Effect of temperature on embryonic development of

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we incubated the eggs of asp (A.1pi11.1· ll.lpius L.) al eight constant ... beginning of hutching, hatching or 50'hJ or embryos (calculated from samples tuken ...




(Pol. Arch. llydro biol )





Roman Ku j a w a, Andrzej Mam car z, Dariusz Kuch arc z y k

Effect of temperature on embryonic development of asp

(Aspius aspius L.)

Department of Fisheries,

O l s ztyn University of Agricullurc and Te c h nolo gy , O cz apo ws kicgo 5, l 0-718 Olszlyn-Kortowo, Poland


Eggs of asp (Aspius aspius L.) were incubated al eight constant water temperatures: 7.0; 9.8; 12.8; 14.8; 1 7.2; 19.7; 21.9 and 24.3° C. The lempcralure or 12.8° C caused h ighe st h at chi ng success, with no abnormalities in the clculheroembryos and lowest mor tality observed between eyed eggs stage and the lime of hatching. In temperatures 19.7-24.3° C total mortality in embryos was o bse rved before pigmentation o f ey eJ egg stage. De vel opme ntal rate increased with increasing temperatures. Duration of embryonic development of eggs (y; hours ) decreased with increasing incubation te m pera tures (x; °C) according to the equation: -



3 .37X2 - 137.6X

Key words: Aspius


1521 (determination coefficient R2



a�pius, incubation period, temperature

1. Introduction

Temperature is one of environmental factors inrlucncing incubation time of fish embryos, defined by Ba Ion ( 1975) as the lime from l"crtilizalion of egi;; until hatching of elcutheroembryos. The effect of temperature is frequently masked by o th er environmental factors such as oxygen concentration, pholoperiod, or food conditions. Each fish species requires different t emp era tu re conditions for spawning, embryonic, larval, a nd juvenile development (H c r z i g, W i n k I c r 1986). For practical purpose functional r elationship between tem per atu re and duration of embryonic Jcvclopmenl over the full range of temperature tolerance may g ive recommendation for temperatures optimum for egg incubation. From an ecological point of vi e w this relationship is also of obvious importance. In this study we incubated the eggs of asp (A.1pi11.1· ll.lpius L.) al eight constant temperatures (from 7.0 to 24.3° C) in order to ob se rve their survival and rate of develo pm ent .

*Proceedings of the i ntern a tiona l conference 'Tish lleproduclion '96",

Budcjovice, Czech Republic.

9-12 S eptem be r





Kujawi.I el al.

2. M ateria l and methods

Asp spawners were caught in the Pier zchalski Reserv oir ( N or th P oland ) in March 1995 and were tra nsport ed to t he hat chery where they were kept in 1000 d m3 tanks at controlled temperature (8-12° C) and light (12 h light and 6 h dark). Fish were induced to develop ripe gametes by a series of inject i ons with common carp p itu itary extract and human chorionic gonadotropin. Fertilized eggs were in cuba ted in Petri dishes s ub mer ged in aerated aquaria working in re circu lated system described by B a r d e g a, Lu c z y n s k i (1990). Eight constant temperatures were tested with two r e p l icates per temperature: 7.0 j: 0.11, 9.8 j: 0.15, 12.8 j: 0.07, 14.8 j: 0.14, 17.2 j: 0.24, 19.7 j: 0.19, 21.9 j: 0.08 and 24.3 j: 0.10° C ( j: SE). Incubation temperature was measured with the accuracy or ne ar est 0.1° C four to five times per day. The mean test temperatures were calculated as the mean values of ull measurements taken during the e xperimen t (until last hatch in each temp era tu re). The temperatures for duplicat e chambers were pooled as they were nnt significantly different (t tes t P < 0.01). The time of appeurance of cl1aracteristic devclnpmcntal stages was noted: eyed egg stage, beginning of hut c hing, hat ch i n g or 50'hJ or embryos (calculated from samples t u ken every 2 h), last embryo hut ched from t he egg batch. Hatching success was expressed us the percentage of hatched eleut her oem b ry os with no developmental abnormalities (e.g., scoliosis, lor dosis). The differences in hutc hi ng success and mortality were tested by Duncans mu lti p le runge test {P I a t t 1977). ,

3. Results On the basis or the observed

hatching success, the optimu m incubation temperatures securi ng hatching or at least 50% o f the embryo s ranged from 7.0 to 17.2° C (Table I). Highest hatching success (and lowest mor ta lity rate) was observed in eggs incubated at 12.8° C. Total mortalities were noted at hi ghest test temperatures (19. 7-24.3° C) (Table I). In these temperatures all e mbr yo s were dead between 37 and 41 hours or incubation. Incubation time de crea sed with increasing incuba tio n temperature (Fig. 1 ). 4. Discussion Development or fish embryo s

responds to incubation temperature in a variety of ways. One or the re s ponse s was hatching success without deformed embryos. In present paper hatching rate higher than 50%;, which is a good result for cyprinids ( He rzi g, Wi n k I e r 1986; La u r i I a et al. 1987) was observed for A. aspius at test temperatures 7.0-17.2° C (Table I). These data di ffer from the data obtained for A. aspius from middle Poland (M. Ciesla, unpublished). For cypr inid s another response to e x tre me low incubation temperatures is hatching of some embryos with morphological abnormalities (Wi n k I e r, H e r z i g 1986, Ku c h a rczy k 1996). We did not observe abnormalities in A. a.\pius from Pier zchalsk ie Reservoir (present paper). It is pos s i b le that in temperatures lo w e r than 7.0° C asp has good conditions for emb ryonic develop ment.

Effect of temperature on embryonic development of asp

Table I. Resu l ts (mean values:t SD) or incubation of asp

(Aspi11s a.171i11s


L) . eggsat different

constant temperatures. In columns 0.05 )

Temperature (° C)

Number of eggs :t ( SD)

7.0 9.8 12.8 14.8 17.2 19.7 21.9 243

343:!:12.0 350:!: 9.9 342:!: 7.0 344:!:15.5 349:!:10.6 361:!:13.4 347:!:16.9 357:!:10.6 600

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v na.�ic/1 vod1id1 [ Fis/1

in our

Effect of temperature on embryonic development of asp


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