Canary Islands species) in the Gallotia endangered ...

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Aug 28, 2004 - Blood samples were taken from the ventral coccygeal vein of 15 El Hierro giant lizards (Gallotia simonyi). (seven females and eight males), ...
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Comparative haematology and chemistry of endangered lizards ( Gallotia species) in the Canary Islands A. Martinez Silvestre, M. A. Rodriguez Dominguez, J. A. Mateo, et al. Veterinary Record 2004 155: 266-269

doi: 10.1136/vr.155.9.266

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ARTI 1(11S

Comparative chemistry species)






haemato log endang ered





and lizards




J. A.



Blood samples were taken from the ventral coccygeal vein of 15 El Hierro giant lizards (Gallotia simonyi) (seven females and eight males), six La Gomera giant lizards (Gallotia bravoana) (four males and two females) and four Tenerife giant lizards (Gallotia intermedia) (two males and two females), and 31 blood parameters were measured. Among the haematological parameters there were significant differences between the three species in heterophils, azurophils and lymphocytes, but no significant differences in red blood cell count, white blood cell count, haemoglobin, packed-cell volume, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. in terms of blood chemistry there were significant differences between the three species in cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, sodium, chloride, urea, uric acid, total proteins, prealbumin, albumin and gamma globulins, but no significant differences in calcium, potassium, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, bile acids, alpha-i and alpha-2 globulins and beta globulins.

A. Nlitrtiincz Silvestre,

( cnllmic,i1\8 St\ landIiC/

pihiittm AlipiiClihi/,i,lPI Nl. A.

'I Hi lizards of tihc ( anairv lsllands bcIon- t(i the cildiit.ii penniL ( 1101//t Arnl-0d 1 973)), and aiic coniisdcr-cd cndlanocrcti i of ipCt.cic bvit 11-itciletiattoiial UTi/no/i for ( onielvltaltt NatLo/C PICt.)tiC/ICliOS 200121; tilCV ate allI itt iCtiV Pi- oCtCci bVh inatitinal aicid nitcrnlat onall l,iii . Ini thc 19 30s thc Ii1 licirro giant lizard I(nilltiit Ni/Imlvl) \\','I bciicivcd 1o bc cxitlitct, bnIt it ws aitcdiiscNii crcd ini I974

Boh1-nic and Iiiniio 971.1hFlc cstiniatcd totlal iiniii1bCi Otii1ani 1ali InI tIle Wil d pop1,la"tioin r angcs betwicC/i 1 411 'ci-ci Mclelado aind otihlcisi 9991 antii 6 131 Rodili n.nLzICZ)o1int pCt aiiid othetri 21)11(). As\ia rCiLlt tOat1_CtOV CIV\plan1, aiid nIi ng aiitiiai t.ainic illihci i1lattal.I habItat, niiC\ population

ical palranieteri tif l1riet 0iii0LItSiiitt SLICI " .ISC i IIlOI Siali 'inchI ignUMatSi Igt iiTitiMtiilt/ rIv/i 99 \\Wagtcr andc Wectzcl 1999), prclictiisiletailcd sii iis (ti-/cIt It IIitiIIWrighit I/993), lxirbbd dragoiii lP/gw//t I/itoccpN I lltiaii 997) land El Hietr igant i/atdcl M artitntcz xiiivcistrc and otlietis 200121i) lit.t nii cuimparatiic aitt. boc.licniiical ref er, C/ice VaIici liii preci innili bCCti pnbliihcd tot lizatrdi tif tie geCt.iiS ( ,tilltiiit. Illiii paper aliti proitidcs the f-iist desit.t pti(ilii toi- tue La (otiiiiea ati-d 'IeiictI-fc p,iant lizardcl.


D)ominguez, M\I C//It 0)


Re tpai

tI/I/I t? ti c


I: lIeI

J.A. MIttert, \Ii1111- 'IsI)md

ilitI p/i II1 J. A.dlsteo, NI/\\h


cI. Nhtrco, IIt i\-\ IfIt dC

lBlotid sianmplei iicec taketiro itiii/le antmnali kept at thec ectii env ten/it -ci toi the guanlt luaudiiis ItFro(ititrta, tint 1`1 lliei-iti, -it

1. NI trco,

haivc beeni cicltcrid ill soitiic parti (ot tIle iiland. Al pt ccinit 2__-il (it theC IIartliS, i/ic .ding" adiCIti anld ill

ha-ltcliling(i, ai e nI-iainia-indc(



PhI' I/

RZ. (Cuenca, /\ \M, Pl/I),

iti large 'ni iiie, ai ii1ci iii al tin,11ibei of sinbPOPnlait//li OI thelen aiid Loii G1(,it itci Chliffsiin the iivcite/ti i(id oii Fletcietie leriiadez atid othet iS 211111); at peicsiitI. there- late bctiivccii 250i aiid 500 wiild laninali I Raiido anid \Valido 200011I AlthtIctgII tlici c Ii iO taP) IiVC CcNiCr ciPlan furI ilie ipecciC al Oie tliC1Zl_dS i are kept ilti rriat in.iiii Inl tiliC pricill1, totu ii [nt1CidC16mu Necilrtipico in leCiiet ic, atid( tlicic ate the titi Ii t-

tueC atlimnali. 'I'lie La Gam,iciiita giant lizard ii c1eathy ditlicinliatcd iiriim the aboi tii0 S pCCICi hUt iti NSCiCIitiiic CaklSS1at,iotlOi Ii ntIItCICar; it liai beet iii Iw lie tiamie Ganlt//t b/r/iit/a i/i/i thec basisi (if the ( ode oti / Notiient.clatLIl- e Noga,lci aiid othcirt 200li . It OCt.LIpici aI itiiall IAlalitt ill theC iSnli ii\CSOii L i(itiiei"'a ndlicihatin citimiiatcd ptiputlatiotiocit o ninCiioic iti ~10 iiidiViCidnli. 'I ieiC ICCOuVcrV plan titheI tiCSpCCICi iticlndiCS aI taip o

tiivc breccdiiig( Pt (igratlitliec; at pi ccint tlicice ateC six\ t.ap)lii lzat dcis) atid 101 hiatchlinogi haive bccti boirii i ti e plaistitio

Haeu.lC1-tilOigV a/id iCI-ll CI/lC1iiStiiiiVipliV art illiporil lanI toil i/i theC daguiuiiiOit.C Ci al a"ti(iti ofI/ eptilcis (Camipb.l 9981 aiid t(i obltai n biaiuc datla, legal SInppOIti taidI pCF1ntiitOnt ii','i

obtaitied1 frotm flt. C(nartay ( oiertment tti take bloodtt. iamil l-1CI etit.e Fanp1ci pici. 1hlieMaiftiiliSi Stidi iilai tti cletei niitlietcf for lhaetiatiloigiclal .ttid bloodi chernit't i- patra/hlentc fttIo lie tlii cc G1(mtl/it SpeCcuS. 'I licsc let Ctit.C ant1.(ei iiVOIIt.1 be LISfCi'l tti PiiVlOigicalCi ph a\IIlna t)l Iiitad for the cletct.oti/ittIi plalthot

luigical chatigei ill wiid atid captiivc Caiiari gianiiat tI.lird.TIcletc ihaivc bet' siiiic istdidci tii the hiacmiatoilogigcal atid bloct.leiii



le'iietitef, dt.iiing a c1iiicl ctintlCO I-0til ICatIccLtit.t InI teC iprii1g tii 21)1) I. 1 liCi \VCi/ec 3 licldUi F11 cIIriCO 1izai cli( C ight Iiialei ItIt.l tii ti emialIcs and ft`0iti adUlt eiieIIC-tc lizarcls Itwo iiialci atic twic tctialci). Ihli animanli i/et_C Ct/Ip/t/ICd Iti (it.1 a iieiis otifch Canar Islaiids) ipec.iticalli romi iblatatj cliff tint II crir, \Valle Grati Rex oii La C ,itiicir, IitdI CIIci ittii o n/cIciteilf. All tlie hItdi-cis e\TCc kept iti lait/i / tid In cidentical cotidititiii licttitc // tedi rego,arly tIn a the bloodi salilplcs i/Cric lake/i. Ihc wcici dliet ot frt.tilt, iCegehablci andi( Clcidcmic pianiti Ititoii theitIciirepec. tIvi Islandi, Sitppleiiiciitcc.i wiithi ci-ickcti, gitint mtaewori liii ati/id tiCLstis, auicl xivitcrt iwais avlble tid libitt.1lli OI lit ai/id oitheri 19991. Ilici i/etc mainti/iiicd til a uiatLct alpli0titt pcriciodf 141 L/-ic/il(ight auid II i(1(tt i cditI-kneiics.Thecdai\tillie al/u telilpelatlciIatiI-S11lgcd fti/li 23 Iti -311(itl theC terraiiMiSii

t.lruink i/id lichavcetloirlmlalliy, and iirctr all clinlically licaltliv atl the bcgitniting tit the StnLId. 'I lie blotic iaiiplic 0I/i imi wchrc tilectrtotii the xe/ilral ttccivgeal xvlwitihiClbciipoiiabie i\i il0cs ai/id 23 G uieedlei, atid i/limcciieiatcly Ira/life/Ic t.l it iciiptriniiicdtibc/b; a tri-cli biooitici illici iwti Il/dd ~/cit In cdrt.d. 'I lie iatiplei \viici etiriocrateci- at 4 ( ittitil lici i/Crct aniliyicci tiii the diy tliey hadic bccti talkc/i. Blooidc iia Ciicti ifctged ait 11)1 g toir i0 /iiliLtcstd ai/id the phlaisia iisr/Icmoviicd for the bitchc.ic/lta

I`1iCaSiIC-l1C`l/ti. ili ittIlCS'iLP (ciniplctc blood CtLIn/ti Wi/C/ IIlIaCi hiViii cdaI dlISCt.d I-Cc/ic//t iiViteml n iiia il/'ichtiC NeC/bat/el_ Cha/iiliCF/

Veterinary Record, August 28, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The

It iii tIi tic \t dc/\i//i


tic B/,nxI cd/iilII))

nl Ii Ii i Ii \ Ii iet riknd/1iltLtimci/ti tit IAtpl001i0iii tic I)) itt/t iic9 illltn,i-llti

dci- it si I ir ttiil/ \nuuiin, ticIcll'iitcliin /18 It))liclV tlci /1-1,1 IiLI ic/tIt iN2VCCi iaIIi t

ti1c ll.tICIii11c It)) xi ciii S,-(

Downloaded from on December 15, 2010 - Published by



silir-1:411r,1011717M morllrlIIL4 Parameter RBC (X 1012/litre) Haemoglobin (g/litre) Pcv (litre/litre) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/litre) WBC (X 109/litre) Thrombocytes (x 109/litre) Differential leucocyte count Lymphocytes (x 109/litre) Monocytes (x 109/litre) Azurophils (x 109/litre) Heterophils (x 109/litre) Eosinophils (x 109/litre) Basophils (x 109/litre)

Gallotia bravoana (n=6)

Gollotio intermedic (n=4)

Gollotia simonyi

0.954 (0.26) 62-5 (9.2) 0-30 (0-05) 318 (46.9) 67.6 (10.9) 211 (10.8)b 8 00 (2.28) 40-7 (2.21)

0 925 (0.17) 73-5 (7.3) 0-34 (0-04) 377 (57.6)c 80 6 (8.73) 216 (27.8) 6 50 (1.73) 27.6 (5.84)

1 081 (0.26) 73-2 (12.1) 031 (0.04) 290 (40.5) 70 4 (8.76) 239 (19.9) 6-00 (2.29) 19 4 (4.91)

0-68 0 21 1 70 4.67 0-17 0-56

(0.36)a (0.17) (1.15)a (1.88)b

1 47 0-15 0 39 3-26 0.19 1 03

(01 1) (0.47)


(0.44) (0.09) (0.1 1)c (1.53) (0.17) (0.22)

0-82 0 096 1 27 2 34 0 22 1.23

(0.47) (0.082) (0.74) (1.02) (0.24) (1.25)

Significant differences (P