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dle-remperate subhumid; 4, Sωout出h干.峙mç伊〉梵eral閃e hum川】n叫11峙d; 5. 的uth-temperate subhumid; 6, soulh吋mperate slltxlry、 7. north-subtropical ...


The Late-Quaternary Vegetation and Cli fi1 ate of China Ma γjoγieG. Winkle γ and Pao K.

Recent geologi已 pa l ynologic, and a rchaeol嗎 ic studies in China provide much evidence for t. he pale∞nv i­ ro nmental changes that have taken place during rhe late Ple istocene and the Ho locen e. Many St udies have 忱的 translated into English and published in synlhesis volumes (W川rte, 1984aþ; Liu, 1985a,b; W 正t1 ker , 1986) or have been summa rized (Shih et 叫, 1979; Versla ppen, 1 980: 清l ang, 1984a; Yang and Xie. 1984; Zhang Lanshe嗯, 1984; Wang and Fan, 1987; Li u , 1988; Fa ng , 1991; 511n and Che n , 1991; and others). In this chapter w e (1) review the biogeologic evidence from China in lighr o f pa leoecologic and pale侃Ii matol 嗎.ic findings fro m orhe r regions of the w o rld, (2) present maps of the pa leoclimate and the paleovegetation of China at 30叫)-y r imervals between the last g laciation (the Da li glaciation) and early historic time in China. (3) compare the paleoclirnate inferred from the data with that simulated by Kutzbach and G uetter 0984a,b; 1986) with the genera l circulation mod eI of the National Ceme r fo r Atmωpheric Research (NCAR), and (4) discuss the relationship of the airstream cJ imatology of China tO the biotic regions at present and in the pas t. Becallse the geograph y of China is oot well known 10 many Western scientists, we first present a series of maps ( Figs. 10.1-10.5) showing country boundaries, provinces and major cities, geographic d ivisions, mo untain ranges and rivers, a ltitudinal zones, modern clîmate variables, a nd mαlern vegetation. These maps show the 1 0αltion of sites me ntio ned in the text and provide nece品a ry background ínfo rmatíon for comparing paleoenvironments wi 山 present conditío ns. The most abundant paleoenvironmenta l informa!io n comes from the eastern half o f China , where resea rch has been done on sea-Ievel and vegetatio n cha nges in associatìon w îth archaeol愕 ic findings (Fig. \Y/ e a lso present results of rece nt research o n 10臼s a nd pa leoω1 st r'dtigraphy of central China 吼叫,


1985a,b; Liu er al., 1985), the g lacial (Lill, 1985b) and paleolimnologicaJ (Li et a t., 1985; Wang and Fan, 1987; Fa ng , 1991) hisr.o ry of the Q ing hai-Xizang Plateau and the Tian Shan and other regio ns o f China, and vegetatio n and cJ irnate changes in Yunnan 1汁。vince m southwe5tern China (Xu el al., 1984; Walker, 1986), whic h is beginning to get w ide círculation through translation. We al50 include studies from j apa n in this chapter. Altho llgh c1 irnaric changes in China in historical times (since abOllt 5000 yr B的 ha ve been described in 的 ch detail from the extensive 0恥ervalion aJ records of weather (e.弘 dust rain), phenologicaJ events (e.g., plum rains), and crop yields that were kept by s lIccessive dynasties (Chu, 1926, 1973; HSieh, 1976;Wa 峙, 1980; Wang et al., 1980; 2ha 旬, 1980; Zhang De'er, 1984; Sheng. 1987; Wang and Zha 嗯, 1988, 1982; Zhang and Wang, 1989), the results from historical studies are not included here. We focus o n regional chronostrarigraphic biologic and geomorphic data , including polle n , mollusl椅, Iake levels . and paleosoJs, a nd L1se archaeo Ic也ic data as a separate check We compare the region aJ biogeologic and archaeologic evidence with the ge仁慈 raphy (Fig. 10.2), modern climate variables (Figs. 103 and 10.4), and modern vegetation of China (Fig. 10.5) to prepare maps representing the c1 imate o f China at 18,000, 1 2,0α),呎駒, 60∞, and 如∞ yr ß.P. ancl the vegetation 剎 時,000 1 2,0 ∞, 9∞0, and 6000 yr B.P. ,

Background GE仗;RAPHY, MODERN



China , situated between latitudes 20 and )4 ON and 1世tween longitudes 30 and 75 E (Fig. 10.1a), has climate 0



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a 帥" 的刮目coo呵 。早已開 ESd - EESJEEBE


udE 3 』∞。 -szu

﹒』 祠 , IM 的 恥ggω 告,BE 可 -c EEUu aJga d 22 .2 2 已EmE 白℃ C呵,泊『 gz a g­ -咱們] 8說 一〉EEVUTAUHugs 誤。 ECDEUSUCEE-g∞s-8』』目g』包〕也 』2 .g』喜色 』心這B ZE 占百眉 (usaEBb-gs明 q絮說,cu--) 丘。正cga8N a 法控 管』 8 守 的帽 YUR-3uab M告 C 』的 zgh 的目一百三詞已。一




句話 豆豆









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ate forest 45-旬, warm-ternperate forest 85-180, su btropi個 1 for自1 閱(此40, and tropiα 1 forest more rhan 240. Ch u (1973) presented “c1 imatic t.olerance limits" for individual speci臼 of planrs, while some investigators use rhe mult:ispecies approach of Grichuk 0%9).



A ccurate time control is essentiaJ f Of paleoclírnatic f econstruction. Jn the w ork surveyed here, the dates of sa rnples were determined by isoropic, thermoluminescence, paleornagneti c, lichenometric, ancl stratigraphic methods. Artifacts from archaeol嗎ical sites were radiocarbon-dated and w ere al的 placecl in a culLUral contexl by artifact ty pology. Unfonunately, modern lake and bog sediJη ents have not been s叭" tematicaUy analyzed to provicle pollen data from veg飢似的n representative o f modern c1 imatic conditions. Modern vegetation.poHen-cJ imate relations (:an be u♀ed to illuminate pasr conditions. However, intensive land use in China f or the past 如∞ yr may complicate the search fOf rnodern analogues of past vegetation assocl3 tJons. Many of the pollen sa mpl臼 are ìndi vidually dated, especially those associated with archaeological sires or l仿蛤 pa leosol sequenc的. Although individually dated samples need no chronologic inter仰lati on, the absence of contiguo us and/ or continuous information 何必 core data) permits only “snapshot" interpretation lf1 m an yωses. (Uu [19881 and Sun and Chen [1 9911 sumrnarized poJlen data from sediment cores from China with better datìng control, and Fang [1991] Sllrnmarized l.ake-Ievel data.) Also some vegetation and c1 imate estimates are based only on comparisons with data frorn other sites. Ho wever, when a large amount of c1 ata from many SOllrces is synthesized, a rather co. herent pictllre emefges o f environmental change in China since the last gladal maximum.

Regional Paleoenvironmental Data We discuss the paleoenvironmental data by geographic region ( Ren et al., 1979, 1985) (Fig. 10.主1): (1) east China, w ith subregions of northeast, north , centraJ, south. ancl coastal China; (2) Inner Mongo lia; (3) sourh west China; (4) the Qinghai-Xizang (T i 忱tan) Plat個 U; (5) no rthwest China; (6) the Loess Plateall in no rth-central China (Fig. 10.2c); and (7) Japan (Fig. 10.1 a). W e give the province or region (fig. 的.l b )a nd the latitude and longilude o f each site at the first mention (0 help readers find the site on the ma 仰 (Figs. lO.1 a,b and 10.23 ). When an area rather than a point 10calion is mentioned or when the information Sllrnmarized represents m ore than a f ew location話. we glVe the latitude and lo ngitude of the approximate center of rhe area. The latit l1de and longitucle of Ihe indi vid.

ual and com仰site sites (Fig. 10.1 c) in e-ach listed in the Appendix_




Northeast China A cold climate with sreppe vegetation in norrheasl China from about 泣.000 to 1的∞ yr I3.P. is indicated by distribution of the bones of Mammuthus prim~伊­ nius ( w∞Il y mammoth) and Coelodon f.a antiqu ítatis (w∞lJ y rhinoceros) at more than 2'∞ Sl 【臼 in the region (Chow, 1978; Duan et a/~ 1981; Qi u et aL, 1981). Bones fo und at Zhaoyuan in Heilongjiang Province (450 31'N , 125oogE) were radiocarbon-dared at 2日∞士 600 y r B.P. Pennafrost features (bllried involurion lay. ers ancl ice-w edge patterns) f Ollnd at many siles in Heilongjiang Province and at sites even farther south provide eviclence of continuOllS ~咒rmafrost at latitudes as far sOllth as 你N during the late Pleistocene ( Zhang Lansheng, 1984). Today the southern limit o f continuo LlS permafrost is ~刊. about tatitude 5rN (Zhang La n she嗯, 1984). A human skull fOllnd in an involution layer n個I Jalainua (490 21'N, 11r弱的 was radiocarbon-dated at 11,4ω 主 230 y r B.P. 的lIen analysis from this site showed 13.4~也 arboreaJ pollen ( AP), including 6% Be弘 tu/a (birch), 3% Pinus sylvestris va r. mongoliω ( Mon­ golian Scotch pine),到令 A 帥的(fir), and a few grains each of several hardwoods ( Ko ng and Du. 1981). Artemìsia (worrnwcx:肘) was the dominam taxo n, contributing 56.7% of the total pollen , and 10.6% of the pollen came from nonarbor個 I plants other than Art.emisía. Aquatic algae (primari ly Pediastrum, Mou伊)tia, and ξ略?''lema spp.) w ere also presen t. ln contrast. an early-Holocene sample fro m the site had 1的令 AP. all }立 sylvestris va r. m Ol'll;olica, 88% nonarboreal pollen composed solely of Artemisia (77%) and Cheno戶-xiium spp. (1仰也), and no hydrophy tes. Because the AP represents a more mesophytic fore.'5t and beca use atgae w ere present, w e infer that the c1 irnate was m ore humid at abollt 1之α沁 yr B.I'. than in the earl y Holocene. Kong and Du (981) estimated that MAP w as 500-ωo mm around 11,0∞-1 2,000 yr B.札 compared to the present annual precipitation in this region of about 400 mm (Fig. 10.3c)' Cui and Xie ( 985) alωsu mmarized the late-Pleis. tocene dimate o f northeast China as periglacial. They c1 escribed twO frigid intervals (35,。∞-垢,α沁 yr B. P. and 芯,000-12,000 yr B.P.) characterized by cold-adapted fall n.a c1 0 minated by woolly mammoth and w ooll y rhinoceros. The vegetation in rhis regio n at a 凶ut 18,α)() yr 8 ..1'. was c1 0 minated hy tundra nonh of 45.N , open steppe to 是TN . and northern conifer f orests to 390 N. Late-glacia l temperatures inferred frorn the bi o、 geologic evidence were 8- lOoC low er than the modern MA T of 30 C al' 450 N and about l10 C lower than lhe modern MAT of 60 C at 4:t'N (Fig. .10.4a). By 12,α)() y r ß.P. areas of mixed coniferous-d eciduous forest had


' ' 1) ..,..,.\" ,,1


CHI NA developed in the regío n as summer temperatures íncreased. A group o f researchers at the Guiyang lnstitute of Geoche mistry (977) a nalyzed 仰llen from sites in so uthe rn Liaoning Prov i.nce (about 妙。N , about llì'E). They imerp re red the la te屯)Jeistocene polle n assemblage as ind i臼 ting that the dimate was colder than today befo re 10,500 yr ß.P., with MAT of OOC and a n aridity index vaJ ue of less tha n 1. Howe ver, no latePle i.stocene pollen data are actua lly presente d, a nd the reported paleotemperalure and aridity index va lues fo r the late Ple istocene rnay 悅 specu lative o r based on unpublished data (a proble m in many of the older sllldies). O the r studies at Liaoning Province sites (G lIiyang Institute of Geochemistry, 1977) provide a history of the vegetation a nd climate for three Holocene periods. The Pulandian periαi CQl) (1 0,300-8∞o yr B.P.) wasa Be仰的 forest stage. Betula polle n was do minant ()8仿佛的 a long w ith 11-39% pollen from other trees, s uch as Ulmus(e lm), Quercus(oak) , a nd Pinus. However, neare r the coast A rtemisia a nd Chenopodiaceae (cheno pods) dominated the poHen profjle. MAT was estimated t.O be about 6 C, with an ariclity index o f 1.50. Th us this period was colder and dr ier than the prese nt. modern vaLues fo r the region are MA T 8-1OoC, a nnuaJ precipitation 600-1000 mm, and a ridity index 0.70-1.1 0. The Dagushan periαI (的 (8000-2500 yr B的 W心 decid uo us forest stage. Quercus and A l叫“ (a lder) poJl en were abundan t, especially toward the northeast Other deciduous species included Tilia (bas兮 woα1), j uglans (walnut), Ca rpinus (hornbeam), and Pteroca rya (wing nut). BetuJa pollen decreased abruptly at the beginning of this stage to le泌 th an 15%, while Pinus pollen steadily rose thro ug hollt the period fro m less than 20% t。如也.ηpba (αttail), Cyperaceae (se甸的), and Liliaceae (l iLies) were pres創刊, indica. ting the developme nt o f wet meadows and bogs. Artemis悶" Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae (smartweeds)‘ Gra mineae (gra錯的), and Com positae (sunflowers) g rew alo ng the seacoasts and slopes. The polle n assemblages indicate that early in this stage the climate was warm and h u m 惜, w ith MA T abollt 130 C ß-5 C wa rme r than at present) and a n a ridity inde x of less than 1. The d ima te re mained warme r than at prese nt (MAT abollt 12 C) in the later part of this period bllt became considerably drier after about 5仗)0 yr B.P. (arid ity index 150). The Zhua r吵e period (Q1) (fro m about 2如) yr B.P. lO the present) was characte rized by a mixed conife ro us-decidllo us forest. AP fell as pollen fro m herbs rose. The climate was colder and d rier, w ith MA T fluctua ting w ithin l-Z.C of the present value Figure 1O.6a summarizes the AP changes, infe rred lemperature and dryness, a nd sea-Ievel changes in southern Liaoning fo r rhe last 10.000 yr. The evidence suggests that the e ntire Dagusha n periocl from 8000 to 2如o yr B. P. was w armer than at present a nd that th e 0



interval from about 80ωI。如00 yr BJ'. was also wetter than a t presen t. Pollen studies in the Dunhua Basin area of Jilin Province Cabout 430 N, about 12SOE) (Zhou et al., 1984) showed changes during the Holocene simílar to those described for Liaoning (Fig. 10.7). MAT was estimated to be 5 C hig her than at present between 80∞ and 2500 yr B.P. in Jilin Provin ce. 0

NorthChina The geographic d ivision of no rth Ch includes the Beijing lowlan ds as well as a Large east-west exte nt of land in the middle of China (Fig. 1O.2a). Archaeological activities in this regio n, known as "the cradle of Chinese culture ," are extensive. Chen (1979) analyzed pollen , zoopla他的n, and animal fossil data at sites in the Beijing area of Hebei Prov ince (39。話'N, n 6 2S'E) a nd divided the Holocene period into fou r time inter0

叫 ls: ~ (即翩翩 yr B.叭,叫你000-6捌 y r B的,心

and Q,: (2∞o yr B.p.-pr臼ent). All sites were J4C-da ted. A ternperature 4-S.C lower than the present MAT of about l~C was ìnferred fo r ~ because of the domina nce of birch pollen. This abundance of birch poHen (能e also Figs. 10.6a and 10.7) may have come fro m birch-shrub tundra similar (0 that g rowing concurre nrly in northeastern R u的丸 Beringia, and no rthern A1 aska and the Yukon, according to pollen evidence cited in Colinvaux 0%7), Ho pkins et 叫(1982), Anderson 098S), and Ritchie (987). As d iscu路ed in the preceding subsectio n o n no rtheast China, Cui and Xie (985) and Zhang La nshe略 (1984) presented evide nce for permafrost as far soulh 的是OON in the Be ijing lo w lands during the late Pleist仗ene (the earliest part of ~). Abundant ostracods in ~ sed i.rnents ind icate the presence of nume的叫 freshwater ponds in the Beijing lowlands, w hich may have ζleveloped as permafrost rnelted. The later ~ sediments contained A 仰自 (fir) and Picea (5pruce) polle n, indicative of a cold climate. The te mperature fo r this interval was calculated as 7-8 C lower than at pr臼en t. Polle n assemblages o f Q: indica te conditions warmer than at p resen r. The vegetation was mainly deciduous tree乳 but spor臼 frorn ferns that no w g ro w o nly sourh of the Changjiang (Yang tze River) (aboul 30 N) were al50 abundan t. MA T was estimated to have been about 2-中C hig he r than at presen t. The combinatio n of a cold ,咒riod as La te as 的∞-似泊 yr B. P. (也~) at Beijing (Ch凹 , 1979) and peak warrnth in southern Liaoning at abollt the sarne time (G ui ya ng Institute of Geochemistry , 1977) is c1 imatologiωlI y unJikely. Althoug h these ar eas are w的t a nd north, resp故:t i vel y, of 80 Ha i (80 Bay) a nd lie in differen t climatic regio ns today (divisio ns 5 and 4, respectively, in Fig. 103a), they were part of the 翱me exposed coasta l p lain befo re about 6000 yr B.P., and broadly synchrono us Holocene temperature changes wo uld be expected. Mo reover, if theω r1y Q~ birch polle n dominance is inte rpre ted as shru b- tundra, the 的∞0-茲別 yr B州,




' ' 1) ..,..,.\" ,,1













20 40 60 80 100% 5 7 9 11



SEA SURFACE 1. 5 0.5





1000 • •






3000 • •


4000 •

MW@KA ω』



5000 • •

6000 • •



7000 •

8000 • •








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17 』



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OOO 帥,



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@ c- 。』 3-F』 Ma W z』@←



,aaTavavnv nuavauaa 冉h T ,hU 冉-


Fig 10.6 (a) Summary of data for Liaoning Province (m吋ified frorn GuJyang Insritute of Geochemistry, 1977), showing ma知r chang臼 in arbor臼1 pollen ( 0 = Betult主﹒'" other d如duous, ﹒ 輯們nus), in[erred m臼nannuaJ temμrature (' C), d門n借3 此a1e (aridity index) , and 必a-Jevel fluα叫“ons. (b) Inferred m凹 n annuaJ temp討詛ture for China The solid line is a ∞mposltc temperature curve drawn from data În Chu (1973), Gulyang lnstitute of G敘調chemistry (1977). and Duan et aL (1俠的主 Thedasbed line represents temperamf'的 Ofl the Tibetan Plat臼 II (data from Wang and Fan. 1987).

一:“舟'"﹒ J ".戚t'




Years BP

Mount Yenshang and l.Jlntian Nar吋'1809 Pulandlan 0 Beljl呵 (34. 03 N. (39.240N. (28. 41 悅 0 115.530E) 109. 1~E) 39.55 N. 121 .580E) 116.250E) 0

lianjin (39.080N, 117. 12。曰


SWamps (43.210N.


San;ang Plains

( ~6...80N. 128.13 曰 132-1340E) 0

陶lIongJang 情JmaCαJnty 0

(二 51 .50 N,

12 6" E)


山t le I個 Age 自凶鑫

(∞ntem p .)

Pulandlan wann perlod

~ 1 做到。


Zhou-Han Ab.l且

同 20∞


. 0

a •

eI'.1 0



0 6

2435:i: 1 ∞ 2530到∞


. 10∞國

. 0







. .

0 .1

2000 ~









Years BP



Yanshao warm




- 6000





且且a - 7∞o

Tsuga 以)()O



。 。




1- 9000

回 1 0000


sω 「 60∞﹒


7α到0 -1

7770士1 50

Xiehu ∞Id

。 .


+ 0 日










Fig 10 7 Summar y o f poLlen data from sites in eastern China. T ranslated and modified from D lIan et al. (1 981 ); stratigraphic data (col umns from left to right) from Wang (1 972); Institute of Botan y (1%6) and Lee and H lIang 0 %6); Zholl (1% 5) and Lillω aL 0%5); Chen et aL (1% 5); Hebei 7th T eam ( unpublished [1 978]); Zhou et (.11. 0984 }, Chan gcun l nstitute of Gec也raph y ( unp lIblished ); and ( H uabei) Nonh China InSlitul e o f G ean (36 4O'N, n 4"l2'E ) and in Hena n Province al Peiligang (340站啊, 1日。'43'宜) have 14C da.tes of 75∞ and 吹別)-7C別 y r B.眠, respectively (師, 1979; Y也1, 1979), The existence of weU-develo伊d culrur臼 侃出ese tim es is th ought to indicate more favorable climatic conditio n s. Wang 0984的 summarized radiocarbo n-dated poι len data from northern and northeastern China and condud叫 that the Holocene c1 imate in the region could be divided inlO lhree 5個ges相 1.he 臼rly Holocene 00;α沁 yr 即. 的 8α)() or 75∞ y r B.P.) w路 a period of in叮easing 肥mperature, a l出ough the MAT remained at l臼釘子-6oC lower than at pr臼ent. The middle Holocene (8叫沁今α沁 yr B.P.) was warm. with MAT 2-4 C higher than at pre記m. The late Holocene (女)()o or 2哎沁 yr B.P. fo t.he present) was cooler tha n the middle Holocene, with frequent 2-4 C oscillations in MAT. Liu 0 986, 1如8) al叩 summarízed late -Quaternary vegetational and climatic changes in north China and 訣別ed that five cold-warm cycl臼 could be inte rpre ted from poUen dat.a for the Pleistocene from a site in the Beijing lowlands. Simi1ar climatic fluctua t.ions are recorded at many s泌的 and are probably synchro nous within the regio仇 Por exampl e, Yang et al. (979) found ev ide noe of five cold and fo ur warm intervals at sües in the Hebei plains (37"N, 117"E) fro m minera1c耶c chang臼 in the 摺diments 路 weU as vegetation chang臼 inferred fro m poUen. The cold pha肥s are represented in the polle n spectra by borea1 conifer poUen fro m P化的 Abt問 and Pí n us. The warm phas臼 had abundant pollen from remperate hardwo吋s such 部 Ulmus and Quercus. Howev凹, during the warm phase of the early Pleist仗ene, poUen from subu o pica1 trees w品 evident, and this earlier interval w的 warmer than subsequent warm ph路臼 ( L悶, 1988). Today Picea and Abi,的 forests in northeast China (指 well 諧的胡e in the southw郎。 grow o nly at elevations above 15∞ m, but during the cold periods of the Pleistocene 出ey were widespread io the northern lowla nd regio ns at e levations of about 430 m and 那 0 你 的uth as latitude 25 N (Xu et a L. 19帥; Yang and Xu, 1981; Zhou et 叫, 1982). From 帥,仗的 to 日,α)() yr B.P. a ∞ld steppe existed 凶 northern China, and the pollen profile was dominated by Artemis純Between 日,αm 0




.;:tn"J' ,','OJ"




CHINA and 11,6∞ y r ß.P. polle n from bor臼J conife rs such as La門:X (l a rch), Picec 尾'a, and A bies was again abundant. After n成沁 yr B.P. a Ttlia-dominated hardwood fo rest covered parts of no rthe rn China (Ko ng and Du, 1980;

pretatio n of paleoclimate frorn lake-Ievel and po llen records f rom north and 閥割 China.

L悶 , 1986) Li u (988) reviewed in detail relatively weIJ -d ared

During the late Ple istocene the vegetation of central China was domina ted by coJd-dimate conifero us fo reSlS. Abi的 and Picea fo rests expanded into the hills of the co描ta.l lowla nds of central Chjna as f ar south as 詣。N at that time (Xu et al., 1980). La te-Pleistocene pollen sam pl臼 from MOllnt Shefeng (2S0N , 1150日 contained 16% Abies a nd 5% Tsuga (he mlock) pollen (Duan et a l., 1981). The evidence for glaciation in the eastern mountains 他忌, at MOllnt Lu r29"34'N, 115 勢'EJ) pro posed by some researchers (L凹, 1975), howeve r, is being serio usly questio ned (H ua峙, 1982; Shih, 1982; Shi et al., 1986). Wang 0984b) documented the finding of a cold-water fo ra rn.i nifer, B u.ccellafrìgida, which now Ij ves o nly above 380N in the Ye llow S凹, in cor臼 dating frorn the la te Pleistocene taken offshore at abour latitude 3Q" N in the Ea c; t China Sea. Fossil evidence fo r a warm climate in central China during the Holocene is abunda n t. Wang et al. (981) stlldied the Holocene evolution of the Changjia ng (Yangtze River) Delta (制訂閱 roughly within 305-3詣。N and 120-122" E) using lithologic and geomorpho logic evide nce and the poJle n and zooplankron stratigraphy of sedirnent cores take n frorn the de lta. Evide nce of coastaJ mangrove fores的, which at prese nt grow o nly along the coast of southern China, indicates a warm and hurnid climale d uring the middJe Ho locen e. ln the Changjiang Delta area the maximllm sωtransgression occurred at aoout 7500 yr 8.1'., when the coastline was aoout 225 km 丸west (at abollt 32" N, 119。話'E) of its present positio n. ln additi on、 Wang (1984b) showed that a warm-water foraminife r, Asterorotalia su. btrispinosa, now fo und o nly south of 250N in the East China Sea, gre w at about the latitude of Shanghai (30。的 between about 75∞ a nd 45∞ yrn.p. Fossil bones fo und al a Neolirhic site (dated at 50∞ yr B. P.) near Cha ngzho u in )iangsll Province (3]04?N , 119057'E) include deer (Cervus n 伊'/)On, f~戶ù-opo怖 的­ erm 的 a nd David's deer), w ild boar, bllffa lo , turrle , torto肘, fish , a nd crab-eating mong∞se (Huar嗨, 1978), ind iω ting a large fo rested regio n with many lakes and rivers and suggesting a warrner and wetter climate than at pre蛇nt. Radiocaroon dates of 0峙的 from a site of the Hemlldu Neolithic culture discovered near Yuyao in Zh ejiang Pro vince (30"04'N, 121"1σE) (Ano nymolls, 1976) pJace this CllJture between 6好o a nd 6570 yr B.P. Bon臼 were found from 48 kinds of animaJ s, a lJ hunted by the ancient inhabitants, including e lephant, rhinoceros, o tter, crocodile, pelican, cormo rant, and to rtoise. Fossil plant remains included water chestnllt、 reeds, rice, campho r trees, and ba nya n. These faunaJ and flora l assem blages are all fOllnd fa rthe r south today, and therefo re a warme r (by about 20C) a nd

palynologic data from 80 sites in northeast and no rth China, including many of the sites discusscd above. He concluded that the vegetation near Beijing was cold a nd d ry ste ppe-tundra before abou r 日,∞o yr B.P. and was re placed by coniferous fo rest fro m 日,∞o lO about 11,4∞ y r ß.P. as the climate became wetter but re mained cold (a bout 6-90C colder than at present). Peat began to accumuJate at that t.ime in the Beijing lowlan ds. A short d rγ period fo r the next 4叫) yr is ind ic~Hed by increases in A rtemis的 pollen and in the spores of Selagi n.ella in the Ko ng and Du (980) Fe nzh uang bore hole site near Beijing 吼叫, 1988). This dry period may be concurre nt with the Yo unger Dryas period defined by investigators in Europe (Liu, 1988), altho ug h Liu considers such a placement of north China vegetatíon cha nges w ithin a global context premature. Afte r 11,α)() yr B.I'. a mo re rnixed conife r-hardwood fo rest develo ped, and peadands expa nd位I as the climate became warmer and wette r ( L仙, 1988). Pine increased in the early Ho Jocene, and broadleaved hardwoods (sllch as Qu.ercus, Catpin.叫 Acer, Betula , a nd jugla n.s) expand航I in response to midHo locene warrning fro m about 80∞ to about 4α沁 (L山, 1988) o r 3α)() yr ß.P. (Duan et aL, 1981) (Fig. 的.7). The middle Holocen e also was wetter in the firsl half and then became increasingly drie r. La te-Ho locene pine and oak forests in no rth China indicated by domina nt pine a nd/ o r oak po lle n percentages suggest cooling since about 4000 yr B.('. Duan el al. (1981) 划的 SlImmarized the Ho locene polle n reslllts from muJtiple sites o n a transect from the no rtheast to the south臼st (as far south as 詣。的 a nd fo und changes similar to those pre提nted by Liu (1988) (Fig. 10.7). Fang (1991) summarized Lake-Ievel changes during the past 泊,000 yr from east China , w hich he divided into no rth and centra l and central coastal plain regi.ons. He concluded that lakes in the no rth and cenIra l region respond to pr仗ipitation and evaporation changes, while water-Ievel chang臼 in the coastal lakes were associated with Ho locene sω leveLs a nd river water and channel changes. Low lake Jevels we re evident at all sites fro m 18,α泊 to aoout 90∞ y r ß.P. The hig hest la ke leveLs in the north and central regions were at about 6∞0-2欲)() yr B‘民, with some i況sins sho wing high water a bit earlie r, between 9000 and 7叫沁 y r B.P. The coastal lakes in Fa ng's data base were a lllo w until afte r 6仗沁 y r B.P. Deta iled analysis of polle n and Lake-Ievel changes at ind iv idual sites would pro vide a broader unde rstanding of some of lhe asynchronolls changes, such as the of the pe 凹lk rni巴.id-Ho 叫1 dωar間 a and 仙 1a 削te 叮r from lake 吋 e-扭'v 悶 el川 da 瓜ta 吋), s 蛇 ee e n in the i削 臼 nte 叮r-

Central China



' ' 1) ..,..,.\" ,,1



rnore hurnid environment than at present was inferred At the Ziyang Neolithic site near Cheng心, Sichuan Province (30007'N, 1悅。'39世), pollen and spore assemblages from sedirnents radiocarbon -dated to between 7如o and 6740 yr B.p. contain subtropical species such as Keteleeria (silver fir), Castanea (chestnut) , PterocaηJa, and palm trees as well as tropiω1 fern spor臼 (Duan et al., 1981). The MA T was estimated to be about 30C higher than today. SouthChina

Taiwan lsland (Formosa), located off the southeast coast of China in the South China sea (Fig. 10.1a), has a subtropi. at north China sites ( Fig. 10.8b), in agreement with the results of G山 yang lnstitute of Geochemistry (977) and Wang et a l. (981) for no rth China and Matsushima (976) for ]apan. However. be'~!

' ' 1) ..,..,.\" ,,1





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melted on the high mount刻的 Some of the 1泌的 that received 出is meJtwater coal臼ced to form larger lakes. This high lake-leveJ stage of the ext叮ior lak帥,的pe­ cially in south Xiza嗯, has been dated fromμat and foss iJ snail deposits in high te.'fra閃s surrounding the lak臼. l.akes in the imerioT of the plateau 出at did not receive meltwater, however, had low water levels t給­ tween 75∞ and3α沁 y r B.P~ aJthough evidence of layers of freshwar釘 mud in the saline Lake Zhacancaka G 2"3O'N, 82"2σE), with b f"0-7α)() yr 肘. and 6000-如沁 yr B.P‘ (Wang and Fan, 1987) indicates that the desiccation was not a continuous process but rather was punαuated by millennial-s個 le wetter periods. The three Holoc自le lake terraces above the present border of saline La ke Zharinanmuco (3rN, 850 E) (Li et a l., 1985) al的 provide evidence of wet periods alternating with dry peri叫s on the Xizang Plateau. After 女朋 yr B.P. lake levels fell rapídJy throughout the Xi zang P!ateau屯 的 the climate cooled and glaciers expanded, meltwater was no Jonger abun也t帥, and the water levels in some of the exterior lakes feU. Seve raJ of the la啥er la kes d ropped as much as 10-20 m, re訂協ining wet onJy in the deeper basins. 'I11e interior lak臼 continued to desicωte 仰df山 with precípitat臼­ Some of the la姆拉vel chang臼 on the Q-X Plat問u d tlC ing the H.olocene were 由II何d not only by changing climatic conditjons, such as 出e intensuication of the So uth Asian mon的on at about 泊,α)() yr B.P., but 剖so by the continuing mo中hometric changes in the lake basins caused by uplift of the plate'.:lu ln a study of the evolution of late-Pleistocene salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin (到>-3o/N, 91-99"E) in Qinghai, Chen and Bowler (1986) conduded from e叭, dence of higher lak的hor臼 and freshwater sediment deposition that water levels were higher before about 40,'α)() yr B.P. SmaJ ler lake basin5, haüte deposition, and dastics idemical in chemicaJ composition to the Malan (late-Pleistocene) loe岱 deposits indìωte that lake levels fell between 話,叫)() and about 呎沁o yr B.P. during the cold, dry, and windy period of the last glacial max1m 山n. During the Holocene the remaining 1此es continued to desiccate, although Chen (Chen and Bowler, 1986) interpreted the 揖díment chang臼 in some of the i政e cores to show a more humid early Holocene folIowed by a drier middJe and late Holocene. Ostraoω, gastro仰d, and pol1en evidence was aJ的 used in these and other studies to define water-Ievel chang部 in Qinghai. Lister et al (989) measured the s的o values of benthic ostraαxls in the dosed-basin Qinghai Hu (3rN , 1(你的 and concluded that 出e lake was low in the Jate PJeistocene, with a marked dry period during 出e Younger Drya s, although lake levels were rising by the end of the Pleistocene. An in口也.sed mon欽XlIl circulation i5 inferred after 10,5∞ yr B.P勻 and lake leve1s reached a maximum at about 8α)() yr B.P. Between 8α)() and 35∞ yr B.P. lake leveJs decre船“品 evaporation in叮倒錯d. Higher lake levels


are again indi個ted afrer 35∞ yr 1l.f之 as Qinghai Hu a pproached the modern level. Studies of the shorelines and a core for a do時d­ basin, regionally sensitive tecwnic lake, Swnxj Co, in western Tibet by Gasse et al (1991) document envi. ronmental changes from 吟,砍沁 yr B.P. From 13;叫泊 to mα約 yr B.P. cold and dry conditions were interpreted from desert Ephedra and chenopod pollen abundanc俗, increased detritus from erosion, low water levels fed oruy by brief pulses of gla'~!

' ' 1) ..,..,.\" ,,1






.. -.

F侈 的的 Paleoprecipitalion maps (sho wing are品 wetter than, drier Ihan, or Iheω me as 31 present) COnslrucled from biogeologic evidence for 18,仗泊, 12,故沁, 例間,欲則, and 3α泊 yrl阱, and pr臼enl m臼 n annual precìpilalion ( mm) (modified from Ren

el a L. 1985).


CHINA 12,000 yr 8P

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Fig 10.11. Pa leOVcgel alion maps constructed from pollen and macro fossil evidence for 18.α刀1, 12,α風吹X約, a nd 60. (Fig. 10.10). Tem peratur臼 were gene ralIy w arme r than at presen r, perhaps by 1-3"C, and the regio ns that were warme r also had mo re moisture (Fig. 10.9). North China was still colder than al present according to the imerp retatio ns of the e vidence, but eve n there temperatures were considerably higher than at 1之仗沁 yr B.P. (Fig. 10.印,b). The mo nsoonal climate was strengthened by 州m yr 8.P. (Fig. 10 .10) in the southe rn ha lf of Ch ina , a ltho ugh drier conditio ns above 40 N in China and j apan suggest that the summe r mon的on boundary was still displaced southward compared to the present boundary (Fig. 103
' ' 1) ..,..,.\" ,,1


CHINA that is indicated by the data but no < re f! ected in the model. Four facro rs may account for these differences: (1) Late-Pleistocene and Holocene sea-Ievel/coastline changes. The c1 imate simllLation for east China (Fig.10.l2d), which includes all of coastal China, differs 出e most fro rn that of the western, northern, and cen(ral inland regio ns. The sea level was süll lowe r than at present at 9000 yr B.P. (Fig. 10.10), w hich may have (''aU記d continental conditio ns to Li nger in the northm紋, especially in January, when according to MiLa nkovitch theory , solar radiarion in the Northern He misphe re was Lowe r (han at presen t. By 60∞ yr ß.J)., however, sea level was at irs p何時nt level o r higher, and no rtheast China be臼 rne warmer and wetter tha n at present. Th e lowered sea level along the 臼st China coast at 9∞o yr B.P. was not consider配I in the mode L. (2) The r的ponse of biologic systems to o rbital ly índuced seasonality changω. Orbital changes enhanced Northern Hemisphere sC'.:lsonality before and during the ea rI y Holocene a nd lessened the seasonal contrast markedly after 6000 yr B.P. Seasona li 句, the refore, is a separate cJ imatic facro r that may affect biologic systems more clirectly than geologic o nes. Eve n though temperature and moistllre had increased by 9∞o yr B.P~ the more extreme cold in the winte r half-y e-. u would inhibit the expansion of plan tS and animals into colder regions (tùgher latitudes and higher altitudes). At 60∞ y r B2. summer warmth and wetness remained within growth-permitting levels, while winrer warmth incr俗的ed as the seasonal contrast dec reased. Therefore it is no t surprising to find gr個 test expansion of plants and animals and human settJement at 6000 yr B.P. in China despite the increased wa rmth a nd wetness evident by 9000 yr B..P. in the geoJogic record. S仰的nali ty may be the most importa nt facror limiting biotic systems with broad temperature and moisture require me nts (as opposed ro bio ric systems adapted to extremes) from being i n 缸luili brium with c1 imaric change. Geok海ic and hydrologic proC的ses sllch as glacier movernents, 1 拙 e-I evel cha nges, and loe錯啊 l eosol develo pmenr may rherefore react s∞ner than most recorded biologic proc闊的 (phyto­ plankron, which have a short generation time, may be an exception) in Arctic and temperate regions. (3) The response of geoJogic systems 10 o rbita lJ y induced climatic changes. 刊 uctua tions in snowfall and chang臼 in glacia l d ynamics on the Tibetan Plate.:l u a nd the centra l rnOllntains since the late Pleistocene ma y have prodllced feedback mechanisms that intensified o r limited the c1 imatic changes. Models of the dynami臼 of climate change may need to incorporate a Slfonger atmosphere-ocean-Iand process linkage. (4) Possible dating problems. As mentioned above, som e o f lhe mapped sites rnay varγas much as 15∞ yr from the no minal d ar.e. Dating e rro rs rnay be additi ve, making the chronology of climate inferences fro m data even less precise

Monsoons, Airstreams , and Biotic Regions MODERN ATRSTREAM CUMATOL∞Y The dimate of China is affected on a global scale by bounda 門 constraints, o rbital dynamics, and latitlldinal differences in solar radiation. Regional c1 imatic constraints include t悅。cean currents off rhe east and ωuth coasts and 出 e extreme topography of the Tibetan Plateau in the w臼tern part of the country. Tt>e Tibetan Plateall not only blocks airstrωms coming from the Arctic. Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans, but also its e levation intensifies the land-sea temperature contrasts during winter and Sllmmer and contributes tO seasonal precip itation extremes lhat result JIl a mon的on circularion. The Pacific Ocean currents 臼st of China contribute to c1 ímatíc conditions inland. However, ωstern Chin a, unlike the Atlantic coast of North Arnerica, where the conrine ntal climate is irnproved by the proximity of the warm Gulf Stream, does not benefir from the warm Kuroshio cu rre則, which lies far offshore in 出e western Pacific. One branch of the Kuroshio current tOlJches 出 e southωstern coast of Japan , a nd another branch,由e Tsushima curre nt, e nters the sea of ]apan. The w inter mo n釵)()Il fro m the interior of Ctúna is strong e nough 1O displace the warm flo w even farther to the east, leading [0 an intensificatio n of the coLd d imate in winrer. Also, the cold littoral drift flowing sOllth from the BohaiS個 (at 鉤。的 to the Taiwan Straits (about 250的 is stronger in winter ( Hen et 圳, 1985), making the c1 imates even colder (Fig. 10.4c). In the w臼t of China, t. he Tibetan Plateau blocks the mi dJatitude wesrerlies and results in a split jet that moves ro the no rth and the south of the plateau. Cooling of the airmasses over the pJateau gives rise to the cemral Asian airstrearn, which dominates the northwest ancl west-central parrs of China with varying stre ngth thro ugho ut the y臼 r and moves Ollt of the plateau in winte r to become the winter mo nsoon (cold, dry air moving from the Tibetan Plateau to the no nh, e品t, and south) throughout China (Bryson, 1986). According to Re n et al‘(1985) and Bryson (1986), weather patrerns do a cornplete reversaJ fro rn sum. mer to winte r. Low pressure over the plateau is cen0 ter缸i at about 70-80 E ín the summer from about] une thro ugh Aug us t. High pressure north of this low brings drought to northwest China (Xinjiang and the western part of the Loe峙 的 tea u [fig. 1O.2a,c]) in summer as well as winter-hence the arid steppe vegetation ( fig. 10.5) ancl the deserts (Fig. 10.2c) in those regions. In winter, fro m about October through April, a cold high-pressure rídge is cemered at about 8O-90o E over the Tibetan Plareau, which brings rain to the southern foot o f the Himalayas, an area that also receives rain from the southwest mons∞n in summe r

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variables simulated by the Community CHmate Model (CCM): surface temperature (OC), precipitation (nun/day), and precipitation-minus-evaporation (P-E) (mm/ day) for (a) aU of China, (b) nO fÙlα11悶, (c) south Chi na,的 )east China, (e) w臼t Chi na,的 northw臼t China, (g) Loess Plat臼u, and (h) 前 betan Plat個.u. M凹n) 叫 y (o), )anua叮 (0), and annual (c,) values are plotted for each variable. Shaded symbols indi臼 te values with sta山ti臼l signifi個 nce gr臼 ter than 呎慨 lnset maps of the CCM map grid with each region show Iat.itude and longitude and number of grid 呵 uares aver'.-tg叫 to obtain the data for each emry. 1共ïg. 10.12 Paleoclimatic

low-防部sure trough e x:ists in winter and a C叫stal pre品 ure 討 dge ín summer. Th e transítion in atmospheric circulation tak臼 pJace in May and

A coastal


tember. 1n May the northw臼t 知td必ap伊~s and the southW臼t jet push 臼 nonhward, strengthening the southi m) (Sun W臼t rnons∞n (the lndian Ocean airstr個 Shuqing et a J., 1986). The no rthward movement of the lndian 0借到1 airstream and the southwest jet (n缸, rowedand ∞ncemrated by the north-ωmh trend in the boundary of the east叮 n part of the Tibetan Plateau [Sun Sh uqing et a J., 1986]) for a short time Ín May o r early June 臼 U記s rainfall on 出e easrern poron of the Tibetan Plateau, watering the grass steppe

(the plateau is o nly semiarid, in contr部t to northwest Clúna [Fig. 的5]) and permining forest growth on the windward slopes o f the mountains ín central China In effect, the eastern rim of the Tibetan Plateau cr eates the southwegt boundary of a tension wne 伊is 10.的) and funnels mOlsture north闊別的 the coas ta1 pLain (Pig. 10 .2d) and to ]apan (Luo and Yanai, 1鱗). The 50uth Pacìfjc high-pr自sure system reach臼 the southeastern coast of China by May and mov的 slow­ ly northward on 由 e eastα:>ast (Fig. 10.]3). Referred to 甜 the mei少u ("plum rain可 front (LωM吋 Yanai, l 如6), it bfin扭 曲e "plum rains" to north China in midJune and July, when the plum trees rì戶叩 (Ren et al, 1985), If rh前e ís a strons high~pre晶 u re 呵成em Úl

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Fig 10.13. South回到 Asian airstream positions ( pattern依1 ar個S labeled with 臼pital letters) and durations (data fro m Bryson, 1986) compar反1 with vegetation regimes in China (see Fig. 10.5). Five of lhe six dominant airSlreams (those lasling lo nge r than

fo ur mo nths ) are associated with a similarly patterned line that represents the position of that airstream fo r al I臼st o ne mo nth. The la rge dots demarcate major vegetation bound仰自 strongly influenced by the position of one or more airstreams loday. The central diagonallarge.doned line marks Ihe foresl-grassland boundary, which lies along a tension zone formed by oound. aries of five of lhe six dominant airstream s. The dolted line in Ihe no rtheast corner of China marks the cold conife r foresl ooundary. The tro pical forest boundary in south China coincides wilh the posilion of the Indian Ocean and So ulh Pacific airstr間 ms fo r more than fo ur mo nths. Lines of smaller do ts repr臼ent less well -d efined relationships 1咒tween airSlream posi. tio n and hi Olic regio n. such as the ooundary belween grass steppe and arid steppe in lhe west (which may 忱。rographic) and that between suhlropical and lemperate forests in lhe eas t. no rtheast China-the Ko rean a irs tream ( Bryson, 1986) 。r eastern Arctic a irstream ( Ren el al, 1985)-the 加uth Pacific air is stalled in the soll thea鈍, α using floods south of the Changjiang (320 N) and drought north of that latitude in July ( Ren et al, 1985). In early Marc h the southwest mons∞n associated with the Indian Ocean a irstream begins 10 affect south China. The Indian Ocean airs tream ( Fig. 10芯) and the accompanying warm s ummer rains do minate this part of China for about s ix m o nths CBryson , 1986). The airstream arrives at its m ost no rtherly posilio n a t about Kunming in AuguSL Therefo re, rwo a irstream s bring s ummer rain to Ch ina, o ne fro m the Indian Ocean in the sou thwest a nd o ne fro m the So uth Pac ific in the south a nd solltheas t. The intensity , timing ,

and duration of these airs tre-J ms determine the no rthe rn border o f rhe tro pical forest vegetation in south China ( Figs. 105 and 10 .13). ln the no rtheast , Arctic air dominates in the s umm e r (above about 50 N) and deter mines the southe rn boundary o f the no rthern conife r fo resr ( Figs. 10 .5 and 10 .13) com posed primarily o f the dec iduo us conife r Larix (l arch ) , whic h is well adapted fo r growth in a cold and w indy climate with Se'-72

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Appendix: LocatJon, Kinds of An.aly~ds, aod References for Sites Used in This Review Region 一 La tJtucle a nd longiwde Norl加ast

Kind.~ of a:n也Jy~的




0 0 51 奴YN, 1 26 E

Pollen PoÌIen PaU'na l4C (more than 200 騙自〉 P叮叮wrost f,啞 tures, fauoa, poUen

46-48" N, 132-1:WE 咐.31啊, "125.(炒巴

Pollen, 級沼 levef.s

Dua n et aL :k如1 Kong and Du, 1981 Gui yang lnsti:nne of

About 43.21啊, 128"13'E 峙。衍, 128"E

