Degradation of busulfan in aqueous solution

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the effect of phosphate buffer components and temperature on the rate of ... The detection was performed using a Berthold LB 503 radioactivity detector with ... mixed with 10 ml of distilled water, sulphuric acid (0.1 M) or sodium hydroxide (0.1 M) .... of H3PO4 on the degradation rate of busulfan was studied at pH 1.4, where ...
Journtl oJ Pharna.euti.dl & un, ?.li.r! Vol. 4. No. l. pt 95 l0l. l9lt6 Prinlcd in (;rcx( Brnain


0731 7rlli5/86




l']ergxnror Pre$ Lrd

Degradation of busulfan in aqueous solution MOUSTAPIIA I IASSAN* and IIANS Iil IRSSON Ktrolinsku I'hurnq(1', Bol 60021, S-I010I Stockholn, .\ttttlen

Abstract: The influcncc of pH. phosphatc buffcr components and tempcraturc on the dcgradation ratc of busulfan rvas studicd. 1'hc analysis was performcd using gas chromatography with clectron capturc detection and revcrsccl-phirse liquicl chr-omatography with radioactivity monikrring. Thc dcgratlation rate of busulfan showed no pl I dependcncc in thc ran{c pH L5 |I rrnd inercirsc,.l rrt higher ptl vrrlues. Tlrc clc,criidation ritte constaltt was 0.03,1 10.0(11 h ' (S.E.M.) for the degrltlirtion of busulfan in purc water anti 0..15 + 0.01 h 'N{ ' (S.E.M.)fbr rhe reaction of busulfan with thc hvdro.ricle i(rn rr .l7'C. The rcactrvitl ot HP( ), j ul. .ix timcs hrghcr th;rn the r,..ur.t jr itr ,rt' ll,PO, lowrrds husullirn. Thc hltlroly'is prrrrlrrcrs ucrc iJerrtificd irs rL.lrijh](lrrrlurll and methancsulphonic acid by nuclear magnetic resonance spcctroscopy.

Keywords: Busulfun; utyrcous degnulution, influante of rc

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