Dietary Restriction Mitigates Ozone-induced Lung ...

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NIH-31 diet (Ziegler Bros Inc., Gardners, PA), an open- ... Inc., Tucson, AZ), according to prcviously described pro- ... Since this volume is based on allomet-.
Dietary Restriction Mitigates Ozone-induced Lung Inflammation in Rats: A Role for Endogenous Antioxidants Frank Kari, Gary Hatch, Ralph Slade, Kay Crissman, Petia P. Simeonova, and Michael Luster Environmental Immunology and Neurobiology Section, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; Health Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; and Toxicology and Molecular Biology Branch, Health Effects Laboratory Division. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, West Virginia

Studies were undertaken to determine whether dietary restriction protects against acute pulmonary oxidant challenge. Male F344 rats were fed NIH-31 diet either ud libitum or at restricted levels equal to 75% that of ad libitum intake. After 3 wk of dietary adaptation, animals were exposed by inhalation to 2.0 ppni ozone ( 0 3 ) for 2 h or chamber air and evaluated for cellular and biochemical indices of pulmonary toxicity. Compared to air controls, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from 0, exposed url libitun~fed rats con, infiltration (0 versus 1 I %) and fibronectin (45 vertained increased protein (145 versus 380 ~ g l m l )PMN sus 607 UIm1). Diet restriction abrogated these indicators of pulmonary inflammation induced by ozone. Binding of "0, to BALF protein and cells was significantly decreased in diet restricted rats while BALF ascorbate and glutathione levels, but not a-tocopherol or urate, were elevated compared to ud lil~itumfed rats. Taken together, these results indicate that dietary restriction affords protection against @-induced oxidant toxicity. Protection is mediated partially by increases in ascorbate in the fluid bathing the lung surface, thereby providing an antioxidant sink which minimizes the ability of O, to reach biological targets. Kari, F., G. Hatch, R. Slade, K. Crissman, P. P. Simeonova, and M. Luster. 1997. Dietary restriction mitigates ozone-induced lung inflammation in rats: a role for endogenous antioxidants. Am. J . Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 17:740-747.

It is generally recognized that the nutritional, physiological, and pharmacological status of the host markedly impacts its sensitivity to environmental stressors (1-3). Excessive body weight is a significant risk factor in a number of diseases contributing to enhanced morbidity and mortality in humans including cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases. Dietary restriction, with concomitant body weight reduction, increases longevity and ameliorates a variety of spontaneous and chemical-induced pathologies in ex-

The research described In 1111s article has heen reviewed by the Health Effects Rese;rrch Label-atory, li.S. Environmental I'rotection Agency, and approvcd for publication Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the agency, nor does mention of trade names or cornmel-cia1 PI-oducts constitute endorsement o r recommendation for use. Address corrcspondr~rccro D r Michael I . Luster, N;ltional Instttute lor Occupational Safety & Health, Heal111 Effects Laboratory D ~ v ~ s ~7o. nm.cology Kr Molecular Biology Branch, 1095 W~llowd:~lc.Koxi, Mailsrop 3014, Morgantown, W V 26505-2888. E-mail. mylh@cdc.$ov Abhreviurions: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, BALF: glut;~thione. (;St+: polymorphonuclear cells, PMNs. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol.

Vol. 17, pp. 740-747, 1997

perimental models including spontaneous cancers and cardiovascular lesions (4, 5). Dietary modulation of these age-related pathophysiologies may be closely related to the fact that diet restriction exerts an antioxidant action against lipoperoxidation, free radical mediated glycation and DNA damage (6-8). Since pro-oxidant activity is one of the major contributors to inflammation, we hypothesized that dietary reqtriction would influence thc response to inflammatorystirnuli via nlodulation of the antioxidant status. Acute ozone ( O ? )inhalation results in transient airway inflammation and diminished puln~onaryfunction in experimental animals and humans (9, 10). This ~rcsponscis characterized hy quantifiable indicators in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid ( B A I J ) , including ncutrophii infiltration, increased protein, generation of inflammatory cytokines, and the release of' arachidonic acid metabolites (10). The increased BALF protein appears to result f'l-om plasma leakage through thc alveolar-capillary barriel- o f the lung (11, 12). Thc primary target cells in the lung are thought to he type 1 and I 1 epithelial cells where oxid;itive damage may initiate an inflammatory response (13). While 0, itself is not a radical, i t initiates radical-mediated lipid peroxidation which is minimized by antioxidants such as vitamins C and E (14, 15).

Kari, Hatch, Slade, eta/.: Diet Kestriction Mitigates Lung Inflammation

The work reported here describes our efforts to study the effect of dietary restriction on pathophysiological and biochemical processes associated with 0,-induced lung inflammation. Thus, we have employed inhalation exposure to Oi as an oxidative challenge to the lung, and measured inflammatory responses and endogenous antioxidant status. Further, by exposing animals to 180-labeled03,subsequent quantitation of 180binding in various lung compartments provided dosimetric indices of the toxic insult to relevant targets. Our findings indicate that dietary restriction affords protection against ozone-induced toxicity via, at least in part, increases in ascorbate and glutathione concentrations in BALF.

Materials and Methods Animals and Treatment Male Fischer 344 rats were procured at 8 wk of age (N 195 g) from a commercial vendor (Charles River, Raleigh, NC). Animals were individually housed in polycarbonate cages and maintained under AAALAC-approved conditions in a pathogen-free environment. Deionized water was available nd libitum. After acclimation for 3 4 days, the rats were prededicated to specific diets and ozone treatments and the dietary treatments were imposed. Unless noted, NIH-31 diet (Ziegler Bros Inc., Gardners, PA), an openformula, cereal based diet was used for the feed studies. A d libitunz animals were allowed constant access to feed, the consumption of which was determined by daily weighing. The daily mean consumption in the ad libitum group was multiplied by 0.75 and the resultant mass of food was offered to the diet restricted animals at 7:00 A.M. In one experiment, semipurified diets were formulated such that the ad libitunz and restricted groups would be isonutrient with respect to vitamins, minerals, and protein. The composition of these diets are described in Table 1. All dietary regimens exceeded the nutrient requirements of rats as recommended by the National Research Council (16). After 20 consecutive days of ad libitum o r feed restriction, rats were placed in stainless steel exposure cages and exposed to 2.0 ppm O3 or lXOjfor 2 h in 0.3 m3-Rochestertype exposure chambers. Rats exposed to filtered room air were used as controls. Generation of I8O3 was accomplished by substituting isotopically pure (98.11 atom%)

74 1

lXO2(Isotech Inc., Miamisburg, O H ) for normal O2 (primarily 1602) in a silent arc generator (model 03V-0; Orec Inc., Tucson, AZ), according to prcviously described procedures. T h e concentration of O 3 was measured continuously using a chemiluminescent analyzer (Bendix model L8002, Louisburg, WV). These analyzers were calibrated every two weeks with a Dasibi transfer standard, which was referenced quarterly to a primary ultraviolet 0, standard, as previously described (17). Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) Collection BALF was performed as described previously (9). Briefly, rats were anesthetized with 5% halothane, the abdominal vasculature was severed to bleed the animal, a tracheal cannula was inserted to about 0.5 cm above the carina, and the whole lung was lavaged five times with separate aliquots of saline warmed to 37'C at a volume equal to 30 mli kg of body weight. Since this volume is based on allometric equations relating body weight to the lung volume and is approximately equal to the total lung capacity of the rat, the entire lung surface is lavaged and comparative measurements between animals can be expressed per ml of BALF (17). Cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 1,000 X g for 15 min. A high speed pellet (which is known to contain most of the surface-active lipid material) was separated from the cell-free supernatant of the lavage fluid by centrifugation at 27,000 x g for 30 min. The cell pellet and the high speed pellet were stored at -8O0C, then lyophilized. The analysis of ''0 was made on about 0.5 mg of lyophilized pellets. Analysis of Dried Tissues 1 8 0 The assay of lyophilized tissues for excess ''0 employed a modification of the method of Santrock and Hayes (18). This system uses an elemental analyzer to convert O 2 in dried tissues to CO, a column filled with 120,to convert CO to C 0 2 and an isotope ratio mass spectrometer for analysis of the resulting CO,. The CO, mass ratios (46144 daltons) were related to the "0/% ratios by use of standards included in each sample run. The l"O/'hO ratios of unexposed tissues were compared with those of exposed tissues to determine whether there was a detectable (statistically significant) increase in the lXO/lhOratio in exposed tissues. The mean 1XO/'60ratio of each tissue was

Diet conzposition and nilrrierzr consumption in curhohyrlrute-cclhrie restriction experiment ~-


- -





- -





Ad 1.1/11111111' --



Diet Restr~clcd'


Dtcr ('ornpos~tion' (fi [ w r 100 g Oiel)



,Actu;~lN u t ~ ~ c Consumption nt glratiday p




20.3 66 Fa t 5.0 Mincral mix 3.5 Vihniin m ~ x 1.2 Energy (Kcal/lOOg) 39.1 --








2.7 8.8% 0.7 0.5 0.16 5.2 Kcal*

.. .

--..- - --


- -





Actual Nutricn~Consumption gll atldny ~

I'rotcin Carbohydl-ate I'a t Mincral mix

26.5 55 6.6 4.6 Vitamin mix 1.6 Encrgy (KcaIi100 g) 38.7

- -


Diet # D l 1520 (Research 1 1 ~ 1111c.. s Ncw Rrunbwick, N J ) Each rat consumed 13.4 -t_ 0 3 g/d;ly [ , I D~et#I11 1521 (Reseal-ch Diets Inc) Eacli rat consumcd 10.3 2 0.2 glday (n = 10). Convm~~lrion si~nilicantlydiliercnt I'loni rest~ictcdamount (P < 0.01; Student's I-test).




- -


I h l Cornpm~tlon: ( ~ yp u I 0 0 g dw) - --


I'rotcin Carhohytll-atc








2.7 5.6 0.7 0.5 0. 16 3.9 Kcal







subtracted from each sample and converted to " p g excess I80/gm dry weight." Values from the unexposed tissues were used t o determine background levels of ''0. Cellular a n d Biochemical Determinations Processing of R A L F , lung tissue and plasma for protein. ascorbic acid, uric acid, glutathione ( G S H ) and a-tocopherol concentrations were conducted as previously described (19). Briefly, B A L F supernatants were acidified using perchloric acid (PCA; 3 % final concentration) and lungs were homogenized in 3% P C A . After proteins were sedimented by centrifugation (20,000 X g) supernatants were analyzed by HPLClelectrochemical detection for ascorbate, and an enzymatic recycling assay for GSH. Protein was assayed by coonlassie blue using bovine serum albumin as a standard. Total cells from B A L F were enumerated using a Coulter Counter (Coultcr, Hialeah, FL). For differential cells counts, B A L F cell pellets were suspended in saline, and pelleted onto a nlicroscope slide by cytoccntrifugation (Shandon Inc.. Pittsburgh, P A ) and stained with Diff-Quick ( D a d e Diagnostics, Aguada, PR). Cytokine Assays T N F a activity from tissue culture supernatants was measured by quantitating cytolytic activity against the L929 target cell line in the presence of actinomycin D (20). Cytolysis was determined from the reduction in mean absorbance at 570 nm relative to control wells (culture medium only) using a microplate reader. Reference wells containing known amounts of recombinant murine T N F a (Genzyme, Cambridge, M A ) were used t o generate a standard curve. R a t 1L-6 was determined using IL-6-responsive 7TD1 cells, a generous gift of Dr. K. Connolly, Glaxo, R e search Triangle Park, NC. via t h e hexoaminidase method (21). Briefly, 7TD1 cells were washed twice in Iscove M E M medium, adjusted to 2 x l o 4 cellslml and 0.1-ml aliquots were added t o wells of a 96-well microtiter plate. Equal aliquots of test sample o r murine IL-6 standard ( R & D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) were added in triplicate to the plates. After incubation for 4 days, the plates were centrifuged, the medium was removed by inverting and gently blotting, a n d the plates were washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Sixty p1 of substrate [ l vol. 7.5 m M p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-D-glucosan~i~iide (Sigma, St. Louis, M O ) in 0 . 1 M sodium citrate and 1 vol. US(% Triton X-100 in distilled water] was added to each well and the plates were incubated for an additional 4 11 at 37°C. Color reagent (0.1 M glycinelNaOH buffer, p H 10.4) was added to each well (90 kl) and absorbance was measured at 405 nm (refel-cnce at 650 nni) on a micr-oplate readel-. Values were obtained from the standard cur-vc with unknowns being determined from linear regression. Fibronectin Soluble fihronectin was quantitated by a n indirect ELlSA procedure as previously described (22). Briefly, test samples were sel-ially diluted in PBS containing 0.075% Twccn 20 and 0.1 % bovine serum albumin (BSA) (0.1 nd) and incubated overnight at 4°C with 0.1 nil of a 1:25,000 dilution of rabbit anti-mouse fihronectin (Chemicon, 7'emecula, C A ) .

T h e mixture was transferred to microtiter plates (ImmuIon 2; Dynatech, Chantillv, V A ) which Itad heen coated overnight with 2 pglml of mouse fibroncctin (Chemicon) in 0.2 ml of buffer (10 m M Tris-HCI. 140 rnM NaCl. pH 0.6). After incubation at room temperature ( K T ) f o r 30 min, the wells were washed with PBS containing O.OS1%lTween 20 followed by addition of 0.2 ml of a 1 : 1,000 dilution of goat anti-mouse IgG antibody con,jugated with horseradish peroxidase (Chemicon). T h e plates wcl-c incubatcd at R T for a n additional 90 min, washed and peroxidase substrate was added. T h e reaction was stopped with 2 % oxalic acid in water after 30 min at R T and the absorbency determined at 415 rim. T h e concentration of fibronectin was determined from a standard curve prepared with purified mouse fibronectin (Sigma). T h e data arc expressed as units of fibroncctinlml of R A L F fluid. Statistics T h e animal experiments were desig~iedfor 2 x 2 factorial analysis to evaluate effects of rrri lihirrrn~versus restricted feeding, exposure to ozone versus control chamber air, and the interactions of these factol-s. Individual expcriments wel-e conducted using ti = 5 for each of the foultreatments. Data for replicate experiments wcl-e pooled for presentation purposes.

Results T o determine whether dietary restriction protects against acute oxidant challenge in the lung. rats wcrc fed either (rcl libitum o r at restricted levels equal to 75% that of utl lihirunl intake. After 3 wk of dietary adaptation, animals were exposed by inhalation to ozone o r chamber air and evaluated 24 h later for cellular and biochemical indicators of pulrnonal-y toxicity and inflammation. Prior to commencement of the feeding studies, the initial body weight of the rats averaged 195 g (Table 2). T h e rrrl libi~rimfed animals gained approximately 58 g during the 3-wk dietary treatments while the weight gain of the restricted animals during the same period averaged 13 g. Overall average body weights of animals destined for the ail- versus 0, treatments did not differ. T h e input volume of lavage fluid was indexed to the sacrifice body weight. Therefore, the initial lavage volume was approximately 20% less in the restricted groups ( P < 0.01). T h e volume I-ecover-y of the B A L F from rats exposed to ozone did not differ s~atisticallyfrom air-exposed rats. l'hcre was no effect of diet o r O1 treatment on the volume recovel-y of the B A L F ( T a l k 2). Total cellulal-ity in thc B A L F fluid was not affccted by ozone at the 24 h time point, but was sl~ghtlyI-educed in fced restricted animals (Figure 1 ) . For animals fed rrcl lihi~rrttt,ozone Iresulted in marked increases in total polvmorpl~onuclci~rcell (PMNs) which was prcvcnted by feed restriction. Feed restriction also attenuated proteln, fihronccti~i.and IL-6 Ievels in B A L F induced hy 0, when compared with levels observed in the trcl li0i110~1 group (Figur-c 2). 'l'hel-c was no treatment-rela(cd effects on lactate dchydrogcnase ( L D H ) concentrations in the B A L F indicating thal the effects were not related to frank toxicity nor wcrc thcr-e any changes in lung 'T'NF levels, with all groups having low concentl-ations (data not shown).

Kari, Hatch, Slade, et al.: Diet Restriction Mitigates Lung Inflammation


Effects o f diet restriction and acute ozone exposure on selected parameters*


Diet Restricted

Ad Libitum








.. .---

Stgnilicance Diet





Initial body weight (g) Pre-exposure BW (g) Weight change (g) BALF fluid determinations Lavage volume in (ml) Lavage recovery (%) I

Interaction ..--

195 + 2 (lo)+ 253 t 2 (10) 57.3 + 3 (10)


7.5 0.1 (10) 72 2 3 (10)

195 t 4 (10) 254 t 2 (10) 58.1 t 2 (10) 7.4 t 0.1 (10) 72 f 1 (10)

193 f 3 (9) 208 + 2 (9) 14.9 f 2 (9) 6.0 + 0.1 (9) 72 + 0 (9)



197 t 2 (10) 207 2 2 (10) 10 t 2 (10)

NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01



6.0 f 0.1 (10) 72 f 0 (10)

P < 0.01 NS



* Animals were fed ad libitum or at restricted levels (75%) for 20 days and then exposed to air (control) or 0, (2.0 ppm for 2 h). After a 24 hour recovery period, rats were anesthetized and BALF fluid was collected and analyzed as described. ' Mean 2 SEM ( n )

T o help establish the mechanism by which feed restriction protects against pulmonary inflammation by ozone, the effect of dietary restriction on O3 dosimetry in the bronchoalveolar environment was determined. Groups of

Ad Libitum


Ad Libitum


Figure I. Lung cellularity and PMNs in diet restricted rats exposed to 0,. Rats were fed ad llbltrtn~or at restricted (75%) levels for 20 days and exposed by inhalation to air (closed bars) o r 0, (2.0 ppm for 2 h) (open bars). BALF fluid was collected and analyzed as described in MATERIALS A N D METHODS.T h e height of each bar represents the mean +- SEM from 5 rats for determinations of cellularity (A) or PMNs (B).

rats were subjected to the dietary treatments previously described, exposed to 2.0 ppm of 180-enriched O3 (or control air) for 2 h and killed for quantitation of ''0 binding t o dry matter in the low-speed (cellular) and high-speed (surfactant) pellets of the recovered bronchoalveolar fluid. As shown in Figure 3, the dietary treatments had no influence on the background determinations in the air control samples, while ozone exposure resulted in substantial 1 8 0 binding in both pellets (P < 0.01). There was decreased binding in both the cellular (Figure 3a) and surfactant (Figure 3b) fractions in ozone-exposed animals that were fed restricted compared with ad libitum diets. However, the decrease was only significant in the surfactant fraction. Changes in the oxidant tone of the bronchoalveolar environment as a result of the 0, challenge was evaluated by quantitating ascorbate, total glutathione (GSH), urate, and a-tocopherol. In ad libitum fed animals, the concentration of ascorbate in the B A L F was markedly reduced following O3 exposure (Figure 4a). This was in contrast to diet restricted rats where B A L F ascorbate was increased in air-exposed rats and remained high after O3 treatment. O3 exposure increased ascorbate in the whole lung homogenates in the restricted, but not the ad libitum group (Figure 4b). This may be due to the mobilization of internal stores as plasma levels of ascorbate were elevated in the diet restricted animals given air, compared to ad libitum rats, and declined after ozone exposure (Figure 4c). Control levels of GSH in the B A L F fluid were higher in the diet restricted group and decreased following O3 treatment to values that were comparable to those in the ad libitum fed rats (Figure 4d). Uric acid in the lung homogenates was not influenced by either the dietary treatment or exposure to O, (Figure 4e). Similarly, there were no treatment related effects on a-tocopherol levels in the BALF, which averaged about 9 pg/g tissue over all treatments (Figure 4f). In the forementioned experiments, we intentionally imposed a general dietary restriction, and the consumption of all dietary components was decreased by 25% in the restricted groups. Thus, it was not possible to attribute the above results to the restriction of a particular nutrient or non-nutrient component. Diets were, therefore, formulated wherein the concentrations of vitamins, minerals, fat and protein were supplemented by 25% in the restricted diet allowing feed-restricted animals to consume 25% less N


Figure 2. Effect of dietary restriction on selected indicators of toxicity and inflammation following Oj exposure. Animals were fed ad libitum or at restricted (75%) levels for 20 days and exposed by inhalation to air (closed bars) or O3 (2.0 ppm for 2 h) (open bars). BALF fluid was collected and analyzed as described in MATERIALS A N D METHODS.Values represent mean + SEM from 5 rats for determinations of protein (A), fibronectin (R), IL-6 (C) and

Ad Libitum


Ad Libitum


Ad Libitum


Ad Libitum


LDH (D).

carbohydrate calories while k e e p i n g t h e intake of all o t h e r nutrients and calorie sources comparable between the two groups (Table 1). After the 3-wk feeding period, the rats were exposed to as described. A s seen in Table 3, the dietary treatments caused a m a r k e d difference ( P < 0.01) in IKO3binding in both the high a n d low speed pellets of B A L F . Pellets isolated from t h e exposed animals in the restricted groups bound about 30% less I8O3than those from t h e ad libitum group.

Discussion Ad Libitum

Ad Libitum p



Figure 3. Effect of dietarv restriction on '%-incornoration. Rats wire fed ad libitum or at'restricted levels (75%) f& 20 days and exposed by inhalation to chamber air (closed htrr-s:not seen) or I8O

Previous studies have demonstrated that pulmonary toxicity associated with O3 inhalation in humans and experimental animals is characterized by a n inflammatory I-esponse initiated by oxidative d a m a g e (10,17). A s such, this response can be influenced in vitro a s well as in vivo b y exo g e n o u s antioxidants such as vitamin C and a-tocopherol (14,23,24). Since dietal-y modulation can influence the ox-

enriched 0, (2.0 ppm for 2 11) (opc~rrhrrr:~).BALF fluid was colIccted as clcscl-ihed and sul2ected to either low spcecl (1,000 X ,g) 01- high speed (27.000 x g ) cent~nfugationto harvesl cells ( A ) or respectively. for ISO qumtitation. Valucs rcpl-csul-factant (0). sent mean i SEM from I 0 1-;1tsper group (average from 2 cxpcrimcnts) for the low speed determinations or 15 rals (average I'l-orn 3 expel-imcnts) for high speed. Statistical analysis (2 x 2 f;~c~ori;~l dcs~gn)of data 1'1-ompoire1 A reveal a highly significant ( P 0.001) treatment effect (air vet-sus 0 ; )but a n insignificant effect front dietary treatment ( P = 0.26). Similar analysis ol data in ptrricl B indicate highly 5ignificant effcctsol dictal-y treatment (I' < 0.001). ozone trealmcnt (I' < 0.001). and theil- interaction ( I ' < 0.008).


Kari, Iiatch, Slndc, c/ (11.: Diet Restriction Mitigates Lung Inflammation







Frg~o'e4. Antioxidant concentration in trtl 1rhrrrr111( ~ o l i rline) i or d~etrestricted (titrsl~c~rl 1i11e)rats follow~ng 0; exposure. Rats were treated as descr-ibcd in previous ligure legends and BALF fluid. lung tissue and plasma collected for quantitation of antioxidants as described in M A ' ~ E K I AALNSD MEI-I-IOOS. Values represent the mean 5 S E M of 8 rats for determination of ascorbate in BALF fluid ( A ) . axel-hate in lung homogenate (B), ascorbate in plasma (C'), BALI--associated glutathione ( L ) ) . urate (E) and tr-tocopherol ( I - ) Stat~sticalanalysis (2 X 2 factor-ral design) of data from prrtiel A indicates a signif~canttreatment effect (air verversus dietary resus 0;: P < 0.05). dietary effect ( a d 1ihirr1111 str~cted;P < 0.01) and inter-action betwecn these factors ( P < 0.05). Analysis ol data in pnt~clB revealed that both factors and their ~nteractionwe]-e significant ( I i0.01). Analysis of data in ptr~ic~l(7 revealed that neither diet nor omnc treatment caused significant effect> but the~r-inter-actron was signific;rnt (f' < 0.05). Analysis of data In ptr~lpl I ) revealed that the effect of diet was significant. while the effect ol ozone treatment and the interaction of diet and treatment \vas not s~gnilicanl.

idant status of the host (7, X), we Ilypothcsized that any dietary I-cstriction would altel- p ~ ~ l m o n a ~ toxicity -y induced by 0 ; .'l'hc results ol these studies inclici~tcthis is true as I-estl-iction 121-otcctcclagainst acutc 0,-induced inflammation and toxicity as asscsscd by st;rncla~-clindicators of pulmonary toxicity. C'omlxrrcd to oti lihirrrt7r I'cd animals, dietrestricted rats cxposcci to equivalent conccntr-;~tionsof 0, responded with dccl-cased total 121-otein.1l.A ; ~ n dfihronectin accumul;~tionin the 13A1-F and ilccl-c;ractl PMN infiltration when c \ a l u ; ~ t c d24 h after 0 ;challcngc.. I'hus, mc~scsponscswere cliirtors 01' Ix)tll fibsolie and inl'lam~n;rto~-y ;~ffcctcdby feed restriction. I t is inter-csting to note that in rats, I'ibroncctin levels arc also rnodul;~tcclin the liver following feed restriction (25).

T h e impel-tance of exogenous antioxidants, especially ascorbate, in lung defense mechanisms is well known. For example, vitamin C has been ~rcpol-tcdto protect ; ~ g a ~ n s l cellular infiltration fl-om cigarette smoke (26), as well ;is chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (23). T h e antiosidant status o f several organs, such as the liver-, is increased by diet restriction (6-8) ;~lthougll10 our knowledge this has not been evaluated in the lung. T h e present studieh suggest both diet-specific and chemica-specific changes in oxidant status may occur in the lung. Increases in B A L F ascorbate and glutathione col-related with diet but onlv glutathione levels decreased from 0, cxposure. Neither treatment affected urate o r tr-tocopherol Icvcls. 'Ilicse ohservations are consistent with prejious studies demonstrating that changes in ascorb;rtc are associated with diet. while glutathionc levels are frequently modulated by oxidative stress caused by toxic chcmic;rls (7. 24, 27.28). T h e observation that dietary restrrction was accompabinding in the lung suggests that nied by a decrease in ",I this treatment may influence the dosi~iietryo f the inhaled 0, to biological targets. thcrchy partly mitigating inflammatory effects. O u r results showing i ~ m e a s e dantioxidants in B A L F occur in diet restricted. 0 , - t r e a t e d animals are consistent with the interpretation t l i ~ i td~ctal-yIrestriction stimulates endogenous antioxidant status in the B A L F fluid thereby enhancing sequestration and detoxification of reactive species. In this respect, omnc-induced pulmonary toxicity is more severe in vitamin C-deficient guinea to surrogate siirfactant protein 111 pigs (27). Binding of virro is also inhibited hy addition of physiological concentrations of ascorbate and to a lesser extent G S H (Hatch. unpublished observations). From these studlcs it was shown that a 26% increase in ascol-hate concentr-ations would cause incorporation. I f the basal ascora 14% decrease in ,"I bate concentl-ations in the H A L F were higher. the difference in incol-poration would decrease. This would suggest that a substantial portion of the diffel-encc between ''0 inrats results corporation in food restricted and trtl lil~i/rrt~r from ascorbate in the BALF. T ~ L Iascorl~ate. S unlike tocopherol, reacts s o rapidly with ozone (29). that i t offer-s sacrificial protection to the lungs. 'I'his 1s evidenced by the consumption of ascorbate over the 2-11 per-iod when animals are exposed to 0: (Figure 3 ) . Indeed. ascorbate has been shown to convert 0: to water ancl clioxvgen ( 3 0 ) .As these two molecules are not retained hy the would account foi- the apparent loss of ''0 binding 10 the biologican lower basal cal targets ('l';~ble3). Since feccl I-cs(~-iction metabolic rates. thel-ebv clecl-cas~ngthe ;tnirnal's respiration/ ventilation (2. 2 8 ) . i t is also possible thi~tthc amount of inhaled 0 ;is Icss. Wliilc I'ui-thci-wol-k \ \ i l l IIC I-cquirccl to 21swss the I-cln~rvccontl-ibution of this nicch~rnismrn a t t c ~ l ~ ~ ating inflanlmation. the ohscr-vation that 0; binding to lung surfactant and cells Mia$ mitigated by c ~ ~ ~ - l ~ o l ~ y d ~ - ; r t c - c ~ ~ I o r i c restriction. ;rs well a\ by restr-iction of the cx)mplcte diet. activit!, is not due to indicates that the ;~r~ti-~nIl;rin~n;rtor-y m a l n ~ ~ l r i l i o;~ncl n is ;rttr~butirl~le to facto~-smodulated. at least in part, hy cnci-gy c o n s u m p t i o ~ ~ . Factors rcsponsildc for- conccntl-ating ascorhate in the alveolar- cxt~-accllula~l'luicl remain lar-gcly unknown. Mammalian fac~litative hcsosc 11-ansportcrsa ~ - ca significant pathway for- the cellular uptake and ;~ccumulationof vita-




Effects of caloric restriction on ''0 binding in BALFfluid A d Libitum

Diet Restricted

Significance -











IsO incorporation into low speed 0.0 t 0.15 (5) 43.3 % 5.9 (5) 0.0 t 0.5 (5) 20.6 f 2.6 (5) P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 pellet ( p g "Olg dry matter) l R O incorporation into high speed 0.0 t 0.28 (5) 152.2 +. 11.3 (4) 0.0 2 0.6 (5) 8.0 t 17.3 (5) P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 pellet (pg tsOlg dry matter)

* Animals were fed ad lrbirum or at restricted levels as described in MATERIALSAND METHODS, and exposed to air (control) o r anesthetized immediatelv after termination of exuosure and B A L F was analvzed as described. 'Mean -t SEM ( n ) .

min C. In fact, interactions between transport of ascorbateldihydroascorbate and glucoselhexose as a regulatory feature have been suggested in work with rabbit ciliary epithelium (31), human neutrophils (32), and oocytes expressing mammalian transport proteins (33). Blood ascorbate levels have even been implicated in the control of glucose-directed insulin secretion from pancreatic islet cells (34). Although limited, the present data on ascorbate concentrations in the lavage fluid, lung homogenates and blood are suggestive of a transport mechanism in which plasma ascorbate is mobilized via lung capillaries to replenish the ascorbate being consumed in the bronchoalveolar lining fluid. T h e systemic remobilization of ascorbate and vitamin E have been observed under conditions of dietary restriction (35), or oxidant challenges to the lung (36,37). In conclusion, we demonstrate that feed restriction, via enhancing pulmonary antioxidant status, protects against lung toxicity. We cannot preclude the possibility that alterations in oxidant status or other biochemical alterations due to feed restriction may also influence cellular processes which influence O3 toxicity, such as corticosteroid production (3), and further studies will be required t o elaborate these possibilities. References 1 . Anonymous. 1991. Energy intake and oxidant defense. Nrrtri. Rcv. 49:278280. 2. Duffy, P., R. Feuers, J . Leakey, A. Nakamura, A. Turturro, and R. Hart. 1989. Effect of chronic caloric dietary restriction: our results indicate that d~etaryrestriction on the physiological variables related to energy metabolism in the male Fischer 344 rat. Mech. Aging Devel 48:117-133. 3. Klehanov, S.. S. Diais. W. Stavinoha, Y. Suh, and J . Nelson. 1995. Hyperadrenocorticism, attenuated inflammation, and the life-prolonging action of food restriction in mice. J. Gerontolo. B i d . Sci. 50A:B78-882. 4 . Larsen, C., and W. Heston. 1945. Effects of cystine and calorie restriction on the incidence of spontaneous pulmonat-y tumors on strain A mice. .I. Narl. Cancer Inst. 6 3 - 3 7 , 5. Hursting, S., B. Switzcr, J. French, and F. Kari. 1993. The growth hormone: insulin-like growth factor 1 axis is a mediator of diet restriction-induced inhibition of mononuclear cell leukemia in fischer rats. C ~ IRes. . 5327502757. 6. Laganiere. S.. and 13. P. Yu. 1989. Effect of chronic food restriction in aging rats 11. Liver cytostolic antioxidants and related enzymes. Mrch. Aging D P vel. 48:221-230. 7. Rao, G., E. Xia, M. Nadakavurkaren, and A. Richardson. 1990. Effect of dietary restriction on the age-dependent changes in the expression of antioxidant enzymes in rat liver. J. Ntttririon 120:602-609. 8. Semsei, I., G . Rao, and A. Richardson. 1W9. Changes in thc expression of superoxide dimutase and catalase as a function of age and dietary reslriction. Brochem. Biophys. Res. Conrmtm. 164(2):62M25.

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