Curriculum Vitae

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2013 Visiting assistant professor at Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul. 2013 Visiting .... “Merleau-Ponty, Patočka ve fenomenolojik bir felsefe üzerine”, Doğu-Batı, vol .... -“Book session Rudolf Bernet's Force-Pulsion-Desir”, Law and Trauma.
Curriculum Vitae Emre Şan

Born: Denizli, Turkey (10 July 1982) Nationality: Turkish and French E-mail: [email protected] İstanbul 29 Mayis University İcadiye-Bağlarbaşı Caddesi, No: 40 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul/Turkey ACADEMIC HISTORY 2018 Full-time associate professor at Istanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Full-time assistant professor at Istanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Visiting assistant professor at Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul 2013 Visiting assistant professor at Galatasaray University in Istanbul 2012 Postdoctoral Researcher, Archives Husserl de Paris (CNRS-UMR 8547), Advisor: Prof. Jocelyn Benoist 2011 Ph. D., Philosophy, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France Thesis title: La transcendance comme problème phénoménologique: Lecture de Merleau-Ponty et Patočka (Transcendence as a Phenomenological Problem: Readings of Merleau-Ponty and Patočka) Supervisor: Prof. Renaud Barbaras Jury : Prof. Dr. Renaud Barbaras (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne), Prof. Dr. Jocelyn Benoist (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne), Prof. Dr. Pierre Rodrigo (University of Bourgogne), Prof. Dr. Karel Novotny (Charles University, Prague) Defended: June 11, 2011. Final Mark : mention très honorable avec félicitations du jury (summa cum laude)

2007 M. A., Philosophy, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France Thesis Title : La transcendence non positive chez Merleau-Ponty (Transcendence non positive: Readings of Merleau-Ponty) Supervisor: Prof. Renaud Barbaras Jury : Prof. Dr. Renaud Barbaras (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne), Prof. Dr. Jocelyn Benoist (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne) 1

2006 B. A., Philosophy, Galatasaray University, Turkey AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Contemporary French Philosophy Metaphysics Ontology AREAS OF COMPETENCE Aesthetics and Art Theory Political Phenomenology Epistemology AWARDS Prix Mercier 2015 Institut Supérieur de Philosophie Université Catholique de Louvain The Prix Mercier, a prize of € 2,500 to be awarded biennially since 1975 by the Foundation Cardinal Mercier of the Catholic University of Louvain, honors a publication of exceptional merit on metaphysics, first philosophy or ontology and their relevance to the contemporary world PUBLICATIONS BOOKS: -La transcendance comme problème phénoménologique: Lecture de Merleau-Ponty et Patočka, Préface de Renaud Barbaras, Paris, éds. Mimesis, collection « L'œil et l'esprit », 2012, 320 pages. Review : by Frédéric Jacquet, Chiasmi International, Paris-MilanMemphis, Vrin-Mimesis-University of Memphis, vol 15/2014.

-Merleau-Ponty, Say Editions, İstanbul, 2015, 488 pages. Review: by Yaşar Öztürk, Varlık, vol 11/2015.



- “De quelle manière la ψυχή est-elle tout ce qui est ?” in Jan Patočka lecteur d’Aristote: phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie, Paris, Editions du Cercle Herméneutique, 2015.

-“Estetik Dünyanın Logos’u” in Dünyanın Teni, İstanbul, Metis, 2017.


-“Phenomenological crossings: Givenness and Event” in The Subject(s) of Phenomenology: Rereading Husserl, ed. By Iulian Apostolescu, Philippe Haensler and Vedran Grahovac, New York, Springer, Contributions to Phenomenology, forthcoming (2018).


-“The Phenomenological Significance of Vulnerability and its Impact on Social Movements”, in Towards a Phenomenology of Social Change, ed. Petr Kouba, New York, Springer, Studies in Philosophy of Sociality, forthcoming.


EDITORIAL WORK: -Cogito Merleau-Ponty Özel Sayısı, yayına hazırlayan Emre Şan, vol 88/2017. Cogito Special Issue on Merleau-Ponty, edited by Emre Şan, vol 88/2017.

-Çağdaş Fransız Felsefesi ve Fenomenoloji Hareketi (Contemporary French Philosophy and The Movement of Phenomenology), edited, translated and prefaced by Emre Şan, Pinhan Editions, Istanbul, 2017.

-Ben ve Ten. Ego Analize Giriş (The ego and the Flesh: An introduction to Egoanalysis), Jacob Rogozinski, translated by Melis Aktaş, edited by Emre Şan, Pinhan Editions, Istanbul, 2018


-Husserl Fenomenolojisi (Husserl’s Phenomenology), Dan Zahavi, translated by Seçim Bayazit, edited by Emre Şan, Öteki Editions, İstanbul 2018

JOURNAL ARTICLES IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH: -“Penser aujourd’hui avec Patočka: la vulnérabilité collective et la solidarité politique” Implications Philosophique (under review). -“Intentionality and Givenness in French Phenomenology: M. Henry and M. Merleau-Ponty”, Kaygı, vol 29/2017 (The Philosopher’s Index). -“La transformation de l’idée de phénomène: de la donation à la promesse”, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, vol 114 issue 2/2016 (AHCI Index). 4

-“La neutralité de l’apparition: essai sur la thématisation phénoménologique du neutre”, Implications philosophiques, 2015 (online peer-reviewed journal of philosophy). -“Phénoménologie et ontologie du mouvement”, Lapsus, Publications de l’Université de Galatasaray, forthcoming. -“Recherches sur les limites de l’intentionnalité”, Chiasmi International, ParisMilan-Memphis, Vrin-Mimesis-University of Memphis, vol 15/2014 (The Philosopher’s Index, Philosophy Research Index) - “Corporéité et existence : Patočka, Merleau-Ponty, Maine de Biran”, Studia Phaenomenologica, vol 12/2012 (AHCI Index). - “La totalité comme promesse”, Philonsorbonne, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011 (online peer-reviewed journal of philosophy). - “L’âme comme intentionnalité”, Revista della Fondazione Centre Studi Campostrini, Vol 2, Anno 2012 Interrogazione sula fenomenologia di Jan Patocka (online peer-reviewed journal of philosophy). -“La transcendance perceptive et la donation par esquisses”, Implications philosophiques, 2012 (online peer-reviewed journal of philosophy). JOURNAL ARTICLES IN TURKISH: -“Algıya Göre Düşünmek”, Special Issue on Merleau-Ponty, edited by Emre Şan, Cogito YKY Publishing, vol 88/2017. -“Patočka ve Sarsılmışların Dayanışması”, Cogito YKY Publishing, vol 87/2017. -“Fenomenolojik Bir Sorun Olarak Kriz: Husserl ve Heidegger”, Felsefi Düşün-8, 2017 (The Philosopher’s Index, EBSCO). -“Sanat Yapıtının Fenomenolojisi”, MSGÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2017 (peerreviewed journal of philosophy). -“Demokrasi ve Kriz Deneyimi”, Ethos Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Issue 8 (2) July 2015 (The Philosopher’s Index, EBSCO). -“Hayvanlığın Fenomenolojisi: Doğal Dünyanın Logos’u”, Cogito, YKY Publishing, vol 79/2015.


- “Merleau-Ponty, Patočka ve fenomenolojik bir felsefe üzerine”, Doğu-Batı, vol 66/2013 (peer-reviewed journal of philosophy).

REVIEWS : -Invited review of Phénoménologie du mouvement: Patočka et l’héritage de la physique aristotélicienne, by Dragos Duicu, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, vol 113 issue 4/2015 (AHCI Index). -Invited review of Eternité et Historicité, by Jan Patočka, Les Études Philosophiques, Paris, PUF, 2011 (AHCI Index). -Invited review of Corps et Virtuel, itinéraires à partir de Merleau-Ponty, by Maercello Vitali Rosati, Implications philosophiques, 2010. -Invited review of Phénoménologie de la perception, by Merleau-Ponty, Cogito Special Issue on Merleau-Ponty, edited by Emre Şan, YKY Publishing, vol 88/2017.

TRANSLATIONS: a) Books -Pascal Dupond, Le vocabulaire de Merleau-Ponty (Merleau-Ponty sözlüğü), from French to Turkish, Istanbul, Say Publishing, 2012. b) Articles -Jean-Luc Nancy, “Toute chose se trouve” (“Her şey bulunur”), from French to Turkish, YKY Publishing, Cogito vol 85/2017. - Jacques Derrida, “Pour l’amour de Lacan” (“Lacan’in aşkı için”), from French to Turkish, Monokl, 2009, vol. 6-7 : 623-639. - Merleau-Ponty, “Avant-Propos, Phénoménologie de la perception” (Merleau-Ponty Algının Fenomenolojisi, Önsöz”), from French to Turkish, Merleau-Ponty, Say, 2015, 199-220. - Emmanuel Alloa, “Exorbitances. La folie de la vision chez le dernier MerleauPonty” (“Göze Batma/Aşırılık Son Merleau-Ponty’de Görüşün Deliliği”) from French to Turkish, Merleau-Ponty, Say, 2015, 406-426. - Jean-Luc Marion, “Un moment français de la phénoménologie”,


(“Fenomenolojinin Fransız Ânı”), from French to Turkish, in Çağdaş Fransız Felsefesi ve Fenomenoloji Hareketi, edited by Emre Şan, Pinhan Editions, Istanbul, 2017. - Jean-Claude Monod, “Phénoménologie allemande, phénoménologie française”(“Alman Fenomenolojisi, Fransız Fenomenolojisi”), from French to Turkish, in Çağdaş Fransız Felsefesi ve Fenomenoloji Hareketi, edited by Emre Şan, Pinhan Editions, Istanbul, 2017. - Christian Sommer, “Transformations de la Phénoménologie”(“Fenomenolojinin Dönüşümleri”), from French to Turkish, in Çağdaş Fransız Felsefesi ve Fenomenoloji Hareketi, edited by Emre Şan, Pinhan Editions, Istanbul, 2017. -Entretien avec Jean-François Courtine (Jean-François Courtine ile söyleşi), from French to Turkish, in Çağdaş Fransız Felsefesi ve Fenomenoloji Hareketi, edited by Emre Şan, Pinhan Editions, Istanbul, 2017.

c) Interviews: - L’entretien avec Renaud Barbaras (Renaud Barbaras ile Söyleşi) from French to Turkish, Baykus, 2010 vol. 6 :14-28. - L’entretien avec François David Sebbah (François David Sebbah ile Söyleşi), from French to Turkish, Monokl, 2010 volume 8-9: 757-760. WORK IN PROGRESS: - Crisis of meaning and its political consequences in Heidegger, Patočka and Arendt (Book in English) QUALIFICATIONS -2012 Qualification by CNU (National Council of French Universities) to apply as Associate Professor in Philosophy LANGUAGES English (fluent), French (fluent), German (reading level).


PRESENTATIONS -“La réhabilitation de la rationalité phénoménologique du monde : Jean-Luc Marion et Renaud Barbaras”, Penser le monde et l’habiter, Université Catholique de Louvain, 24-25-26 Octobre 2018 -“Sartre and Giacometti”, Summer School in Philosophyof Art, Nesin Mathematics Village, 16-22 July 2016. -“Merleau-Ponty and Cezanne”, Summer School in Philosophyof Art, Tiyatro Medresesi, 22-28 July 2016. -“Solidarity of the shaken and social change”. 7. İzmir Felsefe Günleri, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir 3-4 May 2018. -“Political dissidence and solidarity: thinking today with Jan Patočka”, Political Subjectivity and the End of Neoliberalism, Koç University, 4-5 May 2018. - “The Phenomenological Significance of Vulnerability and Its Impact on Social Movements”, Towards a Phenomenology of Social Change, The Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, 1-3 November 2017. -“Contemporary Debates in Phenomenology: Intentionality and Event”, Talk at Boğaziçi University, Friday, 27 October 2017. - “Negative Platonism and Phenomenology in the thought of Patočka”, Alexander Von Humboldt Conference: “On Ideas: From Plato to Husserl”, Istanbul University, 4-6 October 2017. -“Heidegger and Arendt”, Contemporary Philosophy Summer School, Nesin Mathematics Village, 17-23 July 2017. -“Thinking Vulnerability and Resistance with Patočka”, Heresy and Heritage Jan Patočka on Philosophy, Politics and the Arts, KU Leuven, 3-4 May 2017. -“L’événementialité de l’apparaître au-delà de l’alternative entre théologie et positivisme phénoménologiques”, Issues in contemporary phenomenology, 23-26 march 2017, Warsaw, Poland. -“Patočka et l’esprit de la dissidence: la solidarité des ébranlés”, Archives Husserl de Paris (UMR 8547, CNRS-ENS) organized by Elodie Boublil, 5 January 2017. -“Contemporary French Philosophy and Merleau-Ponty”, Us Atölyesi, İstanbul, 8 December 2016.


-“Merleau-Ponty”, Summer School in Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Nesin Mathematics Village, 1-7 August 2016. -“Crisis As a Phenomenological Problem: Husserl and Patočka”, Hacettepe University Symposium of Husserl, Ankara, 4 May 2016. -“The Crisis of European Humanity and Patočka”, Istanbul University, 10 March 2016. -“Merleau-Ponty and logos of the aesthetic world”, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı, İstanbul, 3 October 2015. -“Thinking According to Perception”, Batı Felsefesi Seminerleri İBB, İstanbul, 28 May 2015. -“Book session Rudolf Bernet’s Force-Pulsion-Desir”, Law and Trauma. International Symposium for Phenomenology, Perugia, Italy, 6-11 July, 2015. -“The Question of the ground of Intentionality” Phenomenological Croissings, 13th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Södertörn University Stockholm, 23-15 Avril 2015. -“Phenomenology of Animality: The Logos of Natural World”, Symposium on the Animal Question in Philosophy, Istanbul, 7-8 November 2014. -“Democracy and the experience of crisis”, Uludağ University, III. International Philosophy Congress, 23-24-25 October 2014. - “L’intentionnalité en question”, The neutral in question. International Symposium for Phenomenology Perugia, Italy, 7-12 July, 2014. -“La phénoménologie du mouvement”, Colloque sur la nature dans la phénoménologie, l’empirisme et la philosophie antique, Université de GalatasarayUniversité de Rouen, Istanbul 17-18 April 2013. -“Le concept phénoménologique du monde”, Conférence Internationale “Jan Patočka lecteur d’Aristote: phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie”, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 22-28 May 2013, Paris. -“La Totalité comme promesse: lecture de Merleau-Ponty et Patocka”, International Conference: Merleau-Ponty – Patočka : un rendez-vous manqué, Charles University, 15 - 16 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. -“La Transcendance comme problème phénoménologique”, Journées Doctorales de Philosophie de Paris 1, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2011.


-“ Le Platonisme Négatif ”, Journées d’Études de Philosophie de Galatasaray, Galatasaray University, 21-22 December 2008.

JOURNAL REFEREE Studia Phenomenologica (AHCI index), Revue Philosophique de Louvain (AHCI index), Bibliothèque Philosophique de Louvain, Springer, Meta. Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, Phainemenon : Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, Etudes phénoménologiques-Phenomenological Studies, Felsefe Tartışmaları, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, Divan: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, MSGÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Kaygı : Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi. Moment Journal : Journal of Cultural Studies, Hacettepe University, ViraVerita, Felsefi Düşün ORGANIZATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE WORK - Moderator of Akbank Art Seminer Series on Philosophy 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. - Contemporary Philosophy Summer School, Nesin Mathematics Village, 17-23 July 2017. - Member of the editorial board of Cogito YKY Publishing. -Vice-president of the Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul 29 Mayis University (20142015) -Co-director of the phenomenology research project of Philosophical Society of Turkey (2015-2017) TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 2018 Spring: PhD Course Merleau-Ponty and Ontology, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2018 Spring: MA course Problems of Contemporary Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2018 Spring: Contemporary French Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2018 Spring: Aesthetics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Fall: PhD Course Philosophy, Crisis and War, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Fall: MA course Twentieth Century Philosophy I, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Fall: Phenomenology, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Fall: Introduction to Philosophical Questions, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Spring: PhD Course Logos and Image, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Spring: MA course Phenomenology and Ethics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Spring: Problems of Contemporary Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2017 Spring: Aesthetics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2016 Fall: PhD Course Philosophy, Crisis and War, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2016 Fall: MA course Twentieth Century Philosophy I, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2016 Fall: Metaphysics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 10

2016 Fall: Introduction to Philosophical Questions, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Spring: PhD Course Ontology, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2016 Spring: MA course Current Issues in Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2016 Spring: Aesthetics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Fall: PhD Course Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Fall: MA course Twentieth Century Philosophy I, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Fall: Metaphysics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Fall: Introduction to Philosophical Questions, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Fall: Greek Philosophy I, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Spring: PhD Course: The Problem of Perception, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Spring: Aristotle’s Metaphysics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Spring: Aesthetics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2015 Spring: Greek Philosophy II, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Fall: Greek Philosophy I, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Fall: Modern Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Fall: PhD Course German Phenomenology, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Fall: Phenomenology, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Spring: 17th century philosophy, Mimar Sinan University. 2014 Spring: Aristotle’s Physics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Spring: Aesthetics: Jacques Rancière and Alain Badiou, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Spring: Greek Philosophy II, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2014 Spring: History of Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Fall: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Fall: Greek Philosophy I, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Fall: Modern Philosophy, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Fall: Continental Philosophy: Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Fall: German and French Phenomenology, Mimar Sinan University 2013 Spring: Aesthetics, İstanbul 29 Mayis University 2013 Spring: Greek Philosophy II, İstanbul 29 Mayis University. 2013 Spring: Bergson, Galatasaray University.

GRADUATE STUDENT THESES: PhD Dissertation advisor: Nur Şahankaya, cont. Merve Ertene, (co-advisor)cont. PhD Dissertation Committee Member Baver Demircan, La Forme Symbolique chez Hegel et la question du reseau symbolique, 2017 M. İkbal Bakır, L’absolu et l’être chez Hegel et Levinas, 2017 11

Can Batukan, Question de l’animal chez Heidegger et Deleuze, 2016 Zeynep Zafer Esenyel, Fenomenolojide beden problemi: Husserl, Sartre ve MerleauPonty, 2016 Adnan Esenyel, Felsefe için yeni bir başlangıç olanaklı mı? Nietzsche ve Heidegger’de felsefenin neliği üzerine bir soruşturma, 2016 MA Thesis advisor: Yekta Hatiboğlu, cont. Zeynep Gökgöz, cont. Mehmet Esendemir, cont. Funda Bayındır, cont. MA Thesis Committee Member: Hayriye Kırtay, Derrida’da Logosmerkezcilik Eleştirisi, 2018 M. Mustafa Türkmen, Felsefe Tarihinde Dokunma ve Dokunuş, 2017 Hatice Turan, Levinas’ta Fenomenoloji ve Başkalık, 2015 M. Yasin Özyalvaç, Rıza Tevfik’in sübjektivizm Anlayışı ve estetik alanine etkisi, 2017 Seçim Bayazit, Edmund Husserl’in Kartezyen Meditasyonlar isimli eserinde başka ben’in tesis edilmesi, 2017 REFERENCES Prof. Renaud Barbaras, Paris I Sorbonne University: [email protected] Prof. Leonard Lawlor, Penn State University: [email protected] Prof. Jean-Luc Marion, The University of Chicago, Académie française: [email protected] Prof. Rudolf Bernet, KU Leuven: [email protected] Prof. Philppe Van Haute, Radboud University: [email protected] Prof. Nicolas de Warren, KU Leuven and Husserl Archives: [email protected]