Effects of Trapidil after Crush Injury to a Peripheral Nerve

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microvascular compression ï¼»2ï¼½. Toxic substances released from neutrophils and macrophages after injury can impair tissue protection in normal conditions and.
Acta Med. Okayama, 2005 Vol. 59 , No. 2, pp. 37-44 Copyrightc2005by Okayama University Medical School.

Original Article


Effects of Trapidil after Crush Injury to a Peripheral Nerve Zeliha Kurtoglu , Ahmet Hakan Ozturk , Celal Bagdatoglu , Gurbuz Polat , Mustafa Aktekin , Deniz Uzmansel , Handan Camdeviren , Ozlen Bagdatoglu , and Mustafa Sargon Departments of Anatomy, Neurosurgery, Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Mersin University, Faculty of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey, and Department of Anatomy, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

In this study, we evaluated the effects of trapidil on crush injury by monitoring nitric oxide, malondialdehyde and transforming growth factor-β2 levels and bytransmission electron microscopy in the rat sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve was compressed for 20sec by using a jeweler s forceps. Trapidil treatment groups were administrated a single dose of trapidil (8mg/kg) intraperitoneally just after the injury. The crush and crush+ trapidil treatment groups were evaluated on the 2nd, 7th, 15th, 30th and 45th days of the post-crush period. On the 7th and 15th days, damage in thin and thick myelinated axons, endoneural edema and mitochondrial swelling were less severe in the trapidil group histopathologically. These findings supported the idea that trapidil prevented cell damage and edema at the injury site. Day/group interaction with regard to serum nitric oxide, malondialdehyde and transforming growth factor-β2 levels did not show significant changes. Key words: trapidil, crush injury, peripheral nerve, electron microscopy, nitric oxide

t is well known that pathological events such as trauma, compression and crushing directlycause mechanical injuryto nerve fi bers and deteriorateneuronal functions by impeding the intraneural microvasculature [1, 2] . Morphological alterations occurring as consequences of compression of the peripheral nerve could includedemyelination and remyelination, axonaldegeneration and regeneration, focal, multifocal or diffuse nerve [3]. Additionally, direct fi ber loss and endoneuraledema mechanical injury or ischemia or both can cause acute endothelial injury that can result in endothelial edema, a granulocyte plug or microvascular thrombosis. These factors interrupt therefl owand can causecontinuous fi ber


Received March 15, 2004; accepted October 20, 2004. Corresponding author.Phone:+90-324-341-0878;Fax:+90-324-341-2312 Email:zkurtoglu@mersin.edu.tr (Z. Kurtoglu)

injury. Moreover, endoneural edemamaydevelop dueto microvascular compression [2]. Toxic substances released from neutrophils and macrophages after injury can impair tissue protection in normal conditions and permit the accumulation of free oxygen radicals[3-9]. The protective effects of trapidil have been demonstrated in the peripheral nervous system in the treatment of ischemia and reperfusion injury. This effect oftrapidil is related to its vasorelaxant effect, to the inhibition of infl ammatory responses via macrophage inactivation and probablyto theelevation ofnitricoxide(NO)levels which neutralize free superoxide anion radicals[3]. Response to injury could be evaluated by measuring end products of NO, which play a role in tissue protection, malondialdehide (MDA) level, which is a lipid peroxidation sign, and transforming growth factor beta2 (TGFβ2) level, which is thought to play a role in


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nervous tissue recovery. Our search oftheliteraturerevealed no previous study about the effects of trapidil on peripheral nerve crush injury. In this study, we evaluated the response to trapidil after a crush injury in the rat sciatic nerve histopathologically by transmission electron microscopy and biochemically by examining the end products of NO (nitrite and nitrate), MDA and TGFβ2 levels.

Acta Med. Okayama Vol. 59 , No. 2

sections came from (Nikon Co., Tokyo, Japan). The same ultratome was used to obtain thin transverse sections (60-90nm thick), which were contrasttreated with uranyl acetateand lead citrateand observed with aJEOL JEM 1200 electron microscope (JEOL, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).

Serum levels of nitrite and nitrate were measured as oxidized end products ofNO based on theGriess reaction [ 12]. Materials and Methods Blood samples were obtained via continuous catheterThe procedures were reviewed and approved by the ization and immediately centrifuged at 4000 r.p.m. for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the 10min. Serum samples were preserved at − 70° C until Mersin University Medical Faculty. In this study 81 they were used for the assay. Equal volumes of serum femalealbino rats (10 weeks old and weighing 200-225g) and isoosmotic potassium phosphate buffer were were used. Seven rats without a crush injurywere used ultrafi ltrated at 4000 r.p.m. for 45min at room temperaas the control group. The crush and crush+ trapidil ture. The ultrafi ltrate was collected and used in the test. groups wereeach divided into 5 subgroups afterthecrush Nitrates were quantitatively converted to nitrites for injurybased on theregeneration period, on the2nd, 7th, analysis. Enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrite was 15th, 30th and 45th days. Rats were anesthetized by carried out byusing coenzymes (NADPH, FAD)in the ketamin HClat adoseof50mg/kg intramuscularly. The presenceofnitratereductasein theincubationassay. N1sciatic nerve was exposed at the right gluteal region (naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, sulwithout anydamage to the muscle tissue and crushed for phanilamideand incubation solutions weremixed at aratio 20secwith ajewelers forceps (no: 5)in sterileoperative of1:1:2(v/v). Thesemixtures wereincubated for 5min conditions[10]. Crush level was marked on the muscle at room temperature in dimmed light and measured at bya4/0 nonabsorbablesilk suture, and then theincision λ= 540nm. Sodium nitrite (1.00mM) was used as a site was closed. Rats in the therapeutic groups were standard to determine nitrite, and potassium nitrate (80 administrated a single dose of trapidil(8mg/kg)(Rocor- mM) was used as a standard to determine nitratenitric nal; Rentschler Biotechnologie GmbH, Laupheim, Ger- oxide colorimetric assay(Roche, Mannheim, Germany). many)intraperitoneallyjust after the injury. The dose of Malondialdehyde trapidil was chosen on the basis of the dailyhuman dose levels indicating lipid peroxidation weredetermined bythe and previous experiments that reported substantial thiobarbituric acid reaction. The principle of the method benefi ts[11] depends on measurement of the pink color produced by The sciatic interaction of barbituric acid with malondialdehyde elabonerves were harvested on the 2nd, 7th, 15th, 30th and rated as a result of lipid peroxidation. The colored 45th days after the crush injury. A 5mm section includ- reaction 1, 1, 3, 3tetraethoxypropane was used as the ing thecrush siteofthenervetissuewas dissected, fi xed primarystandard. Thedetermination ofMDA levels was in situ with 2.5 gluteraldehydein 0.1mol/L phosphate performed bythe method of Yagi[13]. All biochemical buffer (pH 7.2)at 4° C for 2 to 4h, postfi xed with 1 measurements were performed in a blinded fashion. osmium tetroxide in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2)and dehyβ Immunoassayof TGFβ2 was drated with serially increasing concentrations of alcohol. designed for the sensitive and specifi c detection of The tissues were then washed with propylene oxide and biologically active transforming growth factor β2 (TGFembedded in Araldite 6005 (CibaGeigy, Summit, NJ, β2) in an antibody sandwich format. In this format, USA). Semithin transverse sections of 1 to 2μm were fl atbottom plates were coated with TGFβ Coat mAb, cut with a glass knife in a LKB Nova ultramicrotome which binds soluble TGFβ2. A second antibody, anti(LKBProdukter AB, Bromma, Sweden), stained with TGFβ2 pAb, was added to complete the sandwich. toluidine blue and observed with a Nikon Optiphot light After washing, antibody conjugate (horseradish peroxmicroscope by an observer blinded to which group the idase, TGFβHRP)was added and bound thesandwich

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Trapidil after Crush Injury

complex. Finally, the chromogenic substrate 3, 3, 5, 5tetramethyl benzidine(TMB)was added. The amount of specifi callybound TGFβ2 in the sample was proportional to the color generated in the coupled oxidationreduction reaction and was quantitated against a standard curvegenerated with known amounts ofTGFβ2. Using this assay, we quantitated biologicallyactive TGFβ2 in serum in the range of 32-1,000pg/ml(TGFβ2 E ImmunoAssay System, 143540, Promega Co., Madi-

Table 1


son, WI, USA). Factorial analysis of variance with 2 factors was used for the statistical evaluation of the data. The Bonferoni post hoc test was used to determinethemeaningfuldifferences. Datawereanalyzed for day/group interaction. Descriptive statistics of the results aregiven in Table1, Fig. 1-3. Type1 error rate was accepted as 0.05 in statisticalcalculation. SPSS (ver. 11.5)was used for calculations.

Descriptive statistics for serum NO, MDAand TGFβ2

Day Group


Serum nitrite/nitrate mean± SE

Serum MDA SerumTGFβ2 mean± SE mean± SE

Control 7 16.612± 1.104

6.024± 0.624

3.553± 0.462


Cr 8 22.325± 2.088 Cr+ Tr 8 33.699 ± 8.084

7.756± 0.631 8.721± 1.425

5.220± 0.701 6.720± 0.800


Cr 7 19.439 ± 1.889 Cr+ Tr 8 18.005± 1.589

5.230± 0.442 4.081± 0.162

6.330± 0.598 7.999 ± 1.064


Cr 8 23.231± 2.346 Cr+ Tr 7 20.436± 3.687

6.574± 0.163 7.616± 0.577

8.426± 1.191 8.624± 0.882


Cr 7 33.930± 9.488 Cr+ Tr 7 28.553± 3.505

5.801± 0.566 14.069 ± 2.192 5.797± 0.352 10.591± 1.361


Cr 8 78.069 ± 13.767 7.801± 0.801 10.096± 1.170 Cr+ Tr 6 92.473± 21.639 9.665± 1.407 13.410± 1.572

Cr, crush applied; SE, standard error; Tr, trapidil applied.

Fig. 2 The mean± SE for serum MDA(nmol/ml)for each group on each dayis shown.

Fig.1 The mean± SE for serum NO(μmol/L)for each group on each dayis shown.

Fig.3 The mean± SEforTGFβ2(pg/ml)foreachgrouponeach dayis shown.


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15th and 45th, and 30th and 45th days wereobserved to be statistically meaningful(Fig. 1, Table 1). Ultrathin sections With regard to serum MDA levels, the day/group weretaken from thecrush siteofeach sciaticnerve. The interaction was not found to be meaningful statistically myelin sheaths of thin and thick myelinated axons, (P = 0.353). Because of this result, we did not examine unmyelinated axons, endoneural edema and axonal mito- the differences between the days and groups separately. chondria were evaluated for each group. The difference between the days was meaningful, and in 2nd daygroup: Theultrastructureofsciaticnerves of both groups the difference was meaningful between the both the crush and treatment groups showed thegreatest 2nd and 7th, 2nd and 30th, 7th and 15th, 7th and 45th, injury in this group. Injury seemed to be worse in thick and 30th and 45th days (Fig. 2, Table 1). myelinated axons in both groups. Myelin separation was With regard to TGFβ2 levels, the day/group interthe most prominent fi nding in thick myelinated axons. In action was not found to be meaningful statistically(P = thin myelinated axons myelin separation was less severe. 0.086). Because of this result, we did not examine the Endoneural edema and mitochondrial swelling were differences between the days and groups separately. The observed in both groups. Unmyelinated axons seemed differencebetween thedays was meaningful(P = 0.0001), normalin allthespecimens in both groups(Figs. 4a, 4b). and in both groups thedifferences werefound meaningful 7th day group: When compared with both groups of only between the 2nd and 30th, 2nd and 45th, 7th and the 2nd dayand the crush group ofthe 7th day, damage 30th, 7th and 45th, and 15th and 30th days (Fig. 3, in thin and thick myelinated axons was less severe in the Table 1). treatment group. Swelling ofthemitochondriaand edema of the endoneurium were less severe in the treatment Discussion group. Unmyelinated axons were normal in both groups (Figs. 4c, 4d). In the present study electron microscopic fi ndings in 15th daygroup: There was mild myelin separation in trapidiltreated groups on the 7th and 15th days showed the thin and thick myelinated axons of the treatment amelioration after a crush injury. On the other hand, group. Edema of the endoneurium and swelling of the levels of NO, MDA and TGFβ2, which inform us mitochondria were again mild compared with the treat- about tissue damage and the healing process, were not ment and crush groups of the 2nd and 7th days and the found to be meaningful when compared statistically both crush group ofthe15th day. Thecrush group ofthe15th within the groups and between the groups. daywas similar in severityofinjuryto thecrush group of It has been reported that after a crush injury, endothe 7th day. Again unmyelinated axons were normal in neural edema in the peripheral nerve infl uenced the appearance(Figs. 4e, 4f). microenvironment byincreasing the pressure, decreasing 30th and 45th daygroups: Both thetreatment and the theblood fl owor changing theelectrolyteconcentration in crush groups showed milder damage signs when compar- the endoneurium. If the restoration of adequate circulaed with both groups ofthe2nd, 7thand15thdays. There tion is delayed, ischemia creates Wallerianlike axonal was no majordifferencein theappearanceofthedegenera- degeneration[14-18]. Degeneration in the myelin and tion signs between thetreatment and thecrush groups for axons was observed a week later in the lesion site and the 30th and 45th days. Myelin separation and edema distal to it. It was also stated that in 3 weeks, most of were scarce in the treatment and crush groups in both the axons were regenerated and remyelinated, and funcgroups. Unmyelinated axons were normal in appearance tional recovery was completed in 4-5 weeks[14, 19]. (Figs. 4g, 4h). Trapidil is well known as a vasorelaxant which prevents With regard to tissue damage bydiminishing the vasospasm caused bya [20, 21]. In our studyelectron microscopic serum NO calculations, we found the day/group interac- crush injury tion to be insignifi cant statistically(P = 0.700). Because fi ndings showed that myelin separation and endoneural ofthis result, wedid not examinethedifferences between and mitochondrial swelling were less prominent in the the days and groups separately. There was a meaningful trapidilgroups on the7th and 15thdays, whichsupported difference between the days (P = 0.001). In both groups the notion of trapidils tissue protective effects. the differences between the 2nd and 45th, 7th and 45th, Adequate external pressure application to a peripheral

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Fig.4 a and b, electron micrographs ofa transverse section ofa rat sciaticnerve from the crush site ofthe crush group and the crush+ trapidil group on the 2nd dayillustrating myelin separation (arrow), myelinated axons (A), mitochondrial swelling (S), endoneural edema (E) and normal unmyelinated axons (U)(bars indicate 1.8μm); c and d, electron micrographs ofthe crush and crush+ trapidilgroups on the 7th dayillustrating the same fi ndings, which are less severe in the latter group(bars indicate 1.8μm); e and f, electron micrographs ofthe crush and crush+ trapidilgroups fromthe 15th day, again illustrating the same fi ndings oflesserseverityin the crush+ trapidilgroup(bars indicate 1.8μm and 0.75μm respectively), (N, Schwann cell nucleus; C, collagen fi brils); g and h, electron micrographs ofthe crush and crush+ trapidil groups on the 45th dayillustrating milder signs of myelin separation and endoneural edema. Regenerating fi bers (RF)are also seen in the crush+ trapidil group (bars indicate 1.8μm).


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nerve results in complete circulatory arrest[14] . In addition to direct mechanical injury, this condition also causes local ischemia and triggers biochemical reactions due to the microvascular endothelial damage[2]. The peripheral nerve responds to trauma by an infl ammatory reaction with increased vascular permeability and intraneural edema. Epineural edema develops rapidlydue to the early response of epineural blood vessels even in cases of mild trauma. In a serious trauma such as a crushing injury, a prominent increase in the endoneural fl uid pressure causes a short period of total or subtotal [1] localized ischemia . This process ends withtherelease of endogenous chemical mediators, increased vascular permeabilityand an impaired nerve/blood barrier[1, 16, 22]. Biochemical and pathological changes develop as a result of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the impaired nerve/blood barrier. Localischemiainthetissue causes metabolic impairment, which in turn allows the production ofthetoxicoxygen metabolites such as superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals by the polymorphonuclear leucocytes that infi ltrated the lesion site. Freeoxygen radicals and cytokines which are responsiblefor cell damagearereleased from neutrophils. Additionally, neutrophils, by causing adhesion, impair thefl owmechanicallybyobstructing thecapillaries. Thus endothelial function is impaired and vascular permeability increases[22] . We suggest that trapidil could attenuate those mechanisms by its prevention of neutrophil adhesion. After theinjury, NO accelerates cellmigration, facilitates angiogenesis and wound healing, causes vasodilatation, has an antiatherogenic effect byplatelet aggregation inhibition, provides endothelial leukocyte adhesion and leukocyte activation and is an endogenic inhibitor of chemothaxis[4, 6, 8, 9, 23-25] . It takes part in neurogenesis and protection from neuronal damage[3, 26]. It is reported that in mammals the axonal injury resulted in NOS upregulation dramaticallyin most ofthe central and peripheral neuron types. In particular, the inducibleform ofnitricoxidesynthase(iNOS)is released in responseto activation ofcytokineand endothoxin, and increases NO synthesis to toxic levels in ischemia[26, 27]. Efron et al.reported that iNOS activityreached the maximum level on the 1st dayand decreased on the 3rd and 5th days[25]. IncreaseofNO in serum on the2nd day in both the treatment and crush groups, in contrast

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to the control group in our study, is in accordance with their results (Table 1). It is reported that in ischemia/reperfusion injuries, free superoxide anion radicals appeared in response to tissuedamage, neutralized endogenous NO and moreover decreased iNOS activation. For this reason, end products of NO, nitrite and nitrate levels decreased after the peak level reached on the fi rst day[3, 25] . Serum NO level decreased in both groups on the 7th and 15th days in our study, which is in accordance with these studies. On the other hand, trapidils effect on serum NO levels in case of crush injurydoes not coincide with the results ofBagdatoglu et al., who described ischemia/reperfusion injuryin which trapidil increased thereleaseofnitriteand nitrate levels[3]. One reason for this disparity in fi ndings is that the endothelial area affected in a crush injury could be smaller than that in an ischemia/reperfusion injury, so the biochemical changes noted in the study by Bagdatoglu et al. were not meaningful statistically. The other reason may be that NO levels in their study were evaluated in the tissue. Furthermore, the mechanism of NO increase during the fi rst days after trapidil administration is not well understood. In tissue ischemia and injury, endothelial cells, tissue mast cells, monocytes, circulatory neutrophils and platelets produce eicosanoids. From these, tromboxane A2, byinducing neutrophils increases the release offree oxygen radicals and by regulating CD11/CD18 activity provides diapedesis. Trapidils cell damage and edema preventiveeffects at theinjurysitehavebeen explained by some authors as the result ofthe inhibition oftromboxan A2 by producing a membranestabilizing effect and the inhibition of an infl ammatory response by macrophage inactivation[3, 23]. We interpret the histopathological signs on the7th and 15th days, such as themilderdegree of myelinated fi ber damage, mitochondrial swelling and endoneuraledemain thetreatment group in our study, as trapidils protective effects in nerve tissue. Mitochondrial changes in Schwann cells arethought to becaused bythe induction of neutrophilderived free oxygen radicals by tromboxane A2, and trapidil as a tromboxane A2 inhibitor might have decreased these effects. In crush injuries, lipid radicals get oxygenated and produce lipid peroxide radicals which transforms them to [4, 9]. MDA is used as alipid malondialdehyde(MDA) peroxidation indicator in tissueinjuries. In nerveinjuries, due to the excessive amount of lipids in nerve tissue, MDA increases easily[3, 28] . In one study, the

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authors reported that serum MDA started to increase on the fi rst day, but then decreased to normal levels at the end of the fi rst week[3]. The higher levels of serum MDA on the second dayofour studyfor both groups in contrast to the control group were consistent with this data(Table1). Increasing MDA as well as NO levels on the 45th daywere thought to be caused bythe metabolic alterations occurred in the tissue healing process. Cytokines take part in many biological activities such as infl ammation, tissueregeneration, cellproliferationand wound healing [24]. Transforming growth factorβ (TGFβ) is a cytokine released from activated macrophages during tissue injury, and it increases in ischemic conditions. This is thought to bean adaptiveresponseto [29]. TGFischemicinjury β2, amemberoftheTGFβ family, is reported to play a role in wound healing and repair, and it additionallyhas neuroprotectiveeffects[24, 30]. Trapidils effect on TGFβ2 has not been described in the literature. In our study, a gradual increase of TGFβ2 levels was observed in both groups after the second dayas apredicted responseto tissuehealing (Fig. 3, Table1). However, TGFβ2 levels did not showany difference according to the days between the crush and treatment groups. Thus our study did not show any evidence that trapidil decreased TGFβ2 levels. In conclusion, our histological examination indicated that intraperitonealadministration oftrapidilprevented cell damage and edema at theinjurysite. Becauseofthelack of harmony between the histological and biochemical results in this preliminarystudy, wehypothesizethat the trapidil dose used in this studymight havebeen belowor just at thethreshold ofeffect and higher doses or multiple injections might show detectable alterations in the NO, MDA and TGFB2 levels.








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