Causality and Symmetry in Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory

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Feb 9, 1998 - which are symmetric in the Keldysh time contour parameter, but which become causal ... derivative operator ≠t, and thus no boundary terms.



Causality and Symmetry in Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory Robert van Leeuwen Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Lund, Sölvegatan 14A, S-22362 Lund, Sweden (Received 8 September 1997) We resolve an existing paradox regarding the causality and symmetry properties of response functions within time-dependent density-functional theory. We do this by defining a new action functional within the Keldysh formalism. By functional differentiation the new functional leads to response functions which are symmetric in the Keldysh time contour parameter, but which become causal when a transition to physical time is made. The new functional is further used to derive the equations of the timedependent optimized potential method. [S0031-9007(97)05233-2] PACS numbers: 71.15.Mb, 31.10. + z, 31.15.Ew

It was later discovered [3,4] that this definition of the action leads to a paradox when calculating response functions. On the one hand, response functions like fxc srt, r 0 t 0 d ­ dyxc srtdydnsr 0 t 0 d must be causal, i.e., be zero for t , t 0 . On the other hand, yxc should be obtained as the functional derivative yxc srtd ­ dAxc ydnsrtd of the exchangecorrelation part Axc of the action functional. Interchanging the order of differentiation then yields fxc srt, r 0 t 0 d ­ d 2 Axc ydnsrtddnsr 0 t 0 d ­ fxc sr 0 t 0 , rtd. Hence, we find that fxc must be a symmetric function of its space-time argu-

ments. The symmetry and causality requirements clearly contradict each other. This problem is not specific to the action functional given by Eq. (1) but applies to all twice differentiable action functionals defined in physical time. The main purpose of this Letter is to show how this paradox can be resolved by use of the Keldysh formalism. A further problem with the action functional in Eq. (1) is related to the treatment of its boundary conditions. In order to derive the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) from the action functional, one has to enforce the boundary conditions dCst0 d ­ dCst1 d ­ 0 on the variations of the wave function. Within TDDFT the action functional A is only defined on the set of yrepresentable wave functions, i.e., wave functions which satisfy a TDSE. On this set variations dC are always caused by potential variations dy. Therefore, since the TDSE is first order in time, the variation dCstd at times t . t0 is completely determined by the boundary condition dCst0 d ­ 0. We are thus no longer free to specify a second boundary condition at a later time t1 . This leads to a nonvanishing boundary term when making the variation dA. The problem is usually treated by using a convergence factor expsetd in the definition of the action functional and moving one boundary to 2`. This procedure, however, introduces a difficult problem associated with the interchange of the functional differentiation and e ! 0 limits. In this Letter, we will introduce an action functional without the above-mentioned problems. First of all, our new functional does not explicitly contain the timederivative operator ≠t , and thus no boundary terms appear when performing variations. Second, we use the time contour method due to Keldysh [9] in which the physical time t is parametrized by an underlying parameter t, called pseudotime. This procedure was originally introduced by Keldysh in order to obtain an elegant treatment of nonequilibrium systems in terms of many-body Green functions [9–13]. We will use the same procedure in the definition of our action functional. Higher functional derivatives of the new action functional will lead to response functions which are symmetric in the


© 1998 The American Physical Society

Time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) [1–7] provides a rigorous and useful method for calculating properties of many-particle systems in time-dependent external fields. TDDFT has been applied to a wide variety of physical problems both within the linear response regime and beyond [4]. The rigorous foundations of TDDFT were first laid down by Runge and Gross [8] who proved a 1-1 correspondence between the time-dependent external field ysrtd and the time-dependent density nsrtd, for many-body systems evolving from a fixed initial state. Within TDDFT, one further introduces an auxiliary noninteracting system, known as the Kohn-Sham system, with the same density nsrtd as the fully interacting system. The Runge-Gross theorem applied to a noninteracting system then says that the external potential ys of the Kohn-Sham system is uniquely determined by the density. If we subtract from ys both the Hartree potential and the external potential of the interacting system we obtain the exchange-correlation potential yxc which incorporates all the exchange and correlation effects. This quantity can therefore, by the above construction, be defined without invoking a variational or action principle. However, having an action principle is desirable as it provides an elegant derivation of the Kohn-Sham one-electron equations and a systematic way of deriving approximations to yxc . The original work by Runge and Gross [8] already provided a derivation of the Kohn-Sham equations from an action principle using the action Z t1 ˆ Afng ­ dtkCfng ji≠t 2 HstdjCfngl . (1) t0




Keldysh time contour parameter. Transforming back to physical time t then yields the desired causal, i.e., retarded response functions in terms of t. The Keldysh contour is defined by parametrizing the physical time tstd in terms of a pseudotime t in such a way that if t runs from ti to tf then t runs from t0 to t˜ and from t˜ back to t0 . The value of t˜ can be chosen arbitrarily as long as physical quantities are calculated at earlier times. In practice one often takes t˜ ­ 1` [9]. The actual form of the parametrization is irrelevant since and the final results are independent of it. The initial state of the system at time t0 is given by the wave function C0 . The evolution of this state in pseudotime is governed by the Schrödinger equation ˆ jCstdl ­ 0 , (2) fit 0 std21 ≠t 2 Hstdg 0 ˆ where t std ­ dtydt. The Hamiltonian Hstd is given by ˆ ˆ ˆ where Tˆ represents the kinetic Hstd ­ Tˆ 1 Ustd 1W ˆ energy operator, URrepresents the external field explicitly ˆ represents the ˆ ˆ and W given by Ustd ­ d 3 r nsrdusrtd, two-particle interaction. We first define a functional of the external field u by ˜ Afug ­ i lnkC0 jV stf , ti djC0 l ,


where V is the t or contour ordered evolution operator of the system ∑ Z tf ∏ ˆ dt t 0 stdHstd , (4) V stf , ti d ­ TC exp 2i ti

where TC denotes ordering in t [12]. It is this redefinition of the time-ordering operator in addition to the introduction of the time contour which makes the Keldysh approach applicable in nonequilibrium Green function theory [12]. It is clear that if the external potential is equal on the forward and backward parts of the contour, i.e., of the form usrtd ­ yssrtstddd, then this evolution operator will become unity and A˜ will become zero. Potentials of this type will be denoted as physical potentials. Functional derivatives, however, can be nonzero for physical potentials. The functional derivative of A˜ with respect to u yields ˆ st, ti djC0 l kC0 jV stf , tdnsrdV dA˜ ­ dusrtd kC0 jV stf , ti djC0 l ­ knˆ H srtdl ­ nsrtd ,


where we defined the Heisenberg representation of an ˆ as usual by O ˆ H std ­ V sti , tdOV ˆ st, ti d and operator O the expectation value by ˆ H stdg jC0 l kC0 jTC fV stf , ti dO ˆ H stdl ­ . (6) kO kC0 jV stf , ti djC0 l Note that we have used the usual convention of Keldysh Green function theory R [12] where the functional derivative ˜ is defined by dA˜ ­ d 3 r dt t 0 std fdAydusrtdgdusrtd; 0 i.e., the term t std belongs to the integration measure rather than the functional derivative. If we now take the


derivative of A˜ at a physical potential usrtd ­ yssrtstddd we obtain Ç dA˜ ­ kC0 jV st0 , tdnsrdV ˆ st, t0 djC0 l ­ nsrtd , dusrtd u­ysrtd (7) where the evolution operator V is now defined in physical time. Therefore, the derivative of A˜ at the physical potential y is the density of the system in the external field y. We now want to use nsrtd as our basic variable, and we perform a Legendre transform and define Z ˜ dt d 3 r nsrtdusrtd (8) Afng ­ 2Afug 1 C

so that dAydnsrtd ­ usrtd.R For convenience we inR troduced the short notation C dt for dt t 0 std. The Legendre transformation assumes that there is a one-toone relation between usrtd and nsrtd such that Eq. (5) is invertible. This can, however, be proven by an extension of the Runge-Gross theorem to the case of a pseudotime parametrization [14]. We now define an action functional for a noninteracting system with the Hamiltonian ˆ s std ­ Tˆ 1 U ˆ s std H


A˜ s fus g ­ i lnkF0 jVs stf , ti d jF0 l .


and the action The evolution operator Vs stf , ti d is defined similarly as in ˆ replaced by H ˆ s . The initial wave function Eq. (4) with H F0 at t ­ t0 is a Slater determinant. We can now do a similar Legendre transform and define Z dt d 3 r nsrtdus srtd . (11) As fng ­ 2A˜ s fus g 1 C

The exchange-correlation part Axc of the action functional is then defined by Afng ­ As fng 2 Axc fng 1 Z nsr1 tdnsr2 td 2 . (12) dt d 3 r1 d 3 r2 2 C jr1 2 r2 j The above equation implicitly assumes that the functionals A and As are defined on the same domain, i.e., that there exists a noninteracting system described by the ˆ s with the same density as the interacting Hamiltonian H ˆ A necessary resystem described by the Hamiltonian H. quirement in order for this to be true is that the initial states C0 and F0 must yield the same density. For most applications, C0 will be the ground state of the system before the time-dependent field is switched on and F0 will be the corresponding Kohn-Sham determinant of stationary density-functional theory. Functional differentiation of Eq. (12) with respect to nsrtd yields usrtd ­ us srtd 2 uxc srtd 2 uH srtd ,

(13) 1281




R where uH srtd ­ d 3 r 0 nsr 0 tdyjr 2 r 0 j is the Hartree potential and uxc srtd ­ dAxc ydnsrtd is the exchangecorrelation potential. By the above construction the potential us of the noninteracting system yields the same density as the potential u in the fully interacting system. The noninteracting system is thus to be identified with

the time-dependent Kohn-Sham system. If we take the above derivatives at the physical time-dependent density nsrtd corresponding to the potential usrtd ­ yssrtstddd of the interacting system, we can transform to physical time and the Kohn-Sham system is then given by the equations Ç dAxc 1 f2 2 =2 1 ysrtd 1 yH srtd 1 yxc srtdgfi srtd ­ i≠t fi srtd, yxc srtd ­ , (14) dnsrtd n­nsrtd

where the density nsrtd can be calculated from the sum of the square of the orbitals. We now address the problem of causality versus symmetry associated with the response functions. The second derivative of the functional A˜ yields d 2A˜ xsr1 t1 , r2 t2 d ­ dusr1 t1 ddusr2 t2 d ­ 2ikTC Dnˆ H sr1 t1 dDnˆ H sr2 t2 dl ,


where the density fluctuation operator Dnˆ H srtd ­ nˆ H srtd 2 knˆ H srtdl enters rather than the density operator, due to the derivatives of the denominator in Eq. (5). This density response function is symmetric as it should and from the Legendre transform it follows that its inverse is given by x 21 sr1 t1 , r2 t2 d ­

dnsr1 t1 d ­


­ 2i ­





1 t 0 st

dst1 2 t2 d 2 fxc , 1 d jr1 2 r2 j


where xs21 is the inverse of the Kohn-Sham density response function and fxc sr1 t1 , r2 t2 d ­ dyxc sr1 t1 dydnsr2 t2 d. Since both x 21 and xs21 are symmetric also fxc must be symmetric. However, these functions will become causal in physical time. In order to see how they act in physical time we calculate the density response dnsrtd due to a variation dysrtd. The function x evaluated at a physical density nsrtd is given by ixsr1 t1 , r2 t2 d ­ ust1 2 t2 d kDnˆ H sr1 t1 dDnˆ H sr2 t2 dl 1 s1 $ 2d .


Hence, we have


dt2 t 0 st2 dd 3 r2 knˆ H sr1 t1 dnˆ H sr2 t2 dldysr2 t2 d 2 i

dt2 d 3 r2 xR sr1 t1 , r2 t2 ddysr2 t2 d ,

where ixR sr1 t1 , r2 t2 d ­ ust1 2 t2 d 3 kC0 j fnˆ H sr1 t1 d, nˆ H sr2 t2 dgjC0 l . (20) In the last step we used the fact that the expectation value of the commutator of the density fluctuation operators is equal to the expectation value of the commutator of the density operators themselves. Similarly for xs we obtain xs,R which is given by Eq. (20) with C0 replaced by F0 . From Eq. (17) we see that fxc has a similar structure as x and xs . Transformation to physical time yields the causal equivalent fxc,R . Acting in physical time, Eq. (17) then becomes dst1 2 t2 d 21 xR21 ­ xs,R 2 (21) 2 fxc,R . jr1 2 r2 j This is the basic equation used to calculate excitation energies within TDDFT [15,16]. We have thus obtained the main result of this paper. All response functions, 1282

x 21 ­ xs21 2

dt2 d 3 r2 xsr1 t1 , r2 t2 ddysr2 t2 d

1` t0

d2A . dnsr1 t1 ddnsr2 t2 d

Taking the second functional derivative of Eq. (12) now yields


tf t1

dt2 t 0 st2 dd 3 r2 knˆ H sr2 t2 dnˆ H sr1 t1 dldysr2 t2 d (19)

i.e., higher order derivatives of the action functional are symmetric functions in pseudotime and become causal or retarded functions when transformed back to physical time. This resolves the paradox arising from the previous definition of the action functional. Finally we will discuss a useful application of the new formalism, namely, a new derivation of the timedependent optimized potential method (TDOPM) [17]. The exchange-correlation part Axc of the action functional can be expanded in terms of Keldysh Green functions [18] where the perturbing Hamiltonian is given by ˆ 2H ˆ s . The expansion of the logarithm of the evoluH tion operator yields the set of closed connected diagrams. Perturbation theory also requires an adiabatic switchingˆ 2H ˆ s in the physical time interval s2`, t0 d in on of H order to connect the states C0 and F0 . This is, however, readily achieved by extending the Keldysh contour to 2` [18]. If we restrict ourselves to the first order terms



we find that the Hartree term and the term with u ­ us cancel and obtain the exchange-only expression N 1 XZ dt d 3 r1 d 3 r2 Ax fng ­ 2 2 ij C

fip sr1 tdfi sr2 tdfj sr1 tdfjp sr2 td . (22) jr1 2 r2 j One sees that this functional is an implicit functional of nsrtd but an explicit functional of the orbitals. Going 3


dt2 d 3 r2 xs sr1 t1 , r2 t2 duxc sr2 t2 d ­


dt2 d 3 r2




ˆ 2H ˆ s , the Keldysh perturbation to higher order in H expansion, in a similar way, leads to orbital dependent expressions for the correlation part Ac of the action. In that case one may obtain uxc from Z dAxc dus sr1 t1 d uxc sr2 t2 d ­ dt d 3 r1 . (23) dus sr1 t1 d dnsr2 t2 d C Matrix multiplication by xs and using the chain rule for differential yields dAxc dfi sr2 t2 d dAxc dfipsr2 t2 d 1 . p dfisr2 t2 d dus sr1 t1 d dfi sr2 t2 d dus sr1 t1 d


In the following we will consider only the realistic case where the functional derivative dAxc ydfip at a physical potential is the complex conjugate of dAxc ydfi . Calculating the functional derivatives dfiydus and dfipydus requires careful consideration of the boundary conditions. From Eq. (10) it follows that the state jF0 l evolves from ti forward in pseudotime, and therefore the variations dfi have to satisfy the boundary condition dfi sti d ­ 0. However, the complex conjugate state kF0 j evolves from tf backwards in pseudotime, and thus the variations dfip have to satisfy the boundary condition dfipstf d ­ 0. Carrying out these variations in a similar way as in Ref. [17] we obtain from the pseudotime Kohn-Sham equations

Our results can be summarized as follows: We have resolved an existing paradox regarding the causality and symmetry properties of response functions within TDDFT. This is achieved by introducing an action functional defined on a Keldysh contour. From this action we furthermore derived the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations and, as an example, the TDOPM equations. This work has been supported through a TMR fellowship of the European Union under Contract No. ERBFMBICT961322. I further wish to thank Carl-Olof Almbladh and Ulf von Barth for useful discussions.

dfi sr2 t2 d ­ 2iust2 2 t1 dfi sr1 t1 d dus sr1 t1 d X fj sr2 t2 dfjp sr1 t1 d , 3

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dfipsr2 t2 d ­ 2iust1 2 t2 dfipsr1 t1 d dus sr1 t1 d X 3 fjp sr2 t2 dfj sr1 t1 d .



Inserting the above expressions and transforming back to physical time yields the integral equation N Z X dt2 d 3 r2 GR sr1 t1 , r2 t2 dfj sr1 t1 dfjpsr2 t2 d 3 j

fyxc sr2 t2 d 2 wxcj sr2 t2 dg 1 c.c. ­ 0 , (26) where we defined the retarded Green function by X iGR sr1 t1 , r2 t2 d ­ ust1 2 t2 d fjpsr1 t1 dfj sr2 t2 d (27) j

and the quantity wxcj by dAxc 1 wxcj srtd ­ p fj srtd dfj srtd

Ç fi ­fi srtd



Equation (26) is the well known equation of the TDOPM [17].