoriode Biologiade Vectores,Facultadde Ciencias,UniversidadCentral de Venezuela,Apartado47058, Caracas1041-A, Venezuela*Centrode MicroscopiaElectr6nica,Facultadde Ciencias,UniversidadCentralde Venezuela,Apartado47114, Caracas104l-A, Venezuela

Anopheles(Nyssorhynchus) aquasalis, is themaincoastalvectorof malariafrom northeasternVenezuelato southeastern Brazil. Severalauthorshavearguedthat An. aquasalisis a highlypolymorphic specieswhileothersindicatedthat it is a complexof closelyrelatedspecies.Thisinvestigation compared the morpholog7 of An. aquasalis eggsfrom Sinamaica(Zulia State)and Yaguaraparo(Sucre State),thewestandeastof Venezuela, respectively. Wewereabletoseparateeggsfrom thetwolocalities usingdiscriminant analyses basedon ratiosandpercentages of anteriorandposteriortuberclesmeasuredb), scanningelectronmicroscopy. Theresultsof thisworksuggestthat An. aquasalishashigh intraspecificvariation. Key words:Anopheles aquasalis- scanningelectronmicroscopy- eggs- Venezuela



the main coastal vector of malaria from eastem Ven-

ezuelato southernBrazil (Berti et al. 1993). Its coastal distributionrangesfrom Nicaraguato southernBrazil, Ecuador(althoughthereare no collection records from this country in the Smithsonian's collection), TrinidadandTobago and the LesserAntilles (Knight & Stone1977, Faran & Linthicum! 981, Zimmerman1992).Taxonomically, this speciesbelongsto the OswaldoiSeries

Rangel et al. 1995), polytene chromosomes (Kitzmiller & Chow 1971, Moncada &Conn 1992),mitochondrialand ribosomalDNA (Conn etal. 1993)andexternalmorphology (Cova-Garcia 1964, Faran 1980, Gabald6n & Escalante 1986,

Linley et al. 1993b). Someauthorssuggested that An. aquasalisis a singleentity,althoughSteineret al. (1982) and Connet al. (1993) suggestedthat An. aquasaliscould representa complex of species.

intheAlbimanus Section ofAnopheles, subgenus Nyssorhynchus (Faran 1980, Faran& Linthicum 1981, HarbachI994). Given the latitudinalrangeof An. aquasalis, one might expectthat differentpopulationsexist with morphologicalandbehavioralvariationsac-

cordingto localconditions. Thefollowingarevariantsdescribed asspecies relatedtoAn. aquasalis: An. emilJanus Komp,An.guarujaensis Ramos,An. guaraunoAnduze,An. delta Anduze(Knight& Stone 1977), and An. deltaorinoquensisCovaGarcia, which are now regardedas synonyms (Farani980). An. aquasalishasbeenexaminedforpolymorphismsin proteins(Steineret al. 1981,Vele 1993,

This studywas supportedby CDCH 03.023.95 and Conicit RP-VII-240060

to J.C. Navarro

+Correspondingauthor. Fax:+58-2-605.2204. E-maihjnavarro

Received12 April 1996 Accepted4 April 1997

Cova-Garcia (1964) and Gabald6n and Escalante(1986) reporteddifferencesin eggmorphologywith light microscopy,and Moncadaand Conn(1992) andConnet al. (1993) recommended thatthemorphologyof the eggsshouldbe investigatedby meansof scanningelectronmicroscopy (SEM) to determinethe intraspecificvariationin An. aquasalis.Accordingly,Linley et al. (I993b) described theeggsofAn. aquasalisin populations from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Suriname (Paramaribo) and Venezuela (Moron and Carlo Rico), representingthe first SEM descriptionof eggmorphologyof An. aquasalis.The objectives of the currentinvestigationwere twofold: (1) to provide comparative SEM descriptionsof An. aquasaliseggsfrom two additionallocalitiesin Venezuela, Sinamaica, Zulia State (nonvector population)andYaguaraparo,SucreState(vector population),in thenorthwestandnortheast,respectively; (2) to conductstatisticalanalysesof chorionicmeasurements in orderto determineeggdifferencesbetweenthe two populations,thuscontributingmoreinformationabouteggmorphology of An. aquasalisin Venezuela.


A. aquasalisEggsComparedin Venezuelaby SEM V Maldonadoet al. MATERIALS



of eggsmay partially dependon the size of the Sourcesof specimens - Bloodfed femalesof female,which at the sametime is influencedby An. aquasaliswere collectedfrom animalbait in the conditionsduringlarval development(food To avoidsuchintwo localitiesof Venezueladuringthedry season: supply,crowding,temperature). fluences,we usedderivedcharacters(percentages Sinamaica (SI), Zulia State, 71 andYaguaraparo (YA), SucreState, andratios)in the discriminantanalysis(Linley et al. 1993a). Females were identified to specieswith the keysof Cova-Garciaand Sutil (1977) and Faran(1980). Femalesweretransferredindividuallyto glass vialscontainingdampfilter paperat thebottomto maintaina highrelativehumidity.Vialswerecovered with tulle, fixed with rubberbandsand trans-

ported to the laboratoryin a humidified cooler. Femaleswerekeptat 80% rh, until they laid theireggs.

Nine different attributes of the deck tubercles

werestudied(eggs-13for eachlocalityandfemale, at random)and five charactersof the micropylar apparatus (eggs=9for eachlocalityand female,at random).Micrographstaken and attributesstudiedweresimilartothosepreviouslymadeby Linley etal. (1993b)for eggsofAn. aquasalis.SEM measurements weretakenfrom digital images(stored on the harddisc)usingthe PhilipsAnalysisPro-

Preparation for scanningelectronmicroscopy gram 2.02.007. Discriminantanalyseswere carriedout to in- Eggsof 44 femalesfromeachlocalityweregiven differences betweentheSI andYA popu24 hr to embryonateafteroviposition.Thosefrom vestigate lations with Statgraphics PlusVersion6.1 Software Zulia Statewereair-driedandindividuallyplaced (Statistical Graphics Corporation, Rockville,MD). in the requiredpositionon double-facedadhesive tape adheredto stubs,usingan extra fine brush The descriptivemorphologicalterminology is (000). Silvertincturewasplacedon the edgesof basedon Harbachand Knight (1980). the adhesivetape in orderto ensureelectricand thermalconductivity;and the sampleswere coveredwithplatinum-palladium in anEicoEngineering Model 1B.2 sputtercoater.The sampleswere observed usinga PhilipsModel XL-20 scanning electronmicroscope operatedbetweenI 0 and 15 kV. Two permanentrecordswerekept:an image on the harddiscsystemandphotographic records. Eggs from SucreStatewere transportedin small vialsandfixed24 hr afterovipositionin alcoholic Bouin's(ethyl alcohol80%, 150ml; concentrated formalin,60 ml; glacialaceticacid,15 ml andpicric acid crystals,1g). Completedehydration was

initiatedwith 80%ethanolusingtwochanges (I 0 raineach)to removepicricacidandincreasing the ethanolconcentration by 5% to 100% (10 min each).Subsequently, thesamples wereplacedon stubs and coated as above.

Data collectionand analyses- Length and width of eggs(ventralview), width of the deckat the anteriorandposteriorends,and lengthof the floats and ribs on each float were measured from

eggs(n-22 for eachlocalityand female,at random) whichwereplacedon slidesin Canadabalsamandphenolto maintaintheirshape.Afterhardeningof themounting medium,samples werecovered with Hoyer's mediumand observedundera

Wild ModelM 11 lightmicroscope equipped with an ocular micrometer.


values of all variables were

takenintoconsideration sincetheseattributes possessdifferentdimensions (areas,ratios,and percentages). Evidencefrompreviousstudiesonmosquitoes(Steinwascher 1984)indicatedthatthesize


The generaldescriptionof the eggs of An. aquasaliscoincideswith that indicatedby Linley et al. (1993b);thus,emphasis is placedonthecomparisonbetweenthesetwo populations. Comparisonsof the measuresbetweenSI and populations- The mean size of eggs (length andwidth) waslargerin YA than SI. Floats in YA occupiedonaverage82% of the lengthof theegg, while in S! theycoveredonly 70.8%. Anterior tubercleswere largerthan middle and posteriortubercles(TableI), andwere surroundedby smaller,

moreabundant tubercles (lessthan1pm2)(Fig.1). Anteriortubercles fromSI (Fig. 1a, b) weresmaller thanthosefromYA (Fig. 1c, d) (Table I). Middle tubercles wererounderasindicatedby largerform factors(Table I). Posteriortubercleswere irregular with few, surroundingsmallertubercles,some of whichwere connected to tuberclesby meansof bridges(Fig. 2a, b). Middle and posteriortubercles fromYA werelargerthanthosefrom SI, and tubercledensityhad higherin eggsfrom SI thanthosefrom YA (Table I). Discriminantanalysis- The discriminantanalysis of data on tubercles indicated that the anterior

and posteriortubercleswere the more important variablesandprovidedexcellentdifferentiationof theeggsfrombothlocalities.Summaryof thediscriminantanalysesis indicated in Table II. The variantsmeasured in themicropylarapparatusand the anterior/posterior deck width ratio and float attributesdid notprovideany significantdifferen-

tiationof eggsfromthe two localitiesusingdiscriminantanalysis.

MernInst OswaldoCruz,Riode Janeiro,Vol. 92(4), Jul./^ug.1997 TABLE



Attributes theeggs twopopulations

aquasalisin Venezuela

Mean(+SD)forpopulation Yaguaraparo


Linear dimensions(n=22)a Egg length Egg width Lenght/widthratio Anterior/posteriordeckwidthratio


434.91 + 31.86 218.61 + 26.03 2.01 + 0.20 1.26+0.5

403.64 + 30.48 182.46 + 28.70 2.28 + 0.48 1.35+0.21

356.07 + 28.80 82.04 + 6.01

284.24 70.81


Meanfloat length(of thetwofloats) Meanfloat lengthas % egglength .Meannumberof ribs (of thetwofloats) Meanfloat length/mean numberof ribs Tubercles(n= 13)

Anterior decktubercle density b Mean anterior deck tubercle area c

Meananterior decktubercle formfactord Middle decktubercledensity Mean middle deck tubercle area

Meanmiddledecktubercle formfactor Posterior deck tubercledensity

Meanposteriordecktuberclearea Meanposteriordecktubercle formfactor Micropyle (n--9) Totalarea of micropylarapparatus Collar area of micropylarapparatus Diskarea of micropylarapparatus Disk area as % total apparatusarea Numberof sectorsin micropylardisk Diameter micropyle

29.41 +4.60 12.36 2.00 65.16+19.10 1.48 + 0.53 0.53 +0.10 81.96 + 13.44 1.04 0.33 0.59 + 0.22 82.77 + 25.54 1.I 1 + 0.39 0.50+0.13

404.01 + 78.40 263.08 + 51.43 140.93 + 30.90 34.83 2.93 6.56 + 0.73 2.79 + 0.63

28.51 8.50

21.41 13.39

2.44 1.59

92.12 + 17.62 1.12 0.22 0.56 + 0.09 109.40 18.53 0.65 + 0.08 0.58 + 0.07 93.12 21.08 0.78 + 0.20 0.55+ 0.11

409.66 265.42 144.46 35.23 6.44 3.26

75.69 + 50.55 + 32.00 + 4.25 + 0.73 + 0.47

a: alllinear measurements;b:number inanarea of400i.tm2;c:all areameasurements in i.tm2;d: form factor= 4 xnxarea/perimeter (indexofroundness); SD:standard deviation

Tubercles, anterior deck,different females., b:Sinamaica., d:Yaguaraparo. Bar= 10gm.


A. aquasalisEggsComparedin Venezuelaby SEM V Maldonadoet al.

Tubercles, posterior deck.Fig. 2a:Sinamaica. Fig. 2b:Yaguaraparo. Bar= 10Ism. TABLE


Summaryof discriminantanalysis


Micropylarapparatus Ratioandpercentages measured





0.3848038 0.8521945

4.2322601 24.654846

6 4

0.64528 0.67831



by opticalmicroscopy Tubercles



df: degreeof freedom;p: probability


The discriminantanalysisdifferentiatedthetwo localitiesstudied,supportingthe idea of intraspecific variation,asobservedby Steineret al. (1981), MoncadaandConn(1992) andRangelet al. (1995). Linley et al. (1993b) describedthe eggs of An. aquasalisfrom Venezuela(CR andMO) as having shorterfloats,largerdecksnot taperedposteriorly, and a greaterwidth in relationto egg length. Also, the tuberclesof the anteriordeck seenunder

highmagnificationdifferentiatedpopulations. Our results agree with these observations.Attributes that contributed more to differentiation


the anteriorandposteriortubercles,with the anteriot tuberclescontributingmoreto the differentiation of the two analyzedpopulations. Thepopulations of An. aquasalisanalyzedhere (SI andYA) andby Linley et al. (1993b) (MO and CR) (Fig. 3) spanthe Venezuelancoastfrom east to west. Intraspecificdifferencesamongthe four populationsare basicallyin the lengthandwidth of the egg,the floats,andanteriortubercles.This

MO, CR Unlev nt ISl, YA =This Fig. 3: map of Venezuelashowinglocationof Anopheles aquasalis populations analyzedby scanning electronmicroscopy.

portant geographicalbarriers since the MioPliocene), provides biogeographical supportto the characteristics couldbe suggested as diagnostic hypothesisthat in VenezuelaAn. aquasalisis a markersin eggstaxonomyof An. aquasalisby species withhighintraspecific variation.Thesame SEM. However, thesecharactersdid not show evicouldbe saidaboutAn. aquasalisfrom Trinidad,

denceof morphologicalsharpdiscontinuities betweenVenezuelansamples of malariavectors(YA) andnonvectors (MO, CR andSI) populations. This

whichis a continentalislandsharingthe samegeo-

continuityof the Venezuelancoast,(with no ira-

differences in the coastal Venezuelan and Trinidad

logicaloriginastheVenezuelanCordillerade la Costa(coastalrange).Fromitscloseproximityand results and the more or less continuous coastal habirecentisolation(changeof sealevel in the latest tat of An. aquasalisandtheapparentgeographical glaciation) onewouldnotexpectto find anymajor

Mem Inst OswaldoCruz, Riode Janeiro,Vol. 92(4), Jul./Aug.1997

populations ofAn.aquasalis, suchasthosereported by Connetal.(1993)amongVenezuelan (MO, SF)/ TrinidadJan (PS) and Brazilian(M J, RJ) populations.

Also,ourresultsandthereportsof Connet al. (1993) and Moncadaand Conn (1992) on Sucre State populations(YA, Santa Fe and Guayana)

compared with westandcentralpopulations (SI,


XXXIV. A revision of the Albimanus sectionof the

subgenus Nyssorhynchus ofAnopheles. Contrib Am Entomol Inst 15:1-215.

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MoncadaA, ConnJ 1992.A polytenechromosome study


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