b. - Department Animal Husbandry Government of Maharashtra

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S.T. 95 N N. N N. N. M 50 S.T. 117 N N N N N. M 46 S.T. I 196. N N N N N. M 142 S.T.. N N N N N. M 36 S.T. 38. N N N N N. M 36 S.T. 50. N N N N N. M 38 IST ...

/ /b Digestive Response of Rainbow Trout, Salrno gairdrteri, to Pellet l)ietsl Jour T. \\''ruonrr., I)*rvrn O. Nonnrs, J,rvos l,'. Iirlcrrrtrt-, AND J,urlls S. NoHnrs Fish Physiol,ogy Laboratory Llnircrsity ol Colorudo Boulder, Colorodo USA 80302 \\irNrrrll, JolrN 'f., I),tvrl O. Nouus, J,trlr.;s F. Krrcrrlr.r., ,rNo .Jenrris S. N11pHrs. L)igestive rcsponsc of ntittborv lrott, Salmo guirlner.i, to pellet diets. J. Fish. l{es.





QLrarrtitative dlLta lLrc prcsetrtccl for thrcc l:rboratory experiments concerning rlte of gastric ev:rctt:rtiotr of lrcllets (fed in nel:rtin c:rpsirles) anrl pellet conrl)oncnts. I{ailbow trott, Solmo goirtlncri, accliut:rtecl to a col)stilnt rvnter tetulrcrature of 15 (l rvere killed 12 hr af tcr coltstttnittg an exlreritnetrt:rl meal. Subtraction of amortnt of dry nratter renrainiqg at trtltol)sy frour dry natter c.Jnstlurcd f ielded al)loullt of food digested or ev:rcuated or both, from the stornnch lter unit tirne. X'{cals of encapsttlatecl pellct wcre evaculrtcd frorn thc stornach n.rore rapidly (65 .S% decre:tse in 12 hr) than ertc:rpsul:rted corn oil (12.61u), gelatin (50.8o1), a conrbinatigp of corn oil and gelatin (47.3(jf), satrrrated fnt (28.8(/), or methyl cellulose (50.3flp). (iroups of fish consLrruing five capsules equal to approximately 0.65/s of their body rveight evacttated 35.9, 45.1,6+.2,95.5, and 10016 at intervals after l