Classify tumors of salivary gland?

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What are the etiology of acute appendicitis? What is the ... Tell the etiology of cirrhosis of liver. 4. Define portal .... Pathogenesis of chronic osteomyelitis.
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Box-1 GIT, Salivary gland, Head & Neck. What is Sialadenitis?. Classify tumors of salivary gland? What is the most common benign and malignant tumour of salivary gland?. What is polymorphic adenoma? What is Barrett esophagus? What changes occurs in the esophageal mucosa in Barrett esophagus?. What is the risk of barrett esophagus? Define PUD? What are the common sites of PUD? What are the complication of PUD. Tell the difference between a benign ulcer and malignant ulcer. Classify tumors of esophagus? Tell Morphological types of gastric carcinoma. Classify tumors of stomach. Tell the layers of peptic ulcer. What is IBD? Difference between Crohn’s disease & ulcerative colitis. Tell short about Hursprung disease. Tell short about Meckel diverticulum. What is prcudomyxoma peritonei? What is krukenberg tumor?. What are the etiology of acute appendicitis? What is the complication of acute appendicitis?. What is the most common tumour of the appendix. What is Barrett esophagus? What changes occurs in the esophageal mucosa in Barrett esophagus?. What is the risk of barrett esophagus? Box-2 Hepatobilliary system, Liver function test, Different types of Jaundice.

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Define liver failure. Types of liver failure. Causes of acute liver failure. What are the types of liver failure. Causes of chronic liver failure. Define cirrhosis of liver. Tell the etiology of cirrhosis of liver. Define portal hypertension. Tell causes of portal hypertension. Mention the complication of portal hypertension. Classify tumor of liver. Primary or secondary tumour is common in liver?. Name viruses causing hepatitis? What are the non hepatotrophic viruses?. Why they are called so?. Name the liver function tests? Tell difference between obstructive jaundice and hepatoccllular jaundice. Define jaundice. Classify jaundice. What is latent jaundice? Mention causes of obstructive jaundice. Difference between conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin. Define liver abscess. What are the types of liver abscess?. Define cirrhosis of liver. Tell the etiology of cirrhosis of liver. Tell causes of cholecystitis. What are the complication of acute cholecystitis?. Mention risk factors of gall bladder stone. Types of gall bladder stone. Which one is the most common?. Classify tumour of gall bladder. What are the complication of cholecystitis?. Classify tumor of liver. Primary or secondary tumour is common in liver?. Box-3 Urinary system with Renal Function tests and Urine examination Classify glomerular diseases. What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome. Tell causes of massive proteinuria. What is nephrotic syndrome. Difference between nephrotic syndrome & nephritic syndrome.

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What is nephritic syndrome. Name urinary findings of acute glomerulonephritis. Define pyelonephritis. Mention causative organism of Pyelonephritis. Why UTI is more common in female?. Classify kidney tumours. Tell name of renal tumour in children. Classify tumour of urinary bladder. Tell risk factors of bladder carcinoma. What are the renal function tests? What is anuria?. What is oliguria. What is azotemia & uremia? What is proteinuria?. What is massive proteinuria?. What is azotemia & uremia? Mention causes of massive proteinuria. Mention the urinary findings of acute pyelonephitis. Mention causes of UTI. Why UTI is more common in female?. What is pus cell?. Write about urine routine examination. What are the biochemical tests done in urine. What are the renal function tests? What is renal glycosuria?. What is alimentary glycosuria?. Tell risk factors of bladder carcinoma. Classify tumour of urinary bladder. Box-4 Female genital system, Breast, Pregnancy test

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What are the risk factors for cervical cancer? Tell high risk HPV responsible for cervical cencer?. Name the screening test done for cervical cancer. What do you mean by CIN? Classify CIN. What is carcinoma in situ (CIS)? CIS is malignant or benign or premalignant condition of cervix?. Classify cervical carcinoma. Classify cervical carcinoma. Name the screening test done for cervical cancer. Define endometriosis. Mention sites of endometriosis. Which is the commonest site?. What is endometriosis. What are the complication of endometriosis. Tell pathogenesis of endometriosis. Define Adenomyosis. Clinical features/ Complication of adenomyosis. What is leiomyoma? Complication of leiomyoma. What are the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma?. What is the pre-malignant condition of uterine cervix? What is CIS? Classify ovarian tumors. Name hormone producing tumour of ovary. Define ectopic pregnancy?. Sites of ectopic pregnancy & which is commonest site? Complication of ectopic tubal pregnancy. Types of gestational trophoblastic disease. Difference between partial & complete mole. Define teratoma. Classify ovarian teratoma. What is the male counterpart of Dysgerminoma?. Name some inflammatory condition of the breast. Mention clinical presentation of breast disease. Classification of breast carcinoma. What are the risk factors of breast cancer?. Name in situ breast carcinoma. Tell prognostic factors of breast carcinoma. Classify breast cancer. Name the investigations to be done to diagnose a breast cancer. Box-5 Thyroid gland, Diabetes with complication What are the causes of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Tell most common causes of hypothyroidism in Bangladesh. Tell different types of thyroiditis? What is hashimoto thyroiditis. What is goiter? Types of goiter? What is multinodular goiter. What is grave’s disease? Tell the triad of grave’s disease.

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Classify malignant tumour of thyroid gland? Which tumor of thyroid gland has good prognosis and which has worst prognosis?. What is diabetes mellitus? Classify diabetes mellitus? Difference between type 1 and type 2 DM. What are the complication of DM. WHO criteria of diagnosis of DM. What is OGTT? Tell patient preparation and procedure of OGTT. What is renal glycosuria and alimentary glycosuria. What is hyperglycemia sin glycosuria?.

Box-6 Male Genital System, Testis, Prostate, Semen analysis 1. What is nodular hyperplasia of prostate. Tell etiopathogenesis of Nodular Hyperplasia of Prostate. 2. Name the tumours of Prostate. Clinical importance of PSA in diagnosis and prognosis of Prostate cancer. 3. What is the normal value of PSA?. Mention causes of elevated PSA. 4. What is epididymo-orchitis? Tell causes of epididymo-orchitis. 5. What is cryptorchidism?. What is the risk of uncorrected undecendent testis. 6. What is testicular torsion?. What type of necrosis occurs in a case of testicular torsion?. 7. Classify testicular tumors. Mention the difference between seminomatous and non seminomatous tumor of testis. 8. Classify testicular tumors. Name some tumour markers related to testicular tumor. 9. Tell tumour marker related to testicular tumor. Name the testicular tumours associated with increased level of beta HcG and Alpha Fetoprotein. 10. Write indication of Semen analysis. What is counterpart of seminoma in female? 11. Normal findings in semen analysis. What is Azospermia, Oligospermia and Necrozoospermia. 12. Classify Testicular tumour. What are the investigations to be done for diagnosis of a testicular lump. 13. Which zone of the prostate is involved in Carcinoma Peostate. What are the investigations to be done for diagnosis of Prostatic carcinoma. Box-7 CNS, Skin, Musculoskeletal System, Examination of CSF 1. Tell malignant tumour of skin. What is the sites of Basal Cell carcinoma?. 2. Name some pre malignant condition of skin. What is malignant melanoma?. 3. Name locally malignant tumour of skin. What are the site of basal cell carcinoma of skin. What is another name of Basal cell carcinoma?. 4. Classify tumour of CNS. Why CNS tumour is different from tumour of other parts of the body. 5. Tell important features of brain tumor. What is glioma?. 6. What is meningitis?. Write causes of meningitis. 7. Name causative organism of meningitis in children. Tell difference between Pyogenic, Bacterial and Viral meningitis. 8. What are the indication of CSF study. Tell in short about the procedure of CSF study. 9. Name 2 important peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Name 5 primary tumor of brain. 10. Classify bone tumour. Name some bone forming tumour. What is the age distribution of Osteosarcoma?. 11. What is osteomyelitis?. Classify osteomyelitis. Pathogenesis of chronic osteomyelitis.

12. Tell complication of osteomyelitis. What is sequestrum?. What is involucrum?. 13. What is Osteosarcoma?. Sites involved in osteosarcoma. Tell age distribution of Osteosarcoma. 14. Define soft tissue. Classify bone tumour. Box-8 Respiratory System and Pleura 1. WHO classification of lung Carcinoma. Name paraneoplastic syndromes related to lung tumor. 2. Define lung abscess. Name some organisms causing lung abscess. Tell complication of lung abscess. 3. Define Pneumonia. Stages of lobar pneumonia. Complication of lobar pneumonia. 4. What are the COPD. Tell types of emphysema. What is Pink Puffers?. 5. What is emphysema. Tell types of emphysema. What is Pink Puffers?. 6. What is Ghons complex & Ghon focus. Complication of Pulmonary tuberculosis. 7. Define lung abscess. Tell complication of lung abscess. 8. Classify lung tumour. What are the investigations by which a lung tumour mass can be diagnosed?. 9. What is pleural effusion? Tell causes of pleural effusion. 10. What is military tuberculosis. Difference between primary and secondary tuberculosis. 11. WHO classification of lung carcinoma. Which one is common in female? 12. What is lung abscess?. Name organisms causing lung abscess. Three complication of lung abscess. 13. WHO classification of lung carcinoma. Which one is common in male smoker and which have the worst prognosis. 14. Difference between chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. What is blue blotter?. 15. Classify lung tumour. What are the investigations by which a lung tumour mass can be diagnosed?. 16. Define Asthma. What is Atopic Asthma?. 17. Define and classify COPD. What is airway remodeling in Asthma. Box-9 Techniques in Histo and Cytopathology, Tissue preservation, Tissue processing 1. Define histopathology. Name some fixative used as tissue fixative. What fixative we routinely use in histopathology?. 2. Tell steps/procedures in histopathology test. Define biopsy. 3. Name basic steps for tissue processing. What are the stains used in histopathology. 4. Name some fixative. Tell aims of fixative. What are fixative used in electron microscopy. 5. Define cytopathology. Give some advantage & Disadvantage of cytopathology. What are the stain used in cytopathology. 6. What is the gold standard investigation of tumor diagnosis. What is biopsy?. 7. Define cytopathology. Name some cytopathological method. 8. What are the stains used in cytopathology. What is exfoliative cytology? Give some example of exfoliative cytology. 9. What is Immunohistochemistry? Uses of Immunohistochemistry. In what tumour Immunohistochemistry commonly done?. 10. What is microtome?. In which thickness the tissue is cut in histopathology laboratory? 11. Define cytopathology. Name some cytopathological method. 12. Name some fixative. Tell aims of fixative. What are fixative used in electron microscopy. 13. Name basic steps for tissue processing. What are the stains used in histopathology.

Box-10 Problems applied in Systemic pathology 1. A male of 55 years has complaints of cough and hemoptysis. His x-ray shows a opacity. On clinical examination a hard supraclavicular lymph node was detected. What is the probable diagnosis? Name three tests that can help in diagnosis 2. A 6 years old boy presented with fever, joint pain, diffuse skin rash and nodules, 3 weeks after recovering from sore throat. His ESR is 70 mm in first hour & ASO titre is 500IU/ml. What is your probable diagnosis? What are the changes found in myocardium? 3. A male of 60 year has presented with weakness, tiredness & hepatomegaly for few months . He has the history of Hepatitis-B infection few years back . Ultrasonography reveals a SOL in the right lobe of the liver. How will you proceed to diagnose the patient and what is your expected findings? 4. A boy of 7year came to you with puffiness of face & scanty smoky coloured urine. He has a history of skin infection 3 weeks back . What is your probable diagnosis and how will you confirm it? 5. A smoker of 60 year old male developed sudden severe central chest pain with sweating of forehead. What is probable diagnosis? What are the biochemical indicator that will favor the diagnosis ? 6. A 72 years old male presented with painless hematuria and a mass in the right loin. What is provisional diagnosis and how you will diagnose the case. 7. A boy of 10 years came with puffiness of face and smoky color urine. What is your probable diagnosis and what findings do you expect in urine. 8. A male of 20 years presented to the OPD with evening rise of fever, cough and cervical lymphadenopathy. What is your provisional diagnosis?What test you can do on the lymph node to establish the diagnosis. 9. A male of 25 years came with high fever and neck pain with restricted movement. His totalcount of WBC is 18000/cmm of blood. What is your clinical diagnosis?What investigations will you do to further confirm the diagnosis. 10. A male of 25 years suddenly developed painless left testicular swelling. Name the tumor markers that can help in diagnosis. How can you confirm the diagnosis. 11. A cachectic woman of 40 years present with P/V discharge and contact bleeding for last three month. On examination a friable growth is seen in the cervix which bleeds on touch. What is the probable diagnosis. How can you confirm it. 12. A male of 50 years, with past history of jaundice, present with hepatomegaly and edema. Histopathology of liver shows loss of architecture and formation of parenchymal nodules and fibrosis.What is your diagnosis? What are the causes for development of edema in this patient. 13. A man of 20 years presented with acute abdominal pain, vomiting and fever. On examination tenderness was observed in his right iliac fossa. His blood picture show

neutrophilic leucocytosis. What is your clinical diagnosis?After operation what do you expect in the histopathology of the involved organ. 14. A boy of 7 year old developed periorbital edema with high coloured scanty urination, following a history of sore throat, 3 weeks back. What is your clinical diagnosis? What do you expect in microscopic finding of this urine? 15. A 30 years old lady presented with diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland with exopthalmus. What is your clinical diagnosis ?What will be the status of thyroid hormonelevel in this case. 16. A 50 years old woman presented with a hard breast lump, enlarging over last 2 weeks. The overlying skin shows dimpling.What is your likely diagnosis?What investigation would you perform to confirm your provisional diagnosis. 17. A 75 years old male complaining of chest pain and cough for 4months.Reapeted X-ray chest was done which reavelprogressively increasing opacity in right lung. It was not responding to antibiotic therapy.Last one month noticed a nodular swelling in the Rt. Supra-clavicular region.What is the probable diagnosis? What other investigationsyou should do? 18. A female of 23 years has presented to you with a palpable lumpin her left breast. The lump is a well circumscribed, movaable & not fixed to the skin.What is the likely diagnosis?How will you confirm in the laboratory. 19. A 25 year-old woman presents to your office for workup of infertility. In giving a history she describes severe pain during menses and she also tells you that in the past another doctor told her that she had “chocolate” in her cyst. What abnormalities most likely to be present in this patient? Name the organ where chocolate cyst occur.

20.A boy of 12 years old has presented with oliguria & generalized oedema. Hyperlipidemia was found, what is your provisional diagnosis how will you diagnose the case. 21.A 50 year old patient came with complain of evening rise of temperature & cough for six months. On examination ESR was 100 & plural effusion was found. What is your probable diagnosis & how you will confirm it. 22. A 70 years old male presented with urinary tract obstruction, how will you proceed to the diagnosis. 23. A 50 year old female started per vaginal bleeding for last 4 weeks. What may be the causes?. Give some causes of DUB and the investigatios to be done to know the cause.