Cardiovascular Manifestations Of Hypothyroidism.

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Although overt myxedema is rare today, however, subclinical hypothyroidism may cause some cardiac manifestations such as diastolic dysfunction(3).
Shiraz E Medical Journal, 7 Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2001

In the name of God

Shiraz E Medical Journal Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2001

Cardiovascular Manifestations Of Hypothyroidism. Nikoo M H.

Resident, Section of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.

Abstract: At the first look a hypothyroid heart resembles congestive heart failure, however, there are some important clinical and paraclinical differentiating points. Hypothyroidsm has many effects on the cardiovascular system which some of them are pericardial effusion, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure and primary pulmonary hypertension. Congenital hypothyroidsm has the same effects except for rarity of pericardial effusion. Electrocardiographic and echocadiographic effects of hypothyroidsm and also effect of cardiovascular diseases and procedures on the thyroid function are mentioned in the article.


hypothyroid heart. Hypothyroid patients

When you are visiting a patient with a constellation of dyspnea, cardiomegally, pleural effusion, lower extremity edema and ST-T changes on ECG, your impression in most cases is congestive heart failure, but you must remember that hypothyroid heart is very similar to congestive heart failure but with some differen(1)

tiating points.

ume and plasma volume. Circulation time is prolonged, but right and left heart filling pressure are usually within normal limits unless they are elevated by pericardial effusion. There is a redistribution of blood flow with marked reduction in cerebral and renal flow and significant reduction in cutaneous flow.(1) In patients with hypothyroidism the skin microvascu-

In hypothyroid heart in contrast to congestive heart failure, pulmonary pressure is not increased, cardiac output increased properly in response to exercise and Valsalva maneuver is abnormal.(1)

have reduced cardiac output, stroke vol-


differences are normal cathecolamines and normal response to cathecolamine in

lar autoregulatory mechanisms are disturbed


. A delay in relaxation of skele-

tal muscle is a well- known finding in hypothyroidism; measurements of isovolumetric relaxation time, reveals a prolongation of this interval. In addition there is lengthening of the pre-ejection period and an increased ratio of the pre- ejec-


Shiraz E Medical Journal, 8 Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2001

tion period to the left ventricular ejection (1)




eridemia are found in the majority,with







The heart in overt myxedema is often

creased. A direct association between

pale, flabby, and grossly dilated. Classic

hypothyroidism and coronary heart dis-

findings of overt myxedema are : cardiac

ease (CHD) is controversial, since no di-

enlargement, dilatation, significant bra-

rect correlation between cholesterol level,

dycardia, weak arterial pulses, hypoten-

coronary artery disease, and mild hypo-

sion, distant heart sounds, low ECG volt-

thyroidism has been found.(8) Although

age, non-pitting edema and evidence of

CHD is common pathologically, angina

congestive heart failure.(1)

pectoris is present in only seven percent, and the incidence of autopsy proven

Myxedema is associated with increased capillary permeability and


leakage of protein into the interstitial space, resulting in pericardial effusion. Rarely, the presenting symptom is complicated by tamponade.(1) Although overt myxedema is rare today, however, subclinical hypothyroidism may cause some cardiac manifestations such as diastolic dysfunction(3) or increased risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction in elderly women.(4) There is an increased frequency of hypertension in patients with hypothyroidism, although not in severe myxedema.(1) Restoration of euthyroidism with thyroxin therapy usually results in a substantial reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.(5) The individuals with mild to moderate hypothyroidism usually

myocardial infarction is not high in the hypothyroid




severe hypothyroidism as encountered in athyroetic patient after cessation of thyroxin for several weeks is not associated with impairment of myocardial perfusion.(9) One study showed that the prevalence of hypothyroidism in patients with primary pulmonary

hypertension (PPH) is high.

Patients with PPH should be investigated for the possibility of co-existing hypothyroidism.(10) Rare associations are found between hypothyroidism and Young Simpson syndrome which manifests with congenital hypothyroidism, facial


morphism, congenital heart defect and mental retardation(11). Another rare link is found with Down syndrome that includes the association of hypothyroidism with atrial septal defect in this syndrome. (12)

have an increased possibility of developing hypertension, particularly diastolic hypertension, while individuals with severe hypothyroidism are more likely to have normal or slightly low blood pressure.(1) However, in some studies, no association was found between hypertension and hypothyroidism.(6,7)

Cardiovascular manifestation of congenital hypothyroidism are similar to acquired hypothyroidism except for the rarity of pericardial effusion.(1,


Thus the size of

left ventricle, capacity, and posterior thickness are all less in hypothyroid infants. Since heart rate is also lower, cardiac output is reduced. There is also a


Shiraz E Medical Journal, 9 Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2001

prolongation of the pre-ejection period of the left ventricle.


children after cardiac surgery that may contribute to post operative cardiac and respiratory





Electerocardiographic findings in hypothyroidism include:

lay recovery.






cantly lower serum levels of thyroid hor-






mone, but their subclinical hypothyroid or


thyroid autoimmunity did not seem to be



related to the development of CHD.(17)

5- Ventricular tachycardia, because of

3- Iodine exposure during cardiac cathe-



terization or surgery of pregnant woman

6- Pericardial effusion findings ( low volt-

may induce transient hypothyroidism in


term infants.(18)


QT Decreased

amplitude and






2- Female patients with CHD had signifi-

7- Atrioventricular and interventricular block

Other interesting reports are high captur-

8- Incomplete or complete right bundle

ing threshold for pacemaker in a hypo-

branch block (1) 9- Atrial fibrillation

thyroid patient



and hypothyroidism as

a cause of lithium induced sinus node Echocardiographic finding in hypothyroidism include:

dysfunction.(20) At last, hypothyroidism

1- Interventricular septal dimensions are

ventricles in dogs. Homogenous prolon-

significantly raised in moderate subclini-

gation of repolarization and refractori-

cal and in severe overt hypothyroidism.

ness may contribute to the antifibrillatory

has a significant antifibrillatory effect on

action of hypothyroidism.(21) 2- Left ventricular posterior wall thickness was significantly increased only in overt hypothyroidism. 3- Right ventricular wall thickness and left ventricular internal dimension have no changes. 4- Pericardial effusion and diastolic dysfunction was seen significant cases only in overt hypothyroidism.(15) Effect of cardiovascular procedures and diseases on the thyroid: An interesting matter is the effects of some cardiac diseases or cardiologic procedures on thyroid function. These include:

Conclusion: Hypothyroidism has numerous effects on the




capillary permeability leads to pericardial effusion & increased systemic vascular resistance causes hypertension. Due to decrease in heart rate, contractility and total body volume, stroke, volume and cardiac output are diminished.

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