biochemical composition of human saliva in relation

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Veerman ECI, Valentijn-Benz M, Nieuw Amerongen AV. (1989). Viscosity of human salivary mucins: Effect of. pH and ionic strength and role of sialic acid. IBiol.

Department of Oral Biochemistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (AQA), Vrije Universiteit, Van der Boechorststraat 7, NL-1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: This paper describes several salivary components and their distribution in other mucosal secretions. Histatins are polypeptides which possess exceptional anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activities, but are nevertheless present only in saliva. Proline-rich proteins (PRPs) are members of a closely related family, of which the acidic PRPs are found solely in saliva, whereas the basic PRPs are also found in other secretions. Mucins are a group of glycoproteins that contribute to the visco-elastic character of the mucosal secretions. Despite the similarities in their structure and behavior, mucins have distinct tissue distributions and amino acid sequences. Other salivary proteins are present in one or more mucosal secretions. Lysozyme is an example of a component belonging to an ancient self-defense system, whereas secretory immunoglobulin A (slgA) is the secreted part of a sophisticated adaptive immune system. Cystatins are closely related proteins which belong to a multigene family. a-Amylase is a component that is believed to play a specific role in digestion, but is nevertheless present in several body fluids. Kallikrein and albumin are components of blood plasma. But whereas albumin diffuses into the different mucosal secretions, kallikrein is secreted specifically by the mucosal glands. The presence of these proteins specifically in saliva, or their distribution in other mucosal secretions as well, may provide important clues with respect to the physiology of those proteins in the oral cavity.

Keywords. Cystatins, histatins, mucins, proline-rich proteins, salivary proteins.



he function of mucosal fluids is the subject of many investigations. These mucosal fluids cover the whole body surface, and therefore play an important role in the physiology of an organism. However, studies often focus on a particular body site and as a result, information on the composition of mucosal secretions has been scattered over many different scientific fields. This review will deal with the biochemical composition of human saliva in relation to other mucosal secretions.

Saliva and Other Mucosal Secretions Saliva is the fluid present in the oral cavity and is produced by different salivary glands. Its functional importance is evident in patients with reduced salivary flow (hyposalivation or xerostomia). A lack of saliva results in, e.g., a painful tongue and mucosa, problems with taste, swallowing, chewing, and phonation, tooth decay and tooth loss, and increased risk for infection (Table 1) (Vissink, 1985; Foxetal, 1985; Mandel, 1989; Axell, 1992).

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This lack of saliva can be caused by several circumstances, including aging (in medicated individuals), disease (Sjogren's syndrome), radiotherapy of the headneck region, and/or certain medications (e.g., antihypertensives, antidepressants, and antihistamines) (Valdez and Fox, 1993). Saliva belongs to a large group of mucosal fluids (e.g., tear fluid, nasal mucus, bronchial mucus, gastric mucus, colonic mucus, seminal plasma, cervical mucus, sweat) which have in common the wetting of the body surface. Several specific and essential processes take place on the body surfaces, e.g., exchange of gases, intake of nutrition, and excretion of waste products. These tissues are also vulnerable to all types of chemical, mechanical, and microbial attacks. Depending on the requirement of a particular body site, the composition of each secretion will be tuned appropriately to meet its protective and physiologic roles. Therefore, in some respects, the secretion composition will be site-specific in order to fulfill a particular function (respiration, digestion). On the other hand, mucosal secretions share a general function in the protection of epithelial tissue

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• proteins not originating from secretory glands, but from other sources like blood plasma (albumin, Zn-alpha2-glycoprotein). In addition, Table 3 summarizes details on the molecular biology of these proteins. While salivary proteins will not be discussed in detail, they will be reviewed in relation to the other mucosal secretions: first, proteins that are unique to saliva; and second, those that are common for mucosal secretions.

TABLE 1 Functions of Human Salivary Secretions Protective Functions Tissue coating (mucosal and tooth pellicle) Lubrication } Visco-elastic properties Humidification Remineralization of the teeth Host Defense Functions Immunological activity Anti-bacteria I activity Anti-viral activity Anti-fungal activity Digestion Digestive enzymes Bolus formation Taste



against external harmful effects. Principally, protection is achieved by the physical movement of exocrine glandular secretions that mechanically entrap and effectively remove many potentially harmful micro-organisms and compounds (Ericson et al, 1975; Mandel, 1979; Mandel and Ellison, 1985; Ligtenberg et al, 1992). Bacteria cluster by interaction with host components and form aggregates that are easily washed away. Components can also bind to microorganisms and thereby inhibit their adhesion to the mucosal surface (Williams and Gibbons, 1975). In addition, antibacterial mechanisms can influence the metabolism of bacteria by bacteriolysis, membrane damage, inhibition of growth, and cell killing (Lumikari et al, 1991). It is likely that the sharing of these general needs of mucosal surfaces for protection is the main reason that mucosal secretions also share a variety of protective components.

Salivary Components Present in Other Mucosal Fluids Similarities are found not only in the architecture of the different glands and the major functions of mucosal secretions, but also in the composition of the secretions. Table 2 shows the distribution of several salivary proteins in various body fluids. Based on distribution (saliva-specific or ubiquitous) and origin (salivary glands or external sources), salivary proteins can be classified into three groups: • proteins such as histatins and acidic prolinerich proteins which are present only in saliva; • proteins that are present in several different body fluids (lysozyme, mucins, and immunoglobulins), including saliva; or 162

Histatins are a family of related neutral and basic histidine-rich peptides which are secreted mainly in parotid saliva and, to a lesser extent, in submandibular saliva (Oppenheim et al, 1988; Sabatini et al, 1989). Twelve salivary histatins have been isolated from human saliva, and their primary structures have been determined. At least two histatins (histatin 1 and 3) originate from two different gene loci, while the others are products of posttranslational proteolysis (Oppenheim, 1989; Sabatini and Azen, 1989; Table 3). Spectroscopic analysis provides evidence that the candidacidal domain of histatins is structurally flexible, adopting a helical structure upon binding to membranes (Raj et al, 1994). Histatins possess antimicrobial properties against a few strains of Streptococcus mutans

(MacKay et al,

1984) and


hemagglutination of the periopathogen Porphyrornonas gingivalis (Nishikita et al, 1989; Murakami et al, 1992). In addition, histatins neutralize the endotoxic lipopolysaccharides located in the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria, which may be an important part of the host's defense system (Sugiyama, 1993). Moreover, they are potent inhibitors of the growth and germination of Candida albicans, having an efficacy comparable with those of the synthetic antibiotics, imidazole and clotrimazole (Xu etal, 1991). It is assumed that these bactericidal and fungicidal effects occur through binding of the positively charged histatins to biological membranes, which subsequently results in a disruption of the membrane architecture and alteration in its permeability. In addition to antimicrobial activities, histatins are involved in functions specific for the oral cavity, such as formation of the acquired pellicle and participation in the mineralization dynamics of oral fluids (Oppenheim, 1989). Another biological role of histatins in the oral cavity is the inhibition of the release of histamine from mast cells, suggesting that they play a role in oral inflammation (Sugiyama et al, 1990). Despite their antimicrobial properties, which would favor a broad localization of histatins in fluids moistening epithelial surfaces, histatins have thus far been

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demonstrated only in secretions bathing the oral cavity. Thus, it would seem that the delicate mucosal epithelial tissues of the oral cavity, which are vulnerable to mechanical and microbial injuries, require more protection than the mechanically stronger keratinized skin tissue, despite the fact that both sites are exposed to microbial attacks. In this respect, it is interesting to note that granular glands present in amphibian skin also produce basic antimicrobial and membrane-active peptides: magainins (Jacob and Zasloff, 1994). Magainin-like substances have been discovered in human submandibular and labial minor salivary glands, but the exact nature of these peptides has not yet been elucidated (Wolff et al, 1990). Proline-rich proteins The human salivary proline-rich proteins (PRPs) are a heterogeneous group of proteins that comprise about 70% of the parotid proteins. They are characterized by a predominance of the amino acids proline, glycine, and glutamic acid/glutamine (a total of 80% of all amino acids). PRPs are classified into three groups: acidic (MW 16 kDa), basic (MW 6-9 kDa), and glycosylated (MW 36 kDa; Bennick, 1982). These PRPs are coded by a multigene family of 6 genes (Table 3), resulting in more than 20 PRPs by both differential RNA splicing and proteolytic cleavages after secretion (Maeda et al, 1985). The observation that a few genes result in a much larger number of protein species is also true for histatins. Interestingly, the activity of the processed PRPs and processed histatins remains, or is even enhanced. As can be noticed from Table 2, acidic PRPs are expressed only by the salivary glands, whereas the basic forms of PRPs are also found in other secretions (Sabatini et al, 1989). This specific distribution of acidic PRPs is striking because acidic, basic, and glycosylated PRP species are closely related in their amino acid sequence and their chromosomal localization (Table 3). Still, the functions attributed to the different types of PRPs are very distinct. The acidic PRPs bind Ca++ with a strength that indicates that they may be important in pellicle formation and in maintaining supersaturation of ionic calcium in relation to phosphate ions in saliva (Bennick et al, 1983). Therefore, the acidic PRPs may be of biological significance in maintaining the calcium homeostasis of saliva and in preventing the formation of salivary stones (Saitoh et al, 1985). In addition, acidic PRPs inhibit apatitic crystal growth, suggesting that, when adsorbed on the tooth surface, they block specific mineral growth sites (Aoba et al, 1984). Glycosylated basic PRPs (PRGs) function as masticatory lubricants (Hatton et al, 1985) and have also been shown to interact with several types of micro-organisms such as Fusobacterium nucleatum (Gillece-Castro et al, 1991). In addition, the PRPs are thought to serve as a defense mechanism against dietary tannins by forming precipitates, which reduce harmful effects of tannins (Mehansho

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et al, 1987). It has been suggested that PRPs are involved in the bitter taste sensation (Azen et al, 1990). In conclusion, acidic PRPs, which are involved in typical oral processes like mineral homeostasis and neutralization of toxic substances in the diet, are present only in salivary secretions. However, the broader localization of basic PRPs (in saliva, in nasal and bronchial mucus) would point to a more general protective function for this group of proline-rich proteins. SALIVARY PROTEINS PRESENT IN OTHER FLUIDS

Statherins Statherin is a low-molecular-weight acidic protein consisting of 43 amino acids. It is secreted by the parotid, submandibular, and von Ebner's salivary glands, but is not present in labial saliva (Hay et al, 1984; Azen et al, 1990). Evidence has been presented that statherin, together with the acidic PRPs, plays a role in the calcium homeostasis of saliva (Hay et al, 1986; Raj et al, 1992). Statherin inhibits the spontaneous precipitation of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate salts, a function in which the first 18 amino acids appear to be essential (Schwartz et al, 1992). Furthermore, statherin bound to the enamel surface can inhibit crystal growth of hydroxyapatite. For this function, the first 6 amino acids of the polypeptide are essential. Statherin adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite can promote adherence of a few oral bacteria, such as P. gingivalis and Actinornyces viscosus (Amano

et al, 1994). This property is not exhibited when statherin is in a soluble state. As a component of oral pellicles, statherin may contribute to boundary lubrication of oral surfaces, i.e., a lubrication that is mediated by a macromolecular layer of proteins (Douglas etal. 1991). In addition to salivary secretions, statherin is also present in tear fluid and nasal and bronchial mucus. The role of statherin in these fluids is not clear, but it is tempting to speculate that it also prevents excessive precipitation of calcium salts in these fluids. Mucins Mucins are proteins that give the typical visco-elastic character to all the mucosal secretions (Table 2) (Balmer and Hirsch, 1978; Waterman et al, 1988; Veerman et al, 1989; Van der Reijden et al, 1993). They are defined as a distinct group of glycoconjugates, differing structurally from serum glycoproteins and proteoglycans (Strous and Dekker, 1992). Mucins are highly glycosylated proteins with sugars constituting from 50% up to 90% of the dry weight of the molecule. The oligosaccharide side-chains vary in length from 1 to more than 20 sugar residues, mostly attached by O-glycosidic linkages of N-acetylgalactosamine to serine or threonine (Klein et al, 1992). The biochemical and functional properties of mucins are mainly determined by the terminal residues, particularly

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TABLE 2 Distribution of Salivary Proteins in Several Body Fluids Saliva 0



Nasal Mucusc

Bronchial Mucusd

Seminal Plasmae

Cervical Mucus*




Mucins Acidic PRPs a-Amylase Basic PRPs Basic PRG Secretory IgA Cystatins Statherin igG EP-GP VEGh Hi statins Lysozyme Kallikrein Lactoferrin Lactoperoxidase Haptocorrin B-Microseminoprotein IgM Albumin Zn-a2 Glycoprotein

- not detected; + < 1 % of the total protein amount, or detected but not estimated; ++ between 1 % and 5% of the total protein amount; +++ between 5% and 15% of the total protein amount; ++++ > 15% of the total protein amount; empty spaces indicate "not determined".

References: (a) Abrahamson etai, 1986; Kamboh and Ferrell, 1986; Nieuw Amerongen, 1994; Page etai, 1990; Sabatini etai, 1989; Schenkels ef ai, 1991; Tonnesen ef ai, 1990; Weiber ef ai, 1991. (b) Abrahamson etai, 1986; Fullard and Snyder, 1990; Kamboh and Ferrell, 1986; Kuizenga etai, 1990; Raphael etai, 1989; Sabatini ef ai, 1989; Schenkels ef ai, 1991; Tonnesen ef ai, 1990; Weiber ef ai, 1991. (c) Abrahamson ef ai, 1986; Foster ef ai, 1991; Getchell and Mellert, 1991; Hegnoj ef ai, 1985; Kaliner, 1991; Mestecky and McGhee, 1987; Raphael ef ai, 1989; Sabatini ef ai, 1989; Schenkels ef ai, 1991; Tachibana ef ai, 1986; Tonnesen ef ai, 1990. (d) Hayashi etai, 1986; Hegnoj etai, 1985; Raphael etai, 1989; Sabatini etai, 1989; Schenkels etai, 1991; Van-Seuningen etai, 1992. (e) Abrahamson ef ai, 1986; Eckersall and Beeley, 1981; Schenkels ef ai, 1991; Weiber ef ai, 1990. (f) Hayashi ef ai, 1986; Hegnoj ef ai, 1985; Pruitt ef ai, 1990; Salas-Herrera ef ai, 1991; Schenkels ef ai, 1991. (g) Dupuy ef ai, 1990; Kamboh and Ferrell, 1986; Nakayashiki, 1990; Poblete ef ai, 1991; Schenkels ef ai, 1991; Yokozeki ef ai, 1991. (h) Abrahamson etai, 1986; Kamboh and Ferrell, 1986; Mestecky and McGhee, 1987; Raphael etai, 1989; Schenkels etai, 1991; Hitzig, 1977.

sialic acid, sulphate, or fucose. The protein backbone is built up of tandem repeats, and the predominant amino acids are serine, threonine, alanine, and proline. These tandem repeats are heavily glycosylated and are therefore insensitive to several proteases (Rose, 1992; Verma and Davidson, 1994; Wu et ai, 1994). Mucins therefore are able to protect the underlying tissue against proteolytic


attack by micro-organisms. The N-terminal and C-terminal ends of the protein backbone have a more globular protein structure, with several cysteine residues involved in molecular complex formation (Strous and Dekker, 1992). In general, the physiological functions of the mucins include, among others, cytoprotection, lubrication, pro-

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tection against dehydration, and maintenance of viscoelasticity in secretions (Levine et al, 1987; Tabak, 1991). These functions of mucins are performed in part by forming heterotypic complexes with other salivary proteins, e.g., slgA and albumin (Levine et al, 1987). Mucins also promote the clearance of various bacteria by masking their surface adhesins, a factor which inhibits bacterial colonization (Koop et al, 1990; Toribara et al, 1991). Mucins also play a role in mucosal surface coating and in the adherence of the microbial flora (Tabak and Bowen, 1989). The visco-elastic properties of mucins play a role in lubrication, and are considered to be an important characteristic of mucins (Gans et al, 1990; Van der Reijden et al, 1993). The capacity of mucins to protect epithelial surfaces depends largely on their high content of oligosaccharides and their ability to form a gel layer together with other salivary proteins (Bradway et al, 1992). Changes in amounts and characteristics of mucins lead to altered rheological behavior. In addition, structural changes, particularly in the oligosaccharide moiety of secretory mucins, are used as markers for malignancy in several lesions (Gendler et al, 1991). Human saliva contains two saliva-specific types of mucins—namely, low- and high-molecular-weight mucin glycoproteins, MG2 (150-200 kDa) and MG1 (> 1000 kDa), respectively—which are structurally and functionally distinct (Loomis et al, 1987). MG1 adheres to the tooth surface, thereby forming a barrier against acidic attacks (Nieuw Amerongen et al, 1987). There is little evidence for MG1 interaction with bacteria except Haemophilus paminfluenzae (Veerman et al, 1995), whereas MG2 binds to a large number of different micro-organisms (Stinson et al, 1982; Levine et al, 1987; Biesbrocketa!., 1991; Ligtenbergeta/., 1992; Scannapieco and Levine, 1993), including Candida albicans (Hoffman and Haidaris, 1993) and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Groenink eta/., 1995). The gene of MG2 has recently been cloned (Bobek et al, 1993). Up to now, 7 mucin genes have been identified, and these are summarized in Table 3. Surprisingly, neither the amino acid sequences nor the chromosomal localization of the known mucin genes shows any similarity to each other (Verma and Davidson, 1994). Initially, expression of these genes was thought to be tissue-specific. However, it is becoming evident that mucin genes can be expressed at multiple sites (Audie et al, 1993). For instance, the submandibular gland has been shown to express the MUC5B gene, originally isolated from tracheobronchial tissue (Audie et al, 1993). Further research is needed to reveal which genes for mucins are expressed in the salivary glands, and whether MG1 and/or MG2 can also be found in other secretions. Thus, mucins form a very heterogeneous group of proteins, present at very specific locations. Despite their genetic diversity in structure and physiology, different

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mucin species are comparable and serve essentially the same functions. Cystatins Animal tissues and body fluids contain various kinds of endogenous proteinase inhibitors to regulate their protein metabolism or to protect tissues from proteolytic attacks by bacteria or viruses (Abrahamson, 1988). Cystatins belong to the class of cysteine proteinase inhibitors (Barrett, 1987). Like mucins, cystatins constitute a group of proteins present in all mucosal secretions. Cystatins belong to a heterogeneous family of proteins with a conserved consensus in their active site (QXVXG motif and an essential G in the N-terminal region). The superfamily of cystatins is subdivided into three main families (Table 3). Of these, family II cystatins in particular are secreted in different mucosal secretions. The genes encoding family II cystatins are all localized on chromosome 20 (Fong et al, 1991) and are clustered on one locus on 20pl 1 (Saitoh et al, 1991; Schnittger et al, 1993), illustrating the close genetic relationship between the members of this cystatin family. The concentrations of cystatins vary greatly between the different fluids (Abrahamson et al, 1986). The predominant inhibitor in cerebrospinal fluid, seminal plasma, and in milk is cystatin C, whereas the cystatins S, SA, and SN dominate in saliva and tears. Kininogen is the most abundant in blood plasma, synovial fluid, and amniotic fluid. Based on the different inhibition constants of the cystatins, it is suggested that cystatin C is the controlling inhibitor for cathepsin B (the predominant human cysteine proteinase) in almost every fluid, aided by cystatin S group in saliva and tears. Cystatins A and B do not participate in the control of cathepsin B. The latter cystatins may have a physiological role in controlling exogeneous (e.g., bacterial, viral) cysteine proteinases. Thus, all types of cystatins are present in the various mucosal secretions, but their concentrations vary, depending on the specific site. Although their role as a proteinase inhibitor is wellestablished, the physiological significance of cystatins in exocrine secretions remains to be fully explained. Nevertheless, as mentioned previously with respect to the control of exogenous proteinases, cystatins may also regulate the activity of cathepsins, liberated during inflammatory reactions, e.g., in gingivitis and periodontitis (Ichimura et al, 1992; Henskens et al, 1994). It has been shown that cystatins are important in the inhibition of several viruses, presumably by blocking necessary cysteine proteinases (Korant et a!., 1985; Bjorck et al, 1990). Another function of cystatins is the control of the proliferation and invasion of tumor cells (Sloane and Honn, 1984). Typical salivary functions have also been ascribed to cystatins. They have been reported to bind to hydroxyapatite (Rathman et al, 1989), and therefore may play a role

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TABLE 3 Genes Encoding Salivary Components and Homologues Protein (s)


Chromosomal Localization






Ilpl5.5 7q22 3q29 Ilpl5 Ilpl5.5 4

epithelial cells (Episialin) gastro-intestinal, prostatic intestinal tracheobronchial tracheobronchial gastric salivary (MG2)

Dracopoli etai, 1991 Xuefa/,,1992 Fox ef ai, 1992 Nguyen etaL, 1991 Nguyen ef a/., 1990 Toribara ef a/., 1993 Bobek ef a/., 1993

Acidic Proline-rich Proteins (aPRP)


12pl3.2 12pl3.2

specific for saliva

Kim ef a/., 1990



Ip21 Ip21 1P21


Grootefa/., 1989 Dracopoli etai, 1991

Basic Proline-rich Proteins (bPRP)


12pl3.2 12pl3.2 12pl3.2

Basic Proline-rich Glycoprotein (PRG)



Immunoglobulin A



Bengerefa/., 1991

J chain



Maxefa/., 1986

Secretory component



identical to transmembrane SC or poly Ig receptor

Krajciefa/., 1991


Family 1



Cystatin A

Hsiehefa/., 1991

Family II



Cystatin SN Cystatin SA Cystatin C Cystatin S Cystatin D Cystatin pseudogene

Saitoh ef al, 1987 Schnittger ef a/., 1993





4ql 1-13

Hi statins


4ql2.q21 4ql2-q21






19ql3.2-ql3.4 19ql3.2-ql3.4 19ql3.2-ql3.4

Family III


pancreas pseudogene

Kim ef a/., 1990

basic proline-rich glycoprotein

20pl1.2 20pl 1.2 20pll.2 20pll.21 20pl 1.2 20pl 1.2

Kim ef a/., 1990

Cystatin pseudogene


Cheung etai., 1992 Sabatini ef ai, 1993

specific for saliva

Sabatini and Azen, 1989

Peters ef a/., 1989 tissue Kallikrein human glandular Kallikrein-1 prostate-specific antigen

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Riegman ef a/., 1992

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in acquired pellicle formation. On the other hand, cystatins have been shown to inhibit hydroxyapatite crystal growth (lohnsson et al, 1991). OC-AMYLASE

Amylase (46-60 kDa) is an abundant salivary component. It was first described 150 years ago (Leuchs, 1831) under the name "diastase". It is an enzyme (EC that catalyzes the hydrolysis of oc(l,4)glycosidic binding between glucose residues of polysaccharides like starch, glycogen, and dextrins. a-Amylase is found in animals as distinct as insects and mammals (Karn and Malacinski, 1978), and it is especially found in those with starch or glycogens as part of their diet. Human amylase exists in two forms, produced mainly in the pancreas and in the salivary glands. These two forms have 97% amino acid homology. Salivary and pancreatic amylase have been shown to be the products of two closely related but different genetic loci, AMY1 and AMY2, respectively (Table 3). In addition to saliva, amylase has been demonstrated in virtually every mucosal fluid of the human body, e.g., tears, semen, bronchial mucus, etc. This ubiquitous distribution of amylase is difficult to reconcile with its single function of digestion. It would thus be appropriate to seek other functions of amylase, in line with the concept of multifunctional saliva proteins (Levine, 1993). In this respect, Mellersh etal. (1979) have reported that amylase displays growth-inhibitory activity against Neisseria gonorrhoeae. More recently, specific binding of salivary amylase to S. gordonii has been demonstrated by various investigators (Douglas, 1983; Scannapieco et al, 1989), although this binding appears to be more for the benefit of the guest, rather than for the host (bacterium-bound amylase allows the microbe to utilize starch as a carbohydrate source (Douglas et al, 1992). Studies to elucidate the role of amylase in other secretory fluids (tears, seminal fluid, sweat, bronchial mucus) have not been reported. Secretory Immunoglobulin A (slgA) slgA is a member of the adaptive immune response (Mestecky and McGhee, 1987). slgA is the predominant molecule especially designed for secretions, and thus it is the predominant immunoglobulin of the mucosal immune system. In addition, the slgA production (± 66 mg/kg/day) is greater than that of the other isotypes of immunoglobulins (Kraehenbuhl and Neutra, 1992). This high production is necessary to cover the epithelial surfaces of the body. slgA is synthesized by specific cells, B lymphocytes, which are distributed throughout the body. The complete slgA molecule is made up of two four-chain units of IgA, one secretory component (MW 70 kDa), and one joining (I) chain (MW 15 kDa). In contrast, the serum IgA exists largely as a monomer. A siterestricted slgA-associated response can be induced by

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local stimulation of mucosal membranes and secretory glands with antigens. However, local stimulation is not the only pathway that leads to an effective induction of a secretory immune response. Secretions of glands that are anatomically remote from the site of immunization, such as mammary, salivary, and lacrimal glands, can contain slgA antibodies to antigens encountered through the respiratory or gastro-intestinal tracts. Following this pathway, IgA-producing cells are induced by the common mucosal immune response, consisting of lymphoid tissues concentrated in special structures, such as the Peyer's patches. An immune response results in a pattern of relatively specific re-circulation of lymphoid cells from these specialized structures to the mucosa. This process is known as mucosal homing. The slgA-associated response, induced by the latter pathway, initiates a general response of the mucosal immune system. The protective role of slgA has been demonstrated in several experimental systems. slgA can neutralize antigens (from viruses, toxins, and enzymes; Tomasi, 1983). It has been proposed that slgA may interact in concert with the innate immune factors (e.g., lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin; Rudney and Smith, 1985). The effects of slgA deficiency on man are still controversial. About 30% of the patients suffering from this deficiency are affected by upper respiratory tract infections, including sinusitis (Kaliner, 1991). In contrast, no correlation has been found between slgA deficiency and periodontal diseases, possibly due to compensation by normal or even elevated IgG and IgM levels (Norhagen-Engstrom et al 1992; Kirstila et al, 1994). The correlation between caries and levels of salivary IgA antibodies to the Streptococcus rnutans group is still unclear (Hocini et al, 1993). Lysozyme Lysozyme (EC; MW 14 kDa), also called muramidase, was first recognized by Fleming in 1922 for its antibacterial effect (Fleming and Allison, 1922). It is a widely distributed enzyme occurring in many human secretions (Table 2), as well as in various other vertebrates and invertebrates (bacteria, phages, and plants). Because of its widespread occurrence, lysozyme is considered to belong to a primitive defense system, also known as the innate immune system. Lysozyme has been the subject of numerous investigations, and several properties of this protein have been elucidated, e.g., its phylogeny, structure, catalytic mechanism, immunology, structurefunction relationships, and genetics. It is generally accepted that the physiological significance of lysozyme lies in its anti-bacterial properties. These properties were first ascribed to the enzymatic activity of lysozyme, which is able to cleave |3(l-4)-glycosidic bonds between muramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine residues in the peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall. Although the

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majority of bacterial species are not directly lysed upon exposure to lysozyme, their cell walls become weakened to such an extent that subsequent addition of anions or detergent results in immediate lysis (Goodman et al, 1981; Cho et al, 1982; Pollock et al, 1987) . In addition, data have been presented indicating that binding of heat-inactivated lysozyme to bacterial cells is sufficient to induce killing and lysis. Several theories have been put forward to explain the non-enzymatic bactericidal activity of lysozyme, e.g., it has been proposed that binding of lysozyme might activate bacterial autolysins (Laible and Germaine, 1985). Other mechanisms proposed are bacterial aggregation (Pollock et al, 1976), inhibition of bacterial adherence (Iacono et al, 1980), or inhibition of bacterial metabolism (Twetman et al, 1986). Thus, although the bactericidal role of lysozyme is undisputed, the precise mechanism is still unknown. Extra-Parotid GlycoProtein (EP-GP) This acidic salivary glycoprotein of low molecular weight, 18-20 kDa, was originally isolated from submandibularsublingual saliva and has been shown to have a strong affinity to hydroxyapatite (Rathman et al, 1989). EP-GP can be localized in the submandibular glands only in the serous acinar cells and is absent from the parotid gland (Rathman et al, 1990). Based on these data, it was presumed that EP-GP would have a specific function in the oral cavity, e.g., as a component of the dental pellicle. However, because identical proteins were detected in a number of other secretion fluids, e.g., tears, nasal mucus, and seminal plasma, this idea was abandoned (Schenkels et al, 1991). This was further strengthened by the finding that this protein, in vitro as well as in vivo, binds to several oral (e.g., Streptococcus salivarius) and nonoral bacteria (e.g., Staphylococci) (Schenkels etal, 1993). Its polypeptide chain appears to be biochemically identical to that of Secretory Actin Binding Protein (SABP) in seminal plasma, Prolactin-Inducible Protein (PIP), and Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15 (GCDFP-15) (Schenkels et al, 1994). However, these proteins can be distinguished from each other by differences in the degree of glycosylation. The function of EP-GP and its homologues has not yet been elucidated. However, the fact that, both in vitro and in vivo, this protein binds to oral streptococci leads one to suggest a role for this protein in the modulation of oral microflora. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that an acidic protein of 20 kDa is also present in the secretion fluid of the Von Ebner's salivary gland in the tongue, designated VEGh (Blaker et al., 1993). Although biochemically it has a number of properties in common with EP-GP, they are unrelated. VEGh appears to be a member of the superfamily of the lipocalins, which are also present in different body fluids.


Kallikrein Kallikreins (EC are a group of serine proteases that are found in glandular cells, neutrophils, and biological fluids. The best-known activity of these enzymes is the cleavage of kininogen into kinin. Man has 3-5 genes for kallikrein: hRKALL, hGGK-1, and PSA (clustered on 19ql3.3-13.4). Glandular (tissue) kallikrein is found in a variety of tissues and biological fluids, including saliva (Mann et al, 1980). Kallikrein has a well-documented role in blood coagulation, via the activation of the Hageman factor. However, specific functions for this enzyme in secretions have not yet been determined, although in saliva some hydrolysis of proline-rich proteins occurs by kallikrein (Bennick, 1982). It has been implicated in the regulation of local blood flow in salivary glands (Berg et al, 1989), the processing of polypeptide hormones such as epidermal growth factor (Issaksson et al, 1987), in ion transport in epithelial cells (Lewis and Alles, 1986), and neutrophil chemotaxis (Modeer, 1977). Marked increases in salivary kallikrein have been observed following restriction of dietary sodium (Horwitz et al, 1982). In addition, higher levels of kallikrein have been observed in subjects with tumors of both oral and non-oral origin when compared with control subjects (Jenzanoeta/., 1986; Arnold etal, 1989). Haptocorrin Haptocorrin is an acidic glycoprotein (MW 60-80 kDa) that is present as a minor component in blood and other body fluids. It binds cobalamine (Vitamin B12) but should be distinguished from two other vitamin B12binding proteins: the intrinsic factor and transcobalamine. Of these three cobalamine-binding proteins, only haptocorrin has been detected in saliva, in which the concentration is at least three-fold higher than in serum. The highest concentrations have been detected in tears and nasal secretion (Tonnesen et al, 1990). In human salivary glands, it has been localized only in mucous acinar cells and in intercalated duct cells (Nexo et al, 1985), from which it can be released via |3-adrenergic receptor stimulation. In common with Zn-oc2-glycoprotein and EP-GP, haptocorrin can be visualized by iso-electric focusing as a ladder of 4-6 isoproteins, differing from each other by about 0.2 pH-units—a pattern which is different in the various mucous fluids. Apparently, all three glycoproteins are glycosylated in a way that is characteristic for a gland type. In addition to the involvement of haptocorrin in making available vitamin B12 to an organism, it has been suggested to play a role in the defense against micro-organisms (Nexo et al, 1985). jHVHCROSEMINOPROTEIN

)3-microseminoprotein is one of the major proteins in seminal plasma and is an example of a protein to which

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a tissue-specific function had first been attributed because of its presumed specific localization in prostate secretions. Originally, this 11-kDa protein, consisting of 94 amino acids, was isolated from human semen as a factor inhibiting the pituitary release of follitropin. However, since highly purified preparations of the protein were devoid of such activity, this function was questioned. Moreover, in later studies it was shown that the same protein was present in several other tissues and secretory fluids of the human body (Table 2), including bronchial secretions, even at a concentration comparable with that of seminal plasma, thereby suggesting a more general function (Weiber et al, 1990). For example, because of its presence in various amounts in mucous secretions, it has been hypothesized that it may be a factor that modifies the properties of mucus, such as the viscosity and its ability to adhere to surfaces of mucous membranes. Similarly, it has been proposed that |3microseminoprotein has a protective function for the mucins by acting as a physiological inhibitor of endogenous mucin-degrading enzymes from leucocytes, or by acting as an anti-bacterial agent. To our knowledge, these claims, although interesting, have never been experimentally substantiated. PROTEINS NOT ORIGINATING FROM SECRETORY GLANDS

Albumin Albumin is the most abundant protein present in serum plasma, constituting from 55 to 62% of the total serum proteins. It is an acidic (pi 4.9) 67.5-kDa protein with affinity for a broad spectrum of components, e.g., water, Ca++, Na+, K+, fatty acids, bilirubin, hormones, and drugs. In several glandular salivas, albumin has been detected as a minor component (Rathman et al, 1989; Sweeney and Beeley, 1990). Albumin concentrations in saliva and other mucosal secretions reflect a passive contribution of serum-derived protein, which may be caused by epithelial inflammation. Changes in albumin content of saliva can be used as a diagnostic tool for certain diseases like chronic pancreatitis (Durr et al, 1982) and stomatitis in cancer therapy patients (Izutzu et al, 1981). In the saliva of orally healthy individuals, albumin can be detected in only very small amounts (Henskens et al, 1993). Salivary albumin concentrations are significantly increased in individuals with gingivitis or periodontitis in comparison with healthy subjects (Henskens et al, 1993). Saliva-specific functions have also been described for albumin. When hydroxyapatite is exposed to whole saliva, it is rapidly bound by this mineral (Rolla et al, 1983; Rathman et al, 1989). Accordingly, albumin has been described as a component of the acquired pellicle (Eggen and Rolla, 1984). Albumin is also found in a complexed form with prolinerich glycoprotein (PRG), and this complex, as a pellicle

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constituent, appears to play an effective role in lubrication of oral tissue surfaces (Hatton et al, 1985). Zinc-0C2~Glycoprotein Zinc-oc2-Glycoprotein (Zn-a2-GP) was detected in serum for the first time in 1961. It consists of a single polypeptide chain of 41 kDa, contains 18% carbohydrate (Kamboh and Ferrell, 1986), and gets its name because it precipitates zinc ions. Different isoforms of Zinc~cc2-glycoprotein are present as a minor component in several body fluids, e.g., serum, sweat, tears, and saliva. By isoelectric focusing, a ladder of protein bands was observed which could be reduced by sialidase treatment to one major band with a pi of 5.2. Apparently, one and the same polypeptide chain can be glycosylated differently in the various tissues. In pregnant women, Zn-oc2-glycoprotein was found to have a higher content of sialic acid. Although it has been suggested to play a role as a carrier protein for the nephritogenic renal glycoprotein, its biological function is still unknown.

Conclusions An overview of the composition of glandular secretions reveals that the proteins that are genuinely specific for saliva are few. Most salivary components are also present in other mucosal secretions, and in turn can be subdivided into two groups. One group consists of similar components encoded by identical genes (lysozyme, slgA). The second group consists of components that are not identical but are structurally or genetically related, e.g., cystatins, mucins, oc-amylase, kallikreins. This divergence may be important to induce molecular adjustments to the physical environment of the specific secretion. Divergence, on the other hand, may function as a playground for evolutionary experiments on secretory proteins. The distribution of the salivary components also has consequences for the physiological roles they play in the oral cavity. Proteins present in more than one secretion consequently have functions common to mucosal secretions, as for instance, protection. On the other hand, one might expect that a protein that is present only in saliva will have functions that are specific for saliva. The only saliva-specific proteins appear to be histatins and acidic PRPs. Consequently, these proteins presumably have a predominant function that is unique to the oral cavity. Other components will serve mainly in the common functions of mucosal secretions. Additionally, many components described here share two principles that can be applied to functions of the mucosal secretions: First, many secretory proteins share more than one function, consistent with the finding that, in several proteins, functional modular units can be distinguished (Baron et al, 1991); and second, mucosal components tend to complex with each other, thus forming new functional aggregates— for example, in pellicles (Levine, 1993).

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