The Pennsylvania State University

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"Portfolio" toward the mastery of the level-specific grammatical structures. ... Note: University guidelines suggest devoting a minimum of two hours to lesson ... Class participation is the umbrella concept for a variety of course elements: active.
Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures College of the Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University Main Office: 427 Burrowes Building, 814-865-5481 GSTA Office: 424 Burrowes Building, 814-863-1155 German Language Program Director: Prof. Michael Putnam 417 Burrowes Building, 814-863-2138, [email protected] GER 002 --- Willkommen und viel Erfolg! MATERIALS REQUIRED:  Textbook: Vorsprung, 2nd edition (by Lovik et al.; ISBN-10: 978-1-1338-0845-9)  Heinle Learning Center Access Card to accompany DH (ISBN-13: 978-0-4959-1411-2) RECOMMENDED: o One medium-sized German/English-English/German Dictionary o English Grammar for Students of German. Cecile Zorach. Olivia & Hill Press, 1994 (3rd edition). ______________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVES  To help you improve upon your skills in the interpretation, expression, and negotiation of spoken and written German  To help you further develop your proficiency in the application of the basicintermediate syntactical structures and vocabulary in German  To assist you in expanding your knowledge of culture of Germany and other Germanspeaking countries through portfolio projects, computer lab activities and in-class discussions and interactions ____________________________________________________________________________ METHODOLOGY  A task-based approach to help you master the level-appropriate, i.e. basicintermediate, skills in the German language and to assist you in the application of these skills to "real life" situations  German as the main classroom language  Class sessions mostly consisting of communicative activities and exercises including computer-mediated practices  Learning intended to occur through the completion of tasks in which you use the level-specific grammatical structures in different formats and circumstances while receiving little or no direct lecture on grammar  Please note: the key term used above is "lecture" - while there may be no direct lecture on grammar, factual information on and familiarity and practice with grammatical

GERMAN 002 structures make up an important part of language learning and therefore this course will highlight this aspect to the necessary extent. There will be two written exams, one at mid-semester, one at the end of the semester, in which you will have grammar sections to work on and to succeed in. Your instructor will prepare you -among other course work- on the basis of your continuous work for the course requirement called "Portfolio" toward the mastery of the level-specific grammatical structures.  Active student involvement and participation  A computer classroom once a week with your instructor to enable you o To apply the material learned in classroom o To begin and continue to work on your portfolio projects (Your instructor will provide the specific details with regard to these projects) o To take online quizzes (if applicable, please see your instructor’s section policy) o To work on authentic exercises in German with the help of links __________________________________________________________________________ REQUIREMENTS 1. Attendance – Mandatory Due to the nature of this course, you are expected to come to each class session and come prepared; that is, having done the required readings, having reviewed the grammatical structures of focus and having worked on the relevant assigned exercises, etc. Absenteeism will affect your course performances in indirect and direct ways. When you are absent, you will miss out on all in-class activities, homework assignments and/or their reviews as a large group, quiz and test reviews, communicative/interactive practices and spontaneous discussions. Missing such significant aspects of the entire learning encounter will indirectly affect your success in the course. Your absences will also impact your course grade directly as the departmental and section policies will be applied in the final calculation of your grade for this course component. For further details, see your instructor’s section policy. 2.

Active participation – 10%

Note: University guidelines suggest devoting a minimum of two hours to lesson preparation and homework for every class hour. Class participation is the umbrella concept for a variety of course elements: active involvement in all class activities (including group/team work) and the level of your preparedness, i.e. quality of your answers to questions and responses in discussions. You are expected to come to class and actively participate every day.


GERMAN 002 3.

Homework – 10%

Homework in this course consists of homework assignments and quizzes. Remember: it is your responsibility to ask your instructor, of or whenever you have a problem understanding and/or following directions for any part of the material or instruction. 4.

Quizzes – 15%

Quizzes provide you, as a language learner, with immediate feedback on your progress and development in the course. You will take 8 timed, on-line quizzes in this course. Quizzes – both announced and unannounced – are a core component of this course. Unannounced pop quizzes can appear at anytime at your instructor’s discretion. 5. Oral Mid-term exam – 5% Your instructor will provide you with specific information as to the specifics (e.g., the format, content, and/or additional and/or special expectations.) 6. Written Mid-term Exam – 15% Your instructor will provide you with specific information as to the specifics (e.g., the format, content, and/or additional and/or special expectations.) 7. Final Oral Exam – 5% Your instructor will provide you with specific information as to the specifics (e.g., the format, content, and/or additional and/or special expectations.) 8. Final Written Exam – 20% Your instructor will provide you with specific information as to the specifics (e.g., the format, content, and/or additional and/or special expectations.) 9. Portfolio – 20% During the course of the semester you will create a portfolio of work that will consist of 4 assignments. These assignments will allow you to focus on an area of interest within a defined topic, as well as document your language development during the semester. The goal of this semester-long process is to provide you with an opportunity to apply your language skills to explore an aspect of German speaking culture, while critically reflecting on the


GERMAN 002 collected materials and development of language competency. By the end of the semester, your portfolio will be a collection of materials that demonstrate your performance in reading, writing, listening and speaking German. There will be 4 separate submissions, roughly one every 2 weeks. Two of those assignments will be corrections of previous assignments and the last submission is a reflection of the portfolio and what you have learned. You must hand in a part of the portfolio on the dates determined by your instructor; late assignments will be given only 50% of the points. The portfolio for German 002 focuses on music in German-speaking Europe past and present. Many of the assignments provide a set of questions meant to provoke critical thinking about music and its connection with issues in modern society (or the time that they occurred in). Creativity and reflection are definitely encouraged! Try to avoid summarizing, but instead, critically engage with the material! _________________________________________________________________________________ UNIVERSITY and DEPARTMENTAL POLICIES 

Grading Scale

94.5–100=A; 89.5–94.4=A-; 87.5–89.4=B+; 83.5–87.4=B; 79.5–83.4=B-; 77.5–79.4=C+; 69.5–77.4=C; 59.5–69.4=D; 59.4- = F 

Section policy statement

Instructors will provide the class with a section policy statement, preferably in the first semester week but latest the day after the University's first Drop/Add deadline. This document will explain the instructor’s policy concerning the specifics of the teaching methodology and style; evaluation and grading for each course requirement; make-up options and rules, if applicable, and responsibilities expected from students in that particular section. Each instructor is responsible for her/his own daily planning and execution of the material built into this course. Should you have any questions or disagreements, please first talk to your instructor to rule out any miscommunications. If the question or disagreement persists or becomes troubling to either side, contact Prof. Michael Putnam ([email protected]) without delay to clarify any misunderstandings. 

Auditors and Visitors

The German Department requires that auditors complete all course requirements, including


GERMAN 002 attendance, with a passing average in order to receive an AU. Visitors and others not registered for the course must obtain instructor’s permission to sit in. 

Foreign Language Placement Policy

The German Department administers proficiency examinations only. Check with the main office, Burrowes Building 427 for dates, locations and paperwork. Please consult with your advisor for questions regarding the PSU placement policy. 

Academic Integrity

“Penn State defines academic integrity as the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. All students should act with personal integrity, respect other students’ dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of the effort (Faculty Senate Policy 49-20). Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated in this course. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating information, or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others having unauthorized possessions of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. Students who are found to be dishonest will receive academic sanctions and will be reported to the University’s Judicial Affairs office for possible further disciplinary sanction.” ATTENTION: Using translation software for any of your work in this course is not allowed and is defined as academic dishonesty and plagiarism. You may obtain help from a tutor or a friend/classmate for translations, if necessary. In those instances you are expected to disclose your source and what specifically you have adopted for your own work. 

ANGEL Course Management System

All instructors of German use ANGEL, Penn State’s course management system (CMS). Thus, you are expected to become familiar with the basics of this online teaching-learning system. To use ANGEL, you will need to have a Penn State Access Account, a computer with Internet access, and a web browser that is compatible with ANGEL. For a complete list of browser and computer requirements, please see "First Time Users" in the ‘Help’ section of the ANGEL web site. Penn State campus computer labs are equipped to use ANGEL. To access this German course in ANGEL, go to the ANGEL web site ( and log in with your Penn State user ID and password. For technical assistance, please go to the ANGEL website, select the ‘Help’ link in the left frame on the screen. There you will find ANGEL support documentation, including a Quick Start Guide for Students under "Student Documentation."


GERMAN 002 You may also submit questions to the Help Desk via the ANGEL Help Form or call the Help Desk at 814-863-2494 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., M-F. 

Disability Access

The Pennsylvania State University encourages qualified people with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities and it is committed to the policy that all people shall have equal access to programs, facilities, and admissions without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation in this course or have questions about physical access, please tell your instructor immediately. _________________________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES 

German Tutorial Sessions

The German Department provides cost-free tutorial sessions in order to assist you with difficulties you may have in mastering any of the course material as the curriculum outlines. You are strongly encouraged to set up an appointment as soon as you notice any difficulty in keeping up with the course material. A list of available dates and times will become available the first week of the semester next to the GSTA, i.e. Graduate Student Teaching Assistants' office, 424 Burrowes Building. 

German Film Nights

The German Department offers regular German film nights that are free for students of German. Your instructor will provide you with the details of these events.




COURSE SCHEDULE University-wide Holidays and Important Dates Monday, August 28 --- Classes Begin Monday, September 3 --- Labor Day (No classes) Sunday – Saturday, November 18 - 24 --- Thanksgiving Holiday Friday, December 14 --- Classes End Monday-Friday, December 17 – December 21 --- Final Exams

Cross-Sectional Deadlines Week of October 8 --- Oral Mid-term Exams and Review for the Written Mid-term Exam Tuesday, October 16 --- Mid-semester Written Exam Week of December 10 --- Final Oral Exams and Review for the Final Written Exam Date, Time, Location TBA --- Final Written Exam

Provisional Course Schedule (subject to change) Woche Grammatik Kultur Woche 1, 2

Wiederholung: Basic communication phrases in German Perfekt Auxilary haben and sein with Perfekt Past Participles Dependent Clause Word Order in Perfekt

Woche 3, 4 Chapter 6

Dative case Subordinating conjunction “wenn” Dative prepositions Dative verbs and expressions

Wo Studenten wohnen. Tübingen Ausländer in Deutschland


Das Studentenzimmer Ein Einfamilienhaus Körperteile



Der-words Woche 5, 6 Chapter 7

Two-case prepositions Wo? Wohin? Hin und her Verbs with two-case prepositions Time expressions in Dative and Accustive Preposition “mit” and Dative Word order: time, manner, place Subordinating conjunction “damit”

Studentenermäßigungen Einkaufen Stuttgart Fußball und Profi-Sport in Mitteleuropa München

Wo gehst du gern hin? Wo macht man das in der Stadt? Wie kommt man dahin? Literatur und Film

Woche 7

Mid-term Oral Exam Review for Mid-term Exam

Woche 8

Mid-term Exam Review/Recap of 1st half of the course

Woche 9, 10 Chapter 8

Reflexive verbs Reflexive pronouns Future time and time expressions “weden” + “wohl” Verbs with prepositional objects Da- and wo-compounds

Universitätskurse Das deutsche Universitäts-system Wie Studierende ihr Studium finanzieren Das deutsche Schulsystem

Woche 11, 12 Chapter 9

Nominative, Accusative, and Dative and relative pronouns Present tense subjunctive with “würde”, “hätte”, “ware” Endings on adjectives after einwords, der-words, or neither Forming adjectives from city names Comparative and superlative

Wien Berufswahl und Berufsausbildung in deutschsprachigen Ländern Österreich

Berufe Eigenschaften von guten Bewerbern Österreichs Leute und Länder

Woche 13 Thanksgiving




Woche 14, 15 Chapter 10

Narrative past Past perfect Word order in sentences beginning with a subordinate

Die Brüder Grimm und ihre Kinder- und Hausmärchen Karneval, Fasching,

Märchen Die Schweiz: Geographie

Die tägliche Routine Im Badezimmer krank sein

GERMAN 002 clause Subordinating conjunctions als, nachdem, ob, wann, wenn Genitive Genitive prepositions Woche 16 Finals week

Final Oral Exam Review for Final Written Exam

Fastnacht Die Schweiz Fest- und Feiertage