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Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1975–1976, Coulsdon, UK: Jane's. Information Group Ltd., 1975. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1978–1979, Coulsdon, UK: Jane's.

“Boeing Condor Raises UAV Performance Levels,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, April 23, 1990. Drezner, Jeffrey A., and Robert S. Leonard, Innovative Development: Global Hawk and DarkStar—Flight Test in the HAE UAV ACTD Program, MR-1475-AF, Santa Monica: RAND, 2001. Drezner, Jeffrey A., Geoffrey Sommer, and Robert S. Leonard, Innovative Management in the DARPA High Altitude Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Program: Phase II Experience, MR-1054DARPA, Santa Monica: RAND, 1999. Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1975–1976, Coulsdon, UK: Jane’s Information Group Ltd., 1975. Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1978–1979, Coulsdon, UK: Jane’s Information Group Ltd., 1978. Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1989–1990, Coulsdon, UK: Jane’s Information Group Ltd., 1989. Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1995–1996, Coulsdon, UK: Jane’s Information Group Ltd., 1995. “Secret Flights in 1980s Tested Stealth Recon,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, May 6, 1996. Smith, Giles K., Hyman L. Shulman, and Robert S. Leonard, Application of F-117 Acquisition Strategy to Other Programs in the



Global Hawk and DarkStar in the HAE UAV ACTD

New Acquisition Environment, MR-749-AF, Santa Monica: RAND, 1996. Sommer, Geoffrey, Giles K. Smith, John L. Birkler, and James R. Chiesa, The Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Acquisition Process: A Summary of Phase I Experience, MR-809-DARPA, Santa Monica: RAND, 1997. “The (Tacit) Blue Whale,” Air Force Magazine, August 1996. U.S. General Accounting Office, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Progress Toward Meeting High Altitude Endurance Aircraft Price Goals, GAO/NSIAD-99-29, December 1998. “V/STOL Technology Advances Expected,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, January 31, 1977.