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carcinoma; TIG1 : tazarotene-induced gene 1 ; TSG: tumor suppressor genes; TSLC: tumor suppressor in lung cancer. 1 Introduction. Esophageal cancer is one ...
Life Science Journal, Volume 3 , Number 2 , June 2006

ISSN: 1097 - 8135

CONTENTS Pages 1 .DNA Methylation and Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Special Reference

1 - 11

to Research in China Zhiqing Wang , Lidong Wang 2 .Expression of Nucleostemin Gene in Human Acute Leukemic Cells

12 - 16

Baohong Yue, Ling Sun , Xiaoqiang Zhao, Yanli Chen , Qingxia Wang , Shuai Liu , Qinxian Zhang 3 .Tumor-targeting of Bifidobacterium Infantis on Melanoma in Mice

17 - 20

Zhiying Guo , Qiwei Ren , Haoyi Wang , Shuren Wang , Cheng Yi, Lizan Wang , You Wang, Haijing Liu , Jing Du, Zaihua Ba 4 .Expression of HspA-UreB Fusion Protein of Helicobacter pylori

21 - 26

and Its Immunocompetence Liping Dai , Guangcai Duan , Qingtang Fan , Y uanlin Xi, Rongguang Zhang 5 .Detection of MAGE-A3 Antigen and HLA-class I Genes Distribution in Lung Cancer

27 - 31

Na Wang, Donggang Zhuang , Yue Ba, Yiming Wu 6 .Antagonistic Mechanisms of Zinc on Male Reproductive Toxicity Induced

32 - 34

by Excessive Fluorine in Rats Yan Li, Chunxia Jiang , Xuemin Cheng , Liuxin Cui 7 .Effects of Carnoy’s Solution and TCA on the Pouch Mucosa of Hamster

35 - 40

Xinguang Han , Cailing Yang 8 .Antiangiogenic Effect of Cyclophosphamide by Metronomic Chemotherapy

41 - 44

Yun Wang , Xianbin Liang , Yuanyuan Ji, Xingya Li 9 .Microarray Analysis: Single Cell Gene Expression by GeneChip Protocol Hongbao Ma, Shen Cherng , George Chen


45 - 49

Life Science Journal, Volume 3 , Number 2 , June 2006

ISSN: 1097 - 8135

10 .Transfer and Expression of VEGF Gene in Neural Stem Cells

50 - 54

Xu Zhang, Jin Wang , Weidong Zang

11 .Potential and Mechanism of Peroxynitrite to Mediate Heme Degradation

55 - 60

Dejia Li, Y uhui An , Junchao Huang, Xu Zhang 12 .A New Characterized Y-STR and Its Allele Frequencies Distribution

61 - 65

in 8 Chinese Populations Yunliang Zhu , Guangzheng Zhang , Zhaoshu Zeng , Xiufeng Ge, Kemin Guo, Shuhong Zhang 13 .The Most Comprehensive Truth Available to Living Humans

66 - 72

Jingjing Z . Edmondson , Nelson P . Edmondson

14 .Biodiversity of Mothronwala Swamp, Doon Valley , Uttaranchal

73 - 78

N utan Gupta, Ashish Ant hwal, Abhay Bahuguna 15 .QTLs for Flag Leaf Area of Rice under Multi Environments

79 - 82

Gangqiang Cao , Jun Zhu

16 .Wheat Milling By-products Fermentation: Potential Substrate for Bioethanol Production

83 - 87

Marcos Antonio das Neves , Naoto Shimizu , Toshinori Kimura, Kiwamu Shiiba 17 .Medical Waste Management Practices in Thailand

88 - 93

Klinpratoom Panyaping , Benedict Ok wumabua

On the cover : Hamster’s cheek

pouch tissues after treated wit h Carnoy’s solution and TCA , respec-

tively . The left top one showed the necrosis of epit helia and penet ration into muscular layer after treated wit h Carnoy’s solu tion for one week , wit h H E staining . The right top one showed disappearance of cellular structure, and the vacuolar shadow of t he cells after t reated with 35 % TCA for one week , wit h HE staining . The left bottom one showed disordered arrangement of collagen fibers , the broken or even disappeared collagen fibers after treated wit h Carnoy’s solution for one week , with Van Gieson staining . The righ t bottom one showed disappearance of fibroblast after treated wit h 20 % TCA for one week , with Van Gieson staining . See E f fects of Carnoy’s Solu tion and T CA on the Pouch Mucosa o f H a mster by Xinguang Han et al, page 35 - 40 in t his issue .


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma

DNA Methylation and Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma : Special Reference to Research in China Zhiqing Wang 1 , 2 , Lidong Wang1 1 . Henan Key Laboratory for Esophageal Cancer; Labora tory for Cancer Research ; E xperi men tal Center for Medici ne, Zhengzhou U n iversity, Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina 2 . Department of Basic Oncology , T he First A f f iliated Hosp ita l of Zhengz hou U niversity, Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina Abstract: Genetic abnor malities of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have been demonstrated to be involved frequently in esophageal carcinogenesis, especially t he hypermethylation of CpG islands . Accumulated evidences indicate t hat hypermet hylation of CpG islands in t he promoter regions are one of t he impor tan t mechanisms to silence the expression of many impor tant genes and may play an impor tant role in esophageal carcinogenesis . In this review , evidences for gene hypermethylation in hu man esophageal precancerous and cancerous lesions with special reference to research in China and their correlations with other populations in Asia were summarized to provide molecular clues for iden tifying the biomarkers for high-risk subject screening and early diagnosis . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 1 - 11] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: met hylation ; esophageal squamous cell carcinoma; carcinogenesis; CpG islands Abbreviations: APC : adenomatous polyposis coli ; BCH: basal cell hyperplasia; CIS: carcinoma in site ; CRBP1 : cellular retinol-binding protein 1 ; DNMT : D NA met hylt ransferase ; DYS : dysplasia ; EAC : esophageal adenocarcinoma ; LOH : loss of heterozygosity ; MGMT : O6 -methylguanine-DNA methylt ransferase ; NSCLC : non-small cell lung cancer ; RARβ2 : retinoic acid receptor-beta 2 ; RASSF1 : Ras-association domain family 1 ; SCC : squamous cell carcinoma; T IG1 : tazarotene-induced gene 1 ; TSG: t umor suppressor genes ; TSLC : t umor suppressor in lung cancer



Esophageal cancer is one of t he most common m alignant diseases , wit h a remarkable geographical [1] dist ribu tion and poor prognosis . The five-year survive rate is only 10 % . However , t he five-year survive rate for t he patients with the early esophageal cancer is more than 90 % . But in clinical , more t han 85 % of the esophageal cancer patients are diagnosed at the late stage . Lack of early specific symptoms and diagnosis biomarker remains t he leading cause of late diagnosis for esophageal cancer . Therefore, t he current challenges in esophageal cancer research are to obtain a better understanding of the underlying molecular alterations to establish the strategies for high-risk subject screening and early diagnosis . Cancer of t he esophagus exists in two main forms wit h different etiological and pat hological characteristics, i . e . esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and esophageal [2] adenocarcinoma . It has been well recognized that esophageal carcinogenesis is a multistage and progressive process with a sequence of from basal cell

hyperplasia to dysplasia to carcinoma in site and esophageal carcinoma . A variety of genetic lesions has been demonstrated to be involved in esophageal carcinogenesis, including p53-Rb pat hway wit h gene amplifications , loss of heterozygosity or homozygous deletions , point mutations , and chromo[2 - 4] somal rearrangemen ts . Besides , t he accumulated evidences in t he epigenetic inactivation of genes have shown t heir importance in esophageal carcinogenesis , as important a driving force as the [5] inactivation of genes by mutation . “Epigenetic”even ts , i .e . heritable changes in gene function w hich can not be explained by changes in DNA sequence, are composed of histone acet ylation , the chromatin st ructure and DNA [5] methylation . DNA met hylation seems to be the most important mechanism for“epigenetic change” [ 5 ,6 ] at present . Through a process of covalen t modification catalyzed by DNA met hylt ransferase, the DNA of mammalian cells con tains a“ fifth base”, namely 5-met hylcytosine . The most frequen t target for this modification is cytosine in the context of [5] the dinucleotide CpG . Throughout t he genome CpG dinucleotides are found at one-fifth of t heir


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma


predicted frequency . In marked con trast to t he genome wide under representation of CpGs , t here are regions of t he genome termed CpG islands w hich have main tained t heir expected frequency of t his dinucleotide . And the CpG islands are often found wit hin t he promoter of the genes[ 7 , 8 ] . There is an inverse relationship between the density of promoter met hylation and the t ranscriptional activi[ 9 , 10 ] ty of a gene . The mechanism of gene silencing by promoter hypermethylation has recently been show n to be related wit h the recruitmen t of repressor protein complex , resulting in deacetylation of t he chromatin and histone, thus barring access of t he active t ranscrip tion complex . However , t he actual mechanisms by which DNA met hylation modu[ 11 ,12 ] lates gene expression are largely unknown . The assays for detection of cytosine met hylation could be divided into two groups: restriction en[ 13 ,14 ] zyme-based and bisulfite treat ment-based . The former employs the inhibition of cer tain rest riction enzymes by met hylation of t heir recognition sites as an indicator for the presence of met hylation . T he latter t ranslates t he epigenetic information of cytosine met hylation in primary sequence differences by converting unmet hylated cytosine to uracil whereas met hylated cytosine remains unaltered . The bisulfite-conver ted genomic DNA can be analyzed by a wide variety of PCR-based met hods of which direct sequencing of t he PCR products or sequencing of individual P CR product clones gives t he most detailed information about the met hylation [ 14 , 15 ] pattern in the CpG islands under study . Methylation is needed for the normal development of cells . Genome stabilit y and normal gene expression are largely maintained by a fixed and [ 15 ] predetermined pattern of DNA met hylation . Aberran t met hylation confers a selective growt h ad[ 15 ] vantage t hat results in cancerous growth . F rom various lines of evidence , it is known t hat t he met hylation pattern of t he cancerous cell is associat ed wit h a broad genomic hypomet hylated state t hat is often accompanied by a more regional and locus[7] specific hypermet hylated pattern . The presence of alterations in t he profile of DNA methylation in cancer was initially though t to be exclusively a global hypomet hylation of t he genome t hat would possibly lead to massive overexpression of oncogenes w hose CpG islands were normally hyperme[ 14 ] thylated . Nowadays, however , this is considered to be an unlikely or , at best , incomplete sce[ 14 ] nario . The popularity of t he concept of demethylation of oncogenes leading to t heir activa[ 14 ,15 ] tion is in clear decadency . H ypermet hylation

of CpG islands located in t he promoter regions of tumor suppressor genes is now firmly established as an important mechanism for gene inactiva[ 16 - 18 ] tion . The particular genes t hat are hypermethylated in t umor cells are st rongly specific to t he tissue of origin of the tumor . A profile of CpG island hyper[ 15 ] met hylation exists according to t he tumor type . The mechanism responsible for this type of pattern remains unclear . Moreover , accumulating evidence indicates t hat CpG island hypermet hylation is an early even t in cancer development and , in some cas[ 19 ] es , may precede t he neoplastic process . Therefore, such profiles would provide invaluable insigh t into mechanisms underlying the evolu tion of each tumor type and will provide new molecular markers . T his review will focus on the curren t understanding of DNA met hylation abnormalities in esophageal cancer and provide molecular clues for iden tifying t he biomarkers for high-risk subject screening and early diagnosis . 2 Studies of Genes Promoter Hypermethylation in SCC [ 20 - 55 ]

T able 1 complied genes that have been ex tensively st udied in the past with a special reference to Chinese population , especially for t hose from Linxian , the highest incidence area for esophageal cancer in Henan , nort hern China . Pu tative TSG , involving apoptosis , cell adherence, DNA repair , and the cell cycle , have been investigated for hypermet hylation by various techniques in esophageal cancer . 2 .1 p14 A RF , p15 and p16 The 9p21 chromosomal band is one of the most frequen tly altered genomic regions in human [ 56 ] cancers . Within a short distance of 50 kb , a A RF gene cluster consisting of three genes, p14 , p15 and p16 , are harbored . All of which have putative [ 56 - 58 ] tumor suppressor roles . Inactivation of A RF p14 , p15 and p16 genes has been observed in many types of human cancers including [ 20 , 22 , 26 , 57 , 58 ] SCC . For example , our results from immunohistochemical analysis indicated that p16 expression was present in only 3 ou t of 22 SCC cases[ 5 9 ] . Some studies showed t hat germline mu tations in p16 gene migh t be related to familial [ 60 ] melanoma , bu t our st udy found t he mu tation of p16 gene in esophageal cancer was rare [ 2 0 ] . Hemizygous and homozygous deletion at 9p21 are widely considered to be one of t he primary mechanisms of [ 20 ] p16/ p15 inactivation . Recently , however , aberrant met hylation of the CpG island at t he pro-


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma

moter regions of p16 and p15 genes was reported in SCC and was associated wit h loss of t ranscrip[ 20 - 31 ] A RF tion . By analyzing t he p14 , p15 and p16 genes individually in 40 SCC, we detected aberrant promoter met hylation of t he p16 gene in 16 AR F (40 % ) , of p14 in 6 ( 15 % ) , and of p15 in 5 (12 .5 % ) t umor samples . We further detected homozygous deletion of p16 in 7 ( 17 .5 % ) , of p14 A R F in 13 (33 % ) , and of p15 in 16 ( 40 % ) tumor samples, and detected no mutation in t he p14 AR F and [ 20 , 26 ] p16 genes . The above results suggest that A RF p14 , toget her wit h p15 , is a primary target of homozygous deletion , w hereas p16 is the hypermethylation hotspot in human esophageal cancer . Johanna et al analyzed methylation of CDKN2 A IN K4α A RF ( p16 and p14 ) individually in 40 SCC from Linxian, and detected aberrant promoter methylaI N K 4α AR F tion of t he p16 gene in 4 (19 % ) , of p14 in [ 22 ] 11 ( 52 % ) , in 21 t umor samples . Although samples in two studies above collected were all from t he same area, the results were differen t markedly . The difference probably results from : 1 ) Regions for t he patien ts studied are not completely t he same . In Johanna’s st udy, part of the SCC patients was from Linzhou ; in the other two st udies , all t he SCC patien ts were from Linzhou . 2 ) Different methylation primes and t he differen t sites to be detected . The 5′position of the sense unmethylated AR F and methylated primers of p14 gene corresponds to bp 227 and 225 of GenBank sequence number L41934 in our study , w hich respectively amplify a [ 22 ,26 ] 165-bp and 160-bp product . However , t he 5′ position of t he sense unmethylated and methylated A RF primers of p14 gene corresponds to bp 195 and 201 of GenBank sequence number L41934 in t he lat ter, which respectively amplify a 132-bp and [ 22 , 26 ] 122-bp product .3) Difference in histopat hological types of collected samples . In our st udy, pat hology grades of t he samples enrolled were unknow n . Bu t in t he latter , t he majorit y t umors analyzed were of Ⅰ-Ⅱ grade (15/ 21 ) , and 4 cases belonged to grade Ⅲ , for two cases grades were not [ 20 ] listed . 4 ) Different criteria in t he process of enrolling samples . In Yan’s study , since DYS and CIS are pat hologically similar , CIS were combined [ 26 ] in to group DYS . Guo et al analyzed methylation of p16 gene in 37 SCC from Hebei, and detect ed aberrant promoter met hylation of t he p16 gene [ 29 ] in 21 ( 64 .9 % ) . The similar results were observed for Japanese people [ 2 3 - 2 5 , 2 8 ] . The p16 met hylation in SCC was higher in Japanese people t han in Chinese people , suggesting t he possibility of different carcinogenic factors and mechanisms in-

volved in differen t populations . 2 .2 The FHIT gene The FH IT gene is located at chromosome 3p14 .2 and encodes a polypeptide of 147 amino [ 61 ] acids . FH IT allelic deletions and reduced or absen t F HIT protein expression have been observed in a variety of tumors suggesting a putative t umor [ 61 , 62 ] suppressor function . In SCC , t he hypermet hylation of CpG island in t he F HIT promoter region was significantly correlated with t he deletion [ 26 , 29 , 42 , 47 , 52 ] of F HIT protein expression . Methylated SCC cell lines exhibit re-expression of the FHIT gene and demet hylation in the CpG island after treatmen t with demethylating agent 5-aza-2′ [ 63 ] deoxycytidine . These findings suggest that methylation of the 5′CpG island of t he FH IT gene is closely associated with t ranscrip tional inactivation and might be involved in tumor development of the esophagus . 2 .3 The RARβ2 gene The retinoic acid recep tor-beta 2 gene located at 3p24 has been in tensively studied in many cancers and found to have defective function , t hus making it a candidate TSG [ 6 4 ] . We found that RARβ2 was detected in 36 % ( 18/ 50 ) of norm al esophageal tissues , and that 14 of 20 ( 70 % ) SCC samples had hypermet hylation of the RARβ2 pro[ 40 ] moter . A nother group of st udy reported that 27 of 47 (55 % ) primary resected SCC samples showed [ 42 ] RARβ2 met hylation . Liu et al analyzed the methylation status of RARβ2 promoter region and its expression in 51 SCC tissue samples wit h t heir adjacent normal epit helia and t wo norm al esophageal epit helia, and found t hat t here was a statistically significan t correlation between methyla[ 33 ] tion status of RARβ2 and tumor grade . Moreover , a relationship between methylation status and decreased RARβ2 expression was found only in G ( 2 ) stage tumors . Methylation of RARβ2 promoter regions was detected in 26/ 51 ( 51 % ) of t he primary tumors; moreover in seven tissue samples wit h their adjacen t normal epithelia , methylation of this locus was found in both t he adjacent normal epithelia and matched tumor tissues; and in ot her 19 tissue samples met hylation of this locus only existed in the primary esophageal t umors; and in two cases , hypermet hylation was observed in t he adjacent normal epithelia , but not in the corresponding SCC [ 33 ] samples . Thus , they considered t hat RARβ2 methylation is a common neoplastic feature of SCC . These results identified methylation as t he underlying mechanism for t his frequen t loss of RARβ2 in [ 33 ,34 ,39 ,40 ,42 ] esophageal cancer .


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma

Table 1 . Compilation of genes hypermet hylated in SCC by regions and met hods

Genes A RF


p15 p16

Incidence of Methylation # Cancer tissue ANT n/ N ( % ) n/ N ( % )

R egions for t he patien ts studied #



MSP, Sequencing




Linxian ( T ) Linxian ( T )

6/ 40( 15 % ) 11/ 21 (52 % )


Linxian ( T )

6/ 21( 28 .6% )

10/ 40 (25 % )



Linxian ( T )

5/ 40( 12 .5% )


MSP, Sequencing


Linxian ( T )

2/ 25( 8% )

3/ 75 (4 % )



Linxian ( T )

16/ 40 (40 % )


MSP, Sequencing


Cell lines

4/ 30( 13 % )




Linxian ( T )

4/ 21( 19 % )




Japan ( T )

6/ 31( 19 % )




Japan ( T )

30/ 42 (71 .4 % )

24/ 30 (80 % )



Japan ( T )

31/ 38 (82 % )




Japan ( S )

7/ 31( 23 % )




Linxian ( T )

7/ 21( 33 .3% )

12/ 40 (30 % )



Sporadic ( T )

5/ 34( 15 % )


MSP in situ


Iran ( T )

22/ 30 (73 .3 % )





Iran (B )

13/ 30 (43 .3 % )




Iran ( S)

8/ 30( 26 .6% )




Iran(family) ( B)

18/ 28 (64 .3 % )




Hebei ( T )

21/ 37 (64 .9 % )

5/ 79( 6 .3 % )



Hubei ( S)

34/ 56 (61 % )





15/ 56 (27 % ) NMDAR2B

USA ( T ) and cell lines

95 %


Hong Kong ( T )

22/ 64 (34 % )

Cell lines

3/ 7 (43% )

Japan ( T )

24/ 47 (51 % )

Cell lines

16/ 22 (73 % )

Japan ( T )

25/ 48 (52 % )

Cell lines

17/ 23 (74 % )

Japan ( T ) Linxian and


Methods for met hylation




3/ 64 (5 % )



Sequencing 2/ 47 (4 % )






13/ 55 (24 % )




26/ 51 (51 % )

9/ 51 (18 % )





Anhui ( T ) Cell lines

4/ 6 (67% )

Linxian ( T )

14/ 20 (70 % )

18/ 50 (36 % )



Japan ( T )

7/ 28( 25 % )

1/ 10 (10 % )



Japan ( T )

27/ 47 (55 % )

18/ 47 (38 % )




Japan ( T )

5/ 28( 17 .9% )

0/ 28( 0)




Japan ( T )

5/ 28( 17 .9% )

0/ 28( 0)



Linxian ( T )

13/ 18 (72 % )

23/ 49 (47 % )



Sporadic ( T )

46/ 119(38 .7 % )

5/ 22( 22 .7% )



Japan ( T )

6/ 9 (66 .7 % )




Japan ( T )

0/ 30( 0)




Linxian ( T )

5/ 25( 20 % )

7/ 75 (9 % )



Sporadic ( T )

30/ 92 (32 .6 % )




Japan ( T )

25/ 41 (61 % )





E- cadherin


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma


Linxian ( T )

4/ 25( 16 % )

0/ 75( 0)



Hong Kong ( T )

16/ 20 (80 % )




Japan ( T )

5/ 34( 14 .7)




Sequencing Trypsin

USA ( T )

5/ 10( 50 % )





Japan ( T )

28/ 56 (50 % )





Japan ( T )

6/ 47( 13 % )

0/ 47( 0)



Linxian ( T )

2/ 25( 8% )

0/ 75( 0)



Japan ( T )

21/ 47 (45 % )

14/ 47 (30 % )



Japan ( T )

25/ 36 (69 .4 % )




Linxian ( T )

5/ 25( 20 % )

3/ 75 (4 % )



Japan ( T )

5/ 35( 14 % )

0/ 35( 0)



Hebei ( T )

25/ 37 (67 .6 % )

3/ 79( 3 .8 % )




Linxian ( T )

12/ 20 (60 % )

3/ 20 (15 % )



HLA class I

Linxian ( T )

19/ 29 (66 % )

0/ 29( 0)




Linxian ( T )

2/ 25( 4% )

0/ 75( 0)



Linxian ( T )

7/ 29( 24 % )

0/ 29( 0)



Linxian ( T )

5/ 25( 20 % )

5/ 75 (7 % )



Linxian ( T )

11/ 29 (38 % )

0/ 29( 0)



Linxian ( T )

5/ 25( 20 % )

2/ 75 (3 % )



Linxian ( T )

9/ 29( 31 % )

0/ 29( 0)



Japan ( T )

7/ 43( 16 .3% )




Cell lines

4/ 15( 26 .7% )

USA ( T )

16/ 32 (50 % )





USA ( P )

2/ 32( 6 .3 % )


Hebei ( T )

10/ 47 (21 .3 % )





Henan ( T )

27/ 44 (61 % )

0/ 44( 0)






ANT , adjacent nonmalignan t tissue; ND, not done; T , tumor tissue ; S, seru m sample ; B , blood sample ; P , plasma sample

Retinoic acid recep tor-beta, cellular retinolbinding protein 1 , and tazarotene-induced gene 1 have been linked to retinoic acid signaling . Little is known abou t the involvemen t of these t hree genes in SCC . Mizuiri et a l found t hat DNA hypermethylation of RARβ2 existed in seven ( 25 .0 % ) of t he 28 SCC , of CRBP1 in five ( 17 .9 % ) , and of TIG1 in five ( 17 . 9 % ) . DNA methylation of RARβ2 was iden tified in one of 10 samples of corresponding non-neoplastic mucosa (10 .0 % ) , w hereas no DNA methylation of CRBP1 or T IG1 was detected . No correlation was found between the DNA met hylation stat us of RARβ and clinicopat hological factors such as dept h of invasion , lymph node metastasis, or t umor stage . In cont rast , DNA met hylation of both CRBP1 and TIG1 was ob[ 34 ] served only in stage Ⅲ SCC . These results showed t hat inactivation of the retinoic acid signaling- associated genes RARβ2 , CRBP1 , and TIG1 by DNA methylation occurred frequen tly in SCC . 2 .4 The APC gene

The adenomatous polyposis coli gene , located on chromosome 5q21 , is a TSG in t he WNT signal[ 65 ] ing path way . We found t hat APC shows frequent LOH in esophageal carcinomas , and the prevalence of mu tations in the AP C gene in esophageal carcinomas is low . Hypermethylation of the promoter region of the APC gene occurred in abnormal esophageal tissue in 16 ( 50 % ) of 32 patients wit h SCC , but not in matching norm al [ 51 ] esophageal tissues . So met hylation of t he promoter region of t his gene constitu tes an alternative mechanism of gene inactivation in esophageal carcinoma . 2 .5 The MGMT gene 6 The human enzyme O -met hylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protects the cell from guanine methylation by irreversibly transferring t he alkyl 6 group of the O -met hylguanine to a specific cysteine [ 66 ] residue wit hin t he molecule . Approximately 20 % of t umor cell lines lack M GMT activit y and


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma

[ 66 , 67 ]

are highly sensitive to alkylating agents . In established cancer cell lines , MGM T expression appears to be correlated with met hylation in the pro[ 35 ,66 ] moter of the gene . The developmen t of SCC has been linked to exposure to carcinogens such as nitrosamines t hat cause various alkyl DNA da mages and MGM T is a primary defense against alkylationinduced mu tagenesis and carcinogenesis . We found t hat 18 ( 72 % ) SCC samples had DNA hypermethylation in the M GM T promoter region , and that t he frequency of the loss of MGM T mRNA and protein expression was highly correlated wit h MGM T promoter hypermethylation according to [ 35 ] Fisher’s exact tests . The gene has been shown to be methylated in 46/ 119 SCC ( 38 .7 % ) , bu t all 21 normal esophageal tissues had unmethylated MGM T [ 4 3 ] . 2 .6 The E-cadherin gene E-cadherin is a M r 120 , 000 transmembrane glycoprotein expressed on the surface of epit helial cells . In epit helial tissues, E-cadherin mediates ho2 + mophilic, Ca -dependen t intercellular adhesion t hat is essen tial for t he maintenance of normal tissue architecture [ 4 9 ] . Loss of E-cadherin expression occurs in a variet y of human t umors and is correlat ed with invasion and metastasis , and activation of E-cadherin results in the growt h inhibition of tumor [ 37 ] cell lines . E-cadherin can be targeted by bot h genetic and epigenetic means . Moreover , the hypermethylation of E-cadherin was seen frequently in most tumor t ypes , but mutations only frequent in a small number of specific subtypes[ 3 7 ] . E-cadherin, a cell adhesion molecule, is regarded as an invasionsuppressor molecule and a prognostic marker in m any types of human cancers . In esophageal carcinoma, dow nregulation of E-cadherin is common and is associated wit h an increase in invasive and metastatic potential, but mu tations of t he gene are [ 49 ] rare . E-cadherin was methylated in 16 of 20 (80 % ) SCC samples in Hong Kong people and 4 of [ 49 ] 6 SCC cell lines . And treatmen t of E-cadherin negative carcinoma cells with the demet hylating agent , 5-aza-2′ -deoxycy tidine , induced re-expres[ 49 ] sion of t he gene . In Japan , E-cadherin was met hylated in 25 of 41 ( 61 % ) SCC samples[ 3 7 ] . However , we found t hat E-cadherin was methylat ed in 4 of 25 ( 16 % ) SCC clinical samples in Linxi[ 26 ] an, Nor thern China . These data suggest that epigenetic silencing via aberrant met hylation of t he E-cadherin promoter is t he critical mechanism for inactivation of this gene in esophageal cancer , and t hat the frequency of the hypermethylation of Ecadherin varied wit h t he patients from differen t re-

gions . 2 .7 The TSLC1 gene Tumor suppressor in lung cancer was first characterized as a TSG in human non-small cell [ 68 ] lung cancer and termed TSLC1 . The t umor suppressor role of t his gene has been demonst rated in t he cell lines of NSCLC , hepatocellular carcinoma, pancreatic cancer and SCC[ 6 8 , 6 9 ] . Loss of T SLC1 expression was observed in 75 % of the SCC cell lines and 50 % of t he primary t umors from SCC [ 69 ] [ 68 ] patien ts . Kaganoi et al examined t he methylation stat us of six cytosine residues of CpG sites in a pu tative promoter sequence upst ream from the translation initiation site by bisulfite sequencing in four cell lines , including KYSE270 , which expressed TSLC1 , and KYSE410 , KYSE520 , and KYSE960 , w hich did not express it, and found that all of the cytosine residues in KYSE270 DNA were unmet hylated, w hereas all of t he six cy tosine residues in KYSE520 DNA and five residues in KYSE410 and KYSE960 DNA were met hylated . Especially , the cy tosine residues in KYSE520 DNA were all hypermet hylated . 2 .8 The RASSF1A gene Many known Ras effectors are oncoproteins on their own . Less is known about Ras effectors pos[ 42 ] sessing t umor suppressor properties . Recently , a new family of genes encoding a pu tative Ras effector, t he Ras-association domain family 1 gene, has been identified within the critical lung and breast cancer deletion region at 3p21 . 3 . The RASSF1 locus encodes several major t ranscripts by alternative promoter selection and alternative mRNA splicing : RASSF1A , RASSF1B and RASSF1C . Many st udies have suggested that [ 32 , 42 , 46 ] RASSF1A was a new putative T SG . RASSF1A acts as a negative effector of Ras in a pro-apoptotic signaling path way . Interestingly , mutational inactivation of t his gene is very rare ( < 2 % ) , and t he main mechanism of its inactivation is [ 46 ] through promoter methylation and LOH . The RASSF1A isoform is highly epigenetically inactivated in lung , breast , ovarian , kidney , prostate, thyroid, esophagus and several ot her carcino[ 32 ] mas . Hypermethylation of RASSF1 A was detected in 73 % of SCC cell lines and 51 % of primary SCC from Japan , whereas only 4 % of RASSF1A hypermet hylation were detected in corresponding [ 42 ] noncancerous tissues . There was a statistically significant correlation between t he presence of hy[ 27 ] permethylation and t umor stages . Hypermethylation of RASSF1A was found in 3/ 7 ( 43 % ) of SCC cell lines and 22/ 64 ( 34 % ) of primary SCC [ 32 ] from Hong Kong peoples . These findings sug-


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gest t hat epigenetic silencing of RASSF1A gene expression by promoter hypermet hylation could play an impor tant role in SCC carcinogenesis . Besides t he above mentioned genes , t here are hypermethylation of some other genes involved in esophageal cancer , including hM LH1 ( 0 [ 26 , 36 , 45 , 53 ] [ 26 ,42 ] 66 .7 % ) , V HL (8 - 13 % ) , M T3 [ 54 ] [ 31 ] ( 21 .3 % ) , NMDAR2B ( 95 % , USA ) , [ 38 ] LR P1B ( 14 .7 % , Japan ) , Trypsin ( 50 % , [ 41 ] [ 44 ] USA ) , ECRG4 ( 60 % ) , GA TA-4 [ 55 ] [ 48 ] (61 % ) , Chfr ( 16 .3 % , Japan ) and H LA [ 26 ,50 ] class I including H LA-A ( 4 - 24 % ) , H LA-B (20 - 38 % ) and HLA-C ( 20 - 31 % ) . Because of t he limited case number and low frequency of met hylation or t he populations ou tside Asia, t he discussion was not expanded on t hese st udies . 3 Methylation in Serum from the Esophageal Cancer Patients DNA met hylation of t he promoter region of certain cancer- associated genes is one potential early [ 25 ,30 ,51 ] detection biomarker . Genetic analysis has show n t hat cell-free circulating DNA in plasma or serum of cancer patients share similar genetic alter[ 25 ,28 ,30 ,51 ] ations to t hose described in the Table 1 . N umerous studies have demonst rated t he presence of promoter hypermet hylation of tumor suppressor genes in the serum DNA of patients with various [ 30 ] cancers . H ypermet hylated AP C DNA was observed in t he plasma of two of 32 ( 6 . 3 % ) [ 51 ] [ 25 ] SCC . Hibi et al found t hat aberran t promot er met hylation of the p16 gene was detected in 31 of 38 ( 82 % ) SCC, and 7 of these 31 ( 23 % ) patients wit h a p16 alteration in the primary tumor had t he sa me met hylation changes in t he corresponding serum DNA . This st udy yielded a promising result : a tumor associated DNA alteration could be detected in t he serum of 18 % of SCC patien ts ( 7 of 38 patients) using p16 methylation as a target . Moreover, the clinical sensitivity of this assay can be potentially improved by incorporating other possibly methylated target genes , which has been estimated in ot her tumor types . For example, Fukami et al [ 6 9 ] analyzed primary NSCLC and serum from 22 patien ts for the met hylation pattern of four TSG ( DAPK , GST P1 , p16 and MGM T ) . Met hylation of at least one of t hese genes was detected in 68 % of NSCLC . Comparing primary tumors wit h met hylation and matched serum samples, 73 % of t he matched serum samples were found to be met hylation . In addition , none of t he sera from t he patients wit h tumors not demonst rating methyla[ 69 ] tion was positive . Yao et al detected 61 % p16

methylation in 56 serum samples of SCC by nMSP . In con trast , 27 % p16 methylation in 56 serum samples of SCC was detected by MSP [ 3 0 ] . Therefore, combined detection of aberrant promoter hypermethylation of cancer-related genes in serum may be useful for esophageal cancer diagnosis or the detection of recurrence . Improved met hod to detect methylation would increase sensitivit y . 3 .1 Early aberrant DNA methylation in esophageal carcinogenesis In many tumors , it has been proved t hat aberrant DNA methylation frequen tly occurs in precancerous tissue as well as cancer tissue, and bot h factors , genetic and epigenetic, lie at t he origin of car[ 59 ] cinogenesis . The relative contribu tion of each [ 59 ] varies significan tly in different human tumors . In our previous repor t, we compared hypermethylation of p16 , p15 , p14 , H LA-A, -B , -C , hML H1 , E-cadherin , FHIT and VH L genes in SCC t umor , neighboring normal and precancerous tissues . We found t hat in 48 biopsy samples wit h BCH or DYS, the most frequen t hypermethylated genes were p16 ( 18 .8 % ) and p14 A R F ( 14 .6 % ) , and seventeen out of t hese 48 samples ( 35 .4 % ) [ 26 ] contained hypermet hylation of at least one gene . In t he resected tissue samples , 52 % of the BCH and 81 % of t he t umors showed hypermethylation of at least one gene . Moreover , genes hypermethylated in earlier stage lesions were always found hypermethylated at t he later stage lesions in the sa me [ 26 ] patien t . In another study , we reported t hat two of 17 ( 12 % ) normal, 9 of 21 ( 43 % ) BCH , 7 of 12 (58 % ) DYS, and 14 of 20 (70 % ) SCC samples had hypermet hylation of t he RARβ2 promoter re[ 40 ] gion . As to progression of EAC , it has been reported t hat, met hylation of t he p16 promoter was detected in 18 of 22 ( 82 % ) EAC and 10 of 33 (30 % ) premalignant lesions , w hereas no methylation of t he p16 promoter was found in norm al [ 59 ] esophageal epit helia . These data suggest that aberrant DNA met hylation participates early in the developmen t of esophageal cancer . Recent st udies showed that epigallocatechin-3-gallate ( EGCG ) , the major polyphenol from green tea, inhibited DNM T activit y and reactivate several methylationsilenced genes , including p16 , RARβ2 , M GMT and hMLH1 , in human esophageal cancer KYSE 510 cells , accompanied by t he expression of mRNA [ 70 ] of t hese genes . The result suggests t hat methylation might be a new target of chemopreventive activit y . In the last two decades , it has been proved that many drugs, such as tamoxifen , aspirin , COX-2 inhibitors, possess positive chemopreven tive


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activity against esophageal cancer . However , t he related mechanisms have not been elucidated so far . Therefore, it will be very attractive to examine t he effect of these drugs on promoter methylation stat us of key genes in esophageal precancerous lesions . 3 .2 Hypermethylation as a target of therapeutic intervention It has been reported that demet hylating agen ts 5-azacy tidine and 5-aza-2′ -deoxycytidine can reactivate t he demethylated state of several TSG and increase their expression in various cancers, including esophageal [ 21 , 2 2 , 3 3 , 3 5 , 7 1 , 72 ] cancer, in vitro and in vivo . Since met hylation and transcriptional status are inversely correlated , t he use of demet hylating agen ts appears to be a promising op tion for the treat ment of tumors . Met hylation of genes in t umor cells could provide a t umor specific target for new t hera[ 33 , 35 , 71 ] pies . In fact, these demethylating agen ts have exhibited significant activity in the t reat ment of patients wit h myelodysplastic syndrome , chronic myeloid leukaemia and acute myeloid leukaemi[ 24 ,71 ] a . However, preliminary experience wit h t hese agents in solid tumors has been relatively [ 20 , 33 ] poor . Esophageal tumor shows a high prevalence of TSG hypermethylation , and t he above studies demonstrated t hat gene expression could be restored after t reatment of esophageal tumor cells wit h demethylating agents in vitro . However , up to date t he clinical trial abou t demet hylating agents in esophageal cancer is unavailable . Alt hough it is too early to make any expectation about the effect of t hese drugs on esophageal cancer , t his is a very promising concep t and needs to be tested in further [ 72 ] studies . 3 .3 Significance of methylation in clinical application Emerging evidence suggests a possible prognostic value of gene promoter hypermethylation . [ 51 ] Kawakami et al reported that high plasma levels of met hylated APC DNA were statistically significantly associated with reduced patient survival . [ 74 ] Schulmann et al analyzed t he methylation stat us of ten genes ( HPP1 , RU NX3 , RIZ1 , CRBP1 , 3OST-2 , APC , TIM P3 , p16 , MGM T , p14 ) of 77 EAC samples and found that DNA met hylation of some genes individually showed only trends toward diminished survival, w hereas patien ts w hose tumors had > 50 % of t heir gene profile methylated had bot h significan tly poorer survival and earlier tumor recurrence than those wit hout positive met hylation . The data suggest t hat combined detection of met hylation status for multiple genes is a effective strategy to predict esophageal tumor behavior , to help staging esophageal cancer, to detect recurrent

disease , and to monitor disease progression or treatment response . Alt hough some genes that are frequently inactivated by methylation and are of prognostic impact for esophageal cancer patients have already been found , additional genes need to be identified . Thus , patien ts wit h a worse prognosis could be selected . These patients migh t benefit from a more aggressive t reatment st rategy . U nlike genetic changes , epigenetic changes could poten tially be reversed using DNA methylt ransferase inhibitors such as 5-aza-dc in cancer . Clinically , 5-aza-dc and its analogs have been used [ 75 , 76 ] to treat leukemia and lung cancer . The clinical benefit observed has been associated wit h the restoration of previously silenced genes . Additionally , one poten tial advan tage of using gene methylation as a biomarker is t he fact that its presence or absence is easily established by use of MSP . H ypermet hylation biomarkers , in combination wit h ot her molecular markers , such as p53 mutation , for predicting early ou tset of SCC would be valuable for a follow-up st udy in high-risk area for esophageal cancer . 4

Conclusion and Perspectives

Esophageal carcinogenesis is a multistep process of accumulation of genetic and epigenetic abnormalities . It has become clear that promoter hypermethylation of TSG are important for this progressive process . The steadily growing list of genes inactivated by promoter hypermethylation in esophageal carcinoma provides not only new insigh ts into the molecular basis of the diseases but also a long list of in teresting candidate genes for the developmen t of molecular biomarkers for high-risk subject screening and early diagnosis . In addition , the fact that methylation could be reversed in v itro raise a new treatmen t strategy for esophageal cancer treat men t and prevention . It is much desirable to develop methylation biomarker from cell free circulating blood samples which is of apparen t significan tly in large-scale mass survey for high-risk subject screening in the high-risk areas for esophageal cancer . Furt hermore, It is crucial to establish standard met hod in met hylation detection to make a fundamental conclusion . Acknowledgment This work was supported in par t by Henan Education Committee Foundation and Henan Medical Healt hy Commit tee Foundation .


Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , W ang , et al , DN A Met hyl ation and Esophageal Squa mous Cell Carcinoma

Correspondence to : Lidong Wang , M .D ., Ph . D . Henan Key Laboratory for Esophageal Cancer Laboratory for Cancer Research Experimental Center for Medicine Zhengzhou U niversity Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Telephone : 86-371-6665-8335 Fax : 86-371-6665-8335 Email: ldwang@zzu .edu .cn






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Received March 20 , 2006

Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Y ue, et al , Ex pression of Nucleostemi n Gene

Expression of Nucleostemin Gene in Human Acute Leukemic Cells Baohong Yue1 , 3 , Ling Sun2 , Xiaoqiang Zhao2 , Yanli Chen2 , 1



Qingxia Wang , Shuai Liu , Qinxian Zhang

1 . Depart men t of Clin ical Labora tory , T he First A f f ilia ted Hospita l, Zheng zhou U ni versity , Zhengz hou , Henan 450052 , China 2 . Depart men t o f Hema tology , T he First A f f iliated Hosp it al, Zhengzhou U n iversity, Zhengz hou , Henan 450052 , China 3 . Department of Histology and E m bryology , Basic Med ica l College, Zheng zhou U niversity , Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina Abstract:Objective . To investigate the expression of nucleostemin gene in acute leukemic cells and its link to the pathogenesis of acute leukemia . Methods . Specific primers were designed according to t he consensus sequence of three NS gene varian ts . Reverse transcriptase PCR was used to detect t he expression level of NS gene in two leukemic cell lines ( K562 and HL60 ) , three t ypes ( acute myeloblastic leukemia ( AML ) , acute monocytic leukemia (A MO L ) and acu te lymphoblastic leukemia ( ALL ) ) of primary leukemic cells and bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM MNC) from healthy individuals or patients wit h benign anemia .β-actin was used as t he reference gene . Results . NS gene expression were easily detected in K562 , HL60 , and t hree groups of leukemic cells, the PCR product intensity ratio of NS gene to β-actin gene in K562 , HL60 , M1 + M2a , M3 , M5 a, M5b , and ALL was 0 .735±0 .26 , 0 .449±0 .19 , 0 .687±0 .21 , 0 .408±0 .16 , 0 .866±0 .27 , 0 .448 ±0 .19 , 0 .403± 0 .19 , respectively, but the expression of this gene in the BMMNC of healt hy individuals or patients with benign anemia were either not detected or too low to be calculated . In myeloid leukemia , the NS gene expression in leukemic cells at early stage of differentiation was significantly higher t han t he NS gene expression in leukemic cells at later stage of differentiation ( K562 > HL60 , M1 + M2a > M3 , M5a > M5b , P < 0 .01 ) . Conclusions . NS gene is over-expressed in acute leukemic cells , and the expression level in leukemic cells at different differentiation stage is different . T he results suggested (1 ) NS gene expression closely related to the origination and development of leukemia; (2) cancer cells and the stem cells had similarit y in some aspects; and ( 3) NS gene might be a poten tial target in the t reatment of leukemia . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 12 - 16] ( ISSN: 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: nucleostemin ; leukemia; stem cell; proliferation ; differentiation ; cell cycle Abbreviations: ALL : acu te lymphoblastic leukemia ; AML : acute myeloblastic leukemia ; AMO L : acu te monocytic leukemia; A PL : acute promyelocytic leukemia; ATRA : all- trans retinoic acid ; BMMNC : bone marrow mononuclear cells ; CML-BC : chronic myelogenous leukemia-blast crisis; HSC : haematopoietic stem cell ; IDA: iron-deficiency anemia ; MA : megaloblastic anemia ; NS : nucleostemin



N ucleostemin gene first cloned by McKay and Tsai in 2002 was found highly expressed in rat embryo stem cells , rat cen tral nervous system stem cells and rat primitive bone marrow cells . NS gene is apparently involved in regulating the proliferating of bot h stem cells and at least some types of cancer [1] cell . The protein encoded by NS was abundantly expressed while the cells were proliferating in an early multipotential state, but it abruptly and almost entirely disappeared at the start of differentia-

tion . The fact that NS expressed in stem cells and several cancer cell lines, but not in the differen tiated cells of adult tissues , suggested its role in maintaining self-renewal of stem cells and cancer cells[ 1 - 3 ] . Leukemia belongs to malignan t clonal disease of haematopoietic stem cell ( HSC ) . Leukemia is characterized by t he appearance of increased numbers of immature and dedifferentiation leukemic cells in the marrow and blood . NS is involved in the regulatory path ways , but the fundamentals about NS are still unknow n . In t he present st udy, we examined t he expression of NS gene in leukemia cell line and patients with acute leukemia

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by RT- PCR , which would help illuminate the association of NS gene and leukemia . 2

Materials and Methods

Cell lines Two leukemia cell lines , K562 and H L60 , were kindly provided by Depart men t of Microbiology and Immunology , School of Medicine, Zhengzhou U niversity and Chinese Academy of Medical Science, respectively . The two cell lines were cultured in RP MI1640 medium ( GIBCOBRI) supplemented with 10 % fetal bovine serum ( Hyclone Laboratories , Logan , U T ) , 100 U/ ml penicillin and 100 μg/ ml st reptomycin at 37℃ in 5 % CO2 and passaged every 2 - 3 days . 2 .2 Subjects The marrow samples of 39 patients (23 female and 16 male ; age 15 - 51 years old , median age 33 years old) with acute leukemia and 11 cont rol subjects were obtained from t he First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou U niversity . Among them , patients wit h M1 , M2a , M3 , M5a, M5b of AML and AL L were 3 , 10 , 8 , 5 , 6 and 7 cases , respectively . Eleven con trol cases included megaloblastic anemia ( MA) , iron-deficiency ane mia ( IDA ) , t he secondary anemia and healthy subjects . The diagnosis standards for acu te leukemia were based on t he WHO classification of malignan t haematological diseases[ 4 ] . The bone marrow sample was collected from posterior superior iliac crest and mixed t horoughly wit h EDTA-K2 . The cell smear was determined by Wrigh t-Gie msa staining . The blood-EDT A-K2 solution layered over t he Ficoll and cent rifuged at 2 , 000 rpm for 20 min . Cells at the interface between t he plasma and Ficoll layer were harvested and washed twice with PBS . The mononuclear cells were collected for RNA ext raction . 2 .3 Reagents Trizol reagent was purchased from Invitrogen ( Carlsbad , California, USA ) . Reverse t ranscription kit , PCR amplification kit, primers synt hesis and sequencing were obtained from Shanghai Sangon Biological Engineering Technology and Service Co . Ltd . ( Shanghai, China ) . DNA markers were purchased from MBI ( Lansing , Michigan , USA) . 2 .4 RNA preparation and RT-PCR Total RNA was ext racted from K562 , HL60 cell lines and cells were separated with Trizol Reagent according to the manufact ure protocol and t he separated cells were treated wit h the DNA-free kit to remove residual genomic DNA . The concentration and integrit y of the isolated RNA were determined by U V spectrophotometer ( 0 .2 - 0 .9 μg/ 2 .1

μl) and gel electrophoresis respectively . A BLAST search in the GenBank database iden tified the consensus motif ( 1 , 833 bp) of t hree varian ts ( NM014366 , NM206825 , NM206826 ) from NS gene . According to t he principle of primer designing, we determined specific primers for NS gene: U p-st ream primer 5′ - AAAGCCA T TCGGGT TGGAGT-3 and Down-st ream primer 5′ - ACCACAGCAGT T TGGCAGCAC-3′. The amplified fragment was 418 bp . β-actin was used as an internal con trol, and its full lengh th was 315 bp . Firstly, isolated RNA ( 5 μg ) was reverse transcribed to cDNA in the 20 μl reaction mixt ure . Secondly , 5 μl cDNA mix ture was used for P CR amplification mixture con taining 0 . 2 μM specific primers , 0 .04 μM in ternal cont rol primers , 0 .2 mM dN TPs , 1 .5 mM MgCl2 , 2 .5 μl 10 × buffer and 1 U Taq DNA polymerase in 25 μl reaction solu tion . The program was accomplished by 5 min at 95 ℃ for initial denat uring , followed by 30 cycles of 95 ℃ for 30 sec, annealing for 30 sec at 56 ℃ and 72 ℃ for 50 sec and a final ex tension for 5 min at 72 ℃ . The amplified product was iden tified by gel electrophoresis on 1 .7 % agrose gel . Furt hermore, t he sequence of NS gene was exactly identical wit h t he access number of GenBank ( N M014366 , N M206825 , NM206826) . 2 .5 Determine density score of amplified product The amplified bands were scanned by gel analysis system . Ratio = densit y score of positive band/ density score of β- actin . The higher the ratio , the higher the expression level of NS gene . 2 .6 Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed wit h SPSS10 . 0 software . Independent-sample T test was for comparison . P < 0 .05 was considered statistically significant .

Figure 1 . Detection of NS expression in HL60 and K562 cell lines A: health control; B: HL60 ; C: K562 ; D: DNA marker

3 3 .1

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Results NS expression in HL60 and K562 cell lines

Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Y ue, et al , Ex pression of Nucleostemi n Gene

The expression of NS mRNA in t he two cell lines were analyzed by RT-PCR . As shown in Figure 1 , there were high levels of NS gene in the t wo cell lines . Moreover, t he expression level of K562 was higher than that of H L60 ( 0 .735 ± 0 .22 vs 0 .449±0 .1 5 , t = 4 .623 , P < 0 .0 1) .

3 .2 NS expression in patients with acute leukemia The same results were also observed from patients with acute leukemia ( Figure 2 ) . The levels of mRNA in different types of leukemia were presen ted in Table 1 .

Figure 2 . Detection of NS expression in acute leukemia cell A : DNA mar ker; B , I , J , L : AML- M1 , M2a; C , H , K : AL L ; D , G : A ML- M3 ; E , F , M : AML- M5 ; N : M A control; O: health control

Table 1 .

Density score of NS expression in patien ts wit h different t ypes of leukemia compared with in ternal cont rol (珔 χ±SD)


M1 + M2a





Cont rol









0 .687±0 .21

0 .408±0 .16

0 .866±0 .27

0 .448±0 .19

0 .403±0 .19


3 .3 NS expression in healthy subjects and benign anemia subjects According to t he results of R T-PCR , low level or even no NS could be detected in benign anemia

and healthy subjects ( Figure 3 ) . The reason for low level may be due to t he existence of minimal HSC in bone marrow .

Figure 3 . Detection of NS expression in healthy subjects and benign anemia s ubjects A : DNA mar ker ; B , E , G, I , L : health subjects ; C, H , K : M A; D, F : IDA ; J : secondary anemia ( chronic inflammations)

3 .4 NS expression in different differentiation stages leukemic cells According to cell types of acute leukemia , t he level of NS gene in t he early stage of differentiation was significantly higher t han t hat in t he late stage of differen tiation ( Figure 4 ) . That is , the expression levels of NS in K562 , M1 + M2a and M5a were higher t han in HL60 , M3 and M5b , respectively ( t = 4 .6 23 , 3 .0 54 , 4 .2 56 ; P < 0 .01) . 4


NS is a newly found p53-binding protein, w hich exists mainly in the nucleoli of stem cells and

various cancer cells , bu t does not express in committed and terminally differen tiated cells[ 1 , 5 ] . The expression level of NS declined obviously during embryo and adult development due to t he differentiation of stem cells . In- vivo experiments displayed that t he NS expression could not even be detected after CNS stem cells were induced to differenti[2] ate . In addition , NS expression disappeared before t he changes of cell cycle markers during t he developmen t of CNS, w hich indicated the disappearance of NS expression inducing t he cell cycle arrest , [1] bu t not t he reverse . Down-regulation of expression of NS gene may result in cell cycle arrest and

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cell differentiation[ 6 , 7 ] . Also , NS protein was con[8] sidered as one of makers of stem cells .

Figure 4 . Ratio of density score of NS expression in different differentiation stage of leukemia

Acute leukemia is a group of malignant haematopoietic disorders . Researchers have suspected that similar mechanisms might be at work in [6,7] bot h cancer cells and stem cells . For example, bot h have t he ability not only to indefinitely proliferate, but also to self-renew . I t’s the same for leukemia cell . Only one difference is t hat t he indefinite proliferation leukemic cells are maintained in certain stage and do not differentiate and mat ure . As has been recently proposed, leukemia stem cell m ay locate on initiative stage of haematopoietic cell clone, with self-renewal capacity , and differentiation arrested before cell mature, w hich are source of the pathogenesis , drug resistance and relapse of [9] leukemia . Evidence shows t hat many signals pat hways t hat are classically associated with cancer cells may also regulate normal stem cells self-renew [ 1 0 ] . The preliminary studies indicate t hat protein encoded by NS gene is involved in regulating t he proliferation and differen tiation of both stem cells and some types of cancer cells . In t he presen t study , high levels of NS gene expression were found in leukemic cells . This suggested that NS may play an importan t role in t he origination and developmen t of leukemia . We hypot hesized t hat leukemic cells may lead to cell cycle endlessly rat her t han cellular differentiation due to t he existence of a mass of NS protein . Additionally , we collected healt hy subjects and benign anemia subjects as cont rol group . From the results of R TPCR , very low level of NS was detected in only 2 out of 11 cases of cont rol subjects . This could be because the HSC in bone marrow was very little .

I t is notewor thy t hat t here were st riking differences in NS level of leukemic cells between different stages of differentiation , such as the expression of NS in K562 , M1 and M2a, and M5a was higher than t hat in HL60 , M3 and M5b , respectively . According to previous classifications from immunophenot ype, morphology and cell enzymology , differen tiation stage of K562 is prior to that of HL60 . I t is close to the differentiation stage of HSC . Because M1 , M2a, and M3 belong to myeloblastic cell type and promyelocytic cell type respectively, differentiation stage of the former is earlier t han that of t he latter . The same is t rue in M5a and M5b . In conclusion , t here is close relationship between NS expression level and proliferation and dedifferentiation of leukemic cell . However , fur ther study is necessary to verify this point . K562 is a human eryt hroleukemia cell line derived from a patient with CM L-BC . These cells are pluripoten t in that t hey are able to differentiate along the lineage of granulocytic, megakaryocytic, [ 11 , 12 ] erythroid, monocytic . HL60 cell line is derived from human APL . This pluripotent cell line can differen tiate in to granulocy tic and monocytic cell lineages . Environmental conditions such as pH and many chemical inducers can greatly facilitate the differen tiation of H L60 cell line into granulocytic and monocytic cell lineages . For example, ATRA has been reported to induce it granulocytic differen tiation, and vitamin D can promote it to [ 13 ] differen tiate into monocytic series . Any way , there are many similarities between leukemic cell and stem cell . This also fur ther confirms t he t heory of LSC . However , it remains to be determined how inducers act on t he expression of NS gene . In conclusion , NS gene over-expresses in acu te leukemia cells , and it closely relates to t he origination and development of leukemia . On the one hand , NS plays an impor tant role on regulation of the proliferation and differentiation of leukemia cell . Different differentiation stages of leukemic cell showed different expression levels of NS . On the other hand , low level or no expression could be detected in benign anemia subjects and healt hy subjects . Correspondence to: Qinxian Zhang Depar tment of Histology and Embryology Basic Medical College Zhengzhou U niversit y Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China T elephone: 86-371-6665-8153 Email: qxz53@ zzu .edu .cn

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References 1 .Tsai RYL , Mckay RDA . Nucleolar mechanism cont rolling cell proliferation in stem cells and cancer cells . Genes Dev 2002 ; 16 (23 ) : 2991 - 3003 . 2 .Liu SJ , Cai ZW , Liu YJ, et al . Role of nucleostemin in growt h regulation of gast ric cancer , liver cancer and ot her malignancies . World J Gastroenterol 2004 ; 10 ( 9 ) : 1246 - 9 . 3 .Qian H , Xu WR , Wang WB , et al . Expression of nucleoste in gene in mesenchymal stem cells and some cancer cells . Chinese Journal of Biochemist ry and Molecular Biology 2005 ; 21 (1 ) : 8 - 13 . 4 .Jaffee ES, Harris NL , Stein H, et al . World Healt h Organization Classification of Tumors . Pathology and Genetics of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues . LARC Press: Lyon 2001 . 5 .Michael D, Oren M . The p53 and Mdm2 families in cancer . Curr Opin Genet Dev 2002 ; 12 : 53 - 9 . 6 .Normile D . Cell proliferation : common cont rol for cancer , stem cells . Science 2002 ; 298 (5600 ) : 1869 - 70 . 7 .Bernnardi R , Pandolefi P P . The nucleolus: at the stem of immor tality . Nat Med 2003 ; 9 ( 1) : 24 - 5 .

8 .Baddoo M , Hill K, Wilkinson R , et al .Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from murine bone marrow by negative selection . J Cell Biochem 2003 ; 89 (6) : 1235 - 49 . 9 .Brendel C , Neubauer A . Characteristics and analysis of nor mal and leukemic stem cells : current concepts and future directions . Leukemia 2004 ; 14 : 1707 - 14 . 10 .Reya T , Morrison SJ , Clarke MF , et al . Stem cells, cancer , and cancer stem cells . Nature 2001 ; 414 : 105 11 . 11 . Whalen A M, Galasinski SC , Shapiro PS, et al . Megakaryocytic differen tiation induced by constitu tive activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase . Mol Cell Biol 1997 ; 17 : 1947 - 58 . 12 .Kang CD, Lee BK , Kim KW , et al . Signaling mechanism of PMA-induced differentiation of K562 cells . Biochem Biophys R es Commun 1996 ; 221 : 95 - 100 . 13 .Huang BX , Wang Z, Liang R , et al . Inhibition of proliferation and induction of differen tiation of leukemia cell line HL60 by glucosamine sulphate . J Four th Mil Med Univ 2004 ; 25 (5 ) : 424 - 7 .

Received Novem ber 1 , 2005

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Guo , et al , Tu mor- target ing o f Bif idobacteriu m In f an tis

Tumor-targeting of Bifidobacterium Infantis on Melanoma in Mice 1





Zhiying Guo , Qiwei Ren , Haoyi Wang , Shuren Wang , Cheng Yi 1





Lizan Wang , You Wang , Haijing Liu , Jing Du , Zaihua Ba

1 .Depart men t o f Pathophysiology and Pat hology , Ji ni ng Med ical College, Jin ing , Shandong 272013 , Ch ina 2 .Depart men t of Pathophysiology , Basic Medical College, Zhengzhou U n iversity , Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina 3 .Departmen t of Pa thophysiology, West Chi na of Precli nical and Forensic Medici ne, Sichuan U n iversity, Chengd u , S ichuan 610041 , China 4 . Cancer Center , West Chi na Hospital , S ichuan U niversity , Chengdu , Sichuan 610041 , Chi na Abstract: Objective . To investigate t he t umor-targeting of Bifidobacterium infan tis to melanoma . Methods . Af ter bolus administ ration of Bifidobacterium infan tis wit h 3H- T dR , t he values of radioactivit y in tumor and organs were examined at 24 h , 48 h , 72 h , 96 h and 168 h . Anaerobic culture and histological observation of tumor and normal organs were ta ken for the examination of tumor- targeting characteristics of Bifidobacterium infan tis . Results . T he radioactivity in melanoma tissue increased progressively , while t he radioactivity in nor mal organs decreased with time . T he anaerobic culture showed an obvious proliferation of Bifidobacterium infantis in tu mor tissue . A large part of area was Gram positive in tumor section , whereas the normal tissue was Gram negative . Conclusion . Bifidobacterium infantis has good tumor- targeting characteristics in mice melanoma . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 17 20] ( ISS N: 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: Bifidobacterium infantis; melanoma ; targeting



A cen tral problem of gene therapy for cancer is t he lack of specificit y of current delivering system . It has been proved t hat a hypoxic region exists in kinds of tumors , especially in solid tumors , and t he anaerobic bacteria tend to colonize in a low oxygen environment . Therefore, based on t he presence of a hypoxic metabolic region in a solid tumor as well as t he tendency of anaerobic bacteria to hypoxic environmen t , anaerobic bacteria is a potential vector for [1 - 3] t umor targeting gene t herapy . Bifidobacterium infan tis is a non-pat hogenic anaerobic bacterium . It resides in t he in testine of human or roden t animals, w hich is good for t he healt h of its host . We t ry to explore the targeting of Bifidobacterium infantis to t umors in t he study . 2

Materials and Methods

Animals Female C57BL/ 6 mice aged 6 to 8 weeks were selected from Sichuan U niversit y Tumor-research 2 .1

Center . 2 .2 Tumor cells preparation B16-F10 melanoma cells were maintained as monolayer cultures in Dulbecco’s medium supplemented wit h 10 % fetal bovine serum . A total of 5 5 × 10 t umor cells were inoculated into t he righ t thigh muscle of these mice . The solid tumors for st udy were obtained 2 weeks after inoculation . 2 .3 Bacteria culture Bifidobacterium infan tis were cult ured under anaerobic condition at 37 ℃ in MRS liquid culture medium . After 24 - 48 h , t he concen tration was quantified . The original Bifidobacterium infan tis suspensions was diluted to 2 .5 × 107 - 3 .0 × 107 bacilli/ ml wit h phosphate-buffered saline ( PBS ) (p H7 .4) . Finally , Bifidobacterium infan tis was injected in to four mice from the tail vein of the animals (5 - 6 million bacilli per mouse ) and 2 norm al mice were as cont rol . 2 .4 Tissue homogenate and culture After 168 h , six mice were killed . Normal tissue samples were obtained from lung , liver , spleen , kidney and hear t . Normal tissue and w hole

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t umors were excised and minced thoroughly . Each sample was weighted and placed in a homogenizer to prepare a 10 % homogenate wit h cold PBS under aseptic conditions . The diluted tissue homogenates ( 100 μl/ dish ) were inoculated into the culture medium ( 1 . 5 % Briggs agar ) respectively . After t he agar medium was solidified , all dishes were placed in a completely air tigh t desiccator .The dishes were cultured at 37 ℃ under anaerobic condition for 3 days . 2 .5 Histology The mice t hat developed t umors were sacrificed at 168 h after injected wit h Bifidobacterium infan tis . Tumors and normal tissues were excised, fixed in 10 % formalin solu tion , sectioned in paraffin and stained wit h Gram stain . 2 .6 3H-TdR tag Bifidobacterium infantis were cultured under mixed at mosphere condition ( 80 % N2 , 10 % H2 , 10 % CO2 ) . 3 H-TdR was added to t he bacteria 10 3 6 medium( 0 .37 × 10 Bq H-TdR/ 10 bacilli ) after 24 h . Another 12 h later , t he bacteria suspension was diluted wit h cold PBS ( pH 7 .4) , and injected into mice from the tail vein ( 5 - 6 million bacilli per mouse ) . The mice were sacrificed at 24 h , 48 h , 72 h , 96 h and 168 h after injection of 3 H- TdR tagged Bifidobacterium infan tis . Tumors and normal tissues were excised . Finally , the values of radioactivit y in each tissue were examined . 3 3 .1

T able 1 showed the radioactivity in various tissues at 24 h , 48 h , 72 h , 96 h and 168 h after int ravenous administ ration . The radioactivit y in t umors increased progressively . In cont rast, t he radioactivity in normal tissues , such as the liver , spleen, kidney and lung were at tenuated with time . The values of radioactivity in tissues showed the 3 H-TdR tagged Bifidobacterium infantis clustered in tumor tissue, while decreased in normal tissue gradually . Table 1 .

The values of tissues’radioactivit y ( A/ g)


24 h

48 h

72 h

96 h

168 h





































Each value represen ts t he mean of radioactivit y of per gram of tissue .

Tissue culture Bacteria colonies were only observed on t he agar culture dish inoculating t umor tissue homogenates , but no colonies were observed in any plates inoculating normal tissues ( Figure 1 A, B) . The anaerobic cult ure showed an obvious proliferation of Bifidobacterium infantis in tumor tissue . 3 .2

Results The values of radioactivity in tissues

Figure 1 . Comparision of the anaerobic culture results of bacilli in tissues after seven days of Bifidobacterium infantis administration A : Tumor and normal tissues from tumor- bearing mice; B : Normal tissues from normal mice

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Histology Four mice t hat developed melanoma t umors were injected int ravenously wit h Bifidobacterium infan tis, killed 168 h later and examined for t he presence of Gram-positive Bifidobacterial rods in bot h tumors and normal tissues . Figure 2 A , B showed numerous bacilli were scattered or clustered eit her on the border between t he necrotic and nonnecrotic regions or in t he necrotic region of tumors . In cont rast , no evidence of bacteria was observed in t he normal tissue segment . 3 .3



A crucial difficulty for cancer gene therapy is t he lack of specificity of current delivery systems . After i .v . inoculation of Bifidobacterium infantis to t umor-bearing mice, we initially observed a distri-

bution of viable bacilli throughout the body , but after 96 - 168 h , most of bacilli were accumulated in the tumor tissue . In this report , we de monstrated the results with the met hods of 3 H- TdR tagged and the values of radioactivit y in tumor and normal organs . The fact that the bacilli can colonize and proliferate in the t umor tissue implies t hat t his tissue possesses an environment t hat is suitable for the [4] growt h of t his bacterium . Vaupel made his st udy on cancer patients using oxygen elect rode measurement . In his st udy , Vaupel found t he average oxygen partial pressure in normal tissues read 24 - 66 mmHg, whereas t he readings dropped to 10 - 30 mmHg in a tumor tissue with a marked central region where t he readings wen t below 2 .5 mmH g . I t is evident that the center of solid tumor is generally at low level of oxygen , and anaerobic bacteria tend [5] to colonize in a low oxygen environment .

Figure 2 . P hotomicrograph of sections stained by the G ram method ( ×100 ) A : Melanoma tumor tissue; B: Hear t tissue

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Bifidobacterium infan tis are Gram-positive, domestic, non-pathogenic bacteria , found in t he lower small and large intestine of humans and other animals . In addition , t hese bacteria have healt hpromoting proper ties for t heir hosts by , for example, increasing the immune response[ 6 ] , inhibiting [ 2 ,7 ] carcinogenesis and protecting t he host against [ 8 ,9 ] viral infection . The non-pat hogenesis and impor tance of these microorganisms are now generally acknowledged . Based on the presence of a hypoxic metabolic region in a solid tumor and tendency of anaerobic bacteria to hypoxic environmen t, Bifidobacterium infantis can be used as a t ransfer vectors for t umor targeting gene t herapy . In this st udy, t he anaerobic culture showed an obvious proliferation of Bifidobacterium infantis in t umor tissue . A large par t of area was Gram-positive in t he tumor tissue section , whereas the normal tissue was Gram-negative . We demonstrated t he t umor-specific germination of Bifidobacterium infantis . In summary , t hese results st rongly suggest ed t hat Bifidobacterium infan tis were good tumor targeting and could be used as t he tumor targeting gene- transferring syste m . This system is promising as a novel t umor targeting gene t herapy system . Acknowledgment This project was supported by CMB project ( MER F - 2002 ) .

References 1 .Liu SC , Min ton N P, Giaccia AJ , et al . An ticancer efficacy of systemically delivered anaerobic bacteria as gene therapy vectors targeting t umor hypoxia/ necrosis . Gene T her 2002 ; 9( 4) : 291 - 6 . 2 .Nutys S, Van Mellaert L , Theys J, et al . Clost ridium spores for tumors-specific drug delivery . Anticancer Drugs 2002 ; 13 (2 ) : 115 - 25 . 3 .Yazawa K, Fujimori M , Amano J, et al . Bifidobacterium longum as a delivery system for cancer gene therapy : selective localization and growth in hypoxic tumors . Cancer Gene T her 2000 ; 7 : 269 - 74 . 4 .Vaupel PW . Oxygenation of Solid Tumors in Drug R esistance in Oncology . In : Teicher BA, ed . New York : Marcel Dekker 1993 ; 53 - 85 . 5 .Bhujwalla ZM , Artemov D , Ballesteros P , et al . Combined vascular and ext racellular P H imaging of solid tumors . N MR Biomed 2002 ; 15( 2) : 114 - 9 . 6 .Nagy H, Panis Y , Fabre M , et al . Are hepatomas a good target for suicide gene t herapy ? An experimen tal study in rats using retroviral- mediated transfer of thymidine kinase gene . Surgery 1998 ; 123 : 19 - 24 . 7 .Fujimori M, Amano J , Taniguchi S . The genus Bifidobacterium for cancer gene t herapy . Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel 2002 ; 5(2 ) : 200 - 3 . 8 .Yazawa K, Fujimori M, Na kamura T , et al . Bifidobacteriu m Longum as a delivery system for cancer gene therapy of chemically induced rat mammary t umors . Breast Cancer Res T reat 2001 ; 66(2 ) : 165 - 70 . 9 .Nakamura T , Sasa ki T , Fujimori M, et al . Cloned cytosine deaminase gene expression of Bifidobacterium longum and application to enzyme/ pro-drug therapy of hypoxic solid t umors . Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2002 ; 66 : 2362 - 6 .

Correspondence to : Zhiying Guo Departmen t of Pathophysiology and Pat hology Jining Medical College Jining, Shandong 272013 , China Email: gzy- summer771010@ 163 .com

Received January 22 , 2006

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Li fe Science Jour nal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Dai , et al , E x pression o f HspA -U reB Fusion Protei n

Expression of HspA-UreB Fusion Protein of Helicobacter pylori and Its Immunocompetence Liping Dai1 , Guangcai Duan 1 , Qingtang Fan2 , Yuanlin Xi1 , Rongguang Zhang1 1 .Depart men t o f Epidem iology, College of Public Health , Zhengzhou U n iversity, Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina 2 . Henan Key Labora tory o f Molecular Med icine, Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina Abstract:Objective . T o construct recombinan t plasmid expressing HspA-U reB fusion protein of H pylori , and to determine its immunocompetence . Methods . T he hspA and ureB genes were amplified by PCR from H pylori st rain MEL-H P27 isolated in Zhengzhou and cloned directly in to vector pET 30a , and the recombinan t plasmid was then transformed in to E . coli BL21DE3 . T he recombinant plasmid was induced to express fusion protein HspAUreB in E . coli by isopropylt hio-β-D-galactoside ( I PTG) . T he protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE , purified by Ni2 + affinity chromatography , and imm unized t he mice . T he immunoreactivit y of the fusion protein were analyzed by Western blot . Results . In comparison wit h the reported corresponding sequence from Genbank , the nucleotide sequence homologies of the cloned hsp A and ureB genes were 95 .20 - 97 .48 % and 96 .08 - 98 .30% , and their putative amino acid sequence homologies were 95 .76 - 97 .46 % and 98 .77 - 99 .82% for t he two genes, respectively . The results of SDS-PAGE and optical densit y scanning indicated that the fusion protein was expressed by p ET30 a-hspA -u reB-BL21DE3 as a protein with M r 82 , 100 of molecular weight and was 21% of t he total bacterial proteins . The purity of fusion protein was 91 % , and could be recognized by t he serum from H pylori infected patien ts and mice immunized wit h purified HspA-U reB fusion protein . Conclusion .A recom binant plasmid expressing fusion protein HspA- UreB of H pylori was constructed and identified with good imm unocompetence , and it suggested that HspA- UreB might be a poten tial vaccine antigen for con trolling and t reating H p ylori infection . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 (2 ) : 21 - 26 ] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: Helicobacter pylori ; HspA- UreB; immunocompetence Abbreviations: HapA : Helicobacter pylori adhesion A; HspA : heat shock protein subunit A ; Lpp20 : lipoprotein 20 ; NAP : neut rophil-activating protein ; Omp : outer membrane protein ; U reB : urease subunit B; VacA: vacoulating cytotoxin A



Helicobacter pylori ( H pylori ) infection is a m ajor cause of chronic active gastritis and most [1 - 3] peptic ulcer diseases , and also closely related [4,5] to gastric cancers . This microorganism has been categorized as class I carcinogen by t he World [6] Health Organization . For this reason , successful eradication of H pylori may be an important goal for t his st udy . Currently , t he t reat ment for H py lori infection involves an tibiotic t herapy , bu t this has some disadvantages such as increasing the ex[ 7 ,8 ] pense and strains resistance . An alternative approach is to develop a vaccine, which could eradi[ 9 , 10 ] cate H pylori infection . Selection of antigenic epitope is critical in developing H pylori vaccine . The majority of studies at tempting to produce a [ 11 , 12 ] vaccine have focused on urease enzyme , heat [ 13 ,14 ] shock protein and vacuolating cytotoxin[ 1 5 ] .

The protection afforded by a single antigen is not e[ 16 ] nough , bu t the two kinds antigen HspA and U reB combined could provide 100 % protection for mice from being infected with H pylori . In t his study , the recombinant expression system for HspA- U reB fusion protein of H pylori was constructed . Immunoreactivity and immunogenicity of HspA- U reB fusion protein were further examined . The results of this study may cont ribute to the development of H pylori vaccines . 2

Materials and Methods

Materials A clinical st rain of H pylori , ME L-HP27 was isolated from a patient with chronic gast ritis . Bacterial strain BL21 ( DE3 ) and plasmid pE T-30a were purchased from Novagen ( Madison WI , USA ) . P rimers for PCR amplification and restriction endonucleases Sal I , Xho I , EcoR I and T4 2 .1

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DNA ligase were purchased from Sangon ( ShangTM hai , China ) . The Pyrobest high fidelit y DNA polymerase and isopropyl-β-D-t hiogalatopyranoside ( I PT G ) were purchased from Takara Company ( Dalian , Jilin , China ) . Goat an ti-mouse and goat anti-human IgG- HRP were purchased from Bangding Bioengineering company ( Beijing, China ) . The mice were provided by t he Cen ter of Experimen tal Animal of Henan ( Zhengzhou , Henan, China) . 2 .2 Construction of expression system pET30 ahspA-ureB-BL21 (DE3) Genomic DNA of M EL- HP27 was ext racted by conventional phenol-chloroform method . Oligonucleotide primers were designed based on t he corresponding genomic sequence of international standard strain NCTC11637 . The sequence of hspA sense primer with an endonuclease site of EcoR I was 5′ -CCC GAA T TC AT G AAG T T T CAA CCA T TA-3′. The sequence of hspA antisense primer wit h an endonuclease site of Sal I was 5′ -CGC GTC GAC GT G T T T T T T GT G ATC AT G AC- 3′. The sequence of ureB sense primer wit h an endonuclease site of Sal I was 5′ - CC GTC GAC AAA AAG AT T AGC AGA AAA G-3′. The sequence of u reB antisense primer wit h an endonuclease site of Xho I was 5′ - CGC CTC GAG CT A GAA AA T GCT AAA GAG-3′. P CR was performed wit h t he hot start met hod . The parameters for PCR were at 95 ℃ for 5 min , × 1 ; at 94 ℃ for 1 min , at 55 ℃ for hsp A gene for 1 min ( for 3 min for ureB gene ) , at 72 ℃ for 1 min , × 30 ; t hen at 72 ℃ for 10 min , × 1 . The results of PCR were observed under UV light after electrophoresis . The expected sizes of target amplification fragments were 354 bp for hspA gene and 2710 bp for u reB gene . PCR products of hspA gene digested wit h EcoR I and Sal I , and u reB gene digested wit h Sal I and Xho I , then were inserted in to EcoR I and Xho I restriction fragmen ts of t he expression vector pE T30a using T4 DNA ligase . The recombinant expression plasmids pE T 30a-hspA-ureB were transformed in to competen t E . coli BL21 ( DE3 ) , and the expression systems were named as pE T 30a-hspA-ureB-BL21 ( DE3 ) . The target fragments of hspA and ureB genes inser ted in pE T 30a plasmid were sequenced by Sangon Company (China ) . 2 .3 Expression, purification and identification of fusion proteins The recombinant strains were incubated overnigh t at 37℃ while shaking in 5 ml LB medium with 100 μg/ mL kanamycin , and t he cell grew until the op tical density at 600 nm reached 0 .4 -

0 .6 . IP TG was added to a final concentration of 0 .3 mmol/ L . The cells growing for 4 h after induction were harvested by centrifugation at 4 , 000 g for 20 min . The molecular weight and output of HspA- U reB fusion protein were examined by SDSPAGE . The serum of patient infected with H pylori and commercial goat-human HRP-IgG were used as the first and second antibodies to iden tify the immnuoreactivity of HspA- U reB . The recombinan t E . coli cells growing in 50 ml LB medium with kanamycine for 3 h induced by IP TG harvested by cen trifugation at 4 , 000 g for 20 min . The bacterial pellet resuspended in pure water was ult rasonically broken ( 300v, 4s× 20 ) , cen trifugated at 12 , 000 g for 15 min . The recombinan t HspAU reB fusion protein was collected by Ni-N TA affinit y chromatography and analyzed by elect rophoresis in a 10 % polyacrylamide gel . 2 .4 Immunization of mice Six to eight weeks old mice were immunized five times by hypodermic injection in the back at weekly intervals . Each dose consisted of 5 μg adjuvan t . O ne week after the last immunization blood samples were taken from eyes . The sera were separated , and stored at - 20 ℃ until assay . 2 .5 Serum antibody response The recombinant HspA-U reB fusion protein was electrophoresed as in SDS-PAGE and t hen were transformed to PVDF membrane . The mice sera immunized wit h HspA- U reB and goat antimouse HRD-IgG were used as t he first and second an tibodies to perform Western blot . 3


3 .1 PCR amplification of H pylori hspA and ureB genes T arget fragmen ts of hsp A and ureB genes with expected sizes amplified from DNA template of H pylori M EL- HP27 were show n in Figure 1 . 3 .2 Identification of recombinant plasmid After ex tracting plasmids DNA from recombinan t E . coli strains, t he recombinant plasmids were digested by EcoR I or Xho I , and by EcoR I and Xho I simultaneously , then t he digestive products were visualized on 10 g/ L agarose gel elet rophorese ( Figure 2) . I t demonstrated t hat recombinant plasmid contained the objective fusion gene . 3 .3 Nucleotide sequence analysis The nucleotide sequences of hspA and u reB gene in pE T30a-hspA-u reB were listed in Figure 3 and Figure 4 . The homologies of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences of the cloned hsp A gene compared wit h the published hsp A sequences were

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from 95 .20 % to 97 .48 % and from 95 .20 % to 97 .46 % , respectively ( Table 1 ) . The homologies of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences of

the cloned uerB gene were from 96 . 08 % to 98 .30 % and from 98 .77 % to 99 .65 % ( T able 2) .

Figure 1 . Target fragments of hspA and ureB genes amplified from H pylor i strain ME L- HP27 Lane 1 : 100 bp DNA ladder mar ker; Lane 2 : PCR products of hspA gene; Lane 3 : 1 kb DNA ladder marker ; Lane 4 : PCR products of u reB gene .

Figure 2 . Identification of recombinant plasmid by restriction enzyme digestion L ane 1 : 1 kb DNA ladder mar ker; Lane 2 : recombinant plasmid digested by EcoR I ; L ane 3 : recombinant plasmid diges ted by EcoR I and Xho I ; Lane 4 : pE T30a diges ted by EcoR I ; Lane 5 : products of hsp A- u reB fusion gene from recombinant plasmid .

Table 1 . Homology comparison of H pylori hsp A gene sequences H pylori st rains compared Homology of Differen t Differen t base pair wit h MEL- HP27 nucleotide amoni acid NC TC11637 9 97 .48% 3 26695 11 96 .89% 3 CH-CTX1 17 95 .20% 5 J99 10 97 .18% 4

Homology of amoni acid 97 .46 % 97 .46 % 95 .76 % 96 .61 %

Table 2 . Homology com parison of H pylori u reB gene sequences H pylori st rains compared Homology of Differen t Differen t base pair wit h MEL- HP27 nucleotide amoni acid NC TC11637 40 97 .67% 3 HPK5 29 98 .30% 1 26695 46 97 .31% 6 HP031 49 97 .13% 5 J99 67 96 .08% 2 CH-CTX1 51 97 .01% 7

Homology of amoni acid 99 .47 % 98 .82 % 98 .95 % 99 .12 % 99 .65 % 98 .77 %

3 .4 Expression, purification and identification of HspA-UreB fusion protein IP TG at concent ration of 0 .3 mmol/ L efficien tly induced t he expression of HspA- U reB in t he pET30a-hspA-ureB-BL21DE3 system . SDS- PAGE analysis showed t hat t he clearly iden tifiable band wit h M r 82 , 100 highly expressed fusion proteins, w hich was similar to that predicted . The out put of HspA-U reB fusion protein was approximate 21 % of the total bacterial proteins ( Figure 5 ) . Among t hem , soluble substance ac-

counted for 30 % of supernatant . HspA- U reB fusion protein was further purified wit h Ni-N T A column , its final purit y was 91 % . Western blot also showed an identifiable blot band wit h M r 82 , 100 . 3 .5 Antigenicity of recombinant HspA-UreB fusion protein A n immunized reacting band wit h t he weigh t of M r 82 , 100 appeared in t he Western blot ( Figure 6) in which the purified HspA-U reB fusion protein reacted against t he serum of mouse immunized by HspA- UreB .

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1 atgaagtttc taccattagg agaaagggtc t tag tagaaa gact tgaaga agagaacaaa 61 accagttcag gcatcatcat ccctgataac gctaaagaaa agcctttaat gggcgtag tc 121 aaagcgg tta gccataaaat cagcgagggt tgcaaatgcg ttaaagaagg cgatgt gatc 181 gcttttggca aatacaaagg cgcagaaatc gttttagacg gcgttgaata cat ggtgcta 241 gagctagaag acattctagg tat tgtgggc tcaggctctt gttgtcatac aaatagtcat 301 gaccataaac at gctaaaga gcatgaagct tgct gtcat g atcacaaaaa acactaa Figure 3 . hspA nucleotide sequence of H pylor i strain ME L- HP27

1 atgaaaaaga ttagcagaaa agaatatgtt tctat gtat g gccctactac aggcgataaa 61 gtgagattgg gcgatacaga cttgatcgct gaagtagaac at gactacac catttatggc 121 gaagagctta aattcggtgg cggtaaaact ttgagagaag gcatgagcca atccaacaac 181 cctagcaaag aagaactgga tttaatcatc actaacgctt taatcgtgga ttacaccggt 241 atttataaag cggatattgg tattaaagat ggcaaaatcg ctggcattgg caaaggcggc 301 aacaaagaca t gcaagatgg cgttaaaaac aatcttagcg tgggtcct gc tactgaagcc 361 ttagct ggtg aaggttt gat cgtaactgct ggt ggtattg acacacacat ccacttcatc 421 tccccccaac aaatccctac agctttt gca agcggtgtaa caacgatgat tggtggcgga 481 actggccctg ct gat ggcac taacgcaacc actatcactc caggcagaag aaatttaaaa 541 tggat gctca gagcggctga agaatattct atgaatttag gt ttcttagc taaaggtaac 601 gcttctaatg atgcgagctt agccgatcaa attgaagccg gtgcgatt gg ctt taaaatc 661 catgaagact ggggaacaac tccttctgca atcaatcatg cgttagat gt tgcggacaaa 721 tacgatgtgc aagtcgctat ccatacggac acttt gaatg aagccggtt g tgtagaagac 781 actatggcag ccattgccgg acgcactatg cacactttcc acact gaagg cgctggtggc 841 ggacacgctc ctgatatcat taaag tagcc ggcgaacaca acattctgcc cgcttccact 901 aaccccacta tccctttcac tgt gaataca gaagcagaac acatggacat gcttatgg tg 961 tgccaccact tggataaaag cattaaagaa gat gttcagt tcgctgattc aaggatccgc 1021 cctcaaacca ttgcggct ga agacacttt g cat gacatgg ggattttctc aatcactagt 1081 tctgactctc aagctatggg tcgtg tggg t gaagt tatca ccagaacttg gcaaacagct 1141 gacaaaaaca aaaaagaatt tggccgcttg aaagaagaaa aaggcgataa cgacaacttc 1201 agaatcaaac gctacttgtc taaatacacc attaacccag cgatcgctca tgggattagc 1261 gagtatgtag gttct gtaga agtgggcaaa gt ggct gact tgg tatt gtg gag tccagca 1321 ttcttt ggcg tgaaacccaa catgatcatc aaagg tgggt ttattgcatt gagtcaaatg 1381 ggcgatgcga acgcttctat ccctacccca caaccagttt attacagaga aat gttcgct 1441 catcatgg ta aagccaaata cgatgcaaac atcacttt tg tg tctaaagc ggct tatgac 1501 aaaggcatta aagaagaatt agggcttgaa agacaag tgt t gccggtaaa aaat tgcaga 1561 aacatcacta aaaaagacat gcaattcaac gacactaccg ctcacattga ag tcaatcct 1621 gaaacttacc atgtg ttcgt ggatggcaaa gaagtaactt ctaaaccagc cactaaagt g 1681 agcttggcgc aactctt tag cattttctag Figure 4 . u reB nucleotide sequence of H pylori s train MEL- HP27



Immune protection function of several H py lori antigens has been studied and investigated, such as U reB[ 1 7 , 1 8 ] , HspA [ 1 9 ] , VacA [ 1 5 ] , Cata[ 20 , 21 ] lase . Several st udies demonstrated that t hree [ 22 ,23 ] of H pylori antigens , such as Lpp20 , [ 24 , 25 ] [ 26 ] [ 27 ] NAP , H paA , Omp are also excellent and ideal antigens that can be potentially used for t he development of H pylori vaccine . However, some researches indicated t hat immune protection function of combined antigens was better t han sin-

gle antigen . Recen tly , some researchers study polyan tigen genetic engineering vaccine of H pylori in [ 27 ,28 ] China . This research selected two kinds of an tigens wit h effective immunization : HspA and U reB, to construct the expression system for hsp A-ureB fusion gene, and to determine t he immunogenicit y and immunoreactivit y of HspA- U reB fusion protein .U reB , used as a candidate an tigen for H pylori genetic engineering vaccine, has advan tages of high sequence conservation , high frequency of distribution , large expression in different isolates , st rong antigenicity due to its big molecular mass, and granular st ructure and exposure on the

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[ 29 , 30 ]

surface of bacteria . HspA is anot her candidate antigen for H pylori vaccine, which is termed as “molecular chaperone”because they assist in post translational assembly , secretion, and stability of [ 31 ] oligomeric protein struct ures .

Figure 5 . SDS- PAGE analysis of HspA- U reB induced by I P TG at different time Lane 1 : molecular weight marker ; Lanes 2-5 : BL21 ( DE3 ) with pE T -hsp A- u reB induced for 4 , 3 , 2 and 1 h ; L ane 6 : BL21 ( DE3 ) with pE T- hspA-u reB uninduced for 4 h; Lane 7 : BL21 ( DE3 ) with pE T 30a induced for 4 h .

responding sequences ( Table 2 ) . The results of SDS-PAGE demonstrated that the constructed expression system pE T 30a-hspAu reB-BL21 ( DE3 ) efficien tly produced the target fusion protein . The most output of fusion protein HspA- U reB wit hin w hole cell protein was about 21 % of the total bacterial proteins , which is beneficial to industrial production . Western blot assay was performed in t his study to confirm t hat the purified fusion protein HspAU reB could be recognized by the serum from patient infected wit h H pylori and also be recognized by t he sera from mice immunized with purified fusion protein . HspA-U reB exhibited favorable immunogenicit y and immunoreactivity . In conclusion , HspA- U reB is excellen t and ideal candidate an tigen t hat can be potentially used for the development of H pylori vaccine . Correspondence to: G uangcai Duan Depar tment of Epidemiology College of Public Health Zhengzhou U niversit y Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China . T elephone: 86-371-6691-1354 Email: gcduan@ public2 .zz .ha .cn References

Figure 6 . Western blot result of mouse serum again st recombinant HspA- U reB Lane A1 : BL21 ( DE3 ) with pE T- hspA- u reB uninduced for 4 h ; Lane A2 : BL21 ( DE3 ) with pE T- hspA-u reB induced for 4 h; Lane A3 : BL21 ( DE3 ) with pE T30 a induced for 4 h ; Lane B1 : unpurified HspA- UreB; Lane B2 : purified HspAU reB .

In t his study , t he recombinant plasmids expressing HspA- U reB fusion gene of H pylori were const ructed . The hspA gene cloned from H pylori strain M E L- HP27 showed high homologies of t he nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences compared with five published corresponding sequences ( T able 1) . Similarly , the homologies of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences of the clone u reB gene from H pylori strain ME L-HP27 were quite high w hen compared with t he published cor-

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Recei ved March 10 , 2006

Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Wang , et al , Detection o f M AGE- A 3 A ntigen and HL A-class I Genes

Detection of MAGE- A3 Antigen and HLA-class I Genes Distribution in Lung Cancer Na Wang , Donggang Zhuang , Yue Ba , Yiming Wu College of Public Health , Zheng zhou U ni versity , Zhengz hou , Henan 450052 , China Abstract: Aim . In order to speculate the ratio of lung cancer patients who can be treated with immunotherapy based on MAGE-A3 antigen , the expression of MAGE-A3 an tigen and the distribution of HLA-class I genes were investigated in lung cancer tissues . Methods . SDS-PAGE and Western blot were to detect the expression of MAGE-A3 an tigen in 63 lung cancer patien ts . T he dist ribu tions of HLA-A1 , A2 and A24 gene in 70 lung cancer patien ts and the tissues adjacen t were detected with PCR-SSP . Results . 1 ) 31 of 63 lung cancer tissues, and 5 tumor adjacent tissues expressed MAGE-A3 antigen ; 2) In 70 lung cancer patients t he dist ribution of HLA-A1 , A2 and A24 were 4 .28 % , 54 .28% and 50 .0 % , respectively ; 3 ) In 70 tumor adjacent tissues the dist ribution of HLA-A1 , A2 , A24 were 4 .28 % , 60 .0 % and 52 .86 % , respectively . T he total positive rate of HLA-A1 , A2 , A24 was 80 .0 % in lung cancer tissues . Conclusions . T here were about 39% lung cancer patients who could be treated wit h immunotherapy based on MAGE-A3 antigen . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 27 - 31] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: lung neoplasm ; MAGE-A3 ; HLA-I molecules; immunot herapy Abbreviations: CT L : cytotoxic T lymphocyte; HLA: human leukocyte antigen ; MAGE : melanoma antigen



The MAGE-A3 is a member of MAGE family , w hose antigen is known to be neo-expressed in a large proportion of tumors bu t who is not detectable in normal tissues , and w ho could be a target antigen recognized by autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CT Ls) . Such tumor cells generating MAGE-A3 antigen could be an ideal target to carry [1] out tumor specific immunot herapy . In addition H LA class I molecule exerts very important effect in the process that MAGE-A3 an tigen induces t he CT Ls proliferation [ 2 ] . This experimen t detected t he expression levels of MAGE-A3 antigen in lung cancer patien ts . At the same time we quested for dist ribu tion of t hree HLA class I alleles ( HLA-A1 , A2 , A24 ) in lung cancer patients , which could be combined with MAGE-A3 an tigen specifically . The percen tage was measured of lung cancer patien ts w ho were able to be t reated wit h immunot herapy based on MAGE-A3 antigen . 2

Materials and Methods

Sample collection 70 fresh surgical specimens were obtained from t he First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou U niversity , t he Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou U niversity and Henan Province Chest Hospital, repectively . The samples include : 37 squamous 2 .1

cancers, 22 adenocarcinomas, 5 squamous-adenocarcinomas, 2 big cell lung cancers , 3 small cell lung cancers and 1 hybrid lung cancer were mixed big and small cells . All tissues were frozen in liquid nit rogen immediately after surgery and stored at - 80℃ until the ext raction of protein . 2 .2 Protein extraction The protein was ex tracted by SDS-PAGE and stored at - 20 ℃ . 2 .3 DNA extraction U NI Q-10 genome DNA ex traction kit ( Shanghai, China ) . DNA solution was stored at - 20℃ . 2 .4 Western blot Protein samples were separated by 12 % sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS- PAGE) and transferred to a nit rocellulose membrane . The membrane was blocked with 1 % protein powder ( Wuhan BOST ER Ltd ., Wuhan , Hubei, China ) in PBS for 2 hours at room temperature or overnigh t at 4 ℃ , and incubated wit h primary an tibody - 57B ( generously presented by Giulio C . Spagnoli, M .D .) at room temperature for 2 hours; protein bands in membrane were stained with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody - Goat an ti-mouse Ig G and counterstained wit h 3′3-diaminobenzidine ( DAB ) finally . Pict ures were captured by Bio Imaging System ( USA ) . 2 .5 PCR with sequence specific primer ( PCR-

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SSP) The sequence specific primers of HLA-A1 , H LA-A2 and H LA-A24 were designed according to Table 1 . Gene HLA-A1 HLA-A2 HLA-A24

Region Ex2 : 113~130 Ex3 : 216~232 Ex2 : 149~167 Ex3 : 110~128 Ex2 : 166~184 Ex3 : 195~213

Sequence specific primers


DNA was extracted from lung cancer and cancer adjacent tissues according to t he manufacture inst ructions . DNA purifying and concent rating were measured by spect rophotometry . 100 ng DNA was used for PCR-SSP ( total volume : 30 μL ) . What man Biomet ra Tgradien t 96 PCR ( Germany ) was used to carry out t he PCR , wit h a program of preheating for 5 min at 95 ℃ , followed by 5 cycles of 30 sec at 95 ℃ , 50 sec at 65 ℃ , and 50 sec at 72 ℃ ; 5 cycles of 30 sec at 95 ℃ , 50 sec at 60 ℃ , and 50 sec at 72 ℃ . Last 20 cycles was carried out of 30 sec at 95 ℃ , 50 sec at 57 ℃ , and 50 sec at 72 ℃ . The final step was 5 min at 72 ℃ . All PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis in a-

Tissue t ype

the principle of primer design and t heir full sequences of primers were showed in Table 1 .

PCR fragment ( bp) 557 489 629

garose with T AE buffer ( 0 . 04 M Trisacetate, 0 .001 M EDTA , pH 8 .0 ) . 2 .6 Statistics analysis Experimental data was analyzed by SPSS software ( 10 .0 ) . Difference between two independen t ratios was determined with Chi-square test . Significance was assumed at P < 0 .05 . If the number of samples was less than 40 ( n < 40 ) the rank sum test would be used for analysis . 3


3 .1 The relationship of MAGE-A3 antigen and different clinical pathologic types and stages (Table 2 , Figure 1)

Table 2 . T he expression of MAGE-A3 an tigen in lung cancer tissues and adjacen t tissues Cancer tissue Cancer adjacen t

positive negative total positive negative 15 15 30 3 27 SC b 10 12 22 1 21 GC c 4 1 5 1 4 GSC d 2 4 6 0 6 NDC T otal 31 32 63 5 58 a : squamous cancer ; b : adenocarcinoma; c: squamous-adenocarcinoma ; d : non-differen tial cancer a

total 30 22 5 6 63

Figure 1 . Wes tern blot analysis on the expression of MAGE-A3 antigen in lung cancer patient s Lane 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 : cancer adjacent tissues; L ane 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 9 : cancer tissues

Expression of MAGE-A3 an tigenic protein: Among 63 sa mples MAGE-A3 antigen was expressed in 31 cases . The ratio of MAGE-A3 an tigen expression was 49 .2 1 % in lung cancer . There was no significance between different pat hological clinical types and differen t pat hological stages . In

addition, 5 samples of tumor adjacent tissues also expressed MAGE-A3 antigen as well as their cancer tissue . 3 .2 The results of PCR-SSP ( Figures 2 , 3 , 4 ) The distribution of H LA-class I molecules by DNA typing : In tumor tissues the positive rates of

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H LA-A1 , H LA-A2 and H LA-A24 were 4 . 28 % (3/ 70) , 54 .28 % ( 38/ 70 ) and 50 .0 % ( 35/ 70 ) , respectively . In para-t umor tissues t he positive rates were 4 .28 % ( 3/ 70 ) , 60 .0 % ( 42/ 70 ) and 52 .8 6 % ( 37/ 70 ) , respectively . The total positive rate of HLA-A1 , A2 , A24 was 80 .0 % ( 56/ 70 ) in lung cancer patien ts . 3 .3 The relationship of HLA-A1 , A2 , A24 and different clinical pathological types and stages of lung cancer ( Tables 3 , 4 , 5 )

There were no significant differences of lung cancer tissues and cancer adjacen t tissues of these three alleles ( P > 0 .05) . In addition no significan t differences in differen t pat hological types and different pathological stages of lung cancer were found . The positively expressed MAGE-3 an tigen and HLA-class I ( A1 , A2 , A24 ) molecules were about 39 .36 % ( 80 .0 % ×49 .21 % ) in lung cancer patien ts .

Figure 2 . The result of H LA- A1 PCR-SSP in lung cancer patients

Figure 3 . The result of H LA- A2 PCR-SSP in lung cancer patients

Figure 4 . The result of HLA-A24 PCR-SSP in lung cancer patients



4 .1 The expression of MAGE-A3 antigen in lung cancer The human MAGE- A3 gene family consists of a large number of chromosome-X-linked genes originally iden tified because t hey encode t he products t hat can be recognized by autologous cytotoxic T cells . For the MAGE genes don’t express in normal adult tissues excep t testis while express in a large variet y of neoplastic lesions, so they are considered as t umor-specific antigens and ideal targets for cancer immunotherapy . N umerous CT L epi-

topes from the MAGE-A3 antigen have been identified, which were found to be rest ricted by commonly found M HC class I alleles such as HLA-A1 , HLA-A2 , HLA-A24 , H LA-B37 and HLA-B44 . As a tumor specific an tigen it can act wit h a lot of immune cells such as antigen process cells ( APCs) and autologous cytotoxic T lymphocyte etc . The interaction between various cells determined the fate of tumor cell at a large extent . Curren tly , there are a lot of reports about the expression of MAGE-A3 in tumor tissues at home and abroad , but much concen trated on its mRNA [3] level , few on its protein level and t he result dis-

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agreement with each ot her . In this experiment we found t hat t he positive expression of MAGE-A3 [4] antigen was 49 .21 % , higher t han Liu’s report , [5] in accordance wit h Bolli’s report . The result t hat there was no significan t difference in different pat hological types and different pathological stages of lung cancer was in accordance with t he result of most repor ts , w hich indicated that the expression of MAGE-A3 an tigen was an independent index in above-mentioned clinical pathological characteristic . Differen t pat hological types and different pathological stages of lung cancer patient can’t affect t he tumor specific immune therapy based on MAGE-A3 antigen . We found that the MAGE genes expressed in not only lung cancer tissues but also some normal lung tissues adjacent to cancers ( 16 .13 % , 5/ 31 ) . And by pat hological examination t hese normal lung tissues appeared hyperplasia of fibrous tissues and epithelial tissues ( namely heterogeneous histiocytes) , w hich suggested that the activation of

MAGE genes could occur at a very early stage of lung carcinogenesis . This result was in accordance [6,7] with a few reports but opposite to most reports . I t may be because some of cancer adjacen t tissues have already occurred malignant conversion in the early stage in w hich we couldn’t find any typical cancer cells by pat hological examination . Furthermore, it showed that MAGE-A3 an tigen gene may have already been activated before malignant conversion of normal cells . Some articles reported that MAGE-A3 gene’s activation , t ranscription and expression were determined by the [8] promoter’s degree of met hylation . The carcinogen may activate MAGE-A3 gene through changing its promoter’s methylation . In our opinion , t he activation of MAGE was a common phenomenon in carcinogen-exposed lung tissue as well as in lung cancer tissue . F urt her work is needed about t he expression of MAGE-A3 in lung cancer adjacent tissues .

Table 3 .


The dist ribution of HLA-A1 , A2 , A24 in lung cancer and cancer adjacen t ( n) Cancer Cancer adjacen t Positive Negative Total Positive Negative 3 67 70 3 67 38 32 70 42 28 35 35 70 37 33

Total 70 70 70

Pat hologic type SC GC G-SC NDC T otal

Table 4 . T he dist ribu tion of HLA- A2 in different pat hological t ypes of lung cancer (n ) Cancer Cancer adjacen t Positive Negative Total Positive Negative 17 19 36 20 17 13 10 23 14 8 4 1 5 4 1 4 2 6 4 2 38 32 70 42 28

Total 37 22 5 6 70


Table 5 . Pat hologic type SC GC G-SC NDC T otal

T he distribution of HLA- A24 in different pathological t ypes of lung cancer ( n) Cancer Cancer adjacen t Positive Negative Total Positive Negative 17 19 36 19 18 13 10 23 12 10 1 4 5 2 3 4 2 6 4 2 35 35 70 37 33

4 .2 The distribution and absence of HLA-A1 , A2 and A24 The antigen that HLA class I gene codes is dist ribu ted in t he human body extensively . During t umor immune process HLA class I an tigen plays an impor tan t role in processing and presenting MAGEA3 an tigen . That is t he basic point of tumor cell immune response inducemen t and adjustmen t . Many studies reported t hat HLA class I antigen [9] was absent in many t ypes of t umor . P resen tly it

Total 37 22 5 6 70

has been reported that HLA-A1 , A2 , A3 , A24 , A29 , B18 , B35 , B40 and B44 can be particularly combined wit h differen t MAGE-A3 antigenic de[ 10 - 15 ] terminan t ( epitope ) respectively . Among them , t he H LA-A2 and HLA-A24 have very high [ 16 ] distribution level in China . Wit h DNA typing method , our experimen t results showed t hat for the distribution of H LA-class I molecule in t umor tissues t he positive rates of HLA-A1 , H LA-A2 and HLA-A24 were 4 .28 % ( 3/ 70 ) , 54 .28 % ( 38/ 70)

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and 50 .0 % ( 35/ 70 ) , respectively . However , in t umor adjacent tissues the positive rates of H LAA1 , H LA-A2 and HLA-A24 were 4 .2 8 % (3/ 70) , 60 .0 % ( 42/ 70) and 52 .86 % (37/ 70 ) , respectively . The total positive rate of H LA-A1 , A2 and A24 was 80 .0 % ( 56/ 70 ) in lung cancer patients . The result was in accordance with previous reports . This indicated t hat the an tigenic determinan t ( epitope) ( that can combine specifically with HLA-A1 , A2 and HLA-A24 antigen ) should be an ideal candidate for tumor specific vaccine . In addition , our statistical results showed that t here was no significant difference between lung cancer and cancer adjacen t of t hese t hree alleles ( P = ns ) . No significan t differences were in different pat hological types and different pathological stages of lung cancer ( P = ns ) . This reminded that t he lung cancer had all kinds of absence of HLA-A an tigens but its gene structure was stable . Met hods should be taken to induce these alleles’re-expression : such as in terferon-γ[ 1 7 ] , 5-aza-2′ -deoxycyti[ 18 ] [ 19 ] dine , even virus like newcastle disease virus . 5


Our research showed t hat the positive rate of MAGE-A3 an tigen protein expression was 49 .2 1 % ; H LA-A1 , A2 and A24 total dist ribution was 80 % . Abou t 39 % patients had HLA-A1 or A2 or A24 distribution and MAGE-A3 an tigen expression . That means about 39 % lung cancer patien ts m ay be t reated with tumor specific vaccine based on MAGE-A3 antigen . Correspondence to : Yiming Wu College of Public Healt h Zhengzhou U niversity Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Email: ymwu@ zzu .edu .cn References 1 .Beat rice Gaugler , Benoit Van den Yynde , Pierre van der Bruggen , et al . Human gene MAGE-A3 code for an antigen recognized on a melanoma by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes . J Exp Med 1994 ; 179 : 921 - 30 . 2 .Kawa kami Y , Dang N, Wang X . et al . Recognition of shared melanoma an tigens in association with major HLA-A alleles by t umor infiltrating T lymphocytes from 123 patients with melanoma . J Immunother 2000 ; 23 (1) : 17 - 27 . 3 . Wu YM , Ba Y, Zhao GQ , et al . Expression of MAGE23 mRNA in lung cancer tissues . Zhengzhou Daxue Xuebao 2002 ; 37 (2 ) : 153 - 6 . 4 .Liu QL , Zhang CQ , Feng KT , et al . E xpression of MAGE-3 antigen in non-small cell lung cancer . Zhongshan Yike Daxue Xuebao 2000 , 21 (2 ) : 127 - 9 .

5 .Bolli M , Kocher T , Adamina M , et al . Tissue microarray evaluation of melanoma an tigen E ( MAGE ) tumorassociated antigen expression : poten tial indications for specific immunot herapy and prognostic relevance in squamous cell lung carcinoma . Ann Surg 2002 ; 236 (6) : 785 - 93 . 6 .Cai S, Zhao H, Leng X , et al . Melanoma antigen-3 expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma . Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 2000 ; 38(9 ) : 693 - 6 . 7 .Se J . Jang , Jean-Charles Soria , Luo W , et al . Activation of melanoma antigen t umor antigens occurs early in lung carcinogenesis . Cancer Research 2001 ; 61 : 7959 - 63 . 8 .Sigalotti L , Coral S, Nardi G, et al . Promoter met hylation con trols t he expression of MAGE2 , 3 and 4 genes in human cutaneous melanoma . J I mmunother 2002 ; 25 ( 1) : 16 - 26 . 9 .You Q , Ge HL , et al . HLA and tumor . Shanghai Mianyixue Zazhi 2001 ; 21(1 ) : 57 - 9 . 10 . Bilsborough J , Panichelli C , Duffour MT , et al . A MAGE-A3 pep tide presented by HLA-B44 is also recognized by cytolytic T lymphocytes on HLA-B18 . Tissue An tigens 2002 ; 60 (1 ) : 16 - 24 . 11 .Schultz ES , Chapiro J, Lurquin C , et al . T he production of a new MAGE-A3 peptide presented to cy tolytic T lymphocytes by HLA-B40 requires the immunoproteasome . J Exp Med 2002 ; 195(4 ) : 391 - 9 . 12 .Schultz ES, Zhang Y, Knowles R , et al . A MAGE-A3 peptide recognized on HLA-B35 and HLA-A1 by cytolyt ic T lymphocytes . Tissue Antigens 2001 ; 57(2 ) : 103 9 . 13 .Luescher IF , Romero P , Kuznetsov D , et al . HLA photoaffinity labeling reveals overlapping binding of homologous melanoma-associated gene peptides by HLA-A1 , HLA-A29 and HLA-B44 . J Biol Chem 1996 ; 271 ( 21 ) : 12463 - 71 . 14 .McInt yre CA , Rees RC , Platts KE , et al . Iden tification of peptide epitopes of MAGE-1 , -2 , -3 t hat demonstrate HLA-A3-specific binding . Cancer Immunol I mmunot her 1996 ; 42( 4) : 246 - 50 . 15 .Oiso M, Eura M, Katsura F, et al . A newly iden tified MAGE-A3-derived epitope recognized by HLA-A24-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocy tes . In t J Cancer 1999 ; 81 ( 3) : 387 - 94 . 16 .Lee TD, Zhao TM, Mickey R , et al . T he polymorphism of HLA an tigens in t he Chinese . Tissue Antigens 1988 ; 32(4 ) : 188 - 208 . 17 .Propper DJ, Chao D, Braybrooke J P, et al . Low-dose IF N-gamma induces tumor MHC expression in metastatic malignan t Melanoma . Clin Cancer Res 2003 ; 9 ( 1 ) : 84 - 92 . 18 .Serrano A, Tanzarella S, Lionello I , et al . Rexpression of HLA class I an tigens and restoration of antigen-specific C TL response in melanoma cells following 5- aza-2′ -deoxycytidine t reatmen t . Int J Cancer 2001 ; 94 ( 2 ) : 243 - 51 . 19 .Washburn B , Schirrmacher V . Human t umor cell infection by Newcastle Disease Virus leads to upregulation of HLA and cell adhesion molecules and to induction of interferons, chemokines and finally apoptosis . In t J Oncol 2002 ; 21( 1) : 85 - 93 .

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Received January 23 , 2006

Li fe Science Jou rnal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Li , et al , A n tagon istic Mechanis ms of Zinc on Male Reproductive Tox icity

Antagonistic Mechanisms of Zinc on Male Reproductive Toxicity Induced by Excessive Fluorine in Rats Yan Li, Chunxia Jiang , Xuemin Cheng , Liuxin Cui Department of Environ men tal Health , College of Public Health , Zhengzhou U n iversity , Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina Abstract: Objective . To explore t he an tagonistic mechanism of zinc on male reproductive toxicity induced by excessive fluorine . Methods . A total of 30 male Wistar rats were randomly allocated into three groups: con trol group , fluorine group , and fluorine plus zinc group . T hen t he animals of t hree groups were fed deionized water supplement ed wit h NaF or/ and ZnSO4 for 6 weeks . T he levels of serum testosterone ( T ) , superoxide dismutase ( CuZn-SOD) , lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ) , and Fas expression in spermatogenic cells were detected . Results . The levels of T in fluorine plus zinc group significantly increased compared to cont rol group , and fluorine group , respectively ( P < 0 .05) . The activity of CuZn-SOD in cont rol group and fluorine plus zinc group significantly increased compared to fluorine group ( P < 0 .005 ) . Compared to cont rol group , the activity of LDH in testis in fluorine group decreased ( P < 0 .05 ) . Fas expression in fluorine group was significantly increased compared to cont rol group and fluorine plus group ( P < 0 .001 ) . Fas expression in fluorine plus zinc group was increased ( P < 0 .05 ) compared to control group . Conclusion . Appropriate zinc can antagonize male reproductive toxicity of fluorine on molecular level by antagonizing lipid peroxidation , influencing reproduction endocrine , activity of enzyme , and Fas expression . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 (2 ) : 32 - 34 ] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: fluorine ; zinc ; male reproductive toxicity ; antagonistic mechanism ; rat Abbreviations: CuZn-SOD: superoxide dismutase; T : testosterone ; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase



It was indicated t hat zinc could antagonize m ale reproductive toxicity of excessive fluorine ef[1 - 3] fectively . Zinc could reduce absorption of fluorine, wit h t he result of decreased fluorine in t he body . Thus it an tagonizes fluorotic toxity by improving the activity of CuZn-SOD and antagonizing [4] lipid peroxidation . There was few report about t he an tagonistic mechanism of zinc on male reproductive toxicity of excessive fluorine . The purpose of this study is to explore above question on molecular level and to provide reference data and scien tific basis accordingly for preven tion and t reat ment of fluorosis . 2

Materials and Methods

Animals After one- week quarantine, t hir ty Wistar male rats weighted 55 to 65 grams were randomly allocated into three groups wit h ten rats each group: con trol group , fluorine group , and fluorine plus zinc group . All rats were provided by Henan Experimental A nimals Center ( Zhengzhou , Henan , Chi2 .1

na ) . The animals in control group , fluorine group , and fluorine plus zinc group were fed deionized water , solution of NaF ( 25 mg/ kg ) , and solu tion of NaF ( 25 mg/ kg ) supplemen ted wit h ZnSO4 ( 20 mg/ kg ) , respectively . E ach group was treated with solution of NaF or/ and ZnSO4 in the way of int ragastric administ ration for six weeks . 2 .2 Indexes of test 2 .2 .1 The level of testosterone in serum : Rats of the t hree groups were killed and blood serum was separated . The levels of serum testosterone were 125 detected radioimmunochemically with I-T kit . A nd this kit was provided by Beijing Beimiandongya Biological Technology L td . 2 .2 .2 Activit y of CuZn-SOD in serum : Rats of the t hree groups were killed and blood serum was separated . The activity of CuZn-SOD was detected with SOD kit and colorimetric analysis met hod , and t he kit was provided by Nanjing Jiancheng Biological Technology L td . 2 .2 .3 Activities of LDH in testis: Plasm of the testicle tissue was prepared , and the activities of LDH were examined by colorimetric analysis . The kit was provided by Nanjing Jiancheng Biological T echnology L td .

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2 .2 .4 Expression of Fas protein in testis: The levels of Fas protein expression in testis were detected immunohistochemically . Fas immunohistochemical kit was provided by Wuhan Boster Biologi-cal Technology Lt d, and t he experiment was m anipulated according to t he direction . The process was operated as follows: One side of testis of rats was put in to formaldehyde liquor and fixed for 48 h in normal temperature . Volume concen tration of formaldehyde is ten percen t . After deparaffinization , tissue sections were t reated wit h 3 % H 2 O2 for 10 min to eliminate endogenous peroxidase . These sections were t hen heated in 10 mM cit rate buter ( pH 6 .0 ) for 5 min in a microwave oven t hree times to facilitate antigen ret rieval and were incubated with BSA for 20 min at room temperat ure . Subsequen tly, t he sections were incubated wit h rabbit an ti-mouse Fas monoclonal antibody at 4°C overnigh t . Thereafter, t he sections were incubated wit h biotinylated goat an ti-rabbit IgG for 20 min and were incubated with SABC for 20 min at room temperature . The immunoreaction was visualized wit h di-aminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride ( DAB) . The sections were ligh tly coun terstained wit h hematoxylin . 2 .3 Statistical analysis One-way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) and non-paramet ric tests were used in t he statistical test ( SPSS13 .0 ) . There was significan t difference w hen α was 0 .0 5 . Differences were considered significant w hen P < 0 .05 . Table 1 .

T level and CuZn-SOD activity of each group

Types of group


T (ng/ dl)

CuZn-SOD ( U/ ml)

Con trol


22 .40

37 .50



16 .00△

20 .10 * △

Fluorine plus zinc 10

36 .30


38 .20 13 .05


0 .011

0 .000



21 .30 △

Note: Compared with control group , P < 0 .05 ; Compared wit h fluorine plus zinc group , P < 0 .05



Table 1 showed the levels of T and activity of CuZn-SOD in each group . The levels of T in fluorine plus zinc group significantly increased compared to control group , and fluorine group , respectively ( P < 0 .05 ) . Activit y of CuZn-SOD in control group and fluorine plus zinc group significantly increased compared to fluorine group ( P < 0 .005) . Table 2 showed t he activit y of LDH and the level of Fas expression in every group . Compared to control group, t he activity of LDH in testis in fluorine

group decreased ( P < 0 .05 ) . Fas expression in fluorine group significantly increased compared to cont rol group and fluorine plus zinc group ( P < 0 . 001) . Meanw hile, Fas expression in fluorine plus zinc group increased ( P < 0 .05 ) compared to cont rol group . Table 2 . LDH activity and Fas expression of each group T ypes of group


LDH ( U/ g Prot )

Fas( % )

Cont rol


1329 .75±814 .97

7 .65



07 .34±885 .66 *

36 .65 * △

1220 .46±812 .24

Fluorine plus zinc 10



2 .841

15 .35 42 .41


0 .035

0 .000

Note: * Compared wit h control group , P < 0 .05 ; △ Compared with fluorine plus zinc group , P < 0 .05



Six weeks later , experiment , the level of T , the activity of CuZn-SOD, and LDH decreased . Fas protein expression in germ cells increased . Thus all above indicated that model of fluorosis rats was successfully established . Zinc plays an importan t role in syn thesis , se[5] cretion , and metabolism of hormone . Y u reported that the serum T in zinc deficiency group significan tly decreased compared to that in control group . But it recovered to normal after supplementing [6] zinc . T akihara reported t hat it was better to cure male sterility and improve activit y of sperm mobilit y using zinc and male hormone toget her . These results indicated t hat the level of testosterone in fluorine plus zinc group was higher t han t hose of cont rol group and fluorine group , and it was lower in fluorine group than t hat in cont rol group . This explained t hat appropriate zinc make T increase by an tagonizing reproductive endocrine disruptance of fluorine . Zinc is the critical component of CuZnSOD . I t could an tagonize fluorosis by improving activity of CuZn-SOD and antagonizing lipid peroxidation , lessening damage induced by free radicals . This results showed that the activity of CuZn-SOD in fluorine group was lower t han cont rol group and fluorine plus zinc group . There was no significant difference of t he activity bet ween cont rol group and fluorine plus zinc group . This indicated that zinc could an tagonize fluorosis in the way of improving activity of CuZn-SOD and antagonizing lipid peroxidation . Zinc is important in maintaining functions of many enzymes because it is t he componen t of them in t he body and it has something with struct ure of enzymes . It was reported t hat appropriate [7] zinc could improve the activity of LDH , w hich

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was proved in t his experiment . This experimental results showed t hat t he activity of LDH in fluorine group significantly decreased compared to control group and fluorine plus zinc group . That’s w hy t he excessive fluorine could decrease t he activity of LDH , while increased it after supplemen ting zinc . Therefore, zinc could an tagonize reproductive toxicity of fluorine by influencing t he activity of LDH . Fas is a type I membrane protein t hat belongs to the t umor necrosis factor ( T NF )/ nerve growt h factor receptor family and mediates apoptosis upon binding to Fas ligand, a type II membrane protein [ 8 - 10 ] w hich is a member of the T NF family . Fas is [ 11 ] t he apoptosis-inducing gene . When cell apoptosis improves , fas expression improves too . Zinc is apoptosis-restraining gene w hich can prevent many [ 12 ] factors from apoptosis . Nodera M reported that zinc deficiency induced apop tosis in germ cells . Li[ 1 3 ] reported t hat appropriate zinc made apoptosis in germ cells siganificantly . In t his experimen t, Fas protein expression in fluorine group was significantly higher t han those in control group and fluorine plus zinc group , and it was significan tly higher t han t hat in con trol group . I t was obvious t hat fluorine could improve Fas protein expression in germ cells, which indicated that fluorine could induce apoptosis in germ cells . Zinc could reduce Fas protein expression . It may antagonize reproductive damage of fluorine probably by restraining apoptosis which induced by Fas gene in germ cells . Yet, after supplementing zinc, Fas protein expression was still higher t han that of control group . The reasons were probably t hat an tagonism of zinc on Fas protein expression and apop tosis in germ cells was infinite, or t he dosage of zinc was not enough w hich could not obviously antagonize apop tosis induced by Fas protein expression . It is necessary to m ake more research to find t he mechanism . In a word , appropriate zinc could antagonize t he reproductive toxicit y induced by fluorine in m ale rats on molecular level by an tagonizing lipid peroxidation , influencing reproduction endocrine, activity of enzyme and Fas expression .

Correspondence to: Liuxin Cui Depar tment of Environmental Health College of Public Health Zhengzhou U niversit y Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China T elephone: 86-371-6665-8100 Email: clx@ zzu .edu .cn References 1 .Zhang YZ , Liu KJ, Lu CR , et al . Study on distribution of zinc of preventive anti-fluorine agent in animal body . Ind Hlt h & Occup Dis 2001 ; 127 (5) : 279 - 82 . 2 .Mazurek-Mochol M .Interaction between fluorine and zinc after long- term oral administration into the digestive system of rats . Ann Acad Med Stetin 2002 ; 48 : 75 - 83 . 3 .Krasowska A, Wlostowski T , Bonda E .Zinc protection from fluoride-induced testicular injury in t he bank vole ( Clet hrionomys glareolus ) . Toxicol Lett 2004 ; 147 (3 ) : 229 - 35 . 4 .Xia T , Wang AG, Yu RA , et al . Experimen tal study on an tagonistic effects of Se-Zn agen t on chronic fluorosis . Chinese Journal of Endemiology 2001 ; 20(3 ) : 180 - 2 . 5 .Yu X Q, Chen SL , Xie HW , et al . T he effect of zinc deficiency and zinc replenishmen t on testicle and testosterone in rats . Practical Preventive Medicine 2004 ; 11 ( 2) : 219 - 20 . 6 .T akihara H , Cosen tino MJ , Cockett AT . Effects of lowdose androgen and zinc sulfate on sperm motility and seminal zinc levels in infertile men . Toxicol Lett 2004 ; 147( 3) : 229 - 35 . 7 .Leng J, Zhu RJ, Ma L . Influence of zinc in forage on serum enzyme activities . Chinese Forage 2004 ; ( 9) : 15 6 . 8 .Eguchi J , Koji T , Nomata K , et al .Fas-Fas ligand system as a possible mediator of spermatogenic cell apoptosis in human maturation-arrested testes . Hum Cell 2002 , 15 ( 1) : 61 - 8 . 9 .Li H J, Guo YL . Fas/ FasL and testis . Reproduction and contraception( in Chinese) 2000 ; 20 (1) : 7 - 11 . 10 .Ogis , Tianji N , Yokoyama M, et al . Involvement of Fas in the apoptosis of mouse germ cells induced by experimen tal cryptochidism .Urol Res 1998 ; 26 (1) : 17 - 21 . 11 .Tang WF , Jiang JM . Fas system , apoptosis and acute pancreatitis .HuaXi medicine 2005 ; 20(1 ) : 179 - 80 . 12 .Nodera M , Yanagisawa H , Wada O . Increased apoptosis in a variety of tissues of zinc-deficient rats .Life Sci 2001 ; 69(14) : 1639 - 49 . 13 .Li JS , Wang C , Wang J, et al . T he influence of zinc supplementation on apop tosis of old rats’ testicular cells its nitric oxide synt h activity .Chinese Journal of Agedness 2000 ; 20( 2) : 93 - 4 .

Received M arch 9 , 2006

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Li fe Science Jou rnal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Han and Yang , E f fects of Carnoy’s Sol ution and TC A

Ef fects of Carnoy’s Solution and TCA on the Pouch Mucosa of Hamster Xinguang Han , Cailing Yang Depart men t of Stom atology , T he First A f filiated Hospital , Zhengz hou U niversity, Zhengz hou , Henan 450052 , China Abstract: Objective . To investigate the injury of Carnoy’s solution and trichloracetic acid ( TCA) on the pouch mucosa of hamster , and provide evidence for t hese agen ts to be used in keratocyst t reatment . Methods . 20 hamsters were employed as research objects, and divided in to 4 groups randomly : Carnoy’s group , 20 % T CA group , 35 % TCA group , and con trol group . T he cheek pouches of hamster were t reated with freshly prepared Carnoy’s solution , 20 % T CA and 35 % T CA separately for 3 minutes . The specimens were taken immediately , and at 1 , 3 , 6 , 12 weeks af ter operation . HE staining met hod , Van Gieson staining met hod , enzymohistochemist ry and T ransmission electron microscopy were used to st udy the effects of these agents on the mucosa . Results . Bot h Carnoy’s solution and 35 % T CA caused formation of fistula on pouch at the first week . Microscopic observation showed the epithelia formed an unorganized necrosis zone, and cells lose their morphous in Carnoy’s solu tion group . The penet ration dept h was about 0 .3 mm . In both 20% and 35 % TCA group , t he epit helia cell showed nuclear fragmentation or deliquescence , and in ternal structure lost , leading to t he cell a vacuolar shadow . Arrangemen t of collagen fibers under epit helia was disordered ; and fibroblast was disappearing in all test groups in the first week . From t he 3rd week to the 6 th week , t he collagen fibers and fibroblast in all test groups were hyperplasia . Conclusion . Carnoy’s solu tion and T CA have great penetrating power on the mucosa of cheek pouch , and they can destroy t he epithelia and subcutaneous tissues . If t hese solu tions could be for keratocyst therapy , t hey migh t cure t he keratocyst or decrease recurrence rate . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 35 - 40] ( ISS N: 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: Carnoy’s solution ; TCA ; hamster ; cheek pouch ; keratocyst Abbreviations: HE : hematoxylin and eosin ; TCA: trichloracetic acid



Keratocyst of jaws is a common disease in oral and maxilloficial surgery . One of t he major problems is the recurrence following t he surgical treat ment . To reduce the recurrence rate, attemp ts have been made by improving surgical techniques, such as removal of super- adjacent mucosa , smoot hing of t he osseous wall of the cystic cavity , resection of neighboring parts of the mandible , tanning of t he epithelial lining of the cyst wit h Carnoy’s solution and marsupialisation [ 1 ] . The results showed resection was found to have t he lowest recurrence [2] rate ( 0 % ) but t he highest morbidity rate . Simple enucleation was reported to have a recurrence rate of 17 % to 56 % . Simple enucleation combined wit h adjunctive t herapy , such as t he application of Carnoy’s solution was repor ted to have recurrence [2,3] rates of 1 % to 8 .7 % . As fixative solution , Carnoy ’s solution and TCA have great penetrating power on tissue . As an adjunctive therapy in t reatmen t cyst, t hey can re-

duce the recurrence rate . But we did not know clearly: w hat is the mechanism of Carnoy’s solution or TCA on the epithelia of cyst ? Could Carnoy’s solu tion or TCA destroy t he secondary cyst that resided in fibrous capsule wall ? How is the response of epit helia of cyst to t he Carnoy’s solution or TCA ? To answer these questions , we took cheek pouch of hamster as epit helial model of keratocyst , to explore the mechanism of Carnoy’s solution and TCA on t he epit helia of keratocyst . 2

Materials and Methods

Experimental animal 20 hamsters were e mployed as research objects ( provided by Instit ute of Biological Product , Wuhan) , and were divided in to 4 groups randomly : Carnoy’s group , 20 % TCA group , 35 % TCA group , and cont rol group . 2 .2 Management method Hamsters were anest hetized with pentobarbital sodium 45mg/ kg . Then t he cheek pouches of hamsters were exposed and treated wit h fresh prepared Carnoy’s solu tion , 20 % TCA and 35 % TCA sepa2 .1

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rately for 3 minutes . The cheek pouches of hamsters in control group was treated with physiological saline . The specimens were taken in 0 , 1 , 3 , 6 , 12 weeks after operation . 2 .3 General observation After management with Carnoy’s solution and TCA, the colorations and text ure of cheek pouch were observed . 2 .4 Epithelial changes The specimens of cheek pouch were fixed wit h 10 % formalin solu tion for 24 hours , t hen flushed wit h lotic water , dehydrated with gradien t alcohol, and immersed in wax and embedded . 5 μm t hickness slices were stained wit h HE . Observation was carried out under ligh t microscope . The penetration dept h of Carnoy’s solu tion was detected with micrometer in 10× 10 fields of view . 2 .5 Collagen fiber observation In order to observe the changes of collagen [4] fiber below epit helia, Van Gieson staining met hod was used in presen t st udy . 2 .6 Enzymohistochemistry 7 μm thickness cryostat sections were m ade by freezing microtome . Then put t he sections in to dye vat, and added effective solution 100 ml ( 0 .05 M acetic acid buffer solution 95 ml, β-sodium glycerophosphate 0 .5 g , lead acetate 0 .5 g , 5 % magnesium chloride 5 ml, pH 5 .0 - 5 .2 ) , 37 ℃ , incubation for 80 min . In negative cont rol group, βsodium glycerophosphate was substit uted by distilled water . After that t he sections were put into 2 % acetic acid solution for 1 min , and put them into fresh prepared 1 % ammonium sulfide solution for 1 min in turn and flushed with distilled water behind every step . Then dehydrated with gradient alcohol, cleared with xylene , and mounted wit h optical gum , t he sections were observed under light microscope . 2 .7 Transmission electron microscopy Specimens of cheek pouch taken in t he 1st week and t he 3rd week after operation were examined by transmission electron microscope . The specimens were fixed with 2 . 5 % glutaraldehyde solution, dehydrated with gradien t alcohol , and embedded wit h et hoxyline resin . Ultrathin sections were m ade , stained with uranyl acetate, and observed by transmission electron microscope . 3


General observation The mucosa of cheek pouch had obvious changes in appearance and tex ture after t reat ment wit h Carnoy ’s solution and TCA solution . In Carnoy’s solution group , the color of mucosa of 3 .1

cheek pouch became black , t he text ure and elasticit y lost in earlier stage . In TCA group , the color became w hite, especially the mucosa t reated wit h 35 % TCA . A week later , the mucosa beca me necrotic and ulcerative . There were 4 hamsters’ cheek pouches formed fistulation because of exfoliation of ulcerative tissue ( 2 cheek pouch 2 hamsters for Carnoy’s solution group and 35 % TCA group respectively) . 3 weeks after operation , the ulceration of mucosa had been recovered . From t he 6 t h week the mucosa of cheek pouch had returned to their normal thickness and elasticit y . 3 .2 Epithelial changes (Figrues 1 , 2 ) The mucosa of cheek pouch was keratosic st ratified squa mous epithelia . The t hickness was about 3 - 5 layers cell wit h tenuis stratum corneum . In Carnoy’s solu tion group , t he epithelia turned black and t he architect ure could not be identified . According to the color change, the penet ration dept h was detected about 0 .25 mm . In TCA group, t he architect ure was clear , and no obvious change was found . One week later , the epithelia formed an unorganized zone of necrosis , and cells lost their shape in Carnoy ’s solu tion group . The black change reached to t he muscular layer with its depth about 0 .3 mm and its circumscription was clear . U nder t he zone of necrosis , the evident inflammatory cell infilt ration was found , even the inflammatory granulation tissues were showed . In TCA group , t he epit helia cell showed nuclear fragmentation or deliquescence, and internal st ructure lost , made t he cell to be a vacuolar shadow . T here were no significant differences in epithelial between 20 % TCA and 35 % solution . 3 weeks after operation , t he epit helia of cheek pouch recovered and architecture was clear in all test groups . The t hickness of epit helia was 3 - 5 layers of cell . But in some areas , t he t hickness reached to 10 layers of cell . 6 weeks later , the epit helia had returned to normal, and there was no significant difference compared with normal epithelia of cheek pouch . 3 .3 Changes of collagen fibers (Figures 3 , 4 ) The fresh collagen fibers under epithelia showed normal architecture in all test groups , and showed red wit h Van Gieson stain . One week later , collagen fibers lost t heir normal architectures , such as disordered arrangement , and broken or even disappeared fibers in Carnoy’s solu tion group . In TCA group , the arrange men t of collagen fibers was irregular , and fibroblast was disappeared . It showed salmon pink in Van Gieson stain . 3 weeks later the collagen fibers and fibroblast in all test groups became hyperplasic . The arrangement of collagen fibers was compact . These changes made

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t he proper lamina to be augmented . F rom t he 12t h week , collagen fibers and fibroblast gradually tend-

ed to become normal .

Figure 1 . Carnoy’s solution group at first week after operation . The figure showed necrosis of epit helia and penetration into muscular layer . ( HE ×100 )

Figure 2 . 35 % TCA group at first week after operation . The figure showed disappearance of cellular structure , and the vacuolar shadow of the cells . ( H E × 100 )

Figure 3 . Carnoy’s solution group at firs t week after operation . The figure showed disordered arrangement of collagen fibers , the broken or even disappeared collagen fibers . ( VG × 200 )

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Figure 4 . 20 % TCA group at first week after operation . T he figure showed disappearance of fibroblast . ( VG × 400 )

Enzymohistochemistry (Figures 5 , 6 ) No enzyme activity in epit helial cells was found in all test groups un til 3 weeks after opera-

3 .4

tion ; the positive was showed as yellow stain in epit helia of cheek pouch .

Figure 5 . The specimen of Carnoy’s solution at immediately time after operation . It showed disappearance of enzymatic activity at epithelial cell . ( ×200 )

Figure 6 . The s peci men of 35 % trichloracetc acid group 3 week s after operation . It showed enzymatic activity at epithelial cell . ( ×100 )

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3 .5 7 , 8)

Transmission electron microscopy ( Figures

One week after operation , t he epithelia of cheek pouch in Carnoy’s solution group showed t he increased electron densit y area was unorganized; cellular organelle could not be identified; basement membrane was discontinuous; desmosome and hemidesmosome disappeared . Leakage or vacuole was found in proper lamina; and fibrous structure could not be distinguished . The epit helial changes in TCA group were similar to t hat of epit helia in

Carnoy’s group . Bu t collagen fibers could be recognized . There were no differences between 20 % TCA group and 35 % TCA group . After 3 weeks , the ultrastructure of epithelial cells could be recognized . In all test groups, the chondrosome in epit helial cell was swelling , t he crista was short or disappeared , t he heterochromatin was visible in nucleus; desmosome and hemidesmosome were recovered , and basement membrane was integrated . The difference between 20 % TCA group and 35 % was not significant .

Figure 7 . Car noy’s solution group at first week after operation . The figure s howed ultras tructure could not be identified . ( T EM × 10 , 000 )

Figure 8 . 20 % TCA group 3 week s after operation . The chondrosome of epithelial cell was swelling , and crista was short or disappears . ( T EM ×15 , 000 ) [5]



Bot h Carnoy’s solution and TCA are chemical m aterials wit h causticit y . A nd Carnoy’s solution was usually used as fixative solution , and TCA was

used as peeling solution . Living tissue would be damaged with t hese chemical solu tions . The degree of injury was relevan t to : ① chemical strengt h of reagent; ② quantit y of reagen t; ③ exposure chamber and time; ④ st rengt h of penetration ; ⑤

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mechanism of action . The mucosa of cheek pouch is cuticular st ratified squamous epithelia , whose t hickness is 3 - 5 layers of cells . And it is similar to epit helia of keratocyst in origin . So we took cheek pouch as model of keratocyst to investigate the mechanism of Carnoy’s solution and TCA in t reatmen t of cyst . Penet ration is one of important factors of Carnoy’s solu tion leading to tissue damage . Some studies showed dep th of penetration of Carnoy ’s solution on nerve was releated to time . But t he penetrating process was not continuous because of [7] barrier function of perineural epit helia . In this study, we observed Carnoy’s solution’s action on mucosa , which resulted in t he formation of fist ula in cheek pouch and for 3 min the dept h of penet ration was about 0 .3 mm . The difference in dept h of penetration on different tissue m ay be related to t heir st ructure . Some st udies showed degree of skin dest ruction made by TCA was not linear wit h TCA concen tration . However, high concentration of TCA migh t cause st rong reaction and severe clinical pat hological changes . The higher concentration is, [7,8] t he deeper t he penet ration . In t his st udy, t he results of 20 % TCA and 35 % were differen t . In 35 % TCA group , the color change of cheek pouch was greater t han that of 20 % TCA, and fist ula was formed in cheek pouch . These results fur ther demonstrated that effects of 35 % TCA on mucosa were greater than 20 % TCA . Proper lamina of mucosa is connective tissue t hat was mainly constituted by collagen fibers . It has importan t influence on the epithelial cells . The mucosa as well as its collagen fibers in proper lamina would be damaged when t reated wit h those solutions wit h penetrating power, such as Carnoy’s solution and TCA . The results were suppor tive for Carnoy’s solution and TCA to treat keratocyst , for secondary cyst t hat resided in fibrous capsule wall would be eliminated by t heir penetrating power . Reepit helialization of treat ment areas is another question we should pay attention to . The regenerative cells of treatmen t areas came from the adjacen t tissues not the injured zone . It reminded that we should t reat lining epithelia of keratocyst t horoughly w hen we use t hese solu tions to t reat keratocyst . Otherwise, any residual epithelia m ay lead to

recurrence of keratocyst . The present study demonst rated that Carnoy’s solution and TCA had great penet rating power on the mucosa of cheek pouch , and be destroyed the epit helia and subcutaneous tissue . If we use these solutions to treat keratocyst, they maybe cure the keratocyst or decrease recurrence rate after operation . Acknowledgments We are grateful to Shichun Xiong ( Department of Pathology , School of Stomatology , Wuhan U niversity) for excellent technical assistance . Correspondence to: Xinguang Han , M .D . Depar tment of Stomatology The First Affiliated Hospital Zhengzhou U niversit y, Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Email: xinguanghan@ sina .com References 1 .Schultz CB , Pajarola GF , and Gratz KW . Therapy and course of recurrent odon togenickeratocyst . A case report . Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 2005 ; 115 (6) : 554 - 65 . 2 .Blanas N , Freund B , Schwar tz M , and Furst IM . Systematic review of the treatment and prognosis of the odontogenic keratocyst . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2000 ; 90(5 ) : 553 - 8 . 3 .Zhao Y F, Wei JX, Wang SP . T reatment of odon togenic keratocysts: a follow-up of 255 Chinese patien ts . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral R adiol Endod 2002 ; 94 (2) : 151 - 6 . 4 .Gudiene D, Balt rusaitis K, Rackauskas M . Features of elastic tissue staining and its arrangemen t in the wall of human basilar ar tery . Medicina ( Kaunas ) 2003 ; 39 (10 ) : 946 - 50 . 5 .Paul J Carniol , Jyothi Vynatheya , Eric Carniol . Evaluation of acne scar treatmen t with a 1450 nm midinfrared laser and 30% trichloroacetic acid peels . Arch Facial Plast Surg 2005 : 7 (4) : 251 - 5 . 6 .Carvajal Hugo F . Burns in Children . Year Book Medical Publishers Inc .1988 ; 3 . 7 .Frerich B , Cornelius CP .Wietholter H .Critical time of exposure of the rabbit inferior alveolar nerve to carnoy’s solu tion .J oral maxillofac Surg 1994 : 52( 6) : 599 - 606 . 8 .John D R achel , Jasmin J Jamora . Skin rejuvenation regimens . A profilometry and histopathologic st udy . Arch Facial Plast Surg 2003 ; 5 (2) : 145 - 9 .

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Recei ved February 15 , 2006

Li fe Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Wang , et al , A ntiang iogenic E f fect of Cyclophospham ide

Antiangiogenic Ef fect of Cyclophosphamide by Metronomic Chemotherapy Yun Wang , Xianbin Liang , Yuanyuan Ji, Xingya Li Depart men t o f O ncology, T he First A f filiated Hospital , Zhengz hou U niversity , Zhengz hou , Henan 450052 , China Abstract: Objective .To observe the effect of met ronomic chemot herapy wit h cyclophosphamide ( CTX ) on tumor growt h and angiogenesis on mouse Lewis lung carcinoma ( LLC) model . Methods . LLC cells were injected subcutaneously in to C57BL/ 6 mice on day 0 . Mice were randomly divided in to metronomic group , MTD group and control group . T herapies were given to t he groups from t he 6t h day . Mice weigh t and t umor diameter were measured every other day . T hen tumors were weighed . Microvessel count and proliferating index of t umor cell were performed by immunohistochemical staining wit h an ti-CD31 antibody and an ti-PCNA antibody . T he histological characteristics of the t umor were detected by microscopy . Results . Tumor growt h and angiogenesis were inhibited by C TX significan tly in the metronomic group , which has better efficacy and lower toxicit y than maximum tolerated dose ( MTD) group . T he average weight of the tumors in con trol group , met ronomic group and MTD group were (3 .72±0 .60) g , (1 .85±0 .38 )g and (1 .73±0 .41) g , t he average microvessel coun t were 26 .38±2 .56 , 15 .09±3 .03 and 23 . 51±2 .78 , PCNA index were 83 .88 ±3 .72 , 81 .60 ±4 .21 and 71 .80 ±3 .86 , respectively . Necrosis was increased significantly in t he metronomic group . Conclusion . C TX inhibits tumor growt h and angiogenesis in mouse LLC model significantly . The inhibition may be correlated with the an ti-angiogenic effect of C TX . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 41 - 44] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: met ronomic chemot herapy ; Lewis lung carcinoma ; an ti-angiogenesis Abbreviations: CTX: cyclophosphamide ; LLC : Lewis lung carcinoma ; MTD: maximum tolerated dose



One of t he great advances in cancer t reat ment during last half of t he 20t h century was the developmen t and utilization of chemotherapeutic drugs . These compounds have demonstrated anti-t umor efficacy through their damaging action against cellular DNA, w hich prevents proliferation and , frequently, drives t he cell to its deat h . Since such effect is only exerted on a fraction of tumor cells , t he administration of higher drug doses are required to achieve better clinical results . However , the application of the highest drug doses tolerated by t he patient brings about t he problem of drug toxicit y . Thus , it is mandatory to establish rest periods, w hich not only allow regrowt h of tumor cells but also growth of selected t herapy-resistant clones . After t he successful first cycles of treat ment , tumors acquire resistance to the chemotherapeutic drugs . Thus , the growt h of those resistant cells involve t he development of more aggressive and malignan t tumors . In order to avoid the problems caused by t raditional chemot herapeutic t reatmen ts , several researchers, recently began to search for new modali-

ties of drug administ ration oriented towards a more efficien t and non-toxic antitumoral and/ or antimetastatic therapy . They found that some cytotoxic drugs , when given in low dose, high frequent mode, they could significan tly inhibit angiogenesis in t he t umor bed , resulting in preventing t umor growt h because of ischemia . To be distinguished from traditional M TD, t hey called it met ronomic [1] chemot herapy , and its t herapy target is endothelial cells . The objective of t his st udy was to investigate the an tiangiogenic effect of cyclophosphamide ( CTX ) with met ronomic chemot herapy on LLC mouse models , and to determine t he toxicity of the treat men t . 2

Materials and Methods

Animals, reagents and tumor specimens 30 male C57BL/ 6 mice ( provided by Henan Experimental Animal Cen ter ) were used , weighing from 18 g to 22 g . CTX, in the injection power form , was the production of Jiangsu Hengrui Medical Corporation . L LC cells were preserved in C57BL/ 6 mouse and provided by Henan Medical 2 .1

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Science Institute . 2 .2 Experimental models and therapeutic schedules L LC cells were injected subcu taneously into 6 t he righ t oxter of C57BL/ 6 at 1 × 10 / 0 .2 mL on day 0 , and dist ribu ted randomly as follows: group Ⅰ control mice ( n = 10 ) were injected i .p . wit h saline once per day from day 6 until animals were killed; group Ⅱ met ro group mice ( n = 10 ) were injected i .p . wit h CTX ( 20 mg/ kg body weight ) once per day , from day 6 un til anim als were killed; and group Ⅲ M TD group mice were injected i .p . wit h CT X ( 150 mg/ kg body weigh t ) once every other day over 6 days from day 6 , followed by 2 weeks in terval (21-day was a cycle ) . Tumors were measured every ot her day from day 6 by a caliper . Tumor volumes were calculated 2 as follows: V = 0 .52 ( ab ) , w here V = volume 3 ( mm ) , a = largest diameter ( mm ) and b = small diameter ( mm ) perpendicular with a . A nimals were weighed every ot her day from day 6 . On day 20 , all animals were killed and t umors were excised . Tumors were weighed , fixed in 10 % formalin and processed for immunohistoche mical analysis . Paraffin blocks were cut to 4 μm sections and stained wit h hematoxylin and eosin ( HE ) for histological examination and with anti-CD3 1 and antiPCNA antibody for assessment of microvessel den-

sity and t umor cell proliferation index , respectively . 2 .3 Statistical analysis We used statistical software package SPSS 12 .0 to analyze the experiment results . The level of significance was set at P < 0 .05 . 3

Tumor growth assessment Compared with cont rol group , significan t growt h delays of tumor were observed in met ro group , w hile in M TD group , t he tumor volume decreased immediately after therapy, but increased during t he rest periods . The growth curve was shown in Figure 1 . 3 .2 Body weight assessment As for the body weigh t, steady increases were showed in cont rol group and met ro group, on the cont rary , there were weigh t loss in t he M TD group after t herapy and weight increase during t he rest periods . The results were showed in Figure 2 . After mice were killed and tumors were excised , t umor weigh t in con trol group , metro group and M TD group were (3 .72±0 .60) g, (1 .85±0 .38) g and ( 1 .73± 0 .41 ) g , respectively . Statistical differences were shown between con trol group and the other two groups . 3 .1

Figure 1 . Curves of tumor volume

Figure 2 . Curves of mice weight

Immunohistochemical results ( Table 1) On histological examination , no significant difference in morphology was found bet ween tumors of t he con trol group and t herapy groups , but 3 .3


there were m any necrosis areas in t he metro group . Measurement of microvessel count and PCNA index showed differences among the groups of t reatment . Tumors belonging to animals of the cont rol group

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showed the highest microvessel count and P CNA index . Those from animals submitted to M TD chemotherapy had intermediate microvessel count and the lowest PCNA index , w hereas t he lowest microvessel coun ts and intermediate PCNA index were measured in t umors from animals received metronomic schedule . Table 1 .

Results of immuneohistochemical(珔 χ±S)



Microvessel count

PCNA index


26 .38±2 .56

83 .88±3 .72

Metro group



81 .60±4 .21

MTD group


Control group

15 .09±3 .03 23 .51±2 .78

71 .80±3 .86


Note: * P < 0 .01 compared to cont rol group



Historically, chemotherapy regimens have been con troversial: w hich way should the scale be tipped between efficacy in tumor killing and lack of toxicity ? On one hand , chemot herapeutic drugs could disrup t t he DNA of t umor cells , breaking t heir replication and finally killing t hem , the befit ting corollary being“ t he higher the dose the bet [2] ter” . On t he other hand, toxicity is found at several organ sites , which not only diminishes quality of patient life but also conspires against a good resolu tion of the cancer t reat ment , adding illness to t hat w hich already exists [ 3 ] . The in troduction of m aximum tolerated doses in usual treat ment protocols made it necessary to impose intervals between cycles of t herapy . During such in tervals , recovery of“good”cells is frequen tly accompanied by recovery of“ bad”cells , i .e . t umour cells resistan t to t he drug-resistant t umor cells . The possibility of finding a treat ment modality t hat avoids toxicity without diminishing effectiveness is still a matter for study and discussion . The experimental findings of [4] [5,6] [7] Brow der , Klemen t and Man and colleagues successfully in troduced a novel strategy for cancer t reatmen t . The novel componen t comprised a cell target switch , which now aims towards t he genetically stable t umor endot helial cells , along wit h a change in the schedule and dose of drug administration , thereby in troducing metronomic [1] chemotherapy . The experimen tal models were designed to resemble t he clinical sit uation of a patien t wit h a recen tly detected tumor ( not too large, but large enough to be easily detected ) w ho begins t herapy immediately after being diagnosed . Metronomic t herapy began after 6 days of t he tumor challenge . Our results showed t hat tumor growth and angiogenesis were significan tly inhibited by low dose

CTX . Tumor weigh t in met ronomic group was statistically lower t han t hat in con trol group . Body weight in metronomic and control groups increased steadily, w hich suggested that the toxicity of metronomic schedule was minimal . Though the shor t-term an titumor of M TD chemot herapy was effective, it accompanied wit h significant weigh t losses and t umor regrowt h during t he in tervals . The lowest microvessel coun t and t he lowest PCNA index were in metro group and M TD group , respectively . So we supposed t hat M TD schedule produced the effect mainly through inhibiting t umor cells growth or inducing cells death ; w hile metronomic t herapy induced tumor cells ischemia and necrosis m ainly t hrough damaging vessels in the tumor bed and its antit umor effect was related with its ability of decreasing microvessel count . Ot her au thors have demonst rated clearly the an tiangiogenic nature of several drugs administered by met ronomic dosing . Moreover , the combination of such treatmen t with specific antiangiogenic reagents increased significantly t he observed antit u[ 4 - 6 ,8 ] mour effect of met ronomic dosing . In fact , literature dating back to the mid-1980s showed that virt ually almost all the traditional che motherapies had an tiangiogenic effects or antivascular effects in [9] various in v itro and i n vivo assays .Bu t t he antiangiogenic effects of chemot herapy were masked and marginalized by t he general chemotherapy . In this case, t he long in tervals between drug administ rations were necessary for t he patien t to recover from the harmful side effects of both the M TD and the anti-angiogenic chemotherapy drugs . So, if we give drugs more frequently, such as once or more per week wit hout ex tended breaks , t here would be significantly less oppor tunity for repairing the damaged endot helium and t he anti-angiogenic effects of the chemotherapy . This , of course, necessitates reducing t he dosage of t he drug administered wit h each injection . In short , metronomic chemot herapy has many advan tages , but its molecular mechanism is unclear and t here are several significan t challenges in clinical applications . Foremost among t hese is the curren t empiricism associated with determining t he optimal dose and schedule for administration of chemot herapeutics . A second challenge is the prospect of delayed side effects , including secondary neoplasms . In particular , it should be clear about which chemot herapeu tics are the most effective for metronomic regimens , w hat kind of combinations and sequences might be t he best , and what mechanisms of resistance migh t develop for a longterm t herapy .

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Correspondence to : Xingya Li Departmen t of O ncology The First Affiliated Hospital Zhengzhou U niversity Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Telephone : 86-138-3825-3946 Email: lxingya@ hot mail .com





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gainst experimental drug-resistant cancer . Cancer Res 2000 ; 60(7 ) : 1878 - 86 . .Klement G, Baruchel S , Ra k J , et al . Continuous lowdose therapy with vinblastine and VEGF receptor-2 antibody induces sustained tumor regression wit hout overt toxicity . J Clin Invest 2000 ; 105( 8) : R15 - 24 . .Klement G, Huang P, Mayer B , et al . Differences in therapeu tic indexes of combination metronomic chemot herapy and an anti- VEGFR-2 antibody in multidrug-resistan t human breast cancer xenografts . Clin Cancer Res 2002 ; 8 (1) : 221 - 32 . .Man S , Bocci G, Francia G, et al . An titumor effects in mice of low-dose ( Metronomic ) cyclophosphamide administered continuously through t he drinking water . Cancer Res 2002 ; 62( 10 ) : 2731 - 5 . . Bello L , Carrabba G , Giussani C , et al . Low-dose chemot herapy combined wit h an antiangiogenic drug reduces human glioma growt h in vivo . Cancer Res 2001 ; 61(20) : 7501 - 6 . .Miller KD, Sweeney CJ , Sledge GW . Redefining t he target : chemotherapeutics as an tiangiogenics . J Clin Oncol . 2001 ; 19 (4) : 1195 - 206 .

Received December 25 , 2005

Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Ma , et al . Microar ray A nalysis: S ing le Cell Gene Ex pression

Microarray Analysis : Single Cell Gene Expression by GeneChip Protocol Hongbao Ma1 , Shen Cherng2 , George Chen1 1 . M ichi gan S tate U n iversity , East L ansing , Michigan 48824 , U S A 2 .Depart ment of Electrical Engi neeri ng , Chengsh iu U n iversity , Niaosong , T aiw an 833 , ROC Abstract: The microarray technology is a new , powerful and useful tool for gene expression , clinical diagnosis, food safety cont rol and other the biochemical researches .Using t he microarray technology , more than 10 , 000 genes or proteins can be printed on one location .T he suppor ts can be silicon chips, nylon membranes or glass slides, etc .T his ar ticle is giving a brief descrip tion of microarray protocol of GeneChip in the single cell gene expression as an example . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 (2 ) : 45 - 49] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: DNA ; GeneChip ; microarrays; protein



Microarrays are new met hods . Using microarray technology more than 10 , 000 genes or proteins can be printed on a glass slide ( MacBeath , 2000 ) and thousands of genes can be detected and analyzed in an array simultaneously by the microarray analysis . Microarray could be named as biochip, DNA chip , DNA microarray, gene array , gene chip , and protein array, etc . Microarrays have become a crucial component of gene expression and genot ype research recen tly . Microarray technologies are powerful tools to measure t he expression of m any genes simultaneously . The most importan t microarray is DNA microarray . For the DNA microarray , t housands of different DNA molecules ( genes ) are fixed on a suppor t . The suppor ts can be silicon chips, nylon membranes or glass slides . The DNA is printed, spotted, or actually synt hesized directly onto t he suppor t . Each single-st randed DNA fragmen t is m ade up from four different nucleotides , adenine ( A ) , thymine ( T ) , guanine ( G ) , and cytosine ( C ) . During DNA molecule synt hesis , A is t he complement of T , and G is the complement of C . Therefore, t he complementary sequence of A-C- GT-T-G-C-A will be T-G-C-A-A-C-G-T .When t wo complementary sequences match to each ot her, such as t he target DNA ( immobile DNA ) and t he sample DNA ( mobile DNA ) , cDNA, or mRNA, t hey will combine toget her ( hybridize) .The mobile DNA can be labeled with fluorescence as the mobile probe to detect gene expression level if there are complementary molecule sequences existing in t he immobile slides .

Right ven tricular hypertrophy and failure are prominent features in cyanotic congenital heart disease, tetralogy of Fallot . To detect the molecular mechanisms of right vent ricular hyper trophy and to identify gene ( s ) involved in tetralogy of Fallot , Sharma and colleagues measured t he differen tial gene expression using expression-based microarray technology on right vent ricular biopsies from young tet ralogy of Fallot patients who underwent primary correction . By using quan titative immuno histochemistry , expression of vascular endothelial growt h factor , flk-1 , and ex tracellular matrix proteins ( collagens and fibronectin ) as well as vessel counts and myocyte cell size was evaluated in T F patien ts in relation to age-matched cont rols . From these studies , t hey concluded t hat t he upregulation of genes encoding vascular endothelial growt h factor and ex tracellular matrix proteins were the key events cont ributing to right ventricular hypertrophy and stunted angiogenesis in patients wit h tetralogy of Fallot ( Sharma , 2006) . Cross-validation represents a tool for reducing the set of initially selected genes to t hose wit h a sufficiently high selection frequency . Using crossvalidation it is also possible to assess variabilit y of differen t performance indicators ( Qiu , 2006 ) . Cy toplasmic cont rol of t he adenylation state of mRNAs is a critical post- transcriptional process involved in the regulation of mRNAs stability and translational efficiency . The early development of Xenopus laevis is a major model to st udy this regulation . Graindorge et al used microarray met hod to identify mRNAs t hat were regulated by changes in their adenylation state during oogenesis and early developmen t of t he diploid frog Xenopus tropicalis .

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The microarray data were validated using qR TPCR and direct analysis of t he adenylation state of endogenous maternal mRNAs during the period studied . They successfully identified more t han 500 mRNAs regulated at the post-t ranscriptional level among the 3000 mRNAs potentially detected by t he microarray ( Graindorge, 2006 ) . Pterygium is an ocular-surface lesion t hat can decrease vision . In order to detect the genes that m ay play roles in pterygium pat hogenesis , JohnAryankalayil et al analyzed the global gene expressions of pterygium .In John-Aryankalayil’s studies, oligonucleotide microarray hybridization was used and t he selected genes were furt her characterized by RT- PCR , Western blot , and immunohistochemistry, and comparisons were made with limbal and corneal tissues .Their results showed bot h novel and previously iden tified ext racellular-matrix-relat ed , proinflammatory , angiogenic, fibrogenic, and oncogenic genes expressed in human p terygium ( John-Aryankalayil, 2006 ) . Using t he tissue microarray technology wit h highly reliable met hod of fluorescent in sit u hybridization, Dimova et al showed similar frequencies of epidermal growt h factor receptor gains in different grade tumors , w hile EGF R amplification increased from grades 1 to 2 to 3 ( Dimova, 2006) . Enzyme-linked immunosorben t assay ( ELISA ) microarray technology can simultaneously quantify levels of multiple proteins , which has t he poten tial to accelerate validation of protein biomarkers for clinical use (Zangar , 2006) . As t he microarray technology developmen t, m assive amounts of microarray images are produced .The storage and the transmission of t he microarray images are significan t impor tant for t he research and application of microarray technology . Lonardi and Luo proposed lossless and lossy compression algorit hms for microarray images originally digitized at 16 bpp ( bits per pixels) that achieve an average of 9 .5 - 11 .5 bpp ( lossless) and 4 .6 - 6 .7 bpp ( lossy , wit h a PSNR of 63 dB ) . The lossy compression was applied only on the background of t he image, t hereby preserving the regions of in terest . The met hods were based on a completely automatic gridding procedure of t he image ( Lonardi, 2006 ) . Diaz- Uriar te and Alvarez de Andres investigat ed t he use of random forest for classification of microarray data using simulated and nine microarray data sets they showed that random forest has comparable performance to ot her classification methods , including DLDA, KNN , and SVM . Because of its performance and features , random forest and gene selection using random forest should probably

become part of t he standard method for class prediction and gene selection wit h microarray data ( Diaz- U riar te , 2006) . Theoretical considerations of protein microarrays were done in t he 1980’s by Roger Ekins and colleagues (Ekins , 1989 ; 1991 ; 1994 ; 1999 ) . Oligo GEArray is a new oligonucleotide-based gene expression array from SuperArray Bioscience Corporation . I t combines current oligo-based array design wit h SupperArray’s proven nylon membrane based array technology . Using microarray analysis, a t ypical experimental protocol could be: Isolating RNA Conver ting the RNA samples to labeled cDNA via reverse transcription Hybridizing the labeled cDNA to iden tical membrane or glass slide arrays Removing t he unhybridized cDNA Detecting and quantitating the hybridized cDNA Data analysis wit h/ without software 2

Gene Blots ( 96-well size) Making Protocol in the Single Cell Gene Expression

The following gives the brief steps for t he gene plots making protocol in the single cell gene expression experiment , as the reference for t he researchers . I .Making DNA blots 1 .A dd 1 μl plasmid wit h gene into 1 .5 ml eppendorf tube 2 .Add 10 μl DE PC H2 O 3 .O n ice 5 min 4 .Add 20 μl competen t cells 5 .O n ice 30 min 6 .42 ℃ 50 sec 7 .O n ice 3 min 8 .Add 1 ml LB medium 9 .37 ℃ 1 h 10 .Add 100 μl of above cell suspension to agar plate with ampicillin 11 .Spread 12 .37 ℃ over nigh t 13 .Pick one colony 14 .Grow in 3 ml LB medium wit h ampicillin over night

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15 .Spin 10 min at 10 , 000 rpm 16 .Re move supernatan t away 17 .Suspend in 250 μl P1 buffer ( Invitrogen DNA mini-purification kit ) 18 .Vortex 19 .Add 250 μl P2 buffer ( Invitrogen DNA mini-purification kit ) 20 .Add 350 μl N3 buffer ( Invit rogen DNA mini-purification kit ) 21 .Spin 1 min 22 .Pour to column ( Invit rogen DNA mini-purification kit ) 23 .Spin 1 min 24 .Wash wit h 750 μl PE buffer ( Invitrogen DNA mini-purification kit ) 25 .Spin 1 min 26 .Through away pass t hrough 27 .Spin anot her 1 min and transfer column on to another new eppendorf tube 28 .Add 50 μl DE PC H2 O 29 .Spin 1 min 30 .T ake 1 μl , and add 100 μl DE PC H2 O 31 .Read O D 260 nm 32 .Calculate volume for digestion 33 .Add purified P-DNA and endonuclease 34 .3 7℃ over night 1) Prepare 0 .8 % agrose gel 2) Run gel for 1 .5 h 100 v 3) E thydine bromide stain 4) Take pict ure to check t he purity of t he gene 35 .Wet filter paper 36 .Wet N-bond membrane 37 .Lay the membrane on the blot machine 38 .Add DNA clones ( genes) 39 .Suck 10 min 40 .Cross linking t he membrane II .Making immuno-staining 41 .Stepwise t reat t he tissue slides with xylene , ethanol, met hanol , H 2 O 42 .Wash 10 min with running water 43 .Dip in 0 .1 M Tris-HCl for 5 min 44 .Add 2 % FBS on t he slide and keep for 5 min 45 .Add primary an tibody and keep at 4 ℃ over nigh t 46 .Wash wit h 0 .1 M Tris- HCl for 5 min 47 .Keep in 2 % FBS for 5 min 48 .Add secondary an tibody and keep for 1 h 49 .Wash wit h 0 .1 M Tris- HCl for 5 min 50 .Keep in 2 % FBS for 5 min 51 .Keep in A/ B reagent for 1 h 52 .Add DAB reagen t on t he slide and keep for 10 min at room temperat ure

53 .Wash with DE PC H2 O for 5 min 54 .Soak in DE PC H2 O III .Single cell gene expression 55 .Take t he slide ou t from DEP C H2 O 56 .Add 100 μl proteinase K 57 .Keep at 42℃ for 30 min 58 .Rinse with DE PC H2 O 59 .Make oligo-dT mix 60 .Add 100 μl oligo-dT mix on to slide 61 .Keep at room temperat ure over nigh t 62 .Wash off oligo-dT wit h 2 × SSC buffer 63 .Soak in 2 × SSC buffer for 15 min 64 .Dilute 10 × first buffer to 1 × first buffer 65 .Add 100 μl of t he 1 × first buffer on to the slide 66 .Keep at room temperat ure for 30 min 67 .Remove the 1 × first buffer 68 .Add the 1 × first buffer reaction mix ture 100 μl on slide 69 .Keep at 37 ℃ for 90 min 70 .Remove t he 1 × first buffer reaction mixt ure 71 .Soak in 2 × SSC buffer IV .cDNA synthesis 72 .Prepare elect rode buffer 73 .Add 20 μl electrode buffer into eppendorf tube 74 .Pick positive standard cell 75 .Add the positive standard cell in to tube 76 .Keep at 37 ℃ for 1 h 77 .Add 50 μl phenol-chloform 78 .Vortex 79 .Spin at 14 , 000 rpm for 20 min 80 .Transfer top layer to a new tube 81 .Add 100 μl et hanol (100 % ) and 10 μl 3M NaAc and 0 .5 μl tRNA 82 .Keep at - 80℃ over night V .Loop expression 83 .Spin at 14 , 000 rpm at 4 ℃ for 15 min 84 .Remove ethanol and dry pellet for 20 min 85 .Suspend pellet in 20 μl DE PC H2 O 86 .Keep at 95℃ for 15 min 87 .Add 22 μl 2nd strand DNA synt hesizing mixture 88 .Incubate at 14℃ for 4 h or over nigh t 89 .Make loop excision mix ture 90 .Add 350 μl for t he above mix ture into each 42 μl sample 91 .Keep at 37℃ for 5 min 92 .Ex tract with 400 μl phenol-chloroform 93 .Spin at 14 , 000 rpm for 15 min

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.Re move top layer to a new t ube .Add 1 ml et hanol ( 100 % ) .Keep at - 80℃ over nigh t .Spin at 14 , 000 rpm for 15 min

133 .Down load to compu ter 134 .A nalyze image wit h image software 3

VI .Blunt ending 98 .Re move et hanol and dry pellet 99 .Suspend pellet in 17 .5 μl T E buffer 100 .Make blun t mixt ure 101 .Add 7 .5 μl of t he above mixt ure in to each t ube 102 .Keep at 37℃ for 15 min 103 .Add 25 μl phenol-chloroform 104 .Vor tex 105 .Spin at 14 , 000 rpm for 15 min 106 .Remove top layer to a new tube 107 .Add 55 μl ethanol and 7 .7 μl 3 M NaAc 108 .Keep at - 80℃ over night VII .RNA analysis and labeling 109 .Spin at 14 , 000 rpm for 15 min 110 .Remove et hanol and dry t he pellet for 20 min 111 .Suspend t he pellet in 20 μl DE PC H2 O 112 . Prepare RNA amplification buffer wit h 32 P-U T P 113 .Add 8 . 5 μl of t he RNA amplification buffer into 2 μl cDNA 114 .Keep at 37℃ for 4 h 115 .Prepare denat ure gel 116 .Run gel for 1 .5 h at 100 v 117 .Wash gel with cold 10 % TCA for 4 times 118 .P ress dry gel by paper towel for 4 h or over nigh t 119 .Expose gel to X-ray film for 1-3 days 120 .Develop X-ray film VIII .Hybridization 121 .Wet DNA blot wit h DE PC H2 O and 2 × SSC buffer 122 .Prepare hybridization buffer 123 .Prehybridize blots in 20 ml hybridization buffer at 43 ℃ for 2 h 124 . Keep 32 P-cRNA ( from step 114 ) at 95 ℃ for 5 min to denature 125 .Keep on ice quickly 126 .Add the denatured 32P-cRNA in to hybridigization t ube 127 .H ybridigize at 43 ℃ for 72 h 128 .Wash blots with 2 × SSC buffer 4 times 129 .Semi dry blots 130 .Bleach phospho-image screen for 30 min 131 .Expose the labeled DNA blot to phosphoimage screen for 1 - 3 days 132 .Run phospho-image in image machine


The microarray technology is a useful tool for gene expression , clinical diagnosis , food safety cont rol and other the biochemical researches . In a review ar ticle , Roy and Sen pointed t hat the cDNA microarray approach is an emergen t technology in diagnostics and food safety test ( Roy , 2006 ) . Its values lie in being able to provide complimen tary molecular insigh t w hen employed in addition to traditional tests for food safety , as part of a more comprehensive battery of tests . Gene-expression biomarkers measured by microarray met hod can be used to iden tify promising candidate caloric restriction mimetics that may be involved in determining human longevity ( Spindler , 2006 ) . Gene expression is t he essential characterization for organisms to adapt to changes in t he external environment . The measuremen ts of gene expression supply the information about t he mechanism of organisms’living activities . The development of high-quality microarrays has allowed this technology to become a standard tool in molecular detection including cell toxicology . Several national and international initiatives have provided the proof-of-principle tests for the application of gene expression for t he study of t he toxicity of new and existing chemical compounds .In t he last few years the field has progressed from evaluating the potential of the technology to illustrating t he practical use of gene expression profiling in toxicology . The application of gene expression profiling to ecotoxicology is at an earlier stage, mainly because of the many variables involved in analyzing t he stat us of natural populations . Never theless , significan t studies have been carried out on t he response to environmental stressors both in model and in non-model organisms . It can be easily predicted t hat the development of stressor-specific signatures in gene expression profiling in ecotoxicology will have a major impact on the ecotoxicology field in t he near fut ure . International collaborations could play an important role in accelerating the application of genomic approaches in ecotoxicology ( Lettieri, 2006 ) . In t he past decade, microarray technology has become a major tool for high-throughput comprehensive analysis of gene expression , genotyping and re-sequencing applications ( Scaruffim , 2006 ) . The industrial era of microarray will come soon . I t will enhance the molecular biology development to a new level .

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Correspondence to : Hongbao Ma B410 Clinical Center Michigan State U niversity East Lansing , Michigan 48824 , USA Telephone : 517-432-0623 Email: hongbao@ msu .edu George Chen B340 Life Science Building Michigan State U niversity East Lansing , Michigan 48824 , USA Telephone : 517-349-5824 Email: chengu@msu .edu References 1 .Diaz-U riarte R , Alvarez de Andres S . Gene selection and classification of microarray data using random forest . BMC Bioinformatics 2006 ; 7 (1 ) : 3 . 2 .Dimova I , Za harieva B , Raitcheva S, et al . Tissue microarray analysis of EGFR and erbB2 copy number changes in ovarian tumors . Int J Gynecol Cancer 2006 ; 16 (1) : 145 - 51 . 3 .E kins RP .Multi-analyte immunoassay .J Pharm Biomed Anal 1989 ; 7( 2) : 155 - 68 . 4 .Ekins RP , Chu FW .Multianalyte microspot immunoassay-microanalytical “ compact disk” of the fut ure . Clin Chem 1991 ; 37 (11 ) : 1955 - 67 . 5 .E kins RP , Chu F .Developing multianalyte assays . T rends Biotechnol 1994 ; 12( 3) : 89 - 94 . 6 . Ekins RP , Chu FW . Microarray analysis . T rends in Biotechnology 1999 ; 17 : 217 - 8 .

7 .Graindorge A, T huret R , Pollet N, et al .Iden tification of post- transcriptionally regulated Xenopus tropicalis maternal mR NAs by microarray .Nucleic Acids Res 2006 ; 34 ( 3) : 986 - 95 . 8 .John-Aryankalayil M, Dushku N , Jaworski CJ , et al .Microarray and protein analysis of human pterygium .Mol Vis 2006 ; 12 : 55 - 64 . 9 .Let tieri T .Recent applications of DNA microarray technology to toxicology and ecotoxicology . Environ Health Perspect 2006 ; 114 (1 ) : 4 - 9 . 10 .Lonardi S , Luo Y . Gridding and compression of microarray images . Proc IE EE Comput Syst Bioinform Conf 2004 : 122 - 30 . 11 .MacBeath G , Schreiber SL . Prin ting proteins as microarrays for high- throughput function determination . Science 2000 ; 289 (5485) : 1760 - 3 . 12 .Qiu X , Xiao Y, Gordon A, et al .Assessing stability of gene selection in microarray data analysis . BMC Bioinformatics 2006 ; 7 (1 ) : 50 . 13 .Roy S, Sen CK . cDNA microarray screening in food safet y .T oxicology 2006 ; 53(221) : 128 - 33 . 14 .Shar ma HS, Peters T H, Moorhouse MJ , et al . DNA microarray analysis for human congenital heart disease . Cell Biochem Biophys 2006 ; 44( 1) : 1 - 10 . 15 .Scaruffi P , Valent A, Schramm A , et al .Application of microarray-based technology to neuroblastoma . Cancer Lett 2005 ; 228 (1 - 2 ) : 13 - 20 . 16 .Spindler SR .U se of microarray biomarkers to identify longevity t herapeutics . Aging Cell 2006 ; 5( 1) : 39 - 50 . 17 .Zangar RC , Daly DS , White AM .ELISA microarray technology as a high- throughpu t system for cancer biomarker validation .Expert Rev Proteomics 2006 ; 3(1 ) : 37 - 44 .

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Recei ved February 12 , 2006

Li fe Science Jour nal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Zhang , et al , T ransfer A nd E x pression o f VEGF Gene

Transfer and Expression of VEGF Gene in Neural Stem Cells Xu Zhang 1 , Jin Wang1 , Weidong Zang 2 1 .Depart men t of Biochemistry , Basic Medical College, Zhengzhou U n iversity , Zhengz hou , Henan 450052 , China 2 .Depart men t o f Ana tom y, Basic Med ical College, Zhengzhou U n iversity, Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina Abstract:Objective . To construct retroviral vector containing vascular endothelial growt h factor ( VEGF ) and observe its expression in rat neural stem cells . Methods . The recombinan t retroviral vector pLXSN- VEGF con taining VEGF gene was established and transferred to packaging cell line-pA317 to acquair virus . T he titer was calculated by infection of NI H3 T3 cells , t hen t he recombinan t virus was to infect neural stem cells ( NSCs) isolated from the whole brain of embryonic day 14 ( E14) SD rats . T ransduced cells were cloned in G418 and expanded for analysis of VEGF t ransgene expression , VEGF m RNA, VEGF expression and its expression curve were detected and worked by using RT- PCR , immunocytochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorben t assay ( ELISA ) , respectively . Results . Ret roviral vector pLXSN- VEGF was successfully established and it was proved by enzyme cut ting and sequence analysis . T he titer of retrovirus was determined to be 6 .5× 105 CFU/ ml . R T- PCR and immunochemistry verified the expression of VEGF in neural stem cells .T he pea k of VEGF expression was showed 6-8 days af ter transfection by ELISA . Conclusion . Retroviral vector con taining VEGF were successfully const ructed . VEGF gene can be stably expressed in rat neural stem cells . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 ( 2 ) : 50 - 54 ] ( ISSN : 1097 8135) . Keywords: NSCs; VEGF ; retrovirus; transfection ; transgene Abbreviations: NSC : neural stem cell ; VEGF : vascular endot helial growth factor



Neural stem cells ( NSCs) are t he primary cell element for generation and maintenance of nervous system . Their essential biologic characteristics are: undifferentiation, deficiency of differen tiation signal, self-renewal , potency to differen tiate in to neu[1] rons, oligodendrocyte and astrocyte . NSCs may provide for cell replacement or gene delivery vehi[2] cles in neurodegenerative disease t herapies , and target delivery and expression of growth factor t ransgenes such as vascular endot helial growth factor ( V EGF) in NSCs to const ruct genetic engineering[ 3 ] . NSCs is an importan t direction in gene therapy of nervous system disease . The secreted glycoprotein VEGF is a potent and specific mitogen for vascular endothelial cells that is capable of stimulat ing angiogenesis during embryonic development and adult neurogenesis i n vivo[ 4 ] . I t has been repor ted t hat VEGF stimulated the expansion of neural stem cells . V EGF also acts as a t rophic factor for neural stem cells in v itro and for sustained neurogenesis in t he adult nervous system[ 5 ] . This experiment plans

to construct a retroviral vector con taining VEGF gene, t ransfer the gene in to NSCs and detect the expression of it ; and to provide experimen tal evidence for t ransgenic neural stem cell transplantation therapy of neurodegenerative diseases . 2

Materials and Methods

Materials The plasmid pcDNA 3 .1-VEGF contains a cDNA copy of the human VEGF gene, constructed in our laboratory using a pcDNA3 .1 plasmid backbone ( Invitrogen , Carlsbad, CA, USA) . Pregnant SD rats were offered by Experimental Animal Center of Henan Province of China ( Zhengzhou , China ) . Main reagents: restriction endonuclease EcoRI and XhoI , T4 DNA Ligase ( TaKaRa ) ; retroviral vector pLXSN (clontech ) ; E . coli JM109 ( TaKaRa ) ; plasmid miniprep kit, Agarose Gel DNA fragmen t recovery kit, DNA ext raction kit ( Watson Biotechnologies , I NC) ; Lipofectamine 2000 Liposome, B27 , bFGF ( Invitrogen ) ; DME M/ F12 , FBS ( Hyclone ) ; Nestin an tibody , V EGF antibody ( Boster) . 2 .1

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2 .2


2 .2 .1 Constuction of recombinan t vector pLXSNV EGF : According to compatible restriction sites in pcDNA 3 .1- VEGF and pLXSN , EcoRI and XhoI were to digest t he plasmid pcDNA 3 .1-V EGF and pLXSN . Agarose electrophoresis and gel ex traction were performed to acquire V EGF cDNA fragment and digeste pLXSN , t hen T4 DNA ligase was used to connect cDNA and plasmid ( ratio : 3∶1 ) . After 16 h reaction , ligation mixture was t ransformed into E . coli JM109 , and 6 separate colonies were harvested next day . After propagation plasmids were extracted to perform restriction analysis to identify the construction . 2 .2 . 2 Packaging virus and determining viral titer : The procedures were performed following t he [6] 5 User Manual . Briefly, 5 ×10 PA317 packaging cells were seeded on 35 mm culture dish and cultured in 37℃ , 5 % CO2 incubator for 18 h . When cells grew to 75 % confluence, removed the culture , rinsed the cells wit h serum-free medium, used Lipofectamin to mediate recombinan t plasmid t ransfecting pA317 packaging cells: 2 μg plasmid and 10 μL Lipofectamin dilu ted to 100 μL wit h serum-free and an tibody-free DME M , and sligh tly mixed together . The mixture were tiled to the layer of pA317 cells , placed in 37℃ , 5 % CO2 incubator for 15 h . Nex t added 1 mL DME M containing 20 % FBS into it , and next day replaced the culture wit h normal solution . After 48 h , began screening using cult ure solution containing 800 mg/ L G418 . This process lasted for 3 weeks . Placed NI H 3T3 5 cells in 6-well plates at a density of 0 .5 - 1 × 10 cells per well . Add 2 mL medium per well . Prepare 20 mL of complete medium and added 60 μl of 4 mg/ ml polybrene . Collect virus-containing medium from packaging cells . Prepare six 10-fold serial dilutions . Infected NI H 3T3 cells by adding 1 mL of t he diluted virus medium to t he wells . Final polybrene concent ration will be 4 μg/ ml . The viral titer corresponded to t he number of colonies present at t he highest dilution t hat contains colonies , multiplied by the dilu tion factor . 2 .2 .3 Rat embryonic NSCs isolating cult ure and iden tification: NSCs were isolated from embryonic [7] mice ( day 16 - 18 ) essen tially as described . Briefly , embryonic brain was cleared of meninges, t hen separated the whole brain , rinsed wit h HBSS solution and sheared to small tissue pieces, digested wit h 0 .125 % pancreatic enzyme at 37 ℃ water bat h . Filtered and centrifuged , removed supernatant, cult ured by DME M/ F12 containing 2 % B27 , EGF ( 20 ng/ ml ) , bFGF ( 20 ng/ ml ) .

Changed t he liquid every 3 to 4 days and proliferated every 7 days . Limiting dilution assay was used to prepare monoclonal cell, immunocy tochemistry was used to identify Nestin expression in NSCs . DM EM/ F12 wit h 5 % FBS was to induce NSCs differen tiation . Immunocy tochemistry was used to identify MAP2 , GFAP expression in differen tiated cells . 2 .2 .4 Infecting NSCs: Secondary generation neurospheres were separated in to two sets: one was added wit h virus , and the other was t reated wit h an insert-free virus as con trol cells . All were infected at a multiplicity of infection and cultured for 20 h . Transduced cells were cloned in G418 ( 200 μg/ ml ) and expanded for analysis of VEGF transgene expression . Immunocy tochemistry was used to identify Nestin expression in transgenic NSCs; DM EM/ F12 containing 5 % FBS was used to induce NSCs differen tiation and immunocytochemist ry was used to iden tify MAP2 , GFAP expression in differentiated cells . 2 .2 .5 RT-PCR: Total RNA was isolated from transgenic NSCs according to the protocol recommended by the manufacturer ( T RI reagent ; Sigma, USA ) , t hen a One-Step RT- PCR kit was used to amplify VEGF cDNA fragmen t . Samples were treated for 30 min at 56° C , t hen 5 min at 94°C and then 30 cycles of amplification were performed as follows: 45 sec at 94°C , followed by 45 sec at the annealing temperat ure , and 90 sec at 72°C , wit h final ex tension at 72° C for 10 min . Forward primer ( 5′ -GCAAA TGGGCGGT AGGCGT G-3′) and the reverse primer ( 5′ -ATA GGA TCC TCA CCG CCT CGGCT T-3′) amplified a 570-bp pLXSN : VEGF specific gene t ranscript .β- actin transcripts were amplified from each RNA sample wit h βactin-specific primers ( upstream : 5′ - TACAA CCTCC T TGCA GCTCC-3′, dow nst ream : 5′ GGA TC T TCAT GAGGT AG TCA GTC-3′) used as an internal con trol (620 bp) . The RT- PCR amplification products were gel electrophoresed , stained wit h et hidium bromide . 2 .2 . 6 Immunocytoche mist ry : Transgenic NSCs were fixed in 4 % formaldehyde and t he membrane was rupt ured wit h 0 .1 % Triton for 10 min . After blocking cells for 30 min in diluen t containing 10 % goat serum , samples were incubated with primary an tibodies overnigh t at 4°C . After rewarmed and rinsed biotinylated goat an ti-mouse IgG was added , rinsed with PBS, added with SABC , rinsed wit h PBS again and stained wit h DAB . After stained with hematoxylin and alcoholic dehydrating and mounting , the samples were observed by ligh t microscope . NSCs treated wit h an insert-free virus were as cont rol cells .

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2 .2 .7 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA ) : The supernatant of transgenic NSCs was collected and ELISA was performed as User Mannal described . According to t he experimen tal data, curve of V EGF secretion state at differen t time was drawn . 3

MAP-2 positive expression and GFAP positive cells ( Figures 3 , 4 ) .


3 .1 Restriction analysis and sequencing of pLXSNVEGF pLXSN-VE GF was digested by EcoRI and XhoI , t hen Agarose electrophoresis was performed . The results showed a 570 bp product and a 6 , 000 bp product , corresponding to VE GF and pLXSN . Linker region and VE GF cDNA were sequenced . There were no mutations generated from t he plasmid const ruction , and the V EGF gene remained in frame . 3 .2 Viral titer After infected by retroviral, NI H 3T3 cells formed resistan t cell colony after 3 weeks under t he selective medium . The average viral titer was 6 .5 5 6 ×10 cfu/ ml, t he highest was 1 .8×10 cfu/ ml . 3 .3 Rat embryonic NSCs identification Cells obtained from embryonic rats grew in suspension in DM EM/ F12 and showed propagation m anifest ( Figure 1) . The third generation of NSCs were fixed 2 hours after adherence, and most expressed the neuron specific protein Nestin . After differentiation the astrocyte marker GFAP and neuron marker MAP2 were expressed .

Figure 2 . The positive expression of nes tin antigen ( ×400)

Figure 3 . Identification of t he expression of M AP-2 in glial cells by immunohistochemis try method ( ×400 )

Figure 1 . Neural stem cell globe ( ×400 )

Figure 4 . Identification of the expression of GFAP in neurons by immunohistochemistry method ( ×400 )

Infection of NSCs Transgenic NSCs still remained in undifferentiated state . Immunocytochemistry results showed t hat the transgenic NSCs expressed t he neuron specific protein Nestin ( Figure 2 ) . 7 days after adherence, most cell colonies differen tiated into neurons, ast rocytes and oligodendrocyte of t ypical shape . Immunocytochemist ry showed t hat t here were

RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry R T-PCR st udies verified transgenic VEGF mRNA in transduced clones ( Figure 5 ) , immunocytochemist ry showed t hat t he t ransgenic NSCs expressed VE GF protein ( Figure 6) , and NSCs treated wit h an insert-free virus were VE GF negtive . 3 .6 ELISA After t ransfection , concentration of VEGF in

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supernatant gradually increased , and achieved peak in 6 - 8 days , then gradually descended until stabilization ( Figure 7) . The expression was maintained for at least 1 mont h ( t he last time point tested ) . After freeze-t haw, the transgenic NSCs were still able to stably secrete V EGF . In con trast , normal NSCs kept to secrete V EGF at a lower level .

Figure 5 . I dentification of the expression of VEGF gene in transgenic neural stem cells by immunohistochemistry ( × 400 )

Figure 6 . RT- PCR result of transgenic neural stem cells . 1 : Maker 2 : VEGF 3 :β-actin

Figure 7 . V EGF expression curve determined by ELI SA



NSCs are considered a heterogeneous population of mitotically active, self-renewing , multipo[4] ten t, immat ure progenitor cells , making t hem uniquely situated to restore nervous system and t herapy of nervous degenerating diseases . They may also presen t an ideal route for cell-mediated gene therapy as well as offer new possibilities for t he replacement of neurons lost by injury or disease [ 8 ] . VEGF is a potent and specific mitogen for vascular endothelial cells . Anne has repor ted t hat hypoxia induced V EGF expression in clonally-derived adult rat neural stem cells in v itro, and low dosage of V EGF ( 2 .4 ng/ d ) could stimulate adult neuro[5] genesis in vivo . He observed that VEGF could reduce neural stem cells apoptosis without altering its proliferation . This suggests t hat V EGF has sur[9] vival promoting effect in neural progenitor cells . We propose that VEGF acts as a trophic factor for neural stem cells in vitro and for sustained neurogenesis in t he adult nervous system . The long-term and stable expression of VE GF by NSCs through retrovirus mediated gene transfer would enhance the concent ration of VEGF maybe useful for the therapy of neurodegenerative diseases . Ret roviral gene transfer can efficiently in troduce stable, heritable genetic material in to the genome of any dividing cell type . pLXSN contains elemen ts derived from Moloney murine leukemia virus ( MoMuLV ) and Moloney murine sarcoma virus ( MoMuSV ) , and is designed for retroviral [ 10 ] gene delivery and expression . Upon transfection into a packaging cell line, pLXSN can t ransien tly express, or in tegrate and stably express , a t ranscript con taining viral packaging signal, the gene of interest , and a selectable marker . T he 5′viral L TR in t his vector contains promoter/ enhancer sequences that cont rol expression of the gene of interest in the multiple cloning site . The SV40 early promoter ( P S V 4 0e ) con trols the expression of the neomycin resistance gene ( Neor ) , which allows antibiotic selection in eukaryotic cells . pLXSN also includes the Col E1 origin of replication and E . r coli Amp gene for propagation and antibiotic selection in bacteria . pLXSN does not contain the st ructural genes ( gag , pol , and env ) necessary for particle formation and replication . However , t hese genes are stably integrated into pA317 packaging cells . Subsequent introduction of pLXSN , con taining the extended viral packaging signal ( psi ) , transcription and processing elements, and the gene of interest

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produces high-titer , replication incompeten t infectious virus . That is , t hese retroviral particles can infect target cells and t ransmit t he gene of in terest ( w hich is cloned between the viral L TR sequences) , but cannot replicate wit hin these cells since the cells lack the viral st ructural genes .Transforming N IH3T3 cells showed the average viral titer was 6 .5 × 10 5 cfu/ ml, in which t he highest 6 was 1 .8×10 cfu/ ml . After transfection of NSCs , we detected t he V EGF concent ration every 3 days . The data showed peak of VEGF concen tration was on t he 6 th - 8 t h day, then descended slightly , and reached its stabilization . After freeze- thaw , t he t ransgenic NSCs were still able to stably secrete V EGF . In t his experiment , VEGF gene stably expressed in NSCs and the transfected NSCs still m ain tained its multipotency and self-renewal . These results hold promise for the use of genetically m anipulated stem cells for CNS t herapies . Correspondence to : Xu Zhang Departmen t of Biochemistry Basic Medical College Zhengzhou U niversity Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Telephone : 86-371-6665-8172 Email: cleaner0369@yahoo .com .cn

References 1 .Ronald McKay .Stem cells in t he cent ral nervous System . Science 1997 ; 276(5309 ) : 66 - 71 . 2 .Ramalho-San tos M , Yoon S, Matsuzaki Y , et al“Stem. ness”: transcriptional profiling of embryonic and adult stem cells . Science 2002 ; 298 (5593 ) : 597 - 600 . 3 .Ivanova NB, Dimos JT , Schaniel C , et al . Response to Commen ts on“‘ Stemnes ’: transcrip tional profiling of embryonic and adult stem cells”and“A stem cell molecular signat ure .Science 2003 ; 302 (5644 ) : 393 - 9 . 4 .Nina Mani, Alfia Khaibullina, Janette M Krum , et al . Activation of recep tor-mediated angiogenesis and signaling pat hways after VEGF ad minist ration in fetal rat CN S explan ts . J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2003 ; 23 : 1420 - 9 . 5 .Anne Sch nzer , Frank- Peter Wachs , Daniel Wilhelm , et al . Direct stimulation of adult neural stem cells in vitro and neurogenesis in vivo by vascular endot helial growth factor . Brain Pat hol 2004 ; 14 : 237 - 48 . 6 .Coffin JM , Varmus HE , Eds . Ret roviruses . Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press , NY 1996 . 7 .Ausubel F M, Brent R , Kingston RE , et al . Current Protocols in Molecular Biology . Greene Publishing Associates , Inc . & John Wiley & Sons, Inc .1994 . 8 .Sondell M, Lundborg G, Kanje M . Vascular endothelial growt h factor has neurot rophic activity and stimulates axonal outgrowt h , enhancing cell survival and Schwann cell proliferation in the peripheral nervous system . J Neurosci 1999 ; 19 : 5731 - 40 . 9 . Samii A , U nger J, Lange W . Vascular endothelial growt h factor expression in peripheral nerves and dorsal root ganglia in diabetic neuropathy in rats . Neurosci Let t 1999 ; 262 : 159 - 62 . 10 .Miller AD , Rosman GJ . Improved ret roviral vectors for gene transfer and expression . Bio Techniques 1989 ; 7(9 ) : 980 - 90 .

Recei ved February 14 , 2006

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Li fe Science Jour nal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Li , et al , Potential and Mechanism o f Peroxyn itrite to Mediate Heme Degradation

Potential and Mechanism of Peroxynitrite to Mediate Heme Degradation 1




Dejia Li , Y uhui An , Junchao Huang , Xu Zhang

1 . Departmen t of Biochemistry, Basic Med ical College, Zhengz hou U niversity, Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina 2 . College of Li fe Sciences , W uhan U n iversity , W uhan , H ubei 430072 , Chi na Abstract: T he reaction of heme with peroxynitrite was studied . T he results showed that peroxynit rite was able to degrade heme in solution with optimum pH of 7 .4 and resulted in the release of iron from heme . Degradation depended on t he peroxynitrite concent ration with perferryl reactive species such as sodium sulfide and peroxidase substrate (phenol ) , demonst rated that perferryl reactive species formation was required for heme degradation . I t was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, implicating t he involvement of O2・ in t he process of heme degradation . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 (2 ) : 55 - 60 ] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: heme degradation ; peroxynit rite ; reaction mechanism Abbreviations: BSA: bovine serum albumin ; DTPA: diet hylenet riaminepen taacetic acid ; Hb : hemoglobin ; metHb : methemoglobin ; oxyHb : oxyhemoglobin ; HSA: human serum albumin



The most sizable and concent rated store of heme in t he body resides is erythrocy tes Hb . As long as heme is bound tigh tly to its hydrophobic pocket in globin , it mediates its normal physiological role in oxygen t ranspor t . However , in some pat hological conditions or under oxidative stress, heme may be released and exert various noxious ac[1] tions . The normal red cell is endowed wit h efficien t mechanisms to remedy t hese physiological deviations , but variant eryt hrocytes such as sickle and t halassemic cells are unable some times to do so, either because t heir H b has a higher tendency to auto-oxidization or is less stable . U nstable metHb readily forms hemichromes which have a tendency to bind to the cell membrane and sometimes may release t heir heme . Normal H b were also show n to release their heme to cell membranes and to liposomes made of aminophospholipids , although at a reduced exten t compared wit h metHb or hemichromes . Heme has been show n to rapidly destabilize t he bilayer struct ure, t hus increasing its [2] permeability to ions and leading to hemolysis , and to induce the peroxidation of t he membrane [3] lipids . Its binding to membrane proteins diminishes their reduced t hiol con ten t and leads to crosslinking . Bot h latter processes are apparently due to

the chronic effect of increased membrane heme . Hence, efficien t mechanisms must exist to prevent the build-up of heme in membranes . Since heme is [4] able to translocate across membranes , it’s fate and membrane concent ration are determined by the presence of various ligands , such as serum’s albumin and hemopexin[ 5 ] . Altogether , it is presumed that the concen tration of free heme in t he membrane is physiologically kep t at low ( micromolar ) [6] levels . In conditions that favor higher membrane heme association , t he concent rations of non-he me [7] iron also increase in the membrane . The origin of this iron is not well established, but it has been suggested t hat it could result from t he dest ruction of heme by organic and lipid peroxides and by H2 O2 . Recently, peroxynitrite chemistry is of considerable in terest as a result of the increasing evidence for the role of peroxynitrite in the development of [8] oxidative damage in various pat hologies . Peroxynit rite is formed in vivo from the diffusion-cont rolled reaction between the nit rogen monoxide and [9] superoxide radicals . Alt hough t hese precursors are relatively unreactive, peroxynit rite is a powerful oxidizing and nitrating agent t hat can react with bi[ 10 ] ological substances such as protein , nucleic [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] acid , lipids and carbonate in cells and tissues . Peroxynit rite is relatively long-lived , w hich allows it to reach critical targets in the cell . Our

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previous studies have show n peroxynitrite can promote the conversion of oxyH b to metH b and mediate damage to porphyrin ring of Hb active center, subsequent instability and heme loss from t he pro[ 14 ] tein . But t he st udies on the direct reaction between peroxynit rite and free heme have not been reported yet . In the present work , t he in teractions between free heme and peroxynit rite were investigated . The experimental results showed t hat co-incubation of t hese compounds led to the destruction of heme and t he generation of oxidative radicals . These results indicated t hat peroxynit rite interacted with heme to produce an oxidative stress and increased t he iron con tent . 2

Materials and Methods

Chemicals Materials were ob tained from the following sources: diet hylenetriaminepen taacetic acid ( DTP A), heme, catalase, superoxide dismu tase, bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) , human serum albumin ( HSA ) , EDT A, Ferrozine ( 3- ( 2-pyridyl )-5 , 6-bis ( 4-phenylsulfonic acid ) -1 , 2 , 4-t riazine ) and neocuproine ( 2 , 9-dimethyl-1 , 10-phenant hroline ) from Sigma . All other chemicals were of t he best available grade and have been used without fur ther purification , unless stated otherwise , and doubly distilled water was used throughout . 2 .2 Preparation for peroxynitrite Peroxynit rite were synt hesized by reaction of 0 .6 mol/ L nitrite wit h 0 .7 mol/ L H 2 O2 at p H 13 and characterized according to t he met hod repor ted previously[ 1 4 ] . Excess H2 O2 was removed by passage t hrough a column of manganese dioxide . The desired concent ration of peroxynit rite was prepared daily by the dilution of the stock solu tion in aqueous 0 .5 - 1 .0 % NaOH and t his solution was kept in an ice bath ( less t han 10 % of peroxynit rite had decomposed over 8 h ) . Peroxynit rite was stored at - 20 ℃ and the concentration of peroxynit rite was determined spect rally in 0 .1 mol/ L NaOH at 302 - 1 - 1 nm ( ε3 0 2 = 1 , 670 mol ・L・cm ) immediately prior to each experimen t [ 1 5 ] . After 3 - 5 days at room temperature the peroxynit rite had completely decomposed ; this solution was called“ decomposed peroxynitrite”and has been used in blank experiments . 2 .3 Investigation of the destruction of the heme molecule by peroxynitrite Heme was prepared fresh at t he beginning of each experiment as a stock solution of 1 mmol/ L in 0 .2 N NaOH and was kept in the dark on ice . DTPA was prepared in PBS buffer as a stock solution 2 .1

of 20 mmol/ L . Fresh peroxynit rite solution was prepared as a stock of in 0 .1 mol/ L NaOH . First , DT PA was added ( 1 mmol/ L final concent ration) to t he PBS buffer pre-warmed to 25°C . Then he me was added to the desired final concen tration . Finally , differen t amount of peroxynit rite were added to give a serials of peroxynitrite concen tration . The spect ral changes between 300 nm and 800 nm were measured immediately after gentle mixing in a T U1800pc UV-vis spectrophotometer ( Beijing Purkinje General Instrumen t Co ., Ltd , China) and t hereafter at 100-s intervals using 1 cm light path quartz cuvette . All pH values were measured with a pH S301 digital ion meter . The absorbance at 390 nm was recorded after 30 min reaction . The pH dependence of he me degradation by peroxynitrite was measured as described above, in PBS adjusted to the desired pH . The pH was determined at t he beginning and at the end of the reaction and was found to be constant . It was ascertained that heme did not precipitate ou t of solution during the measuremen t . The effect of sodium sulfide, phenol, D TPA, EDTA, benzoic acid , BSA , HSA, superoxide dimutase and catalase on the heme degradation was also studied . These agents were added to he me 15min before initiating the reation with peroxynit rite . 2 .4 Iron release from the heme molecule during the degradation reaction A reaction mix ture of t he heme decomposing system was prepared in a final volume of 3 ml at 25 ℃ . The heme concen tration was 10 μmol/ L , and different amoun ts of peroxynitrite were added . DT PA was not added to t his reaction because it interfered with iron determination . F ree iron was [ 16 ] measured by t he Ferrozine met hod . Briefly , a 0 .45 ml sample taken from t he reaction mix ture was mixed wit h 50 ml of 100 % ( w/ V ) trichloroacetic acid . Then , 0 . 5 ml of 0 . 02 % ascorbic acid in 0 .1 N HCl was added , the system was incubated for 5 min at room temperature, and 0 .4 ml of ammonium acetate ( 10 % ) and 0 .1 ml of Ferrozine solution ( 75 mg of Ferrozine and 75 mg of neocuproine in 25 ml water) were added . After an additional incubation for 5 min at room temperat ure, the color developed was measured at 562 nm . 3


Degradation of heme by peroxynitrite Mixing of heme wit h peroxynitrite results in a rapid decline in peak absorbance , indicating the degradation of the heme molecule ( Figure 1 ) . The absence of well-defined isosbestic poin ts suggests 3 .1

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t hat degradation succeeds through various in termediate products . The final product of this reaction was obtained after substantially longer incubations ( > 2 h ) . The chemical nat ure of t he end product ( s) has not been investigated .

Figure 1 . Heme degradation by peroxynitrite . He me (15 μmol/ L ) was mixed with 335 μmol/ L peroxynitrite + 1 mmol/ L DT PA in PBS, p H 7 .4 , and incubated at 25 ℃ . Absorption spectra ( 300 - 450 nm) were taken at 120 sec intervals star ting immediately after mixing .

Figure 2 . The dependence of heme degradation on peroxynitrite concentration . He me and peroxynitrite were mixed + 1 m mol/ L D TPA at the desired concentrations in PBS, pH 7 .4 , at 25 °C, and heme degradation was monitored for 600 sec at 390 nm . [ heme ] = 10 μmol/ L .

As show n in Figure 2 , the rate of heme degradation was peroxynit rite-dependent , w hich are well consistent with t hose described for heme degradation by H2 O2 [ 1 7 ] , but no further attempts were m ade to determine t he precise molecular mechanism . 3 .2 Effect of pH on peroxynitrite-mediated heme degradation Heme degradation was pH-dependen t in 0 .1 mol/ L PBS, peaking at pH 7 .4 ( Figure 3 ) . The technique used for the assay of heme degradation precludes t he possibility t hat t he low rates observed

at acid p H were due to precipitation of heme . 3 .3 The liberation of iron from degraded heme The decomposition of t he heme molecule led to the liberation of the heme iron as determined by the [ 16 ] Ferrozine met hod ( Figure 4 ) . The release of heme iron was peroxynitrite-dependent .

Figure 3 . T he dependence of heme degradation on pH . Heme ( 10 μmol/ L) was mixed with 250 μmol/ L peroxynitrite and 1 mmol/ L DT PA in PBS preset to the indicated p H . The heme degradation was determined by the decrease of the absorption at 390 nm .

Figure 4 . Iron releases from heme in the presence of peroxynitrite . The reaction conditions were the same as described in Figure 2 . The iron concent ration was determined by the Ferrozine method .

3 .4 Effect of various treatments on peroxynitrite-mediated heme degradation The effect of prior addition of various reagents on t he heme absorption was investigated . Reagen ts which reacted wit h ferryl reactive species were inhibited . Thus , sodium sulfide inhibited about 52 % heme degradation . While phenol inhibited about 68 % heme degradation . DMSO and benzonic acid , pu tative ・OH radical quencher, had no significant effect on t he absorption . T wo iron chelators , EDTA and D TPA, had no effect on the absorption .

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This implies t hat ・OH radicals and free iron were not necessarily involved in t he heme degradation . In spite of t his fact, we included DT PA regularly in order to discard any nonspecific heavy metal-cat alyzed peroxynitrite oxidation reactions .

Figure 7 . Effect of CAT and SOD on the he me degradation . The reaction conditions were the same as described in Figure 5 . T he reaction was performed at pretreat ment , ( ■ ) no treatment , ( ● ) SOD ( 40mg/ mL) , ( ▲ ) CAT ( 128 U/ m L) . Absorption at 390 nm was recorded after reaction 10 min .

Figure 5 . Effect of various treat ment s on the heme degradation . The assay mixture contained 10 μmol/ L and different amount of peroxynitrite in 0 .1 m mol/ L PBS ( pH 7 .4 ) in a total volume of 3 mL . The reaction was performed at pretreat ment , (■ ) no treat ment , ( ● ) EDTA ( 0 .1 mmol/ L ) , ( ▲ ) DT PA ( 0 .1 mmol/ L ) , ( ) phenol ( 1 mmol/ L ) , ( ◆ ) Na2 S ( 1 m mol/ L) , ( ) benzoic acid ( 1 mmol/ L ) , ( ) DMSO ( 1 mmol/ L ) . Absorption at 390 nm was recorded after reaction for 10 min .

Degradation also occurred when heme was bound nonspecifically to protein . Heme was complexed wit h defatted BSA and HSA in PBS by mixing t he two compounds for 30 min at room temperat ure at a molar ratio of 70∶1 ( heme∶albumin) and t hen subjected to the same spectrophotomet ric assay in t he presence of peroxynitrite as done with free heme . The degradation of protein-bound heme was somew hat lower t han that of free heme ( Figure 6) .

Figure 6 . Effect of albumin on t he heme degradation mediated by peroxynitrite . The reaction conditions were the same as described in Figure 5 . The reaction was performed at pretreat ment , ( ■ ) no treat ment, ( ● ) BSA , ( ▲ ) HSA . Absorption at 390 nm as recorded after reaction 10 min .

Superoxide dismutase ( 40 mg/ mL ) inhibited heme degradation by 46 % . While catalase ( 128 U/ mL) had no significant influence on the he me degradation ( Figure 7 ) . 4


Structural changes in t he globin molecule may lead to serious modifications of the hydrophobic [ 18 ] heme binding pocket , ensuing in t he loss of heme to ot her cell components , mainly to t he membrane compartmen t of t he red cell . High heme levels were detected in the me mbrane of abnormal red cell, such as b-thalassemic [ 1 9 ] and sickle cells[ 6 , 7 ] . In parallel, a significant phospholipid-bound fraction of non-heme iron was detected in the mem[ 7 , 20 ] branes of these cells . Iron decompart mentalization was recen tly suggested to be an impor tant feat ure of abnormal red cell and an important cause [ 21 ] for cell lysis . K nowledge abou t t he mechanism which leads to t he release of free iron detected in abnormal red cell is scarce . Iron can be released from hemoglobin or heme molecules by hydroperox[ 21 ] ides . The parallel increase of membrane he me and non-heme iron concent rations suggests t hat iron [7] derives from heme , but t he mechanism responsible for t his phenomenon , or t he elimination of excess int racellular heme altoget her , remains an enigma . O ur previous st udies have show n t hat he me moiet y is partially degraded during t he reaction of peroxynitrite wit h oxyHb . We have now established the reactions responsible for free heme degradation . The interaction between hemeproteins and [ 22 ] peroxynitrite has been know n for some time , bu t here we show directly, and for the first time,

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t hat the interaction of free heme and peroxynit rite leads to a destruction of t he tetrapyrrole ring of heme . This is evidenced by t he unique absorbance of the final product of t he reaction , t he peroxynitrite dependence of t his process ( Figure 2 ) , and t he release of iron from t he dest royed tet rapyrrole ring ( Figure 4 ) . We have observed t hat t he degradation of heme is maximal at pH 7 .4 and almost undetectable in PBS at p H 5 ( Figure 3) . The conclusion of t hese experimen ts is t hat peroxynit rite-dependent heme degradation occurs at physiological conditions , even when heme is bound nonspecifically to protein . The decomposition of heme by peroxynit rite was not affected by t races of free iron w hich usually con taminate various chemicals, since no effect was seen in the presence of t he iron chelators D TPA and ED TA, suggesting t hat iron released due to heme decomposition does not participate in the dest ruction of t he tetrapyrrole ring . At t he presen t time, one can only speculate about t he mechanism of peroxynit rite-dependent heme degradation . The oxidation of t he various subst rates by peroxynit rite ( OONO / ONOOH ) [ 15 ] can take place via multiple path ways ( Scheme 1) : ( i ) Peroxynitrite may directly oxidize t he subst rates . ( ii ) Peroxynitrite may decompose firstly in to highly reactive species (・OH, ・NO2 ) , which subsequently oxidizes the substrate or hydroxylates and nitrates aromatic compound . In the present study, t he possible mechanism of the oxidation of heme by peroxynit rite was st udied . Firstly , DMSO and benzoic acid ( 1 mmol/ L ) , the specific scavenger for・OH , was introduced to the reaction mixture before t he addition of peroxynit rite, and t he absorption of the system was almost unchanged compared with that in the absence of DMSO or benzoic acid, proving that ・OH does not mediate t he absorbance decrease of the system . Second, w hen SOD ( 40 mg/ mL ) , a specific scavenger for O2・, was added to the reaction system , we found t hat the absorbance decrease of t he reaction mixture was inhibited 46 % , indicating t hat O2・, cont ribute to t he absorbance increase of t he system . As mentioned above, peroxynit rite predominan tly reacted wit h hemoglobin in peroxynitrite anion form .

Scheme 1

Ferrylheme, is an intermediate of reaction . The requiremen t for ferrylheme is indicated by the dram atic inhibition of heme degradation w hen ferrylheme reacts wit h peroxidase subst rates phenol or sodium sulfide . Thus , t he peroxidase substrates , phenol, w hich reduce ferrylheme to met heme, completely inhibit t he heme degradation , and sodium sulfide, which reacts wit h ferrylheme to produce sulfheme, results in an inhibition of he me degradation . These results indicated that he me degradation involved reactions of ferrylheme and was not t he primary reaction of peroxynit rite wit h heme . In conclusion , the present investigation indicates t hat heme is decomposed by peroxynitrite , eit her w hen heme is free or bound to proteins . During t his process , he me is oxidized , oxidative radicals are produced , and iron is released . F ur ther research is needed in order to verify the nature of the degradation products of t he tet rapyrrole ring , and the types of the free radicals generated during peroxynitrite-dependen t heme degradation . H owever , the elucidation of t his mechanism and the identification of t he reaction products are not pertinent to the present work w hich seeks to investigate the abilit y of peroxynitrite mediates heme degradation and effect of various pretreat men ts on heme degradation mediated by peroxynit rite . Acknowledgment This work was suppor ted by the F und for Distinguished Talen ts of Henan Province, No . 01210006500 . Correspondence to: Dejia Li, Ph . D . Depar tment of Bioche mist ry Basic Medical College Zhengzhou U niversit y Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China T elephone: 86-371-6665-8172 Email: dejiali@ zzu .edu .cn References 1 .Hebbel R P . T he sickle erythrocyte in double jeopardy : au toxidation and iron decompartmentalization . Semin Hematol 1990 ; 27 : 51 - 69 . 2 .Chou AC , Fitch CD . Mechanism of hemolysis induced by ferriprotoporphyrin IX . J Clin Invest 1981 ; 68 : 672 - 7 . 3 .S ugioka Y, Suzuki M , Sugioka K , et al . A ferriprotoporphyrin IX-chloroquine complex promotes membrane phospholipid peroxidation : a possible mechanism for antimalarial action . FEBS Let t 1987 ; 223 : 251 - 4 . 4 .Beppu M , Nagoya M, Kikugawa K . Role of heme compounds in t he eryt hrocyte membrane damage induced by lipid hydroperoxide . Chem Pharm Bull ( Tokyo) 1986 ;

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Received Febu rary 10 , 2006

Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Zhu , et al , A New Characterized Y-S T R and Its A llele Frequencies Distribution

A New Characterized Y-STR and Its Allele Frequencies Distribution in 8 Chinese Populations Y unliang Zhu , Guangzheng Zhang, Zhaoshu Zeng, Xiufeng Ge , Kemin Guo , Shuhong Zhang Depart men t of Forensic Med ici ne, Basic Med ical College, Zhengzhou U n iversity, Z hengzhou , Henan 450052 , Ch ina Abstract: Y chromosome genomic DNA was used to search for new Y-specific shor t tandem repeats ( Y-ST Rs) and a new Y-ST R , DYS708 , has been characterized . In 8 different Chinese populations, including Guangdong Han , Henan Han , Bai, Tibetan , Uygur , T ujia , Mongolia and Zhuang , 9 successive alleles have been found by PCRbased met hod . T he sequences of different alleles showed that t his locus included four blocks of AGAT and two blocks of AGAC and that length variations between existed not only in t he largest block of AGAT , but also in the larger block of AGAC repeats . The name of each allele was the sum of the repeats nu mber of these six repeats blocks ranging from 22 to 30 according to ISFG . The gene diversity was ranged between 0 .7659 in Uygur and 0 .6327 in Bai . Based on Nei’s genetic distance , t he genetic tree of t hese 8 populations was constructed . It was showed in the t ree that Guangdong Han was closer to Bai than to Henan Han indicating gene flow between Guangdong Han and local minorit y , and Tujia was closer to Henan Han t han to Guangdong Han implying that T ujia might come from nort hern part of China . T hese results agreed with the conclusion based on other genetic markers . All of the results indicated that DYS708 is a useful genetic marker and could be applied to human evolu tion st udy and forensic science . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3(2 ) : 61 - 65] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: Y chromosome; shor t tandem repeats ; gene diversity ; human evolu tion ; personal identification Abbreviations : ISFG : the International Society for Forensic Genetics; NRY : non-recombining region of Y chromosome ; PCR : polymerase chain reaction ; Y-ST Rs: short tandem repeats on Y chromosome



H uman Y-STRs are tandemly repeated arrays of two to six base-pair units on NRY ( also know as MSY, man specific region of Y chromosome ) . As genetic markers , just as its counterpart on t he rest of chromosomes , Y-S TRs are abundance, high degree of polymorphism and ease of scoring . It exists only in male and is t ransmitted only from fat her to son as a haplotype making it a useful tool in diverse [1] fields . In forensic science , to identify a male suspect, t here is no need to separate t he male par t of sample mix tures derived from male and female . Y[2] STRs also can be used to iden tify male lineage , w hich is difficult to use autosomal S TRs . In anthropology Y-STRs can be used to trace male evolu[3 - 5] tion , just as its coun terpart , mitochondria DNA , in female evolution . Some diseases have been found related to some haplotypes defined by [6] Y-STRs and ot her markers . Alt hough many YSTR have been reported , t he additional well-characterized Y-ST R is still necessary in order to increase t he discriminating power and the chance of exclusion in forensic science and to get high-resolution haplotypes of Y chromosome for its full use in

human evolution and human genetics . The allele distribution of Y-S TR is subject to nat ural selection , selective sweep , genetic draft , bottleneck events , population expansion and migration , so different population usually has differen t allele frequency dist ribution . This distribu tion is the basis of its use in many fields especially in forensic science . Here we described a new Y-STR , DYS708 , w hich was iden tified from genome sequence of NRY . We also investigated its allele dist ribution in eight Chinese populations and constructed the genetic tree based on t hese genetic data . 2

Materials and Methods

Blood samples and DNA extractions Blood samples of Henan Han ( 95 individuals) were collected in Henan province of China, w hile that of Guangdong Han ( 175 individuals ) in G uangdong province of China, Tujia ( 60 individuals) in H unan province of China, Zhuang (31 individuals) in Guangxi Zhuang Au tonomous Region of China, U ygur ( 104 individuals ) in Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China , Mongolia (49 individuals) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, Tibetan ( 52 individuals) and Bai (138 individ2 .1

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Zhu , et al , A New Characterized Y-S T R and Its A llele Frequencies Distribution

uals) in Yunnan province of China . The ethnic group to w hich t he blood donor belongs was determined according to t he self claim of t he blood donor . DNA was ex tracted using the Chelex 100 [7] and proteinase K protocol . 2 .2 Identification of novel Y-STR and PCR primer Y-chromosomal DNA sequence data were obtained from GenBank ( AC011298 ) . Sequences were dow nloaded in FASTA format and used as inpu t for t he program T andem Repeats Finder[ 8 ] . A Microsatellite wit h a 4-bp motif repeating 11 times was chosen from t he ou tpu t of this program as our research object . P rimers were designed using Primer3 software . U nlabelled primers were synt hesised by SBSBio Company ( Beijing , China) . 2 .3 Amplification conditions and analysis of PCR products The PCR was performed in a 20 μl final volTM ume containing 1 × Taq buffer ( 10 mmol/ L Tris- HCl, pH 8 .3 , 1 .5 mmol/ L MgCl2 , 50 mmol/ L KCl ) , 200 μmol/ L dN TPs , 30 - 50 ng TM DNA , 1 U Taq ( TaKaRa Biotechnology Co ., L td , Dalian , Liaoning , China ) . Primer sequences were : left primer AG T G TA T CCGCCA T GG T A G C , righ t primer CT GCAT T T T GG TACCCCAT A . In t he TouchDow n P CR protocol the DNA was initially denatured at 94 ℃ for 2 min . This was followed by 15 cycles starting at 94 ℃ for 0 .5 min, 63 ℃ for 40 sec and 72 ℃ for 45 sec . The annealing temperature was decreased by 0 .5 ℃ in each cycle . It was t hen followed by 20 cycles at 94 ℃ for 0 .5 min , 55 ℃ for 40 sec and 72 ℃ for 45 sec . After a final ex tension step at 72 ℃ for 5 min t he samples were kep t at 4 ℃ until electrophoresis . The amplification products ( 1 μl ) were electrophoresized on 6 % polyacrylamide gels ( PAG) in 1× TBE buffer and the DNA bands were detected [9] by silver stain . The DNA bands at different lengt h were eluted from gel and reamplified wit h t he conditions previously described . The reamplified products were sequenced by BIOASIA Company . 2 .4 Typing and nomenclature Allele assignmen t of amplified respective DNA fragments was performed by side-to-side comparison wit h t he allelic ladder consisting of sequenced alleles . The suggested repeat nomenclat ure of alleles follows t he guidelines of t he DNA commission of

the International Society for Forensic Genetics ( IS[ 10 ] FG ) . T wo female samples were included as negative con trols . 2 .5 Statistical analysis Gene frequencies of alleles were obtained by simple gene coun ting . Gene diversit y and standard [ 11 ] errors were calculated following Nei . M EGA [ 12 ] version 3 .0 was used to construct genetic tree [ 13 ] ( neighbor-joining method ) based on D (genetic distance ) and D equal to - ln( J X Y/ J X JY ) w here 2 2 J X Y = ∑ x i yi , J X = ∑ x i and J Y = ∑ yi . x i and yi are t he frequencies of ith allele in population X and [ 14 ] population Y respectively . 3


3 .1 The repeat structure and nomenclature of alleles DYS708 ( dbSTS_Id : 340593 ; GenBank_Accn : BV 209666 ) primers amplified a DNA fragment specifically in m ale and no band was found in female . The amplified products have a sequence st ructure of AGT GTA TCCGCCA T GGT AGCA TA A TAGAAAT T T TA TGAG T GGGAGAAA TGGAT GACAG TAAAA TGAAAACAT T GCAA T G T G TA TA C T CAG AA ACAA G GA ( AGAT ) m GA T ( AGA T) n( AGAC) o( AGA T) p( AGAC ) q ( AGAT ) r AGAA TA T A T T A T G GGG T ACCAA AA T GCAG (for t he reference sequence in genbank , AC011289 , m = 3 , n = 3 , o = 1 , p = 11 , q = 8 and r = 2 ) . We have found 9 different alleles and at least one presen t sample from each allele was sequenced . There were no difference in m , n , o and r between the sequenced alleles , but p could be 6 to 13 and q could be 7 , 8 or 9 . The st ructures of sequenced alleles were summarized in Table 1 . The suggested repeats nomenclat ure of alleles was the sum of m , n , o, p , q and r according to guidelines of t he DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics ( ISFG ) . 3 .2 Allele frequency distribution and gene diversity (GD) In total 9 alleles have been found . 8 out of 9 alleles have been found in Henan Han population and only 4 alleles were found in each of Mongolia and Zhuang populations . The gene diversity ranged bet ween 0 .7 659 ( U ygur) and 0 .6327 ( Bai ) . The allele frequency and gene diversity were showed in T able 2 .

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Zhu , et al , A New Characterized Y-S T R and Its A llele Frequencies Distribution

Table 1 .

The structures of repeat blocks of DYS708 alleles

Allele (bp)

R epeat motif

23 ( 223 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 6( AGAC)8 ( AGAT ) 229bp

24 ( 227 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 7( AGAC)8 ( AGAT ) 229bp

25 ( 231 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 8( AGAC)8 ( AGAT ) 229bp 99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 9( AGAC)7 ( AGAT ) 229bp

26 ( 235 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 9( AGAC)8 ( AGAT ) 229bp

27 ( 239 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 10 (AGAC) 8( AGAT )229bp 99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 9( AGAC)9 ( AGAT ) 229bp

28 ( 243 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 11 (AGAC) 8( AGAT )229bp

29 ( 247 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 12 (AGAC) 8( AGAT )229bp

30 ( 251 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 13 (AGAC) 8( AGAT )229bp

31 ( 254 )

99bp( AGAT )3GAT ( AGAT )3( AGAC)1 ( AGAT ) 16 (AGAC) 8( AGAT )229bp Table 2 .

T he allele frequency and gene diversity in 8 Chinese populations

Allele (bp) Guangdong Han Henan Han






Zhuang 0

23 ( 223)


0 .0105






24 ( 227)


0 .0105

0 .0072


0 .0192



25 ( 231)

0 .0057

0 .0105



0 .0096




26 ( 235)

0 .0743

0 .0948

0 .0072

0 .0385

0 .1154

0 .0167

0 .0816

0 .0645

27 ( 239)

0 .4172

0 .3263

0 .5290

0 .3077

0 .3365

0 .4333

0 .3878

0 .129

28 ( 243)

0 .2743

0 .4

0 .2464

0 .2692

0 .2596

0 .4

0 .3265

0 .4194

29 ( 247)

0 .2114

0 .1369

0 .1739

0 .3654

0 .2115

0 .0667

0 .2041

0 .3871

30 ( 251)

0 .0171

0 .0105

0 .029

0 .0192

0 .0481

0 .0833



31 ( 255)



0 .0072






GD : 0 .7042

GD: 0 .7128 GD: 0 .6327 GD: 0 .7111 GD: 0 .7659 GD: 0 .6514 GD: 0 .7091 GD: 0 .6752

SE : 0 .0123

SE : 0 .0179 SE : 0 .0208 SE : 0 .0151 SE : 0 .0127 SE : 0 .0238 SE : 0 .0191 SE : 0 .0301

n : 175

3 .3

n : 95

n : 138

n : 52

The genetic tree of populations Based on Nei’s genetic distance, the genetic

n : 104

n : 60

n : 49

n : 31

tree of these 8 populations was const ructed ( Figure 1) .

Figure 1 . Genetic tree of 8 Chinese populations



H uman genome sequence data make it convenient to find novel polymorphic Y-ST R just as did [ 15 ] [ 16 ] by Ayub and Redd . The euchromatin of Y chromosome is abou t 23 megabases ( Mb) much of w hich contains sequences that shared wit h t he X

and ot her chromosomes or repeated elsewhere on it[ 17 ] self , so the sequences on which Y-STR are searched for should be carefully selected in order to amplify Y specific sequence . DYS708 could be classified as compound repeats since it consisted of two different motifs . The repeat region comprised four stretches of AGAT

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and two stretches of AGAC . The variations of repeat number existed in the t hird block of AGA T repeats and the second block of AGAC repeats , but t he former was more variable . Our nomenclature was based on t he total number of repeats including six repeat blocks according to the recommendations of ISFG, not taking t he sequence of GAT following t he first block of AGAT in to accoun t, although GA T might be a AGA T motif having a deletion of A. Compared wit h ot her reported Y-ST Rs, DYS708 was a highly polymorphic Y-ST R locus, at least in the populations we have investigated . That Uygur population had highest gene diversity migh t be due to gene flow along the history of t he Silk Road . Since Xinjiang U ygur Autonomous Region is close to Central Asia, the result that U ygur population had highest gene diversity agreed wit h t he conclusion made by Wells that Central Asia is [ 18 ] an important reservoir of gene diversit y . F rom t he genetic t ree, some conclusions could be come to . First , G uangdong Han was closer genetically to Bai than to Henan Han , implying gene flow between Han and local minority . Second , Tujia, inhabiting in southern part of China, was closer genetically to Henan Han ( nort hern part of China ) t han to Guangdong Han ( sout hern part of China ) , indicating that Tujia migh t come from nor thern par t of China . All of t hese results agreed well wit h t he conclusion based on other genetic markers ( red [ 19 ] blood group , HLA, red blood enzyme , etc ) . Cont rary to t he previous findings , Zhuang lay in a separate branch with Tibetan , the reasons for w hich was not clear and need fur ther investigation . Since Y chromosome is transmitted from father to son as a haplotype , its usefulness should be viewed as haplot ype diversity . Although fur ther investigations of its properties , such as its haplotype diversity with ot her Y chromosome genetic markers and its mu tation rate, should be m ade before its full use in many fields , we still an ticipated that this STR is a useful genetic marker and can be used in combination wit h ot her genetic markers in t he studies on human evolution , t he association study of some diseases and forensic science . Correspondence to : Yunliang Zhu Departmen t of Forensic Medicine Basic Medical College Zhengzhou U niversity Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Telephone : 86-371-6665-8173 (office) Email: zhuyunliang@ hotmail .com

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Received March 21 , 2006

Li fe Science Jou rnal , 3( 2) , 2006 , E dmondson , et al , The Most Comprehensive T r uth A vailable

The Most Comprehensive Truth Available to Living Humans Jingjing Z . Edmondson 1 , Nelson P . Edmondson 2 1 . Institu te of Com m u nication St ud ies, Xi xi Ca m p us , Zhejiang U niversity, Hangzhou , Zhejiang 310028 , China 2 . Depart men t o f A rt and Art History , College o f Arts and Letters , Mich igan S ta te U n iversity, East L ansing , MI 48824 , U S A Abstract: Human beings by t heir very nature make judgments of“ true”,“false”and“hypot hetical”with reference to t he various aspects and sectors of existence . Great numbers of these judgmen ts conflict or con tradict each other , wit h no possibility in sight whereby such discordance can be resolved . In view of t his situation , the one most comprehensive t rut h accessible to humans is simply the inclusive , overarching metajudgmen t t hat all differen tial judgments have indeed been made . The conscious perception of this metajudgmen t marks in t heoretical terms the determinate limit of t he indeterminate extent of human knowledge of t he total fabric of objective realit y . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 66 - 72] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: life ; human beings; judgments; true; false ; hypot hetical; comprehensive trut h

One of the fundamental activities of living higher organisms , most profoundly in the case of human beings , is t heir inherent proclivity for making judgments of“ t rue”,“false”, or“ hypot hetical” wit h reference bot h to t hemselves and to other sectors and aspects of existence . Wit hin t his framework the present paper will undertake to identify t he single most comprehensive truth accessible to humans . The reader may smile at the folly of attempt ing to cope with a topic of such magnit ude . The ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi observed t hat life is limited , w hile knowledge ( needed to perceive ultimate trut h) is unlimited , so using t he limited time of one’s life to chase after unlimited knowledge ( needed to perceive ultimate trut h ) is dangerous . Nonet heless, both Eastern and Western t hinkers have con tinuously and tirelessly pondered t he int riguing question of ultimate trut h , and many persons con tinue to wonder how close humans can come to grasping one grand inclusive trut h deriving from our own judging activity , and we feel t he question still deserves t he attempt to supply an answer . One possibility t hat migh t occur to anyone w ho considers the matter is that the apprehension by individuals of one maximally comprehensive t rut h would first require their mastery of the various established fields of learning . However , this approach is seen on the least reflection to be infeasible, for no person can assimilate during one lifetime t he enormous range of specialized information now

available-in t he fields , say, of astrophysics , Sout h Asian history , t he et ymology of African languages , elect rical engineering, and a vast array of ot hers . Moreover , even if such an assimilation by one person were possible , there is no warrant for supposing that accomplishment would yield one consolidated comprehensive truth rat her t han a vast clutter of findings . Nor can we suppose that experts from the many differen t fields of learning , assembled for the purpose of coalescing t heir widely separate esoteric findings in to one grand coherent t rut h , would fare any better . In the following discussion , then , we will take a more promising approach to disclosing the one maximally comprehensive t rut h act ually obtainable by living humans . We would like first to recall t he common assump tion of a basic dichotomy in existence in terms of“ what has happened in t he past”and“ what happens in the present”. On close examination this distinction appears to be of little consequence , for any division between past and presen t shrinks to the vanishing poin t ; on a strict view what happened some indefinitely divisible fraction of a second ago is as much a part of the past as what happened a billion years ago or an infinite time ago . Thus t he past has included everyt hing that has occurred up to the ever-receding present momen t; but that moment is so abidingly elusive t hat it is not incredible to maintain t hat the past includes virt ually all occurrence through all time . This is the meaning we have attached to t he term“ past”in t he following discus-

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sion . The past-as-understanding also includes the More specifically , we conceive of the past as judgmen ts of t he field of learning known as“ histofunda men tally twofold in character : t hus the“ pastry”. It might seem on first consideration that the as-act uality”comprising w hat has occurred , may be latter subsumes t he former . However , history as a con trasted wit h t he“ past-as-understanding”comdiscrete discipline of inquiry , t he research met hods prising w hat has been apprehended through the aof w hich constit ute historiography, yields specialgency of human judgment abou t t hat occurrence ized judgments concerning political, social, eco( Gottschalk , 1958 ) .Or more precisely , since hunomic, military , and other particular aspects of the man judgmen ts have themselves occurred , t he pastpast-as-actuality , and is t hus simply one among as-actualit y may be taken to include all that has ocother components of t he past-as-understanding . curred exclusive of such judgments . Moreover , due The pursuit of the past-as-understanding on to an inherent characteristic of the human disposithe differen tial basis of true, false, and hypothetition for rendering judgments , t he latter have been cal judgments has often led to cont roversy ; frem ade on t he differential basis of“ true”,“ false”, quently different persons of equally good intention and“ hypothetical”. The past- as- act uality has been have rendered incompatible judgments in reference neit her true, nor false, nor hypothetical; it has to t he same sectors of actuality . Disagreements been , simply ,“ there”; truth , falsehood , and t he have been less ex tensive in some areas of underquality of being hypot hetical are exclusively properstanding than others . For example, some judgties of the human understanding of t hat actualit y . ments within t he area of physical science ( say wit h Judgments of the past-as-understanding which to regard to the atomic weigh ts wit hin the periodic t he satisfaction of certain persons have correspondtable of the chemical elements) or wit hin t he area ed closely wit h given sectors of actuality in some of political history ( say with regard to lines of sucsense of identifying , describing , or explaining cession wit hin particular ruling dynasties) have ent hem , have constit uted for t hose persons particular joyed virtually universal concurrence among intert rut hs . Judgments w hich to the satisfaction of givested parties . At levels of greater complexity wit hin en persons have not so corresponded , have constisuch fields , however , judgmen ts have differed from tu ted for t hose same persons particular falsehoods, one interested party to another ( say in reference the w hile judgments concerning which , to t he satisfacevolution of the physical universe , or to t he causal tion of given persons t he degree of correspondence configuration of major political episodes) . has been uncertain , have for t hose persons constiWithin other areas of understanding , notably tu ted hypot heses . ( We use the term“ hypothesis” philosophy and t heology, disagreemen t has reless in t he technical scientific sense of an inference mained widespread and stubborn ( Hopfe , 1983 ; drawn from accumulated data in order tentatively to Levi, 1949 ) . On t he one hand , there has not been explain a general principle of nature, life, or socigeneral agreemen t among people concerning the ety , t han in the wider sense of any judgment repossible means to be employed in making judgments garded as being inconclusively true or false .) which correspond with act uality , or concerning the The past-as-understanding in t he broad sense degree to which the filter of humans’own perceivhere intended comprises judgmen ts relating to t he ing apparat us , or their proclivities for symbol form any sectors or aspects of actuality , and includes mation ( use of language ) , may distort such corret he judgments of everyday experience , as well as, spondence . In ot her words, in the exercise of judgon a more formal basis, t he judgments of t he natument wit h reference to t he nature of t hat par t of acral and social sciences , the various technologies, t uality that is t heir own judging capacity , people philosophy , theology , etc . Thus the past- as-underhave not achieved universal accord . Different perstanding has reference not only to judgments issusons have reached different conclusions in regard to ing from those disciplines of inquiry that provide the aut hen ticity and efficacy of modes of judgment knowledge is a positivistic sense, but also judgknow n as“empirical”,“ rational”,“intuitive”, and ments of intuition and fait h . From the vantage “mystical”. Nor has t here been general agreement point of maximal generality judgments of“ knowlconcerning t he essential nature or varieties of the edge”and judgments of“faith”deserve equally t he perceived act uality itself . Differen t persons have designations of true , false, or hypot hetical; at this been variously persuaded that t heir judgments have level of generality distinctions in kind between corresponded with sectors of act uality know as the judgments relate simply to the sense of conclusive- “material”, t he“ mental”, the“ conscious”, the ness , whether as to truth or falsity , or to t he sense “subconscious”, t he“ metaphysical” or the“ diof hypothetical possibility , involved in given judgvine”. The past- as-understanding has been rich in ments . disparate judgmen ts concerning t hese matters , ・ 67 ・

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wit hout there having been discovered any criterion by appeal to which t he differences could be resolved to t he satisfaction of all concerned . The opposition between some judgments of t he past-as-understanding has been direct and complete, as in the case of the judgments“ There is a god” and“ There is no god”. In other cases t he con tradiction has been partial, yet significant , for example between judgments bot h of w hich maintain t here is some divine act uality , bu t one of which asserts poly theism , the ot her monot heism ; or , grant ing t he latter , one judgment which asserts pant heism , t he ot her transcendence; or , granting t he lat ter, one judgment which asserts providentialism, t he ot her deism . We submit that t he past-as-understanding , as constit uting a record of often discrepant and irreconcilable judgments, suggests t hat t he one judgment w hich comprehends all others is t hat all other judgments have been made ; that is, the one maximally comprehensive trut h apprehensible by all parties to all conflicts of understanding consists in t he recognition t hat there have been differen tial and often conflicting judgmen ts rendered during t he past . This concept is apprehensible , we should think , by any person w ho pauses to consider t hat his or her own judgmen ts have in some cases been incurably at odds with the judgmen ts of ot her persons in reference to the same repu ted sectors of actualit y - or w ho considers t he ex tensive public record ( to be confirmed in any library ) of similar disagreemen ts on t he par t of ot hers - but w ho nonet heless yearns for some over-arching t rut h w hich accommodates all human judgmen ts . The one maximally comprehensive truth as here conceived derives , t hen , not from the synt hetic grasp in substan tive terms of t he judgments of all fields of learning , somet hing w hich , as noted previously , is impossible of attainment . Rather the one maximally comprehensive t rut h is a“ second order t ru th ”. While the less comprehensive judgments of t he past- as-understanding have direct reference to given sectors of actualit y , t he one maximally comprehensive t rut h derives from a metajudgment in reference to the occurrence of those ot her judgmen ts , and stands thus at a second remove from actuality . The making of judgments on the differential basis of true and false involves t he ancient Chinese principle of“ yin and yang”; any judgmen ts w hat ever that are asser ted as“ true”can have any significant meaning only in conjunction with the awareness t hat various ot her judgments are asserted as “false”. If all judgments rendered by humans were automatically conceived of as t rue, such t rut h would be poin tless . Thus the concept of one maxi-

mally comprehensive t ru th has been arrived at not only through recognizing t hat ot her judgments have been rendered, but just as crucially t hrough ascertaining (on t he basis of some degree of substan tive understanding and t hrough logical discernment ) that t hose ot her judgments have been differential; that is , some of t he other judgmen ts have been true in con trast to some that have been false . And it follows that t he rendering of judgments on the differential basis of t rue and false must hold as well for rendering t he metajudgment of one comprehensive truth . On t he metajudgmen tal level the judgment which cont radicts the judgment of one maximally comprehensive t ru th is a form of solipsistic argument to the effect t hat no judgments w hatever have been made beyond t he consciousness of t he individual offering the latter argument , a view w hich thoroughly violates our own in tuition , and w hich we thereby judge to be false; and thus I hold the metajudgment of one maximally comprehensive truth to be itself differentially true . The one maximally comprehensive t ru th is confirmed t hrough t he consideration t hat t he pastas-understanding has ever been an expanding process . For example, humans did not discover and make judgmen ts in reference to bacteria un til the nineteen th cen tury , or to viruses until the twentieth cen tury - and so on in a vast number of equivalent cases . Moreover , while t his ongoing process inspires of itself no an ticipation that is will cease , it implies that human understanding has always remained limited to an indeterminate degree , in that humans have not been able at any poin t in the past to realize wit h w hat portion of t he total fabric of act uality , from microcosm to macrocosm, t heir accumulated judgments have at that point corresponded . In other words , at all successive points in the past existence of humans their judgmen ts have been, in substantive terms, collectively incomplete . But in t hat case t he one complete ( maximally comprehensive) t rut h available at any one of t hose successive points has resided in the metajudgment that a set of collectively incomplete ot her judgments has up to that point been rendered . Some of t he judgmen ts subsumed within the one maximally comprehensive t rut h are of course bot h more comprehensive in t heir scope, as well as being more universally acknowledged as t rue, than are ot hers . For example, within t he area of scientific understanding t he Principle of Conservation of Energy ( t he judgment that material energy as encountered by humans in the world can be neit her created nor dest royed, but only converted form one form in to another , w hile t he total amount of energy remains constan t ) is bot h regarded as true by virt u-

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ally all interested par ties , and is universally applicable in its reference to act uality . Yet t he Principle of Conservation of Energy ( like many other comparable scientific judgments ) is far from approaching t he stat us of a maximally comprehensive trut h , for it incorporates no judgments from many areas of profound and in timate concern to humans . At the same time , among judgmen ts that are relevant to such concerns , including t hose from t he sectors of metaphysics and theology t hat purport to disclose, in terms even more comprehensive t han scien tific findings , the fundamen tal w herewit hal or underlying dynamics of all actuality , are typically beset wit h abiding problems of mutual contradiction . For instance , w hat the universe cannot have been designed and determined is its operation by a t ranscendent P rime Mover, w ho has been perfect from all eternity , in the usual Christian sense , and at the same time be a universe w hich is coterminous wit h a dialectically evolving god in quest of its own iden tity, in the Hegelian sense . As contradictory world-formulae these judgments cannot alike be t rue, except as they are equally components of t he one maximally comprehensive t rut h . At t he same time the judgmen t, stemming from t he philosophy of logical empiricism , t hat such formulae ( being neit her logical tau tologies nor empirically verifiable ) can be neither true nor false , nor even genuinely hypothetical, but only nonsensical ( Ayer , 1952 , 1991 ) is in t he larger perspective of t he one maximally comprehensive t ru th only one more contradictory judgment beside others ( beside judgmen ts w hich deny t hat supraempirical formulae are nonsensical) . As a furt her illustration of t he concept of one m aximally comprehensive truth , consider t he sector of t he past- as-understanding know n as logic . Broadly speaking , work wit hin the field of logic m ay be conceived of as an instance of humans standing over and against the act uality of t hemselves and attemp ting to understand themselves - to understand , in this case, t he mechanism of that aspect of t heir judging capacity know as rational . More specifically, logic involves the establishment on an abstract level of t he inferences of trut h or falsity t hat certain kinds of judgments have for others . For example, wit hin the sphere of deductive logic, premises of the type“ All a is b”and“ Some a is c”, w hen taken together infer unavoidably t he t rut h of t he conclusion“ Some c is b”. As another example, the principle of contradiction ( which is t he essen tial factor at the core of t he system of human differential judgmen ts) can be expressed in t he terse fashion of formal logic as“N o sentence of t he form ‘ p and not p’is true .”

But w hile t he specific findings of logic ( an extensive and int ricate array of findings far in excess of the simple examples given above ) have been widely agreed upon by in terested parties , if one presses for an answer as to what the deeper grounds of logical understanding are ( Why do logicians think the way they do in arriving at their abstract principles ?) , one encounters a range of disagreement reminiscen t of other sectors of t he past- as-understanding . Some logicians have judged that logical understanding is empirically derived , t hat it reflects our experience in the world , t hat it echoes our consistent past observations of how t he world act ually works . Other logicians have judged that logical understanding , while indeed accurately reflecting t he operation of the empirical world , is nonet heless derived on an a priori basis; it is an understanding purely rational or introspective in origin , w hich yet informs us abou t the nature of the ex ternal world . Still other logicians have maintained t hat logical understanding is a reflection of how t he human mind itself compulsively functions; humans make the logical distinctions they do as a result of t heir minds being so constit uted t hat t hey can make no other kinds of distinctions ( t his interpretation tends to t ransform philosophical logic into a branch of scien tific psychology) . Yet ot her logicians have concluded that logical understanding , rather t han reflecting the necessary operations of human minds , or rat her than being informative about further reaches of actuality , is based on verbal custom ; logical insights are arbit rary conventions arising from t he grow th of language, and simply reflect the habitual meanings which humans have for convenience attached to words such as “and”, “ or”,“ all”,“ some”and“ not” toget her with their syntactical relations ( Barker , 1965 ) . Thus it appears that w hatever the ground of logical understanding may be, t he exercise of that understanding discloses t hat t he several judgments concerning its basis are themselves mu tually contradictory ; they are judgments concerning which t here are no available means of achieving a resolution irresistibly persuasive to all interested parties . We submit, however , that what must be persuasive to all in terested par ties is the occurrence of the debate among logicians in the exercise of their rival judgments . And t he various sides to this debate, as well as to those of other debates from other areas of understanding , form components of the one maximally comprehensive trut h to t he effect t hat all such debates have occurred . Questions of logic aside, wit hin the past-asunderstanding various judgmen ts have been offered concerning t he general type of judgments t hat de-

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serve in turn t he designation of“ true”( such t heories of trut h being themselves , t hus , metajudgments of a sort ) . The particular concep t of t rut h t hat we ourselves find persuasive, as suggested by t he foregoing discussion , is t he“ correspondence t heory”according to which judgments are t rue if t hey agree with or parallel cer tain sectors or aspects of actuality . By contrast, the“ coherence theory” of tru th maintains t hat it is only judgments which are consistent wit h some wider system of judgmen ts w hich deserve to be called true ; such a system, wit hin w hich particular constituent judgmen ts imply t he ot hers, may be a broad metaphysical or t heological scheme, or it may be t he accumulated judgments of empirical science, or it may be a“ definitional”system as in the case of pure logic ( assuming t hat t he ground of logical understanding is linguistic rat her t han empirical) . On the ot her hand, t he pragmatic t heory of trut h ( in t he one version of William James ) holds t hat only those judgmen ts w hich prove in t he ongoing experience of humans to be satisfying deserve the designation of“ t rue”; if a judgment is discovered to be personally or socially rewarding or useful in its consequences t hen it is t rue ( James , 1988) . The circumstance t hat con tradictory t heories of trut h have been advanced , and that we have admittedly derived the concept of one maximally comprehensive t ru th in part from one of t hese t heories rat her t han another , does not , however , t hreaten t he validit y of the concept . For whatever rival judgments migh t be advanced by way of challenging an assump tion from which t he one maximally comprehensive trut h has been derived are paradoxically embraced by t he very trut h t hey seek to challenge - t he t ru th , namely , t hat all contradictory but less comprehensive judgmen ts than itself have been rendered . Concerning t he example in hand, insofar as rival theories of trut h are themselves metajudgmen ts , t he one maximally comprehensive t rut h is a meta-metajudgment in reference to their occurrence . The concept of one maximally comprehensive t rut h also derives in par t from a certain view of time . As wit h ot her questions about the fundamental nature of existence, the question of time has engendered a long ( and in t his case especially tangled) record of con tradictory judgments . The views of m any persons have constitu ted some variation of one of the following notions . Some persons have inclined to t he view that time is a self-subsistent en tity or process“ wit hin”which substances change or move . Others have held that time has no existence apart from t he motions which substances undergo, and is a construct devised by humans out of their

perceptions of t hose motions . Still ot her persons have main tained that time is purely int uitive , or a priori , constitu ting one of t he means w hereby human beings impart order to their own experience . In t he view of relativit y physics time is one in tegral dimension of an empirically verifiable space-time continuum ( Gale, 1967 ) . For our own par t we accept t he trut h of the latter judgmen t, which I believe is consonant wit h state men ts made above to the effect t hat events have occurred in the past and t hat human judgments about those events have in t he past been made . Relativit y physics calls into question the concept of absolute time , through demonstrating that t he temporal interval between even ts , or the simultaneity of different even ts , varies according to the spatial locations of different observers ( such is the case, that is , at a“deeper”level of reality than can be perceived , or t hat need be considered , in the practical affairs of everyday life) ( Barnett , 1950 ) . But even relativity physics acknowledges an“ absolu te earlier”and an“absolute later”; for example, Einstein lived during an interval of time absolutely later t han t he in terval during which Newton lived ; any mother is born at a point in time absolutely earlier than t he point at which her ow n child is born , and so one . And t his concep t is sufficien t to support the one maximally comprehensive t ru th , which may be stated as follows: it is true that within a space-time con tinuum cont radictory judgments in reference to time have been rendered , some of them absolutely earlier , or absolu tely later than others ( and for all practical purposes many of them concurrently ) . Bu t w hile we thus utilize a particular judgmen t of the past-as-understanding in deriving t he concept of one maximally comprehensive trut h , the latter exceeds t he particular judgment in question in t he sense of also incorporating within its metajudgmental reach t he occurrence of any or all con tradictory judgments concerning the nature of time . We furt her submit t hat w hat is commonly referred to as t he“ future”has for living humans no reality stat us apart from anticipations made up to and including the ever-receding present moment ; there is no“ future-as-actuality”. Given anticipations have been , in t he view of different persons , true , false, or hypothetical, as have been t he later confirmations or revisions of t hose same anticipations, w hile all an ticipatory judgmen ts and t heir subsequen t confirmations or revisions are subsumed within t he one maxim ally comprehensive trut h . As mentioned above, there are no con tradictions in t he past-as-act ualit y - or , as some people migh t prefer to say , in“objective reality”- w hich

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con tains or exhibits no truth or falsehood , bu t simply exists; it is simply“ there”. Truth , falsehood, and t he quality of being hypot hetical are products solely of t he human assessment of given aspects of t he past-as-actuality , and t he frequent conflicts wit hin those differential judgments result from t he limitations and imperfections of t he finite human judging capacity . Bu t w hile the one maximally comprehensive t ru th subsumes all differential judgments within the past-as-understanding , even t he one maximally comprehensive trut h is not totally comprehensive, because, as noted previously , that t rut h acquires the stat us of being itself differen tially t rue only t hrough reference to a contradictory metajudgmen t which it does not subsume . The one m aximally comprehensive trut h is only t he most comprehensive t ru th available to finite human understanding . Hence, it migh t seem on first consideration t hat living humans could possess totally comprehensive truth only if they were omniscien t . Yet , such an omniscien t total t ru th , being in its own character completely non-cont radictory , t hat is non-differential, could ironically be neit her t rue nor false in the sense unavoidably e mployed by beings of merely finite understanding . Bu t if some of the judgmen ts which are subsumed by t he one maximally comprehensive truth , namely t hose of religious convictions , asser t a correspondence with the act uality of one or another omniscien t god , need such judgmen ts vitiate for persons w ho make them t he validity of the one m aximally comprehensive t ru th ? We think not , for t he believers in an omniscient god do not claim that t heir ow n understanding is equal to t hat of god , but only t hat they apprehend some portion of god’s understanding ( say , for example, god ’s intentions toward humans) . In other words , such human beliefs remain finite ( and , taking into account all persons who hold such beliefs , often contradictory ) judgments in reference to limited aspects of pu tative divine act uality , w hile only an omniscient being him/ her/ itself could know to w hat degree such human judgmen ts approach omniscience . Thus t he one maximally comprehensive trut h accessible to any given sectarian group of living religious believers , at t he level of t heir unavoidably finite understanding, is that they , in company wit h other groups of believers in various conflicting religious doctrines, have made the judgmen t that t here is one or anot her omniscien t god ( limited aspects of w hich they understand ) . Even t he judgment made by some believers t hat humans can in t heir postdeat h experience enter in to a communion wit h an omniscien t god whereby they too will attain complete understanding , remains only an an ticipatory

judgmen t made by mortals of finite judging capacity , and thus fails to exceed t he bounds of the one maximally comprehensive finite trut h available to living humans . As presented t hus far , t he concep t of one maximally comprehensive truth has had reference to what may be called informative judgmen ts dealing with matters of fact or faith ( w het her in reference to the realms of t he natural or the reputed supernat ural levels of existence ) as distinct from evaluative judgments dealing with t he moral and aesthetic opinions of humans . Bu t with little modification the concept applies as well to t he lat ter types of judgmen t as to the former . There have been many instances of agreement among humans regarding questions of good and evil, and of beaut y and ugliness , but also many cases of dissension ; at no time have all humans coincided in their evaluative judgments, with t hose judgmen ts being made in line with universally persuasive moral and aesthetic criteria ( Hammer, 1966 ; Rich ter , 1967 ) . There remains , however , t he comprehensive informative judgmen t t hat all par ticular moral and aesthetic judgmen ts have been made . One might offer as a maximally comprehensive evaluative judgment the assertion that it is good t hat all specific evaluative judgmen ts have been exercised ( t hat is , it is good that human beings have been creatures disposed to rendering differen tial moral and aest hetic judgments) , but any meaning w hich even t his evaluative metajudgmen t might have depends upon its prior assumption of the tru th ( informative metajudgment ) that all evaluative judgments have indeed been made . Alt hough within t he past-as-understanding many of the judgmen ts ( informative and evaluative ) of given persons have been incompatible wit h those of ot her persons , human beings have nonet heless gained t heir measure of personal equilibrium , and societies have gained their measure of stability , t hrough t he circumstance t hat various judgmen ts have with confidence been subscribed to in common by certain persons during given periods of time . In daily life the factor of mu tual reinforcement of judgments by at least some segments of one’s fellow human beings, on at least many items of common concern , rescues the human condition from one approximating universal insanity , in which no judgmen ts would be sustained with any more assurance t han any others . And cer tainly the individual who finds t he concept of one maximally comprehensive truth to be persuasive will meanw hile have derived his or her own measure of personal equilibrium t hrough accepting in common with at least some other persons the reliability of

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certain judgmen ts . There is no incongruity in t he accep tance by an individual of various of t he componen t judgmen ts of t he past-as-understanding toget her with t he affirmation of t he larger perspective of t he one maximally comprehensive t rut h . However , the latter affirmation might be expected to increase for the individual in question t he ratio of his or her own differential judgmen ts t hat are maintained as hypot hetical rat her than t rue or false . Perhaps we can anticipate some of t he reservations which readers may have about the concept of one maximally comprehensive trut h . Even those persons w ho may gran t its cogency at t he level of abstract discourse may perceive that trut h , because it consists only of a metajudgmen t about t he occurrence of other judgments, to be at best an empty t rut h . Such persons may remark that human living requires practical decisions and commit ments in arriving at which humans must make specific judgments, but in the making of w hich judgmen ts a grasp of t he one maximally comprehensive t rut h could be of no help . These persons may fur ther point ou t t hat the search for one maximally comprehensive t ru th seems to imply t he desirability or need for one unified overarching truth , whereas t he factor of con tinuing cont radictory judgment-making m ay be t he catalyst of creative progress in human understanding , and deserves thus to be encouraged rat her than in some sense to be superceded . We acknowledge t he point of such reservations . In daily living we ourselves continually experience, of course, problems which cannot be solved , and satisfactions w hich can be neit her clarified nor enhanced through reference to t he one m aximally comprehensive trut h . Moreover , we place t he same premium on creative contradiction as do other people . But mean while we find one t ype of satisfaction ( along , surely , with some ot her persons of similar tempera men t ) in producing a specific formulation of t he inclusive reach of t ru th accessible to mortals . I submit t hat perception of t he one m aximally comprehensive truth marks t he determinate limit of the indeterminate degree of human understanding ; and any concept which iden tifies that limit cannot be philosophically trivial . Higher orders of living creatures , and most strikingly human

beings , are inherently disposed to render judgments of t rue, false, and hypot hetical; and indeed , the human at tainmen t of prosperity , if not indeed the very survival of the human species , depends upon the skill wit h w hich they make t hose judgmen ts . Mean while, perception of the one maximally comprehensive truth discloses , from t he vantage poin t of greatest possible detachmen t, something fundamental about t he total en terprise of human differential judgmen t-making ; to apprehend that trut h is to perceive t he theoretical limit of human finite understanding . Correspondence to: Jingjing Z . Edmondson Institu te of Communication Studies Xixi Campus , Zhejiang U niversity Hangzhou , Zhejiang 310028 , China Email: jjze@ zju .edu .cn References 1 .Ayer AJ . Language, Trut h and Logic . New York : Dover Publications , Inc . Reprint edition .1952 . 2 .Ayer AJ, Hahn LE . T he philosophy of AJ . Ayer Chicago : Open Cour t Publishing Com pany .1991 . 3 .Barker SF . T he Elements of Logic . New York : McGraw- Hill Book Company . 1965 . 4 .Barnett L , wit h a Forward A Einstein . T he Universe and Dr . Einstein . New York : William Sloane Associates .1950 . 5 .Gale RM . The P hilosophy of Time: A Collection of Essays . Garden Cit y , New York : Anchor Books .1967 . 6 .Gottschalk L . U nderstanding History . New York : Alfred A . Knopf .1958 . 7 .Hammer LJ . Values and Man : Readings in Philosophy . New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company .1966 . 8 .Hopfe LM .Religions of t he World . New York : Macmillan Publishing Co ., Inc .1983 . 9 .James W . T he Meaning of T rut h , in Writings 1902 1910 ( edited by Kuklick B) . New York : T he Library of America .1988 . 10 .Levi AW . Philosophy and t he Modern World . Bloomington , Indiana : Indiana Universit y Press .1949 . 11 .Richter PE . Perspectives in Aesthetics: Plato to Cam us . New York : T he Odyssey Press, Inc .1967 . 12 .Zi Z and Guo QF . Nei Pian 3 Yang Sheng Zhu , Zhuang Zi Ji Shi . Beijing : Chinese Publish House .1982 .

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Recei ved March 26 , 2006

Li fe Science Jou rnal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Gupta et al , Biod iversity o f Mothronwala S wam p

Biodiversity of Mothronwala Swamp , Doon Valley , Uttaranchal 1



N utan Gup ta , Ashish An th wal , Abhay Bahuguna

1 . Ecology an d Environ men t Division , F . R . I ., Dehrad un 248006 , Uttaranchal , India 2 . G . B . Pan t Instit ute o f Him alayan Environ ment and Develop men t, Garh w al U n it P . Box -92 , Srinagar Garh wal 246174 , Utt aranchal , India Abstract: India is a hub of biodiversity , encompassing a wide spect rum of habitats from t ropical rain forests to alpine vegetation and from temperate forests to coastal wetlands . Among the 25 hotspots, India is considered as eigh th hot test of hotspots extending from Western ghats on one side and Eastern Himalayas on t he other . India contribu tes significan tly to t his latitudinal biodiversity trend wit h mere 2 .4 % of t he world’s area . Wetlands are transitional zones between t he terrest rial and aquatic environmen t . T hese habitats perform major ecological role in t he biosphere . Many of t he fossil fuels are known to be produced and preserved by t he swampy environment of t he carboniferous period . T hese are source , sinks and t ransformers of a multit ude of chemicals , biological and genetic materials . T hese produce a rich collection of plants , many of which are poten tial for one , or more economic use these provide food , timbers, fuel , fodder and forage etc . India has a rich variety of wetlands habitats . Tropical swam p forests once formed an impor tan t part of vegetation and extended all along t he base of Himalayas from Assam to Peshawar . T he International Biological Program ( IBP ) states that : “ A wetland is an area dominated by specific herbaceous macrophytes, t he production of which takes place predominan tly in t he aerial environment above t he water level while the plan ts are supplied with amounts of water t hat would be excessive for most ot her higher plan ts bearing aerial shoots”. Doon valley is known for its swamps . T here was a time when low lying areas of the valley were having a chain of swamps but human in terference once star ted in the name of“Malarias Climate”still persists . T he t rees were cut at t hat time and the openings created resulted in the extinction of most of the swamps . Wetlands are one of t he most productive ecosystems and t hus subjected to human greed which is yet another reason for their ex tinction . T he Mot hronwala swamp is a“Hot Spot”of biodiversity due to its topographic and edaphic variations . Unfor tunately these habitats have not been explored from ecological point of view . T he fresh water swamp of Mothronwala is under threat due to human interference and ot her an thropogenic activities . T he present work was carried out to explore t he biodiversity of t he swamp and suggest conservation and managemen t strategies . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 73 - 78] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135 ) . Keywords: wetlands ; swamps; biodiversity ; Mot hronwala ; conservation



Diversity is a concept about range of variation or differences among en tities . The term biodiversity is a contracted form of biological diversity . Biodiversit y is the degree of variety in nature and nature itself and also is t he variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, m arine and other aquatic ecosystems and t he ecological complexes of w hich they are a part . It includes diversit y within species , between species and ecosyste ms . I t is the most significan t national asset and constit utes an enduring source for supporting t he continued existence of human societies . Wetlands are neit her aquatic nor terrestrial, but are t ransitional zones . Swamps lie in the palustrine system of wetland . Swamps are marshy areas wit h typical habitats where water oozes out in perennial streams at constant level t hrough out t he year . They support characteristic vegetation on account of specialized edaphic conditions , as influ-

enced by free water accumulation . U nfor tunately these habitats have not been explored sufficien tly from ecological point of view . The Mothronwala swamp is a“ Hot Spot”of biodiversity due to topographic and edaphic variations . The only authen tic record of the area available is in t he old settlemen t documents preserved in the office of t he Dist rict Collector , Dehradun . The earliest documen t available is one - dated 1862 , and on a map t he site is indicated as“ Land under wate r” and lies close to t he Bindal River . A later record dates 1902 reveals t hat t he river has changed its course and there is a wide gap between t he presen t course of t he river and t he forest . Local enquires made of t he village elders have elicited the information t hat in t he past , the swamp was much deeper and more inaccessible t han at present . The villagers dreaded approaching the swampy zone . In a report on t he Dehradun forests prepared by Dr . G . King and published in 1871 , a reference was made to t hese areas and it was recommended that

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t he forest depart ment should drain t he swampy places, which would inciden tally improve t he health of t he eastern par t of Doon but nothing appears to have been done in t his regard . The swampy zones are located in between t he ridges and are composed of innumerable pools wit h characteristics bubbling and small intercommunicating streams . The nort hern portion , however , is drier than t he sout hern , w hich is slushier and consists of loose soil . Besides t he pools and streamlets men tioned above there are two large st reams wit h a swampy base , w hich originate from t he ex treme nort h of t he forest and flow from the nor th to sout h . In Doon valley t here are many patches of freshwater swamps , w hich are recognized as integral part of wetland ecosystems . Kanjilal ( 1901 ) first emphasized on vegetation and botanical value of swamps . Vegetation and soil text ure of Mot hron wala have been studied by Dakshini ( 1960a, 1960b , 1965 , 1970 , 1974 ) . Deva and Aswal (1974) studied the taxonomy and ecology of Mot hron wala swamp . Deva ( 1974 ) , Srivastava ( 1978 ) and Ghildiyal ( 1989 ) studied the vegetation of other swamps of Doon valley t hat include Golatappar and Manu swamp . However , study relating to t he biodiversity of Mot hronwala swamp has been left untouched, so the presen t study aimed to explore t he biodiversity and give its conservation and management st rategies . 2

Materials and Methods

Study area Mot horonwala, Dulhani-1 ( new reserve ) and Navada 10 - 14 ( old reserve ) of Lachiwala range about 5 km from main cit y of Dehradun , at an elevation of 600 m above sea level . It occupies an area of approximately 22 acres . The swamp lies at 30° 15′40″and 30°16′45″N latit ude and 78°1′and 78°2′15″E longit ude and lies to t he Sout h-East of Dehradun near t he military township of Clement Tow n . On the East is the village of Mothron wala from which the swamp derives its na me . O n t he nort h lies Banjarwala Tea Estate . On t he West lies t he Sushwa river , strea m coming out of t he swampy zone drains into the river that ultimately discharges into t he Ganga t hrough Rispana River . On t he Sout h is the Clement Tow n water works . The swampy area of Mothron wala is humid and fairly green . The maximum rainfall ranges between 600 - 800 mm during the months of July August and minimum is recorded during April May . The maximum temperat ure reaches up to 40 ℃ during the mont hs of May and June w hereas minimum of 2 - 30 ℃ during December - January . 2 .1

The ridge of Mothron wala swamp is about 10 - 11 m above t he surrounding level . The slope along t he ridge is approximately 20° - 30° . The northern par t of t he ridge is drier t han the sout hern area, w hich is slushy . Inside the swampy area, the subsoil water level is quite high and remains so through out t he year . The slush in marshy place is knee deep . During rains t he water infiltrate through t he gravelly soil extending over a very large area of the terrain oozes out here in a series of deep bu t narrow ravines giving rise to a number of st reams w hich unites in to a few main channels pour into t he Suswa river . 2 .2 Collection of aquatic flora and fauna Clusters of algal filamen ts were collected from the swamp for the st udy of diatoms and algae presen t in them . Insects attached to stones were collected by a fine forceps . Insects inhabiting the shallow areas of the strea ms below stones were collected 2 by enclosing 1 m of the subst rat um with fine square-mesh netting cloth and sweeping t he area completely . The insects were collected in clot h and picked up . The collected material was preserved in 4 % formalin and identified . 2 .3 Collection of terrestrial flora and macrophytes Par ts of different types of vegetation having flower, bud , node etc . were collected and t hen pressed in newspapers and dried for iden tification . The herbaria were identified at Botanical Survey of India ( BSI) , Dehradun . 3


Plant diversity Mot hronwala swamp possesses peculiar vegetation due to topographic and edaphic varaiations . It has diverse and dense vegetation ranging from climbers and small herbs to tall trees . Indiscriminate human interference has led to t he degradation of t he swamp forest to a great exten t leading a very small green cover . The original forest vegetation had dwindled to a larger exten t and only two tree species namely Shorea robusta and Dalbergia sisso are left in t he region . Ot her t ree species like B ischof ia javanica, Celtris australis , Litsaea monopetala , Q uercus leu trichophora , Toddalia asiatica etc ., could also be seen on t he few places . Exorbitant growth of Lan tana ca m ara and ot her exotic weeds have replaced t he larger part of the vegetation . The shallow streambeds often extending over vast area of t he swamp are covered with original hydrophytic and amphibious communities Cala m us tenuis is the most dominant species . Shrubs in t he swamp reach to a maximum heigh t of 3 .1

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2 - 3 m . A pure community of Ip m oea fist ulosa dominates upper portion of the swamp and bank of channel . The villagers collect Ror ri pa nastu rti u m aquaticu m, observed as patches along t he st ream for vegetable . The herbaceous vegetation of t he ridge is very sparse . The dominating ground vegetation is Parthen iu m hysterophorus and the grass Cynodon dactylon . O n t he ridges small t ree communities like Ficus pal nata and Pyrus paschia were common . M allotus philippensis, Indigofera tinctoria , were found at few places . Invasive weed Lan tana ca m ara occupies most of t he area . The dominantly vegetation was Partherniu m hysterphorus and few grasses like Cynodon dactylon .Small trees like Desmodiu m, Indigofera tinctoria , Ficus palnata could be seen on the slopes . The surface of the slope is almost covered with large number of herbs like Ageratu m conyzoides ( Table 1) . Table 1 . Species T rees

Plan t diversit y of Mot hronwala swamp Name Shorea robusta Dalberg ia sissoo Cel tris australis Ficus palm ate Sapiu m sebi feru m Solanum torvu m Indigo fera tinctoria Ficus religiosa Caryopteris wallichiana Pyrus pashia



Ar disia solanacea Mal lotus philippensis Carrisa opaca Zizyphus mau ritiana Murraya koenigii Smil ax glaucophylla Plectrant hes japonicus R ubus niveus Polygonu m chinense Lan tana camara Part heniu m hysterophor us Eupatori um adenophoru m


Argemone mexicana Solanum nigru m Chenopodi um album R ung ia pectinata


A gerat um conyzoides Cynodon dactylon Cyper us kyllingia Eleusi ne indica

In t he swampy zone, t he plan t diversit y varies according to t he habitat, in pools and numerous st reams usually macrophytes are found . Among shrubs Ipomea fist uosa , L an tana ca m ara etc ., are commonly found . Polygon iu m barbat u m , Oenant he javan ica , Desmod iu m tri foliu m are seen along the st reams and present on well-drained soils . The ground flora covers species like Acor us cal am us , Partheni u m hysterophorus etc, the livestock grazes the palatable species during t he summer season , while t he fern Di plazi u m esculen tu m locally known as lingora is collected for the vegetable in t he region . Cala m us tenu is is the most dominan t at shallow st reambeds and Ipomoea f ist uosa is dominant in the upper portion of the swamp ( Table 2 ) . Table 2 .

List of aquatic macrophytes of t he swamp

Taxonomical name


Ranuncul us scelera tus

R anunculaceae

Rorripa nast urtiu m aquaticum


S ida acut a


S ida cordata


Ventilago denticu late


Acer oblongu m


Acer pennata


Pyrus pash ia


Carallia i nteger rim a


Oenan the jav anica


Olden landia corymbosa


Inula cappa

Ar teracea

Enhydra f luct uans

Ar teracea

Ipomoea carnea


Ipomoea f istu losa


Bacopa monnieri


L ant ana camara Allm ania nod if lora Polygonum barbat um Com melina berghalensis Narengaporphyrow m I mperat a cylindrica Coix lachrymal jobi Acorus cala mus Calanus tenu is Pouzolzia pertendra Canna indica Cyperus iria Cyperus globosus Scirpus eract us Justicia qu inqueargularis

Verbenaceae Amrant haceae Polygonaceae Commelinaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Araceae Arecaceae Ur ticaceae Cannaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Acant haceae

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A total of 19 genera of algae belonging to t hree orders were found in t he stagnan t water of t he swamp . 16 species belonging to Bacillariophyceae, 2 species of Chlorophyceae and 1 species of Myxophyceae were found . T abelleria of Bacillariohyceae was found to be abundant . Amongst the Chlorophyceae Sp riogyra was found to be abundant ( T able 3) . Table 3 .

Table 4 . swamp

Abundance of Algal components


Three species of Molluscs also represented the animal diversity of t he swamp . Amongst the Trichop terans, Pl anaria was found to be abundant whereas Hyd ropysche was found to be rare . Ephemerall of Ephemeroptera and Ger ris of the order Hemiptera were also found abundan tly ( T able 5) .



List of fishes found in the st ream flowing in the

Vernacular name

Scientific name

Kali Machi

Barbus chilinoides


+ +


Mastacembal us


+ +


V phicephalus punctat us


+ +


Barbus ticto

Meri dion

+ +

Diatom a




Gom phonema

+ +


+ +







N itzchia





+ + +

Hydrop tila


S tauroneis




Navicull a

+ +



Table 5 . Abundance of Macroinvertebrates Name Abundance Trichoptera Molanna Hydropsyche

+ + +

Chlorel la


+ + +

Coleoptera Amphizoa lecontes Anchycetus

+ + +


Chlorophyceae Spirogyra

+ +


+ + +

Cerit hidea

+ + +


+ + +




Oscillatoria + + + + + Abundant , + + Common , + Rare


+ + + + +


Animal diversity Biodiversity is key factor for nat ural development of global ecosystem . The concern for biodiversity has emerged as a result of quan tification of consumers and consumables . Among t he animals Lepus n igricollis ( Indian Hare ) and Susscrof a cristat us ( wild boar) were know n to be dominan t . Rana tigrina t he only amphibian was found abundant . Four species of fishes also represented the animal diversit y ( T able 4 ) . Leeches are found in large number during the rains . Water snakes were common in t he st reams . Among the macro-zoobenthos 13 species belonging to 5 orders were iden tified . Amongst the 13 species of macroinvertebrate present 5 species represen ted genera Trichoptera, 2 species of Ephe meroptera, 2 species of Odonata, 2 species of Coleoptera and 2 species of Hemip tera . 3 .2


+ +


+ + +

Odonata Enallagma Agrion + + + Abundant , + + Common , + Rare


+ + +


The t hreats to wetlands may be divided into two broad categories: nat ural threats and an thropogenic threats , w hich may be direct or indirect . Nat ural t hreats include eut rophication , erosion , storm damage , drought or biotic in terference ot her than by man , w hich may lead to dest ruction of wetlands . The human in terven tion by drainage and reclamation for agricult ure and urban const ruction

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stop t hem to play their usual ecological roles . Ecological degradation of wetlands together wit h pollution has resulted in the loss of flora and fauna . The fresh water swamp of Mot hronwala is under great environmental stress and has been degraded to a great ex ten t during t he last few decades . The major portion of the swamp has been encroached upon by t he human settlements , agriculture, cultivation and related developmen tal activities . Forests felling are common on t he ridges . The villagers have occupied t he peripheral area of cultivation of various fodder species . As the can tonment is in t he close vicinity of the swamp , t he area is being exploited to meet out t he various needs of t he military persons . A water pump has been installed inside t he swa mp to pull out t he water to be used for drinking , bat hing and other domestic purposes . Lopping of t rees by people from neighboring village results in the deformity of some of the trees wit h t he consequen t effect on t he ground floor vegetation . Invasion of exotic weeds like Lant ana cam ara, Parthen iu m hysterophoru m , Agerat u m conyzoides, Ipo moea has drastically changed t he vegetation of the swamp . Plant species like Shorea robusta , Bom bax ceiba , Grewia oppositi folia, T oona ciliata are used for fodder, fuel and timber by villagers . Cattle t rampling is another big biotic factor responsible for reduced vegetal cover of the region . Grazing is also a factor to be considered par ticularly on the slope and the ridges . Leasing ou t of medicinal plan ts like Centella asiatica, Bacopa monn ierii , Berchemia f loribunda , Desmodiu m triangulare, Cassia pu m ila , Acorus cala m us etc ., have caused the depletion of t hese species from t he swamp area . At Mot hronwala swamp, t he ecological succession is resulting into conversion of aquatic region to terrestrial is also cont ribu ting to t he shrinkage of waterbed area . Erosion of the exposed slopes is responsible for the alteration in vegetational cover from season to season . Higher deforestation rate results in t he loss of topsoil, which is drained off wit h rainwater and settles dow n in t he stream . This result in rise of soil level in swamps making t hem much shallower wit h reduced water spread area . Wetlands are the sources sinks and t ransformers of chemical, biological and genetic materials . They play a significant role in environment by providing a unique habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna . However , over a period of time t hese nat ural heritages are con tinuously disturbed by human in terference and over exploitation of biological resources available in t hem or in nearby locations . Since last few decades efforts have been made at na-

tional and in ternational level to assess the stat us , management and conservation of wetlands wit h growing awareness t he impor tance of t hese fragile ecosystems have been realized throughout the globe (Chatrat h , 1992) . The long- term solution to the problem of protecting wetlands lies in educating t he masses . U nless people realize t he need to safeguards wetland ecosystem and are made aware of how they can cont ribute to t his effort , there is little hope for t he survival of t hese ecologically valuable and vulnerable habitats .The fresh water swamp of Mot hronwala is under t hreat due to human interference and ot her an thropogenic activities . As a consequence, some measures are of u tmost importance to check t heir fur ther deterioration like the knowledge of the physical dimensions of t hese fresh water swamps by way of field surveys and ot her appropriate techniques like remote sensing etc . should be gained . Inventory of bot h flora and fauna in t hese swamps should be made and rare, endangered and economically important species should be given top priority for t heir protection . Since deforestation in the catchment area due to human interference, has adversely affected these swamps . It is necessary to go for large scale afforestation in these areas . Sincere effor ts should be made to check the soil erosion from slopes , w hich lead to siltation in these swamps . It can be done by constructing check dams in high reaches, at differen t places and initiating afforestation in these areas . There should be a regular testing and monitoring of the water qualit y of t hese swamps . The water samples need to be taken from the disturbed areas along the st ream at regular intervals to judge the adverse effects of human activities . State Pollu tion Con trol Board sit uated locally should be en trusted with such responsibility . There should be a complete ban on all construction activities up to a specified distance , say about 100 m or more from t he swamp . This can be ensured by making a clearance mandatory from the state environmen t depart ment before under taking any const ruction activity in the vicinity of the swamp . Efforts should be initiated by t he State Forest Depar tment to protect these swamp forests from fur ther destruction by enforcing st rict laws and warding heavy penalties on defaulters w ho are harming these ecologically sensitive zones by over exploitation of resources , cutting and lopping , diversion of water for irrigation and agricult ure and urban land use . To make people aware of t he importance and threats to wetlands and their conservation , various government instit utions , NGOs and media ( bot h

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Li fe Science Jou rnal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Gupta et al , Biod iversity o f Mothronwala S wam p

prin t and audiovisual ) should take the lead and m ake it a mass movement . Local communities should be involved to ensure sustainability of conservation effor t under taken by the governmen t agencies . For this t hey can be involved in decisionm aking processes required for management and conservation of wetlands . Correspondence to : Ashish An th wal G . B . Pant Instit ute of Himalayan Environment and Development Garhwal U nit , P . Box-92 Srinagar Garhwal 246174 , Uttaranchal, India Telephone : 91-1346-252603 ( Office) ; 91-1346-252624 ( Home ) ; 91-9412961180 ( Cellular) Email: ashishaan th wal25 @rediffmail .com




12 13 14



References 1 .Abbasi SA . Wetlands of India: Ecology and T hreats . Discovery Publishing House , New Delhi 1997 ; Volume 1 : 3 - 12 . 2 .Anonymous . Wetlands of India : a Directory , MOEF , Govt . of India , New Delhi . 1990 . 3 .Champion HG . A preliminary survey of forest types of India and Burma . India Forest Rec N .S . 1936 ; 1 : 1 286 . 4 .Beard JS . T he classification of tropical American vegetation types . Ecology 1955 ; 36 : 89 - 100 . 5 .Champion HG, Set h SK . T he revised survey of the forest types of India . Manager of Publications, New Delhi 1968 . 6 .Chat rat h KJS . Wetlands of India . Ashish Publishing House . New Delhi 1992 . 7 .Dakshini KMM . T he vegetation of Mot hronwala swamp forest : a preliminary survey . Bull Bot Surv India 1960a ; 2 : 57 - 9 . 8 .Dakshini KMM . T he Vegetation of Mot hronwala Swamp Forest ( plant communities of swamp zone ) . Indian


18 19 20 21 22

23 24

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Forester 1960b ; 86 : 728 - 33 . .Dakshini KM M . Mot hronwala swamp forest , taxonom y and ecology . P h .D . T hesis, Agra University , Agra India . 1962 . .Dakshini K MM . A study of vegetation of Mothronwala Swamp Forest , Dehradun , India . J Ind Bot Soc 1965 ; 44 : 441 - 8 . .Dakshini K MM . Conservation of nat ural vegetation from the point of view of productivity of vegetational stand . Advise note on symposia and discussion 88t h . Indian Sci Cong Varanasi 1968 ; 12 - 3 . .Dakshini K MM . T he flora of Mot hronwala swamp . Jour Bomb Nat Hist Soc 1970 ; 67( 2) : 176 - 86 . .Dakshini , KM M . T he flora of Mot hronwala swamp . Jour Bomb Nat Hist Soc 1974 ; 71(2 ) : 235 - 43 . .Deva Som , Aswal BS . Taxonomy and ecology of Mothronwala swam p : a reassessment . Indian Forester 1974 ; ( 100) : 12 - 9 . .Deva Som , Srivastava MM . An ecological study of vegetation of golatappar swamp . Indian Forester 1978 ; 1 ( 1) : 44 - 52 . .Du thie JF . Flora of upper Gangetic plain . Calcut ta, 1903 . .Ghildial JC , Srivastava MM . T he vegetation of Manu Swamp: a tropical fresh-water swamp forest . Indian Forester 1989 ; 115(3 ) : 183 - 91 . .Kanjilal U . Swamp forest in Dehradun , N .W Province . Indian Forester 1901 ; 27 : 228 - 30 . .Kanjilal U . Flora of Assam .Shillong 1934 ; B( 4) - 2 . .Kanjilal U . Forest flora of the Chakrata Dehradun and Sharanpur forest divisions . Uttar Pradesh , 1956 . .King G . Report on Dehradun forests .Nr . 7 : 3 - 17 .Allahabad . 1871 . .Rao RR . Conservating the hot Spots of biodiversity in India . In : Ramakrishan , PS et al , ( eds .) , Conserving Biodiversit y for Sustainable development , Indian Nat Science Academy . New Delhi , 1996 ; 246 : 95 - 107 . .Richards PW . The T ropical Rain Forests . Cambridge Univ . Press, 957 . .Walton HG . Dehradun Distt . Gazetters of U .P . Vol . 1 . Allahabad , 1911 .

Recei ved March 16 , 2006

Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Cao, et al , Q T Ls f or Flag Lea f Area o f R ice

QTLs for Flag Leaf Area of Rice under Multi Environments Gangqiang Cao1 , Jun Zhu2 1 . Depart men t of Bioengineering , Zhengzhou U n iversity , Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , Chi na 2 . Depart men t o f Agronomy , Zhejiang U niversity , Hangz hou , Zhejiang 310029 , Ch ina Abstract: QTLs with epistatic effects and environmen tal in teraction effects for flag leaf area of rice were studied by mixed-model based QTL mapping wit h a doubled haploid population from IR64/ Azucena in four years . The results revealed that many QTLs were involved in epistasis , and the same locus could get involved in in teractions with more than one ot her locus . Such loci migh t play the role of modifying agen ts t hat tend to activate ot her loci or modify the action of other loci . QTL by environmen t ( QE ) interaction effects were detected more often than QT L main effects for flag leaf area , as migh t indicate that gene expression could be greatly affected by environmen tal factors for this quantitative t rait . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 (2 ) : 79 - 82] ( ISSN : 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: quantitative t rait locus; epistatic effects ; QTL by environmen t interaction effects; flag leaf area of rice Abbreviations: DH : double haploid ; QE : QT L×environment ; QTL : quantative trait locus ; LA: leaf area



Flag leaf area is very important for grain production in rice and is genetically con trolled by quantitative genes . So genetic analysis and quantitative t rait locus ( Q T L ) mapping has been conducted; some QT Ls and t heir effects were revealed in one [1 - 3] environment . But in heritance of quantitative t raits, gene expression could be modified by epistatic in teraction with ot her genes and by environmen tal factors[ 4 ] . To dissect t he quan titative inheritance of flag leaf area in rice , the Q T L mapping met hod based on mixed linear model approaches [ 5 ,6 ] and t he software Q TL Mapper were employed for detecting Q T Ls with additive and epistatic effects as well as t heir QT L by environment ( Q E ) in teraction effects . 2

Materials and Methods

A population of 123 double haploid ( DH ) lines derived from a cross between an irrigated ind ica variet y IR64 and an upland japonica variety Azucena[ 7 ] were used in the experiments . The genetic m ap of t his population containing 175 markers distributed among 12 chromosomes covering 2005 cm wit h an average distance of 11 .5 cm bet ween mark[8] ers was used for QT L mapping . The 123 DH lines and their paren ts , IR64 and Azucena, were grow n in a randomized complete design with two replications at bot h Hainan of China in 1995 and Hangzhou of China in 1996 , 1997 and

1998 . Hainan Island is located in t he Sout hern China Sea at 18°north latitude w hile Hangzhou is located in Eastern China at abou t 30°nor th latit ude . These two places show great difference in clim ate, soil conditions, day lengt h , and even rice growing seasons . At Hangzhou, there were remarkable divergences of temperature, soil conditions among the three years . The experimen t was conducted from early December 1995 to late April 1996 at Hainan where rice can grow well all year round . At Hangzhou , experimen ts were carried out from late May to early November in 1996 , 1997 and middle May to middle October in 1998 . In all environments, t he germinated seeds were sown in a seedling bed and t he seedlings were transplanted to a paddy field 30 days later , wit h a single plant per hill spaced at 15 cm × 20 cm . Each plot included four lines with eigh t plan ts per line . At t he mat urit y stage, lengt h and widt h of flag leaf of 6 cent ral plants in each plot were measured . The flag leaf [9] area ( LA ) was calculated according to Yoshida et al: Leaf area = Leaf leng th × Leaf widt h × 0 .725 . Q TLs as well as their environmental in teraction effects were mapped by the mixed model based Q TL mapping approach and software of Q T LMap[5,6] per . The likelihood ratio value of 11 .5 , w hich [ 10 ] is equal to a LOD score of 2 .5 , was used as a threshold to declare t he detection of Q T L or epistasis .

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Cao, et al , Q T Ls f or Flag Lea f Area o f R ice

Results and Analysis


Transgressive segregation of leaf area The phenotypic behavior of leaf area for t he DH population and its paren ts under four environments were described in Table 1 . Leaf area ( LA ) of paren t Azucena was larger than that of IR64 in 3 .1

Table 1 . E nvironmen t

all environmen ts . Wide variation from maximum to minimum values occurred among DH lines across all four environments . But also t he population segregated con tinuously like normal distribu tion , both skew and kurt values were less than 1 .0 , as suggested that the DH population were suitable for Q TL analysis .

Phenotypic behavior of flag leaf area under four environments Paren ts

DH population






St dev



Hainan in 95

14 .9

30 .1

27 .97

51 .42

11 .66

8 .05

0 .34

- 0 .33

Hangzhou in 96

29 .7

52 .5

42 .49

80 .96

17 .12

13 .4

0 .47

- 0 .43

Hangzhou in 97

32 .9

57 .1

45 .13

70 .86

20 .67

10 .2

- 0 .01

- 0 .82

Hangzhou in 98

31 .0

37 .3

32 .26

55 .00

21 .33

5 .88

0 .72

0 .59

Note : Mean , Max , Min , St dev , Skew and Kur t are the average , maximum , minimum , standard deviation , skew and kurt of all observations for DH lines in one environmen t .

Quantitative trait loci for LA Altoget her 15 Q T Ls for leaf area wit h additive effects and/ or additive × additive epistasis effects were found on 10 chromosomes of all the 12 chromosomes ( T able 2 ) . They were named for leaf area as“ La”with the chromosomal number .

3 .2

Table 2 . Positions of QT Ls with additive effect and/ or additive × additive epistasis effect for flag leaf area

Table 3 . Additive and/ or additive × environment interaction effects of QTLs across four environmen ts Q TL La1 - 1

a - 1 .75

ae1 * *

1 .94



* * *

- 0 .95 *



- 1 .78

* *

3 .87 *


La1 - 2

- 1 .1 7 *

La2 - 2

1 .44 *


0 .68 *

La3 - 1

1 .61 *


- 2 .79 *


2 .77 *

- 1 .29 *


- 2 .76 *

La3 - 3

- 1 .63 *



- 4 .91 *


- 2 .55 *


- 2 .01 *


- 2 .76 *


- 4 .58 *


Chrom .


Marker interval

Distance( M)



La1 - 1

RG246 - K5

0 .1

La6 - 1


La1 - 2

RZ730 - RZ801

0 .08


La2 - 1

RG157 - R Z318

0 .14


La2 - 2

RZ123 - RG520

0 .1



La3 - 1

RG348 - RZ329




La3 - 2

RZ403 - RG179

0 .04


La3 - 3

CDO87 - RG910

0 .02



RZ590 - RG214




RZ70 - RZ225

0 .18


La6 - 1

RZ667 - Pgi_2



La6 - 2

Amy2A - RG433

0 .02



PGMS007 - CDO59

0 .04



RZ228 - RZ12




RG134 - RZ500


0 .72 *

La6 - 2

1 .38 *



1 .90 *



1 .35 *



- 1 .75 * *

0 .64 *



- 1 .60 * 2 .78 *


1 .95 *


2 .52 *


0 .51 *



3 .72 * - 3 .4 4 *


3 .32 *


La9 - 0 .35 * - 0 .82 *


Note : a , ae1 , ae2 , ae3 , ae4 represen t additive main effect and additive × environment interaction effect at Hainan in 1995 , at Hangzhou in 1996 , 1997 and 1998 , respectively . * * * and represen t the significance level of P = 0 .01 and P = 0 .005 , respectively .

12 La12 CDO344 - RG958 0 Note: QT Ls wit h both detectable additive effects and epistatic effects were presented in regular form while the Q TLs involved in epistasis but withou t detectable additive effects were presented in bold italic form , and t he QTLs wit h only additive effects but no epistatic effects were notified wit h underling lines .

If t here were more than one QT L in a chromosome, t he serial number was added after chromosomal number separated by a hyphen . The positions of t hese Q T Ls were indicated by t he marker interval bracketing the concerned Q T L wit h the estimated distance in morgon ( M ) from t he left marker . The 11 Q T Ls with bot h detectable additive effects and epistatic in teraction effects were presen ted in regular form , w hile t he 2 Q T Ls involved in epistatic in teractions but wit hou t detectable additive effects were presented in bold italic letters, and the other 2 Q T Ls with only additive

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Cao, et al , Q T Ls f or Flag Lea f Area o f R ice

effects but no epistatic effects were notified wit h underling lines . The estimated additive effects and t he additive × additive epistatic effects at significance level of 0 .01 or 0 .005 under different environmen ts were presented in t he Table 3 and Table 4 , respectively . Table 4 . Epistasis and epistasis by environmen t in teraction effects of QT Ls across four environ ments . QTLi



aae1 0 .47 *

La1 - 1 La1 - 2

aae2 *

3 .57 *



La1 - 2


0 .37 *

La1 - 2


- 0 .51 * 1 .10 * - 2 .33 *

La2 - 1 La12 La2 - 2 La6 - 1

0 .62 * 1 .15 *

La1 - 2 La3 - 2 1 .03 *

La2 - 1 La2 - 2



La1 - 1 La6 - 1 La1 - 1 La10



- 5 .16 *


3 .93 *


- 1 .34 *


2 .81 *


1 .94 *


- 1 .38 *

La2 - 2


0 .54 *


- 2 .01 *


La3 - 3


1 .21 *


- 1 .50 *


- 3 .48 *


- 3 .19 *


La3 - 3 La6 - 1 - 2 .11 *

* *

La3 - 3


- 1 .41 *



1 .39 *

1 .28 * 5 .12 *


- 1 .92 *



Note : aa, aae1 , aae2 , aae3 , aae4 represent epistatic main effect and epistasis × environment interaction effect at Hainan in 1995 , at Hangzhou in 1996 , 1997 and 1998 , respectively . * and * * represent t he significance level of P = 0 .01 and P = 0 .005 , respectively .

Analysis for QTL additive effects 13 Q T Ls with additive main effect ( a ) and / or additive by environment interaction effect ( ae ) were shown in T able 3 . In t hem , 5 Q T Ls had bot h a and ae effects , while 7 Q T Ls with only ae effects in one to four environmen ts and 1 Q T L wit h only a effect . As to Q T Ls’ a effects , 4 Q TLs had con tribution to decreasing leaf area and 2 Q T Ls to increasing . As to Q T Ls’ ae effects , usually Q T Ls had opposite directions of ae effects in two or more environments . The additive main effect a was t he accumulated effect expressed in the same way across differen t environments , w hile the interaction effect ae was the deviation due to specific environment . At a specific environmen t, the total effect of a QT L should include t he main effects plus Q E interaction effects at t hat environment . The a effect of Q T L La4 reached maximum absolute value 4 .91 2 cm , and ae effect from Q T L La6 - 1 reached 2 m aximum absolute value 4 .58 cm in 1996 . Maybe t he environmen t in 1996 could influence the Q T L La6 - 1 greatly . The results of ae effects were obviously more often detected t han a effects, which migh t also suggested for quantitative t raits gene expression could be modified by environmen tal factors easily . 3 .3

Analysis for QTL epistatic effects Altogether 14 digenic epistatic pairs wit h epistatic main effect ( aa) and/ or epistasis by environment interaction effect ( aae ) were detected ( Table 4) . Among t hem , only 2 pairs had bot h aa and aae effects , while 5 pairs had only aa effects and 7 pairs had only aae effects . The maximum absolute magnit ude of aa and aae effects reached 2 2 2 .1 1 cm to 5 .16 cm , respectively . The range of epistasis × environment interaction effects was wider than the range of epistasis main effects , and epistasis × environment interaction effects were more often detected t han epistasis main effects , which might indicate t hat digenic interactions were more easily subjected to environmen tal influence . The composition of epistatic pairs was interesting for that , the detected pairs included 2 QT Ls without detectable a or ae effects ( notified in bold italic form in T able 4 ) . The role of this kind of Q TL migh t be only to regulate ot her Q T L . Anot her notewor thy case was that it was fairly common for one Q T L to interact with more than one Q TL . This also indicated t he possibility of multi- QT L associations in the formation of complex traits . 3 .4



Both epistatic effects and Q T L ×environment interaction effects are importan t components of genetic basis for complex traits . But many of researches have been based on models assuming no epistatic effects or Q E in teraction effects[ 1 - 3 ] . This usually cannot give unbiased estimation for Q TL parameters . Partitioning of epistasis from other genetic components of variation would help to obtain more reliable results of Q T L mapping . Furt hermore, t he contribu tion of Q T Ls to the trait should also vary according to the growing environment . Usually , QE effects are t reated as random effects especially in differen t years . They imply the ex tents that Q T Ls would be affected by unknow n environmen t factors in differen t years . Acknowledgments This study was suppor ted by a grant (39893350 ) from National Natural Science Foundation of China . Correspondence to: Gangqiang Cao Depar tment of Bioengineering Zhengzhou U niversit y Zhengzhou , Henan 450052 , China Email: caogq@ zzu .edu .cn

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Cao, et al , Q T Ls f or Flag Lea f Area o f R ice

References 1 .Li SG , He P , Wang Y P, Li HY, Chen Y, Zhou KD , Zhu LH . Genetic analysis and gene mapping of the leaf traits in rice ( Oryza sativ a L .) . Acta Agronomica Sinica 2000 ; 26( 3) : 261 - 5 . 2 .Zhong DB, Luo LJ, Mei HW , Guo LB, Wang YP , Yu XQ , Ying CS, Li ZK . Mapping QTLs for total leaf number of the main stem and its related traits in rice . Chinese J Rice Sci 2001 ; 15( 1) : 7 - 12 . 3 .W ang YP , Zeng JP , Guo LB , Xing YZ , Xu CG, Mei HW , Ying CS, Luo LJ . QTL and correlation analysis on characters of top t hree leaves and panicle weigh t in rice ( Oryza sa tiva L .) . Chinese J Rice Sci 2004 ; 19 (1) : 13 - 20 . 4 .A tchley W R , Zhu J . Developmen tal quantitative genetics, conditional epigenetic variability and growth in mice . Genetics 1997 ; 147 : 765 - 76 . 5 .Zhu J . Mixed model approaches of mapping genes for complex quan titative t raits . Journal of Zhejiang University ( Natural Science) 1999 ; 33 (3) : 327 - 35 .

6 .Wang DL , Zhu J, Li ZK , Paterson AH . Mapping QTLs with Epistatic Effects and QTL × Environment In teractions by Mixed Linear Model Approaches . T heor Appl Genet 1999 ; 99 : 1255 - 64 . 7 .Huang N , Parco A , Mew T , Magpan tay G , McCouch S, Guiderdoni E , Xu J , Subudhi P , Angeles ER , Khush GS . R FLP mapping of isozymes, RAPD and QTL for grain shape, brown plan t hopper resistance in a doubled haploid rice population . Mol Breed 1997 ; 3 : 105 - 13 . 8 .Guiderdoni E , Galinato E , Luist ro J , Vergara G . Another culture of tropical japonica/ indica hybrids of rice ( O ryza sa tiva L .) . Euphytica 1992 ; 62 : 219 - 24 . 9 .Yoshida S, Forno DA, Lock JH , Gomez KA . A Laboratory Manual for t he Physiological Studies of Rice . International Rice Research Institu te, Manila , T he Philippines 1976 ; 69 - 72 . 10 .Zeng ZB, Weir BS . Statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci . Acta Agronomica Sinica 1996 ; 22 : 535 - 49 .

Received Febr uary 20 , 2006

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Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Neves, et al , Wheat Milli ng By-products Fer men tation

Wheat Milling By-products Fermentation : Potential Substrate for Bioethanol Production Marcos Antonio das Neves1 , Naoto Shimizu 1 , Toshinori Kimura2 , Kiwamu Shiiba3 1 . Grad ua te School of Life and Environ men tal Sciences, U n iversity of Tsukuba , 1-1-1 Tennodai , Tsukuba , Japan 2 . Graduate School of Agricu ltu re, Hokkaido U niversity, Kita 9 , Nishi 9 , Kit a- ku , Sapporo . Hokkai do, Japan 3 . Nisshin Flour Milli ng Co . Lt d . 25 , Kanda- Nishiki-cho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku , Tokyo, Japan Abstract:An overview on the potential application of wheat milling by-products for bioet hanol production is made . T he fer mentation performance of low-grade wheat flour ( LG ) and wheat bran ( WB) was evaluated and compared to wheat flour ( WF ) α . - amylase or cellulase was used for liquefaction , followed by simultaneous saccharification and fer mentation ( SSF ) by glucoamylase and Zymomonas mobilis . T he final et hanol concent ration , overall productivit y and yield obtained from LG ( 51 .4 g ethanol/ L , 2 .72 g ethanol/ L・h and 0 .17 g et hanol/ g flour , respectively) were considerably higher compared to WB ( 18 .1 g/ L , 1 .09 g/ L・h and 0 .02 g/ g) . High LG fermentation rates, reaching t he highest ethanol productivity (4 .4 g/ L・h ) wit hin 6 h of SSF , indicated considerable savings on fermentation time , compared to curren t industrial processes . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3( 2) : 83 - 87] ( ISSN : 1097 8135) . Keywords: wheat ; flour ; by-product ; bran ; fermen tation ; et hanol Abbreviations : LG: low-grade wheat flour ; μ: growt h rate ; P : et hanol production ; Q : ethanol productivity ; Q V : overall volumet ric et hanol productivit y ; RP : solid residue; SSF : simultaneous saccharification and fermentation ; WB : wheat bran ; WF : wheat flour ; Y L : liquefaction yield ; Y P/ S : ethanol yield




Wit h t he search for alternative renewable energy sources , biofuels are becoming a viable solution, as t hey are non-fossil fuels from renewable sources . Of all biofuels , et hanol is already produced on a fair scale world wide . The bulk of the production is located in Brazil and the USA . Various st udies on et hanol conversion syste ms from wheat products have been conducted based on t he u tilization of raw wheat flour or damaged wheat grains ( e .g . Mon tesinos & Navarro 2000 , Suresh et al . 1999 ) . However, only a few repor ts on w heat milling by-products fermentation are available ( e .g . Adrados et al . 2005 ) . Thus , t he objectives of t his study were to develop a simultaneous saccharification and fermen tation ( SSF ) process in batch mode for w heat milling by-products and to evaluate t he fermentation performance of low-grade w heat flour ( LG ) and wheat bran ( WB ) , compared to wheat flour ( W F ) .

Materials and Methods

Materials Raw material: LG , WB and W F . Typical composition was summarized in Table 1 . Bacterial cells: Zym omonas mobilis NBRC 13758 . Enzymes: α-amylase ( 51 U/ mg , Sigma, USA) ; glucoamylase ( 23 U/ mg , Sigma , USA ) ; cellulase ( 106 U/ mg, M P Biochemicals) . Liquefaction : One liter slurries containing 200 g dried matter/ l of LG ( pH 6 .1 ) , WB ( pH 5 .9) or WF ( pH 5 .7) were hydrolyzed separately using 400 U α-amylase/ g flour ( in t he case of LG or W F) or cellulase (for WB) at 55 ℃ , 100 rpm for 2 h . SSF: 200 U glucoamylase/ g flour and 100 ml starter culture ( 3 . 1 × 10 8 viable cells/ ml ) were added to the liquefied slurry and the SSF was conducted in a previously sterilized 2 liter jar fermen tor ( Marubishi) at 35 ℃ , 100 rpm, pH 4 .5 in anaerobic environmen t sparging N2 gas (100 ml/ min) . 2 .2 Analytical methods Glucose, maltose, and et hanol were deter2 .1

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mined using HPLC ( Shiiba et al . 1993 ) . The reducing sugars were calculated based on t he sugar dist ribu tion obtained by HPLC . They were composed of monosaccharides ( glucose, arabinose and xylose) or disaccharides ( maltose and cellobiose ) . The liquefaction yield ( Y L ) was calculated as t he quotien t of the amoun t of maltose released during liquefaction by the initial substrate . The fermentation performance was evaluated based on ethanol concent ration ( P ) , productivity

Table 1 .

( Q ) , overall volumet ric productivity ( Q V ) , yield ( Y P/ S ) , and solid residue ( R P ) . Q V was calculated as t he quotient of the total ethanol production by the fermentation time . Y P/ S was defined as the quotient of the ethanol produced by the initial substrate . A n aliquot of t he final product was cent rifuged ( 4 , 000 rpm , 20 min ) , and t he solid residue dried in order to evaluate t he residue formation ( RP ) .

Fermentation performance of various wheat milling products

Subst rate







15 .0

13 .3

10 .4

Starch ( % ) ( w/ w) Moisture ( % ) ( w/ w )

15 .6±0 .09

11 .7±0 .25

62 .0±0 .04

14 .0±0 .15

12 .2±0 .19

13 .1±0 .01

Ash ( % ) ( w/ w )

2 .7±0 .01

5 .6±0 .04

0 .6±0 .15

51 .40±0 .37

18 .10±3 .17

68 .10±1 .43




28 .50±2 .69

111 .20±8 .31

8 .30±0 .93

Ash ( % ) ( w/ w ) Ethanol yield ( Y P/ S ) ( g ethanol/ g flour)

3 .90±0 .04

18 .70±0 .21

7 .70±0 .42

0 .17±0 .01

0 .02±0 .08

0 .30±0 .03

Overall volumet ric ethanol productivity ( Q V ) (g/ L・h)

2 .72±0 .04

1 .09±0 .21

3 .64±0 .08

Raw material Subst rate concentration ( g/ L )


Protein ( % ) ( w/ w )b c

Final product Ethanol concent ration ( P) ( g/ l ) Supernatant ( ml )


Solid residue ( RP ) ( g dry matter)


0 .119 0 .142 0 .043 Growt h rate (μ) (1/ h ) a 1 liter slurries were prepared for each substrate , separately b Protein content ( total nit rogen×5 .7 ) ; provided by Nisshin Flour Milling Co . Ltd . c Composition assays performed as described elsewhere ( Neves et al . 2006 ) . Mean±S .D . of t hree experiments d Before cent rifugation (5 , 000 rpm for 30 min) e Growt h rate was calculated by linear regression of microbial growt h curves ( Slope =μ/ 2 .303)


Results and Discussion

Liquefaction The LG liquefaction yield was 0 .065 ±0 .002 g maltose/ g flour ( Mean ± S .D ., n = 3 repetitions) , followed by WB ( 0 .010 ± 0 .005 g/ g ) , compared to the reference subst rate W F (0 .126 ± 0 .021 g/ g) . The Y L from LG was nearly six fold t hat from WB , evidencing t he lower initial starch con ten t in WB . Besides releasing glucose ( the major product of WB hydrolysis using cellulase ) , arabinose and xylose may also be produced, as mentioned in previous literature ( Adrados et al . 2004 ; Shiiba et al . 1993) . The sugar con ten t during WB liquefaction fluctuated considerably between replicates . This behavior was likely caused by WB pentosans . They are know n to have low water solubility , thus de3 .1

creasing t heir availabilit y for enzymatic hydrolysis (Adrados et al . 2004 ) . For instance, w hile amylopectin is soluble in water , the starch granules itself as well as amylose are insoluble in cold water . In t he case of LG, maltose concen tration was nearly stable after 2 h liquefaction , indicating the end of starch hydrolysis . This is in line with the results reported by Montesinos et al . ( 2000 ) . They demonst rated that liquefaction during 2 h was necessary for efficien t hydrolysis of glucose polymers when slurries containing 300 g raw wheat flour/ L were hydrolyzed at 95 ℃ using thermostable αamylase . 3 .2 Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation The results of SSF using different wheat products are depicted in Figure 1 . The increase in glucose at the SSF onset implies t hat glucoamylase ac-

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tivity was sufficien t to release more glucose t han Z . m obilis could metabolize . However , in t he case of LG , after 2 h SSF t he glucose level decreased continuously , disappearing at c . a . 9 h . Meanwhile, et hanol increased gradually , stabilizing at nearly 18 h .

lose fermen tation involves a metabolic pat hway with two enzymes , xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase . Z . mobilis is not able to produce these two enzymes , t hus t he impossibilit y to ferment pentoses . Some ot her microorganisms , such as P . sti pitis, produce t hese enzymes nat urally ( Kodaki et al . 2004 ) . Sligh t amounts of cellobiose , a reducing sugar obtained by partial cellulose hydrolysis , were detected in WB fermentation mash ; t his is a poten tial carbon source , since it can be conver ted to glucose by α-glucosidase, which occurs nat urally in w heat products . Experimental microbial growth rate (μ) values indicated t hat Z . mobilis grew faster in WB- or LG-based subst rates , rather than in W F . Low μ values obtained for W F ( T able 1 ) suggested t hat in this case the sugars contained in t he fermentation mash were preferably metabolized in to ethanol, rather t han used for biomass production , substantiated by high P and low RP values . 3 .3 Fermentation performance The fermen tation performance was evaluated using various parameters ( P , Q, Q V , Y P/ S , and RP ) , summarized in Table 1 . Figure 2 shows t he ethanol productivity ( Q ) profiles t hroughou t the SSF process . Q values for WB were lower compared to LG or WF , w hich was likely due to the presence of pentose sugars in WB . Incomplete starch hydrolysis during W F liquefaction may have caused delay on et hanol production , as well . This was consisten t wit h the hypothesis that starch hydrolysis is made difficult by t he increased viscosit y during liquefaction , caused by starch granules swelling as well as water penet ration ( Mon tesinos & Navarro 2000 ) .

Figure 1 . Ti me-course profiles of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation from various wheat products . ( a) Low grade flour ; ( b ) Wheat bran; ( c) Wheat flour . Symbols: ▲ , Glucose; ● , Reducing sugars ; ■ , Ethanol . The bars represent the Standard Deviation ( n = 3 replicates)

From Figure 1c it was apparent t hat besides glucose, other reducing sugars were released during WB hydrolysis , mostly arabinose or xylose, rather t han maltose which was rarely detected . These results are in agreement with Shiiba et al . ( 1993 ) . Those aut hors reported t hat hemicellulose ( which is m ainly consisted of arabinose and xylose) is the major componen t of WB cell wall polysaccharides . Xy-

Figure 2 . E thanol productivity ( Q ) from various wheat products ( ◆ , low grade flour ; ▲ , wheat bran ; ■ , wheat flour ) Q was calculated by differentiating the experimental ethanol production data as function of time (Jain et al . 1985 ) .

To gain some perspective on t he improvements achieved using different conversion systems and microorganisms , a comparison was provided in T able

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Life Science Journal , 3( 2) , 2006 , Neves, et al , Wheat Milli ng By-products Fer men tation

2 . A combination of high et hanol levels and productivity is desirable in minimizing processing costs . It was apparent t hat ethanol concen tration and yield obtained for LG were relatively low, compared to other systems using WF . Such problems can be overcome, e .g . using fed-batch culture systems, as reported in previous literat ure ( Roble et al . 2003) . Those au thors were able to reach up Table 2 . Reactor (volume)

to 90 g et hanol/ L using a circulating loop bioreactor for SSF of raw cassava starch . In t he year 2000 nearly 6 .8 million tons of W F were produced in Brazil ( FIBGE , 2001 ) resulting in about 0 .3 4 million tons of LG . Assuming that this by-product could be fully used as feedstock , t he potential bioethanol production from LG becomes 78 .2 mega liters .

Su mmary of et hanol production using various subst rates and microorganisms Substrate ( g/ L )

Et hanol Productivity Yield Source ( g/ L ) ( g/ L・h) ( g/ g flour)


Cult ure


Raw wheat flour (300)


3 .19

0 .45



Fine- wheat flour


0 .49

0 .18


Jar fermen tor ( 2 L) Erlenmeyer

(40 h) Batch

Commercial α-amylase , glucoamylase and S . cerevisiae α-amylase ( from

(500 mL )

(90 h)

B . subtilis) and

Damaged wheat


0 .38

0 .14

S . cerevisiae

Damaged sorghum


0 .30

0 .11

(250) Raw cassava starch (150)


1 .17

0 .45a



α-amylase ( from A . awamori) and S . cerevisiae Commercial

LG ( 200 )


2 .72

0 .17

T his

(48 h)


WB (200)


1 .09

0 .02



WF (200)


3 .64

0 .30

Circulating loop reactor (9 L ) Jar


fermen tor

(600 h)

( 2 L)

and Z . mobilis a





Et hanol yield ( g ethanol/ g starch ) ; ( Montesinos et al . 2000) ; ( Suresh et al . 1999) ; (Roble et al . 2003)


In this work , two wheat milling by-products, LG and WB , were utilized as substrate for bioethanol production . High LG fermentation rates, reaching t he highest et hanol productivity (4 .4 g/ L・h ) wit hin 6 h of SSF , indicated considerable savings on fermen tation time, compared to current indust rial processes . The present system employing commercial enzymes migh t be too expensive for commercial bioethanol production , in view of the current market prices of most amyloly tic enzymes . This process was used to evaluate t he fermen tation performance of differen t wheat milling by-products . Industrial application of t his system requires modifications in order to decrease t he overall cost, e .g . in sit u αamylase production as well as immobilizing t he et hanol-producing st rain , utilizing fed-batch or con tinuous fermentation process . In order to use w heat milling by-products for large scale fermen tation , a system for collecting t hese by-products from the milling site has to be developed , which could be done after LG is recognized as a low cost feedstock .

Acknowledgments We are t hankful to Nisshin Flour Milling Co . Lt d . for providing LG, WB and WF samples . Correspondence to: Marcos An tonio das Neves G raduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences U niversity of Tsukuba 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba , Japan T elephone: 81-29-853-7222 Fax: 81-29-855-2203 Email: maneves2000@ yahoo .com References 1 . Adrados BP, Chotěborská P , Galbe M, Zacchi G . E thanol production from non-starch carbohydrate of wheat bran . Biores Technol 2005 ; 96 : 843 - 50 . 2 .Adrados BP , Juhász T , Galbe M , Zacchi G . Hydrolysis of nonstarch carbohydrates of wheat starch effluent for ethanol production . Biotechnol Prog 2004 ; 20 : 474 - 9 . 3 . F IBGE Funda o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística . Anuário Estatístico do Brasil 2000 - 2001 ( in Por tuguese) . 4 .Jain WK , Diaz I T , Barat ti J . Preparation and characterization of immobilized cells of Zy momonas mobilis for

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et hanol production Biotechnol . Bioeng 1985 ; 27 : 273 9. 5 .Kodaki T , Watanabe S, Makino K . Baiomasu no Etanoru Hankan . Purotein Kougakuteki Apurochi . Eco Indust ry 2004 ; 9 : 38 - 44 ( in Japanese ) . 6 .M ontesinos T , Navarro JM . Production of alcohol from raw wheat flour by amyloglucosidase and saccharomyces cerevisiae . Enzyme Microb Technol 2000 ; 27 : 362 70 . 7 .N eves MA , Kimura T , Shimizu N , Shiiba K . Production of alcohol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of low-grade wheat flour . Brazilian Arch Biol Technol 2006 ; In press .

8 .Roble ND , Ogbonna JC , Tanaka HA . novel circulating loop bioreactor wit h cells immobilized in loofa sponge for t he bio- conversion of raw cassava starch to et hanol . Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2003 ; 60 : 671 - 8 . 9 .Shiiba K , Yamada H , Hara H, Okada K, Nagao S . Purification and characterization of two arabinoxylans from wheat bran . Cereal Chem 1993 ; 70 : 209 - 14 . 10 .Suresh K , Kiransree N , Rao LV . Production of ethanol by raw starch hydrolysis and fermentation of damaged grains of wheat and sorghum . Bioprocess E ng 1999 ; 21 : 165 - 8 .

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Received March 10 , 2006

Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Pan yapi ng , et al , Medical Waste Management Practices in T hailand

Medical Waste Management Practices in Thailand Klinpratoom Panyaping1 , Benedict Ok wumabua2 1 .Depart men t of Environ ment al Engineering , Raja m agala U n iversity of Technology Lanna ( R M T U L ) , Nort hern Ca m p us , Chiang M ai 50300 , T hailand 2 . Michigan Department of Environ men tal Q ua lity , Waste and Hazardous M aterials Division , W arren , Michigan 48092 , U SA Abstract: Inappropriate medical waste management practices ( WMPs ) can cause hazards and risks t hat affect not only the generators and operators but also t he general community . An investigation of WMPs in hospitals in T hailand has shown similar and differen t patterns of medical WMPs consisting of infectious waste , solid waste and hazardous waste, including wastewater practices . T he quan tit y of infectious waste generated from different size of hospitals in Chiang Mai is at a rate of 0 .17 kg/ d/ bed to 0 .97 kg/ d/ bed . Most hospitals have an incinerator where medical waste is burned . T he ash from t he incinerator should be properly disposed in a landfill . Solid waste in hospitals is sen t to a municipal landfill . In some hospital , t here is a t hriving recycling program . Some hazardous waste is eit her burned or sent to a private secured landfill . Ot hers are collected in hospitals and stored for disposal . However , the assigned govern ment agencies and a manual for helping t hem solve waste problems are needed . All hospitals have wastewater t reatmen t plants ( WW TP ) . Some WWTP need advice for coping effectively wit h the WW TP problems . In order to provide more effective WMPs in hospitals , a standard operating procedure ( SOP) and regulations for segregation of infectious waste , solid and hazardous wastes must be developed . T he SOP should outline the met hod for handling hospital wastes , how to collect , segregate , t reat and dispose of these wastes . Furt hermore, the agency responsible for regulating incinerators and WW TPs in t he hospitals should regularly visit and inspect these facilities for improving t heir efficiency and solving problems when t hey occur . [ Life Science Journal . 2006 ; 3 (2) : 88 - 93 ] ( ISSN: 1097 - 8135) . Keywords: waste management practices ; medical waste ; regulations ; standard operating procedure Abbreviations :SOP : standard operating procedure ; WMPs : waste management practices; WWTP : wastewater treat ment plants



According to the World Healt h Organization ( WHO) , t he waste produced by healt h care facilities carries a higher potential for hazards and risks from infection and injury than any other kind of [1] waste . Medical waste or hospital waste consists of infectious , radioactive and toxic substances , as well as unsafe m aterial from activities in clinics and laboratories in hospitals . I t includes human blood and blood products wastes , tissues , animal wastes, microbiology laboratory wastes , radioactive and chemical wastes , pharmaceu tical, sharp wastes in addition to general waste like paper , food and plas[2] tics . Based upon t he WHO 1994 report of hospital waste in A merica , Netherlands, and France, about 85 % of t he hospital wastes are act ually nonhazardous waste, 10 % are infectious waste and 5 % are non-infectious waste but hazardous wastes . Although infectious and hazardous wastes from hospi-

tals occur in small quantity of waste, there is a high potential of serious t hreat to spread out various diseases and hazardous materials from these wastes due to improper disposal of dumping and burning . The poor management of medical waste poses risks to public health and the environment , especially , in terms of the transmission of disease by viruses and microorganisms , con tamination of underground water tables by unt reated medical waste in landfills , as well as contamination of ambien t air by uncont rolled burning . The problem of medical waste disposal in hospitals has become an issue of increasing concern, prompting hospital administ ration to seek new ways of safe and cost effective manage men t of the waste, and keeping t heir personnel informed of the advances in t his field . In Thailand , the estimated quan tity of infectious waste by Pollution Con trol Depar tment ( P CD ) in 2000 was reported [3] to be a total of 13 , 250 tons or 36 .1 ton/ day . These are generated from both governmen t and private hospitals . Of 22 tons of infectious wastes are

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generated in t he regional part while about 24 . 1 tons of t hese wastes are generated in Bangkok and t he nearby area . 1 .1 Waste management program The concept of waste m anagemen t program has been introduced to many activities, namely , indust ries , business and commercial, communities, houses , and hospitals . I t includes waste minimization, reduce/ reuse and recycle, incinerator and landfill . The adoption and promotion of t his progra m are still very limited in the hospitals because accrediting system is not functioning due to some barriers , such as government regulations on medical waste management , lack of support from hospital administrators , and poor environmental awareness . Therefore, t he commitmen t of hospital directors to better management is the most important criterion in promoting t he waste managemen t program to hospitals . Wit hou t support from t he hospital directors , good government regulations and better environmen tal awareness of the staff , introduction of waste management program will be difficult . 1 .2 Waste management procedures It consists of waste collection and segregation, [4] storage, t ransportation , t reatmen t and disposal . Segregation of waste is t he most importan t step in t he process of waste management . It allows management of small quan tities of waste thereby reducing t he risks as well as cost of handling and disposal of a large mingled waste . Segregated waste need to be stored in iden tifiable containers, and must separate infectious waste from hazardous waste . The general waste or solid waste and non-hazardous waste t ransportation should be kept separate from infectious waste and hazardous waste . The transpor tation con tainers should be properly enclosed . The driver must be trained to follow established [5] procedures in case of t raffic accidental spillage . 1 .3 Medical waste treatment technologies There are several medical waste t reat ment technologies , namely , mechanical, thermal, chem[ 4 ,6 ,7 ] ical, and irradiation processes . Mechanical process is used to change t he physical form of t he waste to facilitate waste handling . It consists of compaction and shredding . Compaction involves compressing the waste in to containers to reduce its volume . Shredding is used to break t he waste in to smaller piece . This process is not considered acceptable for medical waste treat ment by itself . Therm al process is designed to use heat at low temperature ( < 150 ℃ ) and high temperature (600 - 5 , 500 ℃ ) to decon taminate medical waste . The thermal processes include autoclaving , mi-

crowave treatmen t , and incineration . Autoclave is a steam sterilization technique that uses steam to contact with the waste directly to disinfect t he waste . Microwave t reatment is designed to use t he electromagnetic radiation spect rum lying between the frequencies 300 and 300 , 000 MHz to inactivate microbial organism . Incineration processes use high temperat ure ( 800 - 1 , 050 ℃ ) combustion under cont rolled conditions to convert wastes con taining infectious and pat hogenic material to inert material residues and gases . I t gives a significan t volume and weight reduction and it sterilize t he waste . There is limitation of the incinerator due to t he occurring pollu tion during operation . I t is needed to cont rol its temperat ure . Chemical process involves the use of chemicals like chlorine compounds for disinfection . This system needs shredding step in order to provide sufficient cont rol between the waste and disinfectants . Irradiation process is designed to use ult raviolet or ionizing radiation for irradiating and sterilizing t he medical waste . Among t hese technologies , au toclave and incinerator methods are mostly used as a sequence for treat men t and disposal of infectious waste . 1 .4 Laws and regulations for waste management In Thailand , there are 4 major Acts related to hospital waste, namely , P ublic Healt h , Industry , Factory, and National Enhanced and Preservation [8] of Environmen tal Quality Act , 1992 . 2


Through this st udy , t he assessment of existing WMPs and t he quan tification of medical waste generated in Chiang Mai hospitals were performed in order to propose t he best WMPs of hospitals . 3

Materials and Methods

The data were collected by surveying and interviewing the key inform ants who respond to waste managemen t in hospitals and using a questionnaire which broadly included information on the type, quantity of waste generated and existing disposal, including all WMPs . The categorization of the hospital waste was attempted according to the Minist ry of Public Health Notification for Infection Waste Management m , 2002 , and t he related regulations under the 4 m ajor Acts as mentioned above . The st udy was carried ou t in hospitals in Thailand in 2004 as shown in Table 1 . 4

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Results and Discussion The waste management procedures and prac-

Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Pan yapi ng , et al , Medical Waste Management Practices in T hailand

tices in hospital are shown in Table 2 . The sources of hospital waste come from patien ts and related equipmen t and laboratory , various wards , X-ray and pharmaceutical room , building , housing and canteen . The existing of WMPs in hospital showed t hat most hospitals have similar problems associated wit h the procedure of medical waste managemen t . There is handling ( including initial handling , storage, and t ransportation ) problem that needs to be improved in order to decrease t he potential of occupational risks . For example , the transportation of infectious waste in hospital should use elevator that delivers only product materials . T he container that provides for general waste and infectious waste should have enough number of container in order to separate infectious waste from solid waste at source . If t he infectious waste is contaminated wit h hazardous waste, it should be considered as hazardous waste and should be separate from infectious waste . In t he case of infectious waste and hazardous waste, it should have secondary containment to protect any leak of waste from packaging during t heir collection , storage , and t ranspor tation . Table 1 . The sample of hospital in Chiang Mai , T hailand Size & Type Number of unit Number of bed 1 . Big , G


1 , 400

2 . Medium , G



3 . Medium , P



4 . Medium , P



5 . Small , P 1 Note: G = Government , P = Private


In some medium hospitals , there are recycling program that generate income for the hospital . This program should be expanded to ot her hospitals . In the process of storage, all hospitals have t he color code and label system to identify the waste con tainer . For example, black con tainer is used for general or solid waste , yellow container is used for bot tles and fluorescent lamps , and red container is used for infectious waste . The containers are made from plastic . In all hospitals , the treatmen t and disposal of medical waste , par ticularly , the infectious waste is a very critical step in the process of waste management . Most of t his problem comes from t he t reatment technology . Presently, incinerator is t he only accepted treatmen t op tion to treat infectious waste such as organic matter , tissue or

amputated hum an body par ts . A limitation of the incinerator is that air pollution problem during operation could not be cont rolled effectively . Moreover, t he ash from incinerator has never been analyzed . In some hospitals , t he ash is buried in t he hospital grounds . Furt hermore, the operation and maintenance cost of incinerator is very high . Thus , the medium and small hospitals prefer to send t heir infectious waste for t reatmen t in private incinerators or big hospital incinerators . The t reat ment and disposal of hazardous wastes is also anot her problem of hospital waste due to t he quan tity of hazardous waste t hat needs not only special handling and storage but also specific treat men t and disposal . In t his case, the manual or standard operating procedure ( SOP ) should provide the importan t information for handling , storage, transportation , t reatmen t and disposal of hazardous waste . In several hospitals , some liquid chemical waste can be recycled but ot hers are discharged to the WW TP . Alt hough all hospitals have t heir ow n WWT P ( Table 3) , some of t hem were experiencing problems wit h their WWT P due to t he lack of experienced operators for maintenance and operation of t he wastewater treat ment system . Therefore , problems of wastewater qualit y were found during monitoring . The quantit y of medical waste generated in kilograms per day from different hospitals is shown in T able 4 . I t is found t hat the total quantity of waste generated from all medium and small hospitals was lower than the waste generated from big hospitals . Perhaps it is due to the big hospitals being equipped with modern facilities , and people prefer this kind of hospital for health care and treat men t . It is noted that the solid waste or general waste in big ( 3 , 000 kg/ day) and medium hospital ( < 830 kg/ day) was higher t han that in small hospital ( < 300 kg/ day ) . The amoun t of hazardous waste in medium and big hospitals was in the same range ( about 5 kg/ day) , but the quan tity of t his waste in small hospital is not available . In some hospitals , liquid hazardous waste was also generated . On comparison of unit ( kg/ day/ bed ) cont ribution of infectious waste, it is found that the big governmen t university hospitals cont ribu te the most . However , the quantity of medical waste can significantly be reduced if t he hospital avoided the use of disposable medical care materials .

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Pan yapi ng , et al , Medical Waste Management Practices in T hailand

Table 2 . Procedure

Big , Governmen t

Procedure of WMPs in hospitals Size & T ype of Hospital

Medium , Govern ment

Medium , Private

Medium , Private

Small, Private

I . Solid Waste ( SW) - Source

- Buildings, housing & can teen

- Buildings, housing & can teen

- Buildings, housing & canteen

- Buildings , housing & canteen

- Buildings, housing & can teen

- Segregation

- At source & separate from IW

- At source & separate from IW

- At source & separate from IW

- At source & separate from IW

- At source & separate from IW

- Storage - T ransportation

- Black bag & Big bin - In ( carriage & lif t ) & out ( T ruck)

- Treat ment & Disposal

- Municipal Landfill

- Black bag & Big bin - In ( carriage & lift ) & ou t ( T ruck) - Recycle & Disposal in Municipal landfill

- Black bag

- Black bag

- Black bag

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( Truck)

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck)

- In ( carriage & lift ) & ou t ( T ruck)

- Municipal Landfill

- Municipal Landfill

- Municipal Landfill

II . Hazardous Waste ( HW) - Source

- Wards, X-ray & pharmaceutical rooms

- Wards, X-ray & phar maceu tical rooms

- Wards, X-ray & pharmaceutical rooms

- Wards, X-ray & pharmaceutical rooms

- Wards, X-ray & phar maceutical rooms

- Segregation

- Chemical Bottle , Battery , fluorescent lamp

- Chemical Bottle , Bat tery , fluorescent lamp

- Chemical Bot tle, Battery , fluorescen t lamp

- Chemical Bot tle, Battery , fluorescent lamp

- Chemical Bottle , Battery , fluorescent lamp

- Identified Bin - In ( carriage & lif t ) & ou t ( Truck)

- Iden tified container - In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck)

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck)

- Storage

- Bin

- T ransportation

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck)

- Identified con tainer - In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck)

- Treat ment & Disposal

- Private company

- Storage for disposal

- Storage for disposal

- Private com pany

- Municipal landfill

- Patien ts & related equipment & lab . - At source & separate from SW

- Patien ts & related equipmen t & lab . - At source & separate from SW

- Patients & related equipment & lab . - At source & separate from SW

- Patients & related equipment & lab . - At source & separate from SW

- Patien ts & related equipmen t & lab . - At source & separate from SW

- Storage

- Red bag & Bin

- Red bag & Bin

- Red bag & Bin

- Red bag & Bin

- R ed bag & Bin

- T ransportation

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck) Autoclave , incinerator & Municipal landfill

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck) - Autoclave, incinerator & Municipal landfill

- In ( carriage & lif t ) & ou t ( Truck) - Autoclave , incinerator & Municipal landfill

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck) - Autoclave , incinerator & Municipal landfill

- In ( carriage & lift ) & out ( T ruck) - Au toclave, incinerator & Municipal landfill

III . Infectious Waste ( I W) - Source

- Segregation

- Treat ment & Disposal

- Yellow Bin

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Pan yapi ng , et al , Medical Waste Management Practices in T hailand

Table 3 . Wastewater treat ment plant in hospitals Size & Type

T ype of WWTP

Main problem

1 . Big , G

Activated Sludge

WW TP main tenance and operation

2 . Medium , G Activated Sludge & Oxidation Ditch

No exper tise operator & WWTP main tenance and operation

3 . Medium , P

Activated Sludge / Aerated Lagoon


4 . Medium , P

Activated Sludge


5 . Small, P

Activated Sludge


Table 4 .

Quan tit y of medical waste generated in hospitals

Size & T ype

T ype of waste

Quan tity generated ( kg/ day)

1 . Big , Government

Infectious waste

0 .97 kg/ day/ bed (1352 .08)

Solid waste

3 , 000

Hazardous waste

4 - 5

Infectious waste

0 .53 kg/ day/ bed (279)

Solid waste


Hazardous waste

3 - 5

Infectious waste

0 .17 kg/ day/ bed (100)

Solid waste


Hazardous waste


Infectious waste


Solid waste


Hazardous waste

6 .7 l/ day ( liquid chemical waste)

Infectious waste

0 .17 kg/ day/ bed ( 29 .89 )

Solid waste


Hazardous waste


2 . Medium , Governmen t

3 . Medium , Private

4 . Medium , Private

5 . Small , Private

Note: - not available



The WMPs in hospitals are draw n from t he investigation as follow : 1) All hospitals sent general waste or solid waste to t he municipal landfill . 2) The handling of medical waste should be properly implemented wit hin hospitals and sent off site for disposal . 3 ) An adequate infrastructure for collection and transportation of t he waste wit hin and from each hospital to t reatment facilities should be provided . 4) A pollution preven tion plan should be prepared and hospital staff should be trained on t he plan’s implemen tation . 5 ) The incinerator should be improved and inspected to reduce t he impact on air qualit y problem . 6 ) WWT P should be inspected regularly and be required to solve occurring proble ms . 7 ) A manual for handling hazardous waste should be prepared to cope with this waste in hospitals .The small quantit y of hazardous waste should be accumulated until sufficient quantity is stored for

transportation to the t reatment and disposal facility that is located in the central part of Thailand , a long distance away , to avoid high cost of disposal . 8) T he quantity of infectious waste in big hospitals is a higher rate (0 .97 kg/ day/ bed) than that in medium hospital (0 .1 7 - 0 .5 3 kg/ day/ bed) and small hospital ( 0 .17 kg/ day/ bed) . 9) The standard operating procedure ( SOP ) that con tains t he outline of handling method , how collection, segregation , treat ment and disposal as well as the regulation for segregation of infectious waste from hazardous waste should be clearly developed and operated . 10 ) Assigned agency should visit and inspect hospital’s treat ment facilities such as incinerators and wastewater treatmen t plants in order to improve the efficiency of t hese facilities and to solve problem when they occur . 11 ) Moreover , a website to promote efficient dissemination of information and to improve existing medical WMPs as well as to reduce environmental pollution and health hazards in t he region should be done . In conclusion , based upon t he result of this st udy, it is recommended that the procedure of the

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Li fe Science Journal , 3 ( 2 ) , 2006 , Pan yapi ng , et al , Medical Waste Management Practices in T hailand

best WMPs in hospital should be provided as t he SOP for implemen tation by the hospital staff . Moreover, t he laws and regulations related to segregation of infectious waste from hazardous waste should be urgen tly imposed .

Acknowlegments This paper is a part of the st udy project on development of hazardous waste business in the nor thern part of Thailand . The authors would like to t hank RM U T L , Chiang Mai and Fulbright Thailand- US Educational Foundation for the cooperation in this project . Thanks also go to the staff of government and private hospitals for their generous provision of information and fruitful discussions t hroughou t this study . Correspondence to : Klinpratoom Panyaping , P h .D . Departmen t of Environmen tal Engineering Rajamagala U niversity of Technology Lanna ( RM T U L) Nor thern Campus , Chiang Mai 50300 , Thailand Email: klin41@ hot mail .com ; klinpratoomp@yahoo .com

References 1 .World Health Organization . Managing Medical Wastes in Developing Count ries .1994 . 2 . Ministry of Public healt h . Notification for Infectious Waste Management . Available from h ttp :/ / www .anamai .moph .go .t h/ [ 2004 September 1 ] 2002 . 3 . Pollution Cont rol Department , Minist ry of Science, Technology and Environment . State of T hai Environmen t in 1999 . T hailand . 2000 . 4 .George Tchobanoglous, Hilary T heisen , Samuel Vigil . Integrated Solid Waste Management Engineering Principles and Management Issues . McGraw- Hill , Inc . USA . 1993 ; 978 . 5 .U SEPA . Office of Solid Waste/ Communications, Information, and Resources . Management Division . RCRA Orientation Manual . Section Ⅱ , Ⅲ , and Ⅴ . 1998 . 6 .Michael D . LaGrega , Phillip L Buckingham ,Jeffrey C Evans .Hazardous Waste Managemen t . McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc .USA . 2001 ; 1202 . 7 .Reinhardt PA and Gordon JG . Infectious and Medical Waste Management . Lewis Publishers, USA . 1991 ; 280 . 8 . Pollution Cont rol Department , Minist ry of Science, Technology and E nvironmen t . Laws and Standards on Pollution Con trol in T hailand , 4 t h ed ., 2000 ; 285 .

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Recei ved February 14 , 2006

Life Science Journal, Volume 3 , Number 2 , June 2006

ISSN: 1097 - 8135

Author Index Aut hors An Y uhui Ant hwal Ashish Ba Y ue Ba Zaihua Bahuguna Abhay Cao Gangqiang Chen George Chen Yanli Cheng Xuemin Cherng Shen Cui Liuxin Dai Liping Du Jing Duan Guangcai Edmondson Jingjing Z . Edmondson Nelson P . Fan Qing tang Ge Xiufeng Guo Kemin Guo Zhiying Gup ta N utan Han Xinguang

Pages 55 - 60 73 - 78 27 - 31 17 - 20 73 - 78 79 - 82 45 - 49 12 - 16 32 - 34 45 - 49 32 - 34 21 - 26 17 - 20 21 - 26 66 - 72 66 - 72 21 - 26 61 - 65 61 - 65 17 - 20 73 - 78 35 - 40

Aut hors H uang Junchao Ji Yuanyuan Jiang Chunxia Kimura Toshinori Li Dejia Li Xingya Li Yan Liang Xianbin Liu Haijing Liu Shuai Ma Hongbao Neves Marcos Antonio das Ok wumabua Benedict Panyaping Klinpratoom Ren Qiwei Shiiba Kiwamu Shimizu Naoto Sun Ling Wang Haoyi Wang Jin Wang Lidong Wang Lizan

Pages 55 - 60 41 - 44 32 - 34 83 - 87 55 - 60 41 - 44 32 - 34 41 - 44 17 - 20 12 - 16 45 - 49 83 - 87 88 - 93 88 - 93 17 - 20 83 - 87 83 - 87 12 - 16 17 - 20 50 - 54 1 - 11 17 - 20

Aut hors Pages Wang Na 27 - 31 Wang Qingxia 12 - 16 Wang Shuren 17 - 20 Wang You 17 - 20 Wang Yun 41 - 44 Wang Zhiqing 1 - 11 Wu Yiming 27 - 31 Xi Y uanlin 21 - 26 Yang Cailing 35 - 40 Yi Cheng 17 - 20 Yue Baohong 12 - 16 Zang Weidong 50 - 54 Zeng Zhaoshu 61 - 65 Zhang Guangzheng 61 - 65 Zhang Qinxian 12 - 16 Zhang Rongguang 21 - 26 Zhang Shuhong 61 - 65 Zhang Xu 50 - 54 , 55 - 60 Zhao Xiaoqiang 12 - 16 Zhu Jun 79 - 82 Zhu Yunliang 61 - 65 Zhuang Donggang 27 - 31

Subject Index Keywords Pages an tagonistic mechanism 32 an ti-angiogenesis 41 Bifidobacterium infantis 17 biodiversity 73 bran 83 by-product 83 carcinogenesis 1 Carnoy’s solution 35 cell cycle 12 cheek pouch 35 com prehensive t ru th 66 conservation 73 CpG islands 1 differentiation 12 DNA 45 epistatic effects 79 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 et hanol 83 false 66 fer mentation 83 flag leaf area of rice 79 flour 83 fluorine 32 gene diversit y 61 GeneChip 45 hamster 35

Keywords Pages Helicobacter pylori 21 heme degradation 55 HLA-I molecules 27 HspA-U reB 21 human beings 66 human evolu tion 61 hypot hetical 66 immunocompetence 21 immunotherapy 27 judgmen ts 66 keratocyst 35 leukemia 12 Lewis lung carcinoma 41 life 66 lung neoplasm 27 MAGE-A3 27 male reproductive toxicity 32 medical waste 88 melanoma 17 met hylation 1 met ronomic chemot herapy 41 microarrays 45 Mot hronwala 73 NSCs 50 nucleostemin 12 personal identification 61

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Keywords Pages peroxynit rite 55 proliferation 12 protein 45 QTL by environmen t interaction effects 79 quantitative trait locus 79 rat 32 reaction mechanism 55 regulations 88 retrovirus 50 shor t tandem repeats 61 standard operating procedure 88 stem cell 12 swamps 73 targeting 17 T CA 35 t ransfection 50 t ransgene 50 t rue 66 VEGF 50 waste managemen t practices 88 wetlands 73 wheat 83 Y chromosome 61 zinc 32

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2006 Zh engzhou Un iversit y / Ame rican Marsland P ress

Author Index Aut hors An Y uhui Ant hwal Ashish Ba Y ue Ba Zaihua Bahuguna Abhay Cao Gangqiang Chen George Chen Yanli Cheng Xuemin Cherng Shen Cui Liuxin Dai Liping Du Jing Duan Guangcai Edmondson Jingjing Z . Edmondson Nelson P . Fan Qing tang Ge Xiufeng Guo Kemin Guo Zhiying Gup ta N utan Han Xinguang

Pages 55 - 60 73 - 78 27 - 31 17 - 20 73 - 78 79 - 82 45 - 49 12 - 16 32 - 34 45 - 49 32 - 34 21 - 26 17 - 20 21 - 26 66 - 72 66 - 72 21 - 26 61 - 65 61 - 65 17 - 20 73 - 78 35 - 40

Aut hors H uang Junchao Ji Yuanyuan Jiang Chunxia Kimura Toshinori Li Dejia Li Xingya Li Yan Liang Xianbin Liu Haijing Liu Shuai Ma Hongbao Neves Marcos An tonio das Ok wumabua Benedict Panyaping Klinpratoom Ren Qiwei Shiiba Kiwamu Shimizu Naoto Sun Ling Wang Haoyi Wang Jin Wang Lidong Wang Lizan

Pages 55 - 60 41 - 44 32 - 34 83 - 87 55 - 60 41 - 44 32 - 34 41 - 44 17 - 20 12 - 16 45 - 49 83 - 87 88 - 93 88 - 93 17 - 20 83 - 87 83 - 87 12 - 16 17 - 20 50 - 54 1 - 11 17 - 20

Aut hors Pages Wang Na 27 - 31 Wang Qingxia 12 - 16 Wang Shuren 17 - 20 Wang You 17 - 20 Wang Yun 41 - 44 Wang Zhiqing 1 - 11 Wu Yiming 27 - 31 Xi Y uanlin 21 - 26 Yang Cailing 35 - 40 Yi Cheng 17 - 20 Yue Baohong 12 - 16 Zang Weidong 50 - 54 Zeng Zhaoshu 61 - 65 Zhang Guangzheng 61 - 65 Zhang Qinxian 12 - 16 Zhang Rongguang 21 - 26 Zhang Shuhong 61 - 65 Zhang Xu 50 - 54 , 55 - 60 Zhao Xiaoqiang 12 - 16 Zhu Jun 79 - 82 Zhu Yunliang 61 - 65 Zhuang Donggang 27 - 31

Subject Index Keywords an tagonistic mechanism an ti-angiogenesis Bifidobacterium infantis biodiversity bran by-product carcinogenesis Carnoy’s solution cell cycle cheek pouch com prehensive t ru th conservation CpG islands differentiation DNA epistatic effects esophageal squamous cell carcinoma et hanol false fer mentation flag leaf area of rice flour fluorine gene diversit y GeneChip hamster

Pages 32 41 17 73 83 83 1 35 12 35 66 73 1 12 45 79 1 83 66 83 79 83 32 61 45 35

Keywords Pages Keywords Helicobacter pylori 21 peroxynit rite heme degradation 55 proliferation HLA-I molecules 27 protein HspA-U reB 21 QTL by environmen t interaction effects human beings 66 quantitative trait locus human evolu tion 61 rat hypot hetical 66 reaction mechanism immunocompetence 21 regulations immunotherapy 27 retrovirus judgmen ts 66 shor t tandem repeats keratocyst 35 standard operating procedure leukemia 12 stem cell Lewis lung carcinoma 41 swamps life 66 targeting lung neoplasm 27 T CA MAGE-A3 27 t ransfection male reproductive toxicity 32 t ransgene medical waste 88 t rue melanoma 17 VEGF met hylation 1 waste managemen t practices met ronomic chemot herapy 41 wetlands microarrays 45 wheat Mot hronwala 73 Y chromosome NSCs 50 zinc nucleostemin 12 personal identification 61

Pages 55 12 45 79 79 32 55 88 50 61 88 12 73 17 35 50 50 66 50 88 73 83 61 32