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Feb 11, 2014 ... Fountain Square October 1 to share with Cincinnati the International ... Jeanette Wess, Kampahus Plastering, Yauss Family Dentistry; ... Bronze Sponsors ($250+ ) Neal Gellenbeck Insurance, I.D. Images and ... Ohio River for a look at the riverfront from the perspective of a boat, ... take them to new places.


Fall 2013

16th Annual Golf Outing On the picture perfect Saturday, September 14, one hundred golfers converged on Glenview Golf Course to participate in our 16th annual golf outing. Committee chair Rick Yauss along with Nancy Erwin, Larry Gibboney, Marc Rolfes, Kimberly Anderson and Mark Browning organized a great event which netted LBFE $17,076 – there were a lot of winners!

By Yogi Wess, Director Our mission statement ends with the three words “celebration of life”. Together with you, our donors and volunteers, combined with our programs, we provide celebrations of life for our old friends. Our celebrations of life are “routine” in that our old friends can expect them to happen whether it be birthday celebrations, holiday celebrations, summer outings or movie night. They can count on LBFE to make the event part of their “routine”. We also exist to assist our old friends in the events in life that come not as a celebration, not as a routine, but as challenges – illness, homelessness, physical challenges, loss of loved ones. Because of the generosity of our donors and volunteers we can make celebrations routine and respond to the challenges to restore life into a celebration. In this newsletter, you will be updated on our celebrations of life – summer outings, vacation, fall events, art group; read of the success of our recent fundraisers and the impact that our students have on our elders and the strength of our Force of Six volunteer committee that continues to manage our volunteer program. We were honored to host the October bi-annual meeting of the International Federation of little brothers of the Poor and to be on Fountain Square October 1 to share with Cincinnati the International Day of Older Persons. Even as we have had a lot to celebrate, we had to say goodbye to long-time staff member Karen D’Alessandro and board member Paul Minbiole. They have added to LBFE in their ability to celebrate and embrace the mission of LBFE; they will be missed and we wish them the best. On November 4 we remembered, celebrated and mourned the lives of twenty four of our old friends who died this past year. Over the years we celebrated, faced hardships and felt the privilege of knowing them; as each candle was lit we remembered them with joy, sadness and thankfulness. As the holidays approach and you plan your celebrations, remember LBFE in your charitable giving. We continue to face the challenge of fundraising for a small non-profit and ask for your financial support as well as your prayers. Enjoy the upcoming holidays – rejoice, celebrate and be glad. Love, Yogi Wess Executive Director

... Little Brothers ...

Upon their arrival, each golfer received a premiere Swag Bag put together through the hard work and creative eye of Kimberly Ed Hartman with his granddaughter Anderson. Furniture Fair welcome the golfers and thank them spokesperson Ed Hartman greeted for their support of LBFE the golfers and thanked them for their support of LBFE. Volunteers Paul Oldiges, Jacqueline Wollman, Kathy Eby, Laurie McGrail, Ashley Kinney-Gaston, Roger Rowitz, Deborah Mauk and Ricky Snow kept the day running smoothly. When the scores were tallied it was Kirk Fischesser, Chip Schneider, Grant McCauley and Joe Buganski capturing first place, followed by Tim Hall, Joe Pfaltzgraf, Grant Hilty and Kevin U taking second place, claiming third place were Tom Mclean, John McLean, Catie Cardone and Mark McLean. Sue Sherpenberg took home the prize for Women’s Longest Drive and Grant Hilty for (l to r) Volunteers Paul Oldiges, Laurie Men’s Longest Drive. Stan McGrail and Ashley Kinney Gaston Dumford won Closest to the prepare to greet the golfers Pin Split the Pot and Terry Wolf won Closest to the Pin. Eric Weickert was awarded the “Early Bird” registration prize. Thanks to Gold Sponsors ($1000+) Glenmary Home Missioners,, Jeanette Wess, Kampahus Plastering, Yauss Family Dentistry; Hole in One Sponsor -Stanley Rolfes; Sign Sponsor - PDT Architect, LLC; and Bronze Sponsors ($250+) Neal Gellenbeck Insurance, I.D. Images and Greater Cincinnati Credit Union. continued on page 3

Board of Directors Mark Browning Cathy Rolfes Marc Rolfes Carol Bross-McMahon

... flowers before bread ...

Jack Henn Kathy Eby Kimberly Anderson

... Friends of the Elderly ...

Summer Outings

Vacation 2013 We had another wonderful summer at LBFE. We offered our traditional outings of a Reds game, movie and lunch, the favorite B&B riverboat cruise, and picnic at Winton Woods which was held at a new location this year – Parky’s Farm. We spiced things up with some new outings.

We visited the expanded and relocated American Sign Museum in Camp Washington and had lunch at the famous Camp Washington Chili. We visited the old Sign Museum four years ago and were impressed with the new museum. We learned about the history of signs with the neon signs being the most interesting. And we witnessed a live demonstration of how neon signs are made. Enjoying the hayride at Parky’s Farm

Historically, LBFE had tried to offer a vacation experience to some of our elderly every summer. Cincinnati was able to do this through the generosity of the Chicago LBFE chapter when they allowed us to use their vacation home in Rochelle, Illinois for one week each summer. However, in 2008, the Rochelle house was closed. Chicago has been in the process of obtaining a new vacation house, and in the meantime, we still wanted to offer a vacation to our elderly.

(l to r) Alberta Stinson and Florence McNeil in Birmingham, AL at the Kelly Ingram Park

For three years, a couple has offered us their house in Florida, located on Choctawatchie Bay in Destin, Florida in which we were able to house six elderly plus two staff people. This was a wonderful site and the elderly thoroughly enjoyed their time there. Last year this house was unavailable and we were not able to find a substitute so we did not take anyone on vacation.

Another new museum we visited was the Vent Haven Museum in Northern Kentucky, which is a museum about ventriloquists. We started the day with lunch at LBFE while watching a video about famous ventriloquists. Our elders were given a guided tour of the premises, which all found fascinating.

This year, Malcolm Hudson, (our famous chef who does the gourmet dinner) won first prize at the annual anniversary party, which was a trip to Florida to stay in a condo in Destin. Malcolm decided to give that opportunity to our elderly. This condo was donated by Rose and Tom Inderhees who have been long time donors of LBFE.

We visited two museums we have visited before but not recently. The Fire Museum was visited with lunch at Rock Bottom Brewery on Fountain Square. All enjoyed the impressive exhibits depicting the history of firefighting in Cincinnati, which has the distinction of having the first professional fire department in the USA. Everybody always enjoys being on Fountain Square with a great lunch at the brewery. We also visited the Underground Railroad Freedom Center, which is always an informative trip concerning Cincinnati’s history in the years before the civil war. Lunch was shared by all at Frisch’s in Queensgate, which is a local favorite.

We were able to take three old friends for a one week vacation in late September; two had never been on vacation with us before. We received a grant in late summer from the Cincinnati Foundation for the Aged for a new mini-van which we purchased a week before the trip, so we traveled in style. We stayed overnight in Cullman, Alabama on our way down. We stopped in Birmingham, Alabama on the last leg of our trip to see the 16th St Baptist church where four girls were killed by a bombing in 1963 at the height of the civil rights movement. We also spent time in Kelly Ingram Park, which also brought back memories of the horrible events that involved police dogs and fire hoses. It was the 50th anniversary of these occurrences.

Two brand new outings were somewhat unique. We visited Spring Grove Cemetery, one of the largest and most beautiful cemeteries in America. We were taken on a motorized guided tour of many of the famous gravesites and monuments in the oldest part of the park. The monuments were not only impressive but the history we learned was stimulating. We shared a picnic lunch in a small building on the grounds. We added a mystery trip this year which no one knew about until a few days before the outing. The trip was a ride on the Ducks based in Newport, Kentucky. This unusual outing consisted of our elders climbing on the Duck boat (actually an old landing craft used in WWII) and taking a trip through downtown Cincinnati, into the Ohio River for a look at the riverfront from the perspective of a boat, and back on land for a return trip across one of our bridges to Newport. We followed this adventure with another lunch at Camp Washington Chili. On another one of our outings, the movie and lunch, we experienced another tri-state landmark restaurant – Pompillios in Newport. All enjoyed the Italian cuisine in the restaurant that was featured in the movie Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. As always, we had a picnic lunch for our homebound old friends who can’t get out to our summer outings. This consisted of brats, metts, homemade potato salad, fruit salad, various condiments, dessert, and ice tea. Our volunteers who deliver the meals also visit each person and spend a little time with them. The summer outings are always greatly anticipated by our elderly because it gives them an opportunity to get out with other old friends and volunteers, see something new and entertaining and educational, and to expand their now limited horizons because of transportation difficulties, health issues, and lack of friends or family to take them to new places.

We arrived in Destin to an absolutely beautiful condo – thank you Rose and Tom! We were on the fifth floor overlooking the beach and Gulf of Mexico with our own private balcony. We enjoyed spending time on the balcony relishing the sights and the weather. We spent time sightseeing, eating at great restaurants, and going down to the beach to get our feet wet. We spent one whole day travelling to Mobile, Alabama to see the town where the first Mardi Gras took place. We visited the Carnivale Museum, which highlighted the history of Mardi Gras with exhibits of floats, past King and Queen costumes, crowns and scepters, and other knick knacks. We took an informal driving tour of Mobile and ended up eating at a famous oyster house in the downtown area. On our return trip we stayed in Nashville, Tennessee. We had dinner at the famous Loveless Café with its world famous biscuits. Johnny Foster, one of the elderly who went with us, was at one time a country music guitar picker. He played in several bands but also sat in with a band at Tootsies, which is a bar in downtown Nashville. We took Johnny to see the famous Ryman Theatre which he had never been in before, and let him go down memory lane with a visit to Tootsies right around the corner from the Ryman. A few days after our return to Cincinnati we received a letter from Alberta, who also went on the trip. Alberta is 80 years old and blind. Alberta exclaimed “I enjoyed being able to enjoy the water, ride on a boat and eat all the great food! I also enjoyed Mobile, AL and being able to go to the Mardi Gras Museum”. Alberta enjoyed the fresh seafood and always cleared her plate no matter how much food they gave her; she also enjoyed her first taste of red beans and rice. Thank you Malcolm, Rose and Tom, and the Cincinnati Foundation for the Aged for allowing our three old friends to experience a week away exploring new parts of the country, enjoying one another, and being treated like Kings and Queens!

International Day of Older Persons On Tuesday October 1, 2013 a group of ten volunteers and old friends gathered on Fountain Square to let Cincinnati know that it was the International Day of Older Persons. October 1 was declared the International Day of Older Persons by the UN General Assembly in 1990. On October 1 in France, Canada, Germany, Poland, Spain, Ireland, Canada and the US, flowers were distributed proclaiming the worth, beauty and dignity of older persons around the world. In Cincinnati, 500 flower packets were distributed on Fountain Square. Thanks to Montreal Les Petits Freres for sharing your flowers with us and to the McAuley students and old friends who assembled the packets, and to everyone who was on Fountain Square spreading the word and passing out flowers!


... Little Brothers ...

... flowers before bread ...

... Friends of the Elderly ...

October Happenings

16th Annual Golf Outing

Our Third Thursday Nursing Home Group enjoyed an Oktoberfest celebration that took place at LaBoiteaux Woods in College Hill. A lunch of sausages, Anna Reising’s sauerkraut, Elaine Murray’s German Potato Salad and Paul Oldiges’ homemade applesauce was enjoyed by everyone. David Hughes entertained us with German ballads, polkas, and recited the 50 states in 40 seconds to the delight of the crowd.


Thanks to everyone who participated in our 16th annual golf outing – you are all winners!

Thanks to our core group of Third Thursday volunteers. First place winners (l to r) Joe Buganski, Chip Schneider and Grant McCauley without Kirk Fischesser

(l to r) Barb Dechering, Martin Dechering, Sue Scherpenberg, Terry Wolf and Greg Mc Adams share their golf stories (l to r) Randy Yauss, Tommy Wess, Mike Hungler and Tim Bachman receive their “Hoser Award” for having the highest golf score

Larry Adams and Stella McDonald enjoying the music of David Hughes

Bewitching Betty!

On Sunday October 27, 65 elderly and volunteers gathered to celebrate Halloween. Barb McDermott and her family decorated the office with beautiful chair covers with silk bows. Lucy Wess Yauss, Mantha Norton and Art Sullivan carved the pumpkins that adorned the tables. Chefs Diane and Mike Hungler, together with Peggy and Greg Hermes, pleased everyone with a variety of appetizers, sausages, potatoes and strudel.

Second Place Winners - Joe Pfaltzgraf, Grant Hilty, Kevin U and Tim Hall

Third place winners (l to r) John McLean, Tom McLean, Catie Cardone & Mark McLean

Art Group Rocks On for Pro-Seniors

Ron Bingle, Betty Turner and Darlene Batsche took home prizes in the Halloween Costume Contest and everyone was enthralled and entertained by magician Chuck “Sunshine” Sonenshein.

Who is that behind that mask? Could it be Ron Bingle?? Thanks to everyone who participated in the planning, set-up, serving, clean-up, driving for this well-loved party. The crowd is spellbound by magician Chuck “Sunshine” Sonenshein

Under the direction of volunteer artist Mary Beth Cluxton, our Afternoon Art group designed and painted a traditional adult size rocker for Pro Seniors Fourth Annual “Rock on for Seniors” fundraiser. The fundraiser was held August 10 at the Marriott Kingsgate Conference Center. Six Rocking Chairs were auctioned off, with designs ranging from Our artists surround their “Rock On our artist’s “Flower Power” for Seniors” rocker (l to r) Jo Marie chair to Findlay Market scenes. Affeldt, Larry Adams, Darlene Batshce, One chair was covered in a Nellie Bryant, Bessie Burkett, Jim Acra, variety of fabrics. Thanks to Florence McNeil and Stella McDonald Diane Kleinfelter for the opportunity to be involved with this fundraiser, and thanks to Mary Beth and our elder artists who proved they can “rock” with their paint brushes!

Our Mission Statement (l to r) Art, Lucy, Mantha and their creations

... Little Brothers ...


Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly is a national, non-profit, volunteer-based organization committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. We offer to people of good will the opportunity to join the elderly in friendship and celebration of life.

... Friends of the Elderly ...

Departing Staff and Board Member – Thank you Karen and Paul Karen D’Alessandro On July 22, 2013, after working with LBFE for ten years, Karen D’Alessandro left to begin another job. Karen became involved with LBFE first as a volunteer – driving for parties, becoming a visiting volunteer and then as a part-time staff person gradually increasing to full-time. It was Karen’s voice that greeted everyone who called, and Karen who worked as our administrative assistant, tackling the database, data entry and anything related to technology. Karen also coordinated our Birthday program, our Third Thursday Nursing Home Program, and annual Pancake Breakfast. Karen’s flexibility and ability to get things done was always evident and will be missed.

We wish you all the best, Karen, and thank you for working for LBFE and embracing the mission.

Paul Minbiole Paul Minbiole recently retired from our board. Paul was involved with LBFE for nine years as a visiting volunteer, board member and donor. Thank you, Paul – we will miss seeing you and experiencing what a pleasure it always is to be in your company. Paul writes:

“I’m looking back at 9 years as LBFE visiting volunteer and board member. As I relocate to another city, I recall great times with my elderly friends, Shirley and Paul, and all the joy delivered by LBFE. What a ride — to be intimately involved with the small Cincinnati organization that delivers such a big bang for each contributed buck. It’s like a well pump that produces a gush of outflow: Yogi and Randy work the handle, but the leverage of hundreds of volunteers produces an amazing outpouring of care and kindness. Good luck to an awesome organization!” Best regards, Paul

Memorial Service On November 4, 2013 our annual Memorial Service was held. A candle was lit and memories and stories were shared remembering and honoring our old friends who died this past year. They will be missed and we are blessed to have called them friend. Elva Smith Donald Burton Greg Carrier Laverne Kramer Hugo Bedford Asalee Elder Dorothy Johnson Ruth Ellis

Robert Allen Anne Duncan William Green Lester Jones Bobby Mercer Magdalene Foltz Charles Bird Dolores Barrett

Barbara Clark Margaret Vigorith Margaret Jenkins Anna Stamm Ross Williams Mary Janet Borntraeger James Pugh Ernestine Bauer

Students embrace LBFE mission McAuley Freshman Service Day at LBFE By: Laurie McGrail On September 25, thirteen enthusiastic girls from McAuley High School came to visit LBFE with chaperones, Pam Vissing and Beth Nieman, to experience Freshman Service Day. We began with a tour of our multipurpose room and ended with our kitchen and office areas. Paul Oldiges showed our video giving an overview of our organization and the Student experiences kinds of services we provide. Afterwards, maneuvering a wheelchair I went over our programs in greater detail and explained volunteer opportunities available at LBFE. After that, I had the girls experience what it feels like to be elderly by putting them through some of the challenges that our old friends face. They tried on different “doctored up” glasses to simulate macular degeneration and cataract issues, wore heavy ear protectors for hearing loss, maneuvered a wheelchair in and out of the building, and stepped on a wobbly board to sense what balance problems can be like. What an eye opener! Later the girls worked on assembling our flower packets for October 1st on Fountain Square for International Day of the Older Person. Some of our elderly friends arrived with volunteers, Ann Yauss and Joni Mataitis, to help with the flower project, meet with the girls, and have lunch and some enjoyable conversation. The girls had an especially good time interviewing the elderly to discover their personal history and then shared their findings with the group. We ended with an ice-cream treat followed by a fun photo shoot. What a great day everyone had!

LaSalle High School Students and LaSalle Art program For the fourth year we are a service site for LaSalle High School’s Catholic Social Justice/Service Learning students. Seniors Eric Schrand and Andrew Bachus come weekly to assist with programs, office tasks, and office maintenance. Eric and Andy have been matched with two of our old friends whom they will be visiting throughout the academic year. Eric’s dog Cooper, who is a certified therapy pet dog, accompanies them on their visits. We welcome Eric and Andy Eric Schrand, Andy Bachus and are happy to have them with LBFE. and Cooper LaSalle Art Teacher Mike Knueven has returned for another year of Art classes for our old friends assisted by his students. Monthly, Mike and his students arrive at the office to challenge and educate our old friends with an art project. In November, our artists will be going to LaSalle’s art studio to work with clay, creating a Santa dish, and return in December to glaze their work. Our old friends enjoy this program and react positively to the enthusiasm of Mike and his students and enjoy the opportunity to express their creativity.

Thank you McAuley and LaSalle for including LBFE in your programs.

Seeking New Volunteers Spread the word! LBFE is always looking for new volunteers to help us with our many programs. We offer flexibility and a variety of ways to make a real difference in the life of an elderly friend by relieving isolation and loneliness. Two volunteer orientations are held each month. New volunteers can start the process by completing an application available at or by emailing [email protected], or by calling 513-542-7555.

... Little Brothers ...

... flowers before bread ...

... Friends of the Elderly ...


Gourmet Dinner with Malcolm

International Federation meets in Cincinnati

Myrl, Malcolm and the Wyoming Golf Club Kitchen Staff Despite his failing health, Malcolm Hudson was determined to come to Cincinnati and cook for his final Gourmet Dinner Fundraiser. Arriving a day early, Malcolm decided to cook for the International Federation delegates who were in town for their meeting. On Thursday evening, at the home of volunteers Deborah Mauk and Jim Tenbrink, Malcolm prepared a delicious dinner for the group. It was a comforting meal for those who had spent the day travelling from afar. On Friday evening, October 11, at the Wyoming Golf Club, Malcolm again delivered to the 60 attendees. The evening began with a variety of hors d’oeuvres, followed by the incredibly delicious lobster bisque with ginger and orange. Salad gourmande was served, followed by the main entrée of stuffed quail with madeira sauce and vegetables. Dessert was a chocolate torte with bavarian cream and chambord, which was created in partnership with Myrl Osten of the Wyoming Golf Club Kitchen. Thanks to Mark Browning and the staff at the Wyoming Golf Club for hosting the dinner, and Beth Durban at Adrian Durban Florist, who donated the centerpieces. Thanks to everyone who attended, and thank you, Malcolm, for another stupendous dinner and traveling from South Carolina to share your culinary gifts with us and raising $3855 from LBFE!

Thank you to the following Foundations who have supported us this 2012-2013 fiscal year: Kroger Community Rewards The Spirit of Cincinnatus The Tri-State League of Financial Institutions The George B. Riley Trust Estate Logicalis The GE Community Fund The May and Stanley Smith Charitable Fund The Lord’s Bounty UPS The Cincinnati International Wine Festival The Cincinnati Insurance Companies The Cincinnati Foundation for the Aged

... Little Brothers ...

On the second Monday of each month, volunteers Cathy Rolfes, Laurie McGrail, Paul Oldiges, Kathy Eby, Deborah Mauk, and Gloria Adams gather at LBFE to discuss, plan, coordinate and evaluate our Volunteer program. Under the direction of Cathy Rolfes, each member of the Force of Six has a specific responsibility that keeps our volunteer program running smoothly.

Force of Six (l to r) back row: Kathy Eby, Deborah Mauk, Paul Oldiges and As chair of the committee, Cathy Rolfes sets the agenda, runs Cathy Rolfes front row: Gloria Adams, the meetings, coordinates volunteer orientations, conducts Laurie McGrail orientations, schedules and performs visiting volunteer interviews, and works in matching visiting volunteers with an old friend. Cathy’s organizational skills, personal skills and compassion for our old friends shine through everything she does. Seasoned visiting volunteer Laurie McGrail communicates monthly with all visiting volunteers and collects monthly logs. Laurie’s dedication to this program is evident by her commitment to visiting volunteers and wanting their experience to be positive. Laurie is quick to offer a listening ear and assistance as needed. Paul Oldiges is responsible for Holiday volunteers. Paul provides training for new volunteers on the major holidays and follows up with them to find out how their experience was and if they want to continue volunteering and in what capacity. Paul is thorough, diligent and an excellent listener. Kathy Eby brings many administrative skills to the committee and is the first contact a new volunteer will have with LBFE. Kathy is quick to welcome new volunteers and she is gracious, positive and determined to make the volunteer experience a beneficial one for everyone she comes in contact with.

(l to r) Force of Six members Kathy Eby, Gloria Adams, Deborah Mauk and Cathy Rolfes display their certificates of recognition from CAVA as a nominee for outstanding volunteer program

Deborah Mauk coordinates the Telephone Reassurance program. Deborah contacts volunteers and assign old friends to them to call. Deborah is quick to assist our old friends and volunteers in any way possible to make their time with LBFE fun and gratifying.

Cathy, Laurie, Paul, Kathy, Deborah and Gloria are a unique group in that they are a group of volunteers who coordinate a volunteer program-this is a rarity and a blessing! This is a group rich with talent, skill, compassion and love that permeates to new volunteers. Thank you Force of Six!


Force of Six – Spectacular!

Gloria Adams coordinates our volunteer birthday card program. Gloria sends each volunteer a birthday card and works hard in writing out the cards, envelopes and making sure she gets the card to our volunteer on their birthday. Gloria puts love and dedication into this program and into her role as a member of the Force of Six.

The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation


On Thursday, October 10, delegates of the International Federation of the little brothers of the Poor began arriving in Cincinnati for their bi-annual meeting. The International Federation of the little brothers of the Poor was established in 1979 to promote the action of the little brothers globally by helping member organizations to Delegates (l to r) Back row: Frank Delacourtdevelop their action, by encouraging and allowing France, Pierre Asselin-Canada, Jean-Michel communications between member countries and by Hainard -Switzerland, Isabelle Malmartelhelping in the development of establishments in other Germany, Francesco Juan-Spain, Oriol Alsinacountries of the world Spain, Alain Villez-France, Jim O’Brien-Ireland The international network of the little brothers of the Front row (l to r) Lise Beaudoin -Canada, Jane Poor was developed throughout the world thanks to the Langridge - US, Barbara Bringuier-France, mobilization of volunteers who discovered the little Barbara Boriczka- Poland brothers of the Poor actions in countries other than theirs. Delegates from Germany, Poland, France, Canada, Spain, Ireland, Switzerland and the US met for two days. In the evening, the delegates enjoyed dinner at the home of Deborah Mauk and Jim Tenbrink, attended Malcolm’s Gourmet Dinner, and went to Pit to Plate in Mt. Healthy, relishing in southern barbeque and listening to the blues. Before departing for home, those who were in town Sunday afternoon enjoyed a driving tour of Cincinnati capped off with a ride on the Ducks. It was an honor to host the International Federation and we hope we will be selected to host again. Thank you to Cathy Rolfes, Deborah Mauk, Jim Tenbrink and Clovernook Country Club for your hospitality.

... flowers before bread ...

... Friends of the Elderly ...

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SAVE THE DATE Winter Fundraising Events Celebrity Bartender Night Tuesday February 11, 2014 Clovernook Country Club 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

16th Year Anniversary Celebration Saturday March 8, 2014 Clovernook Country Club 6:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Kroger Community Rewards Program Kroger will donate 4% of what you spend on your shopping to Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly Simply sign up at Use our organization # 83275 If you have previously registered, please go to the website and renew.