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elements such as pol and env retroviral genes. In this paper a topology tree of exo- and primate endogenous retrovirus sequences based on whole genomes is ...

Department of Behavioural Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Inst. for Ornithology 2 Institute for Communications Engineering, Technische Universität München [email protected] ABSTRACT

The highly divergent character of retrovirus sequences makes cross family alignment based classification of whole genomes difficult and unreliable. Standard methods thus focus on alignment based classification using only specific elements such as pol and env retroviral genes. In this paper a topology tree of exo- and primate endogenous retrovirus sequences based on whole genomes is presented. In order to avoid the necessity of making an alignment, compression was used to approximate a mutual information based distance between sequences. 1. INTRODUCTION Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are remnants of ancient retroviral infections. Retroviruses in general are viruses capable of inserting their genome into the DNA of hosts. They become endogenous once they have been inserted into the germ-line. ERVs possess a similar genomic organization to present day exogenous retroviruses (XRVs) such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They are composed of gag, pol, and env coding regions placed between two long terminal repeats (LTRs). The LTRs possess nucleotide sequence motifs that are fundamental for the regulation of retroviral gene expression. The gag and env genes encode retroviral capsid and envelope proteins, respectively, whereas the pol gene encodes enzymes for viral replication, integration, and protein cleavage. About 8% of the human genome are ERVs. Although most of the proviruses (integrated copies of the virus genome) have undergone extensive deletions and mutations, some have retained the potential to produce viral products, even viruslike particles (reviewed in [1]). In the current taxonomy, retroviruses are classified into seven genera: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-, epsilon-, lenti, and spuma-retroviruses [2]. However the diverse endogenous members remain relatively poorly incorporated into the classification scheme. Typically, ERVs are being classified using alignment of short conserved protein motifs of pol or env genes [3]. Obviously, by restricting the comparison to one gene a lot of information is being neglected. Usually the ERV phylogenetic trees are constructed using also representatives from XRVs.

In this work, we attempted to classify full-size genomes of both exo- and primate-specific endoretrovirus sequences. Compression was used to approximate a mutual information based distance between sequences in order to avoid the necessity of making an alignment. Shannon’s Mutual Information quantifies the amount of information shared between stochastic processes. It is thus well suited to derive a distance measure quantifying their dissimilarity [4]. Genomic sequences can be regarded as realizations of such stochastic processes and compression can be used to approximate the distance measure from the genomic sequences. The use of compression for phylogenetic classification was first introduced in Li et al. [5]. The compression based distance does not require an alignment, it is capable of catching more subtle statistic similarities than simple sequence divergence and is largely independent of the lengths of the compared sequences [6]. 2. METHODS 2.1. Mutual Information Distance Information theory describes the relatedness of stochastic processes Si and Sj as the mutual information I(Si ; Sj ) shared by these processes I(Si ; Sj ) = H(Si ) − H(Si |Sj ) = I(Sj ; Si ),


where H is the entropy. Mutual information is an absolute measure of information common to both sources. It can be transformed to a bounded distance through normalization by the maximum entropy of both processes resulting in the following distance metric dCL (Si , Sj ) = 1 −

I(Si ; Sj ) ≤ 1. max(H(Si ), H(Sj ))


In order to achieve dCL = 0 the two sources must not only share maximum possible mutual information, but need to have identical entropies as well. This distance has also been successfully applied to the clustering of SNPs in gene mapping [7]. Using conditional entropy the distance can be reformulated to dCL (Si , Sj ) =

max(H(Si |Sj ), H(Sj |Si )) . max(H(Si ), H(Sj ))


2.2. Compression Based Entropy Approximation The compression ratio achieved by an optimal compression algorithm designed for a given stochastic process S when compressing a message s generated by this process s 7→ |comp(s)| is a good approximation of its actual entropy rate |comp(s)| H(S) ≈ , (4) |s| where |.| denotes the size in bits or symbols. The compressors used in the scope of this work are so-called universal compression algorithms. They are universal in the sense that they gradually learn the statistics of the sequence while compressing. Therefore, we can approximate the conditional entropy H(Si |Sj ) as the compression ratio achieved for message si when the compressor has been trained on the message sj . This is achieved by compressing the concatenation |comp(sj , si )| of the sequence sj and si . Thus, H(Si |Sj ) ≈

|comp(sj , si )| − |comp(sj )| , |si |


and for |comp(si )| > |comp(sj )| we obtain: dCL =

|comp(sj , si )| − |comp(sj )| . |comp(si )|


This resembles the similarity metric based on Kolmogorov complexity proposed in [8]. Suitability of different compression algorithms for the purpose of classification is discussed in detail in [4]. The prediction by partial matching (PPM) compressor [9] was used in this work due to efficient implementation and good classification performance. 2.3. Classification and Results Analysis After computing the distances between all sequences a phylogenetic classification is to be performed. The average neighbor joining method was used for this purpose. The results were visualized using MEGA4 [10]. For better comparison, the same clustering method was used to classify the test set sequences using alignment based distances computed by ClustalW [11]. The web-based tools blast2seq [12] and blat [13] were used to verify our findings. 3. DATASET A test set of amino acid (aa) sequences corresponding to the pol region of 62 exo- and endogenous retroviruses was retrieved from the paper Jern et al. [14] and used for the comparison of the methods. For the compression based phylogeny presented in Figure 1 we used the currently available full set of 54 complete exogenous retrovirus genomes (Retroviridae from the NCBI Refseq collection The sequence of the Drosophila melanogaster gypsy virus (AF033821) was used as an outgroup to root the tree. The primate-specific ERV consensus sequences (84) corresponding to internal retrovirus regions (without LTRs) were fetched from the

Repbase ( The XRV sequences vary in size from 2.6 to 14.0 kb, the ERVs from 1.8 to 11.2 kb. 4. RESULTS 4.1. Alignment vs. Compression Based Clustering In order to compare the performance of alignment and compression based distance measures for retrovirus classification, we built topology trees of aa-sequences of the pol gene described and classified by Jern et al. [14] using the ClustalW based alignment distance and the compression distance computed using the PPM compressor. Visual inspection of the resulting trees (data not shown) suggested that, in general, the sequence clustering obtained by both methods is similar with slight differences in the branch distributions within major clades. In addition, the obtained clustering was in both cases in agreement with the observations of Jern et al. However, the aa-sequence corresponding to the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) was misleadingly first classified as an outlier by PPM. Further inspection has revealed that the used sequence downloaded from Jern et al. contained in addition to the pol protein sequence a frame shifted protein snippet of about the same length. Since PPM as opposed to the ClustalW based approach used also this portion of the sequence to compute the distance, it correctly considered the sequence to be distant from all the others. In conclusion, it can be stated that the results of the alignment and the compression based classification largely agree. Moreover, the reliability of the compression based classification can be improved if nucleotide instead of aasequences are being used. This is due to the increased sequence length and also due to the reduced alphabet size giving the universal compressor a better chance to learn the statistics of shorter sequences. 4.2. Compression Based Primate ERV Classification Figure 1 depicts the whole genome based tree of both exoand primate endogenous retroviruses obtained using compression. The observed clustering of XRVs corresponds to the established taxonomy ( The only unexpected finding is the assignment of the squirrel monkey retrovirus (SMRV) to the delta genera viruses. The SMRV is believed to be closely related to the beta like mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). In order to investigate this disagreement we have increased the classification weight of MMTV by incorporating additional MMTV-like sequences. As a consequence SMRV was assigned to the MMTV-like family. This suggests that there is a close relation between SMRV and both retrovirus genera delta and beta. In addition, it indicates that care needs to be taken when interpreting classification results of cross-family related sequences. The salmon swim bladder sarcoma virus (SSSV) is annotated in Refseq as unclassified. First described by Paul et al. [15] it represents the only fish-specific XRV in our dataset. The author’s findings based on the reverse transcriptase suggest to place SSSV between the gamma

Figure 1. Topology tree of ERVs and XRVs based on compression similarity. Names of the leaves correspond to standard exogenous and endogenous retrovirus abbreviations according to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) and the Repbase nomenclatures, respectively (dashes and underscores were omitted). XRV names are large in size. Presumably distinct ERV clades are denoted by a “?”. The tree is rooted using the gypsy retroelement (indicated on the top of the tree). Different symbols were used for sequences related to different clades: △ - alpha-like,  - delta-like, • - gamma-like, ◦ - beta-like, N - lenti,  - spuma,  - epsilon, ⋄ - unclassified. and epsilon genera but in a distinct branch, what is consistent with our results. Based on the obtained XRV clustering, the assignment of ERVs found on the corresponding subtrees of the XRV genera was attempted. It could be observed that only the XRVs from the beta and gamma genera have closely related primate ERV counterparts. The remaining primate ERVs seem to cluster in distinct genera with distant relationship to the alpha, delta and beta XRV clades (they are depicted by a “?”). The epsilon, spuma and lenti family do not seem to have any primate ERV relatives. The clustering of ERVs into clades distant from the established XRV

genera was also suggested by Han et al. [16]. According to Baillie et al. [17] the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) exists only in exogenous form. However, the topology tree shows the primate-specific endogenous consensus MacERV4int at close proximity to MPMV. An alignment of both sequences revealed that they are highly homologous (76% identity). A blat scan of the Macaca mulatta genome (rheMac2) for the MacERV4int consensus returned dozens of highly similar hits. All this implies that MacERV4int consensus represents a group of endogenous retroviruses in the macaque genome that is closely related to the exogenous MPMV form, also con-

firmed by findings of Han et al. [16]. 5. DISCUSSION Since the alignment based classification is limited to alignable parts and the alignment of highly heterogenous retrovirus genomes is unreliable the scope of this work was to test whether compression based classification can be applied to the relatively short but complete retrovirus genomes. After verifying the suitability of the approach on exogenous retroviruses, classification of recently published primate endogenous retrovirus sequences was attempted. The resulting tree indicates that most primate exogenous retroviruses represent own genera and that only the beta and gamma exogenous retrovirus genera have close primate endogenous relatives. Most endogenous viruses seem to cluster in distinct separate clades and are likely remnants from infections by ancient extinct retroviruses.

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6. CONCLUSION Using compression based approximation of a mutual information based distance we were able to classify sequences of complete exogenous retrovirus genomes with good agreement to published data. Moreover, using this method we proposed a classification (topology tree) for a collection of primate-specific ERVs. The biological meaning of our observations needs to be further investigated and the robustness of the compression based approach remains to be thoroughly tested. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the DFG research grant MU 1479/1-2. 8. REFERENCES [1] N. Bannert and R. Kurth, “The Evolutionary Dynamics of Human Endogenous Retroviral Families,” Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet, vol. 7, pp. 149– 173, 2006. [2] M. Van Regenmortel et al., Virus Taxonomy: Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses: Seventh Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, Academic Press, 2000. [3] L. Benit, P. Dessen, and T. Heidmann, “Identification, Phylogeny, and Evolution of Retroviral Elements Based on Their Envelope Genes,” Journal of Virology, vol. 75, no. 23, pp. 11709, 2001. [4] Z. Dawy, J. Hagenauer, P. Hanus, and J. C. Mueller, “Mutual information based distance measures for classification and content recognition with applications to genetics,” in Proc. of the ICC 2005, 2005. [5] M. Li, J. H. Badger, X. Chen, S. Kwong, P. Kearney, and H. Zhang, “An information-based sequence distance and its application to whole mitochondrial genome phylogeny ,” Bioinformatics, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 149–154, 2001.

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