Cadmium effect on hydrogen peroxide, gluthatione and ... - Springer Link

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U'caimen< a marked limitation el PC symhesis win:, (,bserved. The prcsc@cd rc,,aults ... MD - menadione, OS - oxidative stress, PC~- ..... Scanda|ios J.G. 1993.
ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM Vol. 19. No. 2. 1997:127-135


Cadmium effect on hydrogen peroxide, gluthatione and phytoehelatins levels in potato tuber

.,f ndrzo; StroiJski and Ma/gorzata Zielezihska

Departmenl of P]ant Physiology, Agrk:ulh~ral Univershy, Wo[yfiska 35, 60637 Poznafi, Poland

Key words." C a d m i u m , Gh_tthatione, H y d r o g e n per-

List q/abrevafions: A O S .-. a c t i v e o x y g e n species,

o x i d e , O x i d a t i v e stress, P h y t o c h c l a t i n s , SoZJ, m.m~


mbero,vwn L.

3 - a m i ~o-i , 2 . 4 - t r i a z o l , B S O - b u t b i o n i n c sub-

foximine, CAT - catalase, Cds ~soluble Cd contcm, C dB - b o u n d c a d m i u m c o n t e n t , G S H - g luta@ione,

HPLC - high periormence liquid chromatography,


M D - m e n a d i o n e , O S - o x i d a t i v e stress, P C ~ phytochelatins

Short-tcm~ treatment of potato tuber (Solcmum tuber(~sumL.} discs wi@ CdC12 (imM) induced all oxidative stress, manifested by higher levels o{I I:-O,, and aclivated the sym'hesi~ of phytochclath~s ((;/--G hL Cys)n-Gly): PC2, 1 slractL Krakdw, 1996. Krakdw. Stroifiski, A, and M Koz}ouska 1997. Cadmium in duced oxidative stress in potato tuber, Acta Soc, Bot. Pol. 66: in prin~. Sntherland M.W. 1991. The generation of oxygen radi cals during host plant responses to intk~.ction. J.Plant Pathoh 39: 7993. T u k e n d o r f A. and W.E. Rauser 199{}. Changes in glutathione and phytochelatins in roots of maize seedlings exposed to cadmium Plant Science 70:155-166. Vera-Estrella R., E. B|nmwald and V.J. ttiggins 1992. Effect of specific elicitors of Cladosporium fulvzo, on tomato suspension cells. Plant Physioh 99:1208-1215.

Received November 15, 1996; accepted April 02, 1997