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Customized Book List Medizin



Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol. 32 This series, sponsored by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, has already become a classic. In general, one volume is published per year. The Advances section presents fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent progress has been made. The Technical Standards section features detailed descriptions of standard procedures to assist young neurosurgeons in their post-graduate training. The contributions are written by experienced clinicians and are reviewed by all members of the Editorial Board. Contents Advances.- Vinchon M., Dhellemmes, P.: The Transition from child to adult in neurosurgery.- LoboAntunes, J.: Conflicts of interest in medical practice.- Robert, R., Labat, J.J., Riant, T., Khalfallah, M., Hame, O: Neurosurgical treatment of perineal neuralgias.- Technical Standards: DeJongste, M.J.L., de Vries, J., Spincemaille, G., Staal, M.J.: Spinal cord stimulation for ischaemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease.- Fournier, H-D., Mercier P., Roche, P-H.: Surgical anatomy of the petrous apex and petroclival region.- Kanpolat, Y.: Percutaneous destructive pain procedures [..] Fields of interest Neurosurgery; Neurology; Neuroradiology Target groups Clinicians, residents Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007 2007. XV, 267 p. 95 illus., 50 in colour (Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Band 32) Geb.

144,40 € ISBN 978-3-211-47416-7



Medizinische Therapie 2007 / 2008 Jetzt in dritter Auflage! Klar strukturiert: Durch die einheitliche Struktur der Kapitel zum schnellen Nachschlagen bestens geeignet. Zahlreiche Tabellen und Flussdiagramme erleichtern das Auffinden gewünschter Informationen. Praxisbezogen: Jedes Kapitel stellt praxisbezogen und klar die Therapie in ihren unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten auf der Basis kontrollierter und validierter Studien in den Vordergrund, während die Pathophysiologie und Diagnostik kurz und prägnant, aber vollständig, dargestellt werden. Modern: Enormer Wert wird auf die evidenzbasierte Medizin gelegt. Es werden nicht nur die Grundlagen der evidenzbasierten Medizin in einem eigenen Kapitel beschrieben, sondern in jedem Kapitel wird klar herausgestellt, auf welche Evidenzgrade und Empfehlungsstärken man sich stützen kann und welche Therapiemodalitäten experimentell oder empirisch anzusehen sind. Komplett: Neben den wichtigsten internistischen Krankheitsbildern werden auch andere große Fachgebiete ausführlich abgehandelt: [..] Features Aktuelle Therapie-Empfehlungen, evidenzbasiert (EBM) Einheitliche Kapitelstruktur Praxisgerechte Gliederung Schnell überschaubare Flussdiagramme Lesefreundliche Gestaltung, zweifarbiges Layout Contents Prinzipien der Therapie.- Infektionskrankheiten.- Immunologisch bedingte Krankheiten.- Tumorerkrankungen.- Erkrankungen des Blutes.Stoffwechselerkrankungen und Störungen der Ernährung.- Erkrankungen von Knochen, Muskeln und Gelenken.- Erkrankungen endokriner Drüsen.Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes.Erkrankungen von Pankreas, Leber und Gallenwegen.- Erkrankungen von Niere und Urogenitaltrakt.Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane.- Erkrankungen von Herz und Gefäßen.- Neurologische Therapie.Psychiatrische Erkrankungen.- Hauterkrankungen.Notfälle.- Intoxikationen und physiko-chemisch [..] Fields of interest General Practice / Family Medicine; Gynecology; Pediatrics; Cardiology Target groups Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner, Gynäkologen, Pädiater: jeweils Ärzte in Weiterbildung und Fachärzte Type of publication Professional book Due July 2007 2007. XLII, 1962 S. 362 Abb. Geb.

69,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48553-7

The Yearbook compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book. The chapters are written by well recognized experts in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive care and emergency medicine. Contents Biomarker.- Sepsis and Infection: Management: Severe Lung Infections.-Mechanisms of Organ Dysfunction.-Lipids.- Acute Lung Injury.-Mechanical Ventilation.- Protective Ventilation in Respiratory Failure.-Cardiovascular Topics.-Hemodynamic Monitoring.-Intravenous Fluid Therapy.- Renal Failure.-Abdominal Pathologies.- The Liver.-Neurological Issues.- Management of Burns.- Hematological Alterations.- Does Sex make a Difference?-Prognosis and Long-term Outcomes.- Quality and Management.- Disasters. Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Services; Internal Medicine Target groups Clinicians, practitioners, scientists Type of publication Proceedings Due March 2007 Distribution rights worldwide except for North America 2007. XXXII, 1040 p. 192 illus. (Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Jahrgang 2007) Softcover

128,35 € ISBN 978-3-540-49432-4



D. Abraham, University College London, UK; C. Handler, The Royal Free Hospital, London, UK; M. Dashwood, University College London, UK; G. Coghlan, The Royal Free Hospital, London, UK (Eds.)

Vascular Complications in Human Disease

ISBN 978-1-84628-918-7

E. Abraham, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA; M. Singer, University College Hospital Bloomsbury Institute of Intensive Care, London, UK (Eds.)

Mechanisms of Sepsis-Induced Organ Dysfunction and Recovery

Mechanisms and Consequences

Arterial disease and inflammation are fundamental causes of many medical conditions. Recently, there have been several major advances in our understanding of the causes of diseases affecting the heart, lungs, kidneys, skin and blood vessels. The role of endothelium derived growth factors, nitric oxide and other messengers in vascular disease has been more clearly defined. New treatments targeting these molecular disorders are being used with beneficial effects. Further progress depends on a combined approach embracing basic and clinical research so that treatments of common, important diseases can be designed intelligently and logically. "Vascular Complications in Human Disease" presents our understanding of vascular disease, in reviews of the main strands of basic and clinical research written by leading international experts. It also identifies routes for further fruitful research and development. This concise and carefully edited book, avoiding repetition, includes the full spectrum of basic [..] Features Unique because it integrates biological processes and clinical manifestations of major vascular conditions in important medical specialities Edited by senior doctors and researchers with a track record in research, clinical medicine and publishing Each chapter is written by an internationally respected authority in the field and is a "state of the art" review of important parts of basic and clinical science A [..] Contents Therapy for Pulmonary Vascular Disease.- Nitric Oxide Axis in Cardio-Pulmonary Disease.- Endothelin Signalling in the Cardiomyocyte.- TGF-beta/BMP Signalling in Pulmonary Vascular Disease.- The Endothelin System in Chronic Kidney Disease.- Endothelial Activation in Inflammation.- Pathogenic Mediators of Vessel Sclerosis.- Control of Interstitial Fluid Homeostasis.- Vascular Complications of Systemic Sclerosis.- Therapeutic Options for Preventing Transplant-Related Progressive Renal and Vascular Injury.- Current State of Medical Therapies for Peripheral Vascular Disease.- Advantages of [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Infectious Diseases; Internal Medicine; Vascular Surgery Target groups The readership is international and diverse. Essential reading and reference for clinicians and basic scientists in all fields of medicine, because there are vascular components to many diseases in different organ systems. Type of publication Professional book Due August 2007 2008. Approx. 395 p. Geb.

149,75 €

There have been tremendous advances in understanding the cellular mechanisms involved in sepsis and contributing to the development of multiple organ dysfunction and mortality in this setting. The chapters in this book provide up-to-date insights into important pathways that are initiated by sepsis. Contents Introduction.- The Inflammatory Response.- The Cellular Immune Response.- Mechanisms and Pathways of Dysfunction.- Organ-specific Mechanisms of Dysfunction. Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Medicine Target groups Critical care physicians, physicians-in-training; physicians who manage critically ill patients (trauma surgeons, cardiac surgeons, pulmonary medicine physicians), hospital administrators Type of publication Proceedings Due August 2007 2007. XV, 453 p. 48 illus. (Update in Intensive Care Medicine) Softcover

53,45 € ISBN 978-3-540-30158-5


R. Acharya U, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore; J.S. Suri, Idaho State Biomedical Research Institute, Idaho, ID, USA; J.A.E. Spaan, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; S.M. Krishnan, Boston, MA, USA (Eds.)

G. Adler, University Clinic, Ulm, Germany; C. Fiocchi, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA; L.B. Lazebnik, Institute of Gastroenterology, Moscow, Russia; G.I. Vorobjev, State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, Moscow, Russia (Eds.)

Advances in Cardiac Signal Processing

Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies

This book deals with the acquisition and extraction of the various morphological features of the electrocardiogram signals. In the first chapters the book first presents data fusion and different data mining techniques that have been used for the cardiac state diagnosis. The second part deals with heart rate variability (HRV), a non-invasive measurement of cardiovascular autonomic regulation. Next, visualization of ECG data is discussed, an important part of the display in life threatening state. Here, the handling of data is discussed which were acquired during several hours. In the following chapters the book discusses aortic pressure measurement which is of significant clinical importance. It presents non-invasive methods for analysis of the aortic pressure waveform, indicating how it can be employed to determine cardiac contractility, arterial compliance, and peripheral resistance. In addition, the book demonstrates methods to extract diagnostic parameters for assessing cardiac function. [..] Contents Electrocardiogram.- Analysis of Electrocardiograms.- Modelling of Electrocardiogram Signals.- Visualization of Cardiac Health using Electrocardiograms.- Heart Rate Variability: a Review.- Data Fusion of Multimodal Cardiac Signals.- Classification of Cardiac Patient States Using Artificial Neural Networks.- Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Heart Rate Signals for Different Cardiac States.- Classification of Cardiac Abnormalities using Heart Rate Signals.Cardiac Health Diagnosis using Heart Rate Variability Signals - A Comparative Study.- Non-Invasive Determination of Blood Pressure [..]

Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies is the proceedings of the Falk Symposium 154 held in Moscow, Russia, on June 9–10 2006, and presents the most recent progress in our current understanding of the mechanisms of inflammatory bowel disease, the therapeutic state of the art, and future options of treatment. The first half focuses on the role of the immune system, genetic factors, and intestinal microflora in IBD. The second half provides an evidence-based update on the current therapeutic options and presents future perspectives for the management of IBD. In particular, emphasis is placed on various so-called ‘biological’ therapies that are opening a whole new therapeutic era. The authors and editors are a selected group of international experts, who contribute their wide experience of the mechanisms and management of IBD. Because of this, the book will be of equal interest to basic scientists and clinicians. Features Interdisciplinary symposium bringing together basic science and clinical applications Up-to-date research findings at the highest scientific level Contents From the contents List of principal contributors. List of chairpersons. Preface.- Section I: Mechanisms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 1st Session.- Section II: Mechanisms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 2nd Session.- Section III: Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 1st Session.- Section IV: Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 2nd Session.- Index.

Fields of interest Signal,Image and Speech Processing; Cardiology; Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Chaos, Neural Networks; Numerical and Computational Methods in Engineering; Biomedical Engineering

Fields of interest Gastroenterology

Target groups Scientific and professional researchers

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication Monograph

Due April 2007

Due April 2007

2007. XIII, 230 p. (Falk Symposium, Band 154) Geb.

2007. XXII, 468 p. 268 illus., 13 in color. Geb.

Target groups Clinicians, researchers, graduate students, academics

213,95 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6115-8

A. Aloy, Medizinische Universität Wien

Chirurgische Intensivmedizin Kompendium für die Praxis

In der Intensivmedizin ist es oft notwendig, rasch erste therapeutische Maßnahmen ohne Fehler und Unsicherheiten vorzunehmen. Dieses Buch bietet den Ärzten während ihrer intensivmedizinischen Ausbildung eine schnelle und übersichtliche Hilfe in der kompetenten Betreuung eines breiten Patientenspektrums an einer chirurgischen Intensivstation. Häufige Krankheitsbilder aus Abdominalchirurgie, Thoraxchirurgie, Herzchirurgie, Traumatologie, Geburtshilfe und Innerer Medizin werden behandelt und die pathophysiologischen Vorstellungen erläutert. Darüber hinaus werden grundlegende Kenntnisse in Bezug auf künstliche Beatmung sowie alternative Techniken vermittelt und die Thematik der parenteralen und enteralen Ernährung übersichtlich und praxisnah dargelegt. Krankheitsbildern wie Sepsis mit ihrer Pathophysiologie und damit verbundener Verzahnung von Gerinnung und Inflammation wurde besonderes Augenmerk gewidmet, so dass neue und teils noch in Entwicklung befindliche Therapieansätze beurteilt werden können. Features Rasche Diagnose und Therapie Kompakt und übersichtlich Viele Tabellen und Schemata Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Zelle.- Schock.- Herz.- Thorakales Aortenaneurysma.- Herzrhythmusstörungen.- Lungenembolie und spezielle Formen der Lungenembolie.Spezielle kardiale Erkrankungen.- Kardiovaskuläres Monitoring – Parameter.- Beatmung.- Lungenversagen.- Atemwege – Zugang.- Erkrankungen von Bronchien, Lunge, Pleura.- Niere.- Zentralnervensystem.- Flüssigkeitsbedarf und Ernährung des Intensivpatienten.- Endokrinologische Erkrankungen.Störungen des Wasser- und Elektrolythaushaltes.Infektion.- Gerinnung.- Blutkomponententherapie.Hämatologische [..] Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Anesthesiology; Emergency Medicine; Surgery; Internal Medicine; Nursing Target groups Anästhesisten, Intensivmediziner, Chirurgen, Internisten Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007

181,85 € ISBN 978-3-540-36674-4


2007. IX, 333 S.89 Abb. Geb.

69,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-29679-0



K. Anastasiadis, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece; C. Ratnatunga, John Radcliff Hospital, Oxford, UK (Eds.)

The Thymus Gland Diagnosis and Surgical Management

The critical role of the thymus in the immune system is becoming increasingly well understood. Much of this knowledge is widely dispersed throughout the literature. Although thymectomy is well established as a surgical procedure, these advances need to be made available to the surgeon. Furthermore, neurologists and physicians require a better understanding of the surgical aspects of the thymus. This book, written by selected experts, provides an up-to-date and concise review of the thymus gland for both the surgeon and the physician. Features Up-to-date and concise review of the thymus gland International experts outline the surgical procedure Specific description of the Oxford surgical outlook of the thymus Contents Introduction.- Anatomy.- Changes with Aging.Physiology.- Thymic Diseases.- Myastenia Gravis.Thymus and Thymoma in Myasthenia Gravis Patients.- Surgical Pathology.- Radiology.- Thymectomy.- Perioperative Management for Thymectomy.Systemic Treatment of Thymoma.- Radiotherapy in the Management of Thymoma.- Overview of Thymic Surgery and Prospective Strategy for Thymic Diseases.- Index. Fields of interest Surgery; Thoracic Surgery; Imaging / Radiology; Oncology; Endocrinology Target groups Clinicians, researchers, practitioners Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. IX, 112 p. 61 illus. Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-33425-5 Y. Apostolopoulos, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA; S. Sonmez, Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Atlanta, GA (Eds.)

Population Mobility and Infectious Disease Population Mobility and Infectious Disease moves beyond traditional behavioral and demographic theories of disease diffusion to focus on larger issues of social ecology and public health. With depth rarely seen in the international literature, it explores the complex and varied roles of mobile, transient, and displaced populations in the worldwide spread of airborne, waterborne, and sexually transmitted infections. The book argues that while biomedical events cause disease, social forces such as poverty and marginalization magnify them by giving them new opportunities to take hold. Population mobility—either voluntary or forced—brings contact between populations with different disease prevalence rates; outbreaks in turn are compounded by inequalities in access to medical care. From Katrina to Darfur, and from influenza to AIDS, an expert panel of health and social scientists bring the socioeconomic context of epidemics into clear focus: Historical perspectives on migration, development, and [..] Features Compliments some of our upcoming books (i.e.: Evans Infections of Humans and Global Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance) Benefits from cross-promotion with some of Springer's social medicine and sociology titles Contents Foreword.- List of Tables.- List of Figures.- List of Boxes.- Preface and Acknowledgements.- Notes on the Contributors.- List of Abbreviations and Acronyms.- Prologue: Bridging the Divide: Population Mobility and the Emergence of Disease.- Demographic and epidemiological perspectives of human movement.- Part I: Key Themes Pertinent to Migration, Health, and Disease.- Population mobility and the geography of microbial threats.- Health barriers and inequities for migrants.- Social networks, social capital, and HIV risks among migrants.- Part II: Labor Induced Migration and Disease [..] Fields of interest Health Care Administration Target groups Sociologists, epidemiologists, researchers Type of publication Contributed volume

K. Appasani, Gene Expression Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA (Ed.)

Bioarrays From Basics to Diagnostics

Bioarrays: From Basics to Diagnostics provides an integrated and comprehensive collection of timely articles on the use of bioarray techniques in the fields of biotechnology and molecular medicine. The entire volume is broken into four sections – Bioarray Technology Platforms, Biomarkers and Clinical Genomics, Biomarker Identification Using Clinical Proteomics and Glycomics, and Emerging Technologies in Diagnostics – that create one well-integrated work. Particular emphasis is placed on DNA, protein, and carbohydrate biochips. The volume also looks extensively at oligonucleotides, cDNA, proteins, antibodies, and carbohydrate arrays. Bioarrays: From Basics to Diagnostics will serve as an indispensable reference for graduate students, post-docs, and professors as well as an explanatory analysis for executives and scientists in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Features The first book to comprehensively integrate molecular diagnostics and molecular pathology A well-integrated and cohesive collection of timely articles detailing molecular diagnostics Chapters written by a diverse group of experts, some researchers, some physicians, and some technicians Contents The Investigation of Tumour Metastasis using cDNA Microarrays.- From Tissue Samples to Tumor Markers.- Experimental Design for Assessment of Gene Expression Changes Using Microarrays. Answers are Easy, is Asking the Right Question Difficult?.- From Microarrays to Gene Networks.- Reduction in Sample Heterogeneity Leads to Increased Microarray Sensitivity.- Genomics to Identify Biomarkers of Normal Brain Aging.- Gene Expression Profiling for Biomarker Discovery.- Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybdidization: Applications in Cancer and Tuberculosis.- The Regional Specialization of [..] Fields of interest Medicinal Chemistry; Biotechnology; Human Genetics; Cell Biology Target groups Graduate students, post-docs, pharma researchers and developments Type of publication Contributed volume

Due March 2007 Due July 2007 2007. XXIV, 319 p. Geb.

53,45 € ISBN 978-0-387-47667-4

2007. XVIII, 270 p. Geb.

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-476-0 S.O. Aral, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA; J.M. Douglas, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA (Eds.)

Behavioral Interventions for Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Before AIDS, the role of behavioral interventions in preventing transmission of sexually transmitted diseases was acknowledged in text books and journals but rarely promoted effectively in public health practice. Informed by a comprehensive knowledge of behavioral theory, intervention methods, and affected populations, the authors of this important book examine the central role of behavioral interventions in combating STDs. The book addresses the complexities and social contexts of human behaviors which spread STDs, the cultural barriers to STD education (ranging from conservative mores to "stay out of my bedroom" libertarianism), and the sociopolitical nuances surrounding treatment. Over forty contributors offer a practical appraisal of what is being done now and what can be improved, such as: an overview of current behavioral and biomedical interventions for STD prevention and control, a discussion of what works for individuals, groups, and communities, up to date thinking about such traditional [..] Features This field of study tends to draw heavily from the medicine. Therefore, resources available on sexually-transmitted diseases tend to be from a medical perspective, and so there are few comprehensive resources available from a behavioral perspective The editors are leaders in the field and manage the leading research center in the world on this topic at the CDC. It is an opportunity for Springer to collaborate [..] Contents Preface.- Foreword.- Part I: Overview Chapters–Behavioral Interventions.- History of Behavioral Interventions in STD Control.- Behavioral Interventions for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Theoretical.- Models and Intervention Methods.- Biomedical Interventions.- Part II: Intervention Approaches.- Dyadic, Small Group and Community-Level Behavioral Interventions for STD/HIV Prevention.Structural Interventions.- STD Prevention Communication: Using Social Marketing Techniques with an Eye on Behavioral Change.- Partner Notification and Management Interventions.- Interventions in Sexual [..] Fields of interest Health Care Administration; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Epidemiology Target groups Public health practitioners who work within field of preventing STS and HIV, researchers conducting studies in this population, academics and teachers in public health programs and departments of health Type of publication Handbook Due July 2007 2007. XXX, 577 p. Geb.

74,85 €


ISBN 978-0-387-47863-0


D.L. Armstrong, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; W. Halliday, University of Toronto, ON, Canada; C. Hawkings, University of Toronto, ON, Canada; S. Takashima, International University of Health and Welfare, Fukuoka, Japan

Pediatric Neuropathology A Text-Atlas

Neuropathology is the foundation for understanding developmental neuroscience, pediatric neurology, and neurosurgery, but until now a comprehensive volume covering all aspects of pediatric neuropathology was not available. This atlas is thus a unique, comprehensive reference providing the fundamentals of developmental brain disorders of the nervous system that can affect fetuses, infants and young children, as well as the essentials of diagnosis in developmental brain pathology and neuroimaging. With an emphasis on the characteristic morphology and a concise summary of clinical features, pathogenesis, and genetics, the generously illustrated atlas presents more than 100 disorders, including the common diseases of the peripheral nervous system as well as genetically determined metabolic and storage diseases. This compilation is a valuable resource for pathologists, pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons, geneticists, neonatologists, radiologists, and pediatricians. Features Heavily illustrated guide which includes a total of more than 100 disorders Each disease is explained with brief and succinct comments with 6 illustrations Contents 1 Normal development.- 2 Malformation. 3 Chromosomal abnormalities.- 4 Perinatal brain damage.5 Vascular diseases.- 6 Neurocutaneous syndrome.7 Metabolic, degenerative diseases.- 8 Lipidosis.- 9 Mucolipidosis.- 10 Proxisome diseases.- 11 Amino acid metabolism.- 12 Mitochondrial cytopathy.- 13 Other heredodegenerative diseases.- 14 Basal ganglia diseases. 15 Neuroaxonal dystrophies.- 16 Leukodystrophy. 17 Demyelination.- 18 Infection.- 19 Intoxication.- 20 Tumors.- 21 Motor neutron disease.- 22 Peripheral neuropathy.- 23 Myopathy.- 24 Epilepsy.25 Trauma, child abuse and SIDS. Fields of interest Pathology; Neurosurgery; Pediatrics Target groups Pediatric neurosurgeons, pediatric neurologists Type of publication Atlas Due July 2007 2007. 384 p. 1030 illus. in color. Geb.

245,03 € ISBN 978-4-431-70246-7



A.J. Augustin, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Karlsruhe

Augenheilkunde Augenheilkunde: Das gesamte Wissen des Fachgebiets in einem Nachschlagewerk. Deckt alle relevanten Krankheiten und Syndromen mit Pathophysiologie, Diagnostik- und Therapiemöglichkeiten ab. Enthält alle Neuentwicklungen im Bereich der Netzhaut, Bindehaut, AMD, Tumoren, Gefäßverschlüsse und Chirurgie des vorderen Augenabschnittes (z.B. refraktive Chirurgie), Pharmakologie und der bildgebenden Verfahren (z.B. Okular Imaging). Mit ausgewogenen Gesamtdarstellung: umfassend, dennoch knapp gefasster prägnanter Text mit gut verständlicher Darstellung. Integriert Leitlinien und Therapiestandards. Jedes Kapitel geschrieben von renommierten Experten des Faches. Mit hervorragenden klinischen Abbildungen, zahlreichen Tabellen. Einzigartig strukturiert – schneller Zugang über Griffregister. In Kürze: Dieses Werk gibt jedem Augenarzt in der täglichen Arbeit einen schnellen kompetenten Rat! Dieses Werk sollte in keiner augenärztlichen Praxis fehlen! Features Hochaktuelles, komplett neu überarbeitetes Nachschlagewerk Eine ‚tour de france’ durch die aktuelle Augenheilkunde Umfassend, dennoch knapp gefasster prägnanter Text in gut verständlicher Darstellung Geschrieben von renommierten Experten des Faches Schnelle Orientierung durch einzigartige Struktur und Layout Hervorragende klinische Abbildungen (über 1000 Einzeldarstellungen) Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Internal Medicine; Pediatrics Target groups Ophthalmologen in Klinik und Praxis, Ärzte in Weiterbildung zum Ophthalmologen Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 Amerikanische Originalausgabe erschienen unter James F. Collins, bei Raven Press, 1991 2007. LXV, 1513 p. 735 Abb. in 1326 Einzeldarstellungen, überwiegend in Farbe. Geb.

199,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-30454-8 B. Austin, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK; D.A. Austin, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

R. Azziz, The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Ed.)

Bacterial Fish Pathogens

The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish

Current Concepts on Pathogenesis and Clinical Care

This 4th, revised edition of Bacterial Fish Pathogens fills the need for an up-to-date comprehensive book on the biological aspects of the bacterial taxa which cause disease in fish. Since the 3rd edition was published in 1999, much has changed in the control of disease of farmed and wild fish. Many more scientific articles about bacterial fish pathogens have been published, describing such new pathogens as Pasteurella skyensis, and antimicrobial compounds for the control of disease have been replaced by alternative methods, such as the use of probiotics. This updated book analyses all the new information, including that on new pathogens and new developments on long established diseases, such as furunculosis and vibriosis. Consideration is given to all of the bacterial taxa which have at some time been reported as fish pathogens, whether they are secondary invaders of already damaged tissue or serious, primary pathogens.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a classic female infertility problem affecting an estimated 6-10% of all women and many of whom are unaware of the problem. PCOS is the single most common endrocrinologic abnormality that affects women. It is a disease that affects women from adolescence to menopause. Patients with PCOS are seen by a variety of specialists, including: reproductive, medical and pediatric endocrinologists; general internists, and dermatologists. This book is an edited collection from diagnosis and epidemiology of PCOS to clinical evaluation. There are additional factors that complicate this disease, such as insulin levels and obesity. Women with PCOS are known to be at a high risk for type 2 diabetes.

Features Provides up to date information on all the bacterial fish pathogens Covers all aspects of the biology of the bacterial fish pathogens Details comprehensive diagnostic and identification schemes Covers new developments on long established diseases, such as furunculosis and vibriosis Considers alternative methods of disease control, such as the use of probiotics Contents Preface.- List of colour plates.- List of tables.- List of abbreviations and acronyms.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Characteristics of the diseases.- 3 Characteristics of the pathogens: Gram-positive bacteria.- 4 Characteristics of the pathogens: Gram-negative bacteria.- 5 Isolation/Detection.- 6 Diagnosis.- 7 Epizootiology – Gram-positive bacteria.- 8 Epizootiology – Gramnegative bacteria.- 9 Pathogenicity.- 10 Control.- 11 Conclusions.- Bibliography.- General Index.- Organism Index. Fields of interest Microbiology; Veterinary Medicine; Environment, general Target groups Fish diseases and veterinary scientists, aquatic microbiologists, microbial pathology postgraduate students Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 Jointly published with Praxis Publishing, UK 2007. XXVIII, 572 p. (Environmental Sciences) Geb.

181,85 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6068-7

Features Reviews the latest concepts in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of this pervasive and significant disorder in a clear and focused manner Contents Introduction.- Definition, Diagnosis, and Epidemiology.- Clinical Evaluation of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Genetics of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Insulin Action in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: In Vivo and In Vitro.- Ovarian Steroidogenic Abnormalties in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Role of Obesity and Adiposity in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Treatment of Infertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Long-term Morbidity of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Index. Fields of interest Endocrinology; Epidemiology; Reproductive Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine; Internal Medicine Target groups Reproductive, adult medical, and pediatric endocrinologists, gynecologists, general internal medicine, general family practitioners, and dermatologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007 2007. X, 134 p. (Endocrine Updates, Band 27) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-0-387-69246-3 I. Bab, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; R. Müller, University of Zurich, Switzerland; C. Hajbi-Yonissi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Y. Gabet, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Micro-Tomographic Atlas of the Mouse Skeleton The Micro-Tomographic Atlas of the Mouse Skeleton provides a unique systematic description of all calcified components of the mouse. It includes about 200 high resolution, two- and three dimensional m CT images of the exterior and interiors of all bones and joints. In addition, the spatial relationship of bones within complex skeletal units (e.g., skull, thorax, pelvis, extremities) is also described. The images are accompanied by detailed explanatory text, thus highlighting special features and newly reported structures. With mice becoming a standard laboratory animal and the rapidly increasing use of m CT technology as a key analytical tool in skeletal research, the Atlas fulfils an emerging need for a comprehensive reference to assist both trained and intraining researchers. Features Detailed images accompanied by explanatory text, which describe the microstructure of the mouse skeleton. So far a systematic two- and tri-dimensional descriptions of the internal anatomy of bones, as well as the tri-dimensional relationship exhibited in joints, is not available. Fields of interest Biomedical Engineering; Anatomy; Neurobiology; Developmental Biology; Orthopedics; Biomaterials Target groups Researchers and students in Biomedical Engineering, including: biomaterials researchers, tissue engineers, orthopaedic researchers, musculo and skeletal engineers Type of publication Atlas Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 200 p. 196 illus., 189 in color. Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-0-387-39254-7

Medizin W. Baltes, FU Berlin



M.Y.H. Bangash, London, UK; Y.F. Al-Obaid, Kuwait City, State of Kuwait; F.N. Bangash, London, UK; T. Bangash, London, UK

Trauma - An Engineering Analysis With Medical Case Studies Investigation

Dieses Buch entstand aus Vorlesungen für Studenten der Lebensmitteltechnologie an der TU Berlin. Es wendet sich an Studenten, die Lebensmittelchemie im Nebenfach studieren, wie z.B. Lebensmitteltechnologen, Ernährungswissenschaftler, Chemiker und Mediziner. Für Studenten im Hauptfach Lebensmittelchemie gibt das Buch eine knapp gefasste, aber ausgewogene Übersicht über das gesamte und manchmal nicht leicht zu überschauende Gebiet. Die 6. Auflage wurde gründlich überarbeitet, die Kapitel über transgene Lebensmittel und Gentechnologie, zu Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, Functional Food und Anticarcinogene sind umfassend aktualisiert worden. Das neu gefasste Kapitel zum Lebensmittelrecht schließt jetzt das europäische Recht mit ein. Features Modernes kurz gefasstes Lehrbuch für Hauptund Nebenfachstudenten Die 6. Auflage dieses erfolgreichen Werkes ist umfassend überarbeitet und modernisiert worden, insbesondere die Kapitel über transgene Lebensmittel, Gentechnologie, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Functional Food, Anticarcinogene und Lebensmittelrecht Contents Die Zusammensetzung unserer Nahrung.Wasser.- Mineralstoffe.- Vitamine.- Enzyme.Lipoide.- Kohlenhydrate.- Eiweiß.- Lebensmittelkonservierung.- Zusatzstoffe im Lebensmittelverkehr.- Rückstände in Lebensmitteln.Gesundheitsschädliche Stoffe in natürlichen Lebensmitteln.- Aromabildung in Lebensmitteln.- Speisefette.- Eiweißreiche Lebensmittel.- Kohlenhydratreiche Lebensmittel.- Alkoholische Genussmittel.- Alkaloidhaltige Genussmittel.- Gemüse und ihre Inhaltsstoffe.- Obst und Obsterzeugnisse.- Gewürze.Trinkwasser.- Erfrischungsgetränke.- Das deutsche Lebensmittelrecht.- [..] Fields of interest Food Science; Nutrition; Pharmacy; Analytical Chemistry; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Studenten der Lebensmittelchemie, Lebensmitteltechnologie und Ernährungswissenschaften an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen; Studenten mit Lebensmittelchemie als Nebenfach, z.B. Chemiker, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten und Ingenieure der Verfahrenstechnik; Ökotrophologen Type of publication German textbook Due March 2007 2007. XV, 497 S. 170 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Geb.

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-38181-5

The purpose of this book is to bring together experts from the medical and engineering fields in which trauma acts as a fulcrum in understanding the engineering approach to medical cases. The emphasis of this book is on the retrospective study of medical scenarios as seen from the engineering perspective. An in-depth study is required to ensure the accuracy of both medical and engineering data. Where static, dynamic, temperature and impact loads and velocities/accelerations are unknown; they are evaluated using the material properties and fracture geometry of case studies. From the analytical techniques, a prospective study would assist in predicting the outcome of post-trauma damage. Generally, the book covers a wide spectrum of trauma case studies and could be used in medico-legal test cases. The medical opinion can be translated into the engineering analysis there by validating or invalidating the total medical decisions. Hence the engineering profession in many simple and complicate [..] Features Detailed retrospective engineering analysis of trauma Variety of case studies for bone and soft issue injuries Includes Computer-aided methods Written by a team of engineers and a medical doctor Contents Trauma and Traumatic Injuries.- Mechanics of Fracture and Dislocation.- Bones – Tisuess and Material Properties.- Material Properties, Clinical Data on Tolerance Thresholds used for Assessing Numerical Modelling.- Medical Test Case Studies on Traumatic Surgeries.- Medical Devices, Surgical Equipment and Methodologies.- The Engineering Analysis of Medical Case Studies.- Traumatic Injuries, Complications and Management.- Trauma Management, Safety and Health. Fields of interest Biomedical Engineering; Orthopedics; Structural Mechanics; Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials; Characterization and Evaluation Materials Target groups Professional biomedical engineers, (orthopedic) surgeons, mechanical engineers, material scientists; students Type of publication Professional book Due March 2007 2007. XXVI, 843 p. 504 illus., 38 in color. Geb.

266,43 € ISBN 978-3-540-36305-7



H. Bannwarth, Universität zu Köln; B.P. Kremer, Universität zu Köln; A. Schulz, Universität zu Köln

Basiswissen Physik, Chemie und Biochemie Vom Atom bis zur Atmung - für Biologen, Mediziner und Pharmazeuten

Erste Hilfe in Physik und Chemie: die Basics für das erfolgreiche Grundstudium. Physikalische, chemische und biochemische Grundlagen sind unverzichtbar für das Verständnis von Biologie, Medizin und Pharmazie. Dieses Buch bietet im kompakten Überblick das gesamte Basiswissen dieser Grundlagendisziplinen in leicht verständlichen Texten und Abbildungen, bei Beschränkung auf das wirklich Notwendige, abgestimmt auf die Gegenstandskataloge für den Ersten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen und der Pharmazeutische Prüfung, zur leichteren Orientierung im Grundstudium, und zur optimalen Vorbereitung für die Vor- oder Zwischenprüfung. Das ideale Lernbuch zur Physik und Chemie in Biologie, Medizin und Pharmazie. Features Physik, Chemie und Biochemie für das Grundstudium – alles in einem Band Nur wirklich relevantes Basiswissen Ideale Prüfungsvorbereitung am Ende des Grundstudiums Wissensauffrischung in den Semestern des zweiten Studienabschnitts Contents Einführung: Materie, Energie, Leben.- Atome, Elemente, Ionen.- Aggregatzustände und Lösungen.Inonenladung und Chemische Bindung.- Säuren, Basen, Salze und Ionenreaktionen.- Chemisches Gleichgewicht und Biologisches Fließgleichgewicht.Redox- und Säure-/Basen-Reaktionen.- Kohlenstoffverbindungen und Biomoleküle.- Aminosäuren, Peptide, Proteine.- Enzyme und ihre Wirkungen.Organismischer Primärstoffwechsel: Photosynthese.Organismischer Intermediärstoffwechsel: Atmung. Fields of interest Life Sciences, general; Medicine, general; Pharmacy; Geography; Chemistry/Food Science, general; Physics, general R. Bartl, LMU Munich University Hospital, Munich, Germany; B. Frisch, University of Tel Aviv, Israel; E.v. Tresckow, Starnberg, Germany; C. Bartl, University of Ulm, Germany

Bisphosphonates in Medical Practice Actions - Side Effects - Indications - Strategies

Clinical osteology is now an independent specialty which nevertheless encompasses all branches of medicine and effects each and every one of us: Bone is Every Body´s Business: This book has been designed as an up to date manual to deal with the currently recognized indications for bisphosphonates, to outline situations and conditions for prevention of skeletal disorders, and to provide practical guidelines for treatment. It is intended for doctors who seek precise information on bisphosphonates in medical practice to enable them to treat patients with disorders of bone or better still to avoid their occurrence – as the age-old saying has it "prevention is better than cure”! Significant advances have already been made in the first 6 years of the "Bone and Joint Decade” of the new century, it is our hope that this book will contribute to more progress in the same direction. Features Practical and to-the-point guide for all physicians treating bone disorders Precise information on all currently recognized indications for bisphosphonates Focus on prevention of bone disorders Contents The Skeleton.- Disorders of Bone.- Bisphosphonates.- Osteoporotic Syndrome.- Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis.- Tumor and Chemotherapy Induced Osteoporosis.- Transplantation Osteoporosis.- Immobilisation Osteoporosis.- Pregnancy associated Osteoporosis.- Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI).AIDS Osteopathy.- Renal Osteodystrophy.- Paget’s Disease of Bone.- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).- Transient Osteoporosis and the Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome (BMES).- Vanishing Bone Disease (Gorham-Stout Syndrome).- Fibrous Dysplasia.- SAPHO Syndrome.- Heterotopic Calcification and Ossification.- [..]

Target groups Studenten der Biologie, Medizin und Pharmazie

Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Orthopedics; Gynecology; Surgery

Type of publication German textbook

Target groups All doctors treating all kinds of bone disorders

Due September 2007

Type of publication Monograph

2007. XVI, 375 p. Softcover

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71238-1

Due July 2007 2007. XX, 265 p. 68 illus. Softcover

53,45 € ISBN 978-3-540-69869-2

P. Bassi, Catholic University Medical School, Rome, Italy; F. Pagano, University of Padova, Italy (Eds.)

Invasive Bladder Cancer There are two main types of bladder cancer: superficial and invasive. The former is four times more prevalent than the latter. Superficial bladder cancers do not invade the muscle wall while invasive tumors do. Invasive bladder tumors have a propensity to metastasize and spread to other areas of the body and are more likely to be fatal than superficial tumors. Invasive Bladder Cancer presents state-of-theart diagnoses and treatments available for bladder cancer that has metastasised into the body in a full color book with over 40 tables and 50 illustrations. It gives a comprehensive review of the subject by a distinguished international team covering epidemiology, screening, diagnostic factors, surgery, chemotherapy and post-operative monitoring. As this type of cancer is on the increase it will be of particular interest to office urologists, and oncologists with a specialist interest in urology. Features Updated, simple overview bridging the information coming from basic research to clinical practice Contents Epidemiology and prevention of bladder cancer.Early diagnosis and screening.- Non-invasive diagnosis.- Molecular pathology of tumour progression and metastasis: an introduction.- Staging: past, present and future.- MR imaging of the male pelvis.Invasive bladder cancer: prognostic factors.- Surgical management of muscle-invasive bladder cancer.Transurethral resection in patients with muscle-infiltrating bladder cancer.- Nodal involvement.- Preoperative and definitive radiation therapy in bladder cancer.- Invasive bladder cancer: neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy: true and [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Oncology Target groups Office urologists, oncologists specializing in urology Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. VIII, 303 p. Geb.

96,25 € ISBN 978-1-84628-376-5 A. Battler, Rabin Medical Center, Petach-Tikwa, Israel; J. Leor, Sheba Med. Ctr., Tel Aviv, Israel (Eds.)

Stem Cell and Gene-Based Therapy



M. Beksac, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey (Ed.)

O. Benkert, Mainz; H. Hippius, München

Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation

Molecular Methods: Stem Cell Transplantation presents a compendium of cutting-edge research on the molecular steps involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activation and self-renewal. The emergence of HLA typing, and the positive impact it has had on the success of clinical transplantation is emphasized and discussed by notable stem cell researchers.

Das "Kompendium psychiatrische Pharmakotherapie" jetzt auch online. Regelmäßige Updates, eine große Anzahl von abrufbaren Interaktionen zwischen Psychopharmaka und anderen Medikamenten und ein Forum zum Austausch im Kollegenkreis, sind die Vorteile der neuen Online Datenbank für die Psychiatrische Pharmakotherapie. Die schnelle Such- und Recherchemöglichkeit macht das gezielte Auffinden von Diagnosen oder Präparaten zum Kinderspiel. Mit dem Buch in der Kitteltasche und der Online-Datenbank auf dem PC sind Sie immer up-to-date. Die Präparate und ihre Darreichungsformen werden kontinuierlich aktualisiert - Neuigkeiten und Veränderungen z.B. im Zulassungsstatus der Medikamente, erfahren Sie so sofort ohne langes Lesen in Fachjournals. Beim Kauf des "Kompendium psychiatrische Pharmakotherapie" erhalten Sie automatisch eine PIN, mit der Sie ein Jahr lang einen kostengünstigen Zugang zur Online-Datenbank erhalten. Sparen Sie 20.- Euro im Vergleich zum Vollabo.  

Frontiers in Regenerative Medicine

The inability of the human body to be able significantly to self repair injured organs and tissues results in a considerable medical and social problem. During the last few years there has been incredible progress, and the achievements in experimental strategies for tissue regeneration, particularly in cell transplantation and stem cell research, have led to potential treatment options for many otherwise fatal conditions. These innovations hold promise for treating or preventing end-stage organ failure; cell therapy and tissue engineering of viable grafts with the potential to grow and remodel could provide prospective new solutions to the serious problems of organ donor shortage. Regenerative medicine–stem cell and gene-based therapy–offers a new approach for restoring function of damaged organs and tissues. Several books have been published on particular aspects of organ and/or tissue replacement but none cover the major new aspects and field of regenerative medicine. This title is therefore a [..] Features Multidisciplinary textbook of regenerative medicine Designed specifically for the clinical audience Features the trends in this fast-moving branch of medicine Contents Heart: Introduction.- Renovation of the Injured Heart with Myocardial Tissue Engineering.- Adult Stem Cells for Myocardial Tissue Repair.- Regeneration of the Functional Myocardium Using Human Embryonic Stem Cells.- Therapeutic Angiogenesis.- Cell Therapy for Heart Failure.- Neuro: Introduction.- Cell Transplantation for Diseases of Myelin.- Stem Cells as a Source for Cell Replacement in Parkinson’s Disease.- Cell Replacement Therapy in Acute Stroke: Current State.- Gene Therapy to the Nervous System.- Musculoskeletal: Introduction.- Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Where Can You Find Them? How [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Hematology; Dermatology; Neurology; Ophthalmology; Nephrology Target groups Internal medicine clinicians (residents through to Fellows), dermatologists, ophthalmologists, researchers in stem cell medicine, cardiologists, neurologists Type of publication Reference work Due June 2007 2006. XVIII, 422 p. Softcover

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-84628-676-6

Features Discussion of HLA typing, PCR-SSP typing, HLA antigens Chapters written by world-renown leaders in the field Contents Molecular profiling of hematopoietic stem cells.Methods for imaging cell fates in hematopoiesis.An overview on HLA typing for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.- Sequence Specific Primed PCR ( PCR-SSP) Typing of HLA Class I and Class II alleles.- HLA typing with Sequence Specific Oligonucleotide Primed PCR(PCR-SSOP) and use of the LuminexTM technology.- Sequence based HLA typing.- Typing of minor HLA antigens.- Detection and role of non-HLA polymorphisms in stem cell transplantation.- Polymorphisms within epithelial receptors: NOD2/CARD15.- Role of natural killer cells and [..] Fields of interest Hematology; Cell Biology; Molecular Medicine

Features Psychopharmaka-Datenbank mit regelmäßigen Updates Über 6000 Interaktionen zwischen Psychopharmaka und anderen Medikamenten abrufbar Forum zum Austausch mit Kollegen Sämtliche Neuerungen bzgl. Präparaten und ihren Darreichungsformen werden zeitnah aufgenommen. Immer up-to-date ohne langes Lesen und Suchen in Fachjournals

Target groups Hematologists, molecular and cell biologists, microbiologists

Fields of interest Psychiatry; Neurology; Internal Medicine; Psychopharmacology

Type of publication Contributed volume

Target groups Fachärzte für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Assistenzärzte in Ausbildung zum Psychiater. Neurologen, Klinische Psychologen. Psychiatrische Kliniken, Institute und Bibliotheken

Due June 2007 2007. X, 234 p. 28 illus., 7 in color. (Methods in Molecular Medicine, Band 134) Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-58829-595-8

Type of publication Online service Due May 2007 2007. Download product.

49,94 € ISBN 978-3-540-68378-0



S.T. Bennett, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.; C.M. Lehman, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.; G.M. Rodgers, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. (Eds.) P. Berlit, Essen

E. Beubler, Medizinische Universität Graz

Basiswissen Neurologie

Kompendium der Pharmakologie Gebräuchliche Arzneimittel in der Praxis

Laboratory Hemostasis A Practical Guide for Pathologists

Coagulation testing is the basis for the diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders, as well as the mainstay of anti-coagulant monitoring and management. The laboratory director requires significant expertise to manage the coagulation laboratory. This expertise includes the selection, validation and harmonization of analyzer/reagent combinations across health care organizations that often include physician offices, point of care testing, hospital laboratories and shared core laboratories. Pathologists are often responsible for managing a healthcare system’s coagulation testing, yet the basics of managing a coagulation laboratory are inadequately addressed in many, if not most, pathology residency training programs. In addition, there is no textbook to which residents or practicing pathologists can refer for assistance. The same can be said for medical technologists or non-pathologist clinicians who find themselves in charge of a coagulation laboratory. This handbook will address the need among [..] Features Handbook format Quick reference Useful for board exam review or targeted questions Contents Role and Responsibilities of the Laboratory Director.- Collection of Coagulation Specimens.- Instrumentation for the Coagulation Laboratory.- Validation of Coagulation Assays, Instruments and Reagents.- Hemostasis Screening Assays.- Testing for Inherited Bleeding Disorders.- Testing for Acquired Platelet Disorders.- Acquired Coagulation Disoreders and TTP.- Testing for Inherited and Acquired Thrombotic Disorders.- Monitoring of Anticoagulant Therapy.- Coagulation Testing and Transfusion Medicine.- Index. Fields of interest Pathology; Hematology Target groups Pathologists, pathology residents and fellows, senior medical technologists Type of publication Handbook Due May 2007

Ihr Wegweiser durch die Neurologie: Knapp und anschaulich werden die wichtigsten neurologischen Krankheiten und ihre Leitsymptome beschrieben. Hervorragende anatomisch-pathologische Zeichnungen visualisieren die komplexen Zusammenhänge zwischen Ursachen und resultierenden Störungen. Eine moderne Didaktik unterstützt den Lernprozess: Kurze Blicke auf das Wesentliche erleichtern das Repetieren, Definitionskästchen erschließen dem Studenten die Neurologie fast mühelos. Doch auch dem jungen Arzt in der Weiterbildung wird dieses Lehrbuch beim raschen Nachschlagen eine unentbehrliche Hilfe sein. Neu in der 5. Auflage: Ausführliches Fallquiz - zum Schmökern, Nachdenken, Raten, Nachlesen und Lösen. Features Knapper Wegweiser für Studium und Weiterbildung Zahlreiche Farbabbildungen zum schnellen Verständnis Ansprechendes farbiges Layout Effektive Lernhilfen, jetzt mit ausführlichem Fallquiz Contents Klinische und apparative Diagnostik.- Erkrankungen von Muskel und neuromuskulärer Synapse.- Nervenwurzelläsionen.- Erkrankungen peripherer Nerven.- Erkrankungen der Hirnnerven.- Rückenmarkserkrankungen.Entwicklungsstörungen und Fehlbildungen des Nervensystems.- Hirntumoren.- Entzündliche Erkrankungen (Meningitis, Enzephalitis, Hirnabszess).- Schlaganfall.- Spontane intrakranielle Blutungen.- Demenz.- Schädel-Hirn-Trauma.Bewegungsstörungen.- Multiple Sklerose und Leukodystrophien.- Epilepsien.- Kopfschmerzsyndrome.- Neurologie und Innere Medizin.- Fallteil. Fields of interest Neurology Target groups Medizinstudenten

Das komplexe Fachgebiet der Pharmakologie wird in diesem Buch anschaulich und leicht lesbar vermittelt. Nach einer kurzen Einleitung über pharmakodynamische und pharmakokinetische Grundlagen werden die wichtigsten und häufig verwendeten Arzneimittel systematisch beschrieben. Ausgehend von den Organsystemen werden Wirkungsmechanismus, Wirkungen, Neben- und Wechselwirkungen besprochen sowie spezielle Ratschläge für Schwangerschaften und Stillzeit ausgeführt. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und ein kurzes Kapitel über Prostaglandine ergänzt. Neu ist auch ein Kapitel zum Fachgebiet der Toxikologie. Gasförmige, flüssige, feste sowie pflanzliche und tierische Gifte und Symptome sowie therapeutische Möglichkeiten werden beschrieben. Das Kompendium enthält unentbehrliche Basisinformationen für Studierende der Medizin und Pharmazie. Es ist als Nachschlagewerk ebenso für niedergelassene Ärzte, wie auch für Pflegepersonal und die Hauskrankenpflege geeignet. Features Erweiterte Neuauflage mit neuem Kapitel zu Prostaglandinen und zur Toxikologie Übersichtlich und prägnant im anschaulichem Layout Die gebräuchlichsten Arzneimittel auf einen Blick Contents Aus dem Inhalt Allgemeiner Teil: Pharmakodynamik; Pharmakokinetik; Nebenwirkungen (Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen); Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen; Pharmakologische Wirkungen für den Einzelnen; Der Placeboeffekt; Arzneiformen.- Spezieller Teil: Das Vegetative Nervensystem; Histamin und Serotonin; Blut; Bluthochdruck; Durchblutungsstörungen; Herzinsuffizienz; Koronare Herzkrankheit; Herzrhythmusstörungen; Atemwege; Verdauungstrakt; Niere; Stoffwechselerkrankungen; Psychopharmaka; Analgetika; Lokalanästhetika; Narkosemittel; Muskelrelaxantien; Antiparkinson-Mittel; Antiepileptika; [..]

Due September 2007

Fields of interest Medicine, general; General Practice / Family Medicine; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Pharmacy; Nursing; Nursing Management/Nursing Research

2007. XVI, 371 S. 173 Abb. in Farbe. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

Target groups Allgemeinmediziner, Studenten der Medizin und Pharmazie, Pflege, Laien

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-33110-0

Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook

Type of publication German textbook

2007. XI, 237 p. Softcover

58,80 € ISBN 978-0-387-36838-2

Due September 2007 2007. X, 268 S. 6 Abb. Softcover

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-72054-7


S. Bianchi, Université de Genève, Switzerland; C. Martinoli, Università di Genova, Italy

H. Bickeböller, Universität Göttingen; C. Fischer, Universität Heidelberg

Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System

Einführung in die Genetische Epidemiologie

This book is a comprehensive reference and practical guide on the technology and application of ultrasound to the musculoskeletal system. It is organized into two main sections. The first is devoted to general aspects, while the second provides a systematic overview of the applications of musculoskeletal ultrasound in different areas of the body. Each chapter of the second section provides an introduction on clinical anatomy and the essentials of clinical history and physical examination. Thereafter, performance of the ultrasound study is explained and the normal and pathological anatomy is reviewed. To assist in understanding, the ultrasound scans are correlated with drawings, photographs, images obtained using other modalities, and anatomic specimens. There is a generous complement of high-quality illustrations based on high-end equipment. This book contains a wealth of invaluable information.

Die speziellen Strukturen des menschlichen Genoms und die Regeln der Vererbung erfordern spezielle statistische Methoden zur Analyse genetischer und umweltbedingter Faktoren von Gesundheit und Krankheit. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen umfassenden und leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die statistischen Methoden der Genetischen Epidemiologie und deren Terminologie. Nach einer kurzen und einführenden Zusammenfassung der besonders benötigten Grundlagen der Human- und Populationsgenetik sowie der Studienplanung und Statistik werden die drei Hauptgruppen der Analyseverfahren zur familiären Aggregation, zur Kopplung und zur Assoziation ausführlich dargestellt. Abgerundet und ergänzt wird das Buch durch das in der humangenetischen Praxis wichtige Thema der Risikoberechnung. Anschauliche Bilder und kleine Ausflüge in die Geschichte lockern die Darstellung auf. Hinweise auf ausgewählte Literatur, Software und Webseiten

Features A detailed practical guide to ultrasound anatomy and clinical diagnosis State-of-the-art presentation based on the latest ultrasound technologies Correlation of US scans with anatomic specimens, drawings and findings on other imaging modalities Wealth of information relevant for both sonologists and sonographers Contents Instrumentation: Technical Requirements (Derchi/Rizzatto).- General: Skin/Subcutaneous Tissue (Valle/Zamorani).- Muscle and Tendon (Zamorani/ Valle ).- Nerve and Vessels (Valle/Zamorani).- Bone and Joint (Zamorani/Valle).- Individual Anatomic Sites: Upper Limb: Shoulder (Bianchi/Martinoli).- Arm (Martinoli/Bianchi ).- Elbow (Bianchi/ Martinoli).- Forearm (Martinoli/Bianchi ).- Wrist (Bianchi/ Martinoli).- Hand (Martinoli/Bianchi ).Lower Limb: Hip (Martinoli/Bianchi).- Thigh (Bianchi/Martinoli).- Knee (Martinoli/Bianchi).- Leg (Bianchi/Martinoli).- Ankle (Martinoli/Bianchi).Foot [..] Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Orthopedics; Rheumatology; Rehabilitation Medicine Target groups Practitioners and professionals, graduate students, scientists and researchers in the fields of radiology, orthopedics, rheumatology, physiotherapy Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. XIV, 975 p. 1111 illus. in 3669 sep. illus., 286 in color. (Diagnostic Imaging) Geb.

287,83 € ISBN 978-3-540-42267-9

Features Erstes Buch zu diesem wichtigen Thema in deutscher Sprache Autorinnen sind weltweit ausgewiesene Expertinnen auf diesem Gebiet Contents Einleitung.- Grundlagen.- Populationsgenetik.Familiäre Aggregation.- Kopplungsanalysen.- Assoziationsanalyse.- Risikoberechnungen in Familien. Fields of interest Epidemiology; Human Genetics; Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences Target groups Studenten der Medizin und Biologie Type of publication German textbook Due March 2007 2007. VIII, 344 S. 75 Abb. (Statistik und ihre Anwendungen) Softcover

32,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-25616-8

11 H.-J. Biersack, Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin, Bonn, Germany; L.M. Freeman, Montefiore Medical Center, New York, NY, USA (Eds.)

Clinical Nuclear Medicine The modern practice of nuclear medicine is now well into its seventh decade. Its strength in depicting physiology and function has always complemented our sister anatomic modalities such as CT, MRI and ultrasound. With the incredible development of PET/CT, this is evident now more than ever. Clinical Nuclear Medicine is a unique European/American joint venture that focuses on the universal state of the art in both diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclide methodology. Pertinent clinical applications are emphasized rather than attempting to cover everything included in the several large comprehensive texts available in our field. This “practical” approach should make this a useful guide to nuclear medicine physicians, technologists, students and interested clinicians alike. Features International educational textbook Chapters equally split between US and European authors Incorporation of PET into each organ system or disease specific chapter Broad spectrum of clinical procedure Contents Physics, instrumentation, and radiation protection. Radiochemistry and radiopharmacy. Brain. Heart. Lung. Liver, spleen and biliary tree. Kidney. Lower genitourinary tract. Gastrointestinal system. Musculoskeletal system. Malignant melanoma and soft tissue sarcomas. Sentinel node biopsy and occult lesion localization in early breast cancer. FDG-PET and PET-CT imaging of head and neck cancers. The endocrine system. Nuclear hematology. Hodgkin’s disease and lymphomas. Scintigraphic detection of infection and inflammation. PET in diagnostic oncology. Practical considerations in the [..] Fields of interest Nuclear Medicine; Imaging / Radiology; Oncology; Gastroenterology Target groups Clinicians and practitioners Type of publication Monograph

Medizin E. Biesinger, Traunstein; H. Iro, Universitäts-HNO Klinik Erlangen (Eds.)

B. Birkner, München; F. Diel, KBV Berlin; B. Gibis, KBV Berlin; M. Ludwig, Berg; BDI, Wiesbaden; KBV, Berlin (Eds.)


Qualitätsmanagement Innere Medizin (QMI)

Schwindel zählt zu den häufigsten Symptomen mit dem HNO-Ärzte (aber auch Internisten und Neurologen) in Klinik und Praxis konfrontiert werden. Die adäquate Diagnostik und Therapie der verschiedenen Schwindelformen ist komplex, die Anforderungen an den behandenden Arzt sind entsprechend hoch. Auch im aktuellen Band aus der Reihe "HNO Praxis heute" steht wieder der interdisziplinäre Ansatz im Mittelpunkt. Experten aus der HNO-Heilkunde, der Inneren Medizin, der Neurologie und der psychosomatischen Medizin geben Ihr Wissen weiter - wie immer: aktuell und praxisnah. Abgedeckt wird das ganze Spektrum von Diagnostik und Therapie. Tipps und Tricks für die tägliche Arbeit und ein Beitrag zu rechtlichen Aspekten bei Schwindel runden das Buch ab. Features Umfassende Information zu allen wichtigen Aspekten von Diagnostik und Therapie des komplexen Symptoms Schwindel Interdisziplinarität ist Trumpf: Unter Mitarbeit eines Expertenteams aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten Wie immer: aktuell und praxisnah, mit zahlreichen Tipps für die tägliche Routine Contents Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zum Thema Schwindel, Physiologie des vestibulären Systems, Otolithenfunktion: Vernachlässigtes Element in Klinik und Praxis, der gutartige Lagerungsschwindel: Diagnostik und Therapie, Körperhaltung und Gleichgewicht, Tipps, Tricks und Fallstricke in der Diagnostik und Therapie vestibulärer Störungen, die chirurgische Behandlung des Schwindels, aktuelles Management bei Vestibularisschwannom, der phobische Schwindel, Verlauf und Prognose der Neuronitis vestibularis, Pro und Contra des HWS-bedingten Schwindels - ein Interview, Schwindel aus internistischer [..] Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Neurology Target groups HNO-Ärzte in Klinik und Praxis Type of publication Professional book

Due August 2007 Due June 2007 2007. XXVII, 548 p. 310 illus. in 1232 parts, 263 in color. Geb.

213,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-28025-5


2007. XVIII, 180 S. 50 Abb. (HNO Praxis heute, Band 27) Geb.

54,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-47443-2

Die Qualität der medizinischen Versorgung wird für die internistische Praxis künftig an Bedeutung zunehmen. Dies gilt nicht zuletzt, seit die Einführung eines internen Qualitätsmanagements gesetzlich festgeschrieben ist. Doch wie lässt sich Qualitätsmanagement praktisch umsetzen? Die Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung hatte bereits vor Verpflichtung der Vertragsärzte, praxisintern Qualiätsmanagement einzuführen und weiterzuentwickeln, die Entwicklung eines medizinischen Qualitätsmanagements für die ambulante Versorgung initiiert: Das Ergebnis ist QEP (Qualität und Entwicklung in Praxen), ein von Ärzten für Ärzte ausgearbeiteter Qualitätszielkatalog, der alle wichtigen Aufgaben für die Einrichtung eines internen Qualitätsmanagements thematisiert. Darauf aufbauend, haben sich der Berufsverband Deutscher Internisten mit der KBV und der Springer Medizin Verlag zusammengeschlossen und mit "QM Innere" einen Ratgeber speziell für die Innere Medizin geschaffen - mit dem Ziel, Internisten eine [..] Features Ergebnis der erfolgreichen Kooperation von BDI, KVB und Springer Medizin Verlag "QM Innere" – der spezielle Ratgeber für die Innere Medizin Mit allen aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben Erfolgreiches und zukunftsorientiertes Qualitätsmanagement für Internisten Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Health Care Administration Target groups Internisten Type of publication Loose-leaf publication Due June 2007 2007. 300 S. Ringordner

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-29957-8 A.E. Blank, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA; S. O'Mahony, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA (Eds.)

Choices in Palliative Care

Medizin G. Bleichhardt, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; F. Weck, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


A.W. Bleyer, St. Charles Medical Center, Bend, OR, USA; R.D. Barr, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada (Eds.)

Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei Cancer in Adolescents and Young Hypochondrie und Krankheitsangst Adults

Issues in Health Care Delivery

Choices in Palliative Care will address the need for more information on the management of palliative care programs. Part I addresses the various settings where palliative care occurs, Part II addresses the specific disease management approach and quality of life care including cancer, heart disease, dementia and AIDS/HIV. Part III addresses specific issues in palliative care by population including minorities, the elderly, and children. While Part IV will address broader professional issues including developing a business plan for a palliative care program; legal and ethical issues around end-of-life care; quality management; and policy issues. Features Will travel well with existing public health textbook titles, particularly those focusing on health services delivery Fifty (50%) percent of all AIDS care in this country is done in palliative care settings. This book will travel well to all AIDS/HIV meetings Springer attends Contents Advances in Palliative Care: Palliative Care in Acute Care.- Palliative Care in Skilled Nursing Facilities.Patient-centered Palliative Care in the Home.- Hospice Care.- The Role of Cancer Rehabilitation in the Maintenance of Functional Integrity and Quality of Life.- HIV/AIDS and Palliative Care: Models of Care and Policy Issues.- Palliative Care and Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.- Palliative Care and Chronic Heart Failure.- Palliative Care for Patients with Alzheimer’s Dementia: Advance Care Planning Across Transition Points.- Children and Issues Around Palliative Care.- [..] Fields of interest Health Care Administration; Health Administration; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Target groups Upper level health service delivery courses; health administrators, health care planners, and public policy professionals Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due May 2007 2007. XVIII, 238 p. 35 illus. Geb.

58,80 € ISBN 978-0-387-70874-4

Die plötzliche irrationale Angst, an einer schweren Krankheit zu leiden, hat vielleicht jeder schon einmal erlebt. Meist können wir uns mit rationalen Argumenten und notfalls einem Arztbesuch beruhigen. Menschen mit Krankheitsangst oder sogar Hypochondrie jedoch – und das sind immerhin 6-10% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung – leiden stark unter diesen unbegründeten Ängsten, und selbst die ärztliche Versicherung, dass sie gesund seien, bietet keine dauerhafte Beruhigung. Auch in der Psychotherapie müssen sich Therapeuten häufig mit hypochondrischen Symptomen auseinandersetzen, sie treten z.B. oft gemeinsam mit Depressionen oder Zwangsstörungen auf. Bleichhardt und Weck, erfahrene Therapeuten und Ausbilder, legen ein modulares verhaltenstherapeutisches Therapiemanual für die Behandlung sowohl der Hypochondrie als auch des großen subklinischen Bereichs der Krankheitsängste vor. Features Praxisbezogenes verhaltenstherapeutisches Manual Modularer Aufbau mit konkreten Interventionen Mit Arbeits- und Informationsblättern für Patienten Contents Grundlagen.- Bisherige Behandlungsansätze.- Manualisierte Gruppen- und Einzeltherapie.- Mögliche Komplikationen und Hilfestellungen.- Evaluation.Literatur.- Arbeits- und Informationsblätter. Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Behavioral Therapy; Clinical Psychology; Stress and Coping; Health Psychology Target groups Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Klinische Psychologen, Gesundheitspsychologen Type of publication Professional book Due March 2007 2007. XI, 243 S. 18 Abb. Softcover

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46854-7

This is the first comprehensive book devoted exclusively to cancer in adolescents and young adults. First, an overview of cancer in this age group, specifically from age 15 to 29 inclusive, including epidemiology and the general differences in prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment are presented. Then, the 15 most common categories of cancers in the age group regarding their epidemiologic, risk factors/etiology, presenting symptoms and signs, diagnostic workup, treatment, survival outcomes, and adverse effects are each covered in separate chapters. The emphasis is on how the cancer in the age group differs in epidemiology, biology, clinical management and outcome from the ‘same’ cancer in younger and older patients. The individual malignancies are followed by chapters on the general psychosocial, ethical and societal aspects of managing cancer in young adult and older adolescent patients. Model programs specially designed to care for patients in the age group and surveillance of [..] Features First largest single collection of information on cancer in adolescents and young adults Compiling medical, epidemiological, biological, psychological, and emotional issues of young adults oncology Emphasis on the differences of the "same" cancer in younger and older patients Contents Introduction and historical perspectives: 1. Introduction. 2. Historical perspectives.- Epidemiology, outcome, access to care and role of clinical trials: 3. Epidemiology. 4. Access to care before and during therapy. 5. Accrual to clinical trials.- The common malignancies during adolescence and early adulthood: 6. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 7. Acute myelogenous leukemia. 8. Hodgkin lymphoma. 9. NonHodgkin lymphoma. 10. Tumors of the CNS. 11. Soft-Tissue Sarcomas. 12. Bone tumors. 13. Malignancies of the Ovary. 14. Testicular tumor. 15. NonGerm-Cell genitourinary tract tumors. 16. [..] Fields of interest Oncology; Epidemiology; Pediatrics Target groups Oncologists, pediatricians Type of publication Monograph Due August 2007 2007. XXIII, 534 p. 199 illus. (Pediatric Oncology) Geb.

139,05 € ISBN 978-3-540-40842-0



A.S. Blum, Brown Medical School, Providence, RI, USA; S.B. Rutkove, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA (Eds.)

A.S. Blum, Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, USA; S.B. Rutkove, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard, MA, USA (Eds.)

The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer

The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer

The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer presents a broad yet focused treatment of central topics in the field of clinical neurophysiology. This volume was inspired by the clinical neurophysiology lecture series at Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center and Rhode Island Hospital, where faculty and trainees at these renowned teaching hospitals participate in a lecture series over the course of the academic year. Much like the lecture series, The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer is designed to acquaint trainees with the essential elements of clinical neurophysiology.

With the appearance of the new combined clinical neurophysiology subspecialty board exam, trainees aiming for private neurologic practice need to become proficient in the entire gamut of neurophysiologic techniques. The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer meets these needs by providing an approachable yet broad tool of clinical neurophysiology. Created as a primer, rather than an exhaustive comprehensive text, it covers the relevant bases of clinical neurophysiology providing the reader with a practical and useful treatment of a wide range of topics. This CD-ROM version, which includes the color images, is sold separately from the hardcover edition (978-1-58829-996-4).

Features A broad yet focused treatment of central topics in the field of clinical neurophysiology Inspired by the clinical neurophysiology lecture series at Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center and Rhode Island Hospital Designed to acquaint trainees with the essential elements of clinical neurophysiology Contents Basic Electronics in Clinical Neurophysiology.- Basic CNS Physiology and Cortical Basis of EEG.- Ions, Membrane Potentials and Electrical Properties of Nerves.- Introduction to Volume Conduction.- The Normal EEG in an Adult.- Activation of the EEG.Normal Variant EEG Patterns.- Epileptiform Abnormalities.- Focal and Generalized Slowing, Coma and Brain Death.- Normal Pediatric EEG.- Pediatric EEG Abnormalities.- Neurophysiology of Nerve Conduction Studies.- Technical, Physiological, and Anatomical Considerations in Nerve Conduction Studies.Introduction to the Needle Electrode [..]

Features Convenient for PDA usage Normal EEG results in adult and pediatric populations Technical, physiological, and anatomical considerations for nerve conduction studies Detailed introduction to the needle electrode examination Considerations for cranial nerve evaluation Polysomnography and sleep disorders Visual, brainstem, auditory, and somatosensory evoked potentials

Fields of interest Neurology; Neurosciences; Internal Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine

Contents I. Basic Considerations.- 1. Basic Electronics in Clinical Neurophysiology.- 2. Basic CNS Physiology and Cortical Basis of EEG.- 3. Ions, Membrane Potentials and Electrical Properties of Nerves.- 4. Introduction to Volume Conduction.- II. EEG: 5. The Normal EEG in an Adult.- 6. Activation of the EEG.- 7. Normal Variant EEG Patterns.- 8. Epileptiform Abnormalities.- 9. Focal and Generalized Slowing, Coma and Brain Death.- 10. Normal Pediatric EEG.- 11. Pediatric EEG Abnormalities.- III. EMG: 12. Neurophysiology of Nerve Conduction Studies.- 13. Technical, Physiological, and Anatomical [..]

Target groups Neurologists, neuroscientists, internists

Fields of interest Neurology

Type of publication Contributed volume

Target groups Neurologists, neuroscientists, internists

Due June 2007

Type of publication Contributed volume

H.E. Blum, University Clinic Freiburg, Germany; D.W. Cox, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; D. Häussinger, University Clinic, Düsseldorf, Germany; P.L.M. Jansen, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; G.A. Kullack-Ublick, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Eds.)

Genetics in Liver Disease This book is the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No.156 on ‘Genetics in Liver Disease’, part of the XIII International Liver Week 2006 held in Freiburg, Germany, 7 October 2006. The first section covers the basic aspects of genetic diagnosis, pharmacogenetics, micro-arrays and their relevance for liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and gallstone diseases. In the second section, the most important hereditary liver diseases are discussed, including haemchromatosis, Wilson disease, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, porphyrias and cystic fibrosis. In the third section, the genetics of cholestatic and metabolic liver diseases as well as the current status of experimental and clinical studies of gene therapy for liver diseases and stem cell transplantation are presented. Each section starts with a State-of-the-Art Lecture which introduces the topic. In the tradition of the Falk Symposia, this book provides an exciting overview of the current developments in the field of [..] Features Interdisciplinary symposium bringing together basic science and clinical applications Up-to-date research findings at the highest scientific level Contents From the contents List of principal contributors. List of chairpersons. Preface.- Section I: Basic Aspects.Section II: Liver Diseases (Part 1).-Section III: Liver Diseases (Part 2).- Index. Fields of interest Human Genetics; Hepatology; Life Sciences, general Target groups Clinicians, researchers, graduate students, academics Type of publication Collected works Due July 2007 2007. 192 p. (Falk Symposium, Band 156) Geb.

2007. X, 526 p. 201 illus., 2 in color. Geb.

82,34 € ISBN 978-0-89603-996-4

Due July 2007 2007. CD-ROM. CD-Hülle

65,39 € ISBN 978-1-934115-09-1

171,15 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6392-3 W.-H. Boehncke, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany; H.H. Radeke, Dr.-Hans-Schluessner-Foundation, Frankfurt, Germany (Eds.)

Biologics in General Medicine This is the first book comprising all relevant aspects for the clinical application of biologics. All biologics currently approved for clinical use are described in a standardized way concentrating on practically relevant aspects such as contra-indications or monitoring needs. The "differential therapy" with biologics namely in the fields of dermatology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, and neurology is described in detail and summarized in treatment algorithms. Shorter sections on the biotechnology behind the biologics as well as safety, regulatory, and pharmaco-economic aspects complement the more clinically-oriented central chapters. Features First comprehensive book on the new drug generation of biologicals Contains all biologicals presently approved for clinical application Covers all aspects from the biotechnological production processes to the clinical applications Includes safety and regulatory aspects Contents Definition and classification of biologics.- Development and pre-clinical pharmacology of biologics: Infliximab – from the idea to the product. Adalimumab. Etanercept. Efalizumab (Raptiva) – antibody characteristics, mode of action and preclinical development. Monoclonal antibody targeted radiation cancer therapy. The production of biopharmaceuticals.- Disease-specific applications and clinical trials: Treating autoimmune bullous skin disorders with biologics. Biologics in psoriasis. Biologic agents in psoriatic arthritis. Biologic therapies for rheumatoid arthritis targeting TNFa and [..] Fields of interest Dermatology; Immunology; Allergology; Gastroenterology; Rheumatology Target groups Researchers and clinicians Type of publication Monograph

Medizin H.-G. Boenninghaus, Universität Heidelberg; Th. Lenarz, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde HNO - kleines Fach ganz groß! Boenninghaus/Lenarz: HNO, das erfolgreiche Lehrbuch jetzt komplett überarbeitet in der 13. Auflage: erweiterter Teil zu Leitsymptomen und Differentialdiagnosen, Aktualisierung aller Kapitel mit den neuesten Fortschritten in Diagnostik und Therapie und eine komplette Erneuerung des klinischen Abbildungsmaterials. Bewährt für Selbststudium, Seminar und Prüfung. Hier sind alle Essentials der HNO auf den Punkt gebracht. Alle Schritte vom Symptom zur Diagnose zur Therapie werden so knapp und präzise wie möglich dargestellt. Ganz neu mit dem HNOFallquiz für das problemorientierte Lernen! Dieses Fallquiz ist das einzige "Fallbuch" für die HNO, das zur Zeit erhältlich ist, mit authentischen, reich bebilderten Fällen live aus dem Alltag in der HNOKlinik und vielen cleveren Fragen zu typischen Krankheitsbildern für POL-Seminare und zur Vorbereitung auf mündliche Prüfungen. "Ein HNOBuch vom Feinsten." Lanzette Fachschaftszeitung Medizin "...Genau die richtige Dosis HNO für [..] Features Die HNO-Essentials auf den Punkt gebracht Kennzeichnung der Prüfungsschwerpunkte Zur neuen AO: vom Symptom zur Diagnose Contents Geschichte der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde - Ohr Nase, Nebenhöhlen und Gesicht - Mundhöhle und Pharynx - Larynx und Trachea - Ösophagus und Bronchien - Hals - Kopfspeicheldrüsen - Stimm-, Sprech- und Sprachstörungen - Begutachtung - Leitsymptome und Differentialdiagnose. Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Speech Pathology Target groups Studenten der Medizin, PJler, AiP, Assistenzärzte für Allgemeinmedizin, HNO-Ärzte, Zahnmediziner, Logopäden Type of publication German textbook Due May 2007

Due May 2007 2007. XVI, 414 S. 350 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover 2007. XVIII, 190 p. 51 illus. in 95 parts. Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-29017-9

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48721-0


P.M. Boiselle, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA; D. Lynch, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA (Eds.)

CT of the Airways This book begins with four introductory chapters devoted to airway physiology, anatomy, and anatomical and functional CT imaging methods. These chapters are followed by four chapters devoted to large airways disorders in adults, including airway stenoses, neoplasms, malacia and bronchiectasis. The next section is comprised of 5 chapters devoted to small airways disorders in adults, including asthma, infectious and non-infectious small airways disorders, obliterative bronchiolitis, and smoking-related airway diseases. The final two chapters are devoted to pediatric large and small airway disorders. This textbook is a collaborative project that has greatly benefited from the contributions of many expert authors from around the globe. The intended audience for this book is primarily radiologists and pulmonologists, but the content will likely also be of interest to thoracic surgeons, pulmonary pathologists, and other physicians who are involved in the care of patients with airway diseases. Features A comprehensive review of large and small airways disorders Emphasis on CT imaging Draws on experts from around the world Follows successful pattern of CT of the Heart by U Joseph Schoepf, published by Humana Press Contents 1. Introductory Airway Anatomy and Physiology.- 2. Introductory Radiologic Anatomy of the Airways.3. Introductory Airway Pathology.- 4. Introductory Anatomical Airway Imaging Methods.- 5. Introductory Functional Airway Imaging Methods.- 6. Large Airways Tracheal and Bronchial Stenoses.- 7. Large Airways: Tracheal and Bronchial Neoplasms.8. Large Airways: Tracheobronchomalacia.- 9. Large Airways: Bronchiectasis.- 10. Small Airways: Asthma.- 11. Small Airways: Infectious Small Airways Diseases and Aspiration.- 12. Small Airways: NonInfectious Inflammatory Small Airways Diseases.13. [..] Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Pneumology/Respiratory System; Pathology; Thoracic Surgery Target groups Radiologist, pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, pulmonary pathologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2008. Approx. 390 p. 253 illus., 94 in color. (Contemporary Medical Imaging) Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-1-58829-848-5



T. Borsello, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milan, Italy (Ed.)

Neuroprotection Methods and Protocols This book examines current research into the role of neuronal death in cell signaling pathways, and the its role in neurodegenrative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. After introducing neurodegenerative, traumatic, and ishemic disorders, the authors cover in vitro and animal systems, and celluar and molecular mechanisms. Features Examines current research into the role of neuronal death in cell signaling pathways The authors cover in vitro and animal systems, and cellular and molecular mechanisms Contents Neuronal death and neuroprotection.- The use of propidium iodide to assess excitotoxic neuronal death in primary mixed cortical cultures.- A modified silver technique (De Olmos Stain) for assessment of neuronal and axonal degeneration.- Model of acute injury to study neuroprotection.- Organotypic entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures - a tool to study the molecular and cellular regulation of axonal regeneration and collateral sprouting in vitro.Role of Nrf2-dependent ARE-driven antioxidant pathway in neuroprotection.- Biochemical methods to assess the coupling of brain energy [..] Fields of interest Neurosciences; Neurology; Cell Biology Target groups Neuroscientists, neurologists, molecular and cellular biologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. 321 p. 45 illus., 3 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 399) Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-1-58829-666-5 H. Bourne, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; R. Horuk, Berlex, Richmond, CA, USA; J. Kuhnke, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany; H. Michel, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany (Eds.)

L.D. Britt, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Northfolk, VA, USA; D.D. Trunkey, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA; D.V. Feliciano, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA (Eds.)

GPCRs: From Deorphanization to Lead Structure Identification

Acute Care Surgery

Based on the international workshop GPCRs: From Deorphanisation to Lead Structure Identification, held in Berlin in May 2006, the book highlights the following topics: Structure of GPCRs, Design of GPCR Ligands, GPCR Signalling, Deorphanization and Assay Development. All chapters are written by leading experts in the field, discussing the most recent state of the art. They give insight into the approaches taken by industry and academia to address GPCRs and depict how mature this target class-oriented research has become in the last decade. The book reflects the actual trends in the fast-emerging field of GPCR research in academia and industry.

The practice of general and trauma surgery frequently involves a broad range of emergency situations. Surgeons must be familiar with diagnosis and operative management principles in the fast-paced environment of the emergency setting. Acute Care Surgery: Principles and Practice comprehensively presents the full spectrum of surgical emergencies, including trauma and non-traumatic acute surgical diseases of the abdominal, pelvic, and cardiothoracic organs as well as the extremities, skin and soft tissue, and head and neck. Management of surgical infections is also discussed. Edited by an internationally renowned trio of experts, Acute Care Surgery is the ideal reference text for surgical trainees as well as practicing surgeons. Authoritative, comprehensive, and user- friendly, the text features over 40 chapters complete with case studies as well as question and answer commentaries. Every chapter begins with a box highlighting the key points and current areas of controversy. In addition to [..]

Contents G Proteins and GPCR: From the Beginning.- Modelling GPCRs.- Privileged Structures in GPCRs.- Designing Compound Libraries Targeting GPCRs.Virus-encoded G Protein Coupled Receptors: Constitutively Active (dys) Regulators of Cell Function and their Potential as Drug Target.- Modulation of GPCR Conformations by Ligands, G Proteins and Arrestins.- The Role of GPCR Dimerisation/Oligomerisation in Receptor Signalling.- Orphan Seven Transmembrane Receptor (7TMR) Screening.- High Content Screening to Monitor G Protein-Coupled Receptor Internalization.- High Throughput Lead Finding and [..] Fields of interest Pharmacology/Toxicology; Medical Biochemistry; Computer Applications in Chemistry; Medical Microbiology Target groups Scientists in pharmacology, drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, molecular biology Type of publication Proceedings Due July 2007 2007. XVII, 267 p. 59 illus. (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings, Band 2006/2) Geb.

69,50 € ISBN 978-3-540-48981-8

Principles and Practice

Features Provides the busy surgeon, whether an acute care specialist or not, with the full range of solutions to emergency medical situations. Contents General Principles: Initial Assessment and Early Resuscitation.- Operating Theater for Acute Care Surgery.- Anesthesia and Acute Care Surgery.- Fundamental Operative Approaches in Acute Care Surgery.- The Perioperative Management of the Acute Surgical Patient.- Hemodynamically Labile Patient.- Principles and Practice of Nutritional Support in Surgical Patients.- The Intensive Care Unit.Burns.- Electrical and Lightning Injuries.- Soft Tissue Infections.- The Open Abdomen.- Acute Care Surgery and the Elderly.- Acute Care Surgery in the Rural Setting.- PreHospital Care in the Acute [..] Fields of interest General Surgery; Emergency Services; Traumatic Surgery; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Medicine Target groups General surgeons and residents, trauma surgeons, surgical intensive care special, emergency physicians, critical care Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. XXI, 832 p. Geb.

144,40 € ISBN 978-0-387-34470-6 K.-M. Brunner, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; S. Geyer, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; M. Jelenko, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; W. Weiss, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; F. Astleithner, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Ernährungsalltag im Wandel

Medizin D. Buck-Gramcko, Hamburg

Ein Leben für die Handchirurgie 100 Lebensbilder

Chancen für Nachhaltigkeit

Was und wie Menschen essen, hat mannigfache Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesundheit. Nachhaltige Ernährung meint die Ausrichtung unserer Ernährung an Zielen wie Umweltfreundlichkeit, Sozialverträglichkeit, Gesundheitsförderlichkeit und kulturelle Akzeptanz. Die AutorInnen haben in einer qualitativen soziologischen Studie Ernährungspraktiken in Österreich erforscht und Chancen und Schwierigkeiten auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Ernährung herausgearbeitet. Themenbereiche sind die Ernährungsorientierungen der Menschen, das Kochen und Essen im Alltag, die Geschlechterfrage, der Stellenwert von Gesundheit beim Essen und biographische Dimensionen der Ernährung. Näher wird auch auf den Konsum von Fleisch und Bio-Lebensmitteln sowie die Bedeutung von Regionalität und die Frage der Ernährungskompetenz eingegangen. Die Analysen zeigen vielfältige Anknüpfungspunkte in den alltäglichen Ernährungspraktiken für eine Förderung nachhaltigen Konsums. Features Umfangreiche soziologische Untersuchung zu Ernährungspraktiken Chancen, Hemmnisse und Voraussetzung für nachhaltige Ernährung Aufzeigen von Trends und Entwicklungsperspektiven des Konsums Contents Inhalt: Vorwort.- Ernährungspraktiken und nachhaltige Entwicklung – eine Einführung.Methodologie und methodische Vorgehensweise.- Ernährungsorientierungen.- Essen und Kochen im Alltag.- Geschlechtsspezifische Ernährungspraktiken.- Gesundheit.Alimentäre Biographien – Kontinuitäten, Umbrüche, Veränderungen.- Waldhausen – Ernährungsprozesse in einer ländlichen Kleingemeide 131.- Fleischkonsum als Kriterium für nachhaltige Ernährungspraktiken.- Der Konsum von BioLebensmitteln.- Regionalität und regionale Lebensmittel.- Ernährungskompetenz und -verantwortung.- Chancen und Restriktionen [..] Fields of interest Nutrition; Applied Ecology; Sociology; Food Science; Agriculture Target groups Ernährungswissenschafter, Diätberater, Soziologen, Ökologen, interessierte Laien Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007 2007. XII, 245 S. 2 Abb. Softcover

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48604-7

Der Autor, selbst bedeutender Handchirurg und Wegbereiter der Handchirurgie in Deutschland, konnte aufgrund seiner zahlreichen Kontakte und freundschaftlichen Verbindungen diese außergewöhnlichen Biopraphien für dieses Buch erstellen.Es ist ihm gelungen, auch jeweils Portraitfotos zu bekommen, die in diesem Band mit aufgenommen wurden. Mit dieser Sammlung liegt ein medizinhistorisch interessantes und beachtenswertes Werk vor.   Features Einzigartige Zusammenstellung von 100 Biographien namhafter Ärzte, die sich besonders um die Hanchirurgie verdient gemacht haben. Contents 100 Lebensbilder in alphabetischer Reihenfolge Fields of interest Orthopedics; Traumatic Surgery; Surgery; Anatomy; History of Medicine Target groups Handchirurgen, Orthopäden, Unfallchirurgen, Anatomen, Medizinhistoriker Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. X, 350 S. 110 Abb. Geb.

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1776-9


M.J. Budoff, Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute, Irvine, CA, USA; S. Achenbach, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany; J. Narula, University of California Irvine Medical Center, Irvince, CA, USA (Eds.)

Atlas of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Atlas of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography is a comprehensive atlas containing photomicrographs, anatomic illustrations, tables, and charts paired with extensive legends and explanations that are supplemented by extensive research, peer-reviewed articles, and textbooks. In addition to providing historical perspective and current direction for computed tomography, this atlas focuses on research involving coronary artery diseases and anomalies, congestive heart failure, atherosclerotic plaques and asymptomatic disease, as well as imaging techniques, including preparation, acquisition, and processing, involving the great vessels and carotids, the peripheral vasculature, and coronary and pulmonary veins. There also will be discussion of the role of computed tomography in the emergency room and in private cardiology practice. Features Hundreds of high quality images in step with the latest developments in medicine World-renowned authors from a variety of medical disciplines Handdrawn illustrations In-depth explanation for each image Contents Historic Perspective and Future Directions.- Preparation, Image Acquisition and Post-Processing.Contrast Media for CT Examination.- Normal Coronary Anatomy.- Coronary Artery Stenosis.- Post-PCI Follow Up.- Post-CABG Follow.Atherosclerotic Plaques and Asymptomatic Disease.Coronary Calcification.- Coronary Artery Anomalies.- Congenital Heart Disease.- Imaging Diseases of Aorta.- Imaging Peripheral Vasculature INCLUDING CAROTIDS.- EP Applications – Coronary Veins and Pulmonary Veins.- Intracardiac, Myocardial and Extracardiac Abnormalities.- CT for Myocardial Function and [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Diagnostic Radiology Target groups Cardiologists, radiologists Type of publication Atlas Due August 2007 2007. Approx. 256 p. Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-57340-267-5



Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) (Ed.) Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL), Berlin (Ed.)

Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2005 2005 Nationaler Rückstandskontrollplan für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs; Inspektionsbericht; Bericht zum Schnellwarnsystem; Bericht zur Futtermittelüberwachung

Bericht über Rückstände von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Lebensmitteln; Nationale Berichterstattung an die EU; Bundesweiter Überwachungsplan

Dieses Heft umfasst folgende vier Berichte: 1. Bericht zur Futtermittelüberwachung: Die Futtermittelkontrolle stellt die Unbedenklichkeit tierischer Lebensmittel für die menschliche Gesundheit sicher, schützt die Tiergesundheit, verhindert die Gefährdung des Naturhaushaltes und erhält und verbessert die Leistungsfähigkeit der Tiere. 2. Nationaler Rückstandskontrollplan (NRKP) für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs: Der NRKP ist ein Programm zur EU-weiten Überwachung von Lebensmitteln tierischer Herkunft hinsichtlich Rückständen gesundheitlich unerwünschter Stoffe. 3. Bericht zum Schnellwarnsystem: Das Schnellwarnsystem dient dem raschen und effizienten behördeninternen Informationsaustausch zwischen allen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten in den Bereichen Produkt- und Lebensmittelsicherheit. 4. Inspektionsbericht des Lebensmittel- und Veterinäramtes (FVO) hinsichtlich Einhaltung der EU-Rechtsvorschriften in den Bereichen Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelsicherheit und –qualität, Pflanzen- und Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz.

1. Bericht über Rückstände von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Lebensmitteln: Diese können ein gesundheitliches Risiko für den Verbraucher darstellen. Die Einhaltung gesetzlich festgelegter Höchstgehalte wird daher von der amtlichen Lebensmittelüberwachung überprüft. 2. Nationale Berichterstattung an die EU: Dieser Teil umfasst die Berichte über die Kontrolle von Lebensmitteln auf Sudanrot, Nitrat, Ochratoxin A, Fusarientoxine, von Lebensmitteln aus Drittländern auf Aflatoxine sowie die Kontrollergebnisse gemäß der Bestrahlungsverordnung. 3. Bundesweiter Überwachungsplan (BÜp): Die AVVRahmenüberwachung regelt die Zusammenarbeit der Behörden der Länder untereinander und mit dem Bund und soll zu einem einheitlichen Vollzug der lebensmittelrechtlichen und weinrechtlichen Vorschriften in der Überwachung beitragen. Je 1000 Einwohner und Jahr müssen Produkt-Proben genommen werden. Ein Teil dieser Probenzahl (0,15 bis 0,45 Proben je 1000 Einwohner und Jahr) wird bundesweit einheitlich im Rahmen des BÜp untersucht.

Features Offizielle Veröffentlichung des deutschen Bundesamtes für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit BVL Weitere Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit aus dem BVL: Lebensmittelmonitoring; BÜP-Bericht. Contents Bericht zur Futtermittelüberwachung.- Nationaler Rückstandskontrollplan für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs.- Bericht zum Schnellwarnsystem.- Inspektionsbericht des Lebensmittel- und Veterinäramtes (FVO). Fields of interest Food Science; Health Care Administration; Veterinary Medicine; Nutrition Target groups Verbände und Wirtschaftsunternehmen der Lebensund Futtermittelindustrie, Biotechnologie und Landwirtschaft; Ministerien und Behörden im deutschsprachigen Raum; Journalisten Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007 2007. 56 S. (BVL-Reporte, Band 1,2) Softcover

25,00 € ISBN 978-3-7643-8402-9

Features Offizielle Veröffentlichung des deutschen Bundesamtes für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit BVL Weitere Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit aus dem BVL: Lebensmittelmonitoring; Bericht zur Futtermittelüberwachung; Nationaler Rückstandskontrollplan für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs; Bericht zum Schnellwarnsystem; Inspektionsbericht des Lebensmittel- und Veterinäramtes (FVO) Contents Bundesweiter Überwachungsplan.- Nationale Berichterstattung an die EU.- Bericht über Rückstände von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Lebensmitteln. Fields of interest Food Science; Health Care Administration; Analytical Chemistry; Nutrition Target groups Verbände und Wirtschaftsunternehmen der Lebensund Futtermittelindustrie, Biotechnologie und Landwirtschaft; Ministerien und Behörden im deutschsprachigen Raum; Journalisten Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007 2007. 42 S. (BVL-Reporte, Band 1,3) Softcover

25,00 € ISBN 978-3-7643-8404-3

J. Busse, Solingen; T. Standl, Städtisches Klinikum Solingen (Eds.)

Ambulantes Operieren Rahmenbedingungen - Organisation - Patientenversorgung

Ambulantes Operieren effektiv und ökonomisch umsetzen! Die Notwendigkeit von Einsparungen erfordert vermehrt die Durchführung ambulanter Eingriffe in Kliniken und Praxen. Erfahrene Herausgeber und Autoren haben in diesem Werk zusammengetragen, wie die praktische Umsetzung effektiv und ökonomisch gelingen kann: Räumliche und personelle Voraussetzungen; Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Abrechnungsmodus; Aufklärung, Prämedikation, prä- und postoperative Versorgung des Patienten; Ambulante Eingriffe bei Kindern, älteren Patienten und Behinderten; Ein Werk für alle Verantwortlichen bei der Durchführung ambulanter Eingriffe: Anästhesisten, Chirurgen und Klinikdirektoren. Features Der aktuelle Stand des ambulanten Operierens in Klinik und Praxis Kostenbewusstes und effizientes Management ambulanter Eingriffe Contents Rahmenbedingungen: Entwicklung und Bedeutung ambulanter Eingriffe im internationalen Vergleich. Gesetzliche Grundlagen und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte. Organisatorisches Vorgehen. Operative Aspekte.- Praktisches Vorgehen ambulanter Eingriffe: Eignung des Patienten. Ambulante Eingriffe bei verschiedenen Patientengruppen. Patientenaufklärung. Prämedikation und Voruntersuchungen. Perioperative Medikation und Begleitmedikation. Perioperative Schmerztherapie. Komplikationen.- Anhang: Adressen. Organisation. Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Surgery; General Surgery; Health Care Administration Target groups Ärzte in Kliniken mit ambulanten Einrichtungen, Klinikdirektoren, Verwaltungsdirektoren Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. XI, 213 S. 27 Abb. Geb.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-00632-9 D. Bösch, Diakoniekrankenhaus Rotenburg (Wümme); C.-P. Criée, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Göttingen-Weende e.V., Bovenden-Lenglern




M.A. Caligiuri, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; M.T. Lotze, University of Pittsburgh PA, USA (Eds.)

F.A. Carey, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; R.J. Sundberg, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Cytokines in the Genesis and Treatment of Cancer

Advanced Organic Chemistry

Cytokines in the Genesis and Treatment of Cancer provides a comprehensive picture of the dual role of host responses in promoting and inhibiting tumor progression. This volume represents an important investigation into the emerging intersection of cancer biology and cancer immunology. Divided into four sections, the volume’s first three parts focus on cytokines in the genesis of cancer. The final section describes the notable progress — both in animal models and humans — in demonstrating the use of cytokine or anticytokine therapies for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Cytokines in the Genesis and Treatment of Cancer brings together an impressive array of internationally distinguished investigators who are devoted to the study of cytokines and cancer. Together, they produce an insightful, comprehensive discussion of cytokines and cancer that will serve as the perfect reference for all those working in the field.

Since its original appearance in 1977, Advanced Organic Chemistry has maintained its place as the premier textbook in the field, offering broad coverage of the structure, reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds. As in the earlier editions, the text contains extensive references to both the primary and review literature and provides examples of data and reactions that illustrate and document the generalizations. While the text assumes completion of an introductory course in organic chemistry, it reviews the fundamental concepts for each topic that is discussed. The two-part fifth edition has been substantially revised and reorganized for greater clarity. Among the changes: Updated material reflecting advances in the field since 2001’s Fourth Edition, especially in computational chemistry; A companion Web site provides digital models for study of structure, reaction and selectivity; Solutions to the exercises provided to instructors online. The control of reactivity to achieve specific [..]

Part B: Reaction and Synthesis

Durchführung – Interpretation - Befundung

Lungenfunktionsprüfungen sind zunehmend verbreitet und haben einen hohen Stellenwert für therapeutische Entscheidungen und Gutachten. Sie werden inzwischen in jeder Klinik und bei ca. 50% der hausärztlich tätigen Niedergelassenen durchgeführt. Voraussetzungen für die Zuverlässigkeit der Untersuchungsmethode sind korrekte Durchführung der Untersuchung – d.h. der Untersucher muss die Tipps und Tricks kennen, um den Patienten anleiten und führen zu können. Richtige Ergebnisse sind nur bei aktiver Mitarbeit des Patienten möglich. Korrekte Befundung der Ergebnisse im Kontext mit weiteren Untersuchungsergebnissen und der Klinik des Patienten. Features Systematisch von einfach bis komplex: Mit Fallbeispielen, Fragen, Übungen und authentischen Befunden wird der Leser durch das Buch geführt Alles dabei: Praxisrelevante Grundlagen, Einführung in die Methode, typische Befundmuster, hilfreiche Tipps, Hinweise auf Fehlerquellen, wichtige Internetadressen Der Erfolg: Eigenständig und sicher untersuchen und befunden Contents Lungenfunktionsprüfung im Überblick.- Lungenfunktionsparameter: Allgemeines. Statische und dynamische Volumina. Atemfluss-Parameter. Diffusions-Parameter. Mundverschlussdruck-Parameter. Blutgasanalyse-Parameter.- Spirometrie: Einleitung und Messprinzip. Durchführung der Untersuchung. Ventilationsstörungen. Fallbeispiele 1-13.Bodyplethysmographie: Einleitung und Messprinzip. Durchführung der Untersuchung. Fallbeispiele 14-25.- Diffusionstestung: Einleitung. Fallbeispiele 26-29.- Bronchospasmolysetestung und Provokationstestung: Einleitung. Bronchospasmolyse. Provokationstestung. [..] Fields of interest Pneumology/Respiratory System; Internal Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine; Anesthesiology Target groups Ärzte in Weiterbildung: gesamte Innere Medizin (nicht nur Innere und Schwerpunkt Pneumologie) Allgemeinmedizin Hausärztlich tätige Niedergelassene Type of publication Professional book

Features Explores the clearly demonstrated link between cytokines and cancer Highlights potential treatment strategies that take advantage of utilizing cytokine and anti-cytokine therapies Contributions from internationally distinguished investigators Covers TNF, IL-2, IL-12, and Type I interferons, among others Practically divided into four useful parts Contents Overview and Introduction to Cancer and Inflammation.- Helicobacter Pylori.- HTLV-1.- Herpes Viruses.- TNF.- TGF-ß.- Interleukin 1 (IL-1) Family of Cytokines.- IL-4/13.- IL-6 and Castleman's disease.- Interleukin 10 (IL-10) Family of Cytokines.Cytokines in Multiple Myeloma: Therapeutic Implications.- Murine Cytokine Models and the Genesis of Cancer.- Experimental Models of Cytokines and Cancer Prevention.- Cytokines in the Tumor Stroma.- Cytokines and Angiogenesis in Tumors.Chemokines and Receptor Expression in Tumor Progression.- The Biology of Cancer Cachexia: Role of TNF±.- [..] Fields of interest Cancer Research; Oncology; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Radiotherapy Target groups Cancer researchers, oncologists, pharmacologists, radiotherapists Type of publication Contributed volume

Due April 2007

Features Parts A and B may stand alone; together, they provide a comprehensive foundation for study in organic chemistry Updated material reflecting scientific advances since 2001’s Fourth Edition, especially in computational chemistry Companion Websites provide digital models for students and exercise solutions for instructors Contents Alkylation of Enolates and Other Carbon Nucleophiles.- Reactions of Carbon Nucleophiles with Carbonyl Groups.- Functional Group Interconversion, Protection and Deprotection.- Electrophilic Additions to Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds.Reduction of Carbon-Carbon Multiple, Carbonyl Groups, and Other Functional Groups.- Cycloadditions, Unimolecular Rearrangements, and Thermal Eliminations.- Organometallic Compounds of the Group I, II, and III Metals.- Reactions Involving the Transition Metals.- Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions of Compounds of Boron, Silicon, and Tin.- Reactions Involving [..] Fields of interest Organic Chemistry; Pharmacy; Medicinal Chemistry Target groups Graduate students and advanced undergraduates Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2007

Due May 2007 2007. IX, 157 S. 81 Abb. Geb.

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-34108-6

2007. XX 482 p. 58 illus., 3 in color. (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-0-89603-820-2

2007. XXX, 1322 p. 3968 illus., 4 in color. (Part B: Reactions and Synthesis) Softcover

45,96 € ISBN 978-0-387-68354-6



D.T. Carrell, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (Ed.)

C.C. Carson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA; J.D. Dean, Salisbury Clinic, Plymouth, UK

The Genetics of Male Infertility

Management of Erectile Dysfunction in Clinical Practice

Infertility is a common and severe health problem affecting roughly 7% of the male population. It is likely that the majority of those patients have genetic abnormalities that are the cause of their infertility. In The Genetics of Male Infertility, twenty-one researchers and clinicians review the study of the genetics of male infertility, the tools available in the laboratory and clinic, the current state of knowledge, and the future of research and translation into clinical diagnostics and treatments. This volume gives special attention to the significant technological advances in the treatment of male infertility, including intracytoplasmic injection (ICSI) in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF). In addition, new tools discussed include in vitro methodologies, in silico technologies, and new model organisms. Providing a review of our current understanding of genetic causes of male infertility, The Genetics of Male Infertility serves as a guide to evidence-based clinical applications, [..] Contents 1. The Genetics of Male Infertility in the Era of Genomics: Tools for Progress.- 2. The use of cDNA libraries to demonstrate a linkage between transcription and translation in male germ cells.- 3. Considerations When Using Array Technologies for Male Factor Assessment.- 4. Microarray Analsis of a Large Number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Individual Human Spermatozoa.- 5. Physiological and Proteomic Approaches to Understand Human Sperm Function: Pre Fertilization Events.- 6. Genetics of Idiopathic Male Infertility: The Power of a Cross-Species Approach.- 7. The [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology Target groups Urologists, family physicians, geneticists, internists, andrologists, gynecologists, and geneticists Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. XV, 337 p. 47 illus. Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-58829-863-8

Management of Erectile Dysfunction in Clinical Practice is a short guide to erectile dysfunction (ED) and its management covering normal function and dysfunction, assessment, treatment options and interventions. ED is a symptom, not a disease and will have underlying causes such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, chronic renal impairment, chronic arthritis, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis. This book will be an essential reference for family practitioners and residents in urology. Features Concise guide to erectile dysfunction and its management for family practitioners and residents Contents Introduction.- Normal erectile and sexual function.Erectile dysfunction aetiology and risk factors.- Assessment of erectile dysfunction.- Treatment planning.- First line intervention.- Second line and further interventions. Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Family practitioners, residents in urology Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. VIII, 94 illus., 20 illus. in color. Softcover

37,40 € ISBN 978-1-84628-398-7

C.C. Cartwright, University of Missouri Health Care, Columbia, MO, USA; D.C. Wallace, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, USA (Eds.)

Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient "Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient" serves as a detailed reference for all nurses caring for children with neurosurgical problems. Staff nurses (and student nurses) working in clinics, PICU, pediatrics, operating rooms, post-anesthesia care units, emergency department and radiology will benefit from the information presented in this book. The explanations of pathophysiology, anatomy, radiodiagnostic testing and treatment options for each neurosurgical diagnosis will help them to understand the rationale behind the nursing care. Presenting symptoms and findings on neurological examination and history will enable nurses to identify normal signs. Each chapter includes information on patient and family education and will give helpful guidelines. Although there has been a need within the pediatric neurosurgery community for this type of information for years, there is no other reference available that provides this type of specific information. Features Complete pediatric neurosurgical nursing reference Helps understand the rationale behind the nursing care Helps identify actual symptoms Includes information on patient and family education and 'pediatric perls' Clear and standardized chapter structure Contents Neurologial Assessment of the Neonate, Infant, Child and Adolescent.- Hydrocephalus.- Craniosynostosis.- Neural Tube Defects.- Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia.- Tumors of the Central Nervous System.- Traumatic Brain Injury.- Spine.- Cerebrovascular Malformations.- Surgical Management of Epilepsy.- Surgical Management of Spasticity.- Infections of the Central Nervous System.- Index. Fields of interest Neurosurgery; Nursing Management/Nursing Research; Pediatrics; Neurology Target groups Pediatric nurses, nurses, nursing instructors, pediatric surgeons, neurosurgeons Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. XVIII, 284 p. 119 illus. Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-29703-1 W.P. Ceelen, University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium (Ed.)

Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: A Multidisciplinary Approach



J.-D. Chang, Seoul, Republic of Korea; K. Billau, CeramTec AG, Plochingen, Germany (Eds.)

M. Cherry, St. Edward's University, Austin, TX, USA; A.S. Iltis, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds.)

Bioceramics and Alternative Bearings in Joint Arthroplasty

Pluralistic Casuistry Moral Arguments, Economic Realities, and Political Theory

12th BIOLOX Symposium. Proceedings

Recent developments in regional and systemic anticancer therapies have improved the grim outlook of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from ovarian or gastrointestinal origin, leading to a renewed interest in both the underlying mechanisms at the origin of PC and the various therapeutic options. This is the first volume to provide a multidisciplinary approach to peritoneal carcinomatosis encompassing molecular mechanisms, histopathology, regional and systemic cytotoxic therapy, and surgical options. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: A Multidisciplinary Approach will be of interest for medical, surgical and gynecological oncologists faced with the complexities of decision making in patients suffering from PC, as well as for basic and translational scientists active in the field of locoregional cancer spread. Numerous illustrations aid the reader throughout in the many facets of this disease. Features Peritoneal Carcinomatosis encompasses basic and molecular mechanisms, histology, local and systemic cytotoxic drug therapy, and surgical strategies Foreword by Paul H. Sugarbaker, MD, Director, Program in Peritoneal Surface Malignancy, Washington Cancer Institute, Washington, DC, USA Contents From the Contents.... Part 1. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Basic Concepts.- Part 2. The Rationale for Intraperitoneal Heat and Drug Therapy.- Part 3. Cytoreductive Surgery for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Techniques and Methods.- Part 4. Clinical Results of Surgery with or without Intraperitoneal Heated Drug Therapy.- Part 5. Nonoperative and Multimodal Management of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis.- Part 6. Experimental Approaches.- Index. Fields of interest Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Imaging / Radiology Target groups Medical, surgical, radiation, gynecological oncologists, researchers and pharma Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. XXXI, 533 p. (Cancer Treatment and Research, Band 134) Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-0-387-48991-9

The proceedings book of the Biolox Symposium in Seoul is composed of 10 sessions and plenary lectures of the most current knowledge available in the use of Bioceramics and alternative bearings. More than 50 speakers with world-famous reputations from 12 countries come together to a total of 52 topics on recent developments in Bioceramic and alternative bearings in arthroplasty. Among the recent developments in the arthroplasty field, bearing surface occupies one of the most important positions. In Asian culture, sitting with crossed legs and squatting positions are more common compared to the Western culture. Because of such a different cultural background, in arthroplasty, impingement and wearing of liner are more important problems. With this point of view, the interest about bioceramic and alternative bearing is increasing. The written version of the scientific program will allow you to carry home a more concise view of the Symposium presentations. Features The most up-to-date information regarding the use of ceramic solutions Contents Tribology.- Ceramic/Polyethylene.- Large Diameter Wear Couples.- Ceramic Knee Implants.- Hard on Hard Bearings.- Market Trends and Future Application.- Hip Revision.- Tips and Tricks. Fields of interest Orthopedics; Surgical Orthopedics Target groups Orthopedists, surgeons, traumatologists

Baruch A. Brody has been one of the most important voices in bioethics over the last several decades, asking new and challenging questions about a range of problems, examining recalcitrant issues in novel ways, always with the goal of offering practical solutions to complex problems. This volume presents a sustained philosophical analysis of Brody’s contributions to biomedical ethics. The essays in this volume compass epistemological, methodological, and topical contributions to bioethics, including both application and criticism of Brody’s normative moral theory – pluralistic casuistry – Jewish medical ethics, human embryo transfer, medical futility, life and death decisions in pediatrics, euthanasia and endof-life decision-making, the obligations of clinical researchers toward study participants, and professional integrity. Done well, philosophical work can clarify complex issues, facilitate creative problem solving, and lead to real-world solutions to difficult situations. Each contributor [..] Features Analysis of the work of Baruch Brody, a leading figure in bioethics Combines methodological, philosophical considerations with applied chapters Includes a response by Baruch Brody that critically engages the contributions to the volume Contents From the contents Section I Pluralistic Moral Casuistry.- Section II Jewish Medical Ethics.- Section III Biomedical Public Policy.- Section IV Critical Application and Analysis.- Appendix. Fields of interest Philosophy of Medicine; Theory of Medicine/ Bioethics

Type of publication Proceedings

Target groups Bioethicists, philosophers or religious scholars in ethics or philosophy of medicine

Due August 2007

Type of publication Contributed volume

2007. XIX, 343 p. 146 illus. (Ceramics in Orthopaedics) Softcover

69,50 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1782-0

Due September 2007 2007. XII, 260 p. (Philosophy and Medicine, Band 94) Geb.

99,46 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6259-9 D.C. Chhieng, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA; E.B. Stelow, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Pancreatic Cytopathology This volume will fulfill the need for an easy-to-use and authoritative synopsis of pancreas cytopathology. This volume, part of the Essentials in Cytopathology book series, fits into the lab coat pocket and is ideal for portability and quick reference. Each volume in the series is heavily illustrated with a full color art program, while the text follows a user-friendly outline format. Features Published in the Essentials in Cytopathology book series Designed to be concise and easy to use Fits in lab coat pocket Site specific Majority of illustrations are in four color Illustration oriented accompanied by text in outline format Contents Introduction (Pancreas Pathology and Diagnosis).- Methods of Collection.- Specimen Processing.- An Approach to the Interpretation of Pancreas Cytology.- Adenocarcinoma and Variants.- Solid-pseudopapillary Tumor.- Acinar Cell Carcinoma.Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors.- Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms.- Mucinous Cystic Neoplasms.- Serous Neoplasms.- Others (Lymphoma, jmets, etc).- Non-neoplastic Diseases.- Brush Cytology of Pancreatic and Extra-Hepatic Biliary Tract.Ancillary Testing and Future Directions. Fields of interest Pathology Target groups Cytopathologists, anatomic/clinical pathologists, cytopathology fellows/trainees, cytoprepatory technicians

Medizin J.E. Childs, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA; J.S. Mackenzie, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia; J.A. Richt, National Animal Disease Center, Ames, IA, USA (Eds.)

Wildlife and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: The Biology, Circumstances and Consequences of Cross-Species Transmission This volume provides an overview of the processes of zoonotic viral emergence, the intricacies of host/virus interactions, and the distinct role of biological transitions and modifying factors. The process of emergence is conceptualized as two transition stages which are common and required for all disease emergence, (1) human contact with the infectious agent and (2) cross-species transmission of the agent, and two transition stages which are not required for emergence and appear unavailable to many zoonotic pathogens, (3) sustained human-tohuman transmission and (4) genetic adaptation to the human host. The latter two transitions are presumably prerequisites for the pandemic emergence of a pathogen. The themes introduced herein are amplified and explored in detail by the contributors to this volume. Each author explores the mechanisms and unique circumstances by which evolution, biology, history, and current context have contrived to drive the emergence of different zoonotic agents by a series [..] Fields of interest Virology; Infectious Diseases; Tropical Medicine Target groups Researchers and scientists in the fields of virology and veterinary sciences Type of publication Monograph

Type of publication Handbook

Due August 2007

Due September 2007

2007. VII, 524 p. 49 illus. (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 315) Geb.

2007. XII, 204 p. 172 illus., 168 in color. (Essentials in Cytopathology, Band 3) Softcover

149,75 € ISBN 978-3-540-70961-9

50,24 € ISBN 978-0-387-68946-3


L. Chin, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA; W. Regine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA

Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Principles of Stereotactic Radiosurgery is the only contemporary, comprehensive reference for neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists using Gamma Knife and Linear Accelerator technology. Each chapter includes specific case presentations representative of the most commonly treated conditions, including applications for spinal disorders. Chapters conclude with counterpoint experiences, oriented to treatment options other than radiosurgery (i.e., medical management, standard surgery). These counterpoint discussions are written by noted experts and address in greater detail the indications, results and complications of their approach and enable readers to improve decision making with regard to choosing treatment options for their own patients. Also included is information on important non-surgical aspects of radiosurgery, including site construction, regulatory and billing issues, legal concerns, and nursing care issues. The editors have treated over 3000 patients using this technology, and [..] Features The only contemporary, comprehensive reference on the topic, providing current information and stateof-the-art instructions on technique for all practitioners in this expanding field Contents History of Radiosurgery.- Imaging Techniques for Radiosurgery.- Physics of Radiation Therapy.- Radiobiology Principles of Radiosurgery.- Experimental Radiosurgery Models.- Techniques of Delivering Stereotactic Radiosurgery (Gamma Knife, LINAC, Charged Particles).- Treatment Planning.Metastatis Brain Tumors.- Glial Tumors.- Meningiomas.- Acoustic Tumors.- Pituitary Tumors.- Pediatric Brain Tumors.- Skull Base Tumors.- Ocular Tumors.- Head and Neck Tumors.- Spine Tumors.Arteriovenous Malformations.- Cavernous Malformations.- Trigeminal Neuralgia.- Movement Disorders.- Psychiatric [..] Fields of interest Surgery; Neurosurgery; Neuroradiology; Surgical Oncology Target groups Neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, neuroradiologists Type of publication Reference work Due August 2007 2008. Approx. 1000 p. 500 illus. Geb.

163,98 € ISBN 978-0-387-71069-3 L.W.K. Chung, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA; W.B. Isaacs, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; J.W. Simons, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA (Eds.)

Prostate Cancer

Medizin S. Claudi-Böhm, Medizinisches Zentrum für Frauengesundheit und Allgemeinmedizin, Ulm; B.O. Böhm, Universität Ulm

Diabetes und Schwangerschaft Prävention, Beratung, Betreuung vor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft


P.-A. Clavien, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland; M.G. Sarr, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA; Y. Fong, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA (Eds.)

Atlas of Upper Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery

Biology, Genetics, and the New Therapeutics

Prostate Cancer: Biology, Genetics, and the New Therapeutics, Second Edition, reviews new, valuable approaches to the treatment of prostate cancer in men. The latest edition contains new material on molecular imaging, new treatments for prostate cancer, molecular targets, cell signaling pathways, bioinformatics, and pathogenomics. The book details the latest innovations and advances in prostate cancer and may be used as a rapid reference text for readers. The volume profiles the latest advances in cancer research and treatment and includes profound studies in prostate stem cells, cancer-host interactions, hedgehog signaling in development and cancer, cholesterol and cell signaling, gene therapy for advanced prostate cancer, and noninvasive strategies such as molecular imaging to visualize gene expression. This new edition also investigates expression profiling and somatic alterations in prostate cancer progression and linkage studies of prostate cancer families to identify susceptibility genes. [..] Features Fully updated with new material on bioinformatics, pathogenomics, biology, and models Contains molecular imaging of prostate cancer Evaluates the latest treatments for prostate cancer Investigates exciting cell signaling pathways

Schwangerschaft bei Diabetes? Hat man vor 40 Jahren Diabetikerinnen noch vor einer Schwangerschaft gewarnt, ermöglichen heute neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten auch diesen Frauen die Erfüllung ihres Kinderwunsches. Voraussetzung ist aber eine kompetente, lückenlose Begleitung der Schwangerschaft. Und diese können durchaus der allgemeinmedizinische Hausarzt und/oder der Gynäkologe leisten. Wie ist vorzugehen? Die Autoren – ausgewiesene Experten in ihrem Bereich – liefern dazu, auch zum schwangerschaftsbedingten Gestationsdiabetes, alle notwendigen Informationen - praxisbezogen, übersichtlich, verständlich formuliert. Was, wann, wie häufig? Prävention, Therapie von Begleit- und von Folgeerkrankungen: wichtige Parameter und deren Überwachung, diagnostische Maßnahmen, therapeutisches Vorgehen, medikamentöse Interventionen. Wer? Für Mutter und Kind, vor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Für wen? Hausärztlich tätige Mediziner, Diabetesberaterinnen, Ernährungsberaterinnen bis hin zu [..] Features Knapp, praxisorientiert, nicht nur für reine Diabetes-Spezialisten Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit Hausarzt - Spezialist Tipps und Tricks für den Alltag

Contents From the contents Part I. Preface - to be submitted.The Lance Armstrong Effect: Turning up the Heat to Cure Other Advanced Cancers.- Part II. Biology and Imaging.- Xenograft Models of Human Prostate Cancer.- The Pathology of Human Prostatic Atrophy and Inflammation.- Tissue Microarrays in Prostate Cancer Research.- Prostate (Cancer) Stem Cells.Cancer-host interactions: A paradigm shift brings new understanding and new opportunities.- Androgen Receptor Function in Prostate Cancer Progression.- Hedgehog Signaling in Development and Cancer.- Cholesterol, Cell Signaling and Prostate [..]

Contents Diabetes und Schwangerschaft - sehr heterogene Zielgruppen für Primär- und Sekundärprävention.Klassifikation des Diabetes mellitus.- Gestationsdiabetes und Screeningverfahren.- Behandlung des Gestationsdiabetes.- Insulintherapie.- Ernährungstherapie bei Diabetes mellitus.- Bedeutung von Supplements.- Mütterliche Folgeerkrankungen des Diabetes mellitus.Medikamentöse Therapie in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit.- Organspezifische Autoimmunität.Schwangerschaft, Entbindung und die Besonderheiten bei Diabetes mellitus.- Fetale Fehlbildungen und Entwicklungsstörungen bei Kindern [..]

Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Cancer Research; Oncology; Radiotherapy

Fields of interest General Practice / Family Medicine; Gynecology; Diabetes; Pediatrics; Internal Medicine

Target groups Urologists, cancer researchers, oncologists, radiotherapists

Target groups Hausärztlich tätige Mediziner (Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten), Gynäkologen, Pädiater

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication Professional book

Due August 2007

Due May 2007

2007. XXII, 536 p. 94 illus. (Contemporary Cancer Research) Geb.

2007. XI. 175 S. 17 Abb. Softcover

149,75 € ISBN 978-1-58829-696-2

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-34407-0

Atlas of Upper Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery covers in detail the technical aspects of all important procedures of the upper abdomen (esophagus, duodenum, stomach, liver, biliary system, pancreas, portal hypertension and spleen) including general, oncologic and transplantation surgery. Each chapter has been written by an expert renowned in his or her field and been reviewed by a second expert. All of the approximately 900 illustrations have been drawn by the same team of three artists of notable experience. The liver section follows the internationally accepted terminology of the Brisbane 2000 conference of the IHPBA. In this atlas experts of upper abdominal surgery share their experience and show how they do it - step by step. Features Abundantly illustrated atlas describing the state of the art techniques for key procedures of the upper abdomen Each procedure is associated with a short comment regarding indications of the various operative steps Internationally renowned experts describe and illustrate the various procedures step-by- step Contents Section 1 Introduction.- Section 2 Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum.- Section 3 Liver.- Section 4 Biliary Tract and Gallbladder.- Section 5 Portal Hpyertension.- Section 6 Pancreas.- Section 7 Spleen.Subject Index. Fields of interest Surgery; Abdominal Surgery; Gastroenterology; Transplant Surgery; Surgical Oncology Target groups Surgical specialists as well as general surgeons at various levels of training Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. XXVIII, 990 p. 950 illus. Geb.

319,93 € ISBN 978-3-540-20004-8



D.K. Coats, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX, USA; S.E. Olitsky, Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA

J. Cockburn, Frimley Park Hospital NHS Trust, Frimley, UK; M.E. Pawson, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK (Eds.)

Strabismus Surgery and its Complications

Psychological Challenges in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Data Integration in the Life Sciences

The Clinical Management

4th International Workshop, DILS 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 27-29, 2007, Proceedings

This comprehensive atlas and textbook on strabismus surgery and its complications provides complete instruction for the surgical management of the strabismus patient. In Part 1, detailed descriptions, photographs, and diagrams illustrate each major surgical procedure and variations. Part 2 presents an extensive review of surgical complications including their prevention, recognition, and treatment. The text is lavishly illustrated with artwork and photographic examples, and well-supported by sample references. Thus, the reader will benefit highly from expert stepby-step instructions on how to perform both basic and complex strabismus surgery and how to avoid, recognize, and treat strabismus surgery complications. Features Expert step-by-step instruction on how to perform both basic and complex strabismus surgery Excellent artwork diagrams and photographs demonstrating surgical techniques and potential complications Single source reference to learn about potential strabismus surgery complications and how to avoid, recognize, and to treat them Written by well-known experts DVD with video-clips of surgical procedures plus [..] Contents Surgically Important Anatomy.- Indications for Surgery.- Preoperative and Postoperative.- Care of the Strabismus Patient.- Anesthesia Considerations.Surgical Equipment and Operating Room Supplies.Techniques of Exposure and Closure. -Rectus Muscle Recessions.- Rectus Muscle Resections.- Surgery on the Inferior Oblique.- Surgery on the Superior Oblique.- Muscle/Tendon.- Transposition Surgery.Adjustable Suture Techniques.- Miscellaneous Procedures.- The Use of Botox in the Management of Strabismus.- Non-surgical treatment options. Reoperations.- Surgical Decision Making. Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Pediatric Surgery; Surgery Target groups General ophthalmologists, pediatric ophthalmologists and residents in training Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007

By providing the background knowledge, the book empowers the obstetrician/gynecologist to be in the key coordinating role, and to communicate effectively with all parties and health workers involved in psychological care. It meets the needs of doctors not covered by their training (e.g. Communication skills, coping and adjustment in pregnancy, communicating with cancer patients). Chapters show how to use the consultation to maximum benefit for the patient and doctor. Easy-to-read with stand-alone chapters, this book covers key aspects of O and G, and addresses areas not covered in other texts. It is relevant to all stages of O and G practice - from trainees to consultants (and some lay interest). This book offers topics in psychological care to trainees and specialist in O and G, helps them understand the emotional problems their patients face, and shows them how to undertake psychological care. Features Easy-to-read format Broad overview Demystifies the psychological aspects of the subject, making it easier to integrate psychological aspects into practice A more holistic approach improves the care for women Enables the doctor to make consultations more effective despite the limitations of time Contents Teaching psychosomatic obstetrics and gynecology.- Vaginal examination.- Communication skills, what you can do in 15 minutes.- Psychoanalysis for emergencies.- Sexuality.- Disability, normality, and difference.- Cross-cultural issues.- The Family.- Research in psychosomatic obstetrics and gynecology.Coping and adjustment in pregnancy: giving babies a better start.- Psychosocial aspects of prenatal diagnosis.- Premature labour and the premature baby.Post-traumatic stress disorder.- Antenatal and postnatal depression.- Maternal suicide.- Tokophobia : a profound dread and avoidance of [..] Fields of interest Gynecology; Obstetrics/Perinatology; Psychiatry; Reproductive Medicine Target groups Specialists and trainees in O and G Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2007

2007. XVI, 318 p. 479 illus. With DVD. Geb.

171,15 € ISBN 978-3-540-32703-5

2007. XX, 330 p. Softcover

67,36 € ISBN 978-1-84628-807-4

S. Cohen-Boulakia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; V. Tannen, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA (Eds.)

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences, DILS 2007, held in Philadelphia, PA, USA in July 2007. The 19 revised full papers presented together with 2 keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. The papers adress all current issues in data integration and data management from the life science point of view and are organized in topical sections on new architectures and experience on using systems, managing and designing scientific workflows, mapping and matching techniques, modeling of life science data, and annotation in data integration. Fields of interest Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Health Informatics & Health Administration; Database Management; Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet); Computational Biology/Bioinformatics; Computer Appl. in Life Sciences Target groups Researchers and professionals Type of publication Proceedings Due June 2007 2007. XI, 282 p. Also available online. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 4544) Softcover

48,15 € ISBN 978-3-540-73254-9 R.J. Cook, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada; J.F. Lawless, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada

Medizin G. Cooper, New York Presbyterian Hospital, NY, USA (Ed.)

Therapeutic Uses of Botulinum The Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Toxin Events Recurrent event data arise in diverse fields such as medicine, public health, insurance, social science, economics, manufacturing and reliability. The purpose of this book is to present models and statistical methods for the analysis of recurrent event data. No single comprehensive treatment of these areas currently exists. The authors provide broad but detailed coverage of the major approaches to analysis, while also emphasizing the modeling assumptions that they are based on. Thus, they consider important models such as Poisson and renewal processes, with extensions to incorporate covariates or random effects. More general intensity-based models are also considered, as well as simpler models that focus on rate or mean functions. Parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric methodologies are all covered, with clear descriptions of procedures for estimation, testing and model checking. Important practical topics such as observation schemes and selection of individuals for study, the planning [..] Features Provides an extensive discussion of the wide range of models and methods that are available to researchers and practitioners faced with the design and analysis of studies involving recurrent events Contents Introduction.- Models and frameworks for analysis of recurrent events.- Methods based on counts and rate functions.- Analysis of gap times.- General intensity-based models.- Multi-type recurrent events.Observation schemes giving incomplete or selective data.- Other topics. Fields of interest Epidemiology; Health Care Administration; Statistical Theory and Methods; Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk; Econometrics; Methodology of the Social Sciences Target groups Grad students, practitioners Type of publication Monograph

Therapeutic Uses of Botulinum Toxin outlines and examines our current understanding of botulinum toxin and its various therapeutic applications. The editors explore how this novel compound fits into a wide variety of treatment algorithms across medical subspecialties. Each chapter focuses on a particular symptom and explains how botulinum toxin is currently used for treatment. The chapter authors are all leaders in their fields and are respected for their progressive approach to treatment. Physicians will benefit not only from those chapters devoted to their particular sub-specialty, but from the inspiring success resulting from the use of botulinum toxin in other patient populations. The concluding chapter examines questions of immunity, explores economic issues, and attempts to forecast future directions for this novel and somewhat mysterious drug. Clinicians across a wide variety of disciplines will refer to this comprehensive reference time and time again. Features Defines our current understanding of botulinum toxin and its method of action Presents therapeutic uses across a variety of medical subspecialties and patient populations Encourages responsible research into new and novel uses of botulinum toxin Contents From the contents 1. History and Mechanism of Action.- 2. Spasticity.- 3. Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome Applications - Trismus, Trigeminal Neuralagia, and Cervical Dystonia.- 4. Back Pain.- 5. Piriformis Syndrome.- 6. Plantar Fasciitis.- 7. Headache.- 8. Spasmodic Dysphonia.- 9. Sialorrhea and Frey's Syndrome.- 10. Cosmetic Applications.- 11. Hyperhidrosis.- 12. Urologic Applications.- 13. Gastrointestinal Applications: Achalasia, Gastroparesis, and Anal Fissure.- 14. Blepharospasm.- 15. Economics, Immunity, and Future Directions. Fields of interest Dermatology; Orthopedics; Rehabilitation Medicine; Pharmacology/Toxicology


A.P. Cope, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Division, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK (Ed.)

Arthritis Research Volume 1: Methods and Protocols

Arthritis Research: Methods and Protocols is a compendium of data pertinent to the methods and protocols that have contributed to recent advances in molecular medicine in general, but to the molecular basis of rheumatic disease in particular. These volumes details novel technologies, some of which are still evolving and whose impacts are yet to be determined. Leaders in the field contribute to cover such exciting and cutting edge topics as imaging and immunohistochemistry, analysis of cartilage and bone catabolism, immunobiology, and cell trafficking. In Volume 1, authors discuss synovial joint morphology, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry, cartilage matrix and bone biology, and cell trafficking, migration and invasion. Volume 2 is broken up into sections that cover immunobiology and T cells, animal models of arthritis, and applications of new technologies, such as Differential Display Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (DDRTPCR), to define novel therapeutic targets. Both [..] Features Broad range of topics covering many aspects of rheumatic disease In-depth studies of cutting-edge technology Robust tools for translational research Contributions from leaders in their fields Contents I. Synovial Joint Morphology, Histopathology, and Immunohistochemistry.- 1. Imaging Inflamed Synovial Joints.- 2. Arthroscopy as a Research Tool: A Review.- 3. Immunohitochemistry of the Inflamed Synovium.- 4. In Situ Hybridisation of Synovial Tissue.- 5. Subtractive Hybridization.- 6. Laser Capture as a Tool for Analysis of Gene Expression in Inflamed Synovium.- 7. Preparation of Mononuclear Cells from Synovial Tissue.- 8. Quantitative Image Analysis of Synovial Tissue.- II. Cartilage Matrix and Bone Biology.- 9. Cartilage Histomorphometry.- 10. Image Analysis of Aggrecan Degradation [..] Fields of interest Orthopedics; Cell Biology; Human Genetics

Target groups Physical medicine doctors, rehabilitation specialists, neurologists, sports rehab doctors, general practice doctors, orthopedic doctors, toxicologists

Target groups Basic research investigators, clinician scientists, pathologists, immunologists, and biochemists

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due July 2007

Due July 2007

2007. XIV, 242 p. 47 illus. Geb.

2007. XX, 446 p. 99 illus., 15 in color. (Methods in Molecular Medicine, Band 135) Geb.

Due August 2007 2007. XX, 403 p. (Statistics for Biology and Health) Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-0-387-69809-0

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-914-7

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-58829-344-2



A.P. Cope, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Division, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK (Ed.)

C.-C. Coussios, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; G.t. Haar, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, UK (Eds.)

Arthritis Research

6th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound

Volume 2: Methods and Protocols

F. DeMonte, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; M.R. Gilbert, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; A. Mahajan, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; I.E. McCutcheon, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (Eds.)

Tumors of the Brain and Spine Arthritis Research: Methods and Protocols is a compendium of data pertinent to the methods and protocols that have contributed to recent advances in molecular medicine in general, but to the molecular basis of rheumatic disease in particular. These volumes details novel technologies, some of which are still evolving and whose impacts are yet to be determined. Leaders in the field contribute to cover such exciting and cutting edge topics as imaging and immunohistochemistry, analysis of cartilage and bone catabolism, immunobiology, and cell trafficking. In Volume 1, authors discuss synovial joint morphology, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry, cartilage matrix and bone biology, and cell trafficking, migration and invasion. Volume 2 is broken up into sections that cover immunobiology and T cells, animal models of arthritis, and applications of new technologies, such as Differential Display Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (DDRTPCR), to define novel therapeutic targets. Both [..] Features Broad range of topics covering many aspects of rheumatic disease In-depth studies of cutting-edge technology Robust tools for translational research Contributions from leaders in their fields Contents I. Immunobiology.- 1. Phenotypic Analysis of B Cells and Plasma Cells.- 2. Detection of Antigen Specific B Cells in Tissues.- 3. Single Cell Analysis of Synovial Tissue B Cells.- 4. Tracking Antigen Specific CD4+ T Cells with Soluble MHC Molecules.- 5. Analysis of Antigen Reactive T Cells.- 6. Identification and Manipulation of Antigen Specific T Cells with Artificial Antigen Presenting Cells.- 7. Analysis of Th1/Th2 T Cell Subsets.- 8. Analysis of the T Cell Receptor Repertoire of Synovial T Cells.- 9. The Assessment of T Cell Apoptosis in Synovial Fluid.- 10. Assay of T Cell Contact [..] Fields of interest Orthopedics; Human Genetics; Cell Biology

All papers have been peer reviewed. The 6th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound is the annual meeting of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound. The conference embraced low power and high power techniques, including noninvasive tissue ablation for cancer therapy, treatment of stroke, haemostasis, ultrasound-enhanced drug delivery and gene therapy. Topics discussed include: Therapeutic ultrasound; ultrasound calibration; dosimetry; exposimetry; ultrasound field characterization; ultrasound transducers, high-intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU); acoustic haemostasis; thrombolysis; heating; hyerpethermia; ablation; acoustic cavitation; inertial cavitation; stable cavitation; treatment guidance; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); tissue phantoms; liver kidney prostate cancer; sonodymamic therapy; ultrasound contrast agent; targeted drug delivery; microbubbles; liposome; nanoemulsion; sonoporation; sonotransfection; gene transfer; gene delivery; transcranial; blood-brain [..] Fields of interest Biophysics; Ultrasound Target groups Academic and clinical researchers in the field of therapeutic ultrasound; therapeutic ultrasound manufacturers; clinical Practitioners interested in non-invasive and minimally invasive cancer therapy; academics with interests in sound, ultrasound, acoustics and cavitation Type of publication Proceedings Due June 2007 2007. XXI, 565 p. With CD-ROM. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Band 911) Geb.

163,18 € ISBN 978-0-7354-0419-9

Tumors of the Brain and Spine focuses primarily on the standard approaches to the treatment of benign, primary low-grade to high-grade, and metastatic tumors in the brain and spine used by surgeons and clinicians at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. It is written mainly for the primary care oncologist, general neurologist, and general neurosurgeon. Chapters on treatment focus on neurosurgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, both singly and in combination. Chapters on symptom management, the molecular genetics and neuropathology of intracranial tumors, the leptomeningeal dissemination of systemic cancer, the epidemiology of brain tumors, and innovative treatment strategies round out the volume. Features Focuses primarily on the standard approaches to the treatment of benign, primary low-grade to high-grade, and metastatic tumors in the brain and spine  Overview on treatment with focus on neurosurgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, both singly and in combination. Reviews symptom management, molecular genetics and neuropathology of intracranial tumors, leptomeningeal dissemination of systemic [..] Contents Foreword.- Epidemiology of Brain Tumors.- Neuropathology and Molecular Genetics of Intracranial Tumors.- Radiology of Brain Tumors: Structure and Physiology.- Surgically Curable Brain Tumors of Adults.- Low-Grade Gliomas: Evidence-Based Treatment Options.- Surgical Strategies for HighGrade Gliomas.- Radiation Oncology for Tumors of the Central Nervous System: Improving the Therapeutic Index.- Cytotoxic Chemotherapy for Diffuse Gliomas.- Innovative Treatment Strategies for HighGrade Gliomas.- Pituitary Tumors in Oncology.Management of Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Melanoma [..]

Target groups Basic research investigators, clinician scientists, pathologists, immunologists, and biochemists

Fields of interest Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Neurosurgery; Neurology; Pathology

Type of publication Contributed volume

Target groups Oncologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, pathologists, radiologists

Due July 2007 2007. XXII, 432 p. 73 illus., 6 in color. (Methods in Molecular Medicine, Band 136) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-58829-918-5

Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007 2007. XII, 364 p. 73 illus. (M.D. Anderson Cancer Care Series) Softcover

74,85 € ISBN 978-0-387-29201-4 E. Deindl, Institute for Surgical Research, Munich, Germany; C. Kupatt, Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany (Eds.)

Therapeutic Neovascularization – Quo vadis? The volume "Therapeutic Neovascularization: Quo Vadis?" picks up the current refinements in fundamental concept of neovascularization, which in the future might pave the way towards a new era of therapeutic applications. It meets an at times urgent need for treatment of patients who otherwise are not suitable for the established routines of percutaneous and surgical revascularization. At present most of the clinical trials initiated to promote neovascularization of ischemic myocardial or peripheral muscle tissue have failed to provide significant improvement of prespecified endpoints. This collection of manuscripts is selected to provide the most recent developments improving the auspices of successful revascularization therapy. Therefore, it covers sections such as the clinical challenge, novel mechanical and molecular concepts and cell therapy as an option, each composed of chapters written by experts in their fields. This collection of current and future concepts of neovascularization offers [..] Features Cutting edge science Comprehensive status report Innovative concepts Leaders in the field Fields of interest Molecular Medicine; Cardiology; Medical Biochemistry; Cancer Research Target groups Research workers, clinicians with scientific interest, pharmaceutical industry, students in Medicine, Biology, Pharmacy Type of publication Contributed volume Due June 2007 2007. X, 262 p. Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5954-4

Medizin Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung (DGfS) (Eds.)

Behandlungsleitlinie Störungen der sexuellen Präferenz Die Behandlungsleitlinie "Störungen der sexuellen Präferenz" wurde von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung (DGfS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) gemeinsam entwickelt. Das wichtigste Anliegen von Leitlinien ist nicht nur, alle neuesten und womöglich noch gar nicht beurteilbaren Ergebnisse in Diagnose, Therapie oder auf dem Gebiet der Prognose wiederzugeben, sondern ebenfalls die bewährte Praxis darzustellen. Diesen Anspruch erfüllt die vorliegende Leitlinie. Sie richtet sich nicht nur an den Spezialisten, der tief greifend und detailliert informiert sein muss, sondern auch an eine breitere Fachöffentlichkeit und allgemein Interessierte, einschließlich Betroffener, die über die gängige Praxis Bescheid wissen wollen, um sich orientieren zu können. Fields of interest Psychiatry; Sexual Behavior; Psychotherapy; Behavioral Therapy; Urology/Andrology; Gynecology Target groups Psychiater, Psychotherapeuten, Sexualmediziner, Gynäkologen, Urologen Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. X, 62 S. (Praxisleitlinien in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Band 8) Softcover

13,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1774-5


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (Ed.)

Urologie in Deutschland 100 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU) kann seit dem Jahr 2006 auf eine 100-jährige Geschichte zurückblicken. Dieses Jubiläum war Anlass, das vorliegende Buch zu schreiben. Die Autoren sind Urologen, die einerseits die Faszination für Ihr Fachgebiet beschreiben, auf der anderen Seite aber auch versuchen, die notwendige kritische Distanz zu wahren. Der Bogen spannt sich von den Anfangsjahren der DGU über die Entstehung und Weiterentwicklung diagnostischer und therapeutischer Verfahren bis hin zur Reflektion über die Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Urologen. Ein reichhaltiges Bildmaterial rundet diese historische Darstellung ab. Features Jubiläumsband: die Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie anlässlich ihres 100jährigen Bestehens Umfassende Darstellung Reichhaltiges Bildmaterial Contents Gesundheitspolitische Bedeutung der DGU; Die Gründung der DGU und ihr Kongress 1907; Urologie in Deutschland bis zum 19. Jahrhundert; Geschichte der DGU; Geschichte BDU; Lehre; Frauen in der Urologie; Pflegeberufe; Organe; Spezielle Techniken; Konservative Therapien; Diagnostik; Der urologische Patient; Arzt und Kunst; Internationale Beziehungen; Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen/Publikationen; Perspektiven; Präsidentenreden; Serviceteil. Fields of interest Urology/Andrology Target groups Urologen in Klinik und Praxis Type of publication Professional book Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 338 S. Geb.

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-31034-1



R.S. Dhillon, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

Hydroboration and Organic Synthesis M.F. Di Carli, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; M.J. Lipton, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA (Eds.)

Cardiac PET and PET/CT Imaging

Features Contents is essential for synthetic chemists' everyday life No systematic compilation of the vast data is available to synthetic chemist This book will fill the gap Contents Introduction.- General Remarks.- Preparations and Properties.- Kinetic Studies.- Hydroboration.- Synthesis of Alcohols.- Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones.- Synthesis of Carboxylic Acids.- Synthesis of Esters.- Synthesis of Nitriles.- Synthesis of (E) -b ,g - Unsaturated amides.- Synthesis of Amines.- Synthesis of Halides.- Synthesis of Dialkylsulfides.- Synthesis of Thiophene oligomeres.- Synthesis of Cyclopropanes and Cyclobutanes.- Synthesis of Borinanes.- Synthesis and Transformation of Butterflyboranes.- Synthesis of a - Bromoboranes.- Synthesis of Borinates.- Synthesis and [..] Fields of interest Organic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Biochemistry, general Target groups For industry, universities, research and development laboratories in the mentioned fields Type of publication Monograph

This textbook presents the reader with the most upto-date, practical information on the practice of cardiac PET and hybrid PET/CT. Each chapter takes a step-by-step approach to this emerging technology, from basic principles of instrumentation, imaging, and protocols, to advanced discussions of current and future clinical applications. Perspective on other emerging imaging modalities (e.g., MRI) and the relative role of each adds to the well-rounded approach. A section on the technical aspects of cardiac PET and PET/CT imaging directed to and written by technologists is included as well. Molecular imaging approaches that are likely to play a clinical role in the future are also thoroughly covered. A library of original cases selected by the editors and contributors completes the text by illustrating interpretation and technical challenges in cardiac PET and hybrid PET/CT. Features Practical tips for cardiac PET and hybrid PET/CT Step-by-step approach facilitates learning Includes several original case studies Contents Part 1: Instrumentation and Principles of Imaging.Instrumentation and Principles of PET.- Instrumentation and Principles of CT.- Integrated PET/CT.Prinicples of Quantitation in Cardiac PET.- Part 2: General Considerations for Performing PET and Integrated PET/CT.- Radiopharmaceuticals for Clinical Cardiac PET Imaging.- Iodinated Contrast Agents for Cardiac CT.- CT Anatomry of the Heart.- Patient and Occupational Dosimetry.- Part 3: Diagnostic Approaches to Patients With Cad.- Patient Preparation and Stress Protocols for Cardiac PET and Integrated PET/CT Imaging.- PET and Integrated [..] Fields of interest Nuclear Medicine; Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Cardiology

Features Problem-oriented approach in a "dedicated" radiological atlas book Superb image quality in a winning format Contents Chapter 1: Mechanism of Small Bowel Obstruction.Chapter 2: Patho-physiology of Imaging.- Chapter 3: CT Features of Small Bowel Obstruction.- Chapter 4: Morph-dynamic Features of Acute Intestinal Disprders. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Ultrasound; Gastroenterology; Abdominal Surgery; Emergency Medicine Target groups Emergency radiologists, emergency surgeons Type of publication Professional book

2007. VIII, 114 p. 150 illus., 22 in color. Geb.

Type of publication Monograph

90,90 € ISBN 978-88-470-0666-9

Due August 2007 2007. XVIII, 470 p. 254 illus., 97 in color. Geb.

213,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-49075-3

Small bowel obstruction is a common but difficult clinical problem in terms of appropriate diagnosis and timely management. In clinical practice, radiologists play a key role in the assessment of small bowel obstruction and can guide physicians toward appropriate and timely management of the many indeterminate cases and situations. However, to understand and connect the pathophysiology to the imaging features remains the most difficult task radiologists face in their clinical activity. The aim of this book is connect pathophysiology to imaging using many illustrations and examples, emphasizing the capabilities and limitations of multidetector computed tomography and its role in the correct management approach to these disorders. Furthermore, the place of allied imaging modalities (plain film and ultrasound) in the clinical algorithm is comprehensively illustrated.

Target groups Radiologists and residents, nuclear cardiologists and residents, cardiologists and residents, nuclear physicians and residents

Due May 2007 2007. XIII, 586 p. 196 illus. Geb.

Small-Bowel Obstruction CT Features with Plain Film and US correlations

9-Borabicyclo [3.3.1] nonane (9-BBN)

9-Borabicyclo [3.3.1]nonane, a commercially available reagent, is the most versatile hydroborating reagent to synthesize organoboranes (B-R-9-BBN). The reagent exhibits remarkable regio-, chemo-, and stereoselectivity during hydroboration reactions. The organoboranes can be converted to C-H, C-O, C-N, C-S, C-halogen, C-metal and above all C-C bonds. In addition, the suitable substituted / unsaturated R of B-R-9-BBN can be utilized to produce dienes, enynes, allenes etc. with defined stereochemistry. 9BBN’s derivatives have been elegantly used for the asymmetric reduction of ketone moiety. Diels-Alder and Suzuki reactions have expanded the utility of 9BBN for the synthesis of a variety of organic compounds required for industry. Consequently, this vast field in the form of a book will be helpful to synthetic organic chemists for easy access to literature, required for chemical transformations.

R. Di Mizio, S. Massimo Hospital, Penne, Pescara, Italy; M. Scaglione, Cardarelli Hospital, Naples, Italy (Eds.)

117,65 € ISBN 978-0-387-35275-6

Due August 2007


E. Diamanti-Kandarakis, University of Athens, Greece; J.E. Nestler, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; D. Panidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; R. Pasquali, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy (Eds.)

A.M. Diehl, Duke University Medical Center, NC, USA; N. Hayashi, Osaka University School of Medicine, Japan; M.P. Manns, Medical School Hannover, Germany; T. Sauerbruch, University Clinic Bonn, Germany (Eds.)

Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Chronic Hepatitis Metabolic, Cholestatic, Viral and Autoimmune

Pathogenesis, Evaluation, and Treatment

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. Providing a state-of-the-art analysis of the connection between insulin resistance and PCOS, Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome comprehensively covers a range of topics, including the cellular mechanisms of PCOS, infertility and PCOS, long-term risks of PCOS and the association with insulin resistance, evaluation and treatment of PCOS, and treatment of chronic PCOS. Features An up-to-date and balanced overview of PCOS, with specific attention to the role of insulin resistance in its pathogenesis Examines diet and lifestyle factors in the aetiology and management of PCOS Contents Evaluation for Insulin Resistance and Co-Morbidities Related to Insulin Resistance in Pcos.- Fat Distribution and Adipose Products in PCOS.- Treatment Of Infertility In PCOS: Ovulation Induction.- Imaging Studies In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.- Genes Related To Metabolic Abnormalities Or Insulin Resistance In PCOS.- Anti-Androgens.- Lipid Abnormalities in PCOS.- Serine Phosphorylation, Insulin Resistance, and the Regulation of Androgen Synthesis.- Chronic Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Oral Contraceptive Pills.- Insulin Sensitizing Drugs for the Treatment of Infertility in [..] Fields of interest Endocrinology; Internal Medicine; Diabetes; Obstetrics/Perinatology Target groups Endocrinologists, gynecologists, internal medicine practitioners Type of publication Contributed volume

This book is the proceedings of Falk Symposium 157, entitled ‘Chronic Hepatitis: Metabolic, Cholestatic, Viral and Autoimmune’, held in Freiburg, Germany, on 10--11 October 2006 (one of three symposia during the XIII Falk Liver Week 2006). It provides upto-date information on new developments in the field of chronic hepatitis and its various entities. In recent decades we have learned how heterogeneous the clinical entity of chronic hepatitis has become. The liver, as the central organ of metabolism and detoxification, is more than ever a target of disease processes evolving from the spread of obesity in the western world. Apart from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), alcoholic liver disease is still the most prevalent liver disease in the west. Alcohol-induced liver disease exhibits a broad clinical spectrum from alcoholic steatohepatitis to cirrhosis. Alcoholic hepatitis is a disease entity with a particular poor prognosis. Any liver disease of unknown cause is suspected as being [..]


M. Dietel, Charité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany (Ed.)

Targeted Therapies in Cancer From its introduction, oncological chemotherapy has been encumbered by its poor selectivity because most antiproliferative drugs are toxic not only to tumor cells but also to important populations of the body’s non-neoplastic cells. The resultant problems with unwanted side effects are compounded by difficulties in predicting the desired effectivity of chemotherapy in individual patients. This unsatisfactory situation has driven intensive research and development towards more specific and less toxic anticancer drugs over the last few decades. Several results of these efforts have reached the clinic and an even greater number are now in preclinical testing. Common to all these targeted therapies is their interaction with defined molecules present on cancer cells, which adds various degrees of increased selectivity to their toxic effects. As a consequence, detecting the target molecule on tumors before therapy holds great diagnostic potential for predicting the efficacy of the drug and personalizing [..]

Target groups Clinicians, researchers, graduate students, academics

Contents From the contents Oncogenic signaling pathways and deregulated target genes. Cytostatic drug resistance and new anti-cancer targets. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in carcinomas of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Resistance-associated signatures in breast cancer. Resistance to chemotherapy in ovarian carcinoma. Metastasis in colorectal cancer. Chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. Proteomic expression profiling of breast cancer. Targeted therapy and blood-brain-barrier. Cetuximab – appraisal of a novel drug against colorectal cancer. C-kit, GIST and Imatinib. Antibody therapy in non-Hodgkin’s [..]

Type of publication Collected works

Fields of interest Oncology; Cancer Research

Due August 2007

Target groups Clinicians and researchers

2007. Approx. 272 p. (Falk Symposium, Band 157) Geb.

Type of publication Monograph

Features Interdisciplinary symposium bringing together basic science and clinical applications. Up-to-date research findings at the highest scientific level Fields of interest Hepatology; Virology

176,50 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6522-4

Due June 2007

Due July 2007

2007. XIV, 262 p. 57 illus. (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Band 176) Geb.

2007. XVIII, 487 p. 43 illus. (Contemporary Endocrinology) Geb.

139,05 € ISBN 978-3-540-46090-9

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-763-1



B. Dirks, Universitätsklinikum Ulm (Ed.)

Die Notfallmedizin H.J. Duckers, University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands; P.W. Serruys, University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands; E.G. Nabel, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA (Eds.)

Essentials of Restenosis Großes Grundlagenwerk der Notfallmedizin, das allen angehenden oder bereits tätigen Notfallmedizinern die wesentlichen Aspekte der Notfallmedizin fundiert und praxisnah vermittelt. Zahlreiche Experten präsentieren Informationen zu allen Teilaspekten der Notfallmedizin. - Grundlagen - Notfälle nach Leitsymptomen - Notfälle nach Fachgebieten - Organisation der Notfallmedizin Orientiert an den Weiterbildungsinhalten für die Zusatz-Weiterbildung Notfallmedizin und den Fachkundenachweis Rettungsdienst Praxis - Typische Fallbeispiele - Notarztboxen mit konkreten Handlungsanleitungen für den Ernstfall - Kasuistiken zur Selbstkontrolle Plus - Aktuelle Reanimationsleitlinien des ERC - Zahlreiche Abbildungen aus der Praxis - Neuer Notarztindikationskatalog Die übersichtliche Didaktik und die optische Aufbereitung der Inhalte ermöglichen schnelles und effektives Lernen und Handeln! Die ideale Kombination aus Hintergrundwissen und praxisrelevantem "Know how"! Features Großes Grundlagenwerk für Notfallmediziner in Aus- und Weiterbildung und Beruf Starker Praxisbezug Einheitliches didaktisches Konzept mit - Fallbeispielen - Merksätzen - Praktischen Anweisungen Algorithmen – Notarztboxen Contents Basiswissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie von Notfällen.- Notfälle nach Leitsymptomen.- Notfälle nach Fachgebieten.- Organisation der Notfallmedizin.- Anhang (Curriculum FKN Rettungsdienst u.a.).- Kasuistiken zur Selbstkontrolle.- Leitsymptomregister. Fields of interest Emergency Medicine; Anesthesiology Target groups Notärzte, Anästhesisten, alle in der Notfallmedizin tätigen Ärzte Type of publication Professional book

Infantile Zerebralparese Diagnostik, konservative und operative Therapie

For the Interventional Cardiologist

Leading interventional cardiologists, including Patrick Serruys, Eric Topol, David Holmes, Thomas Luscher and others provide the gold-standard reference on the treatment of restenosis (coronary artery blockage) for interventional cardiologists. Dr. Serruys, who pioneered the use of drug-eluting stents, and other pioneers in the field cover everything from non-invasive imaging, to eluting stents, to brachytherapy through to the latest molecular biology-based treatments including antisense, stem cells and gene therapy, making this an essential reference for all interventional cardiologists. Features Gold-standard reference on the treatment of restenosis for interventional cardiologists Produced by leading interventional cardiologists, including Patrick Serruys, Eric Topol, David Holmes, and Thomas Luscher Contents Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Restenosis.- Clinical Presentation of Restenosis.- Pathologic Anatomy of Restenosis.- The Influence of Shear Stress on Restenosis.- Role of the Immune System in the Pathogenesis of Vascular Proliferative Disease.- Animal Restenosis Models.- From the "Ideal Model" to the "Ideal Study".- The Genomics of Restenosis.Gene Expression Profiling and Restenosis.- Proteomics and Restenosis.- Contribution of Circulating Progenitor Cells to Vascular Repair and Lesion Formation.- Cell Cycle Regulation in Vascular Proliferative Diseases.- Arterial Remodelling.- The [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Vascular Surgery; Internal Medicine; Interventional Radiology Target groups Cardiologists, cardiology fellows, pharmacologists, surgeons Type of publication Contributed volume

Due July 2007

Die infantile Zerebralparese geht in erster Linie mit Problemen an den Bewegungsorganen einher, die auch Hauptansatzpunkt für die jeweilige Behandlungsform sind. Das Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen für eine zielgerichtete Diagnostik und konservative wie auch operative Therapie. Bewusst werden alle Berufsgruppen, die an der Versorgung dieser Patienten beteiligt sind, angesprochen. Damit wird auch die Entwicklung einer „gemeinsamen Sprache" gefördert. Neue Klassifizierungs- und Evaluationsinstrumente bereiten den Weg für ein besseres Verständnis untereinander. In jüngster Zeit hat sich ein dramatischer Wandel in Diagnose und Therapie vollzogen, wie z.B. visuelle und instrumentelle Funktionsanalysen, Botulinumtoxin A, neue Orthesentechniken, funktionelle Mehretagenkorrektur. Eine Hilfe im klinischen Alltag und bei der individuellen Problemlösung - für alle, die in die Behandlung von Patienten mit infantiler Zerebralparese eingebunden sind. Ein Arbeitsbuch … «aus der Praxis - für die Praxis» Features Neueste diagnostische Methoden Konservative und operative Therapieformen Praktische Hilfe im klinischen Alltag Das Standardwerk zur infantilen Zerebralparese Contents Einleitung.- Definition.- Klassifikation, Verteilung und Häufigkeit.- Zusatzbehinderungen.Funktionelle Auswirkungen auf den Bewegungsapparat.- Konservative Therapieverfahren.- Überprüfungskriterien und Ansätze wissenschaftlicher Forschung.- Grenzen der konservativen Therapie.- Operative Behandlungsverfahren.Behandlung der verschiedenen Lähmungsformen.Operationstechniken.- Nachbehandlung.- Ergebnisbeurteilung.- Iatrogene Deformität.- Neurochirurgische Eingriffe.- IZP – vom Kind zum Erwachsenen.Ausblick.- Befundbögen. Fields of interest Orthopedics; Conservative Orthopedics; Surgical Orthopedics; Pediatrics; Physiotherapy

2007. XIV, 458 p. 112 illus. (Contemporary Cardiology) Geb.

Target groups Orthopäden, Kinderärzte, Neurologen, Orthopädietechniker, Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-491-3

Type of publication Monograph

Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 587 S. 360 Abb. Geb.

89,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-25608-3

L. Döderlein, Behandlungszentrum Aschau GmbH

Due August 2007 2007. XIV, 386 S. 232 Abb., überw. in Farbe, in 312 Einzeldarst. Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1700-4


F.L. Edwards, San José State University, San José, CA, USA; F. Steinhäusler, University of Salzburg, Austria (Eds.)

F.L. Edwards, San José State University, San José, CA, USA; F. Steinhäusler, University of Salzburg, Austria (Eds.)

NATO And Terrorism

NATO And Terrorism

On Scene: New Challenges for First Responders and Civil Protection

On Scene: New Challenges for First Responders and Civil Protection

This book provides information about how leading agencies across the NATO membership are preparing to confront and respond to terrorists deploying Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Weapons of Mass Killing (WMK) and Weapons of Mass Disruption (WMDi). Based on contributions by experts from NATO member states, Israel and the Russian Federation, this book offers information on fourth generation warfare as a new challenge to first responders. It also provides a variety of insights into methods for preparing for and responding to WMD-, WMK-, and WMDi-events, using new technologies and strategies. Furthermore, the book offers solution for restoring the community to functioning after such a major terror attack. Topics include preparing, planning, operations, equipment, training and unique applications of existing technologies for countering terrorist attacks against cities and their infrastructure.

International terrorism remains a significant threat to the peace of the world. Weapons using various materials and delivery systems have been directed against cities and infrastructure, and other materials are postulated to be usable within the near future. Some of these materials are unusual or exotic, while some are modifications of materials used daily for other purposes: biological, chemical, radiological, nuclear and explosive. These materials pose a safety challenge for first responders, slowing the response and potentially killing scarce trained personnel. This book provides information about how leading agencies across the NATO membership are preparing to confront and respond to terrorists deploying Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Weapons of Mass Killing (WMK) and Weapons of Mass Disruption (WMDi). Based on contributions by experts from NATO member states, Israel and the Russian Federation, this book offers information on fourth generation warfare as a new challenge to first responders. [..]

Features Provides a comprehensive review of the challenges posed to first responders and emergency managers by terrorism Provides a unique approach to coordinating preparedness and response to terrorism attacks against cities and infrastructure across boundaries Provides a unique set of non-traditional tools and strategies for enhancing response to WMD, WMK, and WMDi-terrorist attacks Provides a unique approach to [..] Fields of interest Emergency Services; Professional & Vocational Education; Social Policy; Political Science; Geoinformation/Cartography Target groups City, county and state-based emergency first responders and emergency managers Type of publication Proceedings Due August 2007 2007. XVIII, 262 p. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6275-9

Features Provides a comprehensive review of the challenges posed to first responders and emergency managers by terrorism Provides a unique approach to coordinating preparedness and response to terrorism attacks against cities and infrastructure across boundaries Provides a unique set of non-traditional tools and strategies for enhancing response to WMD, WMK, and WMDi-terrorist attacks Provides a unique approach to [..] Contents Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements. Contributors. Introduction. Overview. The issue. Emergency planning and terrorism. The framework. Security threat assessment. Preparing for natural hazards vs. terror attack: a matter of risk. The new risk environment. Unconventional use of conventional explosives. Radiological weapons. Weapons of mass destruction. Emergency management challenges. Challenges to law enforcement due to a major terror attack. Challenges due to NRBC threats. Covert versus overt terror attack. Response by law enforcement agents. Prevention and disruption by law [..] Fields of interest Emergency Services; Professional & Vocational Education; Social Policy; Political Science; Geoinformation/Cartography Target groups City, county and state-based emergency first responders and emergency managers Type of publication Proceedings Due June 2007 2007. XVIII, 262 p. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) Softcover

64,15 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6276-6


E.S.H. El Ashry, University of Alexandria, Egypt (Ed.)

Heterocycles from Carbohydrate Precursors

Features Heterocyclic chemistry is the biggest branch of chemistry covering two-third of the chemical literature Covers hot topics of frontier research summarized by reputed scientists in the field Topic related Online version available on Contents E.S.H. El Ashry, Y. El Kilany, N.M. Nahas: Manipulation of Carbohydrate-Carbon Atoms for the Synthesis of Heterocycles.- J.G. Fernández-Bolaños, Ó. López: Synthesis of Heterocycles from Glycosylamines and Glycosyl Azides.- J.G. FernándezBolaños, Ó. López: Heterocycles from Carbohydrate Isothiocyanates.- B. Furman, Z. Kaluza, A. Stencel, B. Grzeszczyk, M. Chmielewski: ß-Lactams from Carbohydrates.- F. Santoyo-González, F. HernándezMateo: Azide-Alkyne 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions: A Valuable Tool in Carbohydrate Chemistry.- J.A. S. Cavaleiro, J.P.C. Tomé, M.A. F. Faustino: Synthesis of [..] Fields of interest Organic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry Target groups Scientists and practitioners in the mentioned fields and in industry Type of publication Reviews Due July 2007 2007. XII, 354 p. Also available online. (Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Band 7) Geb.

277,13 € ISBN 978-3-540-72956-3 J. Elbaum, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Manhasset, NY, USA; D. Benson, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Manhasset, NY, USA (Eds.)

Medizin B. Ertl-Wagner, Institut für klinische Radiologie, München

Pädiatrische Neuroradiologie

Acquired Brain Injury An Integrative Neuro-Rehabilitation Approach


A.P. Evan, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA; J.E. Lingeman, Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, USA; J.C. Williams, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA (Eds.)

Renal Stone Disease Der Verdacht auf eine Erkrankung des Gehirns oder Rückenmarks verursacht bei den betroffenen Eltern und Kindern große Angst und Verunsicherung. Für den behandelnden Arzt ist deshalb das oberste Gebot: schnell und präzise diagnostizieren. Dabei bietet das Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk die optimale Unterstützung. Es ist so konzipiert, dass es auch Unerfahrenen eine rasche Orientierung und einen leichten Zugang zu diesem faszinierenden Fachgebiet ermöglicht. Knapp und übersichtlich: Entstehung und Diagnose der häufigen Krankheitsbilder; Krankheiten, die bestimmte Entwicklungskonzepte gut veranschaulichen; Seltene Erkrankungen im Kurz-Überblick. Klar und verständlich: Einprägsame Merksätze und Übersichtstabellen; Entscheidungshilfen und Praxis-Tipps; Glossar radiologischer Fachbegriffe zum schnellen Nachschlagen. Ein Werk, mit dem Einsteiger leicht lernen und Erfahrene schnell diagnostische Fragestellungen klären.

1st Annual International Urolithiasis Research Symposium

Target groups Urologists, medical research scientists, physiologists, patients with stone disease

Features No other book deals with an integrated or team approach to therapy post acquired brain injury

Features Verständlicher Einstieg in die grundlegenden Konzepte der pädiatrischen Neuroradiologie Rasche Orientierung ohne komplizierte Technikdetails Praxisbezogene Entscheidungshilfen für eine präzise Diagnostik Klare Didaktik mit vielen Lernhilfen

Contents Introduction.- Neurosurgery and Acquired Brain Injury: An Educational Primer.- Physiatry and Acquired Brain Injury.- The Role of the Neurologist in the Assessment and Treatment of Patients status post Acquired Brain Injury.- Voiding and Sexual Dysfunction after Cerebrovascular Accident and Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of the Neuro-urologist.- Neuropsychiatry and Traumatic Brain Injury.- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Evaluation and Treatment Approaches.- The Role of the Neuro-Rehabilitation Optometrist.- Nursing Care of the Neuro-Rehabilitation Patient.- Case Management in [..]

Contents Das Gehirn des Kindes: Die embryologische Entwicklung des Gehirns. Kongenitale Störungen des kindlichen Gehirns. Die Phakomatosen. Metabolische Störungen. Autoimmune und toxisch bedingte Erkrankungen. Entzündliche Erkrankungen. Hypoxisch-ischämische Läsionen im Kindesalter. Schlaganfälle im Kindesalter und vaskuläre Malformationen des kindlichen Gehirns. Hydrozephalus im Kindesalter. Traumatische Erkrankungen des kindlichen Gehirns. Hirntumoren im Kindesalter.Die Wirbelsäule des Kindes: Die embryologische Entwicklung der Wirbelsäule. Kongenitale Störungen der kindlichen Wirbelsäule. [..]

Due April 2007

Fields of interest Neuropsychology; Rehabilitation; Behavioral Therapy; Rehabilitation Medicine

Fields of interest Pediatrics; Neuroradiology; Imaging / Radiology; Neurology

Target groups Students studying courses in neuropsychology, rehabilitation counseling and physical/occupational therapy; neuropsychologists; neuropsychiatrists; neurologists; physical, occupational and speech/language therapists; rehabilitation counselors; social workers

Target groups Praktiker

Regardless of etiology, such as accident, tumor, stroke or assault, acquired brain injury presents numerous challenges for survivors, caregivers and treating professionals. Interdisciplinary and integrated evaluations, treatment, and management can mean the difference between successful recovery and unfortunate outcomes. The first book to present a comprehensive team approach to rehabilitation of ABI survivors, Acquired Brain Injury gives medical and clinical specialists a deeper understanding of not only each other’s roles, but also their complementary functions. -The medical management of ABI—neurosurgery, neurology, physiatry—and the medical specialties involved—neuropsychiatry, neurourology and neurooptometry -In-depth discussion of the roles of occupational, speech-language, and balance rehabilitation -Separate chapters on nursing, neuropsychology, and case management -Behavioral and emotional challenges common to individuals with ABI -The importance of addressing family [..]

Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007

Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due May 2007 2007. VIII, 298 p. Geb.

64,15 € ISBN 978-0-387-37574-8

2007. XVII, 382 S. 292 Abb. in 786 Einzeldarst. Geb.

169,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-00406-6

All papers have been peer reviewed. A generation ago, the management of patients with urinary stones was forever altered with the introduction of minimally invasive treatment techniques such as shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, and percutaneous stone removal. We are again in the cusp of revolutionary developments in the management and prevention of nephrolithiasis. This conference featured a very distinguished international faculty whose present research is clearly advancing the field of stone disease. This conference marked the first presentation of data on the interface between a renal stone and its tissue attachment site. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Urology/Andrology

Type of publication Proceedings

2007. 460 p. (AIP Conference Proceedings, Band 900) Softcover

151,62 € ISBN 978-0-7354-0406-9 P.J. Fairchild, University of Oxford, UK (Ed.)

Immunological Tolerance Methods and Protocols

Immunological Tolerance: Methods and Protocols is a comprehensive guide to the techniques currently used for culturing and characterising the cell types responsible for imposing self-tolerance and the experimental models employed to study their function both in vitro and in vivo. Features Provides up-to-date reviews of the literature on essential topics in immunological tolerance Documents methods for the generation and culture of critical cell types and approaches to their characterization Describes protocols for the study of tolerance both in vitro and in vivo Provides insights into novel techniques for tolerance induction Contents From the contents Frontiers of Immunological Tolerance.- Cell Types Contributing to Immunological Tolerance.- Case Study: Balancing Tolerance & Immunity: The Role of Dendritic Cell & T Cell Subsets.- Differentiation of Dendritic Cell Subsets from Mouse Bone Marrow.- Genetic Modification of Dendritic Cells through the Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells.- Generation of Immunocompetent T Cells from Embryonic Stem Cells.- Isolation, Expansion and Characterization of Human Natural and Adaptive Regulatory T Cells.- Derivation, Culture and Characterization of Thymic [..] Fields of interest Immunology; Infectious Diseases Target groups AIDS researchers, immunologists, transplant surgeons/specialists, biotechnologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007 2007. XIV, 478 p. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 380) Geb.

133,70 € ISBN 978-1-58829-652-8

Medizin G. Fantuzzi, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA; T. Mazzone, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA (Eds.)

Adipose Tissue and Adipokines in Health and Disease The aim of Adipose Tissue and Adipokines in Health and Disease is to provide comprehensive information regarding adipose tissue, its physiological functions and its role in disease. This volume contains a collection of information spanning the entire range of adipose tissue studies, from basic anatomical and physiological research to epidemiology and clinical aspects, in one place. This book is indispensable for basic researchers and clinicians interested in the fields of obesity, metabolic diseases, inflammation and immunity, and specialists in each of the pathologies associated with obesity. Features Provides a comprehensive review of fundamental adipose tissue anatomy and physiology Introduces a novel and dynamic model for adipose tissue study Examines vasoactive and inflammatory molecules produced by adipose tissue Describes the role of macrophages in obesity and metabolism Discusses the interaction between adipocytes and hematopoietic cells in bone marrow Analyzes the metabolic disturbances associated [..] Contents Introduction.- Adipose Tissue: Structure and Function.- The Adipose Organ.- Metabolism of White Adipose Tissue.- Leptin.- Adiponectin.- Adipokines as Regulators of Immunity and Inflammation.- Vasoactive Factors and Inflammatory Mediators Produced in Adipose Tissue.- Regulation of the Immune Response by Leptin.- Leptin in Autoimmune Disease.- Leptin and Gastrointestinal Inflammation.Adiponectin and Inflammation.- Interactions between Adipocytes and Immune Cells.- Macrophages, Adipocytes and Obesity.- Interactions of Adipose and Lymphoid Tissues.- Adipose Tissue and Mast Cells: [..] Fields of interest Endocrinology; Diabetes; Nutrition; Gastroenterology; Human Physiology Target groups Endocrinologists, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, physiologists, internists Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007 2007. XXI, 400 p. (Nutrition and Health) Geb.

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-721-1


A.G. Farman, The University of Louisville, KY, USA (Ed.)

Panoramic Radiology Seminars on Maxillofacial Imaging and Interpretation

Panoramic radiology systems are currently being used in more practices than at other any time in the past. The practitioner now has decisions to make regarding detector technology selection for image acquisition and must remain informed about appropriate usage. This book is applicable to all panoramic dental images and equipment. It approaches panoramic radiology usage in the context of general and specialty applications. Features Complete up-to-date collection of information on panoramic radiography usage Up do date Terminology and validated by representatives of individual special disciplines within dentistry Each chapter with educational objectives and review Questions Contents Getting the Most out of Panoramic Radiographic Interpretation.- Ghost Images: Objects Outside the Image Layer that are not Entirely Excluded from the Panoramic Radiograph.- Digital Options for Panoramic Radiology.- Panoramic Radiology: Risk within Reason.- Panoramic Radiology: Role in ADA/ FDA Use Guidelines.- Panoramic Radiologic Appraisal of Anomalies of the Dentition.- Tooth Eruption and Dental Impaction.- Panoramic Radiographic Assessment in Orthodontics.-Assessing Growth and Development with Panoramic Radiographs and Cephalometric Attachments: A Critical Tool for Dental Diagnosis [..] Fields of interest Diagnostic Radiology; Dentistry; Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery Target groups Dentists, dental students, dental allied health personnel and students, pediatric dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, perodontologists, oral and maxillofacial radiologists, head and neck radiologists Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. XIV, 231 p. 178 illus., mostly in color. Geb.

192,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-46229-3



S. Feuerbach, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg (Ed.)

Handbuch diagnostische Radiologie Gastrointestinales System

Das "Handbuch diagnostische Radiologie" stellt in 9 Bänden die modernen radiodiagnostischen Möglichkeiten dar. Die Visualisierung von Organerkrankungen wird von den pathologisch-anatomischen Grundlagen über die klinische Symptomatik bis zur diagnostischen Praxis in synoptischer Betrachtungsweise beschrieben. Die klare Darstellung der Methoden mit Vergleich und Wertung, Einsatzmöglichkeiten und sinnvollen Indikationen unterstützt den Arzt bei der zielgerichteten Diagnosefindung. Alle Inhalte sind praxisgerecht und übersichtlich aufbereitet. Die einheitlich strukturierten Kapitel mit einer Fülle instruktiver Abbildungen sorgen für schnelle Orientierung. Ein Nachschlagewerk, das in der täglichen Routine und bei Problemfällen Hilfe bietet und Lücken zwischen bekannten Monographien über einzelne, sehr spezialisierte Themen schließt. Features Umfassendes Nachschlagewerk von führenden Experten Fundierter Überblick mit praktischen Orientierungshilfen Aktuelles Praxiswissen für eine zielgerichtete Diagnostik Ausführliche Literaturübersicht auf dem neuesten Stand Die Bibliothek der modernen radiologischen Diagnostik zum attraktiven Subskriptionspreis Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology Target groups Radiologen, Internisten Type of publication Handbook Due May 2007 2007. XVI, 758 S. 805 Abb. in 1327 Einzeldarst. (Handbuch diagnostische Radiologie) Geb.

199,00 € ISBN 978-3-540-41418-6 M. Filippi, University Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy; M. Rovaris, University Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy; G. Comi, University Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy (Eds.)

Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis In multiple sclerosis (MS), conventional magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) has proved to be a valuable tool to increase diagnostic confidence and for monitoring the efficacy of experimental treatment. However, cMRI has limited specificity and accuracy of cMRI to the most disabling aspects of the MS pathology, known to occur in and outside macroscopic lesions. Modern quantitative MR techniques have the potential to overcome the limitations of cMRI, and their application is changing dramatically our understanding of how MS causes irreversible disability. In detail, there is an increasing body of MR evidence that MS is not only a white matter disease and does not only cause focal lesions, as well as that neurodegeneration is an important aspect of the disease (since the earliest clinical phases), which is only partially related to inflammatory changes. There is also increasing perception that modern MR methodologies should be more extensively employed in clinical trials to derive innovative [..] Features The application of modern quantitative MR techniques is changing dramatically our understanding of how MS causes irreversible disability These techniques evidence that MS is not only a white matter disease and that neurodegeneration is an important aspect of it Contents Background: 1 Neuropathological Advances in Multiple Sclerosis.- 2 Neurophysiology.MRI Techniques to Assess Neurodegeneration: 3 Atrophy.- 4 T1 Black Holes and Gray Matter Damage.- 5 Magnetization Transfer Imaging.- 6 Perfusion MRI.- 7 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging.- 8 Proton MR Spectroscopy.- 9 Functional MRI.-Evaluation of MRI Outcomes: 10 Validation of MRI Surrogates.- 11 Defining Responders and Non-responders.-12 Predictive Models in Multimodal Imaging.Lessons from other Neurodegenerative Diseases: 13 Alzheimer’s Disease.- 14 Other Neurodegenerative Conditions.- 15 [..] Fields of interest Neurology; Neurosciences; Imaging / Radiology; Neuroradiology; Nuclear Medicine Target groups Neurologists, neuroradiologists, radiologists Type of publication Professional book Due August 2007 2007. XI, 236 p. (Topics in Neuroscience) Geb.

101,60 € ISBN 978-88-470-0390-3

B.T. Finucane, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada (Ed.)

Complications of Regional Anesthesia Completely updated and expanded, this new edition of "Regional Anesthesia: Managing Complications", 2nd edition is essential reading for advice on the prevention and management of complications associated with regional anesthesia and nerve blocks. In addition to comprehensive coverage of all potential pitfalls a practitioner may encounter, new material has been added comparing outcomes of regional and general anesthesia; regional anesthesia in the anesthetized patient; closed claims analyses; and practice guidelines to ensure patient safety. Features New revision of a significant text on the topic of preventing and managing complications associated with regional anesthesia and nerve blocks Contents An historical perspective on complications of regional anesthesia.- Regional anesthesia safety.- Outcome studies comparing regional and general anesthesia.Complications of spinal anesthesia.- Complications of epidural anesthesia.- Complications of ophthalmic anesthesia.- Complications of brachial plexus anesthesia.- Complications of intercostals, paravertebral and interpleural blocks.- Peripheral nerve injury following regional anesthesia.- Complications of intravenous regional anesthesia.- Complications of pediatric regional anesthesia.- Complications of obstetric anesthesia.- [..] Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Surgery Target groups Anesthesiologists, anesthesiology residents and nurse anesthetists Type of publication Handbook Due April 2007 Originally published by Churchill as Regional Anesthesia: Managing Complications, 2003 2007. XX, 506 p. Softcover

74,85 € ISBN 978-0-387-37559-5



S. Fleßa, Universität Greifswald

D.B. Foster, Waynesboro Hospital, Waynesboro, PA, USA

R. Frank, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (Ed.)


Twelve-Lead Electrocardiography

Therapieziel Wohlbefinden

Eine Einführung in das wirtschaftliche Denken für Mediziner

Theory and Interpretation

Ressourcen aktivieren in der Psychotherapie

Das rationale, die Verschwendung vermeidende Handeln war schon immer eine Selbstverständlichkeit für Ärzte, Pflegekräfte und andere Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitswesens. Die Notwendigkeit einer expliziten Ausbildung in Ökonomik wurde diesen Berufsgruppen jedoch erst in den letzten Jahren durch die gesetzlich verordneten Sparmaßnahmen bewusst. Das Buch vermittelt als eine „Ökonomie für Nichtökonomen" die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftswissenschaft, so weit sie für das Grundverständnis der Prozesse und Strukturen des Gesundheitswesens notwendig sind. Es soll eine Art Ablagesystem entstehen, in das der Leser eigene Vorkenntnisse und zukünftige Erfahrungen an der richtigen Stelle einhängen kann. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Gesundheitsökonomik durch effizientes Wirtschaften Freiräume für verantwortliches, professionelles Handeln schaffen möchte. Die Gesundheitsökonomik wird damit zu einem hilfreichen Instrument für den Arzt, die Pflegekraft oder andere Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen.

Twelve Lead Electrocardiography: Theory and Interpretation is a revised 2nd edition of Twelve Lead Electrocardiography for ACLS Providers, originally published in 1996. Twelve Lead Electrocardiography for ACLS Providers deals solely with the analysis of the shape (morphology) of ECG waveforms in order to diagnose many conditions not related to rhythm, including ischemia, acute myocardial infarction, and enlargement of heart muscle (hypertrophy). It is aimed at students who already have a familiarity with the analysis of heart rhythms. Almost all other texts of morphologic interpretation for non-cardiologists rely heavily on memorizing electrocardiographic patterns. Memorizing is difficult, and long term retention of memorized data is low. This book is unique because it leads the reader through a set of discrete building blocks of easily understood electrophysiologic principles, and then allows the reader to deduce what the 12 lead electrocardiogram will look like under various circumstances. There [..]

Positiv denken? Positiv therapieren! Die „Positive Psychologie“ und Wohlbefindensforschung ist in aller Munde: Erklärtes Ziel ist es, Wohlbefinden, Glück und Zufriedenheit, konstruktive Gedanken, Talente und Stärken bezüglich ihrer positiven Auswirkungen auf das eigene Leben und das anderer Menschen zu erforschen. Wie können diese Fähigkeiten, Stärken und Tugenden Wohlbefinden und ein erfülltes, produktives Leben auch angesichts von Stress und Lebensbeeinträchtigungen begünstigen? Und wie lässt sich Wohlbefinden im Rahmen einer Psychotherapie gezielt fördern? „Therapieziel Wohlbefinden“ zeigt Therapieansätze auf, die sich ganz spezifisch auf Wohlbefinden und menschliche Stärken konzentrieren - sei es Ressourcenaktivierung, euthyme Therapie oder Achtsamkeitsbasierte Therapie. Es geht dabei nicht um Alternativen zur gängigen störungsorientierten Diagnostik, - aber im Mittelpunkt steht hier das (Wieder)erlangen von Wohlbefinden und von „gedeihlicher“ Lebensgestaltung.

Features Praktische, umfassende und dabei komprimierte Einführung in betriebs- und volkswirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge für Mediziner Zur Ausbildung im Fach Prävention/Gesundheitsförderung/ Gesundheitsökonomik sowie auch zum Selbststudium von Ärzten, Pflegekräften und anderen Mitarbeitern im Gesundheitswesen Vollständige Aktualisierung und Berücksichtigung der neuen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, insbesonders in der [..] Contents Einführung: Wirtschaftswissenschaft – ein neues Fach für Mediziner; Grundprobleme der Gesundheitsökonomik.- Ziele- und Wertesystem: Wertesystem; Ziele der Gesundheitspolitik.- Nachfrage: Bedürfnisse; Raum und Distanz; Kaufkraft.Angebot: Gesundheitsbetriebslehre – Überblick; Leistungs- und Finanzwirtschaft der Dienstleister; Management; Betriebliches Rechnungswesen; Herleitung der Angebotsfunktion.- Gesundheitsmärkte: Marktgleichgewicht und Marktformen; Staatliche Interventionen.- Gesundheitspolitik: Gesundheit und Wirtschaftswachstum; Gesundheitsförderung als gesundheitspolitische [..] Fields of interest Health Care Administration; Economics general Target groups Medizinstudenten, Ärzte, Pflegekräfte sowie andere Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitswesens

Features Leads the reader through a set of discrete building blocks of easily understood electrophysiologic principles Teaches health professionals to utilize the 12 lead ECG in daily clinical practice Includes sufficient detail to ensure clinical competence in all important subject areas Contents Essential Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology as it Relates to the Electrocardiogram.- Electrocardiographic Waveforms.- 3 Cardiac Vectors and Lead Systems.Derivation of the Normal Electrocardiogram.- Electrical Axis.- Intraventricular Conduction Delays: The Hemiblocks.- Intraventricular Conduction Delays: The Bundle Branch Blocks.- Chamber Enlargement.Myocardial Infarction.- Ischemia and Anginal Syndromes.- The ECG and the Clinical Evaluation of Chest Pain.- The ACLS Provider and Therapeutic Interventions in Acute Myocardial Infarction.- Miscellaneous Conditions.- Case Presentations. Fields of interest Cardiology; Emergency Medicine; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Primary Care Medicine; Surgery; Nursing Target groups Residents in cardiology and internal medicine; emergency physicians, family practitioners, paramedics, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, anaesthesiologists, surgeons

Features Aktueller Trend: Positive Psychologie, Ressourcen, Stärken Praxisnaher Überblick über Therapieansätze zur Steigerung von Wohlbefinden Inkl. neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse Contents Aus dem Inhalt I. Den störungsorientierten Blick erweitern: Wohlbefinden fördern. II. Therapieansätze, die Wohlbefinden und menschliche Stärken fokussieren (Ressourcenorientierte Psychotherapie; Sinnzentrierte Psychotherapie; Euthyme Therapie u. Salutogenese; Narrative Ansätze; Achtsamkeitsbasierte Therapie). III. Facetten des Wohlbefindens fördern (Eigene Ressourcen aktivieren; Sinnvolle Werte und Lebensziele entwickeln; Erleben von Freude, Vergnügen und Glück fördern; Selbstakzeptanz fördern; Sympathien gewinnen, Freundschaften pflegen; Suche nach Geborgenheit; Vergeben; Regulation [..] Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Clinical Psychology; Behavioral Therapy; Health Psychology; Stress and Coping Target groups Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Klinische Psychologen Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication German textbook

Due July 2007

Due April 2007

2007. XII, 298 S. 9 Abb. Softcover

Due September 2007

Originally published by W. B. Saunders Company, 1996

2007. X, 205 S. 96 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

2007. XI, 168 p. Softcover

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-73409-3

35,26 € ISBN 978-1-84628-592-9

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71621-1



O. Friedrich, Universität Heidelberg; J. Priewe, D. Tümmers (Eds.)

Das Erste - kompakt B.D. Furberg, Kungsbacka, Sweden; C.D. Furberg, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Evaluating Clinical Research

Physiologie - GK1

S. Galea, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (Ed.)

Macrosocial Determinants of Population Health

All that glitters is not gold

Fachwissen gefragt Das Gegenstromprinzip? Der Frank-Sterling-Mechanismus? Gut zu wissen, denn komplizierte physiologische Zusammenhänge werden gerne gefragt. Hier finden Sie das gesamte Physiologiewissen, das Sie für das 1. Staatsexamen brauchen. Reihenweise gute Ideen von Studenten konzipiert, von Experten verfasst – im Kurzlehrbuchstil Prüfungsfallstricke bieten konkrete Hilfe gegen fiese Prüfungsfragen Mind Maps – mit einer Abbildung das Kapitel im Blick Warum muss ich das wissen? – Fallbeispiele für den Blick in die klinische Zukunft Lernvergnügen im Netz Wollen Sie wissen, ob Sie fit fürs 1. Staatsexamen sind? Testen Sie sich auf der Website zum Buch: mit dem Buch erhalten Sie kostenlosen Zugriff auf über 2880 Original-Prüfungsfragen des IMPP von 2002 bis heute mit Antwortkommentaren! Prüfungssituationen simulieren – bis zum "Nichts geht mehr" Prüfungsrevision – die gerade simulierte Prüfung noch mal anschauen und die richtigen Antworten mit Hilfe der Kommentare [..] Features Von Studenten für Studenten konzipiert Texte von erfahrenen Dozenten des Faches verfasst Alles Prüfungsrelevante kurz und knapp aufgeführt Prüfungsfallstricke und Mind Maps unterstützen die Prüfungsvorbereitung Strikte Gliederung nach dem aktuellen Gegenstandskatalog Contents Allg. und Zellphysiologie, Zellerregung; Blut und Immunsystem; Herz; Blutkreislauf; Atmung; Arbeits- und Leistungsphysiologie; Ernährung, Verdauungstrakt, Leber; Energie- und Wärmehaushalt; Wasser- und Elektrolythaushalt, Nierenfkt.; Hormonale Regulation; Sexualentwicklung und Reproduktionsphys.; Funktionsprinzipien des Nervensystems; Muskulatur; Vegetatives Nervensystem; Motorik; Somatoviszerale Sensorik; Visuelles System; Auditorisches System; Chemische Sinne; Integrative Leistungen des Zentralnervensystems. Fields of interest Medicine, general Target groups Medizinstudenten in der Vorklinik Type of publication German textbook

The objective of this book is to make its readers better informed and more critical consumers of clinical research to help them recognize the strengths and the weaknesses of scientific publications. In doing so, the reader will be able to distinguish patient-important and methodologically sound studies from those having limitations in design, conduct and interpretation. There are no prerequisites for reading this book. The text is basic and has no statistical formulas. Key take-home messages are listed at the end of each chapter. The large number of cartoons has two purposes: First, to make the text easier to read and generate a few laughs and, second, to underscore specific points, sometimes in a provocative way. Features Updates and expands the first edition of this text, released in 1994 The previous edition was only available in Swedish Contents What is the Purpose of This Book?.- Why is Benefit-to-Harm Balance Essential to Treatment Decisions?.- What are the Strengths of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials?.- What are the Weaknesses of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials?.- Do MetaAnalyses Provide the Ultimate Truth?.- What are the Strengths of Observational Studies?.- What are the Weaknesses of Observational Studies?.- Were the Scientific Questions Specified in Advance?.- Were the Treatment Groups Comparable Initially?.- Why is Blinding/Masking So Important?.- How is Symptomatic Improvement Measured?.- is it Really [..] Fields of interest Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences; Quality of Life Research; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Clinicians, practitioners Type of publication Monograph Due August 2007 2007. V, 165 p. Softcover

26,70 € ISBN 978-0-387-72898-8

Macrosocial Determinants of Population Health explores social factors such as culture, mass media, political systems, and migration that influence public health while systematically considering how we may best study these factors and use our knowledge from this study to guide public health interventions. Starting from the dual premises that a population is not merely the sum of its individuals and that the improvement of population health is not at odds with the practical desire of improving the health of individuals, Sandro Galea and 33 expert contributors present chapters in three sections. The first section includes eleven chapters that each discuss one macrosocial determinant of population health. The factors covered by these chapters encompass a broad range of intellectual concerns, ranging from regulations and legal frameworks (global governance, patent law and policy), to overarching global phenomena (globalization, migration, urbanization, the media), to a specific consideration of the role [..] Features “Structural interventions” is a hot topic within the study in public health Will also be of great interest to the ongoing discussion of globalization Sandro Galea is very prominent in this area Contents Introduction: The role of macrosocial determinants.Section I: Determinants.- Macrosocial determinants of population health in the context of globalization.- Urbanicity, urbanization, and the urban environment.- Corporate practices.- Political economic systems and the health of populations: Historical thought and current directions.- Climate change.Global governance.- Macroeconomics.- Culture.Taxation and population health: “Sin taxes” or structured approaches.- Patent law and policy.- Migration.- Mass media.- Integrative chapter: Macrosocial determinants of population health.- [..] Fields of interest Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Health Care Administration Target groups Public health professionals and graduate students in health promotion, health behavior and social epidemiology courses Type of publication Professional book

Due March 2007 Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 376 S. 153 Abb. Mit PIN für Online-Zugang (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

2007. 530 p. 43 illus. Geb.

16,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-36479-5

58,80 € ISBN 978-0-387-70811-9 P. Gallagher, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland & Dublin Psychoprosthetics Group, Ireland.; D. Desmond, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co.Kildare, Ireland; M. MacLachlan, University of Dublin, Ireland (Eds.)

Psychoprosthetics Psychoprosthetics brings together, into one easily accessible volume, the most recent and exciting research and knowledge in this new field. Psychoprosthetics is defined as the study of psychological aspects of prosthetic use, and of rehabilitative processes in those conditions that require the use of prosthetic devices. Features Compiles the most recent research and knowledge of Psychoprosthetics into one accessible volume Contributions from well-known clinicians, practitioners, researchers and academics who work with prosthetics Contents Psychoprosthetics: An introduction.- Coping and psychosocial adjustment to amputation.- Limb loss and body image.- Pain and prosthetics.- Cognition and mobility rehabilitation following lower limb amputation.- Psychological adjustment to lower limb amputation: An evaluation of outcome measurement tools.- Interventions for psychological issues in amputation: A team approach.- Anthropology and its individual, social and cultural contributions.-Embodiment and prosthetics.- Osseoperception and osseointegrated prosthetic limbs.-Virtual and augmented reality, phantom experience and [..] Fields of interest Orthopedics; Psychotherapy; Surgical Orthopedics; Rehabilitation Target groups Prosthetists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation physicians, engineers, nurses and psychologists Type of publication Professional book Due August 2007 2008. Approx. 225 p. Geb.

103,74 € ISBN 978-1-84628-979-8

Medizin P.A. Ganz, UCLA Schools of Public Health and Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Ed.)

Cancer Survivorship


R.L. Garcea, The University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA; D. DiMaio, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA (Eds.)

The Papillomaviruses

Today and Tomorrow

There are now 8-10 million cancer survivors in the United States alone (up from 3 million in 1971). Multiple studies have shown that most survivors today were diagnosed more than 20 years ago. As this former patient population ages, the relationships between secondary malignancies, age-related onset of certain malignancies, and screening and prevention become increasingly important, not only to the patient population, but also to the cancer management team treating the patients. There are multiple resources available to serve as oncology textbooks, but nothing to provide the necessary information on patient care for the non-MD members of the cancer patient management team. Cancer Survivorship provides the necessary information about not only the clinical aspects of caring for survivors, but also the psychosocial impacts. In the post-treatment phase, the management team must go beyond the realm of "conventional" follow-up, helping the patient to intellectually understand and emotionally grasp the [..] Features Offers guidance in that area for both the cancer patient and health care provider Contents Cancer Survivors: A Medical Perspective.- Cancer Survivors: A Nursing Perspective.- Cancer Survivors: A Social Work Perspective.- Survivorship Research.Surveillance after Primary Therapy.- Late Effects of Cancer Treatments: Surgery, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy.- Medical and Psychosocial Issues in Childhood Cancer Survivors.- Medical and Psychosocial Issues in Hodgkin’s Disease Survivors.Medical and Psychosocial Issues in Testicular Cancer Survivors.- Medical and Psychosocial Issues in Gynecological Cancer Survivors.- Medical and Psychosocial Issues in Breast Cancer Survivors.- [..]

This volume will evaluate the carcinogenic risk to humans posed by infection with human papillomaviruses (HPVs). To date, more than 70 HPV types have been identified, of which over 15 have been reported in cervical cancer biopsies. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women; approximately 500,000+ new cases are diagnosed each year. Although investigations of cervical cancer are most abundant, the report also considers the possible involvement of HPV infection in cancers at other site of the human body. The rapid advances in papillomavirus biology and vaccine development have surpassed all current summaries of the field. Features Complete description of the current state of biology concerning the papillomavirus Contents Principles of Human Tumor Virology.- History of Papillomavirus Research.- Phylogeny and Typing of Papillomaviruses.- The differentiation-dependent life cycle of human papillomaviruses in keratinocytes.Papillomavirus Structure and Assembly.- Viral Entry and Receptors.- Human Papillomavirus Transcription.- Papillomavirus DNA Replication.- Papillomavirus E5 Proteins.- Human Papillomavirus E6 and E7 Oncogenes.- In Vivo Models for the Study of Animal and Human Papillomaviruses.- The Humoral Immune Response to Human Papillomavirus.- CellMediated Immune Response to Human Papillomavirus.- [..] Fields of interest Immunology; Infectious Diseases; Virology; Microbiology; Cancer Research

Fields of interest Oncology; Cancer Research; Hematology

Target groups Libraries, researchers, scientists, professionals, clinicians, physicians, graduate students in the fields of Immunology, Infectious Disease, Virology, Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Cancer Biology/Research

Target groups Oncologists, Oncologic Nurses

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication Professional book

Due March 2007

Due May 2007

2007. XIX, 419 p. Geb.

2007. XV, 304 p. Softcover

67,36 € ISBN 978-0-387-34349-5

117,65 € ISBN 978-0-387-36522-0



A. Gaszo, Universität Wien; S. Greßler, Forum Wissenschaft und Umwelt, Wien; F. Schiemer, Universität Wien (Eds.)

nano Chancen und Risiken aktueller Technologien

Nanotechnologie gilt als Schlüsseltechnologie des 21. Jahrhunderts mit enormem wirtschaftlichem Potenzial. Scheinbar unbegrenzt sind die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Schon jetzt ist eine ganze Reihe von Produkten mit neuen positiven Eigenschaften im Handel, wie etwa Reinigungsmittel, Kosmetika, Sportgeräte oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Neue Technologie können auch Gefahren in sich bergen. Viel zu wenig ist bislang über mögliche unerwünschte Wirkungen von Nanopartikel auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt bekannt. Im diesem Buch geben eine Reihe namhafter Autoren und Autorinnen verschiedener Disziplinen einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung und zeigen die Chancen und Risiken der Nanotechnologien auf. Physikalischchemische Grundlagen werden ebenso behandelt wie Fragen der Ethik, der Risikokommunikation, des Umweltschutzes, der Gesundheit, des Regulationsund Forschungsbedarfs sowie wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte. Features Umfassende Beleuchtung der Thematik Namhafte internationale Wissenschaftler Interdisziplinärer Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung Contents Nanotechnologie – wissenschaftliche Basis und gesellschaftliche Folgen.- Nanopartikel und Nanoaerosole – Messmethoden.- Nanotechnologie als wirtschaftlicher Wachstumsmarkt.- Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale und Risiken von Nanotechnologien – Erkenntnisse aus der prospektiven Technikbewertung und Ansätze zur Gestaltung.- Beispiele für Nutzen und Risiko der Nanotechnologie aus der Sicht der Umweltgeowissenschaften – Was wir wissen und was wir lernen müssen.- Risikoforschung und toxikologische Bewertung von Nanomaterialien.- Chemikalienrecht und Regulatorische Toxikologie – Prüfung auf [..] Fields of interest Nanotechnology; Environmental Medicine/Environmental Psychology; Industrial Pollution Prevention; Safety in Chemistry, Dangerous Goods; Environment, general; Ethics Target groups Biologen, Physiker, Chemiker, Umweltmediziner, Behördenvertreter, interessierte Laien Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 G. Gatterer, Geriatriezentrum am Wienerwald, Wien (Ed.)

Multiprofessionelle Altenbetreuung Ein praxisbezogenes Handbuch

Die Altenbetreuung wird in diesem Handbuch aus der Sicht von unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen umfassend vorgestellt. Namhafte Fachleute aus den Bereichen der Altenpflege, Medizin, Psychologie und Therapie sowie Angehörige bzw. Selbsthilfegruppen berichten über praxisbezogene Maßnahmen zur Lösung von leichteren bis schwerwiegenden Problemen, die mit dem Älterwerden verbunden sind. Die Themenkreise spannen sich von stationären und ambulanten Versorgungsstrukturen, Diagnostik und Therapie psychischer Erkrankungen im Alter, bis hin zu Rehabilitation, Kommunikation, Psychotherapie, Palliativmedizin und alternativen Betreuungsformen. Die zweite Auflage wurde durch ein Kapitel zu den Organisationsstrukturen der Altenbetreuung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz ergänzt. Alle Kapitel wurden neu strukuriert und überarbeitet. Dieses Buch gibt allen professionellen Helfern der Altenpflege sowie Angehörigen einen praxisrelevanten Überblick zur Betreuung und Versorgung von älteren Menschen. Features Praxisorientiert mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen und Handlungsanweisungen Neues Layout mit kurzen Zusammenfassungen und Merksätzen Neu: Kapitel zu den Organisationsstrukturen der Altenbetreuung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Für Betroffene und deren Angehörige Contents Inhalt: Konzepte und Strukturen der Altenbetreuung: Der alte Mensch im System der Altenbetreuung; Organisationsstrukturen der Altenbetreuung im Wandel; Strukturen der Altenbetreuung in Europa; A. Strukturen der Altenbetreuung in Österreich; B. Betreuung älterer Menschen in Deutschland; C. Multiprofessionelle Altenbetreuung in der Schweiz; Qualitätssicherung in der Altenbetreuung; Geriatrisches Assessment; Psychosoziale Rehabilitation im Geriatriezentrum am Wienerwald; Die multidisziplinäre Betreuung schwerstkranker und sterbender alter Menschen; Krankheitsbilder im Alter; A. Krankheiten [..] Fields of interest Nursing; Geriatrics/Gerontology; Psychotherapy; Psychiatry; Rehabilitation Medicine Target groups Gerontologen, Altenpfleger, Krankenpfleger, Gerontopsychiater, Gerontopsychotherapeuten, Allgemeinmediziner, Betroffene, Angehörige von Senioren Type of publication Handbook Due July 2007

2007. XIV, 246 mit 35 Abb. Geb.

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48644-3

2007. XIX, 490 S. 27 Abb., teilw. in Farbe Geb.

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-25220-8

G. Gatterer, Geriatriezentrum am Wienerwald, Wien; A. Croy, Wien

Geistig fit ins Alter 3 Neue Gedächtnisübungen

Die erfolgreiche Buchreihe des Autorenteams Gerald Gatterer und Antonia Croy "Geistig fit ins Alter" wird mit einem neuen Band fortgesetzt. Die Übungseinheiten sind dabei speziell für ältere Menschen mit Gedächtnisstörungen und stärkeren Beeinträchtigungen sowie für bereits an Alzheimer erkrankte Personen aufbereitet. Dadurch wird ein gezieltes, dem eigenen Leistungsniveau entsprechendes Üben möglich. Die einzelnen Aufgaben fördern die Bereiche Orientierung im Alltag, Gedächtnis, Konzentration, Sprache, lebenspraktische Fertigkeiten und Selbstständigkeit. Zudem finden die Leser hilfreiche praktische Anleitungen zum Setting und Umgang mit desorientierten und verwirrten Menschen. Das Buch ist daher auch für Therapeuten und Psychologen ideal, die Ihr Übungsrepertoire erweitern möchten. Die beigelegte CD-ROM ist für das selbständige üben für Menschen mit leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung anwenderfreundlich programmiert, sodass auch Ungeübte leicht damit umgehen können. Features Übungsbeispiele für ältere, verwirrte Menschen bis hin zu an Alzheimer erkrankte Personen Anwenderfreundliche CD-ROM enthält Übungen zum Training am PC Großes Format, leicht lesbares und bebildertes Layout Fields of interest General Practice / Family Medicine; Geriatrics/Gerontology; Nursing; Psychotherapy Target groups Ältere Menschen und deren Angehörige, Alzheimerpatienten und deren Angehörige, Altenpflegepersonal, Psychotherapeuten Type of publication Popular science Due April 2007 2007. IV, 81 Seiten. Mit CD-ROM. Softcover

22,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-33304-4 P. Geißler, Wien; G. Heisterkamp, Universität Essen (Eds.)

Psychoanalyse der Lebensbewegungen Zum körperlichen Geschehen in der psychoanalytischen Therapie - Ein Lehrbuch

Dieses Handbuch verfolgt das Ziel, die leibliche Dimension im Wirkungsgeschehen zwischen Patient und Therapeut psychoanalytisch und psychotherapeutisch zu erschließen. Das berührt alle tradierten Grundbegriffe und Behandlungsprinzipien der Psychoanalyse. Viele namhafte Psychotherapeuten/innen bzw. Psychoanalytiker/innen nehmen sich dieser historischen Entwicklungsaufgabe der Psychoanalyse an. Sie führen die Leser an zahlreichen Beispielen verschiedenster Krankheitsbilder (siehe Index der Fallvignetten) zu basalen Formen des Gewahrwerdens, Erfassens und Behandelns. So öffnet die Psychoanalyse ihre Behandlungslehre für das unmittelbare Übertragungs- und Gegenübertragungsgeschehen und fundiert das Prinzip der Nachzeitlichkeit (etwas durcharbeiten, nachdem es geschehen ist) durch das Prinzip der Unmittelbarkeit (implizites Erfassen und Verändern von Vorgängen, während sie geschehen). Features Das unmittelbare Körpergeschehen zwischen Patient und Therapeut wird psychotherapeutisch erschlossen Zahlreiche anschauliche, behandlungsmethodische Anwendungen für Praktiker Methodischer Austausch zwischen Psychoanalyse und Körperpsychotherapie Contents Aus dem Inhalt Einleitung.- Grundlagen und neuere psychoanalytische Konzepte.- Psychoanalyse der Lebensbewegungen.- Analyse der Lebensbewegungen in der Gruppe.- Spezielle Anwendungen.- Weiterbildung und Ausblick.- Verzeichnis der Beispiele.Lit. Verzeichnis.- Sachregister.- Namensregister.

Medizin M. Gerlach, Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Würzburg; H. Reichmann, Neurologische Universitätsklinik, Dresden; P. Riederer, Neurologische Universitätsklinik, Dresden

Die Parkinson-Krankheit

Th. Geschwinde, Staatsanwaltschaft beim Landgericht Hanau

Rauschdrogen Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

Grundlagen, Klinik, Therapie

Dieses Buch vermittelt einen kompetenten und fächerübergreifenden Überblick über das aktuelle Wissen auf dem Gebiet der Parkinson-Krankheit. Es ist im deutschsprachigen Raum das einzige Buch, das umfassend neurobiologische Grundlagen, experimentelle Modelle, Klinik und Therapie der Parkinson-Krankheit beschreibt und einen kompakten Überblick zur Pharmakologie und den Wirkmechanismen der Anti-Parkinson-Medikamente gibt. Das Buch besticht durch seine klare Systematik und die komprimierte Darstellung mit vielen Tabellen, Schemata und Abbildungen. Das Buch ist Lehrbuch, Nachschlagewerk und Leitfaden für Studenten, Ärzte und Wissenschaftler. Darüber hinaus werden auch dem interessierten Patienten und Laien wichtige Informationen geboten. Neu in der 4. Auflage: Alle neuen Medikamente; Neueste Entwicklungen in der Genetik, Pathogenese- und Therapieforschung; Aktuelle Übersicht über Modelle der Parkinson-Krankheit; Gegenwärtiger Stand der klinischen Studien zur symptomatischen Therapie und Neuroprotektion. Features Klare Darstellung komplexer Sachverhalte Anschauliche Abbildungen und Tabellen Auch für interessierte Patienten und Angehörige verständlich Fields of interest Neurology; Neurosciences; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Geriatrics/Gerontology; Psychiatry; Neurobiology

Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Psychoanalysis; Psychiatry; Clinical Psychology; Health Psychology; Sexual Behavior

Target groups Ärzte und Forscher aus den Gebieten Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Geriatrie/Gerontologie, Neurowissenschaften, Pharmakologie/Toxikologie; Allgemeinärzte; Patienten und Angehörige; Studenten

Target groups Psychotherapeuten, Psychologen, Psychiater

Type of publication Monograph

Type of publication Handbook

Due April 2007

Due July 2007

2007. XXI, 453 S. 76 Abb., 14 in Farbe Geb.

2007. X, 680 S. 25 Abb. Geb.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48307-7

89,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48608-5


Die Neuauflage trägt den jüngsten Entwicklungen im Drogenbereich – wie Verschiebungen bei den Konsumgewohnheiten und Auftauchen neuer Drogenarten bzw. Varietäten – Rechnung und zeigt mögliche Entwicklungstendenzen auf. Angesichts einer zunehmenden Konsumhäufigkeit wird so nunmehr auch auf als Rauschdrogen missbrauchte Salbeiarten und Absinth eingegangen und damit neben den Alkaloiden ein weiterer Schwerpunkt bei der Wirkstoffgruppe der Terpene im Bereich der biogenen Drogen gesetzt wurde. Die Darstellung des chemischen Aufbaus des Wirkstoffs pharmakologischen Wirksamwerdens der Droge sowie die hierdurch verursachten Auswirkungen auf Körper und Psyche stehen im Mittelpunkt, wobei als Korrektiv eine Einbindung in den jeweiligen historischen Kontext mit aufgenommen ist. Die Darstellung ist auch für den naturwissenschaftlichen Laien verständlich und ermöglicht ihm ein schnelles Erkennen und Einordnen von Drogen und missbrauchten Arzneimitteln als Entscheidungsgrundlage in der Praxis. Features Zusammenfassende Darstellung der Wirkungen und der Wirkungsweisen verschiedener Rauschdrogen und als Drogen missbrauchter Arzneimittel, die zugleich einen Vergleich der Übereinstimmung und Unterschiede in den Wirkungsmechanismen ermöglicht Ausführliche und dennoch komprimierte Darstellung in Form eines Nachschlagewerkes Contents Psychodysleptica.- Cannabis/Hanf.- Halluzinogene.Narkotika.- Opium und Opiate.- Kawa-Kawa.- Stimulantia.- Cocain.- Aufputschmittel.- Ausweich- und Substitutionsmittel.- Barbiturate.- Nichtbarbiturale Hypnotica.- Psychopharmaka.- Starkwirksame Analgetica und Antitussiva.- Schnüffel- und Inhalationsstoffe.- Erläuterung der Fachbegriffe.- Anlagen I-III zum Betäubungsmittelgesetz.- Verschreibungsfähige Höchstmengen.- Grundstoffe.- Gruppen von Doping-Wirkstoffen. Fields of interest Medical Law; Criminal Law; Psychiatry; Psychotherapy; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Forensische Sachverständige, Universitätsbibliotheken (Pharmazie, Medizin, Jura), Gerichte, Staatsanwaltschaften, Ärzte und Psychologen im Bereich Suchtmedizin und Substitution, Sozialarbeiter (Drogenberatungsstellen) Polizei, EUROPOL Type of publication Professional book Due August 2007 2007. XXIII, 1120 S. Softcover

109,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72044-7



A. Giordano, Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; A. Bovicelli, Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; R.J. Kurman, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA (Eds.)

M. Glöckner, Universität Rostock

Molecular Pathology of Gynecologic Cancer

Rechtliche und ethische Aspekte

Molecular Pathology of Gynecologic Cancer focuses on putting successful molecular strategies into practice for the treatment of gynecologic cancer. The volume begins with an explication of the editors’ hypothesis that cancer is mainly a disease of the cell cycle, based on the deregulation of the physiological process of cell reproduction. The following eleven chapters focus on specific issues in gynecologic cancers, including: a proposed model of ovarian serous carcinogenesis, molecular markers for ovarian epithelial cancer, an overview of the pathology of endometrial cancer, molecular genetic aspects of endometrial carcinoma and cervical cancer, a natural history of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as it relates to cervical cancer, and hereditary issues in gynecologic cancers. The concluding chapter proposes and outlines a holistic approach to the treatment of female cancer patients. This new volume in Humana’s Current Clinical Oncology™ series will be necessary reading for clinicians and experimental [..] Features Approaches research into the pathology and treatment of gynecologic oncology from both clinical and experimental perspectives Summarizes studies that have correlated screening, diagnosis, and prognosis with structure and expression profiles of molecular markers Presents new insights made possible by the introduction of advanced technologies into the field Describes the strong association between infection with [..] Contents The Cell Cycle and the Molecular Biology of Cancer.- Ovarian Serous Carcinogenesis-A Proposed Model.- Molecular Markers in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.- Introduction to Endometrial Cancer.- Endometrial Carcinogenesis : An Integrated, Molecular, Histologic and Functional Model of a Dualistic Disease.- Endometrial Carcinoma-Molecular Genetic Aspects.- Natural History of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Infection in Adolescents and Relationship to Cervical Cancer.- Molecular Genetics of Cervical Cancer.- Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Cancer by Vaccination.- Pathogenesis of Gestational [..] Fields of interest Oncology; Pathology; Laboratory Medicine; Cancer Research; Gynecology; Obstetrics/Perinatology Target groups Clinical oncologists, cancer researchers, pathologists, obstetricians, gynecologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due June 2007 2007. XIV, 226 p. 35 illus., 6 in color. (Current Clinical Oncology) Geb.

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-453-1

Ärztliche Handlungen bei extrem unreifen Frühgeborenen

Umfang und Grenzen der ärztlichen Behandlungspflicht in der Neugeborenenmedizin sind nicht klar umrissen. Sie stellen ein tabubehaftetes Thema dar. Insbesondere der Träger der Entscheidungskompetenz sowie die Entscheidungskriterien sind zwischen Juristen, Medizinern und Ethikern umstritten. Das Buch diskutiert disziplinübergreifend die Problematik solcher Entscheidungen zwischen Leben und Tod. Es wird die klinische Praxis dargestellt, die verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben werden geprüft und auch auf den ärztlichen Heilauftrag sowie das Straf- und Arzthaftungsrecht wird eingegangen. Kritisch betrachtet werden zudem ethische Lösungsansätze und standesrechtliche Richtlinien, so dass am Schluss Behandlungsgrenzen benannt werden und ein Weg aus dem Entscheidungsdilemma aufgezeigt werden kann. Contents Einführung.-  Erster Teil: Klinische Situation.- Medizinisch-biologische Grundlagen und Begriffe.- Die klinische Praxis.- Zweiter Teil: Rechtliche und ethische Grundlagen der ärztlichen Behandlungspflicht.- Der verfassungsrechtliche Hintergrund.- Der strafrechtliche Schutz des Frühgeborenen.- Früheuthanasie – Zur Behandlung extrem unreifer Frühgeborener.- Die Indikationsstellung.- Objektive Kriterien zur Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Willens.- Der zivilrechtliche Schutz des Frühgeborenen.- Fazit.                   Fields of interest Medical Law; Gynecology; Philosophy of Medicine; Pediatrics Target groups Medizinrechtler, Mediziner, Ethiker, Ärztekammern, Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen, Krankenhausseelsorger Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 2007. XVII, 344 S. (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht) Softcover

89,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-69893-7

D.J. Goldberg, Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists of New York and New Jersey, Hackensack, NJ, USA (Ed.)

Facial Rejuvenation A Total Approach

The past decade has seen an explosion in non-surgical techniques that improve the quality, tone and color of aging skin. It is now through a variety of non-surgical, non-invasive approaches, often used in combination, that dramatic skin changes can be induced. This reader-friendly and unique compendium on all aspects of non-invasive facial rejuvenation shows the current approach to non-invasive facial rejuvenation. It describes when and how to use laser and laser-like technology, the variety of superficial and deep peels which can be used by themselves or in conjunction with lasers. Last but not least, it also covers the variety of dermal fillers and skin volume enhancement agents and the increasing cosmetic uses of botulinum toxin. Novices as well as experts will benefit from the wealth of experience and expert practical information of the authors who are worldrenowned experts in their field. Features Covers all aspects of non-invasive facial rejuvenation Helps to find the best treatment decisions for the best possible facial cosmetic outcome Written by world-renowned experts Up-to-date Reader-friendly concise structure and format Contents Lasers and Lights.- Photodynamic Photorejuvenation.- LED Low Level Light Therapy.- Botulinum Toxins.- Dermal Fillers.- Chemical Peeling.- and Injectable Lipolysis.- Cosmeceuticals. Fields of interest Dermatology; Plastic Surgery; Otorhinolaryngology; Ophthalmology; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Dermatologists with an interest in cosmetic procedures and aesthetic dermatology, otorhinolarynologists, ophthalmologists as well as plastic surgeons Type of publication Monograph Due August 2007 2007. XI, 189 p. 215 illus. Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-69517-2 S. González-Moreno, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Madrid, Spain (Ed.)

Advances in Peritoneal Surface Oncology This book is a comprehensive compilation of the new knowledge accumulated in peritoneal surface oncology in the dawn of the twenty-first century. It covers the complete spectrum of the latest research carried out in peritoneal malignant dissemination, from its pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms to the latest clinical trials. Additionally, the essentials of perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy and the modern histopathological assessment of peritoneal surface malignancy are reviewed. A unique historical perspective on how this new knowledge has unfolded over the years helps point out the future research directions to be pursued. Leading experts in this field from around the world, including the pioneers who gave birth to this new era in oncology, form an unbeatable and outstanding panel of authors. Contents Management of peritoneal surface malignancy. The natural history of free cancer cells in the peritoneal cavity. Pathological evaluation and implications of serosal involvement in gastro-intestinal cancer. Principles of perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis. Experimental and pharmacokinetic studies in intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy – a survey of techniques. Adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Clinical research methodology in peritoneal surface oncology. Clinical trials in peritoneal surface [..] Fields of interest Oncology Target groups Clinicians Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 2007. XIII, 176 p. 45 illus. in 57 separate illus., 12 in color. (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Band 169) Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-30759-4

Medizin A.C. Gore, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA (Ed.)

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals From Basic Research to Clinical Practice

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice is the first book that provides comprehensive coverage of the three most important themes in the field of EDC research: the basic biology of EDCs, particularly their effects on reproductive systems; EDC effects on humans and wildlife, including biomedical considerations; and potential interventions and practical advice for dealing with the problem of EDCs. This book presents a translational approach to EDC research, spanning both basic biology and clinical applications, and provides a critical link between the laboratory and the physicians’ office. Scientists and physicians engaged in EDC studies or practice will find that this volume offers insight across all areas of EDC research, including clarifying the mechanisms for EDC effects, understanding the adverse affects of EDCs on humans and wildlife, and offering solutions to the problems created by exposures to EDCs. Features Strong evidence for effects of EDCs, including lowlevel exposures, on humans and wildlife Comprehensive coverage of mechanisms by which EDCs perturb endocrine systems in exposed organisms as well as in their offspring Advice to physicians on how to talk to their patients about EDCs in soy formula and other types of exposures Contents Introduction to Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals.Endocrine Disruption and the Female.- Endocrine Disruption in the Male.- Endocrine Disruption and the Brain.- Heavy Metals as Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals.- Cellular Mechanisms of Endocrine Disruption: Traditional and Novel Actions.- Endocrine Disruptors, Epigenetically Induced Changes, and Transgenerational Transmission of Characters and Epigenetic States.- Implications of Thyroid Hormone Signaling through the Phosphoinositide-3 Kinase for Xenobiotic Disruption of Human Health.- Endocrine Disruption and Reproductive Outcomes in Women.- [..] Fields of interest Endocrinology; Diabetes; Process and Chemical Engineering; Biotechnology Target groups Endocrinologists, biomedical engineers, chemical engineers, environmental engineers, biotechnologists, epidemiologists Type of publication Contributed volume

B. Gorgaß, Haan; F.W. Ahnefeld, Universität Ulm; R. Rossi, Croce Verde Lugano; H.-D. Lippert, Universität Ulm; W. Krell, Erlangen; G. Weber, Branddirektion München

Das Rettungsdienst-Lehrbuch Der Klassiker in der Aus- und Fortbildung im Rettungsdienst in neuer Auflage! Von den medizinischen Grundlagen bis zur Einsatztaktik bietet der „Gorgaß" alles, was in der Ausbildung und im Rettungseinsatz gefordert ist: Verständlich - didaktisch aufbereitet - und aus einem Guss. Aktuelle Kapitel spiegeln die demografische Entwicklung, den medizinischen Fortschritt und die terroristische Gefährdungslage wider: - Der alte Mensch in der Notfallmedizin; - Patienten mit implantierten oder körpernahen Aggregaten und Geräten; - Explosionstrauma - Schussverletzungen; Strahlenunfall - Verletzungen durch Nervengifte, Hautkampfstoffe und Milzbranderkrankungen. Gezielte Lernhilfen unterstützen das effektive Lernen: - Lernzielformulierungen; - Abgestufte Lernziele für Rettungsassistenten und Rettungssanitätern; - Glossar zum Nachschlagen von Fachbegriffen. Neu in der 8. Auflage: - Nach den Leitlinien aktualisiert: Reanimation - Akutes Koronarsyndrom - Schlaganfall; - Erweiterung des EKG-Kapitels mit vielen [..] Features Der Klassiker für die Ausbildung im Rettungsdienst Verständlich - übersichtlich - durchdacht Differenzierung von Lernzielen zwischen Rettungsassistenten und Rettungssanitätern Jetzt mit eigener Homepage: mit über 150 Übungsfragen zur Selbstkontrolle, Fallbeispielen und allen Abbildungen! Contents I. Berufsfeld Rettungsdienst.- II. Organisation von Einsätzen.- III. Grundlagen.- IV. Allgemeine Notfallmedizin.- V. Spezielle Notfallmedizin.- VI. Medikamente zur präklinischen Versorgung von Notfallpatienten.- VII. Kasuistiken.- VIII. Berufskunde und Gesetzeskunde; Ethik.- Service-Teil. Fields of interest Emergency Medicine Target groups Rettungsdienstpersonal in der Ausbildung und Praxis: Rettungsassistenten, Rettungssanitäter, Medizinstudenten, Ärzte und Lehrende Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 Ursprünglich erschienen unter dem Titel: Rettungsassistent und Rettungssanitäter 2007. VIII, 816 S. 600 Abb. in Farbe. Geb.

Due July 2007 2007. XII, 361 p. (Contemporary Endocrinology) Geb.

117,65 € ISBN 978-1-58829-830-0


49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72277-9 E. Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, Universität zu Köln

Komorbidität Psychose und Sucht Grundlagen und Praxis Mit Manualen für die Psychoedukation und Verhaltenstherapie

Die vorliegende 2. Auflage bietet einen Überblick über die Thematik und berücksichtigt die umfangreiche neuerschienene Literatur. Das Manual für das Psychoedukative Gruppentraining aus der 1. Auflage wurde optimiert und um die Thematik Opiate ergänzt und wird hier in einer zusätzlichen Version für die Einzeltherapie vorgelegt (KomPAkt-Training). Darauf aufbauend wird ein zweites, ausführliches Manual für die kognitiv-behaviorale Gruppentherapie dargeboten (KomPASs-Training). KomPAkt und KomPASs fokussieren auf die Interaktionen zwischen Substanzkonsum und psychotischen Symptomen, auf Kognitionen, die für beide Störungen typisch sind, auf die Bedeutung von Stress als Risikofaktor für Rückfälle in Suchtverhalten und/ oder in die Psychose und auf die Vermittlung von Kompetenzen, die im Umgang mit beiden Störungen benötigt werden. Die zu verwendenden Materialien und Handouts für beide Gruppentherapien liegen als Kopiervorlagen vor. Features Ausführliches Manual zur Verhaltenstherapie und zur Psychoedukation für Patienten mit der Doppeldiagnose Psychose und Sucht Darstellung der Handlungsprinzipien zur Integration von psychiatrischer Versorgung und Suchttherapie Konkrete therapeutische Empfehlungen Contents Prävalenz.- Erklärungsmodelle.- Modelle der sekundären Suchtentwicklung. Modelle der Psychoseinduktion. Modelle der gemeinsamen ätiologischen Faktoren. Versuch einer Integration. Verlauf.Therapie.- Allgemeine Therapieprinzipien. Elemente der integrierten Behandlung. Effektivität der integrierten Behandlung. Behandlungskonzept, Rahmenbedingungen und Abschnitte.- Ursprünge des Behandlungskonzeptes. Langfristige ambulante Behandlung. Stationäre Behandlung. KomPAkt: Psychoedukatives Training in der Gruppe.- Allgemeine Prinzipien. Manual des Gruppentrainings. KomPAkt: alternative Version [..] Fields of interest Psychiatry Target groups Psychiater und klinisch tätige Psychologen, Suchttherapeuten, Sozialarbeiter und Fachpersonal psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischer Einrichtungen, Ärzte in der Weiterbildung zum Arzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Medizin J.M. Graham, Royal National, Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, London, UK; G.K. Scadding, Royal National, Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, London, UK; P.D. Bull, Sheffield Children's Hospital, Sheffield, UK (Eds.)

Pediatric ENT In recent years there has been increasing sub-specialization and a rapid expansion of the range of therapies available to pediatric ENT specialists. This concise, up-to-date textbook deals comprehensively with all the practical and theoretical aspects necessary for those taking exams or wishing to up-date their knowledge. It is divided into sections covering rhinology, otology and head and neck problems. The uniformly structured chapters cover all relevant topics comprehensively and succinctly. The authors are from Europe and the US and are internationally renowned experts in their fields. This useful and reader-friendly textbook will not only be inspirational to young specialists with an interest in pediatric ENT, but also to those who are due to take their final exams as well as for established specialists in the field. Features Most up-to-date book covering paediatric ENT / ORL Very useful as preparation for all those who are taking ENT exams Relatively inexpensive, up to date and portable book covering all ENT docs need to know about paediatric ENT Edited and written by world famous experts of the field (the senior Editor, Prof. Graham, is currently President of ESPO) Reader-friendly format with uniform structure and the same [..] Contents From the Contents: A Paediatric Overview of Children - Seen in the ENT Outpatient Department. Nursing Aspects of Paediatric ENT.- Anaesthesia for Paediatric ENT Surgery.- The Evolution of Speech and Language.- Evidence-Based Management of Speech and Language Delays.- Paediatric Voice.Genetics of Non-Syndromic Deafness.- ENT-Related Syndromes.- EXIT – Antenatal (Pre-natal) Diagnoses and Management.- The Immunocompromised Child.- Cystic Fibrosis and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia.- Head and Neck Masses.- Paediatric ENT in Developing Countries.- Tonsils and Adenoids.- The Causes and [..] Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Pediatrics; Head and Neck Surgery; Pediatric Surgery Target groups General ORL, ENT surgeons and pediatricians / pediatric ENT surgeons and all who are interested on children’s ENT


M.S. Green, Tel Aviv University, Israel; J. Zenilman, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, USA; D. Cohen, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA; I. Wiser, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel; R.D. Balicer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel (Eds.)

Risk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in Bioterrorism Preparedness The anthrax envelopes incident in the United States in 2001 created the impetus for a substantial increase in preparedness for bioterrorist threats among both public health and law enforcement professionals, worldwide. Ever increasing resources are now being allocated for dealing with a wide variety of potential threats, from the reintroduction of eradicated viruses such as smallpox to the possibility of genetically engineered novel pathogens. Despite the potentially devastating consequences of the various projected bioterror scenarios, it remains remarkably difficult to quantitatively assess the actual risk in each of these scenarios. Nevertheless, such risk assessment is crucial for determining the appropriate allocation of resources for research and preparedness. The public anxiety expected during a large-scale bioterrorism attack may even be more damaging than the direct effects of the bioterrorism agent, both in health-related and economic outcomes. Carefully tailored risk communication is a [..] Features Scarcity of relevant evidence-based resources Practical approach for coping with current bioterrorism threats Authored by leading scientists with extensive field experience Multidisciplinary approach Contents 1. Preface.- 2. Risk Assessment Strategies. 2.1. Introduction to Bioterrorism Risk Assessment. 2.2 Modeling the Risk and Impact of a Bioterrorism Event. 2.3 Motivation Capabilities and Risk. 2.4 Using Risk Assessment to Direct Preparedness Efforts. 2.5 Surveillance Methods for Early Detection of Bioterrorist Event.- 3. Risk Communication. 3.1 Introduction to Bioterrorism Risk Communication. 3.2 Risk Communication Dogma is a Mitigating Tool. 3.3 Communication Techniques in Health Professionals. 3.4 Getting the Message Through. 3.5 Novel Technologies and their Role in Effective Risk [..] Fields of interest Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology

Type of publication Monograph

Target groups Bioterrorism related workforce (e.g. Homeland security, first responders, military), Epidemiologists and Public health professionals, Risk communication and media personnel, Risk analysts, Environmental health personnel

Type of publication Professional book

Due September 2007

Type of publication Proceedings

Due August 2007

2007. XXXII, 508 p. 355 illus., 176 in color. Geb.

Due May 2007

2007. XIV, 292 S. Softcover

149,75 € ISBN 978-3-540-33038-7

32,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1768-4

2007. X, 250 p. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology) Softcover

64,15 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5807-3



M.S. Green, Tel Aviv University, Israel; J. Zenilman, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, USA; D. Cohen, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA; I. Wiser, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel; R.D. Balicer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel (Eds.)

F.L. Greene, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC, USA; C.C. Compton, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA; A.G. Fritz, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA; J. Shah, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA; D.P. Winchester, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston, IL, USA (Eds.)

F.L. Greene, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC, USA; C.C. Compton, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA; A.G. Fritz, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA; J. Shah, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA; D.P. Winchester, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston, IL, USA (Eds.)

Risk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in Bioterrorism Preparedness

AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas

AJCC Cancer Staging Illustrations in PowerPoint®

The anthrax envelopes incident in the United States in 2001 created the impetus for a substantial increase in preparedness for bioterrorist threats among both public health and law enforcement professionals, worldwide. Ever increasing resources are now being allocated for dealing with a wide variety of potential threats, from the reintroduction of eradicated viruses such as smallpox to the possibility of genetically engineered novel pathogens. Despite the potentially devastating consequences of the various projected bioterror scenarios, it remains remarkably difficult to quantitatively assess the actual risk in each of these scenarios. Nevertheless, such risk assessment is crucial for determining the appropriate allocation of resources for research and preparedness. The public anxiety expected during a large-scale bioterrorism attack may even be more damaging than the direct effects of the bioterrorism agent, both in health-related and economic outcomes. Carefully tailored risk communication is a [..] Features Scarcity of relevant evidence-based resources Practical approach for coping with current bioterrorism threats Authored by leading scientists with extensive field experience Multidisciplinary approach Contents 1. Preface.- 2. Risk Assessment Strategies. 2.1. Introduction to Bioterrorism Risk Assessment. 2.2 Modeling the Risk and Impact of a Bioterrorism Event. 2.3 Motivation Capabilities and Risk. 2.4 Using Risk Assessment to Direct Preparedness Efforts. 2.5 Surveillance Methods for Early Detection of Bioterrorist Event.- 3. Risk Communication. 3.1 Introduction to Bioterrorism Risk Communication. 3.2 Risk Communication Dogma is a Mitigating Tool. 3.3 Communication Techniques in Health Professionals. 3.4 Getting the Message Through. 3.5 Novel Technologies and their Role in Effective Risk [..] Fields of interest Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology Target groups Bioterrorism related workforce (e.g. Homeland security, first responders, military), Epidemiologists and Public health professionals, Risk communication and media personnel, Risk analysts, Environmental health personnel Type of publication Proceedings Due May 2007 2007. X, 250 p. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology) Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5806-6

AJCC Cancer Staging Illustrations in PowerPoint® From the AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas

In the model of the popular AJCC Staging manual and AJCC Staging handbook with the EZTNM module, this new product combines the AJCC Staging Atlas with a CD containing all the illustrations from the Atlas. Having the figures from the Atlas available as PowerPoint® slides means that users can document the “why” and “how” of their staging decisions. users can also import figures into presentations for tumor boards, grand rounds, presentations, and journal articles/book chapters. Contents Introduction.- 1. Purposes and Principles of Staging.- Part I: Head ad Neck Sites.- 2. Head and Neck Sites: An Introduction.- 3. Lip and Oral Cavity.- 4. Phayrnx (Including Base of Tongue, Soft Palate, and Uvula).- 5. Larynx.- 6. Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses.- 7. Major Salivary Glands (Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublingual.- 8. Thyroid.- Part II Digestive System.- 9. Esophagus.- 10. Stomach.11. Small Intestine.- 12. Colon and Rectum.- 13. Anal Canal.- 14. Liver (Including Intrahepatic Bile Ducts).- 15. Gallbladder.- 16. Extrahepatic Bile Ducts.- 17. Ampulla of Vater.- 18. [..] Fields of interest Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Pathology; Surgery Target groups Medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, oncologic and general surgeons, cancer registrars, clinical social workers, nurses Type of publication Atlas Due May 2007 2007. IX, 352 p. With CD-ROM. Softcover

71,64 € ISBN 978-0-387-71842-2

From the AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas

In the model of the popular AJCC Staging manual and AJCC Staging handbook with the EZTNM module, this new product combines the AJCC Staging Atlas with a CD containing all the illustrations from the Atlas. Having the figures from the Atlas available as PowerPoint® slides means that users can document the “why” and “how” of their staging decisions. users can also import figures into presentations for tumor boards, grand rounds, presentations, and journal articles/book chapters. Fields of interest Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Pathology; Surgery Target groups Medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, oncologic and general surgeons, cancer registrars, clinical social workers, nurses Type of publication Application software Due May 2007 2007. CD-ROM. CD-Hülle

39,21 € ISBN 978-0-387-71841-5



B. Groner, Institute for Biomedical Research, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (Ed.)

Targeted Interference with Signal Transduction Events Sequencing of the human genome and insights into signaling pathways have contributed to the understanding of cancer etiology and the development of new, improved cancer drugs. DNA mutations of a limited set of genes are responsible for the multiple stages of tumorigenesis and metastasis. Matching of therapeutic intervention with insights into the underlying molecular disease mechanism has led to the development of drugs such as Herceptin and Glivec. The deregulation of pathways due to mutated cancer genes provides the conceptual basis for future progress. Will it be possible to extrapolate this principle and derive more efficient drugs targeting cancer pathway components? Potential drug targets have been identified, but our ability to predict the consequences of inhibition of such components is still limited. The state of development of tomorrow’s cancer drugs, directed against growth factors, growth factor receptors and intracellular signaling molecules with kinase activities, is described in this book. Contents Identifying critical signaling molecules for the treatment of cancer. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and cancer therapy. Targeting ERBB receptors in cancer. Inhibition of the IGF-I receptor for treatment of cancer: kinase inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies as alternative approaches. Inhibition of the TGF-ß signaling pathway in tumor cells. The mammalian target of rapamycin kinase (mTOR) and tumor growth inhibition. The Ras signaling pathway as a target in cancer therapy. The mitogen activated protein kinase pathway for molecular-targeted cancer treatment. The function and the inhibition [..] J. Grünberger, Universität f. Psychiatrie, Wien

M.M. Gulizia, "Garibaldi-Nesima" Hospital, Catania, Italy (Ed.)

Humaner Strafvollzug

Current News in Cardiology

Am Beispiel Sonderanstalt Mittersteig

Proceedings of the Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting 2007 (Taormina May 20-22, 2007)

Der Humane Strafvollzug verfolgt zwei wichtige Ziele. Einerseits soll der Vollzug den Unwert des der Verurteilung zugrundeliegenden Verhaltens aufzeigen, andererseits soll der Gefangene befähigt werden ein Leben in sozialer Verantwortung und ohne Straftaten zu führen also resozialisiert werden. In diesem Buch wird am Beispiel der Justizanstalt Wien-Mittersteig dieser Begriff und dessen Tragweite ausführlich erläutert. Der Autor, Prof. Grünberger, gilt als Pionier des humanen Strafvollzuges. Sein Einsatz, den Straftäter wissenschaftlich zu begreifen bzw. ihn aus der Distanz des Forschers zu betrachten und gleichzeitig dem Straftäter sein Verhalten begreifbar zu machen, einen Schritt auf diesen zuzugehen und ihm so den Schritt zur Resozialisierung zu ermöglichen werden in diesem Buch eindrucksvoll dargestellt. Zudem wird ein historischer Abriss zur Entwicklung des Straffvollzugs in Österreich geboten. Contents Die Strafende Gesellschaft.- Kriminelle Verhaltensstörungen bei Morbus Wilson.- Kasuistik zur Brandstiftung.- Gruppenpsychotherapie mit Strafgefangenen.- Funktionelles Psychonsyndrom bei Freiheitsentzug.- Gruppenpsychotherapie mit schwierigen Strafgefangenen (Psychodiagnostische Untersuchung im MMPI).- Selbstverletzung und Selbstbeschädigung bei Strafgefangenen.Die Malerei schwieriger Gefangener.- Gruppenpsychotherapie und Psychodrama bei kriminellen Psychopathen.- Quantitative Persönlichkeitsanalysen von erstbestraften und mehrmals vorbestraften schwierigen Strafgefangenen.- [..]

Fields of interest Cancer Research; Oncology; Molecular Medicine

Fields of interest Psychology, general; Psychiatry; Psychotherapy; Criminal Law

Target groups Clinicians and researchers

Target groups Psychologen, Psychiater, interessierte Juristen

Type of publication Monograph

Type of publication Collection of essays

Contents From the contents Update on Acute Coronary Syndromes.- The Diagnostic Evaluation of a Patient with Recurrent Syncopal Episodes.- Patient Risk Stratification.- Advanced Solutions to Prevent and Treat HF: A New Vision.- New Frontiers on Management of Patient with Implantable Device.- Practical Issues on Treatment of Emerging Pathologies.- New Developments in the Management of Cardiovascular Risk of Modulating RAS with Angiotensin Receptor Blockers.- Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Which are the Open Questions Nowadays?- Avanced Solutions to Manage Patients with Implantable Devices for Heart [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Internal Medicine Target groups Cardiologists, internists, first aid clinicians, physicians of general medicine, fellows, nurses and technicians with high interest in the whole management of cardiac pathologies Type of publication Proceedings Due May 2007

Due June 2007

Due August 2007

2007. IX. 188 p. 35 illus. in 45 separate illus., 23 in color. (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Band 172) Geb.

2007. XVI, 368 S. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen Geb.

96,25 € ISBN 978-3-540-31208-6

Aim of the volume is to give an overview of the state of the art on the emerging cardiac pathologies such as acute coronary syndromes, atrial fibrillation, sudden death, heart failure, global cardiovascular prevention and syncope. The volume chapters, written by leading experts in these fields, offer the latest information about epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and novel treatments of these pathologies. Addressed to cardiologists, internists, first aid clinicians, practitioners, it will be very helpful also for residents, nurses and all health professionals involved in the management of cardiac pathologies.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-71832-2

2007. XVII, 447 p. Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-88-470-0635-5 R.B. Gunderman, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Achieving Excellence in Medical Education

Medizin D.H. Gustafson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; P.F. Brennan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; R.P. Hawkins, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA (Eds.)

Investing in E-Health A goldmine of theoretical insights and practical suggestions, "Achieving Excellence in Medical Education" explores the essential question facing medical educators and learners today: What is our vision of educational excellence, and what can we do to enhance our performance? Among the topics explored within this engaging, informative, and thought-provoking text are: Education’s position as a priority of medical schools, seminal educational insights from non-medical educators, best practices of outstanding educators and learners, promises and pitfalls of new educational technologies, key resources for promoting excellence in medical education, medical education’s role in preparing future leaders, leadership roles for medical schools in universities and society. Features Analyzes education’s position as a priority of medical schools Reveals best practices of outstanding educators and learners Explores the promises and pitfalls of new educational technologies Offers resources for promoting excellence in medical education Contents Education matters.- Theoretical insights.- Understanding learners.- Promoting learners.- Educational excellence.- Educational technique.- Obstacles to excellence.- Organizational excellence.- Center of excellence.- Educational leadership. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Medical Education Target groups Medical educators Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due July 2007 2007. XIX, 179 p. Softcover

67,36 € ISBN 978-1-84628-813-5

What it Takes to Sustain Consumer Health Informatics

As the Internet's presence in health care grows more pervasive, an increasing number of health care providers have begun to implement eHealth innovations in their practice. The interactive health communication system (IHCS), one such eHealth solution, provides consumers with information, informal support, and a venue for communication. Investing in eHealth: What it Takes to Sustain Consumer Health Informatics examines the evolution of the IHCS and the significant changes in organizational culture and operational systems that may be required for successful and sustained implementation. This book explores the development of a model (funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in 1998) to predict and explain the degree of success of such implementation efforts. This model allows an institution to benchmark its progress towards IHCS implementation and advises administrators where to invest resources to increase the chance of successful implementation. A set of case studies highlights key [..] Features Several in-depth case studies illuminate the implementation model put forward, and allow readers to experience its effectiveness in real situations without having to actually employ it The vision of the book is unique to the field of Health Informatics, taking into account the impact of an existing organizational culture on the success of an information technology implementation effort The book will appeal to [..] Contents Section 1. Introductory Chapters.- Preamble.- Implementation Theory and Literature Review.- Systems Design and Analysis.- Description of the Model.- Description of CHESS.- Section 2. Case Studies.- Union Hospital.- Strand Hardin Health Care.Grace Hospital.- Associated Practice.- Simpson Clinic.- State Caregiver Support Agency.- Section 3. Concluding Section.- Key Learning and Advice for Implementers.- Appendix.- Index. Fields of interest Health Informatics & Health Administration Target groups Practicing professionals and students in all areas of medical informatics, hospital administration, and health care, professionals in hospitals, clinics, and large health care organizations who are responsible for making decisions about the adoption of eHealth technologies and planning strategies for their implementation, consultants in advisory positions to health care institutions and government professionals in Health and Human Services or Public Health departments, professors and [..] Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. X, 234 p. 25 illus. (Health Informatics) Geb.

67,36 €

ISBN 978-0-387-49507-1




R. Guthoff, University of Rostock, Germany; J. Katowitz, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA (Eds.)

Oculoplastics and Orbit P. Haber, Universität Wien

D. Hahn, Universität Würzburg; J. Freyschmidt, Bremen (Eds.)

Lungenfunktion und Spiroergometrie

Handbuch diagnostische Radiologie Kardiovaskuläres System

Interpretation und Befunderstellung

The second volume of “Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery” follows in the fine tradition of this exceptional series. Significant advances continue to be made within this subspecialty and are well represented in this new volume. Readers are offered a review of many interesting subjects in much greater detail than can be covered in the usual journal format. Indepth reviews of orbital disorders such as capillary hemangiomas and venolymphatic malformations are presented, offering new strategies in diagnosis and management. Other orbital chapters include: Dermis fat implants; Orbital volume augmentation with expander seeds with a minimally invasive approaches; Surgical rehabilitation of the exenterated socket; New immunologic concepts in the diagnosis and management of thyroid ophthalmopathy. Eyelid disorders are reviewed discussing subjects such as: Repair of ectropion and entropion: transconjunctival surgery of the lower eyelid retractors; Current concepts in Mohs excision and reconstruction for eyelid [..] Features Indispensable for continuous education and advanced training All editors with international reputation and contributing authors with great expertise in their topic Well-structured text and design, quick and easy to read Bridges the gap between primary literature and daily practice Every 2nd year each subject is covered with timely information about new developments in the specialised field Contents Eyelid: Repair of Ectropion and Entropion: Transconjunctival Surgery of the Lower Lid Retractors.- Update on Mohs Techniques for Excision and Reconstruction of Lid and Canthal Tumors.- Eyelid Retraction.- Current Concepts in Management.- Orbit: Capillary Haemangiomas: Current Concepts in Management.- Venolymphatic Malformations of the Orbit: Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management.- Thyroid Ophthalmopathy: New Immunological Concepts and Future Implications.- Orbital Volume Augmentation with Minimal Invasive Surgery (Expander Seeds).- Dermis Fat Implants Orbital Anatomy.- Surgical [..] Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Plastic Surgery; Otorhinolaryngology; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery Target groups Ophthalmologists as well as maxillary, facial plastic surgeons and microsurgeons Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. XX, 282 p. 301 illus. (Essentials in Ophthalmology) Geb.

96,25 € ISBN 978-3-540-33675-4

Mit der Entwicklung der Medizintechnik haben Lungenfunktionsuntersuchung und Spiroergometrie Einzug in den Alltag vieler Ärzte gehalten. Insbesondere Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner und Anästhesisten sowie medizinische Gutachter sind häufig für ihre diagnostischen oder therapeutischen Entscheidungen auf die Ergebnisse der Lungenfunktion angewiesen. In diesem Buch wird der Schwerpunkt auf Analyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse und die Zuordnung zu klinischen Krankheitsbildern gelegt. Beginnend jeweils mit den für das Verständnis notwendigen physiologischen oder physikalischen Grundlagen werden systematisch die Messwerte, die sich ergebenden typischen Befundmuster, die darauf basierenden Interpretationen und die klinischen Zuordnungen abgehandelt, wobei besonders auf systematische Vorgangsweise und didaktische Klarheit Wert gelegt wird. Die zweite Auflage beinhaltet die neueste Version der Software "Pulmopret light" und erleichtert somit den Umgang mit diesen Befunden in der Praxis. Features Praxisnahe Anleitung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Lungenfunktionsuntersuchungen bzw. Spirometrieanlagen Aktuelle Version der Software "Pulmopret Light" Systematische Vorgangsweise Didaktische Klarheit Fields of interest Pneumology/Respiratory System; Anesthesiology; Health Informatics & Health Administration; Internal Medicine; Sports Medicine Target groups Lungenfachärzte, Sportmediziner, Internisten, Anästhesisten, Allgemeinmediziner

Das Handbuch diagnostische Radiologie stellt in 9 Bänden die modernen radiodiagnostischen Möglichkeiten dar. Die Visualisierung von Organerkrankungen wird von den pathologisch-anatomischen Grundlagen über die klinische Symptomatik bis zur diagnostischen Praxis in synoptischer Betrachtungsweise beschrieben. Die klare Darstellung der Methoden mit Vergleich und Wertung, Einsatzmöglichkeiten und sinnvollen Indikationen unterstützt den Arzt bei der zielgerichteten Diagnosefindung. Alle Inhalte sind praxisgerecht und übersichtlich aufbereitet. Die einheitlich strukturierten Kapitel mit einer Fülle instruktiver Abbildungen sorgen für schnelle Orientierung. Ein Nachschlagewerk, das in der täglichen Routine und bei Problemfällen Hilfe bietet und Lücken zwischen bekannten Monographien über einzelne, sehr spezialisierte Themen schließt. Features Umfassendes Nachschlagewerk von führenden Experten Fundierter Überblick mit praktischen Orientierungshilfen Aktuelles Praxiswissen für eine zielgerichtete Diagnostik Ausführliche Literaturübersicht auf dem neuesten Stand Die Bibliothek der modernen radiologischen Diagnostik zum attraktiven Subskriptionspreis Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Cardiology Target groups Radiologen, Kardiologen Type of publication Handbook Due August 2007

Type of publication Handbook

2007. XIV, 477 S. 328 Abb. in 808 Einzeldarst. (Handbuch diagnostische Radiologie) Geb.

Due September 2007

199,00 € ISBN 978-3-540-41420-9

2007. XVI, 235 S. 34 Abb. Mit CD-ROM. Geb.

59,80 € ISBN 978-3-211-36734-6 S.S. Hammer, Bad Vilbel

Stimmtherapie mit Erwachsenen

Medizin C. Handler, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK; G. Coghlan, The Royal Free Hospital, London, UK

R.E. Harris, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA (Ed.)

Living with Coronary Disease

Inflammation in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Diseases

Coronary heart disease affects men and women equally and starts in childhood. People of all ages, particularly the young, should understand what coronary heart disease is and what can be done to prevent it, or at least, delay it for as long as possible. Living with Coronary Disease is accessible to patients, avoiding the use of medical jargon. The authors aim to dispel the natural fears of the condition to allow readers more control of their health and future.

The COX-2 Controversy

Was Stimmtherapeuten wissen sollten

Ob Sie sich als Studentin, praktizierende Stimmtherapeutin oder Ausbilderin mit dem Therapiebereich Stimme beschäftigen - hier finden Sie die "Basics" für die professionell durchgeführte Therapie: Nun schon in der 3. Auflage, vermittelt Ihnen das Lehrbuch verständlich und kompakt aufbereitetes Fachwissen: Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathophysiologie, Anamnese und Diagnostik, gängige Therapiekonzepte im Überblick und Vergleich und, in 5 Therapiebausteinen strukturiert, einen methodenübergreifenden und zeitgemäßen Therapieansatz. Zu allen Themen erhalten Sie weiterführende Literaturempfehlungen. Den direkten Zugang zur Praxis finden Sie in Kapiteln über Therapieaufbau und –ablauf, Übungen und ihre Auswahl und Durchführung, angereichert mit konkreten Beispielen und ergänzt mit Formularvordrucken für Info- und Arbeitsbögen.. Zudem bietet Ihnen das Buch Hilfestellungen bei speziellen Problemen und Themen, die den Rahmen der eigentlichen Stimmtherapie sprengen. Die 3. Auflage informiert Sie zusätzlich über [..] Features Das zeitgemäße Lehrbuch der ganzheitlichen Stimmtherapie Alles drin! Von Anatomie über Befunderhebung bis Arbeitsmaterialien Kompakt, methodenübergreifend, umfassend Aktuell in der Neuauflage: objektive Methoden der Stimmanalyse, weitere Therapiekonzepte mit Bewertung, evidenzbasierte Stimmtherapie Komplett überarbeitet: Methodenübergreifender Therapieaufbau Contents Einleitung und Überblick.- 1. Grundlagen der Stimmfunktion.- 2. Stimme und Einflussfaktoren.3. Stimmerkrankungen.- 4. Patient und Therapeut in der Stimmtherapie.- 5. Anamnese.- 6. Diagnostik.7. Therapie: Methoden und Konzeption.- 8. Die 5 Therapiebausteine.- 9. Stimmtherapie praxisnah.- 10. Therapie spezieller Störungsbilder.- 11. Anhang.- 12. Literatur.- 13. Sachverzeichnis. Fields of interest Speech Pathology; Otorhinolaryngology; Physiotherapy Target groups Logopäden in der Ausbildung und in Praxis und Klinik; Stimmtherapeuten; Physiotherapeuten, die mit Logopäden kooperieren Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007


Features Topic of current interest in an accessible language Clearly conveyed messages set out in key points and boxed summaries Contents Angina and Heart Attacks.-The Heart: How it Works and What Can Go Wrong.-Angina.-Heart Attacks.-Cholesterol and Other Blood Fats.-Food, Drink and Weight.-Exercise and Rehabilitation.-Diabetes.-High Blood Pressure (Hypertension).-Smoking.-Stress and Coronary Heart Disease.-Heart Problems in Women.-Impotence and Sexual Aspects of Coronary Heart Disease.-Tests and Procedures for Angina and Heart Attacks. Fields of interest Cardiology; General Practice / Family Medicine; Internal Medicine Target groups Patients with coronary heart disease and those who have an interest in preventing it: Junior Doctors, Nursing staff, GPs Type of publication Handbook Due July 2007 2007. XVI, 260 p. 17 illus., 14 in color. Softcover

35,26 € ISBN 978-1-84628-550-9

The authors provide exciting and enlightening perspectives on COX-2 and related molecular targets in the future of medicine, including historical perspectives on the discovery and development of aspirin, ibuprofen, and compounds that selectively inhibit COX-2, and the potential for development of new compounds with better efficacy and safety in the 21st century. Specific chapters illuminate the role of inflammatory mechanisms in the pathogenesis of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and other life-threatening and debilitating conditions. Experts in cardiovascular medicine explore the "COX-2 controversy" regarding adverse effects of some (not all) selective COX-2 inhibitors on the cardiovasculature. Important findings are documented in cancer research showing that selective COX-2 inhibitors have powerful antineoplastic effects against major forms of cancer. A special section explores the current evidence supporting the role of COX-2 and [..] Features A comprehensive treatise of COX-2, inflammation and disease A spell-binding look at the COX-2 controversy New and exciting findings on COX-2 blockade in cancer prevention and therapy as well as the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions COX-2 and the inflammogenesis of cancer Contents From the contents Preface. Contributors.- I. Historical Perspectives.- II. Inflammatory Mechanisms of Pathogenesis.- III. Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease: the Coxib Controversy.- IV. COX-2 Blockade in Cancer Prevention and Therapy.- V. Inflammation and Neurodegenerative Disease.- VI. Nutrition, Inflammation and Chronic Disease.- Index. Fields of interest Cancer Research; Pathology; Cardiology; Neurology; Immunology; Neurosciences Target groups Scientists in medical research specializing in studies of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes mellitus, inflammation, nutrition and obesity; professionals in medicine, pharmacy, allied health, public health, and basic science; libraries of medicine and medical research; pharmaceutical industry Type of publication Contributed volume

2007. XXI, 278 S. 20 Abb. in Farbe. (Praxiswissen Logopädie) Softcover

Due April 2007

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-49758-5

2007. XIII, 323 p. (Subcellular Biochemistry, Band 42) Geb.

155,10 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5687-1



U. Harten, Hochschule Mannheim

Y. Hashiloni-Dolev, Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Israel

Physik für Mediziner

A Life (Un)Worthy of Living

Eine Einführung

Reproductive Genetics in Israel and Germany

Physik spielt in der Medizin eine wichtige Rolle. Sie erklärt nicht nur, warum der Mensch trotz Schwerkraft gut durchblutet wird, sondern auch, warum Oberflächenspannung für die Tropf-Dosierung wichtig ist. Physik für Mediziner erklärt die Grundlagen kurzweilig, anschaulich und präzise. Beispiele stellen den Zusammenhang zu Klinik und Alltag her. Rund 450 Abbildungen, Rechenbeispiele und Praktikumsversuche vertiefen den Stoff. Das Lehrbuch orientiert sich am Gegenstandskatalog und die Testfragen sind nach Prüfungsrelevanz gewichtet. Auf der dazugehörigen Internetseite finden sich Zusammenfassungen, Original-Prüfungsfragen und Links zu erklärenden Filmen. So ist die Prüfungsvorbereitung ein Klacks. Der Harten ist nicht nur für die Prüfungsvorbereitung geeignet, sondern mit dem ausführlichen Sachverzeichnis ist er ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk. Medizinstudenten, sowie auch Studierende der Biologie und Pharmazie wissen den Harten zu schätzen.

Based on a variety of empirical materials the study reveals dramatic differences between the way that the German and Israeli societies address the question of a life (un)worthy of living: while in Germany, social, cultural, religious and legal conditions restrict the selection of embryos based on prenatal diagnosis, in Israel they strongly encourage it. A close comparative analysis of the ways that these two societies handle the delicate balance between the quality and sanctity of life illuminates the controversy around reproductive genetics in an original and provocative way. The study is also innovative in its use of contemporary social theory concerning the politics of life in comprehending the differences between two societies positioned at opposite extremes in their adoption of reproductive genetics. It thus offers an original cross-cultural discussion concerning present-day techno-medical manipulations of life itself.

J. Haslam, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK; J. Laycock, The Culgaith Clinic, Penrith, UK (Eds.)

Therapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain Pelvic Organ Disorders

Features Physik verständlich erklärt, mit medizinischem Bezug Kapitelzusammenfassungen im Formelsammlungsformat Verständnis- und nach Relevanz gewichtete Prüfungsfragen für die effektiver Prüfungsvorbereitung aktuelle Orginial-IMPPPhysik-Fragen unter im Web Contents Grundbegriffe.- Mechanik starrer Körper.Mechanik deformierbarer Körper.- Mechanik Schwingungen und Wellen.- Wärmelehre.Elektrizitätslehre.- Optik.- Atom- und Kernphysik.Ionisierende Strahlung.- Anhang mit Formelsammlung. Fields of interest Medicine, general Target groups Studierende der Human-, Zahn- und Veterinnärmedizin Type of publication German textbook Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 384 S. 385 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71706-5

Features Deals with cutting edge questions regarding human reproduction, genethics and the social application of new reproductive technologies Develops new concepts for discussing present day genetic manipulations of life itself, and contributes to both academic and political discussions concerning the biopolitics of the beginning of life Contributes to the social study of science and technology by arguing that [..] Contents Foreword.- 1. Theoretical Background.- 2. Methodology.- 3. Getting to Know the Field of Reproductive Genetics in Israel and Germany. 4. Genetic Counselors' Moral Practices.- 5. Abortions on Embryopathic Grounds: Policy and Practice in Israel and Germany.- 6. Sex Chromosome Anomalies (SCA) in Israel and Germany: Assessing “Birth Defects” and Medical Risks According to the Importance of Fertility.- 7. “Wrongful Life”, in the eyes of the law, the counselors and the disabled.- 8. The Conflicts between Individuals, Families and Society, as well as between Different Family Members, Embodied [..] Fields of interest Ethics; Reproductive Medicine; Human Genetics; Sociology Target groups Sociologists, anthropologists, researchers of health and illness and of new reproductive technologies, sociology and anthropology of the body, science and technology studies, students in policy studies, genetic counseling, health law and ethics and german and israeli studies Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007

Chapters in this 2nd revised edition cover the management and treatment of bladder and bowel dysfunctions in men and women, pelvic organ prolapse; issues concerning the elderly, neurologically impaired patients and those with pelvic pain. Allied updated chapters are on research methodology, the importance of fluids and infection control. New chapters cover quality of life, treatment of bladder and bowel dysfunction in children, the history of pelvic floor muscle exercise and manual therapy. The use of real-time ultrasound to evaluate pelvic floor muscle contractility, exercise balls to promote coordination of trunk stabilisers and the pelvic floor muscles, and the role of the Occupational Therapist are discussed, completed with a new section on ethical issues in the management of incontinence. Mainly written for physiotherapists, it is also a useful reference and practical guide for all health professionals dealing with incontinence and pelvic floor disorders, including urologists, gynecologists and GPs. Features Completely revised and updated 2nd edition, with chapters updated in the light of recent research and completely new chapters First textbook on this topic to enable clinicians to learn about the practicalities of assessment and treatment Provides a clear, concise and practical clinical introduction to the assessment and conservative treatment of pelvic floor disorders in both men and women Each topic is [..] Contents I. Urinary incontinence in adults, and children with bladder and bowel disorders: Prevalence.- Anatomy.Epidemiology.- Physiotherapy for children.- Ageing lower urinary tract.- Neurologically impaired patients.- Patient assessment.- Quality of life.- Investigations.- Urinalysis.- II. Treatment of urinary incontinence: Historical perspective.- Pelvic floor muscle exercise.- Manual therapy.- Pelvic floor stability and trunk muscle co-activation.- Biofeedback.- Ultrasound.- Exercise balls.- Electrical stimulation.- Bladder training.- Voiding.- Fluids.- Pregnancy.- Childbirth and anal [..] Fields of interest Gynecology; Physiotherapy; Urology/Andrology; Nursing Target groups Physical therapists, nurses, occupational therapists, dieticians, urotherapists, bowel therapists, gynecologists, urologists, urogynecologists, pediatricians, colorectal physicians, and surgeons Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook

2007. XX, 195 p. (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, Band 34) Geb.

Due July 2007

101,60 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5217-0

2007. Approx. 320 p. 75 illus. Softcover

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-84628-661-2 V. Hausegger, Wien

Erfolgreiches Marketing für die Arztpraxis Verständlich - zielgerichtet - leicht umsetzbar



M. Heck, Heidelberg; M. Fresenius, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf

M. Heintzen, Freie Universität Berlin; A. Musil, Universität Potsdam

Repetitorium Anästhesiologie

Das Steuerrecht des Gesundheitswesens

Für die Facharztprüfung und das Europäische Diplom

Systematik und Praxis

Damit Sie im Praxisalltag die Zufriedenheit und die Bindung zu ihren Patienten verbessern, gewinnt Dienstleistungsmarketing zunehmend an Bedeutung. Professionelles Marketing für Ärzte ist dabei viel mehr als Werbung und Promotion und hat nichts mit „marktschreierischem Auftreten" zu tun. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie prägnant und übersichtlich das erforderliche Know-how für einen gelungenen Marketingprozess. Dem Leser wird rasch klar, warum das weit verbreitete Gerücht „Marketing für die Arztpraxis sei nicht erlaubt", nicht stimmen kann. Anhand von Praxis- und Fallbeispielen aus dem Beratungsalltag wird schnell verständlich, wie Praxismarketing funktioniert, welche Denkweisen und Instrumente notwendig sind, um sich im Wettbewerb künftig erfolgreich zu behaupten. Praxisnahe Tipps und übersichtliche Checklisten unterstützen Sie, Marketing erfolgreich in Ihren Arbeitsprozess zu integrieren und es somit zu einem selbstverständlichen Bestandteil Ihres beruflichen Alltages zu machen. Features Dienstleistungsmarketing für Ärzte und Gesundheitsberufe Schritt für Schritt für den Praxisalltag erklärt Praxisnahe Tipps und übersichtliche Checklisten Contents Aus dem Inhalt Allgemeines: Warum Marketing für Ärzte nicht verboten sein kann; Ordinationsmarketing ist mehr als Werbung; Der Marketingprozess; Die Analyse der Ausgangssituation – oder Anamnese ist eine erfolgreiche Behandlung unmöglich; Die Vision – die Zukunft Ihrer Ordination; Ziele.Die Strategische Planung – Basis zum Erfolg: Die strategische Positionierung Ihrer Ordination – oder –warum soll ein Patient ausgerechnet in Ihre Ordination kommen? Service ist ein mächtiges Instrument im strategischen Portfolio der erfolgreichen Arztpraxis.- So wird Ihre Ordination zur Marke: Marken [..] Fields of interest Medicine, general; Health Care Administration; Marketing; Medical Law

Das Repetitorium Anästhesiologie ist mittlerweile ein absoluter Klassiker in der Weiterbildungsliteratur im Fach Anästhesie. Es ist hervorragend geeignet zur Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung und auf das Europäische Diplom. Die allgemeinen und speziellen Aspekte werden detailliert und praxisnah dargestellt. Alle Inhalte sind klar strukturiert und übersichtlich, viele Tabellen und Schemazeichnungen helfen beim Lernen und dienen dem besseren Verständnis. Hinweise auf Gefahrensituationen und wertvolle Tipps für den Klinikalltag machen es besonders praxistauglich. Die 5. Auflage wurde komplett aktualisiert und überarbeitet und trägt auch den neuesten Entwicklungen in diesem Gebiet Rechnung. Ideal zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung und für jeden in der Anästhesie tätigen Arzt oder Studenten. Features Das ganze Spektrum der Anästhesie knapp formuliert mit allen wichtigen Fakten und auf dem aktuellsten Stand Repetitorium für die Facharztprüfung und das Europäische Diplom für Anästhesiologie Viele Tipps und Tricks für die tägliche Praxis Contents Anästhetika.- Allgemeine Anästhesie.- Spezielle Anästhesie.- Anästhesierelevante Krankheitsbilder.Komplikationen.- Notfallmedizin.- Physiologische Grundlagen. Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine Target groups Ärzte in Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Anästhesie, AiP, Studenten Type of publication Professional book Due June 2007 2007. XII, 642 S. 130 Abb. Softcover

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46575-1

Das Gesundheitswesen weist vielfältige rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen Leistungserbringern, Patienten und Versicherungen auf. Diese Beziehungen können unterschiedlichste steuerliche Folgen sowohl im Ertrag- als auch im Umsatzsteuerrecht auslösen. Die einschlägigen Vorschriften sind weit über die geltenden Steuergesetze verstreut und ihr Zusammenhang schwer verständlich. Das vorliegende Buch schafft hierbei Abhilfe. Es gibt einen systematischen und praxisorientierten Einblick in die steuerlichen Probleme, die speziell im Gesundheitswesen auftreten. Rechtsprechung und Verwaltungsentscheidungen werden umfassend berücksichtigt. Die Darstellung differenziert zwischen den verschiedenen Gruppen von Leistungserbringern sowie Versicherungen und Patienten. Sie richtet sich an steuerliche Berater, die im Gesundheitswesen tätig sind, aber auch an die beteiligten Akteure selbst. Features Erste spezifisch auf das Gesundheitswesen bezogene Darstellung des Steuerrechts Verbindung systematischer Durchdringung und einzelfallbezogener Darstellung Contents Die Besteuerung der Ärzte.- Die Besteuerung der Krankenhäuser.- Medizinische Forschung.- Leistungserbringung in besonderen Konstellationen.Die Besteuerung der sonstigen Heil- und Heilhilfsberufe.- Die Besteuerung der Versicherungsunternehmen.- Die Besteuerung der Patienten.Entscheidungen und Verwaltungsvorschriften. Fields of interest Financial Law/Fiscal Law; Health Care Administration; Health Informatics & Health Administration; Medical Law Target groups Juristen, insbes. Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater, Verwaltungspersonal von Kliniken, niedergelassene und angestellte Ärzte, Verwaltungspersonal von Krankenversicherungen

Target groups Ärzte, Gesundheitsberufe,

Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication Handbook

Due March 2007 2007. XIII, 177 S. Geb.

Due June 2007 2007. X, 120 S. 20 Abb. (Edition Ärztewoche) Softcover

24,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-69774-0

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-33945-8



K.-H. Hellwich, Offenbach

K.-H. Hellwich, Offenbach; C.D. Siebert, Frankfurt


Übungen zur Stereochemie


191 Aufgaben und Lösungen

Stereochemie - Grundbegriffe richtet sich an Studenten, Lehrende und praktizierende Wissenschaftler der Chemie, Biochemie, Pharmazie, Medizin und Biologie, die sich mit dem Phänomen der Chiralität befassen. Neben einer genauen Formeldarstellung ist eine klare und eindeutige Terminologie zur Beschreibung der dreidimensionalen Strukturen und der daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen für Reaktionen oder Wirkstoff-Rezeptor-Wechselwirkungen unerläßlich. Das gilt umsomehr im zunehmenden interdisziplinären Austausch. Das vorliegende Buch eklärt alle wichtigen Begriffe der Stereochemie in lexikalischer Form, greift dabei widersprüchliche Terminologie auf und weist auf deren richtige Verwendung hin. In der zweiten Auflage wurden alle Abschnitte überarbeitet, einige wesentlich ergänzt und zwei neu aufgenommen sowie durchweg Beispiele und Graphiken hinzugefügt.

Übungen zur Stereochemie richtet sich an Studierende, Lehrende und praktizierende Wissenschaftler der Chemie, Pharmazie, Biologie und Medizin, die sich mit chiralen chemischen Verbindungen und deren Eigenschaften befassen. Als Ergänzung zu Lehrbüchern und Seminaren hilft das Buch, die Konventionen und Terminologie zur exakten räumlichen Beschreibung chemischer Verbindungen an ausgesuchten Beispielen zu üben. So werden nicht nur physiologisch und pharmakologisch relevante organische Verbindungen, sondern auch anorganische Moleküle zur Konfigurations-, Konformations- und Punktgruppenbestimmung sowie stereoselektive Synthesen organisch-chemischer Moleküle präsentiert. Die 191 Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen enthalten viele Beispiele von Verbindungen mit praktischer Relevanz, die die Autoren während ihrer Lehrtätigkeit und wissenschaftlichen Arbeit gesammelt haben. Die zweite Auflage wurde im Lösungsteil erweitert sowie im Hinblick auf aktuelle IUPAC-Empfehlungen und Kennzeichnungen einiger [..]

Features Terminologie der Stereochemie auf aktuellem Stand Für Studium und Praxis Einfach nachzuschlagen durch lexikalischen Aufbau Contents Zeichnerische Darstellung dreidimensionaler Strukturen.- Absolute Konfiguration.- Anomer.Anomerer Effekt.- Asymmetrie.- Asymmetrische Synthese.- Atropisomerie.- Axiale Chiralität.Bredtsche Regel.- Chiralität.- Chiralitätszentrum.CIP-System.- Cramsche Regel.- Cyclitole.- Diastereomer.- Diastereomerenüberschuß.- D/LSystem.- Enantiomer.- Enantiomerentrennung.Enantiomerenüberschuß.- Epimer.- Eutomer.- E/ Z-Isomerie.- Fischer-Projektion.- Haworth-Projektion.- Helicale Chiralität.- Homochiral.- Inversion.Isomerie.- Konfiguration.- Konformation.- Konstitution.- Mesoverbindungen.- [..] Fields of interest Organic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmacy; Biochemistry, general; Inorganic Chemistry Target groups Studenten und Dozenten der Organischen und Anorganischen Chemie, der Biochemie, Medizinischen Chemie und der Pharmazie; ebenso Institute und Bibliotheken, Praktiker und Wissenschaftler der genannten Fachgebiete Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2007 2007. XII, 120 S. 127 Abb. Softcover

14,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71707-2

Features Einziges Aufgaben- und Lösungen-Buch auf dem Markt Stereochemie ist einer der schwierigsten Bereiche der Chemie und Übungen daher ein Muss für den Studenten Contents Einleitung.- Aufgaben.- Loesungen.- Anhang.- Literatur.- Sachverzeichnis. Fields of interest Organic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmacy; Biochemistry, general; Inorganic Chemistry; Medicine, general Target groups Studenten und Dozenten der Organischen und Anorganischen Chemie, der Biochemie, Medizinischen Chemie und der Pharmazie sowie der Medizin; ebenso Institute und Bibliotheken, Praktiker und Wissenschaftler der genannten Fachgebiete; Lehramtsstudenten der Chemie

C.W. Helm, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, KY, USA; R. Edwards, Magee-Women's Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Eds.)

Intraperitoneal Cancer Therapy Intraperitoneal Cancer Therapy investigates intraperitoneal chemotherapy in a variety of complex and interesting ways. The volume details major clinical trails to date, including immunotherapy, hyperthermic treatment of colo-rectal and ovarian cancers. Authors also examine regional approaches to therapy, systemic therapy, and the use of carboplatin and paclitaxel as the standard treatment for women with stages III and IV ovarian cancer. Other chapters also investigate techniques and procedures in treatment, as well as the future direction of both normothermic and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Features Details major clinical trails to date, immunotherapy, hyperthermic treatment in colo-rectal and ovarian cancers, techniques and procedures in treatment The future direction of intraperitoneal chemotherapy both normothermic and hyperthermic is covered Contents The scale of the problem in ovarian cancer.- Intraperitoneal chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer: the theory.- Intraperitoneal chemotherapy: the major clinical trials to date.- Intraperitoneal chemotherapy: a meta-analysis of all randomized trials worldwide.- Intraperitoneal therapy in Ovarian Cancer: Immunotherapy.- Intraperitoneal chemotherapy: technique and complications.- Hyperthermia and chemotherapy: the science.- Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in non-gynecologic cancers.Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy colo-rectal cancer.- Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal [..] Fields of interest Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Surgery; Obstetrics/Perinatology; Gynecology Target groups Oncologists, surgeons, obstetricians, gynecologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007

Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook

2007. X, 350 illus. (Current Clinical Oncology) Geb.

Due March 2007

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-878-2

2007. XIII, 198 p. Softcover

14,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46132-6 M.A. Hemminga, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands; L.J. Berliner, University of Denver, CO, USA

ESR Spectroscopy in Membrane Biophysics Spectroscopic methods are not only important as an analytical tool, they also provide information about fundamental physical and chemical properties of molecules, the molecular and electronic structure, and the dynamic behaviour of molecules. Starting from a comprehensive quantum mechanical description, ESR Spectroscopy in Membrane Biophysics introduces the optical (IR, Raman, UV/Vis, CD, fluorescence and laser spectroscopy) and magnetic resonance (1D and 2D-NMR, ESR) techniques. ESR Spectroscopy in Membrane Biophysics is a timely review of the increasing interest in using spin-label ESR as an alternative structural technique for NMR or X-ray diffraction. It is aimed at training an audience to learn ESR spectroscopy to determine membrane protein structures, conformational dynamics and protein-lipid interaction. Features Includes detailed analysis of Distance measurements and Accessibility measurements Examines the characterization of the polarity in the nitroxide micro-environment Future aspects will treated as well, but only as an illustration of the progress of ESR in this field: Also covers Molecular dynamics simulations to analyze ESR line shapes, High-field ESR applications, Time-resolved ESR and advanced spectral analysis Contents Advanced ESR Spectroscopy in Membrane Biophysics.- Problems and Solutions of The Spin Hamiltonian.- Problems and Solutions of Powder Spectra Calculation with Various Distributions.- Problems and Solutions.- Confidence Intervals and Parameters' Correlations.- Methods for Study of Protein Dynamics and Protein-Protein.- Multi-Frequency EPR Spectroscopy Studies of the Structure and Conformational Changes of Site-Directed Spin Labeled Membrane Proteins.- Site-Directed Spin Labeling and Multi-Frequency EPR Reveal the Conformational Dynamics of Membrane Bound Protein Complexes.- High-Field EPR [..] Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Biochemistry, general; Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Plasmas; Biophysics; Solid State Physics and Spectroscopy Target groups Graduate students learning ESR spectoscopy to determine membrane protein structures, conformatinal dynamics, and protein-lipid interaction, scientists, graduate students, and other researchers involved in the fields of Imaging/Radiology, Biochemistry, Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters, Biophysics, and Spectroscopy Type of publication Contributed volume Due March 2007 2007. XIV, 379 p. With CD-ROM. (Biological Magnetic Resonance, Band 27) Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-0-387-25066-3

Medizin M. Hengstberger, Wien

Gynäkologie von Frau zu Frau


B. Herrmann, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen; K.-S. Saternus, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (Eds.)

Biologische Spurenkunde

Fragen, Antworten und Ratschläge Band 1: Kriminalbiologie

Aus Fragen vieler Patientinnen hat die erfahrene Frauenärztin Maria Hengstberger ein leicht verständliches Buch verfasst. Sie geht dabei die häufigsten gynäkologischen Probleme ein, mit denen sie in der täglichen Praxis konfrontiert ist. Durch bildhafte Erklärungen, einfache Fragebögen und hilfreiche Vorschläge ist ein Ratgeber entstanden, der von Frau zu Frau und aus der Praxis für die Praxis geschrieben wurde. Es geht hier zum Beispiel um die wiederkehrende Scheidenpilzinfektion, die viel diskutierte Hormontherapie sowie um natürliche Familienplanung. Neu in der 2. Auflage ist die Information zu den HPV-Viren. Eine Impfung zum Schutz vor Erkankung durch diese Viren ist seit kurzem verfügbar. Die aktive Brustkrebsvorsorge ist der Autorin ein besonderes Anliegen. Das von ihr entwickelte Modell "Schutzhaus gegen Krankheit und Krebs" hilft jeder Frau die Zusammenhänge zwischen Seele und Körper bewusster zu erkennen und aktiv Vorsorge zu betreiben. Ein Praxisbuch für jede Frau, da kaum ein Thema [..] Features Verständlich und aktuell: geschrieben von einer erfahrenen Frauenärztin Neu sind Informationen zur HPV-Impfung Zahlreiche Fragebögen, Ratschlägen und Anleitungen zur Selbstdiagnose Ein Ratgeber für Frauen jeden Alters Contents Aus dem Inhalt Fragen, die Frauen am Herzen liegen: Allgemeine gynäkologische Themen; Brustkrebsvorsorge; Gebärmuttersenkung und Harninkontinenz; Das Hormonsystem der Frau; Die Frau im sozialen Umfeld.- Ein Wunsch, der mir am Herzen liegt: Senken Sie Ihr Brustkrebsrisiko! Leben Sie bewusster nach meinem Modell: Ein Schutzhaus gegen Krankheit und Krebs.- Die AKTION REGEN – Portrait einer österreichischen Entwicklungshilfeorganisation.- Literatur. Fields of interest Popular Science in Medicine and Health; Gynecology; Complementary & Alternative Medicine; Health Psychology Target groups Frauen aller Altersschichten

Zunehmend werden im kriminaltechnischen und forensischen Bereich Biologen und ihr Fachwissen bedeutsam. Mit dem neuen Spezialgebiet der Kriminalbiologie, in dem gleichermaßen systemisches wie analytisches biologisches Wissens nachgefragt ist, wird der Bedarf an entsprechend spezialisierten Biologen steigen. Experten geben in "Kriminalbiologie" erstmals einen Überblick über die biowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen spurenkundlicher Arbeit sowie ihrer hauptsächlichen Tätigkeitsfelder. In Übersichtsaufsätzen werden die jeweiligen Fragestellungen und die verwendeten Methoden dieser Arbeitsbereiche vorgestellt. Erstmals liegt damit ein zusammenfassender Überblick über die "Kriminalbiologie" vor. Das Buch liefert nicht nur eine qualifizierte Orientierung für interessierte Biologen, Kriminologen, Forensiker und Kriminalisten, sondern ist auch als Grundlage für den akademischen Unterricht gedacht. Contents 1 Zur Einführung.- 2 Praxis der kriminalbiologischen Spurenkunde.- 3 Die rechtsmedizinische Expertise.- 4 Grundzüge der morphologischen Blutspurenanalyse.- 5 Fingerspuren.- 6 Knochen als Spurenträger.- 7 Rekonstruktion der Gesichtsweichteile auf dem Schädel.- 8 Zur forensischen Bedeutung pflanzlicher Makroreste.- 9 Kieselalgen als mikroskopische kleine biologische Spuren.- 10 Forensische Palynologie – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Pollenanalyse beim Einsatz in der Kriminalistik.- 11 Forensische Entomologie.- 12 Forensische Mikrobiologie.- 13 Forensische Untersuchung von Blut- und [..] Fields of interest Forensic Medicine; Biochemistry, general; Microbiology; Criminal Law; Criminology & Criminal Justice Target groups Studenten, Institute und Bibliotheken Type of publication German textbook Due June 2007

Type of publication Popular science

2007. XXIV, 431 S. 62 Abb. Geb.

Due March 2007

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71110-0

2007. X, 114 S. 41 Abb. und 43 Grafiken. Softcover

14,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-70832-3



P. Hien, Medizinische Klinik, Freiberg; B.O. Böhm, Universität Ulm

Diabetes-Handbuch Eine Anleitung für Praxis und Klinik

Jetzt in 5. Auflage! Das beliebte und erfolgreiche Diabetes-Handbuch präsentiert sich jetzt noch aktueller. In bewährter Form ist das Basiswissen für die täglichen Probleme knapp und praxisorientiert gehalten. Besonders hilfreich sind Leitfäden, u.a. zu perioperativer und periinterventioneller Versorgung, Verzeichnisse wichtiger Organisationen und Internetadressen, die Auflistung der Leitlinien der deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft und das umfassende Abkürzungsverzeichnis. Alle Kapitel sind komplett aktualisiert und beinhalten die Ergebnisse des weltgrößten Diabeteskongresses Kopenhagen/Malmö vom September 2006. Neu in diesem Band sind: - die Einfügung der gebräuchlichen Internationalen Einheiten, - die neuesten Richtwerte und Klassifikationen, - die Behandlung diabetischer Entgleisungen, - die perinterventionelle Diabetestherapie, - die neuesten Therapiekonzepte sowie Diabetes und Reisen. Features Leicht verständliche Einführung in die Diabetologie Mit aktuellen Praxisinformationen Konkrete Angaben zu Therapiezielen Therapierichtlinien, neueste Therapeutika und deren Bewertung Contents Aus dem Inhalt Symptome und Krankheitsbilder.Labordiagnostik.- Klassifikation, Inzidenz, Prävalenz verschiedener Diabetesformen.- Pathogenese des Typ 1-D.m.- Pathogenese, Entwicklung des Typ 2-D.- Pathophysiologie, Klinik des Typ 1-D.Prävention des Typ 1-D.m.- Pathophysiologie und Klinik des Typ 2-D.- Metabolisches Syndrom.Prävention des Typ 2-D.m.- Gestationsdiabetes, Diabetes, Schwangerschaft.- Diabetische Ketoazidose.- Hyperosmolares Koma.- Hypoglykämie.Laktatazidose.- Folgeerkrankungen des D.m.- Diabetisches Fußsyndrom.- Diabetes und Hypertonie.Fettstoffwechselstörungen.- [..] Fields of interest Diabetes; General Practice / Family Medicine; Pediatrics; Gynecology; Endocrinology Target groups Hausärztlich tätige Mediziner (Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten, Gynäkologen, Pädiater), Diabetesberaterinnen, Ernährungsberaterinnen, betroffene Patienten Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. X, 269 S. 17 Abb. Softcover

32,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48551-3 F. Hinman, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA, USA

Atlas urologischer Operationen im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter Der "Hinman" ist nach wie vor das Standardwerk unter den urologischen Operationsatlanten – seine ausgezeichnete Didaktik und die Klarheit der Zeichnungen setzen Maßstäbe. Mit der vorliegenden deutschen Übersetzung ist es gelungen, die beiden von Prof. Hinman herausgegebenen Bände "Atlas of Urologic Surgery" (2. Auflage) und "Atlas of Pediatric Urologic Surgery" so zu komprimieren, dass ein übersichtliches Gesamtwerk entsteht und gleichzeitig mehr als 98% der in der Praxis vorkommenden operativen Eingriffe abgedeckt werden. Anhand von fast 2000 Abbildungen werden die einzelnen Operationsschritte schrittweise und präzise dargestellt. Amerikanische Besonderheiten wurden auf deutsche Verhältnisse angepasst, bei uns unübliche Verfahren wurden gestrichen und entsprechend ergänzt. Checklisten und Tabellen bieten eine wertvolle Hilfe bei der täglichen Arbeit. Ob für den Anfänger, den jungen Facharzt oder den erfahrenen Operateur: Dieser Atlas bietet allen operativ tätigen Urologen eine unverzichtbare [..] Features Das Standardwerk unter den urologischen OP-Atlanten in deutscher Übersetzung 2000 didaktisch ausgefeilte Zeichnungen veranschaulichen die einzelnen Operationsschritte So knapp wie möglich, so detailliert wie nötig (Fast) das gesamte Spektrum urologischer Operationen in einem Band Contents Grundlagen der operativen Behandlung; Der Urologe bei der Arbeit; Penis: Exzision; Penis: Plastische Korrektur der Spaltbildungen; Penis: Plastische Operationen; Operative Korrektur der Errektionsstörungen; Plastische Operationen des weiblichen Genitals; Harnröhre: Exzision/Rekonstruktion; Hoden: Ablative Verfahren; Hoden: Rekonstruktive Verfahren; Zugänge zu Blase und Prostata; Prostata; Blase: Ablative Verfahren; Blase: Rekonstruktive Verfahren; Blase: Inkontinente Harnableitungen; Blase: Kontinente Harnableitungen; Blase: Augmentation; Blase: Substitution; Harnleiter; Operative [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology Target groups Operativ tätige Urologen Type of publication Atlas Due May 2007 Englische Orignalausgabe erschienen bei Saunders 2007. XIII, 754 S. 2168 Abb. Geb.

229,00 € ISBN 978-3-540-47205-6



R.S. Hoda, Medical University South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA; S.A. Hoda, New York Weill-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

R.S. Hoda, Medical University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA; S.A. Hoda, New York Weill-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

Fundamentals of Pap Test Cytology

Fundamentals of Pap Test Cytology

This book is intended as a practical primer on The PAP Test. The uniform layout and the selective use of bold text, tables and highlighted areas are user-friendly, and intended to render finding of specific information rather effortless. The book is also intended to help the reader readily understand the diagnostic implications of various lesions.

This book is intended as a practical primer on The PAP Test. The uniform layout and the selective use of bold text, tables and highlighted areas are user-friendly, and intended to render finding of specific information rather effortless. The book is also intended to help the reader readily understand the diagnostic implications of various lesions.

Features Reader-friendly use of bold text and tables Clinically important information that is easy to find A short dictionary of the Pap test, basic cytology principals, and anatomy for easy and quick reference

Features Reader-friendly use of bold text and tables Clinically important information that is easy to find A short dictionary of the Pap test, basic cytology principals, and anatomy for easy and quick reference

Contents A Short Dictionary of the Pap Test.- Analogies in the Pap Test: Of "Corn Flakes" and "Raisins".- Basic Cytology Principles.- Basic Anatomy and Cytology of the Female Genital Tract.- The Bethesda System.Liquid-Based Preparations.- Physiological Cytology.Reactive Changes and Organisms.- Human Papillomavirus in Cervical Carcinogenesis.- Atypical Squamous Cells.- Low-Grade Squamous Intra-Epithelial Lesion.- High-Grade Squamous Intra-Epithelial Lesion.- Invasive Squamous Carcinoma.- Endocervical Lesions.- Endometrial Lesions.- Metastatic Tumors.Therapy-Related Changes.- Artifacts, [..]

Contents A Short Dictionary of the Pap Test.- Analogies in the Pap Test: Of "Corn Flakes" and "Raisins".- Basic Cytology Principles.- Basic Anatomy and Cytology of the Female Genital Tract.- The Bethesda System.Liquid-Based Preparations.- Physiological Cytology.Reactive Changes and Organisms.- Human Papillomavirus in Cervical Carcinogenesis.- Atypical Squamous Cells.- Low-Grade Squamous Intra-Epithelial Lesion.- High-Grade Squamous Intra-Epithelial Lesion.- Invasive Squamous Carcinoma.- Endocervical Lesions.- Endometrial Lesions.- Metastatic Tumors.Therapy-Related Changes.- Artifacts, [..]

Fields of interest Pathology; Laboratory Medicine

Fields of interest Pathology; Laboratory Medicine

Target groups Cytotechnologists and cytopathologists, pathologists

Target groups Cytotechnologists and cytopathologists, pathologists

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due April 2007

Due April 2007

2007. XIV, 238 p. Softcover

2007. XIV, 238 p. Geb.

58,80 € ISBN 978-1-58829-768-6

103,74 € ISBN 978-1-58829-959-8



J. Hodler, University Hospital Balgrist, Zürich, Switzerland; G.K.v. Schulthess, Universitätsspital, Zürich, Switzerland; C.L. Zollikofer, Kantonsspital, Winterthur, Switzerland (Eds.)

Diseases of the Heart, Chest & Breast Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques

This book deals with imaging of diseases of heart, chest and breast. These fields have substantially advanced during the last few years, driven by both clinical developments and advances in imaging technology. The authors contributing to the volume are internationally renowned experts in their field; their chapters are disease-oriented and cover all the relevant imaging modalities, including standard radiography, CT, nuclear medicine with PET, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as imaging-guided interventions. As a result, this book presents a comprehensive review of current knowledge in imaging of the heart and chest , as well as thoracic interventions and a selection of "hot topics" of breast imaging. It will be particularly relevant for residents in radiology, but also very useful for experienced radiologists and clinicians specializing in thoracic disease and wishing to update their knowledge of this rapidly developing field. Contents From the contents Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer. Computed Tomography of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules. CT Diagnosis and Management of Focal Lung Disease: Small Pulmonary Nodules. Plain-Film and CT Evaluation of the Adult Mediastinum and Hilum: Pitfalls vs. Disease. Current Approaches to Assessing Chronic and Acute Airway Diseases. Current Approaches to Imaging Acute and Chronic Airway Disease. Volumetric Computed Tomography of the Tracheobronchial Tree. CT Evaluation of the Pediatric Chest in Routine Practice. Imaging of the Newborn Chest. The Pulmonary Vessels: [..] Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Interventional Radiology Target groups Radiologists Type of publication Professional book Due March 2007 2007. X, 222 p. Softcover

78,06 € ISBN 978-88-470-0632-4 M. Hohenfellner, University of Heidelberg, Germany; R.A. Santucci, Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA (Eds.)

Emergencies in Urology

R. Holliday

Aging: The Paradox of Life Why We Age

Emergencies in Urology is a comprehensive textbook covering one of the few remaining white spots on the map of urological literature. To date only a small number of publications have been dedicated to the topic of urgent and emergent problems in urology – important as these are in our daily clinical life.Therefore the editors, both of them internationally recognized urological experts, have taken the effort to present an in-depth study into virtually every possible urgent urological situation with which a urologist may be confronted today. Consequently, the book includes chapters on topics such as urological trauma, urosepsis, urinary obstruction, oncological emergencies, intra- and postoperative complications, acute problems in children, and many more.To obtain the best possible expertise in such a wide field, renowned expert authors have contributed their experience to this book. They did so not only by writing the regular book chapters but also by delivering short stories about urgent situations [..] Features Provides a comprehensive review of all urgent problems in Urology The authorship is comprised of leading experts in the world First class drawings illustrate the procedure Contents Urologic Emergencies: Overview.-The Clinical Approach to the Acutely Ill Patient.-New Developments in Anesthesia.- Anaphylaxis.-Urosepsis.- Fournier's Gangrene.- Urologic Emergencies in Pregnant Woman: Special Considerations.-Urologic Emergencies in Children: Special Considerations.- Autonomic Dysreflexia and Emergencies in Neurogenic Bladder.- Failure of Urinary Drainage: Upper Urinary. - Failure of Urinary Drainage: Lower Tract. -Scrotal Emgergencies.-Oncologic Emergencies.- Urologic Paraneoplastic Syndromes.- Trauma: Urologic Trauma: General Considerations.- Modern Trauma: New [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Emergency Medicine Target groups Urologists; emergency medical practitioners Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. XXVIII, 659 p.. 312 illus. Geb.

266,43 € ISBN 978-3-540-48603-9

For centuries people have been puzzled by the inevitability of human aging. For most of the second half of the twentieth century aging remained a mystery, or an unsolved biological problem. At the end of the 20th century a remarkable scientific discovery emerged. It was not a single discovery in the usual sense, because it was based on a series of important interconnected insights over quite a long period of time. These insights made it possible for the very first time to understand the biological reasons for aging in animals and man. It can already be said, however, that the many observations and insights that explain aging will not be accepted as established knowledge for a long time. The field is still full of scientists, and non-scientists, who are just happy to go on speculating about the "mystery" of aging. The aim of this book is to dispel ignorance by explaining in non-technical language what are the reasons for aging and the myth of excessive prolongation of life. Features The first overview of the topic written in non-technical language Because it avoids technical terminology, it is easily readable Covers a lot of ground that can only be found in specialised monographs or journals The author has a wide ranging knowledge of all the important areas of biology Also discusses ageing and longevity in relation to human activities such as religion and war Contents Preface.- Author's note.- Longevity.- Body architecture.- Maintenance of the body.- Causes of ageing.Ancient origins of ageing.- Mice and men.- How many genes?.- Evolution of human longevity.- Myths of life extension.- Doctors' dilemma.- Modulation of longevity.- Ageing and the angels.- Population pressure and warfare.- Dialogue between life and death.Road to discovery.- Resolution of the paradox.- Selected references.- Acknowledgements.- Glossary.Index. Fields of interest Geriatrics/Gerontology; Molecular Medicine; Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology; Biochemistry, general Target groups Lay readers, who want to find out why people and animals age, scientists in academic and research fields other than ageing who would like to know more about our present understanding of the biological reasons for ageing, clinicians who understand the enormous importance of age-associated diseases, and would like to know more about their origins and other features of human ageing Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. XIV, 134 p. Geb.

37,40 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5640-6 F. Holz, University of Bonn, Germany; R. Spaide, Vitreous, Retina, and Macula Consultants of New York, NY, USA (Eds.)

Medical Retina The specialty of medical retina remains one of the most challenging fields in ophthalmology. Fortunately, in the past few years the standard of knowledge in the area of medical retina has improved substantially. The insight in basic mechanisms of disease has been expanded and novel diagnostic and efficacious therapeutic strategies have been developed bridging the gap between laboratory and clinical science. For example, new developments in ophthalmic imaging have contributed significantly to our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of various retinal diseases. This volume encompasses the application of confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy including fundus autofluorescence imaging as well as the mapping of central visual function by microperimetry. It also covers anti-VEGF therapy that has revolutionized the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. The next big challenge, the management and treatment targets for dry AMD is also presented as well as the practical [..] Features Indispensable for continuous education and advanced training All editors with international reputation and contributing authors with great expertise in their topic Well-structured text and design, quick and easy to read Bridges the gap between primary literature and daily practice Every 2nd year each subject is covered with timely information about new developments in the specialised field Contents Microperimetry in Macular Disease. - New Developments in cSLO Fundus Imaging. - Genetics of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Update. - Anti-VEGF Treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. - Intravitreal Injections: Techniques and Sequelae. - Combination Therapies for Choroidal Neovascularization. - Nutritional Supplementation in Agerelated Macular Degeneration. - New Perspectives in Geographic Atrophy Associated with AMD. - Diabetic Macular Edema: Current Treatments. Treatment of Retinal Vein Occlusions. - New Perspectives in Stargardt’s Disease. - Idiopathic Macular [..] Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Nursing Management/Nursing Research; Science, general Target groups Ophthalmologists in clinical and private practice, residents, ophthalmologists-in-training as well as optometrists and ophthalmic nurses Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007 2007. XVII, 217 p. 91 illus., mostly in color. (Essentials in Ophthalmology) Geb.

96,25 € ISBN 978-3-540-33671-6

Medizin F.G. Holz, University of Bonn, Germany; S. Schmitz-Valckenberg, University of Bonn, Germany; R.F. Spaide, Consultants of New York, NY, USA; A.C. Bird, University College London, UK (Eds.)

Atlas of Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging During recent years, FAF (Fundus autofluorescence) imaging has been shown to be useful in various retinal diseases with regard to diagnostics, documentation of changes, identification of disease progression, and monitoring of novel therapies. Hereby, FAF imaging gives additional information above and beyond conventional imaging tools.This unique atlas provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of FAF imaging in retinal diseases. It also compares FAF findings with other imaging techniques such asfundus photograph, fluorescein- and ICG angiography as well as optical coherence tomography.General ophthalmologists as well as retina specialists will find this a very useful guide which illustrates typical FAF characteristics of various retinal diseases. Features Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging provides new information on diagnostics and novel therapies regarding retinal diseases Provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of FAF imaging in retinal diseases Lavishly illustrated atlas Written by renowned international experts Contents Part I Methodology: Lipofuscin of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium. - Origin of Fundus Autofluorescence. - Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging with the Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope. - How To Obtain the Optimal Fundus Autofluorescence Image with the Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope. - Autofluorescence Imaging with the Fundus Camera. - Macular Pigment Measurement— Theoretical Background. - Macular Pigment Measurement —Clinical Applications. - Evaluation of Fundus Autofluorescence Images . - Part II Clinical Application:  Macular and Retinal Dystrophies. - Discrete Lines [..]


K.K. Hunt, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; S.A. Vorburger, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; S.G. Swisher, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (Eds.)

Gene Therapy for Cancer The possibility of treating cancer, a disease frequently defined by genetic defects, by introducing genes that target these very alterations has generated tremendous enthusiasm. This enthusiasm, however, has been tempered by an increasing number of obstacles to successful therapy, including vector systems that do not reach systemic metastases, therapeutic genes with redundant mechanisms allowing for cellular resistance, and toxicities in clinical trials that result in premature closure. The three comprehensive sections of this volume present currently available cancer gene therapy techniques, with specific attention to these trouble spots. Part I describes the various aspects of gene delivery including vehicles, or vectors, and their respective characteristics and production methods. In Part II, the contributors discuss strategies and targets for the treatment of cancer, including methods for cell-death therapies, correction of underlying genetic defects at the molecular level, and activation of [..] Features Vectors used in gene therapy for cancer Characteristics and production methods of cancer gene vectors Targets and specific approaches for the therapy of cancer Clinical applications of cancer gene therapy Background knowledge, technical details, and preclinical and clinical results for cancer gene therapy Provides a concise presentation of the current knowledge in cancer gene therapy Will prove incredibly [..]

Target groups General ophthalmologists; retina specialists; researchers in the field of retinal imaging and retinal diseases; clinicians as well as residents-in-training

Contents Adenovector-mediated Cancer Gene Therapy.- Efficacy, Toxicity and Immunogenicity of Adenoviral vectors.- Lentiviral and Retroviral Vector Systems.Vaccinia and Pox-Virus.- Spinning Straw into Gold: The Potential of Replicating Herpes Simplex Virus as a Therapy for Cancer revealed by Genetic Alchemy.- Alphavirus Vectors for Gene Therapy Applications.- Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and RNA Viruses as Gene Therapy Vectors.- Parvovirus Vectors.Non-Viral Vector Systems.- Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes, and Apoptosis-Inducing Genes Utilized in Cancer Gene Therapy.- Gene Silencing Therapy [..]

Type of publication Monograph

Fields of interest Oncology; Hematology; Cancer Research

Due September 2007

Target groups Oncologists, hematologists, cancer researchers, geneticists

Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Imaging / Radiology

2007. XIV, 342 p. Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-71993-9

Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007 2007. 600 p. 69 illus., 16 in color. (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) Geb.

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-472-2



R. Huopalahti, University of Turku, Finland; R. López-Fandiño, Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; M. Anton, URI 1268 Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages, Nantes, France; R. Schade, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany (Eds.) R. Hutterer-Krisch, Wien

Grundriss der Psychotherapieethik

R. Hänsel, München; O. Sticher, Ebmatingen, Schweiz; R. Hänsel, München; O. Sticher, Ebmatingen, Schweiz (Eds.)

Pharmakognosie - Phytopharmazie

Praxisrelevanz, Behandlungsfehler und Wirksamkeit

Bioactive Egg Compounds Hen eggs have exceptional potential as an inexhaustible source for a variety of products with unique properties. These products are valuable to human health and nutrition and can be used as raw materials for diverse purposes in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Bioactive Egg Compounds presents the latest results and concepts in the biotechnological use of egg compounds. Following an introduction to the different compounds of egg white, yolk and shell, the nutritive value of egg compounds is discussed. Procedures for processing egg compounds to improve their nutritive value are described, including the concept of so-called enriched eggs. Also described is the isolation and application of egg compounds with special properties, such as antibiotic action. The chapters are by authors from 12 countries, all renowned specialists, who are active in various fields of egg research, such as quality control, biochemistry, biophysics and biotechnology. Features The book is a result of the European COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) Action 923 on Multidisciplinary Hen Egg Research " ... an egg is a chemical storehouse for a potential new life" (from the description of the COST program) Fields of interest Animal Biochemistry; Nutrition; Food Science; Agriculture; Biomedical Engineering; Biotechnology Target groups Scientists and researchers in universities, other academic institutions and in the industry Type of publication Contributed volume

Die Beachtung ethischer Fragen entscheidet wesentlich über die Wirksamkeit bzw. über Erfolg oder Misserfolg jeder Psychotherapie. Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt berufsethische Grundzüge im Überblick. Wenn PatientInnen über Rechte verfügen, müssen PsychotherapeutInnen Pflichten haben. Neben Begriffsklärungen, Werten und Wertkollisionen in der Psychotherapie geht es u.a. um Stadien der Moralentwicklung, den Behandlungsprozeß, Behandlungsfehler und entsprechende Umgangsformen, Verantwortung von PsychotherapeutInnen und deren Grenzen, sowie um Machtmissbrauch sexueller, narzisstischer, ökonomischer Natur. Hinweise auf ethische Richtlinien in Europa, Österreich, Deutschland, der Schweiz, und den Vereinigten Staaten befinden sich im Anhang. Das Buch wendet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler als auch an Laien, insbesondere aber an praktizierende PsychotherapeutInnen. Features Wichtige Grundlagen für die Psychotherapie-Ausbildung behandelt heikle Fragen wie Behandlungsfehler, Beschwerden, Mißbrauch Anhang enthält viele Standesrichtlinien in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Europa Contents Aus dem Inhalt: Einleitung.- Einführung in die Ethik.- Zur Begriffsklärung.- Zur ethischen Reflexion psychotherapeutischen Handelns.- Zur Pluralität und Methodenvielfalt.- Zur Theorie der moralischen Entwicklung nach L. Kohlberg.- Verantwortung, Wirksamkeit und Grenzen in der Psychotherapie.Österreich.- U.S.A. Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Psychiatry; Clinical Psychology; Health Psychology; Law and Psychology; Family Relations

Ein Klassiker aktualisiert! Auch die 8. vollständig neu überarbeitete Auflage liefert unverzichtbares Basiswissen zur Beurteilung pflanzlicher Arzneimittel und beschreibt den Beitrag der Naturstoffforschung zur Entwicklung hochwirksamer Arzneistoffe. Berücksichtigt werden auch die aktuell gebräuchlichen Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und die in Europa verwendeten Arzneidrogen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Die über sieben Auflagen bewährte Grundkonzeption wurde beibehalten: Das Werk informiert umfassend über die Bildung des Naturstoffs in der Pflanze bis zur Herstellung von pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln, deren chemisch-analytische Prüfung, pharmakologische Testung und therapeutische Anwendung. Es liefert Hintergrundwissen über Produkte, die in der Selbstmedikation tagtäglich von Hunderttausenden eingenommen werden. Der neue Hänsel/Sticher ist eine kompakte, aktuelle und wissenschaftlich-kritische Darstellung der Phytochemie, Phytopharmazie, Phytopharmakologie und Phytotherapie für Apotheker, Ärzte [..] Features Einziges Standardwerk der Phytopharmazie und Pharmakognosie Unverzichtbar für Pharmazie-Studenten Hintergrundwissen zu umstrittenen Fragestellungen Fields of interest Pharmacology/Toxicology; Pharmacy Target groups Studenten der Pharmazie Type of publication German textbook Due March 2007 2007. XXXIII, 1570 S. 743 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

Due May 2007 2007. XX, 298 p. 30 illus. Geb.

133,70 € ISBN 978-3-540-37883-9

Target groups PsychotherapeutInnen, PsychologInnen, PsychiaterInnen Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. XXIV, 521 Seiten Geb.

59,90 € ISBN 978-3-211-30659-8

69,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-34256-4



C. Illetschko, Wien

I. Ishikawa, Asanogawa General Hospital, Kanazawa, Japan

I. Ishikawa, Kanazawa, Japan

Brücken zwischen dir und mir

Acquired Cystic Disease of the Kidney and Renal Cell Carcinoma

Exercise-Induced Acute Renal Failure

Complication of Long-Term Dialysis

Acute Renal Failure with Severe Loin Pain and Patchy Renal Ischemia after Anaerobic Exercise

Betreuung zu Hause erleben

Dieses Buch ist eine Anerkennung und ein kleines Dankeschön an alle Personen, die im Dienst für pflegebedürftige Menschen beschäftigt sind. Die Autorin ist seit zehn Jahren in diesem Bereich tätig und schildert in verschiedenen Geschichten den Alltag von Pflegepersonen in der Hauskrankenpflege. Sie versucht dabei klar zu machen, dass jeder einzelne von ihnen auch seine privaten Freuden und Sorgen hat. Dieser Dienst ist nicht leicht, manchmal erheiternd, ab und zu traurig, wird aber von allen Mitarbeitern mit Herz und Verantwortung wahrgenommen. Der Leser soll in lebendiger Weise, aufgelockert mit stimmungsvollen Fotos und Gedichten mit diesem, meist fremden Territorium vertraut gemacht werden. All jene, die in diesem Beruf ihre Berufung gefunden haben, werden sich in der einen oder anderen Anekdote wiederfinden. Features Ein lebendiger, anschaulicher und persönlicher Einblick in die Hauskrankenpflege Geschichten aus dem Berufsalltag Mit stimmungsvollen Fotos und Gedichten Fields of interest Nursing; Health Care Administration; Popular Science in Medicine and Health Target groups Pflegepersonen, Heimhelfer, Altenpfleger, Betreuer zu Hause, betroffene Angehörige Type of publication Popular science Due August 2007 2007. 83 S. 12 Abb. in Farbe. Geb.

14,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-73504-6

The detailed and comprehensive observations presented in this book on acquired cystic disease of the kidney and renal cell carcinoma in dialysis patients are drawn from the author’s nearly three decades of experience. Beginning with the first clinical case in 1978 and including subsequent follow-up studies and questionnaires, the volume is an excellent clinical reference for practicing physicians. As the author makes clear, it is essential that examination before operations for renal transplantation should include imaging of the original kidneys. Extensive use of color illustrations and numerous case studies assist the reader in understanding the nature of acquired renal cystic disease and renal cell carcinoma, how they are diagnosed, and how screening should be conducted for renal cell carcinoma in dialysis patients. This essential information has never been more important than now, in view of the growing number of hemodialysis patients. Features Discloses many important findings on acquired cystic disease of the kidney and renal cell carcinoma Fields of interest Nephrology; Urology/Andrology Target groups Nephrologists Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 2007. X, 111 p. 144 illus. 122 in color. Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-4-431-69479-3

Acute renal failure induced by rhabdomyolysis after strenuous, prolonged exercise such as marathon running or mountain climbing is a well-known medical phenomenon, but exercise-induced acute renal failure after short-term anaerobic exercise - for instance, short-distance track races - has been recognized only recently. This monograph provides in-depth information on exercise-induced acute renal failure after short-term anaerobic exercise, which causes severe pain in the loin and patchy renal ischemia with no sign of rhabdomyolysis. Half of the patients suffering from this condition experience renal hypouricemia, for which approximately 20% are treated with dialysis. This complete clinical reference book includes characteristics of the disease, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, and corresponding preventive measures. Important information on gene analysis and etiology is also included, creating a valuable resource for nephrologists as well as for emergency physicians and those in the field of [..] Fields of interest Nephrology; Emergency Medicine Target groups Nephrologists Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. 108 p. 76 illus., 5 in color. Geb.

64,15 € ISBN 978-4-431-69483-0



T. Itten, St. Gallen, Schweiz

Jähzorn Psychotherapeutische Antworten auf ein unberechenbares Gefühl R. Jakesz, Medizinische Universität Wien; M. Frey, Medizinische Universität Wien (Eds.)

Mammakarzinom Operative Behandlungskonzepte

K.-W. Jauch, Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum Großhadern der Universität München; W. Mutschler, Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum Innenstadt der Universität München; M.W. Wichmann, Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service, Australien (Eds.)

Chirurgie Basisweiterbildung In 99 Schritten durch den Common Trunk

Die zerstörerische Wucht dieses heftigen Gefühlsausbruchs ist bekannt, doch bisher gesellschaftlich tabuisiert. Wir sind Zeugen von Jähzornausbrüchen im Familienleben, in Partnerschaften, im Straßenverkehr, im Berufsalltag, im Sport usw. Zur Untermauerung dieser Beobachtungen wurden an die 600 Personen zu ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Jähzorn befragt. Die Zahlen überraschen, 20 % waren als Kind Opfer von jähzornigen Eltern, 24% der Befragten sind jähzornig. Wir stehen verblüfft vor dem offenen Geheimnis einer veritablen Volksplage. Wo kommt Jähzorn her? Wie zeigt sich Jähzorn? Was können wir tun? Diese Fragen begleiten den Autor durch Religionen, Mythen, Literatur und Film. Einzelfallstudien liefern neue sozialpsychologische und psychotherapeutische Einsichten sowie konkrete Anstösse für Psychotherapeuten, Ärzte, Pädagogen und andere helfende Berufe. Es informiert Betroffene und Angehörige. Mit diesem Buch wird der Jähzorn erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum zum Thema gemacht. Features Erstes deutschsprachiges Buch, das Jähzorn zum öffentlichen Thema macht Basiert auf einer erstmaligen empirischen sozialpsychologischen Untersuchung mit relevanten und brisanten Aussagen zum Jähzorn Viele Menschen, die eine Psychotherapie machen, sind Kinder von jähzornigen Eltern Für Betroffene, Angehörige und Fachpersonen Contents Inhalt: Vorwort.- Wo kommt der Jähzorn her?: Der Brunnen; Die Sprache des Jähzorns; Der gezählte Jähzorn; Die Begründung; Die Grundstörung.- Wie zeigt sich Jähzorn?: Auslöser; Jähzorn in Kultur und Religion; Sozialpsychologie und Gesellschaft; Täter; Opfer.- Was können wir tun?: Psychotherapie; Einsicht; Kinder und Eltern; Vom Opfer zum Täter; Wege aus dem Jähzorn.- Ausklang.- Anhang.Danksagung.- Literatur. Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Clinical Psychology; Personality & Social Psychology; Psychiatry; Counseling; Cross Cultural Psychology

Das Mammakarzinom ist die häufigste Krebserkrankung der Frau. Beträchtliche chirurgische Fortschritte der letzten Jahre haben sowohl eine günstigere Prognose als auch verbesserte kosmetische Ergebnisse bewirkt. Auf diese wird konzise eingegangen und ein Überblick über derzeit gängige interventionelle, resektive und onkoplastische Konzepte geboten. Neben den präsentierten Konzepten werden aber etablierte Therapien durch zum Teil noch experimentelle operative und strategische Modalitäten ergänzt: Einerseits ist es notwendig, Standards und Qualitätsnormen darzulegen und auf ihre Etablierung hinzuweisen. Andererseits ist das chirurgische Wissen - und darauf aufbauende Behandlungsstrategien – ständig im Fluss. Wesentliches Gewicht des Buches liegt auf dem, was über das evidenz-basiert Bewährte hinausgeht. Dieses Kompendium modernster operativer Behandlungskonzepte bietet dem Chirurgen eine kompetente Hilfe beim Management von Brustkrebs-Patientinnen. Features Moderne etablierte Therapiestrategien Experimentelle Konzepte Reich illustriert Contents Chirurgisch-onkologische Verfahren: Operationsrelevante anatomische Überlegungen.- Diagnosestellung und operative Therapiewahl.- Präkanzerosen und das in situ Karzinom.- Brusterhaltende Operationen, Mastektomie.- Das familiäre Mammakarzinom.- Operatives Vorgehen in der Axilla.- Operation nach präoperativer Chemotherapie.- Rekonstruktion: Sofortrekonstruktion und Sekundärrekonstruktion: Indikationen und Kontraindikationen.- Rekonstruktion nach deformierenden Resektionen.- Rekonstruktion mit Brustimplantaten und Gewebeexpandern.- Kombination von Brustimplantat und Lappenplastik.- [..] Fields of interest Surgical Oncology; Plastic Surgery; Gynecology; Oncology; General Surgery; Radiotherapy Target groups Chirurgen, Gynäkologen, Onkologen, Strahlentherapeuten

Target groups Psychotherapeuten, Ärzte, Pädagogen und andere helfende Berufe, Betroffene und Angehörige

Type of publication Atlas

Type of publication Popular science

Due September 2007

Due September 2007 2007. XI, 193 S.; 1 Abb. Geb.

24,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48622-1

Das Buch für die Basisweiterbildung zu den chirurgischen Fachgebieten ist da! Als zuverlässiger Begleiter führt es Sie durch die Stationen Ihrer Weiterbildung im Common trunk: die chirurgische Ambulanz und Poliklinik - die stationäre Patientenversorgung - die Notfallaufnahme und den Schockraum - die chirurgische Intensivstation.Neben viszeral- und unfallchirurgischen Themen werden auch Gefäßchirurgie, Thoraxchirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie und Kinderchirurgie berücksichtigt. Erarbeiten Sie sich systematisch ein handlungsorientiertes, differenziertes chirurgisches Grundwissen und orientieren Sie sich gezielt über ausgewählte Eingriffe. Erfahrene Chirurgen haben 99 fundierte, praxisbezogene Kapitel für Sie verfasst – der ideale wöchentliche Lesestoff für zwei Jahre Common trunk. Features In 99 Schritten durch den Common trunk Fundierte, praxisnahe Kapitel, orientiert an der Weiterbildungsordnung Alle chirurgischen Teilgebiete sind berücksichtigt Contents Allgemeine Chirurgie - Schockraum - Notfallaufnahme und ausgewählte häufige Notfälle - Operative Intensivmedizin - Chirurgische Poliklinik und kleine ambulante Chirurgie - Stationäre Patientenversorgung und Klinikmanagement - Technische Verfahren und chirurgische Technik - Chirurgisches Lernen. Fields of interest Surgery Target groups Ärzte in der Basisweiterbildung zu den chirurgischen Facharztkompetenzen Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 728 S. 618 Abb. Geb.

2007. IX, 239 S., Mit zahlreichen (großteils farbigen) Abb. Geb.

169,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-29683-7

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-34004-1 J. Jiang, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Applications

Medizin C. Jones, University of Birmingham, UK; J.R. Thornback, Enigma Diagnostics, Porton Down, UK

Medicinal Applications of Coordination Chemistry


L.J. Jordaens, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; D.A.M.J. Theuns, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Stored ECGs Clinical Management and Case Reports

This book covers two major classes of mixed effects models, linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models, and it presents an up-to-date account of theory and methods in analysis of these models as well as their applications in various fields. The book offers a systematic approach to inference about non-Gaussian linear mixed models. Furthermore, it has included recently developed methods, such as mixed model diagnostics, mixed model selection, and jackknife method in the context of mixed models. The book is aimed at students, researchers and other practitioners who are interested in using mixed models for statistical data analysis. The book is suitable for a course in a M.S. program in statistics, provided that the section of further results and technical notes in each of the first four chapters is skipped. If these four sections are included, the book may be used for a course in a Ph. D. program in statistics. A first course in mathematical statistics, the ability to use computers for [..] Features Concentrates on two major classes of mixed effects models, linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models Offers an up-to-date account of theory and methods in the analysis of these models as well as their applications in various fields Contents Linear mixed models: Part I.- Linear mixed models: Part II.- Generalized linear mixed models: Part I.Generalized linear mixed models: Part II. Fields of interest Statistical Theory and Methods; Health Care Administration; Numerical Analysis; Genetics and Population Dynamics Target groups Researchers, graduate students, practitioners Type of publication Monograph

Metals in pharmaceuticals have played an increasingly important role in medicine over the last century, particularly in cancer therapy and diagnostic imaging methods. Medicinal Applications of Coordination Chemistry focuses on the role that transition metals play in clinical applications. Medicinal Applications of Coordination Chemistry begins with a brief historical review and an introduction to the chemistry of d- and f- block metals. Subsequent sections discuss metallodrugs for a number of different applications, the design of new drugs and the relationship between structure and function. Key sections include diagnostic applications of metal compounds in anatomical and functional imaging, and therapeutic applications of metals compounds. This book is ideal for researchers in academia and industry and comes complete with examples of real life applications. Features Combines a very concise introductory account of the coordination chemistry of metals with an overview of the use of coordination compounds in medicine Aims to introduce the pharmacist/clinician to metal chemistry and the chemist to the medical applications of metal complexes Contents Introduction.- The Chemistry of Metals in a Nutshell.- Diagnostic Medicine.- Therapeutic Medicine.Metallopharmaceutical Design. Fields of interest Inorganic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry; Medical Biochemistry; Oncology Target groups Researchers in academia and industry Type of publication Reference work

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Stored ECGs instructs the reader on the appropriate and optimal reading of device diagnostics in clinical practice using a format developed around low text volume, charts, and practical (hands-on) protocols that can be used directly during ICD follow-up. This concise didactic reference book provides clinical information via the use of images to illustrate specific diagnostic features in defibrillator therapy. The first part consists of chapters on defibrillator diagnostics, followed by case-based presentations with images, actual patient histories and a summary paragraph. All common and some rarer situations are covered. Features Comprehensive clinical review of the use of stored ICD ECGs Contents Diagnostics and Therapy by the ICD: Better than the Cardiologist.- Rhythm Classification by Arrhythmia Management Devices.- Device Diagnostics.Understanding Stored Electrograms.- A Practical Approach to Analyze Stored Electrograms.Clinical Case Studies. Fields of interest Cardiology; Cardiac Surgery; Internal Medicine Target groups Individuals appearing for the pacemaker or electrophysiology board certification exams; trainees in general cardiology and electrophysiology; pacemaker and ICD technicians; CCU and ICU nurses and physicians Type of publication Professional book Due July 2007

Due May 2007 2007. XII, 196 p. 102 illus. Geb.

Due April 2007 Distribution rights outside North and South America: Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 2007. XIV, 257 p. (Springer Series in Statistics) Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-0-387-47941-5

2007. 290 p. (RSC Paperbacks) Geb.

ISBN 978-0-85404-596-9

117,65 € ISBN 978-1-84628-679-7



A. Joussen, University of Duesseldorf, Germany; Th.W. Gardner, Penn State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA; B. Kirchhof, University of Cologne, Germany; S.J. Ryan, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Eds.)

Retinal Vascular Disease H. Kalter, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, OH, USA.

Mortality and Maldevelopment Part I: congenital cardiovascular malformations

J.H. Kan, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN; P.K. Kleinman, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Pediatric and Adolescent Musculoskeletal MRI A Case-Based Approach

Vascular diseases of the retina are a major cause of blindness among all age groups. Edited and written by internationally well-known experts, this state-ofthe-art comprehensive overview of basic and clinical science will enhance the understanding of retinal vascular disease and help in the evaluation of current and future treatment approaches for the clinician. The well-structured and highly illustrated text is divided into the following three main sections:Pathogenesis of retinal vascular diseaseGeneral concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of retinal vascular diseasePathology, clinical course and treatment of retinal vascular diseaseReader-friendly through:Step-by-step explanation of all treatment proceduresRichly illustrated by clinical image series including illustrated single case follow-upThis unique textbook-atlas also includes topics which are not currently found in other retinal disease textbooks, such as case reports and clinical follow-ups. General ophthalmologists, retina [..] Features Step-by-step explanation of all treatment procedures Edited and written by internationally well-known experts of the field (Steve Ryan is the most famous expert in the field of the retina) The whole content is highly visualized through color illustrations and art work Includes also topics which are not currently found in other retinal disease textbooks, such as case-reports and clinical follow-ups

Congenital malformations are worldwide occurrences, they know no national borders, do not distinguish between races, ethnicities, rich or poor. These severe physical abnormalities, present at birth, happen more often than is usually realized, once in every 33 births. They strike every part of the body, limbs, head, heart, and all others. The most frequent of them all are the many types of malformations of the cardiovascular system, the heart and its blood vessels, which happen in about once in every 250 births. Study of these conditions during the twentieth century took many forms, revolving about examination and analysis of their causes, genetic, nongenetic, and complex. To aid in unraveling the complexities of this causation, various influences on their frequency are considered, among them social conditions, maternal health, birthweight, newborn maturity. And of course the known and possible environmental bases of their occurrence are fully described.The relation of infant death to [..] Fields of interest Obstetrics/Perinatology; Cardiology; Human Genetics; Developmental Biology; History of Science Target groups Researchers and professionals Type of publication Monograph Due May 2007

Contents From the contents Section I: General Concepts in the pathogenesis of retinal vascular disease: Anatomy of the retinal vasculature.- Section II: General concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of retinal vascular disease.- Section III: Pathology, clinical course and treatment of retinal vascular diseases.- Section IV: Clinical decision making and differential diagnosis. Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Biochemistry, general Target groups General ophthalmologists, retina specialists, and ophthalmologists in training Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. XXXVI, 780 p. Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-3-540-29541-9

2007. X, 222 p. Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5917-9

Since radiologists learn by seeing, this book’s casebased format is ideal. The 102 cases unknown and 217 supplemental cases throughout depict scenarios commonly encountered in daily practice, with special emphasis on the rapidly growing area of sports injuries and traumatic disorders in older children and adolescents. The cases are heavily illustrated with nearly 600 high-resolution MRI images, as well as complementary plain films, scintigrams, and CT scans. Each case outlines the clinical history, findings, and differential diagnosis. Clinical pearls, questions and answers, and concluding summaries are also included. An orthopedic surgeon provides clinical commentary where appropriate to share the insight gained from sports medicine. Features Includes 102 cases unknown and 217 supplemental cases The cases are heavily illustrated Each case outlines the clinical history, findings, and differential diagnosis, and includes clinical pearls, questions and answers, and concluding summaries Contents 102 cases unknown and 217 supplemental cases in pediatric and adolescent muscoloskeletal MRI Fields of interest Diagnostic Radiology; Imaging / Radiology; Neuroradiology; Pediatrics; Orthopedics; Sports Medicine Target groups General radiologists, pediatric radiologists, neuroradiologists, residents and fellows in Radiology, Sports Medicine Physicians, Orthopedic Surgeons, and Pediatricians Type of publication Reference work Due May 2007 2007. XII, 753 p. Geb.

117,65 € ISBN 978-0-387-33686-2 J.E. Karp, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA (Ed.)

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Medizin S. Kartikeyan, Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, India; R.N. Bharmal, Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, India; R.P. Tiwari, Nicholas Piramal India Limited, Mumbai, India; P.S. Bisen, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India

HIV and AIDS: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia is a timely compilation of new concepts in the molecular pathogenesis and molecular therapy of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). The focus is on selected critical molecular determinants of AML pathogenesis and pathophysiology and the exploitation of these factors by diverse therapeutic agents and modalities. Bringing together new concepts and findings in the basic and clinical science of AML, the book emphasizes the molecular basis for new therapies that stand to have the greatest potential impact on the clinical face of these diseases. The text provides insights into selected novel strategies currently and prospectively being developed, including interruption of specific signal transduction pathways, modulation of gene expression, attempts to reinstate differentiation, and immunomodulation. There is an emphasis throughout on the bidirectional flow of knowledge between the clinical and laboratory arenas, and both basic and clinical scientists will benefit from this [..] Features Novel therapeutic concepts based on AML cell biology Critical factors in leukemia cell survival and drug resistance, and their potential exploitation as therapeutic targets Contents From the contents I. Overview of AML.- II. Molecular Foundations of AML Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology.- Transcriptional Control of Myeloid Differentiation and Transformation.- Myelodysplasia-Related AML.- Treatment-Related AML.- Drug Resistance Transporters.- III. Translating Biology into Clinical Application.- APL.- Classic Tale of Bench to Bedside.- Molecular Therapeutics of AML: Selected Targeted Approaches Overview.- FLT3.- Farnesyltransferase.- Modulating Gene Expression as a Therapeutic Approach.- Growth Factor-Based Differentiation.- Stem Cell Transplantation.- Vaccine [..] Fields of interest Hematology; Oncology; Cancer Research; Internal Medicine Target groups Hematologists, oncologists, cancer researchers, and internists Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007

F. Kehl, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg; H.-J. Wilke, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Anästhesie. Fragen und Antworten 1500 Fakten für die Facharztprüfung und das Europäische Diplom für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin (DEAA/DESA)

Basic Elements and Priorities

In June 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the first evidence of a new disease that would later become known as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV and AIDS: Basic Elements and Priorities is a concise collection of all aspects of this disease, and is a source of readily available knowledge. All currently advocated preventive measures such as health education, condom use, safer sex practices, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections have been incorporated. The key elements of this volume are: - up-to-date information on multiple dimensions of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, - discusses new anti–retroviral therapy / drugs, new drugs under clinical trials and preventive HIV vaccine, - covers current ethical, legal and social issues related to HIV/AIDS, - evaluates general public awareness about HIV/AIDS, - includes a global perspective and information about HIV/AIDS. This volume is an excellent reference for science graduates and post graduates, medical students, [..] Features Covers preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic aspects of HIV/AIDS Includes general and specialized matters related to HIV/AIDS| HIV related disorder and co-infection with tuberculosis Strategy for prevention and control Contains the latest global information about HIV/AIDS Contents From the contents Preface. Section One – Fundamentals. Section Two – Diagnostic Aspects. Section Three – Clinical Aspects. Section Four – Prevention And Control. Index. Fields of interest Virology; Infectious Diseases; Immunology Target groups Medical undergraduate / post graduate students; medical college libraries; scientist and research scholars; biotech/ pharmaceutical/ health care industries Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007

In "Anästhesie Fragen und Antworten" sind 300 Fragen nach dem Multiple-Choice Prinzip mit 1500 Fakten aus allen Bereichen des großen Fachgebiets übersichtlich dargestellt. Die Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung oder die Prüfung für das Europäische Diplom erfordert das Lernen und Erarbeiten großer Wissensmengen. Je näher der Prüfungstermin rückt, umso unüberschaubarer erscheint der Umfang des bereits Gelernten und mögliche Wissenslücken werden deutlich. Anhand der Fragen mit den kommentierten Antworten lässt sich das aus Lehrbüchern erworbene Wissen optimal überprüfen und ggfs. ergänzen. Durch die Multiple Choice Fragentechnik erfolgt gleichzeitig die optimale Vorbereitung auf das Prüfungsprinzip der D.E.A.A. Die 3. Auflage ist komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Ideal zur Prüfungsvorbereitung -gibt Sicherheit und macht fit für kniffelige Prüfungsfragen. Features Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung und das Europäisches Diplom Fragen und kommentierte Antworten für effektives Lerntraining Der beste Schritt zur Wissensüberprüfung und zum Prüfungserfolg Contents Klinische Chemie.- Physik.- Statistik.- Physiologie.- Lungenphysiologie.- Gerinnung.- Hormonsystem.- Pharmakologie.- Allgemeinanästhesie.Regionalanästhesie.- Porphyrie.- Maligne Hyperthermie.- Hyperbare O2-Therapie.Neuroanästhesie.- Neurologie.- Herz-Thorax-Chirurgie.- Kinderanästhesie.- Geburtshilfe.Geriatrie.- Schmerztherapie.- Intensivmedizin.Schock. Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Pain Medicine Target groups Ärzte in Weiterbildung zum Facharzt Anästhesiologie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Type of publication Monograph

2007. XIV, 414 p. Geb.

Due May 2007 2007. XIV, 426 p. (Contemporary Hematology) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-58829-621-4


128,35 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5788-5

2007. IX, 388 S. Softcover

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46579-9



C.K. Keller, Dialysezentrum Grünstadt; S.K. Geberth, Dialysezentrum Wieblingen

Praxis der Nephrologie W. Kempf, Universitätsspital Zürich, Schweiz; M. Hantschke, Dermatologische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Friedrichshafen; H. Kutzner, Dermatologische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Friedrichshafen; W. Burgdorf, Tutzing

Dermatopathologie Die 2. Auflage - aktualisiert und erweitert! Renale Folgeerkrankungen von Hypertonie oder Diabetes mellitus, aber auch die Mitbetreuung von Dialysepatienten konfrontieren Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner und Kollegen anderer Fachrichtungen mit nephrologischen Fragestellungen: Bei welchen Grunderkrankungen oder prädisponierenden Faktoren muss der Hausarzt besonders darauf achten, ob auch eine Nierenerkrankung vorliegt? Welche Werte müssen in welchen Abständen kontrolliert werden? Welche Untersuchungen sollen durchgeführt werden, bei welchen Befunden und für welche Untersuchungen muss an den Spezialisten (Nephrologen oder andere Fachärzte) überwiesen werden? Wo besteht ein besonderer Abstimmungsbedarf zwischen Hausarzt und Spezialisten, welche Fehler unterlaufen beiden Seiten häufig? In dieser Auflage neu bearbeitet und erweitert u.a.: Immunsuppression nach Transplantation (wichtig auch für den Hausarzt!) inkl. Komplikationen, Nebenwirkungen, Wechselwirkungen; Glomeruläre Nierenerkrankungen; [..] Features Das wesentliche nephrologische Wissen für den "Nicht-Nephrologen" Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Therapie und Praxistipps Kompakt u. verständlich Antworten auf essenzielle Fragen bei nephrologischen Grunderkrankungen (Schwangerschaft, Medikamentendosierung usw.) Tabellen: Dosierungen wichtiger Pharmaka bei Niereninsuffizienz Contents Die normale Niere.- Nephrologische Diagnostik.Fehlbildungen und erbliche Nierenerkrankungen.Harnwegsinfektionen.- Steinleiden.- Raumforderungen in der Niere.- Glomeruläre Nierenerkrankungen.- Tubulointerstitielle Erkrankungen der Niere.Systemerkrankungen mit Nierenbeteiligung.- Akutes Nierenversagen.- Chronische Niereninsuffizienz.Nierenersatztherapie.- Nierentransplantation.- Pharmakotherapie bei Niereninsuffizienz.- Nephrologische Begutachtung und arbeitsmedizinische Aspekte bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz.- Nierenerkrankungen und Hypertonie in der Schwangerschaft.- [..] Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Nephrology; Gynecology; Urology/Andrology; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Nephrologen, Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten (auch Internisten ohne Schwerpunkt Nephrologie: viele Ärzte, die Dialyse anbieten, führen nicht den SP Nephrologie), Gynäkologen, Urologen (jeweils Ärzte in der Weiterbildung und Niedergelassene) Type of publication Professional book Due March 2007 2007. XXI, 468 S. 63 Abb. Geb.

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48555-1

Die Kenntnis der Dermatopathologie ist entscheidend für die Diagnostik von Dermatosen und kutanen Neoplasien. Dieses Buch bietet auch dem Einsteiger einen didaktisch hervorragenden Zugang zu den Grundlagen der Dermatopathologie. Alle, die mit dieser Thematik befasst sind, profitieren von dem Wissen erfahrener Dermatopathologen, der prägnanten Darstellung der einzelnen Krankheitsbilder mit klinischen Bezügen und Erläuterung wichtiger histologischer Merkmale, dem einheitlichen Aufbau und den klar strukturierten Texten und den zahlreichen, histologischen Farbabbildungen mit detaillierten Hinweisen auf charakteristische Details der jeweiligen Erkrankung. Ein dermatopathologisches Arbeitsbuch und Nachschlagewerk aus der Praxis - für die Praxis. Features Prägnante Darstellung der einzelnen Krankheitsbilder mit klinischen Bezügen und Erläuterung wichtiger histologischer Merkmale Einheitlicher Aufbau und klar strukturierte Texte Zahlreiche histologische Farbabbildungen in hervorragender Qualität, die in realistischer Weise das mikroskopische Bild wiedergeben Eine wertvolle Hilfe zur Schulung der Blickdiagnose Ein dermatopathologisches Arbeitsbuch und Nachschlagewerk Contents Aus dem Inhalt Dermatopathologische Grundbegriffe.- Die Hautbiopsie.- Histopathologische Techniken: Färbungen.- Immunhistochemie.- Direkte Immunfluoreszenz.- Molekularbiologie.Inflammatorische und infektiöse Dermatosen: Spongiose, Akanthose und Hyperparakeratose - Akantholyse - Bullöse Veränderungen - Interface-Veränderungen - Vaskuläre Störungen - Granulomatöse Entzündungen - Interstitielle Entzündungen - Diffuse gemischtzellige Entzündungen - Degenerative und metablosch-bedingte Störungen - Entzündungen der Hautadnexen Pannikulitiden - Arzneimittel-induzierte Reaktionen - [..] Fields of interest Dermatology; Pathology; Oncology Target groups Dermatologen, Pathologen, Dermatopathologen, Onkologen Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 2007. XII, 296 S. 242 Abb. in Farbe. Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1647-2

D. Keppler, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany; U. Beuers, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; U. Leuschner, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany; A. Stiehl, Medizinische Universitätsklinikum, Heidelberg, Germany; M. Trauner, Medical University of Graz, Austria; G. Paumgartner, Professor Emeritus (Eds.)

Bile Acids: Biological Actions and Clinical Relevance

Features Interdisciplinary symposium bringing together basic science and clinical applications Up-to-date research findings at the highest scientific level Contents List of principal contributors. List of chairpersons. Preface.- Section I: Metabolism Of Bile Acids.- Section II: Hepatobiliary Transport Of Bile Acids.- Section III: Extrahepatocytic Transport And Actions Of Bile Acids.- Section IV: Nuclear Receptor Regulation.- Section V: Bile Acids, Cellular Injury, And Disease Mechanisms.- Section VI: Bile Acids, Cellular Injury, And Hepatic Fibrosis.- Section VII: Bile Acids As Therapeutic Agents: Mechanisms And Actions.- Section VIII: Bile Acids In The Treatment Of Cholestatic Liver Disease.- Index. Fields of interest Gastroenterology Target groups Clinicians, researchers, graduate students, academics Type of publication Contributed volume Due June 2007 2007. XVII, 270 p. (Falk Symposium, Band 155) Geb.

213,95 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6251-3


M.G. Khan, University of Ottawa, ON, Canada

C.P. Khare

Cardiac Drug Therapy

Indian Medicinal Plants


W. Kindermann, Institut für Sport- und Präventivmedizin, Saarbrücken; H.-H. Dickhuth, Universitätsklinik Freiburg; A. Nieß, Universitätsklinik Freiburg; K. Röcker, Universitätsklinik Freiburg; A. Urhausen, Institut für Sport- und Präventivmedizin, Saarbrücken

An Illustrated Dictionary

Cardiac Drug Therapy, 7th ed., addresses the pharmacology and therapeutic application of drugs used to treat heart diseases and hypertension. Additions and updates to the sixth edition include six new chapters on current controversies in cardiac drug therapy such as the beta blocker issue many cardiologists are presently grappling with. The book provides practical advice on how to manage cardiac diseases and addresses the choice of one particular cardiac agent vs. another. In addition to providing core knowledge in cardiovascular therapeutics, the text assists in resolving some of the issues surrounding cardiac drugs. Cardiac Drug Therapy provides practical information including properties, dosage, side effects, potential salutary benefits, and drawbacks on virtually all commercially available cardiac drugs. The text is succinct and straightforward, and highlighted throughout with bullet points that enable rapid-retrieval of clinically relevant information. Features Updates and revises the sixth edition Includes six new chapters that deal with ongoing controversies regarding the use of several widely used drugs Discusses the beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor controversies Provides quick reference to drug therapies available for every type of cardiovascular disease Includes expanded drug administration and dosage tables, new material on results of clinical trials Features the [..] Contents Beta-Blockers: The Cornerstone of Cardiac Drug Therapy.- Beta blocker Controversies.- Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers.- ACE Inhibitors Controversies.- Calcium Antagonists (Calcium Channel Blockers).- Calcium Antagonists Controversies.- Diuretics.- Hypertension.- Hypertension Controversies.- Management of Angina.- Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction.- Management of Heart Failure.- Heart Failure Controversies.Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias.- Cardiac Arrest.- Management of Infective Endocarditis.- Management of Dyslipidemias.- Statin [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Internal Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Graduate students, interns and trainees in internal medicine and cardiology, internists, cardiologists, primary care clinicians Type of publication Monograph

Sportkardiologie In an easy to use dictionary style of A–Z presentation, this volume lists the taxonomy and medicinal usage of Indian plants. Also given are both traditional Indian and international synonyms along with details of the habitats of the plants. Indian Medicinal Plants. An Illustrated Dictionary is aimed at bringing out an updated Acute Study Dictionary of plant sources of Indian medicine. The text is based on authentic treatises which are the outcome of scientific screening and critical evaluation by eminent scholars. Readers, if they so desire, can always refer back to a particular research paper cited in the original source. The text is illustrated by over 550 full-color figures. Contents A-Z presentation of Indian medicinal plants including taxonomy, traditional and international synonyms, plant parts, applications and pharmacokinetic action. Fields of interest Complementary & Alternative Medicine; Pharmacy; Plant Sciences Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. Online version

237,94 € ISBN 978-0-387-70638-2

Körperliche Aktivität bei Herzerkrankungen

Sportkardiologie – das medizinisch bedeutsame Thema stößt angesichts plötzlicher Todesfälle von Sportlern auch auf öffentliches Interesse. Dieses Buch gibt als erstes im deutschsprachigen Raum Empfehlungen zur Wettkampfsporttauglichkeit bei Herzkreislauferkrankungen. Die einzelnen Sportarten mit ihren Beanspruchungsprofilen werden differenziert beurteilt. Unter Berücksichtigung des Schweregrades werden Fragestellungen vom Top-Athleten bis zum vermindert belastbaren Patienten behandelt und daraus konkrete Empfehlungen für die Sportpraxis abgeleitet. Die Autoren wagen den Spagat zwischen Wettkampf- und Gesundheitssport im Sinne präventiver und rehabilitativer Betätigung. Sportmediziner und internistisch-kardiologisch tätige Ärzte finden hier Entscheidungshilfen bei der Beurteilung der Sporttauglichkeit und Tipps zu einer gezielten Anleitung ihrer Patienten. Neu in der 2. Auflage - Belastungsuntersuchungen Kardiale Marker und körperliche Belastung - Belastbarkeit von Patienten mit [..] Features Empfehlungen zur Wettkampfsporttauglichkeit bei Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen Berücksichtigt Leistungsniveaus von Breiten- bis Spitzensport Mit Trainingsempfehlungen im Gesundheitssport Einziges Buch seiner Art im deutschen Sprachraum Um drei neue Kapitel erweitert Contents Physiologische Anpassungen des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems an körperliche Belastung.- Plötzlicher Herztod beim Sport und kardiovaskuläres Screening.- Belastungsuntersuchungen: praktische Durchführung und Interpretation.- Trainingsempfehlungen im Gesundheitssport und Klassifikation der Sportarten.- Kardiovaskuläre Pharmaka und körperliche Belastung.- Kardiale Marker und körperliche Belastung.- Angeborene Herzerkrankungen.- Erworbenen Herzklappenerkrankungen.- Kardiomyopathien.- Entzündliche Herzerkrankungen.Koronare Herzkrankheit.- Arterielle Hypertonie.Herzrhythmusstörungen.- Synkopen [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Sports Medicine Target groups Kardiologen und Internisten in Klinik und Praxis, Sportmediziner

Due June 2007

Type of publication Professional book

Originally published by Elsevier

Due April 2007

2007. XIII, 420 p. (Contemporary Cardiology) Geb.

2007. XIII, 329 S., 28 Abb. in 63 Einzeldarst. Geb.

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-904-8

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1706-6



R.E. Kingsley, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, USA; R.D. Kingsley

R.E. Kingsley, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, USA; R.D. Kingsley

Interactive Atlas of the Human Brain

Interactive Atlas of the Human Brain

Features Fully interactive: student has control of labeling, and has an easy, mouse driven interface with which to dynamically pan through the images.Four atlases in one: three MRI atlases complement a cadaver based atlasEach atlas has complete representation in all three anatomic planes; axial, coronal and sagittal.Comprehensive: over 170 structures identified on the cadaver atlasDetailed: 1100 axial, 1528 coronal, [..] Fields of interest Neurology; Neurosciences; Animal Anatomy / Morphology / Histology Type of publication Reference work Due June 2007 2007. CD-ROM. CD-Hülle

89,19 € ISBN 978-1-58829-798-3

The Interactive Atlas of the Human Brain provides a highly sophisticated and dynamic view of the human brain on CD-ROM that will be utilized for an advanced understanding of neuroanatomy. The interactive and triplanar features of the CD enables the user to grasp the three dimensional relationships between brain structures. Its 4,381 images will enable medical students to learn anatomy as well as expand the knowledge of neuroanatomy for neurologists, neurosurgeons and radiology residents. This CD-ROM will also serve as a valuable aid to neuroanatomy instructors as it will make it much easier for them to illustrate lectures and laboratory presentations dynamically in lieu of static images in PowerPoint presentations. This CD will change the way students learn neuroanatomy. No longer bound by the confines of a printed picture or the dry descriptions of a textbook, students will glide through the internal structures of the brain as easily as they drive along a mountain road, making this a revolutionary [..] Features Fully interactive: student has control of labeling, and has an easy, mouse driven interface with which to dynamically pan through the images Four atlases in one: three MRI atlases complement a cadaver based atlas Each atlas has complete representation in all three anatomic planes; axial, coronal and sagittal Comprehensive: over 170 structures identified on the cadaver atlas Detailed: 1100 axial, 1528 coronal, [..] Fields of interest Neurology Target groups Medical students, neurologists, neurosurgeons and radiology residents Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. CD-ROM. CD-Hülle

320,11 € ISBN 978-1-58829-960-4

R.N. Kocsis, Forensic Psychologist in Private Practice (Ed.)

Criminal Profiling International Theory, Research, and Practice

In Criminal Profiling, renowned profiler Richard Kocsis, PhD, presents a distinct approach to profiling, Crime Action Profiling or CAP. The volume explains the scope and methodology employed in the studies that the author has undertaken over the past decade and a half. CAP adopts the view that profiling essentially represents a psychological technique that has its foundations in the disciplinary knowledge of forensic psychology. The studies canvassed throughout this book represent the author’s original, empirically based work on the topic of criminal profiling. This volume brings the results of his work together for the first time to provide a comprehensive compendium of the research endeavors that characterize the CAP approach to the profiling of violent crimes. Written clearly and succinctly, Criminal Profiling will be accessible to the intelligent lay person as well as personnel engaged in the legal, law enforcement and criminal justice fields. This volume is certain to become an essential [..] Features Combines vast empirical research with the author's personal experiences Draws together for the time the characteristics of the CAP approach to profiling violent crimes Describes for the experienced and lay person how to use the various CAP models to profile a particular crime without necessarily needing to comprehend how each model was originally built Contents Section I: Profiling crimes of violence.- 1. Homicidal syndromes: A clinical psychiatric perspective.- 2. Offender profiles and crime scene patterns in Belgian sexual murders.- 3. Profiling sexual fantasy: Fantasy in sexual offending and the implications for criminal profiling.- 4. Murder by manual and ligature strangulation: Profiling crime scene behaviors and offender characteristics.- 5. Criminal propensity and criminal opportunity: An investigation of crime scene behavior of sexual aggressors of women.- Section II: New techniques and applications.- 6. Case linkage: Identifying [..] Fields of interest Forensic Medicine Target groups Forensic scientists, consultant forensic pychologists, students Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007 2007. XXII, 418 p. 10 illus. Geb.

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-684-9 R.J. Kohlenberg, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; M. Tsai, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy

Medizin B. Koletzko, Universität München (Ed.)

Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Creating Intense and Curative Therapeutic Relationships

As cognitive behavior therapy becomes increasingly integrated, Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) remains a rich therapeutic method. FAP synthesizes aspects of psychodynamic and object relations therapy with traditional CBT methods, and author/ practitioners Robert Kohlenberg and Mavis Tsai originally created this book to be more than a simple how-to manual. Rather it is a powerful framework for clinicians seeking to rethink their approach to the therapeutic relationship. Now in paperback, this classic work is more relevant than ever. The book begins with the theory behind the therapy (including its roots in B. F. Skinner’s behavior-analytic work in the 1970s), explaining why clients’ unique needs may extend beyond well-mapped routes to change. From there, the authors present the clinical principles of FAP and their uses in treating diffuse, resistant problems. Case illustrations model the therapeutic dyad, show FAP techniques in action, and offer crucial caveats. The ground rules: how, and [..] Features Provides conceptual framework not isolated techniques Offers a psychotherapeutically useful version of radical behaviorism Contains ethical guidelines Covers borderline, narcissistic and multiple personality disorders

Koletzko - Pädiatrie: alles was ein Lehrbuch braucht! Die ganze Pädiatrie in leicht erfassbaren Lehrtexten. Hier findet man Faktenwissen, wo ausreichend und tiefergehende Informationen, wo für das Verständnis notwendig . Die harmonische Gestaltung in Layout und Didaktik bietet alles, was ein modernes Lehrbuch bieten sollte: kurze Einführungen für den ersten Überblick, wichtige Fakten in Merksätzen, Fallbeispiele für erste Eindrücke aus der Klinik, Kernaussagen nach jedem Unterkapitel und natürlich viele spannende farbige Abbildungen für das visuelle Lernen. Neu in der 13. Auflage: das integrierte Fallquiz für den problemorientierten Lernzugang. Die 24 authentischen, reich bebilderte Fälle live aus dem Alltag eines Pädiaters bieten mit vielen cleveren Fragen zu typischen Krankheitsbildern und ausführlichen Lösungstexten die ideale Ergänzung zum klassischen Lehrbuch für POL-Seminare und auch zur Vorbereitung der mündlichen Prüfung. Mit dem Koletzko macht die Pädiatrie erst richtig [..] Features Lehrtexte und Didaktik komplett überarbeitet Kernaussagen zum Repetieren nach jedem Unterkapitel Viele Abbildungen aus der Praxis Neu mit Fallquiz für das problemorientierte Lernen

Fields of interest Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry; Behavioral Therapy; Psychotherapy

Contents Wachstum, Entwicklung, Reife.Wachstumsstörungen.- Pädiatrische Genetik und teratogene Fruchtschädigung.- Neonatologie.- Ernährung und Ernährungsstörungen.Stoffwechselstörungen.- Endokrinologie Erkrankungen des hormonproduzierenden Systems.Infektionskrankheiten.- Erkrankungen des Immunsystems.- Hämatologische Erkrankungen.- Krebserkrankungen.- Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen.- Erkrankungen der Atemwege.- Erkrankungen des Verdauungstraktes.- Erkrankungen der Niere und ableitenden Harnwege.- Knochen und Gelenke.- Pädiatrisch wichtige Hauterkrankungen.Erkrankungen des [..]

Target groups Clinical psychologists, graduate level students

Fields of interest Pediatrics

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication German textbook

Due July 2007

Due June 2007

2007. XIV, 217 p. Softcover

2007. XIV, 705 S. 575 Abb., überwiegend in Farbe. (SpringerLehrbuch) Geb.

Contents Introduction.- Clinical Application of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy.- Supplementation: Enhancing Therapist Awareness of Clinical Relevant Behavior.- The Role of Emotions and Memories in Behavior Change.- Cognitions and Beliefs.- The Self.Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: A Bridge between Psychoanalysis and Behavior Therapy.- Reflections on Ethical, Supervisory, Research, and Cultural Issues.- References.

35,26 € ISBN 978-0-387-70854-6

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48632-9


S. Konstantinides, Georg August Universität, Goettingen, Germany (Ed.)

Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism highlights traditional, novel, and evolving aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE). The contributors comprise an international team of experts, who have each made noteworthy contributions in this exciting field. Important aspects of diagnosis, risk stratification, and differential treatment of patients with PE are presented in a concise, yet comprehensive manner. Emphasis is placed on specific issues related to PE, including pregnancy, cancer, thrombophilia, and air travel. The authors critically review and interpret available data, and provide clear recommendations for diagnosis and therapeutic concerns in clinical management of PE patients. Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism is organized in three precise sections - diagnosis, treatment, and special topics. Each section is up-to-date and detailed, and provides clear recommendations for diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to patients with PE in clinical practice. This practical [..] Features Validated, evidence-based diagnostic algorithms Modern therapeutic guidelines based on disease severity and relevant baseline parameters Written by world-renowned clinicians, researchers, and academic leaders Contents Clinical Probability and D-Dimer Testing.- Imaging of Acute Pulmonary Embolism.- The Search for Deep Vein Thrombosis: Evaluation of the Leg Veins.- Risk Stratification of Pulmonary Embolism: Detection and Prognostic Impact of Right Ventricular Dysfunction.- Cardiac Biomarkers in the Diagnostic Workup of Pulmonary Embolism.- Importance of a Patent Foramen Ovale.- Contemporary Diagnostic Algorithm for the Hemodynamically Stable Patient with Suspected Pulmonary Embolism.Contemporary Diagnostic Algorithm for the Hemodynamically Unstable Patient with Suspected Massive Pulmonary Embolism.- [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Internal Medicine; Pneumology/Respiratory System Target groups Cardiologists, pulmonologists, vascular surgeons, internists Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007 2007. XII, 271 p. (Contemporary Cardiology) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-58829-644-3



K.M. Koppenhaver, Forensic Document Examiners, Joppa, MD, USA

K.S. Korach, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA; T. Wintermantel, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany (Eds.)

S.E. Kountakis, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA; M. Önerci, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey (Eds.)

Forensic Document Examination

Tissue-Specific Estrogen Action

Principles and Practice

Novel Mechanisms, Novel Ligands, Novel Therapies

Rhinologic and Sleep Apnea Surgical Techniques

Forensic Document Examination introduces the reader to the basic principles of handwriting and the factors that affect their development. The book discusses the basic concept of the characteristics of writing that are compared when making an identification or elimination of a writer. In addition, readers will be able to recognize the signs of forgery and disguise and to distinguish between simulation and disguise.

The multiple actions of estrogens on different cell types have not only intrigued endocrinology researchers but also inspired the development of selective estrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs, that modulate estrogen signaling in a cell type-specific manner. Current molecular understanding of estrogen action has greatly profited from advances in molecular cell biology to dissect the mechanisms of estrogen-regulated gene expression in target cells, from in vivo analyses using genetic models deficient in estrogen signaling and from synthetic estrogen receptor ligands with isoform- or pathway-selective activity. These advances, and their implications for clinical use, were discussed by leading researchers from industry and academia during an international symposium held in Berlin, 1-3 March 2006.

Features Evolution of the written word and history of document examination Principles of handwriting and handwriting identification Detection of forged and counterfeit documents Equipping a document laboratory and preparing reports Identifying check and credit card fraud Examining seals, stamps, paper fasteners, writing instruments Contents Evolution of the Written Word.- Principles of Handwriting.- Factors that Cause Changes in Handwriting.- Handprinting and Numerals.- History of Document Examination.- Forgery.- Other Types of Fraud.- Equipping a Laboratory.- Care and Handling of Documents.- Standards of Comparison.- Systematic Examination of Handwriting.- Master Pattern.Detecting Fraudulent Documents.- Weighing the Evidence.- Preparing Reports.- Alteration of Documents.- Disguised Writing.- Disguise Versus Simulation.- Check and Credit Card Fraud.- Paper.- Writing Instruments.- Seals, Stamps, and Paper.- Typewriters [..] Fields of interest Forensic Medicine; Law, general Target groups Forensic scientists, lawyers Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XVI, 315 p. 85 illus. Geb.

64,15 € ISBN 978-1-58829-743-3

Fields of interest Endocrinology; Gynecology; Medical Biochemistry; Molecular Medicine; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Scientists in reproductive and clinical endocrinology, molecular biology, pharmacology, gynecology, immunology Type of publication Proceedings Due June 2007 2007. XV, 181 p. 42 illus. (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings, Band 2006/1) Geb.

67,36 € ISBN 978-3-540-49547-5

As technology advances, practicing or training otolaryngologists register in educational courses to refresh their surgical skills and stay abreast of these changes. While information is becoming available in several journals, there is a definite need for a single surgical atlas-like book that contains precise descriptions of the surgical techniques used in rhinology and sleep apnea surgery. Each chapter was written by surgeons with extensive experience in each topic who have already published on the specific procedure described. Each chapter contains diagrammatic or illustrative descriptions of surgical techniques and provides tips and pearls of wisdom to avoid complications when the procedures are performed. This comprehensive work of surgical information serves as a valuable resource for otolaryngologists in training to augment their surgical education and for practicing otolaryngologists as a review source to best approach the surgical pathologies they encounter in their practice of rhinology [..] Features Edited by leading experts and written by surgeons with extensive experience Lavishly illustrated with photos, diagrams and artwork illustrations Reader-friendly step-by-step structure with ‘Tips and Pearls’ on how to avoid complications Valuable resource for otolaryngologists in training as well as for practicing and experienced otolaryngologists With DVD (incl. videoclips with surgical techniques) Contents Rhinologic and Anterior Skull Base Surgical Techniques: CT Anatomy/Radiology.- Surgical Anatomy.- Surgical Instruments.- Injection and Anesthetic Techniques.- Septal and Turbinate Surgery.Ethmoidectomy / Middle Meatal antrostomy.- Approaches to the Sphenoid Sinus.- Endoscopic and Microendoscopic Frontal Sinus Surgery.- Endoscopic Modified Lothrop.- Surgery for Hyperplastic Rhinosinusitis / Nasal Polyposis.- Surgery for Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis.-Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy.- Surgery for Benign Tumors.-Repair of Anterior Skull Base Defects and CSF Leaks.- Sinus Trauma.- [..] Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery; Surgery; Neurosurgery; Pathology Target groups Otolaryngologists in training, practicing otolaryngologists, surgical pathologists and surgeons involved with rhinologic and sleep apnoe surgical techniques Type of publication Monograph Due May 2007 2007. XVIII, 433 p. 480 illus. With DVD. Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-3-540-34019-5 W. Kraus, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA; S. Keteyian, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA (Eds.)

Cardiac Rehabilitation The purpose of this volume is to provide state-ofthe-art information and a manual to providers about the multidisciplinary nature of cardiac rehabilitation in the current era, the current state of cardiac rehabiliation, and the issues presenting to current CR programs. Features Contains theoretical and practical, up-to-date cardiac rehabilitation information, including the new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines for reimbursement Includes diverse, comprehensive chapters, from nutrition to programmatic issues Serves as a perfect resource for staff and directors that are new to cardiac rehabilitation or wish to begin a program Contents Introduction and Overview.- Exerc. Prescript. Principles.- Contemporary Diets.- Weight management.Anxiety and Depression.- Stress management.Readiness for Change.- Smoking Cessation.- Purposes of Exerc. Testing.- GXT.- CPX testing.- Six minute Walk.- Treating to Goal, Lipids.- Treating to Goal: Diabetes.- Angina, IHD, CABG, PCI, CT, HF.- Hypertension.- Diabetes.- Pulmonary Disease.- PAD.Arthritis.- Elderly.- Referrals.- Physician's Role.- Assessment and Treatment of Risk in CR and in the Clinic.- Staffing models.- Billing and Reimbursement. Fields of interest Cardiology; Rehabilitation Medicine; Internal Medicine Target groups Cardiologists, cardiology fellows, internists, and family physicians Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. XVI, 298 p. 36 illus. 1 in color. (Contemporary Cardiology) Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-58829-770-9

Medizin J.J. Kresl, St. Joseph's Hospital & Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, USA; J.D. Luketich, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Eds.)

Robotic Radiosurgery. Treating Tumors that Move with Respiration This volume in the Robotic Radiosurgery series is devoted to the theory and practice in the emerging field of stereotactic radiosurgery for extracranial tumors, particularly those that move as patients breathe. Special attention is given to the frameless robotic radiosurgery device known as the CyberKnife. Moving tumors are treated with the CyberKnife using a revolutionary new tool, called the Synchrony® Respiratory Tracking System, which can track moving tumors in real time. Detailed information is provided on the technology and methodology for delivery of high doses of radiation to moving targets, radiobiological and radiological principles, and the challenges faced by clinicians performing extracranial stereotactic radiosurgery. Furthermore, there are thorough reviews of the general clinical literature on stereotactic radiation treatment of tumors of the lungs, liver, and pancreas, and the latest clinical data from clinicians conducting clinical studies using the CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery [..] Features Addresses in detail all aspects of the use of robotic radiosurgery to treat tumors of the lung, liver, and pancreas Includes full consideration of tumor tracking techniques, dosimetry, radiobiology, and fiducial placement strategies Written by leading experts Includes many high-quality illustrations Contents Section I: Respiratory Motion and Tumor Tracking:Section II : Thoraco-Abdominal Physics and Imaging.- Section III: Thoraco-Abdominal Fiducial Placement Strategies.- Section IV: Lung Tumor Treatment - Techniques and Experience.- Section V: Liver and Pancreas Treatment – Techniques and Experience.Section VI: Emerging Thoraco-Abdominal Radiosurgery Concepts.- Closing Sections: Abbreviations; Author Index; Subject Index. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Radiotherapy; Oncology; Surgery; Biophysics; Pneumology/Respiratory System Target groups Radiologists, surgeons, pneumologists, oncologists; for practitioners and students in all areas of oncology and medicine Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XVI, 317 p. 116 illus. in 168 separate illus., 120 in color. Geb.

139,05 € ISBN 978-3-540-69885-2


J. Krämer, Universitätsklinik, Bochum; J. Grifka, Universität Regensburg, Bad Abbach

Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie Unfallchirurgische Bearbeitung von Heinrich Kleinert und Wolfram Teske

Der neue Krämer/Grifka: Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie kompakt in einem Buch!Der Lehrbuchklassiker bringt Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie auf den Punkt: Untersuchungstechniken, Orthopädische und unfallchirurgische Krankheitsbilder nach Körperregionen geordnet, konservative und operative Therapien, Rehabilitation und Begutachtung. Definitionen aller Krankheitsbilder, prägnanter Stil und übersichtliches Layout helfen beim Lernen unter Zeitdruck. Damit Lernen auch Spaß macht, gibt es ein Fallquiz mit 20 typischen Situationen aus dem klinischen Alltag: Wissen praktisch anwenden leichtgemacht! Von Klumpfuß bis Polytrauma – mit dem Krämer/Grifka bestens vorbereitet! Features Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie kompakt in einem Buch Das kürzeste, vollständige Lehrbuch des Faches zur schnellen Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung Neues Fallquiz mit 20 typischen Fällen zum Repetieren und Einüben des diagnostischen Vorgehens Contents Allgemeine Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie: Anatomie, Biomechanik und Pathophysiologie; Anamnese und klinische Untersuchung; Behandlungsmethoden; Generelle Erkrankungen.Spezielle Orthopädie und spezielle Unfallchirurgie: Wirbelsäule; Brustkorb; Hals; Schulter; Arm und Hand; Hüftregion; Kniegelenk; Unterschenkel und oberes Sprunggelenk; Fuß; Begutachtung.Raritätenlexikon. Fields of interest Orthopedics; Traumatic Surgery; Surgical Orthopedics; Conservative Orthopedics; Physiotherapy Target groups Medizinstudenten, Krankengymnasten Type of publication German textbook Due July 2007 Ursprünglich erschienen unter dem Titel Orthopädie 2007. XIV, 357 S. 546 Abb., 121 Tabellen u. Übersichten. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

26,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48498-1



S. Kränzle, Sitzwache Ev. Kirche in Stuttgart; U. Schmid, Bietigheim-Bissingen; C. Seeger, Sitzwache Ev. Kirche in Stuttgart (Eds.)

H.-L. Kröber, Charité, Berlin; D. Dölling, Ruprecht-KarlsUniversität, Heidelberg; N. Leygraf, Kliniken Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen; H. Saß, Universitätsklinikum Aachen (Eds.)

R.F. Kushner, Northwestern University, Evanston/Chicago, IL, USA; D.H. Bessesen, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA (Eds.)

Palliative Care

Handbuch der Forensischen Psychiatrie

Treatment of the Obese Patient

Sterben ist ein Teil des Lebens – oft jedoch einer der schwersten. Menschen in der letzten Lebensphase zu begleiten, stellt Pflegende und Begleitende vor viele Herausforderungen und Fragen. Das Handbuch „Palliative Care“ gibt Antworten, denn hier finden professionell Pflegende und Begleitende in palliativen Arbeitsfeldern - ob ambulant oder stationär – alle wesentlichen Aspekte der Pflege und Begleitung Sterbender sowie deren Angehörigen: Schmerztherapie und Symptomkontrolle, Kommunikation mit Sterbenden, Testament, Patientenverfügung, Vorsorgevollmacht, Sterbende Kinder, Selbstpflege, Adressen, Musterschreiben, Gesetzestexte. Neu in der 2. Auflage: Einführung von Hospizpflege in Altenheimen, Krankenhäusern und ambulanter Pflege, Aromatherapie, Physiologie des Sterbens, Biographiearbeit der Begleiter. Die Inhalte sind für Teilnehmer der Zusatzqualifikation „Palliative Care“ sehr gut geeignet.

Band 1: Strafrechtliche Grundlagen der Forensischen Psychiatrie

The aim of Treatment of the Obese Patient is to inform clinicians of recent advances in obesity research and provide an up-to-date review of current treatment issues and strategies. Divided into two sections, the first section covers new discoveries in the physiological control of body weight, as well as the pathophysiology of obesity. The second section covers a range of issues that are central to the clinical management of obese patient. This volume is a resource that will stimulate and engage clinicians to take part more successfully in the obesity-care process.

Features Das Lehr- und Praxisbuch mit allen Aspekte der Palliativpflege für alle Berufsfelder und Bereiche der palliativen Pflege, ob ambulant oder stationär Plus: Selbstpflege, Praxistipps, Adressen und Musterschreiben Hervorragend geeignet für die Zusatzqualifikation „Palliative Care“ Neu in der 2. Auflage: Implemetierung der Hospizpflege in allen Pflegebereichen, Physiologie des Sterbens, Biographiearbeit der Begleitenden Contents Grundlagen.- Der sterbende Mensch und seine Angehörigen.- Organisation eines Palliative Care Netzwerkes.- Palliative Pflege und Therapie.- Abschied und Trauer.- Serviceteil.

Der vorliegende Band vermittelt die strafrechtlichen Grundlagen der Gutachtenerstellung im Strafverfahren, die zu den Hauptaufgaben der forensischen Psychiatrie gehört. Dargestellt werden die Aufgaben des Strafrechts und die Merkmale der Straftat, wobei den rechtlichen Grundlagen der Schuldfähigkeit besondere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet wird. Bei der Erläuterung der strafrechtlichen Rechtsfolgen werden neben den Strafen die Maßregeln der Besserung und Sicherung eingehend behandelt. Bei der Darstellung des Strafverfahrensrechts werden insbesondere die Vorschriften über die Rechtsstellung und die Tätigkeit des Sachverständigen näher erläutert. Die Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafrechts werden herausgearbeitet und es wird ein Überblick über die strafrechtlichen Grundlagen der Forensischen Psychiatrie im internationalen Vergleich gegeben. Stellungnahmen zu grundlegenden strafrechtlichen Problemen aus psychiatrischer Sicht tragen zum notwendigen Dialog zwischen Strafrechtswissenschaft und Psychiatrie bei. Features Die strafrechtlichen Grundlagen der Gutachtenerstellung im Strafverfahren Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafrechts Überblick: Strafrechtliche Grundlagen der forensischen Psychiatrie im internationalen Vergleich Plus: Stellungnahmen aus psychiatrischer Sicht

Features Evidence-based, state-of-the-art discussion of physiological control of body weight and the pathophysiology of obesity Authoritative advice on a full range of issues central to clinical management Illustrative case studies Contents Section I: Physiology and Athophysiology.- Neuroregulation of Appetite.- Gut Peptides.- New Biology of Endocannabanoids.- Obesity and Adipokines.Free Fatty Acids, Insulin Resistance and Ectopic Fat.- Critical Importance of The Perinatal Period in the Development of Obesity.- Body Composition in Obesity.- Energy Expenditure and Obesity.- Section II: Clinical Management.- Socioeconomics of Obesity.- Assessment of the Obese Patient.- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.- Weight Management in Diabetes Prevention: Translating DPP into Clinical Practice.- Energy Density and Weight Regulation.[..]

Contents Aus dem Inhalt: Strafrecht.- Grundlagen. Die Straftat. Die Schuldfähigkeit. Die strafrechtlichen Rechtsfolgen. Die Vollstreckung und der Vollzug der Strafen und Maßregeln aus juristischer und psychiatrischer Sicht. Strafprozessrecht.- Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafrechts.- Rechtliche Grundlagen der Forensischen Psychiatrie im internationalen Vergleich.

Fields of interest Endocrinology; Internal Medicine; Diabetes

Fields of interest Psychiatry; Criminal Law

Due June 2007 2007. XII, 444 p. 75 illus., 2 in color. (Contemporary Endocrinology) Geb.

Due September 2007

Target groups Psychiater mit Bezug zur forensischen Psychiatrie, Strafrechtler, Kriminologen

2007. XX, 365 S. 32 Abb. Softcover

Type of publication Handbook

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72324-0

Due September 2007

Fields of interest Nursing; Pain Medicine Target groups Alle in der Palliativpflege Tätigen, Pflegende auf Palliativstationen, Hospizen, in Ambulanten Hospizdiensten, Fachweiterbildungsteilnehmer, Ehrenamtliche Helfer Type of publication Professional book

2007. XVIII, 590 S. Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1446-1

Target groups Molecular biologists, geneticists, biochemists, endocrinologists Type of publication Contributed volume

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-58829-735-8 U.H.J. Körtner, Institut für Systematische Theologie, Wien; C. Kopetzki, Institut für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Wien; M. Kletecka-Pulker, Institut für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin, Wien (Eds.)

Das österreichische Patientenverfügungsgesetz

Medizin L. L'Abate, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA (Ed.)

R. Larsen, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg

Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health

Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin

Features Ausgewählte Bereiche im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Recht und Ethik Grundlagen für Entscheidungen zwischen Behandlungsgebot und Behandlungsverzicht Hintergrundinformationen und aktuelle Entwicklung Contents Aus dem Inhalt: Vorwort.- Autorenverzeichnis.- Patientenverfügungen – Rivalität oder Verbindungslinien zwischen den medizinethischen Prinzipien Patientenautonomie und Fürsorge (A. T. May).- Patientenverfügungen in der theologischen Diskussion (U. H. J. Körtner).- Die deutsche Diskussion um Sterbehilfe und das österreichische Patientenverfügungs-Gesetz (O. Tolmein).- Nicht verbindlich – und dennoch beachtlich. Das österreichische Patientenverfügungs-Gesetz 2006 im Lichte der amerikanischen Rechtsentwicklung (E. Bernat).Das Patientenverfügungs-Gesetz – Historie und Ausgangslage (G. [..] Fields of interest Medical Law; Civil Law; European Law/Public International Law; Philosophy of Law; Ethics; Medicine, general Target groups Wissenschaftler; Universitäten, Bibliotheken; Ärzte, Juristen, Type of publication Reference work

für die Fachpflege

Theory, Research, and Practice

Ethische und rechtliche Aspekte

In der Debatte um ethische Probleme am Lebensende spielt die Frage von Patientenverfügungen eine wichtige Rolle. Mit dem Patientenverfügungsgesetz 2006 soll einerseits die Autonomie des Patienten gestärkt werden, andererseits der behandelnde Arzt klar und leicht erkennen können, welche Folgen eine Patientenverfügung hat. Neben grundsätzlichen ethischen und rechtlichen Fragen befassen sich die Beiträge auch mit praktischen Aspekten der Umsetzung des neuen Patientenverfügungsgesetzes, z.B. seine Anwendung für ausländische Patienten, sozialrechtliche Aspekte, das Verhältnis Patientenverfügung – Vorsorgevollmacht sowie haftungsrechtliche Konsequenzen. Vergleichend zur neuen österreichischen Regelung wird die Rechtslage in anderen Ländern, u.a. in Deutschland und den USA näher beleuchtet. Zuletzt werden sowohl die praktischen Auswirkungen für den behandelnden Arzt als auch die Funktion der Patientenverfügung im Zusammenhang mit der Hospiz- und Palliativarbeit in Österreich erörtert.

Most physical and mental health professionals will agree that their time, space, and funds are generally in short supply, even under optimal conditions. Their participants (clients or patients), too, will admit to similar deficits of time and patience, even with optimal motivation. Overburdened mental health facilities are trying to cope with limited budgets and overworked and underpaid personnel. Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health addresses both sides of this shortfall by offering either self-administered or easily administered verbal and non-verbal interventions designed to promote positive health behaviors while requiring little or no outside funding. Editor Luciano L’Abate continues his long tradition of prolific innovations by identifying major changes in today’s health care systems and explaining how targeted, prescriptive promotion/prevention strategies can enhance traditional primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions in key behavioral and relational areas:- [..] Features Nutrition: weight/obesity control, diets, meal planning, vitamins and minerals, herbal supplements Exercise, expressive movement, relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness Writing, from structured protocols/workbooks to less structured focused, expressive, and guided writing, including diaries and autobiographies Sex, sexuality, affection, intimacy, friendship, and support groups Mother/child bonding [..] Contents Preface.- Section I. Introduction.- Low Cost Interventions to Promote Physical and Mental Health. Luciano L’Abate.- Part I. Physical Health.- Section II. Primary Interventions: Nutrition.- Diets, Health, and Weight Control: What Do We Know?.- LowCost Obesity Interventions: The Market for Foods.Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Health.Vitamins and Minerals.- Herbal Medicines in the Treatment of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders.- Section III. Secondary Interventions: Non-verbal.- Daily Practices for Mindful Exercise.- Relaxation and Meditation.- Expressive Movement.- [..] Fields of interest Health Psychology; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Target groups Psychologists (especially health psychologists), psychiatrists, social workers, nurses, and public health professionals Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007

Due July 2007

Über 100 000 verkaufte Exemplare sprechen für sich! Das Standardwerk für die Fachweiterbildung in der Anästhesie und Intensivpflege nun in der 7. Auflage komplett überarbeitet: übersichtlicher, prägnanter, praktischer. Neue Reanimationsrichtlinien und Infusionsleitlinien für Kinder für mehr Sicherheit. Arbeitsplatz-Checklisten für die perfekte Vorbereitung. Glossar zum Vertiefen. Die neuen Themen: Lebertransplantation; medikamentöse Prophylaxe von postoperativer Übelkeit und Erbrechen; hämodynamisches Monitoring durch PICCO. Nach jedem Kapitel Fragen zur Wissensüberprüfung und Tipps zum Nachschlagen und Weiterlesen (u. a. mit Internetadressen). Zum Lernen und Nachlesen: relevante Grundlagen, Vertiefungen und das spezielle Wissen der Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin praxisnah und anschaulich. "Der Larsen": das unverzichtbare Standardwerk für Pflegende, Fachweiterbildungsteilnehmer sowie Ärzte in der Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin. Von der DGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fachkrankenpflege und [..] Features 100.000 verkaufte Exemplare sprechen für sich. Das Original für die Weiterbildung Anästhesie und Intensivpflege in der Neuauflage: praxisnah und verständlich, zum Lernen und Nachschlagen Empfohlen von der DGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fachkrankenpflege und Funktionsdienste e.V.) Neu in der 7. Auflage: Arbeitsplatz und Patient: von der Vorbereitung bis zur Ausleitung Lebertransplantation Neue [..] Contents Aus dem Inhalt Anästhesie: Nervensystem. Narkosevorbereitung. Narkosesysteme. Vorgehen bei Begleiterkrankungen. Inhalationsanästhesie. Intravenöse Anästhesie. Muskelrelaxanzien. Intubation. Transfusionskunde. Geburtshilfe und Erstversorgung des Neugeborenen. Herzchirurgie. Thoraxchirurgie. Orthopädie u.a. Fachbereiche. Ambulante Narkose. Notfallbehandlung von Schwerverletzten. Postoperative Schmerztherapie- Intensivmedizin: Ethik und Recht. Psychosoziale Aspekte bei Patient und Behandlungsteam. Pflege des Intensivpatienten. Hygiene. Zentraler Venenkatheter. Ernährung. Analgesie. [..] Fields of interest Nursing; Anesthesiology; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine Target groups Krankenpflegende auf Intensivstationen und in der Anästhesie; Teilnehmer der Fachweiterbildung Anästhesie und Intensivpflege; Studenten und PJler in der Anästhesie und auf Intensivstationen Type of publication Professional book Due August 2007

2007. XXII, 526 p. 47 illus. Geb. 2007. IX, 256 S. 13 Abb. (Schriftenreihe Ethik und Recht in der Medizin, Band 1) Softcover

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-70876-7


53,45 € ISBN 978-0-387-36898-6

2007. IX, 1212 S. 416 Abb. Geb.

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72273-1



P. Le Béguec, H.-P. Sieber

S.C. Lee, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan (Ed.)

Revision of loose femoral prostheses with a stem system based on the "press-fit" principle

The Family, Medical DecisionMaking, and Biotechnology Critical Reflections on Asian Moral Perspectives

Contents Part I: The concept of press-fit: a system of implants.- Preliminary Remarks.- Choice of a Concept and an implant.- The concept of press-fit. Principles characteristics of an implant with press-fit fixation.The PFM-revision system.- Modular Femoral Prostheses for Revision.–Implants and Ancillary.- Conclusions of the first part.- Why make these choices?Part II: Pre-operative planning.- Radiological analysis of the femur.- Determining a surgical strategy.Making a pre-operative template.- Part III: Surgical technique.- General considerations.- Option 1: femoral flap.- Fixation in the [..] Fields of interest Orthopedics; Surgical Orthopedics; Traumatic Surgery

This volume opens with an exploration of the Confucian recognition of the family as an entity existing in its own right and which is not reducible to its members or their interests. As the essays in this volume show, this recognition of the family supports a notion of family autonomy that contrasts with Western individualistic accounts of proper medical decision making. There are analyses of basic concepts as well as explorations of their implications for actual medical practice. The conflicts in East Asian countries between traditional Confucian and Western bioethics are explored as well as the tension between the new reproductive technologies and traditional understandings of the family. The studies of East Asian reflections concerning the moral status of human embryos and the morality of human embryo stem cell research disclose a set of concerns quite different from those anchored in Christian and Muslim cultural perspectives. The volume closes with an exploration of how Confucian cultural [..] Features A detailed view of implications of Confucian thought for bioethics An introduction to why East Asian medical practice and the norms for human embryonic research are so different from that in North America and Europe Provides a detailed exploration of why the concept of the family plays such a central role in East Asian medical decision making A description of why the research ethics debate regarding human [..]

Due March 2007

Contents From the contents Preface.- I. A View from Asia: An Introduction.- II. The Family and its Impact on Bioethics and Personhood.- III. Medical Decision-Making and Traditional Conception of the Family.- IV. Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Confucian, Islamic, and Western Perspectives.- V. Taking the Family Seriously: Confucian Approaches to Health Care Financing.- VI. A Concluding, QuasiConfucian Postscript.

2007. 180 p. With DVD. Softcover

Fields of interest Philosophy of Medicine; Medicine, general; Ethics

Target groups Researchers and professionals Type of publication Monograph

160,45 € ISBN 978-2-287-39626-7

Pädiatrie Grundlagen und Praxis

A concept and its system of implants, a method and its results

The author of this multimedia work sets himself an ambitious goal: to allow a surgeon to achieve the revision of a prosthesis without too many difficulties (or too much apprehension!) with guaranteed results if he follows the proposed method step by step, and this, even if he is not very experienced in this discipline.To fulfil this purpose, the author provides a clear definition of the press-fit concept (principles and practical applications) and from there, he offers a logical and rigorous method for, first of all, planning the surgery, and then, performing it.The written text is also available as a computerized slide show, coming with a browsing system in order to make a pre-operative planning, which gives real pedagogic value to the whole of this work.

M.J. Lentze, Universitäts-Kinderklinik Bonn; J. Schaub, Universitäts-Kinderklinik Kiel; F.-J. Schulte, UniversitätsKinderklinik Hamburg; J. Spranger, Universitäts-Kinderklinik Mainz (Eds.)

Target groups Bioethicists, physicians, researchers, students of Chinese and Asian philosophy, those working in family studies Type of publication Contributed volume Due June 2007 2007. XII, 228 p. (Asian Studies in Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine, Band 91) Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5219-4

Sicherheit für das Bücherregal - das Standardwerk der Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin! Die "Pädiatrie" hat sich innerhalb weniger Auflagen im deutschsprachigen Fachbuchmarkt zu DEM Kinderheilkundebuch entwickelt. Sei es zur Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung oder als Nachschlagewerk für Klinik und Praxis, bei über 2000 Seiten bleiben keine Fragen offen. Von den Grundlagen bis hin zur Praxis enthält das Werk Klinik, Diagnostik, Differentialdiagnostik, Therapie: klar strukturiert, übersichtliche und praxisorientierte Darstellung mit Schwerpunkt auf den Grundlagen. Empfehlungen und Behandlungsstrategien werden von den renommiertesten Pädiatern im deutschsprachigen Raum aufgezeigt. Neue Kapitel in der 3. Auflage sind - Neugeborenenhörscreening, Lebensqualität, - Störungen der Cholesterinbiosynthese, - Kreatinstoffwechselstörungen, - Störungen des Sozialverhaltens und Persönlichkeitsstörungen, Mykosen. Die "Pädiatrie" ist IHR Referenzwerk mit dem umfassendsten und aktuellsten Überblick zur [..] Features Nach wie vor das umfassendste, deutschsprachige Referenz- und Nachschlagewerk für die Kinderheilkunde Der Standard in kompletter Überarbeitung Mit vielen neuen Kapiteln und Aktualisierungen Fields of interest Pediatrics Target groups Fachärzte für Pädiatrie, Assistenzärzte in Weiterbildung Type of publication Professional book Due September 2007 2007. XXVI, 1949 S. 840 Abb., teilw. in Farbe. Geb.

189,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71895-6 S.P.L. Leong, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA (Ed.)

Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System: Basis for rational therapy

Medizin A. Lerner, Rambam Healt Care Campus, Haifa, Israel; D. Reis, Rambam Healt Care Campus, Haifa, Israel; M. Soudry, Rambam Healt Care Campus, Haifa, Israel

Severe Injuries to the Limbs

Modern weapons and high-energy accidents inflict devastating damage to soft tissue and bone. The gold standard for stabilizing high-energy fractures is immediate external fixation followed by thorough debridement of soft tissues and dead bone and irrigation, since these injuries are always grossly contaminated. The next stage of treatment – the coverage of exposed bone by vital soft tissue and definitive skeletal stabilization and reconstruction – can be a complex surgical challenge. The protocol of staged external fixation developed by the authors: primary temporary unilateral tubular stabilization followed by definitive circular Ilizarov (hybrid) fixation, is outlined and comprehensively described in this book. The text provides guidelines for the young surgeon as well as the senior orthopedic trauma surgeon in staged definitive limb functional reconstruction. The rationale and advantages of a logical progression of surgical steps are explained and fully illustrated throughout, drawing from an [..]

Features Characterizes the anatomy and physiology of the lymphovascular system Describes the mechanisms of metastasis Outlines the prognostic factors and clinical outcome of metastasis Provides readers with an understanding of immune responses of draining lymph nodes against cancer Explains the rationale of adopting molecular therapeutics against growth factor receptors, apoptotic factors, signaling pathways and angiogenesis

Features Based on the vast experience of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel Step-by-step guidelines for a large variety of complex cases Richly illustrated

Fields of interest Oncology; Hematology Target groups Basic clinicians and scientists interested in cancer metastasis and the lymphovascular system Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. X, 340 p. 60 illus. (Cancer Treatment and Research, Band 135) Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-0-387-69218-0

L.A. Levine, Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL, USA (Ed.)

Peyronie's Disease A Guide to Clinical Management

Staged Treatment

Sentinel lymph node (SLN) procedures have opened a window of opportunity for the study of micrometastasis. In eighty percent (80%) of metastasis there lies an orderly pattern of progression via the lymphatic network, while 20% of the time systemic metastasis occurs, bypassing the lymphatic system. During the past two decades, significant progress has been achieved in understanding the anatomical, functional, cellular and molecular aspects of the lymphovascular system and the metastasis process. · Molecular imaging advances help to localize early cancers more precisely. · Current status of the immune responses in the draining lymph nodes against cancer is summarized. · New paradigms of early cancer growth, proliferation, overcoming apoptosis are exploited in the development of anticancer treatment. In this book, basic scientists and clinicians exchange ideas so that laboratory findings can be applied to clinical dilemmas, and clinical problems can be targeted for research in the laboratory.

Contents Landmarks and Advances in Translational Lymphology.- Embryonic Development of the Lymphovascular System and Tumor Lymphangiogenesis.Lymphatic Origin from Embryonic Stem Cells.Lymphatic Markers, Tumor Lymphatics and Tumor Lymphangiogenesis.- Anatomy of the Human Lymphatic System.- SPECT-CT Fusion Imaging Radionuclide Lymphoscintigraphy: Potential for Limb Lymphedema Assessment and Sentinel Node Detection in Breast Cancer.- Sentinel Node Identification Using Radionuclides in Melanoma and Breast Cancer.- Targeted Introduction of Substances into the Lymph Nodes for Endolymphatic [..]


Contents Introduction: Statistics.- Epidemiology. Etiology and pathogenesis.- Missile injuries.- Explosive – Blast – Crush injuries. Classification according to extent of bone and soft tissue loss. Primary treatment and "damage control": Tissue debridement of high-energy injuries.- Primary skeletal stabilization (unilateral external fixation frames, hybrid frames, temporary articular bridging).- Soft-tissue protection by external fixation frames.- Vascular reconstruction. Softtissue coverage (delayed primary suture, skin and local tissue flaps, free tissue flaps). Definitive skeletal [..] Fields of interest Surgical Orthopedics; Traumatic Surgery; Plastic Surgery; Vascular Surgery; Rehabilitation Target groups Orthopaedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons, military doctors, trauma and rehabilitation teams Type of publication Monograph Due May 2007 2007. XI, 223 p. 804 illus., mostly in color. Geb.

139,05 € ISBN 978-3-540-69892-0

Previously considered rare, Peyronie's disease affects nearly 10% of adult men. Recent advances in woundhealing disorders have substantially increased the understanding of Peyronie's disease and its pathophysiology. In Peyronie's Disease: A Guide to Clinical Management, international authorities review the current nonsurgical and surgical therapeutic options for dealing with this fibrotic disorder. A variety of state-of-the-art research techniques is discussed, including tissue analysis, cell culture of fibroblasts derived from Peyronie's plaques, and animal models that attempt to mimic the in vivo process of tunica albuginea fibrosis while also providing an opportunity for manipulation with novel therapeutic techniques. Although there is no cure for Peyronie's diseases, this text discusses treatments that may result in physical improvement or help to stabilize the scarring process. For those with a more advanced disease, surgical options to correct the deformity in an effort to make the patients [..] Contents From the contents 1. Historical Review of Peyronie's Disease: De La Peyronie to Devine.- 2. Epidemiology of Peyronie's Disease.- 3. Experimental Models for the Study of the Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology of Peyronie's Disease.- 4. The Clinical Implications of Basic Science Research in Peyronie's Disease.- 5. Evaluation of the Man With Peyronie's Disease.- 6. Oral Therapy-Peyronie's Disease Levine April 1st 2005.- 7. Intralesional Treatment of Peyronie's Disease.- 8. Topical Therapy: Iontophoresis and Electromotive Drug Administration.- 9. Topical Therapy for Peyronie's [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Surgery Target groups Urologists, andrologists, sex therapists, and researchers in the field Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. XV, 267 p. 108 illus. (Current Clinical Urology) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-58829-614-6



T. Lewalter, Universitätsklinikum Bonn

D.A. Lichtenstein, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré, Boulogne, France

Tachykarde Arrhythmien

General ultrasound in the critically ill

Vom Anfalls-EKG zur modernen Differentialtherapie

P. Lieberman, Allergy Associates, Germantown, TN, USA; J.A. Anderson, Aspen Medical Center, Fort Collins, CO, USA (Eds.)

Allergic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment

Die Therapieansätze in der Rhythmologie sind in den letzten Jahren so stark erweitert worden, dass es oft schwierig ist alle Optionen zu überblicken. Ausgehend vom Symptom – hier der Arrhythmie im Oberflächen-EKG-Befund – möchte dieses Buch dem Praktiker die Möglichkeiten der modernen Differentialtherapie in der Rhythmologie aufzeigen. Die einführenden Kapitel geben einen Überblick über Krankheitsbilder, Diagnostik und Therapie der tachykarden Herzrhythmusstörungen. Der Hauptteil mit typischen EKG-Fallbeispielen führt den Leser dann schrittweise von einer ersten Verdachtsdiagnose bis zu den konkreten Therapiemöglichkeiten und damit zu praktischen Schlussfolgerungen für seine tägliche Arbeit. Das Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an Internisten, aber auch an Kardiologen in Ausbildung und an Allgemeinmediziner mit internistischer Orientierung. "EKGs wie im richtigen Leben" Anschaulich, übersichtlich und leicht verständlich Der Weg zur modernen Differentialtherapie Features "EKGs wie im richtigen Leben" Fallbeispiele: kurz, übersichtlich, prägnant Der Weg zur modernen Differentialtherapie Contents Aus dem Inhalt 1. Antiarrhythmische Therapiemaßnahmen.- 2. Krankheitsbilder und Spezifische Antiarrhythmische Therapie.- 3. Differenzialtherapie: Vom Oberflächen-EKG zur Behandlung.- 4. EKG-Vignetten (Fallbeispiele). Fields of interest Cardiology; Internal Medicine Target groups Niedergelassene Kardiologen, Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner Type of publication Professional book

General ultrasound in the critically ill describes a new clinical tool: ultrasound for the intensive care and emergency physician. Written by an intensivist familiar with ultrasound, it specifically details findings of immediate clinical relevance throughout its approx. 220 pages. Through a whole-body approach, this book considers new emergency applications regarding the abdomen, venous system, head, heart, and the most original topic, the lung. Flow charts are proposed to resolve daily intensive care and emergency occurrences: acute dyspnea, shock, unexplained fever, etc. The strong points and pitfalls of ultrasound are reviewed in detail. This book shows just how critical ultrasound has proven to be in satisfying a major concern in the intensive care and emergency medicine fields: speed and accuracy. With this ever-present requirement for rapid diagnosis in mind, General ultrasound in the critically ill provides a key to practicing a visual medicine, a great benefit to the critically ill patient, [..] Contents Forewords.- Preface.- Acknowledgements.- Generalities.- Basic Notions.- The Ultrasound Equipment.- Specific Notions of Ultrasound in the Critically Ill.- General Ultrasound: Normal Patterns.- Organ by Organ Analysis.- Peritoneum.- Gastrointestinal Tract.- Liver.- Gallbladder.- Urinary System.The Retroperitonal Space.- Spleen, Adrenals, and Lymph Nodes.- Upper Extremity Central Veins.- Inferior Vena Cava.- Lower Extremity Veins.- Pleural Effusion and Introduction to the Lung Ultrasound Technique.- Pneumothorax and Introduction to Ultrasound Signs in the Lung.- Lung.- Lung [..] Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Medicine; Ultrasound; Internal Medicine Target groups Intensivists, emergency physicians, anaestheisologists, radiologists, cardiologists, surgeons

Due April 2007

Type of publication Monograph

2007. X, 96 S. 27 Abb., z.Tl. in Farbe. Geb.

Due August 2007

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1524-6

2007. XIII, 199 p. 247 illus. Softcover

53,45 € ISBN 978-3-540-73623-3

In this updated third edition of the critically-acclaimed volume, expert physicians assemble user-friendly, clinically-oriented guides to aid in the day-to-day management of the allergic patient. With an emphasis on common allergic diseases and the pharmacological tools to control them, Allergic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment, Third Edition disseminates the practical knowledge that practitioners have accumulated through practice and teaching in the field of allergy and immunology. This entirely revised third edition updates topics from the second edition and now covers in detail the use of antihistamines and antileukotrienes. Another new chapter will help physicians treat children who experience recurrent respiratory tract infections. Other topics include diagnostic tests, insect stings, sinusitis and otitis media, ocular allergy, atopic dermatitis, and food allergy. Allergic Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Third Edition, is intended for the front-line physician who cares for allergic patients [..] Features Integrates the most recent advances with proven treatment strategies Three new chapters focus on antihistamines, antileukotrienes, and children experiencing recurrent respiratory tract infections Ideal for every-day consultation and use in treating allergies Contents From the contents 1. Allergic Disease: Pathophysiology and Immunopathology.- 2. Approach to the Allergic Patient.- 3. Diagnostic Tests in Allergy.- 4. Environmental Allergens.- 5. Anaphylaxis.- 6. Insect Sting Allergy.- 7. Evaluation and Treatment of the Children with Asthma.- 8. Asthma, Diagnosis and Management (Asthma in Adults).- 9. Rhinitis.- 10. Sinusitis and Otitis Media.- 11. Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergic Disease of the Eye.- 12. Urticaria and Angioedema.- 13. Atopic Dermatitis.- 14. Contact Dermatitis and Other Contact Reactions.- 15. Food Allergy and Intolerance.- 16. [..] Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Allergology; General Practice / Family Medicine; Dermatology Target groups Allergists, immunologists, primary care doctors, pediatricians, internists Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. XII, 484 p. 56 illus. (Current Clinical Practice) Geb.

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-603-0 M. Liehn, Hamburg; I. Middelanis-Neumann, Wehrheim; L. Steinmüller, Klinikum Eilbek, Hamburg; J.R. Döhler, Klinikum Plau am See (Eds.)


Medizin B. Lindel, Rheinische Kliniken Essen; I. Sellin, Lynfield Mount Hospital, Bradford, UK

Survivalguide PiA


H. Lingner, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover; K. Schultz, Fachklinik Allgäu, Pfronten-Ried; F.-W. Schwartz, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (Eds.)

Volkskrankheit Asthma/COPD

Die Psychotherapie-Ausbildung meistern Grundlagen, Instrumentarium, OP-Ablauf

Ein Muss für Pflegende im OP - Das OP-Handbuch in neuer Auflage. Hier finden OP-Fachkräfte alle grundlegenden Informationen zu Aufgaben des Pflegepersonals im OP; Techniken, Lagerungen, Vorbereitung und Nachsorge; Instrumentierkunde und Instrumentieren; Nahtmaterial und Geräten; den häufigsten Operationen und spezielle Operationsverläufen; Pflegedokumentation. Alle Eingriffe sind nachvollziehbar beschrieben und durch vierfarbige Abbildungen ergänzt. Die neuen Kapitel in der 4. Auflage: Augen-Operationen und Verbrennungschirurgie. Ein Handbuch von Praktikern für Praktiker: Das praxisbezogene Lehrbuch für Fachpflegekräfte im OP-Dienst, OTAs, Medizinstudenten im Praktischen Jahr - bietet den anerkannten Standard für die Fachweiterbildung im Operationsdienst. Features Das erforderliche Grundlagen- und Hintergrundwissen zu allen OP-Verläufen, zur Instrumentierung und Pflegedokumentation Klare Struktur Verständlich geschrieben Einheitliche didaktische Darstellung Neu: Augenchirurgie und Verbrennungschirurgie Neu: Glossar Plus: 820 Abbildungen Contents Grundlagen.- Allgemeinchirurgie und Viszeralchirurgie - Traumatologie und orthopädische Chirurgie - Gefäßchirurgie - Shunt- und Portsysteme - Thoraxchirurgie - Kardiochirurgie - Gynäkologie - Urologie - Neurochirurgie - Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie - HNO-Chirurgie - Kinderchirurgie - Augenchirurgie - Verbrennungschirurgie.

Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven

Die Situation der Psychologen in Ausbildung (PiA) ist nach der Einführung des Psychotherapeutengesetzes katastrophal: Nach durchschnittlich 13 Semestern Studium ist für die Zulassung als Psychotherapeut eine praktische Ausbildung erforderlich. Die PiA leisten dabei schnell fachlich qualifizierte Arbeit – deren Bezahlung jedoch nicht gesetzlich geregelt ist. Viele PiA fühlen sich ausgebeutet. Der von zwei ehemaligen PiA verfasste Praxisleitfaden bietet in dieser finanziell und psychisch belastenden Situation Hilfestellung - durch Informationen zur Rechtslage, zu Ausbildungsinstituten, Netzwerkinfos u.v.m. Features Erster Leitfaden für PiA Konkrete Tipps: Ausbildungsorganisation, Rechtslage, "Vorsicht Falle", "Aus dem Nähkästchen" etc. Checklisten für die Suche nach dem richtigen Institut Contents Aus dem Inhalt I. Ausbildung zum/zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten/in (Ausbildungsaufbau, Ausbildungsarten, Suche nach der geeigneten Ausbildung). II. Theoretische Ausbildung (Inhalte, Probleme u. Erfahrungen). III. Praktische Tätigkeit (Ausbildungsinhalte, Aufgaben von PiA im Krankenhaus, Dokumentation innerhalb der Krankenhäuser und innerhalb der Ausbildung, Probleme u. Erfahrungen, Nützliches und Wichtiges innerhalb der praktischen Tätigkeit). IV. Praktische Ausbildung und Supervision (Inhalt, Organisation, Antragstellung, Falldokumentation, Abrechnung, Probleme u. Erfahrungen). [..]

Fields of interest Nursing; Surgery; Anesthesiology

Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Clinical Psychology; Health Psychology; Stress and Coping

Target groups Pflegepersonal im OP, Fachweiterbildungsteilnehmer OP-Pflege, OTAs, Medizinstudenten im praktischen Jahr (PJler), Assistenzärzte in der Chirurgie

Target groups Psychologen in Ausbildung (PiA) zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten oder Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten

Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007

Due August 2007 2007. VIII, 344 S. 21 Abb., 20 Cartoons Softcover 2007. XII, 689 S. 1065 Abb. Geb.

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72269-4

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46851-6

Asthma bronchiale und COPD haben sich zu Volkskrankheiten von großer medizinischer und gesundheitsökonomischer Relevanz entwickelt. Nahezu jedes 10. deutsche Kind ist von Asthma bronchiale betroffen. Nach Prognosen der WHO wird die COPD im Jahr 2020 die dritthäufigste Todesursache weltweit sein. Neben Genetik, veränderten Lebensgewohnheiten und Umwelteinflüssen haben Faktoren wie Geschlecht, Alter, Komorbidität, sozioökonomischer Status, Bildung und Arbeitslosigkeit einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Ausprägung, den Verlauf und den Therapieerfolg beider Krankheiten. Ein adäquates Herangehen an die vielschichtige Problematik muss mehrdimensional und differenziert als langfristige Aufgabe und nicht episodenhaft im Sinne einer kurzfristig angelegten Reparaturmedizin gesehen werden. In dem Werk finden sich zahlreiche Anregungen dafür, sowohl körperliche als auch seelische und soziale Aspekte in die Therapieplanung einzubeziehen. Medikamentöse und nichtmedikamentöse Therapieoptionen werden ebenso wie [..] Contents Einführung.- Daten: Epidemiologie. Versorgungsgeschehen. Volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung.- Ursachen – Zusammenhänge – Prävention: Kinder und Jugendliche. Erwachsene. Gesellschaftlicher-/UmweltKontext.- Diagnostik und Früherkennung.Maßnahmen: Nationale und internationale Leitlinien. Medikamentöse Therapie (inklusive Notfalltherapie). Nichtmedikamentöse Therapieverfahren. Versorgungsmodelle/Praxis. Rehabilitation. Komorbidität. Alternative Behandlungsansätze.- Die Rolle der Psyche.- Patient – Compliance – Selbsthilfegruppen: Die Rolle der Selbsthilfegruppen aus Sicht der [..] Fields of interest Pneumology/Respiratory System; Health Care Administration; Internal Medicine; Pediatrics; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine Target groups Allgemeinärzte, Hausärzte, Pneumologen, Kinderärzte, Sozialmediziner, Ärzte in Krankenhaus und Rehabilitationseinrichtung; Mitarbeiter von Krankenkassen, Ministerien, Pharmaindustrie, Presse; Selbsthilfegruppen, interessierte Bürger Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007 2007. XIX, 476 S. 71 Abb. Geb.

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-70919-0



S.B. Litwin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA

Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery The real strength of this volume is the depiction of intracardiac pathologic anatomy. I have never seen it done better...this book will fill a void in the educational materials available to help bridge the gap between what the novitiate imagines a congenital lesion to be and how it truly appears...Cardiothoracic residents should look at it frequently and consider it for their personal library. Older and more experienced surgeons will enjoy reading it..."- From Annals of Surgery on the First Edition. This Thorough revision of Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery features 700 vividly reproduced full-color, intraoperative images, taken by the author, Dr. S. Bert Litwin, with a special side-mounted flash to convey exquisite perception of depth in the operative field. In twenty-three comprehensive chapters, Dr. Litwin presents surgical techniques for the full spectrum of cardiac congenital anomalies, including revised and updated text on such topics as repair of straddling tricuspid valve associated [..] Contents Anomalous Systemic Venous Return.- Secundum Atrial Septal Defect.- Endocardial Cushion Defects.Ventricular Septal Defects.- Single Ventricle Anomalies and Operations.- Pulmonic Stenosis.- Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum.- Tetralogy of Fallot.- Double Outlet Ventricles.- Pulmonary Atresia with Ventricular Septal Defect.- Pulmonary Venous Anomalies.- Left Atrial Ostructive Anomalies.Aortic Stenosis.- d-Transporation of the Great Arteries.- l-Transportation of the Great Arteries.- Truncus Arteriosus.- Aortic Root Anomalies.- Interruption of the Aortic Arch.- [..] Fields of interest Cardiac Surgery; Cardiology; Pediatrics Target groups Cardiothoracic, surgeons, cardiothoracic trainees, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric cardiology fellows Type of publication Atlas Due June 2007 Originally published by Mosby, 1996 2007. XVI, 479 p. Geb.

208,60 € ISBN 978-0-387-35415-6 S. Loue, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; E.C. Pike, AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, USA (Eds.)

Case Studies in Ethics and HIV Research There has been a consistent interest in ethical issues arising in the context of HIV research. Ongoing international and multi-site studies and the continuing search for an HIV vaccine continue to prompt examination of how this research is conducted, how participants are engaged in the studies, and the obligations of the researchers to individual participants and their communities during the course of and following the conclusion of the research. Each chapter is authored primarily by one of the editors (secondarily by the other) and is accompanied by one to two case studies. Each case study has been authored by an HIV/AIDS researcher with experience in the subject matter of the chapter. The case studies will focus on an actual ethical dilemma encountered by the researcher, with suggestions on how it can be resolved. Each chapter addresses relevant issues and emphasizes particular ethical principles. Features Authorship by an HIV researcher (S. Loue) and a community leader in HIV policy, advocacy, and service provision (E. Pike), which will provide readers with a unique perspective on the conduct of HIV research Case Studies provided by HIV researchers, which will allow readers to understand better how ethical issues arise in HIV research, how to identify such issues, and the range of possibilities for their [..] Contents Human Rights, International Guidelines and HIV Research.- US Regulation and Research.- Designing the Informed Consent Process.- Working with Boards and Committees: IRBs. DSMBs, CABs.- Researcher-Participant Relationship.- Researcher-Community Relationship.- Recruitment and Retention.- Clinical Trials.- Observational Study Designs.- Behavioral Intervention Studies.- Multi-site Studies.- Children.- Cognitively Impaired Individuals.- Minority Populations.- Communities in an International Setting.- Activity-Identified Populations: Sex and Drugs.- Training the Next Generation of [..] Fields of interest Health Care Administration; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Epidemiology Target groups HIV researchers, health care and ancillary care providers that assist in HIV research; graduate level courses in public health, epidemiology, psychology, anthropology and social work Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due September 2007 2007. Approx. 448 p. Geb.

50,24 € ISBN 978-0-387-71361-8

M. Lucioni, Vittorio Veneto, Italy

Practical Guide to Neck Dissection This brilliantly illustrated manual is a road map for the surgeon who wishes to perform a dissection exercise on the neck in the anatomic theatre. It guides the reader step by step through the cervical structures, the aim being to improve his/her technical skills in surgical practice in the operating room. This book is divided into sections, beginning with the most superficial structures, and then progressing to the deepest planes. The structures warranting the most surgical-anatomic attention and interest are identified. Regional "visits" are supported by concise, reader-friendly reference to normal human anatomy, physiology, practical indications, and tips on operating techniques. Special attention is given to oncological matters of the neck, as this is the prevalent interest of the author. Visible demonstration of the proposed dissection exercise is available on the accompanying video DVD. This guide offers valuable support to all surgeons for the identification of relevant and significant [..] Features Step-by-step guide for the surgical procedure ‘neck dissection’ - treatment of laryngeal cancer Guides the reader wishing to improve his/her technical skills through the cervical structures in a practical step by step exercise Reader-friendly structure with core messages, complications to avoid and take home pearls where practical hints relevant for in vivo surgery are pointed out Richly and brilliantly [..] Contents Introduction to dissection.- General anatomical layout.- Superficial dissection.- Parotid region.- Submandibular/submental region (Robbins level I).- Laterocervical region.- Laterocervical region.- Anterior region (Robbins level VI - inferior part).- Anterior region (Robbins level VI - superior part).- Prevertebral region. Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery; General Surgery; Oncology; Imaging / Radiology; Pathology Target groups ENT specialists, head and neck surgeons, general surgeons as well as oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, pathologists and medical students Type of publication Monograph Due August 2007 2007. XX, 110 p. 135 illus., mostly in color. With DVD-Video. Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-71638-9


M. Ludwig, Endokrinologikum Hamburg (Ed.)

B.L.P. Luther, Klinikum Krefeld (Ed.)

H.T. Lutz, Bayreuth


Kompaktwissen Gefäßchirurgie

Ultraschallfibel Innere Medizin


Differenzierte Diagnostik und Therapie

Wie schon in der ersten Auflage des erfolgreichen Buches gibt ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der Kinderwunschbehandlung seinen Erfahrungsschatz und sein Wissen weiter. Die zweite Auflage wurde hinsichtlich der Datenlage der jüngsten Literatur sorgfältig aktualisiert, verschiedene Aspekte wurden neu aufgegriffen. Fachlich kompetent, wissenschaftlich fundiert und einprägsam führt der Autor Schritt für Schritt hin zu einer optimalen Beratung von Kinderwunschpaaren. Unterstützung für konkretes Handeln bieten viele Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis. Features Präzise, pragmatische Konzepte Praxisnahes Know How zur Beratung Optimale Verbindung von wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund und Praxis Contents Physiologische Grundlagen.- Natürliche Familienplanung.- Hormonanalytik zur Zyklusdiagnostik.Systematischer Ansatz zur Diagnostik und Therapie bei Kinderwunschpaaren.- Lebensführung und Konzeptionschancen.- Grundlagen der ovariellen Stimulation.- Aufklärung zu Schwangerschaft und Geburt nach assistierter Reproduktion.- Individuelle Therapieentscheidungen.- Anhang. Fields of interest Reproductive Medicine; Gynecology; Obstetrics/Perinatology Target groups Ärzte in Klinik und Praxis Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. VIII, 194 S. 102 Abb. Softcover

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-70978-7

Die moderne Gefäßchirurgie ist die zentrale Disziplin in der Behandlung kardiovaskulär erkrankter Patienten. Diagnostisches Vorgehen und Therapiestrategien für alle gängigen Aufgabengebiete des Faches sind in diesem Band übersichtlich zusammengefasst: alle chirurgisch zugänglichen Gefäßprovinzen; arterielles, venöses und Lymphgefäßsystem; spezielle Fragestellungen wie Verletzungen, Infektionen und Tumoren der Gefäße; Gefäßzugänge und vaskuläre Transplantationschirurgie. Angaben zur Prognose unterstützen die Therapieentscheidung; auf mögliche Komplikationen und ihre Beherrschung wird gezielt hingewiesen. Alle Beiträge sind von ausgewiesenen Experten für die jeweilige Fragestellung verfasst. Der stichwortartige Text mit zahlreichen Tabellen ermöglicht gezielte Information auf einen Blick. Fundiert und differenziert: gefäßchirurgisches Wissen für alle Ärzte, die Gefäßpatienten behandeln. Features Auf einen Blick: Gefäßchirurgisches Expertenwissen in übersichtlicher Form Detaillierte und differenzierte Informationen zum diagnostischen und therapeutischen Vorgehen Alle gängigen Aufgabengebiete des Faches sind berücksichtigt Contents Gefäßchirurgische Grundlagen: Historische Entwicklung und allgemeine Indikationsstellung Prinzipien der vaskulären Diagnostik - Technische Grundlagen und chirurgische Standardmethoden - Anästhesie und perioperatives Management - Intensivmedizin nach vaskulären Operationen.- Arterielle Rekonstruktionen: Zerebrale Durchblutungsstörungen - Arteriopathien der oberen Extremitäten - Thorakale und thorakoabdominale Aortenprozesse - Viszerale Ischämie Verschlußprozesse der Nierenarterien - Bauchaortenaneurysmen - Aorto-iliakale Gefäßverschlüsse Femoralisgabelprozesse - Femoro-popliteale [..] Fields of interest Vascular Surgery; Abdominal Surgery; General Surgery; Surgery; Interventional Radiology; Angiology Target groups Fachärzte in Klinik und Praxis, Ärzte in Weiterbildung Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. XIV, 429 S. 155 Abb. Geb.

74,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-33667-9

Die Ultraschall-Fibel führt in klar verständlicher Weise in die Ultraschalldiagnostik einschließlich der Dopplerdiagnostik und der interventionellen Methoden ein. Wichtige Hinweise zur Methode, zur Interpretation und zum Stellenwert der Ultraschallbefunde, sowie zu Fehlermöglichkeiten werden aufgezeigt. Im speziellen Teil werden, systematisch gegliedert, Indikationen, Durchführung, Differentialdiagnose und Bewertung der Methode im Fachgebiet dargestellt. Typische Befunde, seltene Differentialdiagnosen und typische Fehler werden in einem ausführlichen Bildteil aufgezeigt. Die Möglichkeiten und die Grenzen der Methode und die jeweils geeigneten weiteren diagnostischen Schritte werden am Ende eines jeden Kapitels besprochen. Features Völlig neu geschriebene und erweiterte Überarbeitung der zweiten Auflage Klarer Aufbau und Gliederung Umfassender Bildteil Erheblich weiter entwickeltes Doppler-Verfahren Fields of interest Ultrasound; Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology; Oncology; Nephrology; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Internisten, Gastroenterologen, Onkologen, Nephrologen, Allgemeinmediziner, Radiologen, Urologen Type of publication Manual Due March 2007 2007. X, 476 S. 511 Abb. in 938 Teilabb., 226 in Farbe. Geb.

119,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-29320-0



T.B. Lynch, Queen's University, Belfast, UK

PET/CT in Clinical Practice B. Madea, Rheinische-Friedrichs-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; R. Dettmeyer, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Basiswissen Rechtsmedizin

N. Maffulli, Keele University School of Medicine, Stoke on Trent, UK.; L.C. Almekinders, North Carolina Orthopaedic Clinic, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke University Health System, Durham, NC, USA. (Eds.)

The Achilles Tendon PET/CT in Clinical Practice provides guidelines for appropriate use of PET/CT in lung, lymphoma, esophageal, colorectal, head/neck and melanoma, with reference also made to tumors of the male and female reproductive system. Concise, relevant and illustrated with many interesting PET/CT images, each chapter contains a summary of the appropriate staging system. The range of normal PET/CT appearances is outlined in chapter 9. The book focuses on FDG-PET/CT throughout, but chapter 10 makes reference to the future application of other positron emitters and gives a beginners guide to the physics of PET/CT. Everyone from medical student to consultant oncologist will be touched by this modality and all will need to understand its strengths and weaknesses. The book is essential reading for all consultants and medical students in radiology, nuclear medicine and oncology. Features A basic introduction to the subject with minimal explanation of the physics focusing on the images and their interpretation Illustrated throughout with 150 colour figures Easy-to-read chapters containing the salient facts about the common tumor types suitable for PET/CT scanning Familiarizes the reader with who should and, more importantly, who should not be scanned by discussing basic scanning parameters, to [..] Contents Introduction.- Lung cancer.- Lymphoma.- Oesophageal and gastric cancer.- Colorectal cancer.Head and neck cancer.- Melanoma.- Cancers of the male and female reproductive system.- Normal uptake and normal variant uptake.- Basic physics. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Nuclear Medicine; Oncology

Mit den Experten am Tatort........ ....möchte doch jeder Mediziner mal stehen. Spuren eines Verbrechens lesen, den Mörder identifizieren - die Realität indes sieht häufig ganz anders aus - wie man spätestens in Vorlesung und Praktikum im Querschnittsbereich Rechtsmedizin erfährt. Das Basiswissen Rechtsmedizin bietet dem Medizinstudenten in kompakter Form alles, was er für Vorlesung, Kurs und natürlich die obligate Prüfung im Fach Rechtsmedizin benötigt. Ob Beweismittelsicherung, Bestimmung von Todeszeit und -art, ob Toxikologie oder auch das Grundlegenste zum Medizin recht, hier finden Sie knapp, aber spannend und verständlich geschrieben alles, was Sie auch bei der späteren ärztlichen Tätigkeit brauchen werden - und was auch das IMPP als Prüfungsstoff im Fach Rechtsmedizin nach wie vor vorsieht. Eine durchdachte Didaktik macht das Lernen leichter: die Kapiteleinführung gibt einen Ausblick auf das, was den Leser im Kapitel erwartet, Wichtig und Cave kennzeichnen, was man auf gar keinen Fall [..] Features Studentengerechter Umfang und dennoch alles, was Studenten zur Rechtsmedizin wissen müssen Abgestimmt auf die Vorgaben des IMPP Edle vierfarbige Ausstattung mit vielen authentischen Farbabbildungen Gut durchdachtes didaktisches Konzept: Kapitelübersichten, Zusammenfassungen, Beispiele aus der Praxis Rechtsmedizin für den Bezug zur Realität Contents 1. Einleitung.- 2. Medizinrecht / Ärztliche Rechtsund Berufskunde.- 3. Forensisch-klinische Untersuchungen und Beweismittelsicherung am Lebenden.- 4. Forensische Psychopathologie.- 5. Thanatologie.- 6. Traumatologie und gewaltsamer Tod.- 7. Verkehrsmedizin.- 8. Toxikologie.- 9. Hämogenetik.

The Achilles Tendon provides a learned practical well-referenced approach to the various manifestations of achilles tendinopathy, giving illustrated details of management of the conditions depicted. From simple achilles tendinopathy through to acute rupture of the achilles tendon, the authors provide a key reference to all involved in the management of these patients. Delving not only into the anatomy, biomechanics and diagnosis of achilles tendon medicine but also into the management options open to orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians and physiotherapists, no other title has gone into such detail to identify the past, present and future options for the management of achilles tendon injuries. Features Complete and thorough review of the anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, management and surgery of the achilles tendon Contents History of Tendo Achillis and its Rupture.- Anatomy.- Biomechanics.- Imaging.-Aetiology and Epidemiology.- Paratendinopathy.- Tendinopathy of the Main Body of the Achilles Tendon.- Custom Foot Orthotic Management.- Percutaneous Surgical Management.- Open Surgery.- Flexor Hallucis Longus Augmentation for Insertional or Non-Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy.- Generalities of Insertional Tendinopathy.-Insertional Tendinopathy.- Endoscopic Techniques.- Rupture Generalities.- Conservative Management of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture.- Open Surgery for Achilles Tendon Ruptures.Chronic [..] Fields of interest Orthopedics; Surgical Orthopedics; Sports Medicine

Target groups Consultants and medical students in radiology, nuclear medicine and oncology

Fields of interest Forensic Medicine; Pathology; Medicine, general

Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook

Target groups Medizinstudenten, Juristen, Kriminologen

Due April 2007

Type of publication German textbook

Due June 2007

Due September 2007

2007. XIV, 284 p. Geb.

2007. XII, 274 S. 198 Abb. in Farbe. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

203,25 € ISBN 978-1-84628-628-5

2007. IX, 241 p. Softcover

37,40 € ISBN 978-1-84628-430-4

24,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71428-6

Target groups Orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists Type of publication Monograph M.d. Maio, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; B. Rzany, Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Botulinum Toxin in Aesthetic Medicine Written by two renowned international experts in the field, this book gives a brilliant overview of the use of botulinum toxin A in aesthetic medicine, including patient selection and evaluation, as well as rules and requirements. It provides hands-on information for the most common indications, such as forehead and glabella, lateral brow lift, crow’s feet and lower eyelid, bunny lines and marionette lines, nose and nasolabial folds, cheeks and "gummy smile," upper and lower lip, and the chin and neck. Also included are the more advanced indications, such as facial asymmetries, Btx-A lifting and microinjection techniques. Combination therapy and complications are also covered and a section with tips and tricks makes this book an invaluable resource for the practicing dermatologist, plastic surgeons and all other physicians interested in the field of aesthetic medicine. Features First book covering the more advanced indications and techniques in aesthetic medicine Handson book with step-by-step approach Based on evidence-based- medicine guidelines Reader-friendly format: All chapters with homogenous structure and uniform format with ‘Tips and Tricks’ section Introduction, Anatomy, Technique, Patient selection and evaluation, Complications, Tips and Tricks Written by internationally [..] Contents Introduction.- Overview on Botulinum Toxin.- Different Types A to F.- Botulinum Toxin A.- Botox.Dysport.- Others.- Mode of Action.- Selection of Patients.- Requirements and Rules.- Injection Techniques.- Intramuscular Injections.- Microinjection Technique.- The Most Common Indications.- Forehead.- Glabella.- Lateral Brow Lift.- Crow’s Feet and Lower Eyelid.- Bunny Lines.-Nose.- Nasolabial Folds.- Cheeks.- Gummy Smile.- Upper- and Lower Lip.- Marionette Lines.- Chin.- Neck.- Advanced Indications and Techniques.- Complex Cases: Facial Asymmetries.- The BTx-A Lifting.- Treating with [..] Fields of interest Dermatology; Plastic Surgery; Otorhinolaryngology; General Surgery; Ophthalmology Target groups Dermatologists and plastic surgeons in clinic and practice as well as all other physicians interested in aesthetic medicine, otorhinolaryngologists, GPs, ophthalmologists, surgeons

Medizin J. Manninger, National Institute of Traumatology and Oxyology, Budapest, Hungary; U. Bosch, Center for Orthopaedic Surgery, Sporttraumatology, International Neuroscience Institute, Hannover, Germany; P. Cserháti, National Institute of Traumatology and Oxyology, Budapest, Hungary; K. Fekete, University of Debrecen, Medical and Health Science Center, Debrecen, Hungary; G. Kazár (Eds.)

Internal fixation of femoral neck fractures An Atlas

Femoral neck fractures occur primarily in the elderly population, and nowadays arthroplasty is chosen most frequently as a treatment solution. In the era of financial restrictions in health care system noninvasive internal fixation is an attractive choice, because in addition to the lower immediate costs the rehabilitation period might also be shorter. In this illustrated atlas the authors deal with epidemiological aspects, anatomical and biomechanical specialities of the given region, diagnostic and management potentials, satisfactory both for orthopaedic and trauma specialists. By means of presenting minimally invasive technique step-by-step, and their own results, the aim is to persuade the reader that the ratio of complications remarkably can be diminished by urgent surgery, based on selective indication criteria. Aspects of postoperative treatment and rehabilitation are also clarified in details. The research team under the guidance of Professor Manninger collected experiences of 50 years. Features Comprehensive monograph of the femoral neck fractures Description in detail of non-invasive internal fixation More than 800 representative figures, xrays and drawings Contents Aus dem Inhalt Proximal femur fractures. Definition, epidemiology, anatomy, biomechanics.- Pathology of femoral neck fractures.- Diagnostic investigations.- Historical retrospection.- Biomechanical aspects of cannulated screw fixation. Experimental investigations and developments.- Justification for early surgery.- Reduction of the fracture.- Internal fixation.- Treatment of undisplaced and atypical femoral neck fractures.- Postoperative treatment, early complications.- Results of treatment.Fields of interest Traumatic Surgery; Surgical Orthopedics; Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; General Surgery; Rehabilitation Target groups Traumatic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, surgeons, general surgeons, rehabilitation therapists

Type of publication Monograph

Type of publication Atlas

Due May 2007

Due May 2007

2007. XIX, 137 p. 151 illus. Geb.

2007. XIX, 310 p. 242 illus. Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-3-540-34094-2

144,40 € ISBN 978-3-211-68583-9


R.E. Mansel, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; O. Fodstad, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA; W.G. Jiang, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (Eds.)

Metastasis of Breast Cancer Metastasis (spread of cancer in the body) is the main cause of death for patients with breast cancer, the leading female tumour in the industrialised countries and developing countries alike. The biology and treatment of breast cancer metastasis remains an active area of scientific and clinical investigation. Written by experts in the subject area, the book has covered a broad range of topics in the metastasis of breast cancer, from genetics, biology to clinical management. Main topics include genetic control, biology, growth factors, cell adhesion, cell motility and invasion, natures of bone metastasis, sentinel node therapies, hormonal links, new biomarkers and detection of micrometastasis, and diagnosis The book also covers the current treatment options including surgical management, chemotherapy and hormonal therapies. This timely book provides the current knowledge in the area of breast cancer metastasis and will be of important reading material for oncologists, radiologists, cancer [..] Features A unique book dedicated to breast cancer metastasis Indepth coverage of the biology of metastasis Hot topics in new markers and diagnosis Micro-metastasis and sentinel node therapies Current management of metastatic breast cancer Fields of interest Cancer Research; Oncology; Surgical Oncology; Molecular Medicine Target groups Cancer Biologists, Biologists, Surgeons, Oncologists, Geneticists, Pathologists, Pharmaceutical and Diagnostics companies in the cancer field, University and cancer centre libraries Type of publication Contributed volume Due June 2007 2007. XIV, 435 p. (Cancer Metastasis - Biology and Treatment, Band 11) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5866-0



F.I. Marcus, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; A. Nava, University of Padua, Italy; G. Thiene, University of Padua, Italy (Eds.)

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia Recent Advances

This book covers all aspects (biological, pathological, genetics, clinical and therapeutical) of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia, a recent cardiomyopathy which represents a very high risk of sudden death in the young and in the athletes. The monograph is gathering the results of 5-year research program on ARVC/D supported by grants of both the European Commission and the NIH, which allowed the discovery of 5 disease-causing genes, thus opening new avenues for the early identification of affected patients and for sudden death prevention. A panel of top scientists, both European and Americans, contribute to the monograph, which will be an essential reference for professionals and residents in cardiology, radiology, human genetics, and sport medicine. Features Covers all aspects of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia Gathers the results of a research program promoted by European Commission and NIH, focused on early identification of affected patients and for sudden death prevention in the young and the athletes Essential reference for professionals and residents in cardiology, radiology, human genetics, and sport medicine Contents Introduction.- Advances in genetics: dominant forms.- Advances in genetics: recessive forms.- Genetically modified animal models.- Genotype-phenotype correlations.- ARVC/D in spontaneous animal models.- Endomyocardial biopsy and autopsy features.- Cell adhesion pathology.- Ultrastructural substrates.- Possible or contributing role of viruses.Diagnosis of ARVC/D: Task Force Criteria including modifications for family members.- Strengths and weaknesses of the Task Force Criteria: proposed modifications.- ARVC/D versus right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia.- ECG and signal average [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Human Genetics; Molecular Medicine; Pathology Target groups Scientists, graduate students, specialists in cardiology and sport medicine Type of publication Monograph W. Marktl, Medizinische Universität Wien; B. Reiter, Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Wien; C. Ekmekcioglu, Medizinische Universität Wien (Eds.)

Säuren - Basen - Schlacken

I.R. McDougall, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, USA

Thyroid Cancer in Clinical Practice

Pro und Contra - eine wissenschaftliche Diskussion

Besonders im Frühling haben Entschlackungskuren Hochsaison und entsprechen dem Bedürfnis der Menschen mobil, fit und gesund zu sein. Niemand scheint jedoch genau zu wissen, was eigentlich "Schlacken" sind. Eine einfache Erklärung sind nicht verstoffwechselte Produkte, die im Körper, vor allem im Interstitium oder der "Grundsubstanz" liegen bleiben und die weitere Funktionstüchtigkeit des Körpers beeinträchtigen sollen. Diese "Schlacken" aber existieren nicht als stofflich vorfindliche Substanzen, wendet die naturwissenschaftliche Medizin ein. Macht es also Sinn, von Schlacken zu sprechen? Und was genau verstehen die einzelnen naturheilkundlichen Schulen darunter? Ebenso ist das Thema der Balance aus Säuren und Basen im menschlichen Körper höchst umstritten. Und obwohl es pathophysiologisch keine Hinweise auf eine "Übersäurung" gibt, werden Produkte und Therapie, die den Körper mit "Basen" versorgen, sehr breit nachgefragt. Pro und Contra werden von namhaften Experten aufgezeigt und wertfrei diskutiert. Features Umstrittenes Thema erstmals wissenschaftlich beleuchtet Für und Wider - Beiträge von Verfechtern und Gegnern Namhafte Experten Contents Physiologische Grundlagen des SäureBasenHaushaltes.- Chemische Grundlagen des SäureBasenhaushalts.- Der Schlackenbegriff als medizinische Metapher.- SäureBasenHaushalt: latente Azidose als Ursache chronischer Erkrankungen.- Die intestinale Regulation des SäureBasenHaushalts.- Die extrazelluläre Matrix als Attraktor für Verschlackungsphänomene.Kann Übersäuerung laborchemisch gemessen werden?.- Die SäurebasenAnalyse nach Jörgensen und Stirum.- Klinische Relevanz der Redox und Chemoluminiszenzbestimmungen bei Allergien, Haut und Umwelterkrankungen.- Die komplexe [..] Fields of interest Medicine, general; Internal Medicine; Metabolic Diseases; Nutrition; Complementary & Alternative Medicine Target groups Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner, Ernährungswissenschafter, Diätassistenten Type of publication Monograph

The book covers all aspects of thyroid cancer, including nodules, pathology, thyroid and whole-body scans, ultrasounds, and other nuclear medicine and radiological studies, as well as follow-up testing and prognosis. It tackles the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (the commonest variety) and all aspects of the management including surgery, the role and logistics of radioactive iodine and longterm prescription of thyroid hormone. Also included are images and up to-date procedures such as fused Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) images. A pocket-sized easily accessible source of information to supplement existing large texts, this book provides a handy reference for everyday use for physicians, including primary care doctors, practitioners and trainees in endocrinology, nuclear medicine, oncology, surgery, otolaryngology, radiation and medical oncology, and internal medicine. It will also be a resource for residents, medical students, nurse practitioners, and patients. Features Clinically relevant, readable with easy to follow flow diagrams, up-to-date references Includes images and up to-date procedures such as fused Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/ CT) images Pocket-sized easily accessible source of information to supplement existing large texts and provide a handy reference for everyday use Contents Epidemiology and etiology of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers.- Thyroid anatomy and physiology.Thyroid nodule.- Thyroid pathology.- Differentiated thyroid cancer.- Differentiated thyroid cancer : rare clinical situations.- Differentiated thyroid cancer in children.- Thyroid Cancer and pregnancy.- Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid.- Medullary cancer.Primary lymphoma of the thyroid.- Metastases to the thyroid. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Nuclear Medicine; Oncology; General Surgery; Internal Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Physicians, primary care doctors, practitioners and trainees in endocrinology, nuclear medicine, oncology, surgery, otolaryngology, radiation and medical oncology, and internal medicine Type of publication Professional book Due June 2007

Due May 2007

Due May 2007 2007. X, 164 p. 35 illus., 15 in color. Softcover

2007. XIV, 218 p. Geb.

139,05 € ISBN 978-88-470-0489-4

2007. VIII, 170 S. 53 Abb. Softcover

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-29133-7

42,75 € ISBN 978-1-84628-544-8 D. McQueen, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, USA; C. Jones, International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Saint-Denis, France (Eds.)

Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness As health improvement initiatives take center stage worldwide, public health professionals face an ongoing challenge to prove that the programs are worthwhile and that interventions make an impact. The Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness (GPHPE) of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education takes on this challenge in Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness. Fifty-five contributors representing six continents come together to analyze major programs around the world and evaluate their effectiveness. The result is a symposium in a book, the first in a series, representing the best critical thinking on crucial issues such as these: Assessment of evidence and evaluation of effectiveness in an international context. Synthesis of progress on the various GPHPE regional projects, with candid evaluations of strengths and limitations, and factors unique to each region. Advocacy to strengthen the evidence base for mental health promotion, physical activity [..] Features Global scope; contributors drawn from all over the world Associated with the IUHPE organization

Medizin R. Mehringer, Regensburg

Die Anfängeroperation

Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit sind die rechtlichen Besonderheiten, die sich mit dem Ersteinsatz eines unerfahrenen Mediziners zum Schutz des Patienten stellen. Schwerpunkte sind dabei die Reichweite des vom Bundesgerichtshofes geprägten Begriffs der "Anfängeroperation", der Umfang der Aufklärungspflicht vor einer Anfängerbehandlung und die besonderen Pflichten für den Anfänger, seinen Ausbilder, Chefärzte und den Klinikträger. Zentrales Problem im Rahmen der Haftung ist der an den Anfänger zu stellende Sorgfaltsmaßstab und die Frage nach einem eigenen Verkehrskreis "Anfänger". Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Beweislastverteilung im Fall der fehlgeschlagenen Anfängeroperation. Features Zusammenstellung und Analyse der Leitlinien der Anfängeroperation Contents Problemstellung.- Begriff und Wirklichkeit.Vertragliche Grundlagen.- Besondere Verkehrspflichten.- Haftung nach fehlgeschlagener Anfängeroperation.- Beweislast.- Gesamtbetrachtung und Ausblick.

Fields of interest Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Due April 2007

Target groups Public health practitioners implementing health promotion campaigns, researchers and graduate students in public health, health promotion

2007. XI, 257 S. (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht) Softcover

2007. XXI, 425 p. Geb.

58,80 € ISBN 978-0-387-70973-4

Radiology The Oral Boards Primer, CD

Fields of interest Medical Law; Health Informatics & Health Administration; Health Care Administration

Due June 2007

A. Mehta, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Zwischen Patientenrechten und Ausbildungsnotwendigkeit

Contents From the contents Preface.- Foreword.- Section I: The Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness.- Section II: Reports from the field.- Section III: Recent fields of practice that challenge effectiveness assessment of health promotion.- Section IV: Global debates about effectiveness of health promotion.- Annex: Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectivenss: description and list of partners.Index.

Type of publication Handbook


Target groups Rechtsanwälte, Klinikträger, Chefärzte, Versicherungen, Ärztekammern Type of publication Monograph

A concise and comprehensive review of findings and differential diagnoses found on the oral board examination for diagnostic radiology. Drawing on pertinent and key differential diagnoses, the authors have assembled and organized the diagnoses most likely to appear on the exam and illustrated them with essential images to reinforce the findings associated with each differential. Additionally, with each finding set is provided a mnemonic to augment recall of any missing components of the differential that would be considered important. Because of their concise presentation, many cases can be examined, interpreted, completed, and memorized very rapidly in a single sitting. Since the majority of cases contain prototypical representations of pathology, the book also serves as an excellent reference source for many years after the reader has taken and passed the oral board examination. Features On CD-ROM, convenient for PDA use Contents Musculoskeletal Radiology.- Chest Radiology.- Gastrointestinal Radiology.- Genitourinary Radiology.Head and Neck Radiology.- Vascular and Interventional.- Nuclear Medicine.- Ultrasound.- Pediatrics.Breast.- Neuroradiology. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology Target groups Radiology residents Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007 2007. Approx. 420 p. CD-Hülle

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-69098-6

83,24 € ISBN 978-1-58829-928-4



R. Merkel, Universität Hamburg, Germany; G. Boer, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; J. Fegert, Universität Ulm, Germany; T. Galert, Europäische Akademie, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany; D. Hartmann, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany; B. Nuttin, Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; S. Rosahl, HELIOS Klinikum, Erfurt, Germany R.-P. Meyer, Kantonsspital Baden; A. Gächter, Mörschwill; F. Hefti, Kinderorthopädische Universitätsklinik Basel; U. Kappeler, Baden-Dättwil (Eds.)

Orthopädisch-traumatologische Knacknüsse

Intervening in the Brain Changing Psyche and Society

The preceding decade has witnessed tremendous progress in clinical as well as theoretical neuroscience. In its wake, powerful new instruments of neuromodulation acting directly on the brain have been developed. However, few areas of scientific development seem to exhibit as close a connection between dreams of progress and nightmares of disaster as contemporary neuroscience. "Mind doping" is a populist slogan at hand, suggesting a deprecatory parallel to the practice of doping in sports. The present book subjects the whole range of questions associated with these problems to a thorough exploration. Extensive state-of-the-art accounts of the relevant clinical and theoretical neurosciences are followed by an in-depth philosophical analysis of the problems of personal identity and a comprehensive disquisition on legal and ethical questions posed by present and foreseeable future practices of neuroenhancement. A concluding chapter presents the study’s main results as recommendations, addressing [..] Contents General Introduction.- Developmental Psychopharmacology.- Neurotransplantation and Gene Transfer.- Central Neural Prostheses.- Electrical Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Disorders.- Person, Personal Identity, and Personality.- Treatment-Prevention-Enhancement: Normative Foundations and Limits.- Conclusions and Recommendations. Fields of interest Neurology; Philosophy; Biomedical Engineering; Social Sciences Target groups Physicians, scientists, researchers

Die vier Herausgeber haben ihre Freunde, Lehrer, Mitstreiter und Schüler gebeten, einen in Diagnose, Therapie und Verlauf eindrücklichen Fall in Wort und Bild zu präsentieren. Einen bunten Strauss von 48 eindrücklichen "Knacknüssen" haben in diesem Buch 68 Autoren mit Herzblut und Sorgfalt zusammengetragen. Urteilen Sie selbst, ob die breite Fülle der vorgelegten Fälle Ihr Wissen bereichert. Lassen Sie sich diese "Geschichten, die das Leben erzählt", munden. Doch beißen Sie sich an den hier dargebotenen "Knacknüssen" nicht alle Zähne aus. Features 48 eindrückliche Fallbeispiele aus der Orthopädie und Traumatologie "Geschichten" aus dem Erfahrungsschatz erfahrener Experten Mit mehr als 600 Abbildungen Fields of interest Traumatic Surgery; Surgical Orthopedics Target groups Fachärzte für Orthopädie/Traumatologie Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. XVI, 265 S. 643 Abb. Geb.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71479-8

C. Meyers, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA (Ed.)

AIDS-Associated Viral Oncogenesis AIDS is a major worldwide health care crisis. One of the most important aspects of the disease is the loss of protective immune function in the infected host which leads to increased prevalence of opportunistic infections and cancers. Of particular note are viral-associated cancers. Aids-Associated Viral Oncogenesis will specifically address viral-induced human cancers. Topics will cover the viral associated cancers observed in the AIDS population, specific treatment required in this special population, and molecular biology of the causative viral agents. Features Specifically addresses viral-induced human cancers associated with AIDS and observed in the AIDS population Addresses the specific treatment required in this special population and the molecular biology of the causative viral agents Contents Introduction.- Overview.- AIDS Malignancies.Molecular Biology of KSHV in Relation to AIDSAssociated Oncogenesis.- KSHV-Associated Disease in the AIDS Patient.- Molecular Biology of EBV in Relationship to AIDS-Associated Oncogenesis.- EBV-Associated Diseases in the AIDS Patient.- Human Papillomavirus Infection and Disease in the HIV+ Individual.- Polyomavirus SV40 and AIDS-Related Systemic Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.- HIV-HBV and HIV-HCV Co-infection and Liver Cancer Development.- Index. Fields of interest Oncology; Immunology; Virology Target groups HIV and infectious disease researchers, oncologists, biologists, life scientists, pharmacists Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007

Type of publication Monograph

2007. IX, 270 p. 35 illus. (Cancer Treatment and Research, Band 133) Geb.

Due April 2007 2007. XXII, 533 p. 11 illus. (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, Band 29) Geb.

80,20 € ISBN 978-3-540-46476-1

123,00 € ISBN 978-0-387-46804-4 D. Mildvan, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY, USA (Ed.)

International Atlas of AIDS In a time when AIDS is becoming more prevalent and wide-spread, the formerly-named Atlas of AIDS has now become the International Atlas of AIDS, in order to reflect current conditions throughout the world. This Atlas will cover a multitude of new aspects of the disease, including new therapies, syndromes, and management strategies. An extensive collection of images makes up an Atlas that will prove indispensable to various members of the medical field. The diagnosis and treatment of patients with HIV infection is often times unique and atypical requiring healthcare professionals to have access to not only the most current, but also the most comprehensive information. With this new edition of the Atlas of AIDS, the readers receive has a vivid and visually striking reference, enabling them to effectively meet the clinical challenges of this rapidly advancing field. Under the expert direction of Dr. Donna Mildvan, leading experts in the field have carefully reviewed and selected over 600 images, [..] Features Hundreds of high quality images in step with the latest developments in medicine World-renowned authors from a variety of medical disciplines Handdrawn illustrations In-depth explanation for each image, Contributions from international authors Contents Epidemiology, Natural History, and Prevention.HIV.- Host Response.- Classification and Spectrum.Cutaneous Manifestations.- Ophthalmic Manifestations.- Oral Cavity Manifestations.- Pulmonary Complications.- Gastrointestinal Manifestations.Neurologic Manifestations.- Metabolic Manifestations.- Microbiology of Opportunistic Infections.Clinical Manifestations of Opportunistic Infections in the Absence and Presence of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.- Treatment and Prophylaxis of Opportunistic Infections in the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.- AIDS-Associated [..] Fields of interest Infectious Diseases; Medicine, general Target groups Cardiologists, epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, immunologists Type of publication Atlas

Medizin F. Miller, Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE, USA (Ed.)

Physical Therapy of Cerebral Palsy

B. Mitterauer, Salzburg

Therapie von Entscheidungskonflikten Das Volitronics-Prinzip

This book is a derivative of Dr. Miller’s well-regarded Cerebral Palsy and focuses on rehabilitation techniques. The book discusses the theory and techniques used by physical and occupational therapists, and also provides suggestions for implementing an Individual Education Plan. Tables and algorithms are included to help in the decision-making process for determining what treatment would be most beneficial. Chapters in section one deal with fundamental aspects of cerebral palsy management, from understanding motor impairment, to evaluating equipment use, to navigating the relationship with the families of patients. In section two, physical therapists cover specific rehabilitation techniques, including neurodevelopment therapy, hippotherapy, and assistive devices. On the accompanying CD there are more than 100 case studies, as well as videos of children with gait disorders. Features Includes algorithms and tables to help in the decision making Editor is an expert in the field CD contains more than 100 case studies Includes chapters on rehabilitation techniques Contents Section 1. Cerebral Palsy Management: The Child, the Parent and the Goal.- Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathology and Diagnosis.- Neurological Control of the Musculosketal System.- Therapy, Education and Other Treatment Modalities.- Durable Medical Equipment.- Gait.- Section 2. Rehabilitation Techniques: Neurodevelopment Therapy.- Strengthening Exercises.- Balance Interventions.- Electrical Stimulation Techniques.- Hippotherapy.- Aquatic Therapy.- Assistive Devices.- Seating Systems.- M.O.V.E. Curriculum.- Occupational Therapy Extremity Evaluation.- Intrathecal Baclofen Pumps.

Entscheidungskonflikte betreffen zumeist den zwischenmenschlichen Bereich und sind überwiegend mit negativen Erfahrungen verbunden. Sie bedeuten oft Unannehmlichkeiten, Stress, Leistungsverlust und Zerstörung. In diesem Buch wird ein neuer Ansatz vorgestellt, wie solche Konflikte therapeutisch zu lösen sind. Das zugrundeliegende Volitronics Prinzip beruht auf einem neuen biokybernetischen Hirnmodell und einer neuen Entscheidungslogik. Im praktischen Teil des Buches (Teil I) wird die therapeutische Vorgangsweise konkret und anhand von Fallbeispielen vorgestellt. Für die Analyse der den Entscheidungskonflikten zugrundeliegenden Intentionen wird eine modifizierte Freud'sche Traumanalyse angewandt. Die Therapie von Entscheidungskonflikten ist nicht nur für Menschen in Krisen, sondern modifiziert auch für Depressionen anwendbar, was sich von dem im theoretischen Teil des Buches (Teil II) dargestellten Hirnmodell ableiten lässt. Features Neuer psychotherapeutischer Ansatz Für bewusste und unbewusste Intentionen Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis

Fields of interest Physiotherapy; Rehabilitation; Rehabilitation Medicine

Contents Teil I: Praktische Anwendung: Das Volitronics Prinzip.- Beschreibung der Methode im Überblick.Traumanalyse nach dem Volitronics Prinzip.Machbarkeitsanalyse und Mach-barkeitsprogrammierung.- Handlungstherapie der Depression.Überlegungen zur Thera-pie der Manie.- Therapie der schizophrenen Dysintentionalität. Teil II: Theoretische Grundlagen: Das polyontologische Hirnmodell.- Das Modell der tri-partiten Synapse.- Experimentelle Hinweise auf die gliale zeitliche grenzensetzende Funk-tion in tripartiten Synapsen.- Wo und wie könnten intentionale Programme in unserem Gehirn erzeugt [..]

Target groups Physical therapists, Rehabilitation Medicine physicians

Fields of interest Psychiatry; Psychotherapy; Behavioral Therapy; Psychology, general

Type of publication Contributed volume

Target groups Psychiater, Psychotherapeuten, Psychologen, Allgemeinmediziner

Due March 2007 Due August 2007 2007. XI, 416 p. With CD-ROM. Softcover 2008. Approx. 360 p. Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-57340-274-3


37,40 € ISBN 978-0-387-38303-3

Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XIII, 138 S. 31 Abb. Softcover

24,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-71065-4



S.J. Morewitz, Stephen J. Morewitz, Ph.D. & Associates, San Francisco, CA, USA; M. Goldstein, Northbrook, IL, USA

Aging and Chronic Disorders M. Morgan, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA; B.R. Smoller, College of Medicine, Little Rock, AK, USA; S.C. Somach, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA

G. Moser, Medizinische Universität Wien, Österreich (Ed.)

Psychosomatik in der Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie

Deadly Dermatologic Diseases "Aging and Chronic Disease" provides new perspectives on how aging is affected by chronic disease. The book focuses on how chronic disorders, such as diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer influence stress, coping, and quality of life among older adults. The book emphasizes how management of risk factors for chronic diseases, new treatment and rehabilitation outcomes, social support, and patient education can reduce health care costs and improve coping strategies, quality of life, and longevity of older adults. Covering a wide range of topics from health care disparities, costs, new trends in disease risk factors, cognitive changes in older adults, and disability outcomes, this book will be relevant to a wide range of professionals and students in the fields of gerontology, public health, mental health, social work, health administration, and social sciences. Features Companion work to Chronic Diseases, Disability and the Quality of Life, which focuses on research on chronic diseases in the general population In addition, Dr. Morewitz has published five books with Springer, including Domestic Violence and Maternal and Child Health, and Stalking and Violence Contents Chronic Disorders in an Aging Population: Epidemiology.- Elders and Health Care Utilization and Costs.- Chronic Disease and Quality of Life in Older Adults.- Psychological Problems in the Elderly.- Cognitive Changes in Older Adults.- Seniors with Diabetes Mellitus.- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, and Low Back Pain in Older Adults.- Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly.- Seniors with Cancer.- List of Abbreviations and Acronyms.- References.- About the Authors.- Author Index.- Subject Index.

Clinicopathologic Atlas and Text

The central theme of Deadly Dermatologic Diseases book entails disorders capable of directly or indirectly causing death of the patient. The book will be organized around four sections dealing with dermatologic diseases involving serious cutaneous malignancies including melanoma; life-threatening and/or emerging infectious pathogens including anthrax and smallpox; endocrinologic disorders such as myxedema or calciphylaxis; autoimmune disorders and inborn errors of metabolism such as scleroderma and hemochromatosis. The sections are organized alphabetically and color-coded for easy reference. Approximately 40 disease states are discussed with accompanying full-color clinical and microscopic photography. Each entity contains a single clinical photograph accompanied by three photomicrographs detailing the diagnostic features of each case. Subsections detailing the demographic attributes, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, pathologic features, diagnostic adjuncts, treatment, and prognosis [..] Features The pedagogical value of Deadly Dermatologic Diseases is the unique presentation of a variety of dermatologic entities capable of directly leading to or are associated with serious medical consequences, including death

Psychosomatik spielt in der Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie eine bisher zu wenig beachtete Rolle. Ausgehend vom Begriff des Bauchhirns (BrainGut-Axis) werden die psychosomatischen Aspekte sämtlicher Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes ausführlich besprochen. Die Bedeutung der ArztPatient-Beziehung wird praktisch vermittelt und durch Beiträge von Betroffenen ergänzt. In weiterer Folge werden psychische Aspekte bei der endoskopischen Untersuchung und anderen diagnostischen Verfahren vorgestellt. Die psychopharmakologische Therapie psychischer Störungen im gastroenterologischen Alltag wird in einem eigenen Kapitel abgehandelt und Modelle einer integrierten psychosomatischen Versorgung beispielhaft dargestellt. Ein Verzeichnis über Selbsthilfegruppen für gastroenterologische Erkrankungen ergänzt dieses Nachschlagewerk für ExpertInnen. Im Sinne der evidenzbasierten Medizin bietet es den in Ausbildung stehenden Medizinern einen umfassenden Überblick über die aktuellen Entwicklungen der [..] Features Psychosomatik - aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Gastroenterologie Evidenzbasiert Überblick zu allen Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts Contents Aus dem Inhalt Stellenwert der Psychosomatik in der Gastroenterologie – Bedeutung der Integration des biopsychosozialen Krankheitsverständnisses in die klinische Praxis.- Historische Betrachtung von Psychosomatik und Verdauung.- Das Enterale Nervensystem und die „Brain-Gut-Achse“.- Psychosomatische Aspekte der funktionellen gastrointestinalen Störungen - Überblick – Epidemiologie, Definition nach Rom III und Pathophysiologie.- Psychosomatische Aspekte der gastroösophagealen Refluxkrankheit.- Psychosomatische Aspekte der Gastritis und des Ulkusleidens.- Psychosomatische Aspekte der [..]

Target groups Epidemiologists, public health professionals, gerontologists, upper-level graduate students in epidemiology

Contents Angiosarcoma.- Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.Desmoplastic melanoma.- Granulomatous slack skin syndrome and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.- Langerhans cell histiocytosis.- Leukemia cutis.- Mastocytosis.- Merkel cell carcinoma.- Metastases.- Pagets disease, mammary and extramammary type.- Sebaceous carcinoma and the Muir-Torre Syndrome.- Acanthosis nigricans and acquired ichthyiosis and howel-evans syndrome.- Amyloidosis.- Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome.- Cowdens disease.- Erythema gyratum repens and erythema chronicum migrans.- Gardners disease.- Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis.- Multiple [..]

Type of publication Contributed volume

Fields of interest Dermatology; Pathology; Infectious Diseases

Target groups Internisten, Praktische Ärzte, Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten, Studenten der Medizin

Due June 2007

Target groups Dermatologists in practice, dermatology residents

Type of publication Monograph

2007. XIV, 235 p. Geb.

Type of publication Monograph

Due September 2007

Due April 2007

2007. XVIII, 290 S. 25 Abb. Geb.

Fields of interest Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Epidemiology

42,75 € ISBN 978-0-387-70856-0

2007. XIII, 188 p. With CD-ROM. Geb.

103,74 € ISBN 978-0-387-25442-5

Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology; Psychotherapy; Medicine, general

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-69158-8 R. Munker, LSU Shreveport Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA; E. Hiller, University Hospital Grosshadern, Munich, Germany; J. Glass, LSU Shreveport Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA; R. Paquette, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Eds.)



E.N. Myers, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R.L. Ferris, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Eds.)

Th. Müller-Rörich, K. Hass, F. Margue, A. van den Broek, R. Wagner

Salivary Gland Disorders

Schattendasein - Das unverstandene Leiden Depression

Modern Hematology Biology and Clinical Management

Reinhold Munker and his distinguished colleagues have updated and expanded Modern Hematology: Biology and Clinical Management, now in its second edition, to reflect the major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of blood disorders. Modern Hematology: Biology and Clinical Management, Second Edition describes the latest clinical and scientific developments, including molecular studies used to diagnose a variety of hematological disorders and guide their treatment. Targeted and molecular therapies are discussed in detail, including kinase inhibitors in myeloproliferative disorders and humanized monoclonal antibodies. The use of peripheral blood and umbilical cord blood stem cells for transplantation is described, as well as the rationale and indications for non-myeloablative transplantation, emphasizing the preferability of immunotherapy over cytotoxic chemotherapy. Modern Hematology: Biology and Clinical Management, Second Edition brings together facts, concepts, and protocols [..] Features Updated and expanded to reflect major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of blood disorders Contents 1. Basic Biology of Hemopoiesis.- 2. Molecular Biology and Cytokines.- 3. Supportive Care in Hematology.- 4. Transplantation of Stem Cells from Bone Marrow, Blood and the Umbilical Cord.- 5. Anemias: General Considerations, Microcytic, and Megaloblastic Anemias.- 6. Hemolytic Anemias.7. Leukocytosis, Leukopenia, and Other Changes of the Myeloid Series.- 8. The Myeloproliferative Syndromes.- 9. Acute Myelogenous Leukemias.- 10. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias.- 11. Myelodysplastic Syndromes.- 12. Aplastic Anemias.- 13. Lymphocytosis, Lymphopenia, Lymphadenopathy, and Splenomegaly.- 14. [..] Fields of interest Hematology

Management of salivary disorders encompasses a broad array of diseases, both benign and malignant. To better demonstrate the evolution of this field and its diagnostic and therapeutic management, the contents of this book have been organized to reflect the diverse nature of salivary gland anatomy, physiology, and dysfunction in various states of disease. This text first addresses practical office-based diagnostic approaches. It continues with congenital and acquired salivary dysfunction, including the goals for restoration of gland function. The third portion of this book provides detailed information on assessment and therapy for benign and malignant tumors of the major and minor salivary glands. Each chapter is authored by internationally known authorities in this field. Illustrative photographs and sketches are included in each chapter, to demonstrate the disorders and surgical techniques described. In summary, this comprehensive book serves as a useful reference and practical manual for [..] Features Edited by the world famous ORL expert Eugene Myers from Pittsburgh Covers the complete management of salivary gland disorders Highly structured and user-friendly layout With sections on office-based procedures Comprehensive and authoritative topic addressed by international leaders in salivary disorders Artist drawings and photographs of surgical techniques Contents From the contents: Anatomy, Function, and Evaluation of the Salivary Glands.- Imaging of the Salivary Glands.- Pathology of Salivary Gland Disease.Biopsy of Minor Salivary Glands of the Lip.- Treatment of Frey’s Syndrome.- Sialendoscopy.- Removal of Calculi or Strictures in Salivary Ducts that Cannot be Removed by Sialendoscopy.- Fine-needle Aspiration Biopsy.- Management of Infections of the Salivary Glands.- Management of Mucocele and Ranula.- Xerostomia.- Diagnosis and Management of Autoimmune Salivary Gland Disorders.- Disorders of the Salivary Glands in Children.- Superficial [..] Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; General Surgery; Plastic Surgery

Target groups Residents and fellows in Hematology, scientists working in Hematology, Blood Banks, medical students, nurses, nurse practitioners, and specialists in Laboratory Medicine, Pathology, pharmacists and medical technologists

Target groups ENT surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, head and neck surgeons, general surgeons

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due August 2007 2007. XV, 517 p. 449 illus. Geb.

99,46 € ISBN 978-1-58829-557-6

Features Die „Innenansicht“ einer der häufigsten psychischen Störungen Zahlreiche Internetpostings der Betroffenen - zum Ratgeber verdichtet Gütesiegel: Fachlich betreut vom „Kompetenznetz Depression und Suizidalität“ Contents 1. Wie äußert sich eine Depression? 2. Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Depression. 3. Das soziale Umfeld - die Sicht der Angehörigen. 4. Depressionsbedingter Rückzug und die Folgen. 5. Es geht aufwärts. 6. Gedanken zur Depression. 7. Visionen. 8. Aufruf zur Selbsthilfe. Anhang: Weiterführende Literatur, Adressen. Fields of interest Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry; Psychotherapy; Psychopharmacology; Behavioral Therapy; Counseling Target groups Von Depression Betroffene und deren Angehörige Type of publication Popular science Due September 2007 2007. XIV, 324 S. Softcover

Type of publication Monograph

Due May 2007 2007. 498 p. 62 illus., 18 in color. (Contemporary Hematology) Geb.

Schattendasein - das unverstandene Leiden der Depression. Anders als bei anderen Krankheiten haben die Betroffenen häufig das Gefühl über ihre Erkrankung nicht sprechen zu können, "über der Depression liegt ein Schleier". Unterstützung und Austausch finden die Betroffenen jedoch seit einigen Jahren im Internetforum des "Kompetenznetz Depression, Suizidalität". Vier Betroffene und eine Angehörige haben sich nun daran gemacht, Postings des Forums zu sichten, zu kommentieren und zu einem Ratgeber zu verdichten. Fachlich betreut wurde das Projekt von Ärzten des Kompetenznetzes Depression. Von der Frage, wie sich eine Depression äußert, über mögliche Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und die Rolle des sozialen Umfeldes bis hin zu den ersten Lichtblicken auf dem Weg zur Gesundung werden zahlreiche Informationen aufgeführt. So entsteht ein vielstimmiges Bild der Erkrankung - für Betroffene, die sehen, sie sind nicht alleine, für Fachleute, die detailliert die Innenansicht einer psychischen Störung erfahren.

171,15 € ISBN 978-3-540-47070-0

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71623-5



A.L. Nelson, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA; J.A. Woodward, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA (Eds.)

C. Nelson-Piercy, Guy's & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; J. Girling, West Middlesex University Hospital, Isleworth, UK

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Obstetric Medicine

A Practical Guide for Primary Care

A Problem-Based Approach

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Practical Guide for Primary Care covers the diagnosis and treatment of STDs and other information critical to patient care in the new millennium. This collaboration provides the clinician with the ability to identify and manage Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), as well as obtain information about preventing their sequelae. Among the topics covered in this book are human papillomavirus and genital warts, genital herpes, viral hepatitis, HIV infection and AIDS, chlamydial and gonorrheal infections, and upper genital tract infections in women. Other topics of interest include syphilis, trichomoniasis, chancroid, granuloma inguinale, lymphogranuloma venereum, and molluscum contagiosum. Special consideration is given to ectoparasites, patient-clinician communication and STD care, cultural competence and STI care, effectiveness of barrier methods for STI prevention, and the future role of vaccines and microbides. Written by clinicians, many of whom have been [..] Features Covers the diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Written by clinicians, many of whom have been diagnosing, treating, and counseling patents since the days of venereal disease Packed with evidence-based information Contents Introduction To Sexually Transmitted Infections: A View of the Past and an Assessment of the Present.Human Papillomavirus and Genital Warts.- Genital Herpes.- Viral Hepatitis.-HIV Infection and AIDS.Chlamydial Infections.- Gonorrheal Infections.- Upper Genital Tract Infections in Women.- Syphilis.Trichomoniasis.- Chancroid, Granuloma Inguinale, Lymphogranuloma Venereum, and Molluscum Contagiosum.- Ectoparasites: Pubic Lice and Scabies.Patient-Clinician Communication and STI Care: Assessing Risk, Conveying A Diagnosis, and Supporting Behavior Change.- Cultural Competence and STI [..] Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Infectious Diseases; Gynecology; Obstetrics/Perinatology Target groups Family practitioners, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, physician assistants, OB-GYN practitioners, medical students, pediatricians Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007 2007. XVIII, 358 p. 5 illus. With CD-ROM. (Current Clinical Practice) Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-1-58829-570-5

Medical problems in pregnancy are common. They are responsible for much maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Recognition of the importance of maternal medicine is now reflected in the content of the MRCOG exam, core training and higher training in both obstetrics and medicine. The book will be invaluable for trainees and consultants to ‘test themselves’ using the different methods, as well as read about medical problems in pregnancy that they may not yet have encountered. Features Approaches obstetric medicine from the point of view of real patients and clinical scenarios as well as model answers to exam questions Contents Multiple Choice Questions.- Extended Matching Questions.- Short answer questions / Data Interpretation.- Essay Questions with Model Answers.- Case studies. Fields of interest Obstetrics/Perinatology; Gynecology Target groups Trainees and consultants in obstetrics and gynecology Type of publication Reference work Due March 2007 2007. XII, 188 p. Softcover

42,75 € ISBN 978-1-84628-563-9

P.J. Neuhaus, Charité Berlin; C. Wittekind, Universität Leipzig

Klassifikation maligner Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltrakts II Band II der Klassifikation maligner Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltrakts beschreibt die Histomorphologie (Typing and Grading), die anatomische Ausbreitung vor und nach Therapie (TNM und R-Klassifikation) sowie Diagnose, Therapie und Prognosefaktoren der malignen Tumoren von Leber, Gallenblase, Gallengängen, Ampulla vateri und Pankreas. Für den diagnostizierenden und den behandelnden Arzt estellt er in ausführliches Nachschlagewerk zur Stadieneinteilung gastrointestinaler Tumoren dar. Band II ergänzt Band I der Klassifikation maligner Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltrakts, in dem die malignen Tumoren von Ösophagus, ösophagogastralem Übergang, Magen, Dünndarm, Appendix, Kolon, Rektum und Analkanal behandelt werden. Features Handliches Nachschlagewerk für die TNM-Klassifizierung der Tumoren von Leber, Gallenblase, Gallengängen, Ampulla vateri und Pankreas Aktuelle Tumorklassifikation nach den neuesten nationalen und internationalen Standards Anatomie, Histomorphologie, Diagnostik, Therapie und Prognose Contents Einführung.- Anatomie.- Histomorphologie (Typing and Grading).- Systematik des Typing. Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der anerkannten malignen Tumortypen mit Angaben zur Codierung, Definitionen und Hinweisen zur Klinik. Alphabetische Liste von Synonymen und obsoleten Bezeichnungen. Grading. Histologisches Rezessionsgrading. Anatomische Ausbreitung vor Therapie: klinisches TNM, pathologisches TNM (pTNM), Stadiengruppierung.- RKlassifikation.- Klinische Anwendung: Algorithmen in Diagnose und Therapie.- Prognosefaktoren.- Klinische Information für die histopathologische Untersuchung.- [..] Fields of interest Oncology; Pathology; Gastroenterology Target groups Ärzte in Klinik und Praxis Type of publication Professional book Due March 2007 2007. XVII, 385 S. 31 Abb. (Klassifikation maligner Tumoren) Softcover

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-43016-2 Th. Nicolai, Universitätsklinikum München

Pädiatrische Notfall- und Intensivmedizin Ein praktischer Leitfaden

Sicher sein, wenn der Notfall eintritt! Mit dem "Nicolai" in der Kitteltasche haben Sie die Sicherheit, im Notfall die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen. Die 3. Auflage wurde selbstverständlich komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. In allen Notsituationen finden Sie hier die wesentlichen Informationen knapp und präzise dargestellt. Auf das Wesentliche konzentriert: praktische Handlungsanweisungen, knappe Differentialdiagnostik, nutzerfreundliche Dosiertabelle, Adressen wichtiger Zentren für spezialisierte Diagnostik und Therapie, Pharmakokinetik-Tabellen unter intensivmedizinischen Aspekten. Der Leitfaden für die Pädiatrische Notfall- und Intensivtherapie für Ihre Kitteltasche! Features Schneller Überblick mit genauen Handlungsanweisungen inklusive Dosierungen und Medikamenten Umfangreiche Tabelle zu Mischbarkeit von Medikamenten auf Kinderintensivstationen Contents Einleitung.- Kardiozirkulatorische Erkrankungen.- Respiratorische Erkrankungen.- Hepatitische Erkrankungen.- Gerinnungsstörungen.- Renale Erkrankungen.- Störungen des Wasser- und Elektrolythaushaltes.- Stoffwechselerkrankungen.Neurologische Erkrankungen.- Infektiologische Erkrankungen.- Vergiftungen, Ingestionsunfälle, allergische Reaktionen.- Überhitzung, Verbrennung, Unterkühlung, Ertrinken.- Intensivtherapie bei chirugischen Erkrankungen und Trauma.- Intensivmedizinische Techniken und Verfahren.- Medikamente.- Tabellen und Formel.- Normalwerte. Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Pediatrics Target groups Kinderärzte, Intensivmediziner Type of publication Professional book

Medizin P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Department of Pathology, Athens, Greece; L. Hens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; C.V. Howard, University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK (Eds.)

Congenital Diseases and the Environment In recent years, increasing attention and resources have been brought to bear on the relationship between the environment and congenital diseases. These diseases were previously thought to be mostly due to genetic causes. Even though the importance of genes as factors in causation is accepted, environmental factors seem to be implicated just as strongly. This book explores some further concepts that have arisen from more recent perceptions of environmental effects and their possible interactions with living systems. Amongst the topics discussed are:-effects of prenatal exposure to toxic chemicals-intra-uterine exposure to drugs-effects of endocrine disrupters-environmental risk and sex ratio in newborns-surveillance of environmental impact-research and policy. Discussion and presentation of old and novel ideas is targeted at developing a more holistic and united perception of the interaction between congenital diseases and the environment. Features Written by international experts Numerous case studies Contributes to the growing discussion on the impact that the environment has on our health Contents From the contents Preface. Acknowledgments. List Of Contributors. List Of Figures. List Of Tables. List Of Boxes.- Section 1: Methods: Endpoints For Prenatal Exposures In Toxicological Studies.- Section 2: Teratogens: Dioxins And Congenital Malformations.- Section 3: Congenital Diseases: Endocrine Disrupter Exposure And Male Congenital Malformations.- Section 4: Country Reports: Congenital Abnormalities In Greece: Functional Evaluation Of Statistical Data 1981 – 1995.- Congenital Anomalies In Bulgaria.- Congenital Anomalies In The British Isles.- European Union-Funded Research On [..] Fields of interest Environmental Medicine/Environmental Psychology; Obstetrics/Perinatology; Maternal and Child Health; Reproductive Medicine


M.H. Niemz, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Laser-Tissue Interactions Fundamentals and Applications

"Laser-Tissue Interactions” provides a thorough description of the fundamentals and applications in this field. Basic concepts such as the optical and thermal properties of tissue, the various types of tissue ablation, and optical breakdown and its related effects are treated in detail. Special attention is given to mathematical tools (Monte Carlo simulations, the Kubelka-Munk theory etc.) and approved techniques (photodynamic therapy, laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy etc.). The part on applications reviews clinically relevant methods in modern medicine using the latest references. The last chapter covers today's standards of laser safety, with a careful selection of essential guidelines published by the Laser Institute of America. Numerous research photographs, illustrations, tables and comprehensive summaries make this book a useful guide for graduate students, scientists, and medical practitioners. New end-of-chapter exercises provide readers with the opportunity to check their [..] Features Presents the state of the art in the emerging field of laser-tissue interaction Contents Introduction.- Light and Matter.- Interaction Mechanisms.- Clinical Applications of Laser.- Laser Safety. Fields of interest Biophysics; Surgery; Laser Technology and Physics, Photonics; Quantum Optics, Quantum Electronics, Nonlinear Optics; Applied Optics, Optoelectronics, Optical Devices; Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment Target groups Advanced graduate students in the field of materials science and laser physics, scientists and practitioners in this field Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due August 2007

Due July 2007 2007. XXIII, 462 S. Softcover

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71845-1

Target groups Researchers in Environmental Science and/or Human Ecology, Health Professionals, NGOs, General Public Type of publication Contributed volume Due March 2007 2007. XXXVII, 471 p. (Environmental Science and Technology Library, Band 23) Geb.

165,80 € ISBN 978-1-4020-4830-2

2007. XVI, 305 p. 175 illus. (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) Softcover

53,45 € ISBN 978-3-540-72191-8



R. Nusser-Müller-Busch, Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (Ed.)

G. Ottaviani, University of Milan, Italy

Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Trakts

Crib Death

F.O.T.T. nach Kay Coombes

Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Trakts, von Kay Coombes entwickelt, wird in der Behandlung von Patienten mit erworbenen Hirnschädigungen sehr erfolgreich eingesetzt. Hier lernen Sie das Konzept in allen wesentlichen Aspekten kennen. Funktionell komplex - alltagsbezogen: F.O.T.T. eignet sich für die Behandlung aller neurologisch bedingten Störungen des Gesichts-Mund-Bereichs und des Sprechtrakts - selbst für komatöse und wahrnehmungsgestörte Patienten; zudem für Störungen aller Schweregrade und in allen Reha-Phasen, von der Intensivstation über die Stroke Unit und die Frührehabilitation bis zur stationären und ambulanten Rehabilitation . Erarbeiten Sie sich Ihr Hintergrundwissen und Praxis-Know-how zu Fragen wie - Koordination von Haltung, Atmung, Stimmgebung, Nahrungsaufnahme und Schlucken, - Mundhygiene und die damit verbundenen Probleme, -die Zusammenarbeit mit Angehörigen. Neu in der 2. Auflage: Die Fotos zur Punktionstracheotomie und Laryngoskopie jetzt farbig, ein zusätzliches Kapitel stellt [..] Features Erste komplette Praxis-Anleitung zum Therapiekonzept nach Kay Coombes Umfassendes Patientenmanagement: Von der Akuttherapie bis zur Spätrehabilitation Vorgehen und Techniken detailliert erklärt und illustriert Neu in der 2. Auflage: Viele Farbabbildungen und ein Kapitel über Wirksamkeitsnachweise Contents 1 Das F.O.T.T.-Konzept: funktionell - komplex - alltagsbezogen.- 2 Haltungshintergrund: "wir schlucken mit dem Becken...".- 3 Nahrungsaufnahme - mehr als schlucken.- 4 Mundhygiene in der F.O.T.T.: therapeutisch - strukturiert - regelmäßig. - 5 Atmung und Stimme: wieder sprechen.- 6 Die Trachealkanüle: Segen und Fluch.- 7 Trachealkanülen-Management in der F.O.T.T. - Der Weg zurück zur Physiologie.8 F.O.T.T.: Mythos oder messbar? 9 Das F.O.T.T.Konzept in der neurologischen Rehabilitation am Beispiel TZB (Therapiezentrum Burgau).- 10 Glossar.- 11 Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Fields of interest Occupational Therapy; Neurology; Speech Pathology; Nursing; Physiotherapy; Otorhinolaryngology Target groups Ergotherapeuten, Logopäden, Pflegende und Physiotherapeuten in interdisziplinären Akut- und Reha-Teams und ambulant arbeitende Helfer; Angehörige Type of publication Professional book

Sudden Unexplained Death of Infants - The Pathologist's Viewpoint

J.F. Pagel, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Pueblo, CO, USA; S.R. Pandi-Perumal, Comprehensive Center for Sleep Medicine, New York, NY, USA (Eds.)

Primary Care Sleep Medicine A Practical Guide

Crib death (SIDS) is the most frequent cause of death for infants during the first year, striking 1 out of every 700-1,000. Scarce knowledge in the field of SIDS and its pathology has led to a continued and growing concern with finding an explanation, with the goal of being able to either predict or quickly diagnose the infant or term fetus. A systematic study of the autonomic nervous system and cardiac system has been performed on a large number of infants and fetuses who died suddenly and unexpectedly, as well as in age-matched control cases. The neurological and cardiac findings are described here, and the relationship between SIDS and unexplained fetal death is discussed. This book helps pathologists, forensic pathologists, pediatricians, obstetrics, and neonatologists in recognizing all potential morphological substrata and puts forward a well-researched postmortem study for use in a standardized autopsy protocol for use in all cases of sudden unexpected infant and fetal death. Features Based on a large number of cases Valuable help in recognizing pathological structures Provides a standardized autopsy protocol to be applied to all cases Contents Introduction and Aims. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).- Sudden Intrauterine Unexplained Death (SIUD).- Cardiac Conduction System (CCS).Central, peripheral and autonomic nercous systems.Material and Methods: Clinical and Pathological Information Form.- Post Mortem Regulation on SIDS.Necropsy Proedures.- Cardiac Sampling and Study of the Conduction System.- Brainstem Sampling and Inherent Techniques.- Study of the Carotid Bifurcation, Ganglia and Paraganglia.- Lung: Evaluation of the Development Stage.- Immunohistochemistry and Other Techniques.- Cases Analyzed.- Statistical [..] Fields of interest Pathology; Forensic Medicine; Pediatrics; Emergency Medicine; Obstetrics/Perinatology Target groups Pathologists, forensic pathologists, pediatricians, obstetricians, neonatologists Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007

The majority of patients that suffer from sleep disturbance receive their medical care in the primary care setting. Primary Care Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide is a clinical text, oriented to the practicing primary care clinician. It provides a state-of-theart, comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and is endorsed by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). This is the first published book to provide evidence-based practice recommendations using the practice parameters that were primarily developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). Physicians interested in specializing in sleep disorders will find Primary Care Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide to be an excellent text for board review. In addition, clinicians at any stage of their career will benefit immensely from the straightforward presentation of sleep disorders and their treatment in this timely and informative text. Features The first comprehensive, evidence-based sleep medicine text for primary care clinicians Provides a thorough and comprehensive board review for specialization in sleep medicine Supports primary care clinicians in appropriately using sleep diagnostic testing results in clinical practice Contents Sleep disorders in primary care: evidence-based clinical practice.- Epidemiology of Sleep.- Assessment of Insomnia.- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approaches for Insomnia.- Pharmacological Treatment of Insomnia.- Determinants and Measurements of Daytime Sleepiness.- Central Sleep Apnea: Implications for the Failing Heart.- Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Clinical Presentation.- Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis.Evidence and Mechanisms Linking Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Cardiovascular Disease.- Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Surgical and [..] Fields of interest Primary Care Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine; Internal Medicine Target groups Primary care physicians, internists, sleep disorder specialists, and residents, fellows, and medical students interested in the field of sleep medicine Type of publication Contributed volume

2007. XXI, 146 p. 64 illus. Geb.

64,15 € ISBN 978-3-540-49370-9

Due May 2007 2007. XVI, 336 p. (Current Clinical Practice) Geb.

Due May 2007 2007. XXII, 249 S. 94 Abb., z.Tl. in Farbe. Softcover

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-49683-0

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-992-5 H. Palmtag, Städtisches Krankenhaus, Sindelfingen; M. Goepel, Klinikum Niederberg, Velbert; H. Heidler, Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Linz (Eds.)

Urodynamik Urodynamik leicht gemacht! Unmöglich? Dieses Buch macht´s möglich! Vertrauen Sie den Experten aus dem Arbeitskreis „Urologische Funktionsdiagnostik und Urologie der Frau“ der DGU. Detaillierte Darstellung der Grundlagen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten: Indikation, Durchführung der Untersuchung Step by Step, Befunde (mit zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Praxis). So wird die schwierige Materie anschaulich und verständlich! Alles drin: Spezielle Urodynamik der Frau, des Mannes, des Kindes und des alten Menschen sowie bei Patienten mit neurogener Blasenfunktionsstörung. Die Neuauflage des bewährten Standardwerks wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert: noch besser –für eine gute Diagnostik zum Wohle Ihrer Patienten. Features Das einzige deutschsprachige Standardwerk zum Thema Unter Mitwirkung aller Mitglieder des AK "Urologische Funktionsdiagnostik und Urologie der Frau" der DGU Gezieltes Eingehen auf unterschiedliche Patientengruppen Mit konkreten Beispielen zur Befundauswertung Contents Geschichte der Urodynamik.- Anatomie, Innervation und Physiologie des Harntraktes.Funktionsstörungen des unteren Harntraktes.Funktionsstörungen des oberen Harntraktes.Grundlagen urodynamischer Messmethoden.Anamnese und Basisuntersuchungen.- Uroflowmetrie.- Zystometrie.- Druck-Fluss-Messung.- Urethradruckprofil.- Messung des Leak Point Pressure.- Langzeiturodynamik.- Indikationen zur urodynamischen Untersuchung.- Bildgebende Untersuchungen.- Spezielle Urodynamik der Frau.Spezielle Urodynamik des Mannes.- Urodynamik bei Blasenfunktionsstörungen des Kindes.- Spezielle Urodynamik [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Gynecology; Neurology; Pediatrics Target groups Urologen, Gynäkologen in Klinik und Praxis Type of publication Professional book Due September 2007

Medizin C.P. Panayiotopoulos, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK

A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment A disorder which affects 4 percent of children and 1-2 percent of the general population, epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. The original edition of C.P. Panayiotopoulos’ guide proved to be the only one of its kind, covering many important aspects of diagnosis and treatment. Due to the continued advances being made in the subject, a second edition is now due. The text includes detailed diagnostics, concise descriptions of syndromes, a wealth of practical tips, and is supported by useful tables to enable clear diagnoses. Building on the sellout success of the first edition this thorough revision reflects the latest report of the ILAE classification core group and the significant progress made in the diagnosis, classification and treatment of the epilepsies. This new edition is indispensable reading for all those who care for patients with epileptic seizures. Features An authoritative account, a ‘must-have’ guide for all involved in the care patients with epileptic seizures Covers the dramatic increase in our knowledge thanks to advances in clinical and EEG aspects, brain imaging technologies, and genetics An even more comprehensive account of the classification and management of epileptic disorders, 2nd edition incorporates the forthcoming ILAE classifications, and recent [..] Contents 1 - General aspects of epilepsies 2 - Epileptic seizures and their classification 3 - Status epilepticus 4 - Imitators of epileptic seizures 5 – Epileptic syndromes and their classification 6 - EEG and brain imaging 7Principles of therapy in the epilepsies 8 - Neonatal epileptic seizures and neonatal epileptic syndromes 9 - Idiopathic epileptic seizures and syndromes in infancy 10 - Epileptic encephalopathies in infancy and early childhood 11 - Severe neocortical epileptic syndromes in infancy and childhood 12 - Benign childhood focal seizures and related epileptic syndromes 13 - [..] Fields of interest Neurology; Pediatrics Target groups Epileptologists, paediatricians, electrophysiologists, EEG technicians, neurologists, as well as general physicians, medical professionals with an interest in epilepsy Type of publication Professional book

2007. XII, 270 S. 200 Abb. in Farbe. Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72505-3

Due July 2007 Originally published by Bladon Medical Publishing 2007. Approx. 540 p. Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-84628-643-8


M.D. Pappas, Medical College of Ohio, OH, USA; L.G. Yamamoto, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA; O. Anene, Seton Hall University, Edison, NJ, USA (Eds.)

Pediatric Radiology Review Pediatric Radiology Review contains a vast array of information on embryology, anatomy, surgery and a lot more. This book also contains a review or radiographs in children, as well as the most common radiological problems with which students, residents and clinicians may be confronted on a daily basis. Features The first reference of its kind available Illustrates the most common pediatric x-rays Provides clear, succinct explanations and detailed references Easy-toread question and answer format for quick diagnosis Interactive study guide on companion CD-ROM for self-testing on a PC or PDA Contents 1. Chest Radiographs.- 2. Lateral Neck Radiographs.3. Abdominal Radiographs.- 4. Skull Radiographs.- 5. Long Bone and Extremity Radiographs.- 6. CT Scan Review.- Answers (including References and Justification).- 1. Chest Radiographs.- 2. Lateral Neck Radiographs.- 3. Abdominal Radiographs.- 4. Skull Radiographs.- 5. Long Bone and Extremity Radiographs.- 6. CT Scan Review. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Pediatrics; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Medicine Target groups Pediatricians, general practitioners, internists, surgeons, radiologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. 188 p. 184 illus. Softcover

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-58829-851-5



A.V. Parbhoo, St. Barts and the Royal London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK

What They Didn’t Teach You at Medical School During medical training there are certain tasks that are not taught at medical school nor in the common reference books. There are some skills that medical students are expected to learn by ‘osmosis’. These skills are never officially taught or examined in medical school, but are, however, a fundamental part of being a safe, good and efficient doctor. This book includes ‘golden rules’ or important points to remember and case examples, both of which are given as displayed extracts. This book will help the junior doctor unlock their potential and improve their performance, cutting the time it takes to achieve certain medical objectives. It is meant to fill in the gaps where the medical school and clinical guides stop. It gives the reader the information needed to organise themselves so that they can hit the ground running. It is not intended as a clinical survival guide, but more a friendly hand to allow the reader to get ahead in medicine and how to keep on track and develop a career path. Features Essential information for all junior doctors Practical, relevant and current pearls for newly qualified medical practitioners Contents Introduction.- A Brief History of the National Health Service.- Modern National Health Service Trusts.Applying for Pre-registration House Officer Posts.Surviving the Pre-registration House Officer Post.The Team.- Your Consultant: Keeping Them Happy.- Nurses.- Radiologists and Radiographers.- Therapists and Professionals Allied to Medicine.- Referring and Requesting.- Clinics.- The Operating Theatre.- Laboratory Investigations.- Getting Registered and Applying for Senior House Officer Posts.- Getting on in Your Senior House Officer Post.- Postgraduate Examinations: Member of the [..] Fields of interest Medicine, general; Medical Education Target groups Medical students and newly qualified doctors, house officers Type of publication Handbook Due July 2007 2007. XI,108 p. Softcover

37,40 € ISBN 978-1-84628-461-8 H.R.H. Patel, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK; M. Arya, University College London, UK; I.S. Shergill, University College London, UK (Eds.)

Basic Science Techniques in Clinical Practice Medical researchers including doctors, nurses, medical students and allied health professionals are required to undertake a period of research as part of their career pathway. This book covers the main areas, allowing anyone to set up and complete research projects and this information can easily be translated to clinical projects. Written by international authors to provide a flavor from many institutions, the book’s appeal is cross-sectional, both at hospital and primary care levels worldwide. Section A, the most important area in the book, covers the hardest step setting up research (i.e. initial paperwork and funding projects). Section B is technical, covering modern laboratory techniques for laboratory-based research. Section C tackles data collation and analysis and the presentation of the results (oral and written). The book is directed at all doctors, medical students, and individuals in related specialities, either in research or considering research (e.g. MD, PhD, MSc and Intercalated BSc). Features An easy-to-follow research guide, previously unavailable Contains diagrams to easily follow stepwise plans Provides cutting edge information in a simplified manner Contents Research governance.- Designing health studies.Immunohistochemistry.- Cell culturing: a beginner’s guide to understanding the basics of cell culturing.Flow cytometry.- Western, northern, and southern blotting.- Fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH).Quantitative RT-PCR (Q-RT-PCR).- Proteonomics: high throughput structural biology - Methods for cloning, protein expression and purification.- DNA and tissue microarrays.- Basic scientific techniques in recording cellular data.- Presenting and publishing research data.- Analysing health studies.- Future. Fields of interest Health Informatics & Health Administration; Laboratory Medicine; Nursing Management/Nursing Research Target groups Doctors, medical students, clinical research associates, nurses and allied health professionals Type of publication Handbook Due September 2007 2007. XIV, 154 p. 22 illus., 18 in color. Softcover

50,24 € ISBN 978-1-84628-546-2

V.R. Patel, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA (Ed.)

Robotic Urologic Surgery "Robotic Urologic Surgery" is a technical manual for the various robotic approaches to robotic urologic surgical procedures with helpful hints to avoid pitfalls. The book provides instructions on how to develop a successful robotics program and learn the various techniques, and improve outcomes.  The chapters are written by leading robotic urologic surgeons around the world. The body of data available is reviewed using comparisons in table format and supported by schematic diagrams and anatomic photographs to illustrate the concept being discussed. An accompanying DVD gives instructional content. This is an essential reading for all urologists as a reference to establish a robotics program, refine their surgical technique and provide information to patients. Features Gold standard textbook for robotic urologic surgery First book of its kind published in the field of robotic urologic surgery Chapters written by leading robotic urologic surgeons around the world Book accompanied by an instructional DVD Contents Introduction.- Surgical Systems.- Multi-Specialty Applications.- Adult Urologic Surgery.- Building a Robotics Program.- Principles and Lessons in a Transition from Open to Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy.- Preparing the Team for their First Case.- Patient Selection.- Anesthetic Considerations and Management.- Patient Positioning.Transperitoneal Trocar Placement.- Extraperitoneal Access.- Radical Prostatectomy.- Difficult Anatomy and Common Post-Operative Problems.- A Comparison of the Perioperative Outcomes of Laparoscopic and Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy.[..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Surgery Target groups Urology specialists and surgeons Type of publication Professional book Due September 2007 2007. XVIII, 222 p. With DVD. Geb.

69,50 € ISBN 978-1-84628-545-5 A.H. Payne, Stanford University School of Medicine, CA, USA; M.P. Hardy, Population Council, New York, NY, USA (Eds.)

The Leydig Cell in Health and Disease Nearly ten years after they published the first book devoted entirely to the Leydig cell, Matthew Hardy and Anita Payne have collaborated again to provide a comprehensive study of this fascinating and important cell type. The Leydig Cell in Health and Disease presents all of the developments in our understanding of Leydig cell biology and explores a wide variety of current and potential clinical applications. All aspects of Leydig cell biology, development, regulation, and physiology are explored in thirty-one expertly written chapters. The Leydig Cell in Health and Disease explores topics of great interest to the private sector, including the possible application of steroidogenesis discoveries to androgen synthesis or suppressing Leydig cell function as a key mechnanism in the development of a male contraceptive. This in-depth volume is an invaluable resource for information on the science and application of Leydig cell biology and function. Features Explores current and future clinical applications of Leydig cell function in key cellular processes Examines toxins and other environmental factors that interfere with Leydig cell function Presents Leydig cell developments from a rigorous scientific application, with additional emphasis on clinical applications Contents From the contents Historical.- A History of Leydig Cell Research.- Cell Biology.- Structural and Histological Analysis of Leydig Cell Steroidogenic Function.- Fetal Leydig Cells: Origin, Regulation and Steroidogenesis..- Regulation Of Leydig Cells During Pubertal Development.- The Human Leydig Cell: Functional Morphology and Developmental History.- Dynamics of Leydig Cell Regeneration after EDS: A Model for Postnatal Leydig Cell Development.- Aging and the Decline of Androgen Production.- Steroidogenesis.- Regulation of Leydig Cell Cholesterol Metabolism.- The Role of StAR in Leydig [..]

Medizin D. Pearson, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK; C.G. Miller, Bio-Imaging Technologies Inc., Newtown, PA, USA (Eds.)

Clinical Trials in Osteoporosis The second revised and updated edition of "Clinical Trials in Osteoporosis" is a practical handbook on clinical trials in the growing field of osteoporosis. Topics covered include study design, technical issues, data collection, quality assurance, data analysis and presentation. It takes the user through the process step-by-step from start to finish, also providing a background on regulatory guidelines, ethical implications, endpoints, current therapies and the ideal drug to use. "Clinical Trials in Osteoporosis" is intended to serve as a practical manual for clinicians and scientists coming to the subject new and to provide a standard for existing centers to measure themselves against. Features A practical manual for clinicians/scientists coming to the subject new - provides a standard for existing centers to measure themselves against Specifically addresses clinical trials in osteoporosis (no such other book is in the Library of Congress Catalog) Combines a number of issues brought together for the first time Uniquely written both from the viewpoint of the technologist and the MD investigator as [..] Contents Introduction.- I. Study Design and the Pre-trial Phase: Study Design and Endpoints.- Ethical Considerations.- Standardization and Pre-trial Quality Control.- II. Performing the Trial: Organization of the Clinical Trial by the Sponsor.- Local Site Organization.- Clinical Trial Quality Assurance.- Laboratory and Instrument Quality Control.- III. Data Analysis and Presentation: Data Analysis and Presentation: Writing a Paper for Publication.- IV. Background: Current Therapies for Osteoporosis.- The Ideal Drug for the Treatment of Osteoporosis.- Instrument Measurements in Osteoporosis [..]

Fields of interest Endocrinology; Cell Biology; Human Physiology

Target groups Rheumatologists, endocrinologists, obstetrics and gynecology specialists

Target groups Endocrinologists, molecular and cell biologists, physiologists

Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due April 2007 2007. XIV, 292 p. (Clinical Trials) Softcover

Due July 2007 2007. XII, 476 p. 79 illus., 2 in color. (Contemporary Endocrinology) Geb.

117,65 € ISBN 978-1-58829-754-9

R. Pelberg, Ohio Heart Health Center, Middletown, OH, USA; W. Mazur, Ohio Heart Health Center, Middletown, OH, USA

Cardiac CT Angiography Manual To date, few, if any, simplified, concise, relatively small and portable books exist to ease the training in the field of cardiac CTA. There are no books written from the point of view of secondary end users who are secondarily trained. Books to date are mainly extensive, large texts that assume a certain basic knowledge. A so called "manual" and reference guide explaining this technique from beginning to end in simple prose will thus be of tremendous value. Features Covers very pertinent subject Rapidly-increasing educational market in this field Complex subject conveyed in simplified, portable format Contents Section I: Calcium Scoring: Introduction to Calcium Scoring.- The Essentials of Calcium Scoring.- Section II: Cardiac CTA: Indications for Cardiac CTA.General Overview of Cardiac CTA.- Basic Concepts in Cardiac CTA.- Essentials in Creating a Diagnostic Cardiac CTA Image.- A Systematic Approach to Reading and Reporting a Cardiac CTA Scan.-Specific Applications and Useful Clinical Pearls. Fields of interest Cardiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Internal Medicine; Imaging / Radiology Target groups Cardiology fellows, radiology residents in training, cardiologists and radiologists already in practice. Secondary markets include radiology technologists and radiology technologists in training, clinical nurses Type of publication Handbook Due June 2007

Fields of interest Orthopedics; Rheumatology; Pharmacology/Toxicology

69,50 € ISBN 978-1-84628-389-5


2007. XII, 144 p. 75 illus., 10 in color. Softcover

42,75 € ISBN 978-1-84628-674-2



J. Perk, Kalmar County, Oskarshamn, Sweden; P. Mathes, Technical University of Munich, Germany; H. Gohlke, Herz-Zentrum Bad Krozingen, Germany; C. Monpère, Cardiac Rehabilitation Center, Ballan Miré, France; I. Hellemans, Vrije University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherland; H. McGee, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland; P. Sellier, Hopital Broussais-HEGP, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, France; H. Saner, Swiss Cardiovascular Center Bern, Switzerland (Eds.)

J. Perk, Public Health Department, Kalmar County, Oskarshamn, Sweden; P. Mathes, Technical University of Munich, Germany; H. Gohlke, Herz-Zentrum Bad Krozingen, Germany; C. Monpère, Cardiac Rehabilitation Center, Ballan Miré, France; I. Hellemans, Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; H. McGee, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland; P. Sellier, Hopital Broussais-HEGP, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, France; H. Saner, Swiss Cardiovascular Center Bern, Switzerland (Eds.)

O.H. Pescovitz, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA; E.C. Walvoord, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA (Eds.)

Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation

Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation

In the network of cardiologists within the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology there is a strong view that the time indeed is right to publish definitively on the methods involved in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. We are facing a transition from conventional cardiac rehabilitation to a phase of combined preventive and rehabilitative efforts, as witnessed in the recent Joint Task Force Guidelines on Preventive Cardiology. For this revision of our clinical routines we lack a practical textbook, based upon the conditions and resources of European health care. This textbook is designed to fill that gap.

In the network of cardiologists within the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology there is a strong view that the time indeed is right to publish definitively on the methods involved in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. We are facing a transition from conventional cardiac rehabilitation to a phase of combined preventive and rehabilitative efforts, as witnessed in the recent Joint Task Force Guidelines on Preventive Cardiology. For this revision of our clinical routines we lack a practical textbook, based upon the conditions and resources of European health care. This textbook is designed to fill that gap.

Features First textbook to take a seamless approach to cardiac prevention and rehabilitation Concentrates on international perspective while providing practical structure for the management of patients

Features First textbook to take a seamless approach to cardiac prevention and rehabilitation Concentrates on international perspective while providing practical structure for the management of patients

Contents Section I: Introduction.- Section II: Exercise Testing in Heart Disease.- Section III: Exercise Training in Heart Disease.- Section IV: Nutrition.- Section V: Tobacco Addiction.-Section VI: Psychological and Behavioural Support.- Section VII: Social and Caring Support.- Section VIII: Adapted Programs for Special Groups.- Section IX: Pharmacotherapy, Organization, Evaluation.

Contents Section I: Introduction.- Section II: Exercise Testing in Heart Disease.- Section III: Exercise Training in Heart Disease.- Section IV: Nutrition.- Section V: Tobacco Addiction.-Section VI: Psychological and Behavioural Support.- Section VII: Social and Caring Support.- Section VIII: Adapted Programs for Special Groups.- Section IX: Pharmacotherapy, Organization, Evaluation.

Fields of interest Cardiology; Cardiac Surgery; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Rehabilitation; General Practice / Family Medicine

Fields of interest Cardiology; Cardiac Surgery; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Rehabilitation; General Practice / Family Medicine

Target groups Cardiologists, physiotherapists and exercise physiologists, nurses, dieticians, occupational medicine, psychologists, students, patient organisations, caregivers etc.

Target groups Cardiologists, physiotherapists and exercise physiologists, nurses, dieticians, occupational medicine, psychologists, students, patient organisations, caregivers etc.

Type of publication Reference work

Type of publication Reference work

Target groups Endocrinologists, internists

Due March 2007

Due September 2007

Type of publication Contributed volume

2007. XVII, 517 p. Geb.

2007. XVII, 519 p. 68 illus., 25 in color. Softcover

208,60 € ISBN 978-1-84628-462-5

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-84628-993-4

When Puberty is Precocious Scientific and Clinical Aspects

When Puberity is Precocious: Scientific and Clinical Aspects provides a unique continuum of expertise, looking at puberty from anthropologic, epidemiologic, clinical, and molecular perspectives. The volume addresses broad pubertal changes in the general population while at the same time providing in depth information about specific disorders of puberty and the latest management changes. The text is divided into seven parts. The first is an in-depth investigation into neuroendocrine control of puberty, the second looks at secular trends and the onset of puberty, and the third provides an examination into isolated breast development. The fourth section covers adrenal abnormalities and puberty, the next two sections include chapters on gonadotropin’s effects, and the final section is a looks at environmental effects on puberty. Comprehensive and timely, When Puberity is Precocious: Scientific and Clinical Aspects will become an essential reference for endocrinologists and internists with an interest [..] Features Focuses on precocious puberty Addresses broad pubertal changes in the general population Provides in depth information about specific disorders of puberty and the latest management changes Contents Control of Puberty in Rodents: Special Focus on the Female.- Control of Puberty in Non-human Primates.- Control of Puberty in Humans.- Genetic Regulation of the Variation in Pubertal Timing.- Puberty is Starting Earlier in the 21st Century.- BMI and the Onset of Puberty.- Puberty Timing Remains Unchanged.- Premature Thelarche.- Gynecomastia: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Management.- Premature Adrenarche: Harbingers and Consequences.- Pubertal Consequences of Being Born Small For Gestational Age.- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in the Peripubertal [..] Fields of interest Pediatrics; Endocrinology; Diabetes; Internal Medicine

Due July 2007 2007. XII, 468 p. 61 illus. (Contemporary Endocrinology) Geb.

117,65 € ISBN 978-1-58829-742-6 H. Peter, Hephata-Klinik, Schwalmstadt-Treysa; Th. Penzel, Charité Campus Mitte, Berlin; J.H. Peter, Marburg (Eds.)

Enzyklopädie der Schlafmedizin In der "Enzyklopädie der Schlafmedizin" wird das aktuelle Wissen um Grundlagen, Diagnostik und eine effiziente Behandlung von Schlafstörungen und schlafmedizinischen Erkrankungen durch 90 Autoren aus den betreffenden Bereichen umfassend dargestellt. Auch häufige symptomatische Schlafstörungen u.a. in Psychiatrie, Neurologie, Innerer Medizin, HNO-Heilkunde, Dermatologie, Zahnheilkunde, Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe werden im Kontext der Grunderkrankungen ausführlich berücksichtigt, ebenso Zusammenhänge mit Schmerz und mit dem Lebensalter, Aspekte der Prävention, der Begutachtung und der Auswirkungen auf das Arbeitsleben, sowie Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von häufig verordneten Medikamenten auf Wachheit und Schlaf. Ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk nicht nur für Schlafmediziner, sondern für alle Ärzte und Psychologen, die von Patienten mit gestörtem Schlaf oder beeinträchtigender Tagesschläfrigkeit konsultiert werden, für Studenten der Medizin und Psychologie, sowie für interessierte Angehörige der [..] Features Aktueller Stand des schlafmedizinischen Wissens Basiert auf der zweiten Auflage der Internationalen Klassifikation der Schlafstörungen (ICSD-2) aus 2005 Mehr als 4000 Stichworte - von A wie "AASM" bis Z wie "Zytostatika" Darunter 286 ausführliche, mehrseitige Essays - von "Affektive Störungen" bis "Zirkadiane Rhythmusschlafstörungen" Hohe Nutzerfreundlichkeit durch zahlreiche farbige Querverweise Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Human Physiology; Psychiatry; Pneumology/Respiratory System

Medizin H.-F. Petereit, Heiliggeist-Krankenhaus Köln; E. Sindern, Neurologische Klinik "Friederikenstift" Hannover; M. Wick, Universitätsklinikum Großhadern, München (Eds.)

Liquordiagnostik Leitlinien der Liquordiagnostik und Methodenkatalog der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Liquordiagnostik und Klinische Neurochemie

Dieser pragmatische Kurzführer durch die Liquordiagnostik orientiert sich an den Fragen des klinischen Alltags und beinhaltet Expertenempfehlungen zur Auswahl von Untersuchungen bei bestimmten klinischen Fragestellungen sowie einen technischen Teil mit Angaben zur Präanalytik und Aussagekraft der verschiedenen Verfahren. Die Leitlinien sind als Expertenkonsens von Wissenschaftlern und Klinikern entstanden und wollen als rationale Basis einer qualitativ hochwertigen und gleichzeitig kosteneffizienten Liquordiagnostik verstanden werden. Der Methodenkatalog schlägt die Brücke vom Kliniker zum Labormediziner und gibt Hinweise zur Probenaufbereitung, laborchemischen Verfahren und ihrem Stellenwert in der klinischen Diagnostik. Fields of interest Diagnostic Radiology Target groups Labormediziner, klinische Diagnostiker Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. X, 68 S. Softcover

9,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-39017-6


M.J. Piccart, Jules Bordert Institute, Brussels, Belgium; W.C. Wood, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA, USA; C.-M. Hung, MD Anderson Cander Center, Houston, TX, USA; L.J. Solin, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; F. Cardoso, Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels, Belgium (Eds.)

Breast Cancer Management and Molecular Medicine Molecular-based medicine is taking center stage due to the increasing knowledge of breast cancer molecular biology. Treatment tailoring is no longer a dream for the future, but the main goal of current research. This book provides an overview of the most recent techniques, agents and approaches for breast cancer that contribute to the individualization of treatment. Current biomedical research focuses on facilitating the transfer of molecular biology knowledge into the clinical management of patients, leading to increased survival as well as improved quality of life. Particular attention is given in this book to organ-specific tailored approaches, specific populations, patients’ preferences and rehabilitation. Also discussed in depth are the respective roles of pharmacotherapeutics modelling, functional imaging, molecular staging, genomics and proteomics and their impact on the "re-classification" of breast cancer, as well as the clinical applications of basic science. The crucial issue of how to [..] Features Practical Guide to the management of breast cancer Individualization of treatment based on molecular differences in cancers Comprehensive in-depth information on diagnosis, therapy and the entire clinical management of breast cancer Outlook of prognosis and prevention Multi-national editors and contributing authors with an international reputation

Target groups Schlafmediziner, Internisten, Neurologen, Pneumologen, Psychiater und Psychologen; Allgemeinmediziner, Studenten, Angehörige der Pflegeberufe und des medizinisch-technischen Dienstes

Contents Overview.- Staging and Imaging.- Genetic and High Risk Syndromes.- DCIS.- StageI/II Breast Cancer Surgery.- StageI/II Breast Cancer-Radiotherapy.StageI/II Breast Cancer-Systemic therapy.- Locally-advanced breast cancer.- Organ specific tailored approaches.- Genomics and Proteomics.- Biolgoical therapies.- Basic science-clinical applications.- Special Problems.

Type of publication Reference work

Fields of interest Oncology; Gynecology; Radiotherapy; Surgery

Due March 2007

Target groups Oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, gynecologsists

2007. XLIII, 1331 S. 193 Abb. Mit CD-ROM. Geb.

129,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-28839-8

Type of publication Professional book Due March 2007 2006. LV, 1027 p. 134 illus. Geb.

171,15 € ISBN 978-3-540-28265-5



G. Plewig, P. Thomas (Eds.)

H. Plötz, Salching

Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie 2006

Kleine Arzneimittellehre für Fachberufe im Gesundheitswesen

Vorträge und Dia-Klinik® der 20. Fortbildungswoche 2006. Fortbildungswoche für Praktische Dermatologie und Venerologie e.V. c/o Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatalogie und Allergologie Ludwig-Mamilillians-Universität München

Wissen, das wirkt! Wie wirkt ein Arzneimittel? Hat es Nebenwirkungen? Mit welchen Medikamenten verträgt es sich, mit welchen nicht? Was muss bei der Verabreichung beachtet werden? 1000 Fragen stellen sich beim verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Zäpfchen, Pillen, Puder, Salben. Dieses ideale, weil übersichtliche und verständliche, Begleitbuch für das Fach Arzneimittellehre gibt Antworten auf diese Fragen. Es stellt Herkunft, Wirkungsweise und die korrekte Verabreichung von Arzneimittlen vor; bei Erwachsenen und Kindern. Das kompakte Lern- und Nachschlagewerk zur Verabreichung, Wirkung, unerwünschten Wirkung und Zubereitung von Arzneimitteln, ideal für die Ausbildung in allen Pflegefachberufen, im Rettungsdienst, zur PTA und PKA (Pharmazeutisch Kaufmännische Angestellte). Die wichtigsten und häufigsten Medikamente. Notfallmedikamente und Medikamente im Rettungsdienst. Glossar mit wichtigen Fachbegriffen und Abkürzungen.-Vergiftungszentralen.- Übungsfragen zur Wissensüberprüfung.

Fortschritt durch Fortbildung! Unter diesem Motto hat sich die "Fortbildungswoche für praktische Dermatologie und Venerologie" als zentrale Fortbildungsveranstaltung der deutschsprachigen Dermatologen etabliert. Der vorliegende Jubiläumsband vereint erneut das breite Spektrum der Themen und Beiträge dieser Veranstaltung - sorgfältig überarbeitet und versehen mit hochwertigen Abbildungen und aktuellen Literaturhinweisen. Band 20 der "Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie" - Nutzen Sie das bewährte Update für Ihr Fachwissen! Features Das bewährte Update für Ihr Fachwissen Über 100 Beiträge zur aktuellen Diagnostik und Therapie in der Dermatologie Über 400 hochwertige Abbildungen Contents Neues zu: Struktur und Funktion der Haut, Kosmetische Dermatologie, Infektiologie, Operative Dermatologie, Photodermatologie, Akne und Rosazea, Onkologie, Reise- und Tropendermatologie, Allergologie, Gefäßerkrankungen, dermatologischen Kindererkrankungen sowie Beiträge zu juristischen Fallstricken in Praxis und Klinik. Fields of interest Dermatology Target groups Dermatologen in Praxis und Klinik Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. XXVII, 798 S. 641 Abb. überw. in Farbe. (Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie, Band 20) Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-30514-9

Features Zum schnellen Nachschlagen das notwendige Wissen zu den wichtigsten Arzneien Neues Kapitel: Enterale und Parenterale Ernährung Contents Grundlagen.- Arzneimittelgesetz.Betäubungsmittelgesetz.- Auf das Nervensystem wirkende Stoffe.- Auf den Blutkreislauf wirkende Stoffe.- Auf Herz und Gefäßsystem wirkende Stoffe.- Auf Atemwege und Lunge wirkende Stoffe.Auf Niere und Harnwege wirkende Stoffe.- Infusionstherapie.- Auf Magen und Darm wirkende Stoffe.- Gegen Bakterien und Pilze wirkende Stoffe.Medikamentöse Behandlung bösartiger Tumoren.Stoffe, die körpereigene Abwehr beeinflussen.- Mittel zur Behandlung von Virusinfektionen.- Arzneimittel bei Tropenkrankheiten.- Hormone.- Mittel zur Behandlung von Allergien.- Haut- [..] Fields of interest Nursing; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Auszubildende in Gesundheitsfachberufen, im Rettungsdienst und zur PTA, PKA (Pharmazeutisch Kaufmännische Angestellte) und zur Medizinischen Fachangestellten (Arzthelferin) Type of publication Professional book

H.A. Pomm, St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville, FL, USA; R.M. Pomm, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Management of the Addicted Patient in Primary Care This book assists primary care physicians in managing patients with addictive illness. The introductory section gives background and rationale for acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills. Following a presentation of addiction "basics," the majority of the book focuses on providing insight and developing practical skills that can be readily implemented in an office-based setting. Case presentations illustrate frequently encountered situations. Invaluable descriptions of the underlying psychosocial processes and a brief introduction to chronic pain in addiction are provided. Nonpharmacologic modalities for managing addiction are discussed. Pharmacologic interventions aimed at the office-based management of withdrawal symptoms are also clearly outlined. The importance of community-based recovery support systems is considered. Criteria for referral are detailed as well. The clinical "pearls" further aid the reader in treating this difficult patient population. Features One of the only books available on the subject Logically organized into easily accessible sections Emphasizes the knowledge and skills needed to treat addiction in an office-based primary care setting Provides a crucial understanding of why and when to refer Bulleted clinical "pearls" aid in patient management Contents Spectrum of addiction.- The addicted patient.- Clinical assessment.- Pharmacologic office-based interventions.- Nonpharmacologic office-based interventions: cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing.- Case presentations and algorithms for management.- Appendix 1: into action: putting cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing into practice.- Appendix 2: sample informed consent and medication management and treatment agreements. Fields of interest Primary Care Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine; Pediatrics; Clinical Psychology; General Psychology Target groups Family medicine physicians, family medicine residents, primary care physicians, physician assistants, pediatricians Type of publication Handbook

Due August 2007 Due August 2007 2007. XIV, 448 S. Softcover 2007. XI, 158 p. Softcover

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72300-4

42,75 € ISBN 978-0-387-35961-8 O. Pramann, Goslar

Medizin K. Priebe, Bremerhaven 2007. XVI, 503 S. 229 Abb., 125 in Farbe. Geb.

Publikationsklauseln in Forschungsverträgen und Forschungsprotokollen klinischer Studien Die Untersuchung behandelt die Frage der rechtlichen Zulässigkeit von Veröffentlichungsvereinbarungen der an einem medizinischen Forschungsvorhaben beteiligten Parteien. Diese Vertragsklauseln regeln die Ausgestaltung der Möglichkeit einer späteren Veröffentlichung des Forschungsergebnisses. Ausgehend von den historischen, tatsächlichen und rechtlichen Grundlagen sowie der Darstellung der widerstreitenden Interessen, erfolgt die rechtliche Einordnung. Danach werden Fallgruppen, wie sie sich in der Praxis darstellen, unter Einbeziehung der betroffenen Grundrechte auf ihre rechtliche Wirksamkeit hin untersucht. Abschließend wird die Rolle der Ethikkommission bei der Begutachtung der Verträge näher beleuchtet. Insbesondere wird geprüft, welche Reaktionsmöglichkeiten der Ethikkommission zur Verfügung stehen, wenn sie auf eine unwirksame Klausel trifft. Features Publikation wurde mit dem 11. Wissenschaftspreis der Gesellschaft für Recht und Politik im Gesundheitswesen e.V. (GRPG) ausgezeichnet Konkrete rechtliche Bewertung der in der Praxis verwendeten Publikationsklauseln Angabe und Verwertung von Fallgruppen Contents Aus dem Inhalt: Tatsächliche und rechtliche Ausgangslage.- Fallgruppen und rechtliche Einordnung.Rechtliche Bewertung.- Rechtliche Beurteilung der Fallgruppen.- Ethikkommissionen.- Wesentliche Inhalte und Ergebnisse. Fields of interest Medical Law; Philosophy of Medicine; Health Informatics & Health Administration Target groups Ethikkommission, Forschende Arzneimittel- und Medizinprodukteindustrie, Mediziner, Kliniken, Rechtsanwälte, Ärztekammern Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007 2007. XVI, 155 S. (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht) Softcover

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-69569-1

Parasiten des Fischfilets Erscheinungsbild, Biologie, Lebensmittelsicherheit

In der Lebensmittelhygiene spielt bisher die Einschätzung krankhafter Veränderungen in der Körpermuskulatur von Fischen im Vergleich zum mikrobiellen Verderb und der Kontamination mit pathogenen Erregern und Umweltchemikalien eine relativ untergeordnete Rolle. In diesem Buch werden die Fischarten der Welt aufgelistet, deren Körpermuskulatur pathologisch verändert sein kann. Ganz überwiegend sind dafür Parasiten die Ursache. Eine Reihe dieser Parasiten kann beim Menschen nach dem Verzehr zu Erkrankungen führen. Die Lebensmittelunternehmer und die Mitarbeiter der Kontroll- und Hygienebehörden müssen das Erscheinungsbild im Filet kennen, um es von ähnlichen Abweichungen differenzialdiagnostisch unterscheiden zu können. Nach den hierbei relevanten Fragen des Lebensmittelrechts, der Verkehrsauffassung, der Anatomie und Physiologie und der allgemeinen Pathologie der Fischmuskulatur widmet sich das Buch schwerpunktmäßig den parasitären Ursachen der Muskelveränderungen. Diese sind überwiegend nach der [..] Features Zusammenfassende und umfangreich illustrierte Darstellung durch Parasiten bedingter pathologischer Veränderungen der Muskulatur von Fischen Unverzichtbares Handbuch zur Beurteilung von Fischrohware für alle Verarbeiter, Importeure und Kontrollbehörden und zur Einrichtung von Kontrollmassnahmen gemäß dem HACCP-Konzept Ein zweisprachiges Glossar, sowie zusätzliche Register über Fischarten, Parasiten und [..] Contents Einführung.- Die lebensmittelwirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Fischmuskulatur.- Morphologie, Verkehrsauffassung und biochemische Zusammensetzung.- Allgemeine pathologische Veränderungen im Fischmuskel.- Ursachen spezifischerMuskelveränderungen durch Pilze, Protozoen, Würmer und Gliederfüßer.- Untersuchungsmethoden.- Technologie und Lebensmittelsicherheit.-Schlussbetrachtung.-Deutsch-Englisches Glossar.-Systematik.-Fischarten.-Parasitenarten.-Wirbellose Zwischenwirtarten.-Gesamtregister Fields of interest Food Science; Nutrition; Microbiology; Parasitology; Biological Microscopy Target groups Lebensmitteltierärzte, Lebensmittelchemiker und Fischereibiologen in den Untersuchungs- und Überwachungslaboratorien, Veterinärmediziner, Lebensmitteltechnologen, Produktions- und Kontrollleiter in der Lebensmittelindustrie, Fachleute in Fischerei und Aquakultur, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter in Behörden und Forschungseinrichtungen, Hygienefachleute, Mikrobiologen, Studenten der Lebensmittelchemie Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007

149,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72229-8




J. Priewe, medic(u)rs GbRmbH, Alfter; D. Tümmers, medic(u)rs GbRmbH, Alfter (Eds.)

Das Erste Kompendium Vorklinik - GK1

Reihenweise gute Ideen von Studenten konzipiert, von Experten verfasst – im Kurzlehrbuchstil Prüfungsfallstricke bieten konkrete Hilfe gegen fiese Prüfungsfragen Mind Maps – mit einer Abbildung das Kapitel im Blick Lernvergnügen im Netz Wollen Sie wissen, ob Sie fit fürs 1. Staatsexamen sind? Testen Sie sich auf der Website zum Buch: mit dem Buch erhalten Sie kostenlosen Zugriff auf über 2880 Original-Prüfungsfragen des IMPP von 2002 bis heute mit Antwortkommentaren! Prüfungssituationen simulieren – bis zum "Nichts geht mehr" Prüfungsrevision – die gerade simulierte Prüfung noch mal anschauen und die richtigen Antworten mit Hilfe der Kommentare finden Fragenauswahl möglich – heute nur Biochemie? Morgen dann alles zur Niere? Das kann ich mir nicht merken – die falsch beantworteten Fragen alle auf einmal ein personalisierter Zugang sorgt für eigene Erfolgsstatistiken – so sehen Sie gleich, was Sie wissen Forum zum Austausch mit Leidensgenossen Mit der PIN auf [..] Features Von Studenten für Studenten konzipiert Texte von Experten des jeweiligen Faches verfasst Strikte Gliederung nach dem aktuellen Gegenstandskatalog Contents Medizinische Psychologie/Soziologie.- Biologie für Mediziner.- Anatomie.- Chemie für Mediziner.- Biochemie.- Physik für Mediziner.- Physiologie. Fields of interest Anatomy; Medical Biochemistry Target groups Medizinstudenten in der Vorklinik Type of publication German textbook Due March 2007 2007. XVI, 1317 S. 638 Abb. Mit PIN für Online-Zugang (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover L. Qin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; H.K. Genant, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; J.F. Griffith, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; K.S. Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China (Eds.)

A. Radbruch, German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany; H.-D. Volk, Charité, Berlin, Germany; K. Asadullah, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany; W.-D. Doecke, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany (Eds.)

Advanced Bioimaging Technologies Immunotherapy in 2020 in Assessment of the Quality of Visions and Trends for Targeting Inflammatory Disease Bone and Scaffold Materials Techniques and Applications

This book provides a perspective on the current status of bioimaging technologies developed to assess the quality of musculoskeletal tissue with an emphasis on bone and cartilage. It offers evaluations of scaffold biomaterials developed for enhancing the repair of musculoskeletal tissues. These bioimaging techniques include micro-CT, nano-CT, pQCT/ QCT, MRI, and ultrasound, which provide not only 2-D and 3-D images of the related organs or tissues, but also quantifications of the relevant parameters. The advance bioimaging technologies developed for the above applications are also extended by incorporating imaging contrast-enhancement materials. Thus, this book will provide a unique platform for multidisciplinary collaborations in education and joint R&D among various professions, including biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and basic and clinical medicine. Features Introduction of cutting-edge bioimaging technologies for studying musculoskeletal systems Application of advanced imaging techniques Richly illustrated with 2-D and 3-D images of the related organs or tissues Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Orthopedics; Biomedical Engineering; Physiotherapy; Endocrinology; Metabolic Diseases Target groups Medical doctors; clinical and materials scientists, bioengineers, technologists, postgraduate students Type of publication Monograph Due August 2007

This volume features contributions from participants of the ESRF symposium on "Immunotherapy in 2020 —Visions and Trends for Targeting Inflammatory Diseases" held in Potsdam near Berlin, Germany, in October 2006. The symposium presentations covered the main mechanisms of immunoregulation such as peripheral and central tolerance, epigenetic programming, immunologic memory, and regulatory networks in inflammation as well as novel experimental and clinical approaches for targeting inflammation in autoimmunity and transplantation. An important related question is how recent findings in immunological research can lead to improved diagnostics, new drugs, and better therapies. The targeting of novel pathways and immunoregulatory mechanisms, the challenge of immunologic memory for lastingly successful anti-inflammatory therapy, new approaches for adoptive T cell and polyclonal antibody therapies, and the individualization of immunomodulatory therapies are thereby topics of this volume. Contents Nature's Choice of Genes Controlling Chronic Inflammation.- Targeting of Memory.- Targeting PostTranscriptional Networks in Inflammation.- Immunomodulatory Therapie: Challenges of Individualized Therapy Strategies.- T-Cell Therapies.- The Future of Antibody Therapy. Fields of interest Immunology; Rheumatology Target groups Scientists in the field Type of publication Proceedings Due August 2007 2007. XIII, 106 p. 10 illus. (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings, Band 2006/4) Geb.

2007. XV, 700 p. 333 illus. Geb.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-32877-3

234,33 € ISBN 978-3-540-45454-0

45,96 € ISBN 978-3-540-70850-6



J. Ramon, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel; L.J. Denis, Oncology Centre Antwerp, Belgium (Eds.)

P. Rathert, Institut für Urinzytologie, Wuppertal; S. Roth, Helios Kliniken Wuppertal

C. Ratto, Catholic University, Rome, Italy; G.B. Doglietto, Catholic University, Rome, Italy (Eds.)

Prostate Cancer


Fecal Incontinence

Praxis und Atlas

Diagnosis and Treatment

Urinzytologie: ein zentrales Instrument bei der Diagnostik maligner Urothelveränderungen und im Rahmen der Hämaturieabklärung. Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über alle Aspekte des Verfahrens: - Indikationsspektrum und Limitationen, - Präparations- und Färbetechniken, - praxisgerechte Arbeitsabläufe, - konkrete Hinweise zur Differentialdiagnostik (besonders nützlich für die tägliche Routine), - adäquate Befund-Dokumentation (nach WHO-Kriterien), - neue Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der uringebundenen Markersysteme und der Immunzytologie. Ein ausführlicher Atlasteil mit rund 200 Farbabbildungen veranschaulicht zytologische Kriterien und Besonderheiten. Das Plus in der 4. Auflage: - eine CD-ROM mit interaktiver Lernfunktion zur Wissensvertiefung. Ein unverzichtbares Arbeitsmittel für alle urinzytologisch tätigen Ärzte und Institutionen.

Fecal incontinence is a frequent, distressing condition that has a devastating impact on patients’ lives. However, patients are typically embarrassed and reluctant to acknowledge this disability, so they relinquish the possibility of being cured and remain socially isolated. Since fecal incontinence may result from various pathophysiological situations, an accurate diagnostic work-up of each patient is fundamental. Today, a wide range of therapeutic options is available, but making the correct choice is pivotal to the successful management of this condition. This book is aimed at all physicians involved in the assessment and treatment of fecal incontinence. Its main purpose is to review the latest advances in the epidemiologic, socio-economic, psychologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of fecal incontinence, in order to establish guidelines for effective treatment.

This comprehensive and easy-to-read monograph is an authoritative update on clinical prostate cancer. It has been prepared by an international, multidisciplinary team at the invitation of the International Prostate Health Council think tank. The management of prostate cancer – the most prevalent type of cancer in men in the Western world – has been revolutionized by the vastly increased knowledge and new fact-finding research on its natural (treated) history, the new concepts on diagnosis and prognosis, and a broad range of valid, competing treatment options. A particular strength of the book is its presentation of the therapeutic options for patients with localized and advanced disease, including hormonal treatment. Medical and radiation oncologists as well as urologists will find an invaluable overview of the current concepts and practice in this rapidly evolving field. Contents Epidemiology of prostate cancer. Natural history of prostate cancer: the pathologist's perspective. Prognostic factors. Prevention. Prostate cancer screening. Diagnosis. Does localized prostate cancer exist? Staging. Guidelines and counselling for treatment options in the management of prostate cancer. Choices for surgery. Radiation therapy. Cryoablation and high intensity focused ultrasound. The role of hormonal treatment. Androgen-independent prostate cancer. Prostate cancer treatment and quality of life. Europa Uomo - The European prostate cancer coalition. Fields of interest Oncology; Urology/Andrology Target groups Clinicians Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. XIII, 271 p. 47 illus. (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Band 175) Geb.

139,05 € ISBN 978-3-540-40897-0

Features Das Referenzwerk zur Urinzytologie Ohne Konkurrenz auf dem deutschen Markt Alle Aspekte des Verfahrens: umfassend, übersichtlich und praxisnah Als Plus in der Neuauflage: eine CD-ROM mit interaktiver Lernfunktion Contents Geschichte der Urinzytologie, Indikationen zur Urinzytologie, Das nicht neoplastische Übergangsepithel der ableitenden Harnwege, Epidemiologie, Ätiologie und Klassifikation des Harnblasenkarzinoms, Urotheliale Atypien und Dysplasien, Urinzytologisches Grading von Urotheltumoren, Urinzytologische Arbeitstechniken, Urinzytologischer Atlas, Urinmarker, Immunzytologie und weitere zellbasierte Nachweisverfahren beim Urotheltumor, Hämaturiediagnostik und Erythrozytenmorphologie Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Pathology Target groups Urologen und Pathologen in Klinik und Praxis Type of publication Atlas Due July 2007 2007. XV, 188 S. 293 Abb. Mit CD-ROM. Geb.

169,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-31038-9

Features Comprehensive reference to the latest advances in the epidemiologic, socio-economic, physiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of fecal incontinence Contents From the contents Section I Structure and function in continence and incontinence: Anatomy and Physiology of Continence.- Epidemiology of Fecal Incontinence.- Pathophysiology of Fecal Incontinence.Risk Factors in Fecal Incontinence.- Psychological Aspects of Fecal Incontinence.- Impact of Fecal Incontinence on Quality of Life.- Social Aspects and Economics of Fecal Incontinence.- Section II Diagnosis of Fecal Incontinence: Clinical Assessment of Incontinent Patient.- Diagnosis of Fecal Incontinence.- Imaging of fecal Incontinence with Endoanal Ultrasound.- Imaging of Fecal [..] Fields of interest Colorectal Surgery; Gastroenterology; Pathology; Imaging / Radiology; Ultrasound; Quality of Life Research Target groups Physicians, coloproctologists, gastoenterologists, gynecologists, clinical surgeons Type of publication Professional book Due June 2007 2007. XXII, 362 pagg. Geb.

181,85 € ISBN 978-88-470-0637-9



W. Regal, Vienna, Austria; M. Nanut, Vienna, Austria

W. Regal, Wien; M. Nanut, Wien

Vienna – A Doctor’s Guide

Wien für Mediziner

15 walking tours through Vienna’s medical history

15 Spaziergänge durch das alte medizinische Wien

"The streets of Vienna are paved with history of medicine," the famous Viennese writer and journalist Karl Kraus could have said. In fact, an attentive visitor can’t move through the city without being reminded by all the street names, historical buildings, monuments or memorial stones that Vienna has been a capital of medicine where students and doctors from all over the world came to learn. This city guide is meant for all the visitors of this fascinating city, who are interested in the history of medicine. 15 walks through the city show the reader the traces of the old medical Vienna: the Fools’ Tower, Freud’s private practice and apartment, the workplaces of many famous physicians, through the Old General Hospital, the old university, or the most important pathological museums. Many unknown details and anecdotes are included as well as a short history of Vienna and some gourmet tips and the famous Viennese coffee shops for relaxing.

"Die Straßen Wiens sind mit Medizingeschichte gepflastert." So könnte man einen Satz von Karl Kraus abwandeln. Tatsächlich kann sich ein aufmerksamer Besucher kaum durch die Stadt bewegen, ohne durch einen Straßennamen, ein Gebäude, ein Denkmal oder eine Gedenktafel daran erinnert zu werden, dass Wien einst eine medizinische Weltstadt war, in die Studenten und Ärzte aus der ganzen Welt pilgerten, um hier zu lernen. Dieser Stadtführer richtet sich speziell an den medizinhistorisch interessierten Besucher – aber auch Bewohner – dieser immer wieder faszinierenden Stadt. In 15 Spaziergängen begeben sich die Leser auf eine Spurensuche im alten medizinischen Wien: zum Narrenturm oder zu Freuds Ordination oder den Wirkstätten berühmter Ärzte, durch das Alte Allgemeine Krankenhaus oder zu den wichtigen medizinhistorischen Museen etc. Mit vielen unbekannten Details und Anekdoten bietet der Reiseführer auch eine kurze Medizingeschichte Wiens – ergänzt durch einen kleinen Lokalführer für den [..]

C. Reimer, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen; J. Eckert, Universität Hamburg; M. Hautzinger, Universität Tübingen; E. Wilke, Malente-Gremsmühlen

Psychotherapie Ein Lehrbuch für Ärzte und Psychologen

Features Many unknown details and anecdotes Richly illustrated Gourmet tips for the short trip Fields of interest Popular Science in Medicine and Health; History of Medicine; Pharmacy; ARTS; History; Cities, Countries, Regions Target groups Doctors from all disciplines Type of publication Handbook Due June 2007

Features - viele medizinhistorisch unbekannte Details und Anekdoten - reich bebildert - kleiner Lokalführer für Kurzbesucher Fields of interest Popular Science in Medicine and Health; History of Medicine; Pharmacy; ARTS; History; Cities, Countries, Regions Target groups Mediziner aller Sparten, medizinhistorisch Interessierte

2007. X, 189 p. Num. illus. in color. Softcover

Type of publication Popular science

21,35 € ISBN 978-3-211-48949-9

Due June 2007

Die dritte Auflage der "Psychotherapie" mit neuem Konzept. Nach wie vor ist die "Psychotherapie" vor allem ein Lehrbuch für Ärzte und Psychologen, das sich ausführlich mit allen relevanten Psychotherapieverfahren beschäftigt. In der vorliegenden Neubearbeitung gehen wir noch einen Schritt weiter - nicht nur die Verfahren stehen im Mittelpunkt, auch die jeweilige Behandlung einzelner Krankheitsbilder nimmt nun mehr Raum ein. Wann genau setzt man welches Verfahren ein? Und was muss bei den einzelnen Störungen beachtet werden? Dennoch ist die "Psychotherapie" ein "Therapiebuch" – konzipiert als Aus- und Weiterbildungsbuch für angehende Psychiater und psychologische wie ärztliche Psychotherapeuten. Nah am Patienten und mit der langjährigen Erfahrung aus Klinik und Praxis haben die Autoren ein Werk verfasst, das vor allem eines sein soll: praxisorientiert und verständlich. Neu in der 3. Auflage unter anderem: Biologische Grundlagen Wirksamkeit Störungsbilder von A wie Angst- bis Z wie [..] Features Komplett neues Konzept - der Schwerpunkt liegt nach wie vor auf den Psychotherapieverfahren, jetzt aber zusätzlich mit ausführlichem Störungsteil Erst die Psychotherapie verstehen, dann die Störungen behandeln Fields of interest Psychiatry; Psychotherapy Target groups Psychiater und Psychotherapeuten, Klinische Psychologen, psychologische Psychotherapeuten Type of publication Professional book Due July 2007

2007. X, 189 S. Mit zahlr. Abb. in Farbe Softcover 2007. XVII, 832 S. 70 Abb. Geb.

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48639-9

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-29987-5 D. Reinhardt, Universität München (Ed.)

Therapie der Krankheiten im Kindes- und Jugendalter

Medizin J. Rello, Joan XXIII University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain; M. Kollef, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA; E. Díaz, Joan XXIII University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain; A. Rodríguez, Joan XXIII University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain (Eds.)

Infectious Diseases in Critical Care Das in der Vorauflage eingeführte neue "KochbuchKonzept" stieß auf große Begeisterung und setzte neue Maßstäbe. Jetzt kommt der "große Reinhardt" in einer komplett überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Neuauflage. Die Vorteile des Buchs sind geblieben: - Schritt für Schritt: therapeutisches Vorgehen auf den Punkt gebracht - Tipps für die Praxis: so vermeiden Sie Fehlerquellen und umgehen Stolperfallen - Sicherheit: Therapieanleitungen und Handlungsanweisungen werden genau erläutert - Attraktives Layout: für angenehmes Lesen und schnelle Orientierung - Tabellen und Übersichten: der schnelle Zugang zu wichtigen Informationen Therapie im Mittelpunkt: Konzentration auf Therapieprinzipien, -ziele und -schritte Auf über 2000 Seiten bietet Ihnen dieses Standardwerk der Pädiatrie die Therapiekonzepte und -strategien, die Sie für Ihre kleinen Patienten benötigen. Damit bekommen Sie einen verlässlichen Begleiter bei Ihrer täglichen Arbeit auf Station oder in der Praxis. Jetzt ganz neu: Mit dem Kauf [..] Features Das erfolgreiche "Kochbuch-Konzept" in aktualisierter Neuauflage Hier zählt nur die Therapie - von den Zielen, Strategien bis hin zur Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung Übersichtlich, sicher, State of the Art Jetzt mit kostenlosem Zugang zum Springer CME Portal. Doppelt profitieren: drei CME-Beiträge kostenfrei und maximal 9 CME-Punkte erhalten. Contents Neugeborenenerkrankungen.- Abweichungen von Körpergröße und Körperform.Stoffwechselstörungen.- Erkrankungen der endokrinen Drüsen.- Infektionskrankheiten.- Schutzimpfungen.- Rheumatische Erkrankungen.- Allergien, Immunmangel- und Autoaggressionskrankheiten.- Blut und blutbildende Organe.- Lymphatisches und retikuloendotheliales Gewebe.- Solide Tumoren.- Erkrankungen des Herzens und der Gefäße.- Atmungsorgane.- Verdauungstrakt.Leber und Pankreas.- Pädiatrisch-gynäkologische Störungen.- Knochen und Gelenke.- Muskelerkrankungen.- Hauterkrankungen.- Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenerkrankungen.- [..]

Infections and their complications are a very important clinical area in the intensive care unit setting. Community-acquired infections and nosocomial infections both contribute to the high level of disease acquisition common among critically ill patients. The accurate diagnosis of nosocomial infections and the provision of appropriate therapies, including antimicrobial therapy effective against the identified agents of infection, have been shown to be important determinants of patient outcome. Critical care practitioners are in a unique position in dealing with infectious diseases. They are often the initial providers of care to seriously ill patients with infections. Additionally, they have a responsibility to ensure that nosocomial infections are prevented and that antimicrobial resistance is minimized by prudently employing antibiotic agents. It is the editors' hope that this book will provide clinicians practicing in the intensive care unit with a reference to help guide their care of infected [..] Contents From the contents General Aspects: Opportunistic infections. Infections in critically ill solid organ transplant recipients. - Use of Anti-Infective Therapy: Antimicrobial prophylaxis. Anti-fungal therapy. Antibiotics in severe sepsis and septic shock. Antibiotic-induced diarrhea.- Infection Control/Epidemiology: Fundamentals of infection control. Antibiotic resistance in the ICU. Epidemiology of pseudomonas aeruginosa. Epidemiology of acinetobacter baumannii.- Bloodstream Infections: Brain abscess. Falciparum malaria. Toxic shock syndromes. Acute infective endocarditis. Influenza. [..] Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Infectious Diseases; Emergency Medicine; Pneumology/Respiratory System; Medical Microbiology Target groups Clinicians Type of publication Monograph

Fields of interest Pediatrics

Due March 2007

Target groups Pädiater in Klinik und Praxis

Originally published by Kluwer, 2001

Type of publication Professional book Due September 2007 2007. XXI, 2146 S. 199 Abb., zum Teil in Farbe, 418 Tab. Geb.

179,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71898-7

H.P. Ries, Münster; K.-H. Schnieder, Münster; J. Althaus, Münster; R. Großbölting, Berlin; M. Voß, Münster

Arztrecht Praxishandbuch für Mediziner

Der Arzt und das Recht: Ein Team anerkannter Experten, unter ihnen drei Fachanwälte für Medizinrecht, stellt die komplizierte Materie in übersichtlicher und verständlicher Verknüpfung von Wissenschaft und Praxis dar. Jeder Arzt ist einer Fülle von häufig wechselnden rechtlichen Regelungen unterworfen, deren Folgen im Konfliktfall schnell und präzise eingeschätzt werden müssen. Das Praxishandbuch bietet eine rasche Orientierung bei der Klärung ärztlicher Rechtsfragen aus allen relevanten Bereichen. Es enthält zahlreiche Beispiele aus praxisnaher Sicht des interdisziplinär tätigen Anwalts. Checklisten, Entscheidungshilfen und Verteidigungsstrategien unterstützen die sofortige Umsetzbarkeit. Die aktuelle Rechtsprechung und insbesondere die anstehenden erheblichen gesetzlichen Änderungen (Vertragsarztrechtsänderungsgesetz) und Reformen (Wettbewerbsstärkungsgesetz) finden bereits umfassende Berücksichtigung. Features Klare Entscheidungs- und Argumentationshilfen Tipps für Konfliktlösungen und Verteidigungsstrategien Checklisten und Praxisbeispiele Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rechtslage unter Einschluss des Gesundheitssystemmodernisierungsgesetzes, der Liberalisierung im Berufsrecht, des Vertragsarztrechtsänderungsgesetzes und des Wettbewerbsstärkungsgesetzes Contents Der Privatpatient.- Der Kassenpatient.- Der Arzt und die KV.- Der Arzt und die besonderen Versorgungsformen.- Ärztliches Standesrecht.- Der Arzt und das Disziplinarrecht/Zulassungsentziehung.Der Arzt und das Strafrecht.- Der Arzt und die berufliche Kooperation.- Arzthaftpflichtrecht.- Der Arzt und das Arbeitsrecht.- Der Arzt und das Mietrecht.Praxiskauf und Praxisabgabe.- Der Arzt und das Finanzamt. Fields of interest Medical Law; Health Care Administration Target groups Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen Type of publication Professional book Due July 2007

2007. XXIII, 616 p. 57 illus. Geb.

181,85 € ISBN 978-3-540-34405-6


2007. XV, 329 S. Geb.

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48727-2



E. Rifkin, Rifkin and Associates, Baltimore, MD, USA; E. Bouwer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

E. Rifkin, Rifkin and Associates, Baltimore, MD, USA; E. Bouwer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

The Illusion of Certainty

The Illusion of Certainty

Health Benefits and Risks

Health Benefits and Risks

Features Foreword is written by Dr. Jared Cohon, President of Carnegie Mellon University Of interest to millions of people who are concerned with true benefit of screening tests such as mammography, prostate cancer screening, cholesterol screening and colorectal cancer screening Informs the public on true risks and benefits of taking statins, drugs such as Vioxx™, the risks of smoking and the risks of exposure to [..] Fields of interest Popular Science in Medicine and Health; Medicine, general; Environmental Management Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XX, 239 p. Geb.

67,36 € ISBN 978-0-387-48570-6

This book peels away the "veneer of certainty" which many of us attach to health risk and benefit information given to us in our daily lives. It was written and designed primarily to assist the public in comprehending and interpreting the uncertainty associated with the overwhelming amount of information on medical and environmental health risks. The book uses unique, visual presentations and case studies to explain the benefits of medical screening tests (e.g., mammography, prostate and colorectal cancer screening, cholesterol screening) and drugs (e.g., statins, Vioxx) and the risks associated with exposure to environmental contaminants (e.g., lead, dioxin, radon). This book will help patients and their families get more involved in making medical decisions, and citizens face critical questions about the environment. By putting the complexities of risk analysis in terms the general public can relate to, the authors are empowering people to make well-informed decisions. Features Foreword is written by Dr. Jared Cohon, President of Carnegie Mellon University Of interest to millions of people who are concerned with true benefit of screening tests such as mammography, prostate cancer screening, cholesterol screening and colorectal cancer screening Informs the public on true risks and benefits of taking statins, drugs such as Vioxx™, the risks of smoking and the risks of exposure to [..] Fields of interest Popular Science in Medicine and Health; Medicine, general; Environmental Management Target groups Patients and threir families

M.S. Ritsner, Israel Institute of Technology and Sha'ar Menashe Mental Health Center, Haifa, Israel; A.G. Awad, University of Toronto and Humber River Regional Hospital, Toronto, Canada (Eds.)

Quality of Life Impairment in Schizophrenia, Mood and Anxiety Disorders New Perspectives on Research and Treatment

This book presents new insights that health-related quality of life (HRQL) impairment is a core domain of prevalent mental disorders such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective, mood and anxiety disorders. The authors present a new conceptual framework for this field by explaining how HRQL impairment arises from interactions between various multidimensional factors. They suggest several ways in which further research could enhance our understanding of HRQL impairment, its biological basis, and its relevance to psychopathology. There is discussion of the current findings, issues and concerns regarding instruments for measuring HRQL, and quality of life impairment in specific mental disorders. Comparative data regarding HRQL deficit in these disorders and the clinical and psychosocial indicators of HRQL in each of the specific disorders are presented, and suggestions for future research are provided. This essay collection, written by leading researchers in this field presents a comprehensive framework for [..] Features The Distress/Protection Vulnerability model of HRQL impairment New insights from neuroscience Integrative approach to quality of life measurement Comparative data regarding severe mental disorders Treatment and Rehabilitation Issues Fields of interest Psychiatry; Clinical Psychology; Rehabilitation; Social Work; Neurosciences

Type of publication Monograph

Target groups Researchers, health care providers, policymakers in mental health care and rehabilitation

Due September 2007

Type of publication Contributed volume

2007. XX, 244 p. Softcover

Due June 2007

26,70 € ISBN 978-0-387-75165-8

2007. XIV, 388 p. Geb.

160,45 € ISBN 978-1-4020-5777-9 H. Rodriguez, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA; E.L. Quarantelli, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA; R. Dynes, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA (Eds.)

Medizin A. Rosenblatt, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Manual of Laparoscopic Urology

Handbook of Disaster Research


R. Rossi, Croce Verde Lugano; B. Gorgaß, Haan; F.W. Ahnefeld, Universität Ulm

Die Rettungsdienst-Prüfung Fragen - Themen - Aufgaben

Recent disasters, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, bomb explosions in London, Hurricane Katrina, the Pakistan Earthquake, floods in Central America, and landslides in Indonesia, among many others, have resulted in an extensive loss of life, social disruption, significant economic impacts to local and national economies, and have made headline news in countries throughout the world. Thus the Handbook of Disaster Research is a timely and much needed contribution to the field of disasters. The editors of this Handbook have brought together a comprehensive and interdisciplinary volume with a diverse and international group of contributors. The Handbook is based on the principle that disasters are social constructions and focuses on social science disaster research. Attention is given to conceptual issues dealing with the concept "disaster" and to methodological issues relating to research on disasters, including Geographic Information Systems as a useful research tool and its implications for [..] Features This seminal reference work is the first interdisciplinary collection of disaster research as it stands now and how the field will continue to grow, especially post 9/11 Contents Editor's Introduction.- What is a Disaster?.- A Heuristic Approach to Future Disasters and Crises: New, Old, and In Between Types.- The Crisis Approach.- Methodological Issues.- The Role of Geographic Information Systems/Remote Sensing in Disaster.- Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Disasters.- Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Disaster Vulnerability.- Gender and Disaster: Foundations and Directions.- Globalization and Localization: An Economic Approach.- Local Emergency Management Organizations.- Community Processes: Warning and Evacuation.- Search and Rescue Activities in Disasters.- [..] Fields of interest Sociology; Health Care Administration; Demography Target groups Social scientists studying the effects of disasters (both natural and man made) on humans, sociologists, public health specialists, demographers, economists, and political scientist

In this book every urologic procedure is described in a step by step sequence of events and the text is supplemented with innumerous Tips, colored illustrations and high definition photographs depicting the main steps of the procedures. The structure of every chapter is extremely clear, and emphasis is given to the laparoscopic surgical technique. The aim of this manual is to provide the Urologic Surgeon the practice of the art of Laparoscopic Surgery. It guides the reader through every stage of the laparoscopic procedure, from the equipment's settings to the correct position of the needle on the needle holder. The first chapter introduces the reader to the basic aspect of Laparoscopy, the physiologic effecs of pneumoperitoneum and its potential clinical outcome in the body systems, anesthesia problems in laparoscopy, technical considerations and check list on equipment and instruments. It demonstrates the correct handling of laparoscopic instruments, going through basic and advanced suturing [..] Features Every urologic procedure is described in a step by step sequence of events The text is supplemented by innumerous Tips, illustrations and high definition photographs (around 400) depicting the main steps of the procedures Guides through every stage of the laparoscopic procedure Good source of practical information, mainly the tips and tricks of the art of Laparoscopic Surgery Contents General Laparoscopic Information: Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery.- Laparoscopic Surgery for Malignant Urological Disorders: Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy.Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy.- Laparosocopic Assisted Transperitoneal Nephroureterectomy.- Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy.- Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy.- Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Radical Cystectomy.- Laparoscopic Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection.- Laparoscopic Surgery for Benign Urological Disorders: Transperitoneal Laparoscopic [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Diagnostic Radiology; Surgery; Gynecology; Proctology; Abdominal Surgery Target groups Practicing urologists, laparoscopic urologists, general surgeons

Type of publication Handbook

Type of publication Professional book

Due August 2007

Due March 2007

2007. XXXI, 611 p. (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research) Softcover

2008. Approx. 200 p. 400 illus. Geb.

Erfolgreich durch die Prüfung! Bereiten Sie sich mit über 1500 Fragen optimal auf die mündliche, schriftliche und praktische Prüfung vor. Ein Klassiker für alle angehenden Rettungsassistenten und Rettungssanitäter liegt in neuer Auflage vor! Die 6. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert und alle Fragen nach der Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsverordnung (RettAssAPrV) sortiert und deckt damit das breite Spektrum des Themas Rettungdienst ab: Anatomie und Physiologie, Allgemeine Notfallmedizin, Spezielle Notfallmedizin, Organisation, Einsatztaktik, Hygiene u.a. Die optimale Ergänzung zu allen Lehrbüchern zum Thema Rettungsdienst. Egal ob alleine oder in der Lerngruppe: so kommen Sie sicher durch die Prüfung! Features Üben Sie die Prüfungssituation: mit über 1700 Fragen zur schriftlichen, mündlichen und praktischen Prüfung Alle Fragen nach der Ausbildungund Prüfungsverordnung (RettAssAPrV) sortiert Bewährtes Begleitbuch zu allen Lehrbüchern zum Thema Rettungsdienst Die optimale Vorbereitung für eine erfolgreiche Prüfung! Contents Aus dem Inhalt A: Fragen für die theoretische Prüfung: Funktionen des modernen Rettungsdienstes; Aufgabenbereiche des Rettungsassistenten; Notfallpatient; Vitalfunktionen; Regelkreise; Psychologische Probleme; Notfallanalyse und Checklisten zur Erstbeurteilung; Rettung und Lagerung; Maßnahmen zur Behandlung respiratorischer Störungen; Maßnahmen zur Behandlung zirkulatorischer Störungen; Fahrzeuge des Rettungsdienstes; Hygiene im Rettungsdienst; Medizinische Probleme des Patiententransports; Organisation und Einsatztaktik; Kreislaufstillstand und Wiederbelebung; Störungen der Atmung; [..] Fields of interest Emergency Services; Anesthesiology; Emergency Medicine Target groups Auszubildende im Rettungsdienst Type of publication Undergraduate textbook Due August 2007 Ursprünglich erschienen unter dem Titel: Die Rettungsassistenten- und Rettungssanitäter-Prüfung 2007. X, 628 S. Softcover

67,36 € ISBN 978-0-387-73952-6

96,25 € ISBN 978-3-540-74726-0

26,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46656-7



H.-B. Rothenhäusler, Universität Graz; K.-L. Täschner, Zentrum für Seelische Gesundheit Stuttgart

M. Rothmund, Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH, Marburg (Ed.)

Kompendium Praktische Psychiatrie

Praxis der Viszeralchirurgie

Das kurz gefasste Lehrbuch "Kompendium Praktische Psychiatrie " stellt eine übersichtlich gegliederte, tabellarisch aufbereitete und schlagwortartig präzisierte Einführung in die Psychiatrie dar. Einer ausführlichen Darstellung des Arbeitsfelds der Psychiatrie, der psychopathologischen Befunderhebung, der diagnostischen und therapeutischen Prinzipien folgt eine prägnante Beschreibung der psychiatrischen Krankheitsbilder. Darüber hinaus werden spezielle Aspekte der Notfallpsychiatrie, der Kinderund Jugendpsychiatrie sowie der Konsiliarpsychiatrie behandelt. Von besonderem Interesse ist, dass das Kompendium die österreichische Perspektive gleichberechtigt mitberücksichtigt. Dieses handliche Kompendium vermittelt nicht nur für Medizinstudierende das für die Prüfungen im Fach Psychiatrie unbedingt erforderliche Grundwissen, sondern ist gleichzeitig auch ein informativer Leitfaden für Ärzte in psychiatrischer Praxis und Klinik. Features Stellt eine übersichtlich gegliederte, tabellarisch aufbereitete und schlagwortartig präzisierte Einführung in die Psychiatrie dar Handliches Taschenkittelformat zum raschen Nachschlagen am Krankenbett Vermittelt prägnant für Medizinstudierende das für die Prüfungen im Fach Psychiatrie unbedingt erforderliche Grundwissen Contents Aus dem Inhalt Allgemeiner Teil: Einführung; Psychopathologie; Diagnostische Prinzipien; Therapeutische Prinzipien.- Spezieller Teil: Organische einschließlich symptomatischer psychischer Störungen; Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch psychotrope Substanzen; Schizophrenien, schizoaffektive Störungen und wahnhafte Störungen; Affektive Störungen; Neurotische, Belastungs- und somatoforme Störungen; Verhaltensauffälligkeiten in Verbindung mit körperlichen Störungen und Faktoren; Persönlichkeits- und Verhaltensstörungen; Intelligenzminderung; Kinder- und jugendpsychiatrische Aspekte; [..]

Target groups Studenten, Ärzte, Psychologen, Pflegepersonal


Endokrine Chirurgie

Moderne Endokrine Chirurgie geschieht in der Regel im interdisziplinären Kontext; die Therapie wird in enger Zusammenarbeit von Chirurgen, Internisten, Nuklearmedizinern und Pathologen festgelegt. Fundiertes und detailliertes Wissen zu allen Aspekten der Endokrinen Chirurgie finden Sie in diesem Band: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der endokrinen Regelkreise - Erkrankungen aller chirurgisch relevanten hormonbildenden Drüsen und der endokrinen Zellen des gastrointestinalen und des Bronchialsystems - systematisch strukturierte Empfehlungen zum diagnostischen und therapeutischen Vorgehen und zur Verfahrenswahl - hervorragende Autoren aus allen Fachgebieten - zahlreiche Schemata und Abbildungen. Auch bei komplexen Fragestellungen – die Endokrine Chirurgie lässt Sie nicht alleine. Features Das Standardwerk der endokrinen Viszeralchirurgie: fundiert, detailliert, interdisziplinär Mit neuen Kapiteln zu Nebenschilddrüsenkarzinomen und neuroendokrinen Tumoren des Bronchialsystems Viele Fragen, eine Antwort: die "Praxis der Viszeralchirurgie" Contents Hypophyse und Hypothalamus.- Schilddrüse.Nebenschilddrüsen.- Nebennieren.- Endokrine Tumoren des gastroenteropankreatischen Systems.Multiple endokrine Neoplasien (MEN). Fields of interest Surgery; Abdominal Surgery; Endocrinology; Nuclear Medicine Target groups Fachärzte in Klinik und Praxis, Ärzte in Weiterbildung Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007

Fields of interest Psychiatry; Psychopharmacology; Psychotherapy; Clinical Psychology; Nursing; Neuropsychology

H. Rübben, Universitätsklinikum Essen (Ed.)

Das Standardwerk der urologischen Onkologie endlich in Neuauflage! Die neue "Uroonkologie" ist noch besser geworden und bietet dem Leser alles, was er von einem modernen Lehrbuch erwarten darf. Sie ist vollständig und umfassend: alle erforderlichen Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Therapie (von Molekularbiologie über Studienplanung bis zu alternativen Therapieansätzen) sind berücksichtigt; der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer ausführlichen Beschreibung von Diagnostik und Therapie aller urologischen Tumorerkrankungen. Aktuell: sämtliche Kapitel wurden intensiv überarbeitet bzw. neu verfasst und sind somit auf dem letzten Stand; alle wichtigen Studien wurden berücksichtigt. Praxisnah: eine klare Sprache, viele Tabellen und instruktive Abbildungen erleichtern die Wissensaufnahme; zahlreiche Therapieschemata sorgen für eine schnelle Orientierung und ermöglichen die direkte Umsetzung in die tägliche Praxis. Zuverlässig: anerkannte Experten aus ganz Deutschland stehen für maximale fachliche Kompetenz. Neu in [..] Features Einziges Lehrbuch zum Thema auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt Ausführliche Darstellung aller Aspekte der uroonkologischen Therapie Aufnahme zahlreicher neuer Themen Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Studienlage Mitwirkung der führenden Experten in Deutschland Contents Grundlagen; Studienplanung, Biometrie und klin. Epidemiologie; Lebensqualität in der Urologie; Grundlagen der Prävention; Grundlagen der Tumorchirurgie; Grundlagen der systemischen Therapie; Grundlagen der Radioonkologie; Supportive Maßnahmen und Psychoonkologie; Alternative Therapieansätze; Harnableitung; Notfälle in der Uroonkologie; Grundlagen der Palliativmedizin; Uroonkologie beim älteren Patienten; Rehabilitation beim Tumorpatienten; Nebennierenrindenkarzinom; Malignes Phäochromozytom; Nierenzellkarzinom; Nierenbecken- und Harnleiterkarzinom; Harnblasenkarzinom; [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Nephrology; Pediatrics; Oncology; Internal Medicine

2007. XII, 536 S., 426 Abb., z.T. in Farbe. Geb.

179,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-22717-5

Target groups Urologische Weiterbildungsassistenten und Fachärzte in Klinik und Praxis

Type of publication German textbook

Type of publication Professional book

Due September 2007

Due July 2007

2007. XI, 558 S. mit 1 Abb. Softcover

2007. XIII, 684 S. 115 Abb. Geb.

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48641-2

199,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-33847-5 D.E. Sakas, University of Athens, Greece; B.A. Simpson, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK (Eds.)

Operative Neuromodulation



D.E. Sakas, University of Athens, Athens, Greece; B. Simpson, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK; E.S. Krames, Pacific Pain Treatment Centers, San Francisco, CA, USA (Eds.)

A.R. Saltiel, The University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; J.E. Pessin, State University of New York at Stonybrook, NY, USA (Eds.)

Operative Neuromodulation

Mechanisms of Insulin Action

Volume 2: Neural Networks Surgery Volume 1: Functional Neuroprosthetic Surgery. An Introduction

Neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary biomedical and biotechnological field. The two volumes present the state-of-the-art in established and emerging applications for pain, spasticity, movement disorders, bladder and bowel dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, psychiatric illness, impairment of hearing and vision, and computational neuromodulation. Experts describe the neural networks involved and the appropriate surgical approaches, provide clinical guidelines, technical descriptions of implanted devices, proposals for refinements and personal views on future prospects of the field. The immense therapeutic potential is highlighted which arises from the close collaboration of biomedical scientists and biotechnological engineers in this area and signifies the transition from the conventional "resective" surgery to functional neuroprosthetic surgery (Vol. I) and neural networks surgery (Vol. II) which uses neuro-engineering to improve impaired neural function. Vol. 2 [..] Features The two volumes represent the state of the art in established and emerging applications for pain, spasticity, movement disorders, bladder and bowel dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, psychiatric illness, impairment of hearing and vision, and computational neuromodulation Experts describe the neural networks involved and the appropriate surgical approaches Vol. II describes the techniques and [..] Fields of interest Neurosurgery; Neurology; Pain Medicine; Neurosciences Target groups Researchers, practitioners Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007 2007. XI, 590 p. 179 illus., 19 in color. (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum, Ergänzungswerk 97/2) Geb.

213,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-33080-7

Neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary biomedical and biotechnological field. The two volumes present the state-of-the-art in established and emerging applications for pain, spasticity, movement disorders, bladder and bowel dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, psychiatric illness, impairment of hearing and vision, and computational neuromodulation. Experts describe the neural networks involved and the appropriate surgical approaches, provide clinical guidelines, technical descriptions of implanted devices, proposals for refinements and personal views on future prospects of the field. The immense therapeutic potential is highlighted which arises from the close collaboration of biomedical scientists and biotechnological engineers in this area and signifies the transition from the conventional "resective" surgery to functional neuroprosthetic surgery (Vol. I) and neural networks surgery (Vol. II) which uses neuro-engineering to improve impaired neural function. Volume I [..] Features First comprehensive and authoritative presentation of the multidisciplinary biomedical and technological field of neuromodulation All neuromodulatory techniques from well-established to emerging and promising procedures are presented in a concise and thorough manner with a great number of illustrations Contents An introduction.- Pain.- Spasticity and related disorders.- Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and respiratory disorders.- Bladder, bowel, and sexual disorders.Functional electrical stimulation.- Neuroprosteses.Emerging applications Fields of interest Neurosurgery; Neurology; Pain Medicine; Rehabilitation Medicine; Neurosciences Target groups Researchers, practitioners Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007

More than 18 million people in the United States have diabetes mellitus, and about 90% of these have the type 2 form of the disease. In addition, between 17 and 40 million people have insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, or the cluster of abnormalities referred to variably as the metabolic syndrome, the dysmetabolic syndrome, syndrome X, or the insulin resistance syndrome. In all of these disorders, a central component of the pathophysiology is insulin resistance, i.e., reduced responsiveness to insulin in tissues such as muscle, fat and liver. Insulin resistance is also closely linked to other common health problems, including obesity, polycystic ovarian disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. In this book, we will attempt to dissect the complexity of the molecular mechanisms of insulin action with a special emphasis on those features of the system that are subject to alteration in type 2 diabetes and other insulin resistant states. We explore insulin action at the [..] Features Attempts to dissect the complexity of the molecular mechanisms of insulin action with a special emphasis on those features of the system that are subject to alteration in type 2 diabetes and other insulin resistant states Contents Insulin and IGF-I Receptor Structure and Binding Mechanism.- Subcellular Compartmentalization of Insulin Signaling Processes and GLUT4 Trafficking Events.- Regulation of Insulin Action and Insulin Secretion by SNARE-Mediated Vesicle Exocytosis.Control of Protein Synthesis by Insulin.- Hepatic Regulation of Fuel Metabolism.- Insulin Action Gene Regulation.- Insulin Action in the Islet â-Cell.- Central Regulation of Insulin Sensitivity.- Transgenic Models of Impaired Insulin Signaling.- Insulin Resistance. Fields of interest Endocrinology; Cell Biology; Diabetes; Cardiology Target groups Endocrinologists, cell biologists, physiologists, diabetes specialists Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007

2007. X, 482 p. 155 illus., 11 in color. (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum, Ergänzungswerk 97/1) Geb. 2007. XI, 214 p. (Medical Intelligence Unit) Geb.

213,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-33078-4

133,70 € ISBN 978-0-387-72203-0



P. Santoni-Rugiu, S. Chiara University Hospital, Pisa, Italy; P.,. Sykes, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK

A History of Plastic Surgery The book covers the history of plastic surgery from the remarkable achievements of ancient civilizations e.g. India and Egypt, through the classical times of ancient Greece and Rome, up to the revolutionary techniques developed at the end of the Middle Age, the Renaissance and then beyond. Surgical progress has usually relied on the parallel development of anatomy. The knowledge of wound healing and how this has changed and influenced plastic surgery is covered in the first part. The development of the basic techniques of the specialty such as skin flaps, the grafting of skin and other tissues are followed throughout the centuries. In the Second Part the development of various surgical reconstructive procedures are described. The reader will realize how techniques which are routine today have evolved thanks to the ingenuity of our surgical ancestors. Finally in Part Three the birth of Cosmetic Surgery, which has fulfilled the dreams of our ancestors, is outlined. Its rapid development is described [..] Features Unique comprehensive book on the evolution of plastic surgery from ancient to modern times Includes invaluable data and illustrations from the Sanvenero Rosselli Foundation Fascinating overview of an exciting field Contents I The Basis of Plastic Surgery: Development of the Anatomical Foundations of Surgery.- The Healing of Wounds and Development of Surgery.- Skin Flaps.Skin Grafts.- Grafts of Other Tissues .- Short History of Anaesthesia.- II Reconstructive Surgery of Various Organs: Reconstructive Surgery of the Nose.- Repair of Facial Clefts.- Reconstructive Surgery of the Genitalia.- Reconstruction of the Ear.- Reconstruction of the Skull.- III Cosmetic Surgery: Introduction to Cosmetic Surgery; Early prejudices.- Cosmetic Rhinoplasty.- Facial Rejuvenation.- Plastic Surgery of the Breast. Fields of interest Plastic Surgery; Surgery; Traumatic Surgery Target groups Researchers and clinicians in plastic surgery and related fields Type of publication Monograph R.M. Satava, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA; A. Gaspari, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy; N. Di Lorenzo, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy (Eds.)

Emerging Technologies in Surgery Tremendous acceleration and changes in scientific discovery and progress are presently occuring. These important emerging technologies that will affect the practicing surgeon within the next 10 to 20 years are illustrated in detail in this volume. Its purpose is not to review clinical experience of the common surgical practice of the past decade, but to outline and illustrate the future trends. International experts in this field demonstrate emerging procedures and significant advances. Features International update on most recent advances in surgical techniques Informative scientific outlook into the next 10-20 years in surgery Wealth of clear and instructive illustrations Contents Part A Introduction: Overview on Disruptive Technologies.- Economics on New Surgical Technologies.- The Scientific, Ethical and Social Implications of Disruptive Technologies in Surgery.- Part B Education and Training: Surgical Education on the Internet: World Virtual University.- Virtual Reality, Objective Assessment and Medical Education.- Organizing a Surgical Simulation Center.- New technologies and Education.- Integrating Information Technologies into a Surgical Department.- Part C Robotics and Novel Surgical Approaches: Computed-Guided Surgery.- Robotics in General Surgery: Today [..] Fields of interest Surgery; General Surgery; Interventional Radiology; Transplant Surgery Target groups Surgeons at all levels of experience Type of publication Monograph

R. Schabus, Wiener Privatklinik, Wien; E. Bosina, Wien

Das Knie Diagnostik – Therapie – Rehabilitation

Verletzungen des Kniegelenks zählen zu den häufigsten sporttraumatologischen Befunden. Dieses Handbuch stellt in gleichem Maße für Ärzte, Physiotherapeuten, aber auch Patienten die modernsten diagnostischen Verfahren und die konservativen und operativen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Schädigungen des Kniegelenks dar. In enger Zusammenarbeit zwischen Diagnostiker, Operateur und Therapeut hat das medizinische Team die bestmögliche Übersicht über die Patienten vom Zeitpunkt vor der Operation oder des Anfanges der konservativen Therapie bis zur vollkommenen Rehabilitation und Rückkehr zum Sport. Durch den täglichen Informationsaustausch können Therapieänderungen sofort erfolgen und mit dem Patienten besprochen werden, damit der bestmögliche Effekt erzielt bzw. Komplikationen vermieden werden. Da dieses Buch auch als Ratgeber für verletzte Profi-/Amateursportler oder Nichtsportler dienen soll, werden medizinische Grundbegriffe und diagnostische und therapeutische Maßnahmen allgemein verständlich erklärt. Features Enge Zusammenarbeit: Arzt, Physiotherapeut, Patient Moderne operative und nichtoperative Verfahren Klare, verständliche Darstellung und viele Übungen Contents Aus dem Inhalt Allgemeiner Teil: Anatomie des Kniegelenkes; Diagnostik von Kniebefunden; Heilgymnastik; Arthroskopie.-Spezieller Teil: Häufige Verletzungen und Krankheitsbilder; Verletzung des vorderen Kreuzbandes (VKB); Strechverletzungen und partielle VKB-Risse; VKB-Verletzungen im Kindesalter; Meniskusverletzungen; Knorpelverletzungen und Knorpelschäden; Seitenbandverletzung; Verletzungen des hinteren Kreuzbandes (HKB); Die komplexe Knieinstabilität; Patellainstabilität; Chondropathia patellae; Arthrofibrose; Plicasyndrom; Tendopathien des Streckapparates; Baker-Zyste; [..]

Due July 2007 2007. XVI, 168 p. 90 illus. Geb.

53,45 € ISBN 978-3-540-39599-7

Fields of interest Traumatic Surgery; Sports Medicine; Physiotherapy; Rehabilitation; Orthopedics; General Surgery Target groups Sportmediziner, Physiotherapeuten, Unfallchirurgen, Orthopäden, Allgemeinmediziner, Betroffene

Due June 2007

Type of publication Handbook

2007. XVI, 395 p. 407 illus. With CD-ROM. Geb.

Due September 2007

245,03 € ISBN 978-3-540-46240-8

2007. XIV, 164 S. Mit zahl. Abb. z.Tl. in Farbe. Mit DVD. Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-29686-8 K.-P. Schaps, O. Kessler, U. Fetzner (Eds.)

Das Zweite - kompakt Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik- GK2

Das Zweite - kompakt: die erste Hilfe vor dem "Hammerexamen" Nur keine Panik! Zur effizienten Vorbereitung auf das 2. Staatsexamen gibt es jetzt die neue Prüfungsrepetitorienreihe aus dem Hause Springer. Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen. Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert. Alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuem Gegenstandskatalog 2 finden sich systematisch in Band I-VIII. Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuem GK mit Differentialdiagnosen und Wiederholung der Diagnostik und Therapie werden in Band IX behandelt. Die ausgefeilte Didaktik wurde mit einem gemischt studentisch-ärztlichem Herausgeberteam entwickelt. Features Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert Alle Grundlagen sehr knapp, alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuer AO systematisch in Band I-VIII Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuer AO mit [..] Contents Neurologie.- Psychiatrie.- Psychosomatik. Fields of interest Neurology; Psychiatry Target groups Medizinstudenten vor der 2. Ärztlichen Prüfung, im klinischen Studienabschnitt und PJ Type of publication German textbook Due September 2007 2007. XXX, 210 S. 48 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

16,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46353-5


103 K.-P. Schaps, O. Kessler, U. Fetzner (Eds.)

Das Zweite - kompakt



K.-P. Schaps, Wilhelmshaven; O. Kessler, Männedorf; U. Fetzner, Bad Kissingen (Eds.)

K.-P. Schaps, Wilhelmshaven; O. Kessler, Männedorf; U. Fetzner, Bad Kissingen (Eds.)

Das Zweite - kompakt

Das Zweite - kompakt

Innere Medizin

Gynäkologie. Pädiatrie

Das Zweite - kompakt: die erste Hilfe vor dem "Hammerexamen" Nur keine Panik! Zur effizienten Vorbereitung auf das 2. Staatsexamen gibt es jetzt die neue Prüfungsrepetitorienreihe aus dem Hause Springer. Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen. Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert. Alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuem Gegenstandskatalog 2 finden sich systematisch in Band I-VIII. Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuem GK mit Differentialdiagnosen und Wiederholung der Diagnostik und Therapie werden in Band IX behandelt. Die ausgefeilte Didaktik wurde mit einem gemischt studentisch-ärztlichem Herausgeberteam entwickelt.

Das Zweite - kompakt: die erste Hilfe vor dem "Hammerexamen" Nur keine Panik! Zur effizienten Vorbereitung auf das 2. Staatsexamen gibt es jetzt die neue Prüfungsrepetitorienreihe aus dem Hause Springer. Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen. Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert. Alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuem Gegenstandskatalog 2 finden sich systematisch in Band I-VIII. Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuem GK mit Differentialdiagnosen und Wiederholung der Diagnostik und Therapie werden in Band IX behandelt. Die ausgefeilte Didaktik wurde mit einem gemischt studentisch-ärztlichem Herausgeberteam entwickelt.

Features Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert Alle Grundlagen sehr knapp, alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuer AO systematisch in Band I-VIII Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuer AO mit [..]

Features Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen. Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert. Alle Grundlagen sehr knapp, alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuer AO systematisch in Band I-VIII Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuer AO mit [..]

Contents Kardiologie, Angiologie - Pneumologie - Gastroenterologie - Hepatologie, Gallenwege, Pankreas Nephrologie - Hämostaseologie, Hämatologie, Onkologie - Endokrinologie, Stoffwechsel - Rheumatologie.

Contents Gynäkologie.- Pädiatrie.

Dermatologie, Augenheilkunde, HNO

Das Zweite - kompakt: die erste Hilfe vor dem "Hammerexamen" Nur keine Panik! Zur effizienten Vorbereitung auf das 2. Staatsexamen gibt es jetzt die neue Prüfungsrepetitorienreihe aus dem Hause Springer. Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen. Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert. Alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuem Gegenstandskatalog 2 finden sich systematisch in Band I-VIII. Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuem GK mit Differentialdiagnosen und Wiederholung der Diagnostik und Therapie werden in Band IX behandelt. Die ausgefeilte Didaktik wurde mit einem gemischt studentisch-ärztlichem Herausgeberteam entwickelt. Features Von Studenten für Studenten: die knappe, einprägsame Information ist studenten- und prüfungsgerecht aufbereitet und nicht überladen Fachliche Verlässlichkeit durch "Facharztcheck": jedes von Studenten geschriebene Kapitel wurde von Fachärzten gegengelesen und korrigiert Alle Grundlagen sehr knapp, alle Krankheitsbilder nach neuer AO systematisch in Band I-VIII Alle Gesundheitsstörungen nach neuer AO mit [..] Fields of interest Dermatology; Otorhinolaryngology; Ophthalmology Target groups Medizinstudenten vor der 2. Ärztlichen Prüfung, im klinischen Studienabschnitt und PJ Type of publication German textbook Due August 2007 2007. XXXII, 242 S. 174 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

16,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46337-5

Fields of interest Internal Medicine; Cardiology; Pneumology/Respiratory System; Gastroenterology; Nephrology; Hematology Target groups Medizinstudenten vor der 2. Ärztlichen Prüfung, im klinischen Studienabschnitt und PJ Type of publication German textbook Due June 2007 2007. XXXII, 325 S., 90 Abb., z.Tl. in Farbe. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

16,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46350-4

Fields of interest Gynecology; Pediatrics Target groups Medizinstudenten vor der 2. Ärztlichen Prüfung, im klinischen Studienabschnitt und PJ Type of publication German textbook Due June 2007 2007. XXXI, 225 S. 82 Abb., größtenteils in Farbe. (SpringerLehrbuch) Softcover

16,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46347-4 H. Schatten, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA; A. Eisenstark, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA (Eds.)


Medizin J. Schatz, LMU München; R. Tammer, Universität Ulm (Eds.)

T.H. Schiebler, H.-W. Korf

Erste Hilfe - Chemie und Physik für Mediziner



Histologie, Entwicklungsgeschichte, makroskopische und mikroskopische Anatomie, Topographie

Methods and Protocols

Salmonella: Methods and Protocols presents detailed methods on a variety of aspects of Salmonella research, focusing on those which provide landmarks for future discovery. Highlighted topics include molecular genotyping, rapid and accurate new methods for sensitive determination of antibiotic resistance profiles, the characterization of Salmonella-specific cell antigens, and Salmonella-host cell interactions. Detailed methods for studying Salmonella motility are also presented. Each chapter provides a short overview of the topic, which is followed by detailed explanations of techniques such as genetic manipulation and molecular imaging that offer the possibilities of using Salmonella as a therapeutic vector to interfere with disease. This is the first comprehensive volume of methods and protocols for studying Salmonella and will be indispensable to researchers engaged in the study of Salmonella, and enterobacteria in general. Because no recent comprehensive literature of this format is available on [..] Features The first comprehensive collection of Salmonella methods and protocols Explains basic techniques that can be easily applied to any enterobacteria Each chapter includes a short overview followed by detailed explanations of techniques Contents Quantitative, Multiplexed Detection of Salmonella and Other Pathogens by Luminex.- Detection of Salmonella by Bacteriophage Felix 01.- Physical Mapping of Salmonella Genomes.- Cloth-based Hybridization Array System for the Identification of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Salmonella.Genome-based Identification of Molecular Analyses of Pathogenicity Islands and Genomic Islands in Salmonella enterica.- Determination of the Gene Content of Salmonella Genomes by Microarray Analysis.- In-Vivo Excision, Cloning, and BroadHost-Range Transfer of Large Bacterial DNA Segments Using [..] Fields of interest Cell Biology; Infectious Diseases; Human Genetics; Pharmacology/Toxicology Target groups Molecular and cell biologists, geneticists, microbiologists, toxicologists, public health scientists, infectious disease specialists Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007 2007. XII, 356 p. 129 illus. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 394) Geb.

85,55 € ISBN 978-1-58829-619-1

Physik / Chemie – Konnt´ ich noch nie! Doch das ist kein Hindernis für das Medizinstudium. 20 leidgeprüfte Kommilitonen haben sich zusammengetan, um die schwarzen Löcher der Schulzeit auszuleuchten. Daraus ist dieses Buch von Studierenden für Studierende entstanden. Was ist drin? Von Vektoren bis zur Statistik – die notwendigen mathematische Grundlagen; Periodensystem, Stoffe, Dichte, Stöchometrie… kurz: Grundlegendes aus den Naturwissenschaften; vollständiger Vorlesungsstoff Physik für Mediziner – vom Newton Apfel bis zur Ionisierenden Strahlung und Krebs; von der chemischen Bindung bis zur Komplexchemie – der gesamte Vorlesungsstoff Chemie für Mediziner; Formelsammlungen, Glossar, griechisches Alphabet – alles, was man schon immer mal nachschlagen wollte. Wie sieht´s aus? Kein Fachkauderwelsch; alles im Detail erläutert; Beispiele und Interessantes für zwischendurch; Das Wichtige noch mal in der Randspalte; Fragen (+ Lösungen) am Schluss. Chemie / Physik – Jetzt macht´s Klick

Dieses Lehrbuch erfasst examensgerecht alle Teilgebiete der Anatomie: makroskopische Anatomie einschließlich Topographie, Embryologie, Histologie mit integrierter Zytologie und mikroskopischer Anatomie. Es ist lerngerecht und klinikorientiert durch: Stoffauswahl und Gliederung unter klinischen Gesichtspunkten - "Wie du dem Menschen gegenüberstehst." Aufbau nach dem Modul-Prinzip mit Lernzielen und kurzen Zusammenfassungen - fächerübergreifende und funktionelle Aspekte - klinische Hinweise. Das Werk ist eng mit einem internetbasierten Lernprogramm verbunden (e-learning), das das Buch um einen Atlas der Histologie und der mikroskopischen Anatomie erweitert. Makroskopisch-anatomische Animationen zu ausgewählten Kapiteln machen Spaß und fördern die Lerneffizienz.

Features Bereits in 10., erfolgreicher Auflage: komplett aktualisiert Hohe Prüfungsrelevanz – zugeschnitten auf den ersten Abschnitt der ärztlichen Prüfung Features Von Studenten geschrieben: "die unterhaltsame Gemäß der neuen Approbationsordnung mit klinisNachhilfe in Buchform" Expertencheck durch chen Bezügen e-learning: die Internetplattform biDozenten Alles, was man wissen muss: von den etet einen Atlas der Histologie und makroskopischGrundlagen bis zur ersten ärztlichen Prüfung Plus: anatomische Animationen Mathegrundlagen und naturwissenschaftliche Contents Grundlagen Einführung in die Anatomie.- Histologie, Gewebelehre.- Allgemeine Entwicklungsgeschichte.- Blut Contents Grundlagen: Mathematische Grundlagen.- Naturund Abwehrsystem.- Allgemeine Anatomie des Bewissenschafliche Grundlagen.  Physik: wegungsapparates.- Allgemeine Anatomie von Herz Mechanik.- Wärmelehre.- Elektrizität.- Optik.- Ionund Blutkreislauf.- Organisation des peripheren Nerisierende Strahlung.- Sektion III Chemie: Allgevensystems.- Haut.- Rücken.- Thorax.- Abdomen meine Chemie.- Anorganische Chemie.- Organische und Pelvis.- Extremitäten.- Kopf und Hals.- SinChemie.- Komplexchemie.- Nomenklatur Chemie.nesorgane.- Zentralnervensystem. Anhang Fields of interest Anatomy Fields of interest Medicine, general Target groups Studierende der Medizin und Zahnmedizin, AuzuTarget groups Medizinstudenten zu Beginn der Vorklinik bildende der Physiotherapie, Dozenten Type of publication German textbook

Type of publication German textbook

Due September 2007

Due September 2007

2007. XVI, 538 S. 422 farbigen Abb. und 79 Tab. (SpringerLehrbuch) Softcover

Ursprünglich erschienen bei Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg

34,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-33959-5

2007. XVIII, 918 S., 538 Abb. Geb.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1770-7



U. Schiefer, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Tübingen, Germany; H. Wilhelm, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Tübingen, Germany; W. Hart, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds.)

Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology P.M. Schlag, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; U. Stein, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany (Eds.)

Regional Cancer Therapy

W. Schlegel, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany; A. Mahr, Berufsakademie, Heidenheim, Germany

3D Conformal Radiation Therapy Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques

A Practical Guide

Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology is a challenge for residents and experienced clinicians alike. This book covers all relevant techniques of diagnosis as well as interpretations of clinical signs. All information is highly structured, highlighting ‘definition’, ‘note’ and ‘pearl’, so that it can also be used by the physician during the patient encounter. The included flow chart posters remind the physician of the most important information.Further, the accompanying animated CD contains: all of the text passages in a searchable format, interactive case demonstrations, animated sequences of clinical signs andvideo recordings of clinical examinations.This unique and practical guide offers invaluable and practical advice for physicians treating patients with neuro-ophthalmic problems. Features Written by internationally renowned experts The user-friendly format, highlighting ‘take home messages’ and including many tables, flowcharts and illustrations, allows the reader to quickly find the information they are looking for 5 Flow chart posters included With video-clips, animated images and interactive case reports, glossary, training program and internet links on enclosed CD Contents The initial encounter: Taking a history and recognizing neuro-ophthalmic emergencies.-Visual loss of uncertain origin – Diagnostic strategies.- The functional anatomy of the human visual pathway.Perimetry.- The diagnosis of pupillary disorders.Dyschromatopsias associated with neuro-ophthalmic disease.- Electrophysiology.- Optic disc signs and optic neuropathies.-Neuro-ophthalmic presentations of orbital disease.-Infranuclear disorders of ocular motility.-Supranuclear disorders of ocular motility.Neuro-ophthalmic presentations of brain tumors.Central visual disorders.- Transient [..] Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Neurology; Emergency Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Ophthalmologists, neurologists, emergency room physicians and other specialists called upon to make immediate neuro-ophthalmic decisions

This volume provides a biological and pharmacological background for regional cancer therapy, strategies and techniques for regional therapies, and specific indications and results for different tumor entities. Clinical trial concepts and detailed treatment protocols are also presented. Part I describes biological and pharmacological fundamentals for therapy and introduces laboratory models for isolated limb and organ perfusion. Topics introduced in Part II include interventional radiotherapy, surgical strategies, regional thermotherapy, radiofrequency thermal ablation, cryoablation, nanocarriers and drug delivery, and local gene therapy for cancer. Highlights of Part III include regional chemotherapy of primary and metastatic liver tumors and focal liver ablation techniques in primary and secondary liver tumors. Regional Cancer Therapy is essential reading for researchers and clinicians engaged in seeking advanced therapeutic options for cancer patients worldwide. Features Biological and pharmacological backgrounds for regional cancer therapy Techniques and prerequisites for regional cancer therapy Indications and results for several different tumor entities Regional therapy of pancreatic, rectal, breast, ovarian, bladder, and brain tumors Contents From the Contents Part I. Background.- Biological Background: Multidrug Resistance-Clinical Implications.- Pharmacological Background.- Isolated Limb and Organ Perfusion Laboratory Models.- Part II. Techniques and Prerequisites for Regional Therapy.Interventional Radiotherapy.- Surgical Strategies.Regional Thermotherapy.- Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation.- Cryoablation for Primary and Secondary Liver Tumors.- A Personal History of Photodynamic Therapy.- Ultrasound Guided Therapy.- Nanocarriers and Drug Delivery.- Local Gene Therapy for Cancer.- Part III. Indications and Results for [..] Fields of interest Cancer Research; Oncology; Surgery; Radiotherapy; Surgical Oncology Target groups Cancer researchers, medical oncologists, radiotherapists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists

Due May 2007

Due August 2007

2007. XIV, 462 p. (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) Geb.

181,85 € ISBN 978-3-540-32706-6

Features Revised and enlarged edition Gives a description of new techniques and their physical principles Gives an overview over new technical developments Helps to stay up to date with the cutting edge of current research Contents Basics and Fields of Application; Patient Immobilization; Imaging; Tumor Localization; 3D Treatment Planning; Dose Calculation for Photons and Electrons; Plan Optimization; Patient Positioning; Treatment Modalities; Conformal Radiation Therapy; Quality Management; Clinical Radiation Dosimetry; Physical and Biological Properties of Heavy Charged Particles; Beam Production of Heavy Charged Particles; Beam Application; Dose Calculation for Charged Particles; Clinical Applications of Heavy Particle Beams. Fields of interest Radiotherapy; Oncology; Cancer Research; Computer Graphics; Human Physiology; Anatomy Target groups Radiotherapists; oncologists; medical technicians Type of publication Data software Due May 2007

Type of publication Contributed volume

Type of publication Monograph

2007. XIV, 319 p. 184 illus. in 357 parts. With DVD and 5 posters. Geb.

Recent research in the field of radiotherapy has brought forth a wide variety of new techniques, which have significantly impacted on the clinical practice of radiotherapy. This electronic book gives an in-depth description of new techniques and their physical principles as well as an overview of new technical developments. Topics covered in this DVD include such innovative subjects as: Inverse Planning – Monte Carlo Techniques in Treatment Planning; Stereotactic Radiotherapy- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy; Image Guided Radiotherapy Procedures – Radiation Therapy with Charged particles. Sophisticated multimedia offers not only a comprehensive but also easily understood description of state-of-the-art radiotherapy techniques,helping you to stay up-to-date with cutting-edge research.

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-672-6

2007. DVD-ROM.

154,64 € ISBN 978-3-540-71550-4 R.F. Schmidt, Universität Würzburg; F. Lang, Universität Tübingen (Eds.)

Physiologie des Menschen

Medizin C. Schmincke, Klinik am Steigerwald, Gerolzhofen

Chinesische Medizin für die westliche Welt

mit Pathophysiologie

Immer einen Herzschlag voraus Der neue Schmidt/ Lang hält auch in der 30. Auflage was er verspricht! Von der Zellphysiologie über Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie bis zur vegetativen Physiologie wird der komplette Prüfungsstoff abgedeckt. Komplexe Mechanismen werden klassisch und molekularbiologisch erklärt. Auch in der Vorklinik wird der Blick auf den Mediziner-Alltag immer wichtiger – noch mehr Klinikboxen helfen das Wesentliche schnell zu erfassen. Zusammenfassungen verschaffen einen guten Überblick über das Kapitel und eignen sich hervorragend zur Wiederholung. Durch den Roten Faden erkennen Sie mit einem Blick das Wesentliche. So überzeugt das neue Lehrbuch mit einer optimalen Didaktik, zuverlässigem Prüfungswissen und hochwertiger Ausstattung – Ihr Schrittmacher für physiologisches Wissen. Erst lernen, dann üben: mit PIN für Online-Zugang zu aktuellen IMPP-Physiologie-Fragen mit Antwortkommentaren Features Von den Grundlagen (Aufbau des Herzens) bis hin zur Pathophysiologie (Herzinsuffizienz) Immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft Mit PIN für Online-Zugang zu IMPP-Physiologie-Fragen 2002 bis heute Contents Grundlagen der Zellphysiologie.- Signaltransduktion.- Transport in Membranen und Epithelien.- Grundlagen zellulärer Erregbarkeit.- Erregungsleitung und synaptische Übertragung.Kontraktionsmechanismen.- Motorische Systeme.- Allgemeine Physiologie der Großhirnrinde.Wachen, Aufmerksamkeit und Schlafen.- Lernen und Gedächtnis.- Motivation und Emotion.- Kognitive Funktionen und Denken.- Allgemeine Sinnesphysiologie.- Das somatoviszerale sensorische System.- Nozizeption und Schmerz.- Die Kommunikation des Menschen: Hören und Sprechen.- Der Gleichgewichtssinn und die Bewegungs- und [..] Fields of interest Human Physiology; General Practice / Family Medicine

TCM - die Traditionelle chinesische Medizin ist in aller Munde Neue Lebensenergie, Stärkung der natürlichen Abwehrkräfte und Erhaltung der Gesundheit: das versprechen die Methoden der Traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie sie für Ihre Gesundheit nutzen können: - QiGong-Übungen für den täglichen Energiekick - Akupressur bei Schmerzen und Verspannungen - Ernährung nach den fünf Elementen für das allgemeine Wohlbefinden Lesen Sie über die ärztlichen Verfahren der TCM und was sie bewirken: - Akupunktur - Moxa-Erwärmung - Chinesische Arzneimittel Und bei welchen Krankheiten, welche Verfahren wirksam sind. Der Autor, Leiter einer Klinik für chinesische Medizin und biologische Heilverfahren, erklärt in verständlicher Form die chinesische Medizin für die westliche Welt. Traditionelle chinesische Medizin – übernehmen Sie Verantwortung für Ihre Gesundheit! Features Die Prinzipien der Traditionellen chinesischen Medizin TCM - verstehen und anwenden  Erfolgreiche Methoden zur Selbstbehandlung Contents Das chinesische Denken: Anmerkungen zur chinesischen Philosophie; Mikrokosmos – Makrokosmos; Yin und Yang; Die Wandlungsphasen; Funktionskreise – die chinesische Organlehre; Die Lebenssubstanzen – Qi und Xue.- Krankheitslehre: Was krank macht – die Frage nach den Ursachen; Emotionale Krisen – die Psychodynamik der Wandlungsphasen; Witterungsbedingte Krisen – die Immunologie der Chinesen; Chinesische Diagnostik.- Therapiewege: Qi Gong; Akupunktur; Arzneitherapie; Diätetik; Krankheiten chinesisch behandeln – Hinweise zu einzelnen Krankheitsbildern; Therapie aus Patientensicht; Geschichte [..] Fields of interest Complementary & Alternative Medicine; Acupuncture; Nutrition; Pharmacy; Popular Science in Medicine and Health Target groups Leser mit Interesse an alternativen Heilverfahren und östlichen Lebensweisen

Target groups Studierende der Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Molecular Medicine, Biologie

Type of publication Popular science

Type of publication German textbook

Due July 2007

Due September 2007 2007. XXII, 1030 S. 1129 Abb. in Farbe. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Geb.

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-32908-4

2007. XV, 320 S. 115 Abb., in Farbe. Softcover

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46683-3


D.D. Schmorrow, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA, USA; L.M. Reeves, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, VA, USA (Eds.)

Foundations of Augmented Cognition Third International Conference, FAC 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Augmented Cognition, FAC 2007, held in Beijing, China, in July 2007, within the framework of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2007, with 8 other thematically similar conferences. The 65 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in two main sections. The first section focuses on general Augmented Cognition methods and techniques, including physiological and neurophysiological measures (e.g, EEG, fNIR), adaptive techniques, and sensors and algorithms for cognitive state estimation. The second section is devoted to the discussion of various Augmented Cognition applications (e.g., simulation and training, intent-driven user interfaces, closedloop command and control systems), lessons learned to date, and future directions in Augmented Cognition-enabled HCI. Fields of interest Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Health Informatics & Health Administration; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet); Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Database Management Target groups Researchers and professionals Type of publication Proceedings Due June 2007 2007. XIX, 450 p. Also available online. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 4565) Softcover

64,20 € ISBN 978-3-540-73215-0



B. Schneider, Medizinische Universität Wien; W. Bigenzahn, Medizinische Universität Wien

V. Schumpelick, Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Germany; R.J. Fitzgibbons, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA (Eds.)

O. Schöffski, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; J.-M.v.d. Schulenburg, Universität Hannover (Eds.)


Recurrent Hernia

Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis

Prevention and Treatment

Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen

Heiserkeit, Räusperzwang oder der berühmte Frosch im Hals – Stimmprobleme werden ein immer häufigeres Problem. Der steigende Kommunikationsbedarf und die zunehmende Bedeutung einer gesunden Stimme in unserer modernen Gesellschaft stellen an Diagnostik und Therapie von Stimmstörungen inzwischen hohe Anforderungen. Mit diesem Buch erhalten Sie einen Leitfaden durch die grundlegenden Verfahren der Stimmdiagnostik. Klinische Erfahrungen ermöglichen entsprechende Befundinterpretationen und Therapieplanungen. Dieses Werk bringt dem Leser in systematischer Weise stimmdiagnostische Untersuchungsmethoden in Theorie und Praxis nahe. Klar strukturiert werden in Anlehnung an die Empfehlungen der European Laryngological Society die gebräuchlichen stimmdiagnostischen Methoden dargestellt und an praktischen Beispielen diskutiert. Übungen festigen die Lerninhalte. Dieser Leitfaden ist ein Muss für all jene, die in die Stimmausbildung bzw. Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Stimmstörungen eingebunden sind.

Recurrence is a significant public health problem. So, this fourth Suvretta meeting, held in February 2006 is intended to concentrate on this problem. Technical nuances of the various operations have been discussed to pursue consensus concerning the best techniques. Methods were explored to improve surgeons' education and look into the multifactorial etiologies to understand the biology of hernia recurrence better.

Features Umfassende Informationen zu allen Stimmproblemen Gegenüberstellung: gesunde Stimme, krankhafte Abweichungen Darstellung diagnostischer Untersuchungsmethoden Zahlreiche praktische Beispiele CD mit Stimmklangbeispielen von Patienten mit Stimmerkrankungen   Contents Inhalt: Kommunikationsbedarf in der modernen Gesellschaft.- Wichtige Einsatzgebiete der Stimmdiagnostik.- Physikalisch-akustische Grundlagen und deren Kenngrößen.- Anatomie und Physiologie der Stimme.- Sprech- und Singstimme.- Entwicklung stimmdiagnostischer Methoden.- Systematik der modernen Stimmdiagnostik.- Basisprotokoll der European Laryngological Society (ELS) zur funktionellen Stimmbeurteilung.- Bewertung stimmdiagnostischer Befunde unter Berücksichtigung des Basisprotokolls der ELS.- Aerodynamische Messungen.- Untersuchungsmethoden des Kehlkopfes.Stimmfeldmessung.- [..] Fields of interest Otorhinolaryngology; Speech Pathology; Medicine, general Target groups HNO Ärzte, Sprachtherapeuten, Logopäden, Phoniater, Gesangspädagogen, Pädagogen, Schauspiellehrer, Schauspieler, Personen die beruflich viel sprechen müssen Type of publication Handbook Due June 2007 2007. VIII, 304 S. Mit zahlr. Abb. Geb.

59,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-25216-1

Contents Recurrence as an important endpoint.- Biological reasons to fail.- Hiatal hernia.- Abdominal wall closure.- Incisional hernia.- How to treat the recurrent incisional hernia.- Primary inguinal hernia.- Recurrent inguinal hernia.- Infection, pain and mesh-material.- To treat the "other" hernia.- What can we do to improve our results?- Analysis of questionnaire. Fields of interest Surgery Target groups Surgeons, Gastroenterologists Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due May 2007 2007. XVI, 433 p. 147 illus. Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-3-540-37545-6

Die angespannte finanzielle Situation im Gesundheitswesen führt dazu, dass neben medizinischen auch immer mehr ökonomische Sachverhalte eine Rolle spielen. Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen dienen dazu, die Kosten und den Nutzen verschiedener medizinischer Maßnahmen in Relation zueinander zu setzen, um Prioritäten setzen zu können. In diesem Buch werden sowohl die Grundlagen als auch die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse solcher Studien praxisorientiert dargestellt. Besonders berücksichtigt werden dabei auch Lebensqualitätseffekte. Das Buch ist eine große Hilfe bei der praktischen Durchführung von Evaluationsstudien: Es gibt Nicht-Ökonomen einen guten Überblick über das Themengebiet und informiert Experten über den Stand der Forschung. Die aktuellen Entwicklungen (z.B. NICE, IQWiG, Implementierung von Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen) sowie neue Themengebiete (z.B. Budget Impact Modelle) werden in dieser dritten, komplett überarbeiteten Auflage berücksichtigt. Features Überblick über das Themengebiet und den Stand der Forschung Darstellung der methodischen Grundlagen von Evaluationen Berücksichtigung von Lebensqualitätseffekten in Evaluationsstudien Praktische Hinweise zur Durchführung von Evaluationsstudien Contents Methodische Grundlagen.- Studiendesign.- Bewertung von Lebensqualitätseffekten.- Qualität und Akzeptanz gesundheitsökonomischer Evaluationsstudien. Fields of interest Social Policy; Health Care Administration Target groups Praktiker, Studenten Type of publication Professional book Due April 2007 2007. XX, 599 S. 86 Abb. Geb.

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-49558-1 H. Schütze, Kusterdingen

Embryonale Humanstammzellen

Medizin S. Seeber, Universitätsklinikum Essen; H.J. Schütte, Marien Hospital Düsseldorf (Eds.)

Therapiekonzepte Onkologie

Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der deutschen, französischen, britischen und US-amerikanischen Rechtslage

Die rechtlichen Bedingungen der Stammzellforschung und des Klonens von Menschen in vier Rechtsordnungen sind Gegenstand der Untersuchung. Dargestellt wird die Rechtslage in Großbritannien, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in Frankreich. Anschließend wird vor diesem Hintergrund das deutsche Recht erläutert. Dabei ergibt sich, dass zwar die Grundpositionen teilweise sehr unterschiedlich sind, es gleichwohl auch Gemeinsamkeiten gibt. Die Entwicklungslinien werden sowohl in verfassungsrechtlicher als auch in einfachrechtlicher Hinsicht nachgezeichnet. Zur speziell in Deutschland prägenden Diskussion über die Menschenwürde bzw. das Lebensrecht und den damit verbundenen Fragen nach den einfachrechtlich erfassten Rechtsgütern stellt der Autor einen eigenen Lösungsansatz vor. Contents Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen: Embryonalentwicklung.- Embryonale Stammzellen (ES-Zellen).Klonierungstechniken: Embryosplitting, Zellkerntransfer, therapeutisches und reproduktives Klonen, Parthenogenese.- Forschungsziele.- Regelungen in ausländischen Rechtsordnungen: Rechtslage in Großbritannien.- Rechtslage in den USA.- Rechtslage in Frankreich.- Interpretation der Rechtslage in Deutschland vor dem Hintergrund fremder Rechtsordnungen: Verfassungsrechtslage.- Einfachgesetzliche Regelungen.- Ergebnisse. Fields of interest Medical Law; Philosophy of Medicine; Ethics Target groups Juristen, Mediziner, Ethiker, Theologen Type of publication Monograph Due April 2007

D. Seifert, Kliniken/Institut der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen

Gefährlichkeitsprognosen Eine empirische Untersuchung über Patienten des psychiatrischen Maßregelvollzugs

Für die tägliche Arbeit in Klinik und Praxis bietet das Standardwerk Therapiekonzepte Onkologie auch in der 5. Auflage in bewährt kompakter Form einen Überblick über aktuelle Therapiekonzepte bei den häufigsten soliden und hämatologischen Tumorerkrankungen. Die Überarbeitung erfolgte durch ein interdisziplinäres Autorenteam aus Innerer Medizin, Radiologie und Chirurgie. Alle Kapitel wurden an die aktuellen Leitlinien der Fachgesellschaften angepasst. Besprochen werden ferner die wichtigsten Aspekte der Epidemiologie, Pathologie, Klassifizierung und Diagnostik. Viele Diagramme und Tabellen ermöglichen ein schnelles und sicheres Nachschlagen. Features Etabliertes Standardwerk der onkologischen Therapiekonzepte Kompakt und übersichtlich gegliedert Interdisziplinäres Autorenteam Aktuell nach den Leitlinien der Fachgesellschaften Contents Aus dem Inhalt: Allgemeine Definitionen.Grundzüge der TNM-Klassifikation maligner Tumoren. Toxizitätsbeurteilung. Nomogramme zur Berechnung der Körperoberfläche. Statistik tumorbedingter Todesursachen in Deutschland. Antineoplastisch wirksame Substanzen.- Hochdosistherapiekonzepte. Stammzellgestützte Hochdosistherapie bei soliden Tumoren. Prinzipien der Strahlentherapie.- Immunologische Therapiekonzepte.Therapeutische Konzepte.- Hämatologische bzw. lymphatische Erkrankungen.- Akute myeloische Leukämie. Morbus Hodgkin. Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome niedriger Malignität. Multiples Myelom. [..]

Die Einschätzung der Gefährlichkeit von Patienten des Maßregelvollzugs gehört zu den verantwortungsvollsten Aufgaben der forensischen Psychiatrie. Insbesondere bei einer anstehenden Entlassung aus der strafrechtlichen Unterbringung kommt dieser Aufgabe eine besondere Brisanz zu. Legalprognostische Entscheidungen tangieren Fragen nach der persönlichen Freiheit des Einzelnen und des Schutzes der Öffentlichkeit vor weiteren Straftaten. In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse der bislang einzigen prospektiven Prognosestudie im Maßregelvollzug vorgestellt. Contents Einführung in das Thema Gefährlichkeitsprognosen.- Die Essener Prognosestudie.- Ergebnisse.- Beschreibung der Gesamtstichprobe. Probanden mit gescheiterter Wiedereingliederung. Anamnestische Risikomerkmale. Analyse der apparativen, testpsychologischen und neurologischen Untersuchungen. Analyse klinischer Risikomerkmale. Die Berichte der Bewährungshelfer. Fields of interest Psychiatry; Criminal Law Target groups Psychiater mit Bezug zur forensischen Psychiatrie Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007

Fields of interest Oncology; Internal Medicine; Hematology

2007. VIII, 187 S. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie, Band 113) Geb.

Target groups Ärzte in Klinik und Praxis

74,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1755-4

Type of publication Professional book

2007. XVI, 369 S. (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht) Softcover

Due August 2007 84,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71280-0


2007. XLI, 1.851 S. 98 Abb. Geb.

99,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-28588-5



R.D. Semba, The Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA

A. Sendera, Perchtoldsdorf, Österreich; M. Sendera, Perchtoldsdorf, Österreich

Handbook of Nutrition and Ophthalmology

Skills-Training bei Borderlineund Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung

The Handbook of Nutrition in Ophthalmology is the first general text on nutrition and eye health created for physicians, nutritionists, and researchers. Dr. Richard D. Semba provides important links between the epidemic of obesity and implications it has for eye disease and blindness. The volume addresses three broad themes throughout. The first is that a healthy diet as a major lifelong habit will likely have an impact on reducing a substantial portion of visual impairment and blindness. The second is that a historical perspective is essential to understanding current challenges in ophthalmology, medicine, and public health. The third theme is that many nutrients play a role in oxidative stress and inflammation, and this theory has emerged as a major underlying hypothesis in the pathogenesis of eye diseases. The volume also includes chapters addressing nutritional aspects of preventing eye disease in diabetes mellitus and other optical neuropathies, making the Handbook of Nutrition in [..] Features Comprehensive general text on nutrition and the eye Geared towards physiciansand nutritionists, rather than laboratory Helps physicians address patients' concerns regarding nutrition, supplements, etc. Includes special chapter about the epidemic of obesity and the implications for eye disease and blindness Contents Nutrition Blindness (Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders).- Cataract.- Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- The Obesity Epidemic: Implications for Eye Health.- Nutrition and Diabetic Retinopathy.- Retinal Vascular Disease.- Nutritional Amblyopia and Vitamin B Complex Deficiencies.- Zinc and Eye Health.- Vitamin C and Eye Health.- The Age-Related Proinflammatory State and Eye Disease.- Essential Fatty Acids and Visual Development in Infants.- Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Fields of interest Nutrition; Ophthalmology; Geriatrics/Gerontology; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Nutritionists, opthamologists, family practitioners Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. 689 p. 115 illus. (Nutrition and Health) Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-1-58829-196-7

Das Buch vereint Theorie und Praxis des SkillsTrainings nach der Dialektisch Behavioralen Therapie (DBT) und richtet sich an alle, die im therapeutischen, medizinischen, sozialen und pädagogischen Bereich tätig sind sowie an Betroffene. Es gibt einen Überblick über Diagnostik, Problembereiche, Neurobiologie, Therapiekonzepte sowie Inhalt und Aufbau von Skills-Gruppen. Die typischen Muster von Instabilität, Spannungszuständen, Impulsdurchbrüchen, Schemata, Dissoziation, Somatisierung und Selbstverletzung werden ausführlich erklärt. Wirksame Strategien und Techniken werden in den Modulen Achtsamkeit, Emotionsregulation, Stresstoleranz und Zwischenmenschliche Skills beschrieben. In der 2. Auflage wurden inhaltliche Ergänzungen in den Bereichen chronischer Schmerz, Somatisierungsstörung, DBT und Sucht, DBT in der Forensik, DBT in der Pädagogik vorgenommen. Neu ist auch eine CD-ROM mit Arbeitsblättern und Handouts für Therapiesitzungen. Features Anschaulich und kompetent - schulenunabhängige Module Mit praktischen Übungen zum Erlernen von sozialen Fertigkeiten CD-ROM mit Arbeitsblättern und Handouts Contents Vorwort der Herausgeberinnen.- Geleitwort Giselher Guttmann.- Geschichte der Psychopathologie: Borderline-Störung (BLS); Die posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTSD).- Beschreibung der Problembereiche: Probleme bei der Emotionsregulation; Dissoziative Phänomene; Problembereich Verhaltensebene; Selbstbild und Identität; Beziehung; Inkompatible Schemata und dysfunktionale Grundannahmen; Erinnerungsdruck und Vermeidung; Somatisierungsstörungen und körperliche Erkrankungen: Patients out of hell (Linehan).- Komorbide Erscheinungsbilder.- Von der Topographie zum Neuronalen Netzwerk: [..] Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Psychiatry; Clinical Psychology; Behavioral Therapy; Personality & Social Psychology; Pedagogic Psychology Target groups Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater, klinische Psychologen, Sozialarbeiter, Pflege, Betroffene Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007 2007. XVII, 240 S. 50 Abb. Mit CD-ROM. Softcover

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-71784-4

A.F. Shields, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA (Ed.)

In Vivo Imaging of Cancer Therapy Imaging studies are frequently used to evaluate the success of cancer treatments for a variety of tumor types. In Vivo Imaging of Cancer Therapy addresses a variety of cutting-edge imaging techniques, including their use for best practice, and provides examples of results found in both pre-clinical and clinical studies. This comprehensive text covers the entire spectrum of in vivo imaging for oncology, including current approaches to detailed anatomic measurements, MR and optical spectroscopy, and molecular imaging techniques requiring exogenously administered imaging agents. The challenges and approaches to quantification are also outlined. The authors describe technologies and methods that are currently clinically available, and many that are still in a developmental stage or useful only in animal studies. However, it is important to realize that the majority of imaging devices now offered for sale by the major imaging equipment manufacturers did not exist as recently as 3 or 4 years ago. Thus [..] Features Covers entire spectrum of in vivo imaging for oncology, including current approaches to anatomic measurement, MR and optical spectroscopy, and molecular imaging techniques Contributors are worldrenowned and represent a variety of fields Fields of interest Oncology Target groups Researchers and professionals Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007 2007. 494 p. (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) Geb.

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-58829-633-7 A. Shor, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Chlamydia Atherosclerosis Lesion

Medizin H. Siebner, Universität Kiel; U. Ziemann, Universität Frankfurt (Eds.)

Das TMS-Buch


J.R. Siewert, Technische Universität München

Basiswissen Chirurgie

Discovery, Diagnosis and Treatment Handbuch der transkraniellen Magnetstimulation

Dr Shor believes it is important for every medical practitioner to be aware of the new aspects of this disease, and that all facts concerning the circumstances, the finding of the germ, the specific pathological features and other aspects which change the concept of heart attacks, remarkably, methods of diagnoses of the lesion should all be known. Details and facets of the lesion are necessary for assessment, acceptance or rejection of this very important new disease, by the scientific community. It opens up new diagnosis and treatments, with potential cure and eradication of this deadly disease. Immunization or eradication of this germ if possible will open new horizons. Features Only book to cover this topic Contents Introduction.- The Germ’s Story.- The Deadly Disease.- Atheroma Gruel.- Discovery.- Which Chlamydia Species.- Identification of Atheroma Germ.- Publications, Presentations and Confirmation.- Chlamydia are Inherent Components of Atheroma.- Do Chlamydia Germs Cause Atherosclerosis?- Pathological Lesion Diagnosis.- Study of Atheroma Lesions.- New Findings Concerning Initial Lesion.Fatty Streak Lesion.- Formation of Fibro-Necrotic Plaque.- Interpretaton of Lesion.- Confirmatory Molecular Biological Studies.- Derivation of Lipid in Lesion.- Acceptance.- Diagnosis of Atheroma Lesions.- [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; General Practice / Family Medicine; Internal Medicine; Infectious Diseases Target groups Medical practitioners, general practitioners, cardiologists, vascular surgeons, physicians, pharmaceutical firms who manufacture drugs to treat the disease; neurologists, anatomical pathologists, microbiologists, researchers, possibly the general public and patients who have an interest in the disease Type of publication Professional book

TMS - Von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung. Die transkranielle Magnetstimulation erlaubt die schmerzlose Stimulation des menschlichen Gehirns. Dieses nicht-invasive Stimulationsverfahren ist eine neue und hoch innovative Methode mit breiten diagnostischen, wissenschaftlichen und therapeutischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Neurologie, Psychiatrie, klinischer Neurophysiologie und den Neurowissenschaften. Wer sich für den State of the Art interessiert und gleichzeitig einen verständlichen Überblick erhalten möchte, ist hier genau richtig. Für Einsteiger bietet das Buch - Technische und physiologische Grundlagen, - Anwendungsrichtlinien, - Routinediagnostik und spezielle Diagnostik. Für Fortgeschrittene - Charakterisierung von Hirnfunktionen, - Induktion von Plastizität, - Modulation von Hirnfunktionen - Therapeutische Ansätze. Das TMS-Buch gibt einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über alle wichtigen Themen - von der Routinediagnostik über Befunde bei neurologischen und psychiatrischen [..] Features Bislang konkurrenzlos auf dem deutschsprachigen Fachbuchmarkt Übersichtswerk für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene - von den Grundlagen bis zur therapeutischen Anwendung Wissenschaftlich up-to-date aber dennoch verständlich und anschaulich Contents Grundlagen.- Routinediagnostik.- Spezielle Diagnostik.- Wichtige Krankheitsbilder.- Charakterisierung von Hirnfunktionen (Methoden).- Charakterisierung von Hirnfunktionen (Funktionelle Systeme).- Induktion von Plastizität (Methoden).- Modulation von Hirnfunktionen (Therapeutische Ansätze).

144,40 € ISBN 978-1-84628-809-8

Features Die gesamte Chirurgie als knappes Repetitorium Kompakt nach neuem GK Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie zu jedem wichtigen Krankheitsbild Contents Allgemeine Chirurgie - Neurochirurgie - Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie - Thoraxchirurgie Herzchirurgie - Gefäßchirurgie - Viszeralchirurgie Unfallchirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie - Chirurgie der Verbrennungen, Kälteschäden und chemischen Verletzungen - Kinderchirurgie. Fields of interest Surgery

Fields of interest Neurology; Neurosurgery; Neuropsychology

Target groups Medizinstudenten im klinischen Studienabschnitt einschließlich PJ

Target groups Neurologen, Psychiater, Neuropsychologen

Type of publication German textbook

Type of publication Professional book

Due May 2007

Due September 2007

2007. XVIII, 488 S. 518 Abb., größtenteils in Farbe. (SpringerLehrbuch) Softcover

2007. XXVI, 650 S. 147 Abb. Softcover

29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-29918-9

Due September 2007 2007. XII, 170 p. 100 illus., 69 in color. Geb.

Der neue Siewert: Basiswissen Chirurgie - die gesamte Chirurgie als knappes Repetitorium: In diesem, die gesamte Chirurgie umfassenden Kurzlehrbuch zum neuen GK 2 findet der Medizinstudierende alles, was man für Staatsexamen und Prüfung in Kurs oder Seminar wissen muss. Das Buch ist übersichtlich nach den Fachbereichen der Chirurgie gegliedert. Kurz gefasste, einheitlich durchstrukturierte Texte und Wichtig- und CaveHervorhebungen, Übersichten und Tabellen verschaffen einen schnellen Überblick über das gesamte Fachgebiet. Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie aller wichtigen chirurgischen Krankheitsbilder finden sich ebenso wie die Indikationen für chirurgisches Eingreifen und die Durchführung der wichtigsten chirurgischen Operationstechniken. Abgerundet wird der neueste Sproß aus dem Hause Springer durch über 300 vierfarbige Abbildungen: anschauliche Zeichnungen und Schemata, authentische Röntgenbilder, CTs, MRTs, Ultraschallbilder und klinische Fotos direkt aus Ambulanz und OP. Siewert: Basiswissen [..]

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71904-5



M. Sioud, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, Norway (Ed.)

N.S. Skolnik, Abington Family Medicine, Jenkintown, PA, USA (Ed.)

P.J. Slootweg, Radbound University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Essential Practice Guidelines in Primary Care

Dental Pathology

This new volume in the Current Clinical Practice™ series puts the most important evidence-based, nationally recognized clinical guidelines together in one place. As a result, busy clinicians can go to one source when, in the care of a patient, a question arises that is best answered by an existing clinical guideline. Among the topics covered in this volume are hyperlipidemia, management of newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation, antithrombotic therapy for venous thromboembolic disease and atrial fibrillation, and prevention of bacterial endocarditis. The book details treatment for asthma and infectious diseases ranging from pneumonia to tuberculosis to diarrhea. The volume also contains chapters on endocrinology, gynecology, neurology, and psychiatry. With the busy clinician in mind, Essential Practice Guidelines in Primary Care has been constructed from its origin to have a companion PDA resource, with summaries of the guidelines in this book and additional summaries of guidelines not included in the [..]

This book provides practically applicable knowledge on histology and histopathology of the changes that are seen in diseases of the dental and periodontal tissues. It includes the disturbances in tooth formation, acquired dental diseases including caries and its sequelae for the tooth-surrounding tissues, periodontal disease and odontogenic tumours. Also, attention will be paid to the histological alterations induced by dental treatment.

A Practical Introduction

Emerging Molecular Targets and Treatment Options,Volume 2

Fields of interest Oncology Target groups oncologists, drug development scientists, geneticists Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. Approx. 360 p. 69 illus. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 361) Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-58829-890-4

Features Encompasses cardiology, respiratory, infectious diseases, endocrinology, gynecology, neurology, and psychiatry Chapters written by world leaders in respective fields One-stop source for evidence-based, nationally recognized clinical guidelines Contents Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.- Hyperlipidemia.- Management of Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American College of Physicians.- Antithrombotic Therapy for Venous Thromboembolic Disease.- Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation, Valvular Heart Disease, Management of Elevated INRs and Perioperative Management.- Prevention of Bacterial Endocarditis.Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of [..] Fields of interest Primary Care Medicine; Internal Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Family practitioners, primary caregivers, internists Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. 249 p. 13 illus. With CD-ROM. (Current Clinical Practice) Geb.

80,20 € ISBN 978-1-58829-508-8

Features Helps dentists and oral surgeons to recognize and diagnose gross dental abnormalities Helps pathologists to increase diagnostic skills Includes diagnosis of histologic alterations due to dental treatment Contents Overview on Tooth Formation.- Histology of the Teeth and Surrounding Structures.- Disturbances Arising During Tooth Formation.- Alterations Acquired after Tooth Eruption.- Disorders Related with Disturbed Tooth Eruption.- Disorders of the Dental Pulp.- Disorders of the Periodontal Tissues.- Odontogenic Tumours. Fields of interest Pathology; Dentistry; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Target groups Pathologists, dentists, oral surgeons Type of publication Monograph Due July 2007 2007. XI, 83 p. 19 illus. Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-3-540-71690-7



C.D. Smolke, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA (Ed.)

L. Snyder, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia, PA, USA (Ed.)

S.D. Solomon, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA (Ed.)

Metabolic Engineering Protocols

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Essential Echocardiography

Volume 2: Analysis and Characterization

A Practical Handbook With DVD

Ethics, the Patient, and the Physician

Fields of interest Endocrinology Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007 2007. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vorläufiger Eintrag 2090) Geb.

80,20 € ISBN 978-1-58829-648-1

Complementary and Alternative Medicine examines the real-life implications of patient issues and the healthcare system in which care is delivered. Because complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are not presently considered to be a part of conventional medicine, this book discusses the effect that CAM has on patients, physicians, healthcare, and policymakers. Also included are the implications that CAM has on traditional patient-physician relationships as well as the physician's ethical obligations on this subject. Features Examines the ethical challenges that CAM raises for patients and their physicians, and for patient-physician relationships Includes valuable patient education resources on CAM Discusses legal and risk management issues in CAM Presents a forward-looking exploration of current and potential ethical challenges in CAM research Written by a multidisciplinary team of CAM ethics and policy analysts, researchers and [..] Contents Preface.- Lois Snyder, JD.- Contributor List and Biographies.- 1. A Context for Thinking about Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Ethics.2. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: History, Definitions, and What is it Today?.- 3. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: The Physician's Ethical Obligations.- 4. Advising Patients and Communicating about Complementary and Alternative Medicine.- 5. Patient and Medical Education on Complementary and Alternative Care: Sorting it Out.- 6. Legal and Risk Management Issues in Complementary and Alternative Medicine.- 7. Whose Evidence, [..] Fields of interest Theory of Medicine/Bioethics; Medical Law; Ethics Target groups Physicians, bioethicists, lawyers, medical students Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. XV, 241 p. (Biomedical Ethics Reviews) Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-58829-584-2

Essential Echocardiography: A Practical Handbook With DVD serves as today's premier practical guide to the understanding of the most commonly used cardiac imaging technique in the world. The perfect marriage between anatomy and physiology, the text covers emerging cardiac imaging technologies, advances in ultrasound technology, as well as new techniques and applications of cardiac ultrasound. In addition to the numerous echocardiographic images and dedicated illustrations in the text, this volume also provides a DVD containing moving images illustrating the major points in all chapters. The DVD also provides a unique introductory learning tool for the student, who is encouraged to view the DVD while reading the text. It also serves as a comprehensive visual encyclopedia for the more experienced sonographer. Essential Echocardiography: A Practical Handbook With DVD provides the physiological, anatomical, and diagnostic grounding for all students of cardiac ultrasound, as well as a sound basis for a [..] Features The premier practical guide to understanding echocardiography Covers emerging cardiac technologies, advances in ultrasound technology, and new techniques and applications Contains companion DVD-ROM with moving images illustrating major points Provides an overview of the underlying physical and physiological principles of echocardiography Includes echocardiographic images and dedicated illustrations Contents Principles of Echocardiography.- Echocardiographic Instrumentation and Principles.- Introduction to Imaging: The Normal Examination.- Protocol and Nomenclature in Transthoracic Echocardiography.Clinical Utility of Echocardiography.- Diseases of the Myocardium and Pericardium.- Echocardiographic Assessment of Systolic Function.- Echocardiographic Assessment of Diastolic Function.- Echocardiography in Myocardial Infarction.- Stress Echocardiography.- Cardiomyopathies.- Pericardial Disease.Valvular Heart Disease.- Aortic Stenosis.- Aortic Regurgitation.- Mitral Stenosis.- Mitral [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Imaging / Radiology Target groups Cardiac sonographers, cardiologists in training, internists Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. 472 p. 382 illus., 133 in color. With DVD. (Contemporary Cardiology) Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-1-58829-322-0 R.P. Soriano, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA (Ed.)

Fundamentals of Geriatric Medicine A Case-Based Approach

The wealth of knowledge contained in the classic text, Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach, 4/e, by Cassel et al. has been streamlined into this handy guide that enables primary care, family medicine, and internal medicine residents to quickly integrate the material into clinical practice. Written by top experts in the field, this book is an excellent overview of geriatric care. It addresses geriatric pharmacology, Medicare and Medicaid, and other subjects unique to older adults. The text has a casebased instructional approach that helps readers navigate the complexity of disease prevention, presentation, and treatment for conditions such as depression, dementia, and hypertension. Graphs and tables also aid the reader in determining the proper courses of treatment. The broad range of knowledge and skill presented in this practical guide make it an essential resource for all those caring for the elderly. Features Useful guide based on the essentials from Cassel's Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach, 4/ e Designed to enable primary care, family medicine, and internal medicine residents to quickly integrate concepts into clinical practice Case-based instructional approach presents a relevant overview of geriatric care Contents Approach to the Older Adult Patient.- The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.- Geriatric Pharmacology and Drug Prescribing for Older Adults.Sites of Care for Older Adults.- Medicare and Medicaid.- Psychosocial Influences in Health in Late Life.Medico-Legal Aspects of Older Adult Care.- Prevention and Chemoprophylaxis in the Elderly.- Vision and Hearing Impairments.- Exercise and Rehabilitation.- Nutrition.- The Older Surgical Patient.- Depression, Dementia, Delirium.- Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders.- Transient Ischemic Attacks and Stroke.- Parkinson’s Disease and Related [..] Fields of interest Primary Care Medicine; Geriatrics/Gerontology; General Practice / Family Medicine Target groups Primary care residents, geriatric medicine residents, family medicine residents, primary care physicians, geriatric medicine physicians, family medicine physicians, general internists, geriatric nurses, physician assistants, allied health professionals

Medizin H.P. Soyer, Medical University Graz, Austria; G. Argenziano, Second University of Naples, Italy; R. Hofmann-Wellenhof, Medical University Graz, Austria; R.H. Johr, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA (Eds.)

Color Atlas of Melanocytic Lesions of the Skin This atlas-like presentation covers the various faces of melanocytic skin lesions of cutaneous melanomas and other pigmented skin tumors. It encompasses the classical methods of morphology such as the clinical and dermoscopic examination and dermatopathology as well as the most up-to-date diagnostic approaches such as laser scanning in-vivo microscopy and automated diagnosis. The core of this book represents an atlas with excellent clinical, dermoscopic and histopathologic images on melanocytic nevi, various types of melanomas and relevant other pigmented skin tumors including basal-cell carcinomas. Each of these well illustrated entities is presented following the same structure characterized by definition, clinical and dermoscopic features, relevant clinical differential diagnosis as well as practical aspects of management. Core messages will recapitulate the most pertinent facets of each entity. This comprehensive up-to-date text informs the reader on all practical issues of the modern-day [..] Features Comprehensive up-to-date text on the practical issue of the modern-day management of individuals with melanocytic skin lesions All editors and authors of this book are leading scientists, clinicians and practitioners from numerous countries all over the globe sharing the vision that melanoma can be controlled by means of screening and early detection Lavishly illustrated with many colour [..] Contents The Morphologic Dimension: The morphologic dimension in the diagnosis of melanocytic skin lesions. Clinical examination including ABCDE. Dermoscopic examination. Dermatopathology.- Future Diagnostic Approaches: Laser scanning in-vivo microscopy. Automatic diagnosis. Multispectral Image Analysis. Teledermatology.- Melanocytic Nevi: The life of moles. Acral nevus. Agminated nevus. Blue nevus. Clark (dysplastic) nevus. Combined nevus. Common nevus. Congenital nevus including its variants (e.g. Nevus spilus). Genital nevus and nevi on other special locations. Halo nevus. Irritated nevus [..] Fields of interest Dermatology; Oncology; Internal Medicine; Pathology; General Practice / Family Medicine; Nursing

Type of publication Professional book

Target groups Dermatologists, oncologists, general practitioners, physicians in Internal Medicine and nurses

Due March 2007

Type of publication Monograph

2007. XX, 624 p. Softcover

Due September 2007

42,75 € ISBN 978-0-387-32324-4

2007. XVIII, 334 p. 300 illus. in color. Geb.

I. Spicker, Forschungsinstitut des Rotes Kreuz Wien; A. Schopf, Forschungsinstitut des Rotes Kreuz Wien

Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung erfolgreich umsetzen Praxishandbuch für Pflege- und Sozialdienste

Zeitdruck, Stress, Überlastung – Pflegekräfte und HeimhelferInnen in der mobilen Pflege und Betreuung sind einem hohen Gesundheitsrisiko ausgesetzt. ManagerInnen und Führungskräfte in Pflegeorganisationen stehen zunehmend vor der Herausforderung, gesundheitsförderliche Arbeitsbedingungen zu gestalten. Erfolgreich umgesetzte betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung hat positiven Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden der MitarbeiterInnen und steigert die Qualität der Arbeit sowie die Leistungsfähigkeit der Organisation. Dieses Handbuch bietet erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum Führungskräften und Personalverantwortlichen in sozialen Dienstleistungsorganisationen praktische Orientierungshilfe und effektive Unterstützung bei der Planung, Umsetzung und nachhaltigen Verankerung von betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung. Darüber hinaus unterstützt es Personen in Professionen mit Bezug zur Gesundheitsförderung und im Ausbildungskontext sowie BeraterInnen, die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderungsprojekte in dieser Branche [..] Features Entscheidungs- und Orientierungshilfe für gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen Erstmaliges Instrumentarium für Planung und Umsetzung Hilfreiche Check-Listen, Leitfäden und Projektmanagement-Instrumente Contents Inhalt: Einleitung.- Besonderheiten der mobilen Pflege und Betreuung: Herausforderungen für die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung.Gesundheitsbegriffe und Gesundheitsmodelle.- Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF): Grundlagen und Methoden.- Strategien für eine nachhaltige BGF in Pflege- und Sozialdiensten.- Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung praktisch umsetzen.- Der BGF-Prozess am Beispiel des Wiener Modellprojektes „Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung in der mobilen Pflege und Betreuung“.- Praktische Hilfen. Fields of interest Nursing Management/Nursing Research; Nursing; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Health Care Administration Target groups Leitungskräfte und Personalverantwortliche in Organisationen mobiler Pflege und Betreuung, Pflegewissenschafter, Pflegende Type of publication Handbook Due June 2007 2007. XII. 160 Seiten. 11 Abbildungen. Softcover

90,90 € ISBN 978-3-540-35105-4


29,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48643-6 B. Spielman, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL, USA

Bioethics in Law

Medizin U.M. Spornitz, Universität Basel

F. Sprecher, Zug, Switzerland

Anatomie und Physiologie

Medizinische Forschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

Lehrbuch und Atlas für Pflege- und Gesundheitsfachberufe

This groundbreaking volume is the first to analyze how and to what extent bioethics considerations influence today's judges. Previous books have attended to the law that governs bioethics problems, but Bioethics in Law is the first to examine when and how bioethical issues impact judicial reasoning and decision-making. The author undertakes careful analysis of health care committee recommendations, institutional review board determinations, bioethics commission reports, bioethics research materials, briefs of bioethics amicus curiae, and bioethics expert testimony that has been used in legal proceedings during the last decade. Through such examination, Bioethics in Law is able to offer critical insight into the ways that judges have invited, accepted, relied on, followed, critiqued, ignored, rejected, overridden, transformed, and otherwise responded to bioethics communications. This volume is the on the cutting-edge of the relationship of bioethics to law, and explores how law receives, assesses, [..] Fields of interest Theory of Medicine/Bioethics Target groups Bioethicists, attorneys and judges Type of publication Monograph Due May 2007

nach schweizerischem, deutschem, europäischem und internationalem Recht

Die Funktionen des menschlichen Körper sehen, lernen und verstehen. Mit Lernzielübersichten vor jedem Kapitel; Übungsfragen zur Selbstkontrolle, knapp 500 Abbildungen, Fachbegriffen im gesonderten Glossar, Pflege- und Krankheitslehreverweisen nach dem neuem Krankenpflegegesetz und vielem mehr was das Lernen und Verstehen erleichtert, vermittelt die 5. Auflage von Anatomie und Physiologie Auszubildenden in Pflegefachberufen und allen anderen Gesundheitsfachberufen die Grundlagen des Faches. Die Abbildungen sind für die Unterrichtsgestaltung gesondert auf einer CDROM erhältlich. Das Lernen können wir Ihnen nicht abnehmen – das Verstehen jedoch entscheidend erleichtern! Features Komplexe Zusammenhänge von Anatomie und Physiologie klinikbezogen lernen und verstehen Neues Kapitel: Alter und Altern Contents Allgemeine Einführung und Grundbegriffe.- Zytologie.- Histologie.- Bewegungsapparat.- Nervensystem.- Blut.- Herz-Kreislauf-System.- Immunologie.- Atmungssystem.- Verdauungssystem.- Harnsystem.- Endokrinologie.- Geschlechtsorgane und Fortpflanzung.- Haut und Anhangsorgane.- Temperaturregulation.- Sinnesorgane.- Altern. Fields of interest Nursing; Emergency Services; Physiotherapy

2007. 186 p. Softcover

57,73 € ISBN 978-1-58829-434-0


Die Arbeit behandelt die rechtlichen Grundlagen der medizinischen Forschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Dargestellt werden die faktischen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der medizinischen Forschung mit Minderjährigen. Das Buch liefert zudem eine aktuelle Übersicht über die auf die Humanforschung anwendbaren Normen des schweizerischen, deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Rechts. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei in der Untersuchung und Darstellung der Persönlichkeitsrechte Minderjähriger im medizinischen Kontext im Allgemeinen und in der medizinischen Forschung im Besonderen. Features Aktuelle Übersicht über die Normen des schweizerischen, deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Rechts, die auf die Humanforschung anwendbar sind Mit den aktuellen Rechtsetzungsprojekten in der Schweiz (Totalrevision des Vormundschaftsrechts, Bundesgesetz über die Forschung am Menschen) Contents Aus dem Inhalt Einführung in die Thematik der Forschung mit Kindern.- Grundlagen und Definitionen.- Rechtsgrundlagen der Forschung mit Minderjährigen.- Persönlichkeitsrechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der medizinischen Forschung.Schlussfolgerungen.

Target groups Auszubildende in Pflegeberufen und allen anderen Gesundheitsfachberufen

Fields of interest Medical Law; Ethics; Theory of Medicine/Bioethics

Type of publication Professional book

Target groups Bibliotheken, Ethikkommissionen, Ministerien, Pharmaunternehmen

Due August 2007

Type of publication Monograph

2007. IX, 519 S. 493 Abb. Geb.

Due August 2007 29,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72267-0

2007. XXVIII, 337 S. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim, Band 29) Softcover

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-73757-5



W. Steflitsch, Otto Wagner Spital Wien; M. Steflitsch, Wien

Aromatherapie Wissenschaft - Klinik - Praxis

Die Aromatherapie ist eine bewährte Methode der Komplementärmedizin. Genuine, authentische ätherische Öle entfalten mittels Duft und pharmakologischer Moleküle eindruckvolle physische und psychische Wirkungen. Mit Unterstützung namhafter AromaexpertInnen werden in diesem Buch erstmalig Wissenschaft, Klinik und Praxis von Aromatherapie, Aromapflege und Medical Aroma Wellness umfassend dargestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung rezenter wissenschaftlicher Datenlage wird die Umsetzung und Anwendung in den einzelnen medizinischen Fachdisziplinen praxisnah veranschaulicht. Ebenso werden die Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes der Aromatherapie in der Krankenpflege (Altenpflege, Demenz) diskutiert. Anschauliche Illustrationen, Tabellen und Rezeptvorschläge ermöglichen eine rasche Orientierung im Alltag. Somit startet dieses Werk eine selbstbewusste Annäherung der Aromatherapie an die konventionelle Schulmedizin. Features Umfassende Darstellung der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung und klinische Studien mit ätherischen Ölen und Einzelduftstoffen Anwenderfreundliche Aufbereitung mit hohem Praxisbezug Plädoyer für Verknüpfung von Schulmedizin mit komplementären Methoden Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis Teil I: Allgemeiner Teil: Aromatologische Begriffsbestimmungen; Einführung in die Welt der ätherischen Öle; Aromatherapie naturwissenschaftlich betrachtet; Die Effizienz von Riechstoffen im Kontext von Aktivierung beim Menschen;Untersuchungen zum Ölgehalt und zur Ölzusammensetzung des ätherischen Öls der Zitronenmelisse; Der fundamentale Biosyntheseweg für ätherische Öle; Schicksal ätherischer Öle nach kutaner Applikation; Substitution von ätherischen Ölen; Die Wahl des Chemotyps bei ätherischen Ölen; Nachweisbare Wirkungen von ätherischen Ölen und [..] Fields of interest Complementary & Alternative Medicine; Nursing; General Practice / Family Medicine; Internal Medicine; Medicine, general Target groups Komplementärmediziner, Ärzte in Klinik und Praxis, Krankenpfleger Type of publication Handbook Due May 2007 2007. XXI, 726 S. Mit 32 Farbbildtafeln. Geb.

79,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-48646-7 H.-U. Steinau, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Universitätsklinik Bergmannsheil GmbH, Bochum; H.K. Schackert, Technische Universität Dresden; H. Bauer, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Berlin (Eds.)

Chirurgisches Forum 2007 für experimentelle und klinische Forschung 124. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie München, 01.05.-04.05.2007

148 sorgfältig ausgewählte Arbeiten zeigen das breite Spektrum der deutschsprachigen chirurgischen Forschung. Sowohl klinische als auch Grundlagenforschung sind berücksichtigt. Der hochaktuelle Band erscheint noch vor der Präsentation der Ergebnisse bei der 124. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Features 148 ausgewählte Beiträge zum neuesten Stand der chirurgischen Forschung Themen aus allen Bereichen der Chirurgie, aus klinischer und Grundlagenforschung Contents Fritz-Linder-Preisträgersitzung - Molekulare Onkologie: Angiogenese - Molekulare Onkologie: Immunologie - Molekulare Onkologie: Genexpression - Molekulare Onkologie: Karzinogenese Pankreaskarzinom - Kolonkarzinom - Molekulare Onkologie: Diagnose und Prognose - Onkologie: Therapie - Ösophagus, Magen, Darm - Colitis und Pankreatitis - Sepsis und Cholestase - Ischämie und Reperfusion - Leber: Regeneration und Protektion - Transplantation: Immunologie - Transplantation: Leber, Pankreas, Inseln - Unfallchirurgie - Tissue Engeneering - Wundheilung - Plastische Chirurgie Gefäßchirurgie - [..] Fields of interest Surgery; General Surgery; Abdominal Surgery; Surgical Oncology; Traumatic Surgery Target groups Chirurgen in Klinik und Forschung Type of publication Proceedings Due April 2007

C. Stippich, Division of Neuroradiology, Heidelberg, Germany (Ed.)

Clinical Functional MRI Presurgical Functional Neuroimaging

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) permits noninvasive imaging of the "human brain at work" under physiological conditions. This is the first textbook on clinical fMRI. It is devoted to preoperative fMRI in patients with brain tumors and epilepsies, which are the most well-established clinical applications. By localizing and lateralizing specific brain functions, as well as epileptogenic zones, fMRI facilitates the selection of a safe treatment and the planning and performance of function-preserving neurosurgery. State of the art fMRI procedures are presented, with detailed consideration of the physiological and methodological background, imaging and data processing, normal and pathological findings, diagnostic possibilities and limitations, and other related techniques. All chapters are written by recognized experts in their fields, and the book is designed to be of value to beginners, trained clinicians and experts alike. Features First textbook on clinical fMRI Comprehensive presentation of state of the art fMRI procedures, their applications, and background information Focuses specifically on preoperative fMRI in patients with brain tumors and epilepsies, the most well-established clinical applications Written by recognized experts Of value to beginners, trained clinicians and experts Contents Introduction (Background, Physiological Basics).Methods, Data Acquisition and Processing.- Functional Neuroanatomy (Motor, Somatosensory, Language).- Presurgical fMRI in Brain Tumors (Protocols and Clinical Application).- Presurgical Functional Neuroimaging in Epilepsy.- Functional Neuronavigation.- Validity of Presurgical Functional Localization, Possibilities, Limits.- Multimodality Functional Neuroimaging.- Plasticity and Reorganization.- Pitfalls, Tips and Tricks.- Subject Index.- List of Contributors. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Neuroradiology; Neurosurgery; Radiotherapy; Neurosciences

2007. XXXI, 452 S. (Forumband, Band 36) Softcover

129,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-71122-3

Target groups Beginners, trained clinicians and experts in Neuroradiology, Radiology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology, Neuropsychology, Clinical Neurosciences Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. XI, 268 p. 123 illus. in 200 sep. illus., 151 in color. (Diagnostic Imaging) Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-3-540-24469-1 V. Stocchi, University of Urbino, Italy; P. De Feo, D.A. Hood (Eds.)

Role of Physical Exercise in Preventing Disease and Improving the Quality of Life

Medizin M.L. Stoller, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; M.V. Meng, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA (Eds.)

Urinary Stone Disease The Practical Guide to Medical and Surgical Management


J.-U. Stolzenburg, University of Leipzig, Germany; M.T. Gettman, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; E.N. Liatsikos, University of Patras School of Medicine, Rio, Patras, Greece (Eds.)

Endoscopic Extraperitoneal Radical Prostatectomy Laparoscopic and Robot-Assisted Surgery

Over the last decade studies have shown that physical exercise plays an important role in maintaining an individual's psycho-physical balance. In particular, it has been demonstrated that prolonged regular physical activity (now defined in scientific publications as chronic physical activity) helps to significantly reduce the incidence of neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases, which are often associated with ageing, while at the same time bolstering the immune system. Promoting physical activity therefore helps preventing today's major health challenges, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiorespiratory diseases, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer, thus leading to a reduction in healthcare costs and freeing up resources for future generations. The volume will be an essential reading for all health professionals and for residents in medicine and in health and physical exercise. Features Over the last decade studies have shown that physical exercise plays an important role in maintaining an individual's psycho-physical balance Aim of this volume is to underline that promoting physical activity is crucial for preventing illness and maintaining our health leading to a reduction in healthcare costs Will be essential reading for all health professionals and residents in medicine and in health and [..] Contents Metabolic Modifications and Physical Exercise.- Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Physical Exercise.- Physical Exercise and Oxidative Stress.- Mitochondrial Alterations in Ageing and Diseases.- Nutrition, Physical Exercise and Obesity.- Physical Exercise.- Health and Wellness: Sociological and Psychological Aspects. Fields of interest Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Diabetes; Metabolic Diseases; Quality of Life Research Target groups General practitioners, specialists in physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, health professionals Type of publication Professional book Due August 2007 2007. XVI, 222 p. Geb.

58,80 € ISBN 978-88-470-0375-0

Urinary Stone Diseases: The Practical Guide to Medical and Surgical Management is a compendium of contemporary views on the development, treatment, and prevention of urinary stone disease. Emphasis is placed on utilizing current research to highlight areas of potential discovery and inspire novel approaches to easing the burden of urinary stone disease. Features Stone nomenclature and history of instrumentation for stone disease Explores the genetics of stone disease and theories of stone formation Hormonal influences on nephrolithiasis Examines the relationship between diet and urolithiasis Anesthetic considerations and possible complications of urinary stone surgery Presents laparoscopic approaches to urinary stone disease Contents Stone Nomenclature and History of Instrumentation for Urinary Stone Disease.- Epidemiology and Incidence of Stone Disease.- The Genetics of Stone Disease.- Theories of Stone Formation.- Structure and Compositional Analysis of Kidney Stones.- Calcium.- Oxalate.- Renal Acid-Base Balance and Renal Tubular Acidosis.- Urinary Stone Inhibitors: Citrate and Magnesium.- Modulators of Crystallization of Stone Salts.- Hormonal Influences on Nephrolithiasis.- Associated Systemic Disease.- Medical Evaluation of Stone Disease.- Pharmacologic Prophylaxis of Calcium Stones.- Diet and Urolithiasis.- [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Surgery; Nephrology; Internal Medicine

Endoscopic/ laparoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy (EERPE) has become established as a therapeutic option for localized prostate cancer. This book is an atlas, not a conventional textbook. Its main goal is to guide the urologist step by step through EERPE, aiming to make this highly standardized technique reproducible. Every stage of the procedure is presented with numerous endoscopic images and diagrams so that the reader can fully comprehend the different surgical steps. Complications and their management are described in detail. Special chapters are devoted to the anatomy of the prostate, anesthesiological considerations, and postoperative management and training. Contents Historical aspects of laparoscopy and endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy (EERPE). Historical overview of robotic radical prostatectomy. Surgical anatomy for radical prostatectomy. Surgical neuroanatomy of the male pelvis. Inter- and intrafascial dissection technique of nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. The muscular systems of the bladder neck and urethra. Equipment and recommended set of instruments for EERPE. Advances in image processing. Indications for EERPE. Anesthesia considerations in radical prostatectomy. Pelvic lymphadenectomy in the management of prostate [..] Fields of interest Urology/Andrology; Surgical Oncology Target groups Practitioners and professionals

Target groups Urologists, internists, surgeons, nephrologists, radiologists, anesthesiologists

Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 196 p. 395 illus., 250 in color. Softcover

Due July 2007 2007. XVI, 696 p. (Current Clinical Urology) Geb.

160,45 € ISBN 978-1-58829-219-3

74,85 € ISBN 978-3-540-45533-2



Th.G. Stovall, Germantown, TN, USA; F.W. Ling, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (Eds.)

Gynecology for the Primary Care Physician Thoroughly illustrated, this second edition reference provides the primary care physician with detailed information on the most commonly encountered clinical situations and the most frequently asked questions. The chapters address everything the primary care physician will face regularly and will need to know about the breast, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, infertility, gynecologic cancers, urogynecology and gynecology. Features Hundreds of high quality images in step with the latest developments in medicine World-renowned authors from a variety of medical disciplines Handdrawn illustrations In-depth explanations for each image Contents Breast Pain.- Galactorrhea and Nipple Discharge .Management of Breast Mass.- Ectopic Pregnancy.- Miscarriage-Gonorrhea-Chalmydia-Condyloma-Herpes-Pelvic Inflammatory Disease-Oral Contraceptives-Non-Daily Combination Hormonal Contraception-Tubal Sterilization-Barrier Methods of Contraception-Injectable and Implantable Contraception-Intrauterine Contraception-Vaginal Discharge-Vulvitis/Vulvodynia-Delayed Puberty-Precocious Puberty-The Infertile Couple-Hirsutism-Abnormal Uterine Bleeding-Assisted Reproductive Technology-Vulvar Cancer-Vaginal Cancer-Endometrial Cancer-Ovarian [..] Fields of interest General Practice / Family Medicine; Gynecology Target groups Gynecologists, primary care physicians, pediatricians Type of publication Atlas G. Stumm, Wien; A. Pritz, Wien (Eds.)

G. Stux, Akupunktur Centrum Düsseldorf

Wörterbuch der Psychotherapie

Akupunktur Einführung

Das "Wörterbuch der Psychotherapie" beschreibt methodenübergreifend und methodenbezogen in 1315 Stichwörtern die wesentlichen Begriffe der modernen Psychotherapie. 360 Autoren/innen aus 14 Ländern haben sich an diesem Werk beteiligt, das 51 Fachbereiche bzw. psychotherapeutische Ansätze einbezieht. Die Begriffe sind mit Querverweisen vernetzt und bieten 4500 weiterführende Quellenangaben. Das "Wörterbuch der Psychotherapie" ist ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk für alle, die im psychotherapeutischen bzw. psychosozialen Bereich tätig sind oder sich dafür interessieren. Unter anderem haben als Autoren/innen und Koordinatoren/innen mitgearbeitet: Aiello, Atwood, BahneBahnson, Bartosch, Bauriedl, Benedetti, Berliner, Biermann-Ratjen, Boadella, Brandl-Nebehay, Canacakis, Caspar, Ciompi, Clifford, Cöllen, Condrau, Datler, Dornes, Eckert, Fengler, Finke, Fosshage, Frischenschlager, Fuhr, Gastaldo, Geißler, Gheorghiu, Grossmann, Heuft, Hirsch, Hutterer, Hutterer-Krisch, Kast, Keil, Kleber, Kriz, Laireiter, [..] Features Preiswerte broschierte Ausgabe Konkurrenzloses Lexikon und wertvolles Nachschlagewerk Mit 1315 Stichworte aus dem gesamten Gebiet der Psychotherapie 360 Autoren bearbeiten 51 Fachbereiche bzw. psychotherapeutische Ansätze 4500 weiterführende Quellenangaben Fields of interest Psychotherapy; Psychiatry; Philosophy Target groups Psychotherapeuten, Psychologen, Psychiater, Ärzte, Berufsgruppen aus dem psychosozialen Feld, interessierte Laien Type of publication Dictionary Due March 2007

Due September 2007 2007. X, 854 S. Softcover 2007. Approx. 465 p. Geb.

106,95 € ISBN 978-1-57340-295-8

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-211-70772-2

Dieses Buch beweist, dass es möglich ist, westliche Medizin mit traditionellen chinesischen Konzepten zu verbinden: Einerseits wird das chinesische System von Meridianen und funktionellen Organen und die 120 wichtigsten Akupunkturpunkte gut verständlich beschrieben und ergänzt durch eine Einführung in Philosophie und Tradition der chinesischen Medizin. Andererseits wird die neurophysiologische Wirkung der Akupunktur auch aus moderner wissenschaftlicher Perspektive erklärt. Den Hauptteil des Buches macht die Therapie von Krankheiten aus, basierend auf westlichen Diagnosen. Für besonders häufig behandelte Krankheiten werden die jeweils wichtigsten Akupunkturpunkte erläutert – also wirklich das Buch eines Praktiker für die Praxis. Für die 7. Auflage aktualisiert: Der Stellenwert der Akupunktur in der derzeitigen gesundheitspolitischen Situation, neu definierte Qualitätsstandards für Ausbildung und Praxis, Ergebnisse der Modellstudien und weiterer aktueller klinischer Studien zur Wirksamkeit der Therapie. Features Ideal als Einstiegslektüre in die Praxis der Akupunktur! Klare Übersichten und Abbildungen zu Meridianen und Organen Konkretes Vorgehen bei 95 Krankheitsbildern (westliche Diagnosen) Contents 1 Aktuelle Entwicklungen.- 2 Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Akupunktur.- 3 Philosophischer und theoretischer Hintergrund.- 4 Meridiane, Organe und Punkte.- 5 Methoden der chinesischen Medizin.- 6 Akupunkturtherapie: Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates; Neurologische Erkrankungen; Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane; Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen; Gastroenterologische Erkrankungen; Psychische Störungen; Gynäkologische Erkrankungen; Urologische Erkrankungen; Hauterkrankungen; Erkrankungen der Sinnesorgane; Akute Krankheitsbilder und Notfälle.- 7 Traditionelle chinesische Syndrome.- Anhang: [..] Fields of interest Acupuncture; General Practice / Family Medicine; Anesthesiology; Medicine, general; Complementary & Alternative Medicine Target groups Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren, Allgemeinärzte, Schmerztherapeuten Type of publication Monograph Due September 2007 2007. XII, 340 S. 64 Abb. in Farbe. Softcover

19,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72355-4 R.J. Sugrue, Institute of Virology, Glasgow, UK (Ed.)

Glycovirology Protocols

Medizin J.S. Suri, Eigen LLC, Grass Valey, CA, USA; A. Farag, University of Louisville, KY, USA (Eds.)

D. Tack, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; P.A. Gevenois, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (Eds.)

Deformable Models

Radiation Dose from Adult and Pediatric Multidetector Computed Tomography

Theory and Biomaterial Applications

Glycovirology Protocols reviews the increasing importance of glycosylation to the field of virology, as well as virus replication. The chapters provide an overview of glycosylation in relation to virus infection, and the generic techniques that are used to analyze and characterize glycoproteins. Features An introductory overview of viruses and glycosylation In-depth coverage of a variety of glycoproteins Chapters written by world-renown leaders in the field Contents Viruses and Glycosylation: An Overview.- Interaction Between Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Glycosaminoglycans, Including Heparan Sulfate.- Expression of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3a Protein and the Assembly of Coronavirus-Like Particles in the Baculovirus Expression System.- The C Type Lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN: Receptors for Viral Glycoproteins.- Functional Analysis of the N-Linked Glycans Within the Fusion Protein of Respiratory Syncytial Virus.- Expression and Purification of Viral Glycoproteins Using Recombinant Vaccinia Viruses for Functional and [..] Fields of interest Infectious Diseases; Virology; Immunology Target groups Virologists, immunologists, biological researchers/clinicians Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007 2007. 256 p. 57 illus. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 379) Geb.

80,20 € ISBN 978-1-58829-590-3


In the biomedical field, biomedical imagery has come to be a discipline of its own, given the nature of its applications in the understanding of the human body and medical diagnostics. The understanding of Deformable Models are the significant utility on biomedical imagery primarily because of its ability to perform efficient topology preservation and fast shape recovery. This has dominated the binary, grayscale and color imaging frameworks, which the eye can perceive. It has not only the ability to find boundaries and surfaces that are deep-seated in 2-D and 3-D volumes respectively, but also provide satisfactory solutions for the completion of cognitive objects with missing boundaries. Deformable Models: Theory and Biomaterial Applications focuses on the core image processing techniques: theory and biomaterials useful to research and industry. Features Covers the complete spectrum of deformable models - its evolution as an imagery field and its use in many biomedical engineering and clinical application disciplines Includes level sets, PDEs, curve and surface evolution and their applications in biomedical fields covering both static and motion imagery Accompanied with a CD-ROM containing answers to chapter questions, all figures in color, and each chapter's [..] Contents Signed Distance Transform.- Subjective Level Sets.Level Set application to BioFilms.- Level Set Shape Models.- Real-time level set implementation including software and hardware architectures.- A Level Sets Formulation for Dual Snakes Model.- Object Tracking Combining Hausdorff Distance, HSV Histogram and Nonextensive Entropy.- Extrapolation Techniques For Finite Element Method.- GVF vs. Level Set.- Level Set Registration.- Active Shape and Appearance Modesl for Facial Image Analysis.- PDEBased Three Dimensional Path Planning For Virtual Endoscopy.- Application of Level sets in [..] Fields of interest Biomedical Engineering; Imaging / Radiology; Theory of Computation Target groups Graduate students, researchers and educators involved in imaging sciences, biomedical engineering, applied mathematics, algorithmic developers, computer vision, signal processing, computer graphics and multimedia in general Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 2007. XVI, 581 p. With CD-ROM. (Topics in Biomedical Engineering. International Book Series) Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-0-387-31204-0

Because of the radiation dose delivered, multidetector row CT (MDCT) may induce cancers, and the risk of death has been estimated at up to one per 1,000 examinations. Despite this, only a small proportion of referring clinicians, radiologists, and technologists are aware of both the radiation risks and their underlying mechanisms. This book is designed to rectify this situation. The first part of the book provides a comprehensive approach to all the factors that influence the radiation dose and subsequently the risk induced by using MDCT in children and adult patients. In the second part, guidelines are proposed for optimization of the radiation dose in order to obtain an image quality sufficient for appropriate diagnostic performance while restricting the dose delivered. This book, written by experts of international standing, will appeal to both general and specialized radiologists, including pediatric radiologists, CT technologists, physicists, manufacturers, and all professionals involved in MDCT. Features Considers in depth all the factors that influence the radiation dose and the risk associated with MDCT in children and adults Proposes detailed guidelines for optimization of the radiation dose when using MDCT Written by experts of international standing Designed to appeal to both general and specialized radiologists, including pediatric radiologists, CT technologists, physicists, manufacturers, and all [..] Contents Introduction: Clincical Expansion of CT and Radiation Dose; Part I: Radiation Risks in Multidetector CT: Risks from Ionizing Radiations; The Linear-NoThreshold Theory: Background and Limitations; CT Parameters that Influence the Radiation Dose; Collective Radiation Dose from MDCT: Critial Review and Survey Studies; Methods for Reducing the Radiation Dose from MDCT Incl. Image Quality; Automatic Exposure Control in Multidetector-Row CT; Patient Centering and CT Radiation Dose; Part II: Clin. Approaches of Dose Optimization, and Reduction: Dose Optimization and Reduction in CT of Head [..] Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Pediatrics; Neuroradiology; Internal Medicine Target groups General and specialized radiologists, including pediatric radiologists, CT technologists, physicists, manufacturers and all professionals involved in MDCT Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. X, 276 p. 148 illus. in 273 sep. illus., 58 in color. (Diagnostic Imaging) Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-3-540-28888-6



K. Takasaki, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo, Japan

J. Taupitz, Universität Mannheim (Ed.)

Glissonean Pedicle Transection Method for Hepatic Resection

Kommerzialisierung des menschlichen Körpers

T.O. Tollefsbol, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA (Ed.)

Biological Aging Methods and Protocols

The Glissonean pedicle transection method for hepatic resection has been recognized and practiced as a safe, well-established technique for reliable anatomic and systematic hepatic resection for more than 20 years. This method has advantages not only in simplification of the techniques of hepatic resection but also in reduction of intraoperative hemorrhage. In this book, the author, who originally developed the technique, presents a concept of hepatic segmentation with respect to the Glissonean pedicle tree, and surgical procedures for segmentectomy and coneunit resection are outlined. Detailed illustrations are included depicting every important action a surgeon must consider while performing these operations, and the accompanying DVD will further assist readers in understanding the most appropriate technique, special strategies, and potential pitfalls. Features Features superb detailed illustrations providing essentials for hepatic resection using Glisson’s sheath pedicle transaction method Contents Foreword.- Preface.- Chapter 1. Glissonean Pedicle Tree.- Chapter 2. New Concept of Liver Segmentation on the Basis of the Glissonean Pedicle (Takasaki’s Segmentation).-Chapter 3. Ramification of the Tertiary Branches from the Secondary Branches of the Glissonean Pedicle.- Chapter 4. Concept of the Cone Unit.- Chapter 5. Procedures for Hepatic Resection.- Chapter 6. Resection of the Caudate Area (i.e., Spiegel Area and Caudate Process).- Chapter 7. Hepatic Cone Unit Resection (Anatomical Subsegmentectomy).- Appendix A. History of Challenges Faced in Hepatic Surgery (2000 Cases of [..]

Der "Rohstoff Mensch" spielt aufgrund der medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung eine immer größer werdende Rolle. Kaum ein Teil des menschlichen Körpers, der nicht medizinisch, wissenschaftlich oder kosmetisch genutzt werden kann. Gleichwohl sind der Ausschöpfung dieser Möglichkeiten offenbar ethische und rechtliche Grenzen gesetzt. Dies gilt insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Frage, in welchem Umfang die Nutzung des menschlichen Körpers und seiner Teile mit finanziellen Aspekten verknüpft sein darf. So enthalten beispielsweise die Biomedizinkonvention des Europarates wie auch die europäische Grundrechtecharta ein ausdrückliches Kommerzialisierungsverbot. Danach dürfen der menschliche Körper und seine Teile als solche nicht zur Erzielung von Gewinnen genutzt werden. Dabei sind allerdings der Grund und die Reichweite dieser und zahlreicher anderer Kommerzialisierungsverbote mehr als unklar. Fragen nach dem legitimen Ausmaß einer Kommerzialisierung des Menschen stellen sich konkret etwa in der [..]

Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. Several new tools for the analysis of biological aging have been introduced recently, and this volume provides methods and protocols for these new techniques in addition to its coverage of established procedures. The editors have carefully selected only those topics that are considered mainstays of the field or are showing promise in revolutionizing this relatively new science. The three main areas of focus in this cutting-edge compendium of biological aging research are: methods that are basic to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of cellular aging; techniques used to intervene in the aging process; and approaches to analyzing the many molecular processes of biological aging. Researchers seeking new technology and techniques will find this volume of tremendous benefit as they move towards new directions in the exciting and expanding field of biological aging.

Features Interdisziplinäre Analyse zu Fragen der Kommerzialisierung des menschlichen Körpers

Features New and novel techniques in biological aging research Cutting-edge applications of proteomics and metabolomics Identifying genes that extend lifespan using high-throughput screening systems

Contents J. Taupitz: Das Verbot der Kommerzialisierung des menschlichen Körpers und seiner Teile: Lässt es sich rational begründen? – Zugleich Einführung in das Tagungsthema.- P. Sarasin: Die erste Form des Eigentums. Constantin Volney und die Genealogie moderner Bio-Ethik.- B. Hauser-Schäublin: "Was die Europäer uns gebracht haben, ist der Körper." Von der Undenkbarkeit des Körpers als Objekt.- B. Schöne-Seifert: Kommerzialisierung des menschlichen Körpers: Nutzen, Folgeschäden und ethische Bewertungen.- P. Gehring: Inwertsetzung der Gattung:Zur Kommerzialisierung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin.- G. [..]

Contents From the contents Techniques for Analysis of Biological Aging.- Aging Cell Culture: Methods and Observations Methods to Detect Biomarkers of Cellular Senescence: The Senescence Associated bgalactosidase.- Methods of Cell Sorting of Young and Senescent Cells.- Telomere Length Analysis.- A Method to Detect DNA Methyltransferase I Gene Transcription In Vitro in Aging Systems.- A Method to Study the Expression of DNA Methyltransferases in Aging Systems In Vitro.- The Chronological Life Span of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.- Caloric Restriction and Life-Span Determination of Yeast Cells.- [..]

Fields of interest Medical Law; Philosophy of Medicine; Transplant Surgery

Fields of interest Geriatrics/Gerontology; Cell Biology; Human Genetics

Due March 2007

Target groups Medizinrechtler, Mediziner, Ethikkommission

2007. XI, 162 p. 238 illus., 59 in color. Geb.

Target groups Biotechnologists, gerentologists, molecular and cell biologists, geneticists

Type of publication Proceedings

Fields of interest Abdominal Surgery; Hepatology; Surgical Oncology Target groups Hepatic surgeons, clinicians, residents Type of publication Monograph

192,55 € ISBN 978-4-431-48943-6

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due May 2007 Due May 2007 2007. IX, 357 S. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim, Band 28) Softcover

74,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-69894-4

2007. XVI, 414 p. With CD-ROM. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 371) Geb.

103,74 € ISBN 978-1-58829-658-0


J. Tombran-Tink, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO, USA; C.J. Barnstable, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; J.F. Rizzo, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Eds.)

J. Tombran-Tink, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA; C.J. Barnstable, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA (Eds.)

Visual Prosthesis and Ophthalmic Devices

Retinal Degenerations Biology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics


J.H.I. Trestrail, Center for the Study of Criminal Poisoning, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Criminal Poisoning Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys

New Hope in Sight

Visual Prosthesis and Ophthalmic Devices: New Hope in Sight details the latest technology in treating eye injuries and infections, focusing on what we can currently achieve with a variety of ocular prostheses and what the future will hold. This volume provides insight into the most up-to-date and established treatment options and reviews issues such as intraocular lens implants, biocompatibility of materials, retinal implants, testing models, and software designs. With chapters written by leading experts, Visual Prosthesis and Ophthalmic Devices: New Hope in Sight is a comprehensive reference for ophthalmologists, neurologists, and anyone interested in the most recent advances in visual prosthetics and ophthalmic devises. Features Details the latest technology in treating eye injuries and infections Focuses on current breakthroughs with an eye on future developments Provides insight into the most up-to-date and established treatment options Reviews intraocular lens implants, biocompatibility of materials, retinal implants, testing models and software designs Contents 1. Introduction to Prosthetic retinas.- 2. Spatial Temporal- and Contrast-Resolutions Obtainable with Retina-Implants.- 3. How to restore reading with visual prosthesis?.- 4. Subretinal Artificial Silicon RetinaÍ (ASRÍ) Microchip Implantation in Retinitis Pigmentosa.- 5. Development of an Intraocular Retinal Prosthesis to Benefit the Visually Impaired.- 6. Development of a Visual Prosthesis: A Review of the Field and a Snapshot of the Boston Retinal Implant Project.- 7. Minimal Invasive Retinal Implants (miRI) Project.- 8. A Retinal Implant System Based on Flexible Polymer [..]

This book focuses on what we currently know about the environment, genetics and mechanisms that lead to retinal degenerations, new diagnostics, and innovative therapeutic modalities to preserve vision. Features Examines the impact of diabetes on neuronal, glial, and vascular cells of the retina Describes the role of drusen in macular degeneration and new methods for quantification Presents cell-based therapies for restricting the progress of photoreceptor degeneration Explores cutting-edge stem-cell based therapies for retinal transplantation Introduces genetic modifiers affecting phenotypic expression of retinal [..] Contents Living With Retinal Degeneration Coping with Retinitis Pigmentosa: A Patient's View.- Degenerative Diseases of the Retina: Epidemiology of ARMD Early in the 21st Century.- Leber Congenital Amaurosis: Biology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics.- Macular Degeneration: Aging Changes and Novel Therapies.- Stargardt Disease: From Gene Discovery to Therapy.- X-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis.- Retinal Degeneration in Usher Syndrome.- Mouse Models of RP.- Mechanisms Underlying Retinal Degenerations: The Impact of Diabetes on Neuronal, Glial and Vascular Cells of The Retina: Implications For The [..] Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Neurosciences; Cell Biology Target groups Ophthalmologists, neuroscientists, molecular and cell biologists, and biotechnologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007

Fields of interest Ophthalmology; Neurosciences

2007. XIX, 466 p. With CD-ROM. (Ophthalmology Research) Geb.

Target groups Ophthalmologists, neuroscientists

139,05 € ISBN 978-1-58829-620-7

Type of publication Contributed volume Due July 2007

In this revised and expanded edition of his critically acclaimed Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys, leading forensic scientist John Trestrail offers a pioneering survey of all that is known about the use of poison as a weapon in murder. Topics range from the use of poisons in history and literature to convicting the poisoner in court, and include a review of the different types of poisons, techniques for crime scene investigation, and the critical essentials of the forensic autopsy. The author updates what is currently known about poisoners in general (psychological profile, types, and statistical analyses) and their victims (who gets poisoned, investigative considerations, and classic symptoms of poisoning). The Appendix has been updated to include the more commonly used poisons, as well as the use of antifreeze as a poison, to reflect some cases that have recently come to light. Features Revised and expanded edition covering all aspects of murder by poisoningTime-tested guidelines for the crime scene investigation of murder by poisoningCommonly used poisons to reflect cases that have recently come to lightKey courtroom strategies for successfully convicting the poisonerEssentials of the forensic autopsy processUpdated profiles of the poisoner and his victimNumerous figures now used to [..] Contents Poisoners Throughout History.- Types of Poisons.Poisoners.- Victims.- Crime Scene Investigation.The Forensic Autopsy.- Proving Poisoning.- Poisoners in Court.- Poisoning in Fiction.- Conclusion.- APPENDIX: Some Common Homicidal Poisons: Antifreeze (Methanol, or Ethylene glycol).Arsenic.- Botulinus Toxin.- Cyanide.- Sodium fluoroacetate.- Strychnine.- Thallium. Fields of interest Forensic Medicine; Pathology; Laboratory Medicine Target groups Forensic Scientists Investigating Homicide, Analytical Toxicologists, Clinical Toxicologists, Forensic Toxicologists, Criminal Attorneys, and Police Investigators Type of publication Monograph

2007. XII, 276 p. 113 illus. (Ophthalmology Research) Geb.

165,80 € ISBN 978-1-934115-16-9

Due June 2007 2007. XV, 181 p. (Forensic Science and Medicine) Geb.

67,36 € ISBN 978-1-58829-821-8



J.H. Trestrail, III, Center for the Study of Criminal Poisoning, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Criminal Poisoning Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys B.C.H. Tsui, University of Alberta, Canada

S. Twork, TU Dresden; J. Kugler, TU Dresden (Eds.)

Atlas of Ultrasound- and Nerve Stimulation-Guided Regional Anesthesia

Multiple Sklerose

In this revised and expanded edition of his critically acclaimed Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys, leading forensic scientist John Trestrail offers a pioneering survey of all that is known about the use of poison as a weapon in murder. Topics range from the use of poisons in history and literature to convicting the poisoner in court, and include a review of the different types of poisons, techniques for crime scene investigation, and the critical essentials of the forensic autopsy. The author updates what is currently known about poisoners in general (psychological profile, types, and statistical analyses) and their victims (who gets poisoned, investigative considerations, and classic symptoms of poisoning). The Appendix has been updated to include the more commonly used poisons, as well as the use of antifreeze as a poison, to reflect some cases that have recently come to light.

There are few situations in anesthesia where precise anatomic location is more important than in regional anesthesia. But, of course, any anesthesiologist who performs regional on a regular basis is fully aware of the frustration of attempting to locate nerves on a trial and error basis. Ultrasound imaging now enables us to visualize nerves, and this exciting technology offers several distinct benefits over conventional nerve locating techniques. The Atlas of Ultrasound and Nerve Stimulation-Guided Regional Anesthesia illustrates how to use ultrasound technology and nerve stimulation techniques to achieve consistently good results. Throughout the book, ultrasound images are correlated with MRI images to enhance anatomic identification. In addition, peripheral nerve block techniques for upper and lower extremities and the trunk are demonstrated step-bystep. With the luxury of being able to actually see the target nerve and the course of the needle as it approaches that nerve, anesthesiologists can [..]

Features Revised and expanded edition covering all aspects of murder by poisoning Time-tested guidelines for the crime scene investigation of murder by poisoning Commonly used poisons to reflect cases that have recently come to light Key courtroom strategies for successfully convicting the poisoner Essentials of the forensic autopsy process Updated profiles of the poisoner and his victim Numerous figures now used to [..]

Features First book to correlate ultrasound and MR images to help anesthesiologists become familiar with anatomy as it appears on ultrasound First to combine ultrasound and nerve stimulation-guided techniques Authors are the most recognized experts on the subject, and Chan and Grau in particular are investigators in recent studies that confirm the benefits of these approaches to regional ultrasound

Contents Poisoners Throughout History.- Types of Poisons.Poisoners.- Victims.- Crime Scene Investigation.The Forensic Autopsy.- Proving Poisoning.- Poisoners in Court.- Poisoning in Fiction.- Conclusion.APPENDIX: Some Common Homicidal Poisons: Antifreeze (Methanol, or Ethylene glycol).- Arsenic.Botulinus Toxin.- Cyanide.- Sodium fluoroacetate.Strychnine.- Thallium. Fields of interest Forensic Medicine Target groups Forensic scientists investigating homicide, analytical toxicologists, clinical toxicologists, forensic toxicologists, criminal attorneys, and police investigators Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XV, 181 p. (Forensic Science and Medicine) Softcover

35,26 € ISBN 978-1-58829-921-5

Contents Ultrasound Physics.- Equipment Selection and Preparation.- Image Optimization.- Nerve Stimulation Physics.- Equipment Selection and Preparation.- Stimulation Optimization.- Anatomy for Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks.- Interscalene Block.Supraclavicular Block.- Infraclavicular Block.- Axillary Block.- Midhumeral Block.- Elbow Blocks.Wrist Blocks.- Anatomy for Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks.- Posterior Sciatic Block.- Anterior Sciatic Block.- Femoral Block.- Psoas Block.- Iliacus Block.Popliteal Block.- Ankle Block.- Anatomy for Truncal Blocks.- Paravertebral Block.- Intercostal Block.- [..] Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Imaging / Radiology; Ultrasound; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine Target groups Anesthesiologists (including residents/fellows), radiologists/radiology residents, emergency physicians, CRNAs (certified registered nurse anesthetists) Type of publication Atlas Due August 2007 2008. Approx. 200 p. Geb.

149,75 € ISBN 978-0-387-68158-0


Das vorliegende Buch befasst sich mit der Krankheitsbewältigung bei Multipler Sklerose und versucht verschiedene Aspekte der Krankheitsbewältigung abzubilden. Die Blickwinkel aus Klinik, Niederlassung sowie Grundlagenforschung werden durch Sichtweisen aus der Versorgungsforschung ergänzt. Die Autoren möchten zu einem größeren Verständnis sowie einer besseren Unterstützung der MS-Betroffenen in ihrer Krankheitsbewältigung beitragen. Contents Pathogenetische Zusammenhänge und Therapieoptionen der Multiplen Sklerose.- Hormonelle Aspekte der Stressreaktion: Die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse bei der Multiplen Sklerose.- Psychische und kognitive Aspekte sowie Krankheitsbewältigung bei Multiple-Sklerose-Betroffenen.- Lebensqualität von Multiple SkleroseKranken.- Review zu gruppenpsychotherapeutischen Ansätzen bei MS-Betroffenen.- Das MS-CopeProgramm.- Erste Ergebnisse zur Untersuchung der Effektivität des Coping-Trainings "MS-Cope".Krankheitsbewältigungstraining für MS-Betroffene: die Sicht niedergelassener [..] Fields of interest Neurology Target groups Neurologen, Psychologen Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XII, 148 S. Softcover

4,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-72285-4 D.A. Vagts, Universität Rostock (Ed.)

Suchtmittel in der AINS

Medizin J.W.M. Van Goethem, University Hospital Antwerpen, Belgium; L.v.d. Hauwe, University Hospital Antwerpen, Belgium; P.M. Parizel, University Hospital Antwerpen, Belgium (Eds.)

Spinal Imaging


J.A. Verschakelen, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium; W. De Wever, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium

Computed Tomography of the Lung A Pattern Approach

Häufig werden Ärzte in der Notfallmedizin, Anästhesie, Intensivmedizin und Schmerztherapie mit Suchtpatienten konfrontiert. Dabei kann die Einnahme der Substanz selbst im Vordergrund stehen, z.B. bei einer Heroinintoxikation oder als Begleitumstand eine Rolle spielen, z.B. Durchführung einer Narkose bei einem alkoholisierten Patienten. Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden und systematischen Überblick über die häufigsten Suchtmittel. Nach der Beschreibung der pharmakologischen Eigenschaften des Suchtmittels, wird die Wirkung bei akutem/ chronischem Konsum und Intoxikation dargestellt sowie detailiert auf die Bedeutung für die einzelnen o.g. Bereiche eingegangen. Darüberhinaus wird in einem Extra-Kapitel der Suchtmittelgebrauch unter Ärzten thematisiert. Features Einmalige Übersicht über Suchtmittel im Bereich der AINS Genaue Beschreibung der Substanzen und deren Wirkungen bei akutem oder chronischem Gebrauch Darstellung der Bedeutung für die Bereiche Anästhesie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin und Schmerztherapie Contents Alkohol.- Opiate und Opioide.- Kokain.- Cannabis.Benzodiazepine.- Nichtopioidanalgetika.- Psychopharmaka.- Modedrogen.- Nikotin.- Suchtmittelgebrauch bei medizinischem Personal Fields of interest Anesthesiology; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Medicine; Pain Medicine Target groups Anästhesisten, Intensivmediziner, Notfallmediziner, Schmerztherapeuten Type of publication Professional book Due May 2007

Diagnostic Imaging of the Spine and Spinal Cord

This is a richly illustrated and comprehensive textbook on the imaging of frequently encountered spinal disorders. Degenerative disease, spinal trauma, spinal tumors and the postoperative spine are addressed in detail. In addition, there are individual chapters on embryology, the pediatric spine, biomechanics, scoliosis, bone marrow disorders, infections, spondyloarthropathies and imaging of the sacrum. All imaging modalities are considered, including plain film, multidetector CT and MRI. The book is intended for daily use in any practice that engages in spinal imaging, and will assist both in film interpretation and in image acquisition. It will thus appeal to all physicians who make use of spinal imaging: radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists and other spine care providers. Its logical structure and extensive, accurate index are specifically designed to ensure ease of use. Features Comprehensive, up-to-date textbook on the imaging of frequently encountered spinal disorders Richly illustrated All imaging modalities considered, e.g. plain film, multidetector CT and MRI Designed to ensure ease of use, with a logical structure and extensive index Contents Congenital: Embryology and Congenital Malformations of the Spine.- Pediatric Spine: Pediatric Spinal Imaging.- Biomechanics: Biomechanics of the Spine.- Scoliosis.- Degenerative Disease: Evidence-Based Medicine in Low Back Pain.- Degenerative Disc Disease.- Pathology of the Posterior Elements.- Spinal Stenosis.- Spinal Instability.- Osteoporosis - Insufficiency Fractures.- Trauma: Whiplash Injuries.- Cervical Spinal Fractures and Dislocations.- Thoracolumbar Trauma.- Surgery in Degenerative Disease and Trauma of the Spine: Surgical Procedures: Discectomy and Herniectomy.- Imaging of the [..]

2007. XI, 191 S. 7 Abb. Softcover

44,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-33733-1

Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Neurosurgery; Neurology; Surgical Orthopedics Target groups Practitioners/professionals, graduates, scientists and researchers in the fields Radiology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Orthopedic Surgery and medical students Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. X, 602 p. 477 illus. in 1218 sep. illus., 36 in color. (Diagnostic Imaging) Geb.

255,73 € ISBN 978-3-540-21344-4

As a result of the introduction of multidetector CT, very detailed images of the lungs can be obtained in every patient undergoing chest CT. Interpretation of the findings requires good knowledge and understanding of the CT signs of all the more common pulmonary diseases. In the first part of the book, the main appearance patterns of lung disease are described with the help of many colour drawings and high-quality illustrations. This approach will enable the reader to recognise these patterns and to interpret them in order to reach a diagnosis. In the second part, many typical cases are shown which will assist the reader in applying what was learned in the first part. This concise, easy to use and didactic book will help the radiologist in training to learn and understand the CT features of lung disease and is also recommended to more experienced specialists wishing to update their knowledge in the field. Features Concise, easy to use guide to the CT features of a wide range of lung diseases and other diseases with a pulmonary component Describes the main appearance and distribution patterns of disease with the help of many colour drawings and high-quality illustrations Includes helpful diagnostic algorithms Contents Technical Considerations.- Basic Anatomical Considerations.- How to Approach a (HR)CT of the Lung?- Increased Lung Attenuation.- Decreased Lung Attenuation.- The Nodular Pattern.-The Linear Pattern.- Typical Cases.- Subject Index.- List of Contributors. Fields of interest Imaging / Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology; Pneumology/Respiratory System; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine Target groups Radiologists in training, experienced specialists, pulmonologists Type of publication Monograph Due March 2007 2007. IX, 191 p. 157 illus. in 356 sep. illus., 43 in color. (Diagnostic Imaging) Geb.

101,60 € ISBN 978-3-540-26187-2


J.-L. Vincent, Free University of Brussels, Belgium (Ed.)

V. Vojta, Martinsried; A. Peters, Schriesheim

Intensive Care Medicine

Das Vojta-Prinzip

Annual Update 2007

Muskelspiele in Reflexfortbewegung und motorischer Ontogenese

The Update compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book. The chapters are written by well recognized experts in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive care and emergency medicine. Contents Biomarker.- Sepsis and Infection: Management: Severe Lung Infections.-Mechanisms of Organ Dysfunction.-Lipids.- Acute Lung Injury.-Mechanical Ventilation.- Protective Ventilation in Respiratory Failure.-Cardiovascular Topics.-Hemodynamic Monitoring.-Intravenous Fluid Therapy.- Renal Failure.-Abdominal Pathologies.- The Liver.-Neurological Issues.- Management of Burns.- Hematological Alterations.- Does Sex make a Difference?-Prognosis and Long-term Outcomes.- Quality and Management.- Disasters. Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Emergency Medicine; Internal Medicine Target groups Clinicians, practitioners, and scientists Type of publication Proceedings Due June 2007 Distributed by Springer New York only 2007. XXXII, 1040 p. 192 illus. Geb.

128,35 € ISBN 978-0-387-49517-0

Detaillierte Einführung in die Grundlagen der Reflexlokomotion (reflektorische Muskelaktivität). Sie tritt in der normalen motorischen Entwicklung "automatisch" auf, aber nicht wenn diverse Störungen vorliegen wie z.B. bei neurophysiologisch bedingten Entwicklungsstörungen, Hirntrauma-Folgen oder orthopädischen Fehlhaltungen. Detailgenau beschreibt dieses Buch die wesentlichen Ausgangsstellungen und jeweiligen therapeutischen Auslösepunkte bzw. –zonen der Vojta-Therapie zur Förderung der gewünschten reflektorischen Muskelaktivität. Basierend auf den Inhalten der Vojta-Fortbildungen. Vojta-Therapie ist als Therapieform in Pädiatrie und Neurorehabilitation etabliert und daher bei Physiotherapeuten als Fortbildungsthema stark nachgefragt. Features Umfassendes Praxishandbuch zur Vojta-Methode Mit dem Vojta-relevanten Basiswissen zur Entwicklungsphysiologie Mit detailgenauen Schritt-fürSchritt-Beschreibungen und -Anleitungen zu jeder Technik Mit neuer Ausstattung, didaktisch besser aufbereitet – endlich "lernfreundlich"! Contents Einführung in die Reflexlokomotion.- Reflexkriechen.- Erste Phase des Reflexumdrehens.Zweite Phase des Reflexumdrehens.- Literaturverzeichnis.- Sachverzeichnis. Fields of interest Physiotherapy; Neurology; Pediatrics; Surgical Orthopedics


J. Wacker, Fürst-Stirum-Klinik Bruchsal; M. Sillem, Kreiskrankenhaus Emmendingen; G. Bastert, Klinik Bad Trissl GmbH & Co. KG, Oberaudorf; M.W. Beckmann, Universitätsfrauenklinik Erlangen (Eds.)

Therapiehandbuch Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Praxisorientiertes Handbuch, welches die gängigen Diagnose- und Therapieschritte in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe auf dem Hintergrund der evidenzbasierten Medizin darstellt. Die Herausgeber verfügen als Chefärzte gynäkologisch-geburtshilflicher Abteilungen über große Erfahrung darin diagnostische und therapeutische Standards mit dem steigenden Kostenbewusstsein in Einklang zu bringen und althergebrachte Verfahren zu hinterfragen. Das ganze Krankheitsspektrum der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe ist berücksichtigt. Mit einem Geleitwort von Detlev Ganten. Features Klare Handlungsempfehlungen für die Praxis Therapie und Diagnostik – effizient und praxisorientiert Orientiert an evidenzbasierter Medizin und aktuellen Leitlinien Contents Aus dem Inhalt Allgemeine Grundlagen.- Evidenz in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. Vorsorge und Früherkennung in der Geburtshilfe.- Schwangerschaftsvorsorge. Prävention von Schwangerschaftskomplikationen. Therapie in der Geburtshilfe.Vorzeitiger Blasensprung. Präklampsie und hypertensive Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft. Indikationen zur Episiotomie. HELLP-Syndrom. Verdacht auf fetale Infektionen. Therapie in der Gynäkologie.- Uterus myomatosus - konservatives versus operatives Vorgehen. Vorgehen bei Ovarialzysten. Harninkontinenz/Deszensus uteri und Uterusprolaps. Rezidivierende [..]

Target groups Physiotherapeuten in Pädiatrie, Neurologie und Neurorehabilitation; interessierte Ärzte dieser Gebiete

Fields of interest Gynecology; Obstetrics/Perinatology; Maternal and Child Health

Type of publication Monograph

Target groups Gynäkologen in Klinik und Praxis; Ärzte in Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Gynäkologie

Due September 2007

Type of publication Professional book

2007. XX, 169 S. 134 Abb. Softcover

49,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-46509-6

Due July 2007 2007. XXII, 398 S. 73 Abb. Geb.

69,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-30097-7 N. Wagner, RWTH Aachen; G. Dannecker, Klinikum Stuttgart (Eds.)

Pädiatrische Rheumatologie

Medizin E. Wahlberg, University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; P. Olofsson, University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; J. Goldstone, University Hospital of Cleveland, OH, USA

Emergency Vascular Surgery


W. Walz, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada (Ed.)

Patch-Clamp Analysis Advanced Techniques

A Practical Guide

Rheuma bei Kindern - ein unterschätztes Problem. Rheumatische Erkrankungen sind im Kindesalter sehr viel häufiger als allgemein angenommen. Häufig werden die Beschwerden jedoch fehlinterpretiert oder falsch behandelt. Krankheitsverläufe und Prognosen unterscheiden sich wesentlich von denen der Erwachsenenrheumatologie. Inzwischen stehen immer bessere Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für rheumatologische Erkrankungen auch bei Kindern zur Verfügung. Der richtige Einsatz dieser Mittel setzt aber ein fundiertes Wissen über die Krankheiten, die verwendeten Medikamente und ihre Wirkung im kindlichen Organismus voraus. Hier finden Pädiater und angehende Fachärzte umfassende Antworten auf alle Fragen der Entstehung, Diagnostik und Therapie von rheumatischen Krankheiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Das Buch legt besonderen Wert auf eine praxisorientierte Darstellung - genaue Angaben zu Therapieempfehlungen und Hinweise zur Evidenz der Therapieverfahren bürgen für einen zuverlässigen und schnellen Behandlungserfolg. Features Umfassende Darstellung - Pädiatrische Rheumatologie - State-of-the-art Genaue Handlungsanweisungen mit Dosierungen und Vorgehen Evidenz der einzelnen Therapien wird mit angegeben Contents Geschichte.- Grundlagen der Autoimmunität.- Untersuchungstechniken.- Pharmakotherapie.- Juvenile idiopathische Arthiris.- Reaktive und parainfektiöse Arthritiden.- Systemischer Lupus erythematodes.Dermatomyositis.- Sklerodermie/Sharp-Syndrom.Vaskulitiden.- Periodische Fiebersyndrome.Nichtrheumatische Ursachen von Arthralgien und Arthritiden.- Schmerzverstärkungssyndrome.Physikalische Therapie. Ergotherapie. Hilfsmittelversorgung.- Krankheitsbewältigung im Alltag. Fields of interest Pediatrics; Rheumatology; Internal Medicine; General Practice / Family Medicine; Orthopedics Target groups Pädiater in Aus- und Weiterbildung, Fachärzte für Pädiatrie, niedergelassene Kinderärzte, Internisten Type of publication Professional book

"Emergency Vascular Surgery" provides detailed guidelines to any physician treating patients with emergency vascular disorders, such as ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms, acute limb ischemia, vascular trauma, iatrogenic vascular injuries and complications to vascular surgery. It provides an introduction to vascular surgical operations and focuses on how to manage patients from the emergency ward, through the urgent operation and all the way to the immediate postoperative period. Numerous figures illustrate the particular points in vascular techniques and diagnostic problems in the emergency situation. Features A practical aid in the emergency situation Brief and easy-to-retrieve information Indispensable for all surgeons dealing with vascular emergencies Contents Part A Specific Areas: Vascular Injuries to the Neck.Vascular Injuries to the Thoracic Outlet Area.- Vascular Injuries in the Arm.- Upper Extremity Ischemia.- Vascular Injuries in the Abdomen.- Visceral Ischemia.- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.- Aortic Dissection.- Vascular Injuries in the Leg.- Acute Leg Ischemia.- Part B General Concepts: Emergency Access to the Vascular System.- Complications in Vascular Surgery.- Acute Venous Problems.- Acute problems with Vascular Dialysis Access.- General Principles.- Index. Fields of interest Surgery; Vascular Surgery; General Surgery; Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Traumatic Surgery; Emergency Medicine Target groups Residents and trainees in vascular surgery, emergency physicians Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007

Continuing the research of the best-selling first edition, Patch-Clamp Analysis: Advanced Techniques, Second Edition collects three more years of research in the ever-expanding study of the cell membrane. With the latest developments in the “traditional” patch techniques such as whole-cell and single channel as well as perforated patch, fast drug application, loose patch and macropatch techniques, this authoritative second edition updates the standard techniques while introducing three brand new, cutting-edge technical advances in the field. Thorough and timely, Patch-Clamp Analysis: Advanced Techniques, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for neuroscientists attempting to discover and understand the long-hidden complexities of the cell. Features Provides readily reproducible, step-by-step protocols that ensure experimental success Describes methods combining patch-clamp with molecular biology and imaging Includes new state-of-the-art techniques Contents Technology of Patch Clamp Electrodes.- Whole Cell Patch-Clamp Recordings.- Single-Channel Recording.- Combined Fluorometric and Electrophysiological Recordings.- Combining Uncaging Techniques with Patch Clamp Recording and Optical Physiology.- Visually-Guided Patch-Clamp Recordings in Brain Slices.- In Vivo Patch-Clamp Technique.- Techniques for Perforated Patch Recordings.- Fast-Drug Application.- Pipette Internal Perfusion: Methods and Applications.- Loose-Patch Clamp Method.- Recording Currents from Channels and Transporters in Macropatches.- Structure-Function Analyses of Single [..] Fields of interest Neurosciences; Neurology; Human Physiology Target groups Neurochemists, physiologists and neurophysiologists, cell and molecular neurobiologists, molecular neuropathologists, experimental neurologists Type of publication Contributed volume

2007. VII, 201 p. 68 illus. Geb.

Due August 2007 Due September 2007 2007. XV, 597 S. 335 Abb. 131 Tab. Geb.

179,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-32814-8

74,85 € ISBN 978-3-540-44393-3

2007. 424 p. 97 illus. (Neuromethods, Band 35) Geb.

103,74 € ISBN 978-1-58829-705-1



D.H. Wang, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA (Ed.)

G.v. Wezel-Meijler, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Molecular Sensors for Cardiovascular Homeostasis

Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography

Biological homeostasis is maintained via intact function of an array of molecules detecting changes of microenvironments inside and outside of the biological system. These molecules, including cell membrane proteins and ion channels, are intimately involved in a variety of sensory pathways and respond to environmental stimuli, including altered temperature, pH, mechanical and osmotic stress, intra- and extracellular messengers, as well as changes in energy consumption. The book reveals the state-of-thescience of several newly discovered ion channel families and their role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. This work offers comprehensive and up-to-date information for a deeper understanding of the relationship between macro- and micro-environments, ion channels, and pathophysiological responses, and for developing novel therapies for treating devastating cardiovascular illnesses. Features This title will attract a vast range of readers including scientists and investigators in both academic and industrial fields and clinicians Graduate students will also be interested in buying this book, particularly as there is exponential growth of courses on this subject Contents The role of DEG/ENaC ion channels in sensory mechanotransduction.- ASICS function as cardiac lactic acid sensors during myocardial ischemia.Molecular Components of Neural Sensory Transduction DEG/ENac Proteins in baro and chemoreceptors.- TRP Channels as Molecular Sensors of Physical Stimuli.- TRPV1 in Central cardiovascular control: Discerning the C-fiber afferent pathway.TRPV1 as a molecular transducer for salt and water homeostasis.- Functional interaction between ATP and TRPV1 receptors.- TRPV4 and hypotonic stress.- Ion Channels in Shear Stress Sensing in Vascular Endothelium - [..]

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Despite advances in neonatal care, neonatal cerebral injury remains a major cause of morbidity, mortality and disabilities. Cranial ultrasonography provides information on brain maturation in the (preterm) neonate and enables detection of frequently occurring brain anomalies in this patient group. It can be repeated when necessary. After the introduction of neonatal MRI, cranial ultrasonography has been relatively neglected. While modern textbooks are available on pathological conditions of the neonatal brain, a recent book showing high quality normal ultrasound images is lacking. The current book deals with the basics of neonatal cranial ultrasonography and can be used as a reference-book providing essential information about the procedure and normal ultrasound anatomy. Features First book exclusively dealing with the standard cranial ultrasonography procedure and normal cranial ultrasonography images Survey of the basics of neonatal cranial ultrasonosgraphy Providing essential information for physicians and technicians applying neonatal cranial ultrasonography as the most important neuroimaging technique on the neonatal ward Obstetricians and obstetric ultrasonographists will find [..] Contents I. Theory: General introduction.- Advantages and aims of neonatal cranial ultrasonography.- Technical aspects.- Standard views, using anterior fontanel as acoustic window: coronal and sagittal planes.Additional views using supplement acoustic windows (posterior fontanel, mastoid fontanel, temporal window).- Image assesment.- Other neuro-imaging techniques. - Maturational changes.- Summary.Appendices. II. Ultrasound anatomy of the neonatal brain. Fields of interest Neuroradiology; Pediatrics

Fields of interest Cardiology; Biomedical Engineering; Human Genetics; Molecular Medicine

Target groups Neuroradiologists, neonatologists, pediatric radiologists, pediatric neurologists, neuroscientists

Target groups Academic, industry biomedical engineers, cardiovascular researchers, pharmaceutical scientists, geneticists, clinicians in advanced research

Type of publication Professional book

Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2007 2007. VIII, 212 p. Geb.

123,00 € ISBN 978-0-387-47528-8

D. Wheeler, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA; H.R. Wong, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA; Th. Shanley, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (Eds.)

Basic Science and Clinical Evidence

“Pediatric Critical Care Medicine” spans two volumes, with major sections dedicated to specific organ systems. Each major section consists of separate chapters dedicated to reviewing the specific disease processes affecting each organ system. Each chapter concludes with a comprehensive list of references, with brief, concise remarks denoting references of ‘special interest’ and ‘of interest’. Consequently, the book is unique in its comprehensive coverage of pediatric critical care and its ease of use, and will be of value to those studying towards pediatric critical care examinations and those who are already qualified. Features The most comprehensive textbook of pediatric critical care medicine First ostensibly evidence-based pediatric critical care textbook Contents Section I The Practice of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.- Section II The Science of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.- Section III Resuscitation and Stabilization of the Critically Ill Child.- Section IV The Respiratory Tract in Critical Illness and Injury.Section V The Cardiovascular System in Critical Illness and Injury.- SectionVI The Central Nervous System in Critical Illness and Injury.- Section VII The Gastrointestinal Tract in Critical Illness and Injury.- SectionVI The Endocrine System in Critical Illness and Injury.- Section IX Fluids and Electrolytes in Critical Illness [..] Fields of interest Intensive / Critical Care Medicine; Pediatrics Target groups Clinicians and students of critical care, all who work with children on pediatric intensive care or general wards Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Due July 2007 2007. XXXII, 2176 p. 597 illus., 50 in color. Geb.

Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 168 p. 121 illus., 15 in color. Softcover

42,75 € ISBN 978-3-540-69906-4

181,85 € ISBN 978-1-84628-463-2 W.B. White, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA (Ed.)

Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics In this newly updated second edition of Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics, William B. White, MD, and a panel of highly experienced clinicians critically review every aspect of out-of-office evaluation of blood pressure, including home and ambulatory pressure, the relationship between whole-day blood pressure and the cardiovascular disease process, and the effects of numerous antihypertensive therapies on these blood pressure parameters. The world-class opinion leaders writing here describe the significant advances in our understanding of the circadian pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders and demonstrate that ambulatory blood pressure values are independent predictors of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Contents Section I.. Preface.- Section II. Techniques for Outof-Office Blood Pressure Monitoring.- 1. Self-Monitoring of Blood Pressure.- 2. Evaluation of Journals, Diaries, and Indexes of Worksite and Environmental Stress.- 3. Electronic Activity Recording in Cardiovascular Disease.- 4. Ambulatory Monitoring of the Blood Pressure.- 5. Validation and Reliability of Blood Pressure Monitors.- Section III. Concepts in the Circadian Variation of Cardiovascular Disease.- 6. Cardiovascular Chronobiology.- 7. Circadian Variation of the Blood Pressure in the Population at Large.- 8. The Importance of [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Pharmacology/Toxicology; Internal Medicine; Nephrology Target groups Cardiologists, pharmacologists, nephrologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007 Originally published in the series: Contemporary Cardiology 2007. Approx. 487 p. 82 illus. (Clinical Hypertension and Vascular Diseases) Geb.

82,34 € ISBN 978-1-58829-512-5

Medizin O.D. Wiestler, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany; B. Haendler, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany; D. Mumberg, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany (Eds.)

Cancer Stem Cells Novel Concepts and Prospects for Tumor Therapy

Cancer stem cells werehave originally been identified in leukemia and later in several solid tumor types. They have very different properties from the bulk of the tumor, as they divide much more slowly and have very efficient drug- resistance mechanisms. Current treatments might largely spare cancer stem cells, thus leading to tumor recurrence and metastasis. The recent identification of growth and differentiation pathways responsible for cancer stem cell proliferation and survival will help in the discovery identification of novel therapeutic targets. Developing selective drugs against cancer stem cells offers great therapeutic opportunities but also provides for major challenges regarding preclinical models, therapeutic windows, and clinical study end points. Features Recent developments in the emerging field of cancer stem cells Possible impact for the identification of novel treatment paradigms for cancer Fields of interest Cancer Research; Oncology; Human Genetics Target groups Scientists and Clinicians involved in cancer research Type of publication Proceedings Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 265 p. (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings, Band 2006/5) Geb.

88,76 € ISBN 978-3-540-70852-0


J.T. Willerson, Texas Heart Institute, Texas, TX, USA; J.N. Cohn, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA; H.J.J. Wellens, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, The Netherlands; D.R. Holmes, Jr., Mayo Clinic, St Mary's Hospital, Rochester, MN, USA (Eds.)

Cardiovascular Medicine "Cardiovascular Medicine, 3rd edition" offers the most up-to-date, user-friendly guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of heart and vascular disease and will be relevant to the practice of every cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, vascular surgeon, diabetologist, cardiac radiologist and any physician who manages cardiac patients. Drs Willerson, Cohn, Wellens and Holmes – and over 150 world authorities – offer their decades of scientific and clinical experience. The book and DVD are designed to provide comprehensive coverage of every aspect of cardiovascular medicine from cardiac signs and symptoms and the full range of cardiac imaging techniques through management of peripheral vascular disease and the genetic basis for cardiovascular disease to preventive cardiology. DVD content: Video imagery for selected chapters; Full text of the book; Interactive narrated heart sounds database containing correlative videos and images Features Cardiovascular medicine from basic science to bedside Comprehensive, detailed, illuminating Majority of chapters revised or rewritten including key points of emphasis New chapters in developing areas of cardiology Expert review of the major clinical guidelines Contributors all world-class cardiovascular experts DVD includes a wealth of video and an huge collection of heart sounds Extensive use of [..] Contents Section 1 - Introduction: Cardiac Signs and Symptoms and Selected Noninvasive Diagnostic Methods: (8 Chapters).- Section 2 - Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult: (5 Chapters).- Section 3 - Valvular Heart Disease: (11 Chapters).- Section 4 - Coronary Artery Disease: (26 Chapters).- Section 5 - Basic Aspects of Myocardial Function, Growth, and Development: (5 Chapters).- Section 6 -Myocardial Disease: (13 Chapters).- Section 7 - Pericardial Disease: (2 Chapters).- Section 8 - Vascular Disease: (21 Chapters).- Section 9 - Electrical Disturbances of the Heart: (14 Chapters).- Section 10 - [..] Fields of interest Cardiology; Internal Medicine; Cardiac Surgery; Angiology; Imaging / Radiology Target groups Fellows and residents in cardiology, cardiac surgery, vascular surgeons, hematologists, diabetologists, internists, cardiac radiologists Type of publication Reference work Due April 2007 Originally published by Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, 2000 2007. XXXII, 2928 p. 1000 illus., 600 in color. With DVD. Geb.

171,15 € ISBN 978-1-84628-188-4



R.A. Williams, Minority Health Institute, Encino, CA, USA (Ed.)

Eliminating Healthcare Disparities in America R.J. Williams, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA (Ed.)

Cartilage Repair Strategies

Beyond the IOM Report

In Eliminating Healthcare Disparities in America, Dr. Richard Allen Williams assembles the very best scholars on healthcare disparities to raise the public consciousness of this issue. These experts provide the benefits of their experience and expertise as a resource for helping others to make judicious determinations about how to proceed in efforts to improve the disparities in American healthcare. Arranged into discrete categories, this volume contains comprehensive coverage, both historical and current, of the healthcare disparity crisis currently plaguing our country in hopes of leading us all to a brighter future. The volume includes chapters of examples that are currently working and concludes with recommendations on how to move forward. The text is not intended to be one in which all of the answers are given to the multitude of problems. Instead, Eliminating Healthcare Disparities in America is intended to raise the reader’s level of consciousness and concern and to increase the knowledge [..] Features Chapters written by the best scholars of healthcare disparities Conveniently divided into sections that address the history of disparities, approaches to change, and what’s currently working Contents Historical Perspectives on Healthcare Disparities: Is the Past Prologue?- Epidemiology of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Healthcare.- Cultural Diversity in Medicine and in Healthcare Delivery.- Healthcare and the Politics of Race.- Barriers to Eliminating Disparities in Clinical Practice: Lessons From the IOM Report.- Second-Class Medicine: Implications of Evidence-Based Medicine for Improving Minority Access to the Correct Pharmaceutical Therapy.- The Diversity Benefit: How Does Diversity Among Health Professionals Address Public Needs?The Role of Health Plans in [..] Fields of interest Theory of Medicine/Bioethics; General Practice / Family Medicine; Internal Medicine; Quality of Life Research; Cardiology; Medicine, general Target groups Internists, family physicians, and medical specialists

Cartilage Repair Strategies is a comprehensive update of the present state of cartilage repair and regeneration. The information in this volume addresses what methods are effective, what methods are safe, and what methods will lead to an alteration in the short history of articular cartilage injury repair. Contributors present examinations of a variety of topics including the structure and function of articular cartilage, the evaluation of cartilage repair techniques, and the latest cartilage sensitive imaging techniques. Several chapters anticipate new and emerging cartilage repair techniques – such as second generation ACI, resorbable scaffold-based repair, and arthroscopically performed cartilage transplantation – and include descriptions of the rationale and application of these procedures. Leading experts present updates on current and emerging methodologies, making Cartilage Repair Strategies a unique and essential reference. Features 20 chapters cover proven and emerging procedures and methodologies Includes an update on rehabilitation strategies after cartilage repair Contents Articular Cartilage: Structure, Biology and Function.- Evaluating Outcome Following Cartilage Procedures.- MRI and Articular Cartilage: Evaluating Lesions and Post-Repair Tissue.- Decision Making in Cartilage Repair Procedures.- Non-operative Treatment Options for Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions.Marrow Stimulation and Microfracture.- Cartilage Repair Using an Injectable Chitosan-based Cell Delivery Method.- Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation.- Articular Cartilage Resurfacing Using Synthetic Resorbable Scaffolds.- Articular Cartilage Resurfacing Using Autologous Chondrocyte [..] Fields of interest Orthopedics; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Rehabilitation Medicine; Surgical Orthopedics; Surgery Target groups Orthopedic surgeons, musculoskeletal practitioners, primary care physicians, physical therapists Type of publication Contributed volume Due August 2007

Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007 2007. Approx. 500 p. 16 illus. Geb.

50,24 € ISBN 978-1-934115-42-8

2007. XVIII, 374 p. 263 illus., 7 in color. Geb.

192,55 € ISBN 978-1-58829-629-0

Th. Winter, Medizinische Informatik, Berlin

Komplikationen gibt es nicht - oder doch? Stationäre Aufenthalte in Orthopädie und Traumatologie eine Verlaufsstudie -

Die Studie wird in drei Darstellungsformen wiedergegeben, die jede für sich genommen unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen des Lesers genügen sollen. Die Ebene 1 – die Druckversion – enthält den Gesamtüberblick. Ebene 2 und 3 befinden sich auf der CD-ROM. Die Ebene 2 entspricht in weiten Teilen der Druckversion, erweitert durch vorbereitende Arbeiten und Darstellung der Komplikationen in ihrer Gesamtheit, so dass die Informationstiefe inklusive der Untersuchungen zur Befundungs- und Datenqualität eine Komplettabbildung orthopädisch-traumatologischer Komplikationen, eingebettet in das zeitgleiche Gesamtgeschehen, darstellt. Die Ebene 3, der Tabellenanhang, enthält alle Tabellen zu den Basisdaten, den Untersuchungen zur Daten- und Befundungsqualität sowie den einzelnen Darstellungen, mit stichwortartigen Zusatzinformationen zu jeder Komplikation, wie der Mitauflistung von Begleiterkrankungen und anderer Fakten, um so die Heterogenität des Krankengutes zu demonstrieren. Features Umfangreiche Komplikations-Verlaufsstudie - 3000 Komplikationen aus der Orthopädie und Traumatologie Ausführliche Einführung und profunder Einblick in die Problematik der Komplikationsklassifizierung Hochaktuell - gerade jetzt im "DRG Zeitalter" Fields of interest Orthopedics; Traumatic Surgery Target groups Orthopäden, Unfallchirurgen, Versicherungen, Juristen Type of publication Monograph Due June 2007 2007. XVI, 128 S. Mit CD-ROM. Softcover

39,95 € ISBN 978-3-7985-1514-7 B.G. Wolff, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; J.W. Fleshman, Washington University, St. Louise, MO, USA; D.E. Beck, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA, USA; J.H. Pemberton, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; S.D. Wexner, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FL, USA (Eds.)

The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery The ASCRS Textbook of Colorectal Surgery is the first official textbook of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) ( that adheres to the principals of evidence-based practice and utilizes ASCRS practice parameters. Written by top experts in the specialty, each chapter correlates with the core curriculum developed by the Program Director's Association in Colorectal Surgery. Chapters include Anatomy, Physiology, Genetics, Diagnostic Evaluation, and Perioperative Management. In addition, a groundbreaking online component is updated periodically with new information for the busy surgeon. A distinguished editorial group includes Dr. James Fleshman, Dr. David Beck, Dr. Steven Wexner, Dr. Bruce Wolff, and Dr. John Pemberton. There are also five associate editors who bring their expertise and experience to the textbook: Dr. Julio Garcia-Aguilar, Dr. James Church, Dr. Patricia Roberts, Dr. Rob Madoff, and Dr. Ted Saclarides. With 56 chapters and over 380 illustrations, [..] Contents Anatomy (Colon, Rectum, Anus) and Embriology (Normal and Abnormal).- Physiology: Colonic.Physiology: Anorectal.- Diagnostic Evaluations: Physiologic Testing (PNTML, Manometry, Defecogram).- Diagnostic Evaluations: Endoscopy (Rigid, Flexible, Complications).- Diagnostic Evaluations: Radiology/Nuclear/PET, CT Colography.Diagnostic Evaluations: Ultrasound.- Preoperative Management: Bowel Preparation, Medical Evaluation.- Postoperative Management: Pain and Anesthetic, Fluids and Diet.- Postoperative Complications.- Benign Anorectal: Hemorrhoids.- Benign Anorectal: Anal Fissure, Anal [..] Fields of interest Colorectal Surgery; Gastroenterology; General Surgery

Medizin P. Woo, University College London, UK; R.M. Laxer, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; D.D. Sherry, Children’s Hospital Philadelphia, PA, USA

Pediatric Rheumatology in Clinical Practice Pediatric Rheumatology in Clinical Practice is authored by a trio of experts from the UK, US and Canada. The book presents the physician with key points and summary boxes about various symptoms, making the book a useful quick reference guide. 79 illustrations, most of them in color, enhance the text. Pediatric Rheumatology in Clinical Practice will be of particular interest to rheumatologists in practice, residents on rotation through the rheumatology clinic, primary care physicians, hospital doctors, as well as to senior nursing staff. Features Well illustrated in colour, with key points and summary boxes helping to make the book a quick reference guide Contents I. Introduction: General Presentation of Musculoskeletal Problems in Childhood.- General Principles of Management.- II. Inflammatory Rheumatologic Diseases: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.- Juvenile Dermatomyositis.- Scleroderma.- Overlap Syndromes.- Vasculitis.- Lyme .- Recurrent Fever Syndromes.- Acute Rheumatic Fever and Post Streptococcal Arthritis.III. Non-Inflammatory Rheumatologic Diseases: Mechanical/Orthopaedic Conditions.- Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain.- Hereditary Conditions of Bone and Cartilage. Fields of interest Rheumatology; Pediatrics; Internal Medicine Target groups Rheumatologists in practice, residents on rotation through the rheumatology clinic, primary care physicians, hospital doctors, senior nursing staff Type of publication Professional book Due June 2007

Target groups Colorectal Surgeons, fellows in Colorectal Surgery, general surgeons, residents in General Surgery Type of publication Undergraduate textbook Due April 2007 Jointly published with The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 2007. eReference.

284,41 € ISBN 978-0-387-36374-5

2007. VIII, 192 p. Softcover

37,40 € ISBN 978-1-84628-420-5


J. Zhang, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; G. Rokosh, University of Louisville, KY, USA (Eds.)

Cardiac Gene Expression Methods and Protocols

Cardiac Gene Expression: Methods and Protocols presents both cutting-edge and established methods for studying cardiac gene expression. The protocols provide a template for solid research, and cover the process through screening, analysis, characterization, and functional confirmation of novel genes or known genes with a new function. Section I, Cardiac Gene Expression Profiling: The Global Perspective, discusses several different approaches to examining, identifying, and analyzing changes in transcriptome gene expression. Section II, Cardiac Gene Regulation: Gene-Specific mRNA Measurement in the Myocardium, outlines more sensitive and gene-targeted expression methods. Section III, Cardiac Gene Regulation: Promoter Characterization in the Myocardium, provides protocols for the study of underlying gene regulation mechanisms by focusing on the interaction of transcription factors with their cognate cis binding elements. Section IV, In Silico Assessment of Regulatory cis-Elements and Gene Regulation, [..] Features Resources for the analysis of gene regulation data and SNPs Comparative genomic approach for functionally annotating human DNA Quantitative, real-time RT-PCR in cardiovascular research In silico analysis of SNPs and other high-throughput data Conditional targeting in the myocardium Contents Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression in Murine Cardiac Graft Infiltrating Cells.- Expression Profiling Using Affymetrix GeneChip, Probe Arrays.- Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE): A Useful Tool to Analyze the Cardiac Transcriptome.- Functional Genomics by cDNA Subtractive Hybridization.Statistical Methods in Cardiac Gene Expression Profiling: From Image to Function.- Measurement of Cardiac Gene Expression by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).- Quantitative (Real-Time) RT-PCR in Cardiovascular Research.RNase Protection Assay for Quantifying Gene [..] Fields of interest Human Genetics; Cardiology; Bioinformatics Target groups Cardiologists, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, genetic engineers Type of publication Contributed volume Due April 2007 2007. XII, 366 p. 66 illus., 1 in color. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 366) Geb.

80,20 € ISBN 978-1-58829-352-7



J. Zhou, Nankai University, Tianjin, China (Ed.)

T. Ziegenfuß, St. Josef Krankenhaus, Moers

Microtubule Protocols


Microtubules are essential components of the cytoskeleton, and play critical roles in a variety of cell processes, including cell shaping, intracellular tracking, cell division, and cell migration. Microtubule Protocols presents a comprehensive collection of essential and up-to-date methods for studying both the biology of microtubules and the mechanisms of action of microtubule-interacting drugs. The straightforward presentation of readily reproducible protocols is a hallmark of the Methods in Molecular Medicine™ series, and is evident in this volume. Methods presented range from the purification and characterization of microtubule proteins, analysis of post-translational modifications of tubulin, and determination of microtubule structure, to the visualization of microtubule and spindle behavior, measurement of microtubule dynamics, and examination of microtubule-mediated cellular processes. Both basic scientists and clinical researchers will benefit from this collection of state-of-the-art [..]

Ziegenfuß: Notfallmedizin: Das erfolgreiche Lehrbuch für den Notfallmedizin-Kurs und darüber hinaus jetzt neu in der 4. Auflage! Hier finden Medizinstudenten und angehende Assistenzärzte alle wichtigen Infos für die rasche und sichere Entscheidung im akuten Notfall. Vitalfunktionen erhalten und wieder herstellen, Basisinformationen zur notfallmäßigen Diagnostik und Therapie für den Anfänger und erweiterte Sofortmaßnahmen für den Profi, all diese Inhalte bietet das handliche Taschenbuch zum schnellen Zugriff aufbereitet an. Die griffige Didaktik und die einprägsame Visualisierung der Fakten sorgen für klare Wissensvermittlung und wappnen den Leser optimal für jede Situation. Dazu kann im neuen Fallquiz in 20 Fällen aus der Praxis das richtige Vorgehen am Einsatzort bereits theoretisch eingeübt und nachvollzogen werden. "Ein Buch von einem Praktiker für Praktiker oder solche, die es noch werden wollen, mit Beispielen, die 'aus dem Leben' gegriffen sind..." Rettungsdienst Journal

Features Includes methods for the development and discovery of novel agents that target microtubules Includes readily reproducible protocols, tips for troubleshooting, and advice on avoiding common mistakes

Features Alle wichtigen Infos für die rasche und sichere Entscheidung im akuten Notfall Neu in der 4. Auflage: leicht verständliche, einheitliche Struktur und Didaktik Viele Abbildungen aus der Praxis geben Einblick in die Klinik der Erkrankungen Kitteltaschentauglich und gut geeignet zum Mitnehmen auch beim Kurs Das neue Fallquiz zum Repetieren und Einüben des notfallmäßigen diagnostischen Vorgehens für den [..]

Contents 1. (Review) Microtubules: An Overview.- 2. Large Scale Purification of Brain Tubulin with the Modified Weisenberg Procedure.- 3. Purification and Mass-Spectrometry Identification of Microtubule-Binding Proteins from Xenopus Egg Extracts.- 4. Preparation and Characterization of PostTranslationally Modified Tubulins from Artemia Franciscana.- 5 Studying the Structure of Microtubules by Electron Microscopy.- 6. Fluorescence Microscopy of Microtubules in Cultured Cells.- 7 (Review) Measurements of Stathmin-Tubulin Interaction in Solution.- 8. Analysis of Microtubule Dynamics by Polarized [..] Fields of interest Cell Biology; Medicinal Chemistry; Cancer Research Target groups Pharmaceutical researchers, cancer researchers, geneticists, immunologists, molecular and cell biologists Type of publication Contributed volume Due September 2007 2007. Approx. 185 p. 58 illus. (Methods in Molecular Medicine, Band 137) Geb.

74,85 € ISBN 978-1-58829-642-9

Contents Einführung.- Diagnostik und Überwachung in der Notfallmedizin.- Grundlegende notfallmedizinische Maßnahmen.- Atemwegssicherung, Intubation und Beatmung.- Gefäßpunktion.- Notfallmedikamente und Infusionslösungen.- Kardiopulmonare Reanimation.- Störungen der Vitalfunktion.- Spezielle kardiorespiratorische Notfälle.- Gastrointestinale und abdominale Notfälle.- Notfälle durch Störungen des inneren Milieus.- Zerebrale Notfälle.- Notfälle im Kindesalter.- Notfälle in der Schwangerschaft.- Sonstige Notfälle und schwere Blutungen.- Traumatologische Notfälle.- Spezielle Unfälle und [..] Fields of interest Emergency Medicine Target groups Medizinstudenten, AiP, Rettungssanitäter, Notärzte Type of publication German textbook Due September 2007 2007. XVI, 480 S. 217 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Softcover

24,95 € ISBN 978-3-540-48633-6

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