Creation of Conditions for Professional Retraining ... -

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Due to the increasing average age of skilled professionals in the field of construction and municipal facilities as well as increasing the number of migrants who ...
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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 117 (2015) 80 – 84

International Scientific Conference Urban Civil Engineering and Municipal Facilities, SPbUCEMF-2015

Creation of Conditions for Professional Retraining and Professional Development of Employees of the City Construction Organizations in Kursk Assembly Technical School Svetlana Belovaa, Natalya Travkinaa, Mikhail Podchalimova, Valeria Kretovab, * a

Kursk Institute of Education Development, Russian Federation, 305040, Kursk, Sadovaya st. 31. b Southwest State University, Russian Federation, 305029, Kursk, 50 let Oktyabrya st. 94.

Abstract Due to the increasing average age of skilled professionals in the field of construction and municipal facilities as well as increasing the number of migrants who often do not possess the necessary skills to carry out construction work and research, there is an urgent need to an influx of skilled workers with different levels of education and training. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the skills of teachers and trainers, to help them in their acquisition of professional experience in work with the modern technological equipment, contribute to the development of innovative technologies applied to the leading construction companies in the region; and train the concept of "double teacher", who can solve several problems. Solving this problem allows Technical College will contribute effective organization of production practices, will increase interest in the building trade, the formation of the graduates of the college corporate spirit and the emergence of confidence in their own employability. © 2015 2015The The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. © Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPbUCEMF-2015. Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPbUCEMF-2015

Keywords: Professional development, additional professional programs, choice of profession, city infrastructure, long-life learning, municipal facilities.

1. Introduction According to the Strategy of development of the Kursk region the sustainable development of economy is

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-903-876-09-93; fax: +7(4712)50-48-00 E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

( Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPbUCEMF-2015


Svetlana Belova et al. / Procedia Engineering 117 (2015) 80 – 84

connected with construction of production and housing infrastructure facilities in the region. For the period up to 2020 it is planned to put into operation the large-scale industrial facilities connected with construction of station of replacement – Kursk nuclear power plant. It is also planned to construct large objects of city housing: the village Severnyi and microdistricts A.F. Deriglazov and Rodniki; to build the central part of Kursk; to develop housing infrastructure of the small cities, in particular Kurchatov, Zheleznogorsk, etc. In new social and economic conditions the format of an additional professional education of citizens alternates with the periods of independent work in formal and informal sectors of the Russian economy [6]. The choice of profession stops being single and static, made at a certain stage of professional formation it turns into continuous process. Therefore pedagogical support of professional self-determination of person has to be carried out at all stages of his life [3]. As practice shows development of city infrastructure is carried out by various construction organizations and private investors whose age close to retirement. In addition, the inflow of migrants working in the construction industry who often have no sufficient skill level increases. Due to the above, there is a need for inflow of skilled workers with different education level and vocational training. The large enterprises such as LLC “Stroymontazhservis -5”, LLC “The Efficiency Kursk Plant of A.F. Deriglazov”, LLC “Vektor”, LLC ”Svoy dom” and others which for a long time proved in labor market declared themselves as "basic" leading enterprises in the region of educational institution on training of workers and experts of the construction industry for Kursk Assembly Technical School. In the agreement between technical school and the enterprises of the construction industry it is written about formation of network mechanisms of cooperation within a vocational education, professional development and professional retraining of workers. It is also planned to work with joint vocational guidance of young people and organization of practice for them. It should be noted that in modern conditions sociologists assign an extremely important part to adult education that is providing the person with a complex of knowledge and abilities necessary for the active, bringing satisfaction professional activity [9]. Each citizen is a potential student and potential founder of workplaces. Taking a certain professional position a person must continuously improve his or her skills, master new and unexpected professional areas, switch from one profession to another [12]. In this regard, the technical school formed the register of teachers, ensuring the implementation of additional professional programs, with the involvement of a number of experienced mentors from the real economy. For teachers and trainers in Kursk Institute of Education Development a course preparation according to the additional professional program "Features of Adult Education" (May-June, 2014) was organized. During the training the modern approaches and pedagogical technologies of adult education promoting achievement of the coordinated progress of the personality and society were considered [1]. Nowadays technical school together with the social partners on the basis of nominal educational certificates work out mechanisms of stimulation of a vocational education of special target groups – citizens which include redundant military, employees of small and medium-sized enterprises, low-income groups, socially unprotected groups and pensioners. As the base abilities of the post-industrial era identified a range of abilities giving the chance on the one hand to learn and relearn and on the other hand to educate ourselves [9]. In modern conditions the professional educational organizations have to solve the wide range of problems of innovative activity connected with the analysis of requirements of labor market and the enterprises-customers of qualified personnel; development of educational services, including opening of new professions and specialties. In order to provide high quality education in accordance with current and future needs of the individual, the employer and the society in technical school created a Multifunctional Centre for Applied Qualifications (hereinafter MFCAQ) which is aimed at ensuring the conformity of the qualifications of graduates with the requirements of the region's economy. The set of address, short, effective programs for satisfaction of needs for a vocational education of various categories of citizens regardless of their age, a state of health, a social status, earlier education and the place of residence is created. It should be noted that for the last three years in technical school there is a positive dynamics of development of various categories of citizens of short programs of a vocational education. It is reflected in the following diagram (Fig. 1).



Svetlana Belova et al. / Procedia Engineering 117 (2015) 80 – 84

Fig. 1. Number of graduates according to additional professional programs during 2012-2014 (people).

The most demanded occupations are the Plasterer (300 academic hours); the Mason (300 academic hours); the Painter (300 academic hours); the Construction joiner (300 academic hours); the Carpenter (300 academic hours); the Mechanic on operation and repair of the gas equipment (127 academic hours); the Mechanic on repair of thermal networks (158 academic hours); the Electric and gas welder (200 academic hours), etc. For successful implementation of programs of a vocational education in technical school certain organizational and pedagogical conditions are created: 1. There are days of professional consultation for various categories of citizens regardless of their age, health status, social status, previous education and place of residence. As a result of initial communication individual professional difficulties of citizens come to light, strategies of working on them are determined, individual ways to achieve "acme" in the profession are built. 2. Teachers of technical school hold master classes of craft orientation at schools, institutions of additional professional education that not only tell about a profession, its opportunities, but also allow listeners to touch craft, to be fond of useful business. Efficiency of vocational guidance increases when students of technical school participate in master classes. 3. The center of assistance to employment of graduates which activity provides interaction of technical school, families and the employer in vocational guidance and consultation of graduates is created. Mechanisms to stimulate the motivation of graduates of technical school to continue working in their chosen specialty (profession) or to develop new professions (occupations) of building profile are created. At the stage of training and operational practices students are assigned to a production brigade and plot, where they will be employed after graduation. 4. Evaluation of educational potential of teaching staff that is included in actions for vocational guidance and professional consultation of citizens is carried out. For the purpose of expansion of access to professional education and training of persons with special needs the teachers of technical school developed manuals and methodical recommendations for the profession 14621 Fitter of sanitary-engineering systems and equipment; 17530 Worker of green construction for introduction of remote educational technologies with application of electronic training. The positive experience of working on professional support and career development of graduates Kursk Assembly Technical School (based on the mechanisms of interagency cooperation) was presented at a regional problem seminar "Scientific and methodological support of the network of social partnership in vocational guidance of youth (school-College-University-employer) conducted by Kursk Institute of Education Development in the framework of research activity experimental platform of Russian Academy of Education on a problem "Scientific and methodical bases of social partnership in vocational guidance of the studying youth" [10]. At the same time, work on development of educational and methodical and material-technical base for preparation of qualified personnel for city and housing is continued. On the basis of technical school the Resource Center of Building Profile which provided modernized educational resources intended for the development of

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modern production technologies is organized. The sawing machine K5000 S FELDER, the stone cutting machine RKH35F, the vertical milling machine MX 506 8, the milling machine, CNC VG 1325, the woodworking machine CL1201, the planing machine SF 4, band sawing machine 4400 N, the exercise machine for virtual simulation of painting, etc. were purchased. The Kursk Assembly Technical School submitted the application to committee on professional education of National Association of Builders (further NOSTROY) for accreditation of technical school as the basic resource center for training of skilled workers of the construction industry. The corresponding positive recommendation from Kursk Organization of Builders was submitted to the vice-president of NOSTROY to A.V. Ishin. At the meeting of Council of Committee on professional education of NOSTROY in September, 2014 Kursk Assembly Technical School was defined the basic resource center for training of skilled workers of the construction industry. At the same time, work on improvement of teachers and training officers of practical skills, acquisition of experience of professional activity by them on modern technological equipment, development of the innovative technologies applied at the leading construction enterprises of the region is carried out; the concept of "the double teacher" who will be able to execute functions of the teacher of special disciplines and the training officer [8] is developed. The contract with the certification center of National agency of quality of welding on recognition of qualification of teachers of Kursk Assembly Technical School was signed. In June, 2014 Stepykin I.P. has successfully finished WUDLQLQJ SDVVHG TXDOLILFDWLRQ WHVW DQG UHFHLYHG WKH TXDOLILFDWLRQ FHUWLILFDWH WKH FHUWLILFDWH ʋ$&-CAC-108 from 14.07.2014). Another 4 teachers are continuing their education. 2. Summary The developed mechanism of network interaction of technical school with social partners promotes the effective organization of work practice, increase of interest in a construction profession, formation of technical school graduates corporate spirit, emergence of confidence in own demand in labor market [11]. Thus the conditions created in technical school provide a continuity of system of preparation of qualified personnel for the enterprises of the construction industry, provide the ability to obtain the necessary competencies and qualifications during the entire period of employment. References >@%HORYD6&RQWUROWHFKQRORJ\SURILOL]DWLRQHGXFDWLRQDOVSDFH  +HDG7HDFKHUʋSS-123. [2] Belova, S. Internal system of evaluating the quality of the educational process. Directory deputy director of school.  -XQHʋSS34. >@=YRQQLNRY95DLFKHQNR$:KDW\RXQHHGWRHPSOR\HU"  +LJKHUHGXFDWLRQWRGD\ʋS [4] Leont’ev, D. Test life orientations (SMO). (2006) Moscow. Meaning. [5] Liferov, A. Professional School: convergence of tradLWLRQDODQGFRUSRUDWHV\VWHPV  9RFDWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQ&DSLWDOʋS >@1LNLWLQ0,&$70RGHORISURIHVVLRQDOVXFFHVV  9RFDWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQ&DSLWDOʋ-p.7 [7] Smirnov, I., Tkachenko, E. The new principle of education: focus on the interests of young people. (2005) Moscow. IE LEU ISOM. p. 191. >@6PLUQRY,6FLHQWLILFVXSSRUWRIWKHZRUNIRUFH  9RFDWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQ&DSLWDOʋSS-13 [9] Travkina N. Development program of continuing professional education in the region: challenges and experience. (2008) Vocational HGXFDWLRQ&DSLWDO6FLHQWLILFUHVHDUFKLQHGXFDWLRQʋSS-53 [10] Travkina N. Formation of improvement of pedagogical skills of personnel in professional educational organizations. Collected papers of the International scientific and practical conference "Problems of Education and Science: Theoretical and methodological aspects" (2014) Publishing House Ltd. Tambov. Consulting company "ICOM". [11] Feofanova, O. Professional development of teachers and leaderVQHZPRGHO  9RFDWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQ&DSLWDOʋSS-41. >@&KLVW\DNRYD69RFDWLRQDOJXLGDQFHRQFDUHHUV  9RFDWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQ&DSLWDOʋ-pp.23-25. [13] Gamayunova, O., Vatin, N. Education in the field of construction of unique, high-rise and long-span buildings and constructions (2015) Advanced Materials Research, 1065-1069, pp. 2459-2462. [14] Gamayunova, O., Vatin, N., Rechinskiy, A., Razinkina E. Distance learning system Moodle for training of specialists in the field of civil engineering (2015) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 725-726, pp. 1611-1616. [15] Gamayunova, O., Vatin, N. Results of the admission campaign: which is the future specialist in the field of civil engineering? (2015) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 725-726, pp. 1640-1645. [16] Vatin, N., Gamayunova, O., Petrosova, D. Relevance of education in construction safety area (2014) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 635637, pp. 2085-2089.



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