Cellulitis From Insect Bites - NCBI

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el%n14tis, as a result of an insect bite, hzs been de- sc~ibed and may initially be c o ~ h s e d \with an early allergic reaction to the insect sfing or. The f01-.
Cellulitis From Insect Bites: A Case Series Robert W. Derlet, IMD and John R.Riclmards, PdD Di17ision of Emergency ii&e&che University sf California, Davis School of Medicine Sac~amem,California

cycle at high speed. Pain, erythema, and wamth developed within a few minutes of the sting. He cleaned the womd with Betadine solutionwithin 30 minutes. There was complete resolution of all s p p t o m w i h eight hours. Twenty-four hours later new erythema was noted which spread rapidly Fortyeight hours aAer the st.kng4a B O cm diameter area of tender?slightly raised plaqce of e w e m a developed. The patient was subsequentjy evaluated by one ofthe xothors, 3%-epatient's vital s i p s were asfollows: blood pesswe 130/80~ rHg, n pulse 100beats per minxte, temperahe 37.5"6, and respiratory rate 1G breaths e one per minute. Ee was prescribed c e h o ~ axetil gym by ~noufi QHD for the fkst day followed by 580 mg by mouth QhD for an additional six days. The infection stopped spreadasg within six hours of the %st dose of antibisti~s.Xesslution sf the cellulitis occas~edafter five days,

EITKRODU L i XphbN Ce13~Iitisis arc acute mfechon ofthe skin that is corn-manly seen ira emergency dcpafiments (EDs) T h e ~nfeckonresdsfiom ~ ~ O C U~Foacteia J ~ O I ~through one sfmany mems inc1uhg a breaicdown i~b5e skin Smier 60rn En abrasion, lace-mtioa,pm~ctuu-ev ~ o u ~ d , ,me #2.8.16B year-old male was stung by a bee on c ~ s kjwj? h orb3~x-n~ Hn addition, okigoiag infection (he Baterai aspect of the lefi lower leg just below the The patien: $el: a sharp sting and had been horn abscesseb, ulce~s,and folliculitis may ~p!!ead by the ~ i m ehe bmshed *taway Be be3ond a self-ii~mitedcapsule to s.x?,-oucd-ngsk.1n a,n~~eno~a";ed 2c~uteelya~tdrapidly. In some cases, no insxle to the c,eas;ed h e wsw~dwith soap and water 1hediate1y skin or ~ I S S U Gca.3 be idenkified and gie has been hy- x7e1;he sing.The initial erythema and pain at the r,--Lhesized that 53~0s"-borne b a ~ t e ~2i-a1 2 sree ~ sub- s ~ k site g {$solvedcompletelyw l i h 1% hours. Foilc~~hneous tissue resu1tPag incell~ihks.~ eigkt holm a f t e ~the sting he developed pain and e;-s,'C~ema~tthe sitee.The patlent presented for evalaa$,el%n14tis, as a result of an insect bite, hzs been de- atmn faux days zfier Lhe sting. The patient9sv?a1 signs sc~ibedand may initially be c o ~ h s e \with d an early 3% presentaZaon to the ED were as follows: blood allergic reaction to the insect sfing or The f01- :%zessmeof 173196m m Bg, pulse 79 beats per lowing swen cases were treated by the authors dm- Tespiratoqrate B 6 breaths per minute, and temperak g the summer of 200%.They axe presented to illvs- mre %'@~ On examination, he had an area of hate the associatisir.;between insect bites and eelluli- a-ythema9edemz, and tenderness approximately 5 tis and to a k d providers lo the possibility of mist&by 5 crn around the bite snte. Re "sad full range of ing a2 acute localized allergic reac~ionwithce1Iulitis ~ao'sionaf his knee and no inguinal nodes. Be was treated wth one gram s f cefazolin hkavenously and GASES