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zIBM – Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. 10598, E-mail: ...... width BO. We call such an algorithm a (BO; DO)-algorithm. Out ... the overflow queues in DO time units, and enters a RESET state, that starts a ...
Competitive Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Amotz Bar-Noy

Yishay Mansoury

Abstract We propose a realistic theoretical model for dynamic bandwidth allocation. Our model takes into account the two classical quality of service parameters: latency and utilization, together with a newly introduced parameter: number of bandwidth allocation changes, which are costly operations in today’s networks. Our model assumes that sessions join the network with a certain delay requirement rather than a bandwidth requirement as assumed in previous models. In addition, the network has a certain utilization requirement. Given bounds on latency and utilization, we design online algorithms that minimize the number of bandwidth allocation changes.

1 Introduction The phenomenal proliferation of communication networks during the recent years is due to both growth in the number of users and inflation in their bandwidth demand. Although the available bandwidth is increasing dramatically, it is still one of the bottleneck resources in communication networks. Sharing this resource efficiently is the key to a successful communication network. In traditional local area networks bandwidth sharing is done implicitly, for example, by using a shared media for transmission. In the next generation of networks there is much more emphasis on allowing requirements to be specified explicitly by the user. This manifests itself as Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, which vary over a large range of parameters. Among the most important parameters are latency (delay) and bandwidth. (Examples of this trend can be found in the ATM standards and in the IPv6 standard.) A simplistic approach is to allow users to specify a constant bandwidth requirement per session. Having a constant bandwidth  Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 69978, E-mail: [email protected]. This work was supported by the consortium for broadband communication administered by the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Commerce and Industry. yDept. of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 69978, E-mail: [email protected]. This work was supported by the consortium for broadband communication administered by the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Commerce and Industry. zIBM – Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, E-mail: [email protected].

Baruch Schieberz

allocation has many advantages from both the user and network perspectives. Once established, it is completely predictable, and enables a simple pricing model that depends on the total bandwidth consumption, i.e., the product of the bandwidth allocation and the duration of the session. However, only for very few tasks (e.g., real-time voice) the required bandwidth is known in advance. Even video communication involves a variable requirement of bandwidth (due to compression), and in other applications with bursty nature of traffic the required bandwidth may change dramatically over time, usually in an unpredictable manner. (See Figure 1 for an example of a stream of bits requested by a session.) In order to accommodate such situations it is reasonable to require the network to allow dynamic modification of the bandwidth allocation. (See [GKT95, CRS95, ACHM96] for trends in applying dynamic bandwidth allocation.)



- Time Figure 1: An example of bandwidth demand. When considering static bandwidth allocation for tasks with varying and unpredictable bandwidth requirements, the latency and utilization parameters interplay. The latency of a session is defined as the maximum over all bits sent in the session of the time elapsed between the submission of a bit at the sending end and its arrival at the receiving end. Utilization is defined as the ratio between the total bandwidth allocated from the time connection was established to the number of bits received during this time. Clearly, latency is one of the most important parameters from the end user perspective. (As can be easily related to by any “web surfer”.) On the other hand, utilization is one of the most important performance parameters from the network point of view. The two view points do not match, and there is an inherent tradeoff between utilization and latency. The tradeoff is best illustrated by its two extremes.


6 (a)







6 (c)


Figure 2: Two static bandwidth allocations: (a) A short delay and a low utilization with a high bandwidth allocation. (b) a high utilization and a long delay with a low bandwidth allocation. Two dynamic bandwidth allocations: (c) a short delay and a high utilization with many bandwidth allocation changes. (d) Few bandwidth allocation changes resulting in “good” utilization and delay. Thin lines represent bandwidth demand whereas thick lines represent bandwidth allocation.

One extreme is to allocate a lot of bandwidth to each session which results in low utilization and could be costly for the user since pricing may depend on bandwidth consumption. Moreover, the network would be able to support only a few sessions simultaneously. The other extreme is to allocate bandwidth just sufficient to deliver the data. This would result in high latency, due to bursts. Naturally, the user wishes to get a decent latency at a fair price. Nevertheless, the exact tradeoff depends on the user preferences taking into consideration that improving one parameter would increase the cost of the other parameter. The two extremes allocations described above are depicted in Figure 2 (a) and (b). In dynamic bandwidth allocation a third parameter that influences the cost of the session is the number of bandwidth allocation changes. First, it takes time to setup the modified bandwidth allocation. Second, in today’s ATM switches it would normally require the invocation of software in every switch on the session path, which would lengthen the response time even more and consume resources at the switch. Clearly, this would translate also to the price of a bandwidth change. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that when using dynamic bandwidth an additional goal would be to minimize the number of changes. This brings us to another tradeoff in the case of tasks with varying and unpredictable bandwidth requirements. This tradeoff is again illustrated by its extremes. One extreme is not to change the bandwidth and remain with a fixed allocation, this results either in high latency if the fixed bandwidth allocation is minimal or in low utilization if the allocation is maximal (see Figure 2 (a) and (b)). Another extreme is to allocate bandwidth dynamically for each message or packet (see Figure 2 (c)). This might yield “good” utilization and latency, however, the high number of changes would be a burden on the network, and makes such a scheme completely unrealistic. Therefore, from the network perspective it makes sense to try to minimize the number of bandwidth changes while achieving “good” latency and utilization (see Figure 2 (d)). A major problem in achieving such a goal is the online nature of the problem: decisions have to be made without knowing the future requirements. The tradeoff between the three parameters, utilization, latency

and number of changes was studied experimentally in [GKT95, ACHM96]. They compared different heuristics for allocating bandwidth, and ran simulations based on real network traffic. The number of changes was limited by either requiring that the modification be done periodically, or by other means. In this work we provide a theoretical model for the above experimental works, and develop competitive algorithms within this framework. We believe that our framework keeps the essence of the tradeoffs, while proposing an abstraction which is tractable to analyze. We do not compare the relative price of the three components, but rather fix two parameters (latency and utilization) and optimize the third (number of allocation changes). In our abstraction we consider only end stations and assume that the latency between them is caused only by the queues generated at the end station due to low existing bandwidth allocation. In this paper we focus on the above three parameters and ignore a fourth important parameter – data loss – which is a crucial quality of service parameter. Therefore, we assume that the size of the queues of the end stations are large enough to satisfy the given latency and utilization demand.

1.1 Results We first study the case of a single session. In a single session we have a single sending end and a single receiving end, however, the arrival rate of bits to the sending end varies unpredictably over time. The single session setting can be viewed as an abstraction for the case where we have end users connected to a network with a limited bandwidth link (say 64Kb). The network can almost surely supply users with any bandwidth in the range, however the users would like to dynamically change the bandwidth in order to minimize its cost while maintaining a reasonable latency. Our online algorithm has three parameters. The first is BA the maximum bandwidth it can allocate to the session. The second is DA an upper bound on the latency. The third is UA a lower bound on the utilization. Given these three parameters our aim is to minimize the number of bandwidth changes. To ensure a feasible solution we assume that there is a way to serve the session using maximum bandwidth BA , latency DA and utilization UA .1 To measure the performance of our algorithm we compare it to a clairvoyant (offline) algorithm, i.e., an algorithm that knows the future arrival rate. We impose slightly more stringent requirements on this offline algorithm. We require it to serve the session with latency at most DO = DA =2 and utilization at least UO = 3UA using maximum bandwidth BO = BA . The number of bandwidth changes made by our online algorithms is guaranteed not to exceed O(log BA ) or O (log(1=UA )) times the number of bandwidth changes made by any offline algorithm with the more stringent constraints. Next we study the case where sessions interact with each other. Namely, there are several sessions all sharing the same bandwidth. This scenario can be viewed as modeling an IP provider that given a fixed amount of bandwidth needs to serve many sessions providing them with a bounded latency. The parameters in this case are: k the number of sessions, BA the maximum bandwidth shared by all the k sessions, and DA the maximum latency. (Here we ignore utilization, our next algorithm takes care of this constraint as well.) Our aim is, as before, to minimize the number of bandwidth changes. Again, to measure the performance of our online algorithm we compare it to an offline algorithm with more stringent constraints. This offline algorithm has to serve the k sessions using total bandwidth BO = BA =4 (or BA =5), and guaranteeing delay of at most DO = DA =2. We design online algorithms that make O(k) times more bandwidth changes than any such offline algorithm. Our first algorithm is phased, it makes its 1 From now on, whenever we consider an algorithm with given constraints we always assume that all the input streams are feasible; i.e., can be served within these constraints.

bandwidth modifications at the beginning of the phase and keeps it fixed within the phase. The second algorithm is continuous, and makes its bandwidth modifications whenever there is a need, and therefore is more natural to implement. Our last algorithm is a hybrid algorithm combining the algorithms for the single session case and the multi-session case. It considers the case of k sessions, all sharing maximum bandwidth BA . The delay of each session has to be at most DA , while the total utilization has to be at least UA . The goal is again to minimize the number of bandwidth changes while achieving these constraints. This case can be viewed as modeling an IP provider that carries traffic over a public network. The provider is billed according to the total bandwidth consumption and the number of bandwidth changes performed. Thus to minimize the provider’s cost both have to be minimized. On the other hand, the users expect a certain performance level, which is manifested in the latency. We compare our online algorithm to a more stringent offline algorithm with maximum delay DO = DA =2, minimum total utilization UO = 3UA , and total bandwidth BO = BO =7 (or BO = BO =8). The number of bandwidth changes made by our online algorithm is guaranteed not to exceed O(k log BA ) or O(k log(1=UA )) times the number of bandwidth changes made by any offline algorithm.

Remark: In all cases we compare our online algorithms to offline algorithms with more stringent constraints. In other words we allow the online algorithm some “slack” in the delay, utilization, and maximum bandwidth. The slack factors could be different, and actually there exists a tradeoff between these factors. In this paper we focused on solutions in which all of the slack factors are constant (for delay, utilization and total bandwidth). In the full version we show some impossibility results which indicate that online algorithms cannot achieve the same parameters as the offline algorithm. Specifically, we prove that if we restrict the online algorithms to have either the same delay and utilization in the single user case, or the same bandwidth and delay in the multi-user case, then the number of bandwidth allocation changes they must make is unbounded. It follows that any online algorithm needs some slack. We also prove that the competitive ratios for the single user case are tight. 1.2 Related work There is a considerable amount of work on competitive algorithms for bandwidth allocation. We give a brief review here with a special emphasis on the differences between our model and the related models. The works of [AAF+ 93, AAP93] discuss the case where there are incoming sessions with a given bandwidth requirement. The system needs either to assign a path to a session with the desired bandwidth, or to reject the session. The goal is to maximize the total throughput of the network (i.e., the bandwidth of the accepted sessions). Once a session is accepted and gets its bandwidth allocation, it remains fixed throughout the lifetime of the session. The works of [GG92, GGK+ 93, BNCK+ 95, ABFR94, AGLR94] also discuss the case of incoming sessions, each with a certain bandwidth requirement. The difference is that in their model sessions that were accepted may be later preempted. However, preempted sessions (like rejected sessions) do not contribute to the throughput. In contrast to both models, the model in this work assumes that sessions join the network with a certain delay and utilization requirement (rather than a bandwidth requirement). The bandwidth required to maintain the delay and utilization requirements of the sessions is allocated dynamically. Another related model appears in [SK94, LPR94]. The system they consider has a bound on the number of sessions that can be active simultaneously. Each time the system needs to make a decision which sessions to keep active. The goal is to minimize the number

of status changes, i.e., making an active session inactive. In this setting there is no bandwidth requirement and the decision for each session is “binary” (active or not active). We can view our model as an extension of this model, since we adjust dynamically not only the number of active sessions, but also the bandwidth allocated to each session.

2 The single session case In this section we present an algorithm for the case of a single session. Our goal is to design an algorithm that would deliver the stream of incoming bits within latency at most DA , would utilize at least UA fraction of the allocated bandwidth, and would minimize the number of bandwidth changes. Since future bit arrival rates are not known in advance, this problem is of an online nature. To ensure feasibility we assume that the maximum bandwidth BA , suffices to deliver the arriving bits with latency at most DA . We prove that the number of changes made by our algorithm is at most log (BA ) times the number of changes made by any offline algorithm with the same maximum bandwidth BO = BA , maximum delay DO = DA =2 and minimum utilization UO = 3UA . To simplify the presentation, we assume that BA is a power of two. Let `A = log 2 BA . The algorithm works in stages, where each stage is preceded by a RESET operation. Below, we prove that in each stage any offline algorithm that obeys the latency and utilization constraints must make at least one bandwidth allocation change while the online algorithm does at most `A changes. Let ts be the start time of a stage, and let t be any time within the stage. The algorithm maintains two parameters high(t) and low(t). Under the assumption that the offline algorithm does not change its bandwidth assignment from time ts to time t, high(t) and low(t) serve as upper and lower bounds on this bandwidth assignment. The value of high(t) is determined by the utilization constraint, while the value of low(t) is determined by the latency constraint. Let te be the first time in which high(te) < low(te ), at this time the current stage ends and a new stage is about to start. We can end the stage because we know that the offline cannot maintain the same bandwidth allocation in the time interval [ts; te ], and therefore has performed at least one change in the bandwidth allocation. However, before starting the new stage, we have to make sure that bits belonging to the previous stage are delivered. We achieve this in the RESET operation, in which we allocate BA bandwidth until the queue is empty, and then the new stage starts. More formally, whenever a stage is started the queue is empty. At each time unit t within the stage, low(t) and high(t) are computed. The bandwidth allocated by the online algorithm, denoted by Bon , is set to the smallest power of two that is at least low(t). If at some time t we get high(t) < low(t), the stage is ended, and a RESET operation starts. During the RESET, Bon is set to BA until the queue becomes empty. At this time a new stage begins. Figure 3 is a formal presentation of the algorithm. In the description, we denote the incoming queue of bits by Q. We assume that bits that have to be delivered are put in Q. The algorithm is started by invoking RESET. We now show how to compute low(t) and high(t). At time ts we set low(ts) = 0, for any t > ts:

low(t) =



t0 : ts t0 t w: 0wt0 ?ts

[ 0 ? w; t0 ) w + DO

IN t


where I N [t0 w; t0 ) denotes the number of incoming bits in the time interval [t0 w; t0 ). In words, for each time interval (window) 0 t), we compute the minit of size w that ends at t0 (ts mum bandwidth required to deliver the bits received at the window within the offline latency DO . We set low(t) to be the maximum



change since the beginning of the stage. Initially, for s + W , we set high(t) = BA . For any t ts + W :



on := BA

high(t) =

wait until the first time Q is empty then STAGE STAGE: for each time unit t do compute low(t) and high(t) if high(t) < low(t) then RESET if Bon < low(t) then B





min ts +W t0 t


( 0 ? W; t0 ]

IN t


high(t), we are guaranteed that the offline algorithm has changed its bandwidth allocation at least once during the stage. Since the bandwidth allocations made by the online algorithm within a single stage (and the following RESET) are monotonically increasing, and are in powers of two, the number of changes made by the online algorithm is at most `A = log 2 BA .

among all the resulting bounds. This implies that under the assumption that the offline bandwidth has not changed from time ts to time t, it must be at least low(t). Note that to actually compute low(t) we can use the identity

 low(t) = max low(t ? 1);

max 0wt?t


[ ? w; t) (w + DO )

IN t


Utilization: The computation of high(t) stems from our definition of utilization. Let us diverge now and define utilization. There are two approaches to define utilization: one is global and the other is local. In the global approach the total bandwidth allocated from the time connection was established is compared to the number of bits received during this time. The ratio of these two quantities reflects the overall “waste” in bandwidth, and thus plays a role in measuring the overall performance of the connection. One drawback of such an approach is that it tends to ignore periods of time in which the utilization is very low, as long as these are compensated by other periods of high utilization. Consequently, we prefer to use a local approach in which we fix a time window parameter, denoted W , and bound the ratio of the number of bits received during any time window of size W to the total bandwidth in this time. Formally, the utilization is defined as


min I N (t ? W; t] t: W t B (t ? W; t]


where I N (t W; t] and B (t W; t] denote the number of incoming bits and the total allocated bandwidth in the time interval (t W; t]. We expect that the utilization according to the global approach should be higher than the one from the local approach. Generally it is true (and provides the right intuition) although there are some special cases where it does not hold. Also note that the utilization depends on the incoming stream of bits, rather than on the actual bits transmitted. We chose this definition because it limits the algorithm influence over the utilization, and ensures that the utilization is monotone in the bandwidth allocation. When choosing the parameter W , we would not like it to be too large, or we will suffer the deficiencies of the global approach, on the other hand it should be large enough, or otherwise the flexibility in allocating the bandwidth would be hampered. In this manuscript we assume that W DO . This assumption is not essential, it is done to simplify the presentation. When we consider the online algorithm we again relax the constraints and allow a bigger window up to W + 5DO . Recall that high(t) is the largest bandwidth allocation that would still give the desired utilization of UO with no bandwidth allocation


Lemma 1 The number of bandwidth allocation changes performed by our algorithm is bounded by `A times the number of changes done by any offline algorithm with delay DO and utilization UO . We proceed to prove that the above algorithm has delay DA

2DO and utilization UA = UO =3.


Claim 2 Consider any time t, and let Qon and Bon be the queue and the online bandwidth allocation at this time. Then, Bon q=DA , where q is the size of Qon .

Proof: Consider the stage that contains t. In case t is within a RESET operation, consider the stage preceding it. Define tl to be the first time in this stage (or its following RESET) when Bon was set to 2j , for some j l . Define t?1 to be the start time of the stage. Let i be the maximum index such that ti t. We prove by induction on the maximum index i that q 2i 1. Consider i > 1. We DA . This is vacuously true for i = claim that the maximum number of bits received in the time interval [ti ; t) is 2i (t ti + DO ). To see this recall that low(t) 2i which means that allocating bandwidth of 2i suffices to deliver all the bits received from time ti to time t (exclusive) within a delay of DO . (Note that if t is within a RESET this holds since then 2i = BA = BO .) This implies that these bits have to be delivered up to time t + DO . The maximum number of bits that can be delivered in i t ti + DO time units using this bandwidth is 2 (t ti + DO ). i Now since Bon is set to 2 at time ti , it follows that the online algorithm is able to deliver at least 2i (t ti ) bits in this time interval. Let q0 be the queue just before time ti . We get q 2i DO + q0 . By our induction hypothesis q0 2i?1 DA and the claim follows since DA = 2DO . 2








Lemma 3 The delay of the online algorithm is at most DA . Proof: The lemma follows from Claim 2. Consider a bit that enters Q. At that time, we have that Bon q=DA , where q is the size of Q. Since the bandwidth is not decreased as long as the queue is not empty, this bit must have been delivered in DA time units. 2

Corollary 4 Consider any time t, and let qA be the size of the queue of the online algorithm at this time. Then, qA qO + BO DO , where qO is the size of the queue of any offline algorithm with bandwidth BO and delay DO .


To obtain a contradiction assume that at some time


A > qO + BO  DO for some offline algorithm with bandwidth BO and delay DO . Note that the offline algorithm can serve additional BO  DO ? qO bits at time t with bandwidth BO delay DO and utilization UO . However, these additional bits at time

Summing these inequalities we get


would increase the size of the queue of the online algorithm to > 2BO DO . Implying that the online algorithm cannot serve these additional bits with bandwidth BO and 2 delay 2DO ; contradiction to Lemma 3. t


A + BO  DO ? qO

Lemma 5 The utilization of the online algorithm is at least UA O =3.



on (tr ?


( ? W 0 ; t]  UO : Bon (t ? W 0 ; t] 3 IN t


on (t ? W; t]



 2 low( )  2 high( )  2 ( ? ]3 ( ? W


IN t

Note that in this case W 0 = W .


W; t


IN t










( ? 4DO ; t]  2DO  BA = 1 : on (t ? 4DO ; t] 4DO  BA 2

IN t B

This implies that the utilization of the online algorithm is at least 1=2. Since the utilization of the offline algorithm, UO , is at most one, it follows that this utilization is greater than UO =3. Note that in this case W 0 4DO . Case 3: The time unit t is within a RESET operation, and it is less than 2DO time units after the start of the RESET. Let tr be the start time of the RESET operation. Let D0 be the smallest multiple of W that is at least 2DO . By our assumption W DO , and thus 0 0 D < 3DO . Consider the time interval (tr D ; tr ]. If it is not contained within a stage, change tr D0 to be the start time of the stage ending at tr (that is, D0 = tr ts, where ts is the start time of the stage ending at tr ). Consider the window W I N = than 5DO . Divide it into two sub windows: [tr D0 ; t], of size less 0 W I N1 = (tr D ; tr ], and W I N2 = (tr ; t]. Since the delay of the algorithm is bounded by 2DO (by Lemma 3), and since a stage always starts with an empty queue, all the bits delivered in W I N2 arrived in W I N . Recall that during a RESET operation the bandwidth is fully utilized and hence Bon (tr ; t] I N (tr D0; t]. 0 D =W , similar to Case 1, For 1 i









2I N (tr ? iW; tr ? (i ? 1)W ] : Bon (tr ? iW; tr ? (i ? 1)W ]  U O

( r ? D0 ; t](UO + 2) ;

IN t

UO 0 and for the case tr ? D is a start time of a stage we get

on (ts; t]

 2 ( s 1 ] + 2 (O1 ] + IN t ; t

IN t ; t


(s ]

IN t ; t

( s ](UO + 2) :

IN t ; t



Since UO 1, in both cases we that that the utilization is no less than UO =3. Note that in this case W 0 5DO . Case 4: The time unit t is less than W time units after the start of a stage. Let ts be the start time of the stage. Consider Bon (ts; t]. From the algorithm it follows that in the first W time units of a stage the bandwidth is at most 2I N (ts; t]=DO . This implies that Bon (ts ; t] 2I N (ts; t]. By the two previous cases we know that 5DO , such that Bon (ts there exists a window of size W 0 0 W ; ts ] 3I N (ts W 0 ; ts ]=UO . We get

Case 2: The time unit t is within a RESET operation, and it is at least 2DO time units after the start of the RESET. Consider the window W I N = (t 4DO ; t]. Divide the window into two sub windows of equal size: W I N1 = (t 4DO ; t 2DO ], and W I N2 = (t 2DO ; t] which lies within the RESET operation. Recall that by Claim 3 the delay of the online algorithm is at most 2DO . Hence, all of the bits delivered in the window W I N2 arrived in W I N . During a RESET operation the bandwidth is fixed to BA and hence Bon (t 2DO ; t] = 2DO BA , which implies I N (t 4DO ; t] 2DO BA . Clearly, Bon (t 4DO ; t 2DO ] 2DO BA . It follows that


on (tr ? D0; t] 

W; t






We distinguish between several cases depending on the location of the time t. Case 1: The window of size W that ends at t is contained within a stage. That is, ts t W and t te , where ts and te are the t te , start and end points of this stage. Recall that for all ts we have low(t) high(t) and Bon (t) 2low(t). Therefore,

2I N (tr ? bD0 =W c  W; tr ] :


UO 0 Now, in case tr ?D = ts we still need to bound Bon (ts; t1 ], where 0 0 0 t1 = tr ?bD =W c W . Note that t1 ? ts = D ?bD =W c W < W  DO . From the algorithm it follows that in the first W time units of a stage the bandwidth is at most 2I N (ts; t1 ]=DO . This implies that Bon (ts; t1 ]  2I N (ts; t1 ]. Summing all the bounds for the case tr ? D0 is not a start time of a stage we get


Proof: To prove the lemma we have to show that for any time t there exists a time window (t W 0 ; t], where W 0 W + 5DO , that satisfies the utilization condition:

 0  D =W  W; t



on (ts ? W 0 ; t]


0  3 ( s ?O s ] + 2 ( s ] ( s? 0 ]  IN t

W ;t

IN t ; t


IN t


W ;t

O =3


Note that in this case W 0 W + 5DO . We conclude with the main result of this section.


Theorem 6 Our online algorithm uses maximum bandwidth BA , has maximum delay DA and minimum utilization UA . The number of bandwidth allocation changes it performs is O(log BA ) times the number of changes performed by any offline algorithm with maximum bandwidth BA , delay DO = DA =2 and utilization UO = 3UA . So far we considered only local utilization. In the full version we show that our algorithm would have the same performance also under global utilization. To complement this positive result we prove in the full version that any online algorithm with global utilization O(UO ) and finite delay must have competitive ratio (log BA ). Things are different for local utilization. First, observe that for a fixed W and DO , within any stage, if t ts + W (where ts is the start time of the stage), then high(t)=low(t) = O(UO ). Using this observation we modify our algorithm and prove the following.

Theorem 7 Our modified algorithm has delay O(DO ), utilization

(UO ), and the number of bandwidth changes it performs is O (log (1=UO )) times the number of changes any offline algorithm with delay DO and (local) utilization UO must perform.

3 The multi-session case In this section we present two algorithms for the case of many sessions that are sharing the same channel. Let k 2 be the number of sessions. We first assume that there is no utilization constraint. In the next section we show how to combine the single

session algorithm with the multi-session algorithm taking into consideration the utilization constraint as well. The multi-session case is different from the single session case since all the sessions have to share the same bandwidth pool, and no session owns the whole available bandwidth. Consequently, it may be that the only way to increase the bandwidth of a certain session is by decreasing the bandwidth allocation of some other session. In this section we show how to share the bandwidth among the sessions without too many allocation changes while still bounding the delay of each session. We measure the performance of our algorithm against an offline allocation that delivers all bits in delay at most DO using bandwidth BO . We call such an algorithm a (BO ; DO )-algorithm. Out of all the (offline) (BO ; DO )-algorithms, consider the algorithm with the least number of bandwidth changes. Our goal is to minimize the ratio of the number of bandwidth changes made by our online algorithm to the number of bandwidth changes made by algorithm . Our online algorithms have more resources, they use more bandwidth than BO and suffer larger delay than DO . Before describing the algorithms, it might be helpful to discuss the following trivial solutions. The first algorithm is an online (kBO ; DO )-algorithm. This algorithm allocates each session bandwidth BO and therefore has optimal delay and no changes. The clear drawback of this solution is the huge waste in the bandwidth; whereas our online algorithms use only a constant factor more in the bandwidth and suffer only a constant factor more in the delay. The second simple solution is working in phases. During each DO time units the algorithm stores all the arriving bits. Then it allocates bandwidth BO in the next DO time units to deliver all those bits. This solution incurs delay 2DO and uses bandwidth 2BO . (This is true since as shown later, in a window of size DO , at most 2DO BO bits could arrive.) However, the number of bandwidth changes is unbounded since the relative size of the multiple sessions may vary from phase to phase. Our online algorithms exploit a variation of this idea while bounding the number of allocation changes. Below, we describe two algorithms: a phased algorithm and a continuous algorithm. The first performs the allocation changes once in any DO time slots and the second performs these changes upon demand. Although the bounds achieved for the continuous algorithm are slightly inferior, we believe that it is more “natural” and better suited for implementation.



allocation of the regular channel of any session i. Such an allocation has to be increased if the bandwidth allocated to the regular channel of session i is not enough to deliver the content of its regular queue in DO time units, i.e., Qri > Bir DO . If the allocation has to be increased the algorithm adds BO =k to the regular allocation of session i, i.e., Bir = Bir + BO =k. It then empties the queue r o Qi and moves its content to the overflow queue Qi and allocates enough bandwidth to the overflow channel that would suffice to empty the overflow queue in the next phase, i.e., Bio = Qoi =DO . If at the end of a phase the regular bandwidth allocation need not r be changed (i.e., Qri Bi DO ), then the overflow bandwidth is set to zero. We prove below that at this point the overflow queue is empty. After updating the bandwidth allocation for all sessions, the algorithm tests if the total regular bandwidth allocation exceeds 2BO . In this case, the algorithm empties all the regular queues into the overflow queues, allocates enough overflow bandwidth to deliver the overflow queues in DO time units, and enters a RESET state, that starts a new stage. (Figure 4 depicts a formal description of the algorithm.)

j j

j j

j j


j j

RESET: for i = 1 to k do B

r i := BO =k

end PHASE: (Done every DO time units starting DO time units after RESET) for i = 1 to k do r DO then if Qri Bi

j j o

i := 0 (We show later that at this point jQoi j = 0.) else (jQri j > Bir  DO ) r r Bi := Bi + BO =k Move the content of Qri to Qoi o o Bi := jQi j=DO B

endif end Pk if i=1 Bir > 2BO then for i = 1 to k do Move the content of Qri to Qoi

io := jQoi j=DO


end RESET endif

3.1 The phased algorithm

The algorithm uses a total bandwidth of BA = 4BO . This bandwidth is divided into two conceptual channels, the first is the regular channel, which has bandwidth 2BO and the second is the overflow channel that has bandwidth 2BO . The bandwidth allocated to session i is Bi and is composed from an allocation in the regular channel Bir , and in the overflow channel Bio , i.e., Bi = r o Bi + Bi . We assume that initially all queues are empty and all allocations are set to zero. The algorithm works in stages, where each stage is preceded by a RESET operation. Each stage is divided into phases of DO time units each. We denote the queue of session i by Qi . This queue consists of the queue in the regular channel (the regular queue), Qri , and the queue in the overflow channel (the overflow queue), Qoi , where Qi = Qri Qoi . When session i sends bits to be delivered they are put in Qri . From time to time, the queue Qri is emptied and all its content is moved to the queue Qoi . Let Qi denote the size of Qi . Each stage starts by allocating equal amounts of bandwidth BO =k to the regular channels of each session. The algorithm runs in phases of DO time units each. At the end of each phase the algorithm tests whether there is a need to increase the bandwidth

Figure 4: The phased algorithm To prove the correctness of the algorithm, we first argue that in each phase the allocated bandwidth is enough to serve all the bits that were accumulated in all the queues at the beginning of the phase. Claim 8 Let Qi be the queue of session i at the beginning of a phase, and let Bi be the bandwidth allocated to session i in the r o DO Q o . Qi and Bi phase. Then Bir DO i

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Proof: The proof is by induction on the phases. The claim clearly holds for the initial phase since the queue of session i is empty. We distinguish between two types of phases: the first phase after a RESET and any other phase. Consider a first phase after a RESET. At the beginning of such a phase Qri is empty, and Bio is set to o Qi =DO , so the claim holds. Consider any other phase. Case 1: The regular bandwidth of session i was not changed. In r Qi and no bits were added to the overthis case, Bir DO

j j

j j

flow queue. By the inductive hypothesis it follows that the overflow queue is empty. This is because the overflow allocation in the previous phase was enough to deliver all its content. Case 2: The regular bandwidth of session i was changed. In this case, at the beginning of the phase Qri is empty, and Bio is set to o Qi =DO . 2 To bound the bandwidth and the delay of the online algorithm, we next bound the number of bits arriving in each phase.

j j

Claim 9 During any time interval [t; t +) at most (+ DO )BO bits could arrive for all the sessions together. Proof: We know that there exists an offline (BO ; DO )-algorithm for the input instance. During the  time units in the interval [t; t + ) this algorithm can deliver at most  BO bits. In order to maintain that the delay is bounded by DO , the rest of the bits arriving in this interval must be delivered in the next DO time units. This accounts for at most DO BO additional bits. 2 The fact that the bandwidth of the regular channel is at most 2BO follows from the definition of the algorithm. The following lemma bounds the bandwidth of the overflow channel.

Lemma 10 At any time t,


o i=1 Bi  2BO .

Proof: It is sufficient to show that the claim holds at the beginning of each phase because bandwidth allocation changes are done only then. Consider a phase. Since enough bandwidth was allocated to deliver all the bits in the overflow queue in DO time units, it follows that at the end of the previous phase Qoi = 0 for any session i. Therefore, all the bits that are in the overflow queues at the beginning of the phase arrived during the previous phase. By Claim 9 the total number of bits arrived in the previous phase is bounded by 2DO BO . The lemma follows from the fact that Pk o Pk o 2 i=1 Bi = i=1 Qi =DO 2BO . Next, we bound the delay incurred by the phased algorithm.

 j j

Lemma 11 Any bit arriving at time t is delivered by time t + DA , where DA = 2DO . Proof: Consider a bit b which arrives in a certain phase. If it is delivered in the same phase, then the delay is at most DO . Otherwise, at the end of the phase, the bit is left in the regular queue only if the regular channel is capable of delivering it in the next DO time units. Otherwise, this bit is moved to an overflow queue. Since the overflow queue is emptied by the end of the next phase, b will be delivered in the next phase which terminates before time t + 2DO = t + DA . 2 Finally, we compute the competitiveness in number of bandwidth allocation changes. The first lemma bounds the number of bandwidth changes made by the online algorithm in a stage, and the second lemma states that any offline (BO ; DO )-algorithm must have made at least one change in a stage. Lemma 12 The number of bandwidth changes made by the online algorithm in any stage is at most 3k. Proof: Consider a stage. The stage is started by making k bandwidth changes; allocating BO =k as the regular bandwidth of each session. This totals to bandwidth BO . The stage is ended when the total regular bandwidth allocated is more than 2BO . Since each time the algorithm changes a regular bandwidth it increments it by BO =k , the number of additional regular bandwidth changes is k . (Note that the way the algorithm is described currently, it makes k + 1 changes. However, the algorithm can be modified to make only k changes.) Each time the regular bandwidth is incremented the overflow bandwidth is changed simultaneously as well. The overflow bandwidth may be changed again to zero a phase later,

which accounts to an additional k changes. We get a total of at most 3k changes. 2 Now we show that between two times the algorithm performs a RESET, any offline algorithm must have made at least one change to its bandwidth allocation. Lemma 13 In any stage, any (BO ; DO )-algorithm has to change the bandwidth allocation at least once. Proof: To obtain a contradiction, assume that there is a single allocation that can sustain for more than one stage. Let OF Fi be the bandwidth allocation of the offline algorithm to session i. It Pk follows that i=1 OF Fi BO . We claim that at any time the regular bandwidth allocated by the online algorithm to session i is at most BO =k more than OF Fi . We prove this claim inductively. This clearly holds for the initial online allocation of BO =k. Consider the time t in which the regular bandwidth allocation of session i was incremented by BO =k. This was done at the end of a phase in which Qri > Bir DO , where r Bi was the bandwidth before the increment. Let t0 be the time in the stage in which the online algorithm set the regular bandwidth of session i to Bir . Note that at time t0 , the regular queue Qri was emptied. Since we have that at time t, Qri > Bir DO , we 0 t < t such that more than must have that there exists some t0 r t0 + DO ) bits arrived for session i in the time interval [t0 ; t). Bi (t By Claim 9, this implies that OF Fi > Bir . The lemma now follows since at the end of the stage the total regular bandwidth allocated by the online algorithm is more than 2BO , implying that the total bandwidth allocated by the offline al2 gorithm is more than BO ; a contradiction. We can now derive the theorem regarding the phased algorithm.


Theorem 14 The online phased algorithm is a (BA ; DA )-algorithm. The number of bandwidth allocation changes it performs is at most 3k times the number of changes performed by any offline (BO ; DO )algorithm, where BA = 4BO and DA = 2DO . Remark: In many cases it is important to maintain the order among the bits of the same session (FIFO). Although the algorithm maintains two queues, it can maintain a single queue that will preserve the order. We simply empty the overflow queue before the regular queue, using the entire bandwidth Bi . The worst case delay remains DA = 2DO , since FIFO policy always outperforms any other policy in this regard. The rest of the claims hold by “renaming” the bits in order to maintain the values of Qri and Qoi . That is, for the algorithm it does not matter which bits are in which queues. Therefore, we let the FIFO dictates which bits to deliver and then we move bits between the two queues such that their size would be as the original algorithm dictates.

3.2 The continuous algorithm

The online continuous algorithm uses a total bandwidth of BA = Again, this bandwidth is virtually divided into a regular channel, which has bandwidth 2BO and an overflow channel that has bandwidth 3BO . We use the same notations as in the phased algorithm: Bir , Bio , Qri , and Qoi . Initially all queues are empty and all allocations are set to zero. The algorithm works in stages, where each stage is preceded by a RESET operation. In the continuous algorithm, the test whether there is a need to modify the bandwidth allocation of the regular channel of session i is done during the stage, whenever bits are added to the regular queue of session i. The allocation has to be changed if Qri > Bir r r DO . In this event, the algorithm sets Bi = Bi + BO =k , empties r the queue Qi and moves its content to the overflow queue Qoi , Then it sets Bio = q=DO + Bio , where q is the original size of Qri . After o DO time units the algorithm reduces this allocation, i.e., Bi =

5BO .

j j

io q=DO . After increasing the regular bandwidth allocation, the algorithm tests if the total regular bandwidth allocation exceeds 2BO . In this case, the algorithm empties all the regular queues into the overflow queues, allocates enough overflow bandwidth to deliver the overflow queues in DO time units, and enters a RESET state that starts a new stage. Figure 5 depicts a formal description of the algorithm. Note that in reality there is no need to test the condition in TEST(i) every time bits are added to Qri . The frequency of the tests depends on the values of DO and BO . B


r Bi := BO =k

end TEST(i): (Done every time bits are added to Qri ) if Qri > Bir DO then

r i := Br i + BO =k q := jQi j Move the content of Qri to Qoi o o Bi := Bi + q=DO REDUCE(i; DO ; q=DO ) endif Pk if i=1 Bir > 2BO then for i = 1 to k do r q := jQi j Move the content of Qri to Qoi o o Bi := Bi + q=DO REDUCE(i; DO ; q=DO ) B

end RESET endif REDUCE(i; D; B ): wait D time units then


o i=1 Bi  3BO .

Proof: It is sufficient to show that the lemma holds whenever bits are added to any of the queues Qoi , since only then Bio is increased. Consider session i, and let tj be a time when Bio was incremented by bandwidth B . Let tj?1 be the previous time when Bio was incremented (or tj?1 = 0 if there is no such prior increment). Note that in the time interval (tj?1 ; tj ] the regular bandwidth Bir remained the same. Since Qri is emptied at tj?1 , and since during the time interval (tj?1 ; tj ) the size of Qri was no more than Bir DO , the value of B is at most the number of bits received in the time interval (max tj?1 ; tj DO ; tj ] divided by DO . The value of Bio at any time t is composed of the increases that occurred in the time interval (t DO ; t]. Similar to the way we bound B , we can bound the sum of the increases by the number of bits that arrived for session i in the time interval (t 2DO ; t] divided by DO . When we sum over all sessions we get that the total bandwidth in the overflow channel is bounded by the total number of bits that arrived in the interval (t 2DO ; t] divided by DO . By Claim 9 the total number of bits that arrived in the interval (t 2DO ; t] is bounded by 3DO BO . This bounds the total bandwidth in the overflow channel 2 at any time t by 3BO .

f ?






Theorem 17 The online continuous algorithm is a (BA ; DA )-algorithm. The number of bandwidth allocation changes it performs is at most 3k times the number of changes performed by any offline (BO ; DO )algorithm, where BA = 5BO and DA = 2DO . Finally, the remark regarding the FIFO property holds for the continuous algorithm as well.

4 The combined algorithm

io := Bio ? B


Figure 5: The continuous algorithm

The proof that the ratio of the number of changes made by the continuous algorithm to the number of changes made by the optimal (BO ; DO )-algorithm is 3k is identical to the proof for the phased algorithm. Next we bound the delay of the algorithm. Lemma 15 Any bit sent in time t arrives by time DA = 2DO .


+ DA , where

Proof: Consider a bit b that was added to Qri at time t. We distinguish between two cases. Case 1: The bandwidth Bir was not incremented in the time interval [t; t + DO ), and there was no RESET during this interval. In this case, during this time interval the content of Qri was not transferred to Qoi . Let Q be the maximum size of Qri during this time Q =DO in the entire interval. interval. We have also that Bir This implies that b is delivered within this time interval. [t; t + DO ) either the bandwidth0 Bir was Case 2: At time t0 incremented or there was a RESET. In this case, at time t the content of Qri was moved to Qoi . The algorithm guarantees that the total overflow bandwidth in the interval [t0 ; t0 + DO ) is at least the original size of Qoi plus the original size of Qri divided by DO . Therefore, the bit b is delivered by time t0 + DO t + 2DO , and the lemma follows. 2 The total bandwidth used is simply the sum of the bandwidth of the regular channel and the overflow channel. The fact that the

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Lemma 16 At any time t,

RESET: for i = 1 to k do

j jr

bandwidth of the regular channel is at most 2BO follows from the definition of the algorithm. The following lemma bounds the bandwidth of the overflow channel.

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In this section we combine the single and multi-session scenarios discussed in the previous two sections. We consider a system with k > 1 sessions who are sharing the same channel. However, the total bandwidth used by these sessions is not fixed and has to satisfy a utilization constraint. The utilization is measured as combined utilization of all sessions, namely we compare the total allocated bandwidth and the total number of bits sent, rather than doing it for each session separately. We measure the performance of our online algorithm against an offline algorithm that delivers the streams of incoming bits for each of the k sessions using bandwidth BO with latency at most DO , and utilization at least UO . (From now on in this section, whenever we refer to offline algorithms we refer only to offline algorithms with the above characteristics.) We describe an online algorithm that delivers the streams of incoming bits for each of the k sessions using BA = 7BO bandwidth (or BA = 8BO if the continuous multi-session algorithm is used), with latency at most DA = 2DO , and utilization at least UA = UO =3. The goal is to minimize the number of bandwidth changes done by the algorithm. There are two types of bandwidth changes: changes of the total bandwidth allocation (global changes), and changes of bandwidth allocation to specific sessions (local changes). We compare the performance of our algorithm (i.e., number of local and global bandwidth allocation changes) to the performance of an offline algorithm with the characteristics stated above. By combining our algorithms for the single session and the multi-session, we achieve an online algorithm that changes the total bandwidth at most log (BA ) times the number of global changes made by any offline algorithm, and changes the bandwidth of the sessions O (k log (BA )) times the number of local changes made

by any offline algorithm. Again, we assume that BA is a power of two and let `A = log 2 BA . We now present an informal description of the algorithm. The algorithm works in global stages, where each stage is preceded by a GLOBAL RESET operation. Below, we show that in each global stage any offline algorithm must have made at least one global bandwidth allocation change while the online algorithm does at most `A changes. Each global stage is divided into local stages. In each local stage the total bandwidth is unchanged and the only changes are in the bandwidth allocation to the sessions. We prove that in each local stage any offline algorithm must have made at least one local change, while the online makes O(k`A ) such changes. Consider a global stage and let ts be its start time. The algorithm maintains two values high(t) and low(t). As in the single session case, under the assumption that the offline algorithm does not change its total bandwidth assignment from time ts to time t, the values high(t) and low(t) are upper and lower bounds on this bandwidth assignment. Note that for computing high(t) and low(t) the algorithm considers the total bandwidth allocated and the total bits arrived for all the sessions. As before, the first time te in which high(te ) < low(te ), the stage ends, and a GLOBAL RESET operation is started in which all the queues are emptied. Unlike the single user case a new global stage begins simultaneously with the GLOBAL RESET operation. Each global stage is composed of local stages. Each such stage is identical to the one described in the multi-session algorithm. The only difference is that the value BO used in the stage is the current value of Bon computed as in the single session algorithm. A local stage ends if one of the following conditions holds: (1) A GLOBAL RESET is started. (2) The value of Bon has to be changed. (3) The Pk r condition of the multi-session algorithm holds; i.e., i=1 Bi > 2BO . The GLOBAL RESET is different from the RESET operation in the single session case. When the GLOBAL RESET starts the content of the sessions’ queues are moved to a global overflow queue that is served by a global overflow channel of size 2BO . At the same time we start a new global stage using the remaining bandwidth. When these queues are processed by the global overflow channel, the channel is allocated proportionally among the sessions’ queues. We have to show that 2BO bandwidth would suffice to deliver the content of the global overflow queue with delay DO . (Note that many such GLOBAL RESET operations may occur within DO time units.) Observe that whenever the global overflow channel is fully utilized (which is always the case when it is used to empty the sessions’ queues) its queue cannot exceed 2BO DO since this would indicate that the size of the queue of the offline algorithm is more than BO DO (by Corollary 2); a contradiction. The proofs of the claims bounding the delay, utilization, and number of changes are similar to the respective proofs in the singleand multi-session cases.

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