Big Data Industry Process Definition: Big data process ...

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Definition: Big data process is the set of activities: business understanding, data ... Do statistical analysis: min, max, mean, standard deviation, variance...etc.
Big Data Industry Process

Definition: Big data process is the set of activities: business understanding, data collection, data exploration, data preprocessing, data mining, model evaluation and deployment; processed together in order to extract hidden information from a mass of data.

Fig.1: General overview of big data process

Big data process activities: During my experience in Data Science, i come up to resume the process of big data in the following steps: Step1: Understand the business In this step, we are concerned to: 

Well define the problem and its scope

Have a clear view of the goal

Draw the path to the objective

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Step2: Collect the data Import and collect the data from different sources like: RDMS, datalake store, datawarehouse...etc. Step3: Understand and explore data Before any kind of development, we must first explore our dataset. The exploration is manifesting in : 

Explore features

Distinguish categorical features from numerical ones

Do statistical analysis: min, max, mean, standard deviation, variance...etc.

Visualize data: missing values for each feature, unique values, how values are distributed…etc.

Define business important features

Step4 : Pre-process data This is the important step in big data; it can take up to 90% of the whole process. This step intends to prepare data before mine it. We must do: 

Correct wrong input values

Remove missing values

Fill the rest of missing values

Discretize continues features

Remove correlated features

Normalize features if required

Remove outliers if necessary


Step4: Develop your model (Data mining) After building a clean and “ready to process” dataset, it is time to build our model. 

Transform our dataset if required

Apply our machine-learning algorithm

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Step5: Evaluate and deploy the model Before deployment, we must validate and see how accurate is our model. So we must : 

Evaluate and test the model

Review and enhance it

Deploy the model

Automate the system workflow

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