Hempstead NY Sentinel 1944-1947 - FultonHistory.com

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S(A) Elmer F. Sipp, Jr., USNft, 67 Booth j Lou Ring of Wilton, Conn. ..... ter's aunt, Mrs. May B. Hunter of spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J Philip S. Reichers ...




| programs have been uninterrupted, land we look forward to the coin* Ing year, confident that these ser> vices need not be curtailed owing to lack of funds." the ranks of civilians, together witi thousands of others going S h e i s W e d t o A l l a n locust Valley Resident Heads Session for High School "Some residents," aho said, through the Naval demobilization center at Pearl Harbor, headed Klwood R o b e r t s o n o f Special V.itts Division For Increased interest in the Nassau Students to be Held Every "have not as yet answered the for the States. At this staging center, the prospective dischargees IVIhant M a n o r i n C a t h e d r a l 1946 Fund Collection County 'Tuberculosis and Public Friday at USO Christmas Seal letter sent them in are grouped according to what separation center they will report to The appointment of Mrs. Fred- Health Association, a s evidenced November. If they do so now, it Trie Girl Reserves department of Miss Janet Pflug, daughter of for their final papers. Tiiey are placed aboard ships headed for the eric R. Pratt, of Locust Valley, by local participation In the 1945 will greatly assist the association the YWCA Women's Council of Mr. and Mrs. Kugene David Pflug States as soon as shipping space is available. and Mrs. B. Brewster Jennings, of Christmas Seal campaign, w a s in- In completing its plans for 1946 " Hempstead has launched an open of 8 Ohai ham place, West HempGlen Head, as co-chairmen of the dicated in a report made today by house for high school students, stead, was married on December Special Gifts division of the 1946 Mrs. George E. Brower, president both boys and girls, to be held, with MAJOR STEIN ON TERMINAL LEAVE 32 to Allan Elwood Robertson, son Rodney W. Mohr, specialist fire Red Cross Fund Drive was an- of the association. varied programs, every Friday aftfighter, 3 / c , U8NR, o£ 286 Yale Major Benjamin M> Stein, M. C , is now on terminal leave at hi** of Dr. and Mrs. Chester John Rob"On Christmas Eve, our books nounced today by Henry U. Harernoon at Hempstead USO. Acti- home at 465 Fulton avenue; The-^dajor entered active duty prior to ertson of Pelliam Manor. The cere street, has received a letter of were closed, showing receipts of ris, the drive's general chairman. vities offered include dancing, ball- Pearl Harbor and was stationed at the Station Hospital, Camp Shelby, mony w a s performed by the Very commendation with ribbon from room ami folk; arts and crafts, dis- Miss. He later saw overseas service in England, Normandie, Frank- Reverend Hubert S. Wood in the All special gifts donations will nearly $75,000 — a 4 percent In- Rear Admiral H. T. Smith, USN, cussion groups, dramatics, crea- furt and Berlin. Major Stein was with the 180th General Hospital (Cathedral of the Incarnation. A be credited to the community crease over last year at Christmas Fleet Maintenance Officer for servtive writing, newspaper work, which was the first General Hospital to cross the Rhine and function j reception followed at the Hempwher« the donor lives, Mrs. Pratt —and $15,000 under our total bud- ice force, Pacific Fleet, at Pearl choral speaking and music appre- and this unit received the Meritorious Service award. explained, and will be applied to the I •"•* Harbor. The award is for heroism stead Golf Club. ciation. local village quota for the drive. 'During our Seal sale." Mrs. in boarding a biasing destroyer I The bride was atenced by Miss The Nassau County quota for B ">wer stated, "our work has gone and fighting fires. More than 100 students attended Jayn obert th the drive has not yet been a n - ! o n «"• U 8 U «'- S m c * ' October 15th. the initial rally last Friday aftergroom. M M Betty Broadbent of Miss Anne Shaw of Parsons nounced, according to Mr. Harris. | 3 < 5 8 4 individuals have been x-rayed noon, launching the project under MRS. FREDERIC R. PRATT ! in the search for unsuspected tuU. S. Naval Personnel Separatism Center, New York, announced Maplewood, N. J., and Miss Bettydrive, is home from Hood College, the auspices of Miss Wilma Mc— although the national figure has berculosis. Our health education today thai Lieut, C.omdr. S ( A ) Elmer F. Sipp, Jr., USNft, 67 Booth j Lou Ring of Wilton, Conn. The best I > ••—7—^» Virginia. Lean, chairman, Hempstead Girl been designated at $100,000,000,1 Reserves Committee, and jointly street, has been released to inactive duty from t h e Naval Service, [man was Richard Hinman of Pel- C O R N E L L W O M E N ' S just half of the 1045 quota for the sponsored by that committee and He has served 60 months in the Navy, participating in the following ham -Manor, and the ushera were C L U B H A S Y E A R L Y nation. • » r the members of the Girl Reserves Naval actions: Pacific ocean areas, duty on Hawaii, Guam and;Lt. (j.g.) Bernard Teiehgraeber of j C H R I S T M A S P A S T Y The Special Gifts co-chairmen,! Peiham Manor. Cadet Richard The Cornell Women's Club of in a joint statement, appealed to! Clubs !•]' Hempstead High School. Tinian. His last duty station was Commanding Officer, Combat Air- Hackie of West Point, and Robert craft Scp^&s-Unit fF) 44 Tinian. Lt. Comdr. Sipp is the son of Mr. Long Island held its yearly Christ Nassau residents to remember! Miss" Mary Fohring is chairman Cosgrove of East Orange, N, J. and Mrs. E. F. Sipp, 25 Gladys avenue. He is married^), the former of the high school group and chairThe bride was formerly a^^riew- mas party last week at the homo j that in the most costly single phase man also for the planning commit- Mildred Grace McCormack and they have one daughter. ardeas on Pan American Airways" j of Mrs. Charhs M. Heed of Fair. 0 f jt s work, Home Service to servCo-hostesses were Mrs. Paul ( icement, veterans and their famltee of the Girl Reserves for the Atlantic Division routes to l&ng- |way. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Olchesj L O C A L G R A D U A T E S Crago and Mrs. Frank Ritter of j | l e 8 f the Red Cross has still before project. Others on the planning land and Ireland. She is a graduato of Marlborough road, West Hemp-j A R E P L A N N I N G T O committee are: Phyllis Snow, viceof Middlebury College where shr Malverne; Mrs. Ferdinand Wal-jit a tremendous job, the peak of stead, entertained on Christmas. M A R R Y I N S P R I N G chairman; Jeannette Oman, secrewas a member of Delta Delta Del- broehl anil Mrs. Delos Calkins of w h i c h is not yet in sight. In addiTheir guests were Mr. and Mrs Valley Stream; and Mrs. Philip.tion, they declared, the Chapter's tary; Marian Schott, Doris Johnand Mrs. Bernard Keiden of la. Harry Thompson of Garden City, Kretsehmunn of Lynbrook. other reconstruction and peacetime son, Lee Renender, Doris Perez, have announced Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olches, Miss! "J osp _ e f l Mr. Robertson, a first LieutenJoan Johnson, Naida Ollmann, CaChristmas carols were sung, services must be maintained, and the engagement of their daughter, ant, was recently discharged from Marguerite Ennis and Henry Enrolyn Ruppe, Nancy Schreimer, games were played and the memthe Chapter will share in the Miss Helen Dorothy Keiden, to Abe the Army, having served as a pilot nis. Carol Winter, Ellen Sparks and b e n exchanged gifts. The group world-wide work of the National Lcrman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- in the South Pacific area for thirueI Louise Taylor. planned to send cookies and candy Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Sprague! Lerman of Fulton avenue, West teen months. He holds the Air I to the Children's Shelter at Min— Adelphl students are assisting of Parsons drive entertained at I Hempstead. Medal and four Oak leaf clusters Both are eola. Mrs. George Flint of 21 Hil-1 Cadet Arnold Frankel of Hempin the project, headed by two ad- Christmas dinner at the Hemp-' graduates of Hemp- He attended Middlebury College s t e a d H| h bert street, will be hostess to \«^ad is passing the holidays at his visory student supervisors, Fran- stead Golf club. Their guests were j g School. Mr. Lerman, where he w a s a member of Delta a student home here. He is [members at the next meeting slat ces Taschman and Helen Bloom. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Johnson j recently discharged, served with Kappa Epsilon. Riverside Military Academy of South Orange, N. J., and t h e i r ! t h e 2 0 t h a»r f o r c e at Tinian. SaiThe couple will live in Middle- (hg. Our oxperf photographer'will .j Miss Jane Harder is home from Another son, Malcolm Sprague, is York. The bride-elect is a graduate Topeka, Kansas. of St. Agnes' Academy, Rockville •Geneseo State Teachers school, Both young people are attending serving in Tokyo. I cafcft.#hoir.mo*f_wirisomt expro*- u. Centre. Mr. Cahill w a s recently Mrs. Salavtore Condelli", the for-'Rochester, for the Christmas holithe University of Denver. Miss mer Miss Anne Van de Water of'days. Her brother, Frank J. Harttons in beautiful Jean'Sardou por* * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricklin of discharged from the army. •Caronia is an alumna of HempOak avenue, is spending the noli der, is on vacation from Manllus stead High School and is in her Burr avehue entertained at ChristtraitsuNo appointment'is necessary. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Brush of j days in Pittsburgh with her hus Military school. They are with mas dinner. Their guests were Mr. sophomore year at college. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Her fiance recently returned to and Mrs. P. M. Kane, Pricilla Kane Buckingham road, West Hemp-!band, Kenneth Harder of Jerusalem ave of Hempstead; Mr. and MrsTT. F. stead, and their family spent for college after receiving a discbarge Mr. and Mrs. John Hoegl of nue, Hi mpstead. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Amberg of Glen Cove; Mr. and!Christmas eve with their aunts, from the first division of the inLincoln avenue. West Hempstead GOOD FOOD ; fantry. He served for three years. Mrs. J. Wesley Irvine of Hillside;the Misses Alice and Bertha Ire- entertained Saturday night a t a Mr. and Mrs. William H. Evers Delicious Ice Cream Heights; Thursman Alderman of ~ land at their home in N e w York Sodas and Sundaes Ocheehobec, Fla.; and Charles city. They entertained a t a family pre-Christmas party. Their guests \ man of Greenwich street, had as $ were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ueland;their guests on Christmas, their Mr. and Mrs. E. Leary, Jr., of 4S0t no w ' 3 . 5 0 , or Ricklin, Jr. Mrs. Ricklin's mother, dinner at their home on Christmas, Our Own Make of New Hyde Park, Mr. a n * Mrs.;son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Hempstead are spending a f e w Mrs. Anna Nicholson of Burr ave- and will be guests of their cousins, | Robert Riley of Garden City, -*fr. j Mrs. Charles B. Camp of Hemp- Fine Chocolates & Candies days a t The Barclay in N e w York. nue is spending the holidays at Dr. Arthur Greenfield and Mrs. and Mrs. John Gerkin, Jr., of West | stead. Greenfield of Hackensack, N. J., Gift Packages Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Baylis of 76 Clearwater, Fla. Hempstead, Miss Susan Larkin . • —rrr-—; _ %. , Sunday. for All Occasions M r and MfH EUwftrd Barrett Cedar street observed the 63rd anand Miss Agnes Dymott. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sparks of FRANKLIN SHOPS, Inc. ia> l-ower Jean Sarduu ISmith of Sunset drive entertained niversary of their marriage on Saratoga circle entertained their Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna of 50 MAIN STREET Studlu bevel HeMpatrad, New t'*rk Monday. Because Mr. Baylis has parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bellmar, N. J., are holiday house Miss Marjorie Williams, daugh-;»t a family Christmas party. Their Hempstead ter of Mr. and Mrs. H, Earl Wil-iguests were Mr. Smith's sister, lately been ill and is not y e t fully Newhouse and Mr. and Mrs. James guests of their son-in-law and Hams of Fulton avenue, is ftoraejMiss Helen Barrett Smith; and recovered there w a s no formal next to Hempstead Bank Sacks of Brooklyn, at Christmas j daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby from Middlebury college. Middle- j Mrs. Smith's two sisters and brothcelebration. Mr. Baylis, a retired dinner. JBrezee of Marlborough road, West bury, Vt., for the Christmas holi- er-in-law, Miss Rone Swalm and architect/ designed many school Hempstead. Arthur Hine of Cehouses and other public buildings Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hobert darhurBt was an additional guest days. Additional guests for Christ- Mr. and Mrs. E, Bert Colven. in the county, including the Wash- of Flint avenjue spent the Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Benon Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Corwith ington Street School and the mas holidays with her parents, Mr. jamin Thomas of Hempstead, Mrs. of Hilton avenue, had their family Hempstead Municipal building. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Polke of j Williams' parents, and her sister, and Mrs. Basil Schoen at Lakewith them on Christmas. Charles Dover place, West Hempstead, Mrs. T. C. Peterson of San Franciswood, N. J. Corwith was released from the arDr. and Mrs. Morris Rodin of spent Christmas in Brooklyn. They|co and David Peterson, Miss Doris Bunter, daughter ofj my, two months ago, after service Cathedral avenue, are spending the were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bunter 1 Dr. Roy D. Grimmer and Mrs. j overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold holidays in Florida. Charles Nachtmann. of William street, is home for the!" Grimmer of St. Paul's place,!Corwith and their children, Elaine Students home from Potsdam Christmas holidays from Cortlandj Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Vollmert and:Hempstead, entertained their son-land Charles, completed the party. State Teachers College for the hol- State Teacher's-eollege. Mrs. Bun-j Eugene Vollmert of Flatbush• in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Corwith have departidays are the Misses Beryl Schutt- ter's aunt, Mrs. May B. Hunter of spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J Philip S. Reichers and children, ied for Sky top lodge In the Poconos ler of Atlantic avenue; Patsy Hoef- Brooklyn, is a house guest of the| August Vollmert of Saratoga'James Bale and Philip S. Reichers, I where they will remain until after ner of Devon road; Nancy Monro • New Year's day. 'circle. Jr., at diner on Christmas. Bunters. and Ruth Gosley of West Hempstead and Mary Smith and Margaret Philbin of Garden City.

Janet Pflug Is L. Judd, specialist, l c . of 28 Florence avenue, and Rodney Holiday Bride Hold Open House W.Nevin Mohr, specialist. 2c of 286 Yale street are getting ready to rejoin

Y . W . C A . Juniors


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ratt Heads Red Cross Drive


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Confectionery and Tea Room

TWS*WHK Photographs of Two People f. $££ ft thm pfff of tmly out


GREETINGS for 1946

Leathernecks, Back In China, Observe 170th Anniversary of Corps

Miss Imogene Boyle, music supervisor a t the Hempstead schools, is spending the holidays in Florida. She made the trip by plane. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus M. Maier of Front street, are spending the holiday season in Michigan, where their daughter attends college.

T/ic bclh rmg out! The a\t u filled with mirth and gladness' The Njew "Tear dawns, hnght wilh the aspirations sgt free. ' ' „

Miss Joyce Hagemeyer of Crowell street, arrived home Saturday from Cornell University, for the Christmas holidays.

Let ua pause to salute 194?, fur it M W our most chemhed dream come true. Ouf of its anguish and travail emerged tin: lontf-awatted Peace. Out of the hearts of the valiant was etched, in p e r i o d ! deeds, an unforgettable chapter.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rafter of South Spruce street, West Hempstead, announce the birth of their first child, s daughter, December 10 in Jamaica General Hospital.

Let us greet 1946 with Mgfi hearts and hitfh hopes! A year ol peace . . . of good will . . . of progress, it awaits the dccrfi. that must make the tomorrows of all men everywhere grow brighter every day. 8 0 let the bells ring out! A n d let our voices swell the )you< paeuti . . .

Miss Grace Sammis Reed of Garden City, former head of the speech department at Hempstead High School, will give a reading from Dickens at St. George's Guild Hall Friday, January 4 at 2:30 o'clock under the auspices of th*' Women's Auxiliary of St. George's. A silver collection will be taken.


Miss Anne E. Bonney. daughter of Mrs. Anne Bonney o( West Hempstead, has passed examinations and is now a yoeman first class in the naval reserve. A graduate of Hempstead High School, she is stationed at Arlington Farms, Va. She will be home during the holidays for a brief visit. Miss Ida Schlichting returned to her home, 99 Harvard street, yesterday from Meadowbrook Hospital, where she has been a patient for many months. Her health is reported to be greatly improved. Miss Schlichting, before her illness, was one of the most active members of the First Baptist Church.

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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• • • A T I * l O N * I U * M * I MfT. I T « t f . •HMMTIAt.*.*