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"I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church". The Church in the plan of God. The Church: people of God, body of Christ, temple of the Spirit. The Church is one, holy, ...

COMPENDIUM OF THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PART ONE THE PROFESSION OF FAITH Sect ion One: "I Believe" — "We Beli ev e" Chapter One: Man' s C apacity for God Chapter T wo: God Comes to Meet Man The Revel a ti on of G od The T ransmissi on of D ivine Revelat io n Sacr ed Script ure Chapter T hree : Man's Response to Go d


I Believe We Believe Sect ion Two : The P rofession of the Chris ti an Faith The Creed Chapter One: I B eli eve i n God the Fat he r The S ymbol s of Faith "I Believe in God the Father Almigh ty, Cr eato r of Heaven and Earth" Heaven a nd E art h Man The F all Chapter T wo: I Believe in Jesus Christ, the O nly Son of God "And In Jesus Christ , His Only Son, Our L or d" "Jesus Christ Was Conceived by the Powe r of the Holy Spirit, and Was Born of the V irgin Mary" "Jesus Christ S uff ered Under Ponti us Pila te, Was Crucified, Died, and Was Buried" "Jesus Christ Descended into Hell; On th e Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead" "Jesus Ascended into Heaven and Is Seated at the Right Hand of God the Fa ther Almighty" "From Then ce H e S hall Come to Judge the L iving and the Dead" Chapter T hree : I Believe in the Holy Spir it "I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church " The Church i n t he plan of God The Church: people of God, body of Chr ist , temple of the Spirit The Church i s one, holy, catholic, and a po stolic The F aith ful : hierarchy, laity, con secr at ed life I believe i n t he communion of saint s Mary, Mo ther of Christ, Mother of th e Ch ur ch "I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sin s" "I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body"


"I Believe in Life E verlasting" "Amen"

PART TWO THE CELEBRATION OF THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY Sect ion One: The S acramental Economy Chapter One: The P aschal Mystery in t he Ag e of the Church The Litur gy — Work of the Most Ho ly Trinit y The P aschal Mystery in the Sacram en ts o f t he Church Chapter T wo: The S acramental Celebr at io n of t he Paschal Mystery Celebrating the Liturgy of the Church Who celebrat es? How is th e l it urgy celebrated? When is the liturgy celebrated? Where is the li turgy celebrated? Liturgical Diversi ty and the Unity of t he M ystery Sect ion Two : The S even Sacrament s of the Church Chapter One: The S acraments of Chr ist ian Init iation The S acrament of Baptism The S acrament of Confirmation The S acrament of the Eucharist Chapter T wo: The S acraments of Healing The S acrament of Penance and Reconcilia tion The S acrament of the Anointing of th e Sick Chapter T hree : The S acraments at th e Ser vice of Communion and Mission The S acrament of Hol y Orders The S acrament of Matrimony Chapter F our: Other Li turgical Celebra tion s The S acramental s


Christian F uneral s

PART THREE LIFE IN CHRIST Sect ion One: Man's Vocation — Life In t he Spirit Chapter One: The D igni ty of the Hum an Pe rson Man, the Image of God Our V ocation to Beatitude Man's Freed om The M oral it y of t he P assions The M oral Conscience The V irtues Sin Chapter T wo: The Human Community The P erson and Soci ety Par ticipation in Soci al Life Social Justice Chapter T hree : God' s S alvation — La w an d Grace The M oral Law Grace and Just if icat ion The Chur ch, Mother and Teacher Sect ion Two : The Ten C ommandment s Chapter One: "You S hall Love the Lor d Yo ur God With All Your Heart, With All Your S oul, and With All Your Mind" The First Commandment: I Am the Lord Your God, You Shall Not Have Other God s Befor e Me The S econd Commandment: You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God in V ain The T hird Commandment: Remember to Ke ep Holy the Lord's Day Chapter T wo: "You Shall Love Your Ne ighbour as Yourself" The F ourth Commandment: Honour You r Father and Your Mother


The F ifth Commandment: You Shall No t Kill The S ixth Commandment: You Shall Not Co mmit Adultery The S event h C ommandment: You Sha ll No t Steal The E ighth Commandment: You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbo ur The Ninth Commandment: You Shall Not Co vet Your Neighbour's Wife The T enth Commandment: You Sha ll No t Covet Your Neighbour's Possessions

PART FOUR CHRISTIAN PRAYER Sect ion One: P rayer in the Christia n Li fe Chapter One: The R evelation of Prayer The Revel a ti on of P rayer in the Old Testa ment Pr ayer is F ully Revealed and Realized in Jesus Pr ayer in the A ge of t he Church Chapter T wo: The Tradition of Prayer At the W ellsprings of Prayer The W ay of P rayer Guides for Prayer Chapter T hree : The Life of Prayer Expr essions of P rayer The B attle of P rayer Sect ion Two : The Lord's Prayer — "Our Fat her" "The Summary of the Whole Gospel" "Our Father Who A rt in Heaven" The S even Petitions

APPENDIX A. Common Prayer s B. Formulas of Catholic Doctrine

