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13 Mar 2013 ... as a matter of mathematical competition "Mislisa" organized Mathematical Society "Archimedes" for eight years. Quoted by news and other ...

Belgrade, 17.03.2013. No. 5602/2013-2

No Mathematical Society. 11000 BELGRADE, SERBIA, Dečanska no. 6 Tel. 3245-382, Fax 3245-38 3 VAT number: 100067193 ID number: 07071337 Activity Code: 9412

Publishing company "Ringier Axel Springer ger" Ltd. Belgrade, George Klemansoa 19

Chief editor and editors 24 HOURS daily newspaper Novi Sad, 24 HOURS Belgrade and Novi Sad FLASH Related parties (stakeholders) in the development of the article: Dinka Maksimovic, journalist, author of the article; Dragan Coric, president of the "parent" Novi Sad; Svetozar Kozarov, president director of elementary schools Assets Novi Sad

SUBJECT: Response-denial about the article "pay first, and compete" which was published 13.03.2013. The term in the free daily newspaper "24 hours" Novi Sad - the HIGHLIGHTS (headlines)

The free daily newspaper "24 hours" of 13 Novi Sad March 2013th , as the headlines on the front page (under Highlights), published an article "pay first, and compete," Dinka by Maksimovic, as a matter of mathematical competition "Mislisa" organized Mathematical Society "Archimedes" for eight years. Quoted by news and other media. And it was a "coincidence", just ahead of the competition "Mislisa 2013" (14/03/2013)!? Because of the half-truths and untruths and notorious (lies) in the above article, right now (13/03/2013) We sent a lengthy letter, in which we show in detail the entire case, and in the end we said, on the occasion of the publication of this article, we expect you publicly apology Until now you have not done. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Information (Articles 47-50, 79), we require that you answer our prior post-denial about the article "pay first, and compete," which printed 13.03.2013. year (Wednesday) in the daily newspaper "24 hours" Novi Sad under HIGHLIGHTS (headlines). For each case, the answer-denial and we will send mail to the editor of several publications in the Ringier Axel Springer Serbia, and have him forward it to the right (if you refer to him), because we are unable to determine ie, to see who is responsible for what. Here's our answer, with apologies for the verbosity, because (in order to objectively inform the public) have to mention much of what was in the article incorrectly stated or suppressed.

Our answer - is the following disclaimer: In accordance with the provisions of the Public Information Act, you are required to publish our 1

response-denial about the article "pay first, and compete" (by Dinka Maksimovic), published 13.03.2013. in the free daily newspaper 24 sata - Novi Sad, as well as breaking news (Under Highlights), which are reported and some other media.  All that is stated in the article "pay first, and compete," the half-truths and lies and notorious. 1) It is not true that children have to pay 150 dinars to participate in math contests "mean" and plus to buy a collection of 300 dinars. In fact, it is on a voluntary basis, ie. For those who want to (it says in the propositions of the competition). The journalist and her interlocutors always talk about these 150 dinars, and "accidentally" overlooked a "trifle": namely, those students who wanted to have the "mean" to participate at a reduced price of 100 dinars, which existed in the whole 4 months ( September  December 2012. year), while the price of 150 dinars valid only 1.5 months (January and mid-February). And these 100 (150 dinars) is the membership fee for the club, "Mislisa" and each student dobnija membership card in which he is enrolled in the membership fee. In addition, the fact that a considerable number of schools earning the 100 (150 dinars) per student for all students who apply for "Mislisa", which means that a good portion of students do not pay anything. Competition "mean" cost a lot, and the organizer is not on a budget and not from anybody gets the funding. However, students buy expensive collection of various other contests for a similar competition is to be paid more in the name of participation (200 din.), But it is not mentioned, but the target just "Mislisa". Various yardsticks on the same issue! 2) Clean the lie that "a child of that money gets nothing", ie. that "only get the paper on which tasks, what it costs almost nothing" still "as children who pass to a further round of competition once again have to pay participation." And everything is the opposite of that: not only do the students do not pay, but the students and their companions "Archimedes" to pay the costs flattering to Belgrade for finals, and the contest, refreshments and receive gifts. And as for that lies at the root level contests do not get anything, let us mention only some of what you get, all contestants (this year approximately 40000). Everyone wins with paper assignments (for each class in a different color), certificate of participation, membership card and giftnotebook. And these are not the only costs of competition. Other costs are much higher.Here are some: the thousands of prizes (books), praise, gratitude and gift collections schools, coordinators and work teams to implement competition, duplication and postage to send a bunch of school materials, VAT, extensive administration and other costs (telephone, copying, site, ...). Probably something costing 265 and sastavaljanje tasks and review lists about 40,000 students with answers!? And where is the publication of the report and send the results to all schools (for each student)!? There, where they went the 100 (150 dinars), which we took from the students! 3) In the note at the end of the article, mentioned some smaller expenses shall be covered by the 150 (100 dinars, and left out is what most of the money goes (awards, postage, VAT, inspection and processing solutions). Whether it is accident? 4) Is it by chance when a journalist interviewee said: "... it is clear how much money they took. Yet when you consider that it will hold a competition in all schools in Serbia ..."? Of course it is not a coincidence. To see how much there is truth, let us mention that in 1800 Serbia has a main schools (according to a recent statement by the Minister of Education) and the 4126 school satellite classes (according to the Association of Teachers Unions of Serbia), with nearly one million students, and to "Mislisa "Last year, 458 attended schools (37000 students), and this year 519 participating schools (41000 students). So, again, lies and manipulation of data, the reporter immediately accepted, no checks, 5) Not quite right "not to be paid only by those competitions organized by the Ministry of Education," because one is what is written on paper, and the other as in real life. The Ministry does not organizes them directly, but mostly working professional societies, and the Ministry has just Coordinatorsponsor and participate portion of the cost (but not in all competitions, which was verified and where "suorga-nizator"), a portion of the cost borne by the school (ie municipalities) and parents of competitors. Often, the situation was "difficult to be on my own"!  Journalist Dinka Maksimovic has not acted professionally - to obtain accurate information and inform the public objectively. And they were able to get the "Archimedes" or sites www.arhimedes.rs and www.mislisa.rs. Thus, "Archimedes" and "Mislisa" are opanjkani and their reputation tarnished. Before, that it was breaking news (the "stripping"), which are reported and other media. 2

Judge yourself with what intent the news published!  If you want, you can compare these data with those from some of the official documents of the "Mislisa 2012" (send them as an attachment), since the implementation of the competition "Mislisa 2013" in progress. All of the "mean" and the Mathematical Society "Archimedes" can be found on our website www.arhimedes.rs Sincerely, For "Archimedes" Director: Bogoljub Marinkovic, BA.

End of the official denials. Note: This letter of denial to publish here, because in these papers to date (20.03.2013, afternoon) was not published properly denial (in accordance with the Public Information). Here one should keep in mind. Namely, it is easy to oblatiti someone in the media and publishing his denial does not help much to convince the public that he is right, because we all remember the first story, a few denial and read. However, we hope that our staff, members, participants in the numerous activities, math and other friends of our friends and fans, they know what the "Archimedes" and "Mislisa." If they do not like something in our work, let us first to freely communicate, in order to eliminate possible mistakes and do better - for the good of mathematics and mathematics education of our young generation. And I guess we have something for the past four decades and have done! After all, walk www.arhimedes.rs sites and www.mislisa.rs , and see what's what! Thanks to all well-meaning people and admirers of what we do and what we have done!

Bogoljub Marinkovic, BA. Mathematical Society "Archimedes" Belgrade, Dečanska 6, tel. (011) 3245-382