Auction-Based Dynamic Spectrum Trading Market ... -

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Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. [1]. With growing demands for spectrum, such static assignment of spectrum has been shown to cause several ...
Auction-Based Dynamic Spectrum Trading Market – Spectrum Allocation and Profit Sharing Sung Hyun Chun and Richard J. La Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and the Institute for Systems Research University of Maryland, College Park {shchun, hyongla} Abstract—We study the problem of designing a new trading market for dynamic spectrum sharing when there are multiple sellers and multiple buyers. First, we study the interaction among homogeneous buyers of spectrum as a noncooperative game and show the existence of a symmetric mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium (SMSNE). Second, we assume that the sellers employ an optimal mechanism, called the generalized Branco’s mechanism, and prove that there exists an incentive for risk neutral sellers of the spectrum to cooperate in order to maximize their expected profits at the SMSNEs of buyers’ noncooperative game. Third, we model the interaction among the sellers as a cooperative game and demonstrate that the core of the cooperative game is nonempty. This indicates that there exists a way for the sellers to share the profits in a such manner that no subset of sellers will deviate from cooperating with the remaining sellers. Finally, we propose a profit sharing scheme that can achieve any payoff vector in the nonempty core of the cooperative game while satisfying two desirable properties.

I. I NTRODUCTION Traditionally, the available spectrum has been allocated to a set of users in a somewhat static manner, where a user receives dedicated spectrum. This static allocation is often handled by a government agency, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. [1]. With growing demands for spectrum, such static assignment of spectrum has been shown to cause several drawbacks. First, it impedes the entrance of a new service provider since it may not be able to purchase its own spectrum with exclusive right. Secondly, perhaps more importantly, recent studies [2], [7], [8], [12], [19] indicate that much of the allocated spectrum is under-utilized in many places. There are several new approaches proposed to address this issue and to improve spectrum utilization. One approach applicable to cellular frequency bands introduces a new class of service providers called Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs). An MVNO is an operator that provides mobile communication services without its own licensed spectrum and necessary infrastructure. Therefore, in order to provide services, it has business agreements with another Mobile Network Operator (MNO) to use the frequency spectrum and infrastructure owned by the MNO. In the U.S., Virgin Mobile has successfully launched its service with Sprint Nextel as its MNO. Another approach that allows more flexible use of spectrum is based on Cognitive Radio (CR) [13]. The CR is built on software-defined radio technology; it allows a CR user to switch its radio access (RA) technology, depending on the availability and/or performance of available networks. As a

result, a CR user can in principle make use of any frequency band by adopting a suitable RA technology. However, the CR users are not permitted to interfere with licensed users, also called primary users, that paid for the spectrum. There are several existing studies on dynamic spectrum sharing between primary users and unlicensed secondary users: Mutlu et al. [15] investigated an efficient pricing policy of an MNO for secondary spectrum usage of MVNOs in the presence of both primary and secondary users. Wang et al. [20] proposed a novel joint power/channel allocation scheme to improve the network’s performance by modeling the spectrum allocation problem as a noncooperative game among the CR users. Etkin et al. suggested a repeated game approach to enforce an efficient and fair outcome and incentive compatible spectrum sharing [9]. In [17] the channel allocation problem in a CR network was formulated as a potential game that has provable convergence to a Nash equilibrium. An interference temperature model [2] is applied in an auction-based spectrum sharing mechanism in [11]. Bae et al. [3] proposed a sequential auction mechanism for sharing spectrum and power among competing transmitters. A. Motivation While these recent solutions have the potential to improve the spectrum utilization, they suffer from several drawbacks that have not been addressed effectively. First, since the MVNOs share the infrastructure with the MNOs, they are often constrained to employ the same RA technologies. This constraint obviously limits the set of services the MVNOs can provide to their customers. Secondly, a primary focus of existing studies on CR has been on the issue of resource allocation among the secondary users, and oftentimes researchers assume that the secondary users can use the spectrum free of charge. This may be reasonable if the owner or licensee is a government agency that is interested in maximizing social welfare or if the spectrum is set aside for research purposes. However, in many cases, the frequency spectrum is allocated for commercial use and primary service providers (PSPs) have paid for the exclusive right. In such a scenario, it may be unrealistic to assume that the PSPs will be willing to share their spectrum without compensation, even when the secondary users do not interfere with their services. Thirdly, when there is no centralized authority to coordinate the access to under-utilized frequency bands, the gain in spectrum utilization from distributed, unorganized access

by individual unlicensed users may be limited. We believe that a more suitable approach may be introducing secondary service providers (SSPs) that can grant and coordinate access to under-utilized spectrum by leveraging, for instance, CR users. A good spectrum sharing and pricing scheme between PSPs and SSPs is likely to encourage and facilitate sharing of spectrum in a more dynamic and flexible fashion. This is the scenario we investigate. More specifically, we consider scenarios where there are (i) SSPs whose infrastructure and customers’ equipments have the capability for dynamic spectrum access (e.g., CR) and (ii) PSPs that wish to lend their surplus frequency spectrum according to a contract with the SSPs. Our setting is also applicable to the frequency spectrum trading between PSPs (e.g., [5]). Realizing dynamic sharing of under-utilized spectrum between PSPs and SSPs demands a new spectrum trading mechanism. In this paper we propose an auction-based framework for devising such a mechanism. An auction mechanism offers a natural tool for the problem: It defines the strategies of participating players, means for exchange of information, and allocation and payment schemes. In addition, a well designed auction mechanism should possess desirable properties, such as efficiency and incentive compatibility. B. Summary of results The PSPs, which are the sellers in the market, are free to form any arbitrary coalitions (i.e., subsets of sellers) among themselves. A coalition of sellers acts as if it were one seller and holds one auction to sell the spectrum made available by all the members in the coalition. We assume that the probability that a given coalition will emerge is known to the buyers. We model the values of a buyer for the frequency bands it wins using a random variable called the type of the buyer. The buyers are assumed homogeneous and independent. In other words, their types are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). At the beginning, each buyer picks a seller whose auction it will participate in. The main contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows: i. We model the interaction among the buyers as a noncooperative game and show that there always exists a symmetric mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium (SMSNE). While a Nash equilibrium is not necessarily unique in general, we show that when there are at most five sellers and they hold separate auctions with strictly positive probability, the SMSNE is unique. ii. We demonstrate that, if C1 and C2 are two disjoint coalitions of the sellers, the sum of the expected profits of these two coalitions is not larger than the expected profit of the coalition C1 ∪ C2 when the buyers behave according to one of the SMSNEs. This implies that risk neutral sellers interested in maximizing their expected profits, will have an incentive to cooperate and form a single coalition including all sellers (which we call a grand coalition), assuming that they can find a suitable way of sharing the profit.

iii. We model the interaction among the sellers as a cooperative game and prove that its core is not empty. This tells us that there exists a way for the sellers to share the profit in an equitable manner so that no subset of sellers will have either the power or an incentive to deviate from the grand coalition and increase its expected profit. iv. We propose a profit sharing mechanism that can achieve any selected expected profit sharing vector in the nonempty core. The proposed mechanism also satisfies following two desirable properties: (i) Only the sellers that contribute to the auction by either offering an allocated frequency band or bringing a winning buyer receives a payment and (ii) no seller receives a negative profit (i.e., gives up an allocated frequency band but receives a payment smaller than its value for the band) in any case. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We introduce the model and the optimal mechanism we assume the sellers adopt for allocating and pricing the allocated spectrum bands in Section II. The noncooperative game among the buyers is described and studied in Section III. Section IV demonstrates the existence of an incentive for cooperation among the risk neutral sellers. We show that the core of the cooperative game among the sellers is nonempty in Section V. Section VI delineates the proposed profit sharing mechanism that can be used to encourage cooperation among the sellers. II. S ETUP We are interested in designing a new spectrum trading mechanism for PSPs and SSPs. We assume that spectrum trading is performed periodically, for instance, by an electronic system with participating service providers. The PSPs are the sellers interested in lending frequency bands, which are the goods or items to be sold, and the SSPs are the buyers or bidders interested in purchasing the goods. In order to make progress, we assume that the frequency spectrum is traded in an agreed unit (e.g., 100 kHz). Furthermore, buyers do not differentiate the frequency bands available for sale and their benefits depend only on the number of frequency bands they are awarded. In practice, however, buyers may prefer to win a block of contiguous frequency bands. A. Model Let P = {1, 2, . . . , M } be the set of sellers and S = {1, 2, . . . , N } the set of buyers. The sellers are assumed risk neutral and interested in maximizing their expected profits. The spectrum is divided into a set of frequency bands, denoted by F. In a general setting, the area over which a seller operates (e.g., the United States) may be partitioned into regions or markets (e.g., Washington D.C. metropolitan area). In this paper, however, we consider a simpler setting with only one region. 1) Sellers: Each seller owns a set of frequency bands. We denote the set of frequency bands owned by a seller i ∈ P by F i , and the set of frequency bands assigned to the sellers is given by ∪i∈P F i ⊂ F. Moreover, we assume that a frequency band f ∈ F is owned by at most one seller, i.e., ˜ F i ∩ F i = ∅ for all i, ˜i ∈ P (i 6= ˜i).

Sellers with under-utilized or extra frequency band(s) may participate in spectrum trading. When a seller partakes in the trading, it provides a list of frequency bands it wishes to lend to buyers (over an agreed period). The number of frequencyPbands seller i wants to sell is given by K i , and i KT := i∈P K is the total number of frequency bands available for lease. Recall that the sellers are the PSPs that have paid a price for the right to the frequency bands they own. Therefore, it is unlikely that they will allow other SSPs to use their frequency bands without a compensation that may depend on, for instance, the prices they paid for the spectrum. We model this by introducing values of the sellers for the frequency bands for sale: We denote seller i’s value for the `-th item it wants to sell by V`i , ` = 1, . . . , K i . In other words, seller i would prefer not to sell the `-th frequency band if it cannot receive at least V`i for it. Without loss of generality, we assume that the seller’s items are ordered by increasing value, i.e., V1i ≤ · · · ≤ VKi i . The profit of seller i is defined to be the payment it receives minus its total value of the items it sells. Similarly, we define its payoff as the payment plus the total value of the items it does not sell. Hence, seller i’s payoff and profit differ by PK i i k=1 Vk . 2) Buyers: Each buyer j ∈ S has private information, namely its type, which is denoted by Tj . We assume that Tj , j ∈ S, are mutually independent continuous random variables (rvs). The distribution of Tj is Gj with support Tj := [tj,min , tj,max ]. Moreover, we assume that Gj yields a density function gj . The value of rv Tj is revealed only to the buyer j at the beginning. Let T = (Tj ;Qj ∈ S) be the vector of the types of the buyers and T := j∈S Tj . The type of a buyer determines its values for the items it wins: For each k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , KT }, let Vj,k : Tj → IR+ := [0, ∞) be the function that determines buyer j’s value for the k-th item it wins, i.e., Vj,k (tj ) is the value buyer j has for the k-th item it receives when its type is tj . Note that the values of buyer j depend only on its own type, but not on those of other buyers. The functions Vj,k are increasing and differentiable. We define the maximum number of frequency bands buyer j would like to lease from the sellers to be buyer j’s demand and denote it by Dj ; when the demand Dj is strictly less than KT , Vj,k (tj ) = 0 for all tj ∈ Tj and k = Dj + 1, . . . , KT . However, we assume that Vj,k (tj ) > 0 for all tj ∈ Tj and k = 1, . . . , KT , although they can be arbitrarily close to zero. This implies that the demand of buyer j is at least KT , regardless of its type. In addition, in order to reflect the law of diminishing return, we assume that Vj,1 (tj ) ≥ Vj,2 (tj ) ≥ · · · ≥ Vj,KT (tj ) ≥ 0 for all tj ∈ Tj . B. Optimal mechanism for the sellers We assume that the sellers adopt an optimal mechanism for selling their frequency bands. The employed mechanism is based on Branco’s mechanism (BM) [4], which is a generalization of well known Myerson’s optimal mechanism [16]. The BM is an optimal mechanism for allocating multiple

homogeneous items with one seller that has zero value for the items. Since we allow nonzero values for the sellers, we modify the BM to deal with nonnegative values of the sellers. Generalized Branco’s mechanism (GBM): Consider an auction with a set of buyers S ∗ = {1, 2, . . . , N ∗ }. The total number of items available for sale from the auctioneer is m ≥ 1. Without loss of generality, we assume that the m items are ordered by increasing value of the auctioneer, i.e., (1) (2) (m) (k) 0 ≤ V0 ≤ V0 ≤ · · · ≤ V0 , where V0 is auctioneer’s value of the k-th item. For each buyer j ∈ S ∗ , the value functions Vj,k , ∗ k Q ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}, are as defined earlier. Define T := T . The auctioneer knows the distributions G , j j ∈ j∈S ∗ j S ∗ , of buyers’ types (but, not their realizations). In the GBM, each buyer reports its type t∗j to the auctioneer. The reported type t∗j is, however, not necessarily its true type Tj . Given the reported types of the buyers t∗ = (t∗j ; j ∈ S ∗ ), the auctioneer computes what are called contributions of the buyers: The contribution of buyer j for the k-th item (k = 1, . . . , m) is a mapping πj,k : Tj → IR, where 1 − Gj (t∗j ) ∂Vj,k (tj ) ∗ ∗ . πj,k (tj ) = Vj,k (tj ) − ∂tj tj =t∗ gj (t∗j ) j

The auctioneer then orders the contributions of all buyers by decreasing value and denotes the `-th highest contribution (` = 1, . . . , N ∗ · m) by π(`) (t∗ ).1 We assume that the following regularity conditions hold: For all j ∈ S ∗ and k = 1, 2, . . . , m, (i) (tj − t˜j )(πj,k (tj ) − πj,k (t˜j )) ≥ 0 for all tj , t˜j ∈ Tj , and (ii) if πj,k+1 (tj ) ≥ 0, then πj,k (tj ) ≥ πj,k+1 (tj ) for all tj ∈ Tj . When these conditions are satisfied, the problem is said to be regular [4]. In order to determine the winners and the prices they pay, the auctioneer first computes the following quantities: For each ` = 1, 2, . . . , m, (`)

η` (t∗ ) := max{V0 , π(`+1) (t∗ )}. For each j ∈ S ∗ and k = 1, 2, . . . , m, define ςj,k (t∗−j ) := inf{tˆj ∈ Tj | πj,k (tˆj ) ≥ min{η` (tˆj , t∗−j ); ` = 1, 2, . . . , m}}, ˜j ∈ S \ {j}}. where = Under the regularity assumption on the value functions Vj,k , the proposed allocation rule is given by  1 if t∗j > ςj,k (t∗−j ), pj,k (t∗ ) = (1) 0 otherwise, t∗−j

{t˜∗j ;

where pj,k (t) is the probability that buyer j wins at least k items when the reported types are t. The price buyer j pays for the k-th item it wins equals  Vj,k (ςj,k (t∗−j )) if pj,k (t∗ ) = 1, ∗ cˆj,k (t ) = (2) 0 otherwise. 1 In the event of measure zero that there are ties in the contributions, it breaks the ties randomly.

From the allocation rule in (1), it is clear that m? (t∗ ) items are awarded to the buyers with the m? (t∗ ) highest contributions, where (`)

m? (t∗ ) := max{` ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} | π(`) (t∗ ) > V0 } . When the set on the right-hand side is empty, the maximum is defined to be zero. Moreover, the price buyer j pays for the k-th item it wins is equal to the smallest value for the k-th item that would win the item (eq. (2)). It is plain that, if every buyer is truthful and reports its true type, the expected payment for buyer j of type tj ∈ Tj is equal to "m # X cj (tj ) := ET−j Vj,k (ςj,k (T−j )) pj,k (tj , T−j ) , k=1

where T−j = (T˜j ; ˜j ∈ S \{j}), and the expectation is taken over the types of the other buyers. We define the profit of the auctioneer as the total payment from the buyers (i.e., revenue) minus the sum of auctioneer’s Pm? (t∗ ) (k) values of the sold items (i.e., k=1 V0 ). Lemma 1. The generalized Branco’s mechanism is both incentive compatible and individually rational. In addition, it is optimal in that it maximizes the expected profit of the auctioneer. Lemma 1 tells us that when the GBM is employed by the auctioneer, it is in their own interests for the buyers to report their true types (incentive compatibility). III. N ONCOOPERATIVE GAME AMONG THE BUYERS The PSPs can sell their available frequency bands to the buyers in many different ways. For example, they can hold separate individual auctions, or a group of sellers can form a coalition to sell their available frequency bands together. In the latter case, each coalition will hold one auction by sharing their information (e.g., the received bids, the number of frequency bands, and the (reserve) value for each frequency band) and the profit according to an agreement between its members. Such a coalition of sellers will emerge only if the members in the coalition find it advantageous to cooperate and can agree on how they will share profit (or revenue). In general, it would require that (i) the expected profit of the coalition from a single auction be no smaller than the total expected profit the members can earn by forming a set of smaller coalitions and (ii) there exist a suitable profit sharing scheme that allocates the profits in a way no subset of members finds it beneficial to leave the coalition. Before we can understand how the sellers would behave, we must first examine buyers’ behavior. To this end we model the interaction among the buyers as a noncooperative game [10]. At the beginning of the game each buyer first chooses a seller whose auction it will participate in2 and then reports its type to the selected seller. We assume that either 2 Here, we assume that each buyer joins only one auction. However, we will show later that this does not impose any restrictions on our findings.

a buyer’s selection of the seller takes place before the type is revealed to the buyer or the selection does not depend on the revealed type. Sellers are free to form any coalition(s) among themselves. They do not announce the coalitions they form to the buyers before the buyers select sellers. In other words, buyers choose the sellers without the knowledge of the coalitions formed by the sellers; instead they only know the probabilities that different coalitions will emerge. Sellers in a coalition share the reported types of the buyers that choose a member of the coalition and decide on the set of frequency bands to be allocated and the prices to charge according to the GBM. The buyers are then informed of the number of frequency bands they have won and the prices to pay. We first examine the actions to be taken by the buyers. As mentioned earlier, each buyer must first choose one of the M sellers and report its type to the seller. However, since the GBM is incentive compatible, the optimal strategy of a buyer in the GBM is to report its true type. Hence, the only decision a buyer needs to make is the selection of a seller. We formulate this problem as a noncooperative game among the buyers. Let ΩP be the set of all possible partitions of the set of sellers P and µ a distribution over the set ΩP . The probability that coalitions in a partition ω ∈ ΩP will form is given by µ(ω). For example, suppose that P = {1, 2} and ΩP = {ω1 , ω2 } = {{{1}, {2}}, {{1, 2}}}. Then, µ(ω1 ) is the probability that the coalitions {1} and {2} will form (i.e., two sellers do not cooperate) and µ(ω2 ) is the probability that coalition {1, 2} will form (i.e., they will cooperate with each other). We assume that the distribution µ is common knowledge. Thus, buyers know the probability that a coalition C will form for all C ⊂ P. Since each buyer must choose a seller, the pure strategy space Σj of buyer j ∈ S is given by the set of sellers P. The expected payoff of buyer j given a strategy profile σ := (σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σN ), where σj ∈ Σj for all j ∈ S, is given by uj (σ). Then, the noncooperative game among the buyers is given by Γ = (S, {Σj ; j ∈ S}, {uj ; j ∈ S}). The goal of each buyer is to maximize its expected payoff. A mixed strategy of a buyer j is simply a distribution ξ over Σj = P, where ξ(i), i ∈ P, is the probability that buyer j will choose seller i. A mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium (MSNE), Ξ = (ξ 1 , ξ 2 , . . . , ξ N ), is a set of mixed strategies, one for each buyer, such that no buyer can increase its expected payoff by unilaterally deviating from the equilibrium strategy. An MSNE, Ξ, is called a symmetric MSNE if ξ 1 = ξ 2 = · · · = ξ N . In the rest of the paper we assume independent, homogeneous buyers: The types of the buyers Tj , j ∈ S, are i.i.d., and the value functions Vj,k are the same for all j ∈ S. Theorem 1. There always exists a symmetric MSNE of Γ. Unfortunately, in general a symmetric MSNE is not guaranteed to be unique and one can easily find a game with infinitely many symmetric MSNEs. However, we can show the uniqueness of symmetric MSNE in some cases.

Theorem 2. Suppose that M ≤ 5 and the probability that seller j holds its own separate auction is strictly positive for all j ∈ P. Then, there is a unique symmetric MSNE. When there are more than one symmetric MSNEs of Γ, we assume that the buyers can agree on one of the symmetric MSNEs. IV. E XISTENCE OF AN INCENTIVE FOR COOPERATION AMONG THE SELLERS

As stated earlier, a coalition of sellers will emerge only if its members find it beneficial to cooperate in that they can earn higher expected payoffs.3 In order to examine the existence of such an incentive for some or all of the sellers to cooperate, we compare the expected payoffs of different coalitions at a symmetric MSNE of the noncooperative game. Consider a single auction with n buyers and m items to be sold. The auctioneer represents either a single seller or a coalition of sellers that hold a single auction to sell their items together, using the GBM. The auctioneer’s payoff from the auction is equal to the payment it receives for allocated frequency bands plus the values of the unsold frequency bands. One can show that the expected payoff of the auctioneer is   n m X X (k) (3) U0 (p, c) = ETj [cj (Tj )] + ET  V0 

Define B := P N . For every C ⊂ P, let m?C : T × B → {0, 1, . . .} be a mapping that gives number of items sold by the coalition C given W, and p(C) the allocation rule of the coalition C according to the GBM. Then, for fixed W = w = (t, b), the sum of the winning contributions of coalition C is given by ζ(C, w) =





j∈S: bj ∈C

 (C) πj,k (tj ) pj,k (t)


P where K(C) = i∈C K i , and  1 if buyer j is awarded at least k items (C) pj,k (t) = 0 otherwise. When each coalition holds a separate auction using the GBM, from the allocation rule (1), the coalition C awards m?C (w) items to the buyers with the m?C (w) highest contributions of the buyers that choose a seller in C. Further, each unsold item’s value is larger than that of any allocated item and any losing contribution. Therefore, it is clear that, for every disjoint coalitions C1 , C2 ⊂ P and every w ∈ T × B =: W, we have ζ(C1 , w) + λ(C1 , w) + ζ(C2 , w) + λ(C2 , w) ≤ ζ(C1 ∪ C2 , w) + λ(C1 ∪ C2 , w),


where λ(C, w) is the total value of the unsold items of  coalition C given w. A strict inequality holds (i) if the  "m # n m smallest winning contribution in coalition C1 is less than X X X (k) = ET πj,k (Tj ) pj,k (T) + ET  V0  , the largest losing contribution in coalition C2 or vice versa j=1 k=1 k=m? (T)+1 or (ii) if the smallest value of unsold items in coalition C1 is less than the largest losing contribution in coalition C2 or where T is the random vector of buyers’ types, and m? (T) is vice versa. the number of items sold. The second equality in (3) follows Let us first define, for each t ∈ T , from the following two equalities under the GBM [6]: v(C; t) (6) n X X ETj [cj (Tj )] := (ζ(C, w) + λ(C, w)) Pr {B = b} . j=1

k=m? (T)+1




n X



ETj ET−j


n X

m X

## Vj,k (Tj )pj,k (Tj , T−j )

k=1 "m Z X Tj


ETj ET−j




dVj,k (x) pj,k (x, T−j )dx dx


Then, the expected payoff of a coalition C is given by ET [v(C; T)] =: v(C). We can show the following theorem from (5) and (6). Theorem 3. For every two disjoint coalitions C1 and C2 , v(C1 ) + v(C2 ) ≤ v(C1 ∪ C2 ).

and " ETj

m Z X k=1

 = ETj



# dVj,k (x) pj,k (x, T−j )dx dx

 dVj,k (Tj ) 1 − Gj (Tj ) pj,k (Tj , T−j ) . dTj gj (Tj )

We denote the seller chosen by buyer j (using the selected symmetric MSNE strategy) by Bj . Let B := (Bj ; j ∈ S) and W := (T, B). Define Si (B) = {j ∈ S | Bj = i} ⊂ S to be the set of buyers that pick seller i. 3 Recall that the payoff and profit of a seller differ only by its fixed total value of the frequency bands it has for sale. Therefore, we can work with either payoff or profit of the sellers.


This theorem tells us that the expected payoff function v satisfies the superadditivity property. In addition, it implies that risk neutral sellers will have an incentive to cooperate among themselves in order to increase their expected payoffs or profits, assuming that they can find an equitable way of sharing the profit. V. P ROFIT SHARING AND A COOPERATIVE GAME AMONG THE SELLERS

Theorem 3 indicates that the sellers interested in maximizing their expected profits will indeed find it advantageous to cooperate with each other and form a grand coalition that includes all sellers. However, in order for the sellers to

maintain such cooperation, they must first find an acceptable way of sharing the profits. In light of this, a natural question that arises is how the sellers should share the profit among themselves when they decide to cooperate. In order to answer this question we turn to cooperative game theory and model the interaction between the sellers as a cooperative game. A cooperative game is often given by a characteristic function v : 2P → IR. The characteristic function v assigns to each coalition C ⊂ P a value that is the total payoff of the members in the coalition they can guarantee themselves against the other players. The characteristic function of the cooperative game among the sellers in our problem is defined through the expected payoff of the coalitions at the assumed symmetric MSNE of the noncooperative game among the buyers. In other words, for every C ⊂ P, v(C) denotes the expected payoff the sellers in the coalition C can achieve without the help of the remaining sellers, which is defined at end of the previous section. We first introduce following definitions [18]. Definition 1. An imputation for an M -player cooperative game is a vector x = (x1 , ..., xM ) that satisfies X (1) xi = v(P), and i∈P


xi ≥ v({i}) for all i ∈ P .

Definition 2. Let x and y be two imputations. (i) Suppose C ⊂ P is a coalition. We say that x dominates y through C if (1) (2)

xi > yi for all i ∈ C, and X xi ≤ v(C) . i∈C

(ii) We say that x dominates y if there exists some coalition C ? ⊂ P such that x dominates y through C ? . Definition 3. The set of all undominated imputations is called the core of the cooperative game. The following theorem gives an alternate characterization of the core of a cooperative game and a means of finding it. Theorem 4. [18, p.219] The core is the set of all M -vectors x satisfying X (1) xi ≥ v(C) for all C ⊂ P, and

exists a way for the sellers to share the profits in such a way that no subset of the sellers will be able to leave the grand coalition and increase their expected payoffs. Theorem 5. The cooperative game v among the sellers has a nonempty core. VI. P ROFIT SHARING MECHANISM Since the core of the cooperative game is always nonempty, when sellers’ expected payoffs lie in the core, they are likely to cooperate. Hence, the next natural question is how the sellers should share the profit for each realization so that the expected payoffs equal an imputation in the core the sellers agree on. In this section we first examine a few possible profit sharing schemes and discuss their shortcomings. Then, we propose a new profit sharing scheme that can realize any imputation in the core and possesses certain desirable properties. Suppose that the expected payoff vector x? = (x?1 , ..., x?M ) is an imputation in the core the sellers agree on. Denote seller PK i i’s total value of all items it has for sale by V¯ i = k=1 Vki . Then, the selected expected profit vector is given by x ˜? = ? ? i ? ? ˜ = xi − V¯ for all i ∈ P. (˜ x1 , . . . , x ˜M ) where x Qi Recall that T = j∈S Tj , where Tj = [tj,min , tj,max ], and the random vector B = (Bj ; j ∈ S) with Bj being the seller chosen by buyer j (using the selected symmetric MSNE strategy). Let ν W be the distribution over the set W. (g) For each realization w ∈ W, let rt (w) be the total profit (g) of the grand coalition, ri (w) the received profit of seller (s) i ∈ P in the grand coalition, and ri (w) the profit seller i can make in a separate auction by itself. Define v¯i (w) to be seller i’s total value of the sold items under the grand coalition. Then, the revenue (i.e., total received payment) and the payoff of seller i in the grand coalition are given by (g) (g) ri (w) + v¯i (w) and ri (w) + V¯ i , respectively. We assume that the values of the sellers are all different (i.e, the values of any two items for sale are different). Recall that, under the allocation of the GBM, if k ? units are sold, then k ? units with the smallest values are allocated. We first introduce two simple profit sharing mechanisms under which sellers’ expected payoff vector equals x? . These schemes, while they are simple, have some undesirable properties.




xi = v(P).


The conditions in Theorem 4 imply that no coalition has the power to increase its expected payoff by deviating from the grand coalition. Therefore, a payoff vector in the core can be viewed as a stable equilibrium and a candidate for fair sharing of the profits among the sellers. Unfortunately, the core of a cooperative game is in general not guaranteed to be nonempty, and proving the existence of a nonempty core can be nontrivial. However, we can show that the core of the cooperative game among the sellers under consideration is nonempty. This implies that indeed there

A. Simple profit sharing schemes 1) Proportional sharing: One of the simplest ways of sharing the profit is dividing it proportionally according to the selected expected profit vector x ˜? for every realization w ∈ W. Mechanism 1. (Proportional sharing) (g) ri (w) = P

x ˜?i

i∗ ∈P


From the definition of rt


x ˜?i∗

× rt (w) .


and ri , the total expected

profit of the grand coalition is given by h i Z (g) (g) EW rt (W) = rt (w) dν W (w) w∈W X = x ˜?i ,

B. Proposed profit sharing scheme


h i (g) and the expected profit of seller i is given by EW ri (W) , which must equal x ˜?i . Note that, in the proportional sharing mechanism, each seller receives some profit even when it does not contribute anything to the auction in the sense that it does not provide any allocated item or any winning contribution in the grand coalition. 2) Surplus sharing: If the sellers’ expected payoffs are in the core, by Theorem 4 [18, p.219], each seller’s expected payoff must be at least the expected payoff the seller can obtain in a separate auction. Bearing this in mind, one may consider employing a mechanism that reflects the payoff each seller can receive in separate individual auctions.

Mechanism 3. For every w ∈ W, seller i’s profit is given by

Mechanism 2. (Surplus sharing) ! (g)


ri (w) = ri (w) + αi ×


rt (w) −



rl (w)



where αi ≥ 0 for all i ∈ P, and



αi = 1.

From Theorem 4, if the expected payoff vector x? is in the core, for all i ∈ P, h i X X (g) x?i = EW rt (W) + V¯ i and i∈P


i∈P h i (s) ¯ ≥ EW ri (W) + V i h i (s) = EW ri (W) + V¯ i .

Similarly, for all i ∈ P, h i h i X (g) (s) x ˜?i = EW rt (W) and x ˜?i ≥ EW ri (W) . i∈P

Then, one can find {αi ; i ∈ P} with αi > 0 and 1 such that, for all i ∈ P, h i (s) x ˜?i = EW ri (W) +αi ×



Even though the expected payoffs of the sellers under Mechanisms 1 and 2 equal the selected expected payoff vector x? , these mechanisms may not be attractive; in Mechanism 1 some sellers should share their payoffs or profits with other sellers that do not contribute to the auction, and in Mechanism 2 some sellers are asked to give up their items for a payment less than their values of the items or even pay a fee for joining the grand coalition even when they do not receive any share of the revenue. In order to find a more attractive profit sharing mechanism, we introduce following two constraints: 1) A seller that does not contribute anything to the auction, i.e., neither winning contributions nor items, receives no profit. 2) Sellers shall have a non-negative profit for every realization w ∈ W, i.e., each seller receives at least the total value of items it gives up. We propose the following profit sharing mechanism.

αi =

! h i X h i (g) (s) EW rt (W) − EW rl (W) . l∈P

It is clear that this mechanism reflects the profit of each seller in separate individual auctions. However, when P (s) (g) i∈P ri (w) > rt (w) for some realization w ∈ W, one of more sellers may be asked to receive a negative profit (i.e., (g) ri (w) < 0),4 which may not be acceptable to some sellers.



ri (w) = αi (w) × rt (w), P where αi (w) ≥ 0, and i∈P αi (w) = 1. Furthermore, for sellers that do not contribute either an allocated item or a winning contribution, αi (w) = 0. Note that Mechanism P 1 is? a special case of Mechanism 3 with αi (w) = x ˜?i / i∗ ∈P x ˜i∗ for all w ∈ W. In order to complete the proposed mechanism, we need to determine whether or not we can find the coefficients αi (w), i ∈ P and w ∈ W, which satisfy the above constraints. Here, for practical reasons we focus on the case where αi (w) are the same for all w ∈ W such that the set of contributing sellers is the same. In other words, the coefficients depend only on the set of sellers that bring either a winning contribution or an allocated item. To help with our notation we partition the set W into 2M subsets according to the set of contributing sellers that provide either winning contributions or allocated items.5 For example, in a two-seller case (M = 2), there are four subcases: (1) Both sellers 1 and 2 provide allocated items or winning contributions, (2) only seller 1 has winning contributions and allocated items, (3) only seller 2 brings winning contributions and allocated items, and (4) no item is sold in the auction. We number these sets from 1 to 2M . Here, we always number the subset that none of items is sold 2M . We denote the k-th subset in the partition of W by W (k) . Define Λk to be the set of contributing sellers in W (k) , and let Rk be the expected profit over the set W (k) given by Z (g) Rk = rt (w) dν W (w). w∈W (k)

4 These

sellers either receive a payment less than the values of their sold items or pay a ‘fee’ for joining the grand coalition even when they do not receive any payment.

5 Since there are M sellers and each seller can be a contributing seller, there are 2M different possible set of contributing sellers.

Theorem 6. Suppose that x ˜? = (˜ x?1 , x ˜?2 , . . . , x ˜?M ) is the de? ? ? sired expected profit vector, and x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , x?M ) is the associated expected payoff vector that lies in the core. Then, (i) there exist constants βk , i ∈ P and k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 2M }, for Mechanism 3 which satisfy the following conditions: For all i ∈ P and k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 2M }, P P2M (i) (i) (i) βk ≥ 0, ˜?i = k=1 βk Rk , i∈P βk = 1, x (i)

and βk = 0 if k ∈ / Λk . Theorem 6 tells us that we can always find a set of coefficients αi (w) that satisfy the constraints in Mechanism 3, hence proving the existence of suitable coefficients. A procedure for finding such coefficients is provided in [6]. VII. C ONCLUSION We studied the problem of designing a suitable trading mechanism for dynamic spectrum sharing with multiple sellers and multiple buyers. In particular, we focused on understanding how risk neutral sellers would behave when dealing with selfish buyers. With this goal we first modeled the interaction between selfish buyers interested in leasing spectrum from the sellers as a noncooperative game. We showed that, when the buyers are homogeneous and independent, there exists a symmetric mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium and derived a condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium. Secondly, we proved that, when the buyers behave according to an equilibrium of the noncooperative game, risk neutral sellers interested in maximizing their expected profits would have an incentive to cooperate with each other. Thirdly, we modeled the interaction among the sellers as a cooperative game and showed that its core is nonempty. Finally, we proposed a profit sharing scheme under which all sellers will find it beneficial to cooperate. The proposed profit sharing scheme also possesses several desirable properties. Acknowledgment: This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant ANI02-37997 and CCF08-30675. R EFERENCES [1], [2] Spectrum policy task force report. Technical Report 02-135, Federal Communications Commission, November 2002. [3] J. Bae, E. Beigman, R.A. Berry, M.L. Honig, and R. Vohra, “Sequential Bandwidth and Power Auctions for Distributed Spectrum Sharing,” to appear IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications special issue on Game Theory in Communication Systems. [4] F. Branco, “Multiple unit auctions of an indivisible good,” Economic Theory, vol. 8, pp. 77-101, 1996. [5] M. M. Buddhikot, P. Kolodzy, S. Miller, K. Ryan, and J. Evans, “DIMSUMNet:New Directions in Wireless Networking Using Coordinated Dynamic Spectrum Access,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2005), pp. 78- 85, June 2005. [6] S.-H. Chun, Spectrum Auctions for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Ph.D Dissertation. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 2009. [7] T. Erpek, K. Steadman, and D. Jones, “Dublin Ireland Spectrum Occupancy Measurements Collected On April 16-18, 2007,” The Shared Spectrum Company, November 2007.

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