CPIC Meeting - 2013 11 11 Minutes - Halton Catholic District School ...

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Nov 11, 2013 ... APPROVED. Minutes of Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Meeting (CPIC). Monday, November 11, 2013. 7:00 p.m. On Line Meeting.


Minutes of Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Meeting (CPIC) Monday, November 11, 2013 7:00 p.m. On Line Meeting C. E. C., 802 Drury Lane, Burlington In Attendance:

B. Belanger; K. Bloomfield; A. Gonzalez; L. Hartman; L. Koster; R. Luisetto; E. MacDonald; J. Nigro; E. Viana; K. Williams


Fr. R. Hétu


J. Duijvestein


J. Neuman

1. Opening prayer: The meeting opened at 7:10 p.m. with a prayer led by E. MacDonald 2. Approvals & Revisions i. Agenda Moved by: Seconded by:

A. Gonzalez B. Belanger

RESOLVED, that, the agenda be approved, as read. CARRIED ii.

Minutes It was noted that E. MacDonald was not in attendance at the October 7, 2013 meeting. Minutes were approved as amended.

3. Board Update: P. Dawson was unable to attend the meeting - J. Nigro brought Board Updates.

J. Nigro

J. Nigro congratulated CPIC for attendance and presentation at the Council of Chairs meeting on October 23, 2013. It was noted that community consultations will be held on November 13, 14, 18 & 20, 2013 and that the Trustees will be using same format as at the Council of Chairs meeting. Regarding the Thomas Groome event - a Synermail is going out on November 12, 2013 as a reminder/invitation for parents to register for the session. CPIC members were asked to “pump up” in own parent communities. It was noted that 2014 is Year of Family CPIC members were asked to keep this information in mind when advertising any events Ed Viana noted that the Trustees are happy with the overall work that has been done by school council chairs. Discussion followed regarding the HPV decision at the November 5, 2013 Board meeting. 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS  COUNCIL OF CHAIRS OCTOBER 23 J. Duijvestein J. Duijvestein thanked everyone for their participation at the meeting and noted the Principals have contacted him to connect with speaker for their schools. A discussion will follow at a later date regarding the format of future meetings. J. Nigro commented on the 7 Questions, and indicated that the results will be forwarded to the ministry.


Monday, October 10, 2013 Page 2 of 4

 WEBINAR NOV 4 L. Koster L. Koster presented a PowerPoint presentation which included the Parent Speaker series as well as the budget available from the PRO Grant. Discussion followed regarding the suggestion of other topics; how to publicize for more parent involvement; social media safety, etc. J. Duijvestein asked CPIC members to assist with webinars so that more people are trained and able to run if there are technical problems. Discussion arose regarding Chris Stefanick - it was noted that the Youth Rally is not held any more. J. Nigro to discuss with L. Naar and return to CPIC with information. CPIC members were asked to submit webinar ideas to J. Duijvestein, L. Hartman or L. Koster.  YEAR OF THE FAMILY Mentioned above in Board updates

J. Nigro

5. NEW BUSINESS CPIC Members  FUNDRAISING FOR FAITH INITIATIVES E. MacDonald A question was raised regarding CPIC organizing a fundraising project. J. Duijvestein indicated he would investigate. J. Nigro noted that fundraising is not a function of CPIC, but that its function is to provide advice on parent engagement matters. E. MacDonald inquired about making lending library(ies) available in schools for parents. J. Nigro noted that PRO grant application at schools allow for lending libraries. He also indicated that approximately 30 schools applied this year and were successful. E. Viana commented on the question regarding fundraising and noted that in keeping with transparency with Ministry it makes it difficult if CPIC is involved in fundraising. J. Nigro encouraged CPIC members to help parents through the PRO grant application process for their schools. E. MacDonald suggested that it would be a good idea to begin to plan ahead for next year’s applications and that CPIC make suggestion to school councils of lending library items and a list of resources. It was suggested to create a webinar that school councils could reference when applying for PRO Grants.  PEOPLE FOR EDUCATION CONFERENCE R. Stagg R. Stagg reported on the People for Education Conference she attended; when the PowerPoint presentation is available she will forward to CPIC. She noted that HCDSB was well represented.  INFO NIGHT FOR PROSPECTIVE CPIC MEMBERS J. Duijvestein As an introduction to this item J. Duijvestein shared a brief account of the CPIC committee and how it came to this format. It was noted that one of the CPIC members has resigned from the committee which prompted this discussion. It was suggested to change by-laws for election process to include that parents interested in joining CPIC must first attend a CPIC meeting in the April of the year of the election, before their name can be put on ballot. It was also suggested to have an orientation session after newly elected. Discussion followed. J. Nigro pointed out that CPIC needed to ensure that the suggestions discussed would not create barriers for people who wish to let their name stand, and technically could be challenged and difficult to defend. J. Nigro cautioned the committee to suggest “highly recommended” to attend an orientation, rather than a requirement. It was suggested that this be an item at the February Council of Chairs meeting with an invitation to attend the March or April CPIC meeting. J. Nigro asked for a draft of the suggested by-laws/language changes for review and to be assessed legally. 6. OAPCE DIRECTORS REPORT J. Crawford was not available to report.



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7. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (IF NECESSARY)  ICE SYMPOSIUM (INSTITUTE CATHOLIC EDUCATION)  FOCUS ON FAITH  HOME SCHOOL PARISH PARTNERSHIP DAY E. MacDonald It was noted that there will not be a HSPP day – the committee is working towards something else. E. MacDonald will report more in January.  CALENDAR COMMITTEE  BOARD IMPROVEMENT PLAN  EQUITY AND INCLUSION  FACE (FRIENDS AND ADVOCATES OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION)  SOCIAL JUSTICE  WALK WITH JESUS  YOUTH RALLY  HEALTHY SCHOOLS HEALTH COMMUNITIES  INTERNET SAFETY 8. CPIC SUBCOMMITTEES CPIC Members  FINANCE L. KOSTER L. Koster shared budget updates It was noted that the Parent Institute Materials need to be posted on the CPIC webpage. J. Neuman to follow-up with L. Koster and J. Duijvestein. It was noted that the accrual can only be used for conference expenses. Moved by: Seconded by:

B. Belanger E. MacDonald

RESOLVED, that, the CPIC meeting continues past 9:00 p.m. CARRIED L. Koster noted that after pre-approved expenses there will be approximately $8000.00 left to spend through year.  COMMUNICATIONS L. HARTMAN  GTA PIC MEETING / MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PIC CONFERENCE L. KOSTER/J. DUIJVESTEIN  CATHOLICISM FAITH FORMATION PILOT PROJECT E. MACDONALD E. MacDonald noted that a book is available from Lighthouse – (Rome Sweet Home) that she would like to purchase on behalf of CPIC as a promotion to parishes, and parent councils. The books cost $1.00/book. She suggested that CPIC gift each school one book as part of an incentive to create a parent lending library. She requested a purchase of $100.00 in order to purchase one book per school and 1 copy per CPIC member. Moved by: Seconded by:

R. Stagg B. Belanger

RESOLVED, that, E. MacDonald purchases the aforementioned books for each school and one per CPIC Member. CARRIED

9. OTHER BUSINESS A social event was suggested – J. Duijvestein will send out a “doodle request” - CPIC members were asked to respond. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Next meeting at board office – December 9, 2013



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11. CLOSING PRAYER E. MacDonald led the closing prayer



J. DUIJVESTEIN Moved by: Seconded by:

RESOLVED, that, the meeting be adjourned at 9:17 p.m. CARRIED

L. Koster R. Stagg