Biodegradation of lignin

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Ian D. Reid. Abstract: Lignin is an ...... Paice, M.G., Reid, I.D., Bourbonnais, R., Archibald, F.S., ... Roy, B.P., Paice, M.G., Archibald, F.S., Misra, S.K., and. MisiakĀ ...
Biodegradation of lignin Ian D. Reid

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Abstract: Lignin is an aromatic polymer forming up to 30% of woody plant tissues, providing rigidity and resistance to biological attack. Because it is insoluble, chemically complex, and lacking in hydrolysable linkages, lignin is a difficult substrate for enzymatic depolymerization. Certain fungi, mostly basidiomycetes, are the only organisms able to extensively biodegrade it; white-rot fungi can completely mineralize lignin, whereas brown-rot fungi merely modify lignin while removing the carbohydrates in wood. Several oxidative and reductive extracellular enzymes (lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, laccase, and cel1obiose:quinone oxidoreductase) have been isolated from ligninolytic fungi; the role of these enzymes in lignin biodegradation is being intensively studied. Enzymatic combustion, a process wherein enzymes generate reactive intermediates, but do not directly control the reactions leading to lignin breakdown, has been proposed as the mechanism of lignin biodegradation. The economic consequences of lignin biodegradation include wood decay and the biogeochemical cycling of woody biomass. Efforts are being made to harness the delignifying abilities of white-rot fungi to aid wood and straw pulping and pulp bleaching. These fungi can also be used to degrade a variety of pollutants in wastewaters and soils, to increase the digestibility of lignocellulosics, and possibly to bioconvert lignins to higher value products. Key words: delignification, white-rot fungi, biobleaching, lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, laccase.

RCsumC : La lignine est un polymbre aromatique qui constitue jusqu'i 30% des tissus ligneux des plantes, donnant de la rigidit6 et de la resistance a l'attaque biologique. Parce qu'elle est insoluble, chimiquement complexe, et sans lien hydrolysable, la lignine est un substrat difficile pour la dtpolymCrisation enzymatique. Seuls certains champignons, surtout des basidiomycbtes, peuvent la biodtgrader de f a ~ o nextensive; les champignons i pourriture blanche peuvent complbtement minCraliser la lignine, tandis que les champignons a pourriture brune la modifient 1Cgbrement tout en s'attaquant aux hydrates de carbone du bois. On a isole plusieurs enzymes extracellulaires, oxydatives (lignine peroxydase, manganbse peroxydase, laccase) et rCductives (cel1obiose:quinone oxydorCductase), partir des champignons ligninolytiques; le r61e de ces enzymes dans la biodigradation de la lignine fait l'objet de nombreuses Ctudes. La combustion enzymatique, un processus par lequel des enzymes gCnttrent des intermediaires rkactifs, sans diriger directement les reactions qui mbnent a la dCsintCgration de la lignine, a CtC suggCrCe cornme le mecanisme de la biodkgradation de la lignine. Parmi les consCquences Cconomiques de la biodegradation de la lignine, se trouvent la dCcomposition du bois et le recyclage biogCochimique de la biomasse ligneuse. On essaie de mettre les pouvoirs dklignificateurs des champignons a pourriture blanche au service d'une part de la fabrication des pltes a partir du bois et de la paille, et d'autre part, au service du blanchiment des pltes chimiques. Ces champignons sont aussi utiles pour dCgrader des polluants divers dans les eaux usCes et les sols, pour augmenter la digestibilitC des matCriaux lignocellulosiques, et possiblement pour la biovalorisation des lignines. Mots cltfs : dklignification, champignons a pourriture blanche, bioblanchiment, lignine peroxydase, manganbse peroxydase, laccase.

Lignin Lignin is the material that confers the qualities of rigidity and durability that make woody plants "woody." It makes u p about 3 0 % of softwood and about 2 0 % of hardwood, and is

found in the

in a



hemicellulosic polysaccharides (1). In this natural composite material, the cellulose fibrils provide tensile strength, and the hemicellulose and lignin provide cross-linlung, binding the

Pructure together. Lignin is biosynthesized by the polymerization of phenyl-

id (2). There are three of these precursors, .~ r o ~ a n oDrecursors A

Received August 15, 1994.

I.D. Reid. Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, 570 St. John's Boulevard, Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 359, Canada.

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differing in the number of methoxyl groups on the aromatic ring (Fig. 1). Softwood lignin contains mostly guaiacyl (monomethoxy) units. Hardwood lignin contains roughly equal amounts of guaiacyl and syringyl (dimethoxy) units. Grass lignins contain p-hydroxyphenyl (no methoxy 1) units a s well as the other two types. Lignin polymerization takes place in

Can. J. Bot. 73(Suppl. 1): S1011-S1018 (1995). Printed in Canada I Imprim6 au Canada

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Fig. 1. Structures of the three lignin precursors, showing the conventional labelling of the carbons in lignin subunits.

cell walls after the polysaccharides have been deposited, and is initiated by enzymatic oxidation of the precursors to phenoxy radicals. These radicals can couple with each other and with the growing lignin polymer in numerous ways to form a complex cross-linked network (Fig. 2). The most common interunit linkage is an ether bond formed between the middle carbon of a propanoid side chain and the phenolic group of another unit (/3-0-4 bond). The benzyl (a) carbon of the side chain can also participate in ether bonds, and diary1 ethers form at lower frequency. Direct C-C bonds are formed by coupling between the /3-carbon and the 5- or 6-positions of a ring, another /3-carbon, or the 1-position of a ring (displacing the propanoid side chain). Direct C -C bonds also form between the 5-positions of two rings. Because the 5-position of syringyl units is occupied by a methoxyl group, these units cannot participate in any of the linkages involving that position. Some interunit linkages occur together, such as the combination of the /3-5 and a - 0 - 4 links to form a phenylcoumaran structure or the combination of a /3-/3 bond with 2 a - 0 - y links to form a pinoresinol structure. Occasional ether bonds to sugars in hemicelluloses are also present. Polymerization of the lignin precursors can be carried out in vitro to produce synthetic lignins, or dehydrogenative polymerizates (DHP) (3). Compared with natural lignins, DHPs have the advantages of being readily prepared free from carbohydrate, being soluble in some solvents, and being easily labelled with I4C or I3C. For these reasons DHPs have been used extensively in lignin biodegradation research, even though they are smaller and have different frequencies of interunit linkages than natural lignins. For detailed studies of the effects of lignin-degrading organisms and enzymes on the various types of interunit linkages, lignin model dimers have been used (4). Dimers containing the /3-0-4 and /3-1 linkages have received the most attention. Experiments with these models have shown the variety of reactions that can occur and led to the discovery of the extracellular peroxidases of white-rot fungi, but the task of demonstrating the relevance of the results obtained with dimers to the degradation of polymeric lignin has barely begun (5).

Lignin-degrading fungi The only organisms known to extensively degrade lignin are fungi (6, 7). For detailed recent reviews of lignin biodegradation, see Refs. 8 - 10. The white-rot fungi, the most effective lignin degraders, are basidiomycetes (1 I). They occur predominantly on hardwoods and, in the laboratory, they generally decay hardwood better

than softwood, apparently because of the presence of syringyl lignin in the hardwood (12, 13). White-rot fungi are able to completely mineralize both the lignin and carbohydrate components of wood. Some species (simultaneous rots) remove lignin and carbohydrate at the same proportional rate, others (selective white rots) remove lignin faster than cellulose (14). Many, but not all, white-rot fungi produce phenol oxidase activity in culture (15, 16). In this context, phenol oxidase activity is used loosely, to indicate the formation of extracellular coloured products from phenolic substrates; extracellular peroxidases as well as laccase may contribute to the reaction. Brown-rot fungi, in contrast to white rotters, depolymerize and remove the polysaccharides from wood while leaving the lignin as a crumbly brown residue. The lignin in brownrotted wood has been demethylated, and oxidized and depolymerized (17, 18), but not completely degraded. Brown rot is most common in softwood. Brown-rot fungi are basidiomvcetes. and are classified in the same families as white-rot genera. The brown-rot fungi, which generally lack phenol oxidase activity, apparently evolved from the whiterot fungi (11). A third type of wood decay is soft rot, caused by ascomycetous fungi (19). These fungi are thought to preferentially degrade the carbohydrates of the wood, although some of them have demonstrated significant ability to mineralize lignin (20). Unfortunately, lignin degradation by soft-rot fungi has been little studied.

Mechanism of lignin biodegradation Because lignin is an insoluble polymer, the initial steps in its biodegradation must be extracellular. The final steps in lignin mineralization, culminating in the release of COz, are likely to take place inside the fungal hyphae. Therefore, the extracellular reactions must break lignin into fragments that are able to diffuse to the hyphae and cross the cell membranes. Unlike other biopolymers, the monomers in lignin are joined by ether and C -C bonds which are not readily hydrolyzed. Chemical and physiological evidence shows that lignin degradation, like its biosynthesis, is predominantly oxidative, although reductive reactions may also participate (21). Oxidation of lignins that contain free phenolic groups would be expected to cause further polymerization and, indeed, this is the easiest effect to demonstrate in vitro (22). However, some low molecular weight fragments are also released (23, 24). Ligninolytic fungi seem to be able to tip the balance between polymerization and depolymerization in favour of fragmentation, possibly by removing the low molecular weight pieces from the reaction mixture (5) or by glycosylation (25) or methylation (21). DHPs added to ligninolytic cultures can be transiently polymerized before being depolymerized and mineralized (26, 27). Because of the random polymerization process that formed it, lignin has a complex and irregular structure. The diversity of the interunit linkages, magnified by the presence of both enantiomeric forms at the asymmetric a - and /3-carbons, and the irregularity of their arrangement make it difficult for a ligninolytic fungus to produce enzymes that could recognize and cleave all of them. The solution that has apparently evolved in the white-rot fungi is to produce enzymes of low specificity that initiate, but do not direct, oxidative reactions in lignin. Kirk and Farrell (6) have termed this process

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Fig. 2. Schematic structure of a portion of a guaiacyl lignin molecule.

enzymatic combustion: the enzyme activates the lignin to overcome an energy barrier and begin a thermodynamically favoured oxidative fragmentation without further control of the reaction pathway by the enzyme. Water-soluble intermediates of lignin degradation can be detected under either submerged or solid-state fermentation conditions (28-35). The water-soluble intermediates in the degradation of DHP have a broad molecular size distribution and are predominantly oligomeric (27). Partially degraded lignins can also be extracted from decayed wood with polar organic solvents (21, 36). Much of the extracted material is polymeric or oligomeric (37). Characterization of these polymers, and of products from DHPs specifically labelled with 13C(38), show that the chemical changes produced by whiterot fungi in the lignin polymer include oxidative cleavage of the propanoid side chains between the a- and /3-carbons and between the /3- and y-carbons, and demethylation and oxidative cleavage of aromatic rings (21). Lignin biodegradation does not proceed by an orderly removal of the peripheral subunits as single ring compounds; it also involves oxidation of the aromatic rings and side chains in the interior of the polymer, increasing the hydrophilicity and solubility of the polymer core at the same time as fragments of varying size are set free. The disorderly nature of this degradation agrees with the concept of enzymatic combustion.

Lignin-degrading enzymes A set of enzymes that will extensively degrade native lignin

and reproduce the effects of a white-rot fungus has not yet been identified. However, one reductive and three oxidative enzymes are commonly found extracellularly in ligninolytic cultures of white-rot fungi. These enzymes are active on lignin model dimers, and are generally believed to play a role in lignin biodegradation. Collecting irrefutable evidence for such a role, and identifying the agents still missing from a

complete ligninolytic enzyme system are the current challenges for lignin biodegradation research. It is already clear that different combinations of the known enzymes are produced by various lignin-degrading fungi (15), suggesting that there is more than one successful strategy for lignin biodegradation. Lignin peroxidase Once called ligninase, this enzyme is a heme peroxidase with an unusually high redox potential and low optimum pH (39-41). It shows little substrate specificity, reacting with a wide variety of lignin model compounds and even unrelated molecules (42). It has the distinction of being able to oxidize methoxylated aromatic rings without a free phenolic group, generating cation radicals that can react further by a variety of pathways, including C,-Co cleavage and ring opening. First discovered in Phanerochaete chrysosporium (43, 44), it is produced by many, but not all, white-rot fungi (15, 16). The enzyme is susceptible to inactivation by H202( 4 9 , and to inhibition or masking of its action by components of lignocellulosic media (46). Veratryl alcohol enhances its action on many substrates, including lignin (5, 24); the effect of veratry1 alcohol has been attributed to acting as a mediator (47), protecting against inactivation (48), or acting as a preferred substrate for the second one-electron reduction in the enzyme's catalytic cycle (49). The crystal structure of lignin peroxidase is known (50, 51). It is able to oxidize ferrocytochrome c (12 300 Da), suggesting that the enzyme could act directly on polymeric lignin (52). Lignin peroxidase can depolymerize DHP in vitro, if the DHP is presented in low concentration in a reaction mixture containing 30% or more of an organic solvent (5). Manganese peroxidase This is another heme peroxidase, but it shows a strong preference for Mn(I1) as its reducing substrate (53). The product

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Mn(II1) forms a complex with organic acids and diffuses away from the enzyme to oxidize other materials, such as lignin. The redox potential of the Mn peroxidase - Mn system is lower than that of lignin peroxidase and it does not oxidize nonphenolic lignin models. Phenolic substrates are oxidized to phenoxy radicals, which can react further by demethylation, alkyl-phenyl cleavage, C, oxidation, or C,-CB cleavage (54). Manganese peroxidase is very widespread among whiterot fungi (15, 16) and is readily detected in cultures on real lignocellulosic substrates (55-57). It can depolymerize DHP in vitro (58).

Laccase This enzyme is a copper-containing oxidase; it does not require peroxide (59). Like Mn peroxidase, it normally oxidizes only those lignin model compounds with a free phenolic group, forming phenoxy radicals. However, in the presence of the artificial substrate 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline5-sulphonate) (ABTS), laccase can also oxidize certain nonphenolic compounds (60), probably by hydrogen abstraction from benzyl carbons (6 1). ABTS also enhances the ability of laccase to degrade the residual lignin in kraft pulps (62); other synthetic mediators reportedly have a similar effect (63). Laccase is produced by most white-rot fungi (15, 16), with the notable exception of P. chrysosporium (6). Cel1obiose:quinone oxidoreductase (CBQase) This heme-flavin enzyme oxidizes cellobiose and some other carbohydrates, and reduces quinones and the radicals produced by the action of lignin peroxidase, Mn peroxidase, and laccase on lignin model compounds (64). It can also reduce Fe(II1) ions and ferricytochrome c. Suggested roles for CBQase in lignin biodegradation include preventing oxidative polymerization of phenols (65), supporting the production of hydroxyl radical by a Fenton cycle (66), and promoting the action of MnP by creating complexing agents for Mn(I1I) and by reducing Mn02 (67). Experimental evidence that CBQase enhances lignin degradation in an enzymatic or fungal system is still lacking. Other enzymes The activity of extracellular peroxidases depends on a supply of H202. Glucose-1 -oxidase (68), glucose-2-oxidase (69), glyoxal oxidase (70), aryl alcohol oxidase (l6), and methanol oxidase (71) have all been proposed as H202sources. Sugars needed as substrates for the glucose oxidases can be produced by the action of cellulase and hemicellulases on wood polysaccharides. Methanol can be released from methoxyl groups during lignin degradation (56). Glyoxal, aryl alcohols, and ethanol are excreted metabolites of white-rot fungi (16,70,72). A cycle involving intracellular reduction of the aldehyde products of aryl alcohol oxidase has been proposed (16, 73). Intracellular metabolism also supplies oxalate (74) and other organic acids which can chelate Mn(II1) (75). Two new types of extracellular peroxidase have been reported from Bjerkandera sp. and Junghuhnia separabilima (76, 77); the roles they might play in lignin biodegradation are still unknown. Enzyme access to lignin Native lignin is hydrophobic, insoluble, and sequestered in a dense matrix of polysaccharides, which restricts access of

enzymes to only the surface of the wood cell wall (78, 79). Physical contact between enzymes and lignin might be a ratelimiting factor in lignin biodegradation. For Mn peroxidase this may be less of a problem; complexed Mn(II1) ions can more readily diffuse into the lignocellulose complex than proteins can. For other enzymes, this problem seems to be resolved in two ways, depending on the type of decay. During simultaneous decay, the porosity of the cell wall does not increase enough to allow enzyme penetration into the ligninpolysaccharide matrix (78, 80). However, in this type of decay, polysaccharides are removed from the wall at the same rate as lignin, so that the zone of active lignin degradation remains directly accessible at the surface. In selective delignification, the cellulosic matrix of the secondary wall remains in place and lignin degradation takes place at a considerable distance from the surface of the fiber lumen. Irnrnunochemical labelling shows that lignin peroxidase can penetrate the selectively delignified cell walls (80), indicating that removal of lignin and hemicellulose creates channels wide enough to allow access of the enzymes to the sites of lignin degradation. Thus, in either case, the fungal enzymes can reach their substrate.

Economic consequences of lignin biodegradation Wood decay After cellulose, lignin is the second most abundant organic compound on earth; lignocellulose is the major storehouse of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis. Fungal lignin biodegradation is a key process in the biogeochemical cycling of this carbon, and this decomposer activity may be the most valuable service of lignin-degrading fungi to mankind (81). However, wood decay is sometimes inconvenient to us, when it occurs in timber that we want to harvest or lumber that we are using. It is estimated that 10% of the timber cut in the United States each year is to replace wood that decays in service (82). Pulping Making wood into pulp requires separating the fibers from each other and making them flexible, either by dissolving out the lignin in chemical pulping or by physically tearing apart the lignified fibers in mechanical pulping (83). Treating the wood with selectively lignin-degrading fungi decreases the energy input required for mechanical pulping (84, 85) and also improves the bonding ability of the fibers, leading to stronger paper. A similar treatment can also be used with rice straw (86) or bagasse (87). Biological delignification of wood is also reported to aid subsequent chemical pulping by the sulfite (88) and kraft (89) processes. Bleaching Kraft pulps contain up to 5 % of modified, dark-coloured residual lignin. Certain white-rot fungi can solubilize much of this lignin, decreasing the amount of chemicals required to bleach the pulp (90). Effective fungi include Phanerochaete chrysosporium (9 1), Phanerochaete sordida (92), Trametes versicolor (93), and several unidentified isolates (57, 94, 95). Even though direct physical contact between fungus and pulp is not required for limited delignification (92, 96), extensive bleaching by a cell-free enzyme system has been difficult to demonstrate. Pulp brightening is correlated with Mn peroxidase activity over a range of isolates and culture conditions

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(56, 57, 92, 93, 97). Manganese peroxidase (56), laccase plus ABTS (62), or other mediators (63) can partially reproduce the delignifying effect of the fungus and substantially increase the bleachability of kraft pulps. Recently Kondo et al. (98) have demonstrated that Mn peroxidase can also brighten kraft pulps if the surfactant Tween 80 is present. Either the detergent action of Tween 80 or the unsaturated fatty acids it contains (99) may be responsible for the enhancement of Mn peroxidase's bleaching effect.

Pollution abatement The low specificity and strong oxidative abilities of fungal lignin degradation systems allow them to be applied to the degradation of many organic pollutants. White-rot fungi or their enzymes can dechlorinate and decolorize the chlorolignin in effluents from chlorine bleaching of chemical pulps (100- 102). Selected white-rot fungi can also be used for bioremediation of soils contaminated with a wide variety of aromatic pollutants (42, 103). Digestibility enhancement Lignification protects polysaccharides from hydrolytic enzymes and limits the digestibility of lignocellulosic materials by ruminant animals or by cellulases applied in vitro. Delignification of the raw materials by solid-state fermentation with selective white-rot fungi increases their value as fodder for ruminant animals and as substrates for enzymatic saccharification and fermentation (104, 105). Some lignin-degrading fungi, notably Pleurotus spp. and Lentinus edodes, produce edible mushrooms and can directly convert lignocellulose into food for humans. Lignin bioconversion Large quantities of lignin are available as by-products from chemical pulping and more would become available if lignocellulose were utilized as a source of sugars for fermentation (106). The available markets for these lignins are mostly low valued. Using lignin-degrading fungi or their enzymes to tailor the properties of these lignins and thus increase their value is an appealing idea, although the low specificity of the known enzymes limits the control that can be exercised. In one successful application, laccase was used to polymerize lignin as a binder in particle boards (107) . Enzymatic polymerization of brown-rotted lignin with peroxidase and laccase was less promising (108). Laccase has also been used to incorporate organosolv and kraft lignins into graft copolymers (109).

Conclusion The biodegradation of lignin is a special talent of white-rot fungi, which possess a powerful extracellular oxidative system with low substrate specificity. Lignin peroxidase, Mn peroxidase, and laccase are components of this system in various fungal species; other constituents remain to be discovered. Lignin biodegradation as part of wood and litter decay is an important natural process, with positive and negative effects on human welfare. As our understanding of lignin biodegradation increases, we can apply these fungi and their enzymes in the pulp and paper, agricultural, and bioremediation industries.

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