Curriculum!Bulletin!!!!! !!!Class!8!!!!!!!!!Trimester!1 ...

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Curriculum!Bulletin!!!!!Class!8!!!!!Trimester!1! 2014515! Subject Topic Objectives Art Our Renaissance Today Know how art is developed and defined through society
  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  





English Mrs Whelan

Texts: Leonardo’s Shadow and Face Comprehension and Analysis activities

Objectives Study and analysis of the text, themes, characters and literary techniques. Investigation and research, using the Big 6, of the historical background of the novel, focusing on Leonardo Da Vinci and his time. Individual reading.

Writing activities

Empathic and creative: letter, diary and story writing. Analysis: summaries, literary and essay writing. Persuasive skills and techniques: speeches, articles, posters and web sites. Book reports, blurbs and reviews.

Oral activities

Individual speeches and presentations.

Language activities

Focus on general skills. Critical auto / peer correction and assessment.




English Mr Oxley

Literature; Leonardo’s Shadow Writing; Critical Evaluation of the Novel.

An indepth knowledge of the text and themes, characters and literature techniques involved in the Novel. To investigate the historical background to the Novel and Leonardo Da Vinci’s work. To investigate the historical background to the Novel and Leonardo Da Vinci’s work. Poetic techniques used, and themes involved in the poem. Employing imaginative writing skills to create a dramatic short story.

Poetry. ‘Mid Term break’ by Seamus Heaney Writing; Imaginative writing; ‘Fear’. Vocabulary Individual Talk

Increasing Students working knowledge of Vocabulary using ipad apps. Based on non-fiction literature. Assessment based on creative writing text.




English Miss Butler

Literature: Leonardo’s Shadow

To investigate the historical background to the Novel, Leonardo Da Vinci, and the Renaissance To study in detail characters and plot devices used in the Novel. To continue to improve spelling, vocabulary and language skills using key passages from the book Assessment: Critical essay


Identify and use a range of poetic techniques To understand different forms of poetry and write poems in a variety of forms Assessment: Create a booklet of poems

Language Skills

Vocabulary work using iPads, Comprehension skills, Grammar and spelling activities

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  






Our Renaissance Today

Know how art is developed and defined through society Determine how contemporary art and Renaissance art are alike and different Create a personal portrait influenced by a Renaissance portrait artist Identify works of Renaissance artists that will be viewed in Florence Show process development through the workbook Homework  tasks  include  collecting  images,  watching  tutorials,  gathering   research,  sketching. Assessment: Knowledge and Understanding: This assessment is in the form of presentations usually held during exams. Reflection and Self-Evaluation: Assessed both in writing and orally. Personal Engagement: Assesses engagement, working with others, homework, materials brought to class and a positive attitude toward work and others. Application: Assesses art-making skills acquired throughout the course.





Medieval and Renaissance Music

Understand the historical context of these periods Identify music from this period To understand the roots of music To understand the evolution of instruments and music of the period To perform complex rhythms To compose drones and ostinatos






Knowledge: Students will learn how to rapidly respond to each other; * Understand the importance of acceptance in improvisation and how to avoid blocking; * Explore imaginative ways to respond to a stimulus (scenario, object, etc.); * Develop response skills in a variety of situations; and * Create short performances in groups and individually. Skills: Blocking, accepting, responding the stimuli, maintaining character, audience awareness, spontaneous improvisation, rehearsed improvisation, group work, individual work. Assessment: Small group and individual tasks in the Making; * Final group performance; and * Self- and peer-assessment (verbal and written). * Teacher assessed. Every unit is assessed on three different areas of the Creating Process – Making, Performing and Responding. Knowledge: Students will learn the idiomatic conventions by exploring different genres of theatre – naturalism, horror, situation comedy, etc.; * Develop their understanding of basic Drama skills within a given genre; * Develop scenes based around situations and character within different genres; and


  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  


* Creating scenes and perform as part of a group. Skills: Naturalism, horror, sitcom, melodrama, slapstick, comedia dell’arte, script work, devising skills, improvisation, directing, group work, individual work. Assessment: Small group and individual tasks in the Making; * Final group performance; and * Self- and peer-assessment (verbal and written). * Teacher assessed. Every unit is assessed on three different areas of the Creating Process – Making, Performing and Responding.





Food and Digestion

List the nutrients and other substances found in food. Perform food tests. Understand what a balanced diet is. Describe the digestion process. Explain how the circulatory system takes. Explain how digested food is used in the body.

Science in the Renaissance

Explore the role of pioneers like Leonardo Da Vinci in the study of Science in Europe during the Renaissance period.

Atoms and molecules

Understand that there is a huge variety of materials. Know the definition of chemical elements. Know some examples of elements and their properties. Write chemical symbols correctly. Compare metals and non-metals. Use the Periodic Table to find metals and non-metals. Explain the difference between atoms and molecules and between elements, compounds and mixtures. Name simple compounds.


Know what digested food is needed for. Know how energy is released in the body. Recognise the similarities between respiration and burning. Know how oxygen gets into the blood and how it is transported around the body. Know the structure and function of the heart. Know the differences between veins and arteries. Know how oxygen and digested food gets from the blood into the cells and how carbon dioxide and water get into the blood. Know how lungs are adapted for their job. Know the differences between inhaled and exhaled air. Know how to detect carbon dioxide and water vapour.



  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  





Earth Science Miss Cowley

Antarctica- A study into Climate Change.

Earth science lessons will aim to provide students with a broad but deep understanding of the world around them and the effects that humans are having on the planet. Students will be looking into and researching what climate change is using Antarctica as a primary example of the huge and disastrous changes finding and burning fossil fuels is having on about. Students will be looking into ways we can reduce our reliance on these and increase use of renewable energies. Students will create an online presentation using information from Robert Swan’s 2041 as well as information from other reputable organisations about Antarctica and why we should be doing everything in our power to change. Assessment will be their final project at the end of the trimester.




Maths Extended & Maths Core

Number work

Review algebraic expressions Solving equations and inequalities Angles

Powers, Square roots, terms and expressions, primes, decimals, rounding, significant figures, scientific notation. Calculating percentages, % increase and decrease, switching between forms, fractions and mixed numbers, the four rules. Simplifying expressions, removing brackets, factorising. Solving equations including negative numbers, brackets and fractions. Inequations. Vertically opposite, complementary, corresponding and alternate angles. Interior and exterior angles.




French (gr. 4)

Encore Tricolore 2 Chapitres 1,2,3,4 • En ville • On fait des projets • Au collège • En famille

Fractions and percentages

Ecrit/ savoir conjuguer certains verbes du 1er, 2ème et 3ème groupe au présent. Utilisation des prépositions avec les pays et villes. Utiliser le passé composé avec l’auxiliaire avoir. Savoir exprimer des quantités. Oral/Savoir communiquer dans les situations étudiées dans les chapitres. Ecrire des cartes postales à l’occasion du voyage scolaire. Phonétique : l’alphabet, les 3 accents, les voyelles et consonnes simples, les sons : ch, ou, on, oi, an, in, eu Evaluations : tests de fin de chapitre (4 compétences), dictées, expressions écrites (descriptions), tests de vocabulaire et bilans de grammaire.

Subject French (gr. 3)


Objectives Ecrire une carte postale/un programme d’activités ; Révision des verbes au futur proche et passé composé les pronoms « y » et « en » l’article partitif le complément d’objet direct/indirect

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  


Comparaison de l’école au Québec et en France ; Le complément d’objet au passé composé les verbes « recevoir », « suivre » et « ouvrir » Quelqu’un, quelque chose, ne...personne, ne...rien, ne...que Depuis, il y a, ça fait Devoir : exercices de grammaire, vocabulaire, écrire des textes, compréhension de texte Evaluation : test de grammaire et de vocabulaire, écrire un texte, compréhension de texte



French (gr.2) Les artistes à la cour/la Renaissance

Trimester 1 Découverte de la Renaissance en France Découverte des techniques pour analyser une peinture Découverte de certains auteurs de la Renaissance La carte d’identité du verbe Le présent Les adjectifs Evaluation Rédiger une scène historique Décrire un tableau ( projet / voyage scolaire) Tests de conjugaison et de grammaire dictées Devoirs Exercices de grammaire et de conjugaison Préparation de dictées Leçons sur la Renaissance et sur les techniques d’analyses de peinture

Au fil du temps et des saisons, la poésie

Reconnaitre un poème Revoir les caractéristique de divers poems, rimes, alexandrins... Étudier le vocabulaire poétique du 17 et 18 ème siècle Imparfait, futur homophones


Réciter une poésie Analyser un poème, construction, idées, rimes... Ecrire un poème sur “le temps qui passe...” Dictées Devoirs Apprendre le vocabulaire lié à la poésie Apprendre un poème Exercices de grammaire, conjugaison...

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  



French (gr.1)


Objectives Trimester 1

Les artistes à la cour/la Renaissance

Découverte de la Renaissance en France Découverte des techniques pour analyser une peinture Découverte des techniques pour rédiger une description Découverte de certains auteurs de la Renaissance La carte d’identité du verbe Le présent Les adjectifs


Rédiger une scène historique en y insérant une description Décrire un tableau ( projet / voyage scolaire) Tests lecture et compréhension Tests de conjugaison et de grammaire Dictées


Exercices de grammaire et de conjugaison Préparation de dictées Lecture compréhension Leçons sur la Renaissance et sur les techniques d’analyses de peinture

Molière, Le malade imaginaire

Découvrir la comédie et son univers Analyser des formes de comique : personnages et quiproquo Le participe présent, l’infinitif des verbes du troisième groupe.


Rédiger des scènes de comédie Mimer, jouer, improviser





Literatur: Detektivgeschichten


Lesen, verstehen und Analysieren verschiedener Detektivgeschichte Einen Text aufmerksam lesen und gezielt Informationen entnehmen Verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Spannung zu erzeugen Eine eigene Detektivgeschichte schreiben

Projekt: Erfindung des Buchdrucks in der Renaissance


Kennenlernen einer wichtigen deutschen Erfindung in der Renaissance Erstellen von Informationspostern zu Gutenberg und dem Buchdruck

Grammatik: Deklinationen, Präpositionen, Satzglieder


Deklination von Nomen im Nominativ, Akkusativ und Dativ Verwendung von Präpositionen mit Akkusativ und Dativ Adverbiale Bestimmungen von Zeit und Ort

Hausaufgaben: lesen, Grammatikaufgaben, Textverständnis, Texte schreiben Assessment: Grammatiktest, Textverständnis, Text schreiben

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  






La presentazione dei personaggi.

Imparare a descrivere persone e personaggi letterari. Distinguere la caratterizzazione fisica, psicologica e socio-culturale di un personaggio.

La scrittura dell’io: il diario e l’autobiografia.

Imparare a raccontare un’esperienza personale, a narrare i ricordi. Scrivere un diario (narrare un’esperienza interessante durante la gita scolastica). Scrivere di sè: sentimenti e ricordi. Descrivere persone e situazioni.

La lettera e l’e-mail. Il romanzo epistolare.

Riconoscere i diversi tipi di lettera. Scrivere per comunicare: scrivere una lettera, un’e-mail.

Storia d’Italia: la fine del Medioevo, il Rinascimento.

Conoscere gli eventi più significativi ed i personaggi più importanti del periodo tardo-medievale e del Rinascimento (l’Italia dei Comuni, le Repubbliche marinare, le Signorie). Collegamento con la gita scolastica a Firenze.

Progetto didattico collegato alla gita scolastica in Toscana.

Studio della tecnica dell’affresco. La “cava Michelangelo”.

Grammatica: pronomi diretti e indiretti, comparativi e superlativi.

Imparare ad usare correttamente i pronomi (oggetto diretto e indiretto). Confrontare le caratteristiche di persone, oggetti, luoghi ed azioni usando correttamente i comparativi ed i superlativi. Compiti: • domande di comprensione delle letture, • riassunti e temi, • esercizi di grammatica e vocabolario. Valutazione: • test grammaticali al termine di ogni unità, • domande di comprensione della lettura (scelta multipla, corrispondenze, vero/falso, sinonimi/contrari, ecc.), • quesiti strutturati (temi) per valutare il livello di acquisizione delle conoscenze, la capacità di elaborarle e la creatività.






How waves are created and the effects of waves at work. Landforms created by waves. Explore each landform and search for these in the locality. Investigation into what can be done to rectify the effects of coastal erosion.

Weather and Climate

Understanding what causes weather Factors influencing climate

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  




What was The Renaissance?

How warfare has shaped our world for better and for worse? Part 1: The Ancient World

Physical Education


Objectives Students will learn and acquire an understanding of: • The factors that led to the Renaissance • The cradle of the Renaissance – Florence • The influence and importance of Cosimo Medici of Florence • The influences of the Renaissance • The key thinkers, artists and scientists of the Renaissance • The architecture of the Renaissance • The cradle of the Renaissance – Florence • • • • • • • • • •

Why do we study war and warfare? Weapons of the Ancient World How did the Egyptian army evolve? Ancient Greece. Meet the Spartans! Joining the Roman Army. Hannibal and the Punic Wars. Who was Julius Caesar? Expansion and Decline of the Roman Empire. Qin Shi Huangdi: The First Chinese Emperor What is the Terracotta Army?



Cycle 1: football/rounders

C1: Football : NIVEAU 1 Dans un jeu collectif à effectif réduit, rechercher le gain du match par des choix pertinents d’actions de passe ou dribble supposant une maîtrise suffisante du ballon pour accéder régulièrement à la zone de marque et tirer en position favorable, face à une défense qui cherche à gêner la progression adverse. S’inscrire dans le cadre d’un projet de jeu simple lié à la progression du ballon. Respecter les partenaires, les adversaires et les décisions de l’arbitre. NIVEAU 2 Dans un jeu à effectif réduit, rechercher le gain du match en assurant les montées de balle collectives par une continuité des actions avec et sans ballon. S’inscrire dans le cadre d’un projet de jeu simple lié aux tirs en situation favorable. Observer et co-arbitrer. Rounders : Progresser, développer les compétences de Réception, le Lancement, la Course (Direction). Utiliser les connaissances pour exécuter, affiner et adapter les compétences de précision, l'exactitude, l'aisance et la clarté dans n'importe quelles situations. Comprendre les règles de jeu et reconnaître l'importance des réponses

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1  


aux situations changeantes pendant le jeu. évaluer les performances ; analyser les forces et les faiblesses en développant, adaptant et affinant des compétences, des stratégies et la tactique pour produire un haut niveau de performances et des techniques de grandes qualités.

Cycle 2: handball

NIVEAU 1 Dans un jeu à effectif réduit, rechercher le gain du match par des choix pertinents d’actions de passe ou dribble pour accéder régulièrement à la zone de marque et tirer en position favorable, face à une défense qui cherche à gêner la progression adverse. S’inscrire dans le cadre d’un projet de jeu simple lié à la progression de la balle. Respecter les partenaires, les adversaires et les décisions de l’arbitre. NIVEAU 2 Dans un jeu à effectif réduit, rechercher le gain du match en assurant des montées de balle rapides quand la situation est favorable ou en organisant une première circulation de la balle et des joueurs pour mettre un des attaquants en situation favorable de tir quand la défense est replacée. S’inscrire dans le cadre d’un projet de jeu simple lié aux tirs en situation favorable. Observer et co-arbitre





Español Mundial 1: Unit: Tourism Las estaciones. Weather Prepositions of place. Ir de/a. Immediate Future. Present continuous. Ser and estar Holidays , hotel and acommodation Going out for a meal An extensive work for advanced students

How to use regular and irregular verbs- present. How to speak and write about people's personality How to conjugate and use the present continuous How to describe a town. How to use question words How to use ser and estar, learn the differences and rules How to use vocabulary when going out for a meal



Subject Russian

  А.С.  Пушкин,   “Дубровский”     История  России  XIX  века     Повторение   пройденного  в  7  классе   Имя  прилагательное.       Глагол  

Homework: vocabulary, grammar exercises, writing, reading comprehension exercises. Assessments: quiz, vocabulary test, dictee, unit test.

Отвечать  на  вопросы  по  тексту.     Составлять    план  сочинения.     Писать  характеристику  и  сравнение  главных  героев.     Понятие  о  крепостном  праве.     Виды  контрольных  работ   -­‐Чтение  и  понимание  текста   -­‐Изложение  

  Curriculum   Bulletin                Class  8                  Trimester  1   La Renaissance


-­‐Сочинение-­‐рассуждение.     -­‐Тесты  по  грамматике   Виды  домашней  работы:   -­‐Чтение  и  понимание  текста   -­‐Упражнения  по  грамматике   -­‐Анализ  темы  сочинения,  работа  с  черновиком   -­‐Подготовка  к  котрольным  работам

Describe a painting of the Renaissance




Sport Science

Exercise, sport and the circulatory & respiratory system

To know the basic structure and function of each system. To know how each system is effected by exercise in the short term and how the systems adapt to training (long term) To know how to measure resting & working pulse rate, and recovery rate. *Application of this knowledge to training and sport will be discussed during this unit but more focus on this will occur towards the end of the school year.

Exercise, sport and muscles

To know the basic structure and function of the muscular system. To know how the system is effected by exercise in the short term and how muscles adapt to training (long term). *Application of this knowledge to training and sport will be discussed during this unit but more focus on this will occur towards the end of the school year.





School network Online Communication & E-Awareness

To understand security issues with a user login and passwords can keep information private and secure. To be able to use the functions of email to communicate. Develop key skills and ideas about personal safety when using any form of electronic communication.

File management

Create subject folders for academic subjects. Understand file extensions. To be able to search files.

Software skills: Ms Word

To be able to format and edit a document for audience and purpose.

Information reliability

Recognising that information must not be taken at face value, but must be analysed to take account of its purpose, author, and context.