David Hawkins Various Calibrations using applied kinesiology.

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Sri Siva (Sri Guruji) 220. 220. Amish 375. 375. Born Again 350. 350. LOWERED CALIBRATIONS. Pentacostal 310. 310. Gnostic 290. 290. Eckhart Tolle 525 240.
-SPIRITUAL PRACTICESChristian communion 700 Sedona Releasing 490 Seth books 470 Druids 450 I Ching 430 Kung Fu 410 Rosicrucian 405 Science of Mind 405 Est 400 LCUPCD Chi Gong Theosophy 365 Tai chi 310 Reiki 285 Hatha yoga 260 Rebirthing 250 Avatar workshops 245 Transcendental Meditation 220 Qiqong 195 Scientology 195


700 490 470 450 430 410 405 405 400 380 365 310 285 260 250 245 220 195 195

BUDDHISM Mahayana 980 CHRISTIANITY 1st Century 980 BUDDHISM Zen 890 BUDDHISM Hinayana 890 BUDDHISM Lotus Land 740 HINDU Ancient 700 HINDU Islam 700 CHRISTIANITY Papacy 570 CHRISTIANITY Unity 540 HINDU Judaism (modern) 530 BUDDHISM Tantric 515 CHRISTIANITY Modern Protestantism 510 CHRISTIANITY Quakers 505 HINDU Taoism 500 HINDU Modern 499 HINDU Jainism 495 BUDDHISM Tibetan 490 CHRISTIANITY College of Cardinals 490 CHRISTIANITY After Council of Nicea 485 HINDU Raja Yoga 485


CHRISTIANITY Coptic 475 HINDU Subud 470

Om 740 Om Mane Padme Hum 700 Lord's Prayer 650 Shanti Shanti 650 Om Namaha Shivaya 630 Gregorian Chants 595 Japa 525 Jesus' Prayer 525 Rosary 515 Prayer of Jabez 310 Ankh (symbol) 160 Shaktipat Energy 160 Cursing (Lord's name in vain) 45 Damning people to hell 15

740 700 650 650 630 595 525 525 515 310 160 160 45 15

HINDU Hari Krishna 460 CHRISTIANITY Modern Catholicism 440 CHRISTIANITY Jesuit Order 440 HINDU Sikh 420 CHRISTIANITY Christian Science 410 HINDU Sahaj Marg 410 BUDDHISM Won 405 CHRISTIANITY LDS (Mormon) 390 CHRISTIANITY Amish 375 CHRISTIANITY Born Again 350 HINDU Shinto 350 HINDU Tamal Siddha Vedanta 330 HINDU Current Mohamadism 325 CHRISTIANITY Pentacostal 310 CHRISTIANITY Gnostic 290 CHRISTIANITY Puritan 210 CHRISTIANITY TV Evangelist 205 HINDU Muslims 205 CHRISTIANITY Jehovah's Witness 195 CHRISTIANITY 7th Day Adventist 190 HINDU New Ageism 185 HINDU Wicca 160 HINDU Unification Church 150 CHRISTIANITY Right Wing Wing fundamentalist 95 HINDU Shiite Muslims 55

980 980 890 890 740 700 700 570 540 530 515 510 505 500 499 495 490 490 485 485 475 470 460 440 440 420 410 410 405 390 375 350 350 330 325 310 290 210 205 205 195 190 185 160 150 95 55

BOOKS Bhagavad gita 910 Vedas 910


910 910

Buddha Nature (as allness) 1000 God Transcendent 1000

Lamsa bible (minus

God Immanent 1000

Old Testament& revelations,

Buddha Nature (as void) 980

but including Genesis, Psalms, & Proverbs 880 Ramayana 810 Mahabarata 780 Heart Sutra 780 Lotus Sutra 780 Apocrypha 740 Tora 740 Zohar 720 Kabala 720 Koran 700 Diamond Sutra 700 Gospel of Thomas 660 Genesis (Lamsa) 660 Dead Sea Scrolls 650 Psalms 650 New Testament (KJ) 640 Yoga sutras (Patanjali) 630 ACIM Workbook 600 Vedanta 595 Tibetan Book of the Dead 575 Book of Kells 570 ACIM Text 550 Book of Mormon 510 Lamsa bible 495 King James bible 475 Proverbs 350 San Hedron 240

Native American Great Spirit 850

880 810 780 780 780 740 740 720 720 700 700 660 660 650 650 640 630 600 595 575 570 550 510 495 475 350 240

SPIRITUAL CONCEPTS I (as supreme) 1000 Buddha Nature 1000 I (as allness) 990 I (as void) 990 I (as divinity) 980/998 "None get to heaven but by me" 940 Eye of the I 900 Theology 460 Justice 380 Justice as "eye for an eye" 375

1000 1000 990 990 980/998 940 900 460 380 375

Yahweh 460 Jehovah 205 Elohim 100 God of Old Testament 100 Pagan Gods 100 Greek Gods 90 Germanic Gods 90 Scandinavian Gods 90 Gods of War 90 Name of God as "OM" tests negative

1000 1000 1000 980 850 460 205 100 100 100 90 90 90 90 0

SPIRITUAL TITLES Archangels 50,000 Lord 1000 Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment 800 Master 700 Saint 700 Enlightenment 600 Pope 570 Angels 550 True Guru 540 + Guru (prior to 1960's) 540 Guru (since the '60's) 190 Baba 190

50,000 1000 800 700 700 600 570 550 540+ 540 190 190



Chi Energy

Huang Po 960

Etheric Body

Gandhi 760


Ramesh Balsekar 760


Muktananda 750

Jesus' Thirty three miracles

Rabbi Moses de Leon 720

Jesus Fed multitudes

Nisargadatta Maharaj 720

Apostles' miracles

Ramana Maharshi 720

Seaking in tongues

Mother Theresa 710

Pentacostal flame

Meister Eckhart 700

John the Baptist – killed for revealing the truth

Patanjali 660

Jesus – killed for revealing the truth

Chief Detroit 650

Name and form are one

Karmapa 630

Wait 3 days before burial/cremation

Ramakrishna 620

Human can live on prana energy

Vivekananda 610

Consciousness level set at birth

Satchitananda 605

Exact time of death/leaving the body set at birth

Tenzin Gyaltsen 599 Padmasambava 595


Confucius 590 St. Patrick 590


John Calvin 580


Martin Luther 580

Prophesied End Times

Robert Powell 575

St. Mathew's prophesied end times

Dalai Lama 570

One can experience one's own physical death

Yogananda 540 Lao Tzu 520


Poonjaji 520 Joseph Smith 520


Thomas Merton 520 Wallace Black Elk 499

Mahayana 980 Zen 890 Hinayana 890 Lotus Land 740 Tantric 515 Tibetan 490 Won 405

980 890 890 740 515 490 405

Hazrat Khan 499 Charles Filmore 485 Alan Watts 485 C.W. Leadbetter 485 Wei Wu Wei 475 M Scott Peck 475 Gangaji 475 Emmett Fox 470 John Blofield 465 Thich Naht Hahn 460 John Bradshaw 460 Joel Goldsmith 455 Vernon Howard 455 Alice Bailey 445 Bernadette Roberts 445 Ram Das 420 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 410 Joseph Campbell 410

960 760 760 750 720 720 720 710 700 660 650 630 620 610 605 599 595 590 590 580 580 575 570 540 520 520 520 520 499 499 485 485 485 475 475 475 470 465 460 460 455 455 445 445 420 410 410



1st Century 980 Papacy 570 Unity 540 Modern Protestantism 510 Quakers 505 College of Cardinals 490 After Council of Nicea 485 Coptic 475 Modern Catholicism 440 Jesuit Order 440 Christian Science 410 LDS (Mormon) 390 Amish 375 Born Again 350 Pentacostal 310 Gnostic 290 Puritan 210 TV Evangelist 205 Jehovah's Witness 195 7th Day Adventist 190 Right Wing fundamentalist 95 Catholic position on pedophelia 90 Right wing fund. Tv evang. 90

980 570 540 510 505 490 485 475 440 440 410 390 375 350 310 290 210 205 195 190 95 90 90

Robert Schuller 405 Chungliang Al Huang 405 C.S. Lewis 390 HWL Poonja 370 John Wesley 360 Peter Ousepensky 335 Sant Thahar Singh 315 Meher Baba 240 Sri Karumay 221 Nostradamus 220 Sri Siva (Sri Guruji) 220 LOWERED CALIBRATIONS Eckhart Tolle 525 240 Sai Baba 535 198 Sivananda 615 195 Deepak Chopra 500 195 Shri Ravi Shankar 515 195 Lester Levinson 505 180 Rajneesh (Osho) 570 180 ACLU 385 180 Krishnamurti 525 175


Werner Erhardt 510 175 Ramtha 490 160

Ancient 700 Islam 700 Judaism (modern) 530 Taoism 500 Modern 499 Jainism 495 Raja Yoga 485 Subud 470 Hari Krishna 460 Sikh 420 Sahaj Marg 410 Shinto 350 Tamal Siddha Vedanta 330 Current Mohamadism 325 Muslims 205 New Ageism 185 Wicca 160 Unification Church 150 Shiite Muslims 55

700 700 530 500 499 495 485 470 460 420 410 350 330 325 205 185 160 150 55

405 405 390 370 360 335 315 240 221 220 220

Reverend Moon 515 160 L. Ron Hubbard 410 145

525 535 615 500 515 505 570 385 525 510 490 515 410

240 198 195 195 195 180 180 180 175 175 160 160 145