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Vocational education as one of the secondary education has an important role to create graduates who have a quality and ready to work. Innovation and ...
DEVELOPMENT OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013 IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN DIY Sulaeman Deni Ramdani(1) & Haryanto(2) Vocational Education and Technology Department Postgraduate Yogyakarta State University Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. +62274-550836 Email: [email protected](1) & [email protected](2) Vocational education as one of the secondary education has an important role to create graduates who have a quality and ready to work. Innovation and development of assessment in vocational education are essential to maintain the quality of graduates in order to remain relevant and up to date. This research aims to develop performance assessment refers to the Curriculum 2013 in Light Vehicle Engineering Department of vocational education in automotive electrical subjects. This research is the Research and Development (R & D) adopted from Borg and Gall model with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The stages of development consist of research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination. The study involved four experts for product validation phase consisting of two lecturers and two teachers. Assessors in the implementation of performance assessment involved three teachers. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Formula of content validity Aiken used to determine the content validity of item and intraclass coefficient correlation used to determine the consistency and agreement of the rater appraisal. The results showed as follows. (1) Performance assessment tools fulfill valid criteria, reliable, and practical. (2) Component of performance assessment tools consists of guidelines for the assessment development and performance assessment instruments. (3) Contents validation of performance assessment instruments included into the very well category. (4) Reliability of performance assessment instrument using intraclass correlation coefficient for 0.74. (5) Profile of performance assessment result indicates that from 25 students, 3 students (12%) received predicate “A”, and 18 students (72%) received predicate “A-“, 3 students (12%) received predicate “B+”, and 1 student (4%) received predicate “B-“. (6) Based on teacher opinions, performance assessment procedures in electrical subjects to measure the skills of students as a whole can be used easily. Keywords: Performance Assessment, Curriculum 2013, Vocational High School. .


expected to improve the overall quality of vocational education to

The quality and relevance of education have a very

produce graduates who have appropriate competence to the needs of

important role in creating the quality human resources. The

the workforce.

development of science and technology in era of globalization

Curriculum development in vocational education has very

nowadays requires educational institutions to create graduates who

important role to realize the quality of graduates qualified and relevant

have competence and professional. Increasing competence needs of

with demands of the workforce. Curriculums which do not develop

graduates have an impact on the demands of the education quality

systematically, do not change, and do not relevant will be an adverse

development. Therefore, the Government should continue to develop

impact on all matters related to the curriculum itself (Finch &

education quality. One of educations level which has an important role

Crunkilton, 1979: 13). Knowledge of the development of learning and

to create human resources ready to work and compete in the world of

assessment is one of key to the success of vocational education.

work is vocational education.

Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of education can be reached

Vocational education is secondary education that prepares

through improving the quality of learning and improving the quality of

students primarily for work in a specific field (Law of the Republic of

assessment systems (Djemari Mardapi, 2012: 12). Learning and

Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System).

assessment which is good quality designed according to the

Specific competencies contained in the competency expertise in each

characteristics of vocational education. It is a necessity that should be

fields of expertise is characteristic of vocational education. The

developed by teachers for the advancement of the quality of vocational

Improvement of quality and relevance of vocational education


graduates through the strategic policy of the Government, the active role of education experts, and active participation of schools, are


Curriculum 2013 is a new chapter for vocational education.

Vocational high school has different characteristics with

Curriculum 2013 aims to prepare Indonesian people who believe,

secondary education (general high school). Characteristics of subjects

productive, creative, innovative, affective through the strengthening of

in vocational education are different from the subjects on academic

attitudes, skills and knowledge integrated. It affects the pattern of

education (Lucas, Spenser, and Claxton, 2013: 33). This should be a

learning and assessment in vocational education which have specificity

concern for educational institutions in developing learning and

to a particular competence. A blend of curriculum 2013 with the

assessment used. Vocational High School oriented in competence in

characteristics of vocational education will be able to synergize each

accordance with the needs of the workforce. One of the goals of

other in order to achieve national education goals.

vocational education is creating learners with the skills to meet the

The curriculum change requires the readiness of teachers to

needs of life and increase prosperity (Clarke and Winch, 2007: 9).

implement the curriculum. Teachers are the main part that must be

Mastery of specific competencies becomes a very important factor for

prepared to face these changes. If the teachers are not ready to accept

vocational school graduates. This affects the pattern and strategy in

the changes, then there will be variety problems in implementation.

developing assessment in vocational high school. Competency-based

The issues that need to be considered in education are: (1) curriculum

assessment is one assessment approach which is very appropriate to

development, (2) the implementation of curriculum, and (3)

measure students' abilities based on competence acquired.

monitoring and evaluation (Oemar Hamalik, 2012: 4). These three

Authentic assessment is a form of assessment curriculum

points should be properly addressed by the curriculum developers and

2013 that requires students to show attitude and using the knowledge

implementers of the curriculum.

and skills gained from learning in performing tasks in real situations.

Many problems arise in the implementation of the

This is appropriate with assessment applied in vocational education that

curriculum 2013. Unpreparedness of teachers to implement the

relies on an assessment applied in the form of assessment practices and

curriculum 2013 learning become a burden for teachers. In addition,

required students to complete the task / job which requires attitudes,

the assessment method is very complex confusing and time consuming

knowledge, and skills integrated. Assessment that is used to assess the

(Anies Baswedan, 2013: 1). A research states that the teacher still have

specific competencies is the performance assessment. Based on the

a trouble in understanding learning models, how to assess, and how to

results of pre-survey, especially performance assessment for

develop an assessment instruments (Ani Rusilowati, 2013: 1). This

competency skills, teachers are not using the guidelines and assessment

shows that the readiness of teachers in implementation of curriculum

rubric clearly so that the assessment tend to have a high subjectivity. If

2013 is still low. The difficulty in using learning model and developing

this is allowed, then the assessment process do not go well and do not

assessment becomes a serious obstacle that must be resolved.

be able to measure the competence of students with fair and valid.

The results of pre-survey with teacher in SMK 2

Performance assessment also called authentic assessment

Yogyakarta and SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta on Light

or an alternative assessment. Alternative assessment tends to the

Vehicle Engineering (TKR) informed that the most difficult thing in

traditional assessment that uses a written assessment and authentic

curriculum 2013 is the scoring system more complicated and

assessment emphasizes the duty applications that are real in accordance

confusing. Integration between assessment of attitudes, knowledge,

with daily occurrence (Miller, Linn, and Gronlund, 2009: 261).

and skills that aim to determine the extent to which understanding of

Performance assessment is more descriptive than the alternative

learners who have mastered is still a big question for the teacher.

assessment and more concise than the authentic assessment.

Therefore, to improve this situation, the Government published new

Performance assessment is based on a performance that not only assess

regulations namely Education Minister Regulation Number 160 Year

learners from one domain of competence, but more complex and

2013 regarding Compulsory Enforcement Curriculum 2006 and

holistic. Performance assessment was first developed on vocational

Curriculum 2013, to suspend implementation curriculum for school

education and skills training (Asmawi Zainul, 2005: 57).

which implement the curriculum 2013 since the first semester year







2014/2015 and re-implement curriculum in 2006. Schools that

achievement covering all learning assessment in writing, products, or

implement the curriculum 2013 for three semesters continue to use the

attitude (Danielson & Marquez, 2013: 1). Characteristics of vocational

curriculum 2013. The school became a pilot of implementation

education which refers to competency based considered is very suitable

curriculum 2013. Although the curriculum is suspended and only the

for applying performance assessment system. The existence of the

pilot schools that implement the curriculum 2013, but the decision is

assessment principles which are real and comprehensively through the

legitimacy that the concept of curriculum 2013 has been good, but that

performance is a positive point of performance assessment in

was considered not ready to implement the curriculum is the school so

curriculum 2013. Development of vocational assessment is appropriate

as to get optimum results, required preparation planned for the

for using authentic approach enhanced with the principle of

implementation of the curriculum 2013 (Abdul Waidl, 2014).

performance assessment. This is expected to optimize learning process and learning outcomes of students.


Based on data the above, the development of performance

certain jobs. Vocational education has a very important role in meeting

assessment in vocational education in accordance with the principles of

the needs of the workforce and to grow the small and medium

the curriculum 2013 is very important. Problems concerning the

enterprises of the graduates. Therefore, the development of quality

development of assessment guidelines, grating instruments,

vocational education is one of the keys to improving the quality of

assessment rubrics, and processing the score, are very urgent matter

human resources in a nation's prosperity.

that should soon find a solution. The importance of developing

2.2. Curriculum

performance assessment which is complete and detailed in vocational education are strong reasons to undertake the development of

Law Number 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education

performance assessment. Development of performance assessment

System chapter 1 states, "The curriculum is a set of plans and

tools applied to Electrical Subjects in Light Vehicle Engineering in

arrangements regarding the purpose, content, and teaching materials

vocational high school.

and methods used as guidelines for the organization of learning activities to achieve specific educational objectives". The definition


explains that the curriculum is a document containing the planning,

2.1. Vocational Education

regulation, and teaching materials that serve as guidelines for education

Law on National Education System section 15 states,

and learning fully prepared to achieve certain goals. Curriculum

"Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students

development has a very important role in achieving successful learning.

primarily for work in a particular field". Vocational education is a

Finch & Curnkilton (1999: 11) states, "Curriculum may be

secondary education in the form vocational high school which aims to

defined as the sum of the learning activities and experiences that a

produce skilled labor in certain areas. This is different from vocational

student has under the auspices or direction of the school". Curriculum

education organized by higher education which aims to produce a

can be defined as the number of learning activities and experiences for

skilled workforce that has the basic science applied in certain areas with

students organized based on the direction and objectives of the school.

a maximum level equivalent to an undergraduate program. Vocational

Number of learning activities determined in accordance with the

education in this study refers to vocational education called vocational

purposes and characteristics of the course or a particular department. In

high school.

addition, the curriculum is a learning planning experience that should

Tilak (2002: 673) states, "Vocational education has an

be experienced by learners to master competency.

advantage, imbibing the specific job-relevant skills, that can the make

Oliva (1992: 6) states, "Curriculum can be conceived in a

the worker more readily suitable for a given job ad would of make him

narrow way (as subject taught) or in a broad way (as all the experiences

/ her Tus more productive". The advantage is that it can create the

of learners, both in school and out, directed by the school)". In simple

vocational education students who have specific and relevant

terms the curriculum can be defined as subjects taught to students in a

competencies. This has an impact on the readiness of students to work

lesson plan. Understanding curriculum in complex way that is as a

and make them more productive. Readiness of graduates in work is

collection of learners' experiences both in school and outside of school

very important. Specific competencies are the characteristic of

are organized and managed by the school / institution directly.

vocational education. It is very important to focus on the competence

Based on description above, it can be argued that the

of learners in one sub skills. Clarke and Winch (2007: 9) states,

curriculum is a set of lesson plans and arrangements governing the

"vocational education is confined to preparing young people and adults

purpose, content and learning materials that used as a guide to provide

for working life, a process Often regarded as of a rather technical and

a learning experience to students who managed by the institution or

practical nature". Vocational education is education that prepares

school. Continuous curriculum development is a necessity that must be

students to be able to enter employment. Vocational education is a

undertaken to adjust and maintain the quality and relevance of

learning process with regard to technical and practical problems.

education itself.

Winch (2007: 135) states, "the proper aim of vocational

2.3. Curriculum 2013

education is to provide individuals with the skills to earn reviews their living, thus supplying one of the conditions for economic prosperity".

Education Minister Regulation Number 70 year 2013

The main objective the implementation of vocational education is to

explained the objectives of the curriculum in 2013 is to prepare

provide skills to individuals to meet their daily needs. The skill provide

Indonesian people to have the ability to live as individuals and citizens

opportunities for learners to improve economic prosperity by working

who believe, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able to

because it has specific competencies that can be used to actualize

contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization. Faithful

themselves in social life.

Citizenship is the main capital to build a state character. Productive,

Based on the discussion above, it can be argued that

creative, and innovative with a good affective competence is a

vocational education is secondary education aimed at preparing

combination that can produce quality human, relevant, and

students to gain mastery of specific competencies that are ready to enter

competitive. Structure curriculum 2013 consists of the core


competencies, subjects, study load, and basic competence.

valuation (paper and pencil test). Johnson & Johnson (2002: 79) states,

Competence consists of four core competencies (KI) is KI-1 spiritual

"Student performance refers to a set of actions students engage in to

attitude, KI-2 social attitudes, KI-3 knowledge, KI-4 skills.

demonstrate reviews their level of skill in enacting a procedure or

Assessment of learning outcomes of students in primary

creating a product". The performance of learners refers to the series of

and secondary education in curriculum in 2013 based on some

actions which the participants involved in demonstrating a skill level

principles of assessment. Implementation of assessment development

with appropriate procedures or creating a specific product. Johnson &

should be based on principles of assessment in curriculum 2013 so that

Johnson (2002: 28) states, "The student performances that can be

teachers can measure student competencies and develop learning. The

assessed are academic learning, reasoning, skills and competencies,

principles as follow: - Authentic - Objective - Fair - Integrated - Open -

attitudes, and work habits". This means that the performance Comprehensive and sustainable Systematic Reference to criteria Accountable Educative

assessment is a comprehensive assessment assess the ability of learners. Based on the explanations that have been described above, the general understanding of performance assessment leads to the judgment that requires an individual to make a product or demonstrate

2.4. Performance Assessment

a work process. In addition, performance assessment can be defined as

Performance assessment requires measurement of the

an assessment that is not only focuses on demonstration of a specific

learners' actions in carrying out practical assignments. Kunandar (2013:

competencies, but also can be used comprehensively to assess the

257) states, "Assessment of the action or performance is the assessment

cognitive, affective, and skills are integral so as to create a concept of a

of the act or practice tests that can effectively be used for the benefit of

comprehensive assessment, authentic, complete, and holistic.

collecting a variety of information about the forms of behavior or skills that are expected to emerge in the self-learners". Performance


assessment assess the competence of learners in carrying out practical

This study is a research and development using the Borg

assignments, how to use measuring tools, work attitudes and other

and Gall development models with qualitative and quantitative

behaviors that are considered important. Additionally, Kunandar

approaches. This research conducted at SMK 2 Yogyakarta and SMK

express some aspects that can be assessed or measured as follows:

Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. The study population were students of

- Quality of work completion

class XI TKR. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling.

- Skills using work equipment.

The number of samples used were 25 students from class XI TKR.

- Ability to analyze and plan work procedures to complete.

Data collection technique used observation, interview, and

- Ability to make decisions based on the information given.

documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical

- Ability to read, using diagrams, pictures, and symbols.

analysis techniques. In addition, a review of the validity of using the

Berk (1986: 9) states, "Performance assessment is the

formula Aiken content validity and review of consistency and inter

process of gathering the data by systematic observation for making a

rater reliability with analysis of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).

decision about the individual". Performance assessment is the process of systematically collecting data through observation to make decisions


about learners. The definition contains four important points that

Performance assessment tools is one of the assessment tools

process, data collection, systematic observation, and decision-making.

that aim to measure the skills of students in terms of psychomotor.

Johnson, Penny, & Gordon (2009: 2) states, "A performance

Based on preliminary studies and the development of the initial draft,

assessment is a system composed of; (1) a purpose for the assessment,

the product development of performance assessment consisted of

(2) the task (or prompts) that elicit the performance, (3) a response

guidelines of performance assessment development and instrument of

demand that focuses the examinee's performance, (4) systematic

performance assessment itself. Performance assessment instrument

method for rating performance ". The performance assessment is a

was equipped with a grating assessment, guidelines, rubric, task sheet,

rating system that consists of the assessment goals, a task that comes

answer sheets, and the score operation. The draft of the preliminary

with work instructions, demand response focuses on learner

study validated by a validator. Sheets validation of assessment tools

performance, and a systematic method that aims to assess the

used by experts to review the suitability of the materials, construction

performance of learners.

and the language used in the performance assessment form.

Reynold, Livingston, and Willson (2009: 247) states that

Calculation analysis results presented in Table 1 below.

"performance assessment more closely reflect real-life settings and application





Performance assessment reflect the nature and shaped by real-life settings. Performance assessment is an application of traditional


Table 1. Expert Validation Results of Performance Assessment

rater agreement with the ICC presented in Table 38. Results of


calculation consistency rater showed ICC values for average measure

Aspects Examined

̅ 𝐗

The Material 1. The tasks/problems already appropriate with the 3,25 indicators of competence achievement. 2. The materials already appropriate with the basic 3,25 competencies (urgency / relevance) 3. The contents of task material already relevant 3,5 with the level of schools or grade. The Construction 1. The item tasks using command sentence that 4,0 demands action/practice 2. The instruction on how to do the task presented 4,0 clearly 3. The scoring guidelines presented clearly 3,5 4. The assessment rubric presented clearly 4,0 5. The instrument of question practice exam 3,5 presented clearly 6. The assessment instrument of practice exams 3,5 presented clearly The Language 7. The item task using communicative language 4,0 (easy to understand) 8. The item task using word/sentences, spelling, 4,0 and grammar properly and correctly. 9. The item task do not use the word/phrase that 4,0 cause a double interpretation or misunderstanding The mean total score 3,71 In general ratings: can be used with some minor revisions Description: S.V. = Very Valid V. = Valid


of 0.74. Based on these calculations it can be seen that the coefficient is greater than the minimum criteria, namely 0.70.


Table 2. The ICC of Performance Assessment Intraclass Correlationb Single Measures .426a Average Measures.748c

S.V. S.V.


This further expert assessment was the next step of the


analysis results validation the contents of the instrument assessed by

S.V. S.V. S.V.

validator / expert. It was called main field testing. Once the instrument


with three assessors. Main field testing of performance assessment was

stated valid and reliable in conceptually, then performed main field testing involving 6 students from class XI TKR in SMK 2 Yogyakarta intended to determine the achievements of learners in skills


competency test starter system by reviewing the achievements of the


starter motor scores and consistency of rater assess performance of learners. The calculation results presented in Table 3.


Table 3. Calculation Analysis of ICC in Main Field Testing of S.V.

Students Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6

Based on the analysis in Table 1, it can be concluded that the content of performance assessment stated valid criteria with very valid score (3.71). Analysis of the level of consistency and stability of the expert assessment of the performance assessment instruments showed

Performance Assessment Intraclass Correlation Coefficient Single Measures Average Measures 0.462 0.721 0.503 0.752 0.524 0.768 0.548 0.785 0.492 0.744 0.547 0.783 Average 0.759

that the value of ICC was 0.75. The ICC values was greater than the Based on the analysis of the ICC score in Table 3, the

recommended minimum criteria that is 0.70, so that it can be concluded

performance assessment tool has ICC score more than 0.70. When

that in general stated reliably.

viewed from the single measures, the ICC coefficient is about 0.42 -

In general, performance assessment instruments have

0.54. Although its value is low enough, a review of the decision see the

fulfilled criteria valid and reliable. However, there were a number of

average measure that is in the range of 0.72 to 0.78. This showed that

important inputs and recommendations from the validator that directs

the performance assessment instruments can assess competency skills

the need for minor revisions to improve assessment tools. Correction

well and has a good degree of reliability.

of the validator presented as follows: (1) scoring should be made more

The achievement of skills assessment outcomes presented

simply and clearly, (2) the assessment sheet should be merged with the

in Table 4. Six learners follow a series of performance tests to show

assessment rubric to simplify the assessment, (3) development of

their ability. Rater assess the performance of the student in accordance

customized items with basic competence indicator in the syllabus.

with the performance assessment sheets which is developed.

Furthermore, the instrument enters main field testing and operational

Performance assessment instrument equipped with a clear assessment

field testing.

rubric so rater find it easier to assess the competence of student in

Preliminary field testing of performance assessment

accordance with the assessment rubric contained in the assessment

involved four experts as a rater to assess each item of instrument

form. Aspects used rater to assess the competence of learners consists

developed. The items of performance assessment were 23 items to

of five aspects, namely preparation, process, outcomes, attitudes, and

assess the competence of learners in doing the performance of

time. Every aspect has a different percentage, namely; a preparation

maintenance and repair of starter motor. The results of content validity

was 10%, a process was 40%, a result was 20%, an attitude was 20%,

analysis of Aiken calculation showed that the items have a coefficient

and a time was 10%.

of from 0.75 to 1.00. These results indicated that the items have relevance between the content of instruments developed with KI and KD on Electrical Maintenance Vehicle Subjects. A review of inter-


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Testing of Performance Assessment Average of Assessment Rater Students Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Student 1 3.67 (A-) 3.76 (A-) 3.56 (A-) Student 2 3.52 (A-) 3.75 (A-) 3.70 (A-) Student 3 3.84 (A-) 3.84 (A-) 3.60 (A-) Student 4 3.42 (B+) 3.12 (B) 3.24 (B+) Student 5 3.65 (A-) 3.64 (A-) 3.31 (B+) Student 6 3.53 (A-) 3.51 (A-) 3.46 (B+)

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