Distribution and Availability of Copper and Zinc in a Constructed ...

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Abstract The distribution and availability of copper and zinc in a constructed wetland fed with treated swine slurry from an anaerobic lagoon was studied.
Distribution and Availability of Copper and Zinc in a Constructed Wetland Fed with Treated Swine Slurry from an Anaerobic Lagoon Cristina Alejandra Villamar, M. E. Neubauer & G. Vidal

Wetlands Official Scholarly Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists ISSN 0277-5212 Wetlands DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0527-0

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Author's personal copy Wetlands DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0527-0


Distribution and Availability of Copper and Zinc in a Constructed Wetland Fed with Treated Swine Slurry from an Anaerobic Lagoon Cristina Alejandra Villamar & M. E. Neubauer & G. Vidal

Received: 10 October 2013 / Accepted: 28 February 2014 # Society of Wetland Scientists 2014

Abstract The distribution and availability of copper and zinc in a constructed wetland fed with treated swine slurry from an anaerobic lagoon was studied. The methodology regarded the seasonal distribution of metals inside Schoenoplectus californicus (C.A. Méyer) Sójak, Typha angustifolia (L.), soil and liquid phase. The metals availability was measured in the soil as soluble-exchangeable, bounded to organic matter, bounded to carbonates and residual fraction. Findings shown by the liquid phase metals removal efficiency was above 90 % due to fact that metals were precipitating (over 60 %) onto the first 5 cm soil. During spring, vegetal uptake reached between 7 and 27 % (22–50 % aboveground) so that soil exchangeable fraction did not exceed 7 %. In fall, the accretion was incorporating 12 and 41 % more copper and zinc onto soil, while aboveground uptake decreased between 28 and 98 %. Bounded metals to organic matter (over 50 %) were always the dominant soil fraction. Vegetal uptake was influenced by metal availability (Zn > Cu) and plant type (Typha > Schoenoplectus). Keywords Constructed wetland . Metals organic ligands . Schoenoplectuscalifornicus . Typhaangustifolia . Soil . Swine

Introduction In the last 30 years, the swine diet has been increasing use the growth promoters metals-based (100–250 mg Cu kg−1 and 2,000–3,000 mg Zn kg−1) (Jacela et al. 2010). However, their overuse has led to a poor digestibility (9.0 g BOD5 L−1) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (>24.0 g COD L−1) to pH values from 6.9 to 7.8 under reduced conditions ( Eh > +200 mV such as those of this study favor the mobility of metals to the plant (Jackson 1998). In addition, it has been found that aquatic plant species are capable of assimilating sulfur compounds chelated with metals (GunNam and Salt 2011). Figure 6 describes the seasonal content (spring and fall) of copper (e, f) and zinc (g, h) in the constructed wetland. The distribution of copper for spring generally corresponded to values lower than 0.01 % in the liquid phase, between 3 and

Author's personal copy Wetlands SPRING








60 40

Concentration (%)

20 0 100 80


60 40 20 0 Sc

Ta Z1


Ta Z2




Ta Z1


Ta Z2

Ta Z3

and Zn) over 90 % in the liquid phase. The main fate both metals was the soil with above 60 % adsorbed in the first 5 cm depth. Metals uptake changed with the seasonally. During spring, copper and zinc uptake (Ta and Sc) was 7 and 27 %, respectively. Meanwhile, vegetal accretion during fall increased 12 and 41 % more copper and zinc onto soil, respectively. The metals availability in the soil was bounded to organic matter (over 50 %). The metals concentration did not influence the photosynthetic activity of the plants. Acknowledgments This work was supported by CONICYT/PBCT (Grant TPI-01), Innova Bío-Bio (Grant 07-PC S1-198) and CONICYT/ FONDAP/15130015. The authors thank Mr. C. Contreras from Sucesion Yanine for use of their facilities in the realization of this study and to Ms. María José Ortega by collaboration in the laboratory work. Authors also thank to Red Doctoral REDOC.CTA, MINEDUC project UCO1202 at University of Concepción.


Fig. 6 Metals balance at each season. Copper (a, b), Zinc (c, d) (□) Water, (■) Soil, ( ) Plants

27 % in the plant and between 73 and 93 % in the soil, while the distribution of zinc for the same period corresponded to values lower than 0.01 % in the liquid phase, between 4 and 49 % in the plant and between 46 and 93 % in the soil. During fall, both copper and zinc exhibited similar behavior, maintaining values lower than 0.01 % in the liquid fraction and increasing by between 12 and 41 % more metals in the soil, due to a decrease of between 28 and 98 % in the plant. Only for Sc in Z2 during spring were different average values in the plant (40 %) and the soil (60 %) obtained, a phenomenon that is related with the higher relative abundance of Sc (278 plants m−2) which generates the retention of the solid suspended fraction of the first loads of the system. In general, during spring the CW was capable of accumulating more than 90 % of the Cu and Zn present in the soil. These results are corroborated by Yeh (2008), in which it could be observed that only 2 % of the copper and 5 % of the zinc were translocated and accumulated in the aboveground zone. This is confirmed by the low bioavailability (exchangeable fraction) of copper (2 %) and zinc (7 %) obtained in this study, factors that favor elimination efficiencies in the liquid fraction greater than 90 % for both metals. In this respect, Yeh et al. (2009) have obtained elimination efficiencies of copper and zinc of 83 and 92 %, respectively, while during autumn plant growth in the constructed weltna increased the copper and zinc content in the soil, incorporating 5 % more of these metals regarding spring.

Conclusions A constructed wetland fed with treated swine slurry from an anaerobic lagoon obtained removal efficiencies metals (Cu

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