Determinationof Manganesein Whole Bloodand ... - Clinical Chemistry

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in a complex matrix such as whole blood has re- quired predigestion, extraction, or both (9, 10), or long drying and ashing times (11) to minimize background.




Determinationof Manganesein Whole Bloodand Serum Patricia A. Pleba& and Karl H. Pearson2

We describe methods for determination of manganese in whole blood and serum with Zeeman-effect flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy. These analyses are performed on a twofold or fourfold dilution of the specimen in Triton X- 100, 1 gIL. No predigestion or extraction procedures are required. The method of standard additions was used for quantitation. Within-run coefficients of variation for whole-blood manganese were 7.0 and 5.5% for 2.29 and 5.67 tg/L, respectively. For determination of serum manganese, coefficients of variation were 10.3 and 5.3% for 0.97 and 3.01 tg/L, respectively. Manganese detection limits for the assays were 3.0 pg. Whole-blood manganese concentrations, determined for 60 subjects, yielded a mean (±SD) of 9.03 (±2.25) igIL. Mean serum manganese concentration, determined for 20 subjects, was 1.82 (±0.64) tg/L. No correlation was found between blood manganese concentrations and age, sex, or smoking status.

AddItIonalKeyphrases: flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy

normal values

occupational hazards


sorption, light scattering, and wavelength-dependent radiation. Background correction is obtained by placing the graphite cuvette in the field of a 11-kG (1.1 T) permanent




The major absorption

route is the gastrointestinal

tract, with

absorption being intimately linked to iron absorption (4, 6). Manganese is mainly excreted in bile; only a small fraction is excreted in urine (3, 6). The majority of the manganese in whole blood is bound to heme in erythrocytes (7). A small fraction in the serum is bound to a f31-globulin (8). Increased amounts of manganese in whole blood have been reported in rheumatoid arthritis (4), iron-deficiency anemia (3,5), and healthy individuals exposed to manganese (2, 3).

Flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy is a sensitive technique for the quantitation of manganese. However, determination in a complex matrix such as whole blood has required predigestion, extraction, or both (9, 10), or long drying and ashing times (11) to minimize background absorption. Analyte-shifted Zeeman-effect flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy offers accurate and reproducible background correction during atomization for broad-band molecular ab-

magnetic field. Thus, the parallel radiation contains background absorption and analyte absorption, while the perpendicular radiation contains only background absorption. Background absorption is corrected for by electronically

subtracting absorbance.

the perpendicular absorbance from the parallel Correctable background absorbances, which are

somewhat dependent upon the element being analyzed, are generally up to 1.7 absorbance units. Koizumi and co-workers have described in detail the theory and instrumentation of



of Chemistry,





1 Present address: Department of Chemical Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508. 2Also with the Division of Laboratory Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44106. Address correspondence to this author at Cleveland State University. Presented in part at the 30th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical

Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Abstract March, 1979. Received

Apr. 30, 1979; accepted

Aug. 9, 1979.

702, Cleveland,




spectroscopy (12). This method is ideally suited analysis of trace metals in biological matrixes.

absorption for direct

Materials and Methods Apparatus Analyses


atomic absorption


on a Zeeman-effect



Model 170-70 (NSI Hitachi,

Mountain View, CA 94043) equipped with a R955 photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu Corp., Middlesex, NJ 08846), sensitive to low ultraviolet wavelengths. We used a cup-type graphite cuvette (Naka Works, Hitachi Ltd., Katsuta Ibaraki, 312, Japan) for all analyses. Atomic absorption signals were

recorded on a Hitachi fast-response, dual-pen recorder, Model 056, which allowed simultaneous monitoring of analyte and background absorption. Thus, we could determine whether the background absorption remained below the correctable amount

of 1.7 absorbance

was regulated


with an external

The flow of argon carrier

tubes (1.5-mL capacity,

Pittsburgh, PA 15219) and NY 14602) were soaked in tific, ACS reagent grade) distilled de-ionized water


flow meter (Lab Crest Scien-

tific Glass Co., Warminster, PA 18974), which allowed flow to be adjusted from 0 to 100 mL/min.

All polyethylene Cleveland, OH 44115.

field produces

mically and hypsochromically, respectively. A rotating Senarmont quartz polarizer, placed between the hollow cathode lamp and the graphite cuvette, polarizes the hollow cathode lamp’s radiation alternately parallel and perpendicular to the

analyte-shifted Manganese is essential for bone and tissue formation, carbohydrate metabolism, reproductive processes, and lipid metabolism (1). Human manganese metabolism has been extensively studied with radioactive tracer techniques (2-5).

the magnetic

splitting of the electronic states of the analyte. The nonshifted, or ir, component, which is polarized parallel to the magnetic field, is located at the original transition wavelength; wavelengths of the o and (7+ components, which are polarized perpendicular to the magnetic field, are shifted bathochro-

the gas

Fisher Scientific,

volumetrics (Nalge Co., Rochester, nitric acid (6 mol/L; Fisher Scienovernight and then rinsed with before use.

Reagents Triton solutions,

X-100 (Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, 1 gIL, were prepared with distilled

PA 19105) de-ionized

water. Stock manganese


(1.000 gIL) was purchased


Vol. 25, No. 11, 1979




Table 1. Zeeman Atomic AbsorptIon Spectroscopy Instrument Parameters for Manganese Analyses Dry:

Whole-blood analysis

Ramp mode, 0.3 A/s, 30 A (135 #{176}C)


Serum analysis

Ramp mode, 0.2 A/s, 30 A (135 #{176}C) Ash: Step mode, 60 s, 60 A (350-450 #{176}C) Atomize: Step mode, 8 s, 300 A (2400 #{176}C) Argon carrier gas flow: 50 mL/min Argon sheath gas flow: 3 L/min Wavelength: 279.5 nm Pen response: Fast (1) Band pass: 1.1 nm (slit 2) Lamp current: 10 mA Expansion: 0.1 absorbance unit/full scale





Fisher Scientific. For working manganese standard, we made two equal serial dilutions of the stock standard with distilled de-ionized water to give a final manganese concentration of 100 igIL.


and Preparation


of Samples

All venous blood specimens were collected in Trace-Element Vacutainer Tubes (Becton-Dickinson, Rutherford, NJ 07071). Whole-blood specimens were drawn in Vacutainer Tubes with sodium heparmn additive, and serum specimens were collected in silicone-coated Vacutainer Tubes with no additive. Whole-blood specimens were stored at 4 #{176}C and assayed within four days. Serum specimens were allowed to clot and then centrifuged at 3500 X g for 30 mm. All hemolyzed specimens were transferred Serum days.


were discarded. The remaining specimens to acid-washed 1.5-mL polyethylene tubes. were stored at 4#{176}C and assayed within four

Procedure For whole-blood


we transferred


a posi-

tive-displacement pipette (Scientific Manufacturing Industries, Emeryville CA 94603) 0.25 mL of the well-mixed specimen to an acid-washed polyethylene tube. We added 0.75 mL of Triton X-100 solution and mixed by inversion. A standard curve

was prepared

making standard manganese





and subtracting




the endogenous

to give 0, 2.5, 5.0, and

10.0 tg of

manganese per liter. We then transferred a 10-FL aliquot of the diluted specimen or standard with a variable automatic pipette (Excalibur Laboratories, Ltd., Australia) to the graphite 1.

cup. Analytical

Average absorbances


of duplicate

were as shown


in Table




differed by more than 10%) were compared with the standard curve. We obtained whole-blood manganese concentrations by multiplying by 4 the concentration read from the standard curve. For serum manganese concentrations, we diluted 0.5 mL of the specimen with 0.5 mL of Triton X-100 solution and


a 15-zL aliquot

to the graphite

cup cuvette.

multiplied the concentration of the diluted specimen by 2. Figure 1 shows a recorder trace of a serum manganese standard curve. A plot of these data yields a line with equation y = 13.lx + 7.4 and a goodness of fit of 0.9999. The abeorbance CLINICAL CHEMISTRY,

Vol. 25, No. 11, 1979

Fig. 1. Serum manganese standard curve A, endogenous manganese conce*atlon (0.6 ig/L);B, endogenous+ 2.5ig/L; C,endogenous+ 5.Oig1L; D,endogenous+ 10.Og/L; E,specimen(1.OigIL). Bottom trace: full scale = 0.1 absorbance unit Top trace Is background absorbance (see ref. 13). Background peaks occur during ash cycle, F, and atomizatlon cycle, 6

during the ash cycle, F, is due to smoke formation, and the atomization cycle, G, is total absorbance. The maximum background absorbance during atomization with an initial photomultiplier voltage of 340 V was calculated as 1.2 absorbance units (13), well below the maximum correctable absorbance

of 1.7.

Results and DIscussion We evaluated the Trace-Element Vacutainer Tubes for manganese contamination. Distilled de-ionized water was drawn into 10 Vacutainer Tubes through Becton-Dickinson disposable needles. No detectable manganese was found in the sodium heparmn Vacutainer Tubes, and only two Vacutamer Tubes with no additive showed traces of manganese (0.25 and 0.36 ig/L). Next, we used whole blood to study leaching in the heparinized Vacutainer Tubes. Four specimens were analyzed for manganese immediately upon collection and again five days later. There were no significant changes in the manganese concentrations for these specimens. The detection limit for manganese by this method is 3.0 pg, as calculated from 2SD at a concentration near the detection


parameters were the same as those for whole-blood except for the drying cycle. A matched serum-matrix standard curve was also prepared in the same manner as for wholeblood determinations. We corrected whole-blood and serum sample absorbances for a reagent blank before comparison with the curve. For serum manganese concentrations, we strument



Table 2. WithIn-Run Precision StudIes CV%

Whole-blood analysis (n


2.29±0.16 5.67 ± 0.31 Serum analysis (n

0.97 ± 0.10 3.01 ± 0.16


7.0 5.5 =


10.3% 5.3%

Table 3. Average Normal Blood Manganese ConcentratIons n


Zeeman-effect atomic absorption 60 spectroscopy Neutron activation analysis 14 14 limit. At 2.29 tg/L pg for a 10-L

the detection



Table 4. Effect of Sex and SmokIng Status on Blood Manganese n


9.03 ± 2.25 9.84 ± 0.4 8.44 ± 2.73



limit is 0.3 ig/L, detection

which is 3.0 is adequate to in whole blood and to limit

detect human manganese deficiency quantitate normal values for manganese in serum. The standard curve for the assay is linear to 10 igIL in the diluted specimens, which allows quantitation of increased manganese concentrations without further dilution because whole-blood manganese concentrations with up to 80 igfL can be analyzed from a 5-jL aliquot. The linearity range of the standard curve drops rapidly with decrease in carrier-gas flow. Table 2 shows results of within-run precision studies for the assay of manganese

and in serum. To determine between-run precision of whole-blood ganese assay, we made 44 replicate determinations


in whole blood

over a period

of eight days. The coefficient


variation variability

(CV) for the assay is a measure of the expected in sampling between patients as well as day-to-day variation (14). The standard deviation was 1.04 igfL at a mean concentration of 10.5 tg/L, giving a CV of 9.9%. For the

serum manganese

assay, 28 replicate


eight specimens






8.87 ± 2.35 9.24 ± 2.33





made on

(most of which were in the 1.0-2.0 igIL range) had a mean concentration of 1.69 tgIL and standard deviation of 0.22 ig/L, giving a CV of 13.0%. Whole-blood specimens obtained from 60 nonfasting, apparently healthy volunteers (26 men and 34 women), ranging in age from 15 to 83 years, had a mean manganese concen-

of 9.03 ± 2.25 zg/L



well with published





results for neutron

activation 3. By Student’s

analysis (4, 15). Results are shown in Table t- test, these analyses are not significantly different.

We found

no correlation between age and whole-blood manganese concentrations (Figure 2), and no correlation between the sex of the subject or smoking status and whole-blood manganese concentrations



Mean serum manganese concentrations for 20 nonfasting, apparently healthy individuals (six men and 14 women), ranging in age from 18 to 64 years, (range, 0.94-2.92 igfL).

Table 5 summarizes

manon 19


Men Women

and those of several


the comparison


and graphite

were used (2, 4, 15-17).


furnace There

1.82 ± 0.64 zg/L


in which neutron



is a wide range

our results activation


of results


between neutron activation analyses. Whether this reflects external contamination or a method difference cannot be ascertained from the results. The neutron activation procedures all require chemical separation of manganese from the whole-blood or serum matrix, which could result in analyte losses and account for the lower values. We feel that the assay for whole-blood manganese will be useful in investigating manganese nutritional status as well as monitoring manganese exposure in the general population. Mena

et al. (3) indicate




with occu-

15 14 13

12 11 Mn Conc, 10












7 6 5 4


2 1




40 50 Age, years




Fig. 2. Relation of whole-blood manganese concentrations to age of donor CLINICALCHEMISTRY,Vol. 25, No.

11, 1979


Table 5. ComparIson of Serum Manganese Determinations n


Zeeman-effectatomicabsorption 20 spectroscopy

1.82± 0.64

Flameless atomic absorption




spectroscopy 15 14 14 50


1.29±0.11 1.42±0.2 0.59±0.18 0.57±0.13

2 15 16

pational exposure to manganese exhibit significantly increased values for whole-blood manganese. Use of neutron activation analysis for whole-blood manganese determination is expensive and time-consuming. Zeeman-effect flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy allows quantitation of manganese in whole blood and serum with results comparable to those by other analytical techniques.





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