Characterization of Cytokine Production by Human

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cytokine secretion was determined by BD Cytometry Bead Array (BD. Biosciences, San ..... analyzed with BD* Cytometric Bead Array software. (BD Biosciences) ...
Characterization of Cytokine Production by Human Term Placenta Macrophages In Vitro Oleg Pavlovr, Oksana Pavlova2, Edouard Ailamazyan3, Sergei Selkova 'Dcp.lrtment ol lmmrrnology, Instiluta lor obstctrics and Gynocology, 5t PDtersburg, Russia; ?Dcpartnrcnt ot I listology .rnd cyLologv, Povl')v Stntc Mcdical Univcrsity, 5t Pctcr,cburg, Russiai 3hsliute for Obstelrics anc Gynecology, St Petersburg. RDssia; 'Departnrent o[ |mmunology, Institute for obstelrics anc Gynccology, 5t Pctcrsburg, Russia



Cytokinc secrclion, intracclhrlar cytokinos, lipopolysaccharidc, nlacrophagca, tcrm placcnta

ycl functirrrrs o[ lhcsc ct:lls rentain obscttre. It has

correspondence oleg Pavlov, Instilute lor obstctrics and Gynccology, |mnrunology, 5t I'clcrsburg,

Macrophagcs art- apparctrlly the only immrtne cells within placelrta villi, Lreen postulated that

lllacurrtal macropltagt:s act'otrtplish rt:gttlatory rtlles at the fetal-rrratenral inlcrlacc try trcans o{'rvitlc varicty of sccrctcd cytokincs. Wc atlcmpt lo aualyze lhe palterns of cytokine production iu an isolated population of placcrrtal tlra (1.5-l x l0'cclls per well; ttntlcr basal (non-slirlrrlalcd) conditir)n. ln accortlauce lcl lhc rcsrrlts o[ intraccllular cylokinc dclccliott, we havc observctl no sccrctiorl of IFNy. Yct, uu dclcclablc lcvels o[ IT.-2 arrd I],-12 have Lreen lortncl in all the torrditionetl mcdia Icsterl. Tlrc sccrcliorr lcvcls o[ II.-10, IL-6, Il,-10 atr