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Mitsunori Seo, Yusuke Jikumaru, and Yuji Kamiya. Abstract .... Basic. Neutral. Weakly acidic. Strongly acidic. 80% MeOH. 1% Acetic acid. Oasis MCX. Neutral.
Chapter 7 Profiling of Hormones and Related Metabolites in Seed Dormancy and Germination Studies Mitsunori Seo, Yusuke Jikumaru, and Yuji Kamiya Abstract Seed dormancy and germination are regulated by several plant hormones, such as abscisic acid, gibberellin, auxin (indole-3-acetic acid), ethylene, and brassinosteroid. Endogenous concentrations of a hormone are determined by the balance between biosynthesis and deactivation, and contribute to the regulation of physiological responses. Therefore, profiling of all hormones and their metabolites (hormonome) is a powerful approach to elucidate the regulatory networks of hormone metabolism. The methods involved in the use of liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–tandem mass spectrometry to develop a high-sensitive and high-throughput hormonome platform are described in this chapter. Key words: Dormancy, Germination, Hormone interaction, Hormone profiling, Liquid chromatography– electrospray ionization–tandem mass spectrometry, Plant hormones

1. Introduction It is well-known that the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in the induction and maintenance of seed dormancy (reviewed in ref. 1–3). However, dormancy is not merely regulated by ABA alone, but rather by the combination or interaction with other hormones. Gibberellin (GA) acts on seed dormancy antagonistically to ABA, i.e., GA promotes seed germination (1–3). Recent studies clearly demonstrate that metabolism of ABA and GA is reciprocally regulated by each other (4). Here, we refer to biosynthesis as the production of bioactive forms of a hormone while deactivation refers to the conversion of bioactive forms (or their precursors) to the inactive or less active forms. Thus, metabolism refers to both biosynthesis and deactivation. Other hormones, such as auxin (indole-3-acetic acid; IAA), ethylene, and brassinosteroid (BR), have also been implicated in the regulation of dormancy and/or germination (5–9). Since the physiological Allison R. Kermode (ed.), Seed Dormancy: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 773, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-231-1_7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011



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actions of a hormone depend on its endogenous concentrations and the ability of the cell to respond to the hormone, it is important to determine endogenous hormone levels precisely. The balance between biosynthesis and deactivation determines endogenous concentrations of a hormone. Thus, to understand detailed regulatory mechanisms that control hormone levels in plants, it is important to analyze the levels of hormone metabolites as well– both hormone precursors and deactivated forms of a hormone. Plant hormones exist in plant tissues at much lower concentrations than those of primary and secondary metabolites; generally, hormones are present in pico-nano gram orders per gram dry weight as compared to micro-milli gram orders per gram dry weight for primary/secondary metabolites. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) has been commonly used for the quantification of plant hormones. Analysis with GC–MS requires complicated purification steps, including stepwise solvent partitioning and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Derivatization of the target compounds is also required if they are not volatile. These procedures differ depending on targets to be analyzed and are optimized for each hormone (10–16). Liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) is a powerful tool that has allowed for the development of a highly sensitive and high-throughput hormone analysis platform (8, 17–20). This method is suitable for analyzing several (or potentially all) hormones and their metabolites simultaneously. LC–ESI–MS/MS consists of three components: LC, ESI system, and MS/MS (Fig.  1a). Partially purified samples are first separated on LC in combination with various columns (see Note 1) and gradients of mobile phase composition. Target molecules separated on LC have to be ionized by the second component ESI to be introduced into the last component MS/MS (Fig. 1b). Liquid eluted from LC is charged by passing it through a charged capillary (21). If the capillary is charged negatively, for example, liquid containing water (H2O) is charged negatively as a consequence of hydroxide (OH−) generation. Droplets of charged liquid sprayed from the capillary are concentrated at a high temperature, resulting in the breakup of droplets by the repulsion among negative ions. The target molecules (in this case, acidic compounds such as carboxylic acids) can be charged negatively by the removal of a proton from a functional group due to the reaction with OH−. The ionized target molecules are introduced into the MS/MS detection unit according to electric charge (Fig. 1). We have employed two types of MS/MS, i.e., Q (quadrupole)Q type (Agilent 6410, Agilent) and quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-Tof ) type (Q-Tof premier, Waters). In each system, molecular ions produced by ESI are selected by passing through the first MS quadrupole based on desired m/z (e.g., 263 for ABA; Fig. 1a) (22). Selected protonated/deprotonated molecules are then fragmented into specific patterns by the collision-induced dissociation (CID) system.

7  Profiling of Hormones and Related Metabolites¼


a LC








ESI Collision cell (Fragmentation)

2nd MS (Q or Tof) (Select productions)

1st MS (Q) (Select protonated/deprotonated molecules)



Charged capillary (� )



MS/MS (+)

Charged target molecule (� )

Fig. 1. (a) Composition of LC–ESI–MS/MS. Detection of ABA (deprotonated molecules m/z 263 and product ion m/z 153) is illustrated as an example. (b) Ionization of the target molecule (in this case, an acidic compound) by ESI and introduction into MS/MS are illustrated.

The product ions are selected based on m/z (e.g., 153 for ABA; Fig. 1a) (22) by the second MS (Q or Tof) and finally detected by the detector. Using an LC–ESI–MS/MS system, several hormones and hormone metabolites can be separated directly on LC and analyzed by MS/MS by single injection. This is a key advantage of this system, and is conducive to highly sensitive and high-throughput hormonome analysis.

2. Materials 2.1. Sample Extraction and Purification

1. Methanol (MeOH). 2. Chloroform. 3. Acetonitril (MeCN).


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4. 0.1 M HCl. 5. 0.1 M NaOH. 6. Eighty percent MeOH containing 1% acetic acid. 7. Eighty percent MeOH containing 1% formic acid. 8. Sixty percent MeOH containing 5% aqueous ammonia. 9. Water containing 1% acetic acid. 10. Water containing 5% aqueous ammonia. 11. Chloroform:MeOH, 9:1 (v/v). 12. Oasis HLB (Waters, Milford, MA, USA). 13. Oasis MCX (Waters). 14. Oasis WAX (Waters). 15. SepPak silica (Waters). 16. Internal standards: D6-ABA (ICON ISOTOPES, Summit, NJ, USA); D2-GA1, D2-GA4, D5-tZ, D3-DHZ, D6-iP (Olchemim Ltd, Olomouc, Czech); D2-IAA, D6-SA (SIGMA-ALDRICH, Oakville, ON, Canada); D2-JA (Tokyo Kasei, Tokyo, Japan). 17. Polyvinylpyroridone (PVP) (if required). 18. n-Hexane (if required). 19. Ethyl acetate (if required). 2.2. LC–ESI–MS/MS Analysis

1. ACQUITY UPLC system (Waters). 2. Q-Tof premier (Waters). 3. ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18, 2.1 × 50 × 1.7 mm (Waters). 4. Agilent 1200 (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). 5. Agilent 6410 (Agilent). 6. ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18, 2.1 × 50 × 1.8 mm (Agilent). 7. Spectrometer software (MassLynxTM v. 4.1, waters or MassHunterTM v. B. 01. 02, Agilent). 8. Water containing 0.01% acetic acid. 9. MeCN containing 0.05% acetic acid. 10. MeCN containing 0.1% formic acid. 11. Formic acid, 0.1%.

3. Methods Here, we describe a fundamental procedure to quantify hormones for which stable isotope-labeled standards are commercially available: ABA, GA1, GA4, IAA, trans-zeatin (tZ), dihydrozeatin (DHZ), isopentenyl adenine (IP), salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid (JA).

7  Profiling of Hormones and Related Metabolites¼ Basic Neutral Weakly acidic Strongly acidic


Oasis HLB

Basic Neutral Weakly acidic Strongly acidic Water 1% Acetic acid

Neutral Weakly acidic Strongly acidic

Oasis WAX


Oasis MCX

80% MeOH 1% Acetic acid Basic Neutral Weakly acidic Strongly acidic

Basic Neutral Weakly acidic Strongly acidic Water 1% Acetic acid

Neutral Weakly acidic Strongly acidic

Weakly acidic Strongly acidic

Strongly acidic

Water 1% Acetic acid


80% MeOH 1% Acetic acid


Weakly acidic



60% MeOH 5% Ammonia

Neutral Basic Weakly acidic Strongly acidic

80% MeOH 1% Formic acid Strongly acidic

Fig. 2. Purification of the samples by column cartridge.

Extraction and partial purification are based on the procedure described in ref. (23) (Fig. 2). Ethylene is a gas and, thus, not suitable for this protocol. We have not succeeded in the quantification of BRs from relatively small amounts of plant materials (~1 g fresh weight vegetative tissues from Arabidopsis) by LC–ESI–MS/MS probably due to their lower abundance and occurrence of ion suppression during detection at MS/MS (see Note 2) (24). Relatively lower ionization efficiencies of BRs could be improved by derivatization (25). The method described here could be theoretically applied for most of the other hormone-related metabolites. Detailed methods for the quantification of ABA metabolites and GA metabolites are described in ref. (26) and (27), respectively (see Note 3). Tof has a higher resolution compared to Q. Thus, we use the Q-Tof system for plant materials analyzed for the first time (plant species, tissue type, etc.) to be sure that there is no impurity in the detected ions. For example, a peak of the product ion for ABA (m/z 153) is detected from 153.09 to 153.1 m/z by Q-Tof, whereas the peak is detected from m/z 152.4 to 153.6 by Q-Q. This means that Q-Tof, but not Q-Q, can discriminate an impurity at m/z 153.0. On the other hand, Q-Q is generally more sensitive than Q-Tof and, thus, suitable for the quantification of hormones


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and hormone metabolites in small-quantity samples. For accuracy, we confirm the consistency of the data using both systems at the beginning. 3.1. Sample Extraction and Purification

1. Prepare plant materials as required (see Note 4, Table  1). Freeze the materials in liquid nitrogen and store at −80°C until use. 2. Grind the plant materials into powder and add a certain volume of 80% MeOH containing 1% acetic acid as an extraction solvent (approximately 10 volumes of the sample fresh weight). Add internal standards (see Note 4) and extract at 4°C once for 1 h and then once for 10 min with additional extraction solvent. 3. Centrifuge at 14,000 × g for 10 min at 4°C. Collect supernatant and evaporate MeOH to obtain extracts in water containing acetic acid (see Note 5). 4. For desaltation, apply the extracts to an Oasis HLB column cartridge (see Subheading 3.2 for equilibration). After washing the cartridge with water containing 1% acetic acid to remove salts and high polar compounds, elute the plant hormones by 80% MeOH containing 1% acetic acid. Evaporate MeOH in the eluant to obtain extracts in water containing acetic acid (see Note 5). 5. Apply the extracts to an Oasis MCX column cartridge and wash the cartridge with water containing 1% acetic acid. 6. Elute the acidic (ABA, GAs, IAA, SA, JA) and neutral (BRs) hormones with MeOH. 7. Wash the cartridge with water containing 5% aqueous ammonia. 8. Elute basic hormones (tZ, DHZ, iP) with 60% MeOH containing 5% aqueous ammonia. Dry up the eluant and dissolve in water containing 1% acetic acid to inject into LC–ESI–MS/MS.

Table 1 Endogenous levels of hormones in Arabidopsis dry and imbibed seeds and the amount of internal standards used for the quantification from 50 mg dry seeds ABA GA1 Dry seeds Endogenous level 135 (ng/g dry seeds) Internal    5 standard (ng) Imbibed seeds (24 h)

Endogenous level   10 (ng/g dry seeds) Internal    1 standard (ng)

nd not detected; see Note 4





nd a

nd a



1,085 nd a


0.025   5



0.0025 0.0025 0.005

nd a




nd a


0.025   2.5 0.25        2





nd a


nd a


0.0025 0.0025 0.005

7  Profiling of Hormones and Related Metabolites¼


9. Add water containing 1% acetic acid to the fraction containing acidic and neutral hormones from step 6 and evaporate MeOH (see Note 5). 10. Apply the fraction to an Oasis WAX column cartridge (see Subheading 3.2 for equilibration) and wash the cartridge with water containing 1% acetic acid. 11. Elute the neutral hormones (BRs) with MeOH. 12. Elute the weakly acidic hormones (ABA, GAs, IAA, JA) by 80% MeOH containing 1% acetic acid. Dry up the eluant and dissolve in water containing 1% acetic acid to inject into LC–ESI–MS/MS (see Note 5). 13. Elute the strongly acidic hormone (SA) by 80% MeOH containing 1% formic acid. Dry up the eluant and dissolve in water containing 1% formic acid to inject into LC–ESI–MS/MS. 14. Dry up the fraction containing the neutral hormones (BRs) from step 11 and then dissolve in chloroform. 15. Apply the extracts to a SepPak silica column cartridge (see Subheading 3.2 for equilibration) and wash with chloroform. 16. Elute the neutral hormones (BRs) with chloroform/MeOH (9:1 v/v). Dry up the eluant and dissolve in 50% MeOH to inject into LC–EIS–MS/MS. 3.2. Column Cartridge Equilibration

1. Oasis HLB: Wash with 1 volume of MeCN and then with MeOH. Equilibrate with 1 volume of initial solvent (water containing 1% acetic acid). 2. Oasis MCX: Wash with 1 volume of MeCN and then with MeOH. Regenerate with 0.5 volume of 0.1  M HCl. Equilibrate with 1 volume of initial solvent (water containing 1% acetic acid). 3. Oasis WAX: Wash with 1 volume of MeCN and then with MeOH. Regenerate with 0.5 volume of 0.1  M NaOH. Equilibrate with 1 volume of initial solvent (water containing 1% acetic acid). 4. SepPak silica: Wash and equilibrate with 3 volumes of chloroform.

3.3. LC–ESI–MS/MS Analysis

1. Set the LC conditions: Flow rate, 200 ml/min; typical gradients of two solvents are listed in Table 2 (see Note 6). 2. Set the MS/MS conditions: Q-Tof premier: capillary, 2.8 kV; source temperature, 80°C; desolvation temperature, 400°C; cone gas flow, 0 L/h; desolvation gas flow, 500 L/h. Agilent 6410: capillary, 4,000 V; desolvation temperature, 300°C; gas flow, 9 L/min; nebulizer, 30 psi. Typical MS/MS transitions, collision energy, and sampling voltage are summarized in the Tables 3 and 4 (see Note 6).


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Table 2 LC conditions Gradient (composition of solvent B)

Method no.

Solvent A

Solvent B


Water containing 0.01% acetic acid

MeCN, 0/05% acetic acid

3–50% over 20 min


Water containing 0.01% acetic acid

MeCN, 0/05% acetic acid

3–25% over 27 min


0.1% formic acid

MeCN, 0/1% formic acid

3–98% over 10 min

Table 3 Parameters for LC–ESI–MS/MS analysis (ACQUITY UPLC-Q-Tof premier) Retention time MS/MS transitions Collision Sampling cone LC method on LC (min) ESI for quantifications (m/z) energy (V) voltage (V) ABA D6-ABA



263/153 269/159



GA1 D2-GA1



347/273 349/275



GA4 D2-GA4



331/257 333/259







176/130 178/132






209/59 211/59






137/93 141/97a



tZ D6-tZ




220/136 225/136, 137







222/136 225/136



iP D6-iP




204/136 210/137



Deuterium atoms at the hydroxy and carboxyl groups are immediately exchanged with hydrogen atoms in watercontaining solutions


3. Determine the amount of each compound by spectrometer software (MassLynxTM v. 4.1 or MassHunterTM v. B. 01. 02). Typical MS chromatograms obtained by the ACQUITY UPLC-Q-Tof premier system are presented in Fig. 3.

7  Profiling of Hormones and Related Metabolites¼


Table 4 Parameters for LC–ESI–MS/MS analysis (Agilent 1200-6430) Retention time MS/MS transitions Collision LC method on LC (min) ESI for quantifications (m/z) energy (V) Fragmentor (V) ABA D6-ABA



263/153 269/159



GA1 D2-GA1



347/273 349/275



GA4 D2-GA4



331/257 333/259







176/130 178/132






209/59 211/59






137/93 141/97a



tZ D6-tZ




220/136 225/136, 137







222/136 225/136



iP D6-iP




204/136 210/137



Deuterium atoms at the hydroxy and carboxyl groups are immediately exchanged with hydrogen atoms in watercontaining solutions


4. Notes 1. We use the columns with small particle size (1.7  mm for ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 and 1.8 mm for ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18). Theoretically, these columns give approximately three times higher resolution compared to the popularly used columns with 5-mm particles. However, injection of relatively large volume of samples results in broader peaks. 2. Ionization of the target molecules by ESI is inhibited if a large amount of impurity exists in the same retention time on LC due to the absorption of charged molecules by impurity. As a result, the targets cannot be introduced efficiently to MS/ MS, resulting in reduced detection or loss of detection. This phenomenon is called “ion suppression” and is a demerit of LC–ESI–MS/MS. Even if a certain amount of a pure standard compound is detectable, it does not mean that the amount


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Fig. 3.  MS chromatograms for weakly acidic hormones obtained by ACQUITY UPLC-Q-Tof premier. (a) MS chromatograms for IAA, ABA, and JA extracted from 50 mg Arabidopsis dry seeds. Endogenous GA1 and GA4 were not detected in this condition. (b) MS chromatograms for GA1 and GA4 extracted from 100 mg (fresh weight) Arabidopsis flowers.

is sufficient to detect the given compound in plant materials. Additional purification steps (see Note 7) are required if the effect of ion suppression is not negligible. 3. Purification steps are basically the same, but additional purification is required depending on the quantity and quality of the starting materials. Conditions for LC (Tables 1 and 2) have to be modified for separate metabolites that have similar chemical properties.

7  Profiling of Hormones and Related Metabolites¼


4. The amount of starting plant materials depends on the target compounds to be analyzed and on the type (species, tissues, and physiological status) of the materials. Examples of analyzed hormone levels in wild-type Arabidopsis (Col-0) dry seeds and imbibed seeds measured by the ACQUITY UPLCQ-Tof premier system are presented in the Table  1. Internal standards with stable isotope labels are added to the samples at the beginning of extraction, and endogenous hormone levels are calculated based on the relative ratio to the internal standards. The amount to be added to the extracts is estimated from the endogenous levels of the targets (Table 1). Endogenous levels of hormones vary between samples. For example, ABA levels in freshly harvested dry seeds range from c.a. 50 to 150 ng/g dry weight. Endogenous GA4, which is the major form of bioactive GA in Arabidopsis, is often not detectable from 50 mg of dry seeds as shown in Table 1, but sometimes is detectable. Samples must be prepared from plants grown in the same conditions at the same time. It is also important to analyze biological replicates with different batches. 5. Fractions that contain volatile compounds, such as JA, should not be kept under negative pressure conditions for a long time after they are completely dried. 6. The conditions presented in Tables  2–4 are examples in our experimental conditions. Settings have to be optimized for each system. 7. If required, for example, when relatively large amounts of plant materials are analyzed, additional purification steps could be introduced prior to HLB column purification as follows: partition the MeOH extracts against n-hexane and discard hydrophobic compounds in the n-hexane phase. Evaporate MeOH, resuspend the pellet in phosphate buffer (pH 8.0), and apply to the column containing PVP to remove polyphenols. PVP columns are not commercially available. Extract with ethyl acetate to obtain the acidic and neutral fractions. Extract with chloroform to obtain the basic fraction.

Acknowledgments The hormone analysis platform described in this chapter has been developed by members in Growth Regulation Research Group, RIKEN Plant Science Center: Yuji Kamiya, Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Eiji Nambara, Mitsunori Seo, Hiroyuki Kasahara, Yusuke Jikumaru, Atsushi Hanada, and Yuri Kanno. We thank Dr. Shinjiro Yamaguchi for critical leading of this manuscript. MS is supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (21770061).


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