coastal communities institution for creative and ...

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East Nusa Tenggara. The ISM or. Interpretative Structural Modeling was used in this study oi determine key elements for creative and productive activivites. II.
Pengembangan IPTEK Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan dalam Menghadapi MEA


Chaterina A. Paulus1, Yohanis Umbu L. Sobang2 dan Marthen R. Pellokila3

Department of Aquatic Resource Management, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia 2 Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia 3 Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Institutions are major components in coastal economic development, especially in developing creative and productive economic activities. This study aims to map the role of institutions in such activities in Nemberala Village using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). The results indicate that village and state college are two institutions that will play a major role in the first phase of development, followed by the fishermen's cooperative, community business groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). If this policy strategy well implemented, then the creative and productive business development for coastal communities in the village Nemberala will also be likely to be succeeding. Keywords : coastal communities, ISM, Nemberala

I. INTRODUCTION One of the key elements in rural development, especially in coastal areas, is the capacity of local institution to develop creative and productive economic activities. This is a challenging issue since the capacity human resources in coastal villages are lacking. Hence, in order to assist local institution to enhance their capacity, a set of systematic policy framework is needed. Such a policy framework could then be used to develop creative and productive activities by identifying key enabling conditions for such activities. Developing a systematic policy framework, however, is not a “one directional” process, rather it is two ways process involving all stakeholders of coastal communities. Therefore, an analysis of developing such a framework is needed. This study aims to address the lack of systematic approach in identifying key elements of creative and productive economic activities in Nemberala village, East Nusa Tenggara. The ISM or Interpretative Structural Modeling was used in this study oi determine key

elements for creative activivites.

and productive

II. METHOD The study is carried out using both primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from discussions, questionnaires, interviews, and field surveys by respondents, experts and communities in the study area, while secondary data obtained from several sources of literature and documents from several institutions associated with the research.

III. INTERPRETATIVE STRUCTURAL MODELING (ISM) This research uses system approach with Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method. This method can be used to assist a group, in identifying the contextual relationships between sub elements of each element that make up a system based on ideas / determinants in a complex problem (Saxena et al., 1992). Several categories of structures and categories of ideas that reflect contextual relationships between elements can be

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017)


Pengembangan IPTEK Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan dalam Menghadapi MEA

developed using ISM, such as influence structures (eg "sub elements Ei affect the appearance of sub elements EJ"), priority structures (eg "sub elements Ei more priority than sub elements Ej), or category of ideas (eg sub elements Ei has the same category as sub elements EJ) (Kanungo and Bhatnagar, 2002). The identification steps of relationships between sub elements in a complex system with ISM method are: 1. Identify system elements. 2. Determination of contextual relationships between elements. 3. The establishment of Structural Self Interaction Matrix (SSIM). This matrix is the result of expert perceptions to the contextual relationship between the elements or between the sub-elements. Four kinds of symbols to present the type of relationship are: symbols "V", "A", "X", and "O". a. The V symbol expresses a predetermined contextual relationship between the elements Ei to Ej, but not vice versa. b. Symbol A to express a contextual relationship that has been set between the elements Ej to the element Ei, but not vice versa. c. Symbol X to state the contextual relationship that has been set in reciprocity between elements Ei with elements Ej. d. The O symbol denotes the absence of a predefined contextual relationship between the elements Ei and Ej. 4. The establishment of Reachability Matrix (RM).

5. 6. 7. 8.

From the modified RM matrix, the value of Driver Power (DP) and dependence value (D) are obtained. Based on DP and D values, the elements can be classified into 4 sectors (Figure 1), namely: a) Autonomous sector ie sector with low DP value and low D value. Elements that fall into this sector are generally unrelated to the system or have little connection. b) Dependent sector ie sector with low DP and high D value. Elements that fall within this sector are elements that are not free in the system and are highly dependent on other elements. c) Linkage sector ie sector with high DP value and high D value. Elements that fall within this sector this sector should be examined carefully for changes in these elements will impact on other elements and that will eventually come back to impact on that element. d) Independent sector ie sector with high DP value and low D value. Elements that fall into this sector can be regarded as a free element. Any changes in these elements will impact on other elements so that the elements in this sector should also be examined carefully. Partitioning level creation. Formation of canonical matrix. Digraph. Generate ISM by moving the entire number of elements with the description of the actual elements. ISM provides a very clear description of the elements along the groove connection system.

Figure 17.1. Matrix Driver Power-Dependence in ISM Analysis (Marimin, 2004) Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017)


Pengembangan IPTEK Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan dalam Menghadapi MEA

IV. INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED IN CREATIVE AND PRODUCTIVE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN NEMBERALA VILLAGE Based on the expert opinion (Paulus, et al. 2017), 12 sub-elements of the institutions involved in the development of productive and creative enterprises in Nemberala village are: (L1) Rote Ndao Regency Government, (L2) related agencies, (L3) Banking/BUMN, (L5) university, (L8) foreign investor, (L9) company partner (fishery / livestock / weaving), (L10) village government, (L11) related ministry, and (L12) markets (local / national / regional / international). Figure 2 presents the results of analysis using ISM method of each sub-element of institutions involved in the development of productive and creative business development in the Nemberala village. Figure 15.2 describes the position of institutions within the Power and dependence axis. It appears that the subelement (L7) university, (L9) company partner (fisheries / livestock / weaving), and (L12) markets (local / national / regional / international); located on the fourth sector which is a sub-element of a very influential institution in the development of productive and creative

businesses in the Nemberala village. This sub element has a large driver power in the development of productive and creative business, and has a low dependence on other institutions. These three sub elements constitute the key sub-elements of institutions involved in productive and creative business development programs in Nemberala Village. While the sub elements (L2) of the relevant agencies, (L3) banks / BUMN, (L4) fishermen cooperative, (L5) community business group, (L6) non-governmental organization / NGO, and (L8) foreign investor lies in sector III which is a sub-element of the linkages of other sub elements. The sub elements in this sector have great driver power over the success of the program but have a great dependence on other institutions. However, any action against the institution's sub elements will affect the success of the program productive and creative business development and vice versa if the sub-element is getting less attention, it can affect the failure of productive business and creative program in Nemberala village. Paulus, 2016 stated that institutions play a greater role in diversifying coastal economic activities.

Figure 17.2 Institutions Matrix of Driver Power - Dependence in Nemberala Village Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017)


Pengembangan IPTEK Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan dalam Menghadapi MEA

Sub elements (L1) Rote Ndao regency government, (L10) village government, and (L11) related ministry is a sub-element attributable to the fulfillment of other programs and if some of the other subelements of the institution as mentioned above are met, then these sub elements become very important. The village government plays an important role in the policy on productive and creative business programs, as well as universities that assist in conducting research and novelty in the science and appropriate technology that can be used in productive and creative business programs. On the other hand, the district government is important in providing oversight of village development policy travel in the development of productive and creative enterprises in Nemberala village. According to Siagian (2003: 108), "Rural development is the whole process

of a series of efforts undertaken within the village environment with the aim of improving the living standards of rural communities and enhancing the welfare of the village". The three main elements that need attention for the success of village development are: a. Community participation in development. b. The emergence of new ideas within the community regarding the future of their lives. c. Applied appropriate technology and labor intensive. The hierarchical structure of subinstitutional relationships involved in the development of productive and creative enterprises in Nemberala village can be seen in Figure 15.3.

Figure 17.3. Hierarchy Structure Elements of the Development of Productive and Creative Enterprises in Nemberala village As can be seen in Figure 17.3, there are six stages of involvement of each institution in the development of productive and creative enterprises in Nemberala village. Institutions that are expected to

play a role in the development of productive and creative enterprises in the first phase are universities and village governments, followed by the second phase of fishermen's cooperatives,

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017)


Pengembangan IPTEK Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan dalam Menghadapi MEA

community business groups and nongovernmental organizations. The role of university is very important, especially in the tridharma (tripe duties of University) aspect of teaching, research and community service in the development process and can affect changes in society. In its implementation, the participation of universities with experience in the field of community empowerment and development of resource potentials, is needed as facilitator and mediator for development of access and cooperation in developing coastal and coastal potential for community welfare. The third stage is the banking / BUMN and foreign investors, then the fourth phase is the government of Rote Ndao Regency and related institutions such as the Office of Marine and Fisheries, the Department of Tourism, the Department of Animal Husbandry, and so forth. However, the driver power - dependence matrix (Figure 13.2) is actually the second to fourth stage there are six institutions involved in the same sector ie sector III (linkages) so that the six institutions can work together in the development of productive and creative enterprises in Nemberala village. In the fifth stage there are partner companies and markets. The sub-elements of the last institution involved are related ministries such as the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Industry and Cooperatives.

V. CONCLUSION Institutions play a greater role in rural development, especialy in coastal areas. Identifying which institutions that has power and dependent positions in rural development is the first step in building a systematic polcy framework in coastal community development. This study reveals that college and village government are two institutions that will play a greater role in the first phase of development of productive and creative enterprises. The role of community,

university and village government is needed to ensure the success of productive and creative business development in Nemberala Village.

VI. ACKNOWLEDGE The authors wish to acknowledge the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for providing the funding for this research through the MP3EI research scheme

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017)